Read More - RedRibbon Days


Read More - RedRibbon Days
 RedRibbon Days Level 12 Menara TSH 8 Jalan Semantan 50490 Damansara Heights Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Telephone 03 2093 5973 Fax 03 2093 5943 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Kuala Lumpur- This 5th June, the world will be celebrating World Environment Day. World Environment Day is
celebrated yearly around the world on 5 June. This year the slogan for WED is Nature At Your Service.
RedRibbon Days, a experience gift company that also specialize in organizing bespoke event will be executing a
massive campaign to support this cause.
“Creating an awareness prior to the actual day is of penultimate importance. Hence, we decided to do a pre-event
initiative called “Reduce Your Carbon Footprint – Experience it Locally”. This pre-event aims to create an
awareness about carbon footprint, and how everyone can do their part for the environment “ says Sherin Wong,
the Founder and CEO.
A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate
change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels
for electricity, heating and transportation etc. Carbon footprint is a measurement of all greenhouse gases we
individually produce and has units of tonnes (or kg) of carbon dioxide equivalent. Global warming is caused by the
emission of greenhouse gases - and 72% of these gases is carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide emissions
therefore are the cause of global warming.
The pre-event themed sees us working hand in hand with many local celebrities. We believe the involvement of
this group of influential people in our community will make the message clearer and louder. Each celebrity was
given a list of experiences they would most want to experience at some point of their life. Given the choice of being
able to do it locally, they are contributing to the environment - by not taking a flight out of Malaysia, hence
reduction on carbon footprint!
As we all live in a very developed era, it is impossible for us to go back to our primitive ways of living - without
electricity, without transportation, etc. While it is not possible to stop using these modern advances, what we can
do is to the apt about it- that is to do what we can to save the environment and be smart about our lifestyle choices
in order to reduce our carbon footprint.
Some of you may be thinking, how can doing these experiences be a reduction on carbon footprint? Not doing it
altogether will reduce carbon emission! We are not trying to tell people to put an end to life experiences in the
name of saving the environment. Do we stop driving cars though we know it is a big contributor to carbon dioxide?
Do we all stop using electricity just because we want to save the environment! Saving the environment can be
done in smaller parts; and the effort of everyone doing it together will create a holistic impact for the environment.
Imagine this, someone who has always wanted to fly a plane - and planned that someday he/she will fly to Perth to
do this experience. Then his/her carbon footprints will include taking a plane to Perth (from Malaysia) to do the
experience, and of course as well as the "experience" of doing the flight experience as well. But if he/she chose to
do this experience locally, without the need to travel overseas, then the only carbon footprint he/she is emitting is
the carbon dioxide from doing the flight experience itself!
Here's a calculation to the above: Taking a flight from KL - Perth = 0.75 mt of CO2
So by not taking a flight out of Malaysia to Perth to do this experience, he/she will be saving 0.75 mT of CO2.
RedRibbon Days Level 12 Menara TSH 8 Jalan Semantan 50490 Damansara Heights Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Telephone 03 2093 5973 Fax 03 2093 5943 So, doing your part to save the environment can still be fun and it doesn't call an end to everything fun and exciting
in life. The pre-event initiative definitely was a hit amongst our celebrities and personalities. All of them enjoyed
their chosen experience tremendously – the experiences ranges from skill based classes such as Making your own
macarons, tandem paragliding, pilot for a day to discovering archery and shooting. Celebrities involved in this
initiative includes A-Listers celebrities Daphne Iking, Elaine Daly, Lina Teoh, Amber Chia, Carmen Soo, Dato
Yasmin Yusuf and more. Together, they have all saved 87, 509 kg of CO2 (87.509 mT of CO2) - just by choosing
to do these experiences locally and not travelling out of Malaysia.
To reduce our carbon footprint further, we have chartered two buses to ferry all participants and celebrities to
Taman Botani for the tree-planting event on 5th June itself. A garden almost forsaken despite being under the care
of proper authority - we decided to reconstruct the garden - bringing life, greens and a sense of belonging to the
garden. The garden, a part of Taman Hiasan, is 5000sq ft in size, and filled with dying plants and weeds making
the view of the garden unpleasant. After weeks spent on toiling the ground, replacing dying plants with new ones
and beautifying the landscape, the garden will be ready for the public come 5th June once our participants all
come hand in hand to plant the remaining plants. A total of 150 plants are ready to be planted - to bring the garden
to a completion.
Not only that, our celebrities will also be leaving their handprints on the special plot of cement prepared once all
the 150 plants are being planted. To commemorate 5th June, there will also be a time capsule, where wishes will
be made and sealed only to be open a decade later. To end the event, come see us at Lot 10 and Fahrenheit for
The Shout Out! Meet your favorite local celebrities and there will be lots of freebies to hand out as well!
Help spread the word and save our Mother Earth.
End note: For more information, pictures and videos to our WED Campaign, check out and YouTube at
For more information about RedRibbon Days and our Corporate Social Responsibily program, please email or call us at 03-2093 5973