July 2012 - Knoxville Track Club


July 2012 - Knoxville Track Club
Y 2201
the award
award winning
winning publication
publication of
of the
the knoxville
knoxville track
track club
Can you alter your
metabolism? - pg
pg 8
Anyone for a
Brettzel? - pg
pg 10
Course measurement
and GPS - pg
pg 9
Outdoor KnoxFest
Aug 24-26 - pg
pg 29
Footnotes July 2012 - 1
The 2013 Covenant Health KnoxvilleMarathon
will be Sunday, April .7 The Covenant Kids Run
will take place on Saturd
a y, April 6.
Online Registration will open thisAugust!
Footnotes July 2012 - 2
The Knoxville Track Club proudly presents
Awarded Best RRCA Large Club Newsletter 1988, 1994, 2001, 2005
Best Large Club Electronic Newsletter 2008
Southern Region 1988, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997, 2001, 2005
What’s Inside - July 2012
The Starting Line
ChrisHarper, Sr., A Word From Our New Club President ....... 5
Kristy Altman, From the Director’s Chair .......................... 6
Michael deLisle, the Inside Stuff ....................................... 7
volume 112 issue 4, is a bimonthly
publication of the Knoxville Track
Club, PO Box 52266, Knoxville TN
Feature Columns
Lee Murphy, Nutrition ..................................................... 8
Mike Wortley, KTC Event Manager .................................. 9
Mick Larrabee, For Ultimate Performance ..................... 10
Patrick Gildea, The Brief Chat ........................................ 12
Jill Bedford, Volunteer Perspective ................................. 14
Dr. Brantley Burns, Bone Doc 411 ................................. 16
Jason Altman, Marathon Update ..................................... 17
Lauren Chiles, KTC Social ............................................. 19
Michael deLisle, Treadin’ Trodden Trails ........................ 20
Bob Godwin, Biking With Bob ....................................... 22
Other Features
Lists of Officers and Board Members .............................. 4
Grand Prix Points Update .............................................. 11
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes ............................. 15
Trail Race Schedule ...................................................... 21
RunKNOX Information ................................................... 23
Outdoor KnoxFest Aug 24-26 ......................................... 29
Membership Page ......................................................... 50
Race Writeups
KTC EXPO 10k / 5k presented by 6 Cares .................... 25
Summer Solstice 8k ...................................................... 27
Pilot Fireball Classic 5k ................................................ 28
The fast and the furious blast
off in the Kids Run at the Pilot
Fireball Classic, the KTC’s
annual Fourth of July gala.
photo by Michael deLisle
entire contents © 2012 Knoxville Track Club
Entry Forms ...................................................... 32-49
Race Calendar ...................................................... 51
Knoxville Track Club
Footnotes July 2012 - 3
15 tips from the RRCA
Don't wear headsets! Use your ears
to be aware of your surroundings.
Carry a change for a phone call.
Write down or leave
word of the direction of your run.
Tell friends of your favorite running
Run with a partner.
Run in familiar areas. In
unfamiliar areas, contact a local
RRCA club or running store. Know
where telephones, open businesses
and stores are located. Alter your
route pattern.
Always stay alert. The more aware
you are, the less vulnerable you are.
Avoid unpopulated areas,
deserted streets and overgrown trails.
Especially avoid unlit areas at night.
Run clear of parked cars or bushes.
Knoxville Track Club
KTC Staff
Kristy Altman
Managing Director
Mike Wortley
Event Manager
Darren Brown
Interim Youth Athletics Director
888-217-5635 opt. 1
Jason Altman
Marathon Director
Michael deLisle
Trail Racing, Footnotes Editor, Webmaster
Carry identification or write
your name, phone number and blood
type on the inside sole of your
running shoe. Include any medical
information. Don't wear jewelry.
Ignore verbal harassment.
Use discretion in acknowledging
strangers. Look directly at others and
be observant, but keep your distance
and keep moving.
Run against traffic so you can
observe approaching automobiles.
Wear reflective material if you
must run before dawn or after dark.
Use your intuition about a
person or an area. React to your
intuition; avoid
an area or person if you feel unsure.
Practice memorizing license tags
or identifying characteristics of
Carry a whistle or noisemaker.
CALL THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY if something happens to you
or someone else, or if you notice
anything out of the ordinary.
Footnotes July 2012 - 4
Ed Leaver, Chris Harper, Will Skelton,
Joe Jackson, Ron McElhaney, Kristy
Altman, Mike Parton
Kristy Altman—chair, Bob Adams, Emily
Bolling, Ken Childs, Ed Leaver, John
LeCroy, Ron McElhaney, Susan Rutherford, Mike Wortley
Jason Altman—chair, Lauren Christ,
Randy Kenner, Ed Leaver, Ron
McElhaney, Eddie Reymond, Glenn
Richters, Felon Wilson
Michael deLisle—chair, Larry Brede, Susan
Donnelly, Carl Epley, Laura Gearhiser, Scott
Gibson, Bobby Glenn, Leah Jones, John
LeCroy, Jerry Monroe, Tony Owens, Kathy
Smith, Kerry Trammell
KTC Officers
Chris Harper
Joe Jackson
Mike Parton
Emily Bolling
2012 KTC
Board of Directors
Chris Harper, President
Joe Jackson, Vice President
Mike Parton, Treasurer
Emily Bolling, Secretary
Brad Adams
Eric Branch
Ken Childs
Jeff Colfer
Bobby Glenn
Mick Larrabee
Ed Leaver
Ron McElhaney
David Morris
Tony Owens
Will Skelton
Laura Ward
(901) 336-1990
Felon Wilson
Ken St. Germain
Jill Bedford
Chuck Dellinger
Lauren Chiles
Knoxville Track
Track Club
Club *
* July
July // August
August 2012
2012 edition
ord Fr
om Our Club President
Chris Harper Sr., KTC President
reetings to all KTC members.
