Island of the Blue Dolphins Island of the Blue Dolphins
Island of the Blue Dolphins Island of the Blue Dolphins
Island of the Blue Dolphins Island of the Blue Dolphins ISLANDOF THE BLUE DOLPHINS Before you read the Island of the Blue Dolphins, familiarize yourself with the geographical terms in the Word Box and use the clues below to complete the crosswordpuzzle. WORDBOX beach cave cliff cove crevice dune gorge heacl-la.nclisland kelp league ledge me s a pitch ravine reef rocks spit traii Across Down 5. long pathway betweentwo hillsides 1. narrow canyon with steep,rocky walls 7. small crack in rocky hillside 2. sandy area at the water's edge 8. unit of distance (approx. 3 miles) 3. hill of sand built up by the wind 9. black, tar-like substance 4. seaweed 11. piece of land extending into a large body of water 6. tract of land surroundedby water 14. small, protectedbay 10. hollow in the earth usually opening horizontally into a hillside 15. Iong, narrow pieceof land extending from the shore 12. shelf of rock 18. high, flat plateau of land 19. steep,rocky slope along a coastline 13. heavy stones 16. path I7 . ridge of rock near the water's edge Chapter 1&2 questions Island of the Blue Dolphins Na m e ,(-,,, lY Date 1. Whattwo thingsdoesKaranacompare the Aleutshipto andwhatdoesthe shipreallylooklike?(pg, 1) why everyone in the tribehastwo names.(pg.5) 2. Explain mencometo the Island?(pg.6) 3. Whydid the Russian 4. What deal did CaptainOrlovand ChiefChowigmake? (pg. 6&7) 5. If a leagueis equalto about3 miles,howlongandwideis the island(pg.9) 6. Whatwasthe goodfortunethat befell(happened to) the Indianvillage?(pgs.1I,12,73) 7. Readthe lastparagraphon page14. Predictthe troublessoonto comefor the Ghalas-at village. Island of the Blue Dolphins Chapter 3&4 guestions Date 1. Wheredid the Aleutshuntfor the otter? (pg. 15) 2. Howdid the villageof Ghalas-at knowthat CaptainOrlovand hishuntersweregettingreadyto (pgs. leavethe island? 17 & 1B) 3. Whywas Karana's fathermakinga newspear?(pg. 18) 4. Whydo you thinkCaptainOrlovwantedto givethe Indianvillagea chestof beadsand necklaces insteadof the otterpelts?(20 & 21) 5. Readthe lastparagraph on page24. WhydoesKaranabelieveit waswrongfor herfatherto tell CaptainOrlovhis secretname? Island of the Blue Dolphins Chapter 5&6 questions N am e as the "mostterriblein all the of chapterfivewhy wasthe nightdescribed 1. In the beginning (pg. ? 25) memoryof Ghalas-at" the tribe? (p9.26) 2. Whobecamethe newchief? Howdid he organize 3. WhatdoesKimkidecideto do in the spring?(pg. 28) (pg. 31) will followif the Aleutshipsare sighted? the planthe villagers 4. Describe 5. WhatdoesNankosayaboutthe shipthat hascometo the island?(pg. 33-34) Island of the Blue Dolphins Chapter 7&8 questions Na m e 1. Whatis the markUlapedrawson her faceandwhatdoesthe markmean?(pg. 35 ) 2. Whywasthe shipunableto anchorcloseto shore?(pg. 36 ) 3. WhatdoesKaranameanwhenshesays"Theboatpitchedso wildlythat in one breathyou could seethe shipand in the nextbreathit hadgone"?(pg.37) her brotherRamois not on the ship?(pgs.38 - 39) 4. WhatdoesKaranado whensherealizes (pg. 47 -48) 5, HowdoesRamodie and what doesKaranvow to do someday? Island of the Blue Dolphins N am e Chapter 9&1O questions Date (pgs.49-50) 1. Whydo you thinkKaranaburneddownthe village? 2. WhydoesKaranathinksheshouldnot makeweapons?Whatmadeher decideto makeweapon i n t h e e nd ?(p g s.5 i & 5 4 ) from the and beadsthat she recovered 3. Why did Karanadecideto not keepthe bracelets 52-53) chest?(pgs. 4. Whendid Karanadecideto leavethe islandandwhy?