August 2010 - Kehilath Israel Synagogue
August 2010 - Kehilath Israel Synagogue
KEHILATH ISRAEL’S Vol. 46, Issue 8 swwoc August, 2010 We have just begun reading the fifth Book of Moses, the Book of Deuteronomy. In it Moses begins a series of addresses to the Jewish people. Moses understood that in order to make his message effective, he needed to address the leaders, the people responsible for transmitting his words and ensuring that the nation carried them out. Today, we must follow Moses’ example by focusing our energies on the leadership entrusted with the responsibility of carrying out the will of the American people. Every American can help shape policy and opinion by getting involved in the political process. As Jews, this is not just an opportunity but a responsibility. Pro-Israel activists are able to impact United States foreign policy towards Israel by taking their message to their elected leaders and by building ongoing relationships in Washington. We must keep in touch with our Senators and Congressmen to ensure that our leaders understand the necessity of continuing a strong U.S./ Israel relationship. AIPAC can help in this process. K.I. has become the anchor and the seat of AIPAC in Kansas City. Visit their website at to find out how you can help affect American Israel policy. On a more personal note, people often ask me where our kids are and what they are doing these days. After all, all four of them grew up at K.I. Aron was five and Seth two years old when we arrived in Kansas City many years ago. Both Debbie and Miriam were born in Kansas City. We are spending our summer vacation visiting with our kids. Aron is 38 years old and is an immigration attorney in Houston, Texas. He and his wife Chaia have five children, ages ten and under. We are presently, as I write this article, in Houston, sweltering in the heat, but greatly enjoying our time with our grandchildren. This is one busy household! I cannot believe that I have a grandson, our eldest, Sammie, who will be Bar Mitzvah in less than three years! We have just returned from a visit with our daughter Debbie, who recently graduated from law school and passed the Bar in Illinois. She is presently seeking employment and possibly relocating. From Houston we will travel to New York City where our son Seth and his wife Osa are both practicing Market Researchers. Their daughter Molly is two and quite a handful. Miriam has returned temporarily to Kansas City Continued on page 5 Av - Elul 5770 I am writing this article on my way to Poland to visit my ancestral home. It is hard to believe that the summer is flying by quickly. Many exciting things have happened at K.I. this summer. We completed the Centennial Ad Book and Directory which we hope to distribute between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I believe the Ad Book will be among the top grossing ad books we have ever had thanks to our volunteers and ad participants. Special thanks goes to Randi Haith, Cindy Singer, Elizabeth Peden and the staff. We also kicked off the first part of our strategic plan for the second century of K.I. Karen Pack arranged two seminars with David Stallings to help educate our leaders on financial planning for non-for-profit organizations. The second phase of the strategic plan will begin in August with the first of a series of meetings to establish our new constitution and both a short term and long term plan for the future of K.I. I am also very excited about Grand Givers. Grand Givers will be on November 6, 2010 at Kehilath Israel Synagogue. Bonnie Siegel and Steve Osman, this year’s Grand Givers chairmen, have planned a truly exciting program with a kickoff cocktail party which will be hosted by Mary and myself at our home on August 22nd. Anyone who would like to be a Grand Giver or anyone who would like to try to be a Grand Giver is invited. There will also be exciting entertainment at the cocktail party. Although the summer is rapidly disappearing, it has been very productive. I want to thank all of our volunteers for the wonderful work they do, and remind you that this is our synagogue, and it will be whatever we want it to be. Sam Devinki, President WHAT’S INSIDE Shabbat Schedule..........................................................................2 Cantor Shron’s Message...............................................................2 Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur Schedule...................................... 3 Anniversaries, Birthdays..............................................................4 Memorial Tablets........................................................................ 14 Donations.....................................................................................15 August Calendar......................................................................... 21 SHABBAT SERVICES CANTOR’S CORNER FRIDAY, AUGUST 6 Candlelighting*...................8:07 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat.................6:45 P.M. SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 Morning Services.................9:00 A.M. Mincha...............................7:45 P.M. Havdalah............................8:59 P.M. FRIDAY, AUGUST 13 Candlelighting*...................7:58 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat.................6:45 P.M. SATURDAY AUGUST 14 There is an old joke about the young man who is being questioned by his future father-in-law about how he intends to support his daughter. After every question about how the young man was going to earn a good living the young man answers, “G-d will provide.” After the interview, when the man’s wife asks him what he thought about the young man, he replies, “he’s a very fine young man, and he even thinks that I’m G-d.” As Jews, we have a tendency to sit back and wait for G-d to provide us with our needs as individuals and as a people. However, if you remember the story of the crossing of the Red Sea, we are told that the sea did not split until Nachshon walked into the water and the water reached his chin. Only then did G-d provide the miracle which allowed the Israelite people to escape the Egyptian army. When G-d provided the manna in the desert, he could have had the manna drop down at the entrance to everyone’s tent, but he didn’t. The people had to go out into the desert and find it, collect it and carry it back to their respective homes. There was no free ride. Once again, when the Israelites entered the land of Israel, G-d could have caused the nations residing there to flee, but instead, the Israelites had to conquer the land on their own. Bottom line, G-d only helps those who help themselves. How do we maintain our Jewish identity in an environment that is constantly pulling us away? Can we just put our faith in G-d that our families will miraculously carry on the Jewish traditions? Can we send them to a Jewish school, give them a Bar/Bat Mitzvah and hope that the teachers motivate them to remain Jewish? Can we take them to shul in the hopes that they will one day recite the Kaddish for us? The answer to these questions is, yes, however, there is one more piece that is even more Morning Services.................9:00 A.M. Mincha...............................7:35 P.M. Havdalah.............................8:50 P.M. FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 Candlelighting*...................7:49 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat.................6:45 P.M. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 Morning Services.................9:00 A.M. Mincha...............................7:25 P.M. Havdalah............................8:39 P.M. FRIDAY, AUGUST 27 Candlelighting*...................7:39 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat................6:45 P.M. SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 Morning Services................9:00 A.M. Mincha..............................7:15 P.M. Havdalah............................8:29 P.M. *NO LATER THAN THESE TIMES DEADLINE FOR THE SEPTEMBER EDITION OF THE FOCAL POINT IS MONDAY, AUGUST 9. WE APPRECIATE YOUR COOPERATION. FAST OF GEDALIAH (September 12, 2010) The fast will begin at 5:36 a.m. and conclude at 8:05 p.m. 2 BAT MITZVAH SATURDAY AUGUST 7, 2010 Leena Clark Yana Beznovsky and David Clark announce the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Leena Clark, on Saturday, August 7, at 9:00 a.m. in the Rabbi Maurice D. Solomon Sanctuary. Leena is the granddaughter of Freda and Vadim Beznovksy. Leena is a 7th grade student at Harmony Middle School. She enjoys singing, dancing and modeling. Leena spends her time with her friends and family. One of Leena’s favorite summer activities is to go on family vacations with her cousins Ariel and Alex Buberman. Relatives and friends are invited to services with the family and to celebrate their simcha. P lease join us for the Aufruf of our son, Jake Schlozman, and Jennifer Dordick on Shabbat, September 4, 2010 (Also Chai Anniversary Kiddush Shabbat) Bill and Debby Schlozman Continued on page 5 August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 2011 HIGH HOLY DAY - YAMIM NORAIM SCHEDULE 5771 RABBI HERBERT J. MANDL PH.D. RABBI/HAZZAN JEFFREY A. SHRON SETH MANDL, BAAL SHACHARIT, ROSH HASHANAH SHMUEL SHRON, BAAL SHACHARIT, YOM KIPPUR EREV ROSH HASHANAH Wednesday, September 8 29 Elul Shacharit and Selichot.................6:45 A.M. Mincha and Maariv......................7:00 P.M. Candlelighting..............................7:20 P.M. ROSH HASHANAH Thursday, September 9 1 Tishri Shacharit.................................... 