Many of you may have heard
about changes in the KTC Youth
Athletics Program. There
have been changes in the
leadership of the program,
and I wanted to share a
few words about these
¨ The long-time Youth
Athletics Director resigned
in mid-May. We have hired a new
director who will continue the same level
of programming that we have offered for
almost 50 years.
¨ The Board voted to pursue all
avenues necessary to continue all current programming including Youth Athletics Developmental Programs and
Competitive Programs under the KTC
umbrella. Further, the Board also affirmed their continued support for
Youth Athletics as a part
of the overall KTC programming.
¨ The KTC Board was
firm in its decision not to
interrupt the Summer Track
program, while determining the best course for the
KTC Youth Athletics Program.
¨ KTC is composed of several health
and fitness programs developed for the
benefit of our members. The legacy of
the KTC and the programs offered reflect
the needs and desires of our members
and the community we serve. Programs
such as the Treadin’ TroddenTrail Series,
the Covenant
Health Knoxville
Marathon and
the Youth Athletics Program
speak to the diversity of programs available to our members. Newer programs such as
RunKNOX and Knox Walks serve
smaller segments of our membership,
while supporting the vision and mission
of the KTC.
¨ The KTC Board of Directors is a
board of volunteers who share a passion
for running and walking as a means to
health and fitness. The steps to fitness
include road races, trail runs, and track
and field activities. The members of the
Board are committed to all programs of
the KTC.
July 14 The Trail That Can’t Be Concord
July 21 Carter Mill 10k
August 3 Haw Ridge Trail Race
August 4 Pigeon Forge.com Midnight 8k
September 2 Norris Dam Hard Trail Race
September 3 Hal Canfield Memorial Mile and Five-Miler
September 9 Parkside Realty Wears Valley 15k
September 29 Big South Fork 17.5 Mile and 10k Trail Race
Footnotes July 2012 - 5
From The Director’s Chair.....
Winds of Change
Welcome Darren Brown
Kristy Altman, KTC Managing Director
have talked many times about change
within the Knoxville Track and Field
Club. We’ve had a lot of change since
I became involved as a volunteer many
years ago. We’ve gone through even
more change in the last 3+ years that I
have been Managing Director. You have
probably noticed that KTC has recently
gone through yet another change. Today, I would like to introduce you to
Darren Brown.
On May 25, we announced Darren as
the Interim KTC Youth Athletics Director. Darren is also our RunKNOX Program Coordinator and Head Coach. He
is an outstanding athlete and a great
coach. (You can read his bio on
www.ktc.org under the RunKNOX section) I can truthfully say that he is a great
coach because he has been coaching me
since last fall and I have been running
better and much faster than ever before.
In January of 2011, I received an email
from a gentleman who was moving to
town. He was going to pursue a Master’s
Degree from the University and train as
a post collegiate athlete. The email was
detailed telling me of a program in Austin
where he’d worked for quite some time.
He indicated that he wanted to get involved with KTC programs and perhaps
begin a similar program. At the time, I
thanked him for his time and gave him a
few email addresses of people to call. At
the time, KTC wasn’t ready to take the
step into new programming.
Last fall during a run with Mr. Altman,
we began talking about how it would be
great for KTC to provide a training program for our participants and members.
Other groups in town did it and I felt like
it was time for KTC to begin adding
actual programming to our schedule.
However, I didn’t want to just throw out
a skeleton schedule to folks. I wanted the
Footnotes July 2012 - 6
program to have coaches/trainers, educational pieces, and be about the whole
runner instead of just mileage. I wanted
the programming to be something that
anyone could do from a beginner to
someone trying for a marathon PR. During the conversation, Altman mentioned
a guy he’d met and said he was interested
in doing this type of programming. Turns
out that the guy I had turned
away was still in town and
was still interested in beginning a new program.
RunKNOX was born.
Through the last several
months, I have gotten to
know Darren pretty well and I am impressed with him on many levels. Darren
has a great love for the sport of running.
He also has a genuine eagerness to help
others achieve their goals and he is realistic about setting goals. Darren works
well with all ages including children to
older adults. Also, Darren has a real
business sense. When we talked about
the concept of RunKNOX, he brought a
three year budget to me. It was a fair
budget. It didn’t promise a lot of money
but did show to be self-sustaining. The
first program kicked off in March and
was very successful. Participants saw
improvements in their times and endurance and the summer session kicks off on
July 3.
