Dear Bridgewater Families - Northfield Public Schools


Dear Bridgewater Families - Northfield Public Schools
Dear Bridgewater FamiliesConferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held this month on March 13, 18, and 20. Please make
sure to connect with your child’s teacher if you are unable to attend at your scheduled time.
You will receive a conference report at this time and a report card at the end of the school year.
Your involvement is critical to the success of your child and this conference. I look forward to
seeing you when you are in the building.
March 2014
Nancy Antoine,
Attendance Line
Kindergarten Information Meeting
The Kindergarten Information Meeting was held on Monday, March 3rd at 5:30 p.m. at Bridgewater. We discussed our kindergarten program and what to expect as an incoming kindergarten
student and parent. We hope we answer any and all questions that families may have as we
transition to a full-day model which will be free to all families beginning this fall.
March 2-8 2014 is National School Social Worker Week. We appreciate all the work that Jamie
Wiebe does for Bridgewater students and families. Thank you Mrs. Wiebe!
Read Across America Day
We celebrated Read Across America Day on Monday, March 3rd, along with other schools and
libraries across the nation. NEA’s (National Education Association) national reading celebration takes place each year on or near March 2nd, which is the birthday of Dr. Suess. The theme
for this year is Sink Your Teeth Into Good Books All Year Long! Renaissance Dental is the sponsor
for the second year in a row hoping to raise awareness about the importance of dental health
and reading. On March 3rd, we were joined by many high school students who volunteered to
come read a good book with our students.
March is Women’s History Month and our students will be learning about famous women and
how they opened doors that many of us now take for granted. The theme for 2014 is Celebrating
Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment. “The impact of women’s history might seem abstract to some, and less pressing than the immediate struggles of working women today. But to
ignore the vital role that women’s dreams and accomplishments play in our own lives would be
a great mistake. We draw strength and inspiration from those who came before us-and those
remarkable women working among us today. They are part of our story, and a truly balanced
and inclusive history recognizes how important women have always been in American society.” ( Not long ago women did not even have the right to vote much less
speak one’s mind in public. We have come a long way in our country with a significant journey
ahead. It is 2014, and yet women continue to experience first time events that should have
happened decades ago. Title IX played a crucial role in providing equal opportunity for all
women to learn and receive an education. The concept that educating women meant educating
mothers endured in America for many years, at all levels of education.
First Grade Options
A letter was sent home with current kindergarten students about choice options for first grade.
Please look for this letter and don’t forget to return in by the March 21st deadline.
I Love to Read Month
Thank you to everyone who made I Love to Read Month a success! It was great to see all of
the visitors and guest readers at Bridgewater. Thank you also to Just Foods Coop and Cub
Foods for the donation of the many delicious apples!
Queridas familias de BridgewaterReuniones con los maestros
Las reuniones de padres y madres con los maestros serán este mes el 13, 18 y 20 de marzo. Pónganse en contacto con la
maestra o maestro de su hijo/a si no pueden ir a la hora y día que les den. Recibirán un informe en la reunión y las notas al
final del año escolar. Su participación y asistencia a las reuniones es crucial para que su hijo/a tenga éxito. Tengo ganas de
verlos cuando vengan a la escuela para las reuniones.
Sesión informativa de Kindergarten
La sesión informativa para Kindergarten tuvo lugar el lunes 3 de marzo a las 5:30 pm en Bridgewater. Se habló del nuevo
modelo de kindergarten de día completo gratis para todas las familias a partir de este otoño.
La semana del 2 al 8 de marzo, 2014, es la semana nacional dedicada a los trabajadores sociales de las escuelas. Apreciamos
todo el trabajo que Jamie Wiebe hace para los estudiantes y las familias de Bridgewater. ¡Gracias Sra. Wiebe!
