T - Curl Manitoba


T - Curl Manitoba
MCA Bonspiel celebrates 125 years
2012/13 Yearbook
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Index of AdvertIsers
AFIG Financial ....................................................................1
Manitoba Canola Growers...............................................IFC
Asham Curling Supplies ....................................................72
Manitoba Curling Foundation ...........................................20
Assiniboine Credit Union ..................................................55
Manitoba Curling Hall-of-Fame .........................................17
Awards & More ................................................................64
Manitoba Curling Tour......................................................22
Bel Acres Golf & Country Club ............................................8
Manitoba Hydro ...............................................................78
Calm Air.............................................................................2
Manitoba Pork Council .....................................................90
Charleswood Curling Club ................................................55
Manitoba’s Credit Unions .................................................52
Chas. Fidler & Son ............................................................80
McDiarmid Lumber ...........................................................92
Chicken Chef....................................................................94
Molly Maid......................................................................IBC
Coors Light ......................................................................13
Monsanto ........................................................................86
Granite Curling Club.........................................................13
Nott Autocorp ............................................................... OBC
Home Run Sports .............................................................55
Performance Brush .............................................................5
Jet Ice ..............................................................................42
Safeway ...........................................................................40
Kruger Products ...............................................................44
Toromont Cimco...............................................................36
Kwik Copy........................................................................23
Waterite ...........................................................................76
Lafarge Canada................................................................82
Winnipeg Free Press ...........................................................9
Please suPPort the advertisers
that suPPort you!
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
tAble of Contents
CurlManitoba Yearbook Advertisers ....................................2
CurlManitoba Board of Directors ........................................4
CurlManitoba Staff .............................................................6
CurlManitoba Regional Liaisons..........................................7
Message from CurlManitoba President ...............................8
Message from Manitoba Premier ......................................10
Message from Sport Manitoba..........................................11
Directory of CurlManitoba Affiliated Clubs ........................12
CurlManitoba Benefits of Affiliation ..................................14
In Memoriam ...................................................................16
Message from Manitoba Curling Hall-of-Fame ..................18
Manitoba Curling Hall-of-Fame Inductees .........................19
Message from the Manitoba Curling
Foundation ................................................................21
Honourary Life Members Association ................................23
New Honourary Life Members...........................................24
Ladies Past Presidents’ Association ...................................26
Past Presidents Association ...............................................27
CurlManitoba Scholarships and Awards ............................28
2012/2013 Calendar of Events .........................................30
World Silver for Team Robertson .......................................31
MCA Bonspiel Celebrates 125 Years .................................32
O’Grady Challenge Recap .................................................34
Winter Youth Olympic Games ...........................................35
2012 MANITOBA PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS...................37
Junior Men’s ..............................................................38
Junior Women’s .........................................................39
Safeway Championship Men’s....................................41
Safeway Championship All-Stars ................................43
Scotties Tournament of Hearts Women’s .....................45
Scotties All-Stars ........................................................46
Chicken Chef Mixed ...................................................47
Strathcona Senior Men’s ............................................48
Tim Hortons Senior Women’s......................................50
Manitoba’s Credit Unions Masters Women’s ...............51
Manitoba’s Credit Unions Masters Men’s ...................53
Dominion Curling Club Champions ............................54
Tim Hortons Youth .....................................................56
Boys & Girls High School ............................................57
2012 BONSPIEL CHAMPIONS..........................................59
Winnipeg Free Press Trophy........................................60
Awards & More Trophy ..............................................61
Cec Watt Trophy.........................................................62
8-Ender Trophy ..........................................................63
Home Run Sports Trophy ............................................65
Awards & More Trophy ..............................................65
Equal Force Event ......................................................66
Defiant Event.............................................................66
Valour Road Event .....................................................67
Pro Star Event............................................................67
YOUTH RECREATIONAL JAMBOREE .........................68
Asham Curling Supplies Trophy ..................................73
Winnipeg Free Press Trophy........................................74
Safeway Lucerne Trophy .............................................75
Bituminex Paving Trophy ............................................77
Manitoba Hydro Trophy ..............................................79
Chas. Fidler & Son Trophy ...........................................81
LaFarge Construction Trophy ......................................83
Thecurler.com Trophy .................................................84
Lazer Grant Trophy .....................................................85
Monsanto Canada Trophy ..........................................87
8-Ender Trophy ..........................................................88
Canada’s Web Shop Trophy ........................................89
Manitoba Pork Council Trophy....................................91
McDiarmid Lumber Trophy .........................................93
Chicken Chef Masters Trophy .....................................95
Asham Curling Supplies Trophy ..................................96
Atkins Curling Supplies Trophy ...................................97
Contempra Signs Trophy ............................................97
COvER: 2013 marks the celebration of the 125th annual MCA Bonspiel – the largest and longest running bonspiel in the world.
The 2012/2013 Yearbook is published
by CurlManitoba 309-145 Pacific Ave,
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2Z6.
(204) 925-5723
Fax: (204) 925-5720
Email: mca@curlmanitoba.org
Website: curlmanitoba.org
Advertising sales, publication management, editorial, design and production:
CRAIG KELMAN & ASSOCIATES, Third floor, 2020 Portage Ave.,
Winnipeg, MB R3J 0K4 (204) 985-9780 Fax: (204) 985-9795
Email: info@kelman.ca
Production Management: Kelly Gowerluk
Sales Manager: Kris Fillion
Layout & Design: Jackie Magat & Vadim Brodsky
2012 - 2013
board oF direCtors
Resby Coutts
Morris/Fort Rouge
Rob van kommer
Sam Antila
Bill Biehl
Heather - Winnipeg
Heather - Winnipeg
Matt pilloud
Fort Rouge - Winnipeg
wendell keeler
Portage la Prairie
Doris koop
Thistle - Winnipeg
Bryce McEwen
Victoria - Winnipeg
Norm Magnusson
Laurie Macdonell
La Salle
kim warburton
Fort Rouge – Winnipeg
CurlManitoba yearbooK – 2012/13
Proud sponsor of the
Multiple Grand
Slam Winners
Play with
the best
like the
Proud sponsor of the
2011 Brier and
World Champions
2012 - 2013
Shane Ray
Executive Director
Cole Skinner
Event Manager
Elaine Owen
Development Manager
Connie Laliberte
High Performance Director
Theresa Armstrong
Tracey Ewasko
Office, Partner and
Membership Coordinator
Marj Bone
Melissa Doan
Event and Program Assistant
309-145 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2Z6
Tel: (204) 925-5723 Fax: (204) 925-5720
Email: mca@curlmanitoba.org Web: curlmanitoba.org
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
CurlmAnItobA regional liaisons
interlaKe – gail Mastin
eastMan – anni MarKMann
norMan – grant brown
Central – niCK stone
ParKland – lisa Menard
winniPeg – vaCant
westMan – Karen dunbar
CurlmAnItobA reGIonAl liaison Job desCriPtion
duties and resPonsibilities:
Make personal contact (phone or email) with each club at beginning of the year via
email or phone.
Act as a resource person to individual clubs in their region. Assist with tips on application
submission, answer questions about completion of forms and connect clubs to appropriate
person if they don’t have the information.
Promote CurlManitoba and encourage club participation in specific programs and events.
Assist in identifying clubs suitable to host specific events/activities/programs.
Participate in a minimum of two regional meetings per year – teleconference, video
teleconference, face-to-face.
Attend a fall meeting of all Regional Representatives/Resource Contacts
Attend the Annual General Meeting
Assist Board Development Committee in the recruitment of board and committee members,
regional representatives and leadership of events.
Assist CurlManitoba in securing event leaders in their region
QualiFiCations and baCKground:
Knowledge of other clubs and individuals in the region
tiMe CoMMitMent:
Approximately 2-4 hours per month from April to September
Approximately 4-10 hours per month from October to March
President’s Message
here are historical references to curling being played in the Red
River Settlement before Manitoba became a province in 1870.
The first club, the Manitoba Curling Club was established in 1876.
However, the recorded history of ‘organized curling’ in Manitoba began
the December day in 1888 when representatives of seven clubs met to
form an association. Hence in 2012-13 we celebrate our organization’s
125th official season.
Over the years, the Manitoba Curling Association (now CurlManitoba,
originally the Manitoba Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club)
has been recognized for excellence of our curlers, for leadership at the
national and international level, but perhaps most of all for running
Resby Coutts
the world’s largest and longest running annual Men’s Bonspiel,
which will also celebrate its 125th anniversary in 2013. It is perhaps
Morris/Fort Rouge
not surprising the MCA Bonspiel is so closely tied to our worldwide
reputation. In their book, written in tribute to the 100th anniversary in 1988, Morris Mott and John
Allardyce described the reasons for establishment of the organization this way.
“At their gatherings in the early to mid-1880’s, as well as in their local clubs, the curlers discussed
the possibility of forming an association for the West. It would become an affiliate of the RCCC
in Scotland – just as eastern Canadian associations had. Through that affiliation, western
curlers would be able to keep in touch with the parent body of their sport, as well as with world
developments in technique, equipment and strategy. More important, through an association,
western curlers would hold an annual bonspiel. Such an event would allow them to assemble
regularly for fun and good fellowship. It would also provide a means through which western teams
might show they could play their game as well as anyone, and thereby prove to themselves and the
world that the sport was well entrenched in the region.”
I think it fair to say the leaders who met that day (December 6, 1888) to formalize establishment
of the organization would say those objectives have been met. As we celebrate the 125th bonspiel
in January 2013, there is no question that a very large amount of ‘fun and fellowship’ have taken
place over the previous 124 events.
• Public Welcome
• Private Tournaments
• Individual & Corporate Memberships
• Driving Range, Practice Green & Short Game Practice Area
• Ideal Setting For Weddings
• 200 Seat Banquet Facility
• P.G.A. of Canada Trained Professionals
CurlManitoba yearbooK – 2012/13
As we celebrate the Canadian Curling Trials, the Tim Hortons Roar of the Rings presented by Monsanto,
in December 2013, there is no question ‘western teams have shown they can play the game as well
as anyone and that the sport is well entrenched in the region”. And yet I have to wonder what those
leaders from 125 years ago would think of the organization they established. They responded to the
needs of the sport of curling in their time in the way they considered most appropriate.
I believe they would applaud the efforts of CurlManitoba to respond to the needs of the sport
in our changing times. I believe they would applaud the current leaders of the organization for
recognizing the challenges facing the sport at the local and community level must take precedence
over a need to prove ‘we can play the game as well as anyone’.
We take great pride in the accomplishments of the elite curlers who represent Manitoba nationally
and internationally. We take great pride in the accomplishments of Manitoba-born competitors
who represent other jurisdictions nationally and internationally. And we take great pride in the
desire to excel and the effort required by those who would challenge to reach that level.
If we are to properly honour the memory of those who have gone before us in Manitoba curling, however,
it is the role of CurlManitoba to focus our attention on the future. And the future lies in working with the
organizations and curling facilities, and their participating members, in ensuring our sport is available for all.
For those who want to play this great game for the sheer joy of the game, the fun and the fellowship, as
well as for those who want to excel and challenge, to prove they can play the game as well as anyone.
CurlManitoba is more than just its Board of Directors, its staff and its volunteers. It is every curler and every
building where the game is played across the province. In tribute to the vision of the founders 125 years
ago, I urge all of us to re-dedicate ourselves to the future of our great sport. Not for personal benefit or
satisfaction but to ensure our sport of curling maintains its rightful place in Manitoba’s sports landscape.
We leave no stone unturned
(Publisher’s Note: Re-elected for 2012-13, Resby Coutts joined J.B. Mather Granite, the
1888-89 & 1889-90 President, as the only person to serve consecutive terms. In 125 years,
only two others served a second term as President; J.W O’Grady-Assiniboine (1907-08 &
1911-12) and Robert Jacob-St John’s (1926-27 & 1937-38).
Message FroM
the PremIer of mAnItobA
n behalf of the Province and people of Manitoba, I am delighted to greet
readers of the 2012-2013 CurlManitoba Yearbook. As the weather turns
cool, tens of thousands of Manitobans look forward to another season of friendly
competition on the ice.
The sport of curling has a long and rich history in our province. Year after
year, Manitoba teams take their place atop podiums across the country and
in the process inspire young athletes to strive for excellence. This tradition of
achievement lives on through dedicated competitors like yourselves whose
commitment to the sport makes it one of the most popular pastimes of our
province. Whether you are just starting out or are aiming for the provincial
championship, it is sure to be a great year.
2012-2013 is particularly special because it will see the 125th Annual MCA Men’s Bonspiel. Already the
world’s largest bonspiel, this season’s competition will give Manitoba’s many curling families an opportunity to
reflect on how much the game has meant to them. Congratulations on this milestone!
Greg Selinger
Premier of Manitoba
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
Message FroM
sPort mAnItobA
n behalf of Sport Manitoba it gives me great pleasure to welcome the
many thousands of curlers across our province to another roaring season.
Many enthusiasts at both the recreational and competitive level enjoy curling,
making it one of the province’s largest participation sports. The significance of the
sport in Manitoba and its contribution to the foundation of our sport community
is invaluable. As a life long sport, curling contributes to the physical and social
well-being of participants while fostering community and volunteer development.
The success of curling in our province is a result of the leadership and support
provided by CurlManitoba and experienced, dedicated and industrious volunteers.
From grassroots programs to building Olympians, Manitoba’s curling programs
have enabled us to become a leader in Canada.
The development of the Sport for Life Centre, a first in Canada, ensures that Manitoba continues to lead
the way. Once completed, the Sport for Life Centre will profoundly improve access to sport and sport training
across Manitoba.
On behalf of Sport Manitoba, I extend best wishes to all curlers and the CurlManitoba for another
successful season.
Jeff Hnatiuk
President & CEO
Sport Manitoba
CurlmAnItobA aFFiliated Clubs
Year of
Affiliation of ice
Deer Lodge
East St. Paul
Elm Creek
Flin Flon
Fort Garry
Fort Rouge
Gilbert Plains
Grand Marais
La Salle
Lac du Bonnet
Northern Interlake
Pilot Mound
Year of
Affiliation of ice
Year of
Affiliation of ice
Shoal Lake
Snow Lake
St. Adolphe
St. Claude
& Haywood
St. Vital
Ste. Anne
Stony Mountain
Swan Lake
Swan River
The Pas
West Kildonan
West St. Paul
Winnipeg Beach
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
2011-2012 assoCiate MeMbers
Manitoba Firefighters Curling Association
MTS Employees Provincial Curling Association
Manitoba Deaf Curling
Manitoba Postal Curling Association
Special Olympics Curling
Fisher Branch Curling Club
Help Us Celebrate As Our House Turns 100
The NEW Granite Curling Club
1 Granite Way
Winnipeg, MB R3C 0Y9
oF aFFiliation
For more info on any of the listed benefits please visit our website at curlmanitoba.org or by calling
204-925-5723. You can also email mca@curlmanitoba.org.
CurlManitoba is the sport governing organization for the sport of curling in Manitoba. Our mission is to
promote, develop and grow the sport of curling in Manitoba, Canada and the world by providing leadership,
services and programs for the curling community from grassroots to elite.
CurlManitoba believes that while our primary responsibility lies in serving Manitoba athletes, clubs and
enthusiasts our knowledge, and skills can be a resource to Canadians and the world. We will assist athletes
achieve personal excellence. We will support clubs to help ensure their long-term sustainability. We will grow the
game through quality, innovative programs and services that retain current participants and attract new ones.
CurlManitoba is an association representing a diverse membership including curling facilities, leagues,
associations and individual participants. These members come from across the province and include rural and
urban facilities, competitive curlers, grassroots curlers and all ages.
There are many tangible and intangible benefits that members receive from CurlManitoba. Member benefits
will vary depending upon the type of membership.
Facilities, clubs and associates represent their participants and provide their curlers with a voice in curling at
the provincial level through representation and a vote at the CurlManitoba AGM. Clubs also have the right
to have a member stand for election. In addition clubs have a voice in the growth of curling in Manitoba and
Canada through regional meetings, and communication with board and staff.
CurlManitoba members have access to a number of grants to assist them in facility and program development.
These grants include bingo grants, the CurlManitoba Development Fund, travel grants, and hosting grants.
CurlManitoba recently secured a group rate on debit and credit card rates to help clubs save money. We have
also initiated a group fundraising effort to provide clubs, leagues and curlers the opportunity to raise valuable
funds. Clubs also have the opportunity to host events, which can be a very important fundraiser for clubs.
Symposiums and seminars assist clubs in recruiting new members, improved facility operations, marketing,
volunteer recruitment and networking. Access to CurlManitoba mail-outs helps to promote bonspiels, leagues,
programs and services. Opportunities to advertise and submit articles to the e-newsletter and website. A page
on the CurlManitoba website to promote your facility, club or league. We provide opportunities for junior
curling coordinators to meet and share ideas and resources to help improve their program.
CurlManitoba continues to work with clubs and curlers to provide new resources to help run leagues and
programs. We provide junior curling coordinators with all the resources needed to run a junior curling league.
We have developed new programs such as the Tots and Rocks and Road Show programs to help provide
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
clubs with new opportunities to draw in new curlers and revenue for their clubs. CurlManitoba provides its
members with the opportunity to have draws made for its leagues and bonspiels. Scorecards and draw sheets are
also provided free of charge. Our world-class ice technicians will come and work with facilities to evaluate the
building, rocks, ice equipment, etc and provide recommendations or work with a club to improve conditions, etc.
Participants receive individual benefits through their membership in CurlManitoba. Many of the benefits that
participants receive come indirectly to them through their clubs. These indirect benefits include improved facilities
through facility grants and visits by our world-class ice technicians helping to improve ice conditions for curlers.
Curlers are given the opportunity for skill development through clinics, lessons, and access to training
resources such as manuals, CD’s, DVD’s and video analysis. Members interested in becoming coaches can
receive training through coaching certification course and a variety of professional development opportunities.
Improved coaching also assists those curlers who choose to work with a certified coach. We also provide
opportunities for members to become ice technicians and officials. CurlManitoba also has a number of
different opportunities for individuals to volunteer providing valuable experience that can be used in their
home club or outside the curling community and in everyday life.
These competitions include regional playoffs, berth bonspiels, bonspiels, Manitoba Winter Games and Canada
Games Trials. These competitions provide curlers with the opportunity to test their skills, meet other curlers
and have fun social outings. In addition for those interested in going on, the opportunity to compete to
represent Manitoba and Canada.
We assist a number of leagues and bonspiels each year with making draws. We provide many of the rules that
curlers curl by in leagues and bonspiels. We provide resources for league coordinators to help them improve
the curling experience for curlers. CurlManitoba provides recognition for curlers in the form of awards for
8-enders, recognition of outstanding achievements, and for service to the sport of curling through Honourary
Life Membership and a Volunteer Recognition program. CurlManitoba also provides a number of scholarships
each year to junior curlers.
Through representation at the CurlManitoba AGM curlers also have the right to stand for election to the
CurlManitoba Board of Directors. In addition curlers have a voice in the growth of curling in Manitoba and
Canada through regional meetings and communication with board and staff.
Television: Events such as the Safeway Championship are put on television and online so curling fans can
enjoy the action.
Major Events: CurlManitoba works to bring events such as the Olympic Trials, Brier and Scotties Tournament of
Hearts to our province so Manitoba curling fans can watch the best curlers in their own backyard without having
to travel. These events are also important sources of revenue used to fund things like the Development Fund.
in MeMoriaM
Manitoba Curling Clubs
Mona Dixon
Ralph McFadyen
Toru Suzuki
Mark Collins
Austin Hiscock
Millie Misener
Ken Stammers
Clifford J. Dowd
Albert Dowd
Stan Dowd
Enid Johnson
Eyvi Paulson
Jean Sampson
Don Rudolph
Carole Slater
Blaine Senick
Bob Turner
Jim Sproule
Kerry McKay
Welland Williams
Gertrude Sealey
Bob Moroz
Joey Arnason
Beryl Harding
Norm Houck
Jack Smith
Ken Roth
Mark Collins
Tom Dooley
Dan Hildebrand
Janet Davidson
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
Ted Bloomer
Ward Putnam
Ralph McFadyen
Irene Henderson
Mona Dixon
Jim Sproule
William Norrie
Lyle Henry
Leon Vandekerckhove
Jack Matheson
Mabel Mills
Donations of curling artifacts
or contributions accepted by the
CurlManitoba Office at (204) 925-5723
Induction Dinner May 5th, 2013
Tickets $65.00
Canad Inns - Polo Park
1405 St. Matthews Avenue
Cocktails at 4:00 pm
Dinner at 5:00 pm
Message FroM the mAnItobA
CurlInG hAll-of-fAme And museum
n behalf of the Executive and Board of Directors of the Manitoba Curling
Hall-of-Fame and Museum, I am pleased to extend a welcome and greeting
to all the curlers and curling fans. I wish you all success and sportsmanship during
the 2012-2013 season.
