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HI GH- LONESOME BOOKS FALL ~ CHRISTMAS 2014 Catalog #91 GE Y R LA OR T RA N HIS T N X R E T IO L O G T ES S EC TA A W IS C H T IN E ! Frederic Remington “Published in the Greatest Country Out-of-Doors” S o u t h w e s t , We s t e r n A m e r i c a n a , Wil der n e ss Adve ntur e, N a t u r a l H i s t o r y, H u n t i n g , F i s h i ng , S p o r t i ng D og s, E nvir onm ent , Countr y Livi ng, Ag ric ult ur e, G ar dening New · Used · Rare · Out-of-Print REMINDER ◊ REMINDER ◊ REMINDER ◊ REMINDER For our High-Lonesome Books (on pages 2 through 9 inside): Order 2 books and get a 10% discount, Order 3 or more and get a 20% discount (Mixed Titles OK) Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com HELP US SAVE POSTAGE AND PAPER, ASK US TO E-MAIL THIS CATALOG. BACK IN PRINT! Black Range Tales by James McKenna First published in 1936, Black Range Tales has become one of the classics of southwest Americana. In his inimitable style, “Uncle Jimmie” tells of prospecting, Indian fights, exploration, town life and all the characters from the early days of the Black Range, the Mogollons, and the rest of the Gila Country of southwest New Mexico. The result is alternately humorous, poignant, amazing or insightful; a singular look at the times. And most of all these tales are true, for by golly, James A. McKenna was there. 6 x 9, 300 pages, woodcuts. Softcover $19.95, ISBN #-944383-60-2 BACK IN PRINT! MEET MR. GRIZZLY A Saga on the Passing of the Grizzly Bear This edition contains a new story by Stevens about an unforgettable Old West character. Called “Front Name Dick,” it’s a classic tale of rough, frontier humor. “Montague Stevens was much more than a one-armed British remittance man with a passion for bear hunting. Educated at Cambridge, he was one of the most literate chroniclers of New Mexico’s rural history. That he lived in a time when grizzlies still roamed the wilds of southwest New Mexico makes Steven’s observations of great interest to today’s bear enthusiasts. His well reasoned comments on natu- Softcover, 324 pages, 6 x 9, illustrated, ral history, dog training, and the life of an early day cattle$19.95 man are of invaluable reference…one of my favorite books.” ISBN# 0-944383-09-2 David E. Brown, author of The Grizzly in the Southwest 2 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com TRACKS ACROSS NEW MEXICO BY HOMER C. PICKENS Another hound classic back in print! Homer Pickens was one of the great houndmen of the Southwest during the 20s, 30s, & 40s for bear and lion. He and his brother Albert also trapped many wolves. Originally published in 1980, these are Pickens’ reminiscences of his years tramping and riding across the state as an officer with the New Mexico Game & Fish Department and other agencies. Homer rose from predator control officer to become Chief Game Warden for the State of New Mexico. Homer Pickens was the man who took Smokey the Bear, as a cub, to Washington after he was rescued from a forest fire in southern New Mexico. This high quality, hardcover, reprint also includes an extensive Foreword by Homer Pickens Jr. and is profusely illustrated with nearly 100 photographs. Below: Don Robinson’s informal letter to his long-time associate Dr. David Narver, dated December 10, 2012 on his reading of Tracks Across New Mexico by Homer C. Pickens. Robinson is the retired Director of the British Columbia, Fish and Wild“An interesting and informative record of a family and especially the author, Homer Pickens. Reading between the lines one can chart the development of not only the New Mexico Game Department but the involvement of Federal Agencies concerned with wildlife. The change in attitude about predators over the course of the book is clearly outlined. Homer Pickens tells his story as it intertwines with the emersion of a modern state wildlife agency. While it contains a personal history, there is a great deal of material dealing with the changes in Federal/State agencies especially dealing with predator control. Incidentally he mentions buying cougar (lion) dogs from the Lee Brothers of Arizona. My uncles on Vancouver Island also bought trained cougar hounds from the Lee Brothers–for the same reason–the dogs were well trained and the bounty system was a much better go as income than depression wages. Same in British Columbia as New Mexico. Homer Pickens was a hard worker, mild mannered and ready to move with the times. An excellent read outlining the beginning of a broad approach by game departments as they transformed into wildlife agencies.” Signed by Don Robinson 6 x 9, 208 pgs, almost 100 b&w photos. Hardcover $25.00 ISBN-13: 978-0-944383-74-2 ISBN-10: 0-9447383-74-2 WHEN THE DOGS BARK ‘TREED’ By Elliott S. Barker In 1930 famed New Mexico houndman and game officer Elliot Barker spent a year hunting an over-supply of lions on the half-million acre Vermejo Park Ranch. Using Airedales as well as hounds, his story sticks to the facts yet is filled with high adventure, lion lore, and savvy commentary on the vagaries of hounds on the trail. A classic now back in print, this hardcover edition is the memoir of a literate man who rode alone over some of the most rugged terrain in the Rockies, at ease with the perils of the trail, as one with his dogs when the trail became a race to bring big cats to tree or bay. “When the Dogs Bark ‘Treed’ reveals the point of view of a man alert to many things in the big mountain country. It is the point of view of a civilized lover of the out-ofdoors.”~~~~ J. Frank Dobie Hardcover, 6 x 9, 250 pgs, section of b&w photos $30.00 ISBN-13: 978-0-944383-80-3 ISBN-10: 0-944383-80-7 BEN LILLY’S TALES OF BEARS, LIONS AND HOUNDS Edited by Neil B. Carmony Ben Lilly left behind enough writings to fill a book – and this is it! It includes Ben’s hunting diaries, his chapters on bears and lions, magazine articles, an interview, and personal letters. Plus over 30 photos of Ben Lilly, many never before published. Known as “the last of the mountain men,” Ben grew to legendary status in both the Old South and in the Great Southwest. With careful, well researched annotations by editor Neil Carmony, Ben Lilly’s Tales does much to separate the truth of Ben Lilly the man and hunter from the Lilly legend. This book will be primary source material for anyone interested in one of the great characters of Southern history, Western history, and the history of those hunters who have followed big game with hounds. 6 x 9, 224 pgs, b&w illustrations and photos, Hardcover $25.00 ISBN# 0-944383-48-3 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 3 S L A S H RAN C H H O UN D S By Dub Evans Everyone has their favorite among hounds and hunting books but Slash Ranch Hounds is certainly among the best in any section. It is very strong on the intricate workings of hounds in pursuit of scent. While not a “how-to” book, any dog man can benefit from Evan’s training tips and hunting techniques, most told within the context of stories. And Dub Evans was simply a good writer, who could render an exciting chase that we can feel today without the need for tall tales and exaggerations. From long experience follow-ing the hounds horseback in wild country, he knew that an honest recall of actual events was the best story of all. From the Preface by M.H. Salmon Hardcover, 244 pages, 6 x 9, $25.00 ISBN 0-944383-64-5 HOUNDS in the HILLS By EDWARD A. BRIGGS Originally published in 1938, this lost classic is now back in print! A fine writer, Briggs’ book ranks with The Voice of Bugle Ann; however, these are true tales of superior hounds – Redbone, Black & Tan, Bluetik, Walker, July, Beagle & Pot-licker – that run to catch on red fox and gray, ‘coon, ‘possum, snowshoe hare and cottontail rabbit. Fifty years a houndman, Briggs’ Hounds in the Hills brings you into the chase like no other book. ISBN-10: 0-944383-76-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-944383-76-6 Hardcover, 223 pgs, photos. $25 Triumph And Tragedy - A History of Thomas Lyons And the LCs By Ida Foster Campbell with Alice Foster Hill FROM HIS EARLY BEGINNINGS AS A COWBOY and self-taught mining engineer in the 1870s, Thomas Lyons -- with partner Angus Campbell -- would build an unparalleled cattle empire in southwest New Mexico. According to a livestock trade journal of the time, at its peak the LC Ranches controlled 1.5 million acres of range, grazed some 60,000 cattle, “and employed 100 wagons, 750 riding horses, 400 work horses, and 75 cowboys in season.” But powerful men create powerful enemies. The murder of Tom Lyons in El Paso in 1917 remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of the old Southwest. A man of myth until now, this thoroughly documented account is Tom Lyons and the LCs in history. “He fought Apaches, hunted grizzly bears, chased down rustlers . . . and plotted the course of roads still traveled today.” From the Introduction by Stephen Siegfried Softcover, 328 pages, 6 x 9, b&w historical photos, $19.95 ISBN 0-944383-61-0 DEATH ON THE GALLOWS By West Gilbreath Law and Disorder in the Land of Enchantment In The Old West, execution was a common form of punishment, and until 1923 hanging was the most common form of execution in New Mexico. Following exhaustive research of newspaper accounts and other sources, former Las Cruces detective West Gilbreath has documented New Mexico’s legal hangings, and a few illegal ones, to tell the story of how dozens of hardened criminals, and perhaps a few innocents, were dropped from the gallows and jerked to their final reward. The actual executions are presented in unvarnished form, just as eyewitnesses and the newspapers of the time described them. Most interesting, the crimes that led to the ultimate punishment are described in detail, providing a unique view of law and disorder in the Land of Enchantment. “Well it’s pretty damned rough to have to croak so soon, but a good many better men than I have gone the same road and I guess I can stand it.” ― Last words of Richard Remine, hanged in Grant County in 1881 for beating his mining partner to death with a single-jack. 6 x 9, 232 pages, b&w photos. Softcover $14.95, ISBN# 0-944383-57-2 4 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com Hunting Grizzlys, Black Bear and Lions “Big-Time” on the Old Ranches by Will F. Evans Hounds and Hunters in Old West Texas and Southern New Mexico One of the truly rare books of outdoor sport and Western Americana, Hunting Grizzlys, Black Bear and Lions is herein available in an affordable reprint edition. Written by Will Evans and other members of the pioneer Evans family, these first-hand memoirs offer a rare look at ranch life and big-game hunts in the Davis Mountains of West Texas and the Gila region of southwest New Mexico, 1880s to 1920s. We read what is perhaps the only account on record of the grizzly bear in Texas; another grizzly hunt, in New Mexico, goes on for days and takes hunters, horses and hounds to the limit. Black bears, mountain lions, and outlaw cattle round out these authentic, unvarnished recollections. Sadly, the grizzly is gone from the Southwest, and the black bear virtually gone from West Texas. Here are the life, times and adventures when bears and panthers roamed “big-time” across the Southwest wilderness. 6 x 9, 109 pages, b&w illustrations. Softcover, $12.00, ISBN# 0-944383-55-6 THE WOLF IN THE SOUTHWEST-The Making of an Endangered Species David E. Brown, Editor The premier predatory animal in the Southwest, and certainly the most controversial, the wolf came to grips with European settlement, particularly the livestock industry, and lost. First in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, and finally in Old Mexico, the southwestern wolf was driven to extirpation; ironically, the last wolves were hunted down not long before the advent of laws—and a conservation ethic—that could have saved them. Drawing on reports of the U.S. government’s former Office of Predatory Animal and Rodent Control (PARC), and from accounts of wolf hunters themselves, David E. Brown has compiled the history of the wolf’s elimination. Included is a complete documentation of the eradication program, fascinating stories of the last few wolves that eluded hunters, and information on wolf biology from those who best knew its habits. Since its first publication in 1983, The Wolf in the Southwest has proven itself as the single most valuable and informative reference to Canis lupus of the Mexican borderlands. Now, the descendents of the last wolves captured in Mexico once again roam portions of wilderness in New Mexico and Arizona. With reintroduction, this second edition contains a new Preface and Epilogue by David E. Brown, and a new Foreword by author and biologist Harley Shaw. Once again there are wolves in the woods, and just as in the days of the pioneers, people are taking sides. Love him or hate him, the wolf is again making history, and The Wolf in the Southwest is back in print. 6 x 9, 224 pages, b&w photos. Softcover $14.95, ISBN# 0-944383-59-9 Tales of the Chase By M.H. Salmon Hound-Dogs, Catfish, and Other Pursuits Afield A Literate, Thoughtful, and Sometimes Humorous Look at Running Dogs, Rural America, and Angling for Fishes Big and Small In this collection of twenty essays and five pieces of short fiction. M.H. Salmon recalls a life of sport in which he seldom casts a fly and rarely swings on a bird. Instead, he roams the Southwest, Midwest, and the north woods in search of what William Faulkner called “the ancient and unremitting context,” which is the pursuit of game with hounds. Along the way he reflects on mountain men, wilderness, urban blight, and hunting ethics; mules, trotline fishing and other scenes in a vanishing rural America; and some great game fish, like Smallmouth Bass, his “dream fish,” and the surprising catfish, which ultimately offers both a lively challenge and a metaphor for life itself. Finally, in “Home with the Hounds,” there is the all-day pursuit of a forty-pound Brush Wolf, and “the ambivalence any sentient hunter feels on killing an animal that has provided all you could ever want of game.” Tales of the Chase is outdoor writing with a mainstream scope and offers up a whole platter of sport the Hook & Bullet press never knew. Hardcover, 6 x 9, 254 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations $25.00 ISBN-13: 978-0-9443833-11-7 ISBN: 0-944383-11-4 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 5 SPECIAL OFFER! THE SOUTHWEST TRILOGY: Forty Freedoms, Signal to Depart and Home is the River. Buy all three, signed, for just $50! Forty Freedoms By M.H. Salmon One hundred thousand acres of public land, complete with a year-round trout stream, potential ski resort, and butted up against the burgeoning town of Del Cobre, New Mexico, is something the local boomers and boosters – the “money men” -- can’t resist. Stuffed with dreams of growth and privatization, they will stop at nothing to “add another room onto the house.” Others are equally committed to saving these wild lands and waters from the roar of the bulldozer. Recalcitrant mountain man Harley Simmons (anti-hero of the previous Home is the River) teams with itinerant bookman and master polemicist Jason Niles (Signal to Depart) to make a desperate stand in the name of wild trout, resource sustainability, and the heritage of the hunter. Narrated by Harley’s often beleaguered but always clear-eyed son, Alvin, Forty Freedoms reads as a compelling campfire tale. In the tone of a latterday Huck Finn, his story of clashing cultures, animal rights fanatics and reluctant poachers, feral hogs, hounds and hunting lore, and the fateful doings of an unfaithful woman, finally reveals what’s really happening in the modern West. Hardcover, 244 pages, 6 x 9, $25.00 ISBN 978-0-944383-77-3 S I G N A L T O D E PA R T — A N o v e l By M.H. Salmon Arriving in Southwest New Mexico, itinerant bookman Jason Niles finds the town of Del Cobre almost too good to be true¾a community at ease with its modest size, rich in the heritage of an ancient culture, and uniquely in harmony with the natural world. It is an idyll that cannot last. The boomers think Del Cobre holds a different promise. And they have little sympathy for Mexican Black Hawks nesting on the edge of town, or the mysteries left behind by ancient artists. You can see it coming. And so can Jason. Inspired, and deluded, by the Ancients’ lurid art, the books in which he trades, and the woman of his dreams, Jason sees an opportunity to make a difference. If he can pull it off, he can save remnants of a modern as well as an ancient culture, and even salvage something of himself. “I got caught up in it, though I dreaded the ending which I knew was inescapable. Like everyday life here, it starts as a lark and ends up somewhere near the roar of a bulldozer. Progress is our drug of choice, and so far no government has the guts to put a warning label on the bottle.” Charles Bowden, author of Blue Desert 6 x 9, 214 pages, illustrated, Hardcover $20.00, ISBN# 0-944383-33- 5 HOME IS THE RIVER A Novel of the Wild By M. H. Salmon When Harley Simmons, “a latter-day mountain man, river rat and desert scoundrel,” returns from the wilderness to the town of Del Cobre he is determined to come to terms with civilization and thereby restore his life and family. Yet soon his life is in siege: his father, a legendary wilderness hunter, is dead; his wife will have nothing to do with him; his son is protected from him by the courts; and government and the local boosters are closing in on New Mexico’s last wild river, threatening to cut deep into his wilderness home. In his attempts to accommodate civilization with his own wild yearnings, Harley learns to pay dearly. Ultimately, a creature even more wild provides some clues for resolution. Home is the River is a novel of the wilderness and a story from the heart of the great Southwest. “Home is the River is a tale of adventure, a suspense story, a furious and funny portrait of good and evil at work amongst the modern Southwest men, women, and animals, written by a conservationist who believes that we can reconcile wilderness, endangered predators, and the creed of the hunter.” Steve Bodio, author of A Rage for Falcons Hardcover, 256 pages, 6 x 9, $20.00 ISBN# 0-944383-03-3 ¡Gila Libre! New Mexico’s Last Wild River By M. H. Salmon The story of a geographic anomaly that includes roughly four million acres of the nation's first designated wilderness area, New Mexico's largest national forest, and the state's only undammed river. Visitors might spot a beaver and a coatimundi on the same day, an elk and a javelina on the same hillside, or catch a flathead catfish and a wild trout in the same pool. Apaches roamed along the Gila's shores, as did mountain men and outlaws. It also tells the river's story to date, extolling what is still a unique Southwest resource and speculating on its future, which includes the threatening proposal of a major state and federal water project. Softcover, 6 x 9, 127 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations $10.00 ISBN# 978-0-8263-4082-5 6 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com GILA DESCENDING-A Southwestern Journey A Hound Dog, A Tomcat, and a Wild River By M. H. Salmon Herein is the remarkable story of a 200-mile wilderness journey down the Gila River of New Mexico and Arizona. Traveling partly on foot, mostly by canoe, the author was accompanied by a hound dog and a tomcat. His trip is replete with whitewater thrills, and angling for trout, bass and catfish; ruminations on the wilderness ethic, and the antics of two companions who promote all of humor, exasperation and love. But besides being a modern day excursion into the natural world, Gila Descending is a personal odyssey as well; and little by little that story, too, is told. “...a delightful book. No reader could ask for a finer river to read about than the Gila, or a better companion to explore it with than M. H. Salmon. May the Government (ugh!) and God (we hope) long preserve them both.” Edward Abbey Includes a NEW INTRODUCTION by the author. Softcover, 210 pages, 5½ x 8½, illus. $12.95, ISBN 0-944383-20-3 (Fourth Edition) Country Sports Essays of Game, Fish, and the Rural Life In its relatively short history, M.H. Salmon’s weekly Country Sports has won the “Best Column” award from the New Mexico Press Association, the New Mexico Press Women’s Association, and the New Mexico Associated Press (twice). It is said he inspires many readers; others just get mad. A predictable result perhaps, when a writer fly fishes for wild trout one day, sets doughballs for carp the next; blasts ORVs and defends rattlesnake roundups; takes a stand for the Mexican wolf while hitting the enviros for ignoring population growth in our own USA; joins the elite gunning doves with an Italian double, then runs with the hounds hip by jowl as they take down a wild boar by tooth, nail, and a jackknife. As a homesteader, he’ll help you make a crop during drought, live off the land with goats, and he reveals that Abe Lincoln was perhaps our original American proponent of sustainable agriculture. Many believe that the old rural ways are passing. Read Country Sports to know that their revival is well underway, not so much a link to the past as a good plan for the future. 6 x 9, 288 pages, b&w photos and illustrations. Hardcover $20.00, ISBN# 0-944383-67-X Ga zehounds & Coursing By M.H. Dutch Salmon This revised and expanded edition covers all the AKC sighthound breeds, plus the coldbloods, staghounds, coyote hounds, lurchers, etc. From the farm fields of the Midwest through the wind-swept North Plains to the desert Southwest, join the author on hunts for jackrabbits, coyotes, fox, and cottontails with a variety of purebred and mixed-breed hounds. Meet some of the great old houndmen of the past and the legacy and lore they left behind. Learn the technique of the trailhound/sighthound combination hunt. Gazehounds & Coursing is provocative—the author blasts the anti-hunters, insists on a strong conservation ethic, and says that some AKC breeds need an infusion of new blood to restore their working talents. Gazehounds & Coursing is evocative—the author recounts great hounds he loved well who have crossed the great divide, and game animals he wishes in retrospect had gotten away. Above all, Gazehounds & Coursing is informative—herein is the necessary methodology for choosing, raising, training, breeding, and running the lithe and graceful “longdogs.” 6 x 9, 288 pages, over 100 black & white photos Hardcover $25.00, ISBN# 0-944383-49-1 Revised and Much Expanded! T HE CATFI SH A S M E TA P HOR : A FISHERMAN’S AMERICAN JOURNEY BY M.H. SALMON Based on a three-month, cross-country angling idyll, The Catfish As Metaphor reveals there is much to be learned from what is arguably the most popular gamefish within the most popular outdoor sport in the country. For those eager with rod and reel, M.H. Salmon fishes with some of the best catfishers in America, and passes along a variety of knowledge, lore, and techniques. But this book reads more like a novel than a guide. Reaching back into a lifetime of fishing, the author recounts pike and bass from the wilds of Canada, huge gator gar from the deep South, trout on a fly from the New Mexico mountains, and carp in Montana. Meanwhile, he critiques organic farming and agri-business, visits Wendell Berry and John Graves, blasts animal rights and political correctness, and talks about women. There were “days when the Red Gods smiled, and all those others when they spit in your eye; and, as age gathers in its middle years, the incoming fear that one is perhaps leaving too much slack in the line.” And through it all he weaves the story of a father, the troubled tale of a uniquely American life, the man who would ultimately reveal to a son why fishing is so important in our time “as possibly our last link with the eternal verities of nature and pursuit.” By the last cast, it’s apparent that those who do not fish can catch as much from this book as any angler. “The Catfish As Metaphor is a maverick, richly textured memoir of fishing, wandering, and life; it reminds us that all three are best intertwined and best managed with passion and without pretension..” Nick Lyons 6 x 9, 222 pages, b&w photos and illustrations, Hardcover $20.00 ISBN# 0-944383-43-2 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 7 PANCHO VILLA - Strong Man of the Revolution By Larry A. Harris Originally published as Pancho Villa and the Columbus Raid, Larry Harris’ interpretation captures the life of Villa -- as bandit, revolutionary and military leader -- with the facts of history and the immediacy of on-the-spot journalism. This new edition contains an introductory essay by Andrew Gulliford, Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado, and an added portfolio of rare photographs from the Mexican Revolution. “News that Larry Harris’ book is being reprinted is welcome indeed. His study, first published forty years ago, is clearly one of the first serious monographs on the Columbus Raid. Furthermore, Harris is absolutely right about Villa being present at Columbus during the raid, a question which strangely continues to attract conspiracy theorists.” Louis R. Sadler, New Mexico State University, co-author, The Border and the Revolution “Harris’ text contains the urgency of truth, the flavor of folklore, and the sparkle of legend. It tells the story of a man who rose against the bitter oppression of the Mexican caste system to become a leader who would hear the chant “Viva Villa!” echo off crumbling adobe walls in dozens of poor villages where there had been no hope and no future. Villa promised both.” From the Introduction by Andrew Gulliford, author of Boomtown Blues and America’s Country Schools Softcover, 125 pages, 6 x 9, illustrated, $9.95, ISBN# 0-944383-31-9 Harvey Whitehill - Silver City Stalwart By Bob Alexander, With an Introduction by Robert K. DeArment THE LIFE AND TIMES OF A NEW MEXICO LAWMAN With Silver City Stalwart, author Bob Alexander demonstrates not only that Harvey Whitehill was a major figure in the annals of the Old West, he shows as well that the Sheriff’s home ground of Silver City, in Grant County, New Mexico, rivals Tombstone, Dodge City, and Deadwood as a hotbed of outlaw– lawman history. A bull of a man, Whitehill literally pulled his own wagon on occasion. He also jailed Billy the Kid, knew the infamous rustler John Kinney, lived through the Apache Wars, and beat Pat Garrett at the polls. More detective than gunman, he solved the Gage train robbery. Built at the edge of the Gila Wilderness, mining and cattle town Silver City needed a steady hand to guide it through its most violent years. Harvey Whitehill was that central figure in the community through six terms as elected sheriff. 6 x 9, 311 pages, b&w photos. Hardcover $30.00, ISBN# 978-0-944383-68-1, Softcover $16.95, ISBN #978-0-944383-69-8 “…has all the ingredients—Hollywood, are you listening?―of an old-fashioned western.” Book Review, Wild West Magazine, December 2006 lynch ropes & long shots By Bob Alexander With an Introduction by John D. Tanner, Jr. The True Story of an Old West Train Robbery In November, 1883, near a railroad siding called Gage in southwest New Mexico, four mounted outlaws derailed the eastbound Southern Pacific, killed the engineer, and robbed the train and passengers of far less money than they had hoped. The meager heist nonetheless set in motion one of the best Old West action yarns ever—and it’s all true! Included with train robbery comes hard riding over rough country, hideouts in the wilderness, brilliant detective work, not-so-brilliant detective work, a jail break, several shoot-outs on the run, more killings, on-the-spot lynchings, greed over the reward money, and the trial where the outlaw leader, the resilient Kit Joy, tries mightily to beat the rope. Fast-paced and fully documented, former lawman Bob Alexander has once again given us important Western history that the others have missed. 6 x 9, 192 pages, b&w photos. Hardcover (no dustjacket) $25.00, ISBN# 978-0-944383-70-4 Lawmen, Outlaws & S.O.Bs., Volume II By Bob Alexander Volume I of Lawmen, Outlaws and S.O.Bs. sold out in short order. The characters in Volume II are just as tough, ornery, and contradictory, some wearing badges and going to jail all in one career. From the Ketchum Brothers to Chico Cano, Frank Hamer, and the fighting Lopez Family of southern New Mexico, author Bob Alexander gives us a fascinating array of gunmen, in the round, warts and all. With a lively style, strict documentation, and a sterling collection of old photographs, here is a gunfighters’ gallery from the Old Southwest. “The second volume of Lawmen, Outlaws, and S. O. Bs. and its roundup of a number of the lesser known gunfighting men of the Old West is fascinating history. Many of the fellows profiled in these pages were lawmen, several were outlaws—some were both—and no doubt a few were rightful heirs to the title S. O. Bs. None were boring. By fair means or foul they have earned a place on the bookshelf.” From the Introduction by Chuck Parsons, Editor of the NOLA Quarterly, author of John B. Armstrong: Texas Ranger and Pioneer Ranchman. 6 x 9, 308 pages, b&w photos. Softcover $19.95, ISBN #978-0-944383-72-8 8 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com Note: The books below are special purchases and we can offer the same trade/re-sellers and multi-purchase discounts as with our other High-Lonesome Books. Black River Bolly By Clyde Bounds A true adventure story about the life of the great hunting hound Black River Bolly. Follow step by step as he is trained to hunt raccoon and bear. Live through the first decade of bear hunting with hounds in the Midwest’s northern forests. Learn what happened during the first Wisconsin trial hunts. Meet the legendary Mosinee Bear and learn his fate. Join Clyde Bounds as he re-lives exciting hunting adventures and learn how Bolly influenced the course of bear hunting in North America. This is a limited supply of the original First Edition. 143 pages, hardcover with dust jacket, illustrated, $20.00 MAKING TREE HOUNDS PAY OFF By Claude A. Miller Springdale, AR: Published by the author, no date. 5 x 8, 100 pgs, b&w photos. A real classic and hard to find collection on how to train hounds for profit. A master training guide by one of the greats. Hard Cover. $12.00 SEE SPECIAL “REMAINDER” PRICING ON SELECTED ITEMS BELOW (Free shipping is not included on these $1.00 and $2.00 items) FOR OLD TIMES’ SAKE. By Clarence S. Adams. Privately Published, Roswell, NM, 1980. 5½ x 8½, 144 pages, b&w photos. A collection of short stories and photos of the author’s recollections of the late 1920’s and early ‘30’s, when his family lived in and around Roswell, New Mexico and the Hondo Valley. The early history of the towns, farms and ranches. Hardcover Was $ 12.95, REMAINDER PRICED AT $2.00 to all, no limit. IN THE SHADOW OF THE MALPAIS -- THE STORY OF WILL GALLACHER OF THE J&H. By Clarence & Joan Adams. Privately printed, 1983. 5½ x 8½, 48 pages, b&w historical photos. A personal look at ranch life in the early days around the Malpais near Carrizozo, NM, as told by Mr. William Gallacher to the authors. Softcover - $ 7.95. LITTLE TOWN WEST OF THE PECOS-1909. By Clarence S. Adams. Privately Published, Roswell, NM, 1983. 5½ x 8½, 160 pages, b&w historical photos. A collection of human interest articles taken from 1909 Roswell Register Tribune newspapers. Contains the names and events of many of Roswell’s citizens who lived in and around the area at that time. Softcover. Was $ 8.95, REMAINDER PRICED AT $1.00 to all, no limit. TALES AND TRAILS ALONG THE RIO. By Clarence Siringo Adams. Old-Time Publications, Roswell, NM, 1986. 6 x 9, 280 pages, index, many b&w historical photos. Many of the author’s mother’s memoirs of the family’s homesteading years and life in and around Roswell, NM and up and down the Pecos in the 1920’s and ‘30’s. REMAINDER PRICED AT: Softcover was $9.95, NOW $1.00, Hardcover was $ 14.95, NOW $2.00. NO LIMIT. Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 9 H I G H - LO N E S O M E B O O K S S U P P L E M E N TA L B O O K L I S T Some New, Mostly Used & Out-of-Print, A Few Scarce West/Southwest - Hunting & Fishing - Natural History/Environment - Country Living - Outdoor Adventure P. O. Box 878, Silver City, NM 88062 Phone: (575) 388-3763 For Orders Only Call Toll Free 1-800-380-7323 or FAX orders to 1-575-388-5705 or E-MAIL Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com Hours 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Mountain Time Every Day PLEASE HAVE ORDER READY WHEN CALLING!!! YOU CAN NOW BROWSE, SEARCH AND PURCHASE FROM OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY AT OUR WEBSITE! ORDERING/PAYMENT/RETURNS: Write, phone, fax, or e-mail to order, or reserve books. 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You can now browse, search and purchase our entire inventory of over 3000 used books. We upload new books at least once a week so you’ll always find something new. CONTENTS BY CATEGORY: Western Americana - 1-700; Hunting/Fishing/Trapping/Guns/Dogs/Etc. - 701-950; Natural History and Environment - 951-1000; Country Living - 1001-1050; Outdoor Adventure /Recreation and Miscellaneous - 1051-1100. Also, WE BUY BOOKS on the subjects herein. Call or write if you have books to sell. WESTERN AMERICANA 1]Abbott, Lee K. STRANGERS IN PARADISE. New York: Putnams, 1986. ISBN: 0399131965. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 255 pgs. "This collection of extraordinary stories from Lee K. Abbott examines life at the edge and the return to more prosaic ground. From a man's forty-year obsession with his brother's death in the Bataan Death March to a divorced drunk's tale of his sudden passion for a local housewife that developed as he danced in a supermarket, the stories in this reissued volume reflect a place where ordinary men and women struggle with the monstrous realities of life." Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00 2]Adams, Andy. CATTLE BRANDS A Collection of Western Camp-fire Stories. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1906. First edition. 5 x 7 1/2, 316 pgs. Early anthology of great old cowboy tales. Hardcover. Very Good. $80.00 3]Adams, Andy. THE LOG OF A COWBOY. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1955. Later printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 324 pgs, color illustrations. The most reliable account ever written of cowboy life on the great trail drive. Hardcover. Good. $25.00 4]Adams, Andy. THE LOG OF A COWBOY. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1931. Second printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 324 pgs, color illustrations. The most reliable account ever written of cowboy life on the great trail drive. The Riverside Library. Hardcover. Very Good. $50.00 5]Adams, Andy. THE RANCH ON THE BEAVER. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1927. First edition. 5 x 7 1/2, 307 pgs, b&w illustrations. A classic western hide-andhoof Horatio Alger story. Hardcover. Very Good+. $50.00 6]Adams, Andy. A TEXAS MATCHMAKER. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1904. 5 x 8, 355 pgs, b&w illustrations. A nice, very early edition of this Adam's classic. Hardcover. Very Good. $90.00 7]Adams, Andy. WELLS BROTHERS The Young Cattle Kings. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1911. 5 x 7, 356 pgs, b&w illustrations. Historical novel about two orphan boys in the cattle business. Hardcover. Good. $35.00 8]Adams, Ansel. THE AMERICAN WEST Special Issue - The National Parks with 3 photographic portfolios. Palo Alto, CA: The American West Publishing Co., September 1969. 8 1/2 x 11, 72 pgs, b&w photos. Special issue (Vol. VI, No. 5) devoted to the National Parks with photos by Ansel Adams. This issue also includes articles on the National Parks by Donald C. Swain, Richard A. Bartlett, Horace M. Albright and Douglas Hillman Strong. Oversized Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 9]Adams, Charles L. FRANK WATERS. A Retrospective Anthology. Athens, OH: Swallow Press, 1985. ISBN: 0804008752. 6 x 9, 218 pgs. Drawing upon both fiction and nonfiction work, this anthology illustrates Waters' artistic and intellectual growth over the course of a career spanning fifty years. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 10]Adams, Clarence & Joan. IN THE SHADOW OF THE MALPAIS. The Story of Will Gallacher of the J&H. Roswell, NM: Old-Time Publications, 1983. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 48 pgs, illus/historical photos. A personal look at ranch life in the early days around the Malpais near Carrizozo, NM, as told by Mr. William Gallacher to the authors. Hardcover. Very Good. $25.00 10 11]Adams, Clarence S. LITTLE TOWN WEST OF THE PECOS-1909. Roswell, NM: Published/Printed by the author, 1983. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 160 pgs, b&w historical photos. Collection of human interest articles taken from 1909 Roswell Register Tribune newspapers. Contains the names & events of many of Roswell's citizens who lived in & around the area at that time. Signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good+. $25.00 12]Adams, Clarence S. and Joan N. , editors. HARROWING ADVENTURES OF AN OLD-TIME COWBOY AND SHERIFF. Roswell, NM: Old-Time Publications, 1989. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 81 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. These stories were told on tape by Carl Hansen, of Tularosa, NM about his ancestors coming and settling in New Mexico, about his cowboying days on the Mescalero Reservation and his years as sheriff of Otero County. Ex-library with usual markings. Signed by both authors. Hardcover. Very Good. $35.00 13]Adams, Ramon F. BURS UNDER THE SADDLE. A SECOND LOOK at Books and Histories of the West. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1964. First edition. 6 x 9, 610 pgs, index. A most complete and most learned evaluation of printed references to western outlaws. Points to the truth about those men of the past who lived by their wits and their guns. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Good+. $40.00 14]Adams, Ramon F. THE HORSE WRANGLER & HIS REMUDA. Austin, TX: Encino, 1971. First edition. 6 x 9, 52 pgs, b&w photos, decorated endsheets, signed by the author. A fine little book on the horse wrangler who cared for the horse remuda on trail drives. Hardcover. Very Good+. $30.00 15]Adams, Ramon F. MORE BURS UNDER THE SADDLE. Books and Histories of the West. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989. First, thus. ISBN: 0806121718. 6 x 9 1/2, 182 pgs, index. The author describes, summarizes and evaluates 233 western works, pointing out inaccuracies of western history within the writings. Paperback. Good+. $15.00 16]Adams, Ramon F., compiled by. SIX-GUNS AND SADDLE LEATHER. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954. First edition. 6 x 9, 426 pgs, index. A bibliography of books and pamphlets on Western outlaws and gunmen. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $40.00 17]Adams, Randall with William and Marilyn Hoffer. ADAMS V. TEXAS. New York: St Martin's Press, 1991. First edition. ISBN: 031205811X. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 347 pgs. In the case made famous by the film, "The Thin Blue Line", an innocent man is convicted in Dallas, and sues the State. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 18]Albert, Susan Wittig, Susan Hanson, Jan Epton Seale and Paula Stallings Yost, editors. WHAT WILDNESS IS THIS Women Write About The Southwest. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2007. First edition. ISBN: 0292716303. 6 x 9, 316 pgs. Collects the writing of dozens of women reflecting on life in the U. S. southwest. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 19]Alexander, Bob. FEARLESS DAVE ALLISON. Border Lawman. Silver City, NM: High-Lonesome Books, 2003. First edition. ISBN: 0944383637. 6 x 9, 285 pgs, b&w photos. At 27, the youngest sheriff in Texas in Midland County in 1888. He was still wearing a badge when he was gunned down by infamous cattle rustlers Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com Hill Loftis and Milton Paul Good in 1923. Paperback. New. $14.95 20]Alexander, Bob. JOHN H. BEHAN: SACRIFICED SHERIFF. Silver City, NM: HighLonesome Books, 2002. First edition. ISBN: 0944383564. 6 x 9, 310 pgs, b&w historical photos. Behan's story as a 40-year lawman and public servant who was skilled with gun and horse, yet who consistently fought crime and arrested bad guys without killing anyone. The lawman that everyone has heard of but no one know. Outside cover, mostly spine, sun faded. Paperback. Good. $8.00 21]Altshuler, Constance Wynn. STARTING WITH DEFIANCE Nineteenth Century Arizona Military Posts. Tucson, AZ: Arizona Historical Society, 1983. First edition. ISBN: 0910037191. 7 x 8, 80 pgs, b&w historical photos. Chronicles the establishment of each post and includes information on the founding units, the engagements they fought, the living conditions they endured or enjoyed, and more. Inscribed and signed. Scarce. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $100.00 22]Alvarez, Julia. ONCE UPON A QUINCEANERA Coming of Age in the USA. New York: Viking Press, 2007. First edition. ISBN: 9780670038732. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 278 pgs. The author explores this celebration that brings a Latina girl into womanhood. She attends the quince of a young woman named "Monica" who lives in Queens, and witnesses the commotion, confusion, and potential for disaster that comes with planning this important event. Alvarez also weaves in interviews with other quince girls, her own memories of coming of age as an immigrant, and the history of the custom itselfóhow it originated and what has changed as Latinas become accustomed to a supersize American culture. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $9.00 23]Ambrose, Stephen E. UNDAUNTED COURAGE. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2005. Later printing. ISBN: 0684826976. 6 x 9, 521 pgs, notes, index, b&w illustrations. Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson and the opening of the American West. A New York Times bestseller. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00 24]Ambrose, Stephen E. UNDAUNTED COURAGE. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2005. Later printing. ISBN: 0684826976. 6 x 9, 521 pgs, notes, index, b&w illustrations. Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson and the opening of the American West. A New York Times bestseller. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00 25]Anaya, Rudolfo A. BLESS ME, ULTIMA. Berkeley: Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol, 1988. Later printing. ISBN: 0892290021. 6 x 9, 249 pgs, b&w illustrations. Written by the award winning New Mexican, a classic of Chicano literature. I. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 26]Anderson, John Q., Edwin W. Gaston, Jr., and James W. Lee. SOUTHWESTERN AMERICAN LITERATURE A Bibliography. Chicago: Swallow Press, 1980. First edition. ISBN: 0804006830. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 445 pgs. A comprehensive checklist of Southwestern writers and of writings. Divided into three sections: General Topics, Literature, and Authors. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good- DJ. $30.00 27]Andrews, Lynn V. FLIGHT OF THE SEVENTH MOON. The Teaching of the Shields. New York: Harper & Row, 1985. Later printing. ISBN: 0062500287. 5 1/2 x 8, 203 pgs, b&w illustrations by N. Scott Momaday. "The events, the rituals, the visions all hold the power to fascinate, even hypnotize". Paperback. Good. $5.00 28]ARIZONA HIGHWAYS MAGAZINES - 1960. 12 Issues in Indian design binder. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Highways, 1960. 9 x 12. Typically beautiful color photos throughout. Lots of Arizona history. Very collectible. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good. $30.00 29]ARIZONA HIGHWAYS MAGAZINES - 1961. 10 Issues in Indian design binder. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Highways, 1961. 9 x 12. Missing March and December. Typically beautiful color photos throughout. Lots of Arizona history. Very collectible. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good. $25.00 30]ARIZONA HIGHWAYS MAGAZINES - 1962. 10 Issues in Indian design binder. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Highways, 1962. 9 x 12. Missing March and July. Typically beautiful color photos throughout. Lots of Arizona history. Very collectible. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good. $25.00 31]ARIZONA HIGHWAYS MAGAZINES - 1963. 12 Issues in Indian design binder. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Highways, 1963. 9 x 12. Typically beautiful color photos throughout. Lots of Arizona history. Very collectible. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good. $30.00 32]ARIZONA HIGHWAYS MAGAZINES - 1964. 11 Issues in Indian design binder. (December missing). Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Highways, 1964. 9 x 12. Typically beautiful color photos throughout. Lots of Arizona history. Very collectible. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good. $25.00 33]ARIZONA HIGHWAYS MAGAZINES - 1965. 12 Issues in Indian design binder. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Highways, 1965. 9 x 12. Typically beautiful color photos throughout. Lots of Arizona history. Very collectible. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good. $30.00 34]ARIZONA HIGHWAYS MAGAZINES - 1966. 13 Issues in Indian design binder. (two Februarys). Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Highways, 1966. 9 x 12. Typically beautiful color photos throughout. Lots of Arizona history. Very collectible. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good. $30.00 35]Armer, Laura Adams. DARK CIRCLE OF BRANCHES. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1933. First edition, second printing. 7 x 9, 212 pgs, b&w illustrations, decorated endsheets. Children's book tells of a Navaho boy, Na Nai, as he grows up in Arizona in 1862. A quiet story of the spiritual life of the people. Hardcover. Very Good. $20.00 36]Armer, Laura Adams. SOUTHWEST. London: Longmans & Green, 1935. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8, 224 pgs, b&w photos, decorated endsheets. Much on Armer's experiences among the Navajos. Hardcover. Good+. $30.00 37]Armstrong, Ruth, W. THE CHASES OF CIMARRON. Birth of the Cattle Industry in Cimarron Country, 1867-1900. Albuquerque, NM: New Mexico Stockman, 1981. Signed by the author. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 181 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. Based on the lives of Manly and Theresa Chase who settled on the Maxwell Land Grant in north-eastern New Mexico in 1867. A history of the development of the cattle industry too. Binding cracked. Paperback. Good+. $30.00 38]Arnold, Elliott. BLOOD BROTHER. New York: Duell, Sloan, & Pearce, 1958. Seventh printing. 5 1/2 x 8, 558 pgs, color illustrations. The story of how Cochise broke with Mangas Coloradas, made peace for the Chiricahuas, lived honorably was arrested treacherously and started his war. Also tells of Tom Jeffords, his blood brother and friend. Hardcover. Very Good+. $30.00 39]Arnold, James R. JEFF DAVIS'S OWN Cavalry, Comanches, and the Battle for the Texas Frontier. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2000. First edition. ISBN: 0471333646. 6 x 9, 378 pgs, index, notes, bibliography, b&w historical photos. The story of the Second Cavalry in Texas. It was created by Jefferson Davis, Sec. of War, with handpicked officers---16 of whom were later generals in the Civil War, on both sides. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 40]Arnold, Oren. SUN IN YOUR EYES New Light on the Southwest. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1947. First edition. 5 1/2 x 7 1/2, 253 pgs, illustrations and decorated endsheets. A 1940s introduction to the sun country, part desert, part plains, part mountains -- our American Southwest. Plains lore, desert talk, and mountain medicine. Hardcover. Very Good. $25.00 41]Axelrod, Alan, editor. AMERICAN FRONTIER LIFE Early Western Painting and Prints. New York: Abbeville Press, 1987. First edition. ISBN: 0517687860. 10 x 10, 202 pgs, index, b&w and color art reproductions. The catalogue for the 1987 exhibtion organized by the Amon Carter Museum and the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 42]Back, Joe. BACK COUNTRY Two Tales by Joe Back. Boulder, CO: Johnson Books, 1987. Later printing. ISBN: 0555660193. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 240 pgs, b&w illustrations. Contains two of Back's best stories: "Mooching Moose and Mumbling Men" and "The Sucker's Teeth". Paperback. Good+. $15.00 43]Bahti, Tom and Mark Bahti. SOUTHWESTERN INDIANS. Arts & Crafts, Tribes, Ceremonials. Las Vegas, NV: KC Publications, 1997. First hardcover edition. ISBN: 0887141102. 9 x 12, 215 pgs, index, color photos and illustrations throughout. A pretty coffee-table style book featuring the people and arts of the Indian culture in Arizona and New Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good. $32.00 44]Ball, Eve. MA'AM JONES OF THE PECOS. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1969. First edition. 6 1/2 x 9, 238 pgs, index, a few b&w photos, decorated endpapers. A classic of New Mexico history and lore and the author discovers and writes of pioneer life in the Pecos Valley and the Lincoln County War while following Ma'am Jones & the Jones Boys. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good DJ. $90.00 45]Ball, Eve with Nora Henn and Lynda Sanchez. AN APACHE ODYSSEY - INDEH. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1980. First edition. ISBN: 0842517898. 6 x 9, 334 pgs, b&w photos. A historical narrative of the Chiracahua Apaches; the result of over thirty years of in-depth research and candid interviews with the Apaches who lived through the events. Ex-library with minimal markings. Hardcover. Very Good. $60.00 46]Ball, Larry D. TOM HORN In Life and Legend. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 9780806144252. First edition. ISBN: 9780806144252. 6 x 9, 554 pgs, index, notes, bibliography, b&w photos. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $30.00 47]Bancroft, Hubert Howe. HISTORY OF ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO, 15301888. Albuquerque, NM: Horn & Wallace, 1962. Facsimile of the 1889 edition. 6 x 9, 829 pgs, index, Arizona foreword by Barry Goldwater, New Mexico foreword by Clinton P. Anderson. Facsimile reprint of the 1889 edition published for the 50th anniversary of New Mexico and Arizona's statehood. Hardcover. Very Good+. $60.00 48]Barker, Elliott S. BEATTY'S CABIN. Portales, NM: Bishop Printing, 1970. Second printing. 6 x 9, 220 pgs, illustrated, section of b&w photos, front endpaper decorated with map of the area. The author's own adventures in the Pecos High Country. Wonderful reading! Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $75.00 49]Barker, Elliott S. WESTERN LIFE & ADVENTURES - 1889 TO 1970. Albuquerque, NM: Calvin Horn Publishers, 1970. First edition. ISBN: 0910750211. 6 x 9, 289 pgs, b&w historical photos. Barker herein recalls a life of adventure in New Mexico as a rancher, forest ranger, predator hunter & houndman and game warden. Includes "Three Days on a Lions Trail," great true story! Inscribed and signed. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $60.00 50]Barker, S. Omar. LITTLE WORLD APART. New York: Doubleday, 1966. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 252 pgs. Novel based on the author's growing up in frontier New Mexico, ranching and hunting in the Pecos Wilderness area. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good- DJ. $40.00 51]Barnes, Will C. ARIZONA PLACE NAMES. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1935. 6 x 9, 503 pgs, index, bibliography. Includes every conceivable place name in Arizona with location, elevation, short description and map references. Trade Paperback. Good+. $40.00 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 11 52]Barnes, Will C. WESTERN GRAZING GROUNDS AND FOREST RANGES. Chicago: The Breeder's Gazette, 1913. 5 x 7 1/2, 380 pgs, index, b&w photos throughout. Neat old book with information on brands, earmarks, plants, and the full range of livestock. Hardcover. Very Good. $60.00 53]Barnes, Will C., edited by Frank C. Lockwood. APACHES & LONGHORNS The Reminiscences of Will C. Barnes. Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie Press, 1941. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 210 pgs, b&w historical photos. More than a biography; it is history, full of source material on the conditions in early Arizona and the west. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $90.00 54]Bartlett, Lee, V.B. Price, and Dianne Edenfield Edwards, editors. IN COMPANY An Anthology of New Mexico Poets After 1960. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2004. First printing. ISBN: 0826329810. 6 x 9,542 pgs. This collection brings together for the first time three generations of poets associated with New Mexico, representing a variety of styles and personalities. Proof copy. Hardcover. Very Good+. $15.00 55]Basin & Range Publications. BASIN & RANGE MAGAZINE. Silver City, NM: 1985. 8 1/2 x 11, 56 pgs, illus/photos and art. Only Book I is left from this shortlived "3 issue" magazine. It features Steve Bodio's brilliant, controversial article on cock-fighting; plus Zeke Rivers on Float fishing; M.H. Salmon on coursing hounds, SW Books by Grant Luna and much more. Paperback. Very Good. $2.00 56]Beazley, William O. THEREIN LIES THE TALE. Texas: JL Press, 1986. First edition. ISBN: 0939279002. 6 x 9, 243 pgs, b&w historical photos. As Vice President of Hardin-Simmons University, the author's travels and his love of humorous situation and telling the "tale" and his mastery of the practical joke has made him popular across the country in Baptist Church pulpits and choirs, on basketball courts and traveling around the world with the Six White Horses of H-SU. Signed and inscribed: "To Dorothy and Earnest, Very special friends, who have been of great inspiration for many year. Hope you get a good chuckle out of the stories herein -- Sincerely Doctor Bill" Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00 57]Beck, Warren A. NEW MEXICO. A History of Four Centuries. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1979. Eighth printing. 6 x 9, 363 pgs, index, biblio, notes, two section of b&w photos. A one-volume history tracing the evolution of the region from earliest times with special attention to its three interdependent cultures. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $20.00 58]Bellinger, Cindy. SOMEONE STOLE MY OUTHOUSE. And Other Tales of Home Improvement. Silver City, NM: High-Lonesome Books, 2001. First edition. ISBN: 0944383548. 6 x 9, 108 pgs. The author, living in Pecos, New Mexico, spreads her joy of home repair; kitchen-table philosophy, leavened with truth, seasoned with sharp observations and a generous helping of comedy. Great reading. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 59]Benedict, Carl Peters. A TENDERFOOT KID ON GYP WATER. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1986. Later printing. ISBN: 0803260792. 5 x 8, 115 pgs, b&w photos. The author was a young man in 1894 when he wrote this work; he was a little hesitant to see it published - which first happened in 1943. He worked mostly for the Figure 8 outfit and writes what it was really like to be a cowboy in some ornery country checkered by canyons and gyp water springs. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 60]Benke, Richard. THE GHOST OCEAN. A Novel. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2004. First printing. ISBN: 0826331947. 6 x 9, 280 pgs. A beautifully written murder mystery set in southern New Mexico and revolving around the Mexican gray wolf reintroduction and cultural conflicts with the cattle-raising community. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $25.00 61]Bennett, Joseph E. SIXGUNS AND MASONS. Highland Springs, VA: Anchor Communications, 1991. First printing. ISBN: 093563312X. 6 x 9, 124 pgs, index. The stories of some Freemasons that became Texas Rangers. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $35.00 62]Bennett, Patrick. TALKING WITH TEXAS WRITERS. Twelve Interviews. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1980. First edition. ISBN: 0890961050. 6 x 9, 307 pgs, index, b&w photos of writers. Twelve interviews with the likes of Larry McMurtry, John Graves, Elmer Kelton, Tom Lea, Leon Hale and others. Paperback. Good. $12.00 63]Berlitz, Charles and William L. Moore. THE ROSWELL INCIDENT. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1980. First edition, first printing. ISBN: 0448211998. 6 x 9, 168 pgs, index, b&w photos. The never before published, fully documented story of a manned UFO landing in New Mexico with new evidence and eyewitness accounts. Hardcover. Good+. $15.00 64]Birney, Hoffman. STEELDUST The Story of a Horse. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1928. 