8:00 A.M. Family Network .......................10:15 A.M. Junior Congregation................. 11:00 A.M. Kid’s Congregation...................11:30 A.M. Tashlich.............................. ......... 6:30 P.M. Mincha and Maariv.....................7:10 P.M. Candlelighting (not before)....... 8:10 P.M. Friday, September 10 2 Tishri Shacharit.....................................8:00 A.M. Adult Discussion Forum...........11:00 A.M. Kid’s Congregation ..................11:00 A.M. Junior Congregation ................ 11:00 A.M. Mincha and Maariv.....................6:30 P.M. Candlelighting (no later than)......7:17 P.M. SHABBAT SHUVAH Saturday, September 11 3 Tishri Shabbat Service.......................... 9:00 A.M. FAST OF GEDALIAH Sunday, September 12 4 Tishri Shacharit and Selichot................9:00 A.M. Mincha and Maariv.....................6:30 P.M. YOM KIPPUR REMINDER Monday, September 13 3 Tishri Shacharit and Selichot................7:00 A.M. Mincha and Maariv.....................6:30 P.M. Tues/Wed/Thurs September 14 - 16 4 - 6 Tishri Shacharit and Selichot............... 7:00 A.M. Mincha and Maariv.....................6:30 P.M. EREV YOM KIPPUR Friday, September 17 9 Tishri Shacharit and Selichot................7:00 A.M. Mincha.........................................1:45 P.M. Candlelighting ............................ 7:06 P.M. (Candles will be available at the synagogue for licht bentchen.) Kol Nidre Service .......................7:05 P.M. Junior Congregation ................... 7:00 P.M. TASHLICH Tashlich is the custom of symbolically casting one’s sins into running water and is performed on the first day of Rosh Hashanah. (Second day if first day is Shabbat.) This custom was mentioned for the first time by Rabbi Jacob Meolin who lived in the late fourteenth century. One of the Biblical sources used in this ceremony is the Book of Micah. The prophet says, “Who is a G-d like Thee? Thou who forgivest iniquity and passeth over transgression. Thou will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.” Micah elsewhere says, “What doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy G-d.” This is a perfect example of the fusion of ritual and ethics in the Jewish prophetic writings. Please join in and participate in the Tashlich service by meeting on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, Thursday, September 9 at 105th and Conser over Indian Creek at approximately 6:30 p.m. Tashlich will conclude in time to return to the synagogue for the 7:10 p.m. Mincha and Yom Tov Maariv. YOM KIPPUR Saturday, September 18 10 Tishri Shacharit.....................................9:00 A.M. Family Network........................10:15 A.M. the late morning Mincha.........................................5:20 P.M. Ne’ila........................................... 6:35 P.M. Maariv.........................................7:45 P.M. Havdalah and End of Fast........... 7:54 KIDDUSH ON ROSH HASHANAH Inasmuch as most prayerbooks do not contain the daytime Rosh Hashanah Kiddush recited before luncheon upon returning home from the synagogue, we are furnishing the text for your information: Just a reminder that on Yom Kippur night and all day, all laws of Shabbat apply. Also, it is very important for those of you affected by the Overland Park Eruv to call the Eruv Hotline at 791-8080 late in the afternoon of the eve of Yom Kippur to verify the Eruv is “up” and functioning as we do on the eve of every Shabbat. August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 3 CONGREGANTS’ AUGUST BIRTHDAYS AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 4 Barbra & Ronald Bronstein (36) Catherine & Craig Caplan (20) Doris & Zolan Gilgus (49) Randa & Dr. Joel Feder (39) Margaret & Jerome Nerman (69) Chaia & Aron Mandl (12) Zelma & Nathan Saltzman (52) Sue & Lewis Nerman (4) Debra & Joseph Adamous (31) Sandra & William Gasser (54) Joyce & Dr. Harold Koch (48) Doris & Gregory Quinn (38) Phyllis & Ronald Kogan (50) Clara & Eugene Cohen (67) Louise & Henry Hirsekorn (62) Clara & Norman Levine (45) Fani & William Schifman (39) Jamie & Jason Smartt (13) Marjorie & Eugene Lipsky (62) Barbara & Rabbi Herbert Mandl (42) Osa and Seth Mandl (8) Kitty & Hal Novicoff (48) Marcie & Bruce Kaplan (32) Lilian & Norbert Lipschuetz (62) Martin & Rosemary Siess (22) Sharon & Howard Levitan (45) Beverly & Barnett Alport (40) Renee & Lynn Kuluva (46) Cindy & Sheldon Singer (29) Beth & Les Schwartz (30) Karen & Steven Schwartz (25) Beverly & Dr. Norman Burk (49) Cherie & David Snellen (3) Bonnie & Herbert Rosen (50) Muriel & Gene Soloff (45) Gerri & David Ruben (18) Deborah & Alvin Garon (24) Susie & Paul Gershon (47) Elaine & Steven Klugman (41) Ruth & Sandy Levine (30) We want to wish a Happy Birthday to all of the following congregants who are celebrating their birthdays: Mitchell Gold, Robert Cohen, Leah Doppelt, Tillie Skeer, Melvin Abend, Ida Kolkin, Shelley Rissien, Nata Azizov, Abe Bucksner, Janet Kral, Barbara Mandl, David Pool, Amir Minoofar, Anna Cohen, Gerri Ruben, Emanuel Winston, Harvey Schifman, Simon Budnitskiy, Irina Steblinkina, Gene Gladstone, Lisa Kusnetzky, Linda Goldstein, Michael Taraboulos, Susie Blackman, JoAnne Weiner, Bernard Jacobson, Bradley Cotlar, Yakov Dreyer, Stephen Koffman, Lewis Nerman, Steve Sweet, Zsuzsi Adler, Ann Federman, Seth Mandl, Deanna Rudd, Carole Sher, Richard Goldenberg, Susan Goodbinder, Joel Gladstone, Rachel Tucker, Edith Quito, Scott Fishman, Carol Cohen, Susie Gershon, Linda Hoffman-Kurz, Marvin Orlovick, Lillian Greenberg, Ira Neufeld, Irene Dreiseszun, Michael Heiligman, Bradley Davidson, Charles Gersh, Joel Feder, Thomas Magariel, Nathaniel Pool, Lorraine Roth, Susan Nerman, Geoffrey Friedman, Nedra Rosen, Ira Rakley, Herbert Rosen, Madeline Zolotor, Steven Nearenberg. AUGUST YOUTH BIRTHDAYS Jordyn Fox, Benjamin Kohl, Joshua Kolkin, Pierson Kubel, Allison Geier, Noah Rosenbloom, Ariel Brudoley, Jedediah Shaffer, Benjamin Tannenwald, Rachel Youngblade, Alexandria Raich, Barrett Goldenberg, Calder Smartt, Eliezer Rich, Yaniv Gershom, Davis Goldenberg. THE FOCAL POINT OF KEHILATH ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE (913) 642-1880 FAX: (913) 642-7332 RABBI HERBERT J. MANDL, PH.D. Senior Rabbi RABBI YAAKOV A. SHRON Hazzan ELIZABETH PEDEN Executive Director HEDY SHRON, Program Director ALLEGRA SHANBERG, Editor SAM DEVINKI, President ARNOLD CAVIAR Chairman of the Board The Focal Point (U.S.P.S. 292-040) is published monthly except the June/July issue by The Kehilath Israel Synagogue, 10501 Conser St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66212-2643. Periodical postage paid at Shawnee Mission , KS POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Focal Point, c/o Kehilath Israel Synagogue, 10501 Conser St., S.M. KS 66212-2643 August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 ERUV TAVSHILIN This year, with Rosh Hashanah, September 9 and 10; the first two days of Sukkot, September 23 and 24; and also, Shemini Atzereth and Simchat Torah, September 30 and October 1, falling on a Thursday and Friday, the ritual of Eruv Tavshilin is to be recited on all three of the Wednesdays before candlelighting. When any major festival falls on a Friday, in order that it may be permissible to cook on that day for Saturday (one is permitted to cook on a holiday for that day alone), the head of the household must perform the ritual of “Eruv Tavshilin” before the festival. This ceremony should be performed late afternoon on Wednesday, September 8 before Rosh Hashanah, Wednesday late afternoon on the eve of Sukkot; and Wednesday late afternoon the eve of Shemini Atzereth. This consists of taking some bread and some other food, such as fish or meat, putting them on a plate, raising it and then reciting the following prayers: Blessed art Thou, Eternal our G-d, Ruler of the Universe. Who made us holy with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the Eruv. With this Eruv it shall be permissible for us to bake, cook and to keep the food warm; to light the candles, and to prepare all necessary things on the festival for the Sabbath. This shall be permitted to us and to all Jews who live in this city. The food for this ceremony is to be eaten on Shabbat Shuvah, September 11; Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot, September 25, and Shabbat Bereshit, October 2. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Rabbi Mandl continued from page 1..... Cantor’s Corner continued from page 2..... from having spent several years in Israel and is in the process of looking to relocate to a major US city to pursue a career in government using her language skills (she speaks a number of languages fluently). So much for our nachas. I normally do not share very much of our personal life with the congregation. But from time to time people ask where our kids are and how they are doing; so I thought a mid-summer update about our travels and their lives would be of interest to at least some of you. I hope that your summer travels have been safe and that you continue to enjoy perhaps a lighter schedule during the summer months, and hopefully we will see each other soon. I will actually have returned to the Kansas City area well before the time you will receive this Focal Point. Barbara joins me in wishing all of you a happy, healthy and safe summer (for the part of it that is left)! Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Herbert J. Mandl, PhD important than all the others, and that is providing a Jewish atmosphere in the home. It has to be a package deal; otherwise we are just hoping that G-d will provide. The same approach must be used in regard to the survival of Israel. We should not, and can not, sit back and wait for a miracle. Since 1948, the Israelis have demonstrated that only when we take responsibility for our own future will G-d lend his support, and if you think that miracles only happened in Biblical times, just look at what Israel has become in just 60 years. However, Israel’s survival is based on constant vigilance, not just on the part of the Israelis, but on our part as well. We cannot afford to sit back and hope that others will fight for Israel and that all will be ok, or G-d will provide. We need to do whatever is in our power to help Israel survive. Whether it be financial support, political support, PR support or by visiting Israel and letting the Israelis know that they do not stand alone, we must demonstrate to the world that we are Am Echad, one people, and we are here to stay. Only then will G-d provide! Rav Hazzan Jeffrey A. Shron vnka vtupr The congregation expresses sincere wishes for a speedy recovery to Maria Devinki, Irene Dreiseszun, Bernard Tenenbaum, Lillian Rubin and to all other members of the congregation and community who have been ill or hospitalized. August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 EDWARD KANTER SCROLL Devorah Cohen is wanting to locate the Edward Kanter scroll from the Meyer Rockhill building. Please call the synagogue office, 913.642.1880, if you have any information. 5 WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS LOWELL FLETCHER & JENNIFER KANTER Steve Chick..... P.O. Box 10482 Kansas City, MO 64171-0482 Scott Fishman..... 9928 Mastin Drive Overland Park, KS 66212 913.710.5854 Richard and Karen Goldenberg..... 18 Audubon Place New Orleans, LA 70118 504.894.0036 TAMAR GLATT LIAD LEVINSON RICHARD & ROSIE ROSENSTOCK Anna Kellmer..... 5500 W. 123rd Street - #E-109 Overland Park, KS 66209 SARAH SISKIND MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY ADDITIONS Lowell Fletcher and Jennifer Kanter..... 10243 Connell Drive - #A Overland Park, KS 66212 913.522.9223 Jason and Bella Kohl..... 12425 W. 120th Street - #1012 Overland Park, KS 66213 Nathaniel and Nancy Pool..... 2641 N. Flamingo Road - #2205 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33323 Tamar Glatt..... 10012 Mackey Circle Overland Park, KS 66212 913.649.2765 Sandra Rothberg..... 10235 Connell Drive - #A Overland Park, KS 66212 Liad Levinson..... 11925 W. 109th Street - #403 Overland Park, KS 66210 646.522.0004 Bonnie Vadnais..... 2713 San Francisco Trail Ft. Worth, TX 76131 Richard and Rosie Rosenstock..... 9801 W. 104th Street Overland Park, KS 66212 913.888.8521 SIMCHA TREE LEAF DEDICATIONS Sarah Siskind..... 11925 W. 109th Street - #403 Overland Park, KS 66210 973.202.7816 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY CHANGES HONOR OF MY SON SAM DEVINKI WITH LOVE, ON HIS BIRTHDAY 6/9/2010 HEALTH & HAPPINESS MARIA DEVINKI Esther Bitner..... 7300 W. 107th Street - #708 Overland Park, KS 66212 Isaac Chopp..... 12001 Pawnee Lane Leawood, KS 66209 6 August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 CUB SCOUT PACK 3153 Cub Scout Pack 3153, Kansas City’s Jewish Community Cub Scout Pack, sponsored by Kehilath Israel Synagogue, is open to all boys from throughout the greater Kansas City community who will be entering the 1st through 5th grades this fall (and interested adults). Please contact Ted Goldstein at 913.642.8023 / for more information. LIBRARY NEWS New Books in the Spitcaufsky Library Can There Be Lasting Peace in the Middle Fact? Written by K.I. member Jesse Newman, this book gives a historical overview of the politics in the Middle East. It also shows how little things have changed in the area. More information can be obtained from the author @ You Never Heard of Sandy Koufax?! by Jonah Winter and Andre Carrilho; Hammerin’ Hank: The Ljfe of Hank Greenberg by Yona Zeldis McDonough, the stories of these baseball stars and how they handled being Jewish are presented for younger readers. Boker Toy! Rabbi Joe Black’s song is presented in a colorful book for the pre-school set. A CD of the song is included. The Bedtime Sh’tna Adapted by Sarah Gershman, the book is a simple way to introduce the traditional nighttime blessings and recall with your children the wonders of their day. MEN’S CLUB NEWS MEN’S CLUB TO PRESENT HEART DEFIBULATOR TO SYNAGOGUE K.I. Men’s Club has purchased an Emergency Heart Defibulator unit for the Synagogue, which will be presented to the Synagogue on Sunday, August 15, during its 10:00 a.m. brunch and program. This unit will be placed within the existing fire extinguisher cabinet in the back hallway between the Brown Pavilion and the kitchen complex for ready access to those facilities as well as the social hall and gymnasium. The unit supplements the existing defibulator, which will be stored in the synagogue’s front lobby, also in the existing fire extinguisher cabinet, for quick access to the sanctuary, chapel and library. Both cabinets will be well marked with appropriate wall signage. By the time you read this we will have been to the T-Bones game. Those of you that didn’t make it to the game will have missed an opportunity to take advantage of being with members of the Men’s Club. If you have ideas for other programs, PLEASE let me know. Notices will be sent to the membership regarding the August 15 brunch and program. Please keep the date in mind and try to be there. In October we are planning an installation brunch for members and their families. The Men’s Club Board is really working hard to make the Men’s Club successful, but in order to do that, we really need your input. Marvin Orlovick, President cuy kzn Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg of Edison, New Jersey on recently receiving an honorary doctorate from the Jewish Theological Seminary of New York. August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 LEADERSHIP CHANGES In preparation for the approaching the 2010-11 Cub Scout Year,” Cub Scout Pack 3153 is pleased to announce the following leadership changes in Cub Scout Pack 3153’s and its “Dens.” Cubmaster: Doris Mendel; Webelos Den Leader: Doug Yost; Assistant Webelos Den Leader: Brian Bell; Bear Den Leader: Mike Abrams. “Tiger Den” Leader to be selected from Tiger Den families. Continuing positions include Assistant Cubmaster: Bill Mendel; Advancement Chair: Sandy Levine; Treasurer: Jill Goldstein; Chartered Organization Representative: Sheldon Snitz; Men’s Club Liaison: Marvin Orlovick; Unit Commissioner, Judy Korn, and Committee Chair: Ted Goldstein. 