December 2004 - Kekekabic Trail Club
December 2004 - Kekekabic Trail Club
THE HUNGRY BEAVER Volume 15, Issue 9 The Journal of the Kekekabic Trail Club Annual Holiday Party Tuesday, December 7th — 7 PM The annual business meeting/holiday celebration will be held in the Expedition Room of Midwest Mountaineering. The agenda includes: • Voting on board members • Brief annual meeting • Discuss need for volunteers and future options for the club • Slides from spring trips • Refreshments Midwest Mountaineering Discount: One Night Only! The night of the holiday party, Tuesday, December 7th, all KTC members will receive a 15% off coupon for any in-stock, regularly priced items purchased that night (excluding boats). Come early and shop before the party, or after. The store is open til 9 PM. If you have slides you’d like to share, a video projector and 35mm projector will be available. If possible, please bring photos on CD. Of course snap shots are also welcome! Future of the Kekekabic Trail Club To: From: Date: Re: Members of the Kekekabic Trail Club Kekekabic Trail Club Board of Directors November 23, 2004 Future of the Kekekabic Trail Club and the need for volunteers This letter is being written to address the future of the Kekekabic Trail Club. We have come to a crossroads. While the club has had a dedicated group of workers to clear trails in May, the lack of people willing to get involved in the club from June to April has become a critical concern. There is a core group of members who have willingly given numerous hours of their time every year to deal with the day to day operations of the club. This group has been doing this for years. This has become one of the main problems. They are becoming burnt out. In order to coordinate the fifteen or so trips each May, work starts by late November or early December. This involves setting up the trail segments for clearing, publishing the clearing schedule, recruiting trip leaders Hungry Beaver • December 2004 and clearing volunteers, sending out trip information and securing lodging/tools for each trip. For the last few years, this work has fallen on the shoulders of a few people who have not been willing to let the club fall apart. The people currently doing the work for the KTC have made the club one of their commitments for years. However, it is unfair to assume or expect that they will always be able to give the same level of time to the running of the club. The bottom line is that more members need to become involved in the operation of the club. Without more volunteers we will need to consider reducing club activities. All members are invited to attend the KTC Annual meeting on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 at 7 PM to discuss future options for the club and the need for volunteers. If you are unable to attend, but are willing to take on a small or large volunteer responsibility, please contact Liisa Beckman via phone at 612.729.7675, or e-mail at Page 1 CONTACT INFORMATION Terry Bernhardt, President ............................. 651-226-6546 (cell) Lynn Glesne, Vice President ............................ 612-722-6815 (home) Derrick Passe, Trails .................................. 763-286-0570 (cell) ..................................................................... 715-386-8348 (home) Bill Burt, Publications ....................................... 507-280-9877 (home) Jim Luadtke, Treasurer ..................................... 651-489-4418 (home) Mark Stange, Secretary ....................... 651-483-5373 (home) Connie Van Valkenburg, Grants ............................. 651-645-5463 (home) Lisa Pazdernik ........................ 218-365-8496 (home) ......................................................................... 218-340-9686 (cell) Minutes from the Monthly Kek Board Meeting (11/9/04) Attended: Derrick Passe, Mark Stange, Terry Serres, Connie Van Valkenburg, Sharon Johnson, Liisa Beckman, and Tom Harris. Three board members are needed for next year. Volunteers are being sought. Planning for the spring trips has begun. Timing of saw training was discussed, more research will be done to determine timing and location. Dates will be finalized so advertising can be submitted to various publications. The USFS will be doing a GPS survey of the Kek trails, and new camp sites will be added. They are looking for our input on location of the new sites. Members with ideas are asked to contact a board member with locations and justification for the location. The KTC Trail Guide is out of date and needs to be updated. Various options on how to do that were discussed. Funding is being sought to print it. Fred Base .................................................... 715-839-6579 (home) Terry Serres ................................. 952-826-3338 (work) ..................................................................... 612-414-4116 (home) Liisa Beckman, Coordinator/Consultant ........................ 