Allegheny West Magazine
1RYHPEHU'HFHPEHUZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP TO REACH US 32%R[,PSHULDO3$ 3KRQH (0DLOGKXJKH\#DZPDJD]LQHFRP ZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP “GOOD NEWS ALWAYS, MAILED & DELIVERED FREE, EVERY TIME”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he Moon Area High School girls cross country team had a stellar season this year. Read more about it on page 18. PHOTO SUBMITTED :( 35 28'/ < 6321625 $1' 683325 3528'/ 28'/< 68332577 $YDULHW\RIFRPPXQLW\VFKRRODQGQRQSURILWRUJDQL]DWLRQVLQRXU FRYHUDJH DUHDV RI 0RRQ 0RQWRXU DQG :HVW $OOHJKHQ\ FEATURES COLUMNS 6WLOO0HHWLQJ$IWHU<HDUV 3XEOLVKHU (GLWRU¶V1RWHV :HVXEVFULEHWRWKH%HWWHU%XVLQHVV%XUHDX¶V6WDQGDUGRI(WKLFV &RGH RI $GYHUWLVLQJ ABOUT THE COVER :HDUHFRPPLWWHGWRUHF\FOLQJRXUXVHGDQGOHIWRYHUSURGXFWV:H HQFRXUDJH RXU UHDGHUV WR EH UHVSRQVLEOH DQG GLVSRVH RI WKLV PDJD]LQHZKHQILQLVKHGHQMR\LQJLW&RQVLGHUSDVVLQJLWDORQJWR VRPHRQHHOVHRUSODFLQJLWLQ\RXUQHLJKERUKRRGUHF\FOLQJELQV 7KDQN \RX LQ DGYDQFH IRU GRLQJ \RXU SDUW IRU RXU HDUWK The Coraopolis High School Class of 1942 is still meeting after 72 years. The classmates plan an outing at Eat n’ Park in Moon Township every other month. Read more on page 12. PHOTO BY PAT JENNETTE :Sbbk@WiKWSd $URXQG<RXU7RZQ 0DFDURQL .LG 3JK%RWDQLF *DUGHQ 1HZV /LEUDU\ 1HZV <RXU+RXVH6HQDWH &KDPEHU /LQN <RXU 6FKRROV 2QWKH+RUL]RQ &RPPXQLW\ &RQQHFWLRQV Did You Know? At one time, Coraopolis had four bowling allies, three movie theatres, and a roller skating rink called Druga’s. The Nissan car dealership sits on the spot where Druga’s once was located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residents of Weirton and its neighboring communities through greater collaboration between cardiologists and cardiac surgeons at each system. WMC has also entered an exclusive agreement with Vardhan Reddy, MD, FRCS, FACC, one of the region’s preeminent cardiac surgeons, for the coordination of cardiovascular disease care at the hospital. Under his direction at WMC, patients from the Weirton area who require heart surgery and other advanced cardiovascular care will now have seamless access to those services at Allegheny Health Network’s Cardiovascular Institute. “This alliance will guarantee an unmatched continuum of high quality care for local heart patients. Together with our team of outstanding WMC cardiologists, including Dr. Stanley Mannino and Dr. Cherian John, we will determine the best course of treatment for each patient, taking advantage of WMC’s terrific interventional cardiology services and giving patients who require more invasive surgical and advanced cardiovascular care the opportunity to transition to Allegheny Health Network in Pittsburgh,” said Dr. Reddy. The healthcare providers of Allegheny Health Network have a long and distinguished history of providing state-of-the-art cardiovascular disease care. At West Penn Hospital, that includes comprehensive cardiac surgery capabilities such as heart bypass and valve replacement, pacemaker and defibrillator implantation, and complex peripheral vascular procedures. The hospital recently invested $10 million in facility improvements and technological upgrades to its Cardiovascular Institute. WMC Director of Communications Kelli McCoy said the hospital will also provide important support services to make the surgical experience in Pittsburgh as convenient as possible, including luxury transportation to and from the city. McCoy said WMC is planning to further expand the reach of its services with the opening of new offices in both Imperial and Robinson Township in the near future. The goal is to provide more healthcare options to those currently under-served along the Route 22/30 Corridor between Weirton and Pittsburgh. "We are very excited about what the future holds for WMC and the patients we care for,” she said. $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH-DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ 1RYHPEHU'HFHPEHUZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH6HSWHPEHU2FWREHU $URXQG<RXU7RZQ Hair Salon to Sponsor Wigs for Kids Donation Day Michael's Hairloft Spa and Tanning in Moon Township will host Wigs for Kids Donation Day on Sunday, February 23 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The salon is located at 5990 University Boulevard, Moon Township. Sue Brandt, a Crescent Township resident who works at Michael’s Hairloft as a hair designer, decided to coordinate the event. She said, “I have a place in my heart for the children in this world that need to feel like themselves in a time of illness. I have been a hair designer for over 20 years, and have been touched by some of my friends and neighbors’ children that have fought their battles in the past years. They learn to be strong at a young age.” Sue said that over the years she has sent many hair and monetary donations to Wigs for Kids and other donation centers. Wigs for