5 x 7 1/2, 264 pgs, b&w illustrations. Character novel for children: Ted Hoyt rescues the blue roan Steeldust from a beating by Van Harts. He is given the horse hoping he will be injured as Van Harts and his men plot further to bankrupt Ted and his father. Hardcover. Good+. $15.00 65]Black, Uyless. THE LIGHT SIDE OF LITTLE TEXAS. Lovington, NM: Lea County Museum, 2011. First edition. ISBN: 9780978766344. 6 x 9, 233 pgs, b&w historical photos. The rural high plains of southeastern New Mexico serves as the backdrop for a young boy's adventures on a cattle/horse ranch, and a small cowboy town. Paperback. New. $15.00 66]Blasingame, Ike. DAKOTA COWBOY. My Life in the Old Days. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1964. Later printing. ISBN: 0803250150. 5 1/2 x 8, 317 pgs, b&w illustrations. The author's reminiscences of cowboying at the 12 turn of the century in the Northern cow country. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 67]Boatright, Mody C. TALL TALES FROM TEXAS COW CAMPS. Dallas, TX: The Southwest Press, 1934. 5 x 8, 100 pgs, foreword by J. Frank Dobie. True Texas tales. Scarce, collectible. Hardcover. Good. $100.00 68]Boatright, Mody C., Wilson M. Hudson and Allen Maxwell, editors. MESQUITE AND WILLOW. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1957. 6 x 9, 203 pgs. Fifteen essays and stories from the Texas Folklore Society. Among them are: Americo Paredes; Legend of Gregorio Cortez, Riley Aiken; Six Tales from Mexico, Roy Bedichek; Animal Trails; J. Frank Dobie; Br'er Rabbit Watches Out for Himself in Mexico, Elton Miles; Christ in the Big Bend and others. Hardcover. Very Good+. $25.00 69]Bode, Winston. J. FRANK DOBIE: A PORTRAIT OF PANCHO. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn Co., 1968. Second printing. 6 x 9, 156 pgs, b&w photos. The author presents a memorable picture of J. Frank Dobie with over one hundred photographs and in words. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $40.00 70]Bolton, Herbert Eugene. THE PADRE ON HORSEBACK. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1963. 6 x 9, 90 pgs. A brief biography of the Jesuit Padre Eusebio Francisco Kino who readied much of New Spain's northwest frontier (SonoraArizona) for settler occupation. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 71]Bonney, Cecil. LOOKING OVER MY SHOULDER. Seventy-five Years in the Pecos Valley. Roswell, NM: Hall-Poorbaugh Press, 1971. H6 x 9, 235 pgs, index, b&w photos, intro by Peter Hurd. An informative and nostalgic memoir of southeastern New Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good+ DJ. $50.00 72]Borland, Hal. THE SEVENTH WINTER. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1960. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8, 256 pgs. Novel set in Colorado during the winter of 1871. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 73]Borland, Hal G. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TIPI TALES. New York: Doubleday, 1924. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8, 247 pgs, color frontispiece. Native American stories retold by Borland from the Ute, Piute, Omaha, Blackfoot, Hopi and Teton tribes. Borland's first book. Hardcover. Very Good. $120.00 74]Borton de Trevino, Elizabeth. I, JUAN DE PAREJA. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1993. Later printing. ISBN: 0833513877. 5 x 8, 180 pgs. Historical novel based on the life of Juan de Pareja, the black assistant to the 17thcentury Spanish painter Velazquez. Hardcover. Very Good+. $10.00 75]Bosworth, Allan R. SANCHO OF THE LONG, LONG HORNS. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1947. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 206 pgs, b&w illustrations. Young adult fiction. The story of how Chapo became a full-fledged cowboy. The problems presented by rival cattle owners determined to reach the distant market first with their herds, and by nature itself in storms and droughts and swollen rivers to cross, brought Chapo to grips with plenty of adventure, excitement and suspense. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+. $10.00 76]Bowman, James Cloyd. PECOS BILL. The Greatest Cowboy of All Time. Chicago: Albert Whitman & Co., 1972. Later printing. 6 x 8, 296 pgs, b&w and color illustrations. Genuine American folklore collected from the annals of the campfire and the roundup. A classic! Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good- DJ. $15.00 77]Boyce, Annie M. TALL TALES FROM A RANCH. San Antonio, TX: Naylor, 1957. First edition. 6 x 8, 97 pgs, b&w illustrations. Cowboy-type tales including Grandpap Rattler, with a shed skin four miles long; black ants the size of cats, and--well, you get the idea. Hardcover. Very Good+. $35.00 78]Braden, Jean. THE MESILLA VALLEY A Short History. Las Cruces, NM: J-lor Productions, 1982. First printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 32 pgs, b&w illustrations. A good history, beautifully illustrated, of the Mesilla Valley of southern New Mexico. Staplebound Pamplet. Very Good. $15.00 79]Bradford, Richard. RED SKY AT MORNING. A Novel. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1968. ISBN: 0397005490. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 256 pgs. A coming-of-age story of a young man sitting out World War II with his mother when his father volunteers his services to the navy & the boy moves with his mother to the hills of New Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $100.00 80]Bradford, Richard. SO FAR FROM HEAVEN. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1973. First edition. ISBN: 0397008538. 6 x 9, 273 pgs. The scenic, pastoral and provincial Southwest is one of the targets of the author's gently brandished irony in this novel about the Tafoya y Evanses, an oddball Chicano family with a flair for misadventure. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $70.00 81]Branch, Douglas. THE COWBOY AND HIS INTERPRETERS. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1926. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8, 278 pgs, biblio, illustrations by Will James, Joc de Yong and Charles M. Russell. Traces the evolution of the cowboy from his Spanish-Mexican predecessors to his immediate ancestor, the Texas; his dress, songs & verse, life on and off the cattle-trail, ranch & range & more. Front and flap of dust jacket tipped in. Hardcover. Very Good+. $100.00 82]Brand, Max. FIGHTIN' FOOL. New York: Dodd Mead, 1987. ISBN: 0396088961. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 186 pgs. A classic western in typical Brand style; a two-man army on the march. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $12.00 83]Brand, Max. RIDER OF THE HIGH HILLS. New York: Dodd Mead, 1977. Later printing. ISBN: 0396074995. 5 x 8, 218 pgs. Set in the wild highlands of the West, this is a thrilling story, alive with dramatic scenes. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $10.00 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 84]Branson, Oscar T. FETISHES AND CARVINGS OF THE SOUTHWEST. Tucson, AZ: Treasure Chest Publications, 1976. 9 x 12, 64 pgs, color photos. A beautiful picture book focusing on the carved art of the Southwestern Indians. Paperback. Good. $9.00 85]Brent, William. THE COMPLETE AND FACTUAL LIFE OF BILLY THE KID. New York: Frederick Fell, 1964. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 212 pgs. His early life, all the famous sieges and ambushes, captures and escapes, as they really happened, not as folk-tales tell it. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $40.00 86]Brett, Bill. THIS HERE'S A GOOD'UN. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1983. First edition. ISBN: 089096162X. 6 x 9, 120 pgs, b&w illustrations. Folklore, tales, and daily accounts of east Texas country life. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00 87]Bromfield, Louis. COLORADO. New York: Harper & Bros., 1947. 5 x 8, 263 pgs. The author puts his considerable story-telling talents to use in this novel of Old West Colorado. Hardcover. Good+. $8.00 88]Bronson, Edgar Beecher. REMINISCENCES OF A RANCHMAN. Norman, OK: University of Nebraska Press, 1965. Second printing. 5 x 8, 370 pgs. The story of Bronson's apprenticeship on the range in the 1870s and 1880s and his evolution from a greenhorn puncher into an experienced old hand. Paperback. Good. $10.00 89]Brophy, Frank Cullen. ARIZONA SKETCH BOOK Fifty Historical Sketches. Phoenix: Arizona-Messenger Printing Co., 1952. 5 x 8, 310 pgs, index, bibliography, decorated endsheets. This book is made up of fifty-two sketches, it penetrates the misty veil of the past, and forms a definite link in this everlengthening chain which is the Arizona story. Information on Wyatt Earp, The Apache Kid, John Slaughter and many other Arizona characters. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good- DJ. $40.00 90]Brower, Sr., Harry, and Karen Brewster, editor. THE WHALES THEY GIVE THEMSELVES Conversations with Harry Brower, Sr. Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska Press, 2004. ISBN: 1889963666. 6 x 9, 232 pgs, index, notes, bibliography, b&w photos. an intimate life history of Harry Brower, Sr. (1924-1992), an Inupiaq whaling captain, artisan, and community leader from Barrow, Alaska. In a life that spanned the profound cultural and economic changes of the twentieth century, Brower's vast knowledge of the natural world made him an essential contributor to the Native and scientific communities of the North. Paperback. Very Good+. $20.00 91]Brown, Dee. BURY MY HEART AT WOUNDED KNEE. An Indian History of the American West. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston , 1970. Later printing. ISBN: 0030853222. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 487 pgs, index, historical photos. The history of the Indian Wars from the Indian's point of view. Hardcover. Good+ in Good DJ. $10.00 92]Brown, Dee with Martin F. Schmitt. TRAIL DRIVING DAYS. The golden days of the old strail driving cattlemen. New York: Scribners, 1952. 8 x 12, 264 pgs, b&w historical photos. The thrilling story of the brave and determined men who rounded up the cattle and led them out of the Western plains and into city markets. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 93]Brown, Vinson. VOICES OF EARTH AND SKY. Vision Search of the Native Americans. Happy Camp, CA: Naturegraph, 1976. Second printing. ISBN: 0879610603. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 180 pgs, b&w illustrations. Shows the natives of the Americas as infinitely interesting human beings with great dreams, great deeds, great cultures, great thoughts, and great spiritual heroes we have never before understood or perhaps even imagined. Paperback. Good. $9.00 94]Browne, Juanita Kennedy. NUGGETS OF NEVADA COUNTY HISTORY. Nevada City, CA: Nevada County Historical Society, 1984. Second printing. ISBN: 0915641003. 6 x 9, 143 pgs, b&w historical photos. Historical events and personalities of Nevada County, California. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 95]Brundage, Burr Cartwright. LORDS OF CUZCO A History and Descrition of the Inca People in their Final Days. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1967. First edition. 6 x 9, 458 pgs, index. The book explains the structure of Inca society at the end of their period of power and their decline and extinction at the fiat of the Viceroy of Castile. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $20.00 96]Bullock, Alice. LIVING LEGENDS OF THE SANTA FE COUNTRY. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 1972. Fourth printing. ISBN: 0913270067. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 125 pgs, index, b&w historic photos. The author spent three years ferreting out legends and folklore of New Mexico. _ Paperback. Good+. $8.00 97]Burbank, E. A. and Ernest Royce. BURBANK AMONG THE INDIANS. Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1944. 6 x 9, 232 pgs, b&w illustrations, decorated endsheets. This famous Indian artist's stories of his times painting among the Apaches, Navajo, Zunis, Hopis, Crow and more. Great stories of Indian life and experience. Hardcover. Good+. $60.00 98]Burdett, Charles. THE LIFE OF KIT CARSON. The Great Western Hunter and Guide. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1902. 5 1/2 x 8, 376 pgs, decorated endsheets. An interesting old biography of Kit Carson. Hardcover. Very Good. $10.00 99]Burke, Bob. WILEY POST From Oklahoma to Eternity. Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Heritage Association, 2006. ISBN: 1885596456. 5 1/2 x 8, 224 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. Post only had one eye, fresh out of prison, with only a sixth grade education; who was obsessed with flying. Wiley was only 36 yrs. old when he and Will Rogers died in Alaska in 1935. But in those 36 years he packed three lifetimes. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 100]Burke, James Lee. RAIN GODS A Novel. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009. First edition. ISBN: 9781439128244. 6 x 9, 434 pgs. Texas sheriff Hackberry Holland, cousin to lawman Billy Bob Holland is back. In a heat-cracked border town, the bodies of nine illegal aliens women and girls, killed execution-style are unearthed in a shallow grave. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $6.00 101]Burks, Brian. WRANGO. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1999. ISBN: 0152018158. 5 x 8, 118 pgs, uncorrected proof. Children's western book. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 102]Burns, Walter Noble. THE SAGA OF BILLY THE KID. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1926. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 322 pgs, decorated endsheets. One of the early classic nonfiction volumes on the life of Billy the Kid. Hardcover. Good. $20.00 103]Burns, Walter Noble. THE SAGA OF BILLY THE KID. Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing Co., 1926. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 322 pgs, decorated endsheets. One of the early classic nonfiction volumes on the life of Billy the Kid. Hardcover. Good. $20.00 104]Burns, Walter Noble. TOMBSTONE. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1929. Later printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 388 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations by Will James. Burns' classic true accounts of ths famous wild west town, Wyatt Earp, the Clantons and McLowery's, Frank Stillwell and the events that made them all famous. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Good+. $18.00 105]Burns, Walter Noble. TOMBSTONE. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1929. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 388 pgs, b&w illustrations by Will James, b&w photos. Burns' classic true accounts of this famous wild west town, Wyatt Earp, the Clantons and McLowery's, Frank Stillwell and the events that made them all famous. Hardcover. Good+. $22.00 106]Burt, Struthers. POWDER RIVER. Let 'er Buck. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1938. 5 1/2 x 8, 389 pgs, b&w illustrations. From the "Rivers of America" series, an epic of the range country of Wyoming. Hardcover. Very Good+. $50.00 107]Burton, Harley True. A HISTORY OF THE J A RANCH. New York: Argonaut Press Ltd., 1966. First, thus. 6 x 9, 147 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w photos and maps. A thesis, presented to the faculty of the graduste school of the university of Texas in June, 1927; reprinted from a copy in the collection of The New York Public Library. The J A ranch was the first ranch in the Texas Panhandle, founded by Charles Goodnight and John Adair. This book tells how the ranch was put together. At its peak it covered over a million acres, located in and adjoining the beautiful Pala Duro Canyon, which offered protection in the harsh winter months. Covers the contracts between John Adair and Charles Goodnight, and after the death of Mr. Adair, the contract with Mrs Adair, and then the division of the partnership, leaving the J A ranch with over three hundred thousand acres of beautiful ranch country that is still operating today as a ranch. It was the forerunner of the famous three million acre XIT ranch and started the settlement of the last part of Texas to be settled. Ex-library with minimal markings. Four minor incidents of blue ink underlining. Hardcover. Very Good. $400.00 108]California Office of Historic Preservation. FIVE VIEWS An Ethnic Historic Site Survey for California. Washington DC: National Park Service, 1988. First printing. ISBN: 0941925110. 8 x 11, 265 pgs, b&w photos. Covers American Indians, black Americans, Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans and Mexican Americans. Ex-library. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 109]Calvin, Ross. SKY DETERMINES. An Interpretation of the Southwest. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1965. Revised. 6 x 9, 350 pgs, illustrations by Peter Hurd. Calvin's seminal interpretation of the southwest, literate and poetic of prose, unflinching of opinion, and perceptive of the singular qualities of a region. Includes personal note from Calvin to previous owner. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $20.00 110]Cammann, Nora. NEEDLEPOINT DESIGNS FROM AMERICAN INDIAN ART. New York: Scribners, 1973. 8 1/2 x 11, 84 pgs, b&w & color photos and illustrations. Twenty designs for pillows, stools, belts, slippers and other articles, derived from the work of Indians of the Southwest, the Great Plains, the Pacific Northwest and the Eastern Woodlands. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $15.00 111]Capps, Benjamin. THE INDIANS. New York: Time-Life Books, 1973. 8 1/2 x 11, 240 pgs, index, b&w & color illustrations. A wonderful book looking at the Indians of the West before and after the white man's invasion. Full Leather. Very Good. $10.00 112]Capps, Benjamin. A WOMAN OF THE PEOPLE. A Novel. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1985. Later printing. ISBN: 0826307825. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 248 pgs. Fictionalized account of a woman captured by Comanches at the age of 9. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 113]Carmony, Neil B., ed. GUNFIGHT IN APACHE COUNTY, 1887. As Described by Will C. Barnes. Tucson, AZ: Trail to Yesterday Books, 1997. First printing. 6 x 9, 44 pgs, b&w historical photos. The shootout between Sheriff C.P. Owens and the Blevins brothers in Holbrook, Arizona as described by rancher Will C. Barnes, a bystander who watched the action from a safe distance. Staplebound Wraps. New. $8.00 114]Carrington, Frances C. MY ARMY LIFE AND THE FORT PHIL KEARNEY MASSACRE With an Account of the Celebration of "Wyoming Opened" Lincoln, NE: Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 13 University of Nebraska Press, 2004. Later printing. ISBN: 0803264437. Originally published in 1910. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 318 pgs. First hand account of an army wife on the Great Plains, plus she sets the record straight on her second husband's involvement in the Fetterman fight. Trade Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 115]Carrington, Margaret Irvin. ABSARAKA: HOME OF THE CROWS. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1983. ISBN: 0803263155. 5 x 8, 284 pgs, b&w illustrations. The journal of an Officer's wife on the Plains in the 1860s. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 116]Carroll, John M. CUSTER IN TEXAS An Interrupted Narrative. New York: Sol Lews and Liveright, 1975. First edition. ISBN: 0914074148. 7 x 10, 288 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. An interpretation of General Custer's tenure in Texas following the Civil War. Custer, long regarded either as a hero who died with his troops at the Little Bighorn, or as a foolhardy commander who permitted his troops to be massacred, comes to life as a wise and successful military leader during Reconstruction. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $80.00 117]Carter, Hodding. WESTWARD WHOA In the Wake of Lewis and Clark. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994. First edition. ISBN: 067179891X. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 299 pgs, b&w photos. Two men 'in the wake of Lewis and Clark', 3 months on the trail. They did have an outboard and the occasional rented car, but still a project. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $8.00 118]Carter, William. GHOST TOWNS OF THE WEST. Menlo Park, CA: Lane Publishing, 1984. Fourth printing. ISBN: 0376053143. 8 1/2 x 11, 224 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w and color historical photos. A pictorial guide to towns and mining camps that opened the west. Oversized Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 119]Casey, Robert J. THE TEXAS BORDER. And Some Borderliners. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1950. First edition. 6 x 8 1/2, 440 pgs, b&w photos, paperback "guide" tucked in at back endsheet. Amusing, extraordinary and informative stories of the Texas Border: spindletop, the bloody Salt Wars, the King Ranch, the Alamo, Big Bend National Park, and much more. Limited edition signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good+. $60.00 120]Cather, Willa. MY ANTONIA. Pleasantville, NY: Reader's Digest Assn., 2004. Later printing. ISBN: 0154444490. 6 x 9, 277 pgs. A nice reprint of Cather's 1918 romantic novel of a pioneer woman. Hardcover. Very Good+. $12.00 121]Chapel, Charles Edward. GUNS OF THE OLD WEST. New York: CowardMcCann, 1961. First edition. 7 x 10, 306 pgs, b&w illustrations. The definitive book on American firearms which opened the frontier and won the West. Partial dustjacket. Hardcover. Very Good. $25.00 122]Chapman, All. SANTOS OF SPANISH NEW MEXICO A Coloring Book. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 1982. Later printing. ISBN: 0865342385. 8 1/2 x 11, 32 pgs, b&w illustrations. An unused coloring book featuring the folk art of the Santero (maker of saint images). Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 123]Charles, Mrs. Tom. TALES OF THE TULAROSA. Alamogordo, NM: Published/Printed by the author, 1966. Fifth printing. Signed. 6 x 9, 69 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Stories of the Tularosa basin; Eugene Manlove Rhodes, Geronimo, The Apache Kid, White Sands and the A-bomb, etc. Carl Herzog design. Paperback. Very Good. $40.00 124]Chavez, Denise. LOVING PEDRO INFANTE. A Novel. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 2001. First edition. ISBN: 0374194114. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 325 pgs, 1st edition. A novel about love's labors lost unraveling the fictions we weave to justify loving the wrong mate. Ex-library with minimal markings. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00 125]Chavez, Thomas E. NEW MEXICO: PAST AND FUTURE. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2006. First printing. ISBN: 082633444X. 6 x 9, 208 pgs, index, bibliography. New Mexico history written as the story of human beings who lived in the land that came to be called New Mexico. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 126]Cheek, Lawrence W. KOKOPELLI. Tucson, AZ: Rio Nuevo Pubishers, 2004. ISBN: 1887896635. 6 x 6, 63 pgs, color photos and illustrations. The story of the humpbaced flute player who, from pre-Columbian rock art to T-shirts and neon signs has come to symbolize the spirit of the West. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $8.00 127]Cheely, William W. and H. Percy Raban. BACK-TRAILING ON THE OLD FRONTIERS. Aurora, CO: John Osterberg, private publisher, 1990. Limited edition, 414/500. 9 x 12, 154 pgs, b&w illustrations. Originally appearing in newspapers as serials, this is the first edition of the book to contain all 51 narratives. Hardcover. Fine. $100.00 128]Choate, Wade. SWAPPIN' CATTLE. San Angelo, TX: Published/Printed by the author, 1990. First edition. 6 x 9, 124 pgs, b&w historical photos. Reminiscences of a true Texas cowboy and rancher. Inscribed and signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good. $125.00 129]Chrisman, Harry E. LOST TRAILS OF THE CIMARRON. Athens, OH: Swallow Press, 1990. Later printing. ISBN: 0804006156. 5 1/2 x 8, 313 pgs, b&w historical photos, mapped endsheets. A unique view of the great cattle days of the high plains of the Southwest. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 130]Christman, Al. TARGET HIROSHIMA Deak Parsons and the Creation of the Atomic Bomb. Anapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1998. Second printing. ISBN: 1557501203. 6 x 9, 305 pgs, index, bibliography, notes, b&w photos. The ord- 14 nance chief and associate director of Los Alamos turned the scientists' nuclear creation into a practical weapon, completed the assembly of "Little Boy" during the flight to Hiroshima, and approved the release of the bomb. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00 131]Clark, Ann Nolan. LITTLE HERDER IN AUTUMN. Santa Fe, NM: Ancient City Press, 1988. ISBN: 0941270476. 8 1/2 x 8 1/2, 90 pages, b&w illustrations. In English and Navaho both. Delightful childrens stories by this Newberry award winng author. Paperback. Good+. $10.00 132]Clark, Ann Nolan and Frances Carey. A CHILD'S STORY OF NEW MEXICO. Lincoln, NE: The University Publishing Co., 1941. 5 x 8, 184 pgs, index, b&w photos and drawings. A children's history book of New Mexico from Spanish Colonial Days, includes New Mexico's forests, products, wild creatures, treasures, national parks, arts and more. Ex-school textbook. Bumped corners, taped spine. Hardcover. Good. $8.00 133]Clayton, Lawrence and Joan Halford Farmer. TRACKS ALONG THE CLEAR FORK Stories from Shackelford and Throckmorton Counties. Abilene, TX: McMurry University, 2000. First edition. ISBN: 1893114228. 6 x 9, 369 pgs, index, b&w photos, mapped endsheets. A unique and personal perspective on the Clear Fork (Texas) country and its people, both military and pioneers: soldiers, settlers, Indians, outlaws, buffalo hunters, and cowboys. Hard to find. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $80.00 134]Clements, William M. NATIVE AMERICAN VERBAL ART Texts and Contexts. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1996. First edition. ISBN: 0816516596. 6 x 9, 252 pgs, index, notes, bibliography. Deals seriously with a wide range and sweep of materials, utilizing both a historical and a literary approach, drawing on a variety of disciplines, including folklore and anthropology. Hardcover. Very Good+. $10.00 135]Clifford, Frank. THE BACKBONE OF THE WORLD. New York: Random House, 2002. ISBN: 0767907019. 6 x 9, 274 pgs. A portrait of the vanishing West along the Continental Divide. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 136]Cline, Don. ANTRIM & BILLY. College Station, TX: Early West, 1990. First edition. ISBN: 0932702422. 6 x 9, 183 pgs, index, biblio, b&w historical photos, decorated endsheets. The story of the father of Billy the Kid. Includes much insight into the legendary Billy. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $25.00 137]Cobos, Ruben. A DICTIONARY OF NEW MEXICO AND SOUTHERN COLORADO SPANISH. Santa Fe, NM: Museum of NM Press, 1984. Second printing. ISBN: 0890131422. 5 1/2 x 8, 189 pgs, biblio. Spanish terms and words indigenous to Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 138]Cody, William F. THE LIFE OF BUFFALO BILL. New York: Indian Head Books, 1991. ISBN: 088029650X. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 365 pgs, b&w illustrations. A facsimile reproduction of "The Life of Hon. William F. Cody known as Buffalo Bill The Famous Hunter, Scout and Guide" originally published in 1878. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00 139]Cohn, Al and Joe Chisholm, editors. GUN NOTCHES. A Saga of Frontier Lawman Capt. Thomas H. Rynning. San Diego, CA: Frontier Heritage Press, 1971. Second printing. ISBN: 0878960023. Originally published in 1931. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 332 pgs, b&w illustrations and photos. An exciting and bold look at the frontier from a first hand account; a cowboy, an Indian fighter, an officer in the Roosevelt Rough Riders, an Arizona Ranger & more. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $35.00 140]COLLEGE RECORD Alumni Directory 1894-1933. State College (Las Cruces), NM: The New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1933. 6 x 9, 43 pgs. Listing of graduates from what is now New Mexico State University during the early years. Paperback. Good. $10.00 141]Collier, Edmund. THE STORY OF BUFFALO BILL. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1952. 5 x 8, 182 pgs, b&w illustrations. For young adults, a fictionalized account of the life of Bill Cody. Hardcover. Very Good. $12.00 142]Collinson, Frank. LIFE IN THE SADDLE. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997. Later printing. ISBN: 0806129239. Western Frontier Library. 5 x 8, 241 pgs. The author's writings, letters and transcripts of conversations on frontier history - buffalo hunts, trail drives, clashes with Indians and so much more. Paperback. Very Good in Very Good- DJ. $12.00 143]Comfort, Will Levington. APACHE. New York: Dutton, 1931. First edition. 5 x 8, 274 pgs. Novel of the life of Mangas Colorados, the chief of the "Red Paint People". Hardcover. Good+. $40.00 144]Connell, Evan S. SON OF THE MORNING STAR. Custer and the Little Bighorn. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1984. Later printing. ISBN: 0865471606. 6 x 9, 441 pgs. "The whole story", includes the heroism, the foolishness and above all the brutality of Custer's last stand. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $12.00 145]Connor, Seymour V. and Odie B. Faulk. NORTH AMERICA DIVIDED. The Mexican War, 1846-1848. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. 6 x 8 1/2, 300 pgs, maps, mapped endsheets. Shows how internal Mexican politics and factionalism between Whigs and Democrats in the U.S. were the real causes of the Mexican War. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $15.00 146]Conrad, III, Barnaby. GHOST HUNTING IN MONTANA A Search for Roots in the Old West. New York: Harper Collins, 1994. First edition. ISBN: 0062585517. Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 5 1/2 x 8, 337 pgs, bibliography, b&w photos. For five months the author journeyed 9,000 miles in Montana in search of firsthand adventure, family roots and history. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 147]Contreras, David. MEET MY BROTHER Hispanic Immigrants' Struggle for a Seat at the Table. Round Rock, TX: Published/Printed by the author, 2006. 6 x 9, 64 pgs. Tells the history of immigration during the founding of America and highlights some of the extraordinary contributions made by a nation of immigrants. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 148]Corle, Edwin. BILLY THE KID. A Novel. New York: Duell, Sloan, & Pearce, 1953. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 293 pgs, bibliography. A novel that packs accurate history into a dramatic narrative of this famous Western outlaw. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $50.00 149]Corle, Edwin. THE GILA. River of the Southwest. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1964. Later printing. 5 x 8, 402 pgs, index, illustrated by Ross Santee. Traces the history of this famulous land from the days of the dinosaurs to the present-day dam building and land reclamation through irrigation. Paperback. Good+. $15.00 150]Coues, Elliott, edited with notes,. THE JOURNAL OF JACOB FOWLER. Minneapolis: Ross & Haines, 1965. 5 1/2 x 8, 183 pgs. Fowler journeyed to the far Southwest in 1821 and left a fine and informative firsthand account of that time and place, ably edited by the great naturalist, Coues. Limited edition of 2000, reprint of 1898 version. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 151]Cozzens, Samuel Woodworth. EXPLORATIONS & ADVENTURES IN ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO. New York: Castle Books, 1988. ISBN: 1555213669. 6 x 9, 532 pgs, illus/100 wood engravings. A reprint of the travels and memoirs of Cozzens who roamed New Mexico & Arizona in the 1860s, met Cochise and Mangas Coloradas, and Kit Carson, among others, and left this remarkable document. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $40.00 152]Craighead, Charles. THE GRAND CANYON An Artist's View. Salt Lake City, UT: Haggis House Publications, 1996. ISBN: 1881114058. 11 x 9 1/2, 66 pgs, color art reproductions throughout. This comprehensive work by famed wildlife illustrator John Dawson takes the reader on an intimate journey along the rim, down the trails, and into the hidden recesses of the Grand Canyon along the spectacular sweep of the Colorado River. Paperback. Very Good. $9.00 153]Crampton, Frank A. DEEP ENOUGH A Working Stiff in the Western Mine Camps. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1993. First, thus. ISBN: 0806125292. 6 x 9, 281 pgs, sections of b&w photos. Originally published in 1956, the story of a wealthy New Yorker who runs away from home at age 16, works as a hard-scrabble miner in the West, later becoming a respected mining engineer. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 154]Crawford, Ann Fears and Crystal Sasse Ragsdale. TEXAS WOMEN Frontier to Future. Austin, TX: State House Press, 1998. First edition. ISBN: 1880510537. 6 x 9, 375 pgs, b&w photos. Covers twenty-four famous Texas women - from Jane Maria McManus Storms Cazneau to Kay Bailey Hutchison. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 155]Crockett, David. A NARRATIVE OF THE LIFE OF DAVID CROCKETT BY HIMSELF. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1987. ISBN: 9780803263253. 5 x 8, 211 pgs, b&w illustrations. Davy Crockett describes his earliest days in Tennessee, his two marriages, his career as an Indian fighter, his bear hunts, and his electioneering. In 1834, when this autobiography appeared, Davy Crockett was already a folk hero with an eye on the White House, but a year later lost his seat in Congress and turned towards Texas. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 156]Cunningham, Keith. AMERICAN INDIANS' KITCHEN-TABLE STORIES. Little Rock, AR: August House Publishers, 1992. First edition. ISBN: 0874832020. 6 x 9, 240 pgs, index, notes. Contemporary conversations with Cherokee, Sioux, Hopi, Osage, Navajo, Zuni, and members of other nations. Paperback. Good+. $8.00 157]Cunningham, Reba Pierce. COWBOYS, COOKS, AND CATASTROPHES. Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1988. First printing. ISBN: 087004334X. 6 x 9, 138 pgs, b&w illustrations. A humorous book on ranch life and eccentric cowboys and characters in Wyoming's Big Horn Mountains in the 1930s.. Paperback. Good+. $15.00 158]Curry, Kiki. CROWS CALLING A Twisted Texas Tale of Murder and Intrigue. Texas: Published/Printed by the author, 2004. ISBN: 1414017588. 6 x 9, 433 pgs. A fast moving thriller with an authentic Texas twang. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 159]Davenport, Rita. DE GRAZIA AND MEXICAN COOKERY. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Press, 1982. First printing. ISBN: 0873583078. 6 x 9, 82 pgs, color illustrations throughout. Southwestern cooking with light-hearted de Grazia illustrations. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 160]Davies, Nigel. THE TOLTECS. Until the Fall of Tula. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1977. First edition. ISBN: 0806113944. 6 x 9, 533 pgs, b&w photos and maps. From archaeological records and documentary sources, an accurate history of the Postclassic peope of Central Mexico who flourished from about A.D. 900 to A.D. 1179. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $18.00 161]Davis, Carolyn O'Bagy. THE FOURTH WIFE Polygamy, Love & Revolution. Tucson, AZ: Rio Nuevo Publishers, 2011. First edition. ISBN: 9781933855516. 6 x 9, 204 pgs, b&w historical photos. an extraoridnary story of forbidden love, set against the background of the Mexican Revolution, the story of the fourth wife in a polygamous marriage to Anson Bowe Call, Mormon Bishop of Colonia Dublan in revolutionary-era Mexico. Paperback. New. $15.00 162]Davis, Carolyn O'Bagy. MOGOLLON MOUNTAIN MAN NAT STRAW Grizzly Hunter and Trapper. Tucson, AZ: Sanpete Publications, 2003. First printing. ISBN: 0963509241. 6 x 9, 229 pgs, index, b&w historical photos, foreword by Marc Simmons. The life story of Robert Nelson "Nat" Straw, legendary Gila mountain man and grizzly bear and mountain lion hunter. Paperback. New. $20.00 163]Davis, Carolyn O'Bagy and Terrence M. Humble. SILVER CITY Images of America. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2013. First edition. ISBN: 9780738599946. 6 1/2 x 9, 126 pgs, b&w historical photos throughout. Wonderful collection of historic photos tells the history of this southwestern New Mexico Old West town and its environs. Paperback. New. $22.00 164]Day, B.F. GENE RHODES, COWBOY. New York: Julian Messner, 1954. 5 1/2 x 8, 192 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. A "colorful, action-packed story of a real cowboy". A neat old childrens' book. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $15.00 165]Day, Donald, selected and edited by. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF WILL ROGERS. Chicago: Peoples Book Club, 1949. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 395 pgs, decorated endsheets, foreword by Bill & Jim Rogers. Twenty wonderful reminiscences on how he became the spokesman for the public and some of his great observations. Hardcover. Good+. $8.00 166]Dayhuff, Robert H. and James L. Pearson. NOTORIOUS ARIZONA CHARACTERS A Biographical Sketch of Eight Individuals Remembered For Their Notoriety. Tucson, AZ: Santa Cruz Valley Press, 2006. First printing. ISBN: 097699402X. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 190 pgs, b&w historical photos. Examines the careers of eight Arizona outlaws and lawmen who by virtue of their eccentric personalities performed some of the most outrageous acts in the history of the Arizona Territory: R.G. Apsey, Billy Stiles, Burt Alvord, Pearl Hart, Bill Brazelton, and more. Paperback. New. $17.00 167]DeMattos, Jack. THE EARP DECISION. College Station, TX: Early West, 1989. First edition. ISBN: 0932702473. 6 x 9, 207 pgs, index, b&w historical photos, decorated endsheets. The story of the championship boxing match between Fitzsimmons and Sharkey which Wyatt Earp, the referee, called for Sharkey and which generated a court hearing. Hardcover. New. $20.00 168]DeMattos, Jack. MASTERSON AND ROOSEVELT. College Station, TX: Early West, 1984. ISBN: 0932702317. 6 x 9, 149 pgs, b&w historical photos, decorated endsheets. Correspondence between Bat Masterson and Teddy Roosevelt, who had great admiration for Bat's career as a lawman and who appointed him Deputy U.S. Marshal in 1905. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $20.00 169]Denhardt, Robert Moorman. THE KING RANCH QUARTER HORSES. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985. First edition, later printing. ISBN: 0806127716. 7 x 10, 256 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustrations. The complete story of these famous horses, how they were bred and what they have achieved. Paperback. Very Good. $50.00 170]Di Peso, Charles. THE AMERIND FOUNDATION. Dragoon, AZ: The Amerind Foundation, Inc., 1967. 8 1/2 x 11, 64 pgs, b&w photos. All about the collection and operations of the Amerind Foundation in southeastern Arizona. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 171]Dimsdale, Prof. Thos. J. THE VIGILANTES OF MONTANA. or Popular Justice in the Rocky Mountains. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1955. Third printing. Western Frontier Library. 5 x 8, 268 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. A narrative of the chase, trial, capture and execution of Henry Plummer's road agent band, with accounts of the lives and crimes of many of the robbers and desperadoes, and life in the mining camps. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $20.00 172]Dimsdale, Prof. Thos. J. THE VIGILANTES OF MONTANA. or Popular Justice in the Rocky Mountains. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963. Sixth printing. Western Frontier Library. 5 x 8, 268 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. A narrative of the chase, trial, capture and execution of Henry Plummer's road agent band, with accounts of the lives and crimes of many of the robbers and desperadoes, and life in the mining camps. Ex-library. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $18.00 173]Dinar, Joshua. DENVER THEN & NOW. San Diego, CA: Thunder Bay Press, 2005. Third printing. ISBN: 1571457933. 11 x 9 1/2, 144 pgs, index, b&w and color photos. Illustrated throughout with black and white vintage photos opposite contemporary color photos. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $15.00 174]Dinges, Bruce, editor. THE JOURNAL OF ARIZONA HISTORY. Nine Issues plus one article from another issue. Tucson, AZ: Arizona Historical Society. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 119 pgs, b&w historical photos. From Spring 2003 through Summer 2005 plus one article, neatly bound from Spring 2002. Lots of good reading about Arizona history. Paperback. Very Good. $30.00 175]Dippie, Brian W., editor. CHARLIE RUSSELL ROUNDUP Essays on America's Favorite Cowboy Artist. Helena, MT: Montana Historical Society, 1999. First printing. ISBN: 0917298470. 6 x 9, 328 pgs, index, b&w and a section of color illustrations. Reminiscences of Russell by his many friends - from fellow owboys who knew him on the open range and neighborhood wchildren whose company showed Russell at his most childlike to wealthy art patrons, his wife Nancy, and such luminaries as Will Rogers. Paperback. Very Good+. $18.00 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 15 176]Dobie, J. Frank. APACHE GOLD & YAQUI SILVER. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1939. First edition. 6 x 9, 366 pgs, b&w and color illustrations by Tom Lea. Great Dobie stories about the Lost Adams Diggings, The Lost Tayopa Mine, Scalp Hunters' Ledge and more. Hardcover. Good. $50.00 177]Dobie, J. Frank. THE BEN LILLY LEGEND. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2004. Later printing. ISBN: 0292707282. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 237 pgs. The biography of the famous hunter, houndman, & mountain man. Details Mr. Lilly's life from homesteader/hunter days in the deep South to his lion & bear hunting days in the West. This reprint has complete text but not the old photos of Ben. Paperback. New. $22.00 178]Dobie, J. Frank. CORONADO'S CHILDREN. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1930. Later printing. 5 1/2 x 8, 367 pgs, b&w illustrations. Dobie's great work on the Lost Mines and Buried Treasures of the Southwest. Includes the Lost San Saba Mine, the Lost Adams Diggings, and some great lost mine stories from the Sierra Madre. Damp stains on top of most pages. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $20.00 179]Dobie, J. Frank. CORONADO'S CHILDREN. Garden City, NY: Garcen City Publishing, 1930. Later printing. 5 1/2 x 8, 367 pgs. Dobie's great work on the Lost Mines and Buried Treasures of the Southwest. Includes the Lost San Saba Mine, the Lost Adams Diggings and some great lost mine stories from the Sierra Madre. Ex-school library. Hardcover. Good. $15.00 180]Dobie, J. Frank . COW PEOPLE. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1964. Third printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 305 pgs, index, b&w photos. Dobie's wonderful collection of essays on people he knew and lived among on ranches in the brush country of Southwest Texas. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good DJ. $20.00 181]Dobie, J. Frank. GUIDE TO LIFE AND LITERATURE OF THE SOUTHWEST. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1943. Special Printing for SMU. 6 x 9, 111 pgs, b&w illustrations. Dobie wrote this book "primarily to help people of the Southwest see significances in the features of the land to which they belong, to make their environments more interesting to them, their past more alive...and to stimulate them to observe. Inscribed and signed by the author in 1949. Hardcover. Good+. $60.00 182]Dobie, J. Frank. THE LONGHORNS. New York: Bramhall House, 1951. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 388 pgs, index, b&w photos & illustrations by Tom Lea. The story of the Longhorn, including legend and folklore, the cowboys who came to be, the Spanish conquistadores, Colonial ranching, stampedes & more - told by a veteran storyteller. Hardcover. Very Good+. $30.00 183]Dobie, J. Frank. THE MUSTANGS. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1952. November 1952 printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 376 pgs, illustrated by Charles Banks Wilson. The story of the wild horse in America, it's domestication as a Spanish horse, Indian horse, and ranch horse. Many think this is Dobie's best book. Signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good+. $40.00 184]Dobie, J. Frank. ON THE OPEN RANGE. Dallas, TX: The Southwest Press, 1940. Fifth printing. 5 x 8, 312 pgs, b&w illustrations. Classic collection of Dobie tales about wildlife, hunters, longhorns, mustangs, horses, brands, Indian captives, buried treasure, lost mines and more, in the Southwest. Hardcover. Very Good+. $30.00 185]Dobie, J. Frank . OUT OF THE OLD ROCK. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1972. First edition, fourth printing. 5 1/2 x 8, 237 pgs. A gallery of uncommon personalities whose lives warmed the heart and furnished the memory of one of the best-loved storytellers of the great American Southwest; Tom Lea, Walter Prescott Webb, John Lomax and more. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $25.00 186]Dobie, J. Frank. PREFACES. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1975. First edition. ISBN: 0316187887. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 204 pgs. Dobie's introduction of forgotten western writers like Andy Adams, Gene Rhodes, Charles Siringo and Helen Hunt Jackson as well as artists Charles Russell and Frederic Remington. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 187]Dobie, J. Frank. RATTLESNAKES. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1965. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 201 pgs. Dobie's classic on the lore of the rattlesnake world. Hardcover. Very Good+. $30.00 188]Dobie, J. Frank. SOME PART OF MYSELF. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1967. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 282 pgs, index, b&w family photos. A collection of autobiographical pieces edited by Bertha Dobie after the death of the great story-teller. Covers the period from Dobie's birth in 1888 to the thirties when he was teaching at the Univ. of Texas. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $50.00 189]Dobie, J. Frank. TALES OF OLD-TIME TEXAS. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1955. 5 1/2 x 8, 336 pgs, b&w illustrations by Barbara Latham. From the master Texas storyteller - stories of Bigfoot Wallace, Jim Bowie, Sam Bass and animal stories - panthers, rattlers and bears. Wonderful reading. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 190]Dobie, J. Frank. A TEXAN IN ENGLAND. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1945. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 285 pgs, index. Dobie's entertaining account of the years spent in England in WWII as a lecturer at Cambridge, where he brought the customs, language and folklore of Texas to English academia. Hardcover. Good+. $20.00 191]Dobie, J. Frank. THE VOICE OF THE COYOTE. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1949. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 386 pgs, b&w illustrations by Olaus J. Murie. In typical Dobie style, the coyote both as he is biologically and as he exists in 16 human imagination - as he is in life, in literature and around the campfire. Hardcover. Very Good+. $100.00 192]Dobie, J. Frank. WILD AND WILY RANGE ANIMALS. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1980. ISBN: 0873582098. 5 x 8 1/2, 124 pgs. An attractive little book about animals of the western range, including the roadrunner, mustang, mule, longhorn, white stallion, coyote, and rattlesnake. Hardcover. Very Good+. $30.00 193]Dobie, J. Frank, editor. SPUR-OF-THE-COCK And Other Stories. Austin, TX: Texas Folk-Lore Stories, 1933. Number XI. 6 x 9, 113 pgs. Contains five stories and one proceedings from the society in 1933. The stories are: The Spur-ofthe-Cock, El Nino Perdido, Folk Names of Texas Cacti, Cats and the Occult, and Old-TIme Negro Proverbs. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 194]Dobyns, Henry F. THE MESCALERO APACHE PEOPLE. Phoenix, AZ: Indian Tribal Series, 1973. Limited edition. 5 1/2 x 9, 106 pgs, b&w and color photos. A commemorative book about this Apache tribe. Signed by the tribe president and numbered 1691 of 15,000. Stiff Wraps. Very Good+. $20.00 195]Doerr, Harriet. CONSIDER THIS, SENORA. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1994. Later printing. ISBN: 0156000024. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 241 pgs. A novel of four North American expatriates in a small Mexican village and how the land and the people change them. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00 196]Doig, Ivan. THE ELEVENTH MAN. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2009. ISBN: 9780547247632. 5 x 8, 406 pgs. Driven by the memory of a fallen teammate, Treasure State University's 1941 starting lineup became legend in Montana football history, charging through the season undefeated. Two years later, these 11 young men are all caught up in World War II, scattered around the globe in various theaters. But the eleventh man, Ben Reinking, has been taken out of pilot training by a military propaganda branch to chronicle the individual adventures of his former teammates for publication in small-town newspapers. He chafes at the assignment, not knowing that it will bring him an unexpected love, while also leaving him to eulogize more of his friends than anyone might have expected. Paperback. Very Good+. $5.00 197]Doig, Ivan. PRAIRIE NOCTURNE. New York: Scribners, 2005. Later printing. ISBN: 0743201361. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 371 pgs. An epic saga of two former lovers first introduced in Doig's Dancing at the Rascal Fair, part of his Montana Trilogy. Paperback. Very Good. $9.00 198]Donovan, Terrence J. BRAZEN TRUMPET Frederick W. Benteen and the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Lancaster, CA: MojaveWest Publishing, 2007. First edition. ISBN: 9780615220772. 5 1/2 x 8, 285 pgs, b&w historical photos, signed by the author. The author takes an analytical look at the existing evidence about whether or not Captain Benteen tarried on the trail on the way to the Little Big Horn, disobeying a writen order to come support Custer quickly. Paperback. Very Good+. $35.00 199]Dornan, Ellen. WICKED TAOS. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2014. First edition. ISBN: 9781626193079. 6 x 9, 127 pgs, b&w illustrations and photos. The people of Taos have always displayed a feisty--if not downright insurgent--spirit. Every uprising that toppled a New Mexican government started here, beginning with the Pueblo revolt against the Spanish colonists and including the assassinations of a Mexican-era tax governor, who lost his head, and the first American governor, who lost his scalp before his life. Living on the edge of the northern frontier of New Spain, Taosenos became accomplished smugglers of slaves, firearms and other black market goods. As a convenient terminus of the Old Sante Fe Trail, Taos drew loitering rabble-rousers who were overly fond of the dangerous hooch called Taos Lightning. In the twentieth century, a sleepy artists colony became a haven for a new kind of revolutionary, who dreamed of overthrowing bourgeois values. Paperback. New. $20.00 200]Drago, Harry Sinclair. WILD, WOOLLY & WICKED. New York: Bramhall House, 1960. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 354 pgs, decorated endsheets. The history of the Kansas cow towns and the Texas cattle trade. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $25.00 201]Duke, Cordia Sloan and Joe B. Frantz. 6000 MILES OF FENCE. Life on the XIT Ranch of Texas. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1972. Sixth printing. ISBN: 0292733798. 5 1/2 x 8, 231 pgs. The wife of an XIT division manager kept a diary of all that happened and herein is the story. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $40.00 202]Duncan, Dayton. MILES FROM NOWHERE. In Search of the American Frontier. New York: Viking Press, 1993. First edition. ISBN: 0670831956. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 320 pgs, decorated endsheets, section of b&w photos. A thoughtful, thematic analysis of issues affecting the virtually uninhabited lands of the West, where beauty and the bleak contend. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00 203]Duncklee, John. GIRL FROM NEW HOPE. Las Cruces, NM: Barbed Wire Publishing_, 2005. First edition. ISBN: 0976995816. 6 x 9, 293 pgs. A heartwarming tale of love won and lost, how people react to the shock of cultural change, a quite different look at life in the frontier west, and a wonderful addition to the literature of the West. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $15.00 204]Duncklee, John. PEACH TREES. Las Cruces,NM: Barbed Wire Publishing, 2001. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 232 pgs. Novel of a man haunted by his experiences in Vietnam who takes to the road in the West with a banjo as his only friend. Paperback. New. $5.00 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 205]Duncklee, John. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO BILLY-THE-KID. Las Cruces, NM: Barbed Wire Publishing, 2002. First printing. ISBN: 0972303286. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 26 pgs. Western satire at its finest. Staplebound Wraps. New. $2.00 206]Dyer, Robert C. TIMELESS IMAGES. An Arizona Highways Book. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Highways, 1990. ISBN: 0916179222. 10 x 12 1/2, 175 pgs, color photos throughout. Beautiful coffee-table style book spans the wide variety of "Arizona Highways" subject matter since it's first publication in 1925. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00 207]Dykstra, Robert R. THE CATTLE TOWNS. New York: Knopf, 1968. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8, 396 pgs, index, section of b&w photos. Social history of the Kansas cattle trading centres of Abilene, Ellsworth, Wichita, Dodge City and Caldwell between the years 1867-1885. Hardcover. Very Good. $30.00 208]Earp, Wyatt. Edited by Neil B. Carmony. HOW I ROUTED A GANG OF ARIZONA OUTLAWS- and other stories. Tucson, AZ: Trail to Yesterday Books, 1995. First printing. 6 x 9, 44 pgs, references, b&w illustrations. Three stories written by Earp for the San Francisco Examiner in August, 1896; the title story plus "Tales of the Shotgun-Messenger Service" and "A Tribute to Bat Masterson". Staplebound Wraps. New. $7.00 209]Easton, Robert and Mackenzie Brown. LORD OF BEASTS. The Saga of Buffalo Jones. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1961. Second printing. 6 x 9, 287 pgs, index, bibliography, notes, b&w illustrations. A biography, more vivid than fiction, of this giant of the West, Charles Jesse Jones; from his diaries, newspapers, letters, first-hand reports, and from authors Zane Grey and Emerson Hough. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+. $20.00 210]Eckert, Allan W. WILDERNESS EMPIRE. A Narrative. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1969. First Edition/Second Printing. 6 x 9, 653 pgs, index, biblio, notes, mapped endsheets. Gripping narrative of the eighteenth-century struggle between the French and English to win for themselves the allegiance of the Indians in a war for territorial dominance. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $30.00 211]Eckhardt, C.F. TEXAS TALES Y OUR TEACHER NEVER TOLD YOU. Plano, TX: Republic of Texas Press, 1992. Later printing. ISBN: 155622141X. 6 x 9, 214 pgs, index. Cold facts and impersonal statistics may be the bacon of Texas history, but the tall tales and interesting side stories are the sizzle. In this book, the author presents some of the Texas history sizzle that is often ignored when pure historians write about the Lone Star State. He adds to the flavor of Texas history with tales about such things as the first Texas revolution, the first English speaking person in Texas, and the little known counterrevolution of 18381840. he examines the expulsion of the Cherokees from Texas and provides details of some of the more famous Indian fights, and shows his romantic side with the legend of the famous Yellow Rose of Texas. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 212]Edmonds, Margot and Ella E. Clark. VOICES OF THE WINDS. Native American Legends. New York: Facts on File, 1989. Later printing. ISBN: 0816020671. 6 x 9, 368 pgs, b&w illustrations. A colorful and appealing anthology gathering more than 130 Native American legends, many told to the authors by elder storytellers and tribal historians. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 213]Eggenhofer, Nick. WAGONS, MULES AND MEN. How the Frontier Moved West. New York: Hastings House, 1961. First edition. 