n - Parliament of Guyana
n - Parliament of Guyana
. ., . . . ' . ,· ·':tfIEbFPiciA1J11�E+r�1fiid);f;·s��1 .�' s ...... ·..Mide.Under. . : ..... ,·. . . ..?,}·:-? ;lt�:�? . '§-/j<:..:;.�::'. ·�< ·.::,_·:.); :}:;:/:-;.�' ::: cusiol\is'.Acr·: >,i:: :..<·:)'.'-' · .r .. -� nm L i � l} r!i l i. :' , , : i ij 1 t i . :1 ]�Jg · .•. '\\ ·: \ ::�}�bt:"I?;E�f{[:�rl\i;• : ·. . IN EX UCISE OF' THE 'p(jW£1ticdNFERimb:tifoN�ME-;Bv:.sECTI<>N'i OF T1.dE tUSTOMS ACT, I IIEREBY;M.AkE·'.l:'.� fitFQ�L9�� ORDER:..;.:�/";·. ; citation. ,Cap. 82:01 �', : � , 1. .cited as the Customs Duties Ckrifuchh�tj.(N'.oi:, -4) :0rdet 2([0�1. i '.\. Amendment of.' the-First Schecf'.:ule to the Act. 2 ,., · ·The First Schedule (PAR.T I 11) to the A.ct is hereby ·amended by the insertion<·. · . "'?;:/:'1},':'·>· ····',/· · · · ' ·)):'T.:'.�:�\t·::>:·:.}::c,?\ i{.::f·}/\Jr\ffl'.:":\-': .. · .· . ::);·i,i,}),.? -; tb.erdih iinlnediately after Annex] of theJolloWin.g K (tariff preferences:',\;( >:'>; ·\{;f 'it,�.' , Annexes ;j,/k_,{(; granted to products originating.in Brazil). anci UJful�:�(9tjp:1J _itj the Schedule . . . . . . :- · . )b�_.:-::;_ · ,·,:;,::. _�.�.:\�_·;,·:' :·:, .-._: , ..:•..• :- i·-;\ :, · ' ·.·"' ,E,,..., · - ··,;·,, .. ,jt:f �-;.',: o\i'i:'\EX K LI.ST OF PROD11(T!-; ON "'\YlllCll GF\".-\;\,\ W!l.l. (;Jl,\:'\-r T.-\JUFF l'i�EFEE.l:NC:J·:s Wli!Cll :'\11.\U , "tl."\�J:-;T ()J" PERCI.'\'"TAGE REDl!(TJOi'�S 11\" TIIE Cll,\HGE.S :\1'1'Lli::Ji TO 1.\ll'OlffS Oit!Gli\,\Tl.'\Ci I:\ BIU:t.11. 1 ·-..;1J1·:1� TIJ 1·: l'.-\RTIAL SCOI'[ ,\GR£i·:;1JE:\T l!ETWJ-I: :- '\TIIE FJ-:JJEH..-\TJ\T llEl'l IllI.JC OF IIR.'>.i'.l l. -.J .i:..' .\"\il THE COOJ'ERXnn: Ri:J'l;HLlC OF C:PY.-\N.-\ ?referencias outorgadas pela Guiana / Preferences granted by Guyana .I s 02013000 IDesossadas 020130 -----+----..;:._--; - ---------'----.-!'-- -Boneles __ d _ _ - _ _ __ _ _ _:_h-1-f-- - -r - - - - ---__, ______ - Ca- -rc_as_ _e _s a· n 02021000 1 C a rca s e_mei· as -�-rc a-�--, .,.._ , 020210 a s \ � �� � �� �j o 020220'· 0202200C 020230,. . 02023000 020321 02032100 020500 02050000 IOutras pec;as nae des ss adas Desoss adas Carcac;as e rneias carca� J· Carnes de animais das 1 especies cavalar, asinina- e ·· muar. trescas, refrigeradas ou 1. con-ela d as. ; l- Boneles s : .I (- ; ,. · · · . darcases'-�ria half-carcases ,: 11-·-· !Meat of horses, asses, mules or· · i I j ,hinnies, fre sh. chilledorfrozen.: ·. 020629 - � Other : Nao cortadas em pedac;os, '- - Not cut in pieces, iroz· en : 02072500' 020726 ·. · _ J _ _ _. '--eladas ,-------'--�----------,----;--,-..con · - ;...._rs_ - - -'-d-. - ff--- -----------'"--t----------'---'----'-----� i- '""C u an o a 1 . a·�en :02072710 IP e d a os 020727 02062990 ' :-.Other cuts with bone in: 1 Outras rr-,-,_ 03041010 I.Files 030410 I-Fresh or chilled: -------.---------------,------,------------'---'-'-------03041090 IOutras 030410 I-' Fresh or chilled·_ ----- j 1 _ ---·\- 1 . 3. 0 : 01... · 5 0 . 0 · _ '-;·. . 0 0 5 3 _ Salgados OU emsaimoura -· . ·i' - - -- - .. oo· 3__00. 3· 553300·-f. , 020 3 _ 3 30559 \ -- 0 03 055900 \ . qutro_s__ __ _ _ --·· ·----+--- ffl�:k:!ro· �� � • ou,e, s - n-=tnF\1.4. I G3Q6�_1.11_8.�--i! _u_utro Crabs : - ----�- _ _ _ i _ _ _ __________1,__. --------t------;.--______:_ _ _ � ____J_i -------�----..i.'-· 030624 03062421 1 . . ! /S antolas (Litho d es antarcticus) ! · j I . i-- Crba ::: ...., :::c [Tl .100%, Q i . 1 �9!?. - . - --+ . · 1 .· '. ..,,..,, 0 1 00% - �� 1 % - C) )> N [Tl ...., [Tl c= 100% r., Cl 1 00% · _ _. r )> - l, ·. . , L______L_ • :� ;:·:ot I. r Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, !hut not 'smoked : ·-- _ 100% :::: , OOo/o t00% -- i----=:-��--" i -,------�---'-----'---+---r-o . _z_ _n_ l_ l-e _ ___ e F fi t!S : 1 Farinhas, p6s e "pellets•, de · . . I _ Flol!rs, meals and pellets of fish, fit I 0 I . 3051000 peixe, pr6prios para 030510 1 e n - ,h_um· a n_a.·-----+1 ··� ---- ----- --· lrn1 ,.,�man cons�mption ---_........... ________:_ali_rn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o_ s_ _ta_ya._ o 1 . ._ ed or in bnrie • Seo -----'-----t-----::-:---:---;- i .-s_ co_ n_ _e _la_d_o s_ ·_· 03042000- 1 F--,-le · 030420 ----- . . 100% 100% - _ 1---: - . .. ---·--+- ---· - ----L _\ __1�% . I I ti . ·- _ ]\._ _;_ _ _ i.,--_______ _ · 100°1� · · 100% � .1 �· - 100% . -t ----- ·-- 100% N 0 0 Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana 1 Preferences bv . 100%. 05040012 100% Outros 05040019 .050400 05040090 Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences "'""''rrt.c•rt Somente sementes ·de white and black pepper seeds 100% 100.% 160300 16030011 1·60300 1503oo12 100% 1Emp6 .100% 1 i 160300 1£030019 100% de came 160300 16030020 160300 16030030 100% Extratos e sucos de peixe 100% ~ ~ Extratos e sucos de 160300 16030040 crustaceos, de moluscos ou 1.00% :::0 ~ ;c N invertebrados c 0 160414 16041410 100% 1-00% ,!:;. Preferemcias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences ,,..,.n+~.~ 100% 180500 18050000 . 180620 18062010 180620 18062090 100% or other matter Other preparations in blocks, slabs or .bars weighing more than 2 kg .or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or bulk fonn in containers or · imnnediate packings, of a content 100%. 100% ~ ~ ~ p:: 100% 210111 21011190 210320 21032010 N 0 0 ""' 100% and other tomato • sauces 100% -..J -..J Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana J Preferences by -210330 IFarinha de mostarda 100% 21033010 I I ...., :I: 100% tTl 0 --> '"rj '"rj n 100% t""' 0 > N tTl ...., ...., tTl '? m 210690 21069030 100% , para preparayao Cl ~ [/) ~ '"d r m ~ 210690 100% 2-1.069040 z ..:::. to 220840 22084000 240120 24012010 240120 24012020 240130 24013000 except rum e caninha (n..irn e exceto rum 100% ..., "' ~Furno (tabaco) negro 100% "rubio" 100% Exceto os 100% 3:: > :::0 n p:: N 0 0 ""'" Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana 1 Preferences ............ +....