the messenger - St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church
the messenger - St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church
THE MESSENGER A Monthly Publication of St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church OCTOBER 2015 Youth Family Picnic The youth of our parish and their families gathered for a cookout and fellowship. A short meeting was held with our HOPE/JOY parents and our GOYAns held their first meeting. INSIDE CLERGY REFLECTIONS MINISTRIES OF THE CHURCH MONTHLY CALENDAR PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES STEWARDSHIP NEWS UPCOMING EVENTS YOUTH NEWS ST. PAUL GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 4548 Wallings Road • North Royalton, Ohio 44133-3121 (440) 237-8998 · (440) 237-4386 fax E-mail address: A Parish under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh PAGE 2 THE MESSENGER CLERGY Priest Rev. Fr. Costas P. Keares, Proistamenos Philoptochos Coffee Socials Festival Assistant Priest Rev. Fr. Michael A. Gavrilos ECCLESIARCH Bruce W. Trakas PARISH COUNCIL President Vice President Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Dr. Michael Saridakis John Trihas Kathy Nikolaou Dennis Diamond Christopher Cook Anthone Colovas Alex Dadas Thomas Fourmas Arthur S. Karas Michael Lignos Thalia Marakas Irene Pontikos William Regan Bruce Trakas OFFICE SECRETARY/BOOKKEEPER Elaine Nackowiz CUSTODIAN Antonios Moraitis LEGAL ADVISOR Ken Boukis STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Bylaws Catering / Leasing Family Ministry Finance Home Human Resources Membership Public Relations Stewardship Ways & Means Real Estate Management SPECIAL COMMITTEE: Vision History Telephone: Fax: Catering: Website: Office E-Mail: Fr. Costas E-Mail: Fr. Costas Cell: Fr. Michael E-mail: The following ministries are the lifeblood of our parish and perform many activities to promote the growth of our church. Your participation in these organizations makes our community more spiritually complete. Bruce Trakas / John Trihas John Trihas/Tom Fourmas T. Marakas/I. Pontikos John Trihas Michael Lignos Alex Dadas Thalia Marakas Father Costas Keares Dennis Diamond Irene Pontikos Arthur S. Karas Stephanie Ocker Pam Sitter Michael Lignos John Trihas Elaine Nackowiz Helen Dadas Vaso Boukis Nicholas Bodle Messenger Editor Welcome Committee Choir Director Cantor Organist Bookstore Jim & Karen Sullivan ST. PAUL FAMILY MINISTRY COMMISSION HOPE / JOY GOYA Coordinator OCF Altar Boys Religious Education Bible Study Women’s Study Group VCS Greek School Greek Corner PTO Senior Fellowship Hellenic Dance Director Chairman Father Michael Gavrilos Father Michael Gavrilos Maribeth Lekas Father Michael Gavrilos Presv. Nicole Keares Frank Chirakos Father Costas Keares Elaine Poulos Amber Rahas Annoula Tsonton Kathy Glaros Maria Karlatiras Debbie Gemelas Maria Regan Eleni Johnson Deadline for all articles and Organization Minutes is the 1st of the month. Please keep this in mind! Items can be e-mailed to Dr. Michael Saridakis John Trihas Bruce Trakas (440) 237-8998 (440) 237-4386 (440) 582-1083 (440) 669-1316 St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church ~ North Royalton OH PAGE Like our to keep up to date on the happenings of our parish. Even if you are not on Facebook, you can view our postings on the Home page of our website. OCTOBER 2015 Pastoral Reflections by Father Costas As we consider the Lord’s blessings in our lives and in our community, we are in awe of His immense goodness toward us. The greatest gifts to us are His Son, Jesus Christ, and the constant presence of His Holy Spirit working in the Church and in our lives. God endows each of us with personal gifts, talents and material possessions. STEWARDSHIP is acknowledging that God is the source of each gift that has been received by us. Orthodox Christian Stewardship reminds us that these gifts are not our own; that we have a trusteeship over them and not an ownership. Stewardship means to give a portion back to God, as a direct way of expressing our thanksgiving to Him for these gifts, because one day when we die and leave this earth, we take nothing with us. As the 24th Plasm reminds us: “the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof”. The months of October and November are very important for the Stewardship Program of our community. On the one hand we near completion of the previous year’s commitment, and on the other hand we look ahead to recommitting and growing in our love to our church and its ministries. Someone once wrote that, “We can give without love but such loveless giving has no value in the eyes of God”. St. Paul writes, “If I give away all that I have… but have not love, I gain nothing”, I Cor. 13:13). It is only when we give because we love that our gift is pleasing and acceptable to God. It is only when we give with this understanding that we feel joy and peace in our hearts. As we bring to mind the Stewardship Program of our community, I encourage all of us to look back and to fulfill your 2015 Stewardship pledge. If we missed any Sundays because we were on vacation, now is the time to catch up. Our weekly offering to God is first and foremost an offering of love. One can give without loving but one cannot love without giving. I also encourage you to look ahead as you prayerfully decide to make your 2016 Stewardship pledge. If you’ve given the same amount for the last five or ten years, then you’re giving out of habit. I invite you to PAGE 3 examine your circumstances. If you can, please commit to increasing your weekly contribution. Can you increase your weekly contribution by $5.00? That’s a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Can you increase your weekly contribution by $10.00? That’s lunch at Panera. Imagine if everyone really took the time to examine their resources and increased their giving accordingly. My dream, and the Parish Council’s dream, is one day to be able to fund