Kids ( was started years ago by hairdresser Jeffery Paul and his niece, who asked him for help when she found out she had her battle to fight. He started the center because of her and his love for his niece and other children going through the same thing. On February 23, the hair designers and staff are volunteering their time to measure and cut the donated hair, and shape it into a bob for free. They will gather all the hair and mail it to the proper donation companies. Sue stressed, “We will not turn down anyone that will donate their hair for the cause. The hair must be clean and knot free when they arrive, and we will take hair as short as nine inches and with color (Wigs for Kids requires 12-inch donations) for other companies.” During the event, there will be basket drawings and refreshments. Additionally, there is a coin donation box at the reception area everyday for those that can not donate any hair and would love to help Wigs for Kids. The coin box will offset the process of making the wigs. Michael Coyne, owner of Michael’s Hairloft, is a Burgettstown resident and has owned and operated his salon for the past 20 years. Sue said she is indebted to Michael for his guidance and support while she coordinates this event. She said he is also helping with the refreshments and basket giveaways. For more information, contact Sue at Michael’s Hairloft, (412) 262-3331. -DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP STORY AND PHOTO BY PAT JENNETTE 6WLOO0HHWLQJ$IWHU <HDUV Sixteen members of the original class of 1942 from Coraopolis High School still meet every other month for lunch. They laugh, tell stories, reminisce, share each other’s lives, and realize how fortunate they are to still be together after all these years. They went off to the war, leaving some on the battlefield. They were in all branches of the military. The girls back home worked in plants supplying the war effort. One even welded an LST landing craft that arrived in Normandy. Another was an Army nurse. Every one of the men who still meet with the group served in World War II. They are a patriotic group, having experienced all that World War II brought to both their homeland and abroad. With that, Margie Garland, 90, calls her class part of the “greatest generation.” With the war over, this class moved on to the next stage of their lives. One, Ollie LePore, brought home his “war bride.” All who married never divorced. Some are still married, 66 years later. $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH-DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ Most of them continue to live out their lives in the Moon or Coraopolis communities. Over time, the old Coraopolis High School was converted into apartments for seniors. Three of their classmates made their old alma mater their home, where they still reside. The class met formally on a regular basis until their 65th reunion. John Hankowsky was instrumental in keeping the group together for as long as they did, explained Margie. Dorothy Walzak said, “We started our own reunion group after the class decided not to do it anymore because it was getting more difficult.” Every other month since then, they have met for lunch or dinner. Half of their class of 136 students has passed on. Of the remaining members, 18 still meet. And the stories they have to tell are as remarkable as the fact that this class still meets. World War II is underway Gas Rationing of 3 gallons per week Minimum draft age lowered from 21 to 18 26 countries agree to create the United Nations Car makers switch from making cars to making war materials “White Christmas” with Bing Crosby debuts Average annual wages were $1,880 Average cost of a new house was $3,770 Average price for a new car was $960 War Bonds were introduced, raising $13 billion “How Green Was My Valley” is the Academy Award’s Best Picture Daylight Savings Time goes into effect Bob Pfaub and Jack Blackhurst were born on the exact same day, April 11, 1924. They married sisters Jackie and Phyllis respectively, on the exact same day in a joint marriage ceremony on April 13, 1947. The two couples have been married for 66 years. Ollie LePore enlisted in the Air Force, and served three years in England. While there, he met Jean, a vocalist in a dance band. He brought his English war bride back to the states, and they have been happily married, also for 66 years. Mike Garofalo was drafted in 1943, and worked in the Army Medical Division. A lifelong Moon resident, he married, and raised four children, who have given him seven grandchildren. Marion Bradford made bandages and hospital favors as part of the Coraopolis Cot Club during the war, while Marie Goss and Margie Garland worked for Dravo. Marie, who also served for a period of time as the secretary for Coraopolis Borough, was an air raid warden. She explained, “I had an arm band and a helmet to wear that identified me as a warden, in case