-l .. . - .. . . !Petroleum oils and oils obtained from !Excluding the I \following bituminous minerals, other than jitems in the crude; preparations not elsewhere . jCARICOM ! .i I 271000 27100052 \ specified or included, containing by l i iExceto os . . minerals, these oils being the basic i~e!!~~-E~_cp_!l___ ------· -1~~}-+~~~~*""~~~~~~~~~~----!·-- ____ -------·-· _ ~~~L-f_l~~~Q_~~~~~~~~~~==--~-----~--- ----· 300310 1 t.27io13; tweight 70 % or more of petroleum oils j271 022; or of oils obtained from bituminous II \nomenclature:\ 30031020 i271 023; 1 1271030; . 1271040 and !.271090. .. -- D-glucitol (sorbitol) : ·--- -- 100% J .=-...:.=I·.-~_.:~- ·---Glutamic <l;Cid_~n.d _its s<~lls ' - Containing penicillins or derivatives \ ! ·thereof, with a penicillar~iq~cid 1structure, or streptomycins or their 1 . -;··· -150%. 100% 100% I _ __;,.;__;..:_-f---.-''--:--~~~~~--......:_....,..---'---~--.;__;-'--____:_____ -; derivatives - - - - - - '___ ···-.......:.·-'-----'----! --~- Containing penicillins or derivatives . ~ 300310. 30031090 . 1hereof, with a penicillanic acid !.structure, or streptomycins or their : ~~--~-:--'.;__;-~~C~o-n7~-n-d7o-o-~~-.;__;s_~-:-=.~~~-~~--o-s~-'----------·-.--~l~~~goth~;~~~~--- ,--~ f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~----~~-~-·-·~·~·-~····t:~~~~~-,:-_- --- --:--·-.. 300410 300410 '30041020 . . .30041090 ! ······ - r . ..! Containing penicillins or derivatives thereof, with a _penicillanic .acid structure, ·or streptomycins or their derivatives : - contajning penicillins ··c;r ·d£~rjvtili~es---. -- ... lth~•r"'''"'f,. with s penicillanic acicf re, or streptomycins or their derivatives : 100% !· : ··--· !· .. ·-. -· 1.00% .. ----·1. .. i 100% - J - . ---- .. -· - .. . . !.. 100% 100% ·"·--;. -~- ·---· .·- . Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences 00 0 ~~~ ~-~~~~~~~ ...., ::r: tTl 100% 0 100% C) an adhesive -:;:n "T'l "T'l r >- N tTl ...., ...... tri r:: tTl 300610 30061011 Outros '300610 30061019 · Nitrate de amonio, mesmo em adhesives for surgical wound closure; sterile laminaria and sterile laminaria sterile absorbable surgical or haemostatics: ~- Sterile surgical catgut, similar .sterile suture materials and sterile tissue 1adhesives for surgical wound closure;· ·sterile laminaria and sterile laminaria tents; sterile absorbable surgical or dental haemostatics : -.Ammonium nitrate, whether or not in solution : Cl 100% ?.:: r:/J ~ "C r tTl ~ z .::.. 100% t:c 100% ~ >:;>;: dos tipos para a iabrica~o de 330210 100% _.... (" N c c 330290 33029010 330410 33041000 ··-1..' 100% Produtos de maquilagem para os li3bios Lip make:-up preparations 100% .... .Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences .,..,,nt... l"' 100% 330430 .33043000 Manicure or.pedicure preparations· 100% '""'l :r: trl 0 --> ."Tj "Tl n 330491 .. l ' Cl 100% > N trl ~ '? tT1 ~ rn for the treatment of 100% ;s~ tT1 ~ B. similar preparations ior tJj 340530 350300 34053000 35030010 100% other than metal (including gelatin in (including square)sheets, or not surface-worked or coloured) and gelatin derivatives; , other glues of animal origin, g casein ·glues of heading No - ·~ 100% ~:;o n .:r: N 0 0 ~ 00 Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences ""'='"~"'" 00 N ,, ~ ~- ) Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana J Preferences nr:ootrnc•n 392190 39219000 392350 392.35000 >-i 100% ::t m () ->"rj "rj 392410 39241000 100% ( ") t""" 0 .392490 39249010 100% > N m - Fittings for furniture., coachWork or like 392630 100% ::j m ....... t""" m Cl 400610 15% > r-' (J'J c: ~ m <400910 40091000 100% -~ -~ '--' tlJ 400930 40093000 "100% ,_. ~ s: > :::0 n cross-section (V-belts), 401021 40102100 or ·not grooved, of a circumference ex~eeding 60 em but not p:: 100% N 0 0 ""' 180 em 00 w Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana J Preferences n,-,,nt••,., 401022 -3 crosS-section (V-belts), de se~ trapezoidal, whether or not groOl/ed, of a 40102200 :r: tT1 100% 0 "Tl "Tl circumference exceedino 180 em but (3 s;: r a 240 em 401110 40111000 > N Dos .tipos utilizados em autom6veis de passageiros (incluidos os veiculos de uso misto e as autom6veis de tT1 ing station wagons and racing -3 -3 tT1 15% ? tTl Cl > r 401120 40112000 401140 40114000 40:1150 401191 40115000 40119100 Dos tipos utilizados em ou Dos tipos utilizados em motocicletas Dos tipos utilizados em bicicletas Com banda de rodagem em forma de espinha de peixe ou semelhantes r Of a kind used on motorcycles : - Of a kind used on bicycleS : C/J 100% c., 100% s:tTl .,r tTl z .::!. 100% c:o -Having a 'herring-bone' or similar 100% - "' s: > "':r: Dos tipos utilizados em (") autom6veis de passa.geiros 401310 40131000 (including station wagons and racing {incluidos os veiculos de uso N 0 0 100% ..,.. misto e as autom6veis de 401320 40132000 buses or lorries : onibus au caminh5es Dos tipos utilizados em bicicletas Of a kind used on bicycles 100% \,____. 'l . ...._ < '-._'· Preferencias outorgadas psla Guiana I Preferences nr.o1ntl'•rl -l ;:r: tTl 0 "T1 "T1 n ·s;: 100%· l' a > N tTl ~ tTl '? tT1 Cl >-r ~ ·'ti '"0 r tT1 100% 100% 100% ~ z ..:::!. t:O - " ·~ ~oo% h. c c I ·De titulo iguaf o.u superior a 520531 52053100 '714,29 decitex portio simples (numero metrico hao .superior a > :;.:: r: :r +: 100% 14 520710 52071000 100%. ., ( Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences nr:o,nt,•n 100% 100% 551110 560110 56011 000 Absorventes (pensos*} e higienicos, traldas bebes e artigos higienicos , de pastas 15% 50% ou artificiais . 570252 57025200 De materias texteis sinteticas 51)% v 50% ~::0 (") _::t N 0 0 ~ . - ~~· . r.-· - - - - - - - - - - - - () Preferemcias outorgadas pela Guiana J ?references 591.000 59100000 LWJI.''"' "'· mesmo impregnadas, revestidas ou recobertas, de 100% plastico ou estratificadas com IoiEistit:o ou refor9C!das com metal ou com outras matertas. a industria textil - Textile fabrics, felt and felt-lined •wn'L~An fabrics, coated, covered or laminated with rubber, leather or. 591110 59111010 mat.erial, of a kind used for card 100% clothing, and .similar fabrics of a kind used for other technical purposes, bt,nr.., made of 50% - .... "' 50% ~:;o ("'} p:: 621120 62112000 50% 50% N 0 . 