Darren was a perfect fit for our Interim
Youth Athletics Director position. He has
been a site coach as well as an assistant
coach. Darren has a connection to Track
& Field through his own life experiences
and is bringing some great ideas to the
table already. Darren will be great with
both kids and their parents and will bring
a new perspective to KTC Youth Athletics Programming.
They say that the only thing that is
constant is change. KTC is a 50 year old
organization that is in a terrific place for
growth. KTC has a wonderful opportunity to make an impact on Knoxville and
surrounding counties by educating children and adults on the importance of
exercise and providing them with opportunities to be physically active. When we
turn on the TV or read a newspaper, we
see statistics on obesity and
lack of exercise. We can
change those statistics.
And, we can have a good
time doing it. For those
that are already active, we
offer a variety of distances
and events. For those who
aren’t, we offer a place to start.
As the Managing Director, my job is
to oversee business operations for all
parts of KTC, develop programming,
sustain programming, market and promote what we do, and serve the community. Every day, I strive to ensure that we
are fulfilling our mission and vision and
that we are preserving the tradition of the
KTC. I am excited about the future of the
Knoxville Track & Field Club. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of the
change and to be able to serve each of you
as our members, participants, and community.
Our mission: To encourage lifelong
physical well-being through running and
Our vision: Health living, healthy community – one step at a time.
Healthy living, healthy
community – one step at a time
Michael deLisle, FOOTNOTES Editor
Making a Wish
or years I’ve been aware of a wonderful organization called the Make
a Wish Foundation. My assumption was that they granted wishes to
children afflicted with terminal diseases,
allowing the unfortunate little ones to
taste a brief moment of joy, sometimes at
Disneyland, sometimes with favorite
sports heroes or other celebrities.
But it’s only the beginning. On Monday, Jesse, my dad, and I—three generations of deLisles—will board the California Zephyr Amtrak excursion train and
head west across the country. Through
its windows, we’ll view the broad prairies of the midwest, the Mississippi Valley, and the Great Plains before falling
asleep for the night. When we wake up,
we’ll be in Denver, just in time to climb
off the train and enjoy a two-day visit
with Jesse’s Aunt Sue.
The local Make a Wish people, however, stated that Jesse’s pre-birth brain
injury clearly qualified him to participate
and that funding for these types of wishes
was bountiful. Through a period of
discussions I was convinced that accepting their generous offer would be fair.
After exploring Denver and the nearby
mountains, we’ll reboard the Zephyr and
once again head west, this time enjoying
the stunning scenery of the Rocky Mountains as the train carves its way through
the high country of Colorado and Utah.
We’ll watch transfixed as the train bisects
the Wasatch Mountains and skims the
The upshot of this is that on Friday the
edge of the Great Salt Lake, then crosses
the broad, rippling desert of
Nevada in the dark of night.
By morning we’ll awaken
surrounded by the majestic
To Achieve Optimal Health and Performance
peaks of the Sierras, then
cruise across the great Sacramento Valley, ending up
x Winning sports nutrition plan: proper hydration, pre-training
in Oakland, California. There
and event diet, recovery strategies, and healthy daily eating
we’ll be greeted by an old
friend, who’ll be our tour
x Sports-specific yoga training for runners.
guide, then join us for a Yanx Training Program for strong abs and core.
kees vs. A’s baseball game.
x Private and small group sessions.
x Call/email for rates and to schedule an appointment.
Finally, after ten days of
x 10% discount for KTC members.
travel, Jesse and I will climb
Well, that’s true as far as it goes, but
as it turns out, their benificence is not
limited only to youngsters on death’s
door. As stated in their mission statement, Make a Wish grants wishes of
“children with life-threatening medical
conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength, and joy.”
About a year ago, my ex-wife became
friends with a woman whose husband
served on the board of the local Make-aWish chapter. The family urged her to
apply for a wish for Jesse. I balked,
insisting that the wishes were only for
dying kids and that if we accepted one,
others would go wanting.
13th of July, Jesse and I will board a plane
for Chicago. Upon landing, we’ll enjoy a
three-day weekend there with my sister
Kim and her family, joined a day later by
my father. If that was the extent of the
granted wish, it would be rich and satisfying for all concerned.
Owner/Trainer: Kate Shult, MS
E-mail: kateshult@yahoo.com
Phone: 865-603-2727
onboard a Delta jet for the
flight home, undoubtedly exhausted yet full of warmth
and gratitude for the grand
times we will have experienced courtesy of the hard
work and generosity of the
Make a Wish Foundation.
Please consider giving to
this gracious and generous
organization that does so
much to make a grand difference to so many unfortunate
families. The work they do
enriches all of us.
Footnotes July 2012 - 7
Alter Your
by Lee Murphy
Licensed Nutritionist
up about 60 to 75% of your total metabolic rate. The variation in RMR is due to
individual differences and genetics.
ur internal metabolism is some
thing we all eventually want to
try and mess with…whether we
want to speed it up or slow it
down, not many of us are content with the speed of our metabolic rate throughout our lives.
Typically, the majority of
people are interested in increasing their metabolic rate
at some point—either for
weight loss or energy purposes. But before we discuss how to
best do that, we need to quickly review
the basic components of metabolism.