612-729-7675 (home) Tom Harris was present, representing the Border Route Trail Association (BRTA). The BRTA recently incorporated under 501(3)C, chiefly so that Rovers members who make contributions can write them off, and it better delineates the different function of the trail committee within the otherwise recreation-oriented Rovers. We agreed to continue working closely with the BRTA/Rovers under the already existing MWTA umbrella. Fund raising update: Connie Van Valkenburg is working on various grants, and has recently submitted one to the American Hiking Society. Bill Burt can no longer produce the newsletter. For the time being, the newsletter will be produced by Liisa Beckman. Page 2 Hungry Beaver • December 2004 My Favorite Piece of Gear ... BITS AND PIECES KTC Membership Drive Did you go on a spring clearing trip? Not yet a member, but been considering joining the KTC? The first ten new members can join for half price! Only $10 for an individual! Just fill out the membership form (at the bottom of the page) and mail to the return address indicated, to receive your year-long membership. Johannesburg Hiking Club The Johannesburg Hiking Club, in Gauteng South Africa, is a non-profit organization whose goal is “to meet like minded outdoor and conservation orientated people who wear heavy boots and smell like the mountain air.” See their website at: Or check out Links page for the link. Spring Clearing Trip Photos Online To see photos from the May 28-May 31st clearing trip of the Kek West Trail crew, see: http:// Membership Update by Sue Roring My favorite piece of gear that has been on 40 some trips over the past dozen years is my camouflaged Army blanket (poncho liner) made from thinsulate. I confiscated it from our son when he came home from the Army. It weighs less than 2 pounds and compacts down to a 4x4 package or its used to cushion breakables in my pack. I made a hole in the middle so you can wear it like a poncho or throw it over your sleeping bag for added warmth. If anyone is cold in our crew, its the fastest way to warm them up, its warm even when its wet. Its been transformed over the years from its usual use as a blanket. A photography blind to catch a shot at an Eagle, a wind break, a privacy curtain around a latrine or shower and a warm up towel after a cold swim. Its sold in many of the outdoor catalogs for less than $25, and would be a real asset on any trip. It washes well and dries quickly. This is one girl who never leaves home without her blankey. As of the end of November, the KTC has 113 current members, 23 whose membership has lapsed. Cash Donations Welcome End of the year cash donations to the KTC are welcomed to support KTC activities. Donations are tax deductible. Send a check to the address listed below. KTC MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM Name _________________________________________ Home Phone _________________________________ Address _______________________________________ Work Phone __________________________________ City ________________________ State ________ Zip _________ E-mail _____________________________ Yes, sign me up at the following Annual Membership Level (all levels include a one-year subscription to the Hungry Beaver): ______ $20 Individual ______ $35 Family ______ $50 Sustaining (Includes your choice of a 3-map set of the Kekekabic Trail OR a KTC-T-shirt—indicate size below) ______ $100 or more Trail Guardian (Includes BOTH a 3-map set of the Kekekabic Trail AND a KTC-T-shirt—indicate size below) ______ Special Gift ______ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED Return this form with your check made payable to: Kekekabic Trail Club 309 Cedar Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55454 Hungry Beaver • December 2004 Page 3 Kekekabic Trail Adventure by Constance M. Van Valkenburg Years ago, in 1972, I hiked the Kekekabic Trail with three other people, and another group, who we planned to meet half way, exchange our car keys, and go on. It was early May, the days warm, but the nights cold. There were still snow banks in shaded places, the snow crumbling, gradually melting to add to the marshy areas and swift brooks. We were in training to be leaders for a summer of taking exceptionally intelligent young people out into the wilderness, and teaching them how to cope with the problems of planning, hiking, backpacking and canoeing in the Boundary Waters. I had not previously known that there was even a trail through the Boundary Water area. The trip was set up so one car drove to the Kekekabic starting point on Fernberg Trail, and the other drove to the entrance off the Gunflint Trail. I was excited as we drove up the rough Gunflint road to the small parking area to begin our trip. I had new LL Bean pacs - rubber shoes attached to leather tops - because we had been warned about boggy areas, and crossing beaver dams, and about traveling light. Mark Smith, our leader, was wearing old sneakers. We camped near the car, sleeping without a tent, just a tarp under us, and a sleeping bag. Early Saturday morning we set out, carrying our packs. I had 2 changes of socks, rain