April 2012 - Kehilath Israel Synagogue
April 2012 - Kehilath Israel Synagogue
KEHILATH ISRAEL’S Vol. 48, Issue 4 swwoc April 2012 Nisan - Iyar 5772 A MESSAGE FROM RABBI YANKLOWITZ I just returned from the annual Policy Conference of AIPAC in Washington, DC. This is either the fifth or sixth time I have attended. This year was by far the most exciting and informative session of all of them even though there were logistical issues due to 13,000 people attending this conference. It was well worth the time, effort and money to attend. Getting so many minds together to discuss the survival and growth of the Jewish people is essential in any forum. A lot of time was devoted to the Iranian nuclear threat, something that we need to keep on top about with our legislators in Washington, DC. The White House has been sluggish in their response to pressure Iran to stop their nuclear program. As we approach the Passover season, remembering the slavery of our ancestors and what not having a homeland is all about, the message of AIPAC is even more important than ever. As we sit around our Seder tables in just a few days and remember the slavery of the past, let us be aware of how important it is that we support Israel financially and politically. That political support through Congress and the White House is equally as important as the financial support we have provided to our spiritual homeland. I hope that many of you will join us next March at the annual AIPAC Conference in Washington, DC. I would like to add my Mazal Tov to that of Steve Osman, the Administration and the Board of Directors to Sam Devinki, one of our past presidents, who was recently honored by our Board by being granted the title and position of “Honorary President For Life.” That position has been held by only two other past presidents in our history; namely, the late Morten Brown, of blessed memory and the late Sherman Dreiseszun, of blessed memory, both of whom like Sam, contributed a lifetime of devotion, time and effort to our congregation. This is an honor well deserved. Sam has served on our Board of Directors since he was in his 20s. I do not think any other member of the congregation has served on the Board consecutively as long as he has. There will be an opportunity on a Shabbat in June for us to greet him and extend a Mazal Tov when he is formally “installed” into this honorary position. Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach Herbert J. Mandl, PhD “JOINING THE K.I. FAMILY” With great excitement and anticipation, my wife Rabbanit Shoshana and I will be moving from Los Angeles to Kansas City to join the K.I. family this August! We didn’t intend to leave Los Angeles, an encouraging home to our ideals of social action, veganism, spirituality, and Jewish learning. We didn’t want to leave the sunshine, sandy beaches, friends, and meaningful work we are doing but our hearts were captured by the shul. On our visit to K.I. last winter, we were touched and moved by the unique warmth of the congregation. We found that it was a community where we would be honored to take on leadership and blessed to raise a family. I feel humbled to follow the great leadership of Rabbi Mandl who is such a great scholar, pastor, and community leader. I have been fortunate to have consistent calls with Rabbi Mandl to ask question after question to master the community’s customs to uphold the great traditions of the community and we will be tremendously blessed to have him as our Rabbi Emeritus. K.I. has so much rich tradition to preserve and also so much wonderful opportunity for growth. As a Modern Orthodox rabbi, I am deeply committed to Jewish law and values and view the wealth of our Jewish tradition as primary vehicles toward addressing the pressing opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. The traditional priorities are clear. Pirkei Avot (1:2) teaches that “The world stands on three things: On Torah, prayer, and kindness to others.” It is my belief that building K.I. will primarily be based upon these 3 values: education, spirituality, and relationships. These commitments will have multiple manifestations over the years to come. Synagogues, nationwide, are at a crucial turning point right now. Will synagogues evolve to provide more meaning, relevance, and empowerment for all or will they be stuck in their ways serving only the few? Will communities be energized to fulfill the communal visions and values or will the charge to fulfill the mission merely be delegated to the rabbi, president, board, and office administration? Will the few cynics present in every congregation lead to critiques without investment or will the spirit of optimism, service, and empowerment win out? In preparation, I have been spending these months studying continued on page 2 SHABBAT SERVICES FRIDAY, APRIL 6 (See Passover Schedule on Page 3) SATURDAY, APRIL 7 (See Passover Schedule on Page 3) FRIDAY, APRIL 13 (See Passover Schedule on Page 3) SATURDAY, APRIL 14 (See Passover Schedule on Page 3) FRIDAY, APRIL 20 Candlelighting*.................7:43 P.M. Kabbalat Shabbat..............6:45 P.M. SATURDAY, APRIL 21 BLESSING OF THE NEW MOON NISAN Morning Service................9:00 A.M. Mincha.............................7:20 P.M. Havdalah.........................8:36 P.M. FRIDAY, APRIL 27 Candlelighting*.................7:50 P.M. Rock Balayla....................6:45 P.M. SATURDAY, APRIL 28 Morning Service................9:00 A.M. CHAI ANNIVERSARY KIDDUSH & HONORING MARVIN ORLOVICK Mincha............................7:30 P.M. Havdalah.........................8:44 P.M. * NO LATER THAN DEADLINE FOR THE MAY ISSUE OF THE FOCAL POINT IS APRIL 8 CANTOR’S CORNER The one thing that I remember from the movie “The Three Musketeers,” is their credo, “One for all, and all for one!” Believe it or not, this is a very important Jewish concept. There are certainly times when the needs of the individual outweigh the needs of the community. After all, we were all created in the image of G-d and rabbinic literature tells us that killing one person is equivalent to killing the entire world. We also learn this from the expression, kol Yisrael arayvim zel bazeh – all Jewish people are responsible for one another. The main example of this is apparent after someone dies. All of the attention of the community should be directed towards honoring the deceased and comforting the mourners. There are benevolent funds specifically to aid families who cannot afford the costs involved with the burial, the chevra kaddisha who help with the preparations for burial, and the community that prepares meals for and visits those mourners in shiva. On a happier occasion, there are benevolent funds that are available to families who need help with the costs of making a wedding, and the g’mach, free loan societies that provide interest free loans to those who need fast cash. All of these are examples of “all for one.” The first key to being part of a community “one for all” is the emotional, experiential, and identification with what happens to it. Whether or not one participates in communal suffering