Día de leer por todo Estados Unidos
El lunes 3 de marzo celebramos el día de leer por todo Estados Unidos, algo que también hacen otras escuelas y bibliotecas
por todo el país. Ese día organizado por la Asociación nacional de educación (NEA) se hace cada año el día o uno de los
días cercanos al que fuera el día de nacimiento de Dr. Seuss. El tema de este año ha sido ¡Hinca tus dientes en buenos libros durante
todo el año! Renaissance Dental ha sido el patrocinador de este evento por segundo año para concienciar a todo el mundo sobre la importancia de la salud dental y la lectura. El 3 de marzo, muchos estudiantes del high school y del middle school vinieron como voluntarios para leer un buen libro con nuestros estudiantes.
Marzo es el mes de la historia de las mujeres, y nuestros estudiantes van a aprender algo sobre famosas mujeres y cómo abrieron las puertas que muchas de nosotras hoy tomamos como algo normal. El tema para 2014 es Celebrar mujeres con carácter,
valentía y compromiso. “El impacto de la historia de las mujeres puede parecer abstracto para algunos, y menos urgente que las
dificultades de las mujeres trabajadoras de hoy. Pero ignorar el papel vital que los sueños de las mujeres y sus logros tienen en
nuestras vidas sería un gran error. Logramos fuerza e inspiración de aquellas que vinieron antes que nosotros y aquellas extraordinarias mujeres que trabajan entre nosotros hoy. Son parte de nuestra historia, y una historia realmente inclusiva y equilibrada reconoce lo importante que son las mujeres en la sociedad de Estados Unidos”. ( No hace mucho
tiempo las mujeres ni siquiera tenían derecho a votar y mucho menos opinar en público. Hemos recorrido un largo camino
en nuestro país con gran parte del camino todavía por recorrer. Es el año 2014 y las mujeres todavía siguen experimentando
eventos que deberían haberse resuelto hace décadas. El Título IX jugó un papel crucial al ofrecer igualdad de oportunidades
para que todas las mujeres aprendieran y recibieran una educación. El concepto de que educar a las mujeres significaba educar a las madres perduró en Estados Unidos por muchos años, en todos los niveles educativos.
Opciones para primer grado
Se envió una carta a casa de los estudiantes que están en kindergarten sobre opciones para primer grado. Por favor, estén
atentos a esa carta y no se olviden de entregarla antes o el mismo día 21 de marzo.
Mes de “Me encanta leer” (I Love to Read Month)
¡Gracias a todos los que hicieron que el mes de “Me encanta leer” fuera todo un éxito! Fue estupendo ver a todos los visitantes y a los invitados a leer en Bridgewater. ¡Gracias también a Just Foods Coop por donar tantas deliciosas manzanas!
Traducción: Mar Valdecantos
RtI Coaches Corner
Connie Nelson and Hope Langston
Literacy Events
We enjoyed some fun activities during “I Love to Read” month in February.
You may have heard about some of our school-wide reading activities. During the third and fourth week of February we had
our Apple and a Book event. We had over 300 visitors enjoying books and apples with our students. MANY THANKS to
Just Food Coop for donating 1000 apples and to Cub Foods for coming to our rescue with 100 additional apples on
the last day of February! Students got to hear a “Mystery” teacher read to them during our Teacher Swap at the end of the
month. Our “Read Across America” event took place on March 3 with hundreds of high schoolers coming over to read with
our Bridgewater students. It was a sight to behold!
Next on our literacy agenda is the Spring Break Read-A-Thon which will again be sponsored by Papa Murphy’s Pizza.
Students will be receiving a reading log to track their reading from March 20 –March 31st. Students who attain their grade
level goals will receive a certificate for a free Mini Murph pizza and the winning class for each grade level will win a Papa
Murphy’s pizza party. Other small prizes will be awarded for participation. Look for more information that will be coming
from your child’s homeroom teacher.
Please encourage your children to continue the I Love to Read theme throughout the year.
There are many great websites out there for elementary students! Here are a few favorites. Spending some time practicing
more difficult math skills can really improve student confidence and build mastery.