fully our budget through Stewardship. That is, to raise at least $200,000.00 more of what is being pledged and given every year. That can only be done as we increase our stewardship contribution to our community and decrease our dependency on all other financial sources, (i.e. festival, rentals, and catering.) As we’ve mentioned before, these are funds that can be freed up for capital improvements and general maintenance of our facility. In closing I remind all of us that everything begins with our commitment to Christ and His Holy Church. I encourage you to continue to attend the Divine Liturgy faithfully, and be in church by 9:30 a.m., if not before. Get involved in the life of our parish through its many ministries. Check our church website, (, or the church Facebook reminders (St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church ~ North Royalton OH) for updated information. Let us give thanks to our loving and merciful God, and let us support His Church which nurtures us spiritually every day of our life; from cradle to grave. May our Lord shelter us all under His protection. Have a blessed month! General Assembly Meeting Sunday November 15, 2015 12:00 PM Plan on attending! PAGE 4 THE MESSENGER Our Parish Her Life & People Baptisms August 29th Efthymios ~ son of Chad and Margie Sedely Godparent ~ Taylor Czarzasty September 5th Apollo ~ son of Michael and Connie Tartara Godparent ~ Melisa Zetts September 20th Luka ~ son of Nicholas and Niki Celebrezze Godparent ~ Rena Frangias Koutsounadis Wedding 6th September Evangelos Datseris and Lea Rubertino Koumbaro ~ Joseph Rubertino September 27th Dave Porter and Jean Wendland Koumbara ~ Tessie Lekas Funerals May Their Memory Be Eternal September 9th Antonios Theodorakis September 12th Camillo Valente September 14th Michael Alex We would be happy to announce a special occasion in this column. All you need to do is notify the office at October 30—November 1, 2015 Altar Boy Seminar The boys gathered to make prosforo, learn about the various processions that occur in church and then enjoyed an afternoon of lazer tag. More pictures can be seen on our website. OCTOBER 2015 PAGE 5 Youth News HOPE / JOY / GOYA ~ There will be a Metropolis of Pittsburgh Regional JOY Retreat held at St. Gregory Palamas Monastery on Saturday, October 17th from 1:00—4:00 PM. Cost is $5/JOY participant. We will meet at Bed Bath & Beyond in Strongsville at 11:45 AM to caravan to the monastery. RSVP to Fr. Michael by October 9th at . ~ Mark your calendar for the annual Youth Campfire being held on Sunday, October 18th at 5:00 PM. Pizza will be provided. HOPE/JOY is asked to bring their favorite dessert and GOYAns are asked to bring their favorite appetizer. RSVP to Father Michael at ~ The Metropolis GOYA Fall Retreat will be held at Antiochian Village October 30th—November 1st. GOYAns who are active in the GOYA program and whose families are stewards of the parish will be eligible to receive a scholarship code. Contact Fr. Michael for more information. St. Paul North Royalton OH LITTLE ANGELS The purpose of the Little Angels group is to bring together the Moms and little ones from ages birth to preschool, for fun and fellowship, for support, to get to know each other better, and to strengthen our faith and church family friendships and relationships. The group will meet at least twice a month at church or on an outing such as going to the park. There will also be a Mom’s Night Out once a month! (Day and time TBD). We will start out meeting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month in the Teen Room at St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church from 10:30 AM— 12:00 PM. Our first meet up will be on Wednesday, October 7th. Snacks will be provided! Please contact Pres. Maria Gavrilos at if you are interested in joining the group, would like to be on the email list, or want more information. PAGE 6 THE MESSENGER Sunday School Director Update Greek School News ~ Presvytera Nicole We had a GREAT start to the new Sunday School year! We had 94 children in attendance and were bursting at the seams! We hope that this continues as the weeks progress! We are jumping right into things in October. The first major feast day we will learn about in October is the Nativity of the Theotokos. Teachers will spend time during one of the classes teaching about this feast, the importance of it, and when it is celebrated. October 4th is Youth Sunday. Dena Wilson will be contacting your children to participate during the Liturgy with ushering, greeting, manning the candles stands, etc. The children look forward to this each year. Also on October 4th, Sunday School will be hosting the coffee social. Amber Rahas is chairing this event, so please offer to bring something that day for coffee hour. We also will be participating in "Make a Difference" day on Sunday, October 25th, with our Philoptochos. It's an intergenerational program that is led by the National Philoptochos Society. Please watch for details on a community service project we will do that day. Please make Divine Liturgy and Sunday School a priority in your family's weekly schedule. We love having them in Sunday School and look forward to their smiling faces each week. Wishing you all a wonderful October! See you Sunday! ~ Kathy Glaros Welcome back to another challenging year! We, the Greek School teachers, would like to welcome you, parents and students, to the Greek School Program of 2015—2016. The new school year is off to a great start! It's nice to still see so many smiles on the students every Monday as they come to school. They are placed according to their ages and individual needs. We have a dedicated group of teachers that share their knowledge and skills with the children. As we begin this year, please remember that this is your school and we welcome your involvement. Maintain contact with your child's teacher to establish a successful connection between home and