serves as a basic statement of whether one sees himself as an insider or outsider. This is why we fast on Tisha B’Av, why we demonstrated on behalf of Soviet Jewry, and why we become politically active in support of Israel. This is also demonstrated in the fact that we suspend personal mourning on Shabbat and Festivals so not to diminish the community’s celebration and joy. Even in prayer, the “one for all” concept is so crucial. Our tradition tells us that, although private seclusion would provide a better atmosphere for purity of heart and mind, the collective prayers within a community (minyan) are the prayers that have a stronger chance of being answered. This is why most of our liturgy was composed in the plural. In other words, an individual needs the community for his or her spiritual completeness. As members of the K.I. community, we must make it our top priority to enhance and support all endeavors of the synagogue by stepping forward and saying hineni – here I am. By we as individuals being there for K.I., it will insure that K.I. will be for us when we are in need. All for one and one for all! Rav Hazzan Jeffrey A. Shron uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Rabbi Yanklowitz continued from page 1..... If you or a loved one is ill or hospitalized and would like to be contacted by the Rabbi and/or be added to the Mischebayrach list, please contact the Synagogue office 913.642.1880. 2 and strategizing with rabbis, consultants, sociologists, and experts around the country to understand the trends of what’s working and what’s failing in synagogues in America today. The opportunities ahead of us are profound and through our collective wisdom, perseverance, inspiration, courage, and humility there are no limits to what we can achieve together. We are coming to the community with a lot of vision, experience and ideas but even more we’re coming with humble and open ears to learn about everyone’s interests and values. We’ll WWW.KISYN.ORG have a lot to learn about the culture of the congregation. A community will never provide exactly what each individual wants, but ultimately one joins community so that it works for the “we” not for the “me.” K.I. is a community where all are committed to building the congregation, and if we stand together, anything is possible in the coming years. My wife Shoshana and I look forward to growing with you all in our life goals to create a more meaningful, just, and holy community and world. See you soon! B’Shalom! Rav Shmuly April 2012/Nisan - Iyar 5772 Passover Schedule THURSDAY, APRIL 5 - 13 NISAN SHACHARIT SERVICE...................................................7:00 A.M. MINCHA AND MAARIV...................................................6:45 P.M. BEDIKAT CHAMETZ: (The searching of the house for leaven after dark, with the recitation of the appropriate benedictions. FRIDAY, APRIL 6 - 14 NISAN SHACHARIT....................................................................7:00 A.M. FOLLOWED BY SIYYUM BECHORIM (Feast of the first born who attend the completion of a Talmudic learning.) THE DR. SIGMUND MANDL MEMORIAL BREAKFAST FINAL TIME FOR EATING CHAMETZ......................11:12 A.M. BIUR CHAMETZ (Burning of the Chametz).................12:12 A.M. Candlelighting (no later than)........................................... 7:30 P.M. MINCHA (Followed by Yom Tov Maariv).........................7:35 P.M. FIRST SEDER (in the home).............................................8:21 P.M. SATURDAY, APRIL 7 - 15 NISAN FIRST DAY OF PASSOVER Exodus 12:21-51: Numbers 28:16-25 Haftarah: Joshua 3:5-7; 5:2-15; 6:1,27 FESTIVAL SERVICE.................................................... 9:00 A.M. KIDDUSH FOLLOWING SERVICES MINCHA AND MAARIV................................................. 7:30 P.M. Candlelighting (no earlier than).........................................8:22 P.M. SECOND SEDER (in the home, after dark)....................... 8:22 P.M. SUNDAY, APRIL 8 - 16 NISAN SECOND DAY OF PASSOVER Leviticus 22:26-23:44; Numbers 28:16-25 Haftarah: II Kings 23:1-9; 21-25 FESTIVAL SERVICE...................................................... 9:00 A.M. KIDDUSH FOLLOWING SERVICES MINCHA AND MAARIV................................................. 7:35 P.M. HAVDALAH......................................................................8:23 P.M. MONDAY - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9 - 11 CHOL HAMOED PESACH SHACHARIT.................................................................... 7:00 A.M. MINCHA AND MAARIV................................................. 6:45 P.M. THURSDAY, APRIL 12 - 20 NISAN CHOL HAMOED PESACH SHACHARIT SERVICE...................................................7:00 A.M. Candlelighting (no earlier than)........................................7:36 P.M. MINCHA (FOLLOWED BY YOM TOV MAARIV)..........7:40 P.M. FRIDAY, APRIL 13 - 21 NISAN SEVENTH DAY OF PESACH Exodus 13:17-15:26; Numbers 28:19-25 Haftarah: II Samuel 22:1-51 FESTIVAL SERVICE........................................................9:00 A.M. (Kiddush following services) MINCHA AND YOM TOV MAARIV...................................7:40 P.M. Candlelighting (no earlier than).........................................8:29 P.M. SATURDAY, APRIL 14 - 22 NISAN EIGHTH DAY OF PESACH Deuteronomy 15:19-16:17; Numbers 28:19-25 Haftarah: Isaiah 10:32-12:6 FESTIVAL SERVICE.......................................................9:00 A.M. (YIZKOR WILL BE RECITED) MINCHA & Shir Hashirim & Seudah Shlishit.....................6:55 P.M. MAARIV followed by HAVDALAH.........................................................................8:29 P.M. Chametz is permitted after.................................................8:45 P.M. BREAD AND PASTRY SHOULD NOT BE PURCHASED UNTIL SUNDAY, APRIL 15 ERUV TAVSHILIN This year, with the closing days of Passover taking place on Friday, April 13 and Saturday, April 14, the ritual of Eruv Tavshilin is to be recited on the eve of the seventh day, Thursday, April 12 before candlelighting. When Passover falls on a Friday, in order that it may be permissible to cook on that day for Saturday (one is permitted to cook on a holiday for that day alone), the head of the household must perform the ritual of “Eruv Tavshilin” before the festival. This consists of taking some matzah and some other food, such as fish or meat, putting them on a plate, raising it and then reciting the following prayers: Blessed art Thou, Eternal our G-d, Ruler of the Universe, Who made us holy with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the Eruv. With this Eruv it shall be permissible for us to bake, cook and to keep the food warm; to light the candles, and to prepare all necessary things on the festival for the Sabbath. This shall be permitted to us and to all Jews who live in this city. The food for this ceremony is to be eaten on Shabbat, April 14, the eight day of Passover, during the daytime hours. April 2012/Nissan - Iyar 5772 WWW.KISYN.ORG 3 CONGREGANTS’ APRIL BIRTHDAYS APRIL ANNIVERSARIES We want to wish a Happy Birthday to all of the following congregants who are celebrating their birthdays this month. Frank Agron, Beverly Alport, Sylvia Beiser, Ida Bernstein, Barbra Bronstein, Cathy Caplan, Amy Covitz, Jeff Covitz, Gertrude Epstein, Brian Friedman, Gayla Friedman, William Gasser, Cynthia Gilgus, Leah Gladstone, Richard Glass, Lori Gold, Phillip Goodbinder, Marsha Jacobs, Sherri Jacobs, Max Jevinsky, Ronen Kadosh, Bruce Kaplan, Roza Karlan, Rosalie Kars, Rebecca Katz, Stanley Katz, Richard Kohn, Bella Kruglyak, Kimberlin Kubel, J. Louis Lesky, Yetta Levine, Marcus Levitch, Joel Marcus, Kurt Metzl, Soly Mizrahi, Lois Myers, Alan Organ, Steven Osman, Karen Pack, Herb Parmet, Deanna Pool, Marvin Rogolsky, Joseph Rosen, Jody Rosenthal, Shirley Sander, Jaffa Schakowski, Debby Schlozman, Edith Shaw, Steve Shaw, Victor Siegel, Scott Winokur. 