Last year, we celebrated 25 years of honouring those who have made curling
the great sport we enjoy today, the curlers, builders, curler builders and teams.
The Hall-of-Fame looks forward to continued recognition and celebrating the
accomplishments within the curling fraternity.
We should be very proud, as we are the only ones in Canada to have a place
where we can honour our curlers.
The Hall-of-Fame appreciates and thanks CurlManitoba for their continued support and also to our founding
members and volunteers for the many hours given in support of curling. Please mark your calendars for
Sunday, May 5, 2013 for our 26th annual Manitoba Curling Hall-of-Fame Induction Dinner at the CanadInn
Polo Park.
I hope everyone has a great year in curling. Good luck and enjoy the sportsmanship of curling.
Nadia Hanesiak
Manitoba Curling Hall-of-Fame and Museum
boArd of dIreCtors 2012-2013
Nadia Hanesiak .............................................. President
Bob McNaughton .................................... Past-President
Russell Hinds........................................... Vice-President
Garry DeBlonde ...............................................Treasurer
Heather Helston ................................................ Curator
Adele Helston .........................................Banquet Chair
Fred Sutton ....................................... Banquet Co-Chair
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
Nicolle Brockie ........................................Publicity Chair
Russell Hinds..........................................Selection Chair
Ross MacIver............................................Auction Chair
Allan Neyedly .................................. Auction Committee
Norm Magnusson............................. CurlManitoba Rep.
Sylvia Erickson
2012 InduCtees
into the Manitoba Curling hall-oF-FaMe and MuseuM
BUILDER - Nancy Rummery
BUILDER - Heather Helston
Member of Deer Lodge and
Assiniboine CCs
President of Deer Lodge and
Assiniboine Ladies CCs
Honourary Life Member of Deer
Lodge Ladies CC
MLCA Executive from 1990-1998
President of MLCA 1997-1998
Received MLCA Honourary Life
Elected as President of Hall-ofFame Board in 1995 and remains
on Board today
• As Museum Chair supervised
museum’s move to the Bay
and subsequently to Sport
Manitoba location
• As MCHF Curator maintained,
collected and catalogued artifacts
and memorabilia for curling fraternity
• Coordinated and staged displays at 1991, 1998 and 2008
Canadian and World Championships
Membership in 1999
• Executive VP 2003 Ford Worlds
• Official at 1995 World Championships and continues to
officiate at provincial and national championships
TEAM – 1979-1980 Jim Dunstone Team
vETERAN TEAMS – ken watson Teams
ken watson
1936-1939 Team
Strathcona CC: Ken Watson
- Skip, Grant Watson - Third,
Marvin McIntyre - Second,
Charles Kerr - Lead
• 1936 British Consols Champions
• 1936 MacDonald Brier
1937 British Consols Champions
1938 British Consols Champions
1939 British Consols Champions
Heather CC: Jim Dunstone - Skip,
Carol Dunstone - Third, Del Stitt Second, Elaine Jones - Lead
• 1980 Manitoba Mixed
• 1980 Canadian Mixed
• 5 Provincial Mixed appearances
vETERAN TEAMS – Howard wood Sr. Teams
Howard wood Sr.
1929-1930 Team
Granite CC: Howard Wood Sr. Skip, Jim Congalton - Third, Vic
Wood - Second, Lionel Wood - Lead
• 1930 British Consols Champions
• 1930 MacDonald Brier
1933 and 1934 British Consols appearances
1934 City Champion
ken watson
1941-1942 Team
Ken Watson - Skip, Grant Watson
- Third, Charlie Scrymgeour Second, Jimmy Grant - Lead
• 1942 British Consols
• 1942 MacDonald Brier
Howard wood Sr.
1939-1940 Team
Howard Wood Sr. - Skip, Ernie
Pollard - Third, Howard Wood Jr.
- Second, Roy Enman - Lead
• 1940 British Consols Champions
• 1940 MacDonald Brier
ken watson
1948-1949 Team
Ken Watson - Skip, Grant Watson
- Third, Lyle Dyker - Second,
Charles Read - Lead
• 1947 British Consols Champions
• 1948 British Consols Champions
1949 British Consols Champions
1949 MacDonald Brier Champions
Manitoba Curling foundation inc.
Congratulations to
on their organization and promotion of the game
of Curling throughout the Province of Manitoba.
Compliments of
Manitoba Curling foundation inc.
Congratulations to the 2012
$1,000.00 Scholarship Recipients:
Shannon Birchard – Winnipeg
Kylin Alm – Dauphin
Derek Oryniak – Winnipeg
Janelle Grieve – Virden
Congratulations to the 2012
$250.00 Sport Award Recipients:
Kendell Shirtliff – Starbuck
Bailey Shirtliff – Starbuck
Kendra Van Cauwenberghe – Swan Lake
Kylin Alm – Dauphin
Stefan Gudmundson – Dauphin
Tia Ilnisky – Gilbert Plains
Beth Peterson – Winnipeg
Robyn Njegovan – Winnipeg
Jason Slipec – Winnipeg
Jeremy Mills – Boissevain
Allison Stephensen – Carberry
Janelle Grieve – Virden
Jaida Peddle – Snow Lake
Robert Yusishen – Beausejour
Message FroM
the mAnItobA CurlInG foundAtIon
he year ending March 31, 2012 was the final year of operations for the
Manitoba Curling Foundation Inc. The corporation was dissolved and
the required documents were filed with the Province of Manitoba Corporations
Branch. The assets of the Manitoba Curling Foundation Inc. were transferred
to CurlManitoba and the Winnipeg Foundation - Curling for Life Endowment
Fund. These Funds will provide an ongoing legacy to the sport in the form of
scholarships and fund for the development and promotion of the sport.
I would like to thank all 2011-2012 Directors for their assistance especially
members of the Scholarship and Awards Committee for their work on the
selection of recipients of the scholarship and awards for the year. Some members
of the Board of the Manitoba Curling Foundation Inc. will continue to serve on the Scholarship Committee of
I would like to thank all Directors and Officers who have held positions in the Foundation in past years for
their service.
Jack Callum
President, Manitoba Curling Foundation
boArd of dIreCtors 2011-2012
Jack Callum ................................................... President
Rita VandeVyvere .................................... Vice President
Rose Neufeld .................................................Secretary
Robert Kirkland ..............................................Treasurer
Bill Biehl ...................................CurlMB Representative
Darrell Winters .................................................Director
Jo-Anne Inglis ..................................................Director
The Best in Manitoba Curling
Manitoba Curling Tour thanks our Supporters and
all Event & Community Sponsors and volunteers
Gord/Kristi Green
(Open) Nott Autocorp Thanksgiving Charity Classic – Thistle
(Men) Pharmasave Manitoba Classic – Gimli
(Men) King Spud Classic – Carberry
(Women) Atkins Curling Supplies Curling Classic – East St. Paul
(Men) CanadInns Prairie Classic – Portage
(Women) Manitoba Lotteries Women’s Classic
presented by Flatlanders Flooring – Fort Rouge
(Women) King Spud Classic – Carberry
(Open) Ken Kurbis Galaxy Bonspiel
presented by Fort Garry Industries – Rossmere
(Men) White’s Drug Store Classic – Swan River
(Women) Goldline Manitoba Women’s Open
presented by thecurler.com – Rivers, Morris, Beausejour
(Men) Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy Classic – Dauphin
(Men & Women) DEKALB SuperSpiel – Morris
30-Dec 2 (Men) Manitoba Lotteries Men’s Classic Brandon
30-Dec 2 (Open) Thistle Integrity Stakes – Thistle
(Men & Women) MCT Championships – Beausejour
For event information www.mancurltour.ca OR contact mancurltour@mymts.net
JOin us fOr the
December 6 - 9, 2012
Beausejour Curling Club
Host Sponsors
Thrifty Carwash - Beausejour Optical -Chicken Delight
16 top-ranked Men’s Teams & 16 top-ranked Women’s team competing for the
MCT Championships and invitations to compete in CurlManitoba’s Provincial Championships
honourAry liFe MeMbers assoCiation
CaMPbell CuP
or competition at the Life Member’s Bonspiel held on Friday,
October 12, 2012.
The Campbell Cup was presented by the late Malcolm Campbell of Winnipeg for
annual competition between Honourary Life Members of the Manitoba Curling
Association or Honorary Life Members of sister associations.
The curling bonspiel began at 3:00 pm at the Heather Curling Club.
The Annual Dinner was held at the Heather Curling Club with the reception at
4:30 pm and dinner at 5:30 pm.
Ralph Bagley
offICers 2012-2013 season
President...................................................................... Ralph Bagley – Winnipeg Free Press
Vice President .............................................................. Judy Brown – Wildewood Club
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer ............................................... Rick Mutton
474 Woodydell Ave
Winnipeg, MB R2M 4N5
Member – Deer Lodge Curling Club
Executive ..................................................................... Ina Light
Executive ..................................................................... John Helston
Executive ..................................................................... Edie Caron
Executive ..................................................................... Fred Sutton
Kwik Kopy Design & Print Centre
940 Elgin Avenue
Ph. 772-5945 Fx. 772-2622
neW honourAry liFe MeMbers
rae hainstoCK
Rae, who has been a member of the Burntwood Curling Club in Thompson, MB since
1970, is one of only three Honourary Life Members of the Club.
He first joined the executive in 1971, where he helped set up the inaugural “shift
league” for those working at the INCO mine. As a member of the Burntwood Curling
Club executive for most of the last 40 years, Rae served as President for four terms.
He chaired committees for the 1994 Tankard, and both Scott Tournament of Hearts
held in Thompson. He was also chairman for numerous Men’s, Mixed, Seniors and
Masters zone and district playoffs.
Rae joined the MCA (CurlManitoba) board in 2007 when it still consisted of about 44 members. He served
on the championship review committee, served one year after the board changed to the current format of 12
members, and took on more of a “management” role. After deciding that a more “hands on” relationship
with the clubs in the Norman District was more suited to his skill set, he served one year on the CurlManitoba
management board and acted as the Norman District Liaison and recruited a suitable replacement to
represent the north on the CurlManitoba board. He focused on the operational side (District Liaison) of
dealing with clubs spread over the ~800 kilometre range on the great white north.
Rae is honoured and humbled to be recognized as an Honourary Life Member of CurlManitoba, and hopes
to remain actively involved after his recent relocation to Brandon.
Cindy MaddoCK
Cindy started curling on natural ice at the Rathwell Curling Club in the early 1970’s.
She has been a member of the Morden club since 1981 and has also been a member
of the St. Adolphe and Fort Garry clubs.
After serving actively as a Morden Curling Club volunteer and committee member
of four provincial championships held in Morden, including acting as Co-Chair of the
2003 Scott Tournament of Hearts, Cindy became a provincial volunteer.
Cindy became actively involved in the Provincial MLCA just prior to the
amalgamation with MCA in 2000 and what is now known as CurlManitoba. She joined the MCA Board
of Directors in 2000 as the MCA Central Regional Director for 2000/2001 year and was elected to the
Management Committee from 2001-2005. In 2006, she was elected as the Central Regional Director
and again was elected to the Management Committee from 2007-2009, then elected to Vice President
CurlManitoba 2009/2010 and President CurlManitoba 2010/2011. As Past President CurlManitoba she was
then nominated by CurlManitoba to run for the Canadian Curling Association Board of Governors. After being
elected as a CCA Board of Governor, Cindy resigned her position of Past President in September 2011.
During her years on the CurlManitoba Board, Cindy was Event Liaison for seven different provincial
championships. She also held positions as the MCA Communications & Club Liaison Chair 2002, MCA Rules
Committee Chair 2003, MCA Technical & Development Chair 2003, MCA Review Chair Curling Hall-of-Fame
& Museum 2004, MCA Rep Manitoba Curling Foundation 2004-2006, MCA Manitoba Curling Foundation
Secretary 2006-2009, MCA Board Development Committee 2008-2009 and is a member of the CurlManitoba
Development Fund Committee from 2009-2012.
Volunteering in the sport of curling has been both fulfilling and rewarding for Cindy. She has met and
worked with many wonderful people and will cherish those friendships. Cindy is extremely honoured and very
humbled to receive an Honourary Life Membership in CurlManitoba.
CurlManitoba yearbooK – 2012/13
neW honourAry liFe MeMbers
Marlene Mori
Marlene’s involvement with CurlManitoba started with the Manitoba Ladies Curling
Association, when she was the “working delegate” from the Thistle Business Girls
Curling Club. Over the years as the working delegate she was called on to assist with
various events organized by the MLCA. From this beginning, she was elected to the
board of CurlManitoba in 2003 and served for eight years, four of those years as a
member of Management Committee. During those years she assisted with numerous
CurlManitoba events including various berth bonspiels, and was Chair of the MCA
Women’s Bonspiel and of the Provincial Youth Curling Championship and Youth Jamboree, each for several
years. She has been a part of the organizing committee for the Youth Championship and Jamboree since its
inception in 1999.
During 2008-2010 she was Chair of the CurlManitoba Affiliation Fee Committee, which led to a change in
the membership fee structure. In 2010 she worked on the review and revision of the Constitution and By-Laws
for CurlManitoba, the Manitoba Curling Hall-of-Fame and the Manitoba Curling Foundation. During 2011-12
she has been a member of the Policy Task Force which reviewed, revised, researched and wrote policies which
will govern CurlManitoba.
Marlene has been on the Board of the Manitoba Curling Hall-of-Fame. She was on the organizing
committee for the Optimists International Under 18 Curling Championship. This was a great experience as she
was able to work closely with the boys and girls teams from Japan.
Marlene has been a member of the Thistle Business Girls Curling Club since the late 1980’s and has held
the positions of MLCA Working Delegate, Treasurer, Secretary, President and Past President. She was also the
Treasurer for the Granite Business Girls Curling Club. She is an Honourary Life Member of the Thistle Business
Girls Curling Club.
Marlene is proud to be recognized as an Honourary Life Member of CurlManitoba.
lorne saMbrooK
Lorne has been curling since he was 14. He started his curling in Medora and has
been a member of the Deloraine Curling Club since 1973. He has been on the draw
committee at Deloraine since the late 1970’s and is currently the President of the
Deloraine Curling Club.
Lorne was on the MCA Board of Directors for three years in the early 2000’s and in
2003 was the MCA Representative at the Provincial Senior Men’s Championships in
Melita. He has chaired the Zone 9 Men’s Playdowns since 1997 and has also chaired
Juniors, Seniors, Masters and Mixed Zone Playdowns held in Deloraine. He also coached a junior men’s team
for a few years.
Lorne has really enjoyed all the friendships that he has made over the years through the sport of curling.
Lorne is honoured to be recognized as an Honourary Life Member by CurlManitoba.
lAdIes Past Presidents’ assoCiation
2012-2013 exeCutIve
PRESIDENT...............................Jeanne Anderson
PAST PRESIDENT ......................Audrey Hogg
1st VICE PRESIDENT .................Sharon Chaput
2nd VICE PRESIDENT ................Dorothy Sawchuk
TREASURER .............................Marjorie Bone
SECRETARY ..............................Leila Farrell
SOCIAL ....................................Vacant
ICE & DRAW ............................Irene Hay
ICE & DRAW ASST. ..................Evelyn Davidson
Back Row Left to right: Evelyn Davidson, Sharon Chaput, Marjorie Bone, Leila Farrell, Dorothy Sawchuk, Irene Hay
Front Row: Jeanne Anderson - President, Audrey Hogg - Past President
he Ladies Past Presidents’ Association is an
independent organization devoted to the
fellowship of curling. Any woman who has been president of any curling club or league, whether in Manitoba
or anywhere in the world, may become a member of
the association. Members meet for an annual one-day
bonspiel and luncheon the third week in November,
usually at the President’s home club. Bonspiel teams are
“drawn from a hat” by the draw committee and many
Past Presidents who no longer curl attend the bonspiel
to renew friendships and cheer on the curlers. A spring
luncheon meeting is held on the first Monday in May.
This is the 80th anniversary year of our Association
and all women who have been President of any club or
league are invited to join us and help celebrate the fun,
friendships and memories we’ve all received through
curling. Most curling clubs have a representative to
keep members informed of our activities, collect our
‘loonie’ membership fee, and register members for the
bonspiel and luncheons. Anyone not affiliated with a
curling club may join our Association by contacting our
president or secretary.
Our bonspiel this year is on Wednesday, November
21, 2012, at the Pembina Curling Club. Members may
enter individually or through their club rep, and can
expect fun along with the curling!
Our spring luncheon is planned for Monday, May 6,
2013, at the Downs. This is always a fun and enjoyable
event to end the curling season and start the spring
season. Keep it in mind and come out to renew
acquaintances, make new friends and help celebrate
80 years of Past Presidents!
For more information contact President: Jeanne
Anderson 204-269-7878 or Leila Farrell 204-837-2806.
PAst PresIdents of PAst PresIdents’ AssoCIAtIon
* Mary Berry, Heather
* Elizabeth Wilson, Fort Rouge
* Mrs. J. Munro
* Mrs. M. Peterson
* Mrs. R. Vincent
* Mrs. R. Simpson, Strathcona
* Vera McAlpine, Heather
* Mrs. G. Bradley, Fort Rouge
* Sarah Baker, Thistle
* Mrs. C. Boulton
* Florence Zachary, Deer Lodge
* Kathleen Dudley, Granite
* Mrs. C. W. Simpson
* Helen Cochrane, Heather
Mrs. H. Christie
Mrs. A. M. Smith
Mrs. C. Foster
* Daisy Hutchinson, Grain Exchange
Marge Palmer, Strathcona
* Mona Whalley, Strathcona
Mrs. C Williamson
Mrs C. Taylor
* Grace Reynolds, St. John’s
Mrs. Law
Mrs. M Beaton, West Kildonan
Mrs. M. Hutton
Mrs. F Shannon, Transcona
* Grace Mason, Fort Rouge
Mrs. K. Popp, Granite
* Miriam Cameron, Winter Club
Mrs. N. Staples, Fort Rouge
* Mrs. F. Sturrock, Grain Exchange
* Edith Tipping, Elmwood
Mrs. F Bower
* Dorothy Starr, Fort Rouge
Mrs. T. Cooper, St. John’s
* Sadie Bowden, Deer Lodge
* Vera Regent, St. Vital
* Agnes Mcdowell, Fort Rouge
Peggy McLellan, West Kildonan
* Claire Cheney, Pembina Ladies
* Virginia Douglas, Assiniboine Mem.
Mary Babienko, Elmwood
* Gladys Darling, Grain Exchange
Mrs. T. Birt, Elmwood
Mrs. T. Broadbent, Transcona
Joan Whalley, Deer Lodge
Vi Rogers, St. Vital
* Ruth Toal, Granite
* Rose Shaye, East Kildonan
Grace Martin, Crocus
Mrs. C. Cameron, Wildewood
* Mary Wilshire, Assiniboine Mem.
Pat Spiring, Charleswood Ladies
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
Ricky May, Grain Exchange
Dorothy Rudd, Pembina
* Thora Livingstone, Fort Rouge Ladies
Ev Hunter, Deer Lodge
Karen Armour, Glenbriar
Connie Paterson, Thistle B.g.
Ev Turner, Assiniboine Memorial
* Betty Merlevede, Granite Ladies
Kathleen Abel, Charleswood Ladies
Marjorie Dewar, St. Vital B.g.