school. Strong parental involvement is a very important component for our success. I would like to thank all the parishioners who stopped by our table at the Parish Fair on Sunday September 13th. I hope you all realize the importance of the Greek language and give to your children the opportunity to experience a wonderful year learning the Greek language and discover the richness of the Hellenic culture. Many thanks to our spiritual leaders, Fr. Costas P. Keares and Fr. Michael A. Gavrilos, for their spiritual support and blessings on the first day of school and throughout the school year. Thank you for affording us the opportunity and privilege to teach your children Greek as a second language as well as Greek culture. Once again we welcome you and look forward to an exciting and successful year for students, parents and teachers alike! I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns at: (216) 524-1766. We value your input. Happy Fall to all - Καλό Φθινόπωρο σε όλους σας! OCTOBER 2015 PAGE 7 St. Paul Hellenic Dancers Eleni Johnson Hellenic Dance Director With the new ecclesiastical calendar we mark the beginning of another year of dance! The dance program is such that it is not just preparing kids to dance under the tent in July, it is a ministry of the church, to allow our kids to connect with their culture and heritage as well as to grow together with their peers. Through the years, the instructors have watched as the dancers grow and as they move through the program. We watched them get to know each other the first few years, and then cultivating their friendships throughout their high school years. It is evident that this program helps with strengthening ties and brings our youth closer to our St. Paul Church community. At the parish fair the instructors and I were lucky to meet several new dancers that will be participating this year. There are once again new dancers coming in at every level and we couldn’t be happier. The instructors and I want to welcome all of our new dancers and dance families as well as welcoming back all the dancers who participated last year. If you have any questions or would like to help out in the various aspects of the program, feel free to contact me or any of the instructors. Registration forms can be found on this page, on the church website, or you can fill one out at practice. It is not too late to join! We ask that all of our families fill out new registration forms each year because contact information tends to change. Registration and payment deadline is October 31, 2015. The entire practice schedule can also be found on the church website. Instructors do take attendance and we ask that your dancer be at as many practices as possible. Once your dancer gets into the Junior and Senior levels their attendance is extremely important because of the instruction given each week. If a dancer misses a practice they miss a lot and it may be weeks before that material is worked on again. Please make every effort to be at practice. Please contact your instructor if your dancer is going to be missing a practice. Our next practices are: Sunday, October 11 & Sunday, October 25. This year’s Folk Dance Festival is being held at St. Nicholas Cathedral in Pittsburgh, PA, Saturday, November 14 – Sunday, November 15. Many of our dancers participated in the Folk Dance Festival last year when St. Paul hosted a wonderful event. Also, many of our dancers attend year after year in various cities and we all can agree that the skills they learn at these events are vital to our program. The instructors will be discussing this more with the dancers as we move forward. Registration deadline is October 16 and room reservations need to be made by October 16 to receive the discounted rate. All information can be found on the St. Paul website. Dancers need to be at least 7 years old to participate. We look forward to another wonderful Folk Dance Festival! Wishing you all a wonderful fall season. St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church North Royalton OH 2015—2016 Hellenic Dance Registration Registration Due October 15, 2015 Registration Form and $50 Participation Fee can be turned in to Eleni Johnson, any Dance Instructor or the Church Office (Non Parishioner Participation Fee is $80) GROUP LEVELS: Beginner Age 4 (by September 2015) through 2nd grade Junior 3rd grade through 6th grade Senior 7th grade through 12th grade Alumni Graduated Hellenic Dancers Dancer Name Grade and Age in Fall 2015 Parent Names Address Home Phone Parent Cell Phone Dancer Cell Phone (if applicable) Parent E-Mail Dancer E-mail (if applicable) Please list any allergies or medical condition we should be aware of: Office use Only: Parish Member # Non Parish Member Costume Fee Received: Date Check # Amount PAGE 8 THE MESSENGER AFGHAN PROJECT: WORKSHOP OCTOBER 29 AT 10:00 AM We invite the ENTIRE PARISH to our General Membership Meeting and Pampered Chef Fundraiser with Donna Diamond, Consultant TUESDAY, October 13, 2015 6:30 pm St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church North Royalton OH Philoptochos will earn 15% of the proceeds once we reach $600 in sales Donna will personally donate $25 for each Party booked before November 1st (call Donna at 216.978.7238) The member with the highest sales as of November 1st will receive a FREE Veggie Strip Maker and the new Fall Seasons Best Cookbook Return orders with payment to the Philoptochos table during the coffee social on or before November 1st Cash, check or credit card accepted Online orders can be placed at; click on the SHOP NOW button and look for PHILOPTOCHOS Orders will be delivered to St. Paul Our Ladies Philoptochos continues our beautiful tradition of presenting every newborn in our community with a handmade afghan at their 40-Day Blessing. Each afghan donated has a tag that indicates that it was hand-made by Philoptochos and a card with the donor’s name as well as the children’s