8 Anna & David Kricsfeld (6) 12 Elena & Mikhail Kosiborod (17) 16 Grace & David Ernstein (70) Rosemary & Martin Gorin (23) Julie & Ronen Kadosh (12) 21 Jackye & Alan Goldberg (27) 23 Barbara & David Marcus (45) 30 Janice & Erwin LaPine (62) vcr vsu, ...We thank Eunice and Sheldon Snitz, our gracious volunteers who make themselves available to assist office staff. ... We also thank Doug Zolotor and his crew for preparing last month’s Chai Anniversary Kiddush. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu vnka vtupr The congregation expresses sincere wishes for a speedy recovery to Sylvia Beiser, Esther Bitner, Judy Esrig, Lorraine Roth, Marion Shapiro, and to all other members of the congregation and community who have been ill or hospitalized. A Happy Special 101st Birthday to Sylvia Beiser! uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu APRIL YOUTH BIRTHDAYS Mirra Goldenberg, Levi Schlozman, Walter Waxman, Frank Goldstein, Allison McKinnon, Jessie Geivett, William Waxman, Yosef Weber, Ryan Gold, Kyle Gold, Allison Geivett, Ezra Jacobs, Rachel Jacobs, Winnie Goldenberg. THE FOCAL POINT OF KEHILATH ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 913.642.1880 FAX: 913.642.7332 RABBI HERBERT J. MANDL, PH.D. cuy kzn RABBI YAAKOV A. SHRON (Hazzan) ...to Marsha and Seymour Krinsky on the birth of a granddaughter, Raya Isabel Zigler, daughter of Shira and Scott Zigler. ...to Denise and Jonathan Hankin on the birth of a son, Ari Jacob. Also to the grandfather, Dr. Marvin Rogolsky. ...to Gerri and David Ruben on their son, Austin earning his Eagle Scout award. ELIZABETH PEDEN, Executive Director ROBERT GAST Director, KESHER KI ALLEGRA SHANBERG, Editor STEVE OSMAN, President The Focal Point (U.S.P.S. 292-040) is published monthly except the June/July issue by The Kehilath Israel Synagogue, 10501 Conser St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66212-2643. Periodical postage paid at Shawnee Mission , KS POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Focal Point, c/o Kehilath Israel Synagogue, 10501 Conser St., S.M. KS 66212-2643 4 WWW.KISYN.ORG April 2012/Nisan - Iyar 5772 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING The Board of Directors of K.I. held a meeting Tuesday March 13, 2012. The following represents a very short version of the minutes for the purpose of this article. Full minutes were taken and are a part of permanent records. The meeting was called to order, minutes read and approved and a Dvar Torah given by Rabbi Mandl. The following items were on the agenda: 1. Congregational Comments--None were presented. 2. Marcie Kaplan was elected to fill a vacancy on the Board resulting from a resignation. 3. In Executive Session the board voted to elect Sam Devinki Honorary President for Life. More will be related on this in a special article printed in the May Focal Point. 4. A new Discretionary Funds Policy was approved affecting all discretionary funds beginning August 1, 2012. 5. Richard Glass reported on a new Review policy for senior staff and clergy to be implemented later this year. 6. Felicia Weiner and Doug Zolotor distributed contact names to be approached for the Tribute Book being created for the Rabbi Retirement Dinner this June. They discussed the role of board members and presented extensive lists for personal contact. 7. The annual golf tournament is being chaired by Amy Goldstein and Jeffrey Goldenberg and will be held August 13th at Oakwood Country Club. 8. A transition committee was reported on to assist in welcoming Rabbi Yanklowitz and arranging an orderly transition from Rabbi Mandl. To date, all issues have been discussed and agreed upon without objection. 9. The possibility of reestablishing the preschool was discussed. Lois Winston advised of her conversation with Rabbi Yanklowitz on the subject and the various aspects of a project of this nature. 10. The Constitution Committee is revising some small points for submission to the congregation. One will be the establishment of a separate trustee relationship for all endowment accounts. Howard Jacobsen is chairing that committee. 11. The Retirement weekend and schedule was discussed. No other business was offered and the meeting adjourned. April 2012/Nissan - Iyar 5772 MARVIN ORLOVICK TO BE HONORED ON APRIL 28, 2012 AT SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES Marvin was born and raised in St. Louis but moved to Kansas City, MO in 1946 after serving 4 years in the US Air Force. He married his late wife, Esther, that same year. He has been a member of K.I. for more than 50 years and has held a variety of posts, including Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 53 and President of the Men’s Club. He was an active member of the Mr. and Mrs. Club. Currently he contributes as an active minyannaire, co-chairman for assembling greeters for High Holy Day services, hamentaschen baker, secretary of the Men’s Club, and serves on the K.I. Board of Directors. Marvin retired after 38 years as a partner in Friendly’s Furniture and Clothing. He married his current wife, Toby, in 1982 and has been an active community volunteer. For the past 24 years he has volunteered every Tuesday at Children’s Mercy Hospital and served as a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) aiding a family of 9. An avid golfer and bowler, Marvin is a 51-year member of B'nai Brith Bowling. He is a past president of the Kansas City B'nai Brith Bowling Association as well as the National B’nai Brith Bowling Association. And, when the weather is nice, he still makes time for a round of golf. He has two children, Sandy Robinson (husband is Mark) and Bruce Orlovick (wife is Faye), and two stepchildren, Bob and Elyse Levene. He is a proud grandfather to Joli Fridman (husband is Ruben), Brian Robinson (wife is Christa), Sarah Bueno and Matthew Orlovick and an even prouder great-grandfather to Nina and Maya Fridman and Adi Robinson. He also has two stepgrandsons, Eric and Ian Levene. WWW.KISYN.ORG 5 TRIBUTE TO RABBI HERBERT MANDL As you undoubtedly are aware, K.I. Synagogue is planning a special weekend June 1-3, 2012 to honor Rabbi Herbert Mandl upon his retirement after 35 years of service to our synagogue and community. The festivities will conclude with a Gala Dinner Celebration on Sunday night, June 3, for