State Fund Established l946 Group 586 Dedication · Education · Specialization CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY NEWS FEBRUARY 22, 2008 Port Of Hueneme Deepwater Harbor VCCA Member-Dinner - February 26, 2008 Chris Birkelo Director of Engineering Oxnard Harbor District “A unique gem on the Pacific Rim” Friday, February 29, 2008 12:00 Noon to 2 PM Open House Enrollment Group Medical Program Q&A Insurance Marketing February 7, 2008, CPR class instructed by Laurel Beth Rice certifies eight students. Firms represented were Cornell Const (Bill Cornell); Fence Factory (Americo Coca, Rick Hoffman, Bill Kirkpatrick, Miles Payne & Miguel Vela); MacLynn Const (Nicole Crook and Viola Inc (Barret Basperno). Representatives from Kaiser, Health Net, MetLife and Q&A will be on hand to enroll VCCA member firms into our discounted group medical programs and pass out health benefit booklets and other enrollments materials . Ms. Reeva Rivkin, representing Q&A Insurance Marketing. is available before hand to discuss your health plan needs. Please give her a call at (818) 597-2404. If you wish to review the 2008 rate schedule, please go to our website: www.vccainc.com and open the Group Medical Program in the ‘”What’s Hot” module. Open house flyer inside. VENTURA COUNTY CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION 1830 LOCKWOOD STREET, SUITE 110, OXNARD, CA 93036 (805) 981-8088 FAX (805) 981-8089 Email vcca@vccainc.com Web www.vccainc.com VENTURA COUNTY CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION “Serving Ventura County For Over Sixty Years” - est. l946 2008 OFFICERS Tommy Tatangelo Evonne Silvestri OST Trucks & Cranes Schiellack & Associates Phone: 643-9963 Fax: 488-9632 VCCA Vice President Phone: 649-1486 Fax: 649-5725 Butch Schiellack VCCA President Silvestri Construction VCCA Secretary/Treasurer 2008 DIRECTORS Phone: 278-1888 Fax: 278-9998 Laurie Bennett* Jim Hawk Dave Johnson Wayne Pendrey Fence Factory - Ventura Division Viola Inc. Ahern Rentals Wayne Pendrey Construction Phone: 642-3249 Fax: 642-1374 Phone: 487-3871 Fax: 487-3870 Phone: (951) 712-0402 Fax: 485-7589 Nort Colborn Bill Huff* Garry Oswald* Cutting Edge Concrete Cutting Huff & Sons Construction GRD Construction Phone: 649-8630 Fax: 649-8632 Susan Shipp Ogilvy Hill Insurance Phone: 647-2723 Fax: 659-3468 Phone: 644-2404 Fax: 644-7378 Phone: 815-4000 Fax: 966-7810 Randy Gulden Mike Ireland Fred Penney* Paul Wieckowski* Center Glass Company Phone: 642-0149 Fax: 642-8421 Blois Construction Phone: 656-1432 Fax: 485-0338 Nye & Nelson Phone: 432-9039 Fax: 654-8241 Schipper Construction Phone: 577-6900 Fax: 577-8500 * Past VCCA Presidents BUDGET & FINANCE Chairman Butch Schiellack Phone: 963-4359 Fax: 963-1270 2008 STANDING COMMITTEES CONTRIBUTIONS DINNER & SPEAKERS EDUCATION Chairmn Fred Penney Chairman Dave Johnson Chairwoman Laurie Bennett GOLF TOURNAMENT GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS & GREEN BUILDING INSURANCE Chairman Garry Oswald Co-Chairmen Mike Ireland & Wayne Pendrey Chairwoman Susan Shipp MEMBERSHIP SERVICES PLAN ROOM PUBLIC RELATIONS SAFETY Chairman Bill Huff Chairman Nort Colburn Chairman Randy Gulden Chairman Jim Hawk TRADE SHOWS Chairman Paul Wieckowski LEGAL COUNSEL The VCCA Office & Plan Room Open Monday thru Friday 7AM to 4PM and Saturday 8 to 11 AM Ray Myer Phone: 962-0083 Fax: 962-2372 (805) 981-8088 Fax (805) 981-8089 Website: www.vccainc.com Free On-Site Notary Service For VCCA Members State Fund Workers’ Comp Insurance - 6% Premium Discount For Members In VCCA Group 586 ASSOCIATION STAFF *Members At Large Plan Room Manager Membership Services Office Manager Executive Director John Buckley Bob Perlis Maria Chavez Robert Weich (805) 981-8088 (805) 981-1843 (805) 981-8088 (805) 981-8088 email: john.buckley@vccainc.com email: bperlis@vccainc.com email: maria@vccainc.com email: vcca@vccainc.com A twice a month publication of the Association. In the first week and middle of each month. Ads on Website too. Construction Industry News February 22, 2008 Be Sure To Ask For Placement In VCCA Group 586 When Enrolled