Stated simply, metabolism is the process by which your body converts food
into energy. During this biochemical process, calories — from carbohydrates,
fats and proteins — are combined with
oxygen to release the energy your body
needs to function.
Your metabolic rate works a lot like
the engine of an automobile except that,
unlike a car, your engine must work 24/
7 to keep you alive. Some people have a
“Hemi” under the hood, while others are
more like hybrids. Athletes have a keen
interest in their metabolic rate because it
can help them determine their energy
needs for training demands.
Metabolism in a Nutshell
The highest proportion of your metabolism consists of your resting metabolic rate, or RMR. This is the energy
needed to keep your body alive – your
heart beating, your lungs breathing, your
liver functioning, etc. Your RMR makes
Footnotes July 2012 - 8
For most active people, the second
highest factor in metabolism is physical
activity. The more active you are, the
more your total metabolic rate will be
increased. Physical activity includes all activity from cleaning
your house, to playing basketball, to walking across the room,
to running a marathon.
It’s not just structured
activity, but also the
activities that we engage in every day. This
component of metabolism generally constitutes between 15 to
30% of energy expenditure. It
is the most variable and controllable element of our metabolism—that is to say, it is the one
component in which we can create the
greatest change.
Third, we have the Thermic Effect of
Food, or TEF. This is the amount of
energy expended to eat, digest, and absorb food. This takes up about 10% of
daily energy expenditure.
So our metabolism, known as total
energy expenditure = RMR + Physical
Activity + TEF. Each component is
different for each person, resulting in
unique metabolic rates.
Altering Your Own Metabolism
The nutrition world is full of advice for
how to increase your metabolic rate—
they tell you to take pills, rub creams, eat
hot peppers, drink tea, and even develop
a nervous twitch. However, research
shows that your body’s metabolism is
largely determined by factors that you
cannot change—like the size of your
liver, heart, lungs, and brain (mentioned
above in RMR)—and that the many
suggested ways to increase metabolic
rate have little, if any, effect.
But while we may not be
able to do much to alter our
RMR or TEF, we can certainly
affect our physical activity output. In particular, strength
training—which can involve
using weights, bands,
kettlebells or other forms of
resistance that challenge your
body to work harder than it
does in everyday life—definitely does
increase your metabolic rate. However,
m,x continued on page 13,cx
1 Source Printing
Advanced Chiropractic
Cedar Bluff Cycles
Cork & Bottle
Dirk Dandy Massage
Gourmet’s Market
Harper’s Bike Shop
Health Shoppe
Magpies Bakery
New Balance Knoxville
River Sports
River Sports Climbing Center
Rosy’s Wine & Spirits
Runners Market
Swim & Tri Knoxville
The Training Edge
Waggy Tails
William and Lea Company
Mike Wortley, KTC Event Manager
common pet peeve of course
measurers and certifiers is when
someone says “that course was
long”, and their evidence is their GPS
wrist watch. Why? I’m glad you asked.
First of all, the course you ran was
almost certainly long. The purpose of
certifying a course is to guarantee that all
the participants run at least the certified
distance. Measurers ride every tangent
and cut every corner to ensure that they
measure the shortest possible running
route through any course. Hence, unless
you also ran every tangent and cut every
corner, you did run longer that the advertised race distance.
But that’s not what bothers course
measurers. The bothersome part is that
GPS technology has some well established inaccuracies. It’s no secret – in
fact, there is a whole page about it on
www8.garmin.com/aboutGPS/.) Because of these inaccuracies, USA Track
& Field will not accept course measurements made with a GPS watch.
If you are anything like me, you might
want to know how accurate your GPS
watch is, and is there anything you can do
to account for its inaccuracies. I’ve been
trying to answer this question for myself
with my Garmin Forerunner 110. On
one occasion I ran 6 x 1000m on the track
at Webb School of Knoxville, and my
watch measured the distance as 1040m,
1040m, 1020m, 1030m, 1030m, and
1030m, for an average GPS distance
estimate of 1031.7m. On another occasion, I ran 10 kilometers on the track at
West High School and the GPS distance estimate was 10.36 kilometers.
Based on these two experiences, it
appears that my watch overestimates
distance by about 3.4%.
But I’m just one guy with one watch,
and I want more data! Have you run a
course of known distance and gotten a
different reading from your GPS watch?
E-mail knoxtrackevents@gmail.com with
your experience. Make sure you include
the course distance (and how you know
that it is accurate), the GPS distance
estimate, and the make and model of your
watch. If I get enough responses, I’ll
summarize them in the next issue of
Footnotes July 2012 - 9
by Mick Larrabee, P.T.
Anyone for a Brettzel?!?
n light of what we’ve learned from the
“movement specialists” over the past
several years, I have been challenged
and have gradually changed my thought
processes when dealing with an athlete
and their injuries. I’ve gone from the
traditional medical model of training/treating by body part to what I
believe is a more comprehensive intelligent approach
of training/treating by movement pattern. In fact, the
phrase “train movements,
not muscles” can, and
should, be applied to all
training programs. However, the next critical step in
performance enhancement
strategies is to realize that you cannot
perform optimally when you’re injured…
so we must investigate injuries and their
prevention. By doing so we find that
many injuries are very closely related to
proper joint function, or more appropriately joint dysfunction. Problems at one
joint usually show up as pain in the
joint(s) above or below…and where there
is pain there is lost training time &/or a
subsequent decrease in performance.