BEAR TRACKS…..News from your BW PTO
Shari Sneary
Movie Night (Take 2)
The new date for movie night is Friday, March 7th. The cafeteria will open at 6:30 p.m. with the movie Despicable ME 2 showing at 7:00 p.m. Free popcorn and water will be served, and one lucky winner will take the
movie home! A reminder that students must be accompanied by an adult. See you at the movie!
March Meltdown Challenge
In hopes of helping to promote a spring thaw, the BW SCRIP team has created the March Meltdown Challenge. In the commons area you’ll find a snowman made out of individual “snowballs”. Each snowball represents a SCRIP card that
is available for purchase in the main office. Papa Murphy’s, Subway, Starbucks and Super America, are just a few
of the examples of the snowballs you can pick up. So help our snowman disappear this month by pulling off a
snowball and taking it to the office to purchase your giftcard. Thanks for supporting Bridgewater, and let’s hope
spring arrives soon!
Boosterthon Express – Camp High Five
The Boosterthon Express and Camp High Five will arrive at Bridgewater on Monday, May 5th, with our huge kick-off on
Tuesday, May 6th. Bridgewater is proud to be the FIRST SCHOOL IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA to host a Boosterthon event! This fundraiser, that incorporates fitness, leadership, and character, promises to be an incredible experience for
our students, families, faculty, and staff. To help us achieve our transformation to Camp High Five we need the help of our
Bridgewater parents and caregivers. To find out more, please contact Shari Sneary at 507-581-5339 / . To check out more of what Boosterthon is all about, please visit
Trash for Cash
A HUGE thank you to everyone that turned in Box Tops, Milk Moola caps, and all of the items for “Trash for Cash” during
the month of February! Also, big thanks to Jennifer Skluzacek and her team of volunteers for counting all of the items that
were turned in. We’ll keep you posted on the classroom competition results. Great job, everyone!
Your Bridgewater PTO Officers:
President: Shari Sneary ( cell: 952-303-1850
Vice President: Jennifer Skluzacek ( home: 507-645-2791
Co-Treasurers: Kim Norton (
Angie Gonzales ( cell: 651-226-5024
Co-Secretaries: Dana Holden (
Darren Lofquist (
Physical Education News….
Paul Bernhard & Tony Mathison
Lifetime Health and Wellness Instructors
March brings our annual American Heart Association Jump Rope for Heart event. This will be the 16th consecutive year
Bridgewater Elementary has participated in this heart healthy event that brings awareness to heart related illness and disease.
Our school has raised over $94,000 for cardiovascular research participating in this event. Your child will bring information home for this voluntary activity in the near future. You are encouraged to go on-line and look at the simple way of collecting donations with the click of the mouse. All students will participate in jumping rope, which will take place the week of
March 10th in physical education classes. Take a moment to look at the information at to check out
facts and information about the heart.
Spring fitness testing will begin once students return from spring break. We have been encouraging students to begin preparing for the tests by exercising at home before bed time, during television commercials, or as a family. We also have encouraged spending 30 minutes less with computer, video games, or other technology and turn that into activity time
instead. It is always exciting for us to see the improvement in scores from the fall to the spring. We hope to be
outside shortly after spring break. Continue to encourage your child to eat right and exercise regularly.
As always. "Fit Kids Are Healthy Kids!"
Orchestra Newsletter Article
Natalie Kruger
Our All-District Orchestra Concert is quickly approaching! The concert will be held on Thursday, March 20th, in the High
School Gym. This was my favorite concert of the year when I was growing up, and it still is! You will see and hear the progress students make from year to year; it is amazing!
Information about the concert was in our February District Orchestra Newsletter. I also sent home a concert information/sign up sheet last week with all orchestra students. Please send the bottom portion of the
sheet back by Thursday, March 13th.
Notes from the Nurse…
Rachel Utesch
The Nurse’s Office keeps a small supply of dry clothing for children who may need it during the school day. If you have useable clothing your child has outgrown, please consider donating it to the school supply. At this time, we would only be interested in elastic waist pants (any size) and tennis shoes (boys and girls sizes 2-8). If you have a Kindergarten or
First Grader, please also consider sending an extra set of clothes to school with them, to be kept in their locker.
