Sirius Satellite Radio Operations
Sirius Satellite Radio Operations
9lrius SatelliteRadio Operations Sirius SatelliteRadio Operations lRequires additionalSlR-CL1or SIR-CL3MCeNETmodule What is SiriusSatetlite Badio? tlFl^ui4 Siriusis radiothe way it was meantto be: Up to 100 new channelsof digitalqualityprogramming deliveredto listenerscoastto coastvia satellite. That means50 channelsof completely commercial-free music. Plus up to 50 more channelsof news,sports,and entertainment from names like CNBC, Discovery,SCI-FI Channel,A&E, Houseof Blues,E!, NPR, Speedvisionand ESPN. Siriusis live,dynamicentertainment, completely focusedon listeners. Every minuteof every day ol every week will be different. All 50 commercial-free musicchannelsare createdinhouse and hosted by DJs who know and love the music. Do you like Reggae?How aboutClassic Rockor.NewRock?Siriushas an anay of choicesspanninga vast rangeof musicaltastes includingthe hits of the 50's,60's,70's,& 80's as well as Jazz,Country,Blues,Pop,Rap,R&B, Bluegrass,Alternative,Classical,HeavyMetal, Danceand manyothers... From its state-of-the-art,digital broadcasting facilityin RockefellerCenter,NewYorkCity, Siriuswill deliverthe broadest,deepestmix of radioentertainmentfrom coastto coast. Siriuswill bringyou musicand entertainment programmingthat is simplynot availableon traditionalradioin any marketacrossthe country. lt's radiolikeyou'veneverheard before. So Get Siriusand ListenUp! For more information,visit To receive Sirius Satellite Radio on this receiver This receivercontainsa SIRIUSlD for user identification. All you haveto do to obtaina subscribercontractand enablereceotionof SiriusSatelliteRadiois to call the SiriusService (7474),onlineaI Center(1-888-539-SlRlUS and informus of your SIRIUS lD and a few other details. Verityingyour SIRIUSlD 1. Pressand holdthe [T] buttonfor 1 secondor longerto switchto the adjustmentselection display. 2. Pressthe [K{] or []Hl buttonto select"SlD DISP'. 3. Pressthe [>;; ] buttonto displaythe SIRIUSlD. The sourceunit displaysthe high-order6 digitsof the SIRIUSlD in the Operation statusindication. 4. Turn the IROTARY]knob clockwiseto change the low-order6 digitsof the SIRIUSlD. To displaythe high-order6 digitsof the SIRIUSlD again,turn the [ROTARY]knob counterclockwise. Switching the display Manualtuning 1. Pressthe [DISP]buttonto selectthe sub display. 2. In the sub display,pressand hold the [DISP] buttonfor 1 secondor longerto cycle betweenthe followingdisplaymodes: Channel name + title + artist name i category name I text { channel name Any channelincludingchannelswithout broadcastsand channelsnot coveredby the contractcan be selectedduringmanualtuning. 1. Pressand hold the [BND] buttonfor 1 secondor longer. * Thischangesthe seekmodeto manualmode on the displaylights. andthe "MANU"indicator in manual Whenthisoperationis performed mode,the seekmodeis engagedandthe on the displaygoesoff. 'MANUI'indicator Note: . The receiverautomaticallyreverts to the seek mode when the [K1] or [DH] bufton is not used for 7 seconds in the manual mode. 2. Pressthe [K<] or [>H] button.The receiver movesto channelsaboveor belowthe currentchannelone by one. 3. Pressand hold the [K<l or []Hl for 1 secondor longer. The receivermovesto seek channelsbelow or abovethe currentchanneland the channelfoundwhen eitherbuttonis released is received. .|... lVotes.' t The Operation statusindicationof the source unit dlsplaysthe abbreviatedchannel name for 2 Secondswhen a station is selectedbefore rcturning to the previous display mode. o Scrolling starts when the channel name or other text has been displayedfor 2 seconds.When ecrollingfinishes,the first text display appears. To start scrollingagain, press the [T] button. Selecting Satellite mode Channelselection Pressthe [SRC]buttonto selectthe Satellitemode. The Satelliteindicationlightsenteringthe modethat was engagedwhenthe unitwas turnedoff lasttime. Channelsare selectedwith the followingbuttons. . The [K{] or []Hl button . The IDIRECT]buttons . The []ll I button . The [P/A] button + Fordetails,seethefollowing descriptions. operation lVotc.' t Theaudiooutputis mutedand otherbutton operationsare not acceptedduring channel tclection. Selecting a band Pressthe [BND] buttonto selecta band. Each press of the buttonchangesthe displayas shown below. sR1 + SR2 + SR3 { SR1 ... * The currentlyreceivedband is displayedin the functionmodeindication. * Modelswithouta functionmodeindication display t he ba n d n a m e a n d c h a n n e l n u m b e r i n t h e Operationstatusindication. O Information displayed during reception The followinginformationis displayedin the Operationstatusindicationwhen SiriusRadio cannotbe receivednormally. . UPDATING : when the receiveris turned on the first time or after a reset . LINKING : whena channelis beingtuned in (no signalis yet received),or an antennaissue exists. .INVLD GH : a channelwithouta broadcast has been selected,or the receivermav not be activated. . "CALL 888"-+"539-5lRl" : a channelnot coveredby your contract Call SiriusServiceCenter(1888-539-5rRrUS (7474)). Onlineat funlng Thereare 3 types of tuning mode available, !€€k tuning,manualtuningand presettuning. ltak tuning Only channelsthat can be receivedare selected lr\lhlle channelswithoutbroadcastsand channels n€t covered by the contract are automatically :ldPPod. 1, Pressthe [K<] or []Hl button. The receiverseeksthe next available channelbelowor abovethe currentchannelE. Pressand hold the [K{] or []Hl button. The receivermovesto seek channelsbelow or abovethe currentchannel.lf the channel foundwhen eitherbuttonis releasedis evallablethat channelis received. Otherwise,seekingcontinuesuntilan cvallablechannelis found. Recalling a preset channel A total of 1B SIRIUSchannelscan be stored(6SRl , 6-SR2and 6-SR3).This allowsyou to selectyour favoriteSIRIUSchannelsand store them in memoryfor later recall. 1. Pressthe [BND] buttonand selectthe desiredSIRIUSband(SR1, SR2 or SR3). 2. To recalla storedSIRIUSchannel,pressthe desired[DIRECT]buttonto selectthat channel. + Pressand holdone of the [DIRECT]buttons for 2 secondsor longerto storethe current channelintopresetmemory. Manualmemory 1. Selectthe desiredchannelwith seek tuning, manualtuningor presettuning. 2. Pressand hold one of the IDIRECTIbuttons for 2 secondsor longerto storethe current channelinto presetmemory. Notes: . Whenthe nameof a channelstoredin memoryis changedby a broadcastingchannel, the display may show a channel name that differs from the storedname. . A channelstored in memory may be discontinued at the optionof the broadcastingchannel. 23 )) lL