* Joan Gillis, Granite Ladies
Joan Moore, Thistle B.g.
Terry Taylor, Deer Lodge Ladies
Pauline Marofke, Pembina Ladies
June Jones, Charleswood Ladies
Aija Culley, Pembina
Phyllis Bell, Assiniboine Mem. Ladies
Martha Brown, Deer Lodge
Merle Brown, Charleswood Ladies
Barbara Manns, Assiniboine Memorial
Elaine Dale, Pembina
Barbara Perrault, Pembina
Helen Nemeth, Pembina
Iris Lechner, Pembina
Joan Moore, Thistle
Audrey Hogg, Warren
oF Manitoba
Curling Clubs
exeCutive and Club
rePresentatives 2012-2013
Bob Pattie
Ron Lloyd
19 Woodford Bay
Winnipeg, MB. R2M 4J2
Ph. 255-6495
Resby Coutts
122-1 Snow Street
Winnipeg, MB. R3T 2M4
Ph. 799-2250
Joan Halowski
130 Hiddleston Cres.
Winnipeg, MB. R2P 0S1
Bob Pattie
34 Inwood
Winnipeg, MB. R2Y 1A3
Gordon Cherepak
576 Fairmont Road
Winnipeg, MB. R3R 1B1
Roger Fontaine
338 Greenwood Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R2M 4J6
Bill Heinkel
26 Holt Dr.
Winnipeg, MB., R3K 1P8
Rev. Fraser Muldrew
937 Beaverbrook St.
Winnipeg, MB. R3N 1P2
he Past Presidents’ Association, as its name indicates, is an
Association formed to retain the interest in the game of curling
among curlers who have been Presidents of their respective clubs.
Any Past President of a club affiliated with CurlManitoba is eligible for
membership. The Association was founded May 4, 1928.
The objectives of the Association are to maintain interest and
promote good fellowship in the game of curling and promote curling
in the province of Manitoba.
The activities consist of an annual dinner and general meeting in
the spring and a golf tournament in early summer.
Any Past Presidents interested in joining the Association should
contact the Secretary.
Bill McAlpine, Civic Cal
William Logan, Granite
Frank Smith, Deer Lodge
W.H. “Bill” Hain, Fort Garry
Lou Leavens, Stonewall
Harry Coddington, Telephones
Dr. R.H. Christie, Deer Lodge
E.A. Brown, Lac du Bonnet
Robert Hamlin, St. John’s
Arthur Godsmark, Heather
Harry Baker, Thistle
Dr. Roy Snyder, Deer Lodge
William Brock, CPR
Jack Millar, Civic Cal
Cornelius “Mike” McNulty, Sperling
Harry Low, Fort Garry
Myrt Mills, Starbuck
Hilton Grose, West Kildonan
Oscar Qually, Dacotah
Bill Kerby, Deer Lodge
P.J. Hallenmans, Swan Lake
Wilf Young, Civic Cal
Jens Nissen, Drayton, N.D.
Harold Scrymgeour, St. John’s
Sam S. Square, Seven Sisters
Roy Powers, Fort Garry
Cliff C. Allbutt, Charleswood
Charlie H. Harness, Victoria
Alex Buchanan, Argyle
Harold Murphy, Deer Lodge
Chaud Johnson, Drayton, N.D.
Scott Laing, Thistle
Steve Vance, Charleswood
Joe Upritchard, Pointe du Bois
Alex Laird, Deer Lodge
Mel Jenkins, Victoria
Charlie Precious, Pointe du Bois
Al Grundy, Victoria
John Melinski, Whitemouth
Al Langlois, Fort Rouge
Gordon Bondy, Drayton, N.D.
Herb R. Edy, Pointe du Bois
Ted Armstrong, Valour Road
Bob Chamberlain, West Kildonan
Bill Noyes, Heather
E.D. “Slim” Davis, Thistle
Herb Harvey, Grain Exchange
Lou Henry, Charleswood
Lionel Porubanec, Civic Cal
Hal Pullin, Fort Rouge
Charlie Baker, West Kildonan
Ward Putnam, Charleswood
Ray Will, Thistle
Charlie Copeland, Assiniboine Memorial
Claude Reid, Fort Rouge
Al Ingram, West Kildonan
Ray Machan, Charleswood
Tom Bell, Valour Road
Sam Brown, Deer Lodge
John Rasmussen, Victoria
Ernie Shaw, West Kildonan
Lorne Paterson, Thistle
Ernie Delf, Fort Garry
Jim Barrie, Fort Rouge
Joe Dooley, Civic Cal
Thom Fasano, Deer Lodge
Bud Newton, Valour Road
Ray Cook, Springfield
Ron Lloyd, Fort Garry
Gord Boitson, West Kildonan
Bart Jenner, St. Vital
Bill Whiston, Charleswood
Roy Arndt, Falcon Lake
Duncan McAuley, Fort Rouge
Dick Russell, Wildewood
Rick Steckler, Fort Garry
Glen Kirton, Deer Lodge
Nick Myketa, Civic Caledonian
Ed Tarapasky, Victoria
Ray Brown, CFB
Gord Cole, Fort Rouge
William MacDonald, West St. Paul
Gerry Markowich, Fort Garry
William MacDonald, West St. Paul
susan galbraith MeMorial sPortsManshiP award
This award is named in memory of Susan Galbraith who had a long time association with junior curling, first
as a parent watching her three son’s advance through the junior ranks, and second, as a member of MLCA
Council from 1997-1999. In May 2000 Susan was elected a member of the Management Committee of the
newly amalgamated Manitoba Curling Association but passed away suddenly in August 2000.
The winners are selected each year by a vote of all competitors at the Manitoba Canola Growers Junior
Men’s and Women’s Provincial Championship. The award is presented to two participating junior athletes for
their demonstration of their commitment to the Fair-Play Code of ethics during the provincial championships.
Jr. Men
2001 Tyler Specula
2002 Reid Carruthers
2003 Jason Peters
Corey Manchuk
2004 Steven Cook
Jason Gunnlaugson
2005 David Kraichy
Andrew Hunt
2006 Kyle Peters
2007 Braden Zawada
St. Vital
Valour Road
Kyle Peters
Eric Wasylenko
Scott Peterson
Scott Peterson
Derek Blanchard
Jr. women
2001 Leigh Adams
2002 Allison Harrigan
2003 Jackie Komyshyn
Shoal Lake
Fort Garry
2004 Kaileigh Strath
2005 Karen Hodgson
2006 Allison Nimik
2007 Kaileigh Strath
2008 Lori Miscavish
2009 Sarah Lund
2010 Jenna Johnstone
2011 Selena Kaatz
Rachel Burtnyk
2012 Taylor Maida
Ste. Anne
Assiniboine Memorial
the edna MoFFat sPirit oF youth Curling sCholarshiP
Edna Moffat was a Past President and Honourary Life Member of
the Manitoba Ladies Curling Association. She passed away on April
17, 1995. Through a trust fund set up by the family of Edna Moffat,
CurlManitoba is pleased to make a $1,000 scholarship available to a
junior woman curler in Manitoba.
Any active junior woman curler entering or currently enrolled in
post-secondary education may apply if affiliated as a junior during the
year of application.
An application form is sent out to all affiliated clubs in September
as well as being available at the Christmas Bonspiel and junior
provincial championships. Deadline for receipt of applications is May 1.
Additional applications are available from the CurlManitoba office.
The recipient of the 2012 Edna Moffatt Spirit of Youth Curling
Scholarship is Katherine Doerksen of Morden, Manitoba.
Kerry Maynes
Jaclyn Ferris
Amber Narfason
Sara Careme
Kari Goodman
Corinne Suchy
Samantha Owen
Staci Goodman
Michelle Wadelius
Theresa Cannon
Sarah Norget
Kaileigh Strath
Jasmine Bracken
Ashley Ewasiuk
Breanne Meakin
Heather Maxted
Katherine Doerksen
ashaM CoaChing award
In 2003 Asham Curling Supplies took over sponsorship
of the “Coach of the Year” Award formerly sponsored
by the 3M Corporation. This award is presented
annually at the Junior Men’s and Junior Women’s
Championships. All players at each championship are
invited to vote for their peers whom they feel best
exemplify high standards of Sportsmanship and the
Coaching Code of Ethics. One coach of a Junior Men’s
team and one coach of a Junior Women’s team are
selected. The recipients of the award in 2012 were
Dale McEwen at the Junior Women’s Championship
and Tom Clasper a the Junior Men’s Championship.
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
Jr. Men
Bernie Shaw
Dennis Bueckert
Hilton Wood
Tom Clasper
Tom Clasper
Hilton Wood
Terry McRae
Hilton Wood
Alex Mowat
Bill Kitching
Jr. women
Len Komyshyn
Dennis Adams
Jack Grassie
Jack Grassie
Jim Strath
Calvin Edie
Alex Mowat
Len Komyshyn
Eric Montford
Colin Grenkow
MB Canola Growers
Jr. Men
Albert Bazinet
Tom Clasper
MB Canola Growers
Jr. women
2011 Rob Meakin
2012 Dale McEwen
to the reCiPients oF the CurlManitoba
Curling Club volunteer award 2011-2012
Curling Club ................................................................... reCiPient
Assiniboine Memorial Curling Club ..............................................................................................Bruce Burton
Deer Lodge Curling Club...............................................................................................................Cliff Murphy
East St. Paul Curling Club ............................................................................................ Gary & Penny Kaminski
Fort Garry Curling Club ..................................................................................................................Kurt Sachse
Grand Marais Curling Club .................................................................................... Volunteer Bar/Kitchen Staff
Grandview Curling Club...........................................................................................................Dwight McLean
Heather Curling Club ........................................................................................................ Dick VanWalleghem
Manitou Curling Club ...................................................................................................Larry & Marie Seymour
Pembina Curling Club .............................................................................................................. Sid Greenstone
Portage Curling Club .................................................................................................................Charlie Grauls
St. Leon Curling Club .................................................................................................................... Henri Talbot
St. Vital Curling Club ................................................................................................................Angela Trombo
Swan River Curling Club .............................................................................................................. Brian Harvey
Thistle Curling Club .................................................................................................................. Trevor Feltham
Congratulations Volunteers!
CAlendAr of events 2012-2013
October 19-21
October 19-21
October 24-28
October 26-29
Canola Jr. Men’s Fall Berth Bonspiel
Canola Jr. Women’s Fall Berth Bonspiel
Lloyd Gunnlaugson Memorial Bonspiel – Sr. Women’s
Safeway Berth Bonspiel
November 2-4
November 2-4
November 2-5
November 9-12
November 12-15
November 16-18
November 16-18
November 16-19
November 29 – December 2
November 30 – December 2
November 30 – December 2
November 30 – December 2
Canola Jr. Men’s Berth Bonspiel
Canola Jr. Women’s Berth Bonspiel
McDiarmid Lumber Sr. Men’s Bonspiel
White’s Drug Store Classic – MCT Event
Chicken Chef Masters Men’s Berth Bonspiel
Sun Life Financial Junior Challenge
Scotties Berth Bonspiel
Strathcona Sr. Men’s Berth Bonspiel
Strathcona Senior Men’s Regionals
Canola Jr. Men’s Regionals
Canola Jr. Women’s Regionals
Tim Hortons Senior Women’s Regionals
Swan River
Fort Garry/Thistle
Various Manitoba Clubs
Various Manitoba Clubs
Various Manitoba Clubs
Various Manitoba Clubs
December 6-9
December 10-14
December 13-18
December 14-16
December 27-29
December 27-29
MCT Championship
Manitoba’s Credit Unions Masters Men’s Regionals
Safeway Championship Regionals
Scotties Regionals presented by Monsanto
Tim Hortons Christmas Youth Bonspiel
Tim Hortons Christmas Junior Bonspiel
Various Manitoba Clubs
Various Manitoba Clubs
Various Manitoba Clubs
AMCC-Deer Lodge-Charleswood
AMCC-Deer Lodge-Charleswood
January 3-7
January 3-7
January 8-10
January 10-13
January 17-21
January 18-20
January 23-27
Canola Jr. Men’s Provincial Championship
Canola Jr. Women’s Provincial Champions
Brandon Masters Men’s Berth Bonspiel
Brandon Men’s Berth Bonspiel
MCA Men’s Bonspiel
CurlManitoba Women’s Bonspiel (no berth)
Scotties Tournament of Hearts Provincial Championship
Presented by Monsanto
Various Winnipeg Clubs
Various Winnipeg Clubs
February 1-3
February 1-3
February 6-10
February 7-9
February 15-17
February 15-17
February 21-24
February 21-25
February 28-March 3
February 28-March 4
Chicken Chef Mixed Berth Bonspiel #1
Chicken Chef Mixed Berth Bonspiel #1
Safeway Championship
CurlManitoba U18 Men’s Regionals
CurlManitoba U18 Women’s Regionals
Tim Hortons Senior Women’s Provincial Championship
Strathcona Senior Men’s Provincial Championship
Manitoba’s Credit Unions Masters Women’s Provincial
Manitoba’s Credit Unions Masters Men’s Provincial
The Pas
Various Manitoba Clubs
Various Manitoba Clubs
East St. Paul
East St. Paul
March 1-3
March 1-3
March 8-10
March 8-10
March 8-10
March 11-17
March 11-17
March 15-17
March 15-17
March 15-17
March 15-17
March 21-25
March 28-30
Chicken Chef Mixed Berth Bonspiel #2
Chicken Chef Mixed Berth Bonspiel #2
CurlManitoba U18 Men’s Provincial Championship
CurlManitoba U18 Women’s Provincial Championship
Scotties Berth Bonspiel for 2014
The Dominion Club Men’s Winnipeg Regional
The Dominion Club Women’s Winnipeg Regional
The Dominion Club Men’s Rural Regionals
The Dominion Club Women’s Rural Regionals
Canola Jr. Men’s March Berth Bonspiel for 2014
Canola Jr. Women’s March Berth Bonspiel for 2014
Chicken Chef Mixed Provincial Championship
Tim Hortons Youth Jamboree
West Kildonan
West Kildonan
Various Manitoba Clubs
Various Manitoba Clubs
Deer Lodge-Granite-Wildewood
April 5-7
April 5-7
April 5-7
April 5-7
Canola Jr. Men’s April Berth Bonspiel for 2014
Canola Jr. Women’s April Berth Bonspiel for 2014
The Dominion Club Men’s Provincial Championship
The Dominion Club Women’s Provincial Championship
St. Vital
St. Vital
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
by resby Coutts, thecurler.com
world silver
for team robertson
World Curling Championship Silver Medal
represents two things for Neepawa’s Kelly
Robertson, who skipped his 2011 Canadian
Senior Men’s champion team to the World Silver in
Denmark in April 2012.
First, it is a symbol of the wonderful
accomplishments of a team assembled a year earlier
when long time teammates Robertson, Doug Armour
and Peter Prokopowich were joined by Bob Scales in
his first year of Senior eligibility. To the team’s 201011 season of winning the Manitoba and Canadian
Championships, they added a repeat 2011-12 season
Manitoba championship. In itself, that was a rare
feat accomplished only three times in the over 25
years of Manitoba Senior Men’s sponsorship by the
Strathcona Trust (Howard Restall 2004 & 05, Barry Fry
1994 & 95, Norm Houck 1986 & 87).
But second, for Robertson and his team, that
Silver Medal will always be a reminder of one shot,
a shot that won Ireland its first ever World Curling
medal. Undefeated before the Gold Medal game
in Denmark, Team Robertson had the hammer
on the extra end in that final with Ireland (also
undefeated). Third Peter Prokopowich admitted later
that he thought they had the game won with two
shots to come. But as Robertson explains a great
last shot by the opposing skip changed things. It
was a last rock raise triple kill and stick by Irish skip
John Jo Kenny. “Sometimes,” Robertson said “it just
seems like a team is supposed to win.”
Even after that great shot, Robertson had a last
draw shot for victory but was slightly heavy to give
up a steal of one on his draw which had to bite the
four foot circle, territory Robertson had owned all
week. The Canadian team had fought back from a
4-1 deficit, after giving up a four on the fourth end,
and led 5-4 after seven. A one for Ireland on the
home end set up the extra end dramatics.
Robertson shared his feelings shortly after
the game with a writer for the World Curling
Federation’s website. He said, “It’s like the wind has
been sucked right out of me. They played a good
game – we gave up a four ender which was a little
hard to take but we came back. It was a hell of a
game. Actually, he made a great shot with his first
one in the extra end. If mine heads a little bit more
it’s like check-mate and he doesn’t have a shot. I
had the chance to win it with a draw, I’ve had draw
weight all week, but it’s the way it goes I guess.”
The loss ended a remarkable two-year run for
Robertson, Armour, Prokopowich and Scales who
played seven championship events, only once losing
more than one game in an event. In their first season,
they lost their opening game at the McDiarmid Lumber
Bonspiel to qualify, were undefeated from there to
the end of the provincials, and lost only once at the
Canadian Championship. To qualify for the Worlds,
their 2010-11 record was 27 wins and 2 losses.
In their second season, Team Robertson were
undefeated in the Strathcona Senior Men’s spiel to
qualify for a provincial championship in which they
only lost once. They finished 6-5 at the Canadian
Championship. Their 7-1 World record made for a
record of 50 wins and 9 losses to win two Manitoba
Men’s titles, a Canadian championship, and a World
Silver medal. Impressive!
by resby Coutts, CurlManitoba President
MCA Bonspiel celebrates 125 years
he Grey Cup has been an annual Canadian
sports celebration for 100 years.
The Stanley Cup was awarded first in 1893 and is
now called an annual affair, although in the early years
it was a challenge trophy played for more than once
annually. It also has not been awarded twice: 1919
due to the flu epidemic and 2005 due to the lockout.
These two Canadian Sport institutions may have
the greatest profile these days but the annual MCA
Bonspiel had already been running for several years
when Lord Stanley presented hockey’s most famous
trophy and for over three decades when Earl Grey
provided Canadian football’s prestigious trophy.
And lest Manitoba curlers be too vain about the
long history of our bonspiel, it bears noting that
CurlManitoba yearbooK – 2012/13
Newfoundland’s Royal St. John’s Regatta, which
dates to at least 1816 and was probably held earlier
than that, is North America’s longest running annual
sporting event.
Actually 125 years marks the 2013 birth date of
the Manitoba Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling
Club (RCCC). According to the records, a bonspiel
had been held at Winnipeg for several years before
seven Manitoba clubs joined forces in an association
and at that first meeting they resolved to hold a
‘grand bonspiel’.
The clubs included two in Winnipeg, Granite
and Thistle, and five rural community curling
organizations. These were Stony Mountain,
Stonewall, Morden, Portage la Prairie and Carberry.
Their official first meeting was December 6, 1888.
This means, of course, the 125th birthday party of
the Association should be celebrated on December
6, 2013 during the Tim Hortons Roar of the Rings Canadian Curling Trials.
The first bonspiel under the auspices of the
Manitoba Branch of the RCCC was staged in
March, 1899, making the 2013 bonspiel the
125th organized by the Manitoba Branch and the
subsequent organizations, the Manitoba Curling
Association and CurlManitoba.
In the early years, the bonspiel was deemed to
be an unofficial world championship as curlers from
across Canada and the northern United States came
to Winnipeg to play the best curlers in Manitoba
and from other jurisdictions.
As early as 1903, it became a truly international
event when a group of curlers came from Scotland
for a tour of games across Eastern Canada and
the northern United States ending at the bonspiel
in Winnipeg.
Manitobans also played a key role in the
establishment of the Macdonalds Brier, a national
championship for curling. But that did not happen
until 1927, nearly 30 years after the start of the
MCA Bonspiel.
The great names in Manitoba curling are a part
of the lore and legend of the bonspiel. Curling Hallof-Famers Robert Dunbar, Howard Wood Sr., Gordon
Hudson, Ken Watson, Jimmy Welsh, Billy Walsh, Don
Duguid, Vic Peters, Jeff Stoughton and Kerry Burtnyk
are names which show up regularly in the bonspiel’s
records. In the early years, a bonspiel championship
was proof a team had reached the pinnacle. As the
decades passed, it was an event where teams honed
their skills. It was a stepping stone to greater things.