For clarification, let me explain: each
joint, or series of joints, has a specific
function and is prone to predictable levels
of dysfunction. As a result, each joint has
particular training needs to function optimally. From the ground up, or from the
top down, it really is a chain reaction and
we are only as strong as our weakest
link. One very interesting finding is that
when you look at the body as a whole the
joints tend to alternate between primarily
Footnotes July 2012 - 10
needing mobility to those requiring stability. And we find that if you lose
mobility/stability in one joint region there
is a direct correlation to pain/dysfunction
above &/or below that segment. It is
imperative that adequate mobility must
precede stability training. Once we have
a full range of motion we
must learn how to use it,
control it, and then own it!
A primary illustration is
the low back. By now it’s
clear we need “core stability” – just look at any fitness magazine or google
“treatment for back pain”.
But it’s also obvious that up
to 80% of people still suffer from low
back pain…so something is not working.
In fact, we may be looking in the wrong
places (lumbar spine) for the
most appropriate treatment interventions. A fresh way of
looking at things reveals a new
possible answer – loss of hip &/
or thoracic spine mobility.
That’s right: it may not be the
fault of the lumbar spine at
all…rather the loss of function
to the segments above & below…and if
the hips/thoracic spine can’t move properly, the lumbar spine will.
problem is that the hips and thoracic
spine are designed to provide mobility,
while the lumbar spine is designed for
stability. When the intended mobile
joint(s) becomes immobile, the stable
joint(s) is forced to move in a compensatory manner, becoming less stable
and subsequently there will be tissue
overload, breakdown, and pain.
It all goes back to the alternating jointby-joint concept. So…now let’s look at
one of my all time favorite moves to
simultaneously facilitate increased mobility to the thoracic spine and hips and
thereby help spare the low back some
wear and tear.
This particular exercise is called “The
Brettzel” and I didn’t come up with it on
my own, rather I first learned it from two
of the guru’s in the training world – Gray
Cook, MSPT, OCS, CSCS and Brett
Jones, MS, CSCS, Master RKC. To
begin you lay on your side in a fetal
position (hips & knees flexed ~ 90°) with
your neck supported so it remains in a
neutral position. Assuming that you are
lying on your left side, hold your right
knee close to your body with your left
hand. Reach back with your left leg,
bringing your thigh as far behind the
plane of your body as possible, and
bend your knee as much as possible.
Try to grasp your left ankle with your
right hand.
The next step is a maximal shoulder
rotation away from the deck and toward
the sky. If you’re lying on your left side,
try to turn your body toward your right
as far as you can slowly looking in that
direction. If you cannot grasp your left
ankle with your right hand, use a small
loop or belt to extend your reach until
your flexibility will allow.
Once in position, use slow, deep diaphragmatic breathing to relax.
To gain extra distance, pull each
leg away from the arm that is
gripping it without actually coming free from the grip. You’re
trying to create an isometric
contraction by pulling the legs
towards each other against resistance. Immediately after this
contraction of trying to extend the right
leg and flex the left leg, at the hip, relax
and rotate the spine an extra few degrees,
which should be available to you after the
contraction. Use your deep, relaxed, diaphragmatic breathing and this contractrelax cycle to achieve maximal stretch in
this position. It is advisable to perform
both of these positions on one side, and
m,x continued on page 11,cx
m,x continued from page 10 m,x
then compare and contrast the differences through the light stretch on the
opposite side.
The benefits of this stretch demonstrate a three-dimensional chain of events
that often play off of each other. You will
expose yourself to any quadriceps or hip
flexor tightness on the left leg. You will
also expose yourself to any piriformis,
glute, or low back tightness with the right
hip flexed position. Lastly, once this position is maintained, rotation will expose
you to any thoracic spine rotation deficit.
Obviously if there is any pain, this is
no longer a good stretch. Rather, it is just
an insult to an underlying injury that you
may not be aware of. It is advisable and
strongly recommended to have a medical
professional check this out. Muscle tension and stretching should not be seen as
pain, but pain isolated in joints or around
tendons should definitely be examined by
a medical professional.
It is very important to recognize the
sequence of events in The Brettzel stretching application, as well as left-right comparison, and not just focus on a position
or a static stretch. Breathing, contractrelax, modification of the top leg for an
alternate stretch, and a left-right appraisal
are of utmost importance through the
application of the stretch. Secondly, it is
also important to get both legs positioned
before thoracic spine rotation is performed. The opposing hip stretches will
serve to protect the low back and target
the thoracic spine for rotation. Therefore,
they must be set, in place, and on tension
before thoracic spine rotation occurs.
I hope this article has given you some
food for thought, a new corrective stretching tool, and a way to help preserve the
integrity of your lumbar spine. The next
time you’re feeling a little stiff in the hips
or upper back have a Brettzel and enjoy!
Dream BIG.
Train Smart.
Get Results.