book “What Do You See at Liturgy” enclosed as a memento of this special occasion. In all, we have collected 138 baby afghans to date! Many thanks to Maria Lovejoy for the four beautiful afghans she donated last month. If you would like to create baby afghans they should be approximately 30 x 36 inches knitted or crocheted in washable yarn. Our Ladies Philoptochos is also creating afghans for our homebound parishioners. These lap afghans are given to our homebound parishioners who welcome a visit from our Philoptochos ladies. In total, we have collected 62 cozy afghans to date! If you know of anyone who would enjoy such a visit, please let us know. Each lap afghan should be approximately 40x48 inches knitted or crocheted in washable yarn. The next Afghan Workshop will be held at church in the Teen Room on Thursday, October 29, 2015 from 10:00 – 11:30 AM. Patterns and donated yarn are distributed at our Afghan Workshops. Monetary donations are also accepted in lieu of hand-made afghans to offset the costs of this project. Please contact Maria Lovejoy 330.220.3213 or Maribeth Lekas 216.408.6070 if you are interested in assisting with our Afghan Ministry. OCF—ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP-BACK TO SCHOOL! Dates to Remember: Saturday, October 10, 2015 Move It (previously Walk with a Doc) Breast Cancer awareness—Cleveland Clinic Lyndhurst Sunday, November 1, 2015 Special basket will be passed to benefit the Philanthropic needs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate—Sts. Cosmos and Damianos Loukoumades Sunday Tuesday, November 3, 2015 ~ 6:30 PM Board meeting Tuesday, November 17, 2015 ~ Baking for Christmas bake sale Our St. Paul Philoptochos reaches out to our college students by mailing them OCF Connect Kits. Connect Kits are mailed to our St. Paul college freshmen that include an Orthodox Study Bible, reading guides, prayer books, guides for finding a local OCF chapter, OCF travel mug filled with delicious homemade koulourakia, as well as other fun goodies for our college students. OCF is the National Campus Ministry Program for Orthodox college students. Greater Cleveland has four active OCF Chapters that include students from CWRU, JCU, CSU, Baldwin BW and CCC. OCF plans meetings and various events for the college students each month providing free food and admissions; OCF recently donated Cleveland Indians tickets to area college students on Saturday, September 12. ...continued on next page OCTOBER 2015 PAGE 9 ...continued from previous page Please have your students checkout the OCF Cleveland page on Facebook for events in the Cleveland area. Please forward email and college snail mail addresses for any St. Paul college Fall Freshmen as you receive their room assignments and/or to donate, please contact Maribeth Lekas @ 216.408.6070 or St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church North Royalton OH St. Paul Senior Fellowship Sunday, October 11, 2015 3:00 PM Festival News ~ John James The results of our 2015 Festival are now complete. You are allt o be congratulated for another successful Festival. Our gross was $332,000.00 with a net profit of $159,000.00. As you can see, to achieve these results it takes a total parish effort. Our Festival Committee thanks all of you who participated by helping at the Festival, placing an ad in our album, or making a monetary donation. Since this is the last Festival that I have served as either chair or co-chairman, I wish to thank each and every one of you who have helped us grow and improve our Festival each year. I wish to thank everyone who has stepped up to chair for the various booths, both past and present. Serving as your chairman or co-chair over the past 20 years has also given me the opportunity to meet many parishioners who I might have never met otherwise. I would also like to thank Father Costas, Father Michael and the Parish Council for their support over the years. This has been a very rewarding experience for me and I am thankful for all of your support. As we move forward, I hope that everyone will give the same support to the new co-chairmen, Mike Lignos and John Trihas, that you have given to me. W e would like to take this opportunity to recognize ALL our advertisers who support the printing of our monthly publication, The Messenger. Please take a moment to see what our advertisers have to offer and patronize their businesses throughout the year. at 6200 Pearl Road Parma Heights OH $15 / Senior Citizen ticket $20 / Regular ticket Lunch on you Meet at 12:30 PM at 7523 Pearl Rd Middleburg Heights OH RSVP immediately to reserve tickets: Helen Dadas Maria Regan Sophie Steffas 216.475.4309 440.842.4331 440.439.6780 PAGE 10 THE MESSENGER 50th Anniversary Meeting Please join us Wednesday, October 7th at 7:00 pm for a planning meeting for next year's 50th Anniversary celebrations. Everyone is encouraged to attend! We have various events and activities planned throughout 2016 for celebrating the 50th Anniversary. Please come and hear about the various ways you can contribute your time and talents. To be a success, this will need to be a full parish effort! We look forward to seeing you on the 7th in the Teen Room. Seeking a Logo Design! We are very excited with the response we have received on designs for our 50th Anniversary Celebration logo. The logo will be used throughout the year as we host special 50th Anniversary events. There is still time to submit a design! Please incorporate in the logo the following biblical verse from Ephesians 5:2, “And walk in love, as Christ has loved us”. Everyone is welcome to submit a design. Please submit logo designs by October 9, 2015 to The winning design will be announced at the Stewardship Kickoff Clambake on October 18th. The winner will receive two tickets to the St Paul 50th Anniversary Grand Banquet in 2016. OCTOBER 2015 PAGE 11 SUN MON TUE WED THU 1 FRI SAT 2 3 9 10 7:00 PM Bible Study 4 5 Youth Sunday 5:30 PM 