which we anticipate an attendance of over 500 people. A magnificent Tribute Book, with a print run of over 1000 books, is being prepared for distribution that evening and afterward. It will have dozens of pictures, copies of Rabbi Mandl’s most requested sermons, and many more features. Having touched the lives of so many individuals and organizations, this will be your opportunity to express gratitude for the impact he has had over the years. There are multiple size ad options for you to create a Tribute Message and a schedule of available sizes is printed on the reverse side of this letter. To make certain you have an opportunity to be included, it is necessary that all reservations for space be returned to the Synagogue office no later than April 12, 2012. Due to the extensive content and editorial requirements for printing this Tribute Book, Copy and Payment will be due at the same time. Please send to the attention of Allegra Shanberg at the Synagogue office. Thank you for taking the time to review this information and become a part of this glorious event. Your Tribute Message will be a wonderful way to record your thanks for the years of work and leadership Rabbi Mandl has brought to the Kansas City community, and your best wishes for his and Barbara’s future. We anticipate an overwhelming response so if you are able to accommodate us with a quick return, it will be very much appreciated. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu TRADITION - JUNE 1, 2, 3 To honor both the rabbi and his wife Barbara, Kehilath Israel Synagogue is hosting a wonderful weekend celebration on June 1, 2 and 3, 2012. The entire community is invited to attend the events to help thank him and celebrate his accomplishments throughout the weekend. The celebrations begin on Friday, June 1, with a traditional family Shabbat evening beginning at 6:30 p.m. with services and then a dinner, catered by Steve Ellenberg. Cost is $25.00 for adults and $10.00 for children under age 10. Shabbat is always a special time for families to gather around the table, and June 1 will be dedicated to Rabbi Mandl and his family. On Saturday, June 2, Shabbat services will be followed by an elegant luncheon prepared by Cathy Levin for the community to enjoy. The celebrations conclude with “A Gala Celebration Dinner” on Sunday, June 3, 6:30 p.m. Cocktails and dinner will be served catered by Steve Ellenberg. Cost is $54 per person. These events are being held to honor Rabbi Mandl, who has held the pulpit as the Rabbi at K.I., longer than any other rabbi in the Kansas City area. We are honored to have shared the past 35 years with him. If you are not a member of K.I. Synagogue and would like to receive a formal invitation, please contact Rochelle Kanter at 913.681.8224 or thekanters@juno.com. More information will be forthcoming. Kehilath Israel Synagogue wants to make this time a memorable experience for the rabbi, his family and the community. The committee hopes that everyone in the community who has been touched by Rabbi Mandl and his family join our weekend of TRADITION. 6 WWW.KISYN.ORG April 2012/Nisan - Iyar 5772 KEHILATH ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE 2012-2013 TRIBUTE BOOK HONORING RABBI HERBERT MANDL FOR 35 YEARS OF SERVICE ● Circulation: 1,000 ● Tributes/Ads are Tax Deductible Deadline: Thursday, April 12, 2012 SOLICITOR_____________________________________________________________ COMPANY______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________ CITY_________________________ STATE______ ZIP CODE______________________ PHONE (DAY)______________________ PHONE (EVENING)_____________________ FAX__________________________ EMAIL___________________________________ AUTHORIZED BY: NAME______________________________ TITLE______________________________ SIGNATURE_______________________________ DATE________________________ PLEASE CIRCLE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: FULL BACK OUTSIDE COVER Call the K.I. office 913.642.1880 1/2 PAGE $ 600.00 FULL INSIDE COVER Call the K.I. office 913.642.1880 1/4 PAGE $ 250.00 PLATINUM PAGE $ 2,500.00 1/6 PAGE $ 125.00 GOLD PAGE $ 1,500.00 1/8 PAGE $ 75.00 FULL PAGE $ 1,000.00 1/10 PAGE $ 50.00 PROFESSIONAL LISTINGS (Physicians, Attorneys, Dentists, Realtors) $ 75.00 Please print and return this completed form with your ad. Return options Mail to: Tribute Book, Kehilath Israel Synagogue, 10501 Conser, Overland Park, KS 66212 Scan and Email: ashanberg@kisyn.org April 2012/Nissan - Iyar 5772 WWW.KISYN.ORG 7 SIMCHA TREE LEAF DEDICATIONS IN HONOR OF ISAK FEDERMAN ON HIS 90TH BIRTHDAY 14 MARCH 2012 BIZ HUNDERT UN TSVANTSIK YOR! OUR LOVE, MARK & ELLIE MANDELBAUM IN HONOR OF ISAK FEDERMAN’S 90TH BIRTHDAY WITH LOVE AND APPRECIATION FROM HIS WIFE, CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN AND GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN YOU ARE A BLESSING IN OUR LIVES IN HONOR OF ISAK FEDERMAN’S 90TH BIRTHDAY 3-14-2012 WITH LOVE, DEVINKI, PACK & KOLKIN FAMILIES CONGRATULATIONS TO ISAK FEDERMAN ON HIS 90TH BIRTHDAY 3-13-2012 YOUR LOVING FRIENDS HELEN BROWN, IRENE DREISESZUN CLAUDIA MANDELBAUM, MEL MALLIN HONORING ISAK FEDERMAN ON HIS 90TH BIRTHDAY MARCH 14, 2012 SAM GOULD AND LEAH GLADSTONE HONORING ISAK FEDERMAN ON HIS 90TH BIRTHDAY MIDWEST CENTER FOR HOLOCAUST EDUCATION STEPHEN CHICK, BOARD PRESIDENT JEAN ZELDIN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 91st BIRTHDAY-BEN KUTLER AND 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF ELINORE & BEN KUTLER-MARCH 2012 ELAINE KLUGMAN STEPHEN & PHYLLIS KUTLER GRAND & GREAT GRANDCHILDREN MAZAL TOV ABBOTT & MADELINE ZOLOTOR YOUR 50TH ANNIVERSARY 3-25-12 CAROL, ARNIE, GAIL PHYLLIS, RON, SHARON, BUDDY SANDY, ZELMA, CHERYL & LARRY 8 IN HONOR OF TODD STETTNER RECEIVING THE 2012 MORDECHAI AWARD AND ALL OF HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE KANSAS CITY AREA FOR YEARS ARNIE & CAROL CAVIAR If you would like to share your simcha with the congregation and to have your simcha recorded on our beautiful Tree of Life, you may call the synagogue office to request a Simcha Tree form to accompany your check of $180 per leaf. Price increased March 21, 2012. It’s a great way to honor those you love. WWW.KISYN.ORG April 2012/Nisan - Iyar 5772 TOGETHER WE REMEMBER ESSAY Joel Gutovitz and Elle Kolkin, K.I. representatives, participated in the Together We Remember program for the 2011-12 school year. Holocaust. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of the word Holocaust is 1. A sacrifice consumed by fire 2. A thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life especially through fire 3. a. The mass slaughter of European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during World War II. b. Mass slaughter of people; genocide Very simple explanation for an incredibly horrible time in history. When we first walked into the museum it was shadowy and dark, showing the dark times the Jewish people went through during the beginning of World War II. The mood was serious and still. The silent voices of the dead were screaming through the walls of the museum. As we progressed through the museum the lighting grew brighter. The stories of the past were everywhere. Stories of what Jewish life was like before the war. Stories of what happened at the start of the occupation and stories of incredible faith, hope and survival of those who lived through it all. Being past and current Hyman Brand Academy students, we have talked and learned about the tragedies of The Holocaust every year. The horrors our people went through and the amazing loss of life. But nothing we talked and learned about in school could compare to the experience of looking at the different exhibits. Seeing hundreds of children’s shoes or walking through the cattle train car and wondering if we could survive. The museum is an up close and mind-disturbing reminder of the past. And that is what it is supposed to be. It’s to make sure we don’t forget our past so we will not let this happen again in our future. That we as people are responsible to educate the world so we can try and stop anything like this from happening ever again. The Together We Remember program was a great experience. It gave us an opportunity to learn and to teach the lesson of never again. We need to stand up not only for ourselves, but also for others who are being discriminated against and treated unfairly. We would like to thank Midwest Holocaust Education Center and Mr. Sam Devinki for the incredible opportunity to go to the United States Holocaust Museum. It will be an experience we will never forget. WWW.KISYN.ORG April 2012/Nissan - Iyar 5772 9 A special thank you to Barbie Bronstein, who works diligently on this huge project every year! She has spearheaded this project for nine years now! A big Todah Rabah to our volunteers: Rochelle and Debbie Adamous; Mimi DeLuca; Brenda Fishman; Elinor and Sherrill Friedman; Susan, Sam, Jeremy and Joel Gutovitz; Nina and Vicky Kulikov; Benjamin and Mark Kuluva; Phyllis Kohn; Samuel and Jonathan Kosiborod; Marlene Lerner; Karen Schwartz; Sonny Singer; Faya Portnoy; and William, Walter, David, Mary and Betsy Waxman, who came to help assemble close to 500 Purim bags on Sunday, February 26. Without their help this would have been an impossible job! Thank you to our drivers, who without them would have made it impossible to deliver all the Mishloach Manot baskets to our congregants: Debbie Adamous, Barbie and Ron Bronstein, Dr. Don and Natalie Cohen, Hannah DeLuca, Brenda Fishman, Sharon Friedman, Linda Goldstein, Joyce and Dr. Harold Koch, Phyllis and Maury Kohn, Marlene Lerner, Ari and Marlene Lubowicz, Shelley Rissien, Jacob and Marilyn Schulzinger, Steve Schwartz, and Shari Sokol. Thank you to: Michael Abrams, Ariel Cates, Brenda Fishman, Clint Gillom, Scott Macek, Sheldon Snitz, and Dr. Michael Sokol who helped out during at the Carnival. From Sharon Friedman: I would like to thank Dori and Greg Quinn, Hedy Shron, Marlene Krakow, Susan Osman, Marvin Orlovick, Scott Macek, Felicia Weiner, Doris Chopp, Leslee and Laura Friedman, Debby Schlozman, Natalie Cohen, Sheldon Snitz, Batsheva Glatt, Lara and Ellen Portnoy, Maury and Phyllis Kohn, Debbie Goodbinder, Cathy and Sarah Caplan, and Shelley and Molly Rissien for helping make approximately 3,000 hamantaschen this year. Your help was GREATLY appreciated. Please accept my apologies if I have missed anyone’s names. 10 WWW.KISYN.ORG April 2012/Nisan - Iyar 5772 Sheldon Snitz Mickey & Dr. Sol Batnitzky Ariel Brudoley & Ro Jacobson Avi Jacobs & Josh Kolkin April 2012/Nissan - Iyar 5772 Brenda Fishman, Kyle Gold Rebecca & Samuel Katz, Shelley Rissien Debbie Adamous WWW.KISYN.ORG Khatskel Shvartsblat with granddaughter, Biana Krupnik, and great-granddaughter 11 Mitzvah Day - Sunday, May 6 9:30 am - Noon and 1:00 - 3:30 pm On this year’s Mizvah Day, together we will beautify and clean our own home... Our Synagogue. Inside and outside the building. Co-Chairs Rachel Macek 913.491.5427 or macek.rachel@gmail.com Cristina Gillom 913.963.7719 or naftali68@yahoo.com Mitzvah Day Volunteer Form Please return this volunteer form to K.I. Synagogue, Attn: Mitzvah Day, 10501 Conser, OP, KS 66212. Name(s): _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________________ Please indicate where and when you would like to work. Morning 9:45 am - Noon Afternoon 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm ________ Kitchen ________ Kitchen ________ Outside building ________ Outside building ________ Inside building (not kitchen) ________ Inside building (not kitchen) WAIVER TO BE SIGNED BY ALL VOLUNTEERS Parents/guardians must sign for children under the age of 18 I understand that I am volunteering on Mitzvah projects organized by the Kehilath Israel Synagogue Mitzvah Committee. I understand that I am responsible for my behavior and will only perform volunteer work that I feel comfortable doing. I hereby release and agree to hold Kehilath Israel Synagogue harmless from any and all damages (including illness and disease), injuries, claims and causes of action which may accrue to be asserted by me or any minor child of mine arising (directly or indirectly) out of my or any children’s participation in Mitzvah Day. Print name: _______________________________ Signature of Waiver: ____________________________ Print name: _______________________________ Signature of Waiver: ____________________________ Print name: _______________________________ Signature of Waiver: ____________________________ 12 WWW.KISYN.ORG April 2012/Nisan - Iyar 5772 April 2012/Nissan - Iyar 5772 WWW.KISYN.ORG 9 NISAN-APRIL 1 JOSEPH HERSCHMAN BEILA SCHULTZ GEORGE STUDNA KISEL WAJCMAN PEARL WASSERMAN MOLLIE WEISS DAVID ZENITSKY 10 NISAN-APRIL 2 MENDEL BORMASTER SAMUEL DAITCH DENA DAVIS FAY R. HOROWITZ LESLIE JACOBSON BETTY MALLIN DOROTHY SCHIFMAN FREDA WISMAN 11 NISAN-APRIL 3 MAX FLAPAN SARA KATZ SONIA KATZ OSCAR A. LEVINE FANNIE NASH MIRIAM YURA PLOTSKY CHANA SHAPIRO RAY SPINDLER DORA VISCOFSKY 12 NISAN-APRIL 4 JACK JACOBS ANNE A. PRICE JACOB YEDDIS 13 NISAN-APRIL 5 RUTH ABRAMSON MORDECAI GERSHON ROSE HANKIN THERESA LIVINGSTON HELEN MENDELSOHN ALLEN SAMET FREIDA SPITCAUFSKY GERTRUDE WEINER 14 NISAN-APRIL 6 JOSEPH S. ABEND BORIS BARSKY IDA ERNEST ANNA GOTTLIEB CELIA ROSE HAMMER GITTEL S. JABEN ANNETTE LEBRECHT HENRY NELKIN LOUIS P. RAVIS S. J. SHAPIRO WILLIAM WALDNER 15 NISAN-APRIL 7 FRED MARTIN DUBOWY JACK EILER JERRY KATZ CHARLES RUBINS 16 NISAN-APRIL 8 MORRIS ADELMAN HARRY ESTRIN 14 ESRIG-GOULD MEMORIAL ALCOVE With Reverence We Record the Following Yahrzeits MEMORIAL TABLETS FANNIE GILBERT CLARA LEVINE HILLEL LITMAN CECELIA ROBINSON JEFFREY RUBIN 17 NISAN-APRIL 9 JOSEPH HARTMAN MARCUS KAPLAN PEARL KRAITCHMAN ISRAEL PLOTSKY NATHAN PRICE BETTY ROSEN CHAYA SCHUMAN ABE ZITRON 18 NISAN-APRIL 10 MELVIN BROWN REBECCA LISSER JACOB ROSENFELD ABRAHAM SWEET RIVKA LEAH YOFFEE 24 NISAN-APRIL 16 SHLOME BECKMAN SOL CAPLAN SHAMARYAHU FRIEDMAN LILLIAN KESSLER KALMON LEVINE PHILIP G. LITMAN 3 IYAR-APRIL 25 DAVID “MICKEY” KOGAN HARRY SHERR WOLF SINGMAN ANN SNITZ ZELDA STOFFSKY MATLA SUKIENNIK 25 NISAN-APRIL 17 MAX L. AARON SAM BROWN FRANK DUNN ISRAEL DWORETSKY ARON SCHIFMAN MORDECAI WEINER 4 