0 """' ex ex Preferimcias outorgadas pela Gurana I ....-l ::r:: rr1 c "T" 621600 630510 62160000 63051000 "r. n Sutias e "bl.istiersn (nsoutiens" de c6s Luvas, mitenes e semelhantes. De juta ou de outras iibras texteis liberianas da posigao >r - 63053300 > N Of jute or of other textile bast fibres tT" ......, 50% rr ..-- 53.03 630533.· c; 50% rtT1 p Outros, obtidos a partir de laminas ou formas de palietileno ou C) 50% C/) c::: ~ r"" tT1 ~ \2-l '---' 640411 680510 680520 680530 64041100 68051000 68052000 68053000 basketball shoes, gym shoes, training Aplicados apenas sabre de materias textek. Aplicados apenas sabre papel oucartao Aplicados sabre outras materias shoes and the like On a base of woven textile fabric a base of paper or paperboard l:l:l 50% 50% ~ 50% 3:: >- :;>:1 () SO% :::: ___ N 0 0 +- 50.% ~-= ----------- -------··~- Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences n'""''nT"'11 -l :r: tTl .,o: ., n together, morethan 50 o/o of the 690210 50% 69021000 elements Mg, Ca or Cr, expressed as > r a)> N tTl ~ tTl ?m 0 > 100% 700521 r Cll ·c: "0 "0 r . 700529 100% 70052910 m ~ m z ..::!.. to bent, edge-worked, engraved, 700600 100% 70060001" but not framed or Titled with - z 3: )> 700711 100% 70071110 Curve 700721 700910 . 100% 70072110 70091000 , Espelhos retrovisores para veiculos or vessels: Rear-view mirrors for vehicles· 1-00% n "'· :r: t-.J 0 0 ..,. Preferemcias outorgadas pela Guiana I ,.,,..,,MTCIM by G 701110 701110 IPara lampadas ou tubas de 7011101.0 jdescarga, incluidos os de "flash" Para lampadas de 70111020 incandescencia 100% -l :r: tTl - For electric lighting ..,.., 0 100% n :; l" 0 100% > N tTl -l -l tTl Glass inners for vacuum flasks or tor '? t:1 Cl 100% ?: Vl .,., r c other vacuum vessels : De vidro com ·Um coeficiente 701332 70133200 tT1 s::tT1 z .2 - Of glass having a linear coefficient de dilatayao linear nao superior of expansion not exceeding 5 x 1 0-6 a 5 x 10 6 por Kelvin. entre QAC per Kelvin within a temperature range of 0 50% to oc to 300 oc " 3: > :::0 .n 720430 72043000 Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel ( _:r: 100% N 0 0 ~ ~--------------------- Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences n·,r:::~n·t.,.n Residues do tomo e da fresa, -l aparas, lascas ("meulures"), po 720441 72044100 serra, limalhas e ::t sawdust, filings, trimmings and 100% m 0 'Tj •'Tj n > t""' 0 720711 the width measuring 720711'00 1000.k > N m :l .m 100% '? tr1 Cl ~ (J) 100% .., ""t'"' .c::: 'tr1 l 25% 721510 72151000 1han cold-formea or cold- 100% ttl ~ ~ 100°k 721550 or cold-finished : 721610 72161000 Perfis em U. I ou H, laminados, estirados au extrudados, a quente, de altura inferior a .80 ~ . JX: N 0 0 "'" 100% mm \0 Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I ?references n,...,onT.e>l"t -l ::I: t11 0 ..., ..., 721640 721650 72164000 n Perfis em L ou T, simplesmente laminados, estirados ou extrudados, a quente, de altura igual ou aBO mm :; hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, ofa height of 80 mm or 100% r CJ > N tTl Other angles, shapes and sections, further worked than hot-rolled, hoi 72165000 -l -l tTl 100% t= tT1 0 ~ 15% C/) Ea ..., t""" tT1 100% z~ ..:::!.. to 100% 100% - "' -; Fio rnaquina de a~os 722100 ~ irregularly .·jOO% 72210000 :::0 n ~::I: N 0 0 ""'" 722220 72222000 Ban·as simplesmente obtidas ou completamente acabadas a I I . · ·1"tJO% cold-formed or cold-iinished : = = - - - - - - - - - - /~: ~-- () Preferemcias outorgadas pela Guiana J -l ::t tTl 0 --> 'Tl 'Tl ( ") t""'· a > N tTl 722820 72282000 .. 100% •::i 1""'04, int'· '? tTl ...-...._~utJ tTl 0 > ~!""' '"' Other bars and rods, not further 722830 722840 72283000 worked than hot-rolled., hot-d!C'1wn or 72284000 extruded: - Other bars and rods, not further worked than - Other bars and rods, not further 100% obtidas ou completamente worked than cold-fonned or cold- 100% acabadas ·a frio finished: Outras barras, simplesmente 722850 C/) 722B5000 100%· -~ ...,. t"" .m .€ij ! J tJj ..... ~ ~ 100% > :;.J· (") p:: N 0 0 .;. 730431 73043100 1.00% Preferemcias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences ~,....,,,.,T,,.., 730441 -l :t tTl' 730451 100%. 730:45100 0 'Tj 'Tj B > r 0 100% > N tTl 100% ~ tTl '? tT1 Cl ;l> r [/J 100% c: -c -c r tT1 3:: tT1 z ..:::!.. t:C 730620 73062000 tipos utllizados oleodutos au Tubas para revestimento de , de suctimento ou produ9ao, dos tipos utilizados na extragao de petr61eo ou de 100% 100% ~ 3:: > :::0 (") 730630 73063000 730640 73064000 '-.\ Outros, soldados, de seyao circular, ~e ferro oo de ac;os nao Outros, soldados, de se9<3o circular de -l _:'!: 100% 100% N 0 0 ..,. ('~ ------'---. ___ _ / --- Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I . Preferences n~r,t.:on 100% 100% 100% 100% ~eclutentt:::s para gases comprimidos ou liquefeitos, rle fundido ferro ou 731100 731300 73130010 100% of iron or steel : wire of iron or steel; twisted or single flat wire, barbed or not, and loosely twisted double wire, of a of iron or steel 25% Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences ..,,...,..,._", Barbed wire of iron or steel; twisted Outros 731300 hoop or single flat wire, barbed or not, 130090 25% tTl and looseiy twisted double wire, of a 0 of iron or steel "T'j "T'j n > Grades e redes, soldadas nos l' a > N pontos de interser;ao, de nos 731420 . 73142000 com, pelo menos, 3 mm na maior dimensab do corte transversal ...., :r: cross-sectional dimension 25% tTl ...., ...., tTl e com malhas de Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples (other than those of 731700 heading No 8305) and similar articles, 73170000 of iron or steel, whether or not with 100% heads of other material, but excluding articles with heads of ~~'"'"''~r 731815 73181500 731821 73182100 Arruelas (anilhas*) de e outras arruelas de 100% I to ;;)- -------~-- ' Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences "'r!:O'n+"'.,.; 100% -:l :I: t'I1 0 'Tl 'Tl (5 ;; r 1000k Cl > N t'I1 ~ t'I1 820130 100% '? trl Cl > r CZl 820140 82014000 100% ~ shears, two-handed pruning 820160 820310 82015000 82031000 i 100% and similar two-handed shears Files, rasps and similar tools c: 'tl ·ill .trJ 100% I O:l - .... ~ 820320 100% ~ ~ .::r: 50% 821210 82121000 50% N 0 0 "'" Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences n,...,, ...t,.n 821220 50% 82122000 -l ::r:: tTl 0 --> >Tj >Tj ( ") 100% l' C) > N tTl -l -l tTl guamiCf5es, ferragens 830230 '? tT1 83023000 100% Cl F: C/:l 831000 83100000 automoveis indicadoras, placas placas encerectos e placas · semelhantes, numer.os, tetras e sinais diversos, de metais comuns, exceto os da posi~o 94.05. 