Accidents do happen…
Band Update….
Roger Jenni
Fourth Graders – It’s Time to Start Thinking About BAND!!
Fourth Graders, you are almost old enough to start playing a BAND instrument! Why do we say this? Because you need to
be large enough, physically, to handle a BAND instrument.
Unlike some other instruments, BAND instruments cannot be “downsized” to fit you; instead, you must be big enough and
powerful enough to fit a BAND instrument, and to have the air power and strength to produce a good tone.
In a couple weeks the Fifth Grade Student Band members will be putting on a special show for you. This is a very unique
program because each Band member gets to choose their favorite song from the lesson book. The band member plays the
first part of the song and the full Band finishes the song. It takes a lot of courage, but every BAND member is expected to
perform for you. Courage is also one of the things taught in BAND!
We hope you will enjoy our Fourth Graders Only concert. Listen to all of the instruments and choose the ones you like the
best, and then list those instruments on your BAND registration form.
PLAN to PLAY in BAND next year, and GOOD LUCK!!
Music Update….
Kristin Hummel
You are invited to the Bridgewater Cafetorium for our general music programs!
Fifth Grade -Tuesday, March 11, 8:40 a.m.
Second Grade - Wednesday, March 12, 2:20 p.m.
Fourth Grade - Thursday, March 13, 8:40 a.m.
Third Grade - Friday, March 14, 8:40 a.m.
First Grade - Friday, March 14, 2:20 p.m.
Your child is a SUPER-STAR in this event and will play classroom Orff instruments and sing, highlighting two of the National Standards for Music Education:
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
Hope to see you there!
Kindergarten Plus Music Program - Friday, May 2, 2:20 p.m.
Fourth & Fifth Grade Choir Concert - Tuesday, May 6, 7:00 p.m.
News from the Art Room:
Happy Spring! Well, hopefully it will be soon! We have been quite busy creating drawings, paintings, and clay masterpieces in the
Art room! We have been getting ready for our Spring art shows and our Learning Fair art show May 6th.
Choosing artwork for these shows is quite difficult. All art is selected autonomously and is chosen on how well the student
showed their best effort, neatness, and met the objectives of the project. It is my goal that at least once in their time at Bridgewater a student will get the opportunity to take part in these events.
Students who have work selected for the Northfield Arts Guild All School Art Show will receive postcards and letters from me
prior to Spring Break. Gallery hours at the Arts Guild located on Division Street across from the Northfield Public Library are Mon.
through Fri. from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.. All are welcome to stop by and see the works of art and
enjoy the Imagination Celebration, a day filled with free art activities and performances, Saturday April 5 , from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I
will be at the Imagination celebration from 1:15 to 2:45 p.m.
Northfield Area All School Art Show
“What Does the Art Say?”
March 18th -April 12th , 2014
The Northfield Arts Guild welcomes work by Northfield's young artists. Artwork will be featured by students attending Arcadia, Bridgewater Elementary, Greenvale Park Elementary, home school, Northfield Area Learning Center, Northfield High School, Northfield Middle School, Sibley Elementary,
and St. Dominic School. The reception for this exhibition coincides with the Guild's Imagination Celebration, a day filled with free art activities and performances by and for young people, Saturday April 6th from 10 am to 3:30 pm.
Another Art show that we also participate in is the 2014 Ordway Center for the Performing Arts ArtWalk and Flint Hills International
Children’s Festival:
2014 Ordway Center for the Performing Arts ArtWalk and
Flint Hills International Children’s Festival
May 3 – June 1, 2014
The festival runs May 3 through June 1. School Days will be held May 27 through May 30 and the Family Weekend event will be May 31 and June 1.
There will be an opening party at the Ordway May 3! Details to come!
Please see the Ordway website for more information
Artwork in this show will be returned the next school year, unless otherwise arranged.