Numerous as may be the names of the
Manitoba legends whose names are engraved on
bonspiel trophies, as numerous are the names of
curlers whose one moment of glory came with
a victory in the bonspiel’s main events, possibly
earning them the prestigious Grand Aggregate
trophy. Even more numerous are the names of
curlers whose names are engraved only once on
other bonspiel trophies for those are the club
curlers, the once or twice-a-weekers who, for a
week, played among and against the best and won.
The longest running annual bonspiel in the world,
and still deemed to be the world’s largest, the MCA
Bonspiel attracted a Guinness record 1,280 teams
for the 100th anniversary bonspiel in 1988. That
number did not include the additional entries in
Senior events.
The first bonspiel attracted 62 entries and
passed 100 entries when the 10th bonspiel in 1898
attracted 101 teams. In 1912, at 251, the bonspiel
was over 200 for the first time. The 50th bonspiel
in 1938 set a record at 346; the 75th in 1963 set
another record with 680 entries.
Entries went over 800 for the first time when
the 1985 bonspiel attracted 848 entries in the
build-up to the 100th anniversary. Entries dropped
back after the big year and in 1994, entries
were capped at 512. They stayed at that number
for a decade. In the decade since, the entry
number declined to 352 in 2012. While small by
comparison with that record of 25 years earlier,
it is still a remarkable accomplishment to bring
together this many teams and this many curlers for
one bonspiel.
For the 125th bonspiel, entries will again be capped
at 512 and for the last time, in tribute to 125 years
of history, the bonspiel will be played as a men’s only
event. In 2014 and beyond, the annual MCA Bonspiel
must evolve if it wishes to be relevant in Manitoba
curling in the years ahead. What form that evolution
will take remains to be seen.
In the meantime, from January 17-21, 2013 the
ice in 25 Winnipeg and nearby community curling
centres will once again provide opportunities
for all comers: the opportunity to play the game
in many clubs and under varying, sometimes
challenging, ice conditions; the opportunity to
walk on to the ice perhaps to find their opponent
is a champion whose exploits they have admired
for years; the opportunity to share the game they
love with others equally passionate about curling.
And when it is over, the last team standing
in the 125th annual MCA Bonspiel may well be
a Manitoba curling legend and past champion
joining Mike Riley (100th Grand Aggregate), Don
Duguid (75th Grand Aggregate), Ab Gowanlock
(50th Grand Aggregate), and Mac Braden (25th
Grand Aggregate).
But perhaps it will be some lesser known. Who
knows – perhaps it will be you!
Entries are open through the CurlManitoba
electronic entry process at www.curlmanitoba.org.
o’grady Challenge
recap of seasons 2010-11 and 2011-12
he beautiful O’Grady Trophy presented for
the first time in Winnipeg back in 1908, is
on display in the Manitoba Curling Hall-of-Fame.
The O’Grady has been in continuous competition
ever since, and challenges are governed by Trustees
on behalf of CurlManitoba, and are open to all
affiliated curling clubs.
A record of every challenge is kept in log books
which travel with the holders, and each participant
receives a unique O’Grady competitor pin embossed
with the year of competition. A complete history
of the event, including results of all matches right
up to the end of last season, can be found on the
CurlManitoba website under “Other Competitions”.
The 2010-11 season began with match #1422
when Pembina CC (as holders from the prior year)
travelled to Morden where they defeated the boys
from Morden Curling Club.
December 19, 2010 featured a match with two
O’Grady Trustees – Don Stewart from Manitou and
Ron Lloyd from Fort Garry – facing each other;
possibly the first time for such an occurrence. This
match happened at the end of the same week that
our fellow Trustee Jim Sproule passed away. Jim
must have been pulling for Don, as the boys from
Manitou defeated the Fort Garry teams. After the
match and a friendly hour, a delicious roast beef
dinner was served to all, before the Fort Garry boys
headed home to Winnipeg.
A highlight of this season was a great run by the
Elmwood Club in their 100th anniversary year. In
match #1431 they hosted and defeated Treherne, and
then went on to win five more matches before being
stopped by Beausejour. Congratulations fellows!
The sad part of the season was the passing of Jim
Sproule of Thistle – an O’Grady Trustee for 15 years.
Jim’s main ambition when coming on board was
to compile and make available all of the statistics
from some 1,400 match sheets. One of the benefits
of Jim’s efforts is that each curling club now has a
complete list of all the players who represented them
over the past 100+ years of O’Grady competition. Jim
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
also championed Col.
O’Grady’s election
into the Hall-of-Fame
in 2010.
Two new Trustees,
Ron Margolis of
Charleswood (first
O’Grady appearance
in 1999) and Rod
MacKay of Fort Garry (first O’Grady appearance in
2005), both past directors of the provincial curling
association, joined Ron Lloyd and Don Stewart in
2010, to help steward the O’Grady competition in the
years ahead.
2011-12 began with the Granite as holders,
and the season included the first every appearance
by the Argyle Curling Club – who challenged and
hosted Selkirk. Unfortunately for Argyle, the Selkirk
boys were in the midst of an 11 match run that
finally ended in Morden at the end of February, and
also included travels to Teulon, Treherne, Glenboro,
Carberry, Hartney, and Roland, as well as three visits
to Winnipeg clubs.
Other multiple winners during the season
included Portage and Morden.
At season’s end, the O’Grady title was held by the
Pembina club, who coincidentally won their very first
challenge for the O’Grady trophy back in March of
1962 – almost exactly 50 years ago. Pembina carried
the “O’Grady briefcase” containing travelling plaque
and log book to match #1462 at the home of the
next season’s first challenger in the fall of 2012.
For further information on the O’Grady Challenge,
please contact any of the Trustees:
Ron Margolis
(204) 295-0163 ron@margoliscapital.com
Ron Lloyd
(204) 255-6495
Don Stewart
(204) 242-2910 ldstew@mts.net
Rod Mackay
(204) 255-8307 Rodmack@mts.net
by derek oryniak
My experience at the 2012
winter youth olympic games
anuary 13, 2012. It is hard to describe the
feeling of walking into Bergisal Stadium in
Innsbruck, Austria, together with 1,100 athletes from
70 countries, in front of 15,000 spectators for the
opening ceremonies of the first ever Winter Youth
Olympic Games. Unbelievable, a dream come true, and
surreal are just a few thoughts that come to mind.
Participating in the first ever Winter Youth
Olympic Games in January 2012 was an experience
I will never forget. My teammates, from all parts
of Canada, and fellow curling competitors, aged
14-18 from 16 countries, all shared the same goal.
We wanted to win an Olympic medal, but equally
wanted to learn about each other and enjoy the
wonderful opportunity we had been given. There
was a true sense of sportsmanship and friendship
amongst the athletes.
Participating in an Olympics means you are not only
part of your own sports team but a member of the
whole Canadian Olympic team. Two of my roommates
were hockey players and I remember being as excited
for them when they won their bronze medal as I was
when our curling team won ours.
Winning a bronze medal, in a drama filled game
against a great Swedish team, is something I will
remember for the rest of my life. It was an honour
to find out that in winning bronze, it became the
first ever medal won by Canada at a Youth Olympic
Games, summer or winter. Our Canadian team went
on to win nine medals in total in Innsbruck.
Although winning a medal was the ultimate
highlight, the lasting international friendships and
overall experience of participating in an Olympics
was far more valuable. The International Olympic
Committee decided to create Youth Olympic Games
(YOG), with the vision of a new event designed to
inspire young people all around the world to do
sport and adopt and live by the Olympic Values of
Excellence, Respect and Friendship. I can tell you from
my experience they succeeded with flying colours!
of curling luck and enjoyment.
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2012 Provincial Champions
Junior Men’s ChaMPionshiP
West KIldonAn CurlInG Club
(L-R) Bill Ross – Manitoba Canola Growers, Kyle Doering, Colton Lott, Derek Oryniak,
Lucas Van Den Bosch, Kyle Kurz (missing), Calvin Edie – Coach, Bill Biehl – CurlManitoba
Fort Rouge Curling Club – Joey Witherspoon, Connor Njegovan,
Taylor McIntyre, Brett Brezden, Tom Clasper – Coach
urlManitoba provided the winners of the
Provincial Championship with Manitoba
bison crests, provincial jackets and shirts, individual
plaques, a travel grant and a banner to be hung
in their home club. The finalists also received individual plaques provided by CurlManitoba.
The winner of the Junior Men’s Championship
represents the province at the M&M Meat Shop
Canadian Junior Men’s and Women’s Championship.
In 2011-2012, the Championship was hosted by
the West Kildonan Curling Club. The Kyle Doering
team from the West Kildonan Curling Club defeated
the Joey Witherspoon team from the Fort Rouge
Curling Club, to win the Junior Men’s title. At the
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
M&M Canadian Junior Championships the Doering team finished with a record of 9 and 3, good
enough to play in a tie-breaker game against Nova
Scotia. They defeated Nova Scotia by a score of 9-4
and went on to the semi-final where they played
Northern Ontario. Doering was defeated by a score
of 7-3 but still earned the bronze medal.
The 2012-2013 Juniors will be hosted by the
Brandon Curling Club from January 3-7, 2013. The
M&M Meat Shop Junior Men’s and Women’s Canadian Championship will be held in Fort McMurray,
Alberta from February 2-10, 2013. The World Junior
Championship will be held in Sochi, Russia from
February 28 - March 10, 2013.
Junior woMen’s ChaMPionshiP
st. vItAl CurlInG Club
(L-R) Roberta Galbraith – Manitoba Canola Growers, Shannon Birchard,
Selena Kaatz, Kristin MacCuish, Mariah Mondor, Lance Wadelius – Coach
Victoria Curling Club – Alyssa Vandepoele, Kate Cameron,
Abby Ackland, Sheyna Andries, Dave Petursson – Coach
urlManitoba provides the winners of the
Provincial Championship with the Manitoba
bison crests, provincial jackets and shirts,
individual plaques, a travel grant and a banner
to be hung in their home club. The finalist also
received individual plaques.
The winner of The Junior Women’s Championship
represents the province at the M&M Meat Shop
Canadian Junior Championship.
In 2011-2012, the championship was hosted by
the Minnedosa Curling Club. The Junior Women’s
champion was the Shannon Birchard team from the
St. Vital Curling Club who defeated Alyssa Vandepoele of the Victoria Curling Club in the final.
At the M&M Meat Shop Junior Canadian Championships the Birchard team finished the round robin
with a record of 10 and 2 which gave them a first
place finish and a bye to the final. Shannon and
her team played in the final game against Alberta
and lost 12-6 but brought home a silver medal.
The 2012-2013 Junior Women’s Provincial will
be hosted by the Brandon Curling Club from
January 3-7, 2013. The M&M Meat Shop Junior
Men’s and Women’s Canadian Championship
will be held in Fort McMurray, Alberta from
February 2-10, 2013. The World Junior Curling
Championship will be held in Sochi, Russia from
February 28 - March 10, 2013.
brAndon CurlInG Club
(L-R) Resby Coutts – CurlManitoba President, Rob Fowler, Allan Lyburn, Richard Daneault,
Derek Samagalski, Ken Shaw – Dauphin Store Manager, Canada Safeway
Assiniboine Memorial – Mike McEwen, B.J. Neufeld,
Matt Wozniak, Denni Neufeld, Chris Neufeld – Coach
anada Safeway Limited is proud to be the
title sponsor of the Safeway Championship
of Provincial Men’s Curling. Safeway’s involvement in curling dates back to 1991 when they
were the title sponsor of the 1991 Safeway World
Curling Championships played in Winnipeg.
The 2011-2012 season marked the 18th year
that Canada Safeway has been the title sponsor
of the Provincial Men’s Curling Championship.
CurlManitoba presents the winning team
with keeper trophies a championship banner
to be hung in the winner’s home club, the
coveted purple hearts as well as the Manitoba
bison crests.
The winner of the Safeway Championship
Trophy (Manitoba) represents the province at the
Tim Hortons Brier, the Canadian Men’s Curling
Last year’s championship was played at the Credit
Union Place in Dauphin, where the Rob Fowler
team from the Brandon Curling Club defeated the
Mike McEwen team from the Assiniboine Memorial
Curling Club in the final. The Fowler team went on to
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where they finished with
a record of 8 and 3 to finish second over all. They
played in the 1 versus 2 game and lost to Ontario’s
Glenn Howard. Fowler dropped to play in the semifinal game against Kevin Koe of Alberta. Kevin Koe
defeated Fowler by a score of 8-6. Fowler defeated
Jamie Koe of the Northwest Territories to earn the
bronze medal. Glenn Howard of Ontario defeated
Alberta’s Kevin Koe to win the Brier final.
The 2012-2013 Safeway Championship will be
played at Yellowhead Center in Neepawa from
February 6-10, 2013. The Brier will be held in
Edmonton, Alberta from March 2-10, 2013.
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2012 sAfeWAy
ChaMPionshiP all-stars
(L-R) Jim Winfield – Host Committee, William Lyburn (Deer Lodge), Allan Lyburn (Brandon),
Matt Wozniak (Assiniboine Memorial), Denni Neufeld (Assiniboine Memorial), Kevin Olszewski
– CTV Representative, Doug Storey – Dauphin Legion Pipe & Drum Band
tewart Trophies & Engraving Ltd. are pleased
to sponsor the Safeway Championship
All-Star Awards. Each year at the Safeway
Championship, the Manitoba Curling Media
Association selects an All-Star team from among the
32 participating teams. Those selected will receive
plaques donated by Stewart Trophies.
steWArt troPhIes All-stAr AWArds PrevIous WInners
1997 ..............Kerry Burtnyk ................................ Andy Stewart.................................Rob Meakin ...................................Keith Fenton
1998 ..............Dale Duguid .................................. Jeff Ryan........................................Mark Taylor ....................................Keith Fenton
1999 ..............Jeff Stoughton............................... Peter Nicholls.................................Dean Dunstone ..............................Doug Armstrong
2000 ..............Murray Warren .............................. Dave Smith ....................................Dale Michie....................................Steve Gould
2001 ..............Kerry Burtnyk ................................ Dean Moxham...............................Chris Neufeld .................................Rick Blight
2002 ..............Mark Lukowich ............................. Chris Suchy....................................Kelly Tibble .....................................A.J. Girardin
2003 ..............John Bubbs ................................... Ross Derksen.................................Ross McFadyen ..............................Dan Kelsch
2004 ..............Brent Scales .................................. Jon Mead ......................................Garry Van Den Berghe....................Steve Gould
2005 ..............Randy Dutiaume ........................... Kyle Werenich ................................Rob Fowler.....................................Cory Naharnie
2006 ..............Jeff Stoughton............................... Jason Gunnlaugson .......................Bryan Galbraith ..............................Steve Gould
2007 ..............Jeff Stoughton............................... Jason Gunnlaugson .......................Rob Fowler.....................................Steve Gould
2008 ..............David Bohn ................................... Dan Kammerlock...........................Richard Daneault ...........................Keith Fenton
2009 ..............Reid Carruthers ............................. Kevin Park .....................................Rob Fowler ....................................Denni Neufeld
2010 ..............Jeff Stoughton............................... B.J. Neufeld ...................................Matt Wozniak ................................Denni Neufeld
2011 ..............Terry McNamee............................. Vic Peters.......................................Reid Carruthers ..............................Steve Gould
2012 ..............William Lyburn .............................. Allan Lyburn ..................................Matt Wozniak ................................Denni Neufeld
Proud supporters of
Canadian women’s curling for over 30 years
Tournament of Hearts, Hearts design, Cashmere, Purex and SpongeTowels are registered trademarks
of Kruger Products L.P. ®' used under licence.
TM trademarks of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, used under licence.
sCottIes tournAment of heArts
woMen’s ChaMPionshiP
Presented by Monsanto Canada inC.
st. vItAl CurlInG Club
(L-R) Resby Coutts – CurlManitoba President, Jennifer Jones,
Kaitlyn Lawes, Jill Officer, Dawn Askin, Rynie Nachtigall – Kruger Products
Morden Curling Club – Chelsea Carey, Kristy McDonald,
Kristen Foster, Lindsay Titheridge, Dan Carey – Coach
he Manitoba Scotties Tournament of Hearts
Provincial Women’s Curling Championship
is sponsored by Kruger Products. Kruger Products
sponsorship of ladies curling at the provincial and
national levels in Canada dates back to 1982.
The 2011-2012 season was the 31st year as
title sponsor of the Provincial Women’s Curling
Kruger Products presents to the winning team,
gold pendants and the runner-up with silver
pendants. They will add a diamond to this pendant
for every additional trip an individual makes to
the Canadian Scotties Tournament of Hearts. They
also provide on-ice apparel to each participating
provincial winner. The team is also provided a banner
to hang in their home club as a reminder of their
The winner of the Manitoba Scotties Tournament
of Hearts represents the province at the National
Scotties Tournament of Hearts, the Canadian Ladies
Curling Championship.
The 2011-2012 Manitoba Scotties Tournament
of Hearts was hosted by the PCU Centre in
Portage, Manitoba from January 25-29, 2012.
The Jennifer Jones team from the St. Vital Curling
Club defeated the Chelsea Carey team from the
Morden Curling Club in the final. The Jones team
played at the National Scotties Tournament of
Hearts in Red Deer, Alberta where they finished
with a record of 9 and 2 and first overall in the
round robin. The Jones team played BC in the one
versus two game and lost 7-5. Jones dropped to
the semi-final and played Alberta. They lost to
Alberta 6-5 in an extra end measurement. This
loss put them in the bronze medal game against
Quebec where they defeated them 8-6 to earn
the bronze medal.
The 2012-2013 Manitoba Scotties Tournament
of Hearts will be played in Stonewall, Manitoba
from January 23-27, 2013. The National Scotties
Tournament of Hearts will be held in Kingston,
Ontario from February 16-24, 2013.
the 2012 sCottIes tournAment
oF hearts all-star awards
(L-R) Paul Wiecek – Winnipeg Free Press, Lindsay Titheridge (Morden),
Ainsley Champagne (Fort Rouge), Karen Klein (Fort Rouge), Barb Spencer (Fort Rouge),
Elaine Hunt – Scotties Tournament of Hearts CurlManitoba Liaison
tewart Trophies & Engraving Ltd. are pleased
to sponsor The Scotties Tournament of
Hearts All-Star Awards. At The Scotties Tournament
of Hearts Provincial Championship presented by
Monsanto Canada, the Manitoba Curling Media
Association selects an All-Star team from among
the 16 participating teams. Those selected receive
plaques donated by Stewart Trophies.
sCottIes tournAment of heArts All-stAr AWArds WInners
2001 ..............Jennifer Jones ............................... Jill Thurston....................................Lynn Fallis-Kurz ..............................Alison Harvey
2002 ..............Linda VanDaele ............................. Karen Porritt ..................................Jill Officer .......................................Lana Watson
2003 ..............Barb Spencer................................. Janet Harvey ..................................Lynn Fallis-Kurz ..............................Alison Harvey
2004 ..............Lois Fowler .................................... Darcy Robertson ............................Maureen Bonar..............................Pam Kolton
2005 ..............Kristy Jenion.................................. Tasha Hunter ................................Maureen Bonar..............................Cathy Gauthier
2006 ..............Janet Harvey ................................. Jill Thurston....................................Susan Baleja ..................................Raunora Westcott
2007 ..............Darcy Robertson............................ Karen Klein....................................Rhonda Ritchie ..............................Tammy Mowat
2008 ..............Terry Ursel ..................................... Kristen Williamson .........................Jill Officer .......................................Dawn Askin
2009 ..............Kristy Jenion.................................. Janice Blair ....................................Brette Richards .............................. Lindsay Titheridge
2010 ..............Janet Harvey ................................. Colleen Kilgallen............................Leslie Wilson ..................................Carey Kirby
2011 ..............Karen Rosser ................................. Kristy Jenion ..................................Kristen Foster .................................Raunora Westcott
2012 ..............Barb Spencer................................. Karen Klein....................................Ainsley Champagne .......................Lindsay Titheridge
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
ChICKen Chef
Mixed ChaMPionshiP
brAndon CurlInG Club
(L-R) Jeff Epp – Chicken Chef, Terry McNamee,
Kerri Einarson, Kyle Einarson, Stacey Fordyce, Bill Biehl – CurlManitoba
Fort Rouge – David Kraichy, Kate Cameron,
Kody Janzen, Kelsey Hinds, Erika Sigurdson
he Chicken Chef Mixed Championship is held in
the spring to declare Manitoba’s representative
at the following year’s Canadian Mixed Championship.