gear, warm clothes, toothbrush, kleenex, water, and my share of food in a small red pack with an external frame. As we swung down the trail the air was crisp and smelled like balsam firs. We passed an old mine, just a hole in the ground, Nichol's mine, we were told. Then passing a small lake, we found tracks coming out of the water, muddy drops flung over the nearby area, and wet bear footprints leading us down the trail. I was glad we were in a group and making sufficient noise to warn the bear that we were coming. Early spring is a hungry time. The trail got quite rough. From time to time there were trees criss-crossed over the trail, or heavy, grainy snow drifts to push through. We were kept busy going under or climbing over the trunks, threading our way between the prickly branches. Sometimes we had to climb steep rocky places, or choose our way through roots or marshes. Every footstep was an adventure. I finally had to stop and wrap my ankles with birch tree back, because my new boots had developed a wrinkle at the ankle, which was bruising me. Page 4 Mark was the only one who had hiked the trail before, and who had a map. Whenever we stopped for a rest, he consulted the ragged piece of paper and checked his compass, but he seemed to know exactly where to go, even though it was not always obvious to my eyes. There were no true bridges over the streams, where we filled our canteens, nor were there any camp sites, but there were beaver dams. Toward late afternoon we made a sharp turn to cross one of the dams, and had a messy time of it. We finally camped in the late afternoon somewhere between Strup Lake and Thomas Lake, just picking a large tree to shelter us while we huddled together in the owl haunted dusk. I tried to stay awake to see the Northern Lights, but fatigue made me miss even the howling of a wolf. After a quick breakfast of coffee, and bread with peanut butter and jam, we started off to challenge the next beaver dam, teetering across it one by one. On the way over one of our members twisted his knee. There was little we could do but tie it up and get him a makeshift cane. Then he wanted us to carry his gear. Opening his pack we found a large iron skillet, and a coffee pot. Iron frying pan? Coffee pot? No one wanted to carry those, so we left them under a handy tree. I got his heavy sneakers, and the rest was taken by the others. Going on, we helped this short, slightly plump man over the worst of the places. We were tired and irritable, but glad there were no bugs as yet. Again I had to stop and this time wrap my extra socks with the birch bark around my ankles. The leather uppers of my boots were getting unbearable. The other group had not materialized. We thought at first they were just slow, but as the day wore on and we passed near Parent Lake, it became obvious that they were not coming. When we finally limped into the parking lot, there they were, very glad to see us.. They had gotten lost, so turned around to wait for us. We pooled our food in the late evening light, then turned in for one more night under the stars before heading home, worn out, but thrilled with the hazards overcome, and the ineffable joy of being one with nature. Hungry Beaver • December 2004 KTC Items For Sale—Buy Yours Today! Item T-shirt (indicate size: Sm, Med, Lg, XL) Baseball cap Patch (indicate tan or black) Sticker Guide ORDER FORM Quantity Cost ____ $10.00 ____ $8.00 ____ $5.00 ____ $2.00 ____ $10.00 TOTAL Total ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Return this form with your check made payable to: Kekekabic Trail Club 309 Cedar Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55454 Hungry Beaver • December 2004 Page 5 MEETING SCHEDULE—2004/2005 DECEMBER Tuesday, December 7th 5:30 PM Board Meeting 7:00 PM Annual Member Holiday Party JANUARY—NOTE: No Member Meeting Tuesday, January 4th 5:30 PM Board Meeting Tuesday, January 18th 6:00 PM Volunteer Mailing Night FEBRUARY Tuesday, February 1st 5:30 PM Board Meeting 7:00 PM Member Meeting Tuesday, February 15th 6:00 PM Volunteer Mailing Night MARCH Tuesday, March 1st 5:30 PM Board Meeting 7:00 PM Member Meeting Tuesday, March 15th 6:00 PM Volunteer Mailing Night 309 Cedar Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55454 1.800.818.HIKE e-mail: ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED INSIDE THIS ISSUE Annual Meeting/Holiday Celebration 1 Future of the KTC 1 Monthly Board Minutes 2 My Favorite Piece of Gear 3 Kekekabic Trail Adventure ............................. page 4 KTC Items for Sale 5 MARK YOUR CALENDAR Board Meeting 5:30 PM, Tuesday, December 7 Annual Holiday Party 7:00 PM, Tuesday, December 7 NOTE: THERE WILL NOT BE A JANUARY MEMBER MEETING, BUT ... DON’T MISS THE FEBRUARY MEMBER MEETING! The program at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, February 1st will include Sue Mulholland, Archaeologist for the Superior National Forest. She will discuss the archaeological history of the BWCAW, with special note of the Kek trail. Location: Midwest Mountaineering.