7 1/2 x 10, 184 pgs, index, bibliography, beautiful b&w drawings by the author. An exciting, colorful account of the way in which America expanded from Atlantic to Pacific with an emphasis on the vehicles our pioneering forefathers used and on the animals that hauled the wagons and packed the loads. Flaps of missing dust jacket are in book. Hardcover. Very Good. $60.00 214]Egloff, Fred R. EL PASO LAWMAN - G.W. CAMPBELL. College Station, TX: Early West, 1982. ISBN: 0932702228. 6 x 9, 143 pgs, biblio, b&w historical photos. Campbell was there in the famous El Paso gunfight where four men were killed in five seconds. Here's the story of the man and the event. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $22.00 215]Eichstaedt, Donna. SILVER CITY'S BEAR MOUNTAIN LODGE: THE UNTOLD STORY. Las Cruces, NM: Southwest Senior Books, 2008. First printing. ISBN: 9780982261705. 6 x 9, 76 pgs, b&w photos. Paperback. New. $12.00 216]El Paso Writers League. SOUTHWESTERN MOSAICS. El Paso, TX: Boots & Saddle Press, 1969. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 142 pgs. A collection of fiction, non-fiction and poetry by the writers of the El Paso Writers League of the time. Inscribed and signed. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $10.00 217]Emmons, David M. THE BUTTE IRISH Class and Ethnicity in an American Mining Town, 1875-1925. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1989. First printing. ISBN: 0252016033. 6 x 9, 443 pgs, index, bibliography. Tells the story of Butte, Montana's large and assertive population of Irish immigrants, tracing their backgrounds in Ireland, the building of an ethnic community in Butte, the nature and hazards of their work in the copper mines and the complex interplay betweenIrish nationaism and worker consciousness. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $100.00 218]Engstrand, Iris H.W. SPANISH SCIENTISTS IN THE NEW WORLD The Eighteenth-Century Expeditions. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1981. ISBN: 0295957646. 6 x 9, 220 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w historical photos, maps. Covers various voyages in Spain's Age of Enlightenment: Mozino, Malaspina, Pineda and Longinos. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $40.00 219]Epstein, Roslyn. AMERICAN INDIAN NEEDLEPOINT DESIGNS. New York: Dover Publications, 1973. ISBN: 0486229734. 8 x 11, 37 pgs. Designes for pillows, belts, handbags, etc. Oversized Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 220]Erdman, Loula Grace. THE WIDE HORIZON A Story of the Texas Panhandle. New York: Dodd Mead, 1956. Sixth printing. 5 1/2 x 8, 245 pgs. Award winning novel. Hard to find. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00 221]Erdoes, Richard. THE RAIN DANCE PEOPLE. New York: Knopf, 1976. First edition. ISBN: 039482394X. 6 1/2 x 9, 280 pgs, b&w photos. The story of the Pueblo Indians, their past and present. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+ in Good DJ. $12.00 222]Erdoes, Richard. THE SUN DANCE PEOPLE The Plains Indians, their past and present. New York: Knopf, 1972. First edition. ISBN: 0394923162. 6 1/2 x 9, 218 pgs, index, b&w photos. History and culture of the Plains Indians, through to their situation in the present day. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $6.00 223]Erdoes, Richard, and Alfonso Ortiz, editors. AMERICAN INDIAN MYTHS AND LEGENDS. New York: Pantheon, 1984. ISBN: 0394740181. 6 x 9, 528 pgs, b&w illustrations. A wonderful collection of folk myths and legends. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 224]Evans, Max. THE ROUNDERS. New York: Macmillan, 1960. First printing. 5 x 8, 153 pgs, illustrations by Charles W. Walker. A novel of two contemporary bronc-busters, racy, real and really funny. A classic. Hardcover. Good+. $75.00 225]Fagan, Brian. FLOODS, FAMINES AND EMPERORS El Nino and the Fate of Civilizations. New York: Perseus/Basic Books, 1999. Second printing. ISBN: 0965870367. 6 x 9, 284 pgs, index, notes, maps. Relates an understanding of global weather systems to history and archaeology. Fagan shows that shortterm climate shifts have been a major force in history, causing famines, wars, and shaking people's faith in their leaders and societies. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 226]Fairbanks, Jonathan L, curator, et. al. FRONTIER AMERICA: THE FAR WEST. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1974. ISBN: 0878460861. 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, 232 pgs, b&w and color photos. From a museum show: pictorial, decorative, and functional arts is life in the western part of the United States, from the Missouri to the Pacific Coast, as it was in the 19th century during colonization. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 227]Farmer, Randolph W. CURLY BILL Horse Thief, Cattle Dealer, Murderer, Lawman: 1858-1909. Tucson, AZ: Westernlore Press, 2012. First edition. ISBN: 9780870268038. 6 x 9, 272 pgs, b&w historical photos, map, index. Presents the cradle-to-grave story of William Albert Brosius. Gleaned from Texas state and county archives, this book explains why the historical record has been obscured by the culture of silence in Texas and the Wyatt Earp folklore in Arizona and California. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $30.00 228]Fergusson, Harvey. THE CONQUEST OF DON PEDRO. New York: William Morrow, 1954. 6 x 9, 254 pgs. Fergusson's well known novel of the Spanish colonial period around Santa Fe. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $10.00 229]Fernandez, Roberta. INTAGLIO A Novel in Six Stories. Houston, TX: Arte Publico Press, 1993. Second edition. ISBN: 1558850163. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 160 pgs. The book is magical, whether dealing with revolutionaries and witches or dressmakers and storytellers. The author's style is riveting as she tenderly explores the art in these women's lives, in the lives of all women. Paperback. Very Good+. $6.00 230]Fields, F.T. TEXAS SKETCHBOOK A Collection of Historical Stories from the Humble Way. Houston, TX: Humble Oil Co., 1958. Revised. 9 x 12, 104 pgs, b&w and color illustrations. The articles in this book appeared over a period of several years in The Humble Way, a magazine published quarterly by Humble Oil & Refining Company. It has articles on Gonzales, the Missions of Texas, Galveston, early East Texas, the Texas Navy, the Border Forts, Cabeza de Vaca and other articles. Paperback. Very Good. $30.00 231]Finn, Ed. THE LEGEND OF THE O.K. CORRAL. Tucson, AZ: Rio Nuevo, 2005. First printing. ISBN: 1887896716. 6 x 9, 64 pgs, color photos. Examines the mythic and factual histories of the 1881 gunfight at the O.K. Corral, focusing in particular on the life and character of Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $7.00 232]Fitzpatrick, George and John L. Sinclair. PROFILE OF A STATE - NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque, NM: Horn and Wallace, 1964. 9 x 12, 152 pgs, beautiful color photos throughout. A beautiful book looks at the landscape, the towns, missions, mines and highways and the people of this beautiful state. Hardcover. Very Good. $20.00 233]Flaherty, Thomas H., editor. THE MIGHTY CHIEFTAINS. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1993. ISBN: 0809494299. 8 1/2 x 11, 184 pgs, b&w and color photos. Part of "The American Indians" series, focuses on the leaders of the various Indian tribes. Hardcover. Very Good+. $10.00 234]Flemmons, Jerry. PLOWBOYS, COWBOYS AND SLANTED PIGS. Ft. Worth, TX: Texas Christian University Press, 1984. ISBN: 0912646950. 6 x 9, 230 pgs, b&w illustrations. A sampling of the author's columns as travel editor for the Fort-Worth Star-Telegram, miscellaneous magazine articles and his books "Amon" and "Texas". Paperback. Good+. $12.00 235]Flynn, Robert. NORTH TO YESTERDAY. A Novel. New York: Knopf, 1967. 6 x Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 17 9, 338 pgs. The story of a modern day cattle drive. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $12.00 236]Forbis, William H. THE COWBOYS. New York: Time-Life Books, 1978. 8 1/2 x 11, 240 pgs, historical photos and maps. A historical look at the American cowboy with a wonderful collection of oldphotos. Makes you want to saddle up! Full Leather. Good+. $12.00 237]Frantz, Joe B. TEXAS A Bicentennial History. New York: Norton, 1976. Second printing. ISBN: 0393055809. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 222 pgs, index, section of b&w photos. From the Texas Revolution against Mexico, cattle drives, Texas Rangers, the Civil War, football, Scott Joplin, Van Cliburn, and lots more. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $10.00 238]Franz, Carl, edited by Lorena Havens and Steve Rogers. THE PEOPLE'S GUIDE TO MEXICO. Santa Fe, NM: John Muir Publications, 1995. Tenth Edition. ISBN: 1562611917. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 591 pgs, illustrated. A huge guide to all aspects of traveling, visiting, and living in Mexico told in a lively, humorous style. Paperback. Very Good+. $5.00 239]Frazier, Ian. GREAT PLAINS. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1989. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 291 pgs, index, notes, illus/photos. An exemplary modern day tour of the historical Great Plains, Montana to Texas. Author captures the area and makes the Great Plains as interesting as the Rockies. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 240]Freedman, Russell. COWBOYS OF THE WILD WEST. New York: Scholastic, Inc., 1993. Later printing. ISBN: 0590475657. 8 1/2 x 9, 106 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. A true look at the proud young men who inspired the legend the old-time, trail-driving cowboys that worked on the open range during the 1890s. For young adults. Scholastic Paperback. Good. $5.00 241]FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE 10 Issues. Bandera, TX: J. Marvin Hunter, 1923. 7 1/2 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs, each. Includes October, November and December 1923, and January, February, March, May, June, August, and December 1924. Great old issues of this magazine devoted to frontier history, border tragedy and pioneer achievement. Paperback. Very Good. $100.00 242]Frost, Max and Paul A.F. Walter, editors. THE LAND OF SUNSHINE. A Handbook of the Resources, Products, Industries and Climate of New Mexico. Santa Fe, NM: New Mexican Printing Co., 1906. 6 x 9, 446 pgs, b&w photos. Full of illustrations and information on the farms, natural resources, mining, railroads, beekeeping, cattle raising of the Territory of New Mexico. A homesteader's guide illustrating the "land of opportunities" that did not become a state until 1912. Rebound, missing title page, otherwise complete. Hardcover. Very Good. $70.00 243]Fuentes, Carlos. THE YEARS WITH LAURA DIAZ A Novel. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 2000. First edition. ISBN: 0374293414. 6 x 9, 528 pgs. Tale of a woman who becomes important politically, in the art world, and as a lover of famous men. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $8.00 244]Gard, Wayne. THE GREAT BUFFALO HUNT. New York: Knopf, 1960. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 348 pgs, b&w photos & drawings. A study of the history of the great buffalo slaughter of 1871 to 1883 that reduced the buffalo herds of the West from forty million to less than one thousand. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00 245]Gard, Wayne. RAWHIDE TEXAS. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1965. First edition. 6 x 9, 236 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. Tells the story of the Texas settlers grappling with summer droughts and winter blizzards, fighting Comanches or wild beasts, diseases that killed livestock, prairie fires, and clouds of grasshoppers. In a chapter entitled "Men of the Law," the author tells about the lawmen and the Texas Rangers, the killing of Sam Bass, the capture of John Wesley Hardin, and the death of Ben Thompson and mentions Jim Courtright and other Texas bad men. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 246]Gardner, Mark L. and Mark Simmons, editors and annotators. THE MEXICAN WAR CORRESPONDENCE OF RICHARD SMITH ELLIOTT. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997. First edition. ISBN: 0806129514. 5 1/2 x 9, 292 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w historical photos. An account of the grueling march over the famous Santa Fe Trail, the triumphant entry of the army into Santa Fe, the U.S. occupation of New Mexico, and the eventual return to St. Louis by the a young Missouri Volunteer lieutenant and correspondent to the St. Louis Reveille. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00 247]Garrett, David and Christie. THE INN OF THE FIVE GRACES Santa Fe. Santa Fe, NM: Published/Printed by the author, 2008. 10 x 9, 50 pgs, color photos and illustrations. Beautiful promotional book about this luxury hotel. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 248]Garrett, Pat F. THE AUTHENTIC LIFE OF BILLY, THE KID. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1972. Eighth printing. ISBN: 0806102977. Western Frontier Library, 5 x 8, 156 pgs, b&w illustrations. The story of the noted desperado of the Southwest, whose deeds of daring and blood made his name a terror in New Mexico, Arizona & Northern Mexico. Hardcover Spiral Bound. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00 249]Garrett, Pat F. THE AUTHENTIC LIFE OF BILLY, THE KID. Albuquerque, NM: Horn & Wallace, 1964. First edition. 6 x 9, 151 pgs, b&w historical photos and illustrations, biographical foreword by Jarvis P. Garrett, Pat's son. The story of the noted desperado of the Southwest, whose deeds of daring and blood made his name a terror in New Mexico, Arizona & Northern Mexico. Hard- 18 cover. Very Good. $50.00 250]Garrett, Pat F. THE AUTHENTIC LIFE OF BILLY, THE KID. Albuquerque, NM: Horn & Wallace, 1964. First edition. 6 x 9, 151 pgs, b&w historical photos and illustrations, biographical foreword by Jarvis P. Garrett, Pat's son. The story of the noted desperado of the Southwest, whose deeds of daring and blood made his name a terror in New Mexico, Arizona & Northern Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $60.00 251]Garry, Jim. THIS OL' DROUGHT AIN'T BROKE US YET (But We're All Bent Pretty Bad) Stories from the American West. New York: Orion, 1992. First edition. ISBN: 1517588145. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 228 pgs, index. The author has worked as a cowboy, naturalist, wrangler, wilderness guide, camp cook political consultant, river runner, lumberjack, biologist, mule packer, and has a few stories to tell! Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 252]Gibbs, William E. and Eugene T. Jackman. NEW MEXICO MILITARY INSTITUTE: A CENTENNIAL HISTORY. Roswell, NM: Centennial Commission, 1991. ISBN: 096309971X. 6 x 9, 456 pgs, index, b&w photos. Lists of cadets, regents, casualties, deaths. History of an interesting school that has survived since the time of the Apache wars. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00 253]Giboire, Clive, editor. LOVINGLY, GEORGIA The Complete Correspondence of Georgia O'Keeffe & Anita Pollitzer. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990. First printing. ISBN: 0671692372. 6 x 9, 365 pgs, index, references, b&w illustrations. When O'Keeffe and Pollitizer met in art school, in 1914, they were as unlike as possible, but became friends. They exchanged some 200 letters from when they left school to 1968. Includes the interesting drawings that were part of their letters, along with a couple of facsimilies of their handwriting and notes on persons mentioned in the letters. Paperback. Good+. $8.00 254]Giese, Dr. Dale F., ed. MY LIFE WITH THE ARMY IN THE WEST. Memoirs of James E. Farmer. Silver City, NM: Privately Published, 1993. First edition, second printing. 5 x 7, 84 pgs, index, notes. Covers his time in the Utah War, his service in the Civil War in the New Mexico Territory, his visits to the forts in Texas, his time as a Fort Sill Indian Agent and his time at Fort Union, New Mexico. Paperback. Good. $12.00 255]Gillett, James B. SIX YEARS WITH THE TEXAS RANGERS. 1875 to 1881. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1976. Later printing. 5 x 8, 259 pgs, index. Gillett's classic account of his six years (1875-1881) of service with the Rangers. Paperback. Good. $15.00 256]Gipson, Fred. COWHAND The True Story of A Working Cowboy. New York: Harper & Bros., 1953. First edition. 6 x 8 1/2, 216 pgs. Fat Alford is the REAL cowboy whose life is told, complete with rope twirling and herd watching, but also with the vivid reality of a working cow hand's life. Hardcover. Very Good. $20.00 257]Glancy, Diane. FIRESTICKS. A Collection of Stories. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press. First edition. ISBN: 0806124903. 5 x 8, 142 pgs. Novella of short prose pieces of American Indian literature. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $10.00 258]Glass, Mary Ellen and Al. TOURING NEVADA A Historic and Scenic Guide. Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press, 1983. Third printing. ISBN: 0874170745. 8 x 9, 253 pgs, index, b&w photos. The perfect traveling companion for the first time visitor or the long time resident who wants to discover the unique and scenic spots of Nevada. Inlucdes 34 one day tours and much more. Paperback. Good+. $8.00 259]Goddard, Ruth and J. Frank Dobie. RALPH OGDEN and THE SEVEN MUSTANGS. Austin, TX: Jenkins Publishing, 1969. 5 x 9, 54 pgs. Dobie "at his best," in his essay at the unveiling of the "Seven Mustangs" in Austin, TX in 1948, and Ruth Goddard's story of one of the most interesting characters of Texas and Mexican history -- Ralph Ogden. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $50.00 260]Goetzmann, William H. & Kay Sloan. LOOKING FAR NORTH The Harriman Expedition to Alaska, 1899. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1983. ISBN: 0691005915. 6 x 9, 244 pgs, index, notes, b&w photos. Story of the expedition headed by Edward H. Harriman, head of the Union Pacific railroad, who assembled an assortment of scientists, naturalists, and photographers to head north to one of the last unexplored places. Paperback. Very Good+. $9.00 261]Gonzalez, Ray, editor. MIRRORS BENEATH THE EARTH Short Fiction by Chicano Writers. Willimantic, CT: Curbstone Press, 1992. First edition. ISBN: 1880684020. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 331 pgs. 31 stories depict the varied experiences of Mexican-Americans in the United States. Includes well known writers - Sandra Cisneros, Rudolfo Anaya, Ana Castillo - as well as new writers not previously published in book form. Some underlining and notations. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 262]Goodman, John K with foreword by Clay Lockett. ROSS STEFAN An impressionistic painter of the contemporary Southwest. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1977. First edition. ISBN: 0873581687. 9 x 12, 92 pgs, color and b&w art reproductions. Comprehensive volume on Stefan and his work contains thirtytwo full-color reproductions of oils and numerous black-and- white drawings, creating a panorama of the Southwest. There are impressions of Navajo country, southern Arizona, Indian pueblos, ranches -- as they exist today and each speaking the traditions which have become rooted in the land they depict. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $50.00 263]Goss, Carrie Frances. JUST FOR FUN. Roswell, NM: Old-Time Publications, Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 1992. First printing. ISBN: 0962228524. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 103 pgs, b&w illustrations. Poetry comprised of true stories of the author's ranch childhood in southeastern New Mexico. Hardcover. New. $2.00 264]Grattan, Virginia L. MARY COLTER Builder Upon The Red Earth. Grand Canyon, AZ: Grant Canyon Natural History Assn., 1992. Second edition. ISBN: 0938216457. 9 x 8, 131 pgs, index, b&w photos. Interesting piece of arcitectural history. Mary Colter was the chief decorator for the Fred Harvey Company from 1902-1948, and responsible for much of the development of Southwest style. Paperback. Good+. $8.00 265]Graves, John. GOODBYE TO A RIVER. New York: Knopf, 1976. First edition, eighth printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 306 pgs., bibliography, index. Typography, binding & jacket design by Carl Herzog. Graves nonfiction narrative of his 1957 canoe trip down the Brazos River of W. Texas. Reflections on local history, hunting, & fishing. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $50.00 266]Green, Ben K. WILD COW TALES. New York: Knopf, 1969. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 306 pgs. Thirteen stories full of rope burns and brush scratches wherein the author tells of the days he gathered cattle "range delivery" in 1930s Texas. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $80.00 267]Greene, A.C. THE SANTA CLAUS BANK ROBBERY. New York: Knopf, 1972. First edition. ISBN: 0394443799. 5 1/2 x 8, 267 pgs. Re-creates one of America's most bizarre bank hold-ups - the famous Santa Claus Bank Robbery in Cisco, Texas, that took the lives of seven men. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $25.00 268]Griffin, Earl. THE ESCADARA. West Conshohocken, PA: Infinity Publishing, 2007. ISBN: 074143556X. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 450 pgs. Novel set in the Panhandle of Texas in post-Civil War days and two men who built a great cattle ranch. Signed. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 269]Griffin, Sheila. RIDE ON THE WING OF THE EAGLE. ...Viewing life from a higher perspective. Santa Fe, NM: Mystic Moon Publications, 1998. First edition. ISBN: 0965934683. 5 1/2 x 7 1/2, 183 pgs. Shamanism, self help, personal growth, spirituality. Paperback. Fine. $10.00 270]Grinnell, George Bird. WHEN BUFFALO RAN. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1966. New Edition. Western Frontier Library. Originally published in 1920. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 114 pgs, b&w historical photos. A true story written by a Native American who lived the old ways and depicts that life vividly. Hardcover. Very Good+. $20.00 271]Gullett, Charly. COWBOY ACTION SHOOTING The Complete Old West Era Competition Reference. Prescott, AZ: Wolfe Publishing, 1995. First edition. ISBN: 1879356279. 6 x 9, 149 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustrations. A comprehensive reference to the fastest growing area of the shooting sports. Features guns, gear, loads, tactics, fun and flavor of Old West era competition. Paperback. Good+. $20.00 272]Hale, Susan Elizabeth. SONG & SILENCE Voicing the Soul. Albuquerque, NM: La Alameda Press, 1995. ISBN: 0963190938. 6 x 9, 250 pgs, index. The author shares experiential truths and lessons of the healing power of sound, song, and silence learned in her own journey as a singer. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 273]Hale, Will. TWENTY-FOUR YEARS A COWBOY AND RANCHMAN IN SOUTHERN TEXAS AND OLD MEXICO. Desperate Fights with the Indians and Mexicans. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1959. First, thus. Western Frontier Library. 5 x 8, 184 pgs, b&w illustrations, introduction by A.M. Gibson. Originally published in 1905, the author tells of fights with the Comanches in Texas, cattle raids and killings on both sides of the Rio Grange by both Mexican and American cowboys, the murder of a Pinkerton detective, the Lincoln County War, and the pursuit of Billy The Kid, etc. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $18.00 274]Haley, J. Evetts. FORT CONCHO AND THE TEXAS FRONTIER. San Angelo, TX: San Angelo Standard-Times, 1952. First edition. 6 x 9, 352 pgs, illustrations by H.D. Bugbee, decorated endpapers, designed and produced by Carl Hertzog. A history of West Texas in its heroic age by this famous author, gained from intensive study, personal experience and thoughtful reflection. Hardcover. Very Good+. $250.00 275]Haley, J. Evetts. THE HERALDRY OF THE RANGE. Canyon, TX: Panhandle Plains Historical Society, 1949. 8 1/2 x 11, 36 pgs, b&w illustrations, designed by Carl Hertzog. Gives a brief overview of the use and development of brands and branding in the West. Many ranchers, ranches, and brands are discussed: Charles Goodnight, the JA Ranch, the XIT, the Bell Ranch, the Matador Land & Cattle Co., the 101 Brand, and the JJ Brand. Signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $500.00 276]Haley, J. Evetts. JEFF MILTON: A GOOD MAN WITH A GUN. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1948. First edition. 6 x 9, 430 pgs, b&w historical photos. Haley's classic bio on this famous western lawman. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $150.00 277]Haley, J. Evetts. LIFE ON THE TEXAS RANGE. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1984. Fourth printing. ISBN: 0292746237. 9 x 12, 114 pgs, b&w historical photos throughout. The beautiful cowboy photos of this famous photographer with a biographical introduction by another famous Texan of letters. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $30.00 278]Haley, J. Evetts. ROUGH TIMES - TOUGH FIBER A Fragmentary Family Chronicle. Canyon, TX: Palo Duro Press, 1976. 6 x 9, 196 pgs, b&w historical photos, Carl Herzog design. A fascinating history of the author's family from early 19th century into Texas, Confederate army, and early days of ranching. Inscribed and signed. Hardcover. Fine. $200.00 279]Hall, Ralph J. THE MAIN TRAIL. San Antonio, TX: Naylor, 1971. ISBN: 0811104486. 6 x 8 1/2, 193 pgs, b&w photos, foreword by J. Earl Jackman, first edition. The author reminiscences of his missionary days in the cow camps and isolated homesteads of New Mexico. Humorous and interesting. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good DJ. $15.00 280]Hammond, John Fox. A SURGEON'S REPORT ON SOCORRO NEW MEXICO 1852. Santa Fe, NM: Stagecoach Press, 1966. Second edition/ limited to 750 copies. 5 x 7, 47 pgs, b&w illustrations. First reprint of this report first issued by the Surgeon Generals office in 1856. The report is supplemented by various observations of events in Socorro in the years 1841-1855. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $40.00 281]Hamner, Laur V. LIGHT 'N HITCH A Collection of Historical Writing Depicting Life on the High Plains. Dallas, TX: American Guild Press, 1958. First edition. 6 x 9, 350 pgs, mapped endsheets, b&w photos. Some wonderful, colorful stories from a woman who had authentic knowledge of High Plains history. Some are poignant, some sad, and some really funny Talks about Bat Masterson, Quanah Parker, barb wire, Colonel Goodnight, Native Americans, and the Towns of Tascos and Amarillo among many others. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $75.00 282]Hanson, Victor Davis. MEXIFORNIA A State of Becoming. San Francisco: Encounter Books, 2003. First printing. ISBN: 1594030561. 6 x 9, 150 pgs. Examines the predicament of those vigorous, ambitious Mexicans that make California strong but who are hurt by inadequate policies that damage them and this country. The author hopes that our traditions of assimilation, integration and intermarriage can yet remedy the immigration crisis that continues to grow and shape America's future. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 283]Hardrock, Harry (Ken Hodgson). AL PACKER The Scourge of Western Cusine - His Stories and Recipes. San Angelo, TX: Anchor Publishing, 1995. ISBN: 0943639232. 6 x 9, 100 pgs, b&w illustrations. Humor and recipes inspired by Al Packer, "Colorado's own cannibal gourmet". Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 284]Harjo, Joy and Gloria Bird, editors. REINVENTING THE ENEMY'S LANGUAGE Contemporary Native Women's Writings of North America. New York: Norton, 1997. Second printing. ISBN: 0393040291. 5 1/2 x 9 1/2, 576 pgs, index. Over 80 writers, poetry, fiction, prayer, memoir, each beginning with a short literary autobiography. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $10.00 285]Harkey, Dee. MEAN AS HELL. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1948. First edition, later printing. 5 1/2 x 8, 223 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustrations by Gene Roberts, decorated endpapers. In the index, Les Dow now does not have "outlaw" after it. The classic account by the New Mexico lawman. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $100.00 286]Harper, Minnie Tims and George Dewey Harper. OLD RANCHES. Dallas, TX: Dealey and Low, 1936. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 102 pgs, b&w historical photos. Descriptions of the old Texas ranches including the King, Goodnight, XIT, Chisum, Littlefield and many others. It also has information on the cowboys, the chuck wagon and a cowboy dance. Paperback. Very Good+. $50.00 287]Harrigan, Stephen. CONTEMPORARY TEXAS. A Photographic Portrait. Austin, TX: Texas Monthly Press, 1986. First edition. ISBN: 0877190267. 12 x 9, 239 pgs, b&w and color photos throughout. A pretty coffee table style book compiles the photographic works of fifteen texas photographers; people, places, scenes, and evocative text of modern day Texas. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00 288]Harris, Bill. NEW MEXICO A Picture Memory. New York: Crescent Books, 1993. ISBN: 0517072610. 9 x 11 1/2, 64 pgs, color photos throughout. Beautiful photographs of the Land of Enchantment. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $20.00 289]Harris, III, Charles H. THE SANCHEZ NAVARROS: A SOCIO-ECONOMIC STUDY OF A COAHUILAN LATIFUNDIO 1846-1853. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1964. 6 x 9, 127 pgs, b&w illustrations. This study undertakes to describe socio-economic conditions on the Sanchez Navarro latifundio from 1846 to 1853, provides some of the flavor of life in Coahuila during the middle of the 19th century. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Very Good+. $12.00 290]Harrison, Laura Soulliere and James E. Ivey. OF A TEMPORARY CHARACTER A Historic Structure Report of First Fort, Second Fort, and the Arsenal and Historical Base Map. Santa Fe, NM: National Park Service, Division of History, 1993. 8 1/2 x 11, 235 pgs, b&w illustrations. This is Southwest Cultural Resources Center Professional Papers No 43. Includes 10 sheet maps and a sheet index, in separate envelope. All still in plastic wrapper. Very collectible. Oversized Paperback. Fine. $200.00 291]Hasselstrom, Linda. LAND CIRCLE. Writings Collected from the Land. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing, 1991. ISBN: 1555910823. 6 x 9 1/2, 349 pgs. The author's views on the connections between land ethic and work ethic, and between conservation and conservatism. Page notation on front fly. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 292]Hasselstrom, Linda, poetry by Robert Dennis. RANCHER. Piermont, NH: Bunker Hill Publishing, 2007. First edition. ISBN: 9781593730581. 12 x 9 1/2, 101 pgs, b&w photos, introduction by M.J. Czarniecki. This book offers an Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 19 evocative photographic journey capturing the heart and soul of the American West. The American West of the late nineteenth century blazed off the pages of pulp novels as the Wild West - a land of gunslingers and outlaws, cowboys and Indians. The myth continued in films, television, and even theme parks. But what became of the West as the modern world grew ever closer, and does it still exist? These are just some of the questions that award-winning photographer Carl Corey set out to answer as he took his camera and set out on the road to capture the heart and soul of the American West - its people. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $20.00 293]Hassrick, Royal B. COWBOYS The Real Story of Cowboys and Cattlemen. London: Octopus Books, 1974. ISBN: 0706402944. 8 x 11, 144 pgs, index, b&w and color photos and illustrations. From the early days of the pioneering cattle drives.to modern style ranching.this book captures the real flavor of cowboy life. Hardcover. Very Good. $20.00 294]Hausman, Gerald. Illustrated by Sid Hausman. TURTLE DREAM. Santa Fe, NM: Mariposa Publishing, 1992. ISBN: 0933553064. 5 x 7 1/2, 115 pgs, monotone illustrations. Collected stories from the Hopi, Navajo, Pueblo, and Havasupai People. Ex-library. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 295]Heat-Moon, William Least. PRAIRYERTH. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1991. ISBN: 0395486025. 6 x 9 1/2, 624 pgs, endpapers decorated with maps of area. An exploration of time and space, landscape and history in one fragment of the Great Plains, Chase County, Kansas, by the best-selling author of "Blue Highways." Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 296]Hedgpeth, Don. SPURS WERE a-JINGLIN' A brief look at the Wyoming range country. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1975. First edition. ISBN: 0873581393. 8 x 10, 104 pgs, b&w photos. History of the range cattle cowboy from 1866 when traildriving began through the present. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $90.00 297]Heintz, William F. WINE COUNTRY A History of Napa Valley - The Early Years, 1838-1920. Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press, 1990. ISBN: 0884963160. 6 x 9, 333 pgs, two sections of b&w historical photos. An authoritative and interpretative history of the exciting grape and wine industry in the Napa Valley. Exlibrary with minimal markings. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00 298]Hening, H.B., editor. GEORGE CURRY, 1861-1947. An Autobiography. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1958. First edition. 6 x 9, 336 pgs, index, b&w photos, color portrait of Curry. Curry was a Rough Rider with Teddy Roosevelt, Territorial Governor of New Mexico, a member of the 62nd Congress, fought for New Mexico statehood, knew Billy the Kid, and much more. Lots of western history. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $50.00 299]Henrie, Maxine Anderson. THE PROUD BLOOD A Modern-day Novel. Las Vegas, NV: Ensign Publishers, 1979. First printing. ISBN: 093412602X. 6 x 9, 252 pgs. The story of a man overcoming feelings of revenge and anger, while dealing with the white heritage of his father, and the Indian heritage of his mother. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 300]Henry, Marguerite. SAN DOMINGO. The Medicine Hat Stallion. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1972. ISBN: 0528824430. 7 x 9 1/2, 231 pgs, b&w and color illustrations by Robert Lougheed. Young adult fiction set in the Nebraska Territory in the middle of the 19th century. Ex-library, rebound. Hardcover. Good. $10.00 301]Henry, Will. THE TEXAS RANGERS. New York: Random House, 1957. First edition. 5 x 8, 181 pgs, index, b&w illustrations by Charles Banks Wilson. For young adults, the true story of the most feared and famous organization of frontier fighters for law and order in American history. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $20.00 302]Hernandez, Jorge F., editor. SUN, STONE, AND SHADOWS 20 Great Mexican Short Stories. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2008. First edition. ISBN: 9789681685942. 5 x 8, 243 pgs. This anthology presents a collection of twenty tales of extraordinary quality, written by the finest Mexican authors born during the first half of the twentieth century. Through these pages, readers will tour the real and the unreal, the faithfully rendered and the fantastic, as well as the tangible past of Mexican history. They will also travel between urban reflections on everyday life and intimate inventions that set Mexico apart from other landscapes, other cultures, and other literatures. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00 303]Herndon, Rosanna Taylor. THE LINE FROM HERE TO THERE A Storyteller's Scottish West Texas. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 2008. First edition. ISBN: 9780896726307. 5 1/2 x 9, 133 pgs. Eighteen stories covering several generations of Scottish West Texans tell the life experiences that measured character and produced a distinctive toughness of spirit. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $20.00 304]Herrera, Juan Felipe. NOTEBOOKS OF A CHILE VERDE SMUGGLER. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2002. First printing. ISBN: 0816522154. 6 x 9, 190 pgs, b&w historical photos. Poetry with a political bent. Ex-library with usual markings. Paperback. Good+. $10.00 305]Hillerman, Tony. SELDOM DISAPPOINTED. A Memoir. New York: Harper Collins, 2002. First, thus. ISBN: 0060505869. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 340 pgs, b&w photos. Hillerman's autobiography. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00 306]Hillerman, Tony Hillerman. THE GREAT TAOS BANK ROBBERY. and Other 20 Indian Country Affairs. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1990. Later printing. ISBN: 082630530X. 5 x 8, 147 pgs, b&w illustrations. A collection of essays about life in New Mexico; factual stories in fictional guise. Fun reading! Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 307]Hine, Robert V. THE AMERICAN WEST An Interpretive History. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1984. Second edition. ISBN: 0316364452. 6 x 9, 410 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. This historian's point of view of the American West. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00 308]Hines, Walter. AGGIES OF THE PACIFIC WAR New Mexico A & M and the War with Japan. Las Cruces, NM: Yucca Tree Press, 1999. First edition. ISBN: 1881325377. 8 x 10, 166 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustrations. A history of the contributions of New Mexico A&M alumni during World War II in the Pacific Theatre. Signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good+. $60.00 309]Hoard, Dorothy. LOS ALAMOS OUTDOORS. Los Alamos, NM: Los Alamos Historical Society, 1993. ISBN: 0941232123. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 123 pgs, b&w maps and photos. A guide to 24 delightful hikes in the atomic bomb cradle country-set in one of the Southwest's most magnificent country-- as well as a guide to the cultural and natural history of the place. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 310]Hogrefe, Jeffrey. O'KEEFFE The Life of an American Legend. New York: Bantam Books, 1992. First edition. ISBN: 0553081160. 6 x 9 1/2, 376 pgs, index, two sections of b&w historical photos. This is an illuminating and in-depth biography of a great 20th century artist who, along with Eleanor Roosevelt and Helen Keller, was voted one of the 12 outstanding living women of the 1930's. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 311]Hoig, Stan. THE HUMOR OF THE AMERICAN COWBOY. New York: Signet, 1960. Later printing. Originally published in 1958. 4 x 7, 157 pgs, b&w illustrations by Nick Eggenhofer. An authentic collection of tall tales, anecdotes, yarns, jokes and humorous incidents from the Old West. Mass Market Paperback. Good+. $6.00 312]Holliday, J.S. THE WORLD RUSHED IN The California Gold Rush Experience. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1981. Third printing. ISBN: 0671255371. 6 x 9 1/2, 559 pgs, index, sources, b&w photos, maps & illustrations. An eyewitness account of the nation heading west built on the extraordinary diary and letters of a goldseeker named William Swain from the spring of 1849 to February 1851. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $16.00 313]Holling, Holling C. THE BOOK OF COWBOYS. New York: Platt & Munk, 1936. 8 1/2 x 11, 126 pgs, color illustrations. Children's book, describes ranch life out West, some of stories from time past, and some about today. Hardcover. Very Good. $30.00 314]Hollon, W. Eugene. FRONTIER VIOLENCE. Another Look. New York: Oxford University Press, 1974. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 279 pgs, index, biblio, b&w historical photos. Looks at the violence of the Old West as well as injustices to minorities, plus the other side of the coin, how the West was won through cooperation, fellowship and nonviolence. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $15.00 315]Hollon, W. Eugene. THE SOUTHWEST: OLD AND NEW. New York: Knopf, 1961. First edition. 6 x 9 1/2, 500 pgs, b&w photos. A social, political, and cultural history of America's oldest and newest frontier-from the early cliffdwellers' communities to the booming modern cities of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona. Mention of Wild Bill Hickok, Billy the Kid, Bat Masterson, Wyatt Earp & others. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 316]Holmes, Cora. GOOD-BYE, BOISE... HELLO, ALASKA. Greendale, WI: Reiman Publications, 1994. ISBN: 089821128X. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 274 pgs, color photos. The true story of a family's move to a remote island ranch in the Aleutian chain. Hardcover. Very Good+. $15.00 317]Holt, John. COYOTE NOWHERE. In Search of America's Last Frontier. New York: St Martin's Press, 2000. First edition. ISBN: 0312252102. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 282 pgs, b&w photos. The author and photographer spend time on the road in Montana, Wyoming, and Alberta and the Northwest Territories of Canada through an entire summer and fall, looking for the "true" West. Ex-library. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $12.00 318]Horgan, Paul. LAMY OF SANTA FE. His Life and Times. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1975. First printing. 6 x 9 1/2, index, notes, sections of b&w historical photos. From his life in France until 1839 to America, the midwest, Santa Fe, Taos, the Desert Diocese, Arizona, as Archbishop and more up to his death. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $25.00 319]Horn, Huston. THE PIONEERS. New York: Time-Life Books, 1974. 8 1/2 x 11, 240 pgs, profusely illustrated. This book of the series tells the story of the settlers of the Great Plains, the homesteaders and sodbusters of Kansas, Nebraska, etc. As usual in these books, great historical photos plus test. Padded brown leather. Hardcover. Very Good. $10.00 320]Howard, Helen Addison and Dan L. McGrath. WAR CHIEF JOSEPH. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1969. Later printing. 5 x 8, 368 pgs, index, b&w photos. No single Indian in American history embodies so completely the attributes of the perfect leader as Chief Joseph, leader of the Nez Perce in their last days of independence. Paperback. Good. $6.00 321]Howe, Elvon L., ed. ROCKY MOUNTAIN EMPIRE. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1950. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 272 pgs, b&w drawings, decorated endsheets. Revealing glimpses of the West in transition from old to new, from the pages of the Rocky Mountain Empire Magazine of "The Denver Post". Hardcover. Good. Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com $14.00 322]Hughes, Lenore Harris. HOLY ADOBE. El Paso, TX: Hughes Publishing, 2000. Third revised. 6 x 9, 195 pgs, b&w drawings and maps. The history, legends and stories of the old missions of New Mexico, West Texas and Juarez, Mexico. Paperback. New. $10.00 323]Hunter, J. Marvin, compiled & edited by. THE TRAIL DRIVERS OF TEXAS. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1985. First, thus. ISBN: 0292730764. 6 x 9, 1085 pgs, newly indexed, b&w historical photos. Interesting sketches of early cowboys and their experiences on the range and on the trail during the "days that tried men's souls" - true narratives related by real cowpunchers. Paperback. Very Good+. $25.00 324]Hunter, J. Marvin, editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas: 1923. 7 1/2 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs each. Includes Vol.1 No. 1 through Vol. 1 No. 3, October-December. Paperback. Very Good+. $60.00 325]Hunter, Marvin. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas. 7 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs, twelve issues, 1931 complete. Paperback. Very Good+. $150.00 326]Hunter, Marvin, editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas: 1928. 7 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs each. Eleven issues of 1928 excluding August. Paperback. Very Good+. $110.00 327]Hunter, Marvin, editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas: 1929. 7 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs each. Eleven issues of 1929 excluding January. Paperback. Very Good+. $110.00 328]Hunter, Marvin, editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas: 1932. 7 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs each. Six issues of 1932. Includes January, February, March, April, May and June. Paperback. Very Good+. $60.00 329]Hunter, Marvin J. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas: 1930. 7 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs, each. Twelve issues, 1930 complete. Paperback. Very Good+. $150.00 330]Hunter, Marvin J., editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas: 1924. 7 x 10, 32 pgs each. January - December 1924, complete. Paperback. Very Good+. $150.00 331]Hunter, Marvin J., editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas: Western Publications, Inc., 1925. 7 x 10, 32 pgs each. January, February, March, April, July, October and November 1925. Paperback Spiral Bound. Very Good+. $70.00 332]Hunter, Marvin J., editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas: 1926. 7 1/2 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs each. 11 issues from 1926 with April missing. Paperback. Very Good+. $110.00 333]Hunter, Marvin J., editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas: 1927. 7 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs, each. Eleven issues for 1927, excluding October. Paperback. Very Good+. $110.00 334]Hunter, Vickie and Elizabeth Hamma. STAGECOACH DAYS. Menlo Park, CA: Lane Book Co., 1963. 8 1/2 x 11, 63 pgs, b&w illustrations. History of stagecoaches in the West, how they are/were made, exciting stories from the glory days. Paperback. Good+. $8.00 335]Hurst, Irvin. THE 46TH STAR A History of Oklahoma's Constitutional Convention and Early Statehood. Oklahoma City, OK: Western Heritage Books, Inc., 1980. ISBN: 0865460116. 6 x 9, 184 pgs, b&w historical photos. The fascinating story of how two diverse territories became the state of Oklahoma. Includes two appendices: one with a list of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention, and the other with how the counties were named. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $16.00 336]Hurst, James W. THE VILLISTA PRISONERS OF 1916-1917. Las Cruces, NM: Yucca Tree Press, 2000. First printing. ISBN: 188132544X. 6 x 9, 116 pgs, index, b&w photos. A historic look at the men who fought with Pancho Villa during the raid on Columbus, their capture and what happened to them. Paperback. New. $9.00 337]Irving, Washington. A TOUR ON THE PRAIRIES. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1956. First printing. Western Frontier Library. 5 x 8, 214 pgs. The author's record of a 10-week excursion to the Far West in 1832 - Oklahoma, the Army Rangers, the Indians and vivid descriptions of rivers, plains and forest. Brown leatherette with gilt stamps. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $20.00 338]J. Evetts Haley. GEORGE W. LITTLEFIELD: TEXAN. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1943. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 227 pgs, b&w illustrations. Littlefield was a Confederate soldier, philanthropist, cow rancher and was heavily involved in the affairs of the University of Texas. Hardcover. Very Good+. $125.00 339]Jacobson, Ken. POLITICALLY CORRECT HUNTING. Bellevue, WA: Merril Press, 1999. First edition, second printing. ISBN: 0936783141. 6 x 9, 159 pgs, b&w illustrations. Unveils the threats to hunting and its future. The author defends hunting in a humorous, death-can-be-fun style. He is a hunter activist and takes issue with environmental extremists, nature-fakers, giving human characteristics to animals, tree and bunny huggers, the political manipulation of hunters and the management of our game animals. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 340]Jakes, John, editor and with an introduction by. A CENTURY OF GREAT WESTERN STORIES An Anthology of Western Fiction. New York: Tom Doherty, 2000. Later printing. ISBN: 0312869851. 6 x 9, 525 pgs. Thirty western stories by authors like Louis L'Amour, Elmer Kelton, Bill Pronzini, Max Evans, Ernest Haycox, Max Brand and Zane Grey. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 341]James, Marquis. THE RAVEN - A BIOGRAPHY OF SAM HOUSTON. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, Inc., 1929. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8, 489 pgs. From interviews with people who knew Sam Houston, his family or his associates, a remarkable life story of a remarkable man. Hardcover. Good+. $50.00 342]James, W.S. COW-BOY LIFE IN TEXAS, or 27 YEARS A MAVRICK. Chicago: M.A. Donohue & Co., 1893. 5 x 8, 213 pgs, b&w illustrations. "A Realistic and True Recital of Wild Life on the Boundless Plains of Texas, being the Actual experience of Twenty-Seven years in the Exciting Life of a Genuine Cow-Boy Among the Roughs and Toughs of Texas." Hardcover. Very Good+. $100.00 343]Jameson, W.C. BURIED TREASURES OF THE AMERICAN SOUTHWEST. Little Rock, AR: August House, 1989. First edition. ISBN: 0874830826. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 220 pgs, biblio, maps by Wendell E. Hall. Legends of lost mines, hidden payrolls and spanish gold. 36 stories in all in Arizona, Arkansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma & Texas with interviews of people who have searched for the particular treasures. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 344]John Nichols. DANCING ON THE STONES. Selected Essays. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2000. ISBN: 0826321836. 5 1/2 x 9, 247 pgs, b&w illustrations. Thirty years of Nichols' writings ranging from idyllic reflections on nature to unmerciful satires on impending Armageddon. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 345]Johnson, Lady Bird. A WHITE HOUSE DIARY. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston , 1970. First edition, second printing. ISBN: 030852544. 6 1/2 x 9, 806 pgs, sections of b&w photos. An autobiography of Lady Bird Johnson, wife of former President Johnson, during her years as First Lady in the White House. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $100.00 346]Johnson, LouAnne. GIRLS IN THE BACK OF THE CLASS. New York: St Martin's Press, 1995. First edition. ISBN: 0312130813. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 262 pgs. A teacher overcoming typical teenage obstacles to graduate even "the girls in the back of the class". Inspiring read about dedicated teaching. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 347]Johnson, Paul C., editor. THE BEAUTIFUL SOUTHWEST. Menlo Park, CA: Lane Publishing, 1972. First printing. ISBN: 0376051116. 8 1/2 x 11, 224 pgs, b&w and color photos. A beautiful coffee-table photo book, features the bestof-the-best of a collection of southwestern scenery. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00 348]Jones, Dave. MAKING AND REPAIRING WESTERN SADDLES. New York: Arco Publishing, 1982. ISBN: 0668049065. 8 x 10 1/2, 128 pgs, b&w photos. Tools and materials, step-by-step saddlemaking, saddle variations and repairs and more. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $70.00 349]Jones, David Richard, ed. NEW MEXICO PLAYS. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1989. ISBN: 0826311695. 6 x 9, 231 pgs. A collection of six plays about New Mexico, urban & rural, female & male, Hispanic & Anglo, scientific & religious and introductions to each. Paperback. Very Good+. $9.00 350]Jones, J.L. "Lem". HELL AMONG THE YEARLIN'S. Junction, TX: John Cashman, 1995. First edition. 6 x 9, 141 pgs, b&w illustrations. The author's life and experiences cowboying in the early 1900s and the ranching and auctioning business he built in the mid 1900s in Kimble County Texas. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00 351]Julyan, Robert. THE PLACE NAMES OF NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press. Revised. ISBN: 0826316891. 6 x 9, 385 pgs. Explains more than 7,000 names of features large & small throughout the state: towns, mountains, rivers, canyons, counties, post offices, even abandoned settlements. Paperback. New. $25.00 352]Kanon, Joseph. LOS ALAMOS. A Novel. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1997. ISBN: 0316640018. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 403 pgs. Work on the atomic bomb in 1945 nears completion in New Mexico and a security officer is found murdered: a supremely original thriller re-creates the most compelling real-life drama of this century. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00 353]Karl, Dennis. GLORIOUS DEFIANCE Last Stands Throughout History. New York: Paragon House, 1990. First edition. ISBN: 1557780293. 6 x 9, 337 pgs, inces. An analytical treatment of last stands in battles throughout history, from ancient Greece to Vietnam. The author provides detailed narrative accounts of eleven battles, and examines the political situations in which they occurred. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00 354]Keating, Bern. ZEBULON PIKE Young America's Frontier Scout. New York: Putnams, 1965. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 159 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. Biography taken from Pike's own journals. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+. $6.00 355]Keenan, Jerry. THE WAGON BOX FIGHT. An Episode of Red Cloud's War. Conshohocken, PA: Savas Publishing Co., 2000. ISBN: 188281072. 6 x 9, 158 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Well-written account of a critical moment when the Old West met new weapons: a 1867 encounter near Fort Phil Kearney. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 356]Kelly, Wayne Scott. LARIATS AND CHEVRONS. Corporal Jack Wilson, U.S.V.A.,R.R. Guthrie Publishing, 1903. 5 x 7 1/2, 620 pgs. Fictionalized historical account of a famous cowpuncher. Worn cover, binding sound. Hardcover. Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 21 Fair. $100.00 357]Kelton, Elmer. THE ART OF FRANK C. MCCARTY. New York: William Morrow, 1992. First edition. ISBN: 0688118836. 9 x 12, 160 pgs, color art reproductions throughout. Heroic images of the American West: The Plains Indian, Mountain Men, The Hunter Warrior, The Cavalry, Storm Over the Plains, Traveling West. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $60.00 358]Kelton, Elmer. THE ART OF JAMES BAMA. New York: Bantam Books, 1993. First edition. ISBN: 0553093053. 9 x 12, 160 pgs, color art reproductions throughout. Comprehensive collection of his finest work, showing real people of the new West recreating their history, and descendants of the Old West paying homage to their heritage. Bama's ability to convey their emotion gives paintings a resonance like no other. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $60.00 359]Kelton, Elmer. SANDHILLS BOY The Winding Trail of a Texas Writer. New York: Tom Doherty/Forge, 2010. ISBN: 9780765354280. 4 x 7, 293 pgs, section of b&w photos. Mass-market paperback. The author's memoirs of his boyhood in the sandhills of West Texas. Paperback. Good+. $5.00 360]Kennedy, Paul E., rendered for coloring by. NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN DESIGN. Coloring Book. New York: Dover Publications, 1971. ISBN: 0486211258. 8 1/2 x 11, 46 pgs, b&w illustrations, color illustrations on inside of cover. Indian design coloring book, unused. Oversized Paperback. Good. $5.00 361]Kennon, Bob as told to Ramon F. Adams. FROM THE PECOS TO THE POWDER. A Cowboy's Autobiography. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1965. First edition. 6 x 9, 251 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustrations, maps. A autobiography as told to Ramon F. Adams by Bob Kennon who believed that he was one of the last living riders of the long trail from Texas to Montana. Hardcover. Very Good+. $35.00 362]Kessler, Ron. OLD SPANISH TRAIL NORTH BRANCH AND ITS TRAVELERS. Monte Vista, CO: Adobe Village Press, 1998. First edition. ISBN: 0865342709. 6 x 9, 384 pgs, index, b&w photos. Entries from sixteen diaries and journals that describe the adventures and difficulties encountered along this trail that led from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Crescent Junction near Green River, Utah. Paperback. New. $25.00 363]Kessler, Ron. RE-TRACING THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL NORTH BRANCH. Today's OST Travel Guide. Monte Vista, CO: Adobe Village Press, 1995. ISBN: 096440561X. 6 x 9, 148 pgs, b&w photos, maps. A history of this portion of the Old Spanish Trail and a guide to traveling it today. Paperback. New. $16.00 364]Kessler, Ron. SAN LUIS VALLEY PLACE NAMES. Monte Vista, CO: Adobe Village Press, 2002. ISBN: 0964405660. 6 x 9, 112 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations, maps. Tells the origins of place names of over 400 locations (some ghost towns) in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. . Paperback. New. $15.00 365]Kessler, Ron. SAN LUIS VALLEY ROCK ART. Monte Vista, CO: Adobe Village Press, 2000. ISBN: 0964405628. 