The ARTwalk is a month-long exhibition of young artist's artwork in downtown Saint Paul. It is a unique opportunity for schools and community
organizations to highlight the visual arts achievements of young people. As a part of the Flint Hills International Children's Festival, the ARTwalk celebrates
young artists’ creativity from across the region. Last year over 600 submissions from around the region were featured. The ARTwalk fills storefront windows and
vacant building spaces throughout the downtown area.
As always I thank you for your continued support for our amazing young artists here at Bridgewater.
You can support us by helping get ready for these shows and by allocating your SCRIP funds to the art department! More
funding would help us get more supplies we need and expand our ceramics program. We are also in need of Kleenex, wipes,
and glue. Keep creating with the artist that lives in each and everyone of us!
Artfully yours,
Ms. Kate Woodstrup
March 2014
Incoming Kinder-
garten Meeting (5:30
p.m., Media Center)
PTO Meeting
(6:30-7:30 p.m.,
10School Board 11
13Parent Confer- 14
18Parent Confer- 19
20Parent Confer- 21PTO Spon- 22
ences (3:40-8:00
ences (3:40-6:00
sored Hat & Pajama
24School Board 25
Spring Break
Meeting (7:00 p.m.,
H.S. Media)
ences (3:40-8:00
Meeting (7:00 p.m.,
H.S. Media)
Scheduled Events for
October 2013
March 3—Incoming Kindergarten Meeting (5:30
p.m., Media Center)
March 3—Read Across America (8:55-9:30 a.m.)
March 4—PTO Meeting (6:30-7:30 p.m., Media)
March 10—School Board Meeting (7:00 p.m., H.S.
Upcoming Events
April 25—PTO Sponsored Hat & Pajama Day
April 8—PTO Meeting (6:30 p.m.)
May 5—Staff Appreciation Week
April 14—School Board Meeting (7:00 p.m., H.S.
May 6– Learning Fair
May 6-16—Boosterthon Express
April 15—Grade 4 to Senior Center
March 13—Parent Conferences (3:40-8:00 p.m.)
April 15—Fifth Grade Student/Parent Night (6:00
p.m., Middle School)
March 18—Grade 4 to Senior Center
April 22—Earth Day
March 18—Parent Conferences (3:40-8:00 p.m.)
April 25—PTO Sponsored hat & Pajama Day
March 20—Parent Conferences (3:40-6:00 p.m.)
April 25—Field Trip to Science Museum
(Grade 2)
May 12—School Board Meeting (7:00 p.m., H.S..
May 13—PTO Meeting (6:30 p.m.)
May 28-30—PTO Sponsored Book Fair
June 3—Fifth Grade Band Concert
June 5—Fifth Grade Recognition Program
March 21—PTO Sponsored Hat & Pajama Day
March 24—School Board Meeting (7:00 p.m., H.S.
April 28—School Board Meeting (7:00 p.m., H.S.)
Reports to the School Board
March 2014
Main Office
Chris Richardson,
Superintendent of Schools
Donita Delzer,
Admin. Assistant to the
Superintendent & School Board
Buildings & Grounds
Business Office
Community Services Division &
Community Relations
Curriculum Office
Child Nutrition Services
Health Services
Human Resources
Payroll Office
Student Services
Technology Services
At its Feb. 24 meeting, the Northfield Board of Education heard reports from several staff
members about the Response to Intervention (RTI) program, conducted at the three elementary
schools; training and implementation of PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)
by the middle school, high school and Alternative Learning Center; and the K-12 Multi-tiered
Systems of Support (MTSS), as well as the budget for elementary and secondary, RTI and PBIS
coaches in the 2014-15 school year.
Also at the board meeting, Northfield High School Principal Joel Leer spoke about how the
district is moving to better prepare students for the workforce, through internships, course
development, career pathway development, and articulation agreements with higher education.
High school staff and the TORCH program (Tackling Obstacles and Raising College Hopes)
have teamed up with South Central College, city leadership and the local business community to
make career readiness a focal point of the district and to purposefully continue dialoguing.