840211 84021.2 840219 840220 84021100 84021200 84021900 Caldeiras aquatubulares com procu9ao de vapor superior a 45t hora Caldeiras aquatubulares com produc;§o de vapor de ate -45 t . or hora Outras caldeiras para produgao de vapor, incluidas as caldeiras mistas ..,rsa tT1 ~ z .=.. and similar plates, numbers, letters and other symbols, of base 50% to metal, excluding those of heading No 9405 - Watertube boilers with a steam 100% r ~ Watertube boUers with a steam production not exceeding 45 tonnes hour .., ~ ~ > :;.::l .1f)0% (") F= N 0 0 ~ 100% boilers: 84022000 100% .- 4-..._ ----------~- - - - - - - - - - - -. Preferemcias outorgadas pela Guiana l Preferences nr<lll'rtCII'"I 840733 · 84073300 _De superior~- 250 cm3; mas nao superior_a '1.000 cm3 ·50%. 1.00% Preferemcias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences nr:llntc:•rl 0 0 100% -l :r: tTl 0 'T] 'T] n 841630 841720 84163000 84172000 Fomalhas automaticas, incluldas as antefomalhas, grelhas mecanicas, descarregadores mecanicos de cinzas e dispositivos semelhantes Fames de padaria, pastelaria au para a industria de bolachas I Cotnbinac;oes de 841810 84181000 ;; t""' 0 mechanical grates, mechanical ash 100% > N tTl -l -l tTl ?tT1 Cl 100% ~ --c ovens: Combined refrigerator-freezers,. refrigeradores e congeladores ("freezers"), munidos de portas exteriores F: C/l r- tT1 100% ~ z ..::::!.. co 841861 84186100 Grupos de compressao cujo condensador seja constituido ' or um trocadnr (permutaclor) calor 100% - v· ~ > :;o 841950 841981 84195000 84198100 T rocadores (permutadores} de calor Para preparac;ao de bebidas quentes au para cozimento au de alimentos () 100% ::c N 0 0 - For making hot drinks or for ~ 100% ·~ ---------- . -~-----------------~~---------------- ,. - - - - (1 Preferencias outorgadas peja Guiana I Preferences ,.,,.,,nT"'"" .....J ::r: tTl 842123 84212300 0 minerais nos motores de igni98o por centelha (fais'?8) ou por "Tj "Tj 15+H24% n > t""' a > N tTl 50% :ltTl '? tl1 ~ VJ c:: 100% """" r tl1 ~ 3. para pessoas, 84231D 84231010 842310 J\.4231020 100% as balanc;as par.a tJj para usc domestico 100% ...... ·!'1 842320 84232000 100'Yo ~ p; p:: 842330 84233000 842381 84238100 1UO% ensacado~s ou N 0 0 ~ - HaVing a maximum weighlf1l:l. not 30 ·.00% ...... 0 - Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences ,,..,,.,+_.,,,~ 0 N ...., 84239000 842390 baianc;:as; partes de aparelhos 100% ou instrumentos de Maquinas e aparelhds de jato 84243000 842430 de areia, de jato de VC!POr e .• ::r: tT:I ·a 'Tj --> 'Tj (l 100% l' 0 > N tT:I ~ ~ Cl 100% ~ rJl ~ "C r l:t1 100% ~ 3, I 1:0 100% :!1 100% ~ ~ ;t N 0 0 100% -\. "'" -----------------~' ......;,1, ..... ·- Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences · 843230 84323000 ...., ::t trl S43240 100% 84324000 0 -> 'T:I .'T:I ("') t""' a > N 10D% trl ...., ...., .trl ·r:: tTl Cl ~ 843320. rz, 100% 84332000 .,~r tTl- 843330 ~z 100% -84333000 ..::::!. to - Straw or foclder baiers, including · 100% 843340 100% 100% para limpar ou 843360 84336010 '843360 84336020 100% for cleaning, sortn 19 or eggs, fruit or other agricultural 100% - - "'-; Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences nr.:o,nu:.,., _, :r: tTl 0 ..., ..., 84361{) 100% 84361000 anima is Maquinas e aparelhos para as 843810 843820 84381000 84382000 84384000 )> r 0 )> N indl!strias de panifica981.., 100% pastelaria, bolachas e _,_, tTl tTl r=m e de massas alimenticlas Maquinase para as industrias de confeitaria e de 0 r :> 100% .,.,c r 100% :::: m cocoa or chocolate 843840 n para a C/l m z ..:::::.. 843801.1 84385000 100% ttl 843860 100% 84386000 100% - ::_ 3:: )> :A' Maquinas e aparelhos para .843930 843991 84393000 .84399100 1d0% acabamento de ou cartao De maquinas ou aparelhos para fablie898o de pasta de materias fibrosas celuJ6sicas n :r: N 0 0 100% """ --------- - - - ~----- Preferencias ouiorgadas pela Guiana 1 Preferences nr<:rn+~.r~ 844120 84412000 - 84418000 Maquinas para fabrica;ao de sacos de quaisquer dimensoes ou de -Outras maquinas e aparelhos ...., ::r: tT1 .,., 0 n :; r:a;t> N tT1 ...., ...., tT1 100% '? m Cl > r-r/l ·c -, "'mr-~ z 100% 100% 100% 845210 ..::::.. Ill -3: ~ -< ;t> :;>::l Sewing machine needles : 100% n p:: N 0 0 FurnitUre, bases and covers for 845240 845290 84524000 84529000 100% machines and ~-Other parts of sewing machines costura """ 100% 0 Vl Preferimcias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences nr:•rn::•n 0 0'1 100%" and hammers : 100% 100% 100% .100% ' 10Q% Maquinas de escrever 846920 84692000 automaticas 1 Outras maquinas de escrever, ieletricas 100% Other typewriters, electric 100%. l __ .1. ~-------- (; Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences n""•n+.:•rl ~ ::c: tii 0 > "Tj ."Tj operation without an external source 847010 84701000 ( ") t""' ofelectric power and pocket..:siZe data C) > .N recordk1g, reproducing and displaying tr:l ~ tT:l '? trl Cl ~ r:F.J :a;s trl ~ ..:::!.. o:l Maquinas automaticas para processamento de dados, ou hibridas Maquinas automaticas digitais 847110 100% ~ 847130 84713000 than 10 kg, consisting of~ •~·~~t a central processing unit, a keyboard !00% ·.~ -~ ;c N 0 0 .;>. and a """"'"',., 0 -..l - ---- PrererencJas outorgacas pela Guiana I Preferences """'ll"'t""" ~-"-~-~ ..... 