2010-11 PROGRAM Activities and events have been scheduled for the 2010-11 Cub Scout year. Monthly Pack Meetings are held on the 3ed Thursday (early evenings) with few exceptions (due to calendar conflicts). Major events include Sukkah “Camp In:” Saturday/Sunday September 25/26, 2010 Scout Sabbath: Shabbat, February 12, 2011 Pinewood Derby: Thursday, February 24, 2011 Blue and Gold Banquet: Sunday, March 27, 2011 FUND RAISING The Pack’s ongoing fund raising project is those big, strong, superb Yellow Trash/Grass Bags. We keep these “in stock” year round, and are available at $10/roll or $90/case of 10 rolls with free delivery. Please contact Ted Goldstein at 913.642.8023, tgoldstein@kc.rr. com to arrange delivery or pick-up at the Synagogue. vcr vsu, ...We would like to thank Sheldon and Eunice Snitz for seeing to it that the Focal Point goes out. The Synagogue House Committee is striving to keep our Synagogue looking nice, warm and inviting. Although we walk the facility and try to see items that need attention, we will not see everything. Therefore, we invite all the members to please give us comments. We welcome and want your input. An old management story goes like this... A tenant had a leaky faucet for months. When it came time to renew his lease the tenant was irate and told the landlord off about the leaky faucet. The problem was the tenant never reported the leak and the owner had no way of knowing. The committee wants every member to tell us about problems you see and suggestions you have... Larry Haith, Abbott Zolotor and Adam Rich 7 ORDER YOUR ETROG & LULAV NOW! Place orders NOW for your lulav and etrog. Orders MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY YOUR CHECK. DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 7, 2010 . NO orders will be accepted after this date in order to ensure we receive the lulav and etrog in time for SUKKOT. _____LULAV & ETROG @ $45 = $______________ (Same price as last year!) NAME______________________________________ (Please print) PHONE_____________________________________ Mail order form and check to: Kehilath Israel Synagogue Attn: Allegra Shanberg 10501 Conser Overland Park, KS 66212 BRAINSTORMING SESSION We recently came together to discuss ideas for the betterment of K.I. Many ideas are in the works. One of the suggestions was to begin a teen mentoring program which has been implemented and is going strong. Other programs will shortly be announced. If you would like to be part of the next brainstorming session please contact Hedy Shron at 913.642.1880 ext. 209. Pictured from left to right seated: Frank Loeffler, Felicia Weiner, Mary Covitz, Lynda Youngblade, Carolyn Knox and Lori Gold. Standing from left to right: Seymour Weiner, Phyllis Cardozza, Joel Feder, Randa Feder, Scott Fishman, Sonny Singer, Natalie Cohen, Arlene Abrams, Michael Abrams, Marissa Siegel and Debbie Adamous. Not shown: Susan Gutovitz, Dan Kass and Ellen Portnoy. 8 August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 TORAH DEDICATION OPPORTUNITIES STILL AVAILABLE Letters (as many as you want) - $18 each Books of the Torah - $10,000 Leviticus Numbers It is a Divine Commandment for Each & Every Jew to Write for Himself a Torah Scroll. Aliyah Section - $360 Most Aliyah Sections are Still Available. Torah Highlights - $1,000 2nd Paragraph of Shema 3rd Paragraph of Shema Binding of Isaac Manna Moses Blessing the Twelve Tribes Song of Miriam Vay'chulu (in the Shabbat Kiddush and Friday Night Service) Others Upon Request Now is the Time. This is the Place. Weekly Torah Portions - $1,800 Noach Vayeira Vayeitzei Vayishlach Vayeishev Mikeitz Vayigash Shemot Va'eira Terumah Tetzaveh Ki Tisa Vayakhel Pekudei Vayikra Shemini Tazria Metzora August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 Kedoshim Behar Bechukotai Nasso Korach Chukat Balak Pinchas Mattot Masei Devarim Va'etchanan Re'eh Shoftim Ki Teitzei Nitzavim Vayeilech Haazinu Vezot Haberacha For assistance, contact: Elizabeth Peden, Executive Director, 913.642.1880 x203 Mel Mallin, Co-chair 913.266.8170 Seymour Krinsky, Co-chair 913.491.1919 9 EVER WONDER HOW A TORAH IS MADE? Details from Alef - Tet. (Reprinted courtesy of, a publication of Behrman House, Inc.) 1 A sofer (person who writes the Torah) doesn’t use any old printer paper! A sofer must use parchment, which is the hide of a kosher animal. Unlike computer paper, parchment can last for hundreds of years. 2 First the hide is soaked in lime water. 3 Then, seven days later, the hair can be easily removed, creating a clean hide. 10 The next step is to prepare the diyo (ink). The sofer uses a very old recipe that includes gallnuts, vitriol (sulfuric acid), and gym Arabic. 11 The soferr can begin writing (carefully!). The sofer copies the words from a book and connot write even a letter from memory. 12 After that, the hide is stretched into a wooden frame and is dried for many days. The dried parchment is called klaf. 4 No mistakes can be ignored. Some mistakes can be fixed, but any mistake when writing G-d’s name means that the sheet cannot be used. 5 The klaf is then sanded. Believe it or not, this type of power tool really is used. 13 Some of the letters have extra special designs called tagin. They look like little crowns on the letters. 6 14 The process of soaking, stretching, drying and sanding the hide is repeated several times. 7 The klaf is cut into a rectangular sheet called a yeriah. 8 The yeriah is prepared with indented lines called sirtut. This lets the sofer write the Torah in even, straight lines. 10 9 The, the sofer prepares the quill for writing. It is called a kulmus. The kulmus was traditionally a feather or a reed. But can be made from other materials, too. The completed yeriot (sheets of parchments) are then sewn tougher with a special thread called giddin. 15 The long stretch of parchment is placed on wooden rollers called the atzei hayim (trees of life). 16 The Torah is now complete and ready for use. August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 We are grateful to these individuals, funds, and organizations who have taken part in the Living Torah Project:* Michael & Arlene Abrams Joseph & Debra Adamous Gela Adelman Anonymous Gitta Azorsky Mashey Bernstein David Clark & Yana Beznovsky Esther Bitner Paul & Susie Blackman Edward & Irene Blend David & Lynne Bock Linda Bond & Family Pastor Paul & Becky Brooks Alan Buberman & Faina Milman Betty Caplan Craig & Cathy Caplan Arnold & Carol Caviar Scott Claster Stephen & Nancy Cline Dr. Donald & Natalie Cohen Robert & Nancy Cohen Sally Cohen Les & Linda Cohn Ricky & Mary Covitz Cub Scout Pack 3153 Sol & Mollie Daniels Trent & Laura Daniels Maria Devinki Sam Devinki & Mary Stahl Irene Dreiseszun Judith Droskin Maurice Eastman Debra A. Entine Joel & Randi Feder Isak & Ann Federman Herb & Beverly Fishman Harry & Martha Fleitman Geoff & Sharon Friedman & Family Sherrill & Elinor Friedman Shirley Frischer Alvin & Debbie Garon Bob Gast & Linda Silver Zolie & Doris Gilgus Richard & Barbie Glass Sandy & Lisa Glatt Dr. Robert & Miriam Glueck Alan & Jackye Goldberg Elliott & Linda Goldstein Rhetta Goldstein August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 Ted & Jill Goldstein Charlene Goodbinder Martin & Rosemary Gorin Sam Gould Lillian Greenberg Dr. Sam & Susan Gutovitz Larry & Randi Haith Michael Heiligman Morris & Esther Horowitz Larry & Sandra Jabenis Howard & Ro Jacobson Jewish Federation Women’s Division Marjorie Jerwick Max Jevinsky Ed & Rochelle Kanter Marian Kaplan Gerald & Susan Klopper Dr. Harold & Joyce Koch Ron & Phyllis Kogan Craig & Ida Kolkin Jackie Kraft Marlene Krakow Seymour & Marsha Krinsky Nate & Kim Kubel Benne & Barbara Kusnetzky Yalene Kusnetzky Ben & Elinore Kutler Lou & Betty Lesky Norman & Clara Levine Sandy & Ruth Levine Howard & Sharon Levitan Kenneth & Meryl Levitz Morty & Tobey Lewkowsky Norbert & Lilian Lipschuetz Malcolm & Dr. Myra Litman Frank Loeffler & Dr. Phyllis Carozza Ari & Marlene Lubowicz Stan & Jenny Madlof Tom & Ellen Magariel Mel & Lore Mallin Rabbi Herbert & Barbara Mandl Jeffrey & Debra Martasin Soly Mizrahi Edward Molotsky Jerry & Margaret Nerman Lewis & Susan Nerman Dr. Ira & Ileen Neufeld Dr. William & Ruth Nowack Marvin & Tobey Orlovick Steve & Susan Osman Steve & Karen Pack Herb & Idie Parmet Elizabeth Peden Shirley Pener Aaron Pfefer Joe & Jan Pfefer David & Deanna Pool Dr. Jay & Ellen Portnoy Betty Price Greg & Doris Quinn Morton & Zelda Reeber Adam & Dr. Jessica Rich Dr. Marvin Rogolsky Sandy Rothberg Col. David & Doris Rubin Sarah Brown Memorial Fund William & Fani Schifman Bill & Debbie Schlozman Marcia Schoenfeld Andy & Norma Schwartz Dan & Janet Schwimmer Kent & Allegra Shanberg Peyton & Carole Sher Sylvester & Celia Sher Rabbi Jeffrey & Hedy Shron Matt & Bonnie Siegel Michael & Marisa Siegel Larry & Cheryl Silverman Max & Sonia Singer Sheldon & Cindy Singer Rod & Rosie Sipe Joe Smuckler & Marcia Karbank Sheldon & Eunice Snitz Drs. Michael & Shari Sokol Gene & Muriel Soloff Michael