2nd Sunday of Greek School Luke 7:00 PM Dance Parent 4th Orthodox meeting Catechism 12:00 PM Greek Corner 6 4:00 PM Baptism 7:00 PM Home Committee meeting 7 8 10:30 AM Little Angels 7:00 PM Bible Study 11:30 AM Baptism 7:00 PM 50th Anniversary meeting 12:30 PM Baptism 2 0 1 5 11 12 7th Ecumenical 5:30 PM Council Greek School Dance Practice 7:00 PM 12:30 PM 5th Orthodox Senior Catechism Fellowship Lunch/Play 18 19 Saint Luke the 5:30 PM Evangelist Greek School 5:00 PM Stewardship Clambake / Youth Campfire w/ GOYA Mtg. CHURCH SERVICES 25 th 7:00 PM 6th Orthodox Catechism 26 6 Sunday of 9:30 AM All Sundays Luke Liturgy for St. 8:15 AM Dance Practice Demetrios at Orthros St. Demetrios 7:00 PM Great Vespers Rocky River 9:30 AM followed by for St. Liturgy Demetrios at Luncheon Sunday St. Demetrios 5:30 PM School Rocky River Greek School Following Holy Communion 13 14 15 16 17 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Philoptochos Parish General mtg. Council mtg. 7:00 PM Bible Study 5:00 PM Rehearsal 1:00 PM Wedding 20 22 21 1:00 PM JOY Retreat at St. Gregory Palamas Monastery 6:00 PM 10:30 AM Family Little Angels Ministry Mtg. 7:00 PM Bible Study 27 29 7:00 PM GOYA tournament meeting 28 23 24 30 31 7:00 PM Bible Study GOYA Fall Retreat at Antiochian Village PAGE 12 THE MESSENGER SUN 1 MON 2 5th Sunday of 5:30 PM Luke Greek School 12:00 PM Greek Corner TUE WED THU 3 4 5 7:00 PM Home Committee meeting 10:30 AM Little Angels 7:00 PM Bible Study FRI 6 1:00 PM HOPE/JOY event at the Karas home Father Costas and Father Michael at Clergy Retreat 7th Sunday of Luke 9 St. Nektarios 8:30 AM Dance Practice Orthros GOYA mtg. 2:30 PM Wedding 2 0 1 5 15 All Sundays 8:15 AM Orthros 9:30 AM Liturgy Sunday School Following Holy Communion 11 12 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Philoptochos Parish General mtg. Council mtg. 7:00 PM Bible Study 17 18 19 9:00 AM Philoptochos baking 10:30 AM Little Angels 2:00 PM Senior Fellowship Kafenio 13 4:30 PM Baptism 14 Folk Dance Festival ~ St. Nicholas Pittsburgh through Sunday 9:30 AM Liturgy 5:30 PM Greek School 16 8th Sunday of 5:30 PM Luke Greek School Nativity Fast begins 12:00 PM General Assembly mtg. 20 21 Entrance of the Theotokos in the Temple 8:30 AM Orthros 7:00 PM Bible Study 9:30 AM Liturgy 5:00 PM Holy Unction at St. Mary Romanian Cathedral 22 CHURCH SERVICES 10 7 10:30 AM Rehearsal 3:30 PM Baptism 8 SAT 23 9th Sunday of 5:30 PM Luke Greek School 24 25 26 St. Katherine Thanksgiving 8:30 AM Orthros Office closed 9:30 AM Liturgy 29 30 13th Sunday of Luke St. Andrew 1:30 PM Baptism 8:30 AM Orthros 9:30 AM Liturgy 5:30 PM Greek School 27 28 Office closed 3:00 PM Baptism OCTOBER 2015 PAGE 13 As we enter into the final quarter of 2015, we would like to take this opportunity to say “Thank You” to the 385 families who have made a stewardship commitment to our parish. There is still time to make your commitment if you have not done so yet; either by using the form on page 15 of this issue, completing the pledge card that can be found by the candle stand, or directly through our website. You will be receiving your third quarter statements shortly. Please review and if you are behind in your giving, take a moment to get caught up. As always, feel free to give the office a call should you have any questions. Dages, Joseph & Jennifer Glyptis, Kety Dalakas, Thad & Kyle Gousios, Andreas & Barbara Dallas, Rocky & Rose Green, Randy & Kristina Daniels, Clara Gregory, Jim & Connie Daniels, John & Victoria Griffin, Timothy & Era Daniels, Lee Haritakis, Michael & Connie Daniels, Steve & Elaine Harris, Katherine Daniels, Thomas & Ellen Harriston, George & Stella Dellaportas, George & Teresa Hassel, Thomas & Martha Delsander, Elizabeth Hazinakis, Nick & Anna Demetriades, Penelope Hocevar, Joshua & Maria Demopoulos, Elaine Hourmouzis, Peter & Bess Demopoulos, Penny Hovanec, George & Cindy Diamond, Dennis & Donna Hughes, Diane Dines, Christina Ilavsky, Eva Dopoulos, Jim & Elizabeth Iula, Christopher & Rhonee Dotsikas, Dino & Vicki James, John & Theresa Downing, Jerod & Christina Janack, Mark & Anne Dunn, Darren & Mary Javaras, William & Anne Alex, Angie Bucceri, James & Patra Eakman, Mark Johnson, Frank & Eleni Alex, John & Christine Bucciere, Scott & Alexis Economou, Jim & Despina Kakavas, Maria Alex, Rose Ellen Calabrese, Jos & Deanna Economou, Dr. Peter Kalina, Richard & Maria Alexandrou, Eleni Caloumenos, Athena Elliott, Rae Kaloger, Nicki Almaliotis, Aris Caloumenos, Paul Emanuel, Eva Kalucis, Chris & Sue Anagnostou, George & Katina Cameron, David & Ellie Emanuel, George A. Kalucis, John Anastasakis, Mike Cappas, Samuel & Elaine Evanich, Michael Kantzios, Jim & Maria Anastasakis, Pete & Theresa Carvaines, John & Becky Anastos, James Carvaines, Nick & Dawn Evanich, Norman & Katherine Karabinas, Costas Karagiozis, Anthony & Gail Fazio, Anthony & Mary Anastos, Mary Carvaines, Bill & Elaine Felouzis, Michael & Maria Karagiozis, Mary Antonaklas, Elias & Elaina Case, Aaron & Maria Filipos, John & Angelique Karas, Arthur & Eva Apostolakis, Nicholas Celebrezze, Nicholas & Niki Filippakis, John & Amanda Karas, Arthur & Susan Arfaras, Spiros & Joan Chames, John & Elizabeth Forde, Anthony & Mary Karas, Chris Asimes, Anna Chirakos, Frank & Gladys Fourmas, Anastasius & Rita Karas, Chris & Dea Asimes, Dean & Alexandra Choukalas, Diana Fourmas, Thomas Karas, George & Judy Askins, Frederick & Christina Choukalas, Peter & Chris Frantzis, Alex & Nichole Karas, Nasso & Heather Asmis, Anthony & Peggy Chrysanthus, Ifigenia Gallagher, Georgia Karas, Sotere & Sophia Asmis, Nick & Tina Cole, Thomas & Marilyn Gaudio, Michael & Cathy Karas, Sylvia Avgerinos, Nectarios & Melissa Collaros, Mary Colovas, Anthone Ayers, Antonia Gavrilos, Rev Michael & Maria Kargiotis, Evan & Minnie Kariotakis, Alex & Frances Geanneses, Antoinette Balis, Odess Contoveros, Paul & Karen Gemelas, Faye Karlatiras, Maria Bodle, Chris & Georgiann Cook, Chris & Stacy Gemelas, George & Sophia Kartson, Nicholas Bodle, Nicholas Cooke, Albert & Elaine Geralis, Bill & Lucia Katsaros, Nick & Connie Boukis, Christ & Photia Cooke, Joelle Gianiotis, Mary Katsavrias, Dimitrios & Vivian Boukis, Kenneth & Packy Cotronakis, Greg & Athina Giatis, Dionysios & Elena Katsiroubas, Mary Ann Boukis, Peter & Lauren Crider, Randy & Mary Kay Giatis, Petros & Stamatia Katzakis, George & Thalia Boukis, Steve & Vaso Dadas, Alex & Rosalyn Gigis, Tom & Eva Katzakis, Gus & Kimberley Bozikis, Pete & Evangeline Dadas, Gus & Helen Brown, David & Kathleen Dadas, Mike & Georgia Glaros, Constantine & Natalie Kavourias, Helen Kavourias, James & Margaret Glaros, William & Kathy PAGE 14 THE MESSENGER Loucas, Penny Keares, Rev. Fr. Costas & Nicole Lovejoy, Chris & Maria Kelly, Shawn & Maria Lucchese, Leonard & Mary Paparizos, Michael & Christine Sampson, Adam & Samantha Pappas, Ermioni Sarantos, Virginia Pappas, Markos & Rachel Saridakis, Manuel & Ruth Knouff, Gary & Myra Makiaris, James & Diane Paragios, Mike & Mindy Saridakis, Michael & Brenda Kokkas, Demetrios & Irene Kokkas, Theodore & Joanna Makridis, Christos & Ivanna Parianos, Alexandra Paterakis, Mike & Ergina Makris, Bessie Konstantinou, Kyriaki Mannarino, P & Antoinette Pateras, Barbara Sarris, Mathew Konstantinou, Taso Marcioni, Steven & Ioanna Pateras, Poppy Savas, Betty Konstantinou, Ted Kavourias, Terry Saris, Viola Sarris, Magdalene Markos, Al & Popie Paul, Harry Savas, Dennis & Mary Kontos, William & Kim Markos, Bill & Kathy Paxitzis, Mary Savas, Kathleen Kornelakis, Angeline Maropis, George & Helen Payamgis, Antonios & Joanne Sedley, Chad & Margie Kornelakis, Mary Ellen Maskow, Brian & Julie Payamgis, George & Jennifer Segedi, Leah & Anthony Kostantaras, John & Clara Master, Mary Pearl, Michael & Katherine Sejka, Cynthia Koulioufas, Maria Koulioufas, Thomas & Anna Mastrosavas, George & Maria Perk, Kathleen Perko, Annamari & Robert Mattox, Chris & Maria Kouselas, Pete Mavros, Chris & Kathy Petsas, Anna Sevastis, Gus & Mary Koutsoulias, Anastasia McClatchey, Jay & Nitsa Petsas, Georgios Sevastos, Dino & Chris Kozanis, Costas & Toula Kreinbrook, Michael & Deb McDonald, Manuel & Janice Phillips, Joshua & Kirasoula Pistiolas, George & Maria McGillick, Kathy Kriaris, Ann Mellis, Mathew & Marlene Pistiolas, Nikki Shinas, George Kriaris, Aristides & Olga Sekas, Lillian Sekas, Theodore Sfekas, Michael & Dorothy Sfekas, Mike & Sylvia Mellis, Rosemary Polichuk, Andrew & Lindsey Siamidis, John & Charoula Kriaris, Demos & Joann Mersinas, Marguerite Pontikos, Dean & Erin Sitter, Jim & Pam Kriaris, Gus & Padmini Mikolak, Brian & Nicole Pontikos, Irene Skaljac, Gregory & Stella Kritikos, John & Joanna Mitsiopoulos, A & Anna Pontikos, Keli Smith, Kenneth & Demetra Krokos, Caliope Moll, Bill & Becky Popadiuk, Elizabeth Smith, Richard & Christina Krokos, John & Frances Krokos, Mathew & Areti Montemarano, James & Julie Poulos, George & Georgann Poulos, Gust & Dorothy Moore, Zoe Ann Kubat, Milan & Erin Moraitis, Nicholas & Helen Poulos, John & Elaine Spooner, Sam & Mary Ann Kulwicki, Jason & Cathy Sophocleous, S & Valerie Sperellis, Thomas Moutsios, Louis Poulos, Nick & Chong Squire, Brandon & Melanie Laios, Alex J. Mozden, Edward & Eleni Poulos, Philip Stamas, Michael & Nancy Lamakos, Alice Nackowiz, Robert & Elaine Prinios, Andrew & Lindy Stassis, Persephoni Langos, Frank & Laura Nagy, Robert & Maria Psarras, George & Althea Stavropoulos, Chris & Pauline Langos, John & Susan Langos, Julie Natsis, Dimitrios & Caroline Psellas, John & Anna Pyros, Fannie Natsis, Effie Lavdas, Jason & Olga Nicholas, Deno & Joyce Pyros, Nick Steffas, Diana Lavdas, Leon & Penny Nicholas, John & Paige Rackas, John & Christine Steffas, Michael & Renie Lekas, Stephen & Maribeth Nicholas, Michael & Cynthia Rahas, Dean & Lisa Rahas, Michael & Helen Nichols, George & Annette Steffas, Nick & Renee Lekas, Tessie Lekutis, George & Yvonne Nikolaou, George & Kathy Rassias, G & Andreanna Steffas, Tom & Jamie Leon, Emanuel Ocker, Stephanie Regan, Maria Stergiou, Petros & Mary Ley, Mari Stavros, Dena Steffan, Patti Steffas, Sophie Outten, John & Mary Regan, William & Susie Steve, Paul & Mary Ley, Michael Page, Gus & Sonia Roditis, Harilaos & Maria Sullivan, James & Karen Linz, Joseph & Emerald Pagonakis, Mary Ross, Robert L. & Angeline Summers, Jr., Jay & Heather Loizos, Chrysanthe Palkovic, Franklin & Marie Rossi, Ernest & Betty Tartara, Michael & Connie Loizos, John & Estelle Pantaleo, Annette Rubertino, Joseph & Brittany Tartara, Tim & Fran Loizos, Michael & Sophia Pantazoglou, Ellie Rubertino, Joseph & Frosini Tetkowski, Conda Londrico, Phil & Linda Papadopoulos, Socr & Eftehia Sakellakis, John & Effie Theodore, George & Irene Loucas, George & Sandra Papanikolaou, Mike & Helen Salvo, Salvatore & Katina Theodore, George & Sharon OCTOBER 2015 PAGE 15 Timms, Ronald & Barbara Volanis, Mike Trakas, Bruce Vondrasek, Dennis & Diane Trakas, Jim & Anne Vourliotis, John Trihas, John & Effie Vrotsos, Pete & Darlene Trihas, Kathy Wayda, Ken & Kathy Tsesmelis, Efstathios & Asimo Wedow, John & Deanna Stewardship Your Stewardship provides the foundation for our Parish Ministries and our efforts in meeting the challenge of spreading Christ’s Word and our Orthodox Faith. Tsigrelis, Constantine & Mary Wendland, Jean Tsirambidis, Tim & Julie Wendland, Tom & Elizabeth Tsompanos, Ted & Yoshiko Wengler, Fred & Anna Tsouris, Anthony Whitacre, Kyle & Maria Vaccaro, Eleanor Williams, Charles & Angela Valantasis, Thomas & Rose Wilson, Drew & Dena Valente, Carl Xenos, Tom & Cori Varlamos, Cynthia Yeager, Connor & Ava Varlamos, Nick Zafirau, William & Kelly Varlamos, Valelrie Zampetis, Deno & Kara Varouhas, Emmanuel & Olga Zampetis, Ted & Ann Vasilakis, Joe & Roberta Zanoudakis, Emmanuel Vasilakis, Mary Zervas, Vanetta Stewardship is an opportunity to examine our priorities and values, to express our thankfulness, to give of ourselves and to grow in grace. It allows us to participate