Calendar of Events - West Salem High School


Calendar of Events - West Salem High School
April 2009
Volume 6/ Issue 6
Poetry Contest
The second annual West Salem Poetry Contest will be held April 7th
in the media center at 7:00 PM. Sponsored by the West Side Writers
and open to any West Salem students from grades 4 to 12, this contest
provides an opportunity for the students of the West Hills to compete with
one another and to read their poetry to a larger audience. There will be
refreshments, activities and awards as students come together to celebrate
the power of the written word.
Academic Booster Club Scholarships
West Salem High School Education Foundation Scholarships are due Monday April 15! The Academic
Booster Club is looking for individuals to help review scholarships and work on supplementing
classroom materials and equipment for next year. This year we have purchased a document
camera for the Math Department, supported the English Department with a seminar
with Peter Sears, financed bookshelves for Read 180, provided refreshments
for the Honor Roll Breakfast, supplies for the language classrooms,
assisted with the Lego Robotics Teams, and supported the student
directories. Come help us out as we plan for next year. We
will be meeting with the PTO on April 13 at 7:00 PM
in the Titan room.
Calendar of Events:
April 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Titan Pageant
April 6 . . . . . . . . Pre-District Choir Concert
April 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . Athletic Booster Club
April 7 . . . . . . . . . . . Poetry Contest Awards
April 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TAG Parent Mtg
April 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Junior Parent Night
April 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AAG/Senior Mtg
April 11. . . . . . . . . . Senior Parent Breakfast
April 13 . . . . . . . . . West Area Band Festival
April 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PTO Mtg
April 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grad Party Mtg
April 16 . . . . . . . . . . Regional Math Contest
April 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NHS Induction
April 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prom Assembly
April 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ed Foundation Mtg
April 23 . . . . . . . . . . . Solo/ensemble Recital
April 24 . . . . . . . . . . No School/Grading Day
April 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prom
April 28 . . . . . . . . . Academic Awards Night
April 30 . . . . . . . PreState All Music Concert
French Club News
French Club Potluck & Movie night
Thursday April 9 at 6:00 PM.
French Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
at Applebee’s Saturday April 11. For more
details, contact:
French Camp this summer! June 22 - 26 we
will be having a French Camp at West Salem
High School for students interested in exploring
French culture and language. There will be an
morning session and a afternoon session for
students in various levels: Middle School,
Upper Elementary and Lower Elementary.
Cost will be $65.00 per camper. Contact Mrs.
Beckstrom for registration details.
Parent Teacher Organization meeting Monday,
April 13 at 7:00 PM in the Titan room. Report
from the Site Council, West Administration and
Student Body Leadership. We will finalize
plans for this year’s Teacher Appreciation
Activity. To receive the PTO emails contact
Missy Page,
Message from the Principal:
West Salem High School Parents:
This year is flying by. I can’t believe we are in April already.
We are certainly proud of our students; the following is a brief
list of some student highlights:
• Science students won their regional competition and move
on to the National competition
• Our Mock Trial team took second place at state
• Our music department was a finalist for a Grammy
Signature School
• Our most successful season yet in wrestling
We recognized over 500 students that made the Honor Roll last
month, our largest group yet! Later this month we will induct
many students into the National Honor Society.
Please note the calendar of events in this newsletter. April is
a busy month. We encourage you to attend the appropriate
parent meetings.
We encourage parents to sign up for the In-Touch program that
allows them to access grades and attendance. About half of our
parents have already signed up for this program. We normally
like parents to come in to get their password. However, if you
are unable to come in to school to sign up for In-Touch, please
call your student’s counselor, they can help with the process.
Thank you for your continued support.