Taraboulos Adeline Shultz Trempy Dr. Arnold & MarciaTropp David & Mindy Wajcman Seymour & Felicia Weiner David & Judy Weinstein Manny & Lois Winston Gene Wolowski Stan & Joyce Zeldin Abbott & Madeline Zolotor Douglas Zolotor *as of July 21, 2010 11 12:15 a.m. - Selichot Service at Kehilath Israel Synagogue - led by Rabbi Mandl, Rabbi/Hazzan Shron and the K.I. Choir usher in the High Holy Days with the haunting and moving Selichot prayer service. Preceeding the 12:15 a.m. service, we will meet at 11:00 p.m. in the Regina & Morten Brown Pavilion for refreshments and then join together in the Rose Morgan Chapel for Selichot service. August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 “A lot like Billy Crystal’s 700 Sundays!” The New York Times A portion of the proceeds to benefit KehilathIsraelSynagogue and other local Jewish organizations. “Engaging, poignant and hilarious. A winner!” Palm Beach Post “A Jew Grows in Brooklyn is a ball! Show Stopping!” New York Daily News A Rock ’n Roll TRue FAmily SToRy A TASTe oF The cATSkillS A comedy muSicAl JakeEhrenreich, Accomplished musician and entertainer Performances at the White Theatre (at the JCC) Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010 - 7:30 pm Sunday, Dec. 5, 2010 - 2:00 & 7:30 pm Monday, Dec. 6, 2010 - 7:30 pm Patron Levels $10,000 - 10 tickets* $5,000 - 8 tickets* $2,500 - 6 tickets* $1,000 - 4 tickets $500 - 2 tickets Contact Elizabeth Peden 913.642.1880 x 203, *Premiere seating and program advertisement. All patron levels recognized in program. August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 ESRIG-GOULD MEMORIAL ALCOVE With Reverence We Record the Following Yahrzeits MEMORIAL TABLETS 21 AV-AUGUST 11 FEIGA COPAKEN SHIMON SHAW 1 ELUL-AUGUST 11 JENNIE KALLIS MARSHALL KOCH 22 AV-AUGUST 2 MAX SILBERG DAVID SPACK JACOB TEST 2 ELUL-AUGUST 12 BEILA DENOWITZ SAMUEL SIMON 23 AV-AUGUST 3 LEONARD BELOVE BRADLEY S. CAPLAN DAVID SCHWEITZER O. BRAD SHEAR MICHAEL WEINBERG GERTRUDE ZUKER 24 AV-AUGUST 4 CASLE J. AGRON SARAH B. TURKIN 25 AV-AUGUST 5 RUBIN BURK MARY CLAYMAN PAULINE LEVINE ROSE MALINOSKY ZVI MILLER SAM SHAPIRO HARRY ZELMANOVICH 26 AV-AUGUST 6 BENJAMIN BRONSTEIN MORRIS FISHMAN CELIA KROSS STEVEN MILLER MALKA ROSENBERG HERMAN SHALINSKY 27 AV-AUGUST 7 PINCUS CHEPLOVE RACHEL GOLDBERG RUTH KOFFLER MOSES LERNER ABRAHAM P. ROSENBERG MILTON ROSENBLATT SOLOMON SPORN DONALD TRANIN SHAW WEINER CHAYA YODLER 28 AV-AUGUST 8 JOSEPH COHEN PHILIP JAY COHEN YETTA FISHMAN BESSIE COHN KANDLIS SAM PUCKER ANNA ZALCMAN 29 AV-AUGUST 9 RACHEL COHEN ANATOLY LEVIN REBECCA LIEBERMAN DOROTHY MNOOKIN ABE RADETSKY PRO SHERMAN 30 AV-AUGUST 10 RUTH ENGLANDER DR. IRVING KASS SIDNEY R. LEWIS LILLIAN MARGOLIN 14 3 ELUL-AUGUST 13 ADA SHURIN DELGASE SAM FEINGOLD HARRY GALLAS IDA KAHN CHARLES LAPIDES SYLVIA RADETSKY ETTA SHAW ROSLYN WEINER 4 ELUL-AUGUST 14 BESS ALBERT ESTHER BURSTEN SLAVA GOLDBERG MARY LEVITT PAUL LIBER RACHEL MALLIN SILIA SHOSTAK BERTHA WACKNOV 5 ELUL-AUGUST 15 DELIA BURNETT ELIYA KALLIS SAMUEL LEVENE CELIA LEVIN LOUIS LIEBERMAN ANNE C. MARGOLIS JENNIE MENDELSON EDITH RUBIN 6 ELUL-AUGUST 16 DAVE COHEN SARAH B. WHITE 7 ELUL-AUGUST 17 SONIA FAYE BROWN DEACON H. COHEN SOL DALLEN IKE B. ENTINE MARY FRISCHER ANNA HAMER FANNIE KAUFMAN WILLIAM KRUG GOLDIE OSHANSKY MOSHE VISCOFSKY 8 ELUL-AUGUST 18 ISRAEL BETTINGER JEAN KATZ EVALINE A. PFEFER LOUIS PRESS 9 ELUL-AUGUST 19 JACOB GERSHON HANS LEO KOCH MARSHALL MILLER GEORGE NEWMAN ARON POLSKY GARY L. STEIN SALOMON TARABOULOS 10 ELUL-AUGUST 20 JEROME AARON SAM GAMPOL DAVID GROSSMAN MARTIN JERWICK MARGARETHE LATTER SOPHIA D. MARCUS HANNAH PASSMAN LOUIS WOLFE 11 ELUL-AUGUST 21 BERTHA BOBROV JOSEPH CONE LEISBISH CUKIER JULIUS DENNIS RUBIN FISHMAN MEYER GILBERT SAUL KASS SARA KLEVATT WOLF KUSNETZKY JACK LEGA RUTH LEVI ROSE D. LEVINSON ROSE LEVITCH JACOB MNOOKIN HAROLD MYER HERMAN H. RADETSKY ALEZYR RESNICK IDA ROSMARINE ROSE SMUCKLER MORRIS TIVIN IDA ZITRON 12 ELUL-AUGUST 22 MALVINA BLONSKY LOUIS BOLD PHILLIP JABEN ESTHER RUBIN ESTHER SOLOFF 13 ELUL-AUGUST 23 BEN ENTINE PEARL GOTTLIEB JACOB MADLOF ISADORE RUBIN SARAH SAPER MAX SHEAR HAROLD SHOENIG MORRIS S. STRAUSS EDWARD WEISS LOUIS KRASHIN ABRAHAM LEVY DAVID L. MINKIN MELVIN ROLSKY ANNA SWADE 17 ELUL-AUGUST 27 TZIZI BIRENBOIM KATIE BROWN YITZCHAK ARYEH GAUM BENA GUTOVITZ LOUIS KAPNICK SAMUEL H. LEVIN SAM ROSENBERG 18 ELUL-AUGUST 28 SONYA AGRON ESTHER A. GLICKSTEIN HERMAN KOESTEN ZVI MAIZLISH SARAH SPECTOR 19 ELUL-AUGUST 29 MORRIS FRIEDMAN SAM HIPSH FRANCES LIBER BENJAMIN MNOOKIN HARRY ROSS ZEV SWARTZ 20 ELUL-AUGUST 30 SOLOMON ALTENHAUS RACHEL DENNIS KALMON KESSLER JERRY KRAFT MARGOT LIPSCHUETZ ROY SPITCAUFSKY 21 ELUL-AUGUST 31 DORA BARABAN SOL HIPSH ISIDORE KLINOCK FANCESKA LENIOWER FRITZ METZL RALPH SPITCAUFSKY DAVID WOLOWSKI 14 ELUL-AUGUST 24 HERMAN FRIEDMAN GUY LANSKY 15 ELUL-AUGUST 25 MOSHE DZIEWIENCKI ETHEL GREENBERG JACOB HARRIS SARAH HOROWITZ SADIE LEVIN ETHEL ROGERS BERTHA SPECTOR ANNA COHN STRAUSS CHERNA WOLPER 16 ELUL-AUGUST 26 CELIA BIRNBAUM REBECCA COHN MORDECHAI CUKIER MELVIN M. DELEVE DEVI DOLNIK DOROTHY DORFMAN August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions: CONTRIBUTIONS FOR MAY, JUNE & THRU JULY 13TH K.I. BREAKFAST CLUB FUND MEMORY KLARA SHVARTSBLAT Alex Gershfeld YAHRZEIT JACOB KAUFMAN Leibert Kaufman MELVIN PAUL GOLDMAN Joseph W. Goldman MINNIE LEVINE Michael Levine David Levine IRVING COOPER Jay Cooper & Valerie Wolf WILLIAM WEISBERGER Edith Shaw K.I. BUS FUND ANNIVERSARY JANICE & ERWIN LAPINE Norbert & Lilian Lipschuetz LORI & BRYAN FRISCHER Shirley Frischer BIRTHDAY BEATRICE EISBERG Shirley Frischer MEMORY BARBARA FRISCHER Bea & Jerry Efron RUTH KRAFT Jackie Garry YAHRZEIT SARAH SHERR Shirley Frischer MEIR WALDMANN Sophie Waldmann YIZKOR MARY & HARRY FRISCHER MELVIN FRISCHER Shirley Frischer K.I. GENERAL FUND ALIYAH Ed & Rochelle Kanter ANNIVERSARY BEN & ELINORE KUTLER JANICE & ERWIN LAPINE Joseph & Debra Adamous BIRTHDAY LOU LESKY Neil & Gloria Planzer ESTHER BITNER Ben & Elinore Kutler GRADUATION DANIEL SINGER DEBBIE MANDL David & Mindy Wajcman HONOR LES COHN Ed & Rochelle Kanter RECOVERY ESTHER BITNER ANN FEDERMAN LOU LESKY JENNY MADLOF LARRY HAITH RHETTA GOLDSTEIN Ben & Elinore Kutler HERMAN SCHIFMAN Harvey Schifman ADINA BATNITZKY Joseph & Debra Adamous LINDA SILVER Netta & Joe Krashin SANDY EISENMAN Rhetta Goldstein August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 MEMORY HELEN SCHWARTZ Andre & Norma Schwartz FRED LOEB Marilyn McNeel YEFIM KARLAN Roza Karlan SAMUEL YOFFEE Robbyn Yoffee JANET PFEFER Sheldon & Eunice Snitz Gela Adelman FATHER OF STEVE KINGSTON Seymour & Felicia Weiner RUTH ARONSON KRAFT Stephen & Naomi Weiss & Family Susan & Steve Osman Kim Blocher Jane Blocher Ben & Elinore Kutler Sue & Lewis Nerman STANLEY KAPLAN HARRIET & JACK BROWN Ben & Elinore Kutler GABRIELLA MCCULLOCH Joel Zitron FATHER Lore & Mel Mallin FANNIE TANKEL Beverly M. Newton ANNA TEST Pearl Novorr YAHRZEIT BESSIE HAITH Hortense Haith JACK CRESTOL Ileen & Ira Neufeld ALLEN WURZBURGER BERTHA WURZBURGER Irene Wurzburger KHAYA-SURA KRUGLYAK MIKHAIL KRUGLYAK Flora Kruglyak KENNETH KLUGMAN Ben & Elinore Kutler LOVED ONES Jack Fettman HERBERT WM ALPORT Joel & Carol Lissauer Gustava Alport ANNE TEST Neva Bennett SARAH SPINDLER PHILIP QUITO Edith Quito HORTENSE GERSHON Susan & Steve Osman LEONARD COHN David Cohn HYMAN GOLDSTEIN Elliott & Linda Goldstein FREDA SILVERMAN Rosaline Kraiman JACK JACOB STRAF DOROTHY STRAF Miron & Carolee Straf SARA WEINER Natalie Myer FANNIE LEVIN Ida Levin NATHAN CLAYMAN Sanford Hipsh GOLDIE FISHMAN Yalene Stewart HARRY MALLIN Carol Brooks MILTON ZASLAV Linda Schwartz LOUIS KATZBERG HELEN KATZBERG Clara & Norman Levine ROSE KLOPPER MORRIS BUCKSNER SERENE METZKER Abe Bucksner ARLENE LEVINE Toby & David Levine JACK G. RAINEN Marc Herbert Rainen Lana Joy Rainen Yunker DOROTHY PELTZMAN Gussie Alport JERI EISMAN Elliott Eisman JOE MOSSEL Lillian Rubin MOISEY LAPIDUS RIVA POLYAKOVA Sofiya Lapidus FLORENCE & DAVID DROSKIN BAILA & JACOB DROSKIN Judith Droskin ROBERT DOLNIK Sima Teplitskaya ASTRENA FAINA Roza Kazakova MORRIS HOROWITZ Rose Horowitz ESTHER HIMMELSTEIN Ruth Byers PHILLIP SWEET Steve Sweet ROSE BUCKSNER Abe Bucksner HARRY WEINER Natalie Myer IDA BRONSTEIN Larry Bronstein LEE KROSS Stan & Joyce Zeldin STAN SCHIFMAN Bill & Fani Schifman FRANCES ZASLAV Linda Schwartz LOVED ONES Jerry Temple SOL & FREDA GLATT FAN WAXMAN Sander & Lisa Glatt SAM KATZBERG Leon Katzberg YIZKOR BEN GROSS Rose Gross David & Fran Kanter LOVED ONES Rose Gross LOVED ONES Harold Magariel CHAI KIDDUSH FUND OUR ANNIVERSARY FRAN & DAVID KANTER MADELINE & ROBERT SCHIFMAN LINDA & ELLIOTT GOLDSTEIN ELINOR & SHERRILL FRIEDMAN CATHY & JOSEPH PEC NEDRA & LEONARD ROSEN DR. MYRA & MALCOLM LITMAN LOIS & MARCUS LEVITCH DOROTHY & ROBERT BLONSKY CAROL & ARNOLD CAVIAR GLORIA & NEIL PLANZER ELEANOR & ALEXANDER BELINGLOPH MARCIA & DR. ARNOLD TROPP NATALIE & DR. DONALD COHEN EUNICE & SHELDON SNITZ CAROLE & JOSEPH SCHIFMAN MARSHA & SEYMOUR KRINSKY LYUBOV & MOYSEY KAPUSTIN DORIS & COL. DAVID RUBIN PHYLLIS & HIMIE WAINSTOCK RO & HOWARD JACOBSON RUTH & DR. WILLIAM NOWACK FELICIA & SEYMOUR WEINER K.I. KIDDUSH CLUB DONATION Shirley Frischer YAHRZEIT YITZCHAK WALDMANN Sophie Waldmann YIZKOR MORRIS GOLDBERG Shirley Frischer K.I. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL MEMORY BARBARA FRISCHER Vicki & Herb Gershon YAHRZEIT IDA LITWACK RUTH LITWACK Myer Litwack JAMES JACOBSON Cindy Tavernaro MARTHA WEINER Dolores Bush NELLIE KRASHIN Jack Krashin SCHIFMAN HUNGER FUND BIRTHDAY HERMAN SCHIFMAN Carol Schifman MEMORY DOTTIE FRITZSHALL Herman Schifman RUTH KRAFT The Judy Cooper Family MARY & ISSIE CAVIAR YOUTH DONATION Jerry & Bobbie Rosmarine MAX & CHARLOTTE GLASS SCHOLARSHIP FUND MEMORY LARRY GLASS Ira & Joan Glazer JOSEPH MALLIN SCHOLARSHIP YAHRZEIT WILLIAM HIMMELSTEIN Janice & Marvin Finkelston LOUIS & YETTA PRICE FUND MEMORY ELMER PRICE Marcia Karbank & Joe Smuckler Matthew Saul K.I. SCHOLARSHIP FUND BAR MITZVAH EZRA TULCHINSKY SMITH Michael & Shari Sokol BIRTHDAY ESTHER BITNER Rhetta Goldstein MEMORY DAVID & PAULA SCHWALB Netta & Joe Krashin 15 Contributions Continued... TILLIE BECKMAN Lynne Drebin YAHRZEIT HELEN BITNER Esther Bitner DAVID & MALKA GULKO Irene Fehr ALEX & SADIE WACKNOV SCHOLARSHIP FUND RECOVERY LOUIS LESKY MEMORY NATALIE WACKNOV Betty Price YAHRZEIT HERMAN BULAVSKY Jerome Bulavsky DAVID WACKNOV Betty Price BARABAN-COSNER FUND YAHRZEIT HARRY ESRIG Sibby & Mel Cosner SARA BARABAN Fred Press SARAH BROWN MEMORIAL MEMORY IRENE PASTERNAK Helen Brown YAHRZEIT SALLY BRESEL HYMAN GOLDSTEIN Rhetta Goldstein SAM BROWN Bernard H. Brown SARAH STEIN Steve Sager RUBIN ROMER Marvin & Sandra Romer Helen Brown FRED & MARIA DEVINKI FLOWER BIRTHDAY MARIA DEVINKI Ben & Elinore Kutler Norbert & Lilian Lipschuetz RECOVERY JENNY MADLOF Maria Devinki MARIA DEVINKI Ben & Elinore Kutler YAHRZEIT SAM WALDMANN Sophie Waldmann Heidy & Norman Farber Sherry Waldmann JOSEF ZALMAN “SIGMUND” MANDELBAUM Jack Mandelbaum HENRY JEVINSKY POLA EISENBERG FRED DEVINKI Maria Devinki Max Jevinsky Mania Waterhouse FRED & MARIA DEVINKI TORAH PRESERVATION FUND YAHRZEIT DAVID WALDMANN Sophie Waldmann GLORIA KOLKIN Craig Kolkin FRED DEVINKI REGINA BROWN Karen & Steve Pack 16 FRANK MORGAN FOUNDATION YAHRZEIT HARRY DANIELS SAM DANIELS JEAN ZUROVSKY Sol Daniels SEYMOUR KRINSKY VIDEO LIBRARY FUND HONOR ARROW TRUCK COMPANY DEBBIE MANDL SAM GOULD BIRTHDAY PHILLIP RABIN ANNIVERSARY MR. & MRS. DAVID GOODWIN NEDRA & LEONARD ROSEN ELINOR & SHERRILL FRIEDMAN HAROLD & JUDITH ESRIG RICHARD & NANCY KOHN NATALIE & DR. DONALD COHEN CAROL & ARNOLD CAVIAR LINDA SILVER & ROBERT GAST MINDY & DAVID WAJCMAN FELICIA & SEYMOUR WEINER ROSALYN & HOWARD JACOBSON DOROTHY& ROBERT BLONSKY SUSAN & ALEX HOROWITZ AMY & ED TRANIN DEBBY & WILLIAM SCHLOZMAN SHARON & GEOFFREY FRIEDMAN Seymour & Marsha Krinsky BOB & DOROTHY BLONSKY Seymour & Felicia Weiner MEMORY LOIS SHIFRIN LOUISE GARFINKLE JOAN SCHARF FLORENCE JACOBSON LARRY GLASS RENE TIPPER ISABELLE KESTENBLATT MOTHER OF JILL MAIDHOF JANET PFEFER BERNARD ERLICH Seymour & Marsha Krinsky IRENE PASTERNAK Seymour & Felicia Weiner RECOVERY MAXINE GROSSMAN JENNY MADLOF LOU LESKY IRENE DREISESZUN ROBERT PALAN RANDI HAITH Seymour & Marsha Krinsky GARY FRIEDMAN Seymour & Felicia Weiner MELVIN & EVELYN SPITCAUFSKY LIBRARY FUND MEMORY MARTIN SPITCAUFSKY Bertha Wise InQuest Marketing AARON GOLD The Spitcaufsky Family YAHRZEIT HELEN GORDON DANIEL SPITCAUFSKY DAVID SPITCAUFSKY Bertha Wise HARRY GOLDSTEIN HARRY K. COHEN, MD Donald & Natalie Cohen BETTY GLADSTONE Steven & Lois Gladstone ABRAHAM I. SCHNAER Miles E. Schnaer HARRY G. & ESTHER MALLIN CHOIR FUND MEMORY JOAN SCHARF Drs. Michael & Shari Sokol YAHRZEIT EUGENE SOKOL Drs. Michael & Shari Sokol ESTHER MALLIN Larry & Beverly Mallin JEAN & MORRIS ODESNIK NEW RITUAL ITEMS FUND RECOVERY BEVERLY FRIEDMAN Isabelle Gallas MEMORY AL KOHLMAN Isabelle Gallas and Family YAHRZEIT ANNA PELTZMAN Rochelle Peltzman JACK & SARAH RUBEN MEMORIAL FUND YAHRZEIT BERNARD RUBEN BERNICE KOGAN JACK RUBEN Phyllis & Ron Kogan E. ROBERT KLEIN Mark J. Klein LIBBIE & JACK SHER BOOK MEMORY HELEN & ELIC MENDELSOHN Judith Lanes YAHRZEIT ALLEN ABEND Martha & Sidney Cohn YEHUDITH STEMPLEMAN Judith Lanes SHIVA/CHESED FUND YAHRZEIT LEIBISH WALDMANN Sophie Waldmann RACHEL LUBEN Selwyn & Helen Luben CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY YAHRZEIT SHEINDL AJBESCHITZ Sophie Waldmann BEN BITNER Esther Bitner PHILIP BARON Drs. Shari & Michael Sokol LOVED ONES Gela Adelman ABRAHAM NISSAN RUBIN Doris & Col. David Rubin WILLIAM DUGGAN Natalie Duggan RUBIN GOLDSTEIN Eddie & Gail Goldstein HERMAN FARKAS Miriam Glueck YIZKOR LOVED ONES Gela Adelman RABBI MANDL’S DISCRETIONARY BIRTHDAY NORBERT LIPSCHUETZ Gela Adelman MEMORY LARRY GLASS Irene & Edward Blend RECOVERY BRONIA ROSLAWOWSKI JAN PFEFER Gela Adelamn YAHRZEIT ABRAHAM AJBESCHITZ LOUIS BIRNBAUM SANDRA BIRNBAUM Marvin Birnbaum MOTHER, HILDA Herman Epstein NACHMAN CARROLL Nicholas Kelne RACHEL EPSTEIN Stan Epstein PHILLIP ROBINSON Liz & Brian Friedman SHERMAN RADETSKY Charlene Rubin FANNIE RUBINS RUTH RUBINS Allen Rubins Ruth Schachter BESS KUSNETZKY Benne & Barbara Kusnetzky Yalene Kusnetzky MARY BUSH Leslee Gottlieb BERTHA GLASSMAN Myra Litman CELIA GOLDIN SHEPPERD GOLDIN Harold Goldin PAULINE GINSBERG Robert L. Ginsberg LANORA YOFFEE Robbyn Yoffee BESSIE RUBIN Charlene Rubin ABE HAITH Hortense Haith MEYER EPSTEIN Herman Epstein BESSIE GALANSKY Jenny Madlof THE SHERMAN & IRENE DREISESZUN COURT FUND MEMORY SAM DREISESZUN Irene Dreiseszun YAHRZEIT JEANETTE FRIEDMAN Irene Dreiseszun DONALD RUDNICK Lorraine Roth ALLAN GREENBERG YOUTH LOUNGE FUND ANNIVERSARY JACKYE & ALAN GOLDBERG Norbert & Lilian Lipschuetz BIRTHDAY MARIA DEVINKI Alan & Jackye Goldberg Lillian Greenberg MEMORY PHILLIP SWEET Lillian Greenberg LARRY GLASS Alan & Jackye Goldberg YAHRZEIT MINDL AJBESCHITZ Sophie Waldmann MEYER KRAFT FUND HONOR LES COHN The Family of Ruth Kraft August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 Contributions Continued... MEMORY RUTH KRAFT Margaret Schoenfeld Rosalyn & David Burnstein Rhetta Goldstein Barbara & Skip Rein YAHZRZEIT RAE LIEBERMAN Rosalyn & David Burnstein K.I. BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY DONATION Bill & Fani Schifman Harriet Feder Rita Stark Harvey Bodker Ann Del Monte Dorothy Loeffler Art Bratt Rose Carr Sidney Carr Jeanette Lewis Adeline Trempy Miron Straf Sophie Lapides Marilyn McKenna Josephine Solomon Sanford Loeffler Margarete Jacoby Michael & Carrie Jaben Reva Golad Susan Ahlquist Sonia Warshawski Doris Chopp MEMORY RUTH DUBOWY Leah Cohn CHESTER B. KAPLAN James & Kelly Kaplan MORRIE KINGSTON Irene & Ed Blend Marlene Krakow RUTH KRAFT JAN PFEFER Robert & Madeline Schifman DOROTHY M. KAPLAN James & Kelly Kaplan RUTH KRAFT Bill & Fani Schifman MELVIN SOKOL Norbert & Lilian Lipschuetz YAHRZEIT ELIYAHU AJBESCHITZ Sophie Waldmann SAM WALDMANN Sophie Waldmann Heidy & Norman Farber Sherry Waldmann EISIG WOLOWSKI Erna Wolowski & Giselle PEARL ROTHSCHILD Eugene & Clara Cohen HELEN BITNER Sharon & Howard Levitan ROSE LIBER Mary Skaler SOL GALLAS Michele Kaplan IRVING GREENBERG SOL S. DALEN MAX FLAPAN Rose Dalen NELLIE KRASHIN Albert Krashin RABBI JACOB KRINSKY TOM ROGOVIEN Seymour & Marsha Krinsky ANN SNITZ Sheldon Snitz August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 MARY CAVIAR Eddie Caviar MORRIS ROZENBERG Abe & Diane Rozenberg & Family TILLIE BECKMAN DAVID BECKMAN Teri Becker DORA MANN FRANCES DELEVE Gene A DeLeve WILLY LATTER Lilian Lipschuetz EVA GREEN Ruth Feinberg MORRIS ROZENBERG Rela Rozenberg HELEN FEDER GORDON Blanche Adelman TILLIE BECKMAN Michele Thompson BESSIE BERNSTEIN Phyllis & Maury Kohn LEBE SHEAR GOODALL Marian Shear HERMAN JERWICK DANIELLE JERWICK Marjorie Jerwick MYRON STRAUS Ben & Dianne Sperry STANLEY SCHIFMAN Kathleen Schifman Susie Gershon JESSE FRIEDMAN ABRAHAM FRIEDMAN Marsha Jacobs DAVID BECKMAN Michele Thompson IRVING BERNSTEIN Ida-Marilyn Bernstein HYMAN GOLDFINGER Phyllis & Maury Kohn EVA ROSEN DAVID ROSEN Leonard & Nedra Rosen EDWARD TREMPY Adeline Trempy SARAH STEIN Carol Levitt JENNIE SIEGEL Victor U. Siegel EVA ROSEN Edward Rosen ABRAHAM SCHNAER Robert & Madeline Schifman ITA BENGIS Phillis Bengis ROBERT BITNER Sharon & Howard Levitan EVELYN FOGEL Marvin Orlovick S. TARABOULOS Soly Mizrahi LILLIAN GREEN Susan Feinberg Ruth Feinberg SIMON BERNSTEIN Ida Bernstein Sheldon & Marilyn Bernstein SOLOMON TARABOULOS ROSE TARABOULOS Michael Taraboulos