IYAR-APRIL 26 WILLIAM BIRENBOIM MANUEL EAGLSTUN SADIE ENTINE REBECCA GOLDSTEIN ALEX KRAFT BERTHA KRIGEL CHAYA LEVINE ZLATA RUCHEL SHANE EISIG WOLOWSKI 26 NISAN-APRIL 18 NATHAN BOTWINIK NATHAN GOLDSTEIN ELSIE HOUSE KRAFT BERTHA SHOLTZ 19 NISAN-APRIL 11 MILTON BAKER BENJAMIN JOSEPH LEONA KOCH ANN R. NELKIN HAROLD PENER WILLIAM POWELL BEATRICE TURKIN SOLOMON TURNER CELIA ZARISKY 20 NISAN-APRIL 12 HENRY CUMONOW ESTHER HIMMELSTEIN HARRY KULUVA LOUIS LIPKIN MIERL MAIZLISH BEN POLANSKY MEYER SCHIFMAN DANIEL SINGER ABBA MOSHE SWARTZ 21 NISAN-APRIL 13 SAMUEL GOLDSTEIN JACOB D. KAPLAN 22 NISAN-APRIL 14 DAVID LEIZER BRAUN IDA CAVIAR JACOB DROSKIN MORRIS HANKIN LOUIS KAPLAN WILLIAM RUBIN 27 NISAN- APRIL 19 CHAYA BRAILOVE ZEVI ARYEH BROOKS NATHAN CLAYMAN NATHAN KELLER THEODORE LANSKY IDA LEVINSON BARNEY PHILLIPS DAVID NEIL ROSEN KLARA SHVARTSBLAT JACOB STRAF FREDA TEST SAMUEL WENECK 28 NISAN-APRIL 20 HERMAN BULAVSKY SOL S. DALEN SELMA DEISENFIELD PHIL KESSLER BRADLEY A. SCHIFMAN ASHLEY ZACK 29 NISAN-APRIL 21 JACOB ABRAMSON ZANEWELL BEISER BERTHA GELHAAR IDA LEWKOWITZ JOSEPH MALLIN MORRIS POLSKY DAVID RUTTNER SOLOMAN SHERR 5 IYAR-APRIL 27 BEN BITNER WILLIAM RUDNICK MICHAEL SCHUB MARY WACHTEL 6 IYAR-APRIL 28 MAX BROWN HARRY BURSTEN LOUISE DOLGENOW MEYER GINSBERG BETTY R. GLADSTONE HARRY RUBEN GRETA SCHICK JOSEPH SCHWARTZ 7 IYAR-APRIL 29 BENJAMIN ARONSON FANNIE CAPLAN TODROS GREENBERG MAYER INDYK J0SEPH LEVINE 8 IYAR-APRIL 30 MIERL GALITZKY EDYTHE G. KAUFMAN SAM KLEVATT HERMAN LERNER MORRIS MILDER 30 NISAN-APRIL 22 HARRY M. EISBERG LOUIS WASSERMAN 23 NISAN-APRIL 15 MARY CHEPLOVE SOL GALLAS SIMON WOLF HURWITZ ABRAHAM KATZ DOBRISH MOLDAVER MAX RAINEN 1 IYAR-APRIL 23 MOLLY GILGUS YECHIEL REIF 2 IYAR-APRIL 24 IDA CAPITO ANNIE FLEITMAN WOLF OSADCHY SARAH RABINOWITZ ZISKA SLOTKIN WWW.KISYN.ORG April 2012/Nisan - Iyar 5772 We gratefully acknowledge the following Contributions...... K.I. BREAKFAST CLUB FUND MEMORY HERBERT MOONEY Edith Shaw YAHRZEIT LOUIS MALLIN Adrianne Greenberg JACOB SHAW Edith Shaw K.I. BUS FUND ANNIVERSARY MADELINE & ABBOTT ZOLOTOR MARRIAGE LAURA & JUSTIN BELOZER Shirley Frischer BIRTHDAY ISAK FEDERMAN Norbert & Lilian Lipschuetz K.I. GENERAL FUND HONOR THE PEOPLE OF KI SYNAGOGUE Mary Gillom PURIM BASKETS Linda Zack MARRIAGE LAURA & JUSTIN BELOZER Susan & Steve Osman UPCOMING BIRTH CRAIG & CANDICE SUPER David & Fran Kanter ANNIVERSARY ELINORE & BEN KUTLER Mickey & Dr. Sol Batnitzky Doris Rubin HARRIETT & STANLEY KATZ Doris Rubin BIRTHDAY EDWARD KANTER Loretta Levine ISAK FEDERMAN Mickey & Dr. Sol Batnitzky Ben & Elinore Kutler Robert & Nancy Cohen Steve & Susan Osman Elinor & Sherrill Friedman MEMORY BEVERLY FISHMAN Irene Goodman Milton Mann Lorraine Roth Jenny, Nancy, Sara, Darius, Sadie & Vivian Federlein Susan & Lewis Nerman MARIA DEVINKI Pete Stepp Mike Bukaty PHYLLIS KLEIN Suzy & Robert Katz ROSE LEVINE Alison & Norman Heisler SOPHIE MANN Milton Mann SARAH GORTENBURG Michael Gortenburg RECOVERY DONNA MALCY Robert & Madeline Schifman YAHRZEIT SAM MARKOWITZ Joel Markowitz ABE FISHMAN Cece Fishman Hill April 2012/Nissan - Iyar 5772 HERMAN & DOROTHY SCHIFMAN HUNGER FUND YAHRZEIT ROSE SCHIFMAN SCHAFFER Dr. & Mrs. Irwin Ornish ANN GERTLER Sylvia Braun IOSIF BUDNITSKIY Simon Budnitskiy DORA KAHN Susan & Steve Osman BETTY SOLOMON Mel Mallin KATE DALLEN Jack & Esther Fettman MORRIS TURKIN Elliott & Linda Goldstein Marshall W. Turkin ABRAHAM GUTOVITZ Toby Levine Sam Gutowitz LOVED ONES Khona Rozenfeld ADOLPH KOCH Joyce & Harold Koch HYMAN GLASSMAN Dr. Myra Litman SAM MYERS ROSE ROVEN ABE ROVEN Lois Myers HERSH GORIN Martin Gorin SHIRLEE SIEGEL Sylvia Beiser YEFIM KARLAN Roza Karlan SANDRA GOLDSTEIN Elliott & Linda Goldstein FANYA KRUGLYAK GENYA BILLIT Flora Kruglyak MARK ADELMAN JOE ADELMAN Jackie Friedman Bruce Adelman DORA SANDLER Jeanette Studna ROSE MORGAN Morgan Family Foundation K.I. SCHOLARSHIP FUND MEMORY BEN KUSNETZKY Harriett Shapiro YAHRZEIT PAULINE SHAW Nancy Shaw Pierce ANN WEINBERG Judy Mandelbaum MOLLIE DWORETSKY Irwin & Carol Cohen A L E X & S A D I E WA C K N O V SCHOLARSHIP FUND MEMORY BEVERLY FISHMAN Paul Wacknov Donna & Sam Zavelo YAHRZEIT SADIE & ALEX WACKNOV Donna & Sam Zalevo David Wacknov Paul Wacknov ELIZABETH FRANK Muriel Soloff ELMER PRICE Betty W. Price BARABAN-COSNER FUND MEMORY BEVERLY FISHMAN YAHRZEIT ALAN COSNER Sibby & Mel Cosner SARAH BROWN MEMORIAL YAHRZEIT MARTIN GENE BROWN Ronna Brown CHAI KIDDUSH FUND OUR ANNIVERSARY ELINORE & BEN KUTLER HARRIETT & STANLEY KATZ K.I. KIDDUSH CLUB FUND YAHRZEIT BASIA GORIN Sonia Singer ROSE HOUSE ISIDOR HOUSE MARY GOODBINDER Barbara & Phillip Goodbinder K.I. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND YAHRZEIT HENRIETTA JACOBSON Cindy Tavernaro DAVID LITWACK Myer Litwack DAVID & ESTHER ZIMMERMAN Joseph & Debbie Adamous BASIA GORIN Martin Gorin ELIZBETH FRANK Shirley Beiser FRED & MARIA DEVINKI FLORAL FUND MEMORY MARIA DEVINKI Zsuzsi & Gabor Adler YAHRZEIT JENO ADLER Zsuzsi & Gabor Adler ESTER JEVINSKY Max Jevinksy & Mania Waterhouse FRANK MORGAN FOUNDATION YAHRZEIT MAX MOLOTSKY Ed Molotsky SEYMOUR KRINSKY VIDEO LIBRARY FUND HONOR NEW GRANDDAUGHTER OF MARSHA & SEYMOUR KRINSKY Idie & Herb Parmet BIRTHDAY ISAK FEDERMAN ANNIVERSARY ELINORE & BEN KUTLER MADELINE & ABBOTT ZOLOTOR WWW.KISYN.ORG MEMORY LOTTE KOESTEN SHIRLEY ZEINFELD RECOVERY BENNE NEIL KUSNETZKY DAN SIGHT FRANK LOEFFLER Seymour & Marsha Krinsky YAHRZEIT HARRY SAGER Steve Sager MELVIN & EVELYN SPITCAUFSKY LIBRARY FUND YAHRZEIT AMALIE KORNFEIN Mr & Mrs. William Kornfein JEAN & MORRIS ODESNIK RITUAL & RELIGIOUS ITEMS BIRTHDAY ISAK FEDERMAN MORRIS HOROWITZ MEMORY ROSE LEVINE Isabelle Gallas LIBBIE & JACK SHER BOOK YAHRZEIT RAYMOND KOHN Sidney & Martha Cohn LIBBIE SHER Carole & Peyton Sher Celia & Syl Sher SHIVA-CHESED FUND MEMORY MARIA DEVINKI LEONARD OSMAN SANDRA EISENMAN Craig & Cathy Caplan YAHRZEIT HERSH GORIN Sonia Singer HARRY SHIMBERG Miriam Rakley ALBERT WEINER Seymour & Felicia Weiner BETTY LOU MASLAN Teri Becker CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY YAHRZEIT ALEC LEVITT Tobie Horowitz ROSE SHRON Vivyan Shron Marano RABBI MANDL’S DISCRETIONARY APPRECIATION RABBI HERBERT MANDL Menashe & Bracha Efron YAHRZEIT ESTHER COSNER BERG BEN COSNER Jerry & Barbara Cosner NATHAN TEMPOSKY Jerry Temple MAX MOLOTSKY Barbara Molotsky ERNA HUEBNER Margarete Jacoby MYER GILGUS Cinde Gilgus 15 Contributions continued... ESTHER CARROLL Nicholas Kelne DAVID GINSBERG Robert L. Ginsberg DORIS BUSH Leslee Gottlieb THE SHERMAN & IRENE DREISESZUN COURT FUND BIRTHDAY MORRIE HOROWITZ MEMORY PHILLIP DREISESZUN Irene Dreiseszun YAHRZEIT JACOB RUDNICK Lorraine Roth JEROME FRIEDMAN Irene Dreiseszun BENNETT ALPORT Gustava Alport ALLAN GREENBERG YOUTH LOUNGE FUND YAHRZEIT JUDITH COOPER Mark & Sharon Cooper K.I. BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY MEMORY ANNA COHN LEONARD COHN Leah Cohn JOSEPH J. KRUG Stuart Krug YAHRZEIT HARRY SAGER Carol Levitt MILTON FRIEDMAN Marsha Jacobs GUS SNITZ NATHAN MAISSELL Sheldon & Eunice Snitz SOPHIE PRESS David Fred Press ABE FISHMAN Morris & Joyce Fishman MARTIN SPITCAUFSKY Marian Shear MORRIS TURKIN Rhetta Goldstein JOSEPH