In addition to the Championship trophy the
winner and runner-up receive individual plaques.
The winners also receive the Manitoba bison crests,
provincial jackets and shirts, a travel grant and a
banner to hang in their club.
At the 2012 Canadian Championship held in
Sudbury, Ontario, the Manitoba team skipped by
Sean Grassie from the Deer Lodge Curling Club
finished with a record of 8 and 5 in the round robin
and just out of the playoffs.
The 2013 Chicken Chef Provincial Mixed
Championship was held at the Fort Rouge Curling
Club. The Brandon Curling Club’s Terry McNamee
team finished the championship with a final game
victory over the David Kraichy team from the
Fort Rouge Curling Club. The team will represent
Manitoba at the Canadian Mixed Championship in
Montreal, Quebec, November 15-24, 2012.
The 2014 Chicken Chef Provincial Mixed
Championship will be played at the Carman Curling
Club, from March 21-25, 2013.
strAthConA senIor men’s ChAmPIonshIP
Presented by MCdiarMid luMber
neePAWA CurlInG Club
(L-R) Resby Coutts – CurlManitoba President,
Kelly Robertson, Doug Armour, Peter Prokopowich, Bob Scales
Deloraine – Murray Warren, Lorne Sambrook, Terry Warren, Reg Warren
he Manitoba Senior Men’s Championship for
men 50 years and over is run under the name
Strathcona Senior Men’s Championship. In April 1985,
the Strathcona Curling Club, through its trustees Jack
Callum, Bob Scales, and Bruce Hudson, presented
trust funds to the MCA to sponsor the Provincial
Senior Men’s Curling Championships in perpetuity.
The Strathcona Trophy is presented for annual
competition commencing with the 1985-86 season
and is to recognize the contribution to curling by the
Strathcona at the executive and competitive levels
nationally, provincially and locally.
In addition to the trophy the winner and runner-up
receive individual plaques. The winners also receive
Manitoba bison crests, provincial jackets and shirts
and a travel grant. A banner is also presented to the
winning team to hang in their club as a reminder of
their success.
The winner of the Strathcona Senior Men’s Provincial Championship will represent Manitoba at the
Canadian Senior Men’s Championship.
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
Last year’s provincial championship was played at
the Beausejour Curling Club, where the Kelly Robertson team from the Neepawa Curling Club defeated
the Murray Warren team from the Deloraine Curling
Club to claim the Senior Championship. They went on
to the Canadian Championship held in Abbotsford,
BC where they finished with a record of 6 and 5 and
out of the playoffs.
A World Senior Men’s and Women’s Championship
was played in Taarnby, Denmark from April 14-21,
2012. Kelly Robertson represented Canada and went
through the round robin with a record of 6-0. He played
Sweden in the semi-final and defeated them by a score
of 9-5 and advanced to the final against Ireland. The
Robertson team lost in the final to Ireland by a score of
6-5 in an extra end to bring home a silver medal.
The 2012-2013 Strathcona Senior Men’s Championship will be played at the Killarney Curling Club
from February 21-25, 2013. The Canadian Senior
Men’s Championship will be held in Summerside, PEI
from March 16-24, 2013.
strAthConA senIor men’s ChAmPIonshIP
Presented by MCdiarMid luMber
This photo and write-up are
a correction from the
2011-2012 Yearbook.
CurlManitoba and Craig Kelman
and Associates apologizes
for the error.
neePAWA CurlInG Club
(L-R) Kelly Robertson, Doug Armour, Peter Prokopowich, Bob Scales
Fort Rouge – John Bubbs, Garry DeBlonde, Gary Smith, Dean Care, Russ Wookey
he Manitoba Senior Men’s Championship
for men 50 years and over is run under the
name Strathcona Senior Men’s Championship. In
April 1985, the Strathcona Curling Club, through
its trustees Jack Callum, Lyle Henry, and Bruce
Hudson, presented trust funds to the MCA to
sponsor the Provincial Senior Men’s Curling
Championships in perpetuity.
The Strathcona Trophy is presented for annual
competition commencing with the 1985-86 season
and is to recognise the contribution to curling by
the Strathcona at the executive and competitive
levels nationally, provincially and locally.
In addition to the trophy the winner and runnerup receive individual plaques. The winners also
receive Buffalo crests, provincial jackets, and shirts.
A banner is also presented to the winning team to
hang in their club as a reminder of their success.
The winner of the Strathcona Senior Men’s
Provincial Championship will represent Manitoba
at the Canadian Senior Men’s Championship.
Last year’s provincial championship was played
at the Heather Curling Club, where the Kelly
Robertson team from the Neepawa Curling Club
defeated the John Bubbs team from the Fort Rouge
Curling Club to claim the Senior Championship.
They went on to the Canadian Championship held
in Digby, Nova Scotia where they finished with a
record of 10 and 1 and in first place which gave
them a bye to the final. They played Alberta in
the final and defeated them by a score of 7 to 5.
They will compete at the World Senior Men’s
Championship in Taarnby, Denmark from April
14-21, 2012.
A World Senior Men’s and Women’s
Championship was played in St. Paul, U.S.A. April
15-24, 2011.
The 2011-2012 Strathcona Senior Men’s Championship will be played at the Beausejour Curling
Club from February 23-27, 2012. The Canadian
Senior Men’s Championship will be held in Abbotsford, BC from March 17-24, 2012.
tIm hortons
senior woMen’s ChaMPionshiP
stoneWAll CurlInG Club
(L-R) Laurie Deprez, Darlene Sangster, Laurie Ellwood, Wendy Lischka
Brandon – Lois Fowler, Gwen Wooley, Lori Manning,
Joan Robertson, Jill Hazlewood, Brian Moffat – Coach
he winner and runner-up receive individual
plaques. The winners will receive the
Championship Trophy, Manitoba bison crests,
provincial jackets and shirts, a travel grant and a
banner to hang in their club.
The winner of the Senior Women’s Provincial
Championship represents Manitoba at the Canadian
Senior Women’s Championship.
Last year’s provincial championship was played at
the Stonewall Curling Club where the Laurie Deprez
team from the Stonewall Curling Club defeated the
Lois Fowler team from the Brandon Curling Club to
capture the Senior Women’s title. They went on to
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
the Canadian Championship held in Abbotsford, BC
where they finished with a record of 5 and 6 and
out of the playoffs. The final was won by the Cathy
King team from Alberta.
There was a World Senior Men’s and Women’s
Championship held in Taarnby, Denmark from April
14-21, 2012.
The 2012-2013 Senior Women’s Championship
will be played at the Souris Curling Club from
February 21-24, 2013. The Canadian Senior Women’s
Championship will be held in Summerside, PEI from
March 16-24, 2013.
mAnItobA’s CredIt unIons
Masters woMen’s ChaMPionshiP
brAndon CurlInG Club
(L-R), Joyce McDougall, Linda Van Daele, Cheryl Orr, Karen Dunbar
Heather – Rita Vandevyvere, Clarice Fitzpatrick, Bonnie Jakilazek, Leslie McMahon
he 1999-2000 season was the first year of this
competition. In 2001 Manitoba’s Credit Union
sponsored the Manitoba Diamond Ladies Provincial
Championship for women 60 years and over. The
name was formally changed to Manitoba’s Credit
Unions Masters Women’s Championship for the
2005-2006 season.
In addition to the trophy the winner and finalist
receive individual plaques. The winner also receives the
Manitoba bison crests, provincial jackets and shirts, a
travel grant and a banner to hang in their club.
The winner of the Masters Women’s Provincial
Championship represents Manitoba at the Canadian
Open Masters Championship to declare the
Canadian champion.
The 2012 Championship was played at the
Riverview Curling Club, Brandon, Manitoba where
the Joyce McDougall team from the Brandon Curling
Club defeated the Rita Vandevyvere team from the
Heather Curling Club to claim the Masters Women’s
Championship. They competed at the Canadian
Open Championship held in Montreal, Quebec.
They finished with a record of 6 wins and 3 losses,
which secured a spot in the semi-final game against
Ontario. Ontario defeated McDougall in the semi-final
by a score 9-6, which dropped them to the bronze
medal game against Northern Ontario. Northern
Ontario claimed the bronze medal by defeating
Manitoba 10-7.
The 2012-2013 Provincial Masters Women’s
Championship will be played at the East St. Paul
Curling Club, Manitoba from February 28 - March 3,
2013. The Canadian Open Masters Championship will
be held in Thunder Bay, ON from April 18-14, 2013.
Manitoba’s Credit Unions
Proud sponsors of the Masters Men’s and
Masters Women’s Provincial Championships
Access Credit Union | Austin Credit Union | Beautiful Plains Credit Union
Cambrian Credit Union | Casera Credit Union | Crocus Credit Union
Dauphin Plains Credit Union | Entegra Credit Union | Erickson Credit Union
Flin Flon Credit Union | Grandview Credit Union | La Salle Credit Union
Minnedosa Credit Union | Noventis Credit Union | Oak Bank Credit Union
Portage Credit Union | Roblin Credit Union | Sanford Credit Union
Starbuck Credit Union | Steinbach Credit Union | Strathclair Credit Union
Sunrise Credit Union | Swan Valley Credit Union | Vanguard Credit Union
Westoba Credit Union | Winnipeg Police Credit Union
mAnItobA’s CredIt unIons
Masters Men’s ChaMPionshiP
fort rouGe CurlInG Club
(L-R) Ron Westcott, Bob Jenion, Penny Johnson – Manitoba’s Credit Unions,
Bob Boughey, Gary Smith, Garry Van De Kerckhove – CurlManitoba
Virden Curling Club – Murray Duncan, Sandy Ritchie, Roy Draper, Jim Lyons, Bill Barkley
he Manitoba Masters Provincial Championship
is sponsored by Manitoba’s Credit Unions.
The Masters Championship for men 60 years and
over was established back in 1982. It originally was
called the A.A. Alex Williamson Memorial Shield in
honour of a good friend of curling and the long time
Secretary Treasurer of the Association.
In 1997-98, Manitoba’s Credit Unions became
sponsors for the championship and it was named
the Manitoba’s Credit Unions Masters Provincial
In addition to the trophy the winner and runner-up
receive individual plaques. The winners also receive the
Manitoba bison crests, provincial jackets and shirts, a
travel grant and a banner to hang in their club.
The winner of the Manitoba’s Credit Union
Masters Provincial Championship represents
Manitoba at the Canadian Open Masters
Last year’s championship was played at the Swan
Lake Curling Club, where the Ron Westcott team
from the Fort Rouge Curling Club defeated the
Murray Duncan team from the Virden Curling Club
to claim the Masters championship. Ron Westcott
went on to the Canadian Open Championship held
in Montreal, Quebec where they finished the round
robin with a record of 7 wins and 1 loss in their pool.
This gave them a first place finish and a spot in the
semi-final game against Quebec. They lost to Quebec
by a score of 5-4 and dropped to play Saskatchewan
in the bronze medal game. They defeated
Saskatchewan 6-3 to earn the bronze medal.
The 2012-2013 Provincial Masters Championship
will be played in East St. Paul, Manitoba from
February 28 - March 4, 2013. The Canadian Open
Masters Championship will be held in Thunder Bay, ON
from April 8-14, 2013.
Curling Club ChaMPionshiP
he Dominion Curling Club Championship
is an annual event for men’s and women’s
curling teams who have won their respective local
club championships. Winning teams from the event
will be “The Dominion Club Champions” and will
play down to produce a provincial/territory champion
from all ten provinces and three territories, plus a
separate entry for Northern Ontario, who will then
compete at the national level.
The Dominion Curling Club Championship is
fully funded by The Dominion. Any profit from this
event will be redirected to the Canadian Paraplegic
Association (CPA), other charities The Dominion may
choose, or to developmental curling initiatives in
various local communities.
The Dominion Curling Club Championship gives
grass roots curling teams from every corner of the
country an opportunity to compete in provincial and
national level competition. Club curlers are those who
enjoy the sport recreationally, supporting club leagues
on a regular basis from September to April. Now,
these teams will have a major venue to demonstrate
their skill against other curling clubs in their province/
territory and country. Winners receive jackets, Manitoba bison crests, shirts, a championship banner and
a fully funded trip to the national cwhampionship.
To maintain the spirit of this event, each club
participating should ensure that their representation
at The Dominion Curling Club Championship meets
eligibility requirements.
2012 domInIon Men’s ProvinCial ChaMPions
brAndon CurlInG Club
(L-R) Resby Coutts – CurlManitoba
President, Steve Irwin, Justin Rabe,
Travis Brooks, Cody Rabe
2012 domInIon woMen’s ProvinCial ChaMPions
thIstle CurlInG Club
(L-R) Resby Coutts – CurlManitoba
President, Lori Pelissier, Heather Ruby,
Shelley Smith, Sandy Maskiw
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
2011 domInIon woMen’s Canadian ChaMPions
GrAnIte CurlInG Club
AD.MB CURLING.Nov.2012_ 4.5 x 1.75.ai 1 9/21/2012 1:45:36 PM
Meghan Armit, Nikki Hawrylyshen,
Sarah Lund and Nadine Cabak
Ralph played in the 2011 Canadian
Dominion Championship in November
of 2011 and defeated Ontario in the
final to earn the Gold medal.
“Home of Hospitality”
4000 Grant Avenue
Ph: 832-2333 Fax: 896-5910
Canteen/Caterer: 832-0330
tIm hortons
Manitoba youth ProvinCial Curling ChaMPionshiP
he Manitoba Youth Provincial Curling
Championship is sponsored by Tim Hortons.
The championship offers two competitions, 16 and
under girls and 16 and under boys. Teams represent
their respective Sport Regions. This past year was the
13th year of this competition.
The winners each receive a plaque, jacket,
shirt and a Manitoba bison crest; and a banner
to hang in their club. The winners will go on to
represent Manitoba at the Optimists International
The 2013 Provincial Youth Curling Championships
will be played at various city of Winnipeg curling clubs
during Spring Break from March 28-30, 2013.
16 and under girls
(L-R) Kayla Curtis, Jordyn McIntyre,
Rachel Morris, Ken Curtis – Coach
fInAlIsts: InterlAKe
Rebecca Lamb, Taylor Maida,
Jenna Boisvert, Katrina Thiessen,
Rob Lamb – Coach
PrevIous WInners
2000 - Alison Nimik, Winnipeg Region
2001 - Rhonda Varnes, Winnipeg Region
2002 - Mary Jane McKenzie, Winnipeg Region
2003 - Kaitlyn Lawes, Winnipeg Region
2004 - Teresa Cannon, Winnipeg Region
2005 - Kaitlyn Lawes, Winnipeg Region
2006 - Breanne Meakin, Winnipeg Region
2007 - Breanne Meakin, Winnipeg Region
2008 - Kate Cameron, Winnipeg Region
2009 - Briane Meilleur, Winnipeg Region
2010 - Shannon Birchard, Winnipeg Region
2011 - Rachel Burtnyk, Winnipeg Region
2012 - Kayla Curtis, Winnipeg Region
16 and under boys
(L-R) Calvin Edie – Coach,
Kyle Doering, Colton Lott,
Braden Calvert, Kyle Kurz
fInAlIsts: WInnIPeG
Matt Dunstone, Cole Peters,
Connor McIntyre, Robbie Gordon,
Wilf Peters – Coach
PrevIous WInners
2000 - Matt Wozniak, Winnipeg Region
2001 - David Kraichy, Winnipeg Region
2002 - Adam Norget, Winnipeg Region
2003 - Kyle Flett, Interlake Region
2004 - Ryan Thomson, Central Region
2005 - Jim Coleman, Winnipeg Region
2006 - Brian Thomson, Winnipeg Region
2007 - Connor Njegovan, Winnipeg Region
2008 - Dylan Gosseau, Winnipeg Region
2009 - Daniel Birchard, Winnipeg Region
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
2010 - Cody Watling, Winnipeg Region
2011 - Kyle Doering, Winnipeg Region
2012 - Kyle Doering, Winnipeg Region
hIGh sChool
Curling ChaMPionshiPs
GIrls – morden ColleGIAte
Bob Agnew – Coach, Amy Agnew – Skip, Katherine Doerksen – Third,
Jaidyn Graham – Second, Jaylyn Hartry – Lead
boys – steInbACh ChrIstIAn
Wilf Peters – Coach, Cole Peters – Skip, Peter Brandt – Third,
Dylan Konrad – Second, Mark Brandt – Lead, Joseph Grauer – Fifth
he Manitoba High School Boys and
Girls Championship is run under the
direction of the Manitoba High Schools Athletic
Association (MHSAA). It is open to competition
to high schools within Manitoba. There are two
categories, one for boys teams and one for girls
teams from the various zones.
The winning school receives a championship
banner and the team members receive
Association medals and championship t-shirts.
The 2011/2012 championship was played in
Swan Lake/Pilot Mound, Manitoba.
The 2012/2013 championship is to be played in
Gladstone/Plumas, Manitoba.
unIversIty Curling ChaMPionshiPs
2012 unIversIty of mAnItobA
Women’s teAm
- CIs bronze medAl WInners
Alyssa Vandepoele, Heather Maxted, Krysten
Karwacki, Melanie Hunt, Bob Andries – Coach
2012 sPeCIAl olymPICs teAm
Canada winter gaMes
division 1 gold Medal winners
(L-R) Glenn Wiebe - Coach, Harvey Chambers
- Spare, Jeffrey Gardiner - Lead, Trent Gussie
- Second, Craig McLaren - Skip, Danny Peaslee Third, Don Couprie – Coach
2012 mAnItobA fIre fIGhter
(L-R) Ken Dusablon - Skip, Dennis Neal – Third,
Ken English – Second, Bob Poole Sr. – Lead,
Guy Senecal – Director
2012 mAnItobA WheelChAIr
(L-R) George Horning - Lead,
Melissa Lecuyer - Second, Dennis Thiessen - Skip,
Mark Wherrett - Third, Don Kalinsky – Fifth
Back Row: Rob Lamb - Coach
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
2012 Bonspiel Champions
8-ender brushes Junior Men’s bonsPiel
WInnIPeG free Press troPhy
PembInA CurlInG Club
(L-R) Laurie Finley – Winnipeg Free Press, Daniel Birchard, Kelly Fordyce, Brody Moore, Andrew Peck, Bruce
Birchard – Coach
fInAlIst: Winnipeg Beach – Tanner Lott, Wade Ford, Daniel Winters, Brandon Cohoe, John Loxton – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: West Kildonan – Kyle Doering, Colton Lott, Derek Oryniak,
Lucas Van Den Bosch, Kyle Kurz, Calvin Edie – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Charleswood – Derek Harrison, Brock Harrison, Lyndon Walker, Eric Nugent, Russ Hinds – Coach
he Winnipeg Free Press Company Limited, publishers of the Winnipeg Free Press, donates a trophy for annual competition. Four individual plaques and
prizes are presented to the winners by CurlManitoba.
1. This competition shall be open to all teams entered
in the CurlManitoba – Junior Men’s Bonspiel. Each
team to consist of four boys attending the same
school or sponsored by the same curling club who
must be a maximum of 20 years of age as of December 31, 2012 (born in 1992 or later).
2. The school or club winning the trophy shall have custody of it for one year upon giving ample security for its
return. The prizes, however, shall become the property
of the members of the respective winning teams.