we had to seek shelter.” The members recall many happy times during what was considered a subdued era in American history. Margie recalls how they got to watch the LSTs launch. She said emphatically, “We’ll never forget the war and we survived the flood.” Despite their world being turned upside down when the war started, said Marion, “We attended USO dances with the sailors on Neville Island, and enjoyed times at the service clubs.” They recall that there were four bowling alleys in Coraopolis, three movie theatres, and Druga’s Roller Rink. The YMCA would hold Tri Hi Y dances on Friday nights. It was safe to walk the streets, and walk to and from school. They didn’t have school buses. Kids found work at the movie theatres, while the larger employers, including Standard Steel, Consolidated Glass, and J&L Steel, employed many of their parents. Coraopolis was vibrant back then, some of the members recalled, with a population of about 18,000. Today, the borough has about 4,800 residents. After the war, Bob explained that the economy boomed again. Cars and televisions were produced en masse. Ollie remembers he bought a four-door Plymouth for $1,900. Technology wasn’t yet on the horizon for this class of 1942. The closest they came to experiencing technology was when they listened to Perry Como sing on the radio at 7 p.m. in the evening. Today, Bob uses a computer for word processing and e-mail. Marie has one, too, which she uses primarily for research. Technology has allowed them to reminisce about the past by enjoying old movies on the Turner Classic cable station. Margie said, “We still stay active with the food pantry, clubs, meals on wheels, and church activities. We visit our neighbors and keep an eye on them.” Ollie goes to Cornell High School, where he is learning more about woodworking in their woodshop. Bob and his wife, Jackie, still serve as Sunday school teachers at Union Presbyterian Church in Robinson. “Half of us are still here, and for that, we are grateful. We don’t complain. We have all suffered personal loss of some sort, and we are devoted to each other and care for each other,” she explained. “We will continue to meet until the last person stands,” Margie said. LEFT Front, Marion Bradford, Dorothy Walzak, Margie Garland, and Marie Goss; back, Jack Blackhurst, Michael Garofalo, Bob Pfaub, and Ollie LePore. Not available for the photo were Val and Valerie DePace, Mary Frissora, Ed Lamarr, Madeline Chesky, Minnie Guaragno, Fred Miller, Joe Rihvalski, and Dot Morgan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³2XUVXFFHVVLVPXOWLIDFWRULDOLQFOXGLQJWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIDSK\VLFLDQFRQVHQVXVVWDWHPHQW UHJDUGLQJ97(SURSK\OD[LVLQYROYHPHQWRIGLUHFWDQGLQGLUHFWSDWLHQWFDUHVWDIIXVHRIDXWRPDWHG SURPSWVLQWKHHOHFWURQLFPHGLFDOUHFRUGDQGHQKDQFHGRSHUDWLRQDOSURFHVVHV´VDLG-RKQ/XHOOHQ 0'&KLHI4XDOLW\2IILFHUIRU+HULWDJH9DOOH\+HDOWK6\VWHP ³:HUHDOO\HQJDJHGVWDIILQWKHSURFHVVRIXVLQJWKHHOHFWURQLFUHFRUGWRWKHLUDGYDQWDJHDQG HGXFDWLQJFDUHSURYLGHUVDVZHOODVSDWLHQWVDERXWWKHLPSRUWDQFHRI97(SUHYHQWLRQ´VDLG/LQGD +RP\N&KLHI1XUVLQJ2IILFHUDW+HULWDJH9DOOH\6HZLFNOH\³7KHWHDPPHPEHUVZRUNLQJRQWKLV SURMHFWZHUH3URMHFW/HDGHU0DUN+DUPDQRV3KDUP'3K\VLFLDQ&KDPSLRQV$OIUHG'R\OH0' DQG5LFKDUG+RJDQ0''LUHFWRURI8WLOL]DWLRQ-R$QQ+DWWRQ'LUHFWRURI3KDUPDF\%ULGJHW :DONHUDQGVHYHUDORWKHUPDQDJHPHQWQXUVLQJDQGSKDUPDF\VWDIIPHPEHUV´ 0DUF6FKQHLGHUPDQ0'UHFHLYHGWKH3K\VLFLDQ$ZDUGIRU9ROXQWDU\&RPPXQLW\6HUYLFH E\WKH3HQQV\OYDQLD0HGLFDO6RFLHW\'U6FKQHLGHUPDQUHFHLYHGWKHDZDUGDWWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQ¶V DQQXDO+RXVHRI'HOHJDWHV0HHWLQJRQ2FWREHUDWWKH+HUVKH\/RGJHDQG&RQYHQWLRQ &HQWHU 'U6FKQHLGHUPDQD\HDUPHPEHURIWKH3HQQV\OYDQLD0HGLFDO6RFLHW\ZDVQRPLQDWHGGXH WRYDULRXVYROXQWHHUSURMHFWVLQFOXGLQJZRUNRQDFRPPXQLW\DFFHVVWHOHYLVLRQVKRZWRHGXFDWH YLHZHUVRQQXPHURXVKHDOWKLVVXHV,QDGGLWLRQKHDFWLYHO\YROXQWHHUVZLWK6DOYDWLRQ$UP\ 0HGLFDO%XUHDXRI3LWWVEXUJKDQGWKH)HGHUDO$YLDWLRQ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 'U6FKQHLGHUPDQVHHVSDWLHQWVDWWKH+HULWDJH9DOOH\0HGLFDO*URXSRIILFHRI)LIWK$YHQXH 0HGLFDO$VVRFLDWHVORFDWHGDW)LIWK$YHQXHLQ&RUDRSROLV3$ 7KRPDV0LFKDHO0'&:63KDVEHHQGHVLJQDWHGD&HUWLILHG:RXQG6SHFLDOLVW3K\VLFLDQE\ WKH$PHULFDQ%RDUGRI:RXQG0DQDJHPHQW$%:0'U0LFKDHOUHFHLYHGWKHWHQ\HDU GHVLJQDWLRQDIWHUDULJRURXVH[DPLQDWLRQSURFHVVE\WKH$%:0 (VWDEOLVKHGLQWKH$PHULFDQ%RDUGRI:RXQG0DQDJHPHQW$%:0LVGHGLFDWHGWRWKH PXOWLGLVFLSOLQDU\WHDPDSSURDFKLQSURPRWLQJWKHVFLHQFHRISUHYHQWLRQFDUHDQGWUHDWPHQWRIDFXWH DQGFKURQLFZRXQGV7KHSULPDU\IXQFWLRQLVWRHVWDEOLVKDQGPRQLWRUDQDWLRQDOFHUWLILFDWLRQ SURFHVVUHFRJQL]HFRPSHWHQF\SURPRWHHGXFDWLRQUHVHDUFKDQGHYDOXDWHWKHVWDQGDUGRIFDUH DFURVVWKHFRQWLQXXPRIZRXQGPDQDJHPHQW&XUUHQWO\WKH$%:0KDVFHUWLILHGDSSUR[LPDWHO\ LQGLYLGXDOVQDWLRQZLGHZLWKWKHLUWKUHHZRXQGPDQDJHPHQWGHVLJQDWLRQV +HULWDJH9DOOH\:RXQG&DUHKHOSVKHDOFKURQLFZRXQGVIDVWHUE\WUHDWLQJWKHFDXVHRIWKHQRQ KHDOLQJZRXQGDQGDSSO\LQJHYLGHQFHEDVHGPHGLFDODQGVXUJLFDOWHFKQLTXHVWKDWDUHRXWFRPH IRFXVHGDQGFRVWHIIHFWLYH *5((1%$6,&6³ )$&76$%287 