With State Compensation Insurance Fund VCCA’s “Scrolling” CALENDAR TUESDAY ~ FEB 26, 2008 VCCA MEMBE-DINNER WEDGEWOOD INN, VENTURA WEDNESDAY ~ FEB 27, 2008 NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN LED LIGHTING VENTURA THURSDAY ~ FEB 29, 2008 GROUP MEDICAL OPEN ENROLLMENT VCCA OFFICE TUESDAY ~ MAR 11, 2008 DIRECTORS MEETING THURSDAY ~ MARCH 13, 2008 IST AID CERTIFICATION VCCA OFFICE FRIDAY ~ MAR 14-16TH VENTURA SPRING HOME & GARDEN SHOW SEASIDE PARK VCCA HITS THE AIRWAYS VCCA member “Coach” Ron Tunic (Nation's Transaction Services) hosts a radio talk show every Saturday from 8-9 AM on KVTA 1520 AM radio. VCCA President Tommy Tatangelo your Executive Director Bob Weich were invited on his show to discuss the benefits of being a member of the association, what we do to assist the general public in “how to hire a contractor” and our overall impact on the construction industry in Ventura County. The show will air this Saturday, February 23rd at 8 AM. Coach Tunic has a very strong and intriguing personality, focusing on the positive aspects of every day life with a variety guests on his weekly show, which reaches an audience of 30,000+ listeners in the tri-count area. He is the author of The Thinking Room. He has promised a signed copy to every new member who joins VCCA over the next two weeks following this Saturday’s show. Way to go Coach! The show was taped early, February 12th, and now also appears online on KVTA's podcast module. Go to www.ktva.com to hear the one hour interview. Let us know what you think of Coach Tunic’s “The Construction Zone”. In this issue FEBRUARY 26, 2008, MEMBER-DINNER - Reservation Form VENTURA COUNTY ENERGY RESOURCE CENTER - LED Seminar Reservation Forum Q&A INSURANCE MARKETING OPEN ENROLLMENT - Announcement VENTURA COUNTY ENERGY RESOURCE CENTER - LED Seminar Reservation Form “CAREERS IN CONSTRUCTION” SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION ANNOUNCEMENT PLAN ROOM PROJECT BID DOCUMENTS For “daily” up-to-date construction industry information, current plan room projects available, on-line digital plan viewing and photo highlights of VCCA activities go to: www.vccainc.com ONE BIG DELICIOUS BUFFET DINNER & DESSERT FELLOWSHIP 5:00 PM DINNER 6:30 PM $25.00 PER PERSON At The Buenaventura Golf course In Ventura - East of Victoria Ave On Olivas Park “A unique gem on the Pacific Rim” Guest Speaker: Chris Birkelo Director of Engineering Oxnard Harbor District The Port of Hueneme is the only deep water harbor between Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay area and is a Port of Entry for California’s central coast region. It serves International businesses and ocean carriers from the Pacific Rim and Europe. The Port of Hueneme ranks among the top seaports in California for general cargo. Let’s hear Mr. Birkelo tell more of what’s in store. Fill In This Slip and Mail to VCCA or fax it now: (805) 981-8089 Or call to make your reservations Phone: (805) 981-8088 Fill Out & Mail To VCC\A 1830 Lockwood St., #110 Oxnard, CA 93036 Annual Installation Dinner Tuesday - February 26, 2008 Reservation Deadline - Tuesday, Feb 26th at Noon! Email: vcca@vccainc.com Company Name:_______________________________________________ Contact _____________________________ Phone No: ________________ Number in party: @ $25.00 Per Person " Enclosed Is My Payment For $__________ Or " Put On My Credit Card Now! CARDHOLDER NAME:_____________________________________________ (Circle One) Visa/Amex/MC/Other No:_______________________________________ Exp Date:_____________ Announcing Ventura County Contractors Association 2008 Scholarship Awards Program The Ray Prueter Scholarship Awards is the organization’s offering from the VCCA Construction Education Fund for Scholarships toward “Careers In Construction” APPLICATIONS NOW AVAILABLE AT VCCA √ √ √ √ For those who are pursuing a “career in construction” Applicants must be, or have been, enrolled in a Tri-County area high school, college or an accredited construction-related trade school or apprentice-training program in 2007 A “career in construction” shall