0 00 ~~~~?f:~~ Contendo no mesmo corpo, -- Comprising in the same housing at pelo menos, uma unidade 847141 84714100 central de processarnento e, mesmo combinadas, uma ....., least a central processing unit and an 100% 0 input and output unit, whether or not '"rl '"rl unidade de entrada e uma 847149 847160 84714900 84716000 unidade de saida Outras, apresentadas sob a de sistemas Unidades de entrada ou de podendo canter, no corpo, unidades de combined: -- Other, presented in the form .of ::c til n > t""" 10U'1c Cl ~ til ....., ....., 100% tT1 t= tTl 0 F: V"J !00% c: >-c >-c r tTl ~z ....; c:; or for inserting mail in envelopes or 847230 84723000 bands, machines for opening, closing 100% sealing mail and machines for ,. <" ·>: ~ 847321 84732100 uinas da Das calculadoras eletrOnicas das subposic;oes 8470.10, 8470.21 ou 8470.29 100% \ ::r: N 0 0 100% +'-" --------------------· ~· Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences nr.:>,nt<=•n 847330 847340 -l 84734000 100% ::c tr1 0 'Tl 'Tl 847431 . 100% 847431.00 10.0% (=) > r Cl > N tr1 ·~ 100% tr1 t= m Cl > r 100% C/J c:: ..., t!2 m z~ 848220 100% .::. til 100% 100% -., 100% > ::0 <r. ~ ("') p:: N 0 0 ""'" 848310 84831000 pnctuidas as arvores-cle excentricos (cames) e virabrequins (cambotas)] ·e manivelas 100% shafts and cranks~ 0 \0 Preierencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences ,.,...,,,..,+..,.n 0 848330 100% 84833000 -l ::r:: 848360 100% 84836000 tT1 o. 'Tl 'Tl ->n r combined with other material 848410 100% of metal Juntas de vedayao, 848420 100% 0 > N tT1 -l -l tT1 '? trl Cl 850132 3501.3200 8501.33 85013300 850134 850161 850162 850163 850164 De potencia nao superior a 750W De potencia Sllperior a 750 mas nao a75k.W De potencia superior.a 75 100% ··, ~ "" r an output exceeding 750 W but 75kW: 100% 100% masnao a375kW De potencia superior a.375 85013400 . kW De potencia nao superior a 85016100 75kVA De potencia superior a 75 "85016200 kVAmas nao superior a 375 kVA De potencia superior a 375 · 85016300 kVA mas nao superior a 750 kVA De potencia superior a 750 .85016400 kVA -~ en 375 kW: - Of an output exceeding 375 kW : 1OOo/o . --_Of an output not exceeding 75 kVA 100% not - Ofan output exceeding 75 kVA but 100% ~ fi1 .::!.. .z 1::0 ~ 10 ("'. ;r "c 100% 750 kVA: 100% 0 -1'- ,.-., ---- Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana 1 Preferences "''""''",."''~'"~ -l 850212 85021200. ::r:: tTl De potemcia superior a 75 mas nao superior a 375 100% 0 -·F: ·~ () 850213' 85021300 Cl Generating sets. > spark-ignition 'N .tTl 850220 100% 85022000 ~ tTl '? ti1 -0 F: •Cfl ~ r:-' ti1 850300 85030000 850410 85041000 850421 .85042100 850422 85042200 850423 85042300 850431 85043100 reconheciveis ·como exclusiva ou principahnente destinadas :as maquinas. daS e85.02. Reatores (balastros*) para lampadas ou tubos de ~ z ..:::!.. ly with the machines of c:; No 8501 or 8502 : 100% 100% ·De potencia superior ·a 650 kVA mas nao superior a 10.000 kVA. De paten cia superior a 0.000 kVA De potencia nao.superior a 1 kVA ....., . ... -···~ i"l 100% 100% tOO% () .::r:: N 0 0 ""'" Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences De palimcia supeliar a 1 kV A 850432 850433 I 100% 85043200 85043300 mas nao a 16 kVA De porencia superior a 16 I<VA mas nao superior a 500 trl 0 100% 85043400 De potencia superior a 500 kVA Outras --> 'Tj 'Tj (") kVA 850434. -l ::r: de reatancia e t""" 100% 0 100% trl > N -l -l trl '? trl 0 ~ en ~ ..., clutches 850520 85052000 variadores de velocidade e 100% r trl ~z ..:::!. 100% I to .... "' ~:;tl (") ~::r: 50% N 0 0 ~ 50% ...;_·· ......-._ _L___ Preferimcias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences 851120 85112000 50% 851130 85113000 50% 851140 85114000 50% 50% 851210 851220 851230 851240 Aparelhos de iluminal!f8o ou 85121000 - de sinaliza~o visual dos tipos .ern bicicletas Outros aparelhos de 85122000 ilurriinac;ao ou de sinalizac;ao visual Aparelhos de sinalizar;So 85123000 ac(Jstica Limpadores de m3ra bnsas, s5124ooo degeladores e or visual signalling 50% - ~ 50% ')Qo/o 3:: > ~ p:: N 0 0 ..,. 50% w .Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana J Preferences ,....,..,,nt,.rl •-' ::i tr 0 .'"!j '"-r: (=: ____ > r c. ['.. -----.· .;!>- ·rr: Electric instantaneous or storage heaters and immersion heaters -: ->~ 2 ,,_ ?= !'.C. 0 p. 85171.1 1 851711 QQ I, ~- -~------~- Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences nr::lrnt,::•rl 851750 85175000 systems or fur digital line systems 100% 100% 50% 50% 50% 50% ...... .!'j 50% ~ -~ n .::c: N 0 0 .j:::. 852520 85252000 50% VI Preferencias outorgadas pel a Guiana I Preferences n~,;:,,nt.:•rt -l ::t:: 852610 852691 tT1 --Radio navigational aid apparatus: 852S9100 0 100% -> 'Ti 'Ti ( ') 852692 85269200 Aparelhos de Radio remote control apparatus : 100% t""" 0 852721 8527.31 85272100 85273100 Combinadas com aparelho de grava~o ou .de repmdw;ao desom > - Combined with sound recording or 50% ~ -l -l tT1 ~ Combinadas com aparelho de gravac;ao ou de reprodu~o desom 50% ~ Vl ~ t"' ~· <>:: 50% Aerials and aerial reflectors of all 852910 85291000 kinds; parts suitable ior use therewith ..::!... IX:1 50% ..... ~ 100% ~~ .....0 t'J ~ l: 853110 85311000 100% --------- ,--._......... - ---- Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences nr::llnt,.rl 100% """l :I: ti1 0 -> 'Tl 'Tl ( ') 853210 85321000 Condensadores fixos concebidos para .linhas eletricas de 50/60 Hz e capazes de absorver uma potencia reativa igual ou a 0,5 kvar ores de t""' a 100% ~ ti1 ~ ti1 '? tr1 0 ?=: Cll -~t"" tr1 8~3 85322300 100% uma s6 camada Com dieletrico de ceramica., 853224 l .I 85322400 tOO% de camadas Com dietetrico de papel ou 100% t:O ~ (pre-set) 100% -~ ~ _::t 100% N 0 0 ~ - ...:a Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences nr::1nt,:•rl 00 j- -For a voltage not exceeding 60 V : -l ::r: tTl ..,.., 0 50% -- 50% ;!> N tTl -l -l tTl ("') ;!> t""' Cl '? m 0 ~ 50% en sa., r m ~ z ..::::!.. tD 854012 85401200 Em preto e branco ou outros monocromos T ubos para cameras de - -.Black and white or other monochrome .Television camera tubes; image 100% v ~ ;!> 854020 85402000 televisao; tubas conversores ou intensifitadores de imagens; outros tubas de fotocatodo ;:o converters and intensifiers; other 100% ("') ::r: N 0 0 .