(pgs.60-61) 5. Aftertwo daysin the canoe,Karananeedsto decidewhethershewill continueor whethershewill returnto the island. On the back, listthe reasonsshethinkssheshouldcontinueand the reasons shethinkssheshouldturn backandgo to the island.(pgs.65-66) Island of the Blue Dolphins Chapter11&12 questions z6 lY 1. Howdid Karanafeelaftershereturnedto the island?(pgs.69-70) 2. Howhad Karana's ideasaboutthe islandchanged? (pgs.59-70) 3. Howdid Karanadecidewhereshewouldbuildher newhome?(pgs.70-72) 4. HowdoesKaranamakeher fence?Whydoesshebuildthisfirst?(pg.74) 5. Whatis Karan'sproblemat the endof chapter12? 6. Findan exampleof each:personification (pg 69), simile(pg 70) Island of the Blue Dolphins Chapter13&14 questions Name Date i. Whatwasthe warningthat Karanaremembered whilepreparing to killthe a seaelephant (pss.82-83 ) 2. Whichbulldid Karanahopewouldwin the battle?(pg.B4) 3. Whatwas Karanaplanning to do with the cave?(pgs.BB-89) 4. Whatdid Karanameanwhenshesaid"Gullshad pickedhis bonesclean,but I foundwhatI had comefar."?(p9.90) 5. Whatdid Karanamakefrom the teethof the bull? Howdid shedo this?(pg. 90) Chapter 15&16 questions Island of the Blue Dolphins Name n / ':: ,a /. )- -.-----\'_ Date 1. Howdid Karanaset up to killthe packof wilddogs?Howmanydogsdid shekill? (pgs.91-93) 2 . Wh y d o y ou thinkK aranadidn'tkillt h e wild d o g wh e n s h e h a d t h e c h a n c e ? (p g . 9 4 -95 ) 3. WhatdoesKarananamethe wilddog andwhatdoesthe namemean?(pgs.97-98) l o n e l ya n ymo re?( pgs.101- 102) 4 . W h yi s n ' tK a ra n a that Karanamakes?(pgs.102-103) 5. Whatis the "great"discovery 6. Why doeskaranasay shels happyat the end of chapter16? Island of the Blue Dolphins N am e Chapter 17&18 questions /-f">._ lY Date 1. Whyis Rontunow not the leaderof the wild dogs?(pgs.107-108) 2. Why doesn'tKaranahelp Rontuduringthe battle?(p9.109) 3. HowdoesRontuact afterthe fight?(p9s.110-111) 4. HowdoesKaranakeepthe two birdsfrom flyingawayoncethey out grewtheircage?(pgs 113,) (p9s.114-115) 5, WhydoesKaranaoftendressup in heryuccaskirtand sandals? ls la n do f t h e B lu eDo lp h in s 18 - 20 Chapters : Comprehension Questions eventhoughshe 1. What evidenceshowsthat Karanatook pridein her appearance wasal oneon the i s l and ? her household?Why wasthis so irnportanito her? 2. How did Karanaexpanci 3. Why was it difficultto speara devilfish?Why did Karanatakeon this challenge? 4. How did Karanapreparefor winterduringthe summermonths? 5. What scaredKaranain the BlackCaveand why did shedecideneverto return? 6. How longhad Karanabeenaloneon the islandbeforethe Aleutsreturned? 7. How did Karanapreparefor the Aleuts'arrival? lslond of the Blue Dolphins Chapters 2t - 26 ComprehensionQuestions life changewhilethe Aleutswereon the island? 1. How did Karana's 2. What evidenceshowedthat the authorwascriticalof the way the Aleutshunted? 3. How did Karanafeelwhenthe Aleutsleft the island?Why did shefeel thisway? feelingstowardanimalschangewhileshewas aloneon the 4. How did Karana's i s l and?W hy di d thi sc ha n g eo c c u r ? 5. Whendid Karanastopcountingthe moons?Why do you thinkthis happened? 6. What did Karanado to copewith the deathof Rontu? on anotherdespitethe risks 7. Why do you think KaranaandTutok befriended involved? lslond of the BlueDolphins Chopters27 - 29 Comprehension Questions: 1. What two naturaleventsdid the authordescribein ChapterTwentyseven? How did theseeventsaffectKarana'slife on the island? 2. Why did Karanaseekout the men who landedon her island?How did she feelwhen they left beforeseeingher? 3. Who wasthe manwith the grayrobe? What werethe beadsaroundhis neck? Why didn't Karanareferto hisoccupationby name? 4. Why hadn'tanyonecometo rescueKaranaduringall the yearsshewas a loneon the i s l and?