Mick Larrabee
Larrabee, PT, MS, SCS, EMT, CSCS
Board Certified Clinical Specialist - Sports
Physical Therapy. Level 1 Coach: USA
Track & Field; USA Triathlon; USA
Weightlifting Strength & Conditioning
Specialist (NSCA)
(865) 806.8911 (865) 558.1474 fax
2012 KTC Grand Prix Standings
Through Summer Solstice 8k * Jerry Schohl, keeper of the points
Ken Sirois
Ethan Coffey
Bob Cunningham
Lawrence Brede
Michael Mentz
Brent Bueche
Stewart Ellington
Darren Brown
Kevin Fitzgerald
Bruce Fox
Brad Adams
Andy Baksa
Tim Gregory
Matt Lawhern
Doug Young
Keith Gemeinhart
Paul Horton
Charlie Raper
Mark Cristy
Matt Miller
Travis Wilson
3 men tied with
Team Runners Market
Trooper’s Bar
Team Health Shoppe
Best of the Rest
Health Shoppe/New Balance
Trooper’s Bar B
Team Health Shoppe #3
Runners Market Ladies
Health Shoppe Women
Trooper’s Bar
Health Shoppe/NB Women
Dirty Blondes
Fat Bottom Girls
KPL Co-ed
Runners Market Co-ed
KPL Co-ed #2
Covenant Health Biggest Winner
Red Arrow Industries
Mouse House Olympians
KTC Socialites
Three’s Company
Shirley Sirois
Jennifer Singh
Marsha Morton
Becky Tener
Cherie Kern
Missy Gregory
Holly Sayne
Jenny Vance
Jasmin Keller
Kathy Wolski
Doris Windsand-Dausman
Amy Viars
Rebecca McDowell
Valerie Bachmann
Marie Tedesco
Laura Owens
Rolanda Bell
Summer Robinson
Laura Gearhiser
Kiki Lee
Lauren Roth
2 women tied with
Footnotes July 2012 - 11
Patrick Gildea, elite American distance runner
Bobby Holcombe
Tiger Fan and Coaching Man
his edition of the brief chat is with
Bobby Holcombe. Bobby has been
in the area for a long time and has
done more than a bit for the local running
community. He works at the Runners
Market in Farragut. Prior to his running
days, Bob worked a variety of different
jobs. One, for instance, if you can believe
it, was as a bail bondsman...because
most runners make great bail bondsmen.
Is it not obvious? Bob’s earliest running
days mainly consisted of the Tuesday
Night Track Night at Tom Black Track.
When Stewart Ellington’s brother Doug,
(who likely felt bad for him) befriended
Bob and introduced him to Coach George
Watts, his running began to take off. He
trained with yours truly and the rest of
the UT squad backs in the day. A seed
was planted. Fast forward to the present.
He is owner of Knoxville Endurance, a
systematic program that focuses on training individuals one-on-one as they strive
to reach their goals. So far? It has been
a wide success. He has had athletes
compete in the Boston Marathon, as well
as a variety of other races across the
nation and locally. Bob has worked with
high school students all the way to masters’ athletes and his stables of athletes
have exceptional personal bests. He’s
also an avid fan of Dave Matthews Band
as well as the Detroit Tigers. Check out
www.knoxvillendurance.com for more
PG: Bob, how’s it going? I gave our
readers a little bit of background on you;
fill in some of the holes I missed.
BH: thanks for the intro Patrick!!!!
Like to add that today started the 6th
summer cross-country program where
I’ve been the director. We started this
program to build a base foundation for
Footnotes July 2012 - 12
young athletes in the Knoxville area to get
them ready for the fall cross-country
season… We’ve had huge success with
it. Several athletes qualified for state as a
team and individual from elementary
through high school ranks. The program
started with 15 athletes
and now has close to
200 at three locations,
Victor Ashe Park,
PG: What’s new
with Knoxville Endurance (KE)?
BH: Well really
what you just said, “KE”. In January, I
put an official name on what I’ve been
doing for several years. I’ve mostly just
worked with local athletes from elementary through adults that I’ve met through
the running community. Several of them
my own friends that allow me to write
schedules for them. Overall the results
were really well received. Doing my own
training under Coach Watts, my own
research and coaching others made me
realize I could make this official. Main
goal is to provide personal coaching to
reach personal goals. We have groupsetting runs but each athlete will have
their own personal schedule to go by.
PG: That’s great. It seems like many
of these athletes around town are benefiting from the effort you are putting in with
KE. You also serve as Director of the
Plateau Distance Camp at Pickett State
Park. When is that, and how will it serve
young athletes?
BH: Plateau Distance Camp is something I’ve always wanted to see happen.
I used to work at Pickett State Park back
in high school. I recalled that several
High Schools from across the state would
hold cross-country camps up there, for
example, Oak Ridge, Brentwood Academy, etc. I wanted to see a camp where
several high school athletes from across
the state come to a central location to
train. The back dirt roads of Pickett State
Park have to be the best place to run in the
state by far. I recall one time that we did
a mini adult camp up there about 6 years
ago. Daniel Julian, Joseph Goetz, Andy
Baksa, and I took my Dad’s RV and did
two straight days of running, eating,
running, then eating and running again.
Well, we enjoyed campfire and adult
drinks, too. That really sparked the idea
to one day do a camp up there, minus the
adult drinks of course. So far, we have
about 45 runners committed to run at
PDC with about 5
coaches taking part.