PrevIous WInners
1940 - Norm McKinnon, Kenton
1941- Lionel Wood, Kelvin
1942 - Les Creed, Oakville
1943 - Ron George, Morden
1944 - Tom Johnson, Baldur
1945 - Herman Arnason, Gimli
1946 - Bobby Gibson, Transcona
1947 - Bill Ferguson, Transcona
1948 - Leo Fregeau, Kenora
1949 - Mike Zacharczuk, Arborg
1950 - Bob Woods, Carman
1951 - Bill Brown, Stony Mountain
1952 - Frank Seisling, Birtle
1953 - Gene Walker, Gordon Bell
1954 - Tom Howat, Flin Flon
1955 - Jack Robson, Kenora
1956 - Bunny Small, Dauphin
1957 - Pete McLeod, Fort Frances
1958 - Jack Hellemond, Daniel Mac
1959 - Don Pottinger, Brandon
1960 - Gary Collins, Pilot Mound
1961 - Rick Borland, Kelvin
1962 - Brian Gillespie, Portage
1963 - Kelly Moss, Kelvin
1964 - Jack Grassie, Daniel Mac
1965 - George Coles, Dryden
1966 - Brian Clapham, Daniel McIntyre
1967 - Jim Johnston, St. James
1968 - Jim Sampson, Glenboro
1969 - Murray Nye, Brandon
1970 - Bob Wilson, Minnedosa
1971 - Doug Lyons, Virden
1972 - Gerry Haight, Killamey
1973 - Dale Duguid, Transcona
1974 - Mark Olson, John Taylor Collegiate
1975 - Mark Olson, John Taylor Collegiate
1976 - Mark Olson, Assiniboine Memorial
1977 - Brian McDonald, Pembina
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
1978 - Mert Thompsett, Assiniboine
1979 - Norman Krysko, Steinbach Reg.
1980 - Doug Riach, Granite
1981 - Eric Montford, Assiniboine Memorial
1982 - Jeff Stoughton, Wildewood
1983 - Ron Gauthier, Heather
1984 - Brent Scales, Benito
1985 - Marko Hauhia, The Pas
1986 - Dean Dunstone, Heather
1987 - Sean Nedohin, Charleswood
1988 - Sean Nedohin, Charleswood
1989 - Daren Sawkey, St. Vital
1990 - Chris Galbraith, Rosser
1991 - Rob Fowler, Brandon
1992 - Chris Galbraith, Fort Rouge
1993 - Chris Galbraith, Fort Rouge
1994 - Chad Roza, Omaha, Nebraska
1995 - Kyle Werenich, Assiniboine Memorial
1996 - Kyle Werenich, Assiniboine
1997 - Mike McEwen, Brandon
1998 - Trevor Loreth, Lac du Bonnet
1999 - Daniel Kammerlock,
Assiniboine Memorial
2000 - Mike McEwen, Brandon
2001 - Ryan Bay, Valour Road
2002 - Dan Kammerlock, Steinbach
2003 - Kevin Hamblin, Pembina
2004 - Jim Coleman, Pembina
2005 - Adam Norget, Heather
2006 - Ryan Thomson, Carman
2007 - Travis Bale, Springfield
2008 - Jim Coleman, Pembina
2009 - Daniel Birchard, Pembina
2010 - Joel Hildebrand, Deer Lodge
2011 - Daniel Birchard, Pembina
AWArds & more troPhy
AssInIboIne memorIAl CurlInG Club
(L-R) Derek Blanchard, Trevor Calvert, Scott Bruce, Ty Envik, Greg Blanchard – Coach
fInAlIst: Deer Lodge – Cole Peters, Connor McIntyre, Nick Good, Robbie Gordon, Wilf Peters – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Heather – Brendan Gobeil, Kris Kirkness, Declan Moulden,
Mathew Kirouac, Bruce Peloquin – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Morden – Devon Wiebe, Phillip Petkau, Chad Allen, Mackenzie Hamm
wards & More Trophy presents a trophy to
the winning team in the Manitoba Schools –
Junior Men’s Bonspiel. Four individual plaques and
prizes are presented to the winners, finalists and
semi-finalist teams by CurlManitoba.
2. The school or club winning the trophy shall
have custody of it for one year upon giving
ample security for its return. The prizes, however, shall become the property of the members
of the respective winning teams.
1. This competition shall be open to all teams entered
in the CurlManitoba – Junior Men’s Bonspiel and
losing their first game drawn in the Free Press Event.
PrevIous WInners
1993 - Ryan Norman, Dauphin
1994 - Rob Fowler, Brandon
1995 - Doug Despins, St. Vital
1996 - Jason Wait, Argyle
1997 - Trevor Poole, Heather
1998 - Mike McEwen, Brandon
1999 - Brad Haight, Fort Rouge
2000 - Dan Bender, St. Vital
2001 - Ryan Coy, Heather
2002 - Steve Cannons, Brandon
2003 - Cale Dunbar, Brandon
2004 - Adam Norget, Heather
2005 - Travis Hoare, West Kildonan
2006 - Tyler Drews, La Salle
2007 - Daniel Birchard, Assiniboine Memorial
2008 - Brian Thomson, Assiniboine Memorial
2009 - Tanner Lott, Petersfield
2010 - Derek Blanchard, Assiniboine Memorial
2011 - Derek Blanchard, Assiniboine Memorial
CeC WAtt MeMorial troPhy
st. vItAl CurlInG Club
(L-R) Alex Mowat – Cec Watt Memorial, Matt Dunstone,
Curtis Kaatz, Daniel Grant, Brendan MacCuish, Scott Grant – Coach (missing)
fInAlIst: Stonewall – Chad Corbett, Devin Smith,
Graham McFarlane, Matt Finlay, Andrea Murray-Francis – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Elmwood – Tyler Luner, Bryce Martin, Mitchell Feltham, Liang Sun
semI-fInAlIst: Assiniboine Memorial – Kyle Thiessen,
Ryan Lemoine, Justin Chamberland, David Enns, Rick Lemoine – Coach
s of 2006, the Cec Watt Memorial Trophy
sponsored this event in the Junior Men’s
Christmas Bonspiel. Cec Watt was a legendary
booster of junior curling. He curled in the Manitoba
Schools (junior) Bonspiel in his youth, and later guided its operation and administration. He co-ordinated
the group that sponsored the Dan Davidson Trophy
for 36 years. This trophy will serve to perpetuate his
memory and service to curling. Cec Watt died on
September 15, 2006.
In support of the Cec Watt Memorial Trophy, a
group of gentlemen also donate individual prizes
in this competition for the winners, second place
and semi-finalist teams. Four individual plaques are
presented to the winners by CurlManitoba.
1. This competition shall be open to all teams
entered in the CurlManitoba – Junior Men’s
Bonspiel and losing their second game drawn in
the Free Press Event or their first game drawn in
the Awards & More Event.
2. The school or club winning the trophy shall have
custody of it for one year upon giving ample
security for its return. The prizes, however, shall
become the property of the members of the
respective winning teams.
PrevIous WInners
2006 - Barret Procyshyn, Glenora
2007 - Braiden Watling, Alonsa
2008 - Jesse McCullough, West Kildonan
2009 - Tyler Denisuik, Grain Exchange
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
2010 - Daniel Birchard, Pembina
2011 - Matt Dunstone, St. Vital
8-ender brushes Junior woMen’s bonsPiel
8-ender troPhy
AssInIboIne memorIAl CurlInG Club
(L-R) Katie Spencer, Holly Spencer, Kelsey Resler, Julie Oryniak, Jim Spencer – Coach
fInAlIst: Victoria – Beth Peterson, Robyn Njegovan,
Melissa Gordon, Breanne Yozenko, Jack Gordon – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: St. Vital – Briane Meilleur, Krysten Karwacki,
Amy Agnew, Meagan Grenkow, Colin Grenkow – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Victoria – Kristy Watling, Kristen Ambrozik,
LeAnne Klos, Kendra Derbowka, Jennifer Klos, Jim Watling – Coach
-Ender Brushes donates a trophy for annual
competition. Four individual plaques and
prizes are presented to the winners by CurlManitoba.
1. This competition shall be open to all teams entered
in the CurlManitoba – Junior Women’s Bonspiel.
Each team to consist of four girls attending the
same school or sponsored by the same curling club
who must be a maximum of 20 years of age as of
December 31, 2012 (born in 1992 or later).
2. The school or club winning the trophy shall have
custody of it for one year upon giving ample
security for its return. The prizes, however, shall
become the property of the members of the
respective winning teams.
PrevIous WInners
1984 - Jennifer Barabash, Benito
1985 - Shauna Manko, Lord Selkirk Regional
1986 - Karen Purdy, Assin. Memorial
1987 - Kristen Kuruluk, Fort Rouge
1988 - Nancy Malanchuk, Fort Rouge
1989 - Nancy Malanchuk, Fort Rouge
1990 - Nancy Malanchuk, Fort Rouge
1991 - Tracy Konzelman, Assin. Memorial
1992 - Karen Klein, Tyndall
1993 - Jennifer Jones, St. Vital
1994 - Kelly MacKenzie, Deer Lodge
1995 - Kelly MacKenzie, Deer Lodge
1996 - Krista Novotny, St. Vital
1997 - Sheryl Gauthier, Fort Rouge
1998 - Ainsley Gunnlaugson, Valour Road
1999 - Ainsley Gunnlaugson, Valour Road
2000 - Amanda Duff, West Kildonan
2001 - Christina Duff, Victoria
2002 - Quinn Adams, Beausejour
2003 - Rhonda Varnes, Fort Rouge
2004 - Calleen Neufeld, La Salle
2005 - Kerri Flett, Petersfield
2006 - Kaileigh Strath, Souris
2007 - Kaileigh Strath, Souris
2008 - Kaitlyn Lawes, Pembina
2009 - Breanne Meakin, St. Vital
2010 - Shannon Birchard, Pembina
2011 - Katie Spencer, Assiniboine Memorial
home run sPorts troPhy
st. vItAl CurlInG Club
(L-R) Jackie Hebert, Blaire Hyde,
Lisa Reid, Nikki Boulet, Mike
Hebert – Coach
fInAlIst: Stonewall – Erika Sigurdson, Heather Maxted,
Laura Budowski, Meghan Knutson, Melanie Hunt, Bob Sigurdson – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Pembina – Christine MacKay, Brittany Hancox,
Cameo Argan, Stephanie Schweitz, Jen Lyle, Gord MacKay – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Assiniboine Memorial – Sara Oliver, Taryn Dreger,
Gabrielle Sorin, Brittany Morris, Kaelyn Dreger, Wayne Oliver – Coach
PrevIous WInners
1988 - Tracy Rummery, Assin. Memorial
1989 - Marnie Tresoor, Fort Garry
1990 - Jocelyn Merke, Pembina
1991 - Rhonda Fowler, Wheat City
1992 - Tara Coulterman, Fort William
1993 - Karen Klein, Beausejour
1994 - Jennifer Martina, Brandon
1995 - Melanie McKay, Fort Garry
1996 - Farrah Anderson, Brandon
1997 - Megan Adams, Heather
1998 - Kristen Williamson, Brandon
1999 - Christina Duff, Fort Rouge
2000 - Ashley Gill, Strathclair
2001 - Quinn Adams, Selkirk
2002 - Kaileigh Strath, Souris
2003 - Meaghan Morningstar, Brandon
2004 - Kristen Foster, Morden
2005 - Heather Pierson,Victoria
2006 - Jackelynn Payne, West St. Paul
2007 - Kerri Flett, Selkirk
2008 - Kate Cameron, Victoria
2009 - Beth Peterson, Assiniboine Memorial
2010 - Jackie Hebert, St. Vital
2011 - Jackie Hebert, St. Vital
AWArds & more troPhy
vICtorIA CurlInG Club
(L-R) Alyssa Vandepoele, Kate Cameron,
Abby Ackland, Sheyna Andries,
Emily Helston (missing),
Dave Peterson – Coach (missing)
PrevIous WInners
1995 - Mandy Driedger, Winkler
1996 - Ainsley Gunnlaugson, Valour Road
1997 - Lisa Roy, Brandon
1998 - Angela Nagel, Bison BG
1999 - Kari Goodman, Benito
2000 - Jennifer Sheppard, Pembina
fInAlIst: Miami – Carly Angers, Kelly Janzen, Leanne Rutter,
Michelle Gall, Blaine Rutter – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Stonewall – Ashley Jahns, Jesse Iles, Jennifer
Klapp, Kristin Cherewyk, Mallory Black, Albert Bazinet – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Pembina – Brooklyn Meiklejohn, Ashley
Groff, Rhea Teranishi, Hannah Brown
2001 - Kristen Williamson, St. Vital
2002 - Calleen Neufeld, La Salle
2003 - Allison Nimik, Victoria
2004 - Chelsea Carey, Victoria
2005 - Laura Wilkinson, Victoria
2006 - Sherry Just, Springfield
2007 - Katie Spencer, Charleswood
2008 - Kelsey Boettcher, West St.Paul
2009 - Alyssa Vandepoele, Ste. Anne
2010 - Katie Spencer, Fort Rouge
2011 - Alyssa Vandepoele, Victoria
8-ender oPen youth CoMPetition
equAl forCe event
AssInIboIne memorIAl CurlInG Club
(L-R) Terry Gibb – 8-Ender, Colin Kurz (missing), Weston Oryniak,
Zach Goerzen, Brendan Bilawka, Darren Oryniak – Coach
fInAlIst: Charleswood – Zachary Lewco,
Joshua Lewco, Jordan Turney, Colton Gibson, Trevor Lewco – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: The Pas – Miles Hicks, Mitchell Katcher,
David Wilkinson, Mark Hagborg, Jill Wilkinson – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Pembina – Bryan Young, Hayden Forrester,
Brett MacDonald, Cole Chandler, Kevin Young – Coach
PrevIous WInners
2008 - Curtis Kaatz, Ste. Anne
2009 - Rebecca Lamb, Stonewall
2010 - Colin Kurz, East St Paul
2011 - Colin Kurz, Assiniboine Memorial
defIAnt event
PembInA CurlInG Club
(L-R) Terry Gibb – 8-Ender, Riley Dillabough, Shae Laurencelle,
Jessica Hancox, Amy Lenchyshyn, Jason Dillabough – Coach
fInAlIst: Charleswood – Logan Schirrmeister, Ryan Janzen,
Chase Kent, Michael Ratuski Favel, Jared Schulz, Linda Janzen – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Charleswood – Mallory Maykut, Avery Kirkness,
Cameryn Maykut, Amanda Swift, James Kirkness – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: St. Vital – Meghan Walter, Shae Bevan, Tara Flatt,
Grace Lukaschuk, Frank Walter – Coach
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
PrevIous WInners
2008 - Jordan Smith, Assiniboine Memorial
2009 - Kyle Thiessen, St. Vital
2010 - Gordon Spencer, Pembina
2011 - Riley Dillabough, Pembina
vAlour roAd event
PrevIous WInners
AssInIboIne memorIAl CurlInG Club
(L-R) Terry Gibb – 8-Ender, Jacques Gauthier, Myles Hunker, Andres Bazin,
Brett Walter, Cathy Gauthier – Coach, Bob Picken – Valour Road
fInAlIst: Pembina – Gordon Spencer, Brooklyn Stollard,
Adrian Allard, Dylan Fijal, Reed Winstone – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: St. Vital – Paige Beaudry, Danielle Bouchard,
Kaylena Lewicki, Kristin Lanyon, Guy Beaudry – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: St. Vital – Ghislain Courcelles, Adam Flatt,
Sean Flatt, Jaedon Neuert, Jean-Marc Courcelles, Darryl Flatt – Coach
2008 - Kristy Watling, Assin. Memorial
2009 - Jacques Gauthier, St. Vital
2010 - Brittant Morris, Assin. Memorial
2011 - Jacques Gauthier, Assin. Memorial
Pro stAr event
PrevIous WInners
PembInA CurlInG Club
(L-R) Terry Gibb – 8-Ender, Dustin Pratcshler, Zachary Wasylik,
Liam Tod, Drew Weber, Jordan Peters, Brian Pratcshler – Coach
fInAlIst: Pembina – Liam Harder, Callum Ross, Nolan Harder,
Keely Ross, Megan Walter, Kristin Harder – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Pembina – Andrew Clapham, Adam Kramchynsky,
Justin Shayna, Jeremy Labossiere, Cathy Overton-Clapham – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Pembina – Jayden Rutter, Nicholas Britton,
Alec Paci, Rachel Greenstone, Ken Rutter – Coach
1992 - Kristen Poetker, Assin. Memorial
1993 - Dianne Walker, Plumas
1994 - Tyra Dickson, Morris
1995 - Nicole Desroches, Heather
1996 - Kara Shibata, East St. Paul
1997 - Ashlee Dvorak, Assin. Memorial
1998 - Ashlee Dvorak, Assin. Memorial
1999 - Kyra Jordan, Portage la Prairie
2000 - Carlee Willms, Assiniboine Memorial
2001 - Kerri Flett, Petersfield
2002 - Laryssa Grenkow, Pembina
2003 - Shelbi Abbott, Fort Garry
2004 - Sam Good, Stonewall
2005 - Jackie Hebert, St. Vital
2006 - Curtis Kaatz, Ste. Anne
2007 - Taylor Maida, St. Vital
2008 - Dylan Wuthrich, Gimli
2009 - Mark Davidson, Fort Garry
2010 - Devon Wiebe, Morden
2011 - Dustin Pratcshler, Pembina
tIm hortons Manitoba
youth Curling reCreational JaMboree
he championship is played concurrently
with the Youth Provincial Championship and
offers a 13 and under open and 16 and under open
Recreation Division. Teams represent their respective
sport regions. This past year was the sixth year of
this competition.
Each recreational competition has four events and
the winners of each event receive a medallion and
cash prizes.