5(&<&/,1* More Ways to Conserve Water at Home Shorten your shower by a minute or two, and you'll save up to 150 gallons of water a month. Upgrade your older toilets with newer water-efficient models. Adjust your lawn mower to a higher setting. A taller lawn shades the roots and holds soil moisture better. When cleaning out fish tanks, give the nutrient-rich water to your plants. When running a bath, plug the tub before turning the water on, then adjust the temperature as the tub fills. Designate one glass for your drinking water each day, or refill a water bottle. This will cut down on the number of glasses to wash. Make sure there are watersaving aerators on all of your faucets. At home, or when staying in a hotel, re-use your towels. Don't use your toilet as an ashtray or wastebasket. Every time you flush a cigarette butt, facial tissue, or other small bit of trash, five to seven gallons of water are wasted. Insulate your water pipes with pre-slit foam pipe insulation. You'll get hot water faster, and thus avoid wasting water while it heats up. This is a message from the Moon Township EAC (Environmental Advisory Council) $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH-DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ -DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP WA Workcamp Applications Coming In; Countdown to Community Event Begins Applications from residents in need of home repairs are coming in with more frequency; donations are starting to flow in to help pay for the paint and wood and nails and supplies needed to make the repairs a reality. More than 400 young people and their adult leaders have paid their way and made reservations to travel from all parts of America to spend a week here in June to undertake what is shaping up to be the largest home renovation community service project to ever occur in the airport suburbs of Allegheny County. Called West Allegheny Workcamp, the project has recently combined resources with the Heroes Supporting Heroes effort launched by John Lee, who recently completed his military tour of duty in Afghanistan. The idea to bring the two efforts together stemmed from the similarity of both organizations’ efforts. HSH helps repair homes of military veterans and the elderly throughout the year; while WAW is a one-week effort to undertake 75-80 local home repair projects simultaneously. The West Allegheny Workcamp project was hatched by Jeff Lutz and Don Steward of Crossroads Church in North Fayette. The project is being coordinated under the auspices of Group Workcamps, a longtime mission camp organization that operates similar events across the United $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH-DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ States each summer. To date, 100 applications have been received from area residents. These are individuals and families who are elderly, disabled, or facing financial, physical, and other difficulties. Eligible repair projects may include porch repair and construction, step repair, interior/exterior painting, weatherization, wheelchair ramp repair and construction, mobile home skirting, and porch roof repairs. The youths and their leaders will set up their temporary “home” inside West Allegheny Middle School, where they will eat and sleep during the week of June 22-28. Each day, small groups of teens and their leaders will fan out across the region to undertake home repair projects for area residents. The West Allegheny Ministerial Association (WAMA), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, has agreed to serve as the fiscal sponsor, so that donations to the Workcamp through WAMA are tax-deductible. A lot of work needs to be done between now and June 2014. Volunteers are needed to help with serving food each day or running errands. Donations are needed to purchase the supplies to repair the homes. Anyone with a desire to work on a team, to help raise funds, or to coordinate a part of West Allegheny Workcamp, is welcome to contact Don Steward by e-mail, To learn more, visit Imagine a group of almost 500 teens, with their leaders, arriving in the West Allegheny community all at once, to spend a week of their summer vacation helping our residents and making their lives better. Imagine the impact such a community-wide project would make on those young people and the recipients of their good deeds. And all at no cost to any resident! During the week of June 22-28, 2014, the West Allegheny community will be a sea of young volunteers who will spread out across the neighborhoods to help the elderly, disabled, and those facing financial, physical, and other difficulties fix or clean up their homes. Many applications (below) are needed, as well as donations. A few hours of time during that week, and other small tasks anyone can do also are welcomed. -DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP $URXQG<RXU7RZQ MOON HIGH SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY IN THE NEWS Moon Area High School girls’ cross country team, above, coached by Kyle Burgess, became section champs for the fourth year in a row, and finished third in the WPIAL championship. As a result, they qualified for the PIAA State Championship in Hershey this past November. It was the first time in 30 years that a Moon Area High School cross country team qualified for states (girls or boys). At the state championship, the girls finished 17th. They also accomplished many achievements in invitationals leading up to the championships. The senior captains on the girls team include Mia Castelveter, Ashley Hall, Steph Connors, and Delaney Padgett. POSTAL RETIREES MEET MONTHLY ABOVE: Each month, the postal retirees from the Moon Township office meet at Kings Restaurant on Neville Island to reminisce. Pictured, front, John Singel, Anna Mae Maxin, Ed Prekop, and Bob Jethrow Mandera; top, Stan Polny, Robert Pirohovich, Charley Garafolo, Fred Grubich, Ken Morrison, Harvey Stone, and Tony Ciccone. Not available for the photo were Joe Brocco, Marty Bujaky, and Gretchen Morrow. NON-PROFIT GROUPS! We offer a significant discount off of advertising rates (call for details). It’s one way we help you get your message out to the entire community affordably! CALL: 724.695.3968 or e-mail: GKXJKH\#DZPDJD]LQHFRP $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH-DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ MUSTIO AND SMITH BRING HOME CRITICAL FUNDING TO JUMP START AREA PROJECTS Continuing to build on their bipartisan partnership, Rep. Mark Mustio and Sen. Matt Smith recently announced that they have successfully secured the funding necessary to move the following community improvement projects forward. Findlay Township Water Line Upgrade The Commonwealth Financing Authority has approved a $1.5 million grant to go directly toward the construction of the Findlay Township water line project. This includes the replacement and extension of the existing eight-inch pipe with a 16-inch water transmission line to serve recent and future development in the Allegheny County airport corridor. “This is a major first step toward bringing necessary infrastructure upgrades to fruition, which would help create an estimated 10,000 jobs and $4 billion into the regional economy at the project’s completion,” Smith said. As a member of the Allegheny County Airport Authority, Smith worked with Mustio to build support for the project with key stakeholders in Harrisburg. The total project is estimated to cost $3.8 million. The Findlay Township Municipal Authority has applied for federal assistance for the remainder of the funds needed to complete the project. “When this water line infrastructure is complete, it will ensure that those light manufacturing and distribution companies that look to locate in Findlay Township will have a reliable water supply,” Mustio said. “This good news will further solidify Findlay Township as a center for economic development in southwestern Pennsylvania.” North Fayette Township Community Center North Fayette Township has received a $164,000 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development’s Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program to begin the construction of a new community center in Donaldson Park. “This new community center will be the centerpiece for the existing baseball, soccer, and football fields, the playground, and the dog park,” Mustio said. He added, “Donaldson Park also has an amphitheater and a walking/jogging trail. The addition of a new community center will ease the burden on various township groups looking for space to hold educational, business, and fitness-related opportunities for area residents. “ North Fayette Township has already committed to providing a dollarfor-dollar local match to state investments to begin construction on this project. “This facility will help North Fayette address the needs of its growing number of residents and add to its attractiveness as a community,” Smith said. “I was impressed with the plan’s focus on the diverse community needs and the township’s cooperation with the school district.” Pittsburgh Botanic Garden Finally, the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden (PBG) has received $214,635 in funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) through the Act 13 Marcellus Shale Funds for Forest Stories Trail. The funds will go directly toward the renovation of 2,500 feet of new trails and also renovate approximately one-half mile of existing trail. All renovated trails will be brought into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Natural play areas have also been planned for and installed along the trails so that children and their families can more fully enjoy the experience of being in nature. “As the first major regional asset to be created in the Pittsburgh region in more