Ed John
Titan Band Booster Fundraiser
The Titan Bands are now selling SCRIP! Scrip means “substitute
money”. Scrip is regular debit gift cards and paper gift certificates for
specific stores, restaurants, and services that provide a discount to nonprofits for fundraising. Scrip is sold for a dollar to dollar exchange. The
Titan Bands will receive the store discount and profit! Scrip can be used
for local and national stores like Safeway, Fred Meyer, Macy’s, Borders,
Starbucks etc. Scrip can be used at any store location nationwide and
makes a great gift for out of town friends and family. The pick-up and
drop-off location for the order forms are at the school’s front office or the
green box in the band room. Make checks out to West Band Booster or
pay with cash. Orders are sent out to the SCRIP Center on Tuesdays and
delivered Thursday or Friday of the same week. Please make sure your
name, address, and phone number is listed on the form so your scrip
order can be delivered to you. Thanks in advance for participating!
Band News
Mid-Valley students performed March 7 at the Oregon Music
Educators District 4 Solo and Ensemble Festival at South
Salem High School. Students who won or placed in their
division have an opportunity to perform at the state solo
contest in May. Congratulations to the West students who
placed at Districts!
Jesse Wertz: first Alternate, Oboe; Anna Stipe: first
alternate, Bassoon; Joe Hurley: second place, Trumpet;
Brendan Pavelek: first alternate, Trumpet; Matthew
Hettwer: district winner, Trombone; Jordan Bayles, first
alternate, Trombone; Brandon Bran: first Alternate,
Orchestral Snare; Alauna Perry: first alternate, Mallet
Percussion; Brendon Seeley: District Winner, Multiple
Percussion; Ellie Folia: first alternate, Mezzo-Soprano
Voice; Jackie Lubbers: District Winner, Alto Voice;
Andrew Tennant: first alternate, Baritone Voice.
On Thursday, January 29, Salem-Keizer Public schools held
their annual All-City Honor Band tryouts at North Salem High
School. Students spend many hours preparing demanding
musical etudes, polishing their major and chromatic scales and
preparing themselves for sight-reading material. Students are
then selected based solely on their live audition to participate
in what is truly an outstanding honor band. Honor band
members spend many hours rehearsing together outside of
school hours culminating in a fantastic concert directed by a
distinguished guest conductor. This year’s All-City Concert
was held on Saturday, February 28 at North Salem High
School and featured all three honor groups; choir, orchestra
and band. Congratulations to these outstanding musicians who
participated in this year’s All-City Honor Band:
Flute 1: Megan Gorman 3rd Chair, Mary Simmons 4th Chair
Flute 2: Kelsey McKinnell 1st Chair, Kylie Phillips 3rd Chair,
Megan Vance 4th Chair
Flute Alternate: Anaisa Hernandez
Oboe Alternate: Michael Morgan
Clarinet 1: Josh Hettwer 2nd Chair
Clarinet 3: Caitlin Nichols 1st Chair, Michael Fifer 2nd Chair,
Sally Ann Moyer 5th Chair
Bass Clarinet: Dakota Robbins 2nd Chair
Tenor Sax: Logan Gilmore 2nd Chair
Horn 1: Larysa Pavelek 2nd Chair
Horn 4: Arryn Bess 2nd Chair
Horn Alternate:Rosalyn Whitby
Trumpet 1: Joe Hurley 1st Chair
Trumpet 2: Brenden Pavelek 3rd Chair
Trumpet 3: Aaron McIntosh 3rd Chair
Trombone 1: Matt Hettwer 1st Chair
Trombone 2: Imran Ahmad 2nd Chair
Trombone 3: Jordan Bayles 1st Chair
Euphonium: Eli Heidi 1st Chair, Dallin Deford 4th Chair
Tuba: Matt Garney 4th Chair
Tuba Alternate: Spencer Muller
Percussion: Brian Ringeisen 1st Chair, Brendon Seeley 2nd
Chair, Alana Perry 3rd Chair, Michael Litwin 4th Chair
Seniors, please turn in a copy of your college acceptance
letter and scholarship awards from the college you will attend
to Mrs. Singleton in the Career Center. Your acceptance
letters will be posted on the bulletin board outside the
Counseling and Career Center and your scholarship awards
noted in the Commencement Program. Last years’ graduating
class earned scholarship awards totaling over $2,600,000.
Our goal is to help you surpass this amount. Continue to
search scholarship websites and our local listings in the Career
Center. Our West website has many resources listed as does
our planning handbook “Take Charge of Your Life”.