The 2013 Tim Hortons Youth Jamboree will be
played at various Winnipeg curling clubs March
28-30, 2013.
reCreAtIonAl JAmboree 16 and under oPen
PrevIous WInners
2000 - Alexander Graham, Eastman Region
2001 - Andrew Hunt, Interlake Region
2002 - Serge Desrosiers, Interlake Region
2003 - Jeff Stuart, Interlake Region
2004 - Jared Kolomaya, Interlake Region
2005 - Cassandra Mourant-Nault, Eastman
2006 - Marcus Tucker, Bismarck, N.Dakota
2007 - Lyle Mehling, Eastman Region
2008 - Gabriel Brandt, Eastman Region
2009 - Lucas Van Den Bosch, Winnipeg Region
2010 - Jenna Boisvert, Interlake Region
2011 - Quentin Dreger, Interlake
2012 - Brandon Radford, Winnipeg
1st event – WInnIPeG reGIon
(L-R) Brandon Radford, Jeremy Warne, Brody Andrews, Noah Miller, Mark Radford – Coach (missing)
fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Kyle Allenby, Alex Reece, Lee Hristienko, Patrick Dott, Andrew Ferguson – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Bryan Young,
Hayden Forrester, Brett MacDonald, Cole Chandler, Kevin Young – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Julia Maida, Samantha Riach,
Jessica Dufrat, Meghan Walters, Mike Maida – Coach
PrevIous WInners
2000 - Jason Neufeld, Central Region
2001 - Gord Sando, Winnipeg Region
2002 - Kelly Lauber, Winnipeg Region
2003 - Patrick Waterman, Interlake Region
2004 - Brendan Thompson, Winnipeg Region
2005 - Wesley Eaton, Winnipeg Region
2006 - David Wiebe, Winnipeg Region
2007 - Kevin Dunn, Winnipeg Region
2008 - Ashley Johns, Winnipeg Region
2009 - Beth Peterson, Winnipeg Region
2010 - Quentin Dreger, Interlake Region
2011 - Emilie Rafnson, Interlake Region
2012 - Daniel Mondor, Winnipeg Region
2nd event – WInnIPeG reGIon
(L-R) Daniel Mondor, Jean-Marc Courcelles, Ryan Armstrong, Luke Moslenko, Dany Mondor – Coach
fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Kristen MacDonell, Kymm Johnston, Madaline Robert, Alanah Jones
semI-fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Corey Slipec, Durham Hrizai, Halan Hrizai, Tyler Palmer, Jim Slipec – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Central Region – Cali Hamm, Abby Wiebe, Emily Dyck, Maria Ens, Terry Hamm – Coach
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
PrevIous WInners
2000 - Robert Hoogervorst, Winnipeg Region
2001 - Greg Hallander, Eastman Region
2002 - Dan Michalchuk, Winnipeg Region
2003 - Tasia Zuk, Winnipeg Region
2004 - David Baldwinson, Winnipeg Region
2005 - Derrick Anderson, Interlake Region
2006 - Dylan McLachlan, Eastman Region
2007 - Cal Rutter, Central Region
2008 - Austen Anderson, Parkland Region
2009 - Aaron Murray, Parkland Region
2010 - Jason Slipec, Winnipeg Region
2011 - Sam Armstrong, Winnipeg Region
2012 - Brooke Friesen, Central Region
3rd event – CentrAl reGIon
(L-R) Brooke Friesen, Katelyn Derksen, Jaylyn Hartry, Lorissa Hartry, Dave Hartry – Coach
fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Carter Wilson, Aaron Greenstone,
Cameron Ditchfield, Stephen Lunn, Michael Lunn, Sid Greenstone – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Clayton Lee,
Dylan Bach, Anton Sikorsky, Ryan Chin, Raymond Bach
semI-fInAlIst: Winnipeg/Interlake Region – Zachary Lewco, Joshua Lewco,
Martin Knutson, Cole Janke, Mel Gibson & Trevor Lewco – Coaches
PrevIous WInners
2000 - Kyle Forsyth, Parkland Region
2001 - Colin Crockatt, Interlake Region
2002 - Riley Nelson, Winnipeg Region
2003 - Shea Stratton, Winnipeg Region
2004 - Justina Neepin, Winnipeg Region
2005 - Jeremy Enns, Central Region
2006 - Wesley Eaton, Winnipeg Region
2007 - Adam Kitching, Interlake Region
2008 - Kevin Dunn, Winnipeg Region
2009 - Riley Sawatzky - Central Region
2010 - Laurie MacDonell, Winnipeg Region
2011 - Brooke Friesen, Central Region
2012 - Julia Maida, Winnipeg Region
4th event – WInnIPeG reGIon
(L-R) Mike Maida – Coach, Julia Maida, Samantha Riach, Jessica Dufrat, Meghan Walter
fInAlIst: Central Region – Cali Hamm,
Abby Wiebe, Emily Dyck, Maria Ens, Terry Hamm – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Riley Dillabough,
Jessica Hancox, Casey Braun, Amy Lenchyshyn, Jason Dillabough – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Jensen Maxwell,
Kaitlyn Gilfillan, Grace Lukaschuk, Alyssa Cherewyk, Shawn Lukaschuk – Coach
reCreAtIonAl JAmboree 13 and under oPen
PrevIous WInners
2000 - Natasha Esau, Central Region
2001 - Jim Coleman, Winnipeg Region
2002 - Trevor Hoplock, Interlake Region
2003 - Sam Good, Interlake Region
2004 - Riley Smith, Winnipeg Region
2005 - Alex Colburn, Eastman Region
2006 - Melissa Dirks, Winnipeg Region
2007 - Kirby Hearn, Interlake Region
2008 - Colton Lott, Interlake Region
2009 - Brad Achte, Winnipeg Region
2010 - Brandon Radford, Winnipeg Region
2011 - Jacques Gauthier, Winnipeg Region
2012 - Andrew Clapham, Winnipeg Region
1st event – WInnIPeG reGIon
(L-R) Kevin Wasylik – Coach, Andrew Clapham, Zackary Wasylik, Adam Kramchynsky, Jeremy Labossiere
fInAlIst: Central Region – Andrew Lane, Logan Hamm, Spencer Hamm, Reece Hamm, Doug Hamm – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Central Region – Holly Friesen,
Morgan Reimer, Lani Enns, Calista Friesen, Sheila Reimer – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Interlake Region – Kaelyn Dreger, Taylor Kiesman,
Sara Meisner, Talyia Tober, Courtny Granberg, Randy Kolomaya – Coach
PrevIous WInners
2000 - Paul Geisler, Interlake Region
2001 - Tyler Chliboyko, Winnipeg Region
2002 - Burke Nagle, Winnipeg Region
2003 - Riley Smith, Winnipeg Region
2004 - Bobby Cromarty, Interlake Region
2005 - Graeme Smith, Winnipeg Region
2006 - Scott Duncan, Winnipeg Region
2007 - Ryan Kolly, Winnipeg Region
2008 - Cole Stoughton, Winnipeg Region
2009 - Daryl-Ann Rawluk, Eastman Region
2010 - Jaylyn Hartry, Central Region
2011 - Jaylyn Hartry, Central Region
2012 - Gillian Woodward, Winnipeg
2nd event – WInnIPeG reGIon
(L-R) Murray (missing) & Jennifer Woodward – Coaches,
Gillian Woodward, Taylor Meyer, Reanne Poirier, Gillian Scott, Emma Parker
fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Mallory Maykut, Avery Kirkness,
Cameryn Maykut, Amanda Swift, James Kirkness – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Eastman Region – Riley Versluis,
Matthew Kaminski, Dennis Schultz, Cole Watkins
semI-fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Lauren Beaudry, Rebecca Friesen,
Rachel Greenstone, Justin Pratcshler, Rie Penner, Michelle Pratcshler – Coach
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
PrevIous WInners
2000 - Eric Johnson, Winnipeg Region
2001 - Trevor Hoplock, Interlake Region
2002 - Andrew Mitchell, Winnipeg Region
2003 - Shawn Ostapchuk, Interlake Region
2004 - Cassandra Nault, Eastman Region
2005 - Justin Bourassa, Winnipeg Region
2006 - Jesse Claeys, Winnipeg Region
2007 - Kelly Theissen, Winnipeg Region
2008 - Kristy Watling, Winnipeg Region
2009 - Jacques Gauthier, Winnipeg Region
2010 - Devon Wiebe, Central Region
2011 - Mackenzie Hamm, Central Region
2012 - Dalton Elke, Central Region
3rd event – CentrAl reGIon
(L-R) Rick Forsyth – Coach, Dalton Elke, Derrick Rogalsky, Joel Enns, Noah Schneider
fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Dustin Pratcshler, Liam Tod, Drew Weber, Jordan Peters, Brian Pratcshler – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Eastman Region – RJ Gagnon, Matthew Blenkinsopp,
Connor Stoesz, Jack Reimer, Michael and Lucy Blenkinsopp – Coaches
semI-fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Jaedon Nuert, Samantha Gevers,
Mackenzie Ramsay, Mackenzie Gevers, John Nuert – Coach
PrevIous WInners
2000 - Brent Barkman, Eastman Region
2001 - Eric Johnson, Winnipeg Region
2002 - Jeremy Enns, Winnipeg Region
2003 - Michael Neufeld, Interlake Region
2004 - Derrick Anderson, Interlake Region
2005 - Melissa Dirks, Winnipeg Region
2006 - Shannon Birchard, Winnipeg Region
2007 - Brendan Williamson, Westman Region
2008 - Declan Moulden, Winnipeg Region
2009 - Kris Kirkness, Winnipeg Region
2010 - Kris Kirkness, Interlake Region
2011 - Ryan Lemoine, Winnipeg
2012 - Kaelyn Dreger, Interlake Region
4th event – InterlAKe reGIon
(L-R) Randy Kolomaya – Coach, Kaelyn Dreger, Taylor Kiesman,
Sara Meisner, Talyia Tober, Courtny Granberg
fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Ghislain Courcelles,
Ryan Wiebe, Adam Flatt, Sean Flatt, Monique Courcelles – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Central Region – Holly Friesen,
Morgan Reimer, Lani Ens, Calista Friesen, Sheila Reimer – Coach
semI-fInAlIst: Winnipeg Region – Erica Wiebe,
Tara Flatt, Jenna Cronshaw, Paige Baudry, Karen Flatt – Coach
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mCA Men’s bonsPiel
AshAm CurlInG suPPlIes troPhy
Green bAy CurlInG Club
(L-R) Kroy Nernberger, Matt Hamilton, Derrick Casper,
Craig Brown (missing), Arnold Asham – Asham Curling Supplies
fInAlIst: Deer Lodge – Sean Grassie, Corey Chambers, Kody Janzen, Stu Sheills
sham Curling Supplies is an event sponsor for
the 2012 MCA Men’s Bonspiel and presented
a trophy for Annual competition. The Asham event
winner is the overall champion of the MCA Men’s
Bonspiel. CurlManitoba presents plaques and prizes
to the winners.
PrevIous WInners
2011 - Dave Boehmer, Petersfield
2012 - Craig Brown, Green Bay Curling Club
WInnIPeG free Press troPhy
West KIldonAn CurlInG Club
(L-R) Laurie Finley – Winnipeg Free Press, Trevor Loreth, Brad Haight, Ryan Lowdon, Brett Cawson
fInAlIst: Stonewall – Jared Kolomaya, Neil Kitching, Kennedy Bird, Daniel Hunt
semI-fInAlIst: Somerset – Daryl Evans, Justin Twiss, Jim Evans, Andrew Evans, DJ Sibbick
semI-fInAlIst: West St. Paul – Carl German, Brian Cox, Daniel Cox, Wayne Sobering, Lloyd Huys
he Winnipeg Free Press Company Limited,
publishers of the Winnipeg Free Press, donates
a trophy for annual competition. Four individual
plaques and prizes are presented to the winners by
PrevIous WInners
1928 - J.E. Gallant, Thistle
1929 - Howard Wood, Granite
1930 - S.M. MacDonald,Portage la Prairie
1931 - Grant Watson, University of Man.
1932 - W.H. Hain, Fort Garry
1933 - Bob Brown, Dauphin
1934 - Roy Pritchard, Killarney
1935 - W.H. Hain, Fort Garry
1936 - Dr. N.G. Trimble, The Pas
1937 - D. McConaghy, Neepawa
1938 - J.D. Harrower, Wawanesa,
1939 - C. McEwen, Fort William, Ont.
1940 - J.H. Couzens, Darlingford
1941 - E. Portigal, Thistle
1942 - Ab. Gowanlock, Ft. Brandon
1943 - H. Chambers, Pierson
1944 - W. E. McLeod, Grain Exchange
1945 - R. Anderson, Decker
1946 - W. E. McLeod, Grain Exchange
1947 - H.K. Coleman, Darlingford
1948 - J.S. Doerr, Antler, Sask.
1949 - A.Rybachuk, Teulon,
1950 - Ed. Longmore, Flin Flon,
1951 - Don Sauter, Fairlight, Sask.
1952 - W. Walsh, Fort Rouge
1953 - K. Bowyer, Strathcona
1954 - J. Timms, Valour Road
1955 - M. Scales, Strathcona
1956 - S. Vance, Charleswood
1957 - J. Patton, Deer Lodge
1958 - S. Good, Stonewall
1959 - N. Maxwell, Crystal City
1960 - Bob Picken, Valour Road
1961 - S. Cutforth, Gilbert Plains
1962 - K. Forbes, Hartney
1963 - Ken Bishop, Grain Exchange
1964 - Howie Smith, Civic Cal.
1965 - Dr. R.L. Howden, Heather
1966 - Michael Riley, Heather
1967 - K. Kirkpatrick, Pembina
1968 - Les Evans, Rossmere
1969 - Clare DeBlonde, Heather
1970 - Ken Hawkins, Pembina
1971 - Gordon Masters, Wildewood
1972 - Bruce M. Hudson, Strathcona
1973 - Bob Trager, Fort Garry
1974 - Don McNabb Jr.,Deer Lodge
1975 - Cliff Holliston, Manitou
1976 - Errol Klinck, Assiniboine Mem.
1977 - Brian Holmes, Charleswood
1978 - Ken England, Rossmere
1979 - Al Braemer, Assinboine Mem.
1980 - Bill Paterson, Portage
1981 - Ron Westcott, Granite
1982 - Orest Meleschuk, Lac Du Bonnet
1983 - Bob Jenion, Deer Lodge
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
1984 - Ernie Rehberg, Grain Exchange
1985 - Kerry Burtnyk, Assiniboine Mem.
1986 - Kerry Burtnyk, Assiniboine Mem.
1987 - Mike Enns, St. Vital
1988 - Mike Riley, Pembina
1989 - Don Spriggs, Portage
1990 - Mike Foster, Fort Rouge
1991 - Dale Duguid, Valour Road
1992 - John Bubbs, Wildewood
1993 - Clare DeBlonde Heather
1994 - Dale Duguid, Granite
1995 - Mark Lukowich, Rossmere
1996 - Jeff Stoughton, Charleswood
1997 - Kerry Burtnyk, Assiniboine Mem.
1998 - Kerry Burtnyk, Assiniboine Mem.
1999 - Mark Olson, Granite
2000 - Barry Fry, Granite
2001 - Vic Peters, Granite
2002 - David Bohn, Valour Road
2003 - Chris Galbraith, Stonewall
2004 - David Hamblin, Morris
2005 - Randy Dutiaume, Valour Road
2006 - Ian Beavis, Morden
2007 - Brad Haight, St. Vital
2008 - David Bohn, Assiniboine Memorial
2009 - Kerry Burtnyk, Assiniboine Memorial
2010 - Randy Dutiaume, Stony Mountain
2011 - Sean Grassie, Deer Lodge
2012 - Trevor Loreth, West Kildonan
sAfeWAy luCerne troPhy
PembInA CurlInG Club
(L-R) Todd Drebnisky – Safeway, Dave Johnson, Robin Nelson, Craig Scott, David Bay, Dave Priestley
fInAlIst: Assiniboine Memorial – Jason Gunnlaugson, David Bohn, Dennis Bohn, Andrew Irving
semI-fInAlIst: Pembina – Dean Dunstone, Matt Dunstone, Daniel Grant, Scott Grant, Gord McTavish
semI-fInAlIst: Thistle – Darryl Lee, Sheldon Oshanyk, Rick Vandenberghe, Mike Marsch, Tony Tuenis
anada Safeway Ltd., Winnipeg, donates a
trophy for annual competition at the bonspiel.
Four individual plaques and prizes are presented
to the winners by CurlManitoba.
PrevIous WInners
1996 - Dale Duguid, Granite
1997 - Dave Smith, St. Vital
1998 - Kerry Burtnyk, Assiniboine Mem.
1999 - Chad McMullan, Valour Road
2000 - Bill North, Carman
2001 - Jeff Stoughton, Charleswood
2002 - Ron Gauthier, Deer Lodge
2003 - Dave Smith, Valour Road
2004 - Mark Lukowich, Valour Road
2005 - Adam Norget, Heather
2006 - Reid Carruthers, Valour Road
2007 - Dave Smith, Valour Road
2008 - Arnold Asham, Wildewood
2009 - Murray Woodward, Rorketon
2010 - Mark Olson, Granite
2011 - Troy Hamilton, Fort Rouge
2012 - Dave Johnson, Pembina
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bItumInex PAvInG ltd. troPhy
st. vItAl CurlInG Club
(L-R) Darryl Friesen, Ernie Funk, Jamie Wall, Stewart Holditch
fInAlIst: Milwaukee – Jay Packard, Dan Jones, Matt Goelzer, Fred Blizzard
semI-fInAlIst: West Kildonan – Kirk Singleton,
Zoltan Csupak, Mike Thompson, Bill Olaschuk, Dylan Davies
semI-fInAlIst: West St. Paul – Gerald Lecoq, Garrett Lecoq, Brendan Balske, Ed Balske
ituminex Paving Ltd. became a Manitoba
Curling Association Bonspiel event sponsor in
2002 and present a trophy for annual competition.
CurlManitoba presents plaques and prizes.
PrevIous WInners
2002 - Cory Anderson, Victoria
2003 - Cory Anderson, Valour Road
2004 - Sean Grassie, Deer Lodge
2005 - Mike Mahon, Deer Lodge
2006 - Mark Franklin, Fort Rouge
2007 - Erik Wallace, Heather
2008 - Brad Haight, Victoria
2009 - Dave Watt, Heather
2010 - Tanner Lott, West St. Paul
2011 - Brad Walker, West Kildonan
2012 - Darryl Friesen, St. Vital
From our h use
to yours.
C o n g r at u l at i o n s C u r l M a n i t o b a o n y o u r
1 25
mAnItobA hydro troPhy
PembInA CurlInG Club
(L-R) Daniel Birchard, Kelly Fordyce, Brody Moore, Andrew Peck
fInAlIst: Stonewall – Derek Dowsett, Stu Brown, Mike Carriere, Kurt Bouskill
semI-fInAlIst: Moosehorn – Robert Yanke, Rob Bauch, Shane Bauch, Derek Yanke, Colin Hummel
semI-fInAlIst: Deer Lodge – Jack Gordon, Guy McLachlan, Jim Gordon, Mitch Njegovan, Rob Gordon
anitoba Hydro’s title sponsorship of this
competition in the Manitoba Curling
Association Men’s Bonspiel began with the
117th annual event in 2005. The Manitoba Hydro
sponsorship continues a tradition established in
1942 when the former Winnipeg Hydro became an
MCA event sponsor.
CurlManitoba presents four individual plaques
and prizes to the event winners.
PrevIous WInners
2005 - Ryan Norman, Fort Rouge
2006 - Mike Hebert, St. Vital
2007 - Fred Sutton, Thistle
2008 - Richard Muntain, Charleswood
2009 - Ross Rybak, West Kildonan
2010 - Wayne Ewasko, Heather
2011 - Ken Dusablon, Fort Rouge
2012 - Daniel Birchard, Pembina
ChAs. fIdler & son ltd. troPhy
deer lodGe CurlInG Club
(L-R) Mike Mahon, Ian Mahon, Blair Smith, Larry Legace
fInAlIst: Fort Rouge – Ian Beavis, Brad Wainika, Jay Defoort, John Batiuk, Steve Friesen
semI-fInAlIst: West St. Paul – Darren Naharnie, Cory Naharnie, Brent Baschuk, Derek Masom
semI-fInAlIst: Stonewall – Andrew Hunt, Dillon Bednarek, Morgan McDonnell, Darren Bednarek
has. Fidler & Son Ltd. is pleased to present
for annual competition, in the ‘World’s
Largest Bonspiel’, the Chas. Fidler & Son Trophy.
Four individual plaques and prizes are presented to
the winners by CurlManitoba.
PrevIous WInners
2002 - Jamie Hay, Granite
2003 - Wayne Schettler, Plumas
2004 - Jamie Hay, Granite
2005 - Barry Fry, Granite
2006 - Troy Hamilton, Valour Road
2007 - Merv Satterthwaite, St. Vital
2008 - Victor Bellay, Pembina
2009 - Darko Reischek, Charleswood
2010 - Jamie Hay, Granite
2011 - Allan Neyedly, Deer Lodge
2012 - Mike Mahon, Deer Lodge
lAfArGe ConstruCtIon troPhy
West st. PAul CurlInG Club
(L-R) Ron Copeland – LaFarge Construction, Derek Samagalski,
Tyler Samagalski, Brent Jesson, Trevor Samagalski
fInAlIst: Charleswood – Scott Barenz, Brian Drozd, Gregg Lussier, Jake Knelson, Steve Dueck
semI-fInAlIst: Pembina – Gene Robertson, Maurice Bohemier, Kevin Briscoe, Bill Mukanik, Rob Bohemier
semI-fInAlIst: Thistle – John Unwin, Shane Walker, Scott Marohn, Jerod Marohn, Morley Walker
his trophy was originally donated to the
MCA Bonspiel by Supercrete in 1962 and
withdrawn in 1969. It was again offered for
competition beginning in 1980.
In 1994 Supercrete changed its name to
LaFarge Construction. Four individual
plaques and prizes are presented to the
winners by CurlManitoba.