in the work of God. Giving is not a substitute for commitment—it is an expression of your commitment. As St. John Chrysostom said, “A Rich Man is not one who has much but one who gives much. For what he gives away remains his forever.” Please take time to make your Stewardship Commitment today and enable our Church to grow her ministries and carry on her mission. For your convenience, a form is provided below. Vedouras, Emily Stewardship Commitment Form Not only can you complete your Stewardship commitment pledge for the current you directly on our website by clicking on the button pictured above, you can also do the following: Make a payment to your current / prior year pledge—payments can be set up to be recurring Make a donation to the Capital Improvement fund for the improvement of our facility Make a donation to the Benevolent fund to anonymously help those in need Make a memorial donation Please remember, you DO NOT need to have a PayPal account to process any transactions through our website. Feel free to call the office with any questions. Many thanks to those who are using your stewardship envelopes each Sunday. Please note the special envelopes inserted for each month. Included in your September / October set: * Benevolent ~ confidentially assist individuals in need * OCMC ~ support a mission priest Have you submitted your 2015 Fairshare Estimate of Giving card? Are you current on your pledge? Simply complete the form below or go to our website. I / We commit $ to my/our 2015 pledge Name Address Email Phone PAGE 16 THE MESSENGER Be the Bee In our Bookstore This month we are featuring new books recently acquired on Elders and recent saints in our bookstore. WOUNDED BY LOVE ~ THE LIFE AND THE WISDOM OF SAINT PORPHYRIOS Elder Porphyrios, a Greek monk and priest who died in 1991, stands in the long tradition of charismatic spiritual guides in the Eastern Church which continues from the apostolic age down to figures such asd Saint Seraphim of Sarov and Staretz Silouan in modern times. In this book he tells the story of his life and, in simple, deeply reflected and profoundly wise words, he expounds the Christian Faith today. THE BLESSED ELDER GEORGE KARSLIDES This is an account of an elder wellknown for his miracles and prophecies, who was canonized in 2008 by the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Visit our bookstore every Sunday following Divine Liturgy or call the church office if you would like to come by during the week. We also have gift certificates available in any denomination. These make great gifts! The Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries (Y2AM) began a weekly series of short, informative, entertaining, and spiritually beneficial videos. The series, “Be the Bee,” is named after a metaphor associated with Elder Paisios of Mount Athos (+1994), and explores ways that we can all focus on what is good and beautiful in our everyday lives. “Our Department has been very successful at connecting with people and sharing the Faith through a variety of social media, and we realized that there wasn’t much of an Orthodox presence on YouTube,” said Father Jason Roll, Director. “Our youth are already on YouTube, so why aren’t we? It’s a natural way to preach the Gospel and spread Christ’s unconditional love.” Viewers can access the channel by searching “Y2AM” on YouTube, or going to y2am. “Thank God, the response has been very positive so far,” said “Be the Bee” host and Youth Protection / Parish Ministries Coordinator, Steven Christforou. “Our first episode had over 600 views, and we hope that this series will be helpful to an ever wider audience.” New episodes are released every Thursday afternoon. Memorial Trisagia The North Royalton Hunger Food Center is running low on the following items: cereal, peanut butter, jelly, cake and brownie mixes, canned pasta, instant potatoes, and rice and potato mixes. Items can be placed in the basket at the top of the stairs as you enter church. Please be sure to check the expiration date and DO NOT bring any perishable items. The Church gives us this opportunity during these services to remember in prayer the names of our loved ones who have fallen asleep in the Lord. When you call the office to schedule a Memorial or a Trisagion service, please be very specific with the names you want the clergy to commemorate. Confusion arises when the clergy receive additional names on Sunday morning than those that were given into the office, and they do not specify if they want these names to be commemorated in the memorial/trisagion service or they simply want the priest to pray for them in the altar during the proskomide preparation. AFTER THE FIRST YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THEIR PASSING, IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO INCLUDE THE NUMBER OF YEARS. SIMPLY SUBMIT THE NAME. Thank you for helping us be more organized and avoid any misunderstanding. PAGE 1717 Ionian Village is the international camping ministry of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America with campgrounds located in Peloponnesos, Greece. Celebrating over 45 years of ministry, Ionian Village continues to offer the Orthodox Christian youth of America an unparalleled spiritual and cultural summer camping experience. IONIAN VILLAGE SPIRITUAL ODYSSEY The Spiritual Odyssey program offers young adults the opportunity to intimately encounter the Greek culture and Orthodox faith through focused excursions. Spiritual Odyssey is open to young adults between the ages of 19-24. SPIRITUAL ODYSSEY #TAKEMEBACKTOIV: JUNE 1 – JUNE 12, 2016 Whether you attended IV as a camper and want to go back or you missed the opportunity while in high school, this is your chance to come back to the place where it all happens. The 2016 Spiritual Odyssey program will be centered physically and spiritually around the beautiful Ionian Village campgrounds. Each day will bring a new excursion for participants who will be staying at the camp. The itinerary will include both destinations native to the Ionian Village program, such as Zakynthos, Kefalonia, Kalavrita, and Osios Loukas, as well as new elements unique to the Spiritual Odyssey experience. 