+:>. - Preferenc1as outorgadas .pela Guiana I Prererences .Com capacidade de ·inferior a 1 W 854130 85413000 854140 854140.00 854150 85415000 854212 854213 85421300 854214 85421400 semicondutores, ·incluidas as. celulas.fotovoltaicas, mesmo montadas em m6dulos ou em ,...,..,,;.,.,.,,;,... diodes emissores de n~1nt••rl ~ --·· ------ Pref.erimcias outorgadas pela Guiana J Preferences 854219 85421900 by a combination of bipolar and MOS N 0 100% -l :r: tTl 0 "Tj "Tj 854230 100% 85423000 100% n > l' 0 > N tTl -l -l tTl '? tr1 Cl 100% ;.. rU'J ~ '"C r- m filz .:::. 854330 100% 85433000 0'.1 100% 854381 ..... ·~ .... ~ > ::0 n .:r: Com pe~ de conexao 854430 85443010 854430 85443090 100% Outros 100% N 0 0 .f;>. -~- ---------~------- _...._..,._\, Prefen3ncias outorgadas pela Guiana I -1 ::r:: tTi 0 -'Tj 'Tj (j :> 'I:""" 100% Cl > N tTi em 100% ::j tTi ?tT1 0 ~ rn c:: """" r tT1 z~ ·..::!.. 100% .b:i 100% 50% 870410 870600 50% 87060000 rodovias Chassis com motor para os veiculos automoveis das 87.01 a 87_05. fitted with engines, f~·'tbe · vehicles of heading Nes 8701 50% 8705: ..... N ..... Rrefer§ncias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences ,.,,.,,n+c•n ~ tT1 0 ->n >Tj >Tj t"" 50% Eixos de transmissao com 870850 87085000 870860 87086000 870870 87087000 870880. 87088000 diferencial, mesmo provides de transmission Non-driving axles and parts .thereof : acess6rios Amortecedores de suspensao. Road wheels and.parts and accessories thereof: Suspension shock-absorbers : > N ~ Drive-axles with differential, whether or not provided with other 0 -l 50% tT1 ,....., t"" m 0 ?= 50% "r:/) ~ ;g m 50% g;j z ...., ......... 50% co 870892 87089200 Silenciosos e tubos de 50% 50% ~ ~ ::0 (") 871120 87112000 a 50 cm3 mas nao a25Dcm3 With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine "Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cm3 250 cm3: · but not ;r: 50% N 0 0 ~ Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences n~1nt.,•n 871130 871200 87113000 With reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity .exceeding 250 crn3 500cm3·: but not .Bicycles and other cycles (including 50% tT1 0 '"rj ~ 50% 87120000 ...., .::t not motorized : - _(") ·> 1:""' Cl parts >-N 100% tT1 ~ tT1 '? [11 0 100% ~ r/) . ::a .., t"'· ~- 100% 2. I 900110 90011000 100% 900120 .90012000 100% 900911 90091100 - Operating by reproducing the image directly onto the copy 100% tJ:j ~ ~'·:::0 (") ·p:: 900912 90091200 N 0 0 ~ ....N w Preferencias outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences ~,,.·rt.::•rl -l ::r:: tTl 100% 0 "T'l "T']' (3 ;; r 100% 0 :> N tTl -l -l tTl 100% t= m Cl )> rCI'J c"C "C r- m 100% s: m z ..::::. c:l 902610 902620 90261000 90262000 100% or level of - F_or measuring or checking pressure - Other instruments or apparatus : ~ 100%' ~ :> ;Al 100% (") _::r:: N 0 0 ~ 100% 902720 90272000 ··--.. 1{)0%. ( .Preferemcias outorgadas pela Guiana 1 ~\ j .-l :902730 100% 90273000 ::r: tT:I 0 "Tj "Tj 902740 ·iOO% · 90274000 Cl > N Other instruments and apparatus 902750 90275000 902780 90278000 using optical radiations (UV, visible, n > r 100% tT:I ·~ tT:I '? tT1 :100% 100% Cl ~ \FJ c::~ .,r tT1 ·~ .::!.. 1:0 902910 100% 90291000 - ~ ~ > :::0 and the like : 902920 100% n _::r: N 0 0 ~ j lnstrumentos e aparelhos 903010 90301000 !para medida ou · 903020 90302000 dete~o de 100% ionizantes 100% N Vl Preferencias outorgadas pel a Guiana I N 0\ -l ::c: Other instruments and apparatus, tT'l 0 specially designed for concebidos para 903040 90304000 telecomunicac;fao (por ·exernplo: "diafonometros", medidores de ganho, "distorciometros•, telecommunications {for example·, "Tj "Tj n 100% meters, gain measuring ;; l' Cl > N tT'l -l -l tT'l 90308300 100% '? tT1 Cl :> r (Jl ~ "tl r tT1 z~ ..:::!.. 903141 90314100 Para centrale de discos {"wafers") ou de dispositivos semicondutores ou para controle de mascaras ou utilizadas na 1:0 1Q00,k or reticles used in ~ semiconductor devices :::0 n p:: 100% I'- c 0 ..... 100% _..( ----- ' ~------- ~----- r- Preferencias -Outorgadas pela Guiana I Preferences n=•nt~~n 903300 90330000 '100% machines, appliances, instruments 940120 so%· -94012000 pintar, caiar, envemizar ou 960340 :96034000 semelhantes (exceto os pinceis 50% da subposi9fio 9603.30); -"' _, 961310 96t31000 50% 961380 96138000 se% 96170010 50% recioientes isoterrnicos ~ ;c N 0 0 and other vacuum 961700 ~ ""' THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE [LEGAL SUPPLEMENT] - 128 1' 1 MAKLH, ..:;UU4 B .. \N;\E.'-:· L J',\iiTI,\L ~COI'E :·\Giti-:EJ\li·:N'i' ili·:TWJ·:I·:i'\ Tlif: j;j.;JH:It~TiYE ltEJ'\IJIJ.if' hF lllt..\'/,11 . 1\NU ·J'ill~ COOI'EitATi\'t IU::I•l'IIJ.JC.IJF t:t'\ ,\~:\ RULES OF ORIGIN Article 1. The following shall be considered originating goods of the Parties: a. Goods wholly obtained or produced· entirely in the territories of the Parties, as follows: I. Materials or products from the mineral, plant and animal kihgdom (including those derived from hunting and fishing) which are extracted, harvested or collected, born in their territories or in their territorial or patrimonial waters, or their exclusive economic zones; II. Materials and products extracted from the sea outside of their territorial or patrimonial waters and exciU!:jiVe economic zones by national flag vessels that are legally registered or leased by enterprises established in tlleir territories. b. Goods _ptodu~ecl in the territories of the Parties, using exclusively materials origiliatlng Iii their territories; c. Goods produced by using materials originated in third countries provided that these materials have undergone sufficient worki119 or processing in the territories of the Parties thereby confering a new Individuality to the product, cllaraclerized by a change In the tariff head In~. Such goods shall not be considered originating of the Parties when these operatloils or processes that use exclusively non-originating materials consist only of assemblies, division in iots of Volumes, selection, classification, beating, coJ11posltlot1 