Junior Parents are invited to attend our Junior Parent Night
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 at 7:00 in the Auditorium. Please
watch for your postcard invitation to this informative evening
geared specifically for Juniors and their parents.
Many seniors who will attend Chemeketa Community College
in the Fall will attend the Jumpstart Program on April 3. The
students spend the day sitting in on a class simulation, getting
admissions information, taking a campus tour and their
admissions placement test. Those seniors will leave the CCC
campus that day enrolled and ready to register for classes.
Sophomores in second semester economics are well on their
way to completion of their required job shadow project. This
is a valuable experience for students to learn what someone
in their chosen field of interest does in “real life”. THANK
YOU to our Salem business community for your continued
support of our students.
Students for Change
Students for Change will be sponsoring fund raisers throughout the
month of April to fund equipment and schools for Afghanistan. The
month begins with the staff uniting for Teach! Afghanistan day
on Monday April 6th. It will conclude with assemblies sponsored
by Students for Change. The goal of the week is for the students
of West to have an appreciation and awareness of Afghanistan as
they work together to bring opportunities for education to this
If you would like to donate or
buy a t-shirt, please contact
Mari Stebner or Pattie Sloan
at the high school.
Counseling and Career
Center Corner
Math League Results
The fifth Math League Meet of the year took place on February 24th. Math
League contests involve trying to solve six problems in 30 minutes. The
contest problems are designed to be accessible to a wide range of math
abilities and to challenge all students. Thanks to all the students who took
part in this meet. Congratulations for the top scoring students for this
meet: Derrick Kuenzi (5), Phillip Beardsley-Schoomaker (4), Patrick
DeJarnatt (4), Nicole Green (4), Malia Kawamura (4), Krystle Miller
(4), Sally Ann Moyer (4), and Devin Shryock (4).
The last meet took place on March 17th. Results for this meet will appear
in the next newsletter.
Calculus League Results
There are four Calculus League Meets throughout the year. Each contest
is composed of eight problems similar to Advanced Placement Calculus
problems. Students have 40 minutes to complete each contest. The second
Calculus League Meet took place on February 12th. Congratulations to
the top scoring students for this contest: Alex Kreitzberg scored a seven,
Hai Pham scored six, and the following turned in scores of five: Patrick
DeJarnatt, Grant Fahey, Nicole Marsaglia, Cameron Oden, Jason
Peinkofer, Jessica Plummer, Phil Tolley, and Nathan Scherr.
The last two meets are scheduled for March 19 and April 23.
American Math Contest Results
On February 10th, 264 students participated in the American Math Contest.
All students in Honors Geometry and Honors Algebra 2 and a few select
students take the AMC 10, while those in Pre-AP Precalculus, AP Calculus
BC, and Discrete Math take the AMC 12. We would like to congratulate the
top 10 scores for each contest.
For the AMC 10, here are the top ten students with their score: Elizabeth
Kirkpatrick, Nicholas Vrontakis and Joanne Lua each scored 76.5,
Kiana Kawamura and Michael Papendieck each scored 78, Josh
Fischl scored 79.5, Christina Goetter and Skyler Young each scored 81,
Kameron Schadt scored 82.5, and the amazing top score of 121.5 was
turned in by Xing Lei!!!
For the AMC 12, here are the top ten scoring students: Jessica Plummer,
Malia Kawamura and Jordan Bayles each scored 75, Brian Pearson
scored 76.5, Alex Edison and Derrick Kuenzi each scored 79.5, Andrew
McNab scored 81, Kyle Lenz scored 87 and Charles Li scored 90. The
top score of 93 on the AMC 12 was turned in by Juan Chishiuan!!!
As school winners for their respective contest, Xing’s and Juan’s names
will be engraved on the AMC School Winner plaque.
Ways to earn money for our school
Safeway: If you shop at Safeway you can earn money for West. If you do
not already have a Safeway card, go to:
app.pdf. If you already have a Safeway card, to go: and
select West as your donation site #500004540.
Office Depot: Office Depot will give 5% back to the school of your choice.