PrevIous WInners
1962 - Norm Houck, Strathcona
1963 - Ted Veitch, Petersfield
1964 - Mac Scales, Strathcona
1965 - John Bishop, St. Vital
1966 - Glen Gray, Glenora C.C.,Edmonton
1967 - Gerry Hobson, Pembina
1968 - Bob Cherlet, Heather
1969 - 1979 - Not in competition
1980 - Arnold Asham, Strathcona
1981 - Bruce Towerzey, Strathcona
1982 - Clayton Paul, Thompson
1983 - Howie Restall, Rossmere
1984 - Terry Paton, CFB Winnipeg
1985 - Guy Leduc, St. Claude & Haywood
1986 - Arnold Asham, CFB Winnipeg
1987 - Larry Johannson, Victoria
1988 - Vic Peters, Granite
1989 - Barry Fry, Deer Lodge
1990 - Ray Orr, Elmwood
1991 - Howard Restall, Rossmere
1992 - David Keating, Russell
1993 - Norris Cook, Grain Exchange
1994 - Ernie Ryz, Stony Mountain
1995 - Bryan Weber, Assiniboine Mem.
1996 - Albert Martens, Rossmere
1997 - Jim Fossen, Elmwood
1998 - Wayne Ledohowski, Pembina
1999 - Paul Wainwright, Victoria
2000 - Mark Lowdon, Pembina
2001 - Mike Wattis, Fort Rouge
2002 - Gary Ross, Granite
2003 - James Kirkness, Deer Lodge
2004 - Bob Bartley, Carman
2005 - Clarence Kohut, East St. Paul
2006 - David Kendall, Wildewood
2007 - Stu Brown, Assiniboine Memorial
2008 - Dean Steski, St. Vital
2009 - Andrew Wickman, West Kildonan
2010 - Reg Malanchuk, Fort Rouge
2011 - Kevin Larson, Springfield
2012 - Derek Samagalski, West St. Paul
theCurler.Com troPhy
West KIldonAn CurlInG Club
(L-R) Mark Lukowich, Stuart Gresham, Chris Chimuk,
Kevin Wiebe, Resby Coutts – thecurler.com
fInAlIst: Fort Garry – Louie Wenden, Bernard Bohemier, Bernie Wenden, Roger Daniels
semI-fInAlIst: Fort Garry – Ian Campbell, Riley Smith, Barrie Campbell, Albert Bazinet
semI-fInAlIst: Pinawa – Farroll Asham, Rae Hainstock, Gord Holditch, Mike Smith
ince 2010 thecurler.com has been the sponsor
of this event in the MCA Men’s Bonspiel.
CurlManitoba donates four individual plaques and
prizes to the winners of this event.
PrevIous WInners
2010 - Bill Dauphinais, West St. Paul
2011 - Curtis McCannell, Pilot Mound
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
2012 - Mark Lukowich, West Kildonan
lAzer GrAnt troPhy
fort rouGe CurlInG Club
(L-R) Saul Greenberg – Lazer Grant, James Scott,
Mark Franklin, Brad Strutt, Chad Gardiner, Randy Chervinski
fInAlIst: Fort Rouge – Gord Green, Craig White, Darryl Hogg, John Hodge, Jeff Hodge
semI-fInAlIst: Deer Lodge – Allan Neyedly, Andrew Melnuk, Justin Steeves, Gavin McLachlan
semI-fInAlIst: Heather – Joe Fouasse, Reynold Despiegalaere,
Charles Arbez, Real Chabbert, Gerry Berard
PrevIous WInners
2012 – James Scott, Fort Rouge
At Monsanto, we believe in giving back to Canada’s rural communities
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As a company committed to creating a better, more sustainable future for
our farm customers, our employees and consumers, we are honoured to
support the passion, camaraderie and competitive spirit curling inspires in
communities across the country. We wish all competitors a great season.
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DEKALB and Design®, Genuity and Design®, Monsanto and Vine Design®, Roundup Ready®, and Roundup® are
registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. ©2011 Monsanto Canada, Inc.
monsAnto CAnAdA troPhy
st. vItAl CurlInG Club
(L-R) Ashley Linden – Monsanto Canada, Paul Scinocca, Tim Loeb, Kevin Schmidt, Justin Hartloper
fInAlIst: Rossmere – Jesse Boulet, Scott Boulet, Jordan Prest, Paul Kraus
semI-fInAlIst: Fort Garry – Michael Martin, Kurt Sache, Robin Light, Kevin Light, Mike Northam
semI-fInAlIst: Fort Garry – Jason Shymanski, Greg Boutet, Ed Shachtay, Darrell Jacques, Ryan Boutet
onsanto Canada presents a trophy for annual
Four individual plaques and prizes are presented
to the winners by CurlManitoba.
2007 - Jack Gordon, Deer Lodge
2008 - Peter Willms, Assiniboine Memorial
2009 - Thomas Melanchuk, Fort Rouge
2010 - David Kendall, Wildewood
2011 - Bob Benson, Charleswood
2012 - Paul Scinocca, St. Vital
8-ender troPhy
sPrInGfIeld CurlInG Club
(L-R) Curtis Joyal, Nick Joyal, Matt Joyal, Kevin Lamothe,
Tom Light (missing), Jeff Joyal (missing)
fInAlIst: Thistle – Jack Clarke, Terry Ross, Kyle Jarworski, Jerry Marsden, Richard Maryk
semI-fInAlIst: Deer Lodge – Dan Sul, Rob Cornelius, Frank Mitchell, Wayne Buckel, Rick Furney
semI-fInAlIst: Granite – Mike Yosyk, Jared Ruffeski, Curtis Martin, Kevin Tomanek, James Kirk
-Ender presents this trophy, which pays
tribute to the history of the 8-Ender Brushes.
Four individual plaques and prizes are presented to
the winners by CurlManitoba.
1992 - Kevin Exell, Deer Lodge
1993 - Rob Woodrow, Elmwood
1994 - Ricardo Ingimundson, Heather
1995 - Brian Riach, Pembina
1996 - Cory Anderson, Victoria
1997 - Robin Nelson, CFB Winnipeg
1998 - Jeff Stoughton, Charleswood
1999 - Randy Neufeld, Pembina
2000 - Dave Johnson, Deer Lodge
2001 - Ray Fillion, Valour Road
2002 - Randy Neufeld, LaSalle
2003 - Craig Strand, Valour Road
2004 - John Bubbs, Granite
2005 - Collin Sundell, Valour Road
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
2006 - William Kuran, Pembina
2007 - Kevin Larson, Springfield
2008 - Mark Franklin, Fort Rouge
2009 - Bill Burkett, Victoria
2010 - Justin Reynolds, Thistle
2011 - Garth Smith, Assiniboine Memorial
2012 - Curtis Joyal, Springfield
CAnAdA’s Web shoP troPhy
West st. PAul CurlInG Club
(L-R) Larry Liebrecht, Brian Bjornson, Bill Cechvala, Richard Van Der Broek, Craig Menzies
fInAlIst: Heather – Darryl Berard, Lloyd Peterson, Roger Blanchette, Justin Richard
semI-fInAlIst: Pembina – Joseph Mudry, Tony Sklar, Jonathon Mudry, Tim Boychuk, Bill Edgar
semI-fInAlIst: Victoria – Bob Burkett, Konrad Schmall, George Kernaghan, Brian Burkett, Mitch Rowson
anada’s Web Shop donates a trophy for
annual competition in the MCA Men’s
Beginning with the 2006 MCA Men’s
Bonspiel, Canada’s Web Shop has sponsored the
PrevIous WInners
2006 - Clarence Kohut, East St. Paul
2007 - Rob Gray, St. Vital
2008 - Bob Bartley, Carman
2009 - Don Fischer, St. Vital
2010 - Drew Knox, Elmwood
2011 - Ken McCulley, Portage
2012 - Larry Liebrecht, West St. Paul
mAnItobA PorK CounCIl troPhy
fort rouGe CurlInG Club
(L-R) Laurel Lyons – Manitoba Pork Council, Pat Carson, Randy Baraniuk, Don Biebrick, Rick Barnes, Bob Roe
fInAlIst: Wildewood – Doug Hamblin, Doug Wahl, Mike Klassen, Darcy Catellier
semI-fInAlIst: Elmwood – Dave Mowat, Bob MacCallum, Bill Smithson, Bob Victoruk, Jim Aab
semI-fInAlIst: Thistle – Clare Hadewich, Bruce Armstrong, Cory Hyde, Rob Hollier
anitoba Pork Council is proud to once again
sponsor the MCA Men’s Bonspiel. Working
on behalf of the province’s 800 hog producers,
Manitoba Pork Council delivers a wide range of
programs and activities to foster the sustainability
and prosperity of the pork industry for the good of
all hog farmers and all Manitobans.
2007 - Roger Parker, Fort Garry
2008 - Brian Leskiw, West Kildonian
2009 - Russ Kihn, St. Vital
2010 - Mark Blanchard, Fort Rouge
2011 - Don Henry, Thistle
2012 - Pat Carson, Fort Rouge
mCdIArmId lumber ltd. troPhy
(Manitoba seniors CoMPetition)
brAndon CurlInG Club
(L-R) Don Williams, Kelly McMechan, Myles Olmstead, Brian Fowler, Brian Bailey – McDiarmid Lumber
fInAlIst: Mike Mahon, Ian Mahon, Blair Smith, Larry Legace
semI-fInAlIst: Fort Rouge – Clare DeBlonde, Garry DeBlonde, Gary Smith, Dean Care
semI-fInAlIst: Fort Rouge – Ron Westcott, Howard Restall, Bob Boughey, Don Shiach, Dave Hardy
cDiarmid Lumber is the title sponsor of the
CurlManitoba Senior Men’s Bonspiel. The
CurlManitoba Senior Men’s Bonspiel is for men
50 years and over. Since 1927 McDiarmid Lumber
has provided you with everything you need to
decorate, build or renovate your home or cottage.
McDiarmid Lumber Company donates a silver
trophy for annual competition. Keeper trophies
are also presented to the winners as well as gift
certificates. Gift certificates are also presented to
the finalists and semi-finalists.
The winner of the McDiarmid Lumber Bonspiel
will also earn a spot in the Strathcona Senior Men’s
Provincial Championship providing the team meets
the eligibility requirements.
The Strathcona Senior Men’s Provincial
Championship will be hosted by the Killarney
Curling Club from February 21-25, 2013. McDiarmid
Lumber also serves as the presenting sponsor of this
PrevIous WInners
1966 - Ernie Scamell, Elmwood
1967 - W.G. “Scotty” Anderson, Deer Lodge
1968 - Joe Boddy, Oakville
1969 - M. Frederickson, Heather
1970 - Mac Scales, Strathcona
1971 - Mac Scales, Strathcona
1972 - Clyde Allan, Granite
1973 - Dr. Bill McTavish, Elmwood
1974 - Lyle Henry, Strathcona
1975 - Dr. Bill McTavish, Elmwood
1976 - Murray Clark, Brandon
1977 - Tom Moffatt, Strathclair
1978 - Lin Grieve, Wildewood
1979 - Lloyd Harvey, Rossmere
1980 - Bill Saunders, Granite
1981 - Bruce M. Hudson, Strathcona
1982 - Don Brownridge, Portage
1983 - Bruce M. Hudson, Heather
1984 - Doug Edmondson, Portage
1985 - Lloyd Gunnlaugson, Valour Road
1986 - Dick Wright, West Kildonan
1987 - Lloyd Gunnlaugson, Valour Road
1988 - Norm Houck, Elmwood
1989 - Jim Ursel, Elmwood
1990 - George Link, Heather
1991 - Jim Ursel, Charleswood
1992 - Ron Manns, Assiniboine Memorial
1993 - Harold Hamilton, Wildewood
1994 - Walter Tetzlaff, Brandon
1995 - Jim Ursel, Valour Road
1996 - Orest Meleschuk, Libau
1997 - Jim Ursel, Granite
1998 - Jack Wolfe, Portage
1999 - Reg Malanchuk, Fort Rouge
2000 - Brian Moffatt, Brandon
2001 - Barry Fry, Granite
2002 - Ron Westcott, Fort Rouge
2003 - Kerry MacLennan, Pembina
2004 - Carl German, East St. Paul
2005 - Ron Westcott, Fort Rouge
2006 - Brian Fowler, Brandon
2007 - Brian Moffatt, Brandon
2008 - Mark Franklin, Fort Rouge
2009 - Rob Ramage, Baldur
2010 - Jim Renwick, Brandon
2011 - Kelly Robertson, Neepawa
2012 - Brian Fowler, Brandon
Real Quality!
Real Selection!
Real Value!
Proud sponsor of curling in Manitoba
ChICKen Chef bonsPiel
(Masters CoMPetition)
lAC du bonnet CurlInG Club
(L-R) John Usackis, Dave Romano, Lyle Dew, Gene Lazaruk, Mike Smith
fInAlIst: Fort Rouge – Reg Malanchuk, Verne Sheldon, Rob Rummery, Terry Hunter, Darryl Hogg
semI-fInAlIst: Fort Garry – Louis Wendon, Bernie Bohemier, Bernie Wendon, Roger Daniel
semI-fInAlIst: Gimli – Dave Suchy, Harry Robinson, Rick Sarahs, Mel Henuset, Bryon Batchelor
hicken Chef donates a trophy for annual
competition. Keeper trophies as well as
gift certificates are presented to the winners. Gift
certificates are also presented to the finalists and
Chicken Chef became the title sponsor for the
2001-2002 season. The Chicken Chef Masters Men’s
Bonspiel is for men 60 years and over. The winner
of the Chicken Chef Masters Men’s Bonspiel will
also earn a spot in the Manitoba’s Credit Unions
Masters Provincial Championship providing the
team meets the eligibility requirements.
The 2013 Manitoba’s Credit Unions Masters
Provincial Championship will be played at the
East St. Paul Curling Club from February 28 March 4, 2013.
PrevIous WInners
1993 - Al Ingram, West Kildonan
1994 - John Gifford, Heather
1995 - Jim Robertson,
Rainy River/Ft. Frances
1996 - Jim Robertson, Rainy River
1997 - Norm Houck, Heather
1998 - Roy Arndt, Heather
1999 - Ron Fraser, Assiniboine Memorial
2000 - Gary Ross, Heather
2001 - Augie Haugen, St. Vital
2002 - Harold Hamilton, Fort Garry
2003 - John Helston, Heather
2004 - Barry Sadler, Portage
2005 - Errol Klinck, Assiniboine Memorial
2006 - Les Hooper, Lac Du Bonnet
2007 - Ralph Bullock, Fort Rouge
2008 - Abram Friesen, Heather
2009 - Neil Schmidt, East St. Paul
2010 - Clare DeBlonde, Fort Rouge
2011 - Ron Westcott, Fort Rouge
2012- John Usackis, Lac du Bonnet
CurlmAnItobA woMen’s bonsPiel
AshAm Curling suPPlies
PrevIous WInners
2009 - Tina Kozak, Brandon
2010 - Kerri Flett, Fort Rouge
2011 - Kim Link, East St. Paul
2012 - Lori Pelissier, Thistle
thIstle CurlInG Club
(L-R) Arnold Asham – Asham Curling Supplies, Lori Pelissier, Shelley Smith, Sandy Maskiw, Quinn Jones
fInAlIst: Springfield – Cheryl Reed, Heather Maxted, Mel Hunt, Heather Dayholos, Kate Cameron
semI-fInAlIst: Victoria – Phyllis Madigan, Rayleen Johnson, Maddie Deans, Vanessa (last name unavailable)
semI fInAlIst: Granite – Meghan Armit, Nikki Hawrylyshen, Sarah Lund, Nadine Cabak Ralph
sham Curling Supplies presents a trophy
for this event in the annual CurlManitoba
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
Women’s Bonspiel. CurlManitoba provides plaques
and prizes.
AtKIns Curling suPPlies
PrevIous WInners
stoneWAll CurlInG Club
(L-R) Laurie Deprez, Darlene Sangster, Laurie Ellwood, Wendy Lischka
fInAlIst: Thistle – Cathy Cook, Anne Russell, Marlene Mori, Lisa Ito
semI-fInAlIst: Fort Rouge – Pat Wattis,
Nicole Bergen, Tannis Wattis, Diane Novotny, Lucille Riel
semI-fInAlIst: Deer Lodge – Susanne Beriault,
Donna McLeod, Sarah Rabu, Sylvia Sigurdson, Sherry Clark
tkins Curling Supplies is pleased to present a
trophy as well as the prizes for this event in
the annual CurlManitoba Women’s Bonspiel.
1977 - Mary Voss, Rossmere Ladies
1978 - Carol Dunstone, Heather Ladies
1979 - Sally Braithwaite, St. Vital Curlettes
1980 - Pat Brunsdon, Grain Exchange BG
1981 - Bev Behnke, Fort Garry BG
1982 - Sharon Walker, Wildewood
1983 - Shannon Doherty, Rossmere
1984 - Bernice Telford, Charleswood Ladies
1985 - Patti Tresoor, Granite BG
1986 - Mary McGimpsey, Crestview Ladies
1987 - Kathie Ellwood, Deer Lodge BG
1988 - Kathy Sando, North Dakota
1989 - Cathy Overton, Heather
1990 - Irene Elias, Heather Ladies
1991 - Laurie Davidson, Red River BG
1992 - Connie Laliberte, Fort Rouge BW
1993 - Marilyn Sigurdson, Assin. Mem. Ladies
1994 - Maureen Voss, Rossmere Ladies
1995 - Marlene Cleutinx, Heather Ladies
1996 - Lori Eason, Granite BG
1997 - Elaine Jones, Heather 49ers
1998 - Gayle Turner, Fort Garry BG
1999 - Maureen Voss, Fort Rouge Ladies
2000 - Elaine Delannoy, Thistle BG
2001 - Gayle Turner, Fort Garry BG
2002 - Gwen Finch, Fort Garry
2003 - Keri Martin-Jobse, Elmwood
2004 - Rhonda Varnes, Fort Rouge
2005 - Doreen Bugg, Deer Lodge
2006 - Pam Kok, St. Vital
2007 - Susan Neilan, St. Vital
2008 - Lori Pelliser, La Salle
2009 - Loretta Ross - Granite
2010 - Lori Pellisier, Thistle
2011 - Linda Stewart, Fort Rouge
2012 - Laurie Deprez, Stonewall
ContemPrA signs
PrevIous WInners
1995 - Karen Young, St. Vital Tues. Nite
1996 - Kelly MacKenzie, Deer Lodge BG
1997 - Karen Porritt, St. Vital Tues. Nite
1998 - Lori Zeller, Valour Road BW
1999 - Marnie Ross, St. Vital Tues. Nite
2000 - Lois Fowler, Brandon
2001 - Lois Fowler, Brandon
fort rouGe CurlInG Club
(L-R) Darcy Robertson, Calleen Neufeld, Vanessa Foster, Tracey Lavery
2002 - Melanie Hanke-Dickenson, Portage
2003 - Joan Johnson, Assiniboine Memorial
2004 - Judy Wolchuk, Thistle
2005 - Brenda Clift, Fort Rouge
2006 - Liliane Fargey, Valour Road
2007 - Val Mennie, Pembina
2008 - Phyliss Madigan, Victoria
2009 - Jacquelyn Little, Springfield
2010 - Cathy Cook, Heather
2011 - Lori Pelissier, Thistle
2012 - Darcy Robertson, Fort Rouge
fInAlIst: Thistle – Chris Scalena, Deb McCreanor, Heather Williams, Laura Skabar
semI-fInAlIst: Fort Garry – Debbie Popovic, Brenda Robinson, Monica Noakes, Sherrell McColm
semI-fInAlIst: Killarney – Deb Collyer, Karen Dunbar, Dana Collyer, Val Strath
sign up for CurlManitoba’s
(and also Facebook and twitter!)
Be the first to know with regular news, event and seminar notices,
along with limited special promotions from selected advertisers
and sponsors.
curlmanitoba.org/newsletter and
sign up today!
curlmanitoba YEarbooK – 2012/13
the curlmanitoba Yearbook is an invaluable source of information
on curling in manitoba. It is a year round reference manual for
active curlers.
get your message in front
of curlers throughout manitoba.
to reach curlers (men & women) throughout
Manitoba, please contact me directly.
Kris Fillion, Marketing Manager
Phone: (204) 985-9798 toll Free: 866-985-9798
e-mail: kris@kelman.ca
published for curlmanitoba by:
Check out the
CurlManitoba Website
CurlManitoba yearbooK – 2012/13
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