ROSE ZUROVSKY Gertrude Epstein FATHER Adele Price Mushkin MARY D. FLAPAN Helen Krashin FANNY LANSKY Marsha Jacobs GLENN GOLDSTEIN Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Goldstein SARA RABIN Bob Rabin JERI EISMAN Steve Eisman GERTRUDE WOLOWSKI IRVIN WOLOWSKI ABRAHAM WARSHAWSKI Gene Wolowski ITA WEISS BENGIS Esther & Alvin Goldberg ANNA COHEN Eugene & Clara Cohen ISADOR BLOCK Harriet Siess DAVID ROSEN Edward Rosen WILLIAM HIMMELSTEIN Harry & Gail Himmelstein ANNA KAPLAN Marian Kaplan ALBERT STEIN Eleanor & Al Belingloph JACK HALPERN Chuck Halpern NATHAN RUBINS Allen Rubins SAMUEL DALEN Estelle Dalen K.I. BUILDING FUND MEMORY SHERMAN RADETSKY Esther Radetsky ALVIN GLADSTONE Steven & Lois Gladstone YAHRZEIT BRACHA WALDMANN YAAKOV WALDMANN Sophia Waldmann BARBARA L. ROGOLSKY Marvin Rogolsky ROSE LEVINE Fannie Krashin Sam Gould ESTHER WALDMANN Sophie Waldmann ROBERT SWADE Max & Harriet Swade CHERNIKOFF-DOLGINOW CHAPEL DONATION Yalene Kusnetzky Wolock Family K.I. BENEVOLENT FUND YAHRZEIT LIBA AJBESCHITZ Sophie Waldmann ISAAC MIZRAHI Soly Mizrahi MARTHA WEINER Seymour & Felicia Weiner LIVING TORAH PROJECT MEMORY LOVED ONE Lyubov Kapustin YAHRZEIT PESHA & ARON BERSHTAIN Lyubov Kapustin GERTRUDE WOLOWSKI Ann Federman ROSE SINGER Max E. Singer LAZ GALANSKY Jenny Madlof JEAN YANTES W. Aaron Silver ADELA MARKSON CHANA SZYDLOWSKA Max Jevinsky Mania Waterhouse BEN LELCHOOK Dori Quinn PHILIP GOTLIEB Marie Rosner LOUIS & DORA FOX KIDDUSH YAHRZEIT KLARA SHVARTSBLAT Khatskel Shvartsblat Alex Gershfeld HEAT & LIGHT FUND BIRTHDAY NORBERT LIPSCHUETZ Max & Sonny Singer YAHZEIT HINDA AJBESCHITZ Sophie Waldmann LARRY SCHANZER Bonnie Vadnais ESRIG – GOULD FUND ANNIVERSARY JUDY & HAROLD ESRIG Sam Gould HONOR SAM GOULD Ben & Elinore Kutler RECOVERY MARIA DEVINKI LOU LESKY JENNY MADLOF ANN FEDERMAN IRENE DREISESZUN Sam Gould YAHRZEIT HARRY GOLDSTEIN JEFF EISBERG LUCY GOULD 17 COMMUNITY CORNER........... ‘DAY OF DISCOVERY’ TO KICK OFF YEAR OF JEWISH LEARNING Mark your calendar for an exciting community program: “Day of Discovery – Explore the Joy of Jewish Learning in Kansas City.” The fourth annual event will be held from 8:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m., at the Jewish Community Campus on Sunday, August 22, 2010. Learn, study, and discover with some of Kansas City’s finest Jewish educators, rabbis, and cantors, who will lead sessions on a wide range of topics. Topics include Jewish perspectives on mysticism, rituals, Israel, childrearing and interfaith relations, among many others. Registration and a continental breakfast begin at 8:45 a.m. Two optional minyans will be offered at 8:15 a.m. in either an egalitarian or a traditional learner’s style. Throughout the day, three study sessions are programmed. Choose the topic of your choice from over twenty different presenters. A lunch break and opportunity to mingle start at 12:15 p.m. Following the program, stay for a delicious dessert reception. The cost to participate in the “Day of Discovery” is $20 per person, which includes classes, materials, box lunch from Hen House, continental breakfast and dessert. The cost is $12 per person if not purchasing lunch. Childcare for children ages 3 months up to 6 years of age will be available throughout the day for a small fee. Registration and lunch reservations are due by Monday, August 16. Register early as space is limited for some sessions. The program is co-sponsored by The Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City, Jewish Community Center’s Department of Adult Jewish Learning, CAJE/Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City, Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy and area congregations. Generous funding has been provided by The Dreiseszun Family Foundation. For information or to inquire about confidential financial assistance, contact Annette Fish, Administrator/Program Director, Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City, by email at afprogram@aol. com or by phone at 913.327.4622 or visit A brochure with complete registration information is available online. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF COMMUNITY-WIDE COURSE: “JUDAISM FOR CONVERSION CANDIDATES” BEGINS IN FALL The Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas will offer a community-wide course, “Judaism for Conversion Candidates” beginning August 26. The year-long course will be taught on a rotating basis by rabbis from the Reform, Conservative and Orthodox movements and is intended to acquaint those considering conversion to Judaism with what it means to live Jewishly. Each student will be required to secure a congregational rabbinic sponsor by November 1st and meet the conversion requirements developed by their rabbinic sponsor. The class provides a comfortable forum for students to learn about Jewish holidays, home celebrations, life-cycle observances, rituals and Jewish prayer, Torah, Judaism’s view of God, and about our religion’s movements. Each class will include a 30-minute Hebrew component. Participants will combine Jewish learning with Jewish “doing” as they become part of a shared community and create Jewish memories by taking part in a Shabbat and Havdalah experience. They will also participate in holiday celebrations and observances. This course allows future Jews-by-choice the 18 opportunity to meet one another and to learn not only about Judaism but also about the Kansas City Jewish community. Classes will take place on Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:00 p.m. and will rotate among the synagogues. The fee is $360 per person and includes course textbooks. For additional information or to register for this course, please contact Annette Fish, Rabbinical Association Administrator/Program Director, 913.327.4622, by email at or visit Linda Cohen is the course coordinator and Rabbi Rob Tobin is the Rabbinic coordinator. Funding for this program is provided by The Jewish Heritage Foundation of Greater Kansas City. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FEDERATION NEWS Summer Sizzle -- Young Adult BBQ All members of the Jewish community, ages 21 – 45, are invited to make new friends and catch up with old friends at the Young Adult BBQ (Vaad supervised). Sunday, August 29, 2010 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Jewish Community Campus Softball Fields (by the outdoor pool) This event is free, but reservations are requested. Find out more at, or contact Renee Polsky Silver at reneep@, or 913.327.8019. Summer Sizzle is brought to you by: AIPAC, BIAV, B’not Or, The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah, Friends Next Door (Congregation Beth Torah), Gesher Kansas City (Congregation Beth Shalom),Jewish Federation’s Business & Professionals Group, Jewish Federation’s tovkc, KC Kollel, Kehilath Israel Young Adults, Kol Ami, Outdoor & Adventure Group, Village Shalom Associate Board, Young Adult Outreach & Engagement. Jewish Federation Annual Meeting: Celebrating the 20 th Anniversary of Operation Exodus Join the Jewish Federation for our 77th Annual Meeting, and help us honor the many Kansas Citians who helped bring Russian Jews to the United States. The evening will bring back many memories for anyone who was involved in this massive exodus. Wednesday, September 1, 2010 -- 7:30 P.M. The Lewis & Shirley White Theatre, Jewish Community Campus A light dessert reception will follow the event. Reservations are required by August 25. For more information, or to RSVP, go to, or contact Marjean Cox at 913.327.8103 or Heartland Torah Marathon The Heartland Torah Marathon will take place at the Jewish Community Campus, beginning October 2, 2010 (after Havdallah). It is estimated to end mid-afternoon on Sunday October 3. For more information, or to register for this extraordinary event, go to www. Do not let this amazing opportunity pass you by…be a part of the first Heartland Torah Marathon! This event is brought to you by CAJE/Jewish Federation and the Rabbinical Association. RESOURCES FOR THE COMMUNITY Do you know a young Jewish adult who wants to move back to Kansas City? Imagine Jewish KC is here to help. For more information, go to, or contact Beth Jacobson, Imagine Jewish KC Coordinator at bethj@jewishkc. org or 913.981.8896. August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 VOCALISTS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN SELICHOT A community choir is being assembled for this year’s Selichot service, which will take place on Saturday, September 4 at Congregation Beth Torah. The Selichot service begins at 10:00 p.m. Members of the Jewish community who have an interest in being a part of the community choir should contact Linda Sweenie, Music Director at Congregation Beth Torah, lsweenie@beth-torah. org or 913.498.2212. Vocalists should have choir experience and be available for two rehearsals on August 23 and 30 from 7:30–8:15 p.m. at Beth Torah. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES NEWS Healing Service Coming Up Have you faced a loss in your life? Do you need a spiritual boost? Consider attending the upcoming Communitywide Jewish Healing Service on Thursday, Aug. 19 at 6:30 p.m. at Village Shalom. Under the auspices of the Jewish Community Chaplaincy Program through JFS, the Healing Service will be co-facilitated by Rabbi Jonathan Rudnick, community chaplain, and Linda Sweenie, music director for Congregation Beth Torah with special guest Rabbi Scott White of Congregation Ohev Sholom. The service is for anyone interested in a deeply spiritual healing service featuring traditional liturgy and contemporary readings and music. It is free and open to the entire community regardless of one’s level of observance. Reservations are requested and should be made by calling JFS’ office at 913.327.8250 or sending an email to JFS Says thank you Have you volunteered for any program or service offered by Jewish Family Services such as JET Express, Holiday Food Projects or the Boogie to Broadway event? If so, JFS wants to thank you in an official way! Volunteers are invited to the JFS Volunteer Appreciation Event set for Sunday, August 29 from 1-2:30 p.m. in the MAC Room at the Jewish Community Campus. More details will be coming out soon. For more information, please contact Adrienne Kizer, director of Volunteers and Special Projects, at 913.327.8257. High Holiday Food Project JFS is asking members of the community to donate the following items: honey, egg noodles, raisins, cinnamon and sugar as well as cash donations to purchase chickens for the meal. Donations can be dropped off at the JFS office in the Campus; checks should be made to Jewish Family Services Food Project and mailed to or dropped off at 5801 W. 115th St., Ste 130, Overland Park, KS 66211. JFS expects to deliver food packages to about 300 people; all have been assessed for help through JFS’ case management staff. If you know of a family or older adult in need of holiday food, please contact Sondra Levy Atherly at JFS at 913.327.8265. Caregiver Support Group The support group is held on the second and fourth Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. located in the Village Shalom Boardroom. Facilitated by professionals from JFS, the support group provides, among other things: stress management skills, tips on dealing with anger, anxiety, depression and loss of self and social and professional support network from people who’ve been there, done that and are going through it right now. Those interested in attending should call JFS, 913.327.8250. August 2010/Av - Elul 5770 In-home counseling now available JFS is now offering in-home counseling for older adults who live in Johnson County, Kan. and Jackson County, Mo. Don’t let your financial situation stop you from getting the help you need; this service is offered on a sliding financial scale to any older adult. Call JFS at 816.333.1172 or email to get started. Become Part of the JFS Driving Force To volunteer, call Adrienne Kizer at 913.327.8257 or visit JFS’ website, Help@Home needs volunteer helpers All training sessions take place at the Jewish Community Campus, 5801 W. 115th St., Overland Park, KS. For more information on how to become a volunteer please contact Adrienne at 913.327.8257 or JFS offers Eating Disorder Resource Center The EDRC number 913.327.4690 – is staffed Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; calls received in evenings and weekends are returned the next business day. Information is kept confidential. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF IN MEMORIAM May the G-d of Mercy sustain and comfort those who have suffered the loss of dear ones. The Kehilath Israel family extends deepest sympathy to the bereaved families of: MORRIS KINGSTON (Father of Steven Kingston) RUTH KRAFT LEONARD STRAUSS (Husband of Una Strauss) JANET PFEFER (Wife of Joseph Pfefer) BRONIA ROSLAWOWSKI ROSE LOEB ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS The new 2011 Entertainment Books are now available. The price is $25.00. The book makes available many discounts, including restaurants, grocery stores, cleaners, auto rentals, hotels and many other establishments. Use one coupon and you can receive your investment back in full. Please call Marvin Orlovick at 816.363.0336 or the synagogue office if you are interested in purchasing a book. Your help can ensure a successful Men’s Club fund-raiser. 19 K.I. BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY MEMORIAL SERVICE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2010 This year the Annual Kehilath Israel Blue Ridge Cemetery Memorial Service is scheduled to be held on Sunday, September 12, the Sunday before Yom Kippur, at 11:00 a.m. The annual Yamim Noraim service, led by Rabbi Herbert J. Mandl and Hazzan Jeffrey Shron will be held in the Jack Chernikoff-Louis Dolginow Memorial Chapel at the Kehilath Israel Blue Ridge Chapel, 1901 Blue Ridge Boulevard, Independence, Mo. It is the Jewish tradition, during this High Holiday period to visit the Kever Ovot, the graves of our forebearers. Since it would be inconvenient for many to attend the service on a weekday between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Sunday, September 12 was selected. Customarily, each individual recites the K.I. Molay Rachamim prayer, a “Prayer of Consolation” at the gravesite of their loved ones. The chapel prayer booklets are available at the gravesite. There are a selection of prayers in the booklet, pages 65 through 74, in both Hebrew and English. It is requested the booklets be returned to the chapel, before leaving the cemetery. Although the cemetery is maintained by the Kehilath Israel Synagogue, the major building improvements, new walkways, monuments and other beautification is done primarily by private contributions. If you desire to assist in the program to improve and beautify the cemetery, an envelope for your contribution, to this worthy cause, is available at the desk, near the front door of the Chapel. You may leave your check or cash, in the envelope, seal it, drop it in the slot on the desk, or mail your contribution to K.I. Blue Ridge Cemetery, 10501 Conser, Overland Park, KS 66212. MONUMENT UNVEILING Sunday, September 5 In Memory of Elmer Price 11:00 a.m. Mt. Carmel Cemetery 20 POLICY FOR ADMITTANCE TO HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES AT KEHILATH ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE 2010/5771 Participation in our High Holy Day services is a privilege of membership. Our desire is to welcome all members to share in worship during our High Holy Day services. 1. Tickets are REQUIRED for attendance at all High Holy Day services. 2. An adult member in good standing will receive a ticket, plus tickets requested for: • dependent children living at home; and • out-of-town guests, visiting for the holidays. A member in good standing is defined as a congregant family current in their dues obligation, having paid 75% dues current year, and no outstanding balances from prior years. 3. In addition, tickets can be issued to: •undergraduate or graduate students; •military personnel; • residents who moved to the K.C. area within the last 12 months and are not yet affiliated. 4. All members NOT in good standing will be notified. Membership dues at Kehilath Israel Synagogue are based upon a fair share program. Members experiencing financial difficulty are requested to make special arrangements to continue membership and receive High Holy Day tickets by calling Sam Devinki, President. Please call the synagogue at 913.642.1880 and you will be contacted. All information will be kept confidential. We encourage you to maintain your membership, have your concerns addressed and make arrangements if you need to bring dues current. 5. REMEMBER, you must have a ticket to attend High Holy Day Services. The Focal Point of Kehilath Israel Synagogue 10501 Conser Overland Park, KS 66212 913.642.1880 FAX 913.642.7332 WEEKLY SERVICES ROSE MORGAN CHAPEL SUNDAY SHACHARIT 9:00 A.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY SHACHARIT 7:00 A.M. SUNDAY-THURSDAY Week of August 1 Week of August 8 Week of August 15 Week of August 22 Week of August 29 6:45 P.M. 6:45 P.M. 6:45 P.M. 6:45 P.M. 6:45 P.M. IMPORTANT AUGUST DATES ROSH CHODESH ELUL - Tuesday, August 10 Wednesday, August 11 Periodical Postage Paid at Shawnee Mission, KS
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