BERNSTEIN Phyllis Kohn BEN DELEVE Gene DeLeve ESTHER ORLOVICK Mary Skaler JACOB LANSKY Marsha Jacobs BESSIE BLOCK Harriet Siess JACK EISEN Judy Weinstein ISAK ROZENFELD Khona Rozenfeld SAM BERNSEIN Ida Bernstein BESSIE BLOCK Adele Price Mushkin HARRY KAPLAN Marian, Jonathan & Joshua Kaplan SAMUEL MARKIEWICZ KOPEL MARKOWITZ KISEL WAJCMAN 16 IN MEMORIAM MICHAEL WAJCMAN Miriam Wajcman BETTY LOU MASLAN Michele Thompson NELLIE MILLSTEIN Estelle Dalen KLARA MASLINA Florina Mermey DINA DELEVE Anita Loeb JACOB WICENTOWSKY SARAH LITMAN SYLVIA GOLDSTEIN Lois & Manny Winston HARRY KATZ Stanley Katz RITA LEGA Henry Lega SAM GLADSTONE Roberta Rosmarine SAM BEISER Shirley Beiser HANNAH AGRON EISEN Judy Weinstein SAMUEL EPSTEIN Gertrude Epstein SAMUEL YOFFEE Norman Yoffee ALVIN GLADSTONE Ellen Magariel May the G-d of Mercy sustain and comfort those who have suffered the loss of dear ones. The Kehilath Israel family extends deepest sympathy to the bereaved families of: ROSE LEVINE BEATRICE EISBERG HARRIET FEDER (Daughter of Reva Golad) IRA RAKLEY (Husband of Miriam Rakley) ESTHER GALLAS (Wife of Bill Gallas) MONUMENT UNVEILING LOUIS & DORA FOX KIDDUSH YAHRZEIT FRANCIS V. QUINN Greg Quinn LOUIS FOX HELEN GUCKENHEIMER Irene Goodman Sunday, April 15 In Memory of Janice Block 10:30 a.m. Sheffield Cemetery ESRIG – GOULD FUND YAHRZEIT JOE ESRIG GUSSIE ESRIG Ruth Esrig Brinn Sunday, April 29 In Memory of Allen Samet 10:30 a.m. K.I. Blue Ridge Cemetery MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY CHANGES Barry Dicker & Amy Goldstein..... 6325 W. 101st Terrace Overland Park, KS 66212 Aliza Horak..... 10215 Hardy Overland Park, KS 66212 Herman & Dorothy Mondschein..... 5901 W. 107th Street - #126 Overland Park, KS 66207 Jeanette Studna..... 7300 W. 107th Street - #302 Overland Park, KS 66212 WWW.KISYN.ORG April 2012/Nisan - Iyar 5772 COMMUNITY CORNER POWERING OUR FUTURE: A COMMUNITY DIALOGUE Tuesday, April 17, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, at the Todd Bolender Center for Dance & Creativity Bring your passion for making our community a better place for all generations! Let’s embrace our generational differences and bridge the gap; we’ll use our unique differences as an opportunity to communicate and collaborate to create a more secure, powerful future for Jewish life in Kansas City. Join the Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City and Emerging Jewish Leaders 2.0 to discuss our future. For more information, or to register, go to jewishkansascity.org, or contact Vicky Kulikov at 913.327.8112 or vickyk@jewishkc.org. 2012 YOM HASHOAH/HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL SERVICE, APRIL 22, 2012 The community is invited to attend the 2012/5772 Yom HaShoah/Holocaust Memorial Service on Sunday, April 22, 1:30 pm at the JCC. Rita Murra Sudhalter, daughter of survivors Nathan Murra and Rise Zysman Murra (both of blessed memory), is serving as Chair. The HBHA and Beth Torah choirs will participate, as will Boy Scout Troop 61 and the Jewish War Veterans. This year’s program will feature short readings from CollectiveVOICES, the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education’s writing workshop for children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. The moving candle lighting ceremony will include Holocaust survivors, children of survivors, grandchildren of survivors, Jewish War Veterans, youth program participants, and a representative of the Jewish community. Six candles will be lit in memory of the six million Jews who perished. The service also honors those who survived the Nazi genocide. Coordinated by the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education, JCRB, American Jewish Committee, and JCC. Local Jewish organizations are co-sponsors. The entire community is invited to attend at no charge. HANDS-ON CHESED: TAKE A STAND AGAINST HUNGER Monday, April 23, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, at the Yachad Kosher Food Pantry Hunger is pervasive in our community. Take action to help feed our neighbors while learning about hunger in our own backyards. We will help Harvesters with a spring food drive project and explore the needs of the Kosher food pantry. Cost: Bring kosher food items equivalent to what YOUR family would eat in one day. For more information, or to RSVP, go to jewishkansascity.org, or contact Beverly Jacobson at beverlyja@jewishkc.org or 913.327.8108. YOM HAZIKARON COMMUNITY MEMORIAL SERVICE Tuesday, April 24, 7:00 pm, Lewis & Shirley White Theatre at the Jewish Community Campus This year’s Yom HaZikaron will honor to fallen IDF soldiers in this beautiful, community-wide service, featuring IDF Officer Oren Zini from Ft. Leavenworth. A special showing of Bufor will take place at 5:00 pm at the Jewish Community Campus for those who are interested. This free event is open to the public. For more information, go to jewishkansascity.org. Sponsored by the Israeli Committee of the Jewish Federation. YOM HAATZMAUT Thursday, April 26, 5:30 pm, Congregation Beth Shalom, 14200 Lamar Celebrate Israel Independence Day with great Israeli food and entertainment, and fun activities for the kids! The event is free, and food is available for a nominal fee. For more information, go to jewishkansascity.org. This community-wide celebration is brought to you by the Jewish Federation, and is co-sponsored by area synagogues and Jewish agencies. JEWISH WORLD OF WORLD WAR I Sunday, April 29, 9:15 am – noon, at the Liberty Memorial World War I Museum Experience the National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial through the eyes of a Kansas City Jewish war veteran, and hear about the impact of WWI on Jews throughout the world. A guided tour of the WWI Museum will follow. Cost: $15 per adult; $12 per student or senior adult, or free for Yad B’Yad Enrichment Series Subscribers. For more information, or to RSVP, go to jewishkansascity.org, or contact Beverly Jacobson at beverlyja@ jewishkc.org or 913.327.8108. JEWISH FEDERATION BUSINESS & PROFESSIONALS: AN EVENING WITH MAYOR SLY JAMES Monday, April 30, 6:00 – 8:30 pm, at Osteria Il Centro @ Eggtc. Event Space, 5107 Main, KCMO 64112 Meet Mayor Sly James and connect with other young professionals. Mayor James will discuss Kansas City’s 2012 strategic plan and beyond. This is a great opportunity for Jewish professionals, ages 21 – 45, to find out the future of Kansas City. Cost includes food, 2 drinks and the program: $15 in advance by April 26; $20 after 4/26. For more information, or to RSVP, go to jewishkansascity.org, or find Jewish Federation’s Business & Professionals group on Facebook. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu PASSOVER FOOD DRIVE Jewish Family Services has started collecting donations as part of its Passover Holiday Food Project. The food items will be given to Jewish individuals and families who are in need. If you know of someone how is experiencing economic difficulty and could use some help, please call Anna Feldman at JFS at 913.327.8250 or email her at afeldman@jfskc.org. All information will be kept confidential. Items may be dropped off at JFS’ office in the Jewish Community Campus in a designated barrel outside of the suite. Items needed should be marked “kosher for Passover” and include: walnuts, gefilte fish, matzo, sweets, jelly candies, macaroons, cake or brownie mix and Shabbat candles. Monetary contributions are also needed to help purchase main course items for recipients. Volunteers are needed to help assemble the food packages and deliver them prior to the start of first Passover Seder on Friday night, April 6. LINK: http://www.jfskc.org/volunteer/holiday-projects/ MORE TOOLS FOR JEWISH UNEMPLOYED April 23 Job Club: “LinkedIn: How to create or improve your LinkedIn profile,” Presenter: Joyce Hill For more information about the program, email JES Director Gayl Reinsch at greinsch@jfskc.org or call 913.327.8278. Job counseling and coaching is also available through JES. LINK: http://www.jfskc.org/services/jewish-employment-services/ LEND A HAND AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Volunteers- Jewish Family Services wants you! If you can give your time, contact Adrienne Kizer, JFS director of volunteers and special projects, at (913) 327-8257 or email her at akizer@jfskc.org. LINK: http://www.jfskc.org/volunteer/ SHOP FOR KOSHER FOOD AND HELP JFS KC Kosher Co-op is lending a hand to Jewish Family Services. The co-op has set up a function on its website that allows people to make a donation of $18 or $36 to JFS when they make a purchase and go through the check-out. The donated amount is matched by KC Kosher Co-op. JFS purchases items from KC Kosher Co-op for its holiday food projects. Please visit the site at www.kckoshercoop.com. IN-HOME COUNSELING NOW AVAILABLE Don’t let your financial situation stop you from getting the help you need; this service is offered on a sliding financial scale to any older adult. Call JFS at 816.333.1172 or email counseling@jfskc.org to get started. LINK: http://www.jfskc.org/services/mental-health-services/ April 2012/Nissan - Iyar 5772 WWW.KISYN.ORG 17 ORDER FLOWERS FOR SPRING PLANTING AT BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY Kovod Hamet Respect for the Deceased Memorial Day services will be held in the chapel at Blue Ridge Cemetery, 1901 Blue Ridge Boulevard, on Sunday, May 20 at 11:00 a.m. It is a custom in Judaism to show our respect for our ancestors, our family and our friends who are no longer with us. Whether it’s the National Memorial Day, a day of Yahrzeit, or a day when we recite the Yizkor prayer, any day we go to the cemetery and visit the graves of our mishpacha, we perform the mitzvah of Kovod Hamet. The Kehilath Israel Cemetery Committee is again offering the Flower Planting Program for those who have family and friends interred at our K. I. Blue Ridge Cemetery. For the nominal price of $36.00 per urn, a beautiful arrangement of colorful living plants, prepared by a commercial landscape artist, will be placed at the grave of your loved ones. If this is the first year to participate in the program, it will be necessary to order a concrete urn from the cemetery, at a one time charge of $65.00. This urn will be used every year for no additional charge other than the flowers. All orders must be paid in advance and received at the synagogue office no later than April 30. This gives us the time needed so that the plants will be in full bloom by Memorial Day this year. Give your loved ones who are interred in our cemetery the kovod of remembering them, whether it’s with flowers or a visit to their graves. The cemetery committee is making every effort to maintain the grounds to be clean and beautiful, and extra care is being given to keep the plants watered, trimmed and green during the summer months. Cemetery lots are available for sale to any Jewish person. Anyone interested in reserving individual lots or family sections should call the synagogue office at 913.642.1880 ext 202, for assistance. K.I. Blue Ridge Cemetery is open every day, with exception of Shabbat and Jewish holidays. The supervisor, Rod Sipe, can assist you in finding the location of a grave site. Normal visiting hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If it is necessary that you visit the cemetery at another time, please call Mr. Sipe at 816.461.3330 and make special arrangements. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu “ASK THE RABBI” QUESTION: Just how early can we inaugurate the Shabbat on Friday evenings in the summer months? ANSWER: Generally speaking, Shabbat can be inaugurated approximately an hour and a half to an hour and three quarters before the normal Shabbat. There is a term in Jewish law known as P’lag HaMincha, which refers to a time division at the very end of the day, which under extenuating circumstances, can be considered part of the early evening. Prior to the P’lag HaMincha time, except under very extenuating circumstances, it is considered too early to inaugurate the Shabbat. It is true that if one visits Israel, one finds certain Oriental Jews, particularly at the Western Wall, inaugurating the Shabbat even mid-afternoon on Friday, but that is not an Ashkenazic or Western European or American Jewish custom, and it would be wise to follow the American hour guideline during the deep summer months. In other words, it would be inappropriate to inaugurate the Shabbat as early as 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. on Friday. One cannot simply say that once it is afternoon on Friday, one can inaugurate the Shabbat. Obviously, this whole question deals with the adding on or optional lengthening of the Shabbat for convenience, such as an early Kiddush and Shabbat dinner for one’s family, since many people find it difficult to have a Shabbat meal as late as 8:30 or 9:00 p.m. in the summer months. One cannot shorten the ending of the Shabbat in deep summer months, which is controlled by when it does become completely dark. In the summer months in our community this is close to 9:30 p.m. 18 WWW.KISYN.ORG April 2012/Nisan - Iyar 5772 The Focal Point of Kehilath Israel Synagogue 10501 Conser Overland Park, KS 66212 913.642.1880 FAX 913.642.7332 www.kisyn.org Periodical Postage Paid at Shawnee Mission, KS WEEKLY SERVICES ROSE MORGAN CHAPEL Sunday Shacharit 9:00 A.M. Monday-Friday Shacharit 7:00 A.M. Sunday-Thursday Mincha and Maariv 6:45 P.M. *See article on P’lag Mincha, “Ask the Rabbi,” see below See Passover schedule for specific times ROSH CHODESH IYAR Sunday, April 22 Monday, April 23 KESHER KI Religious School helping with Mishloach Manot baskets. Back left to right: Mary Waxman, Walter Waxman, Sam Kosiborod, Nina Kulikov. Front left to right: David Waxman, Jonathan Kosiborod, William Waxman, and Rochelle Adamous.
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26 Cynthia & Phillip Kusnetzky (50)
28 Sandra & Marvin...
March 2012 - Kehilath Israel Synagogue
Kehilath Israel Synagogue, 10501 Conser St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66212-2643. Periodical
postage paid at Shawnee Mission , KS.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Focal Point, c/o Kehilath Israe...