At the checkout, please request the points to be given to us.
Salem-Keizer Public Schools promotes equal opportunity for all
individuals without regard to age, color, disability, marital status,
national origin, race, religion or creed, sex or gender, sexual
orientation, or veteran status.
Wa-Mu, Chase: Every time you make a purchase with a WaMu or Chase
card you can earn points. For customer service call 800-788-7000, x1, x 7, x
4, they can set that up for you. As a school we earn points and then receive a
check at the end of the year.
Target: Target donates up to 1% to a school of your choice. Go to Target.
com/tcoe or 800-316-6142 to enroll today.
Thanks for your help with this!
Direct Phone: 503-584-6554
Message Machine: 503-584-6450
< < < < < < < < < < 2009 Grad Part y News: > > > > > > > > > >
Volunteers Needed > > > > > > > > > > > > The 2009 Grad Party is less than four months away, and volunteers are
needed for the seniors’ all-night alcohol and drug-free celebration that
runs from approximately 10:30 PM to 5:00 AM. We need volunteers for
the following committees: decorations, food, chaperones, entertainment,
ticket sales, senior-parent breakfast, set-up, clean-up and coat check.
Junior-parent volunteers are needed for bus check-in and venue security
while senior parents are at commencement. Junior parent help is a
tradition dating back to the school’s opening in 2002 and creates a seedmoney fund for the class of 2010. Please volunteer for a task, and plan
to attend our next Grad Party meeting, which is at 7:00 PM, Tuesday,
March 10 in the Titan Room (opposite the front office). Please call
Michelle Casian at (503) 375-6153 or Carol Currie at (503) 363-5141
for more information.
2009 Titan Senior Wear > > > > > > > > > > Find your name! Titan 2009 Senior Wear is available now. The black
T-shirts and sweatshirts feature the word Senior in vertical type on
the front and the hollowed-out number 2009 on the back with every
senior’s name printed in itty bitty type within the numerals. They are all
there along with an inspirational message from Ed John; something he
offers every year. T-shirts are $20 and sweatshirts are $35, and both are
available in sizes small through extra large. Titan Wear is on display in
the Senior Hall, and available at the school store and by calling Debbie
Davis at (503) 364-8634.
Senior Parent Breakfast > > > > > > > > > > Save the date: Saturday, April 11, 9:00-11:00 AM. The Grad Party
committee will cook a free breakfast for senior parents and caregivers,
and principal Ed John will provide details about senior banquet tickets,
senior student breakfast, graduation seating tickets, senior auditions (for
speakers and special music performance), cap and gown distribution,
senior awards, final testing for seniors, due date for fees and fines,
baccalaureate, mandatory commencement practice and commencement.
Parents and family can also pick up geraniums ordered in advance, sign
up to help on Grad Night, and, if desired, participate in the auction for
preferred seating at the commencement ceremony (unobstructed photo
vantage point). Please plan to attend.
Pie In The Sky > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
Grad Party also is selling frozen, unbaked pies you could pass off as
homemade. Fruit pies made on the Salem-Silverton border by Willamette
Valley Fruit Company. All of the fruit is local Northwest fruit. We are
selling these pies with 40 ounces of filling and no preservatives for $12
each. We are also selling 26-ounce cake-crumble topped cobblers that
serve four for $8. Finally, we have Mini Pies on sale for $5 each. The pies
and cobblers will be ready in time for Easter, with a drive-thru pick-up on
the school’s upper campus (the Titan Drive bus circle) between 3:00 PM
and 7:00 PM on Friday, April 10 (Easter is Sunday the 12th). Order forms
are available by contacting Tami at the school’s attendance office, or you
can order immediately by calling Melinda Voy at (503) 585-3922.
Ink Cartridge Recycling > > > > > > > > > > >
An easy way to help contribute to Grad Party without cracking your
wallet is through ink cartridge recycling. The committee receives
payment for each qualifying cartridge, mostly the larger toner-sized
ones used in office printers and copiers. If you have cartridges to donate,
please call Jeff Davis at (503) 364-5330.