than a decade, the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden will positively impact economic development, job creation, and marketing opportunities throughout area,” Mustio said. “This vital, new public attraction will serve the people of our 10-county region as well as visitors from across the nation and around the world.” Located in Collier and North Fayette Townships, just seven miles from the center of Pittsburgh and a similar distance from the Pittsburgh International Airport, the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden has been recognized as a first-day attraction by Visit Pittsburgh. Operated as a public-private partnership, the garden site is made up of over 460 acres and is leased from Allegheny County for 99 years at the cost of $1 per year. All funding is for ready-to-go projects. “As a member of the Garden’s board, I can attest that the Forest Stories Trail project will add to the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden’s position as a regional asset and will offer educational opportunities to students of all levels,” Smith said. “With funding for this shovel-ready project in place, we are also primed to see the immediate economic benefits of the project.”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State Senator Matt Smith was recognized last month for his legislative and constituent service efforts supporting individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities. Smith was presented the “Excellence in Legislation” award at ACHIEVA’s annual Awards of Excellence event at the Sheraton Station Square Hotel in Pittsburgh. The regional nonprofit advocates for and provides services and support to individuals with disabilities and their families. “This award is truly an honor and a reminder that there is more work to be done,” Smith said. Smith was one of 12 award winners in 11 categories recognizing extraordinary contributions of individuals and organizations. ABOVE: Sen. Matt Smith, center, with ACHIEVA board chair It was noted during the William Lestitian, Esq., CPA, and ACHIEVA president and CEO Marsha Blanco. ceremony that Smith’s efforts spanned his tenure in the Senate and as a member of the House of Representatives where he advocated for and supported policy and investment supporting mental health, intellectual disability, and early intervention services. During his acceptance remarks, Smith cited his recent experience visiting their pallet manufacturing facility in Bridgeville in May. “I was able to see firsthand the importance of the facility from an economic standpoint as well as the impact ACHIEVA has on its employees and the community,” Smith said. “As a regional leader in providing individuals with disabilities and their families with comprehensive support throughout their lives, ACHIEVA is also the go-to organization for honest insight and vital feedback on state policies and programs,” Smith added. $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH-DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ 67$7(6(1$725 (/'(592*(/ 488 Adams Street Rochester, PA 15074 (724) 774-0444 http:// 67$7(5(35(6(17$7,9( 0$5.0867,2 1009 Beaver Grade Road, Ste. 220 Moon Township, PA 15108 (412) 262-3780 67$7(5(35(6(17$7,9( 52%0$7=,( 1240 Merchant Street Ambridge, PA 15003 (724) 266-7774 67$7(6(1$725 0$7760,7+ 1009 Beaver Grade Rd., Ste. 230 Moon Township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ibbon Cuttings and Celebrations -DQXDU\ %L]%ODVW # 1RRQ DP SP DW 6HZLFNOH\ 9DOOH\ <0&$ )HEUXDU\ %UHDNIDVW %ULHILQJ 5HJLRQDO 'HYHORSPHQW DP DW &KDUWLHUV &RXQWU\ &OXE 6DYHWKHGDWHIRU 0,;(5 :,7+ 6+$.(56 0DUFK DW 6KHUDWRQ 3LWWVEXUJK $LUSRUW RIGHT: Diamond Cargo Express LLC enjoyed their official ribbon cutting ceremony with Chamber Ambassadors on December 10. 1HZ0HPEHUV &KHVWHU(QJLQHHUV &RPPXQLW\%DQN +5%ORFN 23&2 5(0$;.H\5HDOW\ 5HG9DOYH&RPSDQ\ 5HPLQJWRQ9HUQLFNDQG%HDFK(QJLQHHUV 8QLYHUVDO5HPHGLDWLRQ,QF :DOQXW*ULOO :LQGVWUHDP &KDPEHU2IILFHUV 'HDQ+DVWLQJV&KDLU 6HDQ+HQGHUVRQ,PPHGLDWH3DVW&KDLU -LP*LOO7UHDVXUHU -LP6WHLJHUZDOGVW9LFH&KDLU :DUUHQ%\HUV9LFH&KDLU $OLVD)DXON9LFH&KDLU &KDPEHU6WDII %HUQDGHWWH3X]]XROH±,QWHULP3UHV&(2 0LFKHOOH.UHXW]HU±93%XVLQHVV 'HYHORSPHQW0DUNHWLQJ 'RXJ.HHWHU±0HPEHUVKLS'LUHFWRU 7DPP\/\QQ±%RRNNHHSHU 6XVDQ+RYDQHF±0EUVKS6YFV0DQDJHU 3HJ(JHU±2IILFH$GPLQ0EU6YFV5HS .HOO\%XUJRV±&RPPXQLFDWLRQV6SHFLDOLVW LEFT: Levin Mattress in Robinson was joined by Chamber Ambassadors on November 22 for their official ribbon cutting ceremony. -DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP Send a bit of “home” to someone you know any time of year! We Do Gift Certificates! Send a Gift Subscription of Allegheny West Magazine for that out-of-town relative, college student, or someone who has moved away. Subscriptions are $12 per year for six issues! CALL: (724) 695-3968 or e-mail: GKXJKH\#DZPDJD]LQHFRP $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH-DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ <RXU6FKRROV 3DUNZD\:HVW&7& 1HZ3URJUDPV2IIWRD*UHDW6WDUW (OHFWULFDO6\VWHPV7HFKQRORJ\LVRQHRIIRXUFRQVWUXFWLRQUHODWHGSURJUDPVIRU VWXGHQWVWRH[SORUH6WXGHQWVZKRHOHFWWRFRQWLQXHWKHLUHGXFDWLRQLQWKLVSURJUDP ZLOOOHDUQWKHEDVLFVRIHOHFWULFDOV\VWHPVWKURXJKOD\RXWDVVHPEO\LQVWDOODWLRQ ZLULQJPDLQWHQDQFHDQGWURXEOHVKRRWLQJIRUUHVLGHQWLDOFRPPHUFLDODQGRUOLJKW LQGXVWULDOORFDWLRQV,QDGGLWLRQVWXGHQWVZLOOEHHGXFDWHGRQ3/&¶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Senator Matt Smith, PTI President Greg DeFeo, Congressman Tim Murphy, and Allegheny County Conference on Community Development CEO Dennis Yablonsky cut the ribbon to PTI’s new technology center. 2Q1RYHPEHUVWDWHUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVFLYLFOHDGHUVHQHUJ\VHFWRU SURIHVVLRQDOVDQGUHJLRQDOEXVLQHVVLQWHUHVWVJDWKHUHGDW3LWWVEXUJK7HFKQLFDO ,QVWLWXWH¶VFDPSXVLQ1RUWK)D\HWWHIRUDFHUHPRQLDOULEERQFXWWLQJLQIURQWRIWKH VFKRRO¶VQHZPLOOLRQ(QHUJ\7HFKQRORJ\&HQWHU7KHQHZIDFLOLW\ZKLFK IHDWXUHVRLODQGJDVHOHFWURQLFV+9$&DQGZHOGLQJODEVDVZHOODVLQ HTXLSPHQWGRQDWHGE\SULYDWHFRPSDQLHVZLOOEHXVHGLQSDUWWRWUDLQVWXGHQWVWRILOO MREVLQWKHUHJLRQ¶VEXUJHRQLQJRLODQGJDVLQGXVWU\ (DUOLHUWKLV\HDU37,DQQRXQFHGWKDWLWZRXOGEHJLQRIIHULQJDFHUWLILFDWHLQZHOGLQJ WHFKQRORJ\DQGDGGDQRLODQGJDVHOHFWURQLFVFRQFHQWUDWLRQWRLWVHOHFWURQLFV HQJLQHHULQJWHFKQRORJ\SURJUDP7KHVFKRROVD\VWKDWLWLVWKHILUVWLQWKHDUHDWRRIIHU WKHODWWHU6WXGHQWVLQERWKSURJUDPVZLOOWUDLQLQWKHQHZIDFLOLW\ $PRQJWKRVHUHFUXLWHGIRUWKHVFKRRO¶VLQDXJXUDORLODQGJDVHOHFWURQLFVSURJUDP ZDV%U\DQ%ODFN7KH1HZ.HQVLQJWRQQDWLYHVZLWFKHGDIWHULQLWLDOO\HQUROOLQJLQ 37,¶V6PDUW%XLOGLQJ7HFKQRORJ\SURJUDP1RZLQVWHDGRIOHDUQLQJKRZWRLQWHJUDWH DQGPDQDJHFHQWUDOO\FRQWUROOHGOLJKWLQJVHFXULW\FRPSXWHUDQGDXGLRYLGHR LQVWDOODWLRQV%ULDQLVOHDUQLQJKRZWRXVHHTXLSPHQWDQGFRQWUROVOLNHWKH(PHUVRQ )OR%RVV$FDGHPLF&KDLU'DYH%HFNHUVD\VWKH)OR%RVVHPXODWHVHTXLSPHQW IRXQGDFURVVWKHYDVWLQIUDVWUXFWXUHRISLSHOLQHVDQGFRPSUHVVRUVWDWLRQVRSHUDWHGE\ XSVWUHDPPLGVWUHDPDQGGRZQVWUHDPFRPSDQLHV 37,¶VQHZSURJUDPVSURPSWHG0F'RQDOGUHVLGHQW-DFTXH.LQJWRPDNHDQHYHQ PRUHGUDVWLFFDUHHUFKDQJH%HIRUHHQUROOLQJLQWKHZHOGLQJSURJUDPWKH\HDUROG WDXJKWEXVLQHVVFRXUVHVDW:HVWPLQLVWHU&ROOHJH+HOHIWZKHQWKHVFKRROGLGQ¶WRIIHU KLPWHQXUHDQGHQUROOHGDW 37,+HVD\VZHOGLQJLVD ILHOGWKDW¶VORQJLQWHUHVWHG KLPDQGWKDWKH¶VKRSLQJ WRPDNHWKUHHWLPHVZKDW KHZDVHDUQLQJDVD WHDFKHU+HDVSLUHVWR HYHQWXDOO\EHFRPHD ZHOGLQJLQVSHFWRURQDJDV SLSHOLQH RIGHT: PTI student Bryan Black with Academic Chair Dave Becker. $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH-DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ MOON AREA SD CALENDAR 2013-2014 -DQXDU\ 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Community Center, food, fun, fellowship, Terry Doughty, (724) 457-1088 or e-mail: -DQXDU\ 0RRQ$UHD$$53 Monthly Meeting, Sharon %XVLQHVV&DUG$GV $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH-DQXDU\)HEUXDU\ Presbyterian Church, 522 Carnot Road, Moon Township, 1 p.m., Jim Haller will speak about growing up with the Pittsburgh Pirates, coffee and pastries served after the program, new members and guests welcome, free, (412) 264-6810. $SULO .HQQHG\7RZQVKLS 9ROXQWHHU)LUH 'HSDUWPHQWSDQFDNH EUHDNIDVWIXQGUDLVHU, all you can eat breakfast, with a special treat for children, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., pancakes, French toast, sausage, and more, supports the fire department, features a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Bunny, children treats, tours of the fire station, Chinese auction, Kennedy Fire Hall, 1796 Pine Hollow Road, $7/person, $3/ children age 10 or younger, (412) 787-5422. $VDQHLJKERUKRRGEDVHGDQG FRPPXQLW\IRFXVHG SXEOLFDWLRQ $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH HQFRXUDJHVFRPSOLPHQWDU\VXEPLVVLRQ RILQIRUPDWLRQDOVFKRROQHZVDVZHOO DV LQIRUPDWLRQDO QRQSURPRWLRQDO QHZVIURPFRPPXQLW\JURXSV QRQSURILWRUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGFKXUFKHV 3OHDVHVXEPLWYLDHPDLOWR GKXJKH\#DZPDJD]LQHFRP $120 - black and white, $130 color. No contract required. Call (724) 695-3968. 0RRQ3DUNVDQG5HFUHDWLRQ+DSSHQLQJV +HDOWK)LWQHVV3URJUDPV Karate - Mondays & Wednesdays, ongoing through May 2014, 6 p.m. beginners, 7 p.m., advanced, Moon Area High School wrestling room, $45/month Moon Area School District residents, online registration available, taught by Ken Wolf and experienced instructors. Pilates - Adults/Teens, February 19-March 26, 8:45-9:45 a.m., Robin Hill Center, $45 residents/$50 non-residents per six-week session, taught by Judy Elias. Morning Zumba - Adults/Teens, Mondays, February 17-March 24, 9:3010:30 a.m., Robin Hill Center, $45 Moon residents/$50 non-residents per six-week session, taught by Neda Story. Beginner Zumba - Adults/Teens, Mondays, February 17-March 24, 6-7 p.m., Moon Area High School fitness room, $45 Moon residents/$50 nonresidents per six-week session, taught by Catherine Hollien. BODYSHRED by Jillian Michaels - Adults/Teens 16+, Wednesdays, February 19-March 26, 6-6:30 p.m., Rhema Christian School, 1301 Coraopolis