2016 SUMMER CAMPING PROGRAMS The picturesque Ionian Village campgrounds sit along the shores of the pristine Ionian Sea and are equipped with a private beach, a renovated Olympic-sized pool, air-conditioned cabins, and various athletic courts and fields. Campers actively explore their Orthodox faith and heritage, both through the daily at-camp program and through excursions to culturally and religiously significant sites throughout Greece. Excursions include Ancient Olympia, Patras, Zakynthos, Kefalonia, Kalavrita, Aegina, and Athens. Each 20-day session is open to young people who have completed grades 8 through 12. Session One: June 19 – July 8, 2016 Session Two: July 17 – August 5, 2016 THE MESSENGER 2016 SUMMER STAFF APPLICATIONS Ionian Village depends upon its highly motivated and energetic Staff Members, each of whom is selected through a careful application process. Applicants must be Greek Orthodox and at least 21 years old at the start of the summer camping season. Applications to be a part of the 2016 Summer Staff will be available on the Ionian Village website on December 1, 2015. For more information regarding any of our 2016 Summer programs, to apply to be a Staff, Medical, or Clergy Member, or to register for our ever-expanding Alumni Project please visit the Ionian Village website at OCTOBER 2015 ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΓΩΝΙΑ Αγαπητοί μου φίλοι όπως πάντα πιστή,στο μηνιαίο μας ραντεβού σας καλοσορίζω σ'αυτόν τον Φθινοπωρινό μήνα. Και ο Οκτώβριος είναι γεμάτος από γιορτές Εθνικές και θρησκευτικές. Οπως π.χ στις 3 Οκτωβρίου γιορτάζουμε την μνήμη του Αγίου Διονυσίου του Αεροπαγίτη. Ευκαιρία είναι να μάθουμε δυο λόγια γιά τον βίο του. Ο Άγιος Διονύσιος γεννήθηκε στην Αθήνα από πλούσιους, αρχοντικούς γονείς μά και ειδωλολάτρες. Τήν εποχή εκείνη, η Αθήνα ξακουστή πόλη γιά τα πολλά πολιτικά κόμματα, τους σοφούς της και τα πολιτεύματα της, ο Διονύσιος που ήτανε ο πιό δίκαιος άνθρωπος έγινε δικηγόρος. Ήταν ακόμα νέος όταν πήγε στην Αίγυπτο και αμέσως μόλις γύρισε στην Αθήνα τότε έγινε Αεροπαγίτης. Σε λίγο καιρό στην Αθήνα έφτασε ο Άγιος Παύλος και ζήτησε την άδεια γιά να μιλήσει στους Αθηναίους γιά μία νέα διδασκαλία. Τούς είπε γιά τον Χριστό, γιά την Σταύρωση του και την Ανάσταση και πολλά άλλα γύρο από την ζωή και τον θάνατο του Χριστού. Ο Διονύσιος πού τον άκουγε με προσοχή, όταν τελείωσε τον λόγο του, τον πήρε στο σπίτι του τον Άγιο Παύλο και έμαθε πιό πολλά γιά τον Χριστό. Αμέσως ο Διονύσιος πίστεψε στην νέα θρησκεία. Στην Αθήνα τότε ήτανε Αρχιερέας ο σοφός Ιερόθεος. Αναπάντεχα όμως απεβίοσε. Ο Παύλος αμέσως χειροτόνησαι Επίσκοπο Αθηνών τον Διονύσιο, ο οποίος με την βοήθεια του Αγίου Πνεύματος έγινε ακόμα πιό πολύ σοφός και έγραψε πολλά βιβλία γιά την θρησκεία του Χριστού. Έκανε πολλά ταξίδια και έκτισε πολλές εκκλησίες και γκρέμιζε τα είδωλα. Φυσικά γρήγορα μαθεύτικαν τα νέα, πιάστηκε αιχμάλωτος και πήγε στον δικαστή. Ο Διονύσιος αρνήθηκε να προσκυνήσει τα είδωλα κι ο δικαστής έδωσε εντολή νά τους αποκεφαλίσουν αυτόν και τους μαθητές του. Οι δήμιοι τους πήγαν σ'ενα βουνό, όπου εκεί έγινε Τό Θαύμα. Όταν έκοψαν το κεφάλι του Αγίου, αυτός σηκώθηκε, πήρε το κεφάλι του στα χέρια και αφού περπάτησε δύο μίλια βρήκε μία γυναίκα που την έλεγαν Κατούλα και της άφησε στα χέρια το κεφαλι. Αυτή πήρε τα λείψανα και τα έθαψε έξω από το Παρίσι όπου υπάρχει Εκκλησία αφιερωμένη στους τρείς μάρτυρες Διονύσιο, Ρουστικό, Ελευθέριο. Ηταν 3 Οκτωβρίου. Φίλοι μου καλή μας αντάμωση τον άλλο μήνα, πάντα υγεία.Ελάτε να τα πούμε απο κοντά κάθε πρώτη Κυριακή του μήνα !!! Με αγάπη, Μαρία Καρλατήρα (Μαράκι) PAGE 18 Papandreas Orthodontics Now 2 locations! North Royalton & Brunswick Spectacular Smiles Superior Service ALEX FAMILY PROPERTIES ❋✠✡☛☞✌✠✡✍ ✟✆✝✝✞✠✡☛☞✌✍✡✎✏✑✒✡✓✑✔ ✕✞✖✗✡✘✌✘✕✙✑✞✔✚✞✘✛✜✢✌✠✡✣✤✌✞✔✌✥✔✡ ✟✦✧✣✠✍✡✒✏✝✆✢✡✘★✌✘✚✩ ✪✫✬✬ ✭✮✫✬✯ ✰✱ ✲✮✫✰✳ 5295 STATE RD., PARMA I-480 STATE RD. EXIT 16 (216) 398-5900 Contact Pete Alex for leasing information 216-469-8957 Special Prices to Parishioners ⑦ ✴✵✶ ✷✶✴✵✸✹ ⑦ Paul M. Dowd, OD, FAAO Emmanuel Zanoudakis, OD Paul S. Hornik, OD 7448 Ridge Rd, Parma ❇✺✻✼✽✻✾✿❀ ✺❁ ✾❁❂❃ ❇✽❃❁❄ ❅❉❊❋● ❍■❏❑ ▲■▼◆ ❖■❏P◗ ▲■❘▼❙P■❯ ❱❲❲❳❨ ❩❬❬❭❳❳❪❫ Just south of Pleasant Valley Rd. • Professional Vision Care • Contact Lens Care • FREE Lasik Consultation • Over 1,000 Frames in Stock ❚ ✁✂ ✂✄❆❈☎ ✁✂ Most insurance plans accepted including Anthem, Medicare, & VSP NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 440-885-0822 ➌➍➎➏➐➑➒➓➎➔➔ ➣ ➫➜➢➢➔➥ ➜➑➝➞➟➜➞➠ ➞↔↕➒➙ ➛➜➝➞➎➣➝➞➟➜➞➠→➣↔↕➒➙ ➌➩➎➝→ ➧➞➤➏➎➢➜➨→ ➌➙➡➏→➔ →➢➑➤→➥➥➦➐➜➠↔↕➒ ➧➞➤➏➎➢➜➨→➥ ➑➝➞➟➜➞➠➙ ➧➞➤➏➎➢➜➨→ ➑➝➞➟➜➞➠ ➙➒ ➌➙➜➭➎➞➯➏➲➔ ➛➜➝➞➎➣➝➞➟➜➞➠➯➨➜➣↔↕➒➙➒ ➌↕➯➤➤➏➜➳➵➒➩➜➸➠↔↕➒ ❴❛❵❜❝✉❞❣❡❞②❢❤❞t✐❥❦❡❧♠❵♥❢ ♦❡✉❞❥♥✉❞❣❡❞②❢❝❦❥❞t♥♣❡❧♠❵♠q❡❢r❥t❛s✈❥♠qt ✇❡❦s❛❵❡①❡qt ➺ ➻➼➽➾➚➽➪➚➽➶ ➹➼➻➘➶➪➼➽➴ ③④⑤⑥⑧⑨⑩❶❷❸❹❺⑧⑨❻❹ ❼⑥⑤❽❾❿➀❹❺➁❺➀❹❺➀⑩❺ ❾➂⑨➃⑨➀❾➄➃❺➅❺➃❻➀❹ ❾➆❺❷➇➃❻❶❺ ❾➆❻➈➈❺➀ ❲❲❳❭❬❲➉❭➊❳➋➋ ➷➬➮➱✃❐❒➬❮❒➬❒❰ÏÐÑ❮➮Ñ➮❰ Ò❮ÓÔÔ❒➮❰ÕÖ❐❒➬❮❒➬❒ ×ØÙÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãÝäåàÛæÜçèéêá ëëìíîïðíëñðð òòòóôõö÷øùöúûôüý÷þÿ♦ó✳þ ❈✁✂♣✄❡❤❡☎✆✐✝❡ ✞❡☎❡✄❛✟ ❈❛✄❡ St. Paul Greek Orthodox and Liturgical Publications Inc. invite you to become their partner in publishing this Newsletter. Your support will permit St. Paul Greek Orthodox to receive this service at no cost. WIANT JEWELERS “Fine Jewelry” DAVE & DIANE WIANT 3511 Center Rd • Brunswick (330) 273-1338 0-E-0-0 For Ad Information Call Liturgical Publications at 1-800-477-4574 For advertising information, call SHERRY MONTELL at LPi today. 1-800-477-4574 or 216-325-6825 ext. 6321 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc. 14-0902/b ST. PAUL GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 4548 Wallings Road North Royalton, OH 44133-3121 Address Service Requested NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 2913 CLEVELAND, OHIO