We’re hoping for
around 75 athletes the
first year.
PG: Yes, probably
would cause a stir with
adult beverages, or
maybe just add in an
extra disclaimer and see
how it goes. Now for
the part of the interview that is kind of like
the DMB segue jam from ‘Anyone Seen
The Bridge into Too Much?” We were at
Starwood back in July 2005 for a DMB
show. Do you recall the song that made
its debut that evening?
BH: I have to say around that time I
was just getting into DMB a lot so of
course every song seem new to me. You
got me on that one, buddy. But do
remember Robert Randolph stepping in
on “Louisiana Bayou?” I don’t recall that
song being debuted, though, since that
album just was released that year.
PG: It was American Baby Intro. Still,
to this day, I get goose bumps knowing
that it was the first one and I remember
Dave screaming his face off! That question asked, what’s your favorite DMB
BH: Well, when I’m at a show I’m
always looking forward to a “Two Step”
m,x continued on page 13,cx
m,x continued from page 12 m,x
but I get the most hyped for “Halloween.” When I heard “Watchtower” go
straight into “Halloween,” I about lost it.
That has to be my favorite moment at a
concert so far. I can’t even count now
how many shows I’ve been to now.
PG: I think I am at 56 shows or so.
Have not seen them since the hiatus
though. I would like to catch a show or
two soon though. Now back to running.
I am not going to ask you what your
favorite shoe - that’s lame. You work at
the Runner’s Market. How about your
favorite beer?
BH: Guinness by far. No debating
that. When I’m on the boat, it’s a lighter
type beer though.
PG: Toughest race you’ve ever run?
BH: Wow!!!! Can I use the weekend
that stands out? 2003, I think it was,
went down to Mobile to run in the
USATF road 10k Championships (with
you, big guy) and ran out of my mind that
day… My PR going into that race was a
32:25 and I’d been training with the UT
guys for about two years. Going to every
single practice. Heck, even sat in on team
meetings. I’ll admit I felt weird but I did
learn a lot at the same time. I felt my
training was really coming around but
had no way to prove it. A week before
the race I decided when you said, “I’m
going to Mobile,” I thought, “What the
heck, I’ll go too.” I recall going through
the 5k in 15:10, which was a PR for me
on the roads, and being around some big
names I only read about on “LetsRun” or
“Runnersworld.” Around mile four, the
wheels fell off, but so did so many other
runners’ too. I ended up running 31:26
which I PR’ed by a lot that day. Then
went back to Knoxville and decided to run
the Buddy’s 5k the next day and ran a
15:31. I remember before the Buddy’s
race how tired I was but knew that, if I
just laced up, my fitness would carry me
through a decent time. I was thinking
breaking sixteen would be decent; I was
shocked with the time I ran. I could not
walk for two days after that weekend.
PG: I remember that well. Man, that
course in Mobile was so damn flat!! I did
that double, too. Coach Watts got pretty
pissed at me for doing it. I was living on
Sutherland and ran to Volunteer Landing,
raced Buddy’s, and ran home.
PG: Pitcher for the Tigers or Boston
Marathon winner?
BH: If I’m pitching like Willie
Hernandez’s 1984 season, when he won
the Cy Young, MVP and a World Series
ring, then I would have to say pitcher for
the Tigers. I was fortunate to remember
that year and name the starting lineup in
game five of the World Series. But, to be
honest, I’m a true runner and a Boston
Marathon win by an American born
runner would be totally EPIC!!!!!! For it
to be me, I just got chills.
PG: Yes, I would agree. It would be
amazing. Chills for sure. So what are
some things on the horizon for Bob
Holcombe, KE, as well as some of the
other visions you have for Knoxville and
BH: I’ll be honest, I live an absolute
dream. I love what I’m doing - coaching
area athletes from KE, youth groups, and
working at Runners Market (for which I
thank the Pack family daily). I am healthy
so I can get out and run trails myself.
There are great people around in the
Knoxville Community. Our Track Club
is by far the best club in all of the land.
We have such a close bond and seem to
work together really well. Case in point—
the Hood to Coast team win was with all
members of this great club. Not just the
runners plucked from all over to run. It
was a total team effort to go out and
win the Mother of all Relays. The
wonderful support from the club and
the overall win shows a prime example
of the wonderful support. Sorry I
started going off track, but to answer
your question is to just continue to
make the best of what I’ve got going
on. I believe one can try to extend too
much and go in too many different
directions when you can just make
something you have great and even
PG: Thanks a bunch for the interview,
Bob. Keep doing what you’re doing.
Knoxville is better off because of it!
Alter Your
mx continued from page 8,x
so does endurance exercise (such as
running). The difference is how long
and how much these activities boost
your metabolism that really has an
impact on your overall ability to lose
body fat and/or decrease your weight.
Strength training increases our total
energy expenditure simply by elevating the amount of calories expended
in activity. The harder you strength
train (or perform endurance exercise), the greater the amount of calories you burn. In turn, if your food
intake does not highly exceed your
needs and consists of quality choices,
you will lose weight and body fat.