include, but not limited to, architecture, engineering, surveying, construction management and the building trades Applicants must meet minimum criteria established in the application package. Applications shall be returned no later than Friday, April 25, 2 0 0 8 . The VCCA Construction Education Committee will review all applications and make final recommendations for scholarship awards. Following the VCCA Board of Directors meeting on May 10, 2004, scholarship award winners will be announced and presentations made at a Joint VCCA And NAWIC Scholarship Awards Dinner Program Tuesday - May 20, 2008 Wedgewood Inn, Ventura VCCA Construction Education Scholarship Committee Evonne Silvestri Silvestri Construction VCCA Vice President 2008 VCCA Director since 2000 Laurie Bennett Committee Chair Fence Factory - Ventura Division Past VCCA President 2000 & 2001 VCCA Director since 1998 Wayne Pendrey Pendrey Construction VCCA Director since 2001 Chairman Green Building Committee 1830 Lockwood Street • Suite 110 • Oxnard • CA 93036 • (805) 981-8088 • Fax (805) 981-8089 Email: vcca@vccainc.com • Website: www.vccainc.com Ventura County Contractors Association Plan Room Documents As of February 22, 2008 Bid Day Bid Date Storage Name of Plans Bid Date Time Job Walk Friday Feb 22, 2008 2 VENTURA - REHAB EMMA WOOD BEACH PARK Rd 02/22 @ 2 PM Monday Feb 25, 2008 A2 LOMPOC - REHAB OF FOUR MUNICIPAL WATER WELLS 02/25 @ 3 PM Tuesday Feb 26, 2008 20* VENTURA - TIs TO ADULT EDUCATION FACILITY 02/26 @ 2 PM Tuesday Feb 26, 2008 C LANCASTER - MALL LOOP RD LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS 02/26 @ 11 AM Wednesday Feb 27, 2008 23* OXNARD - MARINA WEST RESURFACING PROJECT 02/27 @ 2 PM Thursday Feb 28, 2008 MM SANTA BARBARA COUNTY - MSC CONCRETE REPAIRS 02/28 @ 2 PM Thursday Feb 28, 2008 KK* SANTA BARBARA - GROUNDWATER PROTECTION SYSTEM 02/28 @ 2 PM Thursday Feb 28, 2008 BB* SANTA MARIA - ALLAN HANCOCK COLL AUDIO SYSTEMS 02/28 @ 1 PM Thursday Feb 28, 2008 CC* New SANTA BARBARA - JUNIPERO PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE 02/28 @ 3 PM Thursday Feb 28, 2008 E* New CAMARILLO - AIPPORT INFRASTRUCTURE 02/28 @ 3 PM 02/14/07 @ 10 (M) Thursday Feb 28, 2008 12* New CAMARILLO - UNIVERSITY GLEN CORPORATION Tis 02/28 @ 3 PM 02/21/08 @ 9 Tuesday Mar 4, 2008 To Arrive GOLETA - DOS PUEBLOS HS ADA PHASE II 03/04 @ 2 PM 02/12/08 @ 9:30 (M) Tuesday Mar 4, 2008 D* SALINAS - SALINAS MUNICIPAL AQUATIC CENTER 03/04 @ 2 PM 02/20 @ 11 Tuesday Mar 4, 2008 17* SANTA PAULA - TOLAND LANDFILL BIOSOLIDS 03/04 @ 2 PM 01/30/07 @ 10 (M) Tuesday Mar 4, 2008 To Arrive SANTA MARIA - ALLAN HANCOCK COLL BLDG N ROOF 03/04 @ 2 PM 02/21/08 @ 11 (M) Tuesday Mar 4, 2008 To Arrive SIMI VALLEY - ATHERWOOD ES ~ PHASE 2 03/04 @ 10 AM Wednesday Mar 5, 2008 1* OXNARD - SEA VIEW ESTATES RESURFACING 03/05 @ 2 PM Thursday Mar 6, 2008 24* OXNARD - CMH CENTER FOR FAMILY HEALTH 03/06 @ 3 PM Tuesday Mar 11, 2008 8* VENTURA - GYM FLOOR REPLACEMENT AT CABRILLO MS 03/11 @ 2 PM 02/20/08 @ 9 (M) Wednesday Mar 12, 2008 9* THOUSAND OAKS - VALLEY SPRING DRIVE GUARDRAIL 03/12 @ 3 PM None Thursday Mar 13, 2008 B* TEHACHAPI - WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT UPGRAD 03/13 @ 2 PM 02/21/07 @ 9:30 (M) Thursday Mar 13, 2008 NN* ONTARIO - CAMBRIA SUITES HOTEL 03/13 @ 10 AM Thursday Mar 13, 2008 QQ New SANTA BARBARA - ADMINI BLDG ELEVATOR 03/13 @ 3 PM 02/19/08 @ 9 (M) Thursday Mar 13, 2008 3* New EL RIO - SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM ~ PHASE 7 03/13 @ 2 PM 02/28/08 @ 10 Thursday Mar 13, 2008 PP New GOLETA - ARMITOS PARK DEVELOPMENT 03/13 @ 2 PM 02/27/08 @ 2 Tuesday Apr 22, 2008 To Arrive SANTA BARBARA - SANTA BARBARA HS 04/22 @ 2 PM 04/01/08 @ 9 (M) xxxxxxx Ongoing 31* OJAI - GARAGE / SHOP BUILDING Check with Owner By Appointment xxxxxxx Ongoing EE* GOLETA - SUMIDA GARDENS Check GC New CD New New New New/NEW = New project since 2/11/08 * = Plans have been scanned and available at Cybercopy CD = CD-R Available 02/07/08 @ 10 02/07/08 @ 9 (M) 02/06/08 @ 10:30 02/07/08 @ 10 02/20/08 @ 9:30 (M) = Mandatory
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