Heights Road, $30 Moon residents/$35 non-residents, taught by Neda Story. Kardio Hip Hop - Adults/Teens 15+, Wednesdays, February 19-March 26, 6-7 p.m., Rhema Christian School, 1301 Coraopolis Heights Road, $8 drop-in fee, discount for full six-week session: $40 Moon residents/$45 non-residents, taught by Kam Niskach Totally Toned - Adults/Teens, Mondays, February 17-March 24, 7:158:15 p.m., Moon Area High School fitness room, $45 Moon residents/$50 non-residents per six-week session, taught by Karla Tobias Yoga Workshop for Sleep - Ages 15+, Tuesday, April 1, 7-8:30 p.m., Moon Township municipal building, $20 Moon residents/$25 nonresidents, taught by Jen Stratakis. Yoga: Basics and More - Tuesdays, February 4-25, March 4-25, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Moon Township municipal building, $40 Moon residents/$45 non-residents per four-week session, taught by Jen Stratakis. Insanity Workout - Adults/Teens, February 20-March 27, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Moon Township municipal building, $45 Moon residents/$50 nonresidents, taught by Neda Story. Zumba Fitness - Adults/Teens, Tuesdays, February 18-March 25, 6:307:30 p.m., Robin Hill Center, $45 Moon residents/$50 non-residents per six-week session, $15 discount available, call for details, taught by Marci King. Zumba - Thursdays, February 20-March 27, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Moon Township municipal building auditorium, $45 Moon residents/$50 non-residents per six-week session, $15 discount available, call for details, taught by Christie Covelli. $UW(GXFDWLRQ Splash - water/mixed media art classes, Adults 18+, Thursdays, January 16-March 6: various classes, call for details, Robin Hill Center, 949 Thorn Run Road, Moon Township, $74 Moon residents, $79 non-residents, fee does not include supplies. Volunteer opportunities are available for all ages and abilities at Moon Park! If you are interested in volunteering at any of our special events, contact the Moon Parks office at (412) 262-1703 or e-mail )DPLO\3URJUDP Family Nature Program with Audubon Society - All ages, Saturday, January 11 - Great Backyard Bird Count, 10-11 a.m., Coventry Log Cabin at Robin Hill Park. The Great Backyard Bird Count is an annual, four-day event that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of where the birds are. Happening over the Presidents’ Day weekend, this fun project allows participants to count birds seen at their home feeders or location of their choice. This session will cover bird identification, common birds of western Pennsylvania, and the data collection and submission process, free, register online at or call (412) 262-1703. 'ULYHU·V (GXFDWLRQ Driver’s Education - Teens, taught by Kennedy School of Driving, Tuesdays and Thursdays, February 25-March 27, 6-9 p.m., Moon Township municipal building, registration: $25 Moon residents/$30 non-residents, course fee: $350, upon successful completion of the 30 hours of theory and 6 hours of in-car training, a certificate will be given that is accepted by most insurance companies. Participants must be 16 and have a learners permit for the on-theroad portion of the program. 7HFKQRORJ\DQG*DPLQJ Minecraft Workshop - Ages 8-12, Wednesdays, April 2, 9, 16 or 23 (a single workshop offered 4 different times), 5-7 p.m., Robin Hill, $30 Moon residents/$35 non-residents, spend an evening overcoming survival and creative challenges in a Minecraft world built by Hi-Tech Learning. Workshop helps students learn how to collaborate, innovate, and problem solve while having a great time playing Minecraft and overcoming challenges designed by Hi-Tech Learning. A special server will be used that allows all students to work in one virtual world together. This workshop does not teach students how to play Minecraft. Previous experience with the program is required. Mobile Game Design - Ages 9-13, Tuesdays, March 25-April 29, 5-6:30 p.m., Moon Township municipal building, $110 Moon residents/$120 non-residents, create and publish a game you and your friends can play on any mobile device. Students will used special software (Game Salad) designed to allow the creation of complex games using a visual, drag and drop interface. Once students finish their games, they will have the ability to publish them so they are available for play on iPhone, iPad, Android devices, Kindle, and Nook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ickard Brocade China 5-Piece Place Settings 412.225.6405 *UDSKLF 'HVLJQ :ULWLQJ(GLWLQJ 30+ Years’ Experience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·V &KXUFK ZZZLPSDFWFKULVWLDQFRP %HDYHU*UDGH5RDG0RRQ7ZS3$ -HKRYDK·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ughey Publications, LLC P. O. Box 165 Imperial, PA 15126-1226 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage 3$ , ' PITTSBURGH PA PERMIT NO. 5605
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