The middle school and high school also teamed up in February to move 8th grade conferences
to the high school for the first time. This effort to prepare for a smoother 9th grade transition
also had another goal and outcome. During orientation and student-led discussions of
assessments and course choices, staff were able to encourage students to think about career
interests and goals at an earlier point in their K-12 education.
Video of school board meetings, including the Feb. 24 presentations, can be viewed at
Parent Coffee Hour at Longfellow
Preschool and Ventures parents are invited to have coffee at Longfellow School, from 10:30 to
11:30 a.m. on the 2nd Thursday of each month. The coffee is free and the time offers an
opportunity to connect with other parents or with an early childhood parent educator, who will
be there to answer questions and facilitate discussion.
Enjoy some down time with others experiencing the same triumphs and challenges of raising
young children. Upcoming coffee hours will be on March 13 and April 10, in the Longfellow
conference room. Call Sara Line at 507.645.1232 to register or for more information.
Reinvent Summer Fun
Take advantage of Camp Invention's early registration discount to save on the week-long
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) enrichment day camp.
Local educators will lead youth, entering grades 1 through 6, in hands-on activities that require
teams to solve real-world challenges. Register by March 28 and save $25.
Activities will include:
Exploring the science behind the five senses to design a bionic ear, eye and hand
Experimenting with circuits and gears
Creating your own invention
Building a motorized “morphing” vehicle (to take home!)
Designing an epic, insect-themed pinball machine
Camp Invention will be held from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on June 23 through 27 (Monday through
Friday) at Bridgewater Elementary School.. Call 800.968.4332 or visit
to learn more about early registration and sibling discounts.
The program is presented in partnership with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Northfield Youth Organizations
To update contact information, please call 507.645.3406 or email with changes.
5th Bridge
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Boy Scouts
Cannon Valley Youth Orchestra
Canterbury Pony Club
Carleton College Center for Community
and Civic Engagement
Check it Out Singers
Community Resource Bank Junior Board
Dakota County Extension - 4-H
Division Street Dance
Girl Scouts
Healthy Community Initiative
Jr. Curator Program
Just for Kix
Leo Club Advisor
Library Teen Advisory Board
Making Waves Swim School
Northfield Area Family YMCA
Northfield Arts Guild
Northfield Basketball Association
Northfield Community Chinese School
Northfield Dance Academy
Northfield Fastpitch Softball Assoc.
Northfield Gymnastics Club
Northfield Hockey Association
Northfield Lacrosse Association
Northfield Library
Northfield Mentoring
Northfield Police Dept Explorers
Northfield Skating School
Northfield Soccer Association
Northfield Swim Club
Northfield Tennis Association
Northfield Union of Youth
Northfield Volleyball Club
Northfield Youth Baseball Assoc
Northfield Youth Choir
Northfield Youth Wrestling
Pinnacle Performing Arts
Project Friendship
Rainbow Saddle Club
Reaching Our Goals - St. Olaf College
Rice County Extension - 4-H
St. Olaf Volunteer Network
Candy Taylor
Robyn Goldy
Terry Heilman
Adam Hough
Deonne Gray
Christine Sullivan Kelley
Laura Riehle-Merrill
Todd Thompson
Christina Jerome
Amber Shanahan
Emily Boyd
Carolyn Gates
Zach Pruitt
Nfld Historical Society
Liz Rohach
Alice Nasby
Kathy Ness
Cindy Varley
Virginia Kaczmarek
Laura Schenck
Scott Sannes
Gao Hong
Daphne McCoy
Mark Pritchard
Zach Wareham
Dean Kruger
Natalie Marfleet
Kathy Ness
Zach Pruitt
Sgt. Mark Murphy
Carey Tinkelenberg
Holly Scheuble
Devon Barnes
Andy Ringlien
Rachel Woldum
Beth Pascua
Roger/Kim Thompson
Liz Shepley
Shaun Murphy
Jana Hirsch
Kathy Lansing
Nancy Becker
Education Dept.
Kelly Chadwick
Anna Christianson