6 x 9, 184 pgs, b&w photos. An in-depth study of the petroglyphs and pictographs of this area of southern Colorado. Paperback. New. $18.00 366]Kessler, Ron, ed. ANZA'S 1779 COMANCHE CAMPAIGN. Diary of Governor Juan Bautista de Anza. Monte Vista, CO: Adobe Village Press, 2001. Second edition. ISBN: 0964405636. 6 x 9, 39 pgs, b&w photos, maps. Anza's diary with notations explaining places and historical events. Paperback. New. $13.00 367]Kilgore, Dan. HOW DID DAVY DIE? College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1978. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 48 pgs. Originated as the presidential address to the Texas State Historical Association on March 4, 1977; welldocumented account of the death of Davy Crockett. Hardcover. Very Good. $60.00 368]Kilman, Ed and Theon Wright. HUGH ROY CULLEN - A STORY OF AMERICAN OPPORTUNITY. New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1954. 6 x 9, 376 pgs, index, b&w illustrations and section of b&w photos. Cotton broker, real estate man and oil producer, and more importantly, great philanthropist. This is the story of a man who created his opportunities and took chances to gain his fortune. Hardcover. Very Good. $25.00 369]Kingsolver, Barbara. HIGH TIDE IN TUCSON. Essays from Now or Never. New York: Harper Collins, 1995. Later printing. ISBN: 0060927569. 5 x 8, 273 pgs. Twenty-five essays on family, community and the natural world: defiant, funny and courageously honest. Paperback. Good. $6.00 370]Kirkland, Elithe Hamilton. DIVINE AVERAGE. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1952. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8, 378 pgs, mapped endsheets. A historical novel on that period of Texas history when "Cow Boy" was a phrase with a controversial meaning and "Texians" a nationality. Hardcover. Good+. $20.00 371]Kniffen, Fred B. THE INDIANS OF LOUISIANA. Gretna, LA: Pelican Publishing, 1998. Later printing. ISBN: 0911116974. 6 x 9, 110 pgs, b&w illustrations. A study of the lives and beliefs of the native Indians of Louisiana, written as a classroom teaching aid. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00 372]Krakel, Dean. TOM RYAN A Painter in Four Sixes Country. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1976. First edition. ISBN: 087358087x. 10 1/2 x 8, 111 pgs, b&w and color art reproductions and photos. Signed by Ryan and Krakel. Text traces Ryan's life from childhood through his years in New York as a successful illustrator of Western book jackets to his life back in Texas. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $80.00 22 373]Krutch, Joseph Wood. Photos by Eliot Porter. BAJA CALIFORNIA AND THE GEOGRAPHY OF HOPE. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1967. 7 x 10, 160 pgs, beautiful color photos throughout. Photos and text tell the natural history of Baja California. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 374]L'Aloge, Bob. GHOSTS AND MYSTERIES OF THE OLD WEST. True Accounts of New Mexico & the Old West. Las Cruces, NM: Yucca Tree Press, 1990. First printing. ISBN: 0962294012. 6 x 9, 121 pgs, index, b&w illustrations by David Kwiecinski. Sixteen well researched ghost stories from Red River to Silver City and Lordsburg to Lincoln in New Mexico. Signed by the author. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 375]L'Amour, Louis. CALLAGHEN. New York: Bantam Books, 1972. Later printing. 4 x 7, 183 pgs, mass-market paperback. A decent reading copy of L'Amour's classic. Paperback. Good. $2.00 376]LaFarge, Oliver. A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN. New York: Crown, 1956. First printing. 9 x 12, 213 pgs, index, lots of b&w and color historical photos. From those that discovered America, to the Wigwam people, the Western farmers, the plains Indians and all the rest. A wonderful coffee table book. Hardcover. Very Good+ (dust jacket mostly gone). $15.00 377]Lamadrid, Enrique R. and Mario del Valle, eds. AN EYE THROUGH THE WALL: MEXICAN POETRY 1970-1985. Tooth of Time Books, 1986. 7 x 10, 227 pgs. Twenty-three of Mexico's finest poets, poems in both Spanish and English. Paperback. Good. $12.00 378]Land, Edwin, David H. McAlpin, Jon Holmes, and Ansel Adams. ANSEL ADAMS Singular Images. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Morgan & Morgan, Inc., 1974. ISBN: 0871000466. 8 x 10, 60 pgs, b&w photos. Selected photographs from the mid1950's to the early 1970's; chiefly California landscape studies including Adams' beloved Yosemite Valley. Includes the photographer's statement, plus acknowledgments. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00 379]Landry, Tom with Gregg Lewis. TOM LANDRY: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. New York: Harper Collins, 1990. ISBN: 0310529107. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 302 pgs, index, section of color photos. An inside look at the coach, the man, the legend. A personal account of the Dallas Cowboys -- the people, the organization that became "America's Team." Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00 380]Lang, William L. and Robert C. Carriker. GREAT RIVER OF THE WEST Essays on the Columbia River. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1999. ISBN: 0295977779. 6 x 9, 181 pgs, index, b&w photos. A collection of writings by historians and anthropologists who consider a range of topics about the river, from Indian rock art, Chinook Jargon, and ethnobotany on the Columbia to literary and family history, the creation of an engineered river, and the inherent mythic power of place. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 381]Lansford, William Douglas. PANCHO VILLA. Los Angeles: Sherbourne Press, 1965. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 283 pgs, biblio, two sections of b&w photos. Explores the legend of Pancho Villa and portrays the man beneath the hype. Lots of neat old pictures. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00 382]Larios, Shellie. YELLOWSTONE GHOST STORIES Spooky tales from the world's first national park. Helena, MT: Riverbend Publishing, 2007. Third printing. ISBN: 1931832714. 6 x 9, 110 pgs. Headless brides, undead spirits, mysterious sounds...read these scary stories late at night around your campfire - if you dare! Paperback. Very Good+. $5.00 383]Larson, Charles R. AMERICAN INDIAN FICTION. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1979. Second printing. ISBN: 082630477X. 6 x 9, 208 pgs. The author traces the development of Native American fiction. Ex-library, but clean. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $7.00 384]Lauer, Charles D. TALES OF ARIZONA TERRITORY. Phoenix: Golden West, 1990. ISBN: 0914846477. 6 x 9, 158 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustrations. Spellbinding stories of ranchers and Indians, stagecoaches and freight wagon trains, outlaws and bandits. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 385]Lavender, David. CLIMAX AT BUENA VISTA The American Campaigns in Northeastern Mexico 1846-47. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1966. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8, 252 pgs, index. The complete story of this decisive battle of the Mexican War. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Very Good. $15.00 386]Lea, Tom. THE WONDERFUL COUNTRY. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1952. Book Club. 5 x 8, 307 pgs, drawings by author. Lea's well known and very excellent novel of the El Paso region during the Apache Wars era. Hardcover. Good in Fair DJ. $20.00 387]Lecompte, Janet. REBELLION IN RIO ARRIBA - 1837. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1985. First edition. ISBN: 0826308015. 5 x 8, 186 pgs, index. Long ago history of a rebellion in New Mexico in 1837. Well researched book shows what happened, people involved, outcome. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 388]Lee, James V. NINE YEARS IN THE SADDLE. Salado, TX: Salado Press, 1998. Audio. ISBN: 0966387025. Two cassette tapes in case. The author's father's stories of trail life during the depression years: roping and tying up lions for a dude ranch, selling bootleg booze to a sheriff, surviving an armed showdown with a neighbor and lion hunts with the Lee's. New. $15.00 389]Lee, James V. NINE YEARS IN THE SADDLE. Salado, TX: Salado Press, 1998. First printing. ISBN: 0966387007. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 140 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. The author's father's stories of trail life during the depression years: roping and tying up lions for a dude ranch, selling bootleg booze to a sheriff, Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com surviving an armed showdown with a neighbor & lion hunts with the Lee's. Paperback. New. $15.00 390]LeFree, Betty. SANTA CLARA POTTERY TODAY. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1987. Later printing. ISBN: 0826303226. 6 x 9, 114 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations and a section of color photos. Historical research and interviews about the making of Santa Clara pottery today. Paperback. Very Good. $7.00 391]Leveque, Laura, alias Jackass Jill. WHOA YOU DONKEY...WHOA! Adventures of a Lady Prospector. Deming, NM: Jackass Junction Publishing, 2006. First printing. ISBN: 0977644405. 6 x 9, 154 pgs, b&w illustrations. Tales of mining camps and donkey trails, originally published as columns in Gold Prospectors magazine beginning in 1996. Paperback. New. $17.00 392]Limerick, Patricia N. THE LEGACY OF CONQUEST. The Unbroken Past of the American West. New York: Norton, 1987. ISBN: 0393304973. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 396 pgs, index, biblio, notes, b&w photos. Puts the American West in its proper perspective that lets us see our present west as the continuum that it is and always has been. Paperback. Good+. $9.00 393]Linderman, Frank Bird, edited by H.G. Merriam. RECOLLECTIONS OF CHARLEY RUSSELL. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980. Second printing. 6 x 9, 148 pgs, index, illustrations by Charles Russell. A fascinating memoir this American artist of the Wild West by his friend and fellow enthusiast. Ex-library. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $15.00 394]Linderman, Frank Bird, edited by H.G. Merriam. RECOLLECTIONS OF CHARLEY RUSSELL. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963. First edition. 6 x 9, 148 pgs, index, b&w and color illustrations by Charles Russell, and photos. A fascinating memoir this American artist of the Wild West by his friend and fellow enthusiast. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $60.00 395]Lobdill, Jerry J. LAST TRAIN TO EL PASO The Mysterious Unsolved Murder of a Cattle Baron. Ft. Worth, TX: Cross Timbers Press, 2014. ISBN: 9781495431845. 6 x 9, 263 pgs, index, notes, bibliography, b&w historical photos. Thomas Lyons, a prominent Grant County civic leader, owned a ranching enterprise spread over 1.5 million acres. He was murdered not long after he arrived at Union Station in El Paso on May 17, 1917. Witnesses later said a mystery man had met him at the train station._The author contends that the case, one of the most sensational crimes in El Paso history, resulted in a gross miscarriage of justice. T.J. Coggin, portrayed in newspapers as a wealthy El Paso cattleman, and his younger brother, Millard Coggin, were indicted as codefendants, along with Felix Jones, identified as the hit man who killed Lyons. Charges against the Coggin brothers were eventually dismissed and someone bought Jones a pardon after he was sent to prison. The author suggests that neither the press nor law officers at the time seemed to care that T.J. Coggin and T.A. Morrison were at one time closely associated with Jim Miller, a notorious outlaw and killer who was lynched in 1909. The book identifies Morrison as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Lyons case. Paperback. New. $25.00 396]Lockwood, Frank C. and Donald W. Page. TUCSON - THE OLD PUEBLO. Tucson, AZ: Santa Cruz Valley Press, 2005 (1930). New Edition. ISBN: 0976994003. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 102 pgs, maps, drawings, and b&w photos, plus new index to the new edition. One of the earliest attempts to put together a concise history of Tucson. Based on documentary evidence, and, most importantly, straight from the mouths of the pioneers who were the principal actors in the drama. Paperback. New. $13.00 397]Lomax, John. ADVENTURES OF A BALLAD HUNTER. New York: Macmillan, 1947. First printing. 5 1/2 x 8, 302 pgs, b&w illustrations. When young John Lomax started college just at the beginning of the 20th Century, he always had with him his cowboy songs which his professors told him were cheap hillbilly junk. Eventually, he went to the areas of poverty in the South and especially the hill country of Texas where he discovered rich songs of camp meetings, saloon, and prisons. Ranging from the work songs to Killer Griffin's Calvary sermon in the Texas Penitentary. Hardcover. Very Good. $60.00 398]Lummis, Charles. A NEW MEXICO DAVID And Other Stories and Sketches of the Southwest. New York: Scribners, 1891. 5 x 7, 217 pgs, b&w historical photos. Wonderful first-hand accounts of the author's adventures in the late 1800s in the southwest. Rebound, ex-library with minimal markings. Hardcover. Very Good. $40.00 399]Lummis, Charles. Edited by Turbese Lummis Fiske. GENERAL CROOK AND THE APACHE WARS. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1966. First edition. 6 x 9, 148 pgs, b&w illustrations. First hand accounts of Crook and his pursuit of the Apaches and Geronimo. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $45.00 400]Lummis, Charles F. THE LAND OF POCO TIEMPO. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1973. Fourth printing. ISBN: 0826300705. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 310 pgs, b&w illustrations and photos. The author's observations of the people and customs of New Mexico in the first half of the century. Paperback. Good. $12.00 401]Lynch, Gerald. ROUGHNECKS, DRILLERS, AND TOOL PUSHERS - Thirtythree Years in the Oil Fields. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1987. First edition. ISBN: 0292715536. 6 x 9, 262 pgs, index, b&w photos. A real-life story of life as an oil-field worker in Texas. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00 402]Lynch, Sylvia. HARVEY LOGAN IN KNOXVILLE. College Station, TX: Early West, 1998. First edition. ISBN: 1572080019. 7 x 10, 176 pgs, index, b&w his- torical photos, decorated endsheets. One of Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch, known as Kid Curry, the story of Logan's time on the run in Knoxville, Tennessee. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $26.00 403]Mahood, Ruth I., editor. PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE SOUTHWEST. Adam Clark Vroman, 1856-1916. New York: Bonanza Books, 1961. Second edition. 8 1/2 x 11, 127 pgs. Beautiful b&w photography book by this great photographer whose plates were discovered by Lawrence Clark Powell in 1953. Wonderful late 19th century photos. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $50.00 404]Major, Mabel, et. al. SOUTHWEST HERITAGE. A Literary History. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1972. ISBN: 0826302238. 6 x 9, 378 pgs, biblio. A history of southwestern literature from the poetry & prose of the Indian, Spanish folk dramas & tales, the journals & chronicles of adventures & settlers, cattle country narratives & contemporary literature. Paperback. Good. $12.00 405]Major, Mabel, et. al. SOUTHWEST HERITAGE. A Literary History. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1938. First edition. 6 x 9, 378 pgs, biblio. A history of southwestern literature from the poetry & prose of the Indian, Spanish folk dramas & tales, the journals & chronicles of adventures & settlers, cattle country narratives & contemporary literature. Hardcover. Very Good+. $18.00 406]Maldonado, Bonnie Buckley. FROM THE MARIAS RIVER TO THE NORTH POLE A Montana History in Story Poems. Pinos Altos, NM: A Seanchai Imprint, 2006. First printing. ISBN: 1591520258. 6 x 9, 96 pgs, b&w historical photos. The lives of the Montanans portrayed in these poems are transformed by tremendous love and hardship. Signed by the author. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 407]Mangum, Richard & Sherry. FLAGSTAFF. Past and Present. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 2003. First printing. ISBN: 0873588479. 10 1/2 x 9, 110 pgs, color photos throughout, foreword by Bruce Babbitt. Pretty coffee-table style book walks you through Flagstaff, Arizona's humble origins as a rough and tumble railroad camp to its present position as a center of education, commerce, and tourism. Oversized Paperback. Very Good+. $18.00 408]Markus, Kurt. BUCKAROO Images from the Sagebrush Basin. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1987. First edition. ISBN: 0821216783. 13 x 11, pages unnumbered, color art reproductions throughout. Exceptionally nice copy with 93 color and 24 duotone illustrations of cowboys in the Great Basin (or buckarro country) of Nevada, Idaho, Oregon and California. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $55.00 409]Marriott, Alice. THE TEN GRANDMOTHERS Epic of the Kiowas. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1983. Later printing. ISBN: 0806118253. 5 x 8, 306 pgs. Looks at the legends of the Kiowas. The Ten Grandmothers refer to the ten Medicine bundles which which were surrounded by legend and superstition. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 410]Marshall, James. SANTA FE. The Railroad That Built An Empire. New York: Random House, 1945. Third edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 465 pgs, index, maps, b&w photos. A detailed history of the Santa Fe Railroad, its building, who travelled on it and who used it, and how it shaped New Mexico and the West. Hardcover. Good+ in Good DJ. $15.00 411]Marshall, S.L.A. CRIMSONED PRAIRIE. The Indian Wars on the Great Plains. New York: Scribners, 1972. Book Club. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 268 pgs, index, section of b&w photos, maps. A thorough analysis of the military tactics involved in the Plains Indians Wars in the latter half of the last century. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $12.00 412]Martin, Ned and Jody and Kurt House with History by Ralph Emerson. BIT AND SPUR MAKERS IN THE TEXAS TRADITION A Historical Perspective. Nicasio, California: Hawk Hill Press, 2000. ISBN: 0965994724. 9 x 12, 264 pgs, index, color photos throughout. highlights the Texas tradition of bit and spur making, the flashy and practical artwork produced by more than 60 artisans active between 1870 and 1970. The origins of the Texas style are traced in the history of bits and spurs brought to the New World from England, France and Spain. Pictured are pieces which can be dated from archeological finds as well as from superb Spanish Colonial collections. Resurrected from blacksmith shops in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico and Arizona are portraits of not only the well known masters such as Johnson, Kelly, Crockett, McChesney and the Boones, but also lesser-known, but equally skilled makers such as Weast, Strong, Stephenson and many others. Pictured among the 700 stunning photographs of bits and spurs are many one-of-akind pieces never seen outside of private collections. Photographs were taken of some 70 different private and museum collections. For the researcher and the collector, there is an extensive glossary and bibliography as well as useful appendices on restoration and pricing. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $125.00 413]Matsumoto, Valerie J. and Blake Allmendinger, eds. OVER THE EDGE: REMAPPING THE AMERICAN WEST. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. ISBN: 0520211499. 6 x 9, 399 pgs, b&w photos. Essays on topics ranging from tourism to immigration, from environmental battles to interethnic relations, and from law to film. Paperback. Good+. $9.00 414]Matthiessen, Peter. IN THE SPIRIT OF CRAZY HORSE. New York: Viking Press, 1992. First edition. ISBN: 0670836176. 6 x 9, 645 pgs. A "solidly documented account of the U.S. government's renewed assult upon American Indians that began in the 1970s". Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 23 415]Maule, Harry E., editor. GREAT TALES OF THE AMERICAN WEST. New York: Modern Library/Random House, 1945. First, thus. 4 1/2 x 7, 361 pgs. A compilation of Western stories by, Bret Harte, Zane Grey, Max Brand, Mark Twain, O. Henry, Eugene Manlove Rhodes, Clarence Mulford, William MacLeod Raine, Charles M. Russell, Robert Easton, Walter Van Tilburg Clark, Ernest Haycox, Luke Short, Owen Wister, Stewart Edward White, James B. Hendryx, Henry Herbert Knibbs, and W.C. Tuttle. A great Western read! Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+. $25.00 416]Maurer, Richard. THE WILD COLORADO The True Adventures of Fred Dellenbaugh, Age 17, on the Second Powell Expedition into the Grand Canyon. New York: Crown, 1999. First edition. ISBN: 0517709457. 8 x 9 1/2, 120 pgs, b&w historical photos and maps. Based on diaries kept by Fred and other members of the party, recounts the expedition's sixteen-month journey down the Colorado: shooting treacherous rapids, navigating the Grand Canyon, encountering Indians and outlaws, and nearly starving when supplies ran low. Mapping, fossil collecting and recording the river's geology were just a few of the tasks. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $18.00 417]Max Evans. THE HI LO COUNTRY. New York: Macmillan, 1961. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 154 pgs. Evan's classic cowboy love story, now a movie. Pages yellowed. Previous owner's stamp on front fly. Hardcover. Good. $90.00 418]Maxwell, Gilbert S. NAVAJO RUGS Past, Present & Future. Palm Desert, CA: Best-West Publications, 1967. Later printing. ISBN: 0873583590. 6 x 8 1/2, 72 pgs, b&w and color photos. How they're made, types and areas, how to buy a rug, collecting Navajo weaving, etc. Paperback. Good+. $8.00 419]Maxwell, James A., editor. AMERICA'S FASCINATING INDIAN HERITAGE. Pleasantville, NY: Reader's Digest Assn., 1994. Later printing. ISBN: 0895773724. 8 1/2 x 11, 420 pgs, many illustrations in color, index. A very large compendium on American Indian history and culture, past and present. Hardcover. Good. $8.00 420]Mazzio, Joann. LEAVING ELDORADO. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1993. ISBN: 0395643813. 5 x 8, 170 pgs. Set during the gold rush in New Mexico near the turn of the century, tells the story of a young girl forced to find her own way in the male dominated frontier. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $14.00 421]McCarthy, Cormac. NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN. New York: Knopf, 2005. First edition. ISBN: 0375406778. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 309 pgs. Modern day novel set along the bloody frontier border between Texas and Mexico. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $20.00 422]McCarthy, Cormac. THE ROAD. New York: Random House/Vintage, 2006. ISBN: 9780307387899. 5 x 8, 287 pgs. This novel paints a bleak vision of a postapocalyptic America; a land where no hope remains. A man and his son walk alone towards the coast, and this is the moving story of their journey. an unflinching exploration of human behavior - from ultimate destructiveness to extreme tenderness. Paperback. Good+. $8.00 423]McCarty, John L. MAVERICK TOWN. The Story of Old Tascosa. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1968. First edition. 6 x 9, 287 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations, index, bibliography, decorated endsheets. The history of the boom days of Tascosa and surrounding cattle country of the Texas Panhandle and northeast New Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good+ . $50.00 424]McCracken, Ellen, ed. FRAY ANGELICO CHAVEZ. Poet, Priest, and Artist. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2000. ISBN: 0826320074. 6 x 9, 156 pgs, b&w photos. A collection of Chavez's original essays explore his wide ranging cultural production: fiction, poetry, architectural restoration, journalism, genealogy, translation, and painting and drawing. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $18.00 425]McCracken, Harold. PORTRAIT OF THE OLD WEST With a Biographical Check List of Western Artists. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1952. First edition. 8 x 11, 232 pgs, b&w and color illustrations and art reproductions. Hardcover. Very Good+. $30.00 426]McGarrity, Michael. THE JUDAS JUDGE. New York: Dutton, 2000. First printing. ISBN: 0525945474. 6 x 9, 274 pgs. Intrigue and criminal investigation in modern-day southern New Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 427]McGuane, Thomas. THE CADENCE OF GRASS A Novel. New York: Vintage/ Random House, 2002. First printing. ISBN: 0679767452. 5 x 8, 238 pgs. A novel charged with the relentless and often contradictory claims of blood money history and love, this is at once a masterpiece of savage comedy and an elegy for what has been lost. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 428]McLuhan, T.C. CATHEDRALS OF THE SPIRIT The Message of Sacred Places. New York: HarperPerennial, 1996. First edition. ISBN: 0060951192. 7 x 8, 308 pgs, b&w photos. A tour of sacred sites, both natural and man-made. Paperback. Good+. $6.00 429]McLynn, Frank. VILLA AND ZAPATA. A History of the Mexican Revolution. New York: Perseus. ISBN: 9780786710881. 6 x 9, 459 pgs, index, section of b&w historical photos. Vividly chronicles a decade of turbulent events that involved not only native rebels and corrupt Mexican politicos, but also the U.S. government, American oil interests, Pershing's, and German secret agents. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 430]McMurtry, Larry. IN A NARROW GRAVE. Essays on Texas. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1984. ISBN: 0826307213. 6 x 9, 177 pgs, 24 biblio. A collection of essays with the classic statement of what it means to come from Texas in the late 20th century; sex, movies, cowboys, literature, small town, big cities and more. Paperback. Good. $10.00 431]McMurtry, Larry. SOME CAN WHISTLE. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989. First edition. ISBN: 0671642677. 6 x 9 1/2, 348 pgs. The story of a father learning to love a daughter he has never met in a modern setting. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 432]McNary, H.A. THE HORSE'S LAWYER. Canada: Trafford Publishing, 2003. ISBN: 1412000351. 6 x 9, 212 pgs. Novel of horses, ranch life and the West. The author has a fine feel for the horse and the land. Paperback. New. $14.00 433]McPhee, John. RISING FROM THE PLAINS. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1993. Third printing. ISBN: 0374520658. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 214 pgs. About high-country geology and a Rocky Mountain regional geologist who grew up in Wyoming and was quite at home with the composition of the country. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 434]Meed, Douglas V. THEY NEVER SURRENDERED. Bronco Apaches of the Sierra Madres, 1890-1935. Tucson, AZ: Westernlore Press, 1993. ISBN: 0870260863. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 205 pgs, index, biblio, b&w historical photos. The story of the Apaches who never surrendered; and of Francisco Fimbres, a Sonoran rancher who relentlessly pursued; and those who fought the "last" Apache campaign during the Great Depression. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $27.00 435]Merington, Marguerite, editor. THE CUSTER STORY. The Life and Letters of General George A. Custer and His wife Elizabeth. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1987. Second printing. ISBN: 0803281382. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 339 pgs, index, section of b&w photos. These personal letters tell dramatically of the War Between the States, the perils of frontier life, and the amazing political chicanery that led to Custer's tragic end. Paperback. Good+. $10.00 436]Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Cinerama. HOW THE WEST WAS WON. New York: Random House, 1963. 8 x 11, 36 pgs, b&w and color photos and illustrations. A storybook of the film. Has color photos of the stars, including Carroll Baker, Lee J. Cobb, Henry Fonda, Carolyn Jones, Karl Malden, Gregory Peck, George Peppard, Robert Preston, Debbie Reynolds, James Stewart, Spencer Tracy, Eli Wallach, John Wayne, Richard Widmark. Hardcover. Very Good. $5.00 437]Metz, Leon C. PAT GARRETT. The Story of A Western Lawman. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1974. 6 x 9, 276 pgs, index, biblio, b&w photos. The story of this famous lawman, well-researched and definitive. Lays to rest many of the rumors and speculations surrounding his life and death. Hardcover. Very Good. $20.00 438]Metzger, Robert, editor. MY LAND IS THE SOUTHWEST. Peter Hurd Letters and Journals. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1983. First edition. ISBN: 0890961565. 6 x 9, 408 pgs, index, two sections of b&w photos, intro by Paul Horgan. An autobiographical collection spanning fifty years of Hurd's life from his cadet days at the U.S. Military Academy, his apprenticeship under Wyeth, family life in NM and more. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $50.00 439]Meyer, Michael C., William L. Sherman and Susan M. Deeds. THE COURSE OF MEXICAN HISTORY. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Sixth Edition. ISBN: 0195110013. 7 x 10, 732 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustrations. A lively and engaging survey of Mexican history from pre-Columbian times to the present. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 440]Miles, Elton. MORE TALES OF THE BIG BEND. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1988. First edition. ISBN: 0890963711. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 288 pgs, index, notes, b&w photos. Hidden treasures dot the Big Bend country of far west Texas. Lost mines and abandoned hoards lie like magnets, or so the stories go. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 441]Miller, Tom. THE PANAMA HAT TRAIL. New York: Vintage Books, 1986. First printing. ISBN: 0394757742. 5 x 8, 271 pgs. This travel classic follows the making and marketing of a single Panama hat from the basement of the third world to the penthouse of the first. It's a captivating story of cultures in collision, raw capitalism, "bus-plunge highways," and the author's unending search for a drinkable cup of coffee. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00 442]Mintz, Lannon W. THE TRAIL A Bibliography of the Travelers on the Overland Trail to California, Oregon, Salt Lake City,and Montana during the Years 1841-1864. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1987. First edition. ISBN: 0826309399. 6 x 9 1/2, 201 pgs, index. The author has included over 500 accounts arranged alphabetically with a short comment relative to each entry. Also included is a description of each edition and volume along with a coded guide to current value. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 443]Momaday, N. Scott. IN THE BEAR'S HOUSE. New York: St Martin's Press, 1999. First edition. ISBN: 0312199694. 7 1/2 x 9, 96 pgs, color illustrations. The author passionately explores themes of loneliness, sacredness and aggresson through his depiction of Bear, the one animal that has both inspired and haunted him throughout his lifetime. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good+ DJ. $18.00 444]Montgomery, Richard G. YOUNG NORTHWEST. Portland, OR: Binfords & Mort, 1948. Second edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 318 pgs, b&w illustrations. A readable history of the Pacific Northwest through its geology, the native indians, Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com the early explorations of Captain Robert Gray, Lewis and Clark, Dr. John McLoughlin, the struggles between the British and the Yankees, the missionaries, and the growth of industry including Bonneville and Grand Coulee Dam. Hardcover. Good+. $15.00 445]Moore, Kay. THE GREAT BICYCLE EXPERIMENT The Army's Historic Black Bicycle Corps, 1896-97. Missoula, MT: Mountain Press Publishing, 2012. ISBN: 9780878425938. 6 x 9, 86 pgs, b&w historical photos. In 1896 Lt. James Moss, second lieutenant at Fort Missoula, Montana, had a revolutionary idea: that bicycles, a relatively new innovation, could be employed by the military to replace cavalry horses for certain operations. Bikes did not need food, water, or rest; they would not die; they would never disobey their rider; and they were nearly noiseless. The eager young lieutenant set out to test this idea and prove the worth of the bicycle in army campaigns. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 446]Mora, Pat. THE DESERT IS MY MOTHER. El Desierto Es Mi Madre. Houston, TX: Pinata Books, 1558851216. First printing. ISBN: 1558851216. 11 x 9, 32 pgs, pretty color illustrations. A young child's book about the desert and nature. Hardcover. Good. $12.00 447]Morenus, Richard. ALASKA SOURDOUGH. The Story of Slim Williams. New York: Rand McNally, 1956. First printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 278 pgs. The life story of this famous Alaskan pioneer. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $35.00 448]Morrow, R.W. THE CHIRICAHUA JOURNALS Stories of Arizona Lawmen, Cowboys, & Miners. Tucson, AZ: Chiricahua Press, 2010. Revised & Expanded Second edition. ISBN: 9780982484111. 7 1/2 x 9 1/2, 255 pgs, b&w historical photos. The story of more than one hundred years in the lives of a pioneer Arizona family, and how those lives became forever entwined with the history of the majestic Chircahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona. Paperback. New. $20.00 449]Moulton, E.L. NEW MEXICO'S FUTURE. An Economic and Employment Appraisal. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1945. 6 x 9, 153 pgs, fold out color map. Prepared by the Committee for Exonomic Development of Bernalillo County, an interesting research study of New Mexico's economic future from a 1945 perspective from agriculture to public works. Hardcover. Good+. $10.00 450]Muench, Josef. SALT LAKE CITY. A Pictorial Study. New York: Hastings House, 1947. 5 1/2 x 8, 58 pgs, b&w photos throughout. Salt Lake City, mid20th century, in 78 beautiful photos. Hardcover. Good in Fair DJ. $15.00 451]Murphy, Kimrod. THE DEVIL PLAYED HELL IN PARADISE A Record of Some of the Settlers in the Chiricahua Mountain Region, Arizona, 1880-1980. Portal, AZ: Published/Printed by the author, 2010. First edition. 6 x 9, 216 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. Stories and interviews, bits and pieces of history, old and newer photos of barely still visible homesteads and overgrown and forgotten cemeteries of southeastern Arizona. A good read! Paperback. New. $25.00 452]Murrah, David J. C.C. SLAUGHTER. Rancher, Banker, Baptist. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1981. First edition. ISBN: 0292710674. 6 x 9, 173 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustrations, maps. A good biography of this famous Texas cattleman. Inscribed and signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $50.00 453]Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of New Mexico. LIGHT & COLOR - IMAGES FROM NEW MEXICO. Santa Fe, NM: Museum of NM Press, 1981. ISBN: 0890131341. 8 1/2 x 11, 94 pgs, b&w & color illustrations. Masterpieces from the collection at the Museum of New Mexico. Includes works by Gustave Bauman, George Bellows, R.C. Gorman, Willard Nash, Bert G. Phillips and many more. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00 454]Nahm, Milton C. LAS VEGAS AND UNCLE JOE. The New Mexico I Remember. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1964. First edition. 6 x 9, 294 pgs. Recollections of Las Vegas, New Mexico in the early 1900s. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 455]Naske, Claus-M. AN INTERPRETATIVEH ISTORY OF ALASKAN STATEHOOD. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Northwest Publishing, 1973. ISBN: 0882400142. 6 x 9, 192 pgs, index, bibliography. Reviews Alaska's political background prior to the introduction of the first Statehood Bill in 1916, sketeches in some of the highlights of the next thirty years, and focuses on the final push that brought Alaska into the Union as of January 3, 1959. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 456]Neihardt, John G. BLACK ELK SPEAKS. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1995. Later printing. ISBN: 0803283598. 5 x 8, 298 pgs, b&w drawings. The author's interview with Black Elk, an old medicine man on the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1930. Paperback. Good+. $9.00 457]Nequatewa, Edmund. TRUTH OF A HOPI. Flagstaff, AZ: Museum of Northern Arizona, 1967. Second edition. Originally published in 1936. 6 x 9, 136 pgs, notes, biblio. Stories representing the origin, myths and history of a group of Hopi clans. Paperback. Good+. $10.00 458]NEW MEXICO MILITARY INSTITUTE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, INC. Alumni Directory 2005. Roswell, NM: New Mexico Military Institute, 2005. 6 x 9, 550 pgs. Comprehensive listing of graduates. Hardcover. Very Good+. $20.00 459]NEW MEXICO TECH ALUMNI DIRECTORY 1987. Socorro, NM: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 1987. 8 1/2 x 11, 250 pgs. Listings of all graduates of New Mexico Tech with addresses and work positions. Somewhat dated, but still of interest. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 460]Newark, Peter. PIONEERS. New York: Gallery Books, 1984. First printing. ISBN: 0831768819. 8 1/2 x 11, 64 pgs, b&w and color illustrations. Coffee-table style book describes the pioneers, their achievements and the land they opened up. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 461]Newcomb, Jr., W.W. THE INDIANS OF TEXAS FROM PREHISTORIC TO MODERN TIMES. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1984. Later printing. ISBN: 0292784252. 6 x 9, 404 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Comprehensive book about the natives of Texas. Trade Paperback. Very Good+. $20.00 462]Nichols, John. AN ELEGY FOR SEPTEMBER. New York: Henry Holt, 1992. First edition. ISBN: 0805019944. 5 x 8, 161 pgs. A novel capturing the turning point in the life of a man as he confronts his own mortality. Brief, poignant and eloquent from this master storyteller. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $9.00 463]Nichols, John. A FRAGILE BEAUTY. John Nichols' Milagro Country. Salt Lake City, UT: Peregrine Smith Books, 1987. First edition. ISBN: 0879052821. With a foreword by Robert Redford. 9 x 12, 146 pgs. Color photographs of New Mexico. The book is a rich tapestry of Nichols' artistic,spiritual and political evolution in a lovely but fragile land. An exquisite coffee-table book. Ex-library. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $15.00 464]Nichols, John. THE LAST BEAUTIFUL DAYS OF AUTUMN. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston , 1982. First edition. ISBN: 0030592534. 6 x 9, 249 pgs, b&w photos. Evokes the seasons, the countryside and the people of Taos, NM; funny, poetic, lusty and loving. Paperback. Good+. $10.00 465]Nichols, John. THE MAGIC JOURNEY. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston , 1978. ISBN: 0030428661. 6 x 9, 529 pgs. One of Nichol's early novels. Paperback. Good+. $10.00 466]Nichols, John. ON THE MESA. Salt Lake City, UT: Gibbs M. Smith, Inc., 1986. First edition. ISBN: 0879052201. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 193 pgs, b&w photos. Autobiographical celebration of life on the deserted sagebrush plain west of Taos, New Mexico. From the author of the Sterile Cuckoo and the New Mexico Trilogy, which included The Milagro Beanfield War, The Magic Journey, and The Nirvana Blues. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 467]Niederman, Sharon. A QUILT OF WORDS Women's Diaries, Letters & Original Accounts of Life in the Southwest 1860-1960. Boulder, CO: Johnson Books, 1988. Later printing. ISBN: 1555660479. 6 x 9, 220 pgs, b&w photos. A celebration of some unconventional women and an important view of the Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado frontier. Paperback. Very Good. $9.00 468]Nugent, Walter. HABITS OF EMPIRE A History of American Expansion. New York: Knopf, 2008. First edition. ISBN: 9781400042920. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 387 pgs, index, notes, bibliography, b&w historical photos, maps, illustrations.The author shows how the United States has long lived with the contradiction inherent in Jefferson's famous phrase 'empire for liberty.' Since its founding, the United States has proudly proclaimed its love of liberty and democracy even as it has aggressively pursued imperial policies. The author's scholarship documents this expansionist behavior by examining the nation's territorial acquisitions since 1782. Lucid, vivid, and candid. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 469]O'Connor, Sandra Day and H. Alan Day. LAZY B. New York: Random House, 2003. Second edition. ISBN: 0812966732. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 318 pgs, b&w photos. The Supreme Court Justice and her brother have written their memoirs of growing up on a cattle ranch in Arizona. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00 470]O'Reilly, Harrington (as told to). FIFTY YEARS ON THE TRAIL The Adventures of John Young Nelson. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963. First, thus. 5 x 7 1/2, 291 pgs, foreword by Donald E. Worcester. Originally published in 1889, a colorful memoir of life on the western frontier. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $20.00 471]Oberman, Karena Cuilty. THE ANCESTORS' FIRE. Mill Valley, CA: Heartstone Press, 2003. ISBN: 0974044202. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 293 pgs. An odyssey from an Irish homeland on the edge of the sea, to a Mexican village in the throes of a revolution, and to realms mysterious and mythic. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 472]Oden, Bill, edited by J. Evetts Haley. EARLY DAYS ON THE TEXAS-NEW MEXICO PLAINS. Canyon, TX: Palo Duro Press, 1965. First edition. 6 x 9, 69 pgs, b&w historical photos. The early cowboy memoirs of a real working Texas cowboy, Bill Arp Oden. Photos restored by Russ Parks, book design by Carl Hertzog, typography by James E. Davis. Ex-library with minimal markings. Hardcover. Very Good. $150.00 473]OLD MONTEREY Doorway to History. H.S. Crocker, Co., Inc., 1951. First printing. 8 1/2 x 11, 24 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Neat old tourist handbook to this beautiful old California town. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 474]Olson, Jim. MY COWBOY HEROES Volume I. Arizona: Canyon State Media, 2008. First printing. ISBN: 0615309275. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 124 pgs, b&w photos. Written by a cowboy, about cowboys, and for everyone: a collection of short stories about unique individuals who all have a great story worth telling. Paperback. New. $18.00 475]Ortiz, Frank V. Edited by Don J. Usner. AMBASSADOR ORTIZ: LESSONS FROM A LIFE OF SERVICE. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2005. ISBN: 0826337120. 6 x 9, 208 pgs, b&w photos, introduction by Bill Richardson. This Santa Fe native tells of his career over four decades in the United States Foreign Service. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $15.00 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 25 476]Otero, Miguel Antonio. MY LIFE ON THE FRONTIER 1882-1897, Volume II. New York: Press of the Pioneers, 1939. 6 x 9, 306 pgs. Otero's experiences as a young man in New Mexico Territory as it struggled to emerge from lawlessness and mob rule to law and order and statehood. Hard to find. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $140.00 477]Otero, Miguel Antonio. MY LIFE ON THE FRONTIER 1864-1882. New York: Press of the Pioneers, 1935. 6 x 9, 293 pgs. The author, one-time governor of New Mexico, gives an unvarnished account of Las Vegas, Trinidad, Santa Fe, and Taos when characters like Clay Allison, Uncle Dick Wooten, Kit Carson, and Billy the Kid lived. Otero recalls all classes of society from the Grand Duke Alexis, whom he helped to guide on one of the last buffalo hunts, to Wild Bill Hickok. Hardcover. Very Good in Fair DJ. $85.00 478]Owen, Gorden. LAS CRUCES, NEW MEXICO. 1849-1999: Multicultural Crossroads. Las Cruces, NM: Red Sky Publishing, 2005. Revised. ISBN: 1881325326. 6 x 9, 244 pgs, b&w historical photos. A well-researched history of this southern New Mexico city. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 479]Page, Anita Vaden. BLUE BONNETS AND WHITE PICKET FENCES A Texas Love Story. Alamogordo, NM: Published/Printed by the author, 2013. ISBN: 9781304315632. 6 x 9, 320 pgs. A family history of true facts embellished with customs and habits from the 1800s. Highlighting the author's great grandmother, Lucy Jackson, born in 1863 and her daughter-in-law, Lydia Williams, born in 1894. Murder and mayhem sneaks it's way into their lives yet they survive. The story follows these two women into the early 1930's when things seem to simmer down and the future looks brighter. Paperback. New. $25.00 480]Page, Anita Vaden. GREAT SCOT! IN TEXAS. Alamogordo, NM: Published/ Printed by the author, 2014. ISBN: 9781304874597. 6 x 9, 234 pgs. A historical novel following of the Cunningham family, beginning with the Celts in Northern Scotland, then Presbyterians in Ireland, and pioneers in Virginia. Migrating to Texas by 1840, Cunningham becomes an officer in the Confederacy, a Texas Ranger and a County Judge in Hill County Texas. Paperback. New. $20.00 481]Paredes, Americo. WITH HIS PISTOL IN HIS HAND. A Border Ballad and its Hero. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1996. Later printing. ISBN: 0292701284. 6 x 9, 275 pgs, index, bibliography, illustrated. The story of Gregorio Cortez Lira, a Mexican ranchhand who killed a Texas sheriff over a misunderstanding. A wonderful story of the Border country, its history, its people and their folkways. Paperback. New. $19.00 482]Parsons, Chuck and Gary P. Fitterer. CAPTAIN C. B. MCKINNEY: THE LAW IN SOUTH TEXAS. Wolfe City, TX: Henington Publishing, 4**6. First edition. ISBN: 0961493607. 8 1/2 x 11, 147 pgs, index, b&w historical photos, introduction by Charles C. McKinney, Jr. Explores the life of Charles Brown McKinney, Texas Ranger and later sheriff of La Salle County, who was struck down in the prime of his life in the line of duty, "In the Protection of Outraged Female Innocence" as it is expressed on the east side of his tombstone monument. Ambushed by James White who was to be arrested for a criminal assault upon a little girl of 11 years. Well researched and written! Hardcover. Very Good+. $40.00 483]Pass, R.D., Dorie F. and Dorothy Tegeler. ARIZONA FAVORITES Southwest Traditional to Light Modern Cooking. Baldwin Park, CA: Gem Guides Book Co., 1992. ISBN: 0935182551. 6 x 9, 176 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. From candlelight dinners to backyard barbecues, this easy-to-use collection has something for everyone. Whether you prefer traditional Southwestern flavors or a contemporary blend of old favorites, here's where you're sure to find a variety of crowd-pleasing dishes to satisfy the most fussy appetities. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 484]Patrick, Pam, editor. THOUGHTSCAPES Zeta Gamma Chapter, Sigma Tau Delta, Spring 1989 Issue. Silver City, NM: WNMU, 1989. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 72 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Poetry and short stories about the southwest by college students. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 485]Patterson, Paul. CRAZY WOMEN IN THE RAFTERS Memories of a Texas Boyhood. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1976. First edition. ISBN: 0806112808. 5 1/2 x 8, 242 pgs. "The author tells of his boyhood in Texas in a funny, nostalgic way that will appeal to boys and girls of all ages." Signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $90.00 486]Patterson, Paul E. and Joy Poole. GREAT PLAINS CATTLE EMPIRE Thatcher Brothers and Associates (1875-1945). Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 2000. First edition. ISBN: 0896723976. 6 x 9, 211 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w historical photos. Foreword by Elmer Kelton. Chronicles the establishment of the cattle industry in the western United States, spanning the years from the Civil War to World War II. Much on the Bloom Land and Cattle Company, Diamond A Cattle Company and the Hatchet Cattle Company, and includes a chapter on Burt Mossman. Inscribed and signed. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $50.00 487]Patterson-Rudolph, Carol. ON THE TRAIL OF SPIDER WOMAN. Petroglyphs, Pictographs, and Myths of the Southwest. Santa Fe, NM: Ancient City Press, 1997. First edition. ISBN: 094127098X. 7 x 10, 132 pgs, index, b&w and color photos and illustrations throughout. Weaves together the stories of tiny, elusive Spider Woman as she is mythologized by the Keresan Pueblo, Hopi, and Navajo people. Each tribe sees this mythic figure differently, yet there is no need to depict her in a realistic form. Oversized Paperback. Fine. $12.00 488]Patton, Brian, ed. TALES FROM THE CANADIAN ROCKIES. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1993. ISBN: 0771069480. 6 x 9, 303 pgs. A wonderful collection of stories, by and about unforgettable personalities in Canadian 26 history. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 489]Paul, Charlotte. MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS. New York: Random House, 1955. First printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 309 pgs. The author's own story as she and her husband bought a small-town newspaper in Snoqualmie, Washington, and brought up their children on printer's ink and borrowed money. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $15.00 490]Paz, Octavio, translated by Lysander Kemp, Yara Milos, and Rachel Phillips Belash. THE LABYRINTH OF SOLITUDE and The Other Mexico, Return to the Labyrinth of Solitude, Mexico and the United States, and The Philanthropic Ogre. New York: Grove Press, 1999. Later printing. ISBN: 080215042X. 5 1/2 x 8, 398 pgs. Addresses issues that are both seemingly eternal and resoundingly contemporary: the nature of political power in post-conquest Mexico, the relation of Native Americans to Europeans, the ubiquity of official corruption. Noting these matters earned Paz no small amount of trouble from the Mexican leadership, but it also brought him renown as a social critic. Paz, who went on to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, later voiced his disillusionment with all political systems but his call for democracy in this book has lately been reverberating throughout Mexico, making it timely once again. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 491]Pearce, T.M. and A.P. Thomason, editors. SOUTHWESTERNERS WRITE The American Southwest in Stories and Articles by Thirty-two Contributors. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1953. Second printing. 6 x 9, 280 pgs, index. Includes works by Charles J. Finger, Leo Crane, D.H.Lawrence, Ruth Laughlin Barker, S. Omar Barker, J. Frank Dobie, John A. Lomax, Edward Everett Dale, Harvey Fergusson, Frances Gillmor, George Milburn, Paul Horgan, Edward Anderson, Oliver La Farge, Fray Angelico Chavez, Edwin Lanham, Conrad Richter, Curtis Martin, George Sessions Perry, J Evetts Haley, Walter Prescott Webb, Shine Philips, C.L. Connichsen, John McGinnis, Henry Nash Smith. Also Dudley Wynn, Arthur Campa, Maury Maverick, T. M. Pearce, Mody Boatright, Stanley Vestal, Rebecca Smith. Hardcover. Very Good+. $50.00 492]Pepper, George H. CEREMONIAL OBJECTS AND ORNAMENTS FROM PUEBLO BONITO, NEW MEXICO. Lancaster, PA: The New Era Printing Co., 1905. 6 1/2 x 10, 24 pgs (two pages uncut), b&w and color photos. Old anthropology monograph. Paperback. Good+. $15.00 493]Perrigo, Lynn I. Perrigo. THE AMERICAN SOUTHWEST. Its People and Cultures. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1979. Second printing. ISBN: 0826304036. 7 x 10, 469 pgs, index, section of b&w historical photos. A comprehensive study of the southwestern U.S. from the pre-Hispanic era to the late 1960s: Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Hardcover. Very Good+. $16.00 494]Peters, Dewitt C. PIONEER LIFE AND FRONTIER ADVENTURES. An Authentic Record of the Romantic Life and Daring Exploits of Kit Carson and His Companions, from his own narrative. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, 1881. Second edition. 5 x 8 1/2, 567 pgs, b&w illustrations. A good early biography of this great western explorer. Ex-library with minimal markings. Nice copy for it's age. Hardcover. Good. $60.00 495]Peterson, Larry Len. CHARLES M. RUSSELL: LEGACY. Helena, MT: Falcon Publishing/Twodot, 1999. First edition. ISBN: 1560446838. 11 1/2 x 11 1/2, 438 pgs, index, color art reproductions throughout. A beautifully produced monograph on Russell illustrations that were not major paintings, but rather book illustrations, advertising, postcards and all manner of ephemera. All of this along with a first rate artistic biography. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ, in original box. $100.00 496]Phillips, Shine. BIG SPRING. The Casual Biography of a Prairie Town. New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1942. Fourth printing. 6 x 9, 231 pgs, b&w illustrations. Texas at its best - big and dashing - described with rare humor and manlike exaggeration. Inscribed and signed. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good+ DJ. $40.00 497]Pittman, Walter Earl. NEW MEXICO AND THE CIVIL WAR. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2011. Second printing. ISBN: 9781609491376. 6 x 9, 126 pgs, b&w historical photos, maps. A concise history of New Mexico during the Civil War years from the Confederate invasion of 1861 to the Battles of Valverde and Glorieta to the end of the war. Paperback. New. $20.00 498]Poling-Kempes, Lesley. VALLEY OF SHINING STONE The Story of Abiquiu. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1997. First printing. ISBN: 0816514461. 6 x 9, 272 pgs, b&w photos. The oral histories collected for this book were conducted for the Ghost Ranch History Project. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 499]Pomeroy, Earl. THE PACIFIC SLOPE. New York: Knopf, 1968. Third printing. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 421 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations, fold-out map. A history of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah and Nevada. Hardcover. Very Good. $12.00 500]Pomeroy, Earl. THE PACIFIC SLOPE. New York: Knopf, 1965. First edition. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 421 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations, fold-out map. A history of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah and Nevada. Ex-library. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00 501]Pope, Neta. JUAN ARROYOS, 1819-1876. Santa Clara, NM: Village of Santa Clara, 2013. First edition. 8 1/2 x 11, 24 pgs, b&w historical photos. The story of this heretofore unknown New Mexico volunteer soldier, spy, U.S. Army Guide & Scout, and Central City (southwestern New Mexico) resident. Paperback Spiral Bound. New. $10.00 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 502]Post, C. C. TEN YEARS A COWBOY. Chicago: Thos. W. Jackson Publishing Co., 1889. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 471 pgs, b&w illustrations. An old edition of an interesting memoir of a man who followed the great herds north, homesteaded in the Oklahoma Territory, raised sheep and cattle, etc. Pages yellowed but clean. Hardcover. Very Good. $35.00 503]Preece, Harold. LONE STAR MAN Ira Aten: Last of the Old Texas Rangers. New York: Hastings House, 1960. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 256 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. "Ira Aten's career linked the Old West with the New, and he gave of his best to both of them. His record was not studded with gun fights, although he shunned conflict no more than he courted it. His name belongs on any list of the frontier's outstanding lawmen, and this fast-moving book does him justice both as a God-fearing man and a dedicated peace officer." Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 504]Prescott, William H. HISTORY OF THE CONQUEST OF PERU. New York: The Heritage Press, 1957. First edition. 6 x 9, 504 pgs, color illustrations. Classic 19th century history of Peru, from the conqueror's perspective. Hardcover. Very Good. $18.00 505]Prescott, William H. HISTORY OF THE CONQUEST OF PERU. Volume I and Volume II. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1848. 6 x 9, 1074 total pgs, index, two frontispiece engravings. A complete history of the conquest of Peru with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas. Well documented and noted. Ex-library with few stamps. Both volumes have both front and back fly sheets removed. Green two tone leather with gilt, ribbed spine. Hardcover. Good. $90.00 506]Price, B. Byron. COWBOYS OF THE AMERICAN WEST. Thunder Bay Press, 1996. First edition. ISBN: 1571450327. 