University of Illinois Chicago - University of Illinois College of


University of Illinois Chicago - University of Illinois College of
University of Illinois Chicago
Center for MR Research
3T Scanner Web Schedule for Investigators
Michael Flannery
1. System requirements
Access to Internet
Internet Explorer v. 6.x
2. Using the Web Scheduler
The Scheduling System is available through the CMRR Web Page ( under the
Scheduling link
a. Path to the
Go to the CMRR Web Page, click on the scheduling link, and then click
"Investigator 3T Scanner Schedule" link on the top of the page.
b. Access to the
Access to the schedule is available via User Name and Password. Before you start using the
Scheduler, make sure that you have a User Name and Password.
c. Log in and log out
After you click the "Investigator 3T Scanner Schedule" link you will see a window with fields
for Username and Password. Type your User Name and Password in those fields, and then
click OK.
Image 1-1
To log out, just close the Internet Explorer Browser.
d. View Calendar
After you log in to the scheduling system you will see the Calendar for the current month with
blocks for each day. Each day can be empty, have events registered, or be completely full.
Days with no available slots are shaded with a blue color.
You can jump to any month or year via a menu on the top of the Calendar Page. Choose the
month in the month menu and/or choose the year from the year menu and then click the
Refresh button.
Image 1-2
You may also jump to the next or previous month by clicking on the arrow with the Name of
the month. For example: you can jump to the previous month if you click "<< August 2005",
or you can jump to the next month if you click "October 2005 >>".
You can view Daily Events if you click on the day you are interested in on the Calendar Page.
If you want to reserve time in the Scheduling System, from the Calendar Page, click on the
"Add/Change Time" button.
e. View Daily Events
When you click on a day in the Calendar Page you will be taken to a page where you can view
that day's events.
Image 1-3
Here you can:
1. Add or update time - click on the "Add/Change Time" button.
2. Print this page - click on the "Print" button.
3. View the weekly schedule - click on the "Weekly Report" link.
4. View the Calendar Page - click on the "View Calendar" link.
View contact information & notes - click on the Event you want to see.
6. View days in previous, current, next months - click on the date you are interested in on the
right part of this page with the four months.
f. Add Time
Click on the date that you want to reserve time. Before you choose the scan time, make sure
that time is not already booked. Click "Add/Change Time."
Image 1-4
On this page choose the account # (if you have more than one account), check the information
in next fields: Investigator Name, phone, and e-mail. If there is a mistake you can correct the
necessary field. In the notes field you can put useful information related to your scan.
Next you should choose the scan time. Select Start Time and End Time. If you would like to
book a 1 hour scan, select just the Start Time, and the end time will automatically be set to one
hour after your start time. NOTICE: you cannot book or change times within 24 hours of the
current time.
Choose the date and press the "Register Time" button. Your event will be added.
g. Change Time
Before you change the scanning time you need to know the date and time of the slot you are
going to change. Go to the Administration Page for the changing the scanning time by clicking
the "Add/Change Time" button. You will see "Image 1-4".
1. In the right column in the "From" and "To" fields set the range so the date of the event you
want to change falls between the range, then press the "Refresh" button.
2. Click on the radio button next to the event you want to change. In the fields (account #,
Investigator Name, phone, e-mail, notes, start time, end time, date) you will see the
data you want to change. After making changes to the fields press the "Update Time"
h. Delete Time
Before you delete scan time please note the date and time of the slot you want to delete. Go to
the Administration Page by clicking the "Add/Change Time" button. You will see "Image 14".
1. In the right column choose an event you would like to delete. In the "From" and "To"
fields set the time range which should be close to the date of the slot you are going to delete,
then press "Refresh" button.
2. Click on the radio button near your events. In the fields (account #, Investigator Name,
phone, e-mail, notes, start time, end time, date) you will see the data you want to delete.
Make sure that you really want to delete this event.
3. Press "Delete Time" button.
i. View and Print Weekly Report;
1. From the Administration Page, click on the "Weekly Report" link (See Image 1-3).
Image 1-5
3. If you don't want to print Weekly Report press the "Back" button.