of assqtted goods or other ~imllar operatlot1s or processes. Goods tl1at resuits frorn operations of assemblies cotidlicted in tile territories of the Parties· using originating and non-originating materials shaH be considered otiglilatirig, Whenever the CIF port of destination or tile CIF maritime poti of ·,,onorlgim:itini;l r1iElterials does 11ot exceed 50 per cent of the FOB value of the goods. d. In tile case of the requirem;ents are not aocornplished or are not surricienl td QUalify origin as of the ptovisions of tli.e letter c. above, goods produced by ush1g origim~tinfJ and t'lon-origir1ating materials shall be colisidered originating in the Paliies provided that the CIF port of destination or the CIF niaritirne port or non6rlgin·attng hlaterials does not exceed 50 per cent of tl1e FOB value of the goods. . ' Artie Ia 2; The Parties may establish; by i11utLial agreement, speclric l'equireti'tetlls related to origin. These requlretr1ei1ts shall prevail over. the general criteria established ih the fote£Joing article. · Article, 3. Td define the sr:>ecific requirements referred to in Article 2 or to review tl1ose already established, the Parties sliall take info account, Individually or co1:nbil1ed; ~mohg others the following elemeH1ts: I ST MARCH, 2004 • THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE (LEGAL SuPPLEMENT) - B . Zi I \ 129 a. Materials used in the production: I. Raw materiais: I. Preponderant raw material or that confers to the product its essential characteristic; and · 11. Main raw materials; II. l='arts or pieces: I. Part or piece that confers to the product its essential characteristic; II. Main parts or pieces; and Ill. Percentage of the parts or pieces in relation to the total weight. b; Ally I< hid of Working or processing of goods. c. Regional value content Any of the Parties may request the revision of the requirements established in Article 1. For this reason, the Party shall substantiate Its request to the other Party and provide the n~w reqt~irements to the product or products in question. Article 4. For purposes of determining whether a good is an originating good, tile production of the good In the territory of one or both of the Parties by one or mote producers shall be considered to have been performed in the territory of any of the Parties by that expqrter ot producer, provided that the good satisfies the provisions of this Annex. · Article 5. To receive tariff preferences, the goods which are part of this Agreemet1t must be sent directly from the exporting to the importing Party and be accompanied by a corresponding Certificate of Origin. to such aim, direct expeditioi1 shall be considered: · a. Goods that are transported whithout passing by participant of this Agreenieht; a territory of a country non- b. Goods In transit transported by one or more countries non~participant ot this Agreement under, the monitoring of a cornpetent customs· authority, with or without trarJsshipment or tempor~uy storagei whenever: I. The transit is justified for geographic reasons. or considerations relative to transport requirements; II. Were not commercialized or use In the country of transit; Ill. Do not undergo. during the transport or the deposit of the good, any operation different from ,t11ose of loading and unloading or manipulation; THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE [LEGAL SUPPLEMENT] - 130 B 1ST MARCH, 2004 lv. The unloading or manipulation are conducted ·So as to maintain gootls in good conditions or assure their proper conservation. The intervention of third party operator shall be allowed wheilever they comply with the provisions established in items a, and. b. of this Article and providing lhat goods are accompanied both by the commercial invoice· issued by tile Intervening party and the corresponding Certificate of Origin. I Article 6; The certificates of Origin shall be issued only by Government authorities of the Parties. This charge may be delegated to other public entities or private organizations, acting in 11ational or provincial jurisdiction, herein referred to as "officially authotized entitles''. A Governmental authority df each Party shall be responsible for the verirlcalio11 and control of the Issuance of Certificates of Origin herein, Article 7. The Parties shall communicate to each other both their corresponding Government authority and the name of their officially authorized entitles qualified to Issue Certificates of Origin, ·With the register and facsimile of the signatures of the employees accredited to such airn. i Article 8. The Certificate of Origin is tlie document wlllch confirms the origin of the goods. Such certificate shall satisfy the following requirements: a. To be issued by Government authority or officially authorized entity; b. To Identify the goods to Which It refets to; c. To indicate unequivocally that the good to which It refers to is original of the · Party, In accordance with the provisions of this Annex. Article 9~ The request for the Certificate of Origin shall be preceded l.Jy a sworn declarat1o11, or another legal Instrument of equivalent effect, subscribed by the final producet, where is to be indicated the characteristics and components of Um product, the processes for its production and contain, at least, the following requlretnents: a. Company or trade name; b. Legal and Industrial plant address; c. Denomlnatloi1 of the exporting material and tariff /headings expressed In NALADIIHS; d. f=OB value; 9. Desctiption of the process of productlot1; f. Demonstrative elements of the components I of the product indicating: THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE [LEGAL SUPPLEMENT] - ' l ST MARCH, 2004 B I. Material, cornponent and/or national parts and pieces. . II. Material; component and/or parts and original pieces of the other Party: . - tariff headings expressed in NALADI/HS; - CIF value In North American dollarsi - Percehtage of participation h1 the final item. Iii. Material, component· and/or parts