10 x 12, 208 pgs, b&w and color photos. A beautiful coffee-table style book that is a carefully crafted portrait that both celebrates the modern ranch hand and stands as a testament to the mythical hero of the long-lost past. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00 507]Priestley, Lee. SHALAM Utopia on the Rio Grande, 1881-1907. El Paso, TX: University of Texas at El Paso, 1988. First edition. ISBN: 0874041686. 6 x 9, 62 pgs, biblio, notes, b&w photos. The story of the Shalam Colony, founded in 1884 in Dona Ana County, NM, populated with orphan children and concerned adults who would educate them. How it worked and what happened. Inscribed and signed by the author. Hardcover. Fine. $20.00 508]Procter, Gil. TUCSON TUBAC TUMACACORI TOHELL. Tucson, AZ: Arizona Silhouettes, 1956. Limited edition. #413/1000, inscribed and signed. 6 x 9, 110 pgs, b&w historical photos, color photo insert for frontpiece. Classic Southwestern Americana, the story of the sixty-five mile supply road from Tucson to El Potrero. Hardcover. Very Good. $70.00 509]Ragsdale, Kenneth Baxter. QUICKSILVER Terlingua & the Chisos Mining Company. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1995. Third printing. ISBN: 9780890961889. 6 x 9, 326 pgs, index, b&w photos. The story of commercial mercury mining in the Big Bend area of Texas. It began in the late 1800s, and by the end of WWI Terlingua quicksilver dominated the industry in the U. S. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 510]Raine, William MacLeod. FAMOUS SHERIFFS & WESTERN OUTLAWS. New York: New Home Library, 1944. Later printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 294 pgs. The story of the pioneers who moved with the frontier and made the laws as they went Bat Masterson, Bill Hickok, Frank Leslie, Tom Horn, Pat Garrett, Bucky O'Neill, Billy Tilghman and others. Hardcover. Good+. $25.00 511]Raine, William MacLeon and Will C. Barnes. CATTLE. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1930. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 340 pgs, index, sections of b&w photos. The story of cattle and the cowboy; "the story of a great industry, of a pioneering effort of stupendous historical consequences, and of countless deeds of valor and villainy." Hardcover. Very Good+. $60.00 512]Rakocy, Bill. GHOSTOWN OF WHITE OAKS. El Paso, TX: Bravo Press, 1998. ISBN: 1888711019. 11 x 8, 176 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. History of the ghost town of White Oaks, New Mexico. Paperback. Very Good. $30.00 513]Rathbun, Daniel C.B. NEVADA MILITARY PLACE NAMES OF THE INDIAN WARS AND CIVIL WAR. Las Cruces, NM: Yucca Tree Press, 2002. First edition. ISBN: 1881325512. 6 x 9, 220 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustrations. A great guide to the forts and battlefields of Nevada's Indian wars and the battles of the Civil War. Paperback. New. $13.00 514]Rathmell, George. REALMS OF GOLD The Colorful Writers of San Francisco 1850-1950. Berkeley: Creative Arts Book Co., 1998. First printing. ISBN: 0887391621. 6 x 9, 291 pgs, b&w photos. Gives the reader a fresh look at the lives of many famous authors who lived in San Francisco and the surrounding area. It also portrays the development of the city from a Gold Rush boom town through its rapid growth as a commercial port and rail head, its destruction in 1906, its rebirth, and its post-World War II status as a major urban center. Paperback. Good+. $10.00 515]Raymond, Dora Neill. CAPTAIN LEE HALL OF TEXAS. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1940. First edition. ISBN: 0806100869. 6 x 9, 350 pgs, section of b&w historical photos and drawings, some by Frederic Remington. Originally published in 1940. Biography of this famous Texas Ranger: he indicted King Fisher, helped track down Sam Bass and Wess Hardin, was friends with O. Henry, etc. Hardcover. Very Good+. $50.00 516]Recko, Corey. MURDER ON THE WHITE SANDS. The Disappearance of Albert and Henry Fountain. Denton, TX: University of North Texas Press, 2007. First edition. ISBN: 157441254X. 6 x 9, 224 pgs,index, notes, bibliography, b&w historical photos. A comprehensive examination of the information available on this over-100 year old New Mexico murder case, mostly from primary sources. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 517]Reynolds, Quentin. CUSTER'S LAST STAND. New York: Random House, 1951. Later printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 185 pgs, monotone illustrations. Written for young adults: General Custer lives vividly in the pages of this book: on his father's farm, as a Cadet at West Point, as an officer at the Battle of Bull Run and, finally, as an Indian fighter in the West. It is an exciting true-to-life story of a head-strong fighter in a stirring period of American History. Hardcover. Very Good. $12.00 518]Rhodes, Eugene Manlove. THE PROUD SHERIFF. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1968. First printing of new edition. 4 1/2 x 7 1/2, 183 pgs, preface by W.H. Hutchinson, introduction by Henry Herbert Knibbs. Originally published in 1935, one of Rhodes' most famous and best-loved western stories. Set in Hillsboro, New Mexico, filled with fascinating characters, really "grabs" the reader. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good+ DJ. $20.00 519]Rhodes, Eugene Manlove. STEPSONS OF LIGHT. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1969. First, thus. Western Frontier Library, Novel. 5 x 8, 317 pgs, b&w illustrations. Originally published in 1920, Western novel based on places, people and events of which the author had firsthand knowledge. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $20.00 520]Richardson, Rupert N. TEXAS The Lone Star State. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Press, 1958. Second edition. 6 x 9, 460 pgs, b&w photos. Presents a history of Texas with roles played by Spanish priests and conqueroros, filibusters and empresarios, frontiersmen from Tennessee, and planters from Alabama. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $15.00 521]Richardson, Rupert Norval. THE FRONTIER OF NORTHWEST TEXAS, 18461876. Advance and Defense by the Pioneer Settlers of the Cross Timbers and Prairies. Glendale, CA: Arthur H. Clark Co., 1963. 6 x 9 1/2, 332 pgs, index, bibliography. History of the frontier expansion and Indian wars in northwest Texas. Hardcover. Good+. $120.00 522]Richardson, Rupert Norval and Carl Coke Rister. THE GREATER SOUTHWEST. Glendale, CA: Arthur H. Clark, 1935. First edition. 6 x 9, 506 pgs, index, b&w maps. The economic, social, and cultural development of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, and California from the Spanish conquest to the twentieth century. Hardcover. Very Good. $100.00 523]Rickey, Jr., Don. FORTY MILES A DAY ON BEANS AND HAY. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1972. First edition. 5 x 8, 382 pgs, index, biblio, b&w historical photos. An in-depth look at the enlisted man of the regular army during Indian Wars in the West from 1865 to the 1890s. Signed. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $60.00 524]Rister, Carl Coke. FORT GRIFFIN ON THE TEXAS FRONTIER. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1969. Second printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 216 pgs, b&w historical photos. History of this Texas fort in Shackelford County includes chapters on Lieutenant Colonel Robert E. Lee, Quanah Parker and more. Title page and last page of index and back fly neatly removed. Probably ex-library but no definitive markings. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $20.00 525]Rister, Carl Coke. NO MAN'S LAND. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1948. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8, 210 pgs, index, b&w photos. Ranching, pioneers, settlers and life on the Oklahoma Panhandle. Herd 1907, Six-Guns 1862, Deals with general lawlessness of the early-day Oklahoma Panhandle and the activities of its vigilantes. Hard to find. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $60.00 526]Rittenhouse, J. D. MAVERICK TALES True Stories of Early Texas. New York: Winchester Press, 1972. ISBN: 0876910525. 6 x 9, 248 pgs. Covers the colorful episodes of Texana that conventional brief histories ignore including a battle in the Civil War that occurred five weeks after Lee's surrender. Ex-library. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $20.00 527]Roberts, Susan A., and Calvin A. Roberts. NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1998. First edition. ISBN: 0826310486. 7 x 10, 215 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w photos. A nice history of the Land of Enchantment. Hardcover. Very Good. $12.00 528]Robertson, Pauline Durrett and R.L. Robertson. PANHANDLE PILGRIMAGE Illustrated Tales Tracing History in the Texas Panhandle. Amarillo, TX: Paramount Publishing, 1978. Second edition, Third printing. 8 x 10 1/2, 370 pgs, index, b&w photos throughout. All sorts of historical information and maps about the Texas Panhandle - Prehistory, Indian Dominance on the Llano Estacado, Pioneer Settlers (such and Charles Goodnight and other early ranchers), Early Towns (such as Mobeetie, Tascosa and Clarendon) , Railroads, and more. Ex-library with minimal markings. Hardcover. Very Good. $50.00 529]Robinson, III, Charles M. THE MEN WHO WEAR THE STAR The Story of the Texas Rangers. New York: Random House, 2000. Third printing. ISBN: 067945649X. 6 x 9, 352 pgs, index, notes. A modern retelling of this storied organization, based on new material and written with the encouragement of the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 530]Robinson, III, Charles M., editor. THE DIARIES OF JOHN GREGORY BOURKE Volume One: November 20, 1872 - July 28, 1876. Denton, TX: University of Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 27 North Texas Press, 2003. First edition. ISBN: 1574411616. 6 x 9, 518 pgs, index, bibliography. begins with Bourkeís years as aide-de-camp to General Crook during the Apache campaigns and in dealings with Cochise. Bourkeís ethnographic notes on the Apaches continued with further observations on the Hopis in 1874. The next year he turned his pen on the Sioux and Cheyenne during the 1875 Black Hills Expedition, writing some of his most jingoistic comments in favor of Manifest Destiny. This volume culminates with the momentous events of the Great Sioux War and vivid descriptions of the Powder River fight and the Battle of the Rosebud. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $50.00 531]Robotham, Tom. NATIVE AMERICANS IN EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS. North Dighton, MA: JG Press/World Publishing Group, 1994. Fourth printing. ISBN: 1572153539. 10 1/2 x 14, 112 pgs, b&w photos throughout. Splendidly chronicles many peoples whose lives are portrayed in hauntingly beautiful works by some of the country's finest photographers, including Alexander Gardner, Edward Curtis, and John Hillers. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $15.00 532]Rocard, Marcienne, translated by Edward G. Brown, Jr. THE CHILDREN OF THE SUN Mexican-Americans in the Literature of the United States. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1989. First printing. ISBN: 0816509921. 6 x 9, 393 pgs, index, bibliography. Concentrates on the formation of a Chicano identity, from annexation through assimilation and Chicano nationalism, including much on farm labor and the UFW, covering a wide range of literary production, from the corrido to Chicano separatism. Ex-library. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $18.00 533]Roosevelt, Theodore. RANCH LIFE AND THE HUNTING TRAIL. New York: Winchester Press, 1969. 8 1/2 x 11, 186 pgs, b&w illustrations. Written after his three years as a rancher in the Dakota Territory, a description of ranch life in the last years of the open range. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good+ DJ. $50.00 534]Rosa, Joseph G. WILD BILL HICKOK: GUNFIGHTER. College Station, TX: Early West, 2001. First edition. ISBN: 1572080000. 7 x 10, 216 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustrations. Explores in detail and graphically analyzes Hickock's gunfights, step by step. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $30.00 535]Rosa, Joseph G. and Waldo E. Koop. ROWDY JOE LOWE. Gambler with A Gun. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989. First edition. ISBN: 0806122285. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 188 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. A view into the smokefilled saloons, brothels, and gambling "hells" of those who prospered or perished amongst the pasteboard pirates, pimps, and other characters of the frontier West. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 536]Rose, John D. TOMBSTONE PIONEER SAMAMTHA FALLON'S WANTON PAST. Tombstone, AZ: Published/Printed by the author, 2013. First edition. ISBN: 9781490511450. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 306 pgs, b&w historical photos. Samantha Fallon was a Tombstone pioneer with secrets in her past that she wanted to hide. Within her boarding house she had entertained many men of Tombstone, some of them very prominent. She spent most of the rest of her life trying to create a new reputation and life for herself. But a court case would bring her face to face with her Tombstone days again as she unwittingly divulged confidential information to a Pinkerton spy living under her own roof. Other Tombstone Pioneers round out this remarkable story of affairs and a child's heartbreaking abandonment. _ Paperback. New. $25.00 537]Rosenak, Chuck and Jan. NAVAJO FOLK ART The People Speak. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1994. First edition. ISBN: 087358693X. 7 x 9 1/2, 162 pgs, index, color photos throughout. Contemporary Navajo folk art: photographs of work with explanations and photos of the artists. Paperback. Fine. $8.00 538]Rudnick, Lois Palken. MABEL DODGE LUHAN New Woman, New Worlds. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1987. First, thus. ISBN: 082630995X. 6 x 9, 384 pgs, index, notes, bibliography, b&w historical photos. She was the most popular common denominator that society, literature, art and radical revolutionaries found in New York and Europe. After a full life elsewhere, she settled in and transformed Taos, NM into an art cente. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 539]Ruffner, Budge. ALL HELL NEEDS IS WATER. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1972. ISBN: 0816504008. 6 x 9, 96 pgs, b&w illustrations. A funny collection of cleverly written vignettes of frontier life in the West. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $15.00 540]Ruffner, Budge. ALL HELL NEEDS IS WATER. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1976. Second printing. ISBN: 0816503737. 6 x 9, 96 pgs, b&w illustrations. A funny collection of cleverly written vignettes of frontier life in the West. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 541]Russell, Sharman Apt. KILL THE COWBOY. A Battle of Mythology in the New West. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1003. First edition. ISBN: 020158123X. 5 x 8, 217 pgs, index & bib. This inciteful book looks at the great modern range war between the ranchers and the environmentalists and seeks resolution to the conflict of livestock on public lands. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00 542]Russell, Sharman Apt. THE LAST MATRIARCH. A Novel. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2000. First edition. ISBN: 0826321313. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 194 pgs. A novel of ancient human life, set in the Southwest, both credible and literary. Involves characters with both strengths and weaknesses, with ambitions, hopes, fears, tragedies, and pleasures. Signed by the author. Hard- 28 cover. New in New DJ. $10.00 543]Ruth, Kent. GREAT DAY IN THE WEST Forts, Posts, and Rendezvous Beyond the Mississippi. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963. First edition. 7 x 10 1/2, 308 pgs, index, b&w photos and maps. The author examines the significance of 147 of the great frontier sites of the Trans-Mississippi West, photos are included on many of the places, and forts. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $15.00 544]Rye, Edgar. THE QUIRT AND THE SPUR Vanishing Shadows of the Texas Frontier. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn Company, 1967. First, thus. 5 x 7 1/2, 363 pgs, b&w illustrations. Facsimile reproduction of the first edition. Wild days of the cowboy and buffalo hunter around Fort Griffin, Texas, containing material on the early life of John Selman and John Larn. The author mispells Selman's name as Sillman. This book has become rare because a prominent ranching family felt themselves slandered by some remarks in it and destroyed all the copies they could purchase. There is much on Ft. Griffin and Shackleford County in the early days, with plenty on early cattlemen. Hardcover. Very Good+. $100.00 545]Sackett, S.J. COWBOYS AND THE SONGS THEY SANG. New York: William R. Scott, Inc., 1967. First edition. 8 1/2 x 10, 72 pgs, b&w photos and musical scores. Contains fourteen well-known cowboy ballads and a short history as to how and why various songs were written. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Very Good. $20.00 546]Salmon, M.H. SIGNAL TO DEPART. Silver City, NM: High-Lonesome Books, 1995. First edition. ISBN: 0944383335. 6 x 9, 214 pgs, illustrated. Novel. Caught between a lost culture & a modern time, a lover of rare books & ancient art believes he can turn progress on its head. Compelling narrative, reveals what's really happening out West. Ex-library with minimal markings. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 547]Sanchez., George I. FORGOTTEN PEOPLE. A Study of New Mexicans. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1996. First, thus. ISBN: 0826316794. 6 x 9, 128 pgs, b&w photos. Originally published in 1940, a classic socio-historical critique of the economic and cultural marginalization of Hispanic New Mexicans in the century following the Mexican-American War. Paperback. Very Good+. $25.00 548]Sanchez, Irene Barraza and Gloria Sanchez Yund. COMIDA SABROSA Home-Style Southwestern Cooking. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1984. Second printing. ISBN: 0826306640. 8 x 10, 145 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. Recipes have been compiled for easy use though many have been handed down from pre-Columbian times. From wood stove to microwave and food processor - beans tortillas, chile, etc. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 549]Sanderson, Jim. SAFE DELIVERY. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2000. First edition. ISBN: 0826321917. 5 x 9, 224 pgs. A mystery featuring female private detective Jerri Johnson set in San Antonio, Texas. 'Jerri is haunted by memories of a love affair with Vincent Fuentes, a Mexican intellectual who has returned to San Antonio and is trying to enlist her in a radical plot involving running guns across the border.' Remainder mark. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $9.00 550]Sandoz, Mari. THE BUFFALO HUNTERS The Story of the Hide Men. New York: Hastings House, 1954. 5 1/2 x 8, 372 pgs, section of b&w illustrations, endpapers decorated with maps. Looks at the different herds of buffalo, "Northern", "Republican", "Arkansas", and "Texas", how they were hunted, Indian raids, the towns and terrain along the way, and more. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good+ DJ. $50.00 551]Sandoz, Mari. THE CATTLEMEN FROM THE RIO GRANDE ACROSS THE FAR MARIAS. New York: Hastings House, 1958. 5 x 8, 528 pgs, section of b&w photos. The story of the cattle in America and of the men whose ranches reached from the Rio Grande up into the far regions of Montana; from the early Spanish days through the era of far-flung cattle empires through the mid 20th century. Hardcover. Very Good. $25.00 552]Sandoz, Mari. THE CATTLEMEN FROM THE RIO GRANDE ACROSS THE FAR MARIAS. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1978. Later printing. ISBN: 0803258828. 5 x 8, 528 pgs. The story of the cattle in America and of the men whose ranches reached from the Rio Grande up into the far regions of Montana; from the early Spanish days through the era of far-flung cattle empires through the mid 20th century. Paperback. Good+. $9.00 553]Sandoz, Mari. THE HORSECATCHER. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1958. 5 x 8, 192 pgs. b&w illustrations. Unable to kill, a young Cheyenne is scorned by his tribe when he chooses to become a horse catcher rather than a warrior. Ex-library, rebound, one page repaired. Hardcover. Good+. $20.00 554]Sandoz, Mari. LOVE SONG TO THE PLAINS. Norman, OK: University of Nebraska Press, 1966. Later printing. ISBN: 0803251726. 5 1/2 x 8, 303 pgs, index, A lyric salute to the earth and sky and people who made the history of the Great Plains. Paperback. Good+. $10.00 555]Santee, Ross. MEN AND HORSES. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1977. First, thus. ISBN: 0803209193. 5 1/2 x 8, 268 pgs, more than 100 original drawings by the author. Includes great stories like "The Rummy Kid", "A Cow-Puncher's Pinch of Snuff", "The Ketch Dog" and many more. Originally published in 1928. Hardcover. Very Good+. $35.00 556]Savoy, Carlos. TEXAS TALES OF LOST MINES AND BURIED TREASURES. Plano, TX: Republic of Texas Press, 2002. First printing. ISBN: 1556228783. 5 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 1/2 x 8 1/2, 232 pgs. In-depth research on the legends and folktales concerning lost mines and buried treasure in the state of Texas. Paperback. Very Good. $30.00 557]Saylor, Dennis E. SONGS IN THE NIGHT. The Story of Marion Van Devanter. Albuquerque, NM: Palos Verdes Book Co., 1980. ISBN: 0936848006. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 94 pgs, b&w historical photos. The remarkable story of a remarkable lady who turned grief over the early loss of her adoring husband into a lifetime of devoted service to one of America's great voluntary hospitals - Presbyterian Hospital in Albuquerque. Paperback. Good. $9.00 558]Schofield, Donald F. INDIANS, CATTLE, SHIP & OIL The Story of W.M.D. Lee. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1985. First edition. ISBN: 0292792087. 6 x 9, 205 pgs, index, bibliography, notes, b&w historical photos. Indian trader, rancher, harbor developer, oil impresario-- these are the many world's of one of the least chronicled but most fascinating characters of the American West. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 559]Schultheis, Rob. FOOL'S GOLD. New York: Lyons Press, 2000. First edition. ISBN: 1585741361. 6 x 9, 232 pgs. The author's insights and experiences in the Four Corners country. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $15.00 560]Searl, Molly. MONTANA DISASTERS. Fires, Floods, and Other Catastrophes. Boulder, CO: Pruett Publishing, 2001. First printing. ISBN: 0871089181. 6 x 8, 204 pgs, bibliography, b&w photos. A real-life thriller, it will leave you with the sense of how it feels to be caught in mining catastrophes, flash floods, train wrecks, and more. Tells of the sorrow and elation of victims' friends and families; takes you to the scenes where the forces of nature and humans wreaked havoc. Paperback. Very Good. $14.00 561]Seig, Louis. TOBACCO, PEACE PIPES, AND INDIANS. Palmer Lake, CO: Filter Press, 1999. ISBN: 086541047X. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 50 pgs, b&w illustrations. Examines the many ceremonial uses of tobacco among the native peoples of North America. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 562]Sekulich, Daniel. TERROR ON THE SEAS. New York: St Martin's Press, 2009. First edition. ISBN: 9780312375829. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 308 pgs, index, bibliography. In this revealing account of modern-day piracy, Daniel Sekulich clears up common misconceptions associated with the stereotypical image of the 18th century pirate and explores this serious threat to worldwide ocean security that ends up costing more than $25 billion to combat each year. Sekulich also details piracy's main victims: the international economy, the environment and the individuals involved. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $14.00 563]Sengstacken, Agnes Ruth. DESTINATION WEST! Portland, OR: Binfords & Mort, 1972. Second edition. ISBN: 0832302074. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 219 pgs, mapped endsheets. A warm, factual account of a true pioneer woman, as told to her daughter after the pioneering days were over. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 564]Shearer, Tony. LORD OF THE DAWN - QUETZALCOATL. Healdsburg, CA: Naturegraph Publishers, 1971. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 200 pgs, sepia illustrations and a couple of color photos. The legend of the plumed serpent of Mexico. Paperback. Good. $9.00 565]Shipway, Verna Cook and Warren Shipway. MEXICAN HOMES OF TODAY. New York: Architectural Book Publishing Co., 1978. Later printing. ISBN: 0803801572. 8 1/2 x 11, 250 pgs, b&w photos throughout. Shows the development and emergence in modern form of today's Mexican home. The emphasis is on current trends -- contemporary houses plus views of gardens, pools, doors, furniture and architectural details. Hardcover. Good+ in Good DJ. $18.00 566]Shirley, Glenn. TEMPLE HOUSTON - LAWYER WITH A GUN A Biogrpahy of Sam Houston's Son. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1981. First edition, second printing. ISBN: 0806116277. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 339 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w historical photos. This is the story of Temple Lea Houston's flowering in the law and politics of Texas and his decision to escape from being his father's son and seek his fame and fortune in Oklahoma Territory. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 567]Silko, Leslie Marmon. ALMANAC OF THE DEAD. A Novel. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991. Second printing. ISBN: 0671666088. 6 x 9, 763 pgs. This novel's central theme is the clash of two civilizations - a clash which has persisted ever since the first Spaniards arrived in the Land of Pueblos some 450 years ago. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00 568]Silverman, Jason. UNTOLD NEW MEXICO Stories from a Hidden Past. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 2006. ISBN: 0865344930. 6 x 9, 186 pgs, index, foreword by Governor BIll Richardson. This entertaining collection explores some of the forgotten moments and people who have fefined New Mexico: from Dennis Hopper to Dennis Chavez, Buddy Holly to Martha Graham, Native American artists to Spanish conquistadores, basketball to boxing, volcano experts to Pueblo experts and more! Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 569]Simmen, Edward, editor. NORTH OF THE RIO GRANDE The MexicanAmerican Experience in Short Fiction. New York: Penguin Books, 1992. First printing. ISBN: 0451628349. 4 x 7, 432 pgs. A collection of stories by MexicanAmerican authors (including Americo Paredes, Sandra Cisneros, Willa Cather, Arturo Islas, Stephen Crane and others). Paperback. Very Good. $6.00 570]Simmons, Marc. FOLLOWING THE SANTA FE TRAIL A Guide for Modern Travelers. Santa Fe, NM: Ancient City Press, 1986. Second edition. ISBN: 0941270386. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 214 pgs, index, b&w photos and maps. A modern day trip along the Santa Fe trail with this well-known historian who points out the scenes, characters and events of the 1800s. Ex-library. Paperback. Good+. $8.00 571]Simmons, Marc. HISPANIC ALBUQUERQUE. 1706-1846. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2003. First, thus. ISBN: 0826331602. 6 x 8, 164 pgs, b&w historical photos, maps. A narrative history of Albuquerque during its era as a Hispanic community. This is an abridgment of Simmon's "Albuquerque: A Narrative History" first published in 1982. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 572]Simons, Helen and Cathryn A. Hoyt. A GUIDE TO HISPANIC TEXAS. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1996. ISBN: 0292777094. 8 1/2 x 11, 347 pgs, index, references, b&w photos. A perfect guidebook to take along on trips throughout Texas. Divided by the major cities and their regions, lists historic sites, local festivals and events, public art, museums, natural areas and more. Paperback. Fine. $10.00 573]Sinclair, John L. COWBOY RIDING COUNTRY. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1982. First edition. ISBN: 0826306454. 8 x 10, 191 pgs, illustrated by Edmond DeLavy. Popular memoirs of an old New Mexico cowboy who started in the 1920s and covered the state, working horseback. Slight damp wrinkling. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $50.00 574]Siringo, Charles A. A TEXAS COWBOY. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1979. Later printing. ISBN: 0803291116. 5 x 8, 198 pgs, b&w illustrations by Tom Lea, intro by J. Frank Dobie, typography by Carl Herzog. The author had spent nearly twenty years as a cow puncher on the great western cattle ranges when he put down his experiences in 1885. Paperback. Good. $8.00 575]Siringo, Charles A. A TEXAS COWBOY. New York: William Sloane, 1950. First, thus. 6 x 8 1/2, 198 pgs, b&w illustrations by Tom Lea, introduction by J. Frank Dobie, typography by Carl Herzog. The author had spent nearly twenty years as a cow puncher on the great western cattle ranges when he put down his experiences in 1885. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $60.00 576]Siringo, Charles A. A TEXAS COWBOY. Or, Fifteen Years on the Hurricane Deck of a Spanish Pony. New York: Time-Life Books, 1980. Later printing. 6 x 8 1/2, 198 pgs facsimile of the 1885 edition. The author had spent nearly twenty years as a cow puncher on the great western cattle ranges when he put down his experiences in 1885. Brown leatherette with gilt lettering. Hardcover. Very Good. $30.00 577]Siringo, Chas. A. TWO EVIL ISMS. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn, 1967. Second edition. Facsimile reproduction of the 1915 original edition. 5 1/2 x 8, 109 pgs introduction by Charles D. Peavy. Siringo's famous airing of his quarrel with Pinkerton's National Detective Agency. Hardcover. Very Good+. $60.00 578]Skelton, John. FULL A BULL Sage Quips for Business & Life. Published/ Printed by the author, 2006. First edition. ISBN: 0977033504. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 134 pgs. Texas wit and good sense. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 579]Smiley, Marjorie B., John J. Marcatante, Frank E. Brown, Jacqueline Tilles and Evelyn Gott. WESTERN SAMPLER. New York: Macmillan, 1967. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 190 pgs, b&w illustrations. Anthology of Western stories for the high school or college English class. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00 580]Smith, C.W. UNDERSTANDING WOMEN. Ft. Worth, TX: TCU Press, 1998. ISBN: 0875651895. 6 x 9, 245 pgs. Novel set in New Mexico in the late 1950s. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 581]Smith, Carolyn, editor. THE ALASKA ALMANAC Facts About Alaska. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Northwest Books, 1976. 19th Edition. ISBN: 0882404660. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 224 pgs, index, b&w maps. An indispensable reference for those who are traveling to the north or those who already know and love it but want to impress others with their encyclopedic knowledge of Alaska. Paperback. Good. $5.00 582]Smith, E.C. QUERIDA HIJA (DEAR DAUGHTER) Favorite Mexican Recipes: Baked Goods. Tucson, AZ: Booksmith. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 30 pgs. Great traditional Mexican recipes for breads, bisquits, rolls, muffins, cookies, cakes, pies and desserts. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 583]Smith, Eliza Wells. A BRIDGE TO THE PAST The New Mexico State Monuments. Santa Fe, NM: New Mexico State Monuments, 2006. Special 75th Anniversary Edition. ISBN: 9780890134856. 8 1/2 x 11, 80 pgs, b&w and color photos and illustrations. Over eighteen sites have been designated as State Monuments in New Mexico, more than any other state in the country. This book provides a brief history and overview of each of the monuments including Coronado (1935), Jemez (1940), Fort Sumner (1968), Fort Selden (1973), and Lincoln (1976), as well as two 2005 designations: El Camino Real Heritage Center and El Bosque Redondo Memorial. Includes chronology, maps, and visitor information. Paperback. Fine. $15.00 584]Sonnichsen, C.L. PASS OF THE NORTH. Four Centuries on the Rio Grande. El Paso, TX: Texas Western Press, 1968. First edition. 6 x 9 1/2, 467 pgs, index, references, b&w historical photos. Sonnichsen's classic history of the twin desert cities, El Paso and Juarez, from 1571 to 1917. Designed by Carl Herzog. Maps and chapter initials by Jose Cisneros. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $80.00 585]Sonnichsen, C. L. ROY BEAN - LAW WEST OF THE PECOS. Greenwich, CT: Devin-Adair, 1943. Book Club. 6 x 8 1/2, 211 pgs, b&w historical photos. The classic work on the infamous hanging judge, Roy Bean, and Lily Langtry, and all the outlaws and rounders that passed through their lives. Hardcover. Very Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 29 Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00 586]Sonnichsen, C.L. TULAROSA. Last of the Frontier West. Old Greenwich, CT: Devin-Adair Co., 1961. Second printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 336 pgs, index, sources, sections of b&w photos, mapped endsheet. Based on primary records and on conservations with survivors from Tularosa's pioneer days; cattle ranchers, rustlers, Apaches, desperadoes & law men - it had it all. Front spine cracked but holding well. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $40.00 587]Sonnichsen, C.L. and M.G. McKinney. THE STATE NATIONAL SINCE 1881. The Pioneer Bank of El Paso. El Paso, TX: Texas Western Press, 1971. First edition. ISBN: 0874040280. 6 x 9, 171 pgs, b&w photos. A history of this old El Paso bank and El Paso as well. Unrelated Sonnichsen letter laid in. Hardcover. Fine. $50.00 588]Spivey, Richard L. MARIA. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1994. Third revised. ISBN: 0873581814. 9 x 12, 148 pgs, index, beautiful color and b&w photos. The story and photos of the work of Maria Martinez of San Ildefonso Pueblo - wonderful Pueblo pottery. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $125.00 589]Spragg, Mark. BONE FIRE A Novel. New York: Knopf, 2010. ISBN: 9780307272751. 6 x 9, 245 pgs. At eighty, Einar Gilkyson has lost his share of loved ones, but still finds his house full. His granddaughter, Griff, has dropped out of college to look after him, and his long-absent sister has returned home from Chicago. But Ishawooa, Wyoming is far from bucolic, and troubles begin to boil when the sheriff finds a man murdered in a meth lab. Harsh truths and difficult consolation come alongside moments of hilarity, surprise and beauty. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 590]Spragg, Mark. THE FRUIT OF STONE A Novel. New York: Riverhead/ Putnam, 2002. First edition. ISBN: 1573222232. 6 x 9, 287 pgs. The author's first novel is the story of the lifelong friendship between two Wyoming ranchers, McEban and Bennett, and their love for the same woman--Gretchen Simpson, Bennett's wife. When she leaves them both for a new life, the two men follow her on a journey across the American West, testing the limits of their friendship and love. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 591]Staats, Todd R. NEW MEXICO OFF THE BEATEN PATH. A Guide to Unique Places. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot, 2002. Later printing. ISBN: 0762712287. 5 x 8, 194 pgs, b&w illustrations and maps. How to explore New Mexico: ancient ruins and present-day pueblos, comfortable lodges and quirky cafes, and more. Paperback. Very Good. $7.00 592]Stamm, Mike. WRECKS OF THE FRONTIER WEST. Horse, Mule, Grizzly, Indian, Buffalo... Kingman, AZ: Medicine Wolf Press, 1996. ISBN: 096406684X. 8 1/2 x 11, 150 pgs, photos & illustrations. Exciting accounts from Jim Bridger, Jedediah Smith, Joe Meek, George Custer, Kit Carson, George Crook and many others; horse & mule fiascos, blowouts with buffalo, fracases with grizzlies, wagon smack-up and many more. Oversized Paperback. New. $16.00 593]Steber, Rick. PIONEERS Tales of the Wild West - Vol. 11. Prineville, OR: Bonanza Publishing, 1993. First printing. ISBN: 0945134118. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 60 pgs, b&w illustrations. Stories based on personal interviews and research in journals, diaries, logs, letters, newspapers and books, most with an Oregon or Northwest connection. Paperback. Good. $8.00 594]Stephens, Glen. AMARILLO BY MORNING. Pittsburgh: Dorrance Publishing, 2004. First printing. ISBN: 0805963901. 6 x 9, 150 pgs. Novel set in the world of ranching and bull riding. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 595]Stewart, George R. ORDEAL BY HUNGER. The Story of the Donner Party. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1986. Fourth printing. ISBN: 080329171X. Originally published in 1936, a new edition with a supplement and three accounts by survivors, b&w illustrations. A thorough, welldocumented account of that fateful trip. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 596]Stone, Irving. IMMORTAL WIFE The Biographical Novel of Jessie Benton Fremont. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1944. 5 1/2 x 8, 456 pgs. Daughter of Senator Thomas Hart Benton, this is the biographical account of her exciting life; married to John Charles Fremont, topographer and adventurer during the period of westward expansion, the Gold Rush, and U.S. Civil War. Binding cracked and barely holding, a few front pages loose but present. Hardcover. Fair. $10.00 597]Stone, Irving Stone, edited by Lewis Gannett. MEN TO MATCH MY MOUNTAINS. The Opening of the Far West 1840-1900. Edison, NJ: Castle Books, 2001. Later printing. ISBN: 0785813470. 6 x 9, 459 pgs, index, notes and biblio, mapped endsheets. An interwoven pageant of stories of the great westward drive which settled a continent and gave the U.S. dimensions of which its founders hardly dreamed. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 598]Stoutenburgh, Jr., John. DICTIONARY OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN. New York: Bonanza Books, 1950. Later printing. ISBN: 0517694166. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 459 pgs. An great source book which clarifies terms often used incorrectly, states facts without prejudice or intent to influence, and gives a dependable source of information on Indian history and lore. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $15.00 599]Stratton, Joanna L. PIONEER WOMEN. Voices from the Kansas Frontier. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1981. ISBN: 0671226118. Introduction by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. 6 x 9 1/2, 319 pgs, index, b&w historical photos, endpapers decorated w/maps of Kansas. The author's discovery in her grandmother's attic of autobiographical manuscripts written by hundreds of pioneer women led to 30 this collection. Hardcover. Good+ in Good DJ. $15.00 600]Stratton, Owen Tully. Edited by Owen S. Stratton. MEDICINE MAN. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989. First edition. ISBN: 0806122188. 5 x 8, 251 pgs, b&w photos and maps. Colorful memoir of this medicine show pitchman turned respectable country doctor. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 601]Stratton, Porter A. THE TERRITORIAL PRESS OF NEW MEXICO, 1832-1912. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1969. First edition. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 306 pgs, index, notes. A complete history of frontier journalism in the Territory of New Mexico and a complete guide to the locations of remaining files. Hardcover Spiral Bound. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $60.00 602]Streeter, Floyd B. PRAIRIE TRAILS & COW TOWNS. New York: Devin Adair Co., 1963. Second edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 214 pgs, index, bibliography. Considered one of the best books written on the Kansas cow towns and its wild times. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $75.00 603]Stribling, C.K. BERNALILLO COUNTY GUIDE. Truth or Consequences, NM: Talking Boy Publications, 1986. 8 1/2 x 11, 100 pgs, maps. Where to find this New Mexico county's ghost towns, mining camps, peaks, canyons, National Forests and more, plus history, place names, points of interest and more. Paperback. New. $4.00 604]Stribling, C.K. LEA COUNTY GUIDE. Truth or Consequences, NM: Talking Boy Publications, 1986. 8 1/2 x 11, 100 pgs, maps. Where to find this New Mexico county's ghost towns, mining camps, peaks, canyons, National Forests and more, plus history, place names, points of interest and more. Paperback. New. $4.00 605]Stribling, C.K. SAN JUAN COUNTY GUIDE. Truth or Consequences, NM: Talking Boy Publications, 1986. 8 1/2 x 11, 100 pgs, maps. Where to find this New Mexico county's ghost towns, mining camps, peaks, canyons, National Forests and more, plus history, place names, points of interest and more. Paperback. New. $4.00 606]Stribling, C.K. SANTA FE COUNTY GUIDE. Truth or Consequences, NM: Talking Boy Publications, 1986. 8 1/2 x 11, 100 pgs, maps. Where to find this New Mexico county's ghost towns, mining camps, peaks, canyons, National Forests and more, plus history, place names, points of interest and more. Paperback. New. $4.00 607]Sullivan, Marion F. WESTWARD THE BELLS A Biography of Junipero Serra. Boston: St. Paul Books & Media, 1988. First printing. ISBN: 0819882275. 5 x 8, 162 pgs, bibliography, b&w photos. Sensitively told story of Father Junipero Serra as a compassionate man, ahead of his time in his recognition of the human dignity of the Indians he encountered in California. Paperback. Good+. $10.00 608]Sullivan, Marion F. WESTWARD THE BELLS Christian Civilization Moves Westward with Father Junipero Serra. Staten Island, NY: Alba House/Society of St. Paul, 1973. First printing. ISBN: 0818902183. 5 x 8, 162 pgs, bibliography, b&w photos. Sensitively told story of Father Junipero Serra as a compassionate man, ahead of his time in his recognition of the human dignity of the Indians he encountered in California. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 609]Sutherland, Bill. OUT WHERE THE WEST BE-GRINS. Las Cruces, NM: Southwest Publishing, 1942. 6 x 9, 94 pgs. A book of western yarns: 100 stories, 'some of them good'. Paperback. Very Good. $18.00 610]Sutin, Mike. NAKED LADIES ON THE ROAD Poems. Santa Fe, NM: Published/Printed by the author. ISBN: 0865344353. 6 x 9, 103 pgs. Poetry that juxtaposes the two sides of Santa Fe, NM: the City of the Holy Faith versus Santa Fe's Canyon Road, the Art and Soul of Santa Fe. Paperback. Fine. $8.00 611]Sutin, Mike. VOICES FROM THE CORNER Voces del Rincon. Tesuque, NM: Pennywhistle Press, 2000. First edition. ISBN: 0938631373. 7 1/2 x 9, 146 pgs. Poetry that captures the flavor of northern New Mexico: enchanting and outspoken, multi-ethnic, with juxtapositions and tensions highlighting high desert headlines. Oversized Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 612]Swartley, Ron. AIR MUSEUMS SOUTHWEST. Silver City, NM: Frontier Image Press, 2005. Later printing. ISBN: 1888571098. 8 1/2 x 11, 180 pgs, b&w and color photos. A guide to 30 air museums from Texas to southern California. What they have, hours, how to get there, and more. Oversized Paperback. New. $22.00 613]Swartley, Ron. THE BILLY THE KID TRAVEL GUIDE. Las Cruces, NM: Frontier Image Press, 1999. First printing. ISBN: 1888571047. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 84 pgs, b&w photos. Use this guide to visit the places where Billy the Kids grew up, fought, killed...and was killed. Staplebound. New. $9.00 614]Swartley, Ron. THE DAY GERONIMO SURRENDERED. Silver City, NM: Frontier Image Press, 2005. First printing. ISBN: 188857111X. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 42 pgs, b&w and color photos. All about Geronimo's last day of freedom; the breakout, the chase, the Gatewood negotiations, the final surrender, etc. Staplebound. New. $7.00 615]Swartley, Ron. INDIAN COUNTRY NEW MEXICO. Silver City, NM: Frontier Image Press, 1996. ISBN: 096343098X. 8 x 11, 84 pgs, b&w photos. A guide to all 25 Indian reservations in New Mexico. Describes tribal homelands, history, culture, tourist attractions, recreational opportunities, ceremonials, and arts and crafts. Oversized Paperback. New. $13.00 616]Swartley, Ron. THE KINO MISSIONS A Travel/History Guide. Silver City, Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com NM: Frontier Image Press, 2009. First printing. ISBN: 1888571160. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 50 pgs, color photos and illustrations. A history of Padre Kino, the area where he spent his time in the second half of the 17th century, and an armchair tour of the eight missions he founded in northern Mexico and southern Arizona. Paperback. New. $10.00 617]Swartley, Ron. OLD FORTS OF THE APACHE WARS. A Travel Guide. Las Cruces, NM: Frontier Image Press, 1999. First printing. ISBN: 1888571039. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 88 pgs, b&w photos and maps. A travel guide to 17 old forts in Arizona, New Mexico and West Texas. Staplebound. New. $10.00 618]Swisher, Jr., Robert K. THE LAND. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 1987. ISBN: 0865340951. 6 x 9, 169 pgs. Novel of modern New Mexico filled with history. Signed and inscribed. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 619]Swisher, Jr., Robert K. LAST DAY IN PARADISE A Novel. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 2004. First printing. ISBN: 0865343942. 6 x 9, 273 pgs. A moving story about the shrinking West, greed, love, devotion, and murder makes a statement that all mankind should have the right to live the way they choose and can work through their differences. Inscribed and signed. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 620]Swisher, Jr., Robert K. THE LAST NARROW GAUGE TRAIN ROBBERY. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 1987. ISBN: 0865341060. 6 x 9, 95 pgs. Fiction, set in the modern day west, filled with humor and sly glances at today's society. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 621]Szasz, Ferenc Morton. THE DAY THE SUN ROSE TWICE. The Story of the Trinity Site Nuclear Explosion July 16, 1945. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1984. Later printing. ISBN: 082630768X. 6 x 9, 244 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w photos. A concise and cogent look at how our nuclear dilemma began. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 622]Szasz, Margaret Connell. EDUCATION AND THE AMERICAN INDIAN The Road to Self-Determination Since 1928. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1984. Third printing. ISBN: 0826304680. 6 x 9, 252 pgs, section of b&w photos. The first full-length study of federal Indian education. A valuable contribution to the study of Federal Indian policy and administration that will be useful to anyone with a serious interest in such matters. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 623]Taliaferro, John. IN A FAR COUNTRY The True Story of a Mission, a Marriage, a Murder, and the Remarkable Reindeer Rescue of 1898. New York: Public Affairs, 2006. First edition. ISBN: 9781586482213. 6 x 9, 400 pgs, index, section of b&w photos. A gripping and inspiring true story that combines all the best elements of a touching love poem, a deep and resounding history lesson, and a pulse-quickening action-adventure tale. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 624]Tanaka, Shelley. A DAY THAT CHANGED AMERICA: THE ALAMO Surrounded and Outnumbered, They Chose to Make a Defiant Last Stand. Canada: Madison Press, 2003. First printing. ISBN: 189589235X. 9 x 10 1/2, 48 pgs, color photos. The story of the battle of the Alamo. The rebels were fighting for Texas and for twelve long days they defended it against the soldiers who surrounded them. President Santa Anna sent a message to the Texians behind the walls there would be no mercy for those inside. This is the story told through the eyes of two real-life survivors of the siege and battle. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 625]Tanner, Ogden. THE CANADIANS. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1977. First printing. 8 1/2 x 11, 240 pgs, b&w photos and color illustrations. Colorful history of the Canadians on the frontier. Brown padded leather. Hardcover. Very Good. $10.00 626]Taylor, Demetria, editor. ROUNDUP OF BEEF COOKERY. New York: Sterling Publishing Co., 1960. 6 1/2 x 10, 204 pgs, index. Endsheets decorated with brands. A complete guide to the best beef recipes from the ranch kitchens of America prepared in collaboration with the American National CowBelles. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $12.00 627]Theisen, Gerald. A STUDY GUIDE TO NEW MEXICO HISTORY. Santa Fe, NM: Museum of NM Press, 1977. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 99 pgs, b&w photos. Bibliographies and readings for all aspects of New Mexico history: Native American, Spanish, Hispanic settlement, the Pueblo revolt, the U.S. Invasion, etc. Inscribed and signed by the author. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 628]Thollander, Earl. BACK ROADS OF CALIFORNIA. Menlo Park, CA: Sunset Magazine/Lane Book Co., 1975. ISBN: 037605011X. 8 1/2 x 11, 208 pgs, b&w & color sketches throughout. Sketches and trip notes from selected trips and side roads off California's major highways. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00 629]Thollander, Earl. BACK ROADS OF CALIFORNIA. New York: Clarkson Potter, 1983. First edition. ISBN: 0517549670. 8 1/2 x 11, 192 pgs, b&w sketches throughout. Sketches and trip notes from selected trips and side roads off California's major highways. 65 new trips along country roads. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00 630]Thollander, Earl. BACK ROADS OF OREGON. Seattle: Sasquatch Books, 1992. Second edition. ISBN: 0912365773. 8 1/2 x 11, 208 pgs, b&w illustrations. Sketches and trip notes from selected trips and side roads off Oregon's major highways, 82 trips in all. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 631]Thomas, Michael A. OSTRICH. A Comic Novel. Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press, 2000. First printing. ISBN: 0874173515. 6 x 9, 277 pgs. Hilarious story of a Nevada rancher whose life is going all wrong when the whole family arrives to celebrate his seventy-second birthday. Signed. Paperback. Fine. $10.00 632]Time-Life Books, multiple/various authors. THE OLD WEST SERIES OF TIME LIFE BOOKS 26 Volumes. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1973. 8 1/2 x 11, about 150 pages each with b&w and color historical photos and illustrations. Includes: The Cowboys; Indians; Trailblazers; Soldiers; Railroaders; FortyNiners; Pioneers; Gunfighters; Expressmen; Townsmen; Great Chiefs; Rivermen; Texans; Loggers; Chroniclers; Spanish West; Miners; Canadians; Frontiersmen; Alaskans; Ranchers; Mexican War; Women; Scouts; Gamblers; End and the Myth. Padded brown leatherette with oval color pictorials on front. Actual shipping charges apply. Hardcover. Very Good+. $150.00 633]Timmons, William. TWLIGHT ON THE RANGE Recollections of a Latterday Cowboy. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1962. 6 x 9, 223 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. One man's story of life as an American cowboy, and the characters he meets along the way. Hardcover. Very Good. $40.00 634]Tolbert, Frank X. THE STAKED PLAIN. Dallas: SMU Press, 1987. Second edition. ISBN: 0870742531. 6 x 9, 283 pgs. Historical fiction of Indian life in West Texas in the 1860s and 1870s. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 635]Townshend, R.B. A TENDERFOOD IN COLORADO. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1968. First, thus. 5 x 7 1/2, 282 pgs. R. B. Townshend arrived in the Rockies in 1869, just off the boad from Cambridge, England. He brought with him the uncluttered vision of youth and an unprejudiced ear with which to appreciate the subtleties of frontier speech patterns. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $20.00 636]Townshend, R.B. A TENDERFOOD IN COLORADO. London: John Lane, 1923. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 282 pgs. R. B. Townshend arrived in the Rockies in 1869, just off the boad from Cambridge, England. He brought with him the uncluttered vision of youth and an unprejudiced ear with which to appreciate the subtleties of frontier speech patterns. Hardcover. Very Good. $70.00 637]Townshend, R.B. THE TENDERFOOT IN NEW MEXICO. New York: Dodd Mead, 1924. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 257 pgs, b&w photos. The author's reminiscences of New Mexico territory in the last 1800s and early 1900s. Hardcover. Very Good. $50.00 638]Traylor, Herbert Lee. TALES OF THE SIERRA BLANCA. Stories of Long Ago. Roswell, NM: Pioneer Printing/Published by the author, 1983. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 53 pgs, b&w drawings, signed by the author. Nine reminiscences of life in the old days in south central New Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good+. $40.00 639]Traywick, Ben T. GHOST TOWNS & LOST TREASURES. Tombstone, AZ: Red Marie's Bookstore, 1994. 6 x 9, 199 pgs, b&w historical photos. Ghost towns of Cochise County and lost treasures and mines in Arizona and Sonora, Mexico. Signed. Paperback. New. $18.00 640]Trew, Delbert. "IT'S ALL TREW" Alanreed, TX: Bull Canyon Press, 2002. 8 1/2 x 11, 125 pgs. Eighty of the author's articles published by the Amarillo Globe News, plus seventeen fiction short stories previously unpublished. Paperback. Very Good+. $35.00 641]TRINITY SITE July 16, 1945. Washington DC: U.S. Gov't Printing Office, 2000. 7 x 8 1/2, 16 pgs, b&w photos. History of the development of the bomb, and the test in New Mexico. Paperback. Very Good. $9.00 642]Turner, Alford E., ed. THE EARPS TALK. College Station, TX: Early West, 1992. Third Printing. ISBN: 0932702058. 6 x 9, 193 pgs, index, b&w historical photos, decorated endsheets. Wyatt, Virgil and James tell their stories in interviews and testimonies about the O.K. Corral gunfight. Plus Wyatt tells how he called the Sharkey-Fitzsimmons bout. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $20.00 643]Turner, Erin, editor. BADASSES OF THE OLD WEST True Stories of Outlaws On The Edge. Helena, MT: TwoDot, 2010. Fourth printing. ISBN: 9780762754663. 6 x 9, 236 pgs. Thirty-six true tales of the desperadoes, gunslingers, and bad guys who made the Wild West wild. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 644]Tyler, Danier, editor, with Betty Henshaw. LOVE IN AN ENVELOPE. A Courtship in the American West. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2009. First, thus. ISBN: 9780826345356. 6 x 9, 210 pgs, index, notes, b&w historical photos. Compilation of 54 letters exchanged between Leroy S. Carpenter in Greeley, Colorado and Martha Bennet from De Witt, Iowa in 1871. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 645]Ulsh, R. Michael. BLIND EVIDENCE. Las Cruces, NM: Published/Printed by the author, 2007. ISBN: 9781425759704. 6 x 9, 140 pgs. Novel, set in New Mexico, crime, politics, deception, revenge, and romance. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 646]Ulyatt, Kenneth. THE LONGHORN TRAIL. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Press, 1968. First American edition. 5 x 8, 309 pgs. Story of a cattle drive from Texas to Wyoming in the 1860s. Ex-library, rebound. Hardcover. Good+. $15.00 647]Usner, Don J. BENIGNA'S CHIMAYO. Cuentos from the Old Plaza. Santa Fe, NM: Museum of New Mexico Press, 2001. ISBN: 0890133824. 8 x 9 1/2, 153 pgs, b&wphotos and illustrations. Collection of 14 traditional cuentos, retold in English and regional New Mexico Spanish, in this memoir of the author's grandmother, Benigna Ortega Chavez, and their summers together on the plaza in Chimayo, NM. Paperback. Fine. $15.00 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 31 648]Utley, Robert M. THE INDIAN FRONTIER OF THE AMERICAN WEST 18461890. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1997. Later printing. ISBN: 0826307167. 6 x 9, 325 pgs, index, b&w historical photos, maps. The dramatic events of the final half-century of conflict between Indians and whites in the American West. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 649]Utley, Robert M. and Robert G. Ferris, editors. PROSPECTOR, COWHAND, AND SODBUSTER. Historic Places Associated with the Mining, Ranching, and Farming Frontiers in the Trans-Mississippi West. Washington DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, 1967. Based on research of Odie Faulk, et.al. 6 x 9, 320 pgs, b&w historical photos, maps, bibliography, index. This book is a wonderful summary of historic sites in the West, from mining towns to the famous ranches, National Monuments, etc. Hardcover. Very Good+. $15.00 650]Van Dyke, Tom. A COWBOY CHRISTMAS An American Tale. Phoenix, AZ: Page Branch Publishing, 2009. First edition. ISBN: 9780615318370. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 110 pgs. An inspiring adventure of strength, character and discovery, set in the 1870s in the American West. Paperback. New. $17.00 651]Van Eldik, James. FROM THE FLAME OF BATTLE TO THE FIERY CROSS. Las Cruces, NM: Yucca Tree Press, 2001. First edition. ISBN: 1881325474. 6 x 9, 392 pgs, index, b&w photos and maps. The author provides a unique look into a single unit during the Civil War. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $20.00 652]Varney, Philip. ARIZONA'S BEST GHOST TOWNS. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1979. First edition. ISBN: 0873582187. 8 1/2 x 11, 142 pgs, index, b&w photos. A great guidebook to Arizona ghost towns. Oversized Paperback. Good. $14.00 653]Villasenor, David and Jean. INDIAN DESIGNS. Happy Camp, CA: Naturegraph Publishers, 1983. First printing. ISBN: 0879611227. 8 1/2 x 11, 48 pgs. Designs for use as quilt patterns, needlepoint, applique, machine and hand embroidery, clothing, trapunto, fabric painting, crafts, etc. Slight damp wrinkling. Paperback. Good. $12.00 654]Villasenor, Victor. THIRTEEN SENSES. New York: Rayo-Harper Collins, 2001. ISBN: 0066210771. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 509 pgs. The sequel to the author's "Rain of Gold", his exhilarating family saga set in Southern California in the early 20th century. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00 655]Villasenor, Victor. THIRTEEN SENSES. New York: Rayo-Harper Collins, 2002. ISBN: 0060935677. 5 x 8, 509 pgs. The sequel to the author's "Rain of Gold", his exhilarating family saga set in Southern California in the early 20th century. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00 656]Viola., Herman. TRAIL TO WOUNDED KNEE. The Last Stand of the Plains Indians, 1860-1890. Washington DC: National Geographic Society, 2003. ISBN: 0792226321. National Geographic, Washington, DC, 2003. 7 x 10, 200 pgs, b&w and color illustrations and photos throughout. Authoritative and superbly illustrated acount of the decline of the Plains Indians. Hardcover. Very Good. $15.00 657]Viola, Herman J. WARRIOR ARTISTS Historic Cheyenne and Kiowa Indian Ledger Art. Washington DC: National Geographic Society, 1998. First edition. ISBN: 0792273702. 11 x 8 1/2, 125 pgs, color art reproductions. Rich and vivid drawings preserve the proud and tragic story of the American Indian people. In 1875 the U. S. Army imprisoned approximately 70 Southern Plains warriors at Fort Marion in St. Augustine, Florida. The warriors were given art materials and encouraged to draw as part of an attempt to "rehabilitate" them. This collection of never-before-published 19th-century ledger art by two of those imprisoned artists is a fresh, vibrant record of an important chapter in American history. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 658]Vokac, David. THE GREAT TOWNS OF THE WEST. A Guide to Their Special Pleasures. San Diego, CA: West Press, 1984. First edition. ISBN: 0930743008. 6 x 9, 464 pgs, b&w illustrations. Guide to towns in all of the Southwest. A wealth of information for travellers. Paperback. Good+. $8.00 659]Voynick, Stephen M. THE MAKING OF A HARDROCK MINER An account of the experiences of a worker in copper, molybdenum and uranium mines in the West. Kearney, NE: Published/Printed by the author/Morris Printing, 1997. Second printing. ISBN: 0831071168. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 224 pgs, b&w photos. What it's like to work underground - the heat, the wet, the dark and the constant danger; the type of man it takes to work here and the human element of mining. Soft. Good+. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 660]Wadsworth, Richard. INCIDENT AT SAN AUGUSTINE SPRINGS. A Hearing for Major Isaac Lynde. Las Cruces, NM: Yucca Tree Press, 2002. ISBN: 1881325563. 6 x 9, 375 pgs, index. The facts surrounding the surrender and abandonment of Fort Fillmore on July 27, 1861. Determine for yourself if he was a coward, traitor or doddering old fool. Lincoln and Congress ended Lynde's career without allowing him to speak. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $25.00 661]Waldman, Carl. ATLAS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN. New York: Facts on File, 1985. ISBN: 0871968509. 8 1/2 x 11, 276 pgs, b&w illustrations, maps and photos. Comprehensive reference work covers the entire history, culture and tribal locations of the Indian peoples of the U.S., Canada and Middle America from pre-historic times to present day. Oversized Paperback. Good+. $12.00 662]Walker, Dale L. ELDORADO The California Gold Rush. New York: Tom Doherty, 2003. Second printing. ISBN: 0312878338. 6 x 9, 379 pgs, index. The complete, often gaudy, always fascinating story of the California Gold Rush. 32 Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00 663]Walker, Steven L. THE SOUTHWEST A Pictorial History of the Land and its People. Scottsdale, AZ: Camelback Design Group, Inc., 1993. ISBN: 1879924099. 9 x 12, 80 pgs, color and b&w photos. A nice overview, with spectacular photos, of the southwestern United States. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 664]Ward, Delbert R. GREAT RANCHES OF THE UNITED STATES. San Antonio, TX: Ganado Press, 1993. First edition. ISBN: 1880510251. 5 x 8 1/2, 242 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Scarce history and compilation of the great ranches in the United States. Gives the early history and present-day activities. Ex-library with usual markings rebound to hardcover. Hardcover. Very Good. $20.00 665]Ward, Fay E. THE COWBOY AT WORK All About His Job and How He Does It. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987. First, thus. ISBN: 0806120517. 7 x 10, 289 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. An old-time cowboy colorfully describes every detail of the working cowhand s life and job. Captivating reading for working cowboys and illustrated with 600 drawings and diagrams by the author, this book is also as indispensable for the dude ranch wrangler as it is for the armchair bronco-buster and anyone interested in cowboy life. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 666]Watson, Don. INDIANS OF THE MESA VERDE. Colorado: Mesa Verde National Park, 1961. 6 x 9, 188 pgs, b&wphotos. Lots of information about the archeological background of Mesa Verde, as well as the people and their lives. Paperback. Very Good. $7.00 667]Weatherford, Jack. INDIAN GIVERS. How the Indians of the Americas Transformed the World. New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1988. ISBN: 0449904962. 6 x 9, 272 pgs, index, references, biblio. After 500 years, the world's huge debt to the wisdom of the Indians of the Americas has finally been explored. The author tells the utterly compelling story of how the cultural, social, and political practices of the Indians have transformed the way life is lived throughout the world. He traces the crucial contributions made by the Indians to our system of government, our democratic institutions, modern medicine, agriculture, architecture, and ecology. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 668]Weatherford, Jack. INDIAN GIVERS. How the Indians of the Americas Transformed the World. New York: Crown, 1988. Later printing. 6 x 9, 272 pgs, index, references, biblio. After 500 years, the world's huge debt to the wisdom of the Indians of the Americas has finally been explored. The author tells the utterly compelling story of how the cultural, social, and political practices of the Indians have transformed the way life is lived throughout the world. He traces the crucial contributions made by the Indians to our system of government, our democratic institutions, modern medicine, agriculture, architecture, and ecology. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 669]Webb, Walter Prescott. THE GREAT PLAINS. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1931. Later printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 525 pgs, index. A compelling history of the great central plains and how this land has shaped the destiny of the American nations. Paperback. Good. $8.00 670]Webb, Walter Prescott. THE TEXAS RANGERS. A Century of Frontier Defense. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1985. Second edition. ISBN: 029273400X. 6 x 9, 584 pgs, b&w illustrations, foreword by Lyndon B. Johnson. A complete history of this unique law-enforcement agency; Webb talked to the Rangers and heard their stories. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $40.00 671]Weber, David J. MYTH AND THE HISTORY OF THE HISPANIC SOUTHWEST. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1988. First edition. ISBN: 0826311946. 6 x 9, 179 pgs. The author explores the complex ways that myth and history have intersected in the remembrance of the Southwest's Hispanic past. Ex-library, rebound to hardcover. Hardcover. Very Good. $10.00 672]Wellman, Paul. INDIAN WARS OF THE WEST. New York: Doubleday, 1947. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 484 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. Captures a time when the issue of supremacy was decided by bullets and arrows; the record of a terrible and bloody struggle. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $15.00 673]Wellman, Paul I. THE GREATEST CATTLE DRIVE. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1964. Second printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 185 pgs, b&w illustrations. For young adults, the story of a cattle drive in 1866. Ex-library with usually markings. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $15.00 674]West, Elliott. THE CONTESTED PLAINS Indians, Goldseekers, and the Rush to Colorado. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1998. Third printing. ISBN: 0700610294. 6 x 9, 422 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w historical photos. The rise of the Native American horse culture, white American's discovery and pursuit of gold in the Rocky Mountains, and the wrenching changes and bitter conflicts that ensued. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 675]West, John O. MEXICAN-AMERICAN FOLKLORE Legends, Songs, Festivals, Proverbs, Crafts, Tales of Saints, of Revolutionaries, and More. Little Rock, AR: August House , 1988. Third printing. ISBN: 0874830591. 6 x 9, 297 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Mexican-Americans of today are richly nourished by the folkways of three cultures Indian, Spanish, and Mexican. This comprehensive look at the Mexican-American world includes proverbs, riddles, and folksongs. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 676]THE WESTERN HISTORICAL QUARTERLY. 37 Copies from 1980-1989, not complete. Logan,UT: Utah State University. Western History Association. 6 1/2 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com x 9 1/2, about 150 pages each. Literary criticisms and book reviews. Useful for western literature professors or buffs. Paperback. Very Good. $50.00 677]THE WESTERN HISTORICAL QUARTERLY. 24 copies from 1990-1995, non complete. Logan, UT: Utah State University. Western History Association. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, about 140 pages each. Western literary criticism and book reviews. Lots of good western literature reading. Paperback. Very Good. $40.00 678]Wetmore, Helen Cody. LAST OF THE GREAT SCOUTS. Chicago: Duluth Press, 1994. 5 x 9, 296 pgs, b&w illustrations. The life story of Buffalo Bill Cody as told by his sister. From his boyhood in Iowa, his years as a pony express rider, his scouting and time with Indian campaigns and more. Facsimile edition of original 1899 printing. Hardcover. Very Good+. $18.00 679]Wheeler, Col. Homer W. THE FRONTIER TRAIL. Or From Cowboy to Colonel. Los Angeles: Times-Mirrow Press, 1923. First edition. 6 x 9, 334 pgs, b&w historical photos. The author's narrative of forty-three years in the Old West as cattleman, Indian fighter and Army officer. Binding cracked but holding well. Hardcover. Good. $120.00 680]Wheeler, Keith. THE CHRONICLERS. New York: Time-Life Books, 1976. First printing. 8 1/2 x 11, 240 pgs, index, b&w and color photos and illustrations. The painters, newspapermen, early photographers, writers, journalists, etc. who recorded what they saw and did. Padded brown leather. Hardcover. Very Good. $12.00 681]White, Peter and Mary Ann White. "ALONG THE RIO GRANDE". Cowboy Jack Thorp's New Mexico. Santa Fe, NM: Ancient City Press, 1988. First printing. ISBN: 0941270440. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 225 pgs, b&w photos. Jack Thorp's writings of cattle culture, lost mines, local characters, and outlaws from previously unpublished manuscripts submitted to the New Mexico Federal Writers' Project between 1936 and 1939. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 682]Wilder, Kathryn, ed. WALKING THE TWILIGHT II. Women Writers of the Southwest. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1996. ISBN: 0873586484. 7 x 9, 245 pgs. Selections from women writers like Pam Houston, Terry Tempest Williams, Paula Gunn Allen and others. Paperback. Good. $9.00 683]Williams, Albert N. Edited by Erskine Caldwell. ROCKY MOUNTAIN COUNTRY. New York: Duell, Sloan, & Pearce, 1950. First printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 189 pgs, mapped endsheets. Covers the Spanish Conquest, the great explorations, the fur trade, the Colorado Gold Rush, the Civil War in the Rockies, Leadville & Cripple Creek, agriculture and much more. Hardcover. Good+. $12.00 684]Williams, C. Herb and Walt Neubrech. INDIAN TREATIES AMERICAN NIGHTMARE. Seattle: Outdoor Empire Publishing, 1976. First printing. ISBN: 09166820483. 8 1/2 x 10 1/2, 92 pgs, index, b&w photos. The first, comprehensive account of the most ontroversial legal battle of the seventies. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 685]Williams, Docia Schultz. PHANTOMS OF THE PLAINS Tales of West Texas Ghosts. Plano, TX: Republic of Texas Press, 1996. First printing. ISBN: 1556223978. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 272 pgs, index, b&w photos. Tells about West Texas, where spirits of former inhabitants have found good reason to remain "home on the range." Haunting the high mesas and rolling plains, these depart souls seem gripped with a purpose not realized in life. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 686]Williamson, Ermal Walden. THE MAN FROM THE BRAZOS. Giant Shadow Publishing. First edition. ISBN: 0974485101. 6 x 9, 246 pgs. The second book in Williamson's Brazos series, the hero, Matt Jorgensen, arrives in Abilene as the man from the Brazos, whose destiny is a showdown with the ghosts of his past and the murderous outlaws of the present. Paperback. Good+. $15.00 687]Willson, Roscoe G. NO PLACE FOR ANGELS Stories of Old Arizona Days. Phoenix: Arizona Republic, 1958. First printing. 6 x 9, 275 pgs, b&w illustrations. Stories of Arizona during territorial days by a columnist for the Arizona Republic. Here are tales of bad men, cowboys, marauding Indians, and lonely settlers. Slight damp stains to first 20 pages. Hardcover. Good+ in Very Good- DJ. $20.00 688]Wilson, Chris. THE MYTH OF SANTA FE Creating a Modern Regional Tradition. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1997. ISBN: 0826317464. 7 x 10, 418 pgs, b&w illustrations. Goes behind the romantic adobe facades and mass marketing stereotypes to tell the fascinating but little known story of how the city's alluring image was quite consciously created early in the century, primarily by Anglo-American newcomers. Paperback. New. $40.00 689]Wilson, John P. MERCHANTS, GUNS & MONEY The Story of Lincoln County and its Wars. Santa Fe, NM: Museum of NM Press, 1987. ISBN: 0890131724. 7 x 10, 226 pgs, b&w photos and maps. The full account of the story of Lincoln, New Mexico, both in its troubled years and throughout its rich and changing history. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 690]Wilson, R. Michael. GREAT TRAIN ROBBERIES OF THE OLD WEST. Helena, MT: Twodot/Globe Pequot, 2007. First edition. ISBN: 0762741503. 6 x 9, 167 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w photos. An action-packed collection of gangs too notorious, hauls too large, and murders too cold-blooded to fade into obscurity. Paperback. New. $13.00 691]Wolff, Geoffrey, editor. THE EDWARD HOAGLAND READER. New York: Vintage Books, 1979. Later printing. ISBN: 0394740378. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 399 pgs. Collects twenty-one essays from all three earlier volumes of Hoagland's essays, plus excerpts from Notes from the Century Before, Hoagland's account of his travels in the British Columbia wilderness. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 692]Wollenberg, Charles. GOLDEN GATE METROPOLIS Perspectives on Bay Area History. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985. ISBN: 087772301X. 10 x 7, 382 pgs, b&w historical photos, maps. A history of the Bay Area from Miwok tribes to Silicon Valley. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 693]Worcester, Donald. LONE HUNTER AND THE CHEYENNES. Fort Worth, TX: Texas Christian University Press, 1985. Second edition. ISBN: 087565018X. 6 x 9, 78 pgs, b&w illustrations, decorated endsheets. The second in a four volume series about a young boy of the Oglala Sioux tribe. Captured by the Cheyennes, two Oglala Sioux boys escape through a blizzard and are saved by a grizzly bear. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 694]Worcester, Donald E. KIT CARSON Mountain Scout. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 192 pgs, b&w illustrations. Children's history book about this famous mountain man. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $8.00 695]Worth, Sol and John Adair. THROUGH NAVAJO EYES An Exploration in Film Communication and Anthropology. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1975. Second edition. ISBN: 0253360161. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 286 pgs, index, section of b&w photos. An anthropological project gives a rare opportunity to see through the eyes of persons with different cultural background. Paperback. Good+. $15.00 696]Wright, Barton. CLOWNS OF THE HOPI Tradition Keepers and Delight Makers. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1994. First edition. ISBN: 0873585720. 7 x 9 1/2, 135 pgs, color photos and illustrations, index, bibliography, notes. Identifies and illustrates the Hopi clown dolls and the personages considered to be clowns, explains the purposes of the various clowns, provides historical background and discusses the Hopi carvers' representations of these figures. Dampwrinkling (but no staining) affects the back half of the book. Paperback. Good. $10.00 697]Wright, Margaret Nickelson. HOPI SILVER The history and hallmarks of Hopi silversmithing. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1982. Third edition. ISBN: 0873580974. 7 x 9 1/2, 113 pgs, index, glossary, bibliography, b&w photos and illustrations. Studies the styles of silver work made by Hopi Indians. Paperback. Good+. $8.00 698]Wright, Ralph B. CALIFORNIA'S MISSIONS. Arroyo Grande, CA: Hubert A. Lowman, 1980. Later printing. 8 1/2 x 11, 96 pgs, b&w illustrations. Details the history and present condition of the Franciscan missions located along California's El Camino Real. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 699]Yeslah, M.D. A TENDERFOOT IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. New York: J.J. Little & Ives Co., 1908. First edition. 5 x 7 1/2, 150 pgs, b&w illustrations. A tourist's impressions of southern California and in particular Los Angeles. Limited edition, #1929, signed. Hardcover. Very Good. $30.00 700]Zarzyski, Paul. ALL THIS WAY FOR THE SHORT RIDE Roughstock Sonnets 1971-1996. Santa Fe, NM: Museum of NM Press, 1996. First printing. ISBN: 0890133085. 7 x 11, 86 pgs, b&w photos. The author includes over 30 poems culled from the last 25 years which truly showcase his life and soul, a soul that was kidnapped by rodeo and stolen by poetry. His poems and the accompanying photographs by Barbara Van Cleve capture the grit of the rodeo style. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 SPORTING BOOKS: Hunting / Fishing / Trapping / Guns / Dogs / Horses / Etc. 701]Adamoli, Vida. THE LOVE OF DOGS. New York: Smithmark Publishers, 1992. Later printing. ISBN: 0831721871. 10 x 14, 96 pgs, color photos throughout. A pretty coffee table style book that is a tribute to man's best friend. Hardcover. Very Good. $9.00 702]Anderson, Luther A. HOW TO HUNT WHITETAIL DEER. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1968. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 116 pgs, section of b&w photos. A simple, common-sense manual of all the beginning hunter needs to know for success in the field plus weapons and tactics for widely varying cover & terrain sure to interest the seasoned woodsman. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $9.00 703]Askins, Bill, editor. DEER HUNTER'S GUIDE. Washington DC: National Rifle Association, 1978. 8 1/2 x 11, 160 pgs, b&w photos. Expert advice on bagging trophy bucks, planning hunts, deer rifles and loads, and more. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00 704]Askins, Colonel Charles. THE SHOTGUNNER'S BOOK. New York: Bonanza Books, 1958. 6 x- 9 1/2, 365 pgs, b&w photos. Covers the most common and popular arms utilized in small game and water fowl hunting and competitive shooting. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $15.00 705]Atamian, Sarkis. THE BEARS OF MANLEY Adventures of an Alaskan Trophy Hunter In Search of the Ultimate Symbol. Anchorage, AK: Publication Consultants, 1995. First edition, signed and numbered #18/200. ISBN: 1888125012. 6 x 9, 447 pgs, b&w photos. The world's most definitive and complete work on why men hunt. Fascinating information and exciting entertainment for hunters. Enlightening and absorbing answers to animal activists. Stirring response to antihunters. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $40.00 706]Atkinson, Robert. FISHING FLIES. An Illustrated Album. New York: Crescent Books, 1991. ISBN: 0517054167. 9 x 12, 127 pgs, color photos and b&w illustrations. A pretty coffee-table style book tells about the ancient craft of fly-tying and has photos of a wide variety of them. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 33 707]Ayoob, Massad. BERETTA PISTOLS. New York: Gun Digest Books, 2005. ISBN: 0873499980. 8 1/2 x 11, 287 pgs, b&w illustrations and photos. Covers all the most popular models of modern Beretta pistols with tests for function and accuracy and an evaluation of their use in defense, target shooting and plinking. Paperback. Very Good+. $30.00 708]Balzar, John. YUKON ALONE The World's Toughest Adventure Race. New York: Henry Holt, 2001. Later printing. ISBN: 0805059504. 5 1/2 x 8, 306 pgs. The Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race is among the most challenging & dangerous of all adventure contests. The author moved to the Far North to find out why anyone would want to run this race. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 709]Barker, Elliott S. WHEN THE DOGS BARK 'TREED'. Portales, NM: Bishop Printing, 1975. Second printing. Published by the author. 6 x 9, 209 pgs, b&w photos. One of the classic works of hounds & hunting. The author recounts the year he spent on the Vermejo Park ranch in Northern New Mexico, 1929, hunting mountain lion, bobcat and bear, with hounds & Airedales. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $125.00 710]Barrett, Pete. FISHING FOR SHARKS. Point Pleasant, NJ: The Fisherman Library, 1990. Fourth printing. ISBN: 0923155058. 6 x 9, 130 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Covers shark biology and identification, tackle choices and rigging, best baits and how to fish them, locating sharks in deep water and the flats, anchoring, drifting and deepwater techniques; hooking, playing and boating your catch; tag and release tips, recipes trophy jaw mounts, and more. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 711]Barringer, Bernie. COMPLETE GUIDE TO FARMLAND FUR TRAPPING. Sterling, OH: Sterling Publications, 2005. Second printing. ISBN: 1885149042. 65 1/2 x 8 1/2, 304 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. A compilation of lessons learned through two decades of experimentation, plus the repetition of tens of thousands of miles on the trapline and countless hours in the outdoors before, during and after trapping season. Paperback. New. $20.00 712]Barsness, John. SHOTGUNS FOR WINGSHOOTING. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1999. ISBN: 0873416716. 8 x 11, 205 pgs, color photos throughout. Explores the beauty and function of the guns used in pursuit of birds. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $20.00 713]Bashline, L. James, ed. THE EASTERN TRAIL. Rockville Centre, NY: Freshet Press, 1972. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 320 pgs. A complete and authoritative guide to hunting and fishing in the eastern United States by twenty respected writersportsmen. Hardcover. Good+ in Good DJ. $9.00 714]Bass, Rick. COLTER The True Story of the Best Dog I Ever Had. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001. Later printing. ISBN: 0618127364. 5 x 8 1/2, 188 pgs. The runt of the litter, Colter, a German shorthair pup, surprises the author first with his raging genius, then with his innocent ability to lead his owner to a new territory altogether, a place where Bass feels instantly more connected to the world. Paperback. Very Good. $6.00 715]Batin, Christopher. HOW TO CATCH ALASKA'S TROPHY FISH. Fairbanks, AK: Alaska Angler, 1984. ISBN: 0916771008. 6 x 9, 368 pgs, index, b&w photos. The author has spent 10 years and over 20,000 hours on waters throughout Alaska, gathering first-hand knowledge from experience and from experts he met along the way, from biologists and through personal experimentation on the best techniques used to catch trophy fish. He spends over 200 days each year fishing Alaska's waters, pursuing everything from sheefish in the Brooks Range to 70-pound king salmon on the Kenai River. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 716]Berkowitz, Mona. HOW TO RAISE AND TRAIN AN OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1967. 5 1/2 x 8, 64 pgs, b&w photos. An owner's manual tells all about the history, description, standard, breed requirements, grooming, training, care, etc., of this breed. Paperback. Good. $5.00 717]Better Homes and Gardens. ALL-TIME FAVORITE FISH & SEAFOOD RECIPES. Des Moines, IA: Meredith Corp., 1980. First edition. ISBN: 0696012200. 8 x 11, 96 pgs, index, color photos throughout. Recipes and tips on how to prepare fish and seafood using different methods. Hardcover. Very Good. $5.00 718]BLACK'S 1997 WING & CLAY. Red Bank, NJ: Black's, 1997. 6 x 9, 544 pgs, b&w illustrations. The complete shotgunner's guide to equipment, instruction and destinations. Paperback. Good. $5.00 719]Blair, Gerry. CALLING EAST & WEST. Sutton, NE: Spearman Publishing, 1984. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 97 pgs, b&w photos. How to, and calling experiences, from this master predator caller. Paperback. New. $15.00 720]Blaisdell, Harold. TROUT FISHING IN NEW ENGLAND. Stone Wall Press, 1973. First printing. ISBN: 0913276022. 6 x 9, 108 pgs, b&w photos. By the author of "The Philosophical Fisherman", this well known Vermont angler tells you all his secrets. Some red underlining. Paperback. Good. $6.00 721]Blom, Sherm. BILL NELSON: OUTDOORSMAN EXTRAORDINAIRE. Stevensville, MT: Stoneydale Press, 2004. First printing. ISBN: 1931291403. 6 x 9, 188 pgs, b&w photos. Chronicles the life of a small-town outdoorsman out of Farmington, Iowa, who achieved lasting fame for his innovative methods and the development of trapping systems and philosophies that profoundly influenced trapping methods used today. Paperback. New. $20.00 722]Boatman, Robert H. LIVING WITH GLOCKS The Complete Guide to the New Standard in Combat Handguns. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 2002. ISBN: 34 1581603401. 8 1/2 x 11, 178 pgs, b&w photos throughout. Covers Glocks from every conceivable angle, from training and competition to law enforcement to home protection and concealed carry. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 723]Boddicker, Major L. CRIT'R CALLING WITH THE MAJOR. LaPorte, CO: Crit'R Calls, 2007. Second printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 73 pgs, b&w illustrations. Looks at predators and their behaviors, plus selecting the right call, how weather affects calling, techniques and variations, problems, and much more. Paperback. New. $12.00 724]Boddington, Craig. AMERICAN HUNTING RIFLES. Long Beach, CA: Safari Press, 1995. Second edition. ISBN: 1571570160. 6 x 9, 446 pgs, sections of b&w photos. A comprehensive book that covers all of the hunting rifles and calibers that are needed for North America's diverse game. This will be a guide to all North American hunters, whether you shoot whitetails on the East Coast or elk in the Rocky Mountains. It covers literally all North American big game and all imaginable rifles, calibers, and shooting gear. Inscribed and signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 725]Bodio, Stephen. GOOD GUNS AGAIN. A Celebration of Fine Sporting Arms. Bozeman, MT: Wilderness Adventures Press, 1994. First edition. ISBN: 188510605X. 6 x 9, 183 pgs, b&w illustrations by Christopher Smith, glossary. An expanded, updated, and larger version of Bodio's other popular gun book, "Good Guns". Rifles, handguns, and double shotguns, the American classics as well as British & Continental guns. Signed. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $29.00 726]Bodio, Steve. GOOD GUNS AGAIN. Limited Edition. Bozeman, MT: Wilderness Adventures Press, 1994. Limited edition. ISBN: 1885106068. 6 x 9, 186 pgs, b&w illustrations, signed and numbered. Rifles, handguns, and double shotguns, the American classics as well as British and Continental guns. Hardcover. New. $40.00 727]Brandt, Layne A. LUCKY SHOT. Favorite Hunting Stories of an Arizona Sportsman. Haverford, PA: Infinity Publishing, 2002. First printing. ISBN: 0741413272. I5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 205 pgs, b&w photos. Hunting for mountain lion, Coues deer and other big game in the great Southwest. Authentic hunts. Lots of good hound work. Paperback. New. $15.00 728]Brey, Catherine F. and Lena F. Reed. THE NEW COMPLETE BLOODHOUND. New York: Howell Book House, 1991. ISBN: 0876050771. 6 x 9, 260 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations, foreword by Roger A. Caras. A classic on the "King of Scent Hounds" is an updated and revised edition. Hardcover. New. $28.00 729]Bruce, Jay C. COUGAR KILLER. Silver City, NM: High-Lonesome Books, 2007. Second printing. ISBN: 978094483735. 5 x 8, 172 pgs, b&w photos. A thrilling, suspenseful account of a lifetime spent as a professional cougar killer - with fascinating sidelights on forking rattlers, tracking deer, catching trout, and many secrets of hunting and fishing lore. Now back in print! Hardcover. New. $25.00 730]Buckmasters. ON STAND WITH THE BUCKMASTER: AUTUMN CHALLENGE._. VHS tape. Very Good. $5.00 731]Bulgin, Gwen. THE YORKSHIRE TERRIER. Edinburgh: John Bartholomew, 1977. First edition. ISBN: 0846702843. 4 1/2 x 7, 96 pgs, index, color illustrations. The 'Yorkie' has been part of the author's family for 20 years, she gives advice on selection and care of your dog. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00 732]Burnham, Murry with Russell Tinsley. HUNTING SECRETS. Piscataway, NJ: Winchester Press, 1983. Later printing. ISBN: 0832903434. 6 x 9, 265 pgs, index, b&w photos. The famous Burnham Bros. bring you their hunting secrets for all sorts of pursuits - predator calling, calling and stalking deer, snake hunting, bear, elk, archery, etc. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good DJ. $15.00 733]Buss, Keen and Jack Miller. IDENTIFYING THE COMMON FISHES OF PENNSYLVANIA. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Fish Commission. No date. 6 x 9, 16 pgs, b&w illustrations. Covers trout, salmon, pike, catfish, perch, and sunfish. Paperback. Good. $2.00 734]Butler, Bill. THE VERSATILE TROPHY HUNTER. Edgar, MT: Privately Printed, 1994. Fifth printing. ISBN: 0963755307. 6 x 9, 208 pgs, photos. First hand hunting accounts by an extraordinary outdoorsman who has built up an exceptional record hunting deer, pronghorn, bear, cougar, mountain goat, antelope, elk, bighorn sheep, etc. Highly recommended! Signed by the author. Paperback. Very Good. $20.00 735]Callan, Steven T. BADGES, BEARS, AND EAGLES The True-Life Adventures of a California Fish and Game Warden. Seattle, WA: coffeetownpress, 2013. ISBN: 9781603811583. 6 x 9, 226 pgs. During his thirty-year career as a wildlife protection officer for the California Department of Fish and game, the author conducted some of the most fascinating, complex and highly successful wildlife investigations in California history. He also collected a wealth of action-packed, suspenseful and often humorous true stories. He and his colleagues outsmarted game hogs, thwarted fish thieves, and foiled outlaws. He was even stalked by African lions and mauled by a five-hundred pound Bengal tiger. One of the most important cases of his career began with a slain bald eagle dropped on the doorstep of the Fish and Game office, along with a note threatening the life of a fellow warden. A decade later, Callan and his working partner Dave Szody conducted an investigation which uncovered a statewide criminal conspiracy to kill California black bears for their valuable gall bladders. It's not all about catching bad guys, it's also about conservation--in the chapter Saving Lake Mathews, Steve chronicles how he helped save a beloved wildlife sanctuary from developers. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 736]Capstick, Peter Hathaway. THE AFRICAN ADVENTURERS A Return ot the Silent Places. New York: St Martin's Press, 1992. Fourth printing. ISBN: 0312076223. 6 x 9, 244 pgs, index, section of b&w photos. The famed sequel to Death in the Silent Places, featuring the four famed Big Game Hunters, Frederick Selous, Constantine Ionides, Johnny Boyes, and Jim Sutherland. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $18.00 737]Carman, Russ. THE ILLUSIONS OF ANIMAL RIGHTS. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1990. First printing. ISBN: 0873411595. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 152 pgs, biblio, references. Presents the traditional American's relationship to animals and their use, and exposes the hidden agendas behind the animal rights movement. He speaks out against the cult movement for rural America. Paperback. New. $15.00 738]Carmichel, Jim. THE MODERN RIFLE. New York: Winchester Press, 1975. ISBN: 0876912064. 6 x 9, 342 pgs, illus/photos. First edition. A comprehensive guide to all aspects of modern sporting rifles/cartridges, including big game guns, varmint rifles, custom rifles. Wrinkled, water-damaged, pages at front and back. Good reading copy. Hardcover. Fair in Good DJ. $10.00 739]Carmichel, Jim. THE MODERN RIFLE. New York: Winchester Press, 1975. ISBN: 0876912064. 6 x 9, 342 pgs, illus/photos. First edition. A comprehensive guide to all aspects of modern sporting rifles/cartridges, including big game guns, varmint rifles, custom rifles. Hardcover. Very Good. $12.00 740]Carmichel, Jim, editor. GUNS AND SHOOTING YEARBOOK. Danbury, CT: Outdoor Life Books, 1990. ISBN: 155654054X. 8 x 11, 192 pgs, b&w and color photos throughout. Topics include: Rifles; Shotguns; Muzzleloaders; Handguns; Ammo; Ballistics; Handloading; Gunsmthing, etc. Hardcover. Very Good+. $10.00 741]Carroll, Wiley. HISTORY OF AMERICAN LION HUNTING. Privately Printed. Later printing. 5 x 8, 195 pgs, illus/photos. Authentic lion hunting book by one of the great living houndmen. Paperback. New. $14.00 742]Carroll, Wiley. TRAPPING WITH WILEY CARROLL. Sutton, NE: Spearman Publishing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 90 pgs. Articles by the author originally published in The Trapper. Paperback. New. $10.00 743]Carver, Leona Parrish. YOU CAN'T GET THE COONS ALL UP ONE TREE The True Life Story of John N. Jones. Amarillo, TX: Published/Printed by the author, 1980. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 244 pgs, b&w historical photos. All through the hardships and tragedies of the 1800's that go with life, John N. Jones maintained a good sense of humor, love and compoassion for his fellow man. He fought in the Civil War and lived most of his life in Texas. He died in 1922 Paperback. Very Good. $90.00 744]Cavanah, Frances and Ruth Cromer Weir. 24 HORSES A Treasury of Stories. Chicago: Rand McNally & Col, 1950. 6 x 8, 256 pgs, b&w illustrations. Wonderful collection of old-time horse stories. Hardcover. Very Good. $35.00 745]Coe, Susan. THE BASENJI Out of Africa to You. Wilsonville, OR: Doral Publishing, 1990. ISBN: 0944875025. 6 x 9, 341 pgs, b&w photos. A comprehensive guide to this fascinating breed. Feature breed history, choosing a puppy, healthcare, grooming, showing, breed Standard, breeding, behavior and much, much more. Hardcover. Good+. $10.00 746]THE COMPLETE RELOADING MANUAL FOR THE .44 MAGNUM. Canyon Country, CA: Loadbooks USA, Inc., 2004. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 76 pgs, b&w illustrations. Reloading information for Hornaday, Nosler, Sierra, Speer, Lyman, RCBS, Hodgdon, Winchester and more. Spiral Bound. Good. $10.00 747]Connell, Ed. REINSMAN OF THE WEST: BRIDLES & BITS. Volume II. North Hollywood, CA: Wilshire Book Co., 1964. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 120 pgs, b&w illustrations. Lots of information about bits and the bridling of horses from an experienced horseman. Ex-library. Paperback. Good+. $15.00 748]Cortay, Georges, Pascal Durantel, Eric Joly, Francois Pasquet and Claude Rossignol. THE POCKET GUIDE TO HUNTING. France: Konemann, 1999. First printing. ISBN: 3829043511. 5 x 7, 256 pgs, color photos throughout. Features all of the important elements of the hunting world: dogs, equipment, weapons, game with special attention directed towards the different species of game in Europe and North America. Paperback. Very Good+. $7.00 749]Cote, Daniel Philip, editor. THE DOUBLE GUN JOURNAL Volume Six Issue 1 - Spring 1995. East Jordan, MI: 1995. ISBN: 10502262. 8 x 11, 176 pgs, color photos throughout, brown leatherette and gilt cover. All sorts of stories and articles about guns and hunting. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 750]Cote, Daniel Philip, editor. THE DOUBLE GUN JOURNAL Volume Eight Issue 4 - Winter 1997. East Jordan, MI: 1997. ISBN: 10502262. 8 x 11, 190 pgs, color photos throughout, brown leatherette and gilt cover. All sorts of stories and articles about guns and hunting. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 751]Cote, Daniel Philip, editor. THE DOUBLE GUN JOURNAL Volume Eleven Issue 1 - Spring 2000. East Jordan, MI: 2000. ISBN: 10502262. 8 x 11, 186 pgs, color photos throughout, brown leatherette and gilt cover. All sorts of stories and articles about guns and hunting. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 752]Cote, Daniel Philip, editor. THE DOUBLE GUN JOURNAL Volume Eleven Issue 3 - Autumn 2000. East Jordan, MI: 2000. ISBN: 10502262. 8 x 11, 190 pgs, color photos throughout, brown leatherette and gilt cover. All sorts of stories and articles about guns and hunting. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 753]Cote, Daniel Philip, editor. THE DOUBLE GUN JOURNAL Volume Twelve Issue 1 - Spring 2001. East Jordan, MI: 2001. ISBN: 10502262. 8 x 11, 176 pgs, color photos throughout, brown leatherette and gilt cover. All sorts of stories and articles about guns and hunting. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 754]Cote, Daniel Philip, editor. THE DOUBLE GUN JOURNAL Volume Sixteen Issue 4 - Autumn 2005. East Jordan, MI: 2005. ISBN: 10502262. 8 x 11, 164 pgs, color photos throughout, brown leatherette and gilt cover. All sorts of stories and articles about guns and hunting. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 755]Cote, Daniel Philip, editor. THE DOUBLE GUN JOURNAL Volume Seventeen Issue 3 - Autumn 2006. East Jordan, MI: 2006. ISBN: 10502262. 8 x 11, 158 pgs, color photos throughout, brown leatherette and gilt cover. All sorts of stories and articles about guns and hunting. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 756]Cotter, Patrick J. and Maria Cotter. THE SECONDHAND BASENJI HANDBOOK. Shelby Township, MI: Windigo, 4***. Second revised. ISBN: 0965848817. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2, 264 pgs, b&w photos. A guide to adopting and living with a "rescued" Basenji. Paperback. Very Good. $20.00 757]Cronk, Oscar E. THEY CALLED HIM WILDCAT. Marshfield, MO: Pendleton Press, 2000. First edition. ISBN: 097041370X. 6 x 9, 137 pgs, b&w photos and drawings. The life and legend of V.E. "Wildcat" Lynch, born in 1884, in Missouri and who lived most of his life in Maine. A famous hunter and sportsman, his specialty was hounddogs and bobcats! Paperback. New. $18.00 758]Cunliffe, Juliette. BASENJI. Allenhurst, NJ: Kennel Club Books, 2005. First edition. ISBN: 1593783086. 6 1/2 x 8, 155 pgs, color photos and illustrations. A comprehensive guide to owning and caring for your dog. Hardcover. Very Good+. $12.00 759]Dalrymple, Byron. NORTH AMERICAN GAME ANIMALS. New York: Crown, 1978. ISBN: 051753486X. Crown, NY, 1978. 7 x 10. 516 pgs, index, illus/ drawings and color prints by Douglas Allen. An impressive compendium of North American game - bears, elk, deer, rabbits, coyote, etc. - with both natural history and information for the hunter. Nice plates by Allen. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 760]Darner, Kirt. HUNTING THE ROCKIES Home of the Giants. Marceline, MO: Walsworth Publishing, 1988. First edition. ISBN: 0961482125. 6 x 9, 291 pgs, b&w and color photos throughout, decorated endsheets. A compilation of hunting trophies and their stories. Signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good. $60.00 761]Davis, Henry P. TRAINING YOUR OWN BIRD DOG. New York: Putnams, 1948. Later printing. 5 x 8, 175 pgs, b&w photos, charts. This book has been reprinted many times and has helped bring many a young bird dog to expertise in the field. Hardcover. Good+. $10.00 762]Denhardt, Bob. THE QUARTER HORSE. Ft. Worth, TX: The American Quarter Horse Association, 1941. 6 x 9, 229 pgs, index, b&w photos. A varied assortment of historical articles, equine biographies and characteristics, sketches of horsemen and all over lore, all pertaining to the Quarter Horse. Hardcover. Good+. $50.00 763]Devine, J.C., Inc. FIREARMS AUCTION CATALOGS 2 Catalogs - December 13, 2009 and March 7, 2010. Milford, NH: J.C. Devine, Inc., 2010. 8 1/2 x 11, 135 pgs each, b&w and color photos of the firearms to be sold. Includes price ranges. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 764]DiGiacomo, Kathy and Barbara J. Bergquist. MALTESE. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1995. ISBN: 0866221638. 5 1/2 x 8, 224 pgs, color photos and illustrations. Easy-to-follow recommendations about selecting and caring for a Maltese. Hardcover. Very Good. $8.00 765]Donaldson, Jean. DOGS ARE FROM NEPTUNE. Canada: Laser Multimedia Productions, 2001. Third printing. ISBN: 0968420710. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 162 pgs. In 41 essays, the author highlights the common and frequently wrong-headed notions people have about why dogs behave the way they do, and explains what really motivates your pooch and how to change behavior. The author's innovative ideas are delivered via quirky and witty, but always scientifically based, essays will help create Aha! moments for every dog lover on earth. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 766]Donnelly, Kerry. DOBERMAN PINSCHERS. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1990. ISBN: 0866228632. 5 1/2 x 8, 192 pgs, color photos and illustrations. Sensible, easy-to-follow recommendations about selecting and caring for a Doberman Pinscher. Hardcover. Good+. $6.00 767]Dozhier, Parker. PELTS Murder and Mayhem in the Fur Trade. Xlibris, 2012. First edition. ISBN: 9781477134641. 6 x 9, 377 pgs. Fictitious novel centering around the many ups and downs of the intriguing worldwide raw fur industry, much of it based upon his experiences and observations while traveling the globe as a fur broker and consultant. Paperback. New. $25.00 768]East, Ben, editor. SURVIVAL - 23 TRUE SPORTMEN'S ADVENTURES. New York: Outdoor Life Books, 1983. Third printing. ISBN: 0943822157. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 271 pgs, b&w drawings. From the past pages of "Outdoor Life" come 23 wild but true tales, including, "Savaged By A Lion," "Death Rode The Surf," and "Death Walked The Duck Marsh." Fun reading! Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $15.00 769]Eckstine, Roger. SHOOTER'S BIBLE GUIDE TO KNIVES. New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2012. First printing. ISBN: 1616085770. 8 x 10 1/2, 260 pgs, color photos and illustrations. A complete guide to hunting knives, survival knives, folding knives, skinning knives, sharpeners, and more. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 35 770]Edwards, Elwyn Hartley. THE ULTIMATE HORSE BOOK. New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1991. First edition. ISBN: 1879431033. 9 x 11, 239 pgs, color photos throughout. Essential guide for everyone who loves horses - from the ponymad teenager to the professional breeder. Hardcover. Very Good. $18.00 771]Elman, Robert & George Peper, editors. HUNTING AMERICA'S GAME ANIMALS & BIRDS. New York: Winchester Press, 1975. ISBN: 0876911726. 7 x 10, 368 pgs, b&w photos. A how-to, where-to, when-to guide, by forty top experts - covering the continent's big game, small game, upland birds and waterfowl. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00 772]Ensley, Harold, "The Sportsman's Friend". WINDS OF CHANGE. Leawood, KS: Squire Publishers, 2002. ISBN: 1585971316. 8 1/2 x 11, 190 pgs, b&w photos. The author's worldwide fishing experiences. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $15.00 773]Estes, Richard D. THE SAFARI COMPANION A Guide to Watching African Mammals. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 1997. Later printing. ISBN: 0930031490. 6 x 9, 461 pgs, b&w illustrations. Learn to recognize and interpret visible behavioral activities, such as courtship rituals, territorial marking, aggression, and care of young. Each account of over 80 species includes a behavioral table in which the unique actions of the hoofed mammals, carnivores, and primates are described for easy reference. In addition, useful maps show the major national boundaries, vegetation zones, and game parks relevant to the guide. Paperback. Good+. $12.00 774]Evans, George Bird, editor. THE UPLAND GUNNER'S BOOK An Anthology. Clinton, NJ: Amwell Press, 1986. Second edition. 6 x 9, 263 pgs, b&w illustrations. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $50.00 775]Faler, Rich. BEAR Baiting & Trapping Black Bear. Greenville, PA: Beaver Pond Publications, 1993. ISBN: 1881399079. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 86 pgs, b&w photos throughout. Discusses equipment, baiting, setting, maintaining the line and long distance trapping. Paperback. New. $20.00 776]Faler, Rich. NOODLING. Hand Grabbing Snapping Turtles. Greenville, PA: Beaver Pond Publications, 1993. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 24 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. All about snapping turtles, plus where, when and how to grab for them, safety tips, dangers, etc. Staplebound Wraps. New. $6.00 777]Flowers, Ralph. BEARS & FLOWERS. Aberdeen, WA: Published/Printed by the author, 2003. First edition. ISBN: 0974136603. 6 x 9, 271 pgs, b&w photos. From the author of Education of a Bear Hunter, and a professional hunter and forest protection agent, a sequel that tells about a non-lethal system developed by the author that revolutionized the way bear damage to forest plantations is controlled. Includes many exciting bear hunting stories as well as adventures in Europe, Africa, Japan, Canada and Alaska. Paperback. New. $20.00 778]Flowers, Ralph. THE EDUCATION OF A BEAR HUNTER. Portland, OR: Binford & Mort Publishing, 2007. Second edition. ISBN: 0832304778. 6 x 9, 277 pgs, many photos. Flowers spent years in Washington State as a bear hunter hired by the paper companies and he killed an incredible number of bears, some with traps, some with hounds. No other bear book like this one! Paperback. New. $20.00 779]Ford, Elspet. THE COMPLETE BASENJI. New York: Howell Book House, 1993. First edition. ISBN: 087605016X. 7 1/2 x 10, 160 pgs, b&w photos. A comprehensive handbook on the Basenji by this knowledgeable Basenji exhibitor & international judge. $20.00 780]Gander, Terry. COMBAT PISTOLS. A manual of modern handguns. New York: Sterling Publishing, 1990. First printing. ISBN: 080697334X. 5 x 8 1/2, 133 pgs, b&w and a section of color photos. Describes today's main models, specifications and leading data, each pistol's history and capabilities, etc. Paperback. Good. $7.00 781]Gartner, Robert. THE NATIONAL PARKS FISHING GUIDE. Chester, CT: Globe Pequot, 1990. ISBN: 0871064936. 6 x 9, 445 pgs, b&w photos and maps. Everything you need to know to fish 125 national parks throughout the United States and its territories. Paperback. Very Good. $9.00 782]Geist, Valerius. MULE DEER COUNTRY. Minocqua, WI: North Word Press, 1990. ISBN: 1559710764. 8 1/2 x 11, 176 pgs, color photos throughout by Michael Francis. Authoritative text and dazzling photographs of the fascinating world of the mule deer. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 783]Gierach, John. STILL LIFE WITH BROOK TROUT. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006. Second printing. ISBN: 0743229959. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 213 pgs. In this trout fishing tome, Gierach travels to Wyoming and Maine and points in between searching out new fly-fishing adventures and savoring familiar waters with old friends. Paperback. Very Good. $9.00 784]Gierach, John. TROUT BUM. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988. Later printing. ISBN: 0671644130. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 209 pgs. Gierach is well known for his funny, insightful books of essays on fly fishing. This is his first and perhaps his best. Paperback. Good. $9.00 785]Gish, Robert Franklin. SONGS OF MY HUNTER HEART. A Western Kinship. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1994. ISBN: 0826315240. 5 x 8, 150 pgs. A lyrical account of growing up in a family of hunters in midtwentieth-century Albuquerque. Paperback. Very Good+. $7.00 786]Gordon, Nicholas. IVORY KNIGHTS. Man, Magic & Elephants. London: Chapmans, 1991. ISBN: 1855925214. 6 x 9, 206 pgs, section of color photos. 36 The author's story of travels in Tanzania and his efforts to save the African Elephant from extinction; hunting down ivory poachers, meeting with conservationists and game officers, etc. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $20.00 787]Goudie, Elizabeth. WOMAN OF LABRADOR. Toronto: Peter Martin Associates, 1973. 6 x 9, 166 pgs, b&w photos. he life of Elizabeth Goudie and her husband, a trapper in Labrador. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $9.00 788]GRAND SLAM CLUB OVIS 6th Annual Hunter & Outfitter Convention. Birmingham, AL: 2010. 8 1/2 x 11, 160 pgs. Auctions and award winners at the club's annual convention. Paperback. Very Good+. $3.00 789]Grantz, Gerald J. HOME BOOK OF TAXIDERMY & TANNING. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1978. ISBN: 0811708055. 6 x 9, 160 pgs, illustrated, index. A standard work in the field, includes fish, birds, mammals, chrome tanning, etc. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $10.00 790]GRAY'S SPORTING JOURNAL. 5 Issues. 8 1/2 x 11, about 130 pgs each, color photos and art throughout. November 1993, September/October and November/December 2001, and the #7 Issues from 1998 and 2002, the issues that feature that year's best 'Expeditions and Guides'. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00 791]GRAY'S SPORTING JOURNAL. 6 Issues. 8 1/2 x 11, about 130 pages each, b&w and color illustrations. Includes Volume 3, Issues 5 and 7, Volume 4, Issue 3, Volume 5, Issues 1 and 2, and Volume 7, Issue 2; lots of good reading and great photos. Soft. VG. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 792]GRAY'S SPORTING JOURNAL. 10 issues. 8 1/2 x 11, some 96 and some 156 pages, b&w and color illustrations. Ten issues from February/March 2002 through April 2004. Lots of great outdoor and sporting reading in this stack of issues. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 793]Green, Dr. Ben K. THE COLOR OF HORSES. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1974. First edition. ISBN: 0873581318. 10 x 10 1/2, 127 pgs, color paintings of horses. A Green classic, the scientific and authoritative identification of the color of the horse. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $100.00 794]Greener, W.W. SHARPSHOOTING FOR SPORT AND WAR. Prescott, AZ: Wolfe Publishing, 1995. Second edition. ISBN: 0879356406. 6 x 9, 173 pgs, b&w illustrations, preface by Wirt Gerrare. Originally published in 1900, all about sharpshooting. Hardcover. Fine. $40.00 795]Greenlaw, Linda. THE LOBSTER CHRONICLES Life on a Very Small Island. New York: Hyperion, 2002. Second printing. ISBN: 0786885912. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 239 pgs. A must-read for anyone who loves boats and the ocean (and lobsters), everyone who has ever reached a crossroads in life, and everyone who has wondered what it would be like to live on a very small island. Inscribed and signed by the author. Paperback. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $5.00 796]Grogan, John. MARLEY & ME. Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog. New York: William Morrow, 2006. First edition. ISBN: 9780060817084. 6 x 9, 292 pgs, decorated endsheets. A funny, touching tribute to a 97-pound Labrador Retriever who was as loyal and loving as he was disobedient. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $8.00 797]Hamm, Jim. BOWS AND ARROWS OF THE NATIVE AMERICANS. New York: Lyons Press, 1991. Later printing. ISBN: 1558211683. 6 x 9, 160 pgs, illustrated. Historians, archers, craftspeople, and anyone interested in the skills of Native Americans will enjoy this comprehensive account of the history and construction of these unique hunting tools. Paperback. New. $15.00 798]Hands, Barbara. THE WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER. Edinburgh: John Bartholomew, 1977. First edition. ISBN: 0846702851. 5 x 7, 96 pgs, index, color photos and illustrations. Packed with information on the West Highland White Terrier including: General care, puppies, grooming, breeding, exhibition, and more. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00 799]Harding, A.R., ed. FIFTY YEARS A HUNTER AND TRAPPER. Columbus, OH: A.R. Harding, Reprint of 1941. ISBN: 0936622059. 4 x 6 1/2, 318 pgs, b&w photos. The experiences and observations of E.N. Woodcock, the noted hunter and trapper, as written by himself and published originally from 1903 to 1913. Paperback. New. $12.00 800]Hatcher, Major Julian S., edited by Jim Casada. TEXTBOOK OF PISTOLS AND REVOLVERS. Fairfax, VA: NRA and Odysseus Editions, Inc., 1995. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 533 pgs, index, b&w illustrations, silk moire endpapers. Facsimile reproduction of 1935 classic. This is probably the most complete book ever written for handgun users. The book is divided into three general parts, devoted respectively to hand firearms, their ammunition and their use. Hardcover. Very Good+. $50.00 801]Hemingway, Ernest. Edited with introduction by Nick Lyons. HEMINGWAY ON FISHING. New York: Lyons Press, 2000. ISBN: 9781599211084. 7 x 9, 242 pgs, section of b&w photos, foreword by Jack Hemingway. Wonderful collection of Hemingway's writings about the many kinds of fishing he did - from trout in the rivers of northern Michigan to marlin in the Gulf Stream. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $30.00 802]Herrero, Stephen. BEAR ATTACKS. Their Causes and Avoidance. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2002. Later printing. ISBN: 9781585745579. 6 x 9, 282 pgs, illus/photos, index. A serious, sober look at the issue of bear attacks, their causes, and how to avoid them. Interesting commentary on bear management, too. Covers black, grizzly, and polar bears. Revised edition. Paperback. New. $17.00 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 803]Hibben, Frank C. HUNTING AMERICAN BEARS. Silver City, NM: HighLonesome Books, 1996. Reprint. ISBN: 0944383378. 6 x 9, 288 pgs, illustrated by Paul Bransom. Quality reprint of Dr. Hibben's classic sporting volume. His experiences hunting Grizzlies, Black Bears, Alaskan Brown Bears from Alaska to Mexico with Ben Lilly, Cass Goodner, etc. New chapter on Ben Lilly with photos. Hardcover. New. $20.00 804]Holm, Don. 101 BEST FISHING TRIPS IN OREGON. Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1985. Fourth printing. ISBN: 0870042041. 6 x 9, 208 pgs, b&w photos and maps. For the beginner, or the visitor, the author's best bets for catching fish. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 805]Holm, Don. FISHING THE PACIFIC. An Angler's Guide to Pacific Marine Fishes. New York: Winchester Press, 1972. ISBN: 0876910444. 6 x 8, 241 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. A complete guide to the best sportfishing in the Pacific Ocean including facts on licenses, guides, boats, tackle, accommodations and weather. Includes salmon and steelhead angling up north, hooking a marlin off Mexico, and more. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $10.00 806]Hooey, Tim. STRATEGIC WHITETAIL HUNTING. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 2004. ISBN: 0873497899. 6 x 9, 240 pgs, b&w and a section of color photos. A systematic and planning-based approach to becoming a successful whitetail hunter. Paperback. Very Good. $6.00 807]Hornady, Joyce W. HORNADY HANDBOOK OF CARTRIDGE RELOADING RIFLE-PISTOL Volume 1 - Reloading Data, and Volume 2 - Tables and Charts. Grand Island, NE: Hornady Manufacturing Co., 1994. Fourth printing. Two Volumes. 6 x 9, 648 and 475 pgs each, b&w and monotone illustrations. Reloading data. Hardcover. Very Good+. $50.00 808]Houston, Pam, ed, and intro. WOMEN ON HUNTING. Homewell, NJ: Ecco Press, 1995. ISBN: 088001332X. 6 x 9, 336 pgs. A collection of fiction, poetry, and essays that explores hunting from the woman's view: Joyce Carol Oates, Betty Fussell, Margaret Atwood, Tess Gallagher, Annie Dillard and more. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $14.00 809]Hughes, Pete. GONE HUNTIN'. Victoria, BC, Canada: Trafford Publishing, 2004. First printing. ISBN: 141202143X. 6 x 9, 389 pgs, b&w photos. A modernday "Ben Lilly", Hughes has lived and hunted in New Mexico since the days of the Depression. Today he is still an avid sports hunter and a dedicated conservationist for the preservation of large predatory animals. Paperback. New. $30.00 810]Hunter, J.A. and Daniel P. Mannix. TALES OF THE AFRICAN FRONTIER. Long Beach, CA: Safari Press, 1999. First, thus. ISBN: 157157123X. 6 x 9, 308 pgs, sections of b&w photos. The early days and colorful characters of East Africa during the heyday of African safaris. Originally published in 1954. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $35.00 811]Hunter, J.A. and Daniel P. Mannix. TALES OF THE AFRICAN FRONTIER. Long Beach, CA: Safari Press, 2005. Later printing. ISBN: 1571572422. 6 x 9, 308 pgs, sections of b&w photos. The early days and colorful characters of East Africa during the heyday of African safaris. Originally published in 1954. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $30.00 812]James, Kenneth. WORKING JACK RUSSELL TERRIERS IN NORTH AMERICA. A Hunter's Story. Bedford, PA: Hunter House Press, 1995. First printing. 6 x 9, 110 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Great hunting stories of these fearless and courageous little Terriers. The author has hunted with Jack Russell's for 20 years in the eastern United States for groundhog, grey & red fox, raccoon, skunk, rabbit, and rat. Paperback. New. $20.00 813]John Barness. WESTERN SKIES. Bird Hunting in the Rockies and on the Plains. New York: Lyons Press, 1994. ISBN: 1558213074. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 160 pgs. Celebrates the sport of Rocky Mountain birdhunting, combining lyrical, often humorous descriptions of pursuing huge sage grouse, ringnecked pheasant and Hungarian partridge with practical tips on technique. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 814]Johnson, M.D. SUCCESSFUL DUCK HUNTING. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 2001. ISBN: 0873492153. 8 x 11, 144 pgs, color photos. Expert advice provides proven duck hunting techniques for hunters of all skill levels. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 815]Johnson, Osa. I MARRIED ADVENTURE. The Lives and Adventures of Martin and Osa Johnson. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1940. Later printing. 6 x 9, 376 pgs, index, b&w photos. The story of a young midwest couple, how they met, married, and traveled the world seeking adventure in remote places. Spine cracked but holding. Hardcover. Good+. $14.00 816]Kaniut, Larry. SOME BEARS KILL. Long Beach, CA: Safari Press, 1997. Third printing. ISBN: 1571570780. 6 x 9, 313 pgs, b&w photos. True life tales of terror from survivors of some of our country's most frightening bear attacks. Signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 817]Keppler, Dean. WHIPPET A Complete and Reliable Handbook. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1999. ISBN: 0793807883. 6 1/2 x 10 1/2, 94 pgs, color photos. All about the care and training of this unique and inteligent sighthound. Hardcover. Very Good+. $15.00 818]Kidd, George. THE IRISH TERRIER. Fairfax, VA: Denlingers, 1980. ISBN: 0877140464. 8 1/2 x 11, 96 pgs, b&w photos. Covers history, breed requirements, the new puppy, training, breeding, health problems, showing, etc. Paperback. Good+. $15.00 819]Kiedrowski, Dan. THE NEW MINIATURE SCHNAUZER The Breed Since Ch. Dorem Display. New York: Howell Book House, 1986. First edition, Fourth printing. ISBN: 0876052405. 6 x 9, 312 pgs, b&w photos. All about showing Miniature Schnauzers and the founding of the breed. Hardcover. Very Good+. $20.00 820]Kirkland, K.D. AMERICA'S PREMIER GUNMAKERS: COLT. East Bridgewater, MA: JG/World Publishing, 2011. ISBN: 9781572151024. 6 1/2 x 8 1/2, 112 pgs, b&w and color photos and art throughout. The arms of Samuel Colt, metallic cartridges, great Colts of the nineteenth century, the evolution of thre modern Colt revolver, automatic pistols and rifles, craftsmanship in the twentieth century, excellence and art. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00 821]LaPierre, Wayne. GUNS, CRIME, AND FREEDOM. Washington DC: Regnery Publishing, 1994. Later printing. ISBN: 0895264773. 6 x 9, 263 pgs, index, notes, foreword by Tom Clancy. The facts surrounding the gun control argument: explores the issues of gun control, crime, & the 2nd Amendment, and provides documented evidence about the agenda of the anti-gun contingent. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $9.00 822]Layton, David. GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTERS TODAY. New York: Howell Book House, 1994. Third printing. ISBN: 0876051816. 7 1/2 x 10, 175 pgs, b&w photos. Covers all aspects of this versatile breed, from choosing a puppy, to care and management of the adult, to the more specialized area of training the German Shorthaired Pointer as a gundog. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $15.00 823]Lee, Richard. MODERN RELOADING. Published/Printed by the author, 1997. 5 x 8 1/2, 510 pgs, charts. A self-published book about ammunition reloading for the shooter, hunter and professional reloader, with detailed loading techniques for quality and quantity production. Hardcover. Very Good+. $50.00 824]Legel, Ray, with Libby Meyer, editor. TAILS OF A HORSESHOER. Waverly, IA: G & R Publishing, 2002. 6 1/2 x 8, 298 pgs, b&w photos. Wild, humorous, serious, and educational stories compiled from 30 years behind the anvil. Paperback. Very Good+. $25.00 825]Levings, H. Patricia. TRAINING THE QUARTER HORSE JUMPER. New York: Arco Publishing, 1975. ISBN: 0668028262. 7 x 10, 117 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Schooling for the average, mature, well-broken Quarter Horse: introduction to the forward-seat jumping saddle and snaffle hunt bridle, a training and conditioning program, longe line training, cross country work and more. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $9.00 826]Lewis, Jack and Steve Cmus. GUN DIGEST BOOK OF SPORTING CLAYS The Newest Shotgunning Sport. Northbrook, IL: DBI Books, 1999. ISBN: 0873491254. 8 1/2 x 11, 256 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Covers the equuipment: the guns, accessories, ammo, range layouts, and targets, and technique: what works best; self-training, and competition: tournaments; manufacturer support, the associations that govern the sport, and more. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 827]Lewis, Jack. Edited by Harold A. Murtz. THE GUN DIGEST BOOK OF MODERN GUN VALUES. Chicago: Follett Publishing, 1978. Second edition. ISBN: 0695811967. 8 1/2 x 11, 384 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. A new, expanded edition with used values, full specifications, discontinuation dates - for all domestic & imported handguns, rifles, shotguns and commemoratives manufactured between 1900 and 1978. Oversized Paperback. Good. $5.00 828]Lewis, Jack, editor. ARCHER'S DIGEST. Chicago: Follett Publishing, 1977. ISBN: 0695807188. 8 1/2 x 11, 320 pgs, glossary, lots of b&w photos. A veritable encyclopedia for all archers; lots of good reading. Paperback. Good+. $5.00 829]Littauer, Vladimir S. COMMON SENSE HORSEMANSHIP. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1963. Second edition. 6 x 9, 370 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustrations. "Captain Littauer divides riders into three groups: the beginners and those who ride weekends for the fun of it; the intermediate group who hunt and ride in horse shows; and the top group who wish to school horses and become truly expert horsemen. Most books on equitation fail to recognize the different requirements of these three divisions, and the weekend rider is led to attempt methods that are beyond his needs and abilities. The same is often is true of the intermediate group, who have niether the time nor the need for advanced equitation." Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $20.00 830]Lusch, Ed. COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO WESTERN GAMEFISH. Portland, OR: Frank Amato Publications, 1985. ISBN: 0936608382. 8 1/2 x 11, 125 pgs, index, b&w and a section of color illustrations. Not only a good guide to western fishes, but with interesting information on the best locations. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 831]Lyon, Tolbert James "Shorty". LYON HUNTS AND HUMOR. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 1990. First edition. ISBN: 0865341486. 6 x 9, 120 pgs, illus/ drawings. Shorty Lyon became a legend as a bear and lion hunter and trapper in New Mexico, mid-20th century, and these are some of his best adventures with hounds and critters, mostly bear and lion. Paperback. New. $13.00 832]Mace, Boyd. THE ACCURATE VARMINT RIFLE. East Hartford, CT: Precision Shooting, Inc., 1994. Fourth printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 184 pgs, b&w photos. Looks at the factors go into the selection of components for, and the subsequent assembly of varmint rifles. Paperback. Very Good. $20.00 Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 37 833]Margolis, Matthew and Catherine Swan. THE DOG IN YOUR LIFE. New York: Random House, 1979. Second printing. ISBN: 0394507592. 6 x 9, 357 pgs, b&w photos. A complete guide to choosing, raising, feeding, training and caring for your dog, plus sections on show dogs, hunting dogs, coursing dogs, herd dogs, sled dogs, guard dogs, guide dogs, and a discussion of common canine illnesses. Hardcover. Very Good. $15.00 834]Marrone, Teresa, et. al. DRESSING & COOKING WILD GAME. Minnetonka, MN: Cy DeCosse Inc., 1987. ISBN: 0865730200. 8 1/2 x 11, 160 pgs, index, color photos throughout. A comprehensive guide to field-dressing and cooking great-tasting big game, small game, upland birds and waterfowl. The color photographs, step-by-step directions and variety of recipes make this a unique kitchen reference. Hardcover. Very Good+. $8.00 835]Maxwell, Gavin. HARPOON VENTURE. New York: Lyons & Burford, 1996. ISBN: 1585743704. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 304 pgs, photos. Here are the strange facts of shark life...the men and the boats and the excitement and the disappointments in the working life. Paperback. New. $17.00 836]McBane, Susan. TACK AND CLOTHING. London: Ward Lock, 1993. ISBN: 0706371453. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 96 pgs, index, b&w illustrations and a section of color photos. Expert advice to guide you through the huge range of tack and clothing now available. Hardcover. Very Good. $12.00 837]McCarty, Diane. LABRADOR RETRIEVERS. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1994. ISBN: 0793810701. 5 1/2 x 8, 224 pgs, color photos and illustrations. Sensible, easy-to-follow recommendations about selecting and caring for a Labrador Retriever pup. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00 838]McCarty, Diane. LHASA APSOS. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1979. ISBN: 0793810957. 5 1/2 x 8, 125 pgs, b&w and color photos. Covers breed origins, personality and characteristics, grooming, the new puppy, obedience training, breeding your dog, care of the mother & family, general health care, dog show competition, etc. Spine damaged. Hardcover. Good. $4.00 839]McCloskey, Esther. THIS IS THE COLLIE. Jersey City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1977. Second edition. ISBN: 0876662734. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 254 pgs, index, b&w photos. An exhaustive study of this popular dog; origins and history, inheritance, roots of breeding, coat color inheritance, feeding, puppies, training, shows & judging, temperament, etc. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00 840]McGuane, Thomas. SOME HORSES Essays. New York: Lyons Press, 1999. First edition. ISBN: 1558218912. 5 x 8, 176 pgs, b&w photos. Nine essays examining the relationship between horses and humans. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 841]Miller, Evelyn. HOW TO RAISE AND TRAIN A FOX TERRIER. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1967. 5 1/2 x 8, 64 pgs, b&w and color photos. History of the breed, selecting your fox terrier, housebreaking and training, obedience training, breeding, showing, etc. Paperback. Good+. $5.00 842]Mitchell, John G. THE HUNT. New York: Penguin Books, 1981. Later printing. ISBN: 0140059814. 5 x 8, 243 pgs. "A personal exploration of hunting in America today." Considers the views, and emotions, of serious hunters and those of the anti-hunting movement. Probably the best modern treatment of this issue. Paperback. Good+. $8.00 843]Montague, Louis, edited by Elizabeth Dawon. I NEVER KNOWED IT WAS HARD Memoirs of a Labrador Trapper. Newfoundland: Institute of Social and Economic Research, 2013. Second printing. ISBN: 9781894725125. 6 x 9, 181 pgs, b&w and a section of color photos. The memoirs of Naskaupi River trapper and fiddler Louie Montague, a 77-year-old Nunstsiavut (Inuit) elder from North West River Labrador, recounts in rich detail the way of life in "them days," Paperback. Very Good+. $50.00 844]Morris, Holly, editor. A DIFFERENT ANGLE. Fly Fishing Stories by Women. New York: Berkeley Books, 1996. ISBN: 0425151344. 6 x 8, 270 pgs, b&w illustrations. A wonderfully funny, charming and provocative anthology by writers like E. Annie Proulx, Pam Houston, Lorian Hemingway, Le Anne Schreiber and many others. Paperback. Good+. $8.00 845]Murphy, Kimrod. LOST TRAILS OF THE ARIZONA GAME RANGERS. Portal, AZ: Privately Printed, 2005. First edition. 6 x 9, 209 pgs, b&w photos, maps. Mostly about the life and career of old time game warden Ralph Morrow of southeastern Arizona; plus some of the author's own experiences during his 38 year career as a warden. Paperback. New. $25.00 846]Neill, Robert Hitt. GOING HOME. Leland, MS: Mississippi River Publishing, 1987. Limited edition. ISBN: 0961759127. 8 1/2 x 7 1/2, 178 pgs, beautiful b&w and color illustrations. Signed and numbered 243/500. A collection of twenty warm and witty, mostly true stories by Robert Hitt Neill about hunters and hunting in the Mississippi Delta. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $40.00 847]Nicholas, Anna Katherine. ROTTWEILERS. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1991. ISBN: 0866228691. 5 x 8, 125 pgs, b&w and color photos. Sensible, easy-to-follow recommendations about selecting and caring for a Rottweiler, plus much breed history. Hardcover. Good. $6.00 848]Nicholas, Anna Kathering. THE BOOK OF THE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1984. ISBN: 0866220364. 8 x 11, 544 pgs, index, b&w and color photos, index. This comprehensive guide features breed origins and history throughout the world as well as selecting a puppy, overall care, grooming, showing, obedience, breeding, health and much more. Hardcover. Very Good. $20.00 38 849]Niemeyer, Roy K. BEGINNING ARCHERY. Wadsworth Sports Skills Series. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, 1967. Revised. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 56 pgs, b&w illustrations. History, equipment, rules, self-improvement and training, etc. Paperback. Good. $4.00 850]Nolting, Mark W. AFRICAN SAFARI JOURNAL. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Global Travel Publishers, 2000. Fourth edition. ISBN: 0939895080. 5 x 8, 280 pgs, b&w illustrations, maps, charts. Going on safari requires preparation - and no book leaves a traveler better prepared than this one. Including a wildlife guide and checklist, trip organizer, phrase book, safari diary, and map, this tremendous resource puts all necessary information right at the traveler's fingertips. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 851]NORTH AMERICAN HUNTING ADVENTURES. Minneapolis: North American Hunting Club, 1988. Later printing. ISBN: 0914697099. 6 x 9, 208 pgs, b&w photos. True stories from North American Hunting Club members from across the country. Stories include tales of charging bear, monster whitetail bucks and record trophies from first-time hunters. Hardcover. Very Good+. $10.00 852]Nosler, Inc. NOSLER RELOADING GUIDE Number Four. Bend, OR: Nosler, Inc., 1996. First printing. 6 x 9, 722 pgs, b&w illustrations. Bullets for sportsman, reloading step by step. Rifle reloading data, cartridge reloading data for calibers: 22, 6mm, 25, 6.5mm, 270, 7mm, 30, 8mm, 338, 35, 375; handgun cartridge reloading data for 22, 6mm, 6.5mm 7mm, 30, 9mm, 38, 10mm, 41, 44, 45. Hardcover. Very Good+. $15.00 853]Nosler, Inc. NOSLER RELOADING GUIDE Fifth Edition. Bend, OR: Nosler, Inc., 2002. First printing. 6 x 9, 728 pgs, b&w illustrations. Bullets for sportsman, reloading step by step. Rifle reloading data, cartridge reloading data for calibers: 22, 6mm, 25, 6.5mm, 270, 7mm, 30, 8mm, 338, 35, 375; handgun cartridge reloading data for 22, 6mm, 6.5mm 7mm, 30, 9mm, 38, 10mm, 41, 44, 45. Hardcover. Very Good+. $15.00 854]Ohman, Jack. AN INCONVENIENT TROUT. New Cumberland, PA: Headwater Books, 2008. First edition. ISBN: 9780979346071. 9 x 6, 160 pgs, b&w illustrations. With the wit & satire his nationally syndicated cartoons are known for, Ohman sets his hooks into everything from fishing partners to Eastern versus Western anglers to fly fishing versus golf. This light-hearted book will have any angler, whether new to the sport or veteran, reeling in laughter. Paperback. Fine. $12.00 855]Ormond, Clyde. THE COMPLETE BOOK OF HUNTING. New York: Harper & Row, 1965. Later printing. 6 x 9, 467 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. A great outdoor how-to book: all aspects of hunting game animals, waterfowl & upland birds and more. Hardcover. Good. $5.00 856]Ormond, Clyde. HUNTING OUR MEDIUM SIZE GAME. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1958. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,, 219 pgs, b&w photos. The author's expert advice on all facets of hunting medium size game. Hardcover. Good+ in Good DJ. $9.00 857]Oster, Don. LARGEMOUTH BASS. Minnetonka, MN: Hunting & Fishing Library, 1983. ISBN: 0865730059. 8 x 11, 160 pgs, many color photos. The complete book of the largemouth bass, with natural history, angling methods, boats, tackle and gear for ponds, lakes, rivers and streams. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00 858]Outdoor Life. CLASSIC STORIES. Minnetonka, MN: Creative Publishing, 2000. First printing. ISBN: 0865731225. 6 x 9, 223 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Exciting and timeless tales from Outdoor Life's greatest writers. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00 859]Outdoor Life. HUNTER EDUCATION TRAINING COURSE Includes book and video. Minnetonka, MN: Creative Publishing. ISBN: 086573089X. 4 1/2 x 7 1/2, 194 pgs, b&w illustrations. Tells about how to avoid hunting accidents, perpetuate the hunting heritagel, respect wildlife and wildlife laws, respect values of non-hunters, respect land, landowners and land users, etc. Also a video (VHS) for responsible hunting. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 860]Packard, Winthrop. THE YOUNG ICE WHALERS. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1903. First edition. 5 x 7 1/2, 307 pgs, b&w illustrations. A Horatio Alger-like rags-to-riches story set in the Arctic whale fisheries and illustrated with photographs of the locales visited in the text. Cover worn but words and picture still clear. Hardcover. Good-. $25.00 861]Page, Warren. ONE MAN'S WILDERNESS. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston , 1972. First edition. ISBN: 0030860091. 6 x 9, 256 pgs, section of b&w photos. A collection of hunting stories by the former guns editor of "Field & Stream". Page did a huge amount of big game hunting - grizzly, polar bear, elephant, lion, jaguar, deer, etc. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $20.00 862]Painter, Doug. THE HUNTING & FIREARMS SAFETY PRIMER. New York: Lyons Press, 1986. ISBN: 0941130207. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 102 pgs, b&w illustrations, foreword by Gen. Chuck Yeager. Everything you need to make yourself safer afield. Paperback. Good. $5.00 863]Parker, Robert P., and Gerarda M. Collins. SHIH TZU. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1988. ISBN: 0866227962. 5 1/2 x 8, 157 pgs, color photos and illustrations. Sensible, easy-to-follow recommendations about selecting and caring for a Shih Tzu. Hardcover. Very Good. $7.00 864]Parsons, John E. THE PEACEMAKER AND ITS RIVALS An Account of the Single Action COLT. New York: William Morrow, 1955. Fourth printing. 6 x 9 1/2, 184 pgs, bibliography, index, b&w photos. Traces the development of the Colt six-shooter from its use by Cavalry in the Civil War through the era of its Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com great popularity with cowboys and frontiersmen in the West. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $30.00 865]Parton, William "Web". WINGSHOOTER'S GUIDE TO ARIZONA UPLAND BIRDS AND WATERFOWL. Gallatin Gateway, MT: Wilderness Adventures Press, 1996. First printing. ISBN: 1885106416. 6 x 9, 350 pgs, index, biblio, maps & photos. Includes bird distribution maps, hunting on Indian Reservations, public and private lands, equipment, field dressing, gun dogs, hazards encountered in Arizona. Inscribed and signed by the author. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 866]Peper, Eric and Jim Rikhoff, editors. HUNTING MOMENTS OF TRUTH. New York: Winchester Press, 1973. ISBN: 0876911173. 7 x 10, 208 pgs, illus/by Milton Weiler. Tales (22) by the best hunters and writers of our time, including "Cliff-Hanging Tiger" by Jack O'Connor, "Beyond the Himalayas" by Elgin Gates and "First Turkey" by Ed Zern. Nice collection. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 867]Perkins, James E. OLD MOSE - KING OF THE GRIZZLIES. Monte Vista, CO: Adobe Village Press, 2002. ISBN: 0964405652. 6 x 9, 106 pgs, historical photos. Tells the story of a renegade grizzly that killed at least one man & a lot of livestock and eluded capture for two decades in central Colorado around 1900 until houndman James Anthony ran him down. Great story with surprise ending. Paperback. New. $20.00 868]Peterson, Harold L. PAGEANT OF THE GUN. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1967. 6 x 9 1/2, 352 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustrations. A treasury of stories of firearms: their romance and lore, development and use through ten centuries. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $15.00 869]Pisano, Beverly. BRITTANYS. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1991. ISBN: 0866222235. 5 1/2 x 8, 192 pgs, color illustrations. Sensible, easy-tofollow recommendations about selecting and caring for a Brittany. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00 870]Pisano, Beverly. OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOGS. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1983. Later printing. ISBN: 087666723X. 5 x 8, 125 pgs, b&w and color photos. History, standard, personality, puppies, obedience training, breeding, care, dog shows, etc. Hardcover. Very Good. $5.00 871]Pisano, Beverly. SHETLAND SHEEPDOGS. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1995. ISBN: 079381183X. 5 x 8, 224 pgs, index, color photos. Easy-tofollow recommendations about selecting and caring for a Shetland Sheepdog: history of the breed, grooming, feeding requirements, accommodations, dental care, housebreaking and training and more. . Hardcover. Very Good. $4.00 872]Plott, Bob. STRIKE & STAY The Story of the Plott Hound. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2009. Second printing. ISBN: 9781596292628. 7 x 10, 190 pgs, b&w photos. The Plott bear hound's story began in 1750, when Johannes Plott left Germany for the North Carolina Mountains. A classic American tale of adventurers and underdogs, this true story is one that author Bob Plott, the great-great-great-grandson of Johannes Plott, is uniquely qualified to tell. Paperback. Fine. $25.00 873]Posewitz, Jim. INHERIT THE HUNT. A Journey Into the Heart of American Hunting. Helena, MT: Falcon Publishing, 1999. ISBN: 156044388X. 5 1/2 x 8, 122 pgs, b&w illustrations. A sequel to "Beyong Fair Chase", the author's powerful examination of the unique history of hunting and wildlife in North America. Hardcover. Very Good+. $10.00 874]POWDER DATA MANUAL Twenty-Fifth Edition. Shawnee Mission, KS: Hodgdon Powder Co. Inc., 1988. Third printing. 6 x 9, 544 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Shows how to reload bullets safely and for different type of weapons. Hardcover. Good+. $15.00 875]Prince, Eleanor F. and Gaydell M. Collier. BASIC HORSEMANSHIP: ENGLISH AND WESTERN. New York: Doubleday, 1974. ISBN: 0385065876. 6 x 9 1/2, 353 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. A complete guide for riders and instructors. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $9.00 876]Prothero, Walt. SAFARI: A DANGEROUS AFFAIR. Long Beach, CA: Safari Press, 2000. First edition. ISBN: 1571570934. 6 x 9, 215 pgs, sections of b&w photos. This veteran of many safaris writes of real-life deadly and dangerous encoutners with African critters that bite! Signed and numbered edition, 827 of 1000 Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $175.00 877]Queeny, Edgar M. CHEECHAKO The Story of an Alaskan Bear Hunt. New York: Scribners, 1941. 6 x 9, 133 pgs, mapped endsheets, b&w photos. Wellphotographed retelling of a first-class Alaskan bear hunt from the late '30's. Hardcover. Very Good. $60.00 878]Quinn, Tom. THE WORKING RETRIEVERS The Training, Care, and Handling of Retrievers for Hunting and Field Trials. New York: Dutton, 1983. Later printing. ISBN: 0525932879. 8 1/2 x 11, 259 pgs, b&w and a section of color photos and illustrations. An all inclusive guide to the training of dogs for hunting and field trials. Labradors, goldens, Chesapeakes and others. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00 879]Randall, Willet. WILDERNESS PATCHWORK. Patch Beagles. Montrose, WV: Perfections Sports - Publishing, 1993. Second edition. 6 x 9, 150 pgs, illus/ photos. Wonderful collection of tales and memoirs about the Patch Beagles of the wild Adirondacks, the history of the line, homesteading in the wilderness, field trials, and hunts for cottontail, fox and especially snowshoe hare. Originally published in 1968. Paperback. New. $12.00 880]RECORDS OF EXOTICS Volume IV. Texas: 1987. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 469 pgs, b&w photos, charts. Charts of trophy records and photos of hunters and their game. Hardcover. Very Good+. $30.00 881]Reiger, George, selected and edited. THE BEST OF ZANE GREY, OUTDOORSMAN. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1992. Later printing. ISBN: 0811725995. 6 x 9, 368 pgs, b&w photos. Stories by a master storyteller recapture an era of wild adventures, legendary sportsmen, and rugged landscapes in some of the world's most exotic locales. Paperback. New. $20.00 882]Rich, Bob. FISH FIGHTS. A Hall of Fame Quest. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2001. ISBN: 159228809X. 6 x 9, 349 pgs, b&w and a section of color photos. Rich's rollicking narrative of his quest to achieve induction into the Metropolitan South Florida Fishing Tournament Hall of Fame in just one year, although the award was set up to honor lifetime achievement. Paperback. New. $19.00 883]Richardson, Bill & Dona. THE APPALOOSA. New York: A.S. Barnes & Co., 1972. Later printing. ISBN: 0498067874. 6 x 9, 196 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. A good owner's guide: history, idendifying an Appaloosa, selection, facts on breeding, showing, tips on transportation, versatility, the Appaloosa Horse Club, and much more. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00 884]Ricketts, Viva Leone. ALL ABOUT TOY DOGS. New York: Howell Book House, 1969. Revised. 6 x 9, 200 pgs, b&w photos. Covers care in sickness and health, feeding, training, breeding, and the history and characer of each breed. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+. $10.00 885]Riddles, Libby and Tim Jones. RACE ACROSS ALASKA. New York: Stackpole Books, 1988. Later printing. ISBN: 0811722538. 6 x 9, 239 pgs, section of b&w photos. The first woman to win the Iditarod tells her story. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 886]Ripley, Ozark. JIST HUNTIN'. Tales of the Forest, Field and Stream. Cincinnati, OH: Stewart Kidd, 1921. 5 1/2 x 8, 192 pgs, b&w photos. A nice collection of early 1900's reminiscences afield. Hardcover. Good. $50.00 887]Robb, Bob. HUNTING BLACK BEARS. Minnetonka, MN: North American Hunting Club, 2001. Later printing. ISBN: 9781581591378. 8 1/2 x 11, 176 pgs, index, color photos throughout. Everything you need to know to hone your black bear hunting skills no matter which method or hunting tool you employ. Hardcover. Very Good. $12.00 888]Roberts, Major Ned. H. and Kenneth L. Waters. THE BREECH-LOADING SINGLE-SHOT RIFLE. Prescott, AZ: Wolfe Publishing, 1987. First printing. ISBN: 0935632425. 7 1/2 x 10, 333 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. A classic on this rifle written by two top-notch collectors and sportsmen. Hardcover. Fine in Very Good+ DJ. $70.00 889]Roosevelt, Theodore. OUTDOOR PASTIMES OF AN AMERICAN HUNTER. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1990. Later printing. ISBN: 0811730336. 6 x 9, 480 pgs, b&w photos. Stories of hunting big game in the West and notes about animals pursued and observed. Includes three hound hunts for bear, cougar, coyote coursing, plus deer, elk, antelope, etc. Paperback. New. $22.00 890]Ruark, Robert C. HORN OF THE HUNTER. Long Beach, CA: Safari Press, 1993. Later printing. ISBN: 1571570241. 6 x 9, 315 pgs, b&w illustrations and section of b&w photos. The author's 1950s extended hunt in British East Africa (now Kenya and Tanzania); immortalizes his professional hunter, Harry Selby. Paperback. Very Good+. $18.00 891]Rue, III, Leonard Lee. GAME BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA. New York: Harper & Row, 1973. ISBN: 0060137142. 7 x 10, 490 pgs, illustrated w/color prints by Douglas Allen, & range maps. This is a real nice looking book giving the natural history of all the game birds with the info designed for the hunter. Nice art work by Allen. Torn & taped dj. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $9.00 892]Rye, David. COLORADO'S GUIDE TO FISHING. Arvada, CO: Marflow Publications, 1990. ISBN: 0913730378. 6 x 9, 180 pgs, b&w illustrations and maps. Covers all kinds of information about fishing in Colorado including maps of best areas, where to catch big fish, best lures, flies and bait to use, campgrounds and boatlaunch locations, and more. Paperback. Good. $9.00 893]Schneider, Earl, Ed. ENJOY YOUR COLLIE. New York: The Pet Library Ltd., 1967. Second Printing. 5 1/2 x 8, 32 pgs, color photos. A good owner's guide to choosing, housing, feeding, house-breaking, grooming, training and caring for your Collie. Staplebound Wraps. Good. $8.00 894]Schneider, Earl, Ed. KNOW YOUR KERRY BLUE TERRIER. New York: The Pet Library, Ltd.. Second Printing. 5 1/2 x 8, 64 pgs, color photos. A good owner's guide for choosing, training, feeding and grooming, breeding and caring for your sick Kerry Blue Terrier. Paperback. Good. $8.00 895]Schoonmaker, Peter R. PRIMITIVE PURSUIT. Stories Afield of Muzzleloader Hunting. Greenville, PA: Beaver Pond Publications, 1992. Second printing. ISBN: 1881399052. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 166 pgs, sepia and white illustrations. The author's experiences and observations during years of muzzleloader hunting. Paperback. New. $12.00 896]Schuh, Dwight. BOWHUNTER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1987. ISBN: 0811724123. 7 x 9, 574 pgs, b&w photos. Practical, easy-tofind answers to your bowhunting questions. Ex-library. Paperback. Good. $12.00 897]Schuler, Elizabeth Meriwether, ed. SIMON & SCHUSTER'S GUIDE TO DOGS. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1980. Later printing. ISBN: 0671255274. 4 1/2 x 7 1/2, 447 pgs, color photos throughout. Covers over 320 breeds with Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 39 essential information on physical and psychological characteristics and care required. Paperback. Good. $7.00 898]Scott, Robert F., editor. SHOOTER'S BIBLE - NO. 70. 1978 Edition. South Hackensack, NJ: Stoeger Publishing, 1978. ISBN: 0883170914. 8 1/2 x 11, 576 pgs, b&w illustrations and photos. Feature articles by the experts plus all the hot hunting and shooting items available at the time. Oversized Paperback. Fair. $5.00 899]Sellers, Monica. AMERICAN ESKIMOES. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1994. ISBN: 0793810876. 5 1/2 x 8, 224 pgs, color photos and illustrations. Sensible, easy-to-follow recommendations about selecting and caring for an American Eskimo pup. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00 900]Shewnack, Raymond C. THE FLY-FISHING PREDATOR. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2009. First edition. ISBN: 9780826346261. 7 x 10, 86 pgs, b&w and color photos and illustrations. The author illustrates how you can improve your fishing experience by applying predator skills. He begins by examining the tools of the trade, identifying what, out of a seemingly endless selection of rods, reels, lines, and flies, will make angling easier and more efficient. He then addresses skills such as casting, the ability to read the water, choosing a fly, and hooking and landing techniques that are necessary for successful fly-fishing. Paperback. New. $25.00 901]Shideler, Dan, editor. MODERN GUN VALUES. Iola, WI: Gun Digest Books, 2007. ISBN: 0896894754. 8 x 11, 710 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Pricing for firearms from 1900 to present. Covers 8,500 guns made since 1900 and includes commemoratives. Paperback. Good+. $15.00 902]Shockey, Jim. ULTIMATE BIG GAME ADVENTURES. British Columbia: Folkart Interiors, 2003. ISBN: 0973280808. 8 1/2 x 11, 160 pgs, color photos throughout. Wonderful collection of hunting stories. Hardcover. Very Good. $15.00 903]SHOOTING SPORTSMAN. The Magazine of Wingshooting and Fine Guns. - 5 issues, September/October 2009, November/December 2009, January/February 2010, March/April 2010 and May/June 2010. 8 1/2 x 11, about 100 pages each, lots of color photos. Great stories and photos on the subject. Glossy Magazine. Very Good. $5.00 904]SHOOTING SPORTSMAN. The Magazine of Wingshooting and Fine Guns. Boone, IA. 6 issues, September/October 1994, January/February 1996, January/ February 1997, March/April 1997, May/June 1997 and September/October 1997. 8 1/2 x 11, about 100 pages each, lots of color photos. Great stories and photos on the subject. Glossy Magazine. Very Good. $5.00 905]Siber, Max, revised and edited by Cathy J. Flamholtz. THE VENERABLE TIBETAN MASTIFF. Centreville, AL: OTR Publications, 1995. First edition. ISBN: 0940269090. 6 x 9 192 pgs, b&w photos. Originally published in 1897, a valuable source of information on the breed. Hardcover. Very Good+. $50.00 906]Siegal, Mordecai and Matthew Margolis. I JUST GOT A PUPPY, WHAT DO I DO?. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992. ISBN: 0671695711. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 194 pgs, index, b&w photos. Complete with step by step photographs, instructions, and techniques tailored to the temperament of your dog: how to buy, train, understand, and enjoy your puppy. Paperback. Good. $3.00 907]Silvernail, Evelyn L. THE NEW COMPLETE FOX TERRIER. New York: Howell Book House, 1979. Third edition. ISBN: 0876051204. 6 x 9, 223 pgs, b&w photos. Includes history and development of the breed, prominent kennels, the blueprint for the breed, comparison of American and English kennels, grooming and showing the fox terrier, and more. Hardcover. Very Good. $8.00 908]THE SINGLE SHOT EXCHANGE Classic Compendium - Volume 1, 2 and 3. York, South Carolina: Exchange Publishers, Inc., 1996. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 1200 pgs, total. A collection of monthly columns and features stories from the magazine. Paperback. Very Good+. $30.00 909]Snyder, Lynn M. and Elizabeth A. Moore, editors. DOGS AND PEOPLE IN SOCIAL, WORKING, ECONOMIC OR SYMBOLIC INTERACTION. England: Oxbow Press, 2006. ISBN: 9781842171240. 8 x 12, 146 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Proceedings of the 9th International Council of Archaeozoologgy Conference in Durham, UK, in 2002. Hardcover. Very Good+. $60.00 910]Speer Products Co. SPEER MANUAL FOR RELOADING AMMUNITION-RIFLE & PISTOL Number 12. Lewiston, ID: Speer, 1995. Third printing. 5 x 9, 720 pgs, charts, b&w illustrations and photos. Detailed reloading information, cartridge components, better reloads, handloading for hunting, reloading for varmint rifles, basic of internal ballistics, the wizardry of propulsion, plus all the standard loading data. Hardcover. Very Good. $15.00 911]Speer Products Co. SPEER RELOADING MANUAL FOR RIFLE & PISTOL Number 10. Lewiston, ID: Speer, 1980. Second printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 560 pgs, charts, b&w illustrations and photos. Detailed reloading information, cartridge components, personal computers and exterior ballistics, reloading safety, plus all the standard loading data. Spine/binding cracked but holding. Hardcover. Fair. $8.00 912]Spencer, Jim. TURKEY HUNTING DIGEST Words of Wisdom on a Grand Spring Sport. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 2003. First printing. ISBN: 0873495063. 8 1/2 x 11, 336 pgs, index, b&w and a section of color photos. Lots of information on modern turkey hunting tactics plus reports on gear: everything from calls and camouflage to guns, loads, and strategies. Helpful hints for all skill levels. Paperback. New. $18.00 913]Spirer, Louise Ziegler and Evelyn Miller. THIS IS THE DOBERMAN PINSCHER. 40 Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1963. 6 x 9, 254 pgs, many photos. The history, selection and training of the Doberman. Hardcover. Very Good. $7.00 914]Stamm, Mike. THE MULE ALTERNATIVE. The Saddle Mule in the American West. Medicine Wolf Press, 1992. ISBN: 0964066882. 6 x 9, 162 pgs, historical photos. Researching testimony of mountain men, cavalry, cowboys, and other westerners old and new, the author examines the role of mules in western history and the use of mules today, for riding, packing and draft work. Paperback. New. $15.00 915]Stephens, C.A. THE YOUNG MOOSE HUNTERS A Backwoods Boy's Story. Boston: L.C. Page & Co., 1926. 5 x 7 1/2, 288 pgs, b&w illustrations. Life in the Maine woods. Hardcover. Good+. $25.00 916]Stewart, Elinore Pruitt. LETTERS ON AN ELK HUNT. A Woman Homesteader. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1979. Later printing. ISBN: 0803291124. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 162 pgs. Written originally in 1913 in southwestern Wyoming, the author kept track of this outing in letters to her friend and exemployer Mrs. Coney. Paperback. Good. $9.00 917]Stillman, Deanne. MUSTANG The Saga of the Wild Horse in the American West. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2008. First edition. ISBN: 9780618454457. 6 x 9, 348 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w photos. A superb account of the wild horse in the culture, history and popular imagination of the American West. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 918]Sucher, Jaime J. SHETLAND SHEEPDOGS. New York: Barrons, 1990. ISBN: 0812042646. 6 1/2 x 8, 79 pgs, index, color photos. Easy-to-follow recommendations about selecting and caring for a Shetland Sheepdog: history of the breed, grooming, feeding requirements, accommodations, dental care, housebreaking and training and more. . Paperback. Very Good. $5.00 919]Sunderland, Bill and Dale Lackey. CALIFORNIA BLUE RIBBON TROUT STREAMS. Portland, OR: Fran Amato Publications, 1991. First printing. ISBN: 1878175017. 8 1/2 x 11, 94 pgs, color photos. Where to go and the best fishing methods to use when you get there. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 920]Sweeney, Patrick. THE AR-15. Iola, WI: Gun Digest Books, 2005. ISBN: 0873499476. 8 x 11, 288 pgs, b&w photos. A master gunsmith firearms instructor, the author offers tips, tricks and techniques about America's favorite black rifle, the legendary AR-15. Paperback. Very Good+. $18.00 921]T.K. & Mike. DEER HUNTIN' Outdoors with T.K. & Mike. Auburn, AL: 1996. VHS tape. Comedy. Very Good. $5.00 922]Tarrant, Bill. TARRANT TRAINS GUN DOGS Humane way to get top results. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1989. First edition. ISBN: 0811717232. 6 x 9, 222 pgs, index, b&w photos. First book on training gun dogs ever specifically written to remove the whip from the trainer's hand. You'll learn how to train a gun dog with humanity, common sense and love. Ex-library with minimal markings. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00 923]Taylor, Louis. RIDE WESTERN. A Complete Guide to Western Horsemanship. New York: Harper & Row, 1968. 5 x 8, 230 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. A history of western horsemanship with illustrated directions for everything from how to begin to barrel racing and commentary on types of horses. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $10.00 924]TEXAS SPORTING JOURNAL. Volume 2, Issue 1, Subscriber's Copy. Houston, TX: 2003. 9 x 11, 96 pgs, color photos throughout. Glossy magazine features Texas hunting and fishing. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00 925]Thorpe, Johnny. 50 YEARS A TRAPPER AND TREASURE HUNTER. Marble Hill, GA: Fox Hollow Trapper's Supply, 1995. First printing. 5 x 8, 113 pgs, b&w photos. This life long mountain man takes you from the Adirondacks through Canada and down the Rockies into the deserts of Arizona & California in quest of fur; plus many true tales of buried treasure and recoveries. Some red underlining and margin notes. Paperback. Good. $15.00 926]Tolhurst, William D. MANHUNTERS!. Hounds of the Big T. As told to Lena F. Reed. Puyallup, WA: 1984. 6 x 9, 272 pgs. Adventure and how-to information on using Bloodhounds for mantrailing, scent discrimination, finding and tracking in police work. The author's hounds get their man & there is good information for any houndman. Great hound book! Hardcover. New. $25.00 927]Triplett, Todd. BIG-GAME TAXIDERMY A Complete Guide to Deer, Antelope, and Elk. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2006. First edition. ISBN: 1592288804. 6 x 9, 229 pgs, index, b&w photos. Everything you need to know about the art of taxidermy: proper skinning and fleshing techniques, preservation methods, handling skins properly, dealing with antlered animals, handling shoulder mounts, complicated mounts and even European mounts, and much, much more. Hardcover. Fine. $15.00 928]Valerio, M. TOP OUTFITTERS OF BIG GAME HUNTING OF NORTH AMERICA. Baker City, OR: Valerio Publishing, 1996. First edition. ISBN: 1889807001. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 152 pgs, color maps. Featuring a select group of outfitters chosen and recommended by their past clients. "Pickec-By-You" Guides. Very collectible. Paperback. Very Good. $50.00 929]Vallilla, Andrew. THE GUIDE TO OWNING A BEAGLE. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications. ISBN: 0793818672. 6 1/2 x 10, 64 pgs, color photos throughout. History, selecting, housebreakign, training, health care and more. Paperback. Good. $5.00 930]Vance, Robert. STEEL TRAPS - OBSOLETE & ANTIQUE. Volume II. Privately Printed, 1997. Later printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 102 pgs, b&w illustrations. More Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com information about traps, how they work, and their makers. Paperback. New. $14.00 931]Vanderbilt, Arthur. GOLDEN DAYS. Memories of a Golden Retriever. New York: Bantam Books, 1988. First printing. ISBN: 0553379666. 5 x 7 1/2, 143 pgs, b&w illustrations. Unforgettable memoir of a doting retriever named Amy and the seasons of joy she shared with those around her. Paperback. Very Good+. $7.00 932]Vaznis, Bill. SUCCESSFUL BLACK BEAR HUNTING. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 2004. ISBN: 0873496655. 8 x 11, 144 pgs, color photos throughout. Strategies for bagging your trophy bruin. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 933]Venturino, Mike and Steve Garbe. SPG LUBRICANTS BP CARTRIDGE Reloading Primer. Big Timber, MT: Cal Graf Publications, 1993. Second printing. 6 x 9, 116 pgs, b&w photos. All you need to know about loading black powder in single shot cartridge rifles. Paperback. Very Good+. $40.00 934]Walsh, Jr., James E. GOLDEN RETRIEVERS. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1980. ISBN: 0876666780. 5 1/2 x 8, 122 pgs, b&w and color photos. Covers the origins of the breed and breed standards, hunting with your retriever, obedience training, breeding, care, dog show competition, etc. Hardcover. Good+. $5.00 935]Warner, Ken. THE PRACTICAL BOOK OF GUNS. New York: Winchester Press, 1978. First edition. ISBN: 0876912749. 7 x 10, 261 pgs, index, b&w photos. Comprehensive book on rifled sporting arms. Hardcover. Very Good. $10.00 936]Warren, Louis S. THE HUNTER'S GAME. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997. Third printing. ISBN: 0300080867. A provocative look at the angry struggles between American conservationists and local hunters since the rise of wildlife conservation at the end of the 1800s. Paperback. Very Good+. $18.00 937]Watkins, Anthony. THE SEA MY HUNTING GROUND. New York: St Martin's Press, 1958. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 249 pgs, mapped endsheets, section of b&w photos. An amazing true story of a man who turned dangerous adventure into a profitable business. About the shark oil industry on the western islands and peninsulas of Scotland. One incident involves the capture of a 35 foot shark from a two man dinghy. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $12.00 938]Weil, Martin. BICHON FRISE. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1990. ISBN: 0866224483. 5 x 8, 190 pgs, color illustrations and photos. Easy to follow recommendations about selecting and caring for a Bichon Frise. Hardcover. Very Good. $7.00 939]Weil, Martin. KEESHOND. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1988. ISBN: 0866225625. 5 1/2 x 8, 157 pgs, color photos and illustrations. Sensible recommendations about selecting and caring for a Keeshond. Hardcover. Good. $6.00 940]Weil, Martin. KEESHOND. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 1991. ISBN: 0866225625. 5 1/2 x 8, 192 pgs, color photos and illustrations. Sensible, easy-tofollow recommendations about selecting and caring for a Keeshond pup. Hardcover. Good+. $6.00 941]Wetherell, W.D. ONE RIVER MORE. A Celebration of Rivers and Fly Fishing. New York: Lyons Press, 1998. ISBN: 1558216987. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 259 pgs. Part autobiography, part seasonal journal, and part fishing log; follows a typical year of fishing in Vermont and Montana. A fair amount of underlining and margin notes. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $15.00 942]White, Ronald J. BIG GAME RANCHING IN THE UNITED STATES. Mesilla, NM: Wild Sheep & Goat International, 1987. First printing. ISBN: 0915249030. 6 x 9, 355 pgs, index, biblio, b&w photos, maps, diagrams. A comprehensive reference source for big game ranching including wildlife resources, management info, problems and opportunities and more. Lots of info! Hardcover. Very Good+. $30.00 943]Wieland, Terry, editor. CLASSIC AMERICAN COMBAT RIFLES. New York: Gun Digest Books, 2011. ISBN: 9781440230158. 8 x 11, 208 pgs, b&w photos. Presents a unique compilation of articles on the greatest American combat rifles developed since 1776, and as they originally appeared in Gun Digest. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 944]Wiggins, Walt. THE GREAT AMERICAN SPEEDHORSE A Guide to Quarter Racing. New York: Soverign Books, 1978. First edition. ISBN: 0671183745. 6 x 9, 270 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w photos.Everything the novice and veteran alike will need to understand and appreciate quarterhorses and quarterhorse racing. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $50.00 945]Winsor, John. LOVE OF THE HUNT A Lifetime in Pursuit of Deer, Elk, Bears, Waterfowl, and Upland Birds. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2001. First edition. ISBN: 1585743879. 6 x 9, 238 pgs, section of color photos. One-of-a-kind collection of stories about a journey through life as seen through the eyes of the authors five-decade relationship to the world of hunting. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00 946]Wolters, Richard A. GAME DOG. New York: Dutton, 1983. First edition. ISBN: 0525932992. 6 1/2 x 9, 207 pgs, index, b&w photos. A concise new training method for the hunter's retriever for upland birds and waterfowl. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 947]Wood, J.B. FIREARMS ASSEMBLY/DISASSEMBLY. Part I: Automatic Pistols. Northfield, IL: DBI Books, Inc., 1979. ISBN: 0695813153. 8 1/2 x 11, 320 pgs, b&w photos. Complete takedown instruction for 41 of the most popular auto- loaders. Oversized Paperback. Good. $12.00 948]Wood, J.B. FIREARMS ASSEMBLY/DISASSEMBLY. Part V: Shotguns. Northfield, IL: DBI Books, Inc., 1980. ISBN: 0910676119. 8 1/2 x 11, 288 pgs, b&w photos. Complete takedown instruction for 26 of the most popular shotguns. Oversized Paperback. Good. $12.00 949]Wood, John R., with Robert E. Parker. TEXAS GAME WARDEN My Story by Captain John R. Wood, Retired Game Warden. San Antonio, TX: Texas Wildlife Association Foundation, 1999. Revised. ISBN: 0925854190. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 200 pgs, b&w photos. The author was a Game Warden for the state of Texas beginning in 1937, when he took over from his father. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $60.00 950]Wulff, Lee, ed. THE SPORTSMAN'S COMPANION. A Compendium of Advice. New York: Harper & Row, 1967. First edition. 7 1/2 x 10 1/2, 413 pgs, b&w illustrations. How to identify, stalk, fish and hunt for North American fish and game; detailed info on equipment, camping, etc. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $9.00 NATURAL HISTORY AND ENVIRONMENT 951]Bharucha, Erach. WONDERS OF THE INDIAN WILDERNESS. New York: Abbeville Press, 2006. First edition. ISBN: 9780789209993. 11 x 13, 856 pgs, index, color photos throughout. The veneration of nature has always been an integral part of Indian culture, but the country's wilderness is rapidly disappearing and only small fragments of it now remain. In the face of this ecological threat, this volume provides a lavish celebration of India's unique natural treasure and a call to preserve it in the years to come. The book devotes its first half to exploring "The Nature of Biodiversity in India," illustrating the incredible natural abundance of one of the twelve acknowledged mega-diversity nations of the world. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ and slipcase. $120.00 952]Brandt, Herbert. ARIZONA AND ITS BIRD LIFE A Naturalist's Adventures with the Nesting Birds on the Deserts, Grasslands, Foothills, and Mountains of Southeastern Arizona. Cleveland, OH: The Bird Research Foundation, 1951. 7 1/2 x 10, 725 pgs, b&w photos and drawings and color illustrations by the author and others like Roger Tory Peterson, index. "A major aim of this report is to mirror some of the life on this ornithological frontier and to advertsise what a remarkable place is audacious Arizona; also to call attention to the fact that here there is so much mystery in nature to unravel, with so many fascinating biological projects to observe and study." Hardcover. Very Good. $75.00 953]Bridges, William. WILD ANIMALS OF THE WORLD. Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing, 1948. 8 x 11, b&w and color drawings throughout. Pretty book with beautiful illustrations, tells about all sorts of obscure wild animals from around the world. Hardcover. Good. $8.00 954]Brinkley, Douglas. THE WILDERNESS WARRIOR Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America. New York: Harper Collins, 2009. ISBN: 9780060565282. 6 x 9, 940 pgs, index, notes, b&w photos, maps, illustrations. Theodore Roosevelt is known for many progressive programs and initiatives; however, none is more far-reaching and important than his conservation effort. Roosevelt set aside more than 230 million acres of wild America for posterity between 1901 and 1909, and his legacies led to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, passage of the Antiquities Act, and the salvage of Devils Tower, the Grand Canyon and the Petrified Forest. The author draws from never-before-published materies to examine the environmental efforts of our 'naturalist president.' This is a captivating look at Roosevelt's astounding environmental achievements. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 955]Brown, David E. ARIZONA WETLANDS AND WATERFOWL. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1985. First edition. ISBN: 0816509042. 8 1/2 x 11, 169 pgs, index & bib, photos some color. Elegant and comprehensive volume on the ecology of wetlands & waterfowl of the state. Of interest to birders, biologists and waterfowl hunters alike and points up the special values of wetlands in a desert state. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $30.00 956]Brown, David E. BIOTIC COMMUNITIES. Southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico. Salt Lake City,UT: University of Utah Press, 1994. Second edition. ISBN: 0874804590. 8 1/2 x 11, 342 pgs, b&w photos and maps. The definitive study on the plant life and biotic communities of the American Southwest. Paperback. New. $25.00 957]Brown, David E. and Neil B. Carmony, eds. ALDO LEOPOLD'S SOUTHWEST. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2003. Later printing. ISBN: 0826315801. 6 x 9, 200 pgs, b&w photos & drawings, index & bib. The best writings of Aldo Leopold on subjects of wildlife and forestry, wilderness protection and the land ethic, and some of his outdoor adventures and hunts. Writings not before in book form. Soft. Mint. Paperback. New. $25.00 958]Brown, David E. Brown, ed. THE WOLF IN THE SOUTHWEST. The Making of an Endangered Species. Silver City, NM: High-Lonesome Books, 2002. Later printing. ISBN: 0944383599. 6 x 9, 224 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Using primary source material of biologists, hunters, and trappers, the author traces the extirpation of the wolf in the Southwest U.S.A. and speculates on chances for recovery. Includes a new introduction and epilogue. Paperback. New. $14.95 959]Colby, Carroll B. WILD RODENTS. New York: Meredith Press, 1967. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 155 pgs, b&w photos. Rebound, exlibrary. Covers the rodent family: beaver, capybara, chinchilla, dormouse, hamster, tufted-eared Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 41 squirrels, prairie dog, and others. Hardcover. Good+. $6.00 960]Crosby, Alfred W. GERMS, SEEDS & ANIMALS Studies in Ecological History. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1994. First printing. ISBN: 1563242508. 6 x 9, 214 pgs, index. Discusses several fascinating biological and ecological consequences of European expansion since 1492. Paperback. Good+. $10.00 961]Daniel, Glyn. THE IDEA OF PREHISTORY. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1964. Second edition. 4 x 7, 186 pgs, index, section of b&w photos. A study of the unwritten remains of the early past of man. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00 962]Davison, Peter, editor. THE WORLD OF FARLEY MOWAT Selection from his Works. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1980. Later printing. ISBN: 0316586897. 6 x 9, 338 pgs, bibliography, mapped endsheets. Anthology of narrative essays selected from thirteen of Canadian author, environmentalist and conservationist Farley Mowat's published works. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00 963]Douglas, William O. MUIR OF THE MOUNTAINS. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books for Children, 1994. First edition. ISBN: 0871565056. 8 x 10, 105 pgs, b&w illustrations. Classic children's biography of John Muir reveals the events and ideas that shaped America's pioneer conservationist and founder of the Sierra Club. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 964]Emmerson, Charles. THE FUTURE HISTORY OF THE ARCTIC. New York: Public Affairs, 2010. First edition. ISBN: 9781586486365. 6 x 9, 403 pgs, index, notes, bibliography, b&w photos. weaves together the history of the region with reportage and reflection, revealing a vast and complex area, loaded with opportunity and rich in challenges. Travelling from the oil-fields of Prudhoe Bay and the Russian port of Murmansk to the shores of Greenland and the militarised borderlands of northern Norway, he brings the contemporary Arctic to life and explains why what happens there matters to the world. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 965]Foreman, Dave. REWILDING NORTH AMERICA A Vision for Conservation in the 21st Century. Washington DC: Island Press, 2004. First edition. ISBN: 1559630612. 6 x 9, 298 pgs, index, notes, bibliography. Dave Foreman is one of North America's most creative and effective conservation leaders, an outspoken proponent of protecting and restoring the earth's wildness, and a visionary thinker. Here he takes on arguably the biggest ecological threat of our time: the global extinction crisis. He not only explains the problem in clear and powerful terms, but also offers a bold, hopeful, scientifically credible, and practically achievable solution. Foreman offers both a vision and a strategy for reconnecting, restoring, and rewilding the North American continent. Signed by the author. Paperback. Very Good+. $20.00 966]Fuller, Errol. LOST ANIMALS Extinction and the Photographic Record. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2013. First edition. ISBN: 9780691161372. 7 1/2 x 9 1/2, 256 pgs, index, color photos and illustrations throughout. A unique photographic record of extinction, presented by a world authority on vanished animals. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00 967]Gildart, Bert. BIGHORN SHEEP Mountain Monarchs. Minnetonka, MN: NorthWord Press, 1999. ISBN: 155971641X. 6 x 9, 143 pgs, index, color photos throughout. Details their eating habits, breeding behavior, social structure, physical characteristics. Bighorns as well as thinhorns, including Dall sheep and Stone sheep, are thoroughly examined. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 968]Godfrey, Laurie R., editor. SCIENTISTS CONFRONT CREATIONISM. New York: Norton, 1983. ISBN: 0393301540. 5 x 7 1/2, 324 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. About scientist's theories about evolution, creationism and theology. Paperback. Very Good+. $5.00 969]Gollomb, Joseph. ALBERT SCHWEITZER: Genius in the Jungle. New York: Vanguard, 1949. Later printing. 5 1/2 x 8, 249 pgs. Although already acclaimed as physician, musician, author, and spiritual leader, Dr. Schweitzer, his decision in 1913 to turn his back on it all and devote himself to the people of West Africa moved the world the most. This is the story of his struggle, along with his wife, to build and maintain a jungle hospital, to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the natives. Hardcover. Good+. $8.00 970]Goodman, Ph.D., Jeffrey. AMERICAN GENESIS. New York: Summit Books, 1981. First edition. ISBN: 0671251392. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 285 pgs, index, bibliography, notes, b&w photos and illustrations. The startling new theory that the first fully modern men made their world debut in North America. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $5.00 971]Gould, Stephen J. FULL HOUSE The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin. New York: Harmony Books, 1996. Later printing. ISBN: 0517703947. 6 x 9, 244 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w illustrations. The nature of nature. Gould's eloquent argument for a new paradigm. He teaches us how to read trends within the system. A major scientific statement from a leading evolutionary scientist. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 972]Haley, Jan, photographer. FREE FLOW The Gila River in New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2008. First edition. ISBN: 9780826344465. 8 1/2 x 10, 105 pgs, color photos throughout, introduction by M.H. Salmon. Beautiful photographs illustrate the Gila's journey from its high mountain source to the arid canyon lands where it leaves New Mexico. Riverscapes, aerial views, and intimate close-ups expose secrets of a river environment, bringing the Gila to life on the pages of this book. Oversized Paperback. New. $28.00 42 973]Harris, Michael. LAMENT FOR AN OCEAN The Collapse of the Atlantic Cod Fishery: A True Crime Story. Toronto: McLelland & Stewart, 1999. Updated edition. ISBN: 0771039603. 6 x 9, 389 pgs, index, glossary. Discusses the demise of the abundance of fish species due to overfishing, specifically in this case, the Atlantic cod. It puts responsibility on the government and refers to it as the ecological disaster of the century and the political scandal of the decade. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 974]Hirschffeld, Erik, Andy Swash and Robert Still. THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRDS. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780691155968. 8 1/2 x 11, 360 pgs, index, color photos and illustrations throughout. Vividly depicts the most endangered birds in the world and provides the latest information on the threats each species faces and the measures being taken to save them. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $40.00 975]Holdsworth, John B. THE COYOTE AND THE WHIRLWIND. San Antonio, TX: Naylor, 1973. 51/2 x 8, 205 pgs, b&w illustrations, mapped endsheets. "Tucked in between the flat coastal plain of Texas, the southern rim of the Edwards Plateau and the Rio Grande, we find a compact triangle of terrain of consummate interest both to the amateur naturalist and to the informed ecologist." Includes Arroyo Negro, The Tortuga, The Presidio Road, Laguna Espantosa, The Changing Scene. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+. $10.00 976]Howell, Steve N.G., Ian Lewington and Will Russell. RARE BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014. First edition. ISBN: 9780691117966. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 428 pgs, index, color photos and illustrations throughout. Comprehensive illustrated guide to the vagrant birds that occur throughout the United States and Canada. Featuring 275 stunning color plates, this book covers 262 species originating from three very different regions--the Old World, the New World tropics, and the world's oceans. It explains the causes of avian vagrancy and breaks down patterns of occurrence by region and season, enabling readers to see where, when, and why each species occurs in North America. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 977]ISLANDS OF THE SEALS The Pribilofs. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Geographic, 1982. ISBN: 0882401696. 11 x 8 1/2, 128 pgs, color photos throughout. Beautiful photos and interesting information about the Pribilofs. Paperback. New. $5.00 978]Janovy, Jr., Keith. KEITH COUNTY JOURNAL. New York: St Martin's Press, 1978. ISBN: 0312451245. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 210 pgs. Narrative natural history, reminiscent of Thoreau, or a Nebraska county. Paperback. Good+. $6.00 979]Kennedy, Adam Scott and Vicki Kennedy. ANIMALS OF THE SERENGETI AND NGORONGORO CONSERVATION AREA. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014. First printing. ISBN: 9780691159089. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 152 pgs, index, color photos throughout. With an eye-catching layout, accessible text, and easyto-use format, this detailed photographic guide includes 89 species of mammal and reptile. Paperback. Very Good+. $18.00 980]Kilham, Lawrence. THE AMERICAN CROW AND THE COMMON RAVEN. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1989. First edition. ISBN: 0890963770. 7 x 10, 255 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w illustrations. The definitive study including habits and behavior of these familiar yet often unknown birds. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 981]Kiser, Joy M. AMERICA'S OTHER AUDUBON. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2012. First edition. ISBN: 9781616890599. 11 x 13, 192 pgs, color illustrations. Chronicles the story of Genevieve Jones, her family, and the making of an extraordinary nineteenth century book, "Illustrations of the Nests and Eggs of Birds of Ohio". At the age of twenty-nine, Genevieve Jones, an amateur naturalist/artist and daughter of a country doctor, visited the 1876 Centennial World's Fair in Philadelphia, where she saw Audubon's paintings in Birds of America on display. His artwork inspired her to undertake the production of a book illustrating the bird's nests and eggs that Audubon neglected to include in his work. Her parents were reluctant to support the undertaking of such an ambitious and expensive project until Genevieve became despondent over a broken engagement. Concerned over her fragile mental state, they encouraged her to begin the book as a distraction. Her brother collected the nests and eggs, her father paid for the publishing costs, and Genevieve and her girlhood friend learned lithography and began illustrating the specimens. The book was sold by subscription in twenty-three parts. Then, suddenly, Genevieve died of typhoid fever after personally completing only five of the illustrations. Her family took up the completion of the work in her memory. Only 90 copies of the book were produced and fewer than 20 have been located today in libraries or in private collections. Hardcover. Very Good+. $40.00 982]Krausman, Paul, John R. Morgart and MaryEllen Chilelli. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DESERT BIGHORN SHEEP LITERATURE, 1897-1983. Phoenix, AZ: Southwest Natural History Assn., 1984. ISBN: 0961012633. 6 x 9, 205 pgs, photos. This detailed, annotated bibliography is a must for the student of the Desert Bighorn. Lists all the literature & provides substantial discussion of each volume with info on sheep lore, natural history, & hunting. Paperback. New. $10.00 983]Lembke, Janet. DESPICABLE SPECIES On Cowbirds, Kudzu, Hornworms, and Other Scourges. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2001. First, thus. ISBN: 158574199X. 6 x 9, 216 pgs, b&w illustrations. Fourteen essays on invasive and destructive speces, parasites, and other objectionable creatures, and the places they hold in the symbiosis of all living things. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00 984]Ligon, J. Stokley. HISTORY AND MANAGEMENT OF MERRIAM'S WILD TURKEY. Santa Fe, NM: New Mexico Game and Fish Department, 1946. 6 x 9, 84 pgs, b&w photos. Collectible old wildlife biology publication. Scarce. Paperback. Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com Very Good. $100.00 985]Madison, Mark, editor. CONSERVATION HISTORY. Sunderland, MA: 2008. 8 1/2 x 11, 60 pgs, b&w photos. Journal includes twelve articles about early conservationists. Paperback. Good+. $10.00 986]Milne, Lorus J. and Margery. THE BALANCE OF NATURE. New York: Knopf, 1961. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 340 pgs, b&w illustrations by Olaus J. Murie. The eternal drama of the battle for survival among the species. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $10.00 987]Nations, Dale and Edmund Stump. GEOLOGY OF ARIZONA. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 1981. Later printing. ISBN: 0840324758. 7 x 9, 221 pgs, b&w illustrations. Textbook and guidebook to the geology of Arizona beginning with basic concepts and principles to the discipline. 16 chapters in 3 parts: Part I, Earth Materials, Processes & Geologic Principles; II, Geologic History of Arizona; and, III, Topics of Special Interest.. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 988]New Mexico Department of Game & Fish. NEW MEXICO WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT. Santa Fe, NM: NM Department of Game & Fish, 1967. 7 x 10, 250 pgs, index, b&w photos, maps, charts. Written by various department personnel, covers elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, pronghorn antelope, bighorn sheep, bear, squirrels, turkey, grouse, game birds, etc. plus land utilization, economic values of game and more. Oversized Paperback. Good. $20.00 989]Pfeiffer, John E. THE EMERGENCE OF MAN. New York: Harper & Row, 1971. 6 x 9, 477 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w photos and illustrations. The Emergence of Man from wilderness to metropolis in 15,000,000 years- the unfolding story of human evolution and the human condition, as revealed by new discoveries in archarology and primate behavior. Paperback. Good+. $5.00 990]Pyle, Jinx. LOOKING THROUGH THE SMOKE. Payson, AZ: Git a Rope! Publishing, 2002. First printing. ISBN: 0972256040. 6 x 9, 110 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. A sixth generation Arizona native addresses the mismanagement of the US Forest Service and the causes and effects of the Rodeo-Chedeski and Dude fires. He also discusses the wolf reintroduction program and more! Paperback. New. $15.00 991]Riley, Laura and William. GUIDE TO THE NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGES. New York: Anchor Press, 1979. ISBN: 0385140142. 6 x 9, 561 pgs, maps and illustrations. Comprehensive guide to the nation's wildlife refuges (over 400). What to see, how to get there, recreation opportunities, etc. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $8.00 992]Salmon, M. H. "Dutch". GILA LIBRE! New Mexico's Last Wild River. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2008. First edition. ISBN: 9780826340825. 6 x 9, 144 pgs, color photos and illustrations. The story of a geographic anomaly that includes roughly four million acres of the nation's first designated wilderness area, New Mexico's largest national forest, and the state's only undammed river. Visitors might spot a beaver and a coatimundi on the same day, an elk and a javelina on the same hillside, or catch a flathead catfish and a wild trout in the same pool. Apaches roamed along the Gila's shores, as did mountain men and outlaws. It also tells the river's story to date, extolling what is still a unique Southwest resource and speculating on its future, which includes the threatening proposal of a major state and federal water project. Paperback. New. $10.00 993]Scharp, Hal. ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT SHARKS. Happy Camp, CA: Naturegraph, 1979. ISBN: 0879610794. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 70 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Everything you ever wanted to know about sharks. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 994]Schultz, Warren. BIRD AND BUTTERFLY GARDENS. New York: Friedman/ Fairfax Publishers, 1996. ISBN: 1567992668. 9 1/2 x 9 1/2, 72 pgs, beautiful color photos. All you need to know about how to encourage birds and butterflies to return or set up residence in your garden. Oversized Paperback. Very Good. $8.00 995]Seton, Ernest Thompson. WILD ANIMALS I HAVE KNOWN. Random House/ Looking Glass Library, no date. 5 x 7 1/2, 225 pgs, b&w drawings by the author. An early printing of Seton's wild animal stories, including "Lobo, King of Currumpaw", "The Pacing Mustang" and "Bingo, The Story of My Dog", among others. Hardcover. Very Good+. $25.00 996]Sutton, Ann & Myron. WILDERNESS AREAS OF NORTH AMERICA. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1974. ISBN: 0308101243. 6 x 9, 406 pgs, illus/photos. Concise, authoritative descriptions of more than 500 wild areas from coast to coast and from Alaska to Panama. Useful recreation guide for wilderness enthusiasts. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $12.00 997]Tax, Sol, editor. THE EVOLUTION OF MAN Mind, Culture, and Society. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1960. First edition. Volume 2 of the "Evolution After Darwin" series. 6 x 9, 473 pgs. "Acclaimed as a milestone in the history of evolutionary science, the Centennial Celebration was the most comprehensive and intensive examination ever made of the impact of Darwin's ideas. It brought together a billiant array of nearly fifty outstanding scientists from ten nations, representing such diverse areas of study as biology, anthropoligy, medicine, botany, and geology." Hardcover. Good+ in Good DJ. $5.00 998]Tax, Sol, editor. ISSUES IN EVOLUTION The University of Chicago Centennial Discussions. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1960. First edition. Volume 3 of the "Evolution After Darwin" series. 6 x 9, 310 pgs. "Acclaimed as a milestone in the history of evolutionary science, the Centennial Celebration was the most comprehensive and intensive examination ever made of the impact of Darwin's ideas. It brought together a billiant array of nearly fifty outstanding scientists from ten nations, representing such diverse areas of study as biology, anthropoligy, medicine, botany, and geology." Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $5.00 999]Turbak, Gary. PRONGHORN Portrait of the American Antelope. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1995. First edition. ISBN: 087358595X. 10 1/2 x 9, 140 pgs, color photos. Beautiful photos show the life of this graceful animal of the American West: pronghorn history, distinguishing features, habitat and behavior. Oversized Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 1000]Wenger, Gilbert R. THE STORY OF MESA VERDE NATIONAL PARK. Mesa Verde Park, CO: Mesa Verde Museum Association, 2000. Later printing. ISBN: 0937062154. 9 x 12, 96 pgs, b&w and color photos and illustrations. Tells you what you'll see and what it all means. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good+. $6.00 COUNTRY LIVING / AGRICULTURE / HOMESTEADING 1001]Amory, Cleveland. RANCH OF DREAMS. New York: Viking Press, 1997. ISBN: 067087762X. 6 x 9, 288 pgs, two sections of color photos. The heartwarming story of the author's Black Beauty Ranch and animal sanctuary. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $6.00 1002]Brainerd, John. WORKING WITH NATURE. A Practical Guide. New York: Oxford University Press, 1973. 6 x 9, 517 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. How to understand and work with the complexities of nature and her various ecosystems. Hardcover. Very Good+. $12.00 1003]Brent, Gerry. THE PIGMAN'S HANDBOOK. England: Farming Press Ltd., 1982. Second printing. ISBN: 0852361262. 6 x 9, 230 pgs, index, b&w photos. How to get the best our of your existing set-up, full of specific practical advice with routines and trouble-shooting checklists clearly laid out. Ex-library. Paperback. Fine. $9.00 1004]Bricklin, Mark and Sharon Claessens. THE NATURAL HEALING COOKBOOK. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press, 1981. ISBN: 0878573380. 7 1/2 x 9 1/2, 460 pgs, b&w illustrations. Over 450 delicious ways to get better and stay healthy. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $8.00 1005]Burch, Monte. POLE BUILDING PROJECTS. Pownal, VT: Storey Publications, 1993. ISBN: 0882668595. 9 x 12, 200 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Over 25 low-cost plans for garden structures, backyard barns, vacation cabins, sheds and shelters, etc. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 1006]Callahan, Genevieve. THE NEW CALIFORNIA COOK BOOK. For Casual Living All Over The World. New York: Bonanza Books, 1955. First printing. 5 1/2 x 8, 373 pgs. The author writes about the kind of cooking she likes to do : Chiles Rellenos, Haigagan Kebab, Frittata, Chinese Spareribs, Frijoles, Tamale Pie, Gold Rush Oyster Fry, Chicken Monterey, Russian Hill Borsch, Crab Croppino and just plain American Better-Than-Ever Apple Pie, Spoon Bread and Peachy Cobbler. And much more! Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $10.00 1007]Clagett, Leslie Plummer. THE NEW CITY HOME. Newtown, CT: The Taunton Press, 2002. First edition. ISBN: 1561584614. 9 x 12, 210 pgs, color photos throughout. A celebration of urban living with a full menu of high-rise apartments, town houses, and loftsa, as well as some more offbeat abodes, such as a converted parking garage and a former stable. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00 1008]Coats, Peter. ROSES. New York: Octopus Books, 1962. 8 1/2 x 9 1/2, 96 pgs, b&w and color photos. How the rose and the rose motif have been used throughout history. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00 1009]Crowe, Sylvia. GARDEN DESIGN. New York: Hearthside Press, 1959. 6 x 9 1/2, 229 pgs, b&w photos. Includes a history of gardens, principles of garden design, the materials of design, and creating specialized gardens. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $8.00 1010]Davidson, Alan. MEDITERRANEAN SEAFOOD. Baton Rouge, LA: LSU Press, 1976. New, fully revised edition. ISBN: 0807109738. 5 x 8, 432 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. Included are 240 recipes, presented to show how the native flavour of this seafood can be achieved in British or American homes. The ingredients are given in Metric and British measure. Recipes include Suquillo de pescadores of Spain to the famous Anchoiade and Bouillabaisse of Provencal France. Binding split and one page loose. Paperback. Good+. $10.00 1011]Denver Water. XERISCAPE PLANT GUIDE 100 Water-Wise Plants for Gardens and Landscapes. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing, 1996. Later printing. ISBN: 1555912532. 8 1/2 x 10, 184 pgs, index, glossary, b&w and color illustrations and photos. More than 100 low-water-use plants color illustrated and with details. Paperback. Fine. $12.00 1012]Dietz, John. JOHN DEERE New Generation and Generation II Tractors. Minneapolis: Voyageur Press, 2010. ISBN: 9780760336007. 8 1/2 x 11, 128 pgs, index, color photos throughout. John Deere in the 1960s and 1970s under the leadership of William Alexander Hewitt, when the company evolved dramatically. Hardcover. Very Good+. $15.00 1013]Ehrmann, Eric. HUMMEL The Complete Collector's Guide and Illustrated Reference. Huntington, NY: Portfolio Press Corporation, 1976. First edition, second printing. 9 x 12, 260 pgs, color photos and illustrations. This beautifully illustrated books brings out the full story of "M.I. Hummel" figurines for the first time. The author traces the artist's life. Hardcover. Good+. $12.00 1014]Farmstead Magazine, editors. THE HOMESTEADER'S MANUAL. Blue Ridge Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 43 Summit, PA: TAB Books, 1983. First edition, second printing. ISBN: 0830606297. 5 x 8 1/2, 330 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. A multitude of informative ideas for the homesteader - land, insurance, building a log cabin, water, plumbing, heating, wood, tools, crafts, gardening, food preservation and cooking. Hardcover. Very Good+. $15.00 1015]Geddes, Anne. DOWN IN THE GARDEN. San Rafael, CA: Cedco Publishing, 1996. Later printing. ISBN: 1559120177. 11 x 12, about 100 pages, color photos throughout. A good copy of Geddes whimsical photos of babies. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $10.00 1016]Grossman, Harold J. GROSSMAN'S GUIDE TO WINES, SPIRITS, AND BEERS. New York: Scribners, 1974. Fifth Edition. ISBN: 0684135280. 7 x 9 1/2, 564 pgs, index, b&w photos. Information on domestic and imported wines, classifications and regulations, vintage years, bar management and much more. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $12.00 1017]Herriot, James. EVERY LIVING THING. New York: St Martin's Press, 1992. Second printing. ISBN: 031208188X. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 342 pgs. Tales of life as a country vet rendered in Herriot's famous style, with skill, grace and savor full of warmth, humor, drama, color and humanity. Damp wrinkling throughout. Hardcover. Fair in Fair DJ. $5.00 1018]Hessayon, Dr. D.G. THE GARDEN DIY EXPERT Do-It-Yourself Guide. England: pbi Publications, 1992. First printing. ISBN: 0903505371. 7 1/2 x 9 1/2, 128 pgs, index, color photos and illustrations. Helps you choose, build and maintain all of the non-living things in your garden. Paperback. Very Good. $9.00 1019]Hobson, Phyllis. TAN YOUR HIDE!. Home Tanning of Leathers & Furs. Pownal, VT: Storey Publications, 1982. Tenth Printing. ISBN: 0882661019. 6 x 9, 135 pgs, illustrated, index. What you need to tan your own leather and fur and all the steps involved in doing it right, from deer skins to snake skins. Added section on working leather and fur after it's tanned. Paperback. Good. $12.00 1020]Kodak. PRINT YOUR OWN PICTURES. New York: Time-Life, 1984. ISBN: 0867062304. 8 1/2 x 11, 105 pgs, b&w and color photos and illustrations. All about setting up your home darkroom and processing and printing professional pictures. Hardcover. Very Good. $9.00 1021]Koon, Ray M. OUT IN THE OPEN. Boston: Little Brown & Co, 1954. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 239 pgs, index. A collection of the author's magazine articles covering many of the different phases of gardening for the small-home owner; lawns, trees & shrubs, flower & vegetable gardens, fruit, etc. Hardcover. Good. $6.00 1022]Levitt, Eleanor. THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF NATURAL-FOOD COOKERY. Great Neck, NY: Hearthside Press, 1977. First printing. ISBN: 0820802271. 6 x 9, 320 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. 650 recipe adventures with natural foods. Home-tested, health-giving, delectable meals for everyone. Inscribed and signed. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $8.00 1023]Livengood, W.W., compiled by. AMERICANA AS TAUGHT TO THE TUNE OF A HICKORY STICK. New York: Women's National Book Association, 1954. First edition. 6 x 9, 92 pgs, b&w illustrations, introduction by Mary Ellen Chase. Material from popular elementary textbooks, beginning with The New England Primer of 1643. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $12.00 1024]Logsdon, Gene. SUCCESSFUL BERRY GROWING. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press, 1976. Third printing. ISBN: 0878570896. 6 x 9, 200 pgs, index, b&w photos & illustrations. How to plant, prune, pick and preserve bush and vine fruits. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $14.00 1025]Martin, W.B., Secretary of State. IOWA OFFICIAL REGISTER Eighteenth Year. Des Moines, IA: The General Assembly, 1903. 5 x 7, 594 pgs, charts, index, b&w portrait of the governor on frontispiece. Includes 1900 census returns, statistics and more. Hardcover. Good+. $15.00 1026]McMillen, Wheeler, ed. HARVEST. New York: Appleton-Century, 1964. First edition. 6 x 9, 424 pgs, index. An anthology of farm writing from 1492 and Columbus to the twentieth century journal of Louis Bromfield. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $12.00 1027]MILE-HIGH CAKES Recipes for High Altitudes. Ft. Collins, CO: Colorado A&M College, 1951. Fourth printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 28 pgs, b&w photos. All sorts of cake recipes adjusted to cook perfectly at altitudes of 5,000, 7,500 and 10,000 feed (recipes are presented with adjustments for each elevation). Paperback. Good. $10.00 1028]Myhrman, Matts and S.O. McDonald. BUILD IT WITH BALES. Version Two. Tucson, AZ: Out on Bale, 1997. ISBN: 0964282119. 8 1/2 x 11, 143 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustrations. A step-by-step guide to straw-bale construction. Paperback. Very Good+. $20.00 1029]Newton, Richard. THE COMPLETE TRAILER HANDBOOK. Minneapolis: Motorbooks, 2008. ISBN: 9780760333716. 8 x 11, 160 pgs, index, color photos. Virtually everyone needs to move something--a car, a lawnmower, straw bales, or boxes--and a trailer is generally the preferred method. This book gives homeowners and mechanics, farmers and modern-day nomads all the information they need to get moving via trailer. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 1030]Olman, John M. and Morton W. Olman. THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GOLF COLLECTIBLES A Collector's Identification and Value Guide. New York: Books Americana, 1985. ISBN: 0896890503. 8 1/2 x 11, 306 pgs, b&w photos. Any golf fan would find it interesting to peruse these pages for a visual history of the game's artifacts. Writing on title page. Paperback. Good. $8.00 44 1031]Paul, Anthony and Yvonne Rees. THE WATER GARDEN. New York: Penguin Books, 1986. ISBN: 0140467564. 8 1/2 x 9, 167 pgs, index, color and b&w photos and illustrations throughout. A guide to designing, installing, and planting ornamental and natural water features for any garden. Paperback. Very Good. $9.00 1032]Perl, Lila. THE GREAT ANCESTOR HUNT The Fun of Finding Out Who You Are. New York: Clarion Books, 1989. Later printing. ISBN: 0395547903. 7 x 9, 104 pgs, index, b&w photos, illustrations. Guides young readers on an ancestorhunting quest. Includes details on how to creat edirect-ancestry charts, gather information from family interviews and memorabilia, and more. Paperback. Very Good. $6.00 1033]Raycraft, Don and Carol. AMERICAN COUNTRY ANTIQUES. Radnor, PA: Wallace-Homestead Books, 1992. 11th Edition. ISBN: 0870695843. 6 x 9, 226 pgs, b&w photos. A somewhat dated but still useful price guide to country antiques. Some margin notes. Good. $5.00 1034]Rijs, Aad. FANCY PIGEONS. Czech Republic: Rebo Publishers, 2006. Second edition. ISBN: 9789036614429. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 128 pgs, color photos. Keeping and caring for fancy pigeons: purchase, housing, care, food, health and breeding. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00 1035]Rodale Press. BEST IDEAS FOR ORGANIC VEGETABLE GROWING. Emmaus, PA: 1978. Later printing. ISBN: 0875960766. 6 x 9, 197 pgs, b&w photos. All the how-tos needed to harvest top quality vegetables in your home garden...organically! Hardcover. Very Good. $8.00 1036]Ruoff, Abby. RUSTIC COUNTRY. Salt Lake City, UT: Gibbs Smith Publishers, 2000. First edition. ISBN: 0879059793. 8 1/2 x 10, 160 pgs, color photos, decorated endsheets. All sorts of ideas for handmade accents for the home. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 1037]Rutstrum, Calvin. THE NEW WAY OF THE WILDERNESS. New York: Macmillan, 1958. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 276 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. Everything you need to know to plan a wilderness journey or camping trip without confusion in the choice of equipment or method of procedure. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $10.00 1038]Schrag, Dr. Ludwig. HEALTHY PIGEONS Recognition, Prevention and Treatment of the Major Pigeon Diseases. Germany: Verlag L. Schober, 1977. 11th Edition. 6 x 8, 198 pgs, color photos and illustrations. A guide to help in maintaining and restoring the health and efficiency of our pigeons. Hardcover. Very Good. $30.00 1039]Schuler, Stanley. THE HOMEOWNER'S MINIMUM-MAINTENANCE MANUAL. New York: M. Evans and Co., 1976. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 214 pgs, index, b&w photos. Preventive and corrective maintenance to increase the value and enhance the liveability of our home. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00 1040]Sloane, Eric. OUR VANISHING LANDSCAPE. New York: Ballantine Books, 1974. Later printing. ISBN: 0242939295. Originally published in 1955. 5 x 8, 108 pgs, b&w illustrations. The author's sketches and reminiscences of disappearing Americana like farms, fences & walls, mills, canals, wooden roads, sleds, turnpikes, bicycles, road signs, inns, country churches, etc. Paperback. Good. $10.00 1041]Smith, Frederick J. THE FISHERMAN'S BUSINESS GUIDE. Camden, ME: International Marine Publishing Co., 1975. ISBN: 0877420572. 6 x 9, 172 pgs, index, charts & graphs, tax management pamphlet included. A handbook for the commercial fisherman who is looking for guidance in managing, and making successful, his business; by a practicing fisheries economist. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $10.00 1042]Steele, Ph.D., F.G.S., Joel Dorman and Esther Baker Steele, Lit.D. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. New York: American Book Company, 1885. 5 1/2 x 8, 364 pgs, index, b&w and mono-color illustrations. Neat old 19th century book designed to state the important events of American history, and arouse in the young reader a desire to find further information. Hardcover. Fair. $10.00 1043]Stickley, Gustav. WHAT IS WROUGHT IN THE CRAFTSMAN WORKSHOPS. New York: Turn of the Century Editions. ISBN: 0940326140. 6 x 9, 96 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Facsimile reproduction of this 'brochure' originally published in 1904 of Stickley's Craftsman furniture, plus some Craftsman home plans. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 1044]Taylor, Edward. THE MODEL HISTORY: A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FOR SCHOOLS With a Short History of Kansas by Noble L. Prentis. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1897. 5 x 7 1/2, 438 pgs (missing a couple pages of the index), b&w illustrations. Neat old 19th century school book. Fair. $10.00 1045]Teipher-Thiede, Cindy and Arthur Thiede. THE LOG HOME BOOK Design, Past & Present. Salt Lake City, UT: Gibbs-Smith Publisher, 1998. Later printing. ISBN: 0879056711. 10 x 10. 216 pgs, color photos throughout. The authors use lessons and legacies from the architectural past, as well as the newest of modern design ideas, to inform and inspire the log-home architect, builder, interior designer, or buyer. Classic and contemporary homes are beautifully showcased. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 1046]The Old Farmer's Almanac editors. BEN FRANKLIN'S ALMANAC OF WIT, WISDOM, AND PRACTICAL ADVICE Useful Tips and Fascinating Facts for Every Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com Day of the Year. Camden, ME: Yankee Publishing, 2003. ISBN: 0899093884. 7 1/2 x 9 1/2, 400 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. A useful book filled with useful and relevant house, garden, and life tips. Hardcover. Very Good. $10.00 1047]Vila, Bob. BOB VILA'S TOOLBOX The Ultimate Illustrated Guide to Portable Hand and Power Tools. New York: William Morrow, 1993. First edition. ISBN: 068811735X. 8 1/2 x 11, 235 pgs, index, color photos and illustrations. The star of "This Old House", the author shares his experience and tool sense, explaining the essentials of measuring, marking, cutting, drilling, shaping, fastening, and dozens of other techniques. Introduces you to the fine art of choosing and using the right tool for every job. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $8.00 1048]Watson, Donald. DESIGNING & BUILDING A SOLAR HOUSE. Your Place in the Sun. Charlotte, VT: Garden Way Publishing, 1977. ISBN: 0882660853. 8 1/2 x 11, 281 pgs, index, many b&w photos & illustrations. No matter where your house of building site, you can use these practical solar heating ideas now! Paperback. Good+. $10.00 1049]Wigginton, Eliot. THE FOXFIRE BOOK. Garden City, NY: Anchor Press/ Doubleday, 1972. Later printing. ISBN: 0385073534. 6 x 9, 384 pgs, index, illustrated with drawings and b&w photos. The first of the "Foxfire" books; covers hog dressing, log cabin building, planting by the signs, snake lore, hunting tales, and more. Paperback. Fine. $12.00 1050]Wigginton, Eliot, editor. FOXFIRE 5. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1979. Fourth printing. ISBN: 0385143087. 6 x 9, 511 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations. Covers ironmaking, blacksmithing, flintlock rifles, bear hunting, and other affairs of plain living. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00 OUTDOOR ADVENTURE / RECREATION / MISCELLANEOUS 1051]Adler, Warren. TRANS-SIBERIAN EXPRESS A Novel. New York: Putnams, 1977. ISBN: 0399118950. 6 x 9, 345 pgs. The six-thousand-mile route of the world's longest, most exotic railway, the legendary Trans-Siberian Express is the setting for this powerful and enthralling tale, which revals a diverse cast of characters in the tense atmosphere of a speeding train traversing two continents involving an American cancer specialist, a Russian Secretary of the Politburo, dying of cancer, a beautiful woman, and the KGB. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $6.00 1052]Adventure Magazine. THE NEW AGE OF ADVENTURE Ten Years of Great Writing. Washington DC: National Geographic Society, 2009. ISBN: 9781426205460. 6 x 9, 427 pgs. 30 of the best articles reported from the ends of the earth in an unbeatable anthology. More than great travel writing, gripping narratives and excellent reportage, the stories collected here explore our world and its inhabitants and ask important questions about travel in the 21st century. Celebrates the 10th anniversary of Adventure Magazine. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 1053]Andersen, Raoul. VOYAGE TO THE GRAND BANKS The Saga of Captain Arch Thornhill. Newfoundland: Creative Publishers, 1998. ISBN: 1895387256. 5 1/2 x 8, 351 pgs, b&w photos. Through Thornhill's story is the history of Newfoundland deep sea fishing. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00 1054]Anderson, J.F. OUTLAW PILOT True Adventures of Jimmy "Midnight" Anderson. British Columbia: Published/Printed by the author, 1995. Fourth printing. ISBN: 0969720904. 4 x 7, 120 pgs, b&w photos. The author's father operates a bush pilot service flying supplies and aid into spots very few others would attempt. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 1055]Anderson, J.F. OUTLAW PILOT II More Adventures of Jimmy "Midnight" Anderson. British Columbia: Published/Printed by the author, 1995. Fourth printing. ISBN: 0969720904. 4 x 7, 128 pgs, b&w photos. More stories of the author's father adventures as a bush pilot flying supplies and aid into spots very few others would attempt. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 1056]Avery, Tom. TO THE END OF THE EARTH Our Epic Journey to the North Pole and the Legend of Peary and Henson. New York: St Martin's Press, 2009. First edition. ISBN: 9780312551865. 6 x 9, 321 pgs, index, section of color photos. In April of 1909, U.S. Naval Commander Robert Peary travelled to the North Pole in a mere thirty-seven days. Or did he? For one hundred years Peary's claim has been questioned - how could he have possibly made the trip that quickly on the equipment of that time period? - but in 2005 ethe author, an explorer, decided to put it to the ultimate test. 'This is the story of his attempt to replicate Peary's feat using comprable wooden sleds and dog teams. It's a thrilling story, equal to the most exciting adventure novel. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $8.00 1057]Bar-Zohar, Michael and Nissim Mishal. MOSSAD The Greatest Missions of the Israeli Secret Service. New York: Harper Collins, 2012. First edition. ISBN: 9780062123404. 6 x 9, 388 pgs, index, section of color photos. Unveils the defining and most dangerous operations that have shaped Israel and the world at large from the agency's more than sixty-year history, among them: the capture of Adolf Eichmann, the eradication of Black September, the destruction of the Syrian nuclear facility, and the elimination of key Iranian nuclear scientists. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00 1058]Brown, Cassie. DEATH ON THE ICE The Great Newfoundland Sealing Disaster of 1914. Canada: Doubleday Canada, 1972. Later printing. ISBN: 0385251793. 5 x 8, 220 pgs, section of b&w historical photos. 253 Sealers died on the ice off the coast of Newfoundland. This is the story of a major part of that incredible carnage. The great sealing disaster of 1914 marks a moment when Newfoundlanders realised, more than ever, that their was a tough world. This is a great story and is illustrated with original photos. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 1059]Cather, Willa. SAPPHIRA AND THE SLAVE GIRL. New York: Knopf, 1940. 5 x 8, 295 pgs. An early edition, though not First, of the classic Cather novel of rural Virginia. Hardcover. Good+. $15.00 1060]Cather, Willa. SHADOWS ON THE ROCK. New York: Knopf, 1931. 5 x 8, 280 pgs. An early edition, though not First, of the classic Cather novel of one year of the lives of Cecile Auclair and her father Euclide, French colonists in Quebec. Hardcover. Good+. $15.00 1061]Chant, Christopher. WORLD WAR II. Edison, NJ: Chartwell Books, 2008. ISBN: 9780785823995. 12 1/2 x 12 1/2, 256 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. An overview of one of the world s darkest times, as told by the people who lived through it, and some of whom who did not. Photographs and maps demonstrate many of the actions that took place during the war. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00 1062]Cherry-Garrard, Appsley. THE WORST JOURNEY IN THE WORLD. New York: On Demand Publishers, 2011. Later printing. ISBN: 9781619491878. 8 x 10, 344 pgs. In 1910 - hoping that the study of penguin eggs would provide an evolutionary link between birds and reptiles - a group of explorers left Cardiff by boat on an expedition to Antarctica. Not all of them would return. Written by one of its survivors, The Worst Journey in the World tells the moving and dramatic story of the disastrous expedition. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 1063]Cohen, Aaron and Doublas Century. BROTHERHOOD OF WARRIORS. New York: Harcourt Brace, 2009. Later printing. ISBN: 9780061236167. 5 1/2 x 8, 273 pgs. The author's story is a rare, fly-on-the-wall view into the shadowy world of 'black ops' that redefines invincible strength, true danger, and involable security. Paperback. Good+. $6.00 1064]Conrad, Barnaby. MATADOR. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1952. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 213 pgs, decorated endsheets. The author's famous novel about bullfighting. Barnaby Conrad, writer, artist, bullfighting expert, and friend of Ernest Hemingway, wrote extensively on bullfighting both in novel and in non-fiction form. Hardcover. Very Good. $10.00 1065]Coonts, Stephen. THE CANNIBAL QUEEN An Aerial Odyssey Across America. New York: Pocket Books, 1992. First printing. ISBN: 067174884X. 6 x 9, 344 pgs, section of color photos, mapped endsheets. The author/novelist writes of a three month trip exploring US by biplane. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00 1066]Crossley, Richard and Dominic Couzens. THE CROSSLEY ID GUIDE Britain & Ireland. Princeton, NJ: Crossley Books, 2014. First printing. ISBN: 9780691151946. 6 x 9 1/2, 302 pgs, index, color photos throughout. A celebration of the beauty of birds and the British and Irish countryside. Aimed at beginner and intermediate birders, yet suitable for all levels, this new volume in the groundbreaking Crossley ID Guide series is the most user-friendly guide to the birds of Britain and Ireland. Paperback. Very Good+. $20.00 1067]de Poncins, Gontran, in collaboration with Lewis Galantiere. KABLOONA. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1941. 5 1/2 x 8, 340 pgs, section of b&w photos. The author records his time with an Eskimo group north of Hudson Bay, one of the last tribes to hunt and live the old way. A classic of its kind, showing Eskimo life before snowmobiles & food stamps. Hardcover. Good+. $14.00 1068]Dibbs, John and Tony Holmes. SPITFIRE: FLYING LEGEND The Fighter & 'The Few'. Great Britain: Osprey Publishing, 2009. Later printing. ISBN: 9781841350127. 9 1/2 x 11, 192 pgs, index, color photos and art throughout. As much a national hero as Wellington, Nelson or Montgomery, the Supermarine Spitfire has become the most recognizable icon of World War II for several generations of Britons. From the throaty growl of its Rolls-Royce Merlin, or Griffon, to its beautifully tapered elliptical wings, the Spitfire is a true aeronautical thoroughbred. Regarded by many as the saviour of the Sceptred Isle 'in its darkest hour', the Spitfire is without a doubt the most famous combat aircraft the world has ever seen. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 1069]Dugard, Martin. INTO AFRICA The Epic Adventures of Stanley & Livingstone. New York: Broadway Books, 2003. Later printing. ISBN: 9780767910743. 5 1/2 x 8, 340 pgs, index, bibliography. Extraordinarily researched account of a thrilling adventure defined by alarming foolishness, intense courage, and raw human achievement. I. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 1070]Dupree, Lonnie. LIFE ON ICE 25 Years of Arctic Exploration. Edina, MN: Keen Editions, 2011. First edition. ISBN: 9780984660315. 6 x 9, 273 pgs, section of color photos. The author's experiences exploring the Arctic and its polar regions. Signed by the author. Paperback. Very Good+. $20.00 1071]Fife, George Buchanan. LINDBERGH: THE LONE EAGLE His Life and Achievements. Cleveland, OH: World Syndicate Publishing, 1933. Later printing. 5 x 7, 316 pgs. Contains a valuable chapter on airplane navigation by Captain Robert Schofield Wood. Also has a copy of the contents of the book presented to Captain Lindbergh by Secretary of State Kellogg of world wide congratulations received by the United States Government. Hardcover. Good+. $5.00 1072]Fleming, Fergus. NINETY DEGREES NORTH The Quest for the North Pole. New York: Grove Press, 2001. First American edition. ISBN: 0802117252. 6 x 9, Order Toll Free: 1-800-380-7323 or E-mail: Orders@High-LonesomeBooks.com 45 470 pgs, index, notes, bibliography, two sections of b&w photos. The epic story of the men who stopped at nothing to unravel the mysteries of the North Pole. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 1073]Godsell, Philip H. ARCTIC TRADER The Account of Twenty Years With the Hudson's Bay Company. New York: Putnams, 1934. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 329 pgs, index, b&w photos, mapped endsheets. Godsell ( 1889-1961) was a fur-trader and field officer for the Hudson's Bay Company who made numerous overland journeys in the 1920's using canoes, York boats, scows, dog sled, to travel to isolated outposts. Hardcover. Good+. $12.00 1074]Hamner, Laura V. SOMEBODY MIGHT COME A Story of Modern Southern Hospitality in the Hills of Alabama. Dallas: American Guild Press, 1958. First edition. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 210 pgs, b&w historic photos. Written against the background of family roots which go deep into the history and heritage of the South. It is "the story of Florence and Estes Hargis' quest for meaning and tranquility, for a retreat from the rush and hurry, the chromium and steel, the hectic bustle of town life and of the realization of their dream at Daffodil Hills, a farm twentytwo miles out of Birmingham, Alabama.. Hardcover. Very Good+. $45.00 1075]Heacox, Kim. THE ONLY KAYAK A Journey into the Heart of Alaska. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2005. First edition. ISBN: 1592287158. 6 x 9, 249 pgs, section of color photos. In this coming-of-middle-age memoir, the author, writing in the tradition of Abbey, McPhee, and Thoreau, discovers an Alaska reborn from beneath a massive glacier, where flowers emerge from boulders. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00 1076]Heffernan, Mike. RIG An Oral History of the Ocean Ranger Disaster. St. John's, Newfoundland: Creative Publishers, 2009. ISBN: 9781897174418. 6 x 9, 200 pgs, b&w photos. A collection of first-person accounts describing the events as they unfolded on February 15, 1982, when the oil rig, Ocean Ranger, capsized and sank in a severe weather storm off the coast of Newfoundland. Paperback. Very Good+. $20.00 1077]Herbert, Wally. THE NOOSE OF LAURELS Robert E. Peary and the Race for the North Pole. New York: Doubleday, 1989. ISBN: 0385413556. 5 x 8, 395 pgs, index, bibliography, two section of b&w historical photos. The author, one of the finest polar explorers of our time, takes on the task of analyzing Peary's achievments. His qualifications make him eminently qualified to explore information on Peary never before brought to light. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00 1078]Holmquest, Harold J. BATTLE MAPS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Las Cruces, NM: Yucca Tree Press, 2000. First printing. ISBN: 1881325466. 8 x 10, 209 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. A convenient, easy-to-use reference to 131 battles and engagements of the Civil War. Hardcover. New. $15.00 1079]Jones, Chris. CLIMBING IN NORTH AMERICA. Seattle: Mountaineers, 1997. ISBN: 089886481X. 7 x 9, 365 pgs, index, b&w photos. Details the history and personalities who developed the sport of mountaineering in North America. With information on the climbers, routes, peaks and adventures. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00 1080]Keith, Don. IN THE COURSE OF DUTY The Heroic Mission of the USS Batfish. New York: NAL Caliber/Penguin, 2005. ISBN: 0739461222. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 326 pgs, index, section of b&w photos. Based upon never-before-heard firstperson accounts and official documentation, this is the true story of the submarine, the captain and the crew of the USS Batfish and a testament to the bravery of those who endured hell under the waves in the name of their country and freedom. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $8.00 1081]Kobalenko, Jerry. THE HORIZONTAL EVEREST Extreme Journeys on Ellesmere Island. Toronto: BPS Books, 2010. Second edition. ISBN: 9781926645179. 6 x 9, 277 pgs, index, b&w photos. Brings to vivid, awe-inspiring life one of the most forbidding, arresting, and beautiful places on the planet: Ellesmere Islanda virgin wilderness that author has traversed more than anyone else in history. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00 1082]Landis, Marilyn J. ANTARCTICA Exploring the Extreme: 400 Years of Adventure. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2001. ISBN: 1556524803. 6 x 9, 395 pgs, b&w photos. Fabulous sights, hair-raising escapes, jubilant homecomings, and agonizing losses abound in this unique historical adventure. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 1083]Laskin, David. THE CHILDREN'S BLIZZARD. New York: Harper Collins, 2005. First, thus. ISBN: 9780060520762. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 307 pgs, index. The gripping story of an epic prairie snowstorm in January of 1888 across Nebraska, the Dakotas and Minnesota that killed hundreds of newly arrived settlers and cast a shadow on the promise of the American frontier. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00 1084]Lawrence, T.E. REVOLT IN THE DESERT. New York: Tess Press, 2004. New Edition. ISBN: 1579124380. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 392 pgs, index, b&w illustrations. A classic Lawrence work of his time spent in Arabia and his views of the British activities there. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00 1085]Lee, James V. FIVE YEARS AT SEA. Plano, TX: Salado Press, 2009. First edition. ISBN: 0966387074. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 318 pgs, color photos throughout. By and about the author of Nine Years in the Saddle, a fast moving, first hand account of events that made world-wide headlines: explore the lands and cultures of thirty-six countries, traverse the oceans of the world on thirteen U.S. Navy warships, ride with the Marines as they enter Iraq during the first Persian Gulf War, and witness military decisions behind the scenes that made worldwide headlines from 1989 to 1994. Lots of adventure! Paperback. New. $25.00 46 1086]Leising, William A. ARCTIC WINGS. New York: Doubleday, 1965. 4 x 7, mass-market paperback, 320 pgs, The author's air explorations of the Northwest Territory, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba - the land of Eskimos. Paperback. Good+. $5.00 1087]Lindbergh, Anne Morrow. NORTH TO THE ORIENT. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1936. Later printing. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 255 pgs, b&w maps by Charles Lindbergh. The story of the Lindbergh's travels in the Far East. Hardcover. Very Good. $7.00 1088]McAllister, Bruce and Peter Corley-Smith. WINGS OVER THE ALASKA HIGHWAY A Photographic History of Aviation on the Alaska Highway. Boulder, CO: Roundup Pressq, 2001. ISBN: 0963881779. 11 x 8 1/2, 208 pgs, b&w and color photos, endnotes. Includes stories on resourceful Bush pilots, chapters on the key airports along the highway, Russian-American Lend Lease Program, and the Million Dollar Valley (where an entire flight of B-26 planes crash-landed and all survived) and more. Paperback. Very Good+. $20.00 1089]McGuane, Thomas. THE BUSHWHACKED PIANO. New York: Vintage Books, 1984. ISBN: 0396726421. Vintage Books, NY, 1984. 5 x 8, 220 pgs. A novel of wisecracks and puns and ordinary objects invested with legendary potency. Paperback. Good+. $6.00 1090]Montague, Richard. OCEANS, POLES AND AIRMEN The First Flights Over Wide Waters and Desolate Ice. New York: Random House, 1971. Third printing. ISBN: 0394462378. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 307 pgs, index, b&w photos. Daring aviation exploits of the late 1920s and early 1930s. Hardcover. Very Good in Good- DJ. $8.00 1091]Murray, Nina Chandler. THE CRUISE OF THE BLUE DOLPHIN A Family's Adventure at Sea. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2002. ISBN: 1585746959. 6 x 9, 306 pgs, section of b&w photos. A thirteen-year-old and her family sail around the Western Hemisphere in the 1930s. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00 1092]O'Brien, Cormac. SECRET LIVES OF THE CIVIL WAR What your teachers never told you about the War Between the States. Philadelphia: Quirk Books, 2007. ISBN: 9781595308665. 5 x 8, 320 pgs, red and blue illustrations. Features irreverent and uncensored profiles of men and women from the Union and the Confederacy--complete with hundreds of little-known and downright bizarre facts, for instance, Mary Todd Lincoln claimed to receive valuable military strategies from ghosts in the spirit world; Stonewall Jackson was a notorious hypochondriac, .etc. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00 1093]Pegler, Martin. OUT OF NOWHERE A History of the Military Sniper. England: Osprey, 2004. ISBN: 1841768545. 7 1/2 x 10, 352 pgs, index, b&w photos. Provides a comprehensive history of the sniper, giving insights into all aspects of his life; his training tactics, equipment and the psychology of sniping are examined in the context of the major wars of modern times - including the American Civil War, both world wars, the Vietnam War and the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. First-hand accounts from veteran snipers demonstrate their skill and extraordinary courage and show why they are still such a vital part of any war. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00 1094]Service, Robert. THE BEST OF ROBERT SERVICE. Philadelphia: Running Press, 1990. Later printing. ISBN: 0894718134. 9 x 10, 200 pgs, sepia and white historical photos. The best of Service's tales of the Yukon in a beautifully illustrated edition. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $20.00 1095]Shumaker, Don. PROFITABLE OUTDOOR VENTURES. Sutton, NE: Spearman Publishing. No date. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 66 pgs, b&w photos. Learn how to start and operate your own outdoor business: guiding and outfitting, canoe and raft outfitting, campground management, and more. Paperback. Fine. $9.00 1096]Smith, Richard K. FIRST ACROSS! The U.S. Navy's Transatlantic Flight of 1919. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1973. First edition. ISBN: 0870211846. 6 x 9, 279 pgs, b&w photos. The story of the first transatlantic flight made in 1919, which took a six-man crew nearly three weeks to complete. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00 1097]Steger, Will with Paul Schurke. NORTH TO THE POLE. New York: Ivy Books, 1989. Later printing. ISBN: 0804104077. 4 x 7, 307 pgs, section of b&w photos. A first person account of the 1986 dog-sled expedition to the North Pole, the first to reach the Pole without resupply since Peary in 1909. Paperback. Good+. $4.00 1098]Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall. THE HARMLESS PEOPLE. New York: Knopf, 1959. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 266 pgs, b&w photos. The absorbing chronicle of an expedition to the Bushmen of Southwest Africa and the hostile desert in which they live. Ex-church library. Hardcover. Good+. $8.00 1099]Waldo, Fullerton. GRENFELL Knight Errant of the North. Philadelphia: Macrae Smith Co., 1924. 5 1/2 x 8, 315 pgs, b&w photos. Biography of an adventure-loving vet who brought the skill of a physician and a zeal for the wilderness to the north country. Hardcover. Very Good+. $15.00 1100]Weathers, Beck with Stephen G. Michaud. LEFT FOR DEAD My Journey Home from Everest. New York: Villard, 2000. Second printing. ISBN: 0375504044. 6 x 9, 287 pgs. The amazing and tragic story of survival during the ill-fated 1996 Everest expedition. The author's shear will kept him alive inspite of overwhelming obstacles. Hardcover. 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