and original pieces of non-originating goods: · - tariffheadings expressed .in NALADI/HS; - CIF value In North American dollars; - Percehtage of participation lnthe final item. .j The description of goods in this declaration or instrument of equivalent effect shall coincide both with the description established in the NALADI/HS and l11e commercial invoice as well as In the Certificate of Origin. In the case of goods that are exported regularly, and whenaver the components, pl-ocess and materials were not altered, the same declaration shall be valid for one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of its Issuance and be used ror . the lssuahce of Certificates of briglrtdurlng that period. Article 10. The Certificates of Origin shall be issued in both Portuguese and En91ish, and be flied for a period of 2 (two) years as of the date of Issuance and follow a cotrelative nUmber of order. The officially authorized entities of the Parties shall maintain a permanent tegister of all Certificates of Origin issued. This register shall contain, at least, the number of the Certificates, Its petitioner and date of its Issuance. The Certificates of Origin shall be valid for 180 (one hundred eighty) days and be lss·tJed exclusively in the appended form; This period may be delayed exclusively during the term that the good is subjected to some tegime of Import suspension which does not permit ahy modification in the good In question. Should all tlie fields of the Certificates of Origin be not properly completed, they shall not be valid. Article 11. In the case of doubts about the veracity of the information and authenticity of, the Certificate of Qrlgih, the Government authotitfes of the ·Importing party may request for the Governmental authority In charge of the verification and control of Certificates of Origin of the other Party, additional Information to clarify the matter. · 131 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE [L!OGAL SUPPLEfviENT] - 132 8 1ST MARCH, 2004 These measures shall not detain the importing procedures of the goods in question. Meanwhile; the Parties may adopt any measures whJch they consider necessary so as to tJUatantee their fiscal interest. AttlciEi 12. The Governmental authority in charge of the verification and control of Certificates of Origin shall provide information referred to in Article 11 not later than 60 (sixty} Working days froin the date of reception of the corresponding communication. The Information shall be confidential and used exclusively to clarify such mattets; Article 13. Whenever the information provided is considered unsatisfactory, the authorities of the importing Party may suspend new operations relative to the goods, companies or operations with the Involved certifying organizations, including those which are in course or under customs clearance. In this case, the authorities of the importing Party shall put forward the issue lo the Admllllstratlve Cornmlssion, referred to in Article 20 of this Agreement. Article 14. To verify if a good is original, the Parties may, through the competent authorities of the other Party: tl. Submit direct wrltteri questionnaires to the exporter or producers, b. Request that this authority takes the appropriate measures so as to facilitate visits of verification to the exporter or producer plants, with the purpose of examining the productive processes, the facilities used In the productior1, as well as ariy other actions that may contribute to the verification of the origin of lhe goods In qUestion. c. Carry out other procedures that the Parties may decide. The Parties agree to facilitate reciprocal external audits. Article 15. For lhe purpose of this Anr1e~: "i'naterlals" means a good, taw materials; it1terrnediate products, parts or pieces used the production of anothet good; W "NALADI/HS" means the Nomenclature of the Latin American Association of Integration (ALAbl}i ;'non-originating good or non-originating material" mealls does hot qualify as originating Under this Annex; a good or material tlmt "ptoducer" means a person who grows, mines, harvests, fishes, traps, hunts, tlianufacture~; processes or assembles a good;. ,'! .- '133'' .f "prqd~qUon!' m~~!l~·::_g[owlng, .tnlnJrig,~:h~&~.$\lpg, ·.flstJlt1p!'.Jrapplns, tnmtlng, . .manvtact~rlng; prooea~lngco.r~~se,rni:JUm:g::a Q8oq;:···· ·· . . . . ,\' - '. . ~-- '· '' -~ .... '.~;\"':'-",.:-· :~ . ' . . "";,: .. ' .. .. ' .... ·''! Ji·· I ,,:'-.', . -~ .. -~ ·; i ,I• ~I ! . '. ,;... ·· ·: .. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE [LEGAL SUPPLEMENT] - 134 B l ST MARCH, 2004 APPSNblX CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN LATIN AMERiCAN iNTEGRAtiON ASSOCIATION (ALAVI) iMPORtiNG COUNtRY: EXPORTiNG COUNTRY: No. ur NALA:ot/HS CAlUCOMfllS Ord~•· RittJ DESCIUPTION OF Gbbi>s (lj . -I DECLARATlON OF ORIGIN WE llERtl:DY DECLARE thnt the goods htdlcnted In this fonu cortespoltds to the Cnntmercint Invoice hi·, •....... nut! nt·e In ni:cottlnnce ivlllt the Rules ofOtlglti pru\rldetl by the Agr-~elit~tH (i).... , •.•• ; ... ,, .. , ... thiil dte followhigl No. or RULES (3) Order .. . ,. Dnle! Trade name, seitl atid slgtiiitul'e bf the exporter or' tJt·bdutet·: . ODSEitV ATIONS: CE:KTIFICATE OF ORIGIN t ltERturv CERTIFY tltit veracity of this declaratloti, which on th~ t seal antl sign liJ the city of: foli!)wlng d11le: Nnme, !lelltdiid !llgnaiui·e or the Certifying eiilitr: Notes: (1) (2) (3) This column Indicates lhe order In which the goods lnciuded ii1 this certificate ate Individualized. In case of belntl insufficient, this Individualization ot goods shall be continued In additional unlts or this certtncale and shall be numbered act:ordhigly. Specify thai this Is a Paillal Scope Agreement and Indicate lis registered number. In this colurim shall be ldenllfled the rule. ol origin speclflerf In the Agreement With ~hlth each good, lndlvldul!illzed by Ita htJmber of t>rder, complies. This form canNot pte!!l"tll scrapings or Elmendn'tents.
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