Interestingly, although not to a
large degree, strength training also
increases the amount of calories expended in your RMR. The reason it
does this is by increasing the amount
of lean muscle mass you carry, which
requires more energy to maintain and
repair than fat tissue. This slightly
raises the calories you would otherwise expend.
Both strength training and endurance exercise will increase your energy expenditure at the time of activity, and for a few hours afterwards,
when they are conducted at the same
intensity. However, strength training is unique in that if you perform
multiple sets of a challenging weight
to failure, scientists have shown that
the energy expended afterwards can
be elevated for 24-36 hours. Some
people call this the “afterburn” effect
of serious strength training. (A similar effect can occur with aerobic activity at higher intensities.)
Overall, strength training can boost
your metabolism in this manner, but
it has to be more challenging than
activities you do every day. You can’t
expect 3lb dumbbells to make much
difference to your metabolic rate if
your children (that you carry around)
mx continued on page 17,x
Footnotes July 2012 - 13
volunteer perspective
evitcepsrep reetnulov
by Jill Bedford, KTC Volunteer Coordinator
Staying the Course
am trying very hard to stay on track
with my goals, particularly my
weight loss goals. Those of you
who have known me for
the last several years
know that I had a huge
weight loss in 2009. I
lost 72lbs. It takes perseverance and determination to stay with a
weight loss plan long
enough to see that kind
of weight come off. And continued to
determination to keep it off.
This is not an easy task, especially for
an emotional eater, like myself. So over
time, some weight has come back on.
Not big weight, but enough to where my
clothes fit tight. Time to get tough. Time
to get back in shape.
Each morning my husband and I get
up at 5:30am. Joe has his own lofty
fitness goals too. I head to the gym.
While I have a very nice gym in my
home, I prefer the motivation I see at
the “real” gym. The folks working out
at 6am when I get there are a different
set than your average Joe. They have
goals. They are not chatty. They make
noise when they lift weight. They sweat.
I fit right in with them. I am one of
them. This is how goals are achieved.
Hard work and dedication.
On the nutrition side, I have gotten
VERY strict. I have employed the help of
a nutritionist and I have a meal plan laid
out for me, balanced in
protein and carbs. All
that stuff that I don’t
really understand. I just
do exactly as I am told.
Works best that way.
I am seeing results. I
see a lean look to my
face. I am seeing some
muscle tone that I haven’t seen before.
I have lost 10lbs. I need to lose
another 10lbs to get back to where I was.
I know if I stay the course I will get there.
Problem is....staying the course. It
is so easy to let life’s issues get me off
track. I have to re-group each day.
Look again at my goals and make the
corrections I need to get back on track,
if I got off track.
The emotional eating thing though
sometimes gets the better of me. I get a
little bit bored and I head to the kitchen,
like it holds the solution for bored. I get
angry or upset. My answer is head to the
kitchen. The scenario is the same every
time, no matter what the emotion. I go to
the cabinet and look inside. I have rid my
house of “bad” snacks, but there is still
food in those cabinets. Turns out I am not
Call Jill Bedford * 622-7213
Footnotes July 2012 - 14
so picky when it comes to soothing my soul
with food. But food is not a solutions for
bored, or angry, or tired, or whatever
emotion that has me looking for answers in
my kitchen cabinets. I have to find soothing
answers for myself, that are not food.
I know a good solution for problems
is to throw yourself into working with
others, like volunteering. You get swept
up in the event and stay focused on that,
rather than your own personal stuff.
Sometimes it is not good for me to spend
so much time worrying about my own
self. Which brings me to the purpose of
the volunteer perspective article. To continue to motivate folks to volunteer for
the Knoxville Track Club. Why? Because
our road races are impossible to put on
without help from many volunteers. If
we do not have races, we will not have
5ks, 10k’s and longer distances to train
for. I use those races as a focus point. A
reason to get and stay in shape. They are
the “why” that I look to when the alarm
goes off in my house at 5:30am.
Part of running and being a part of the
Knoxville Track Club involves volunteering, not just running is the road races.
Our motto is “Run Three, Work One”. If
you would like to volunteer at a Knoxville
Track Club event, please contact me at
jillbedford@gmail.com or use the volunteer link at www.ktc.org
For me, a lot of things get worked
out in my head when I am running. It
has been a key part of the big weight
loss that I had in 2009 and a part of my
daily life and goals now. I am grateful
for the community support and encouragement that I have always felt from
KTC. I hope that you too can enjoy the
benefits that come from running and
from racing. I also hope you get to
enjoy the feeling of satisfaction that
comes from giving to others through
volunteering. The Knoxville Track Club
needs your help.
The KTC picnic will be August
26th at the Botanical Gardens at 2743
Wimpole Avenue Knoxville, TN 37914
The picnic is at 6pm. Please bring a dish.
KTC will provide the meat and the drinks.
This is a new location this year. I have
been track volunteer hours this year, but
I will still need your sizing. I look forward
to seeing you at the picnic.
Minutes of April and May Meetings
APRIL 23, 2012
he April meeting of the Knoxville
Track Club Board of Directors
was held on April 23, 2012 at 7:00
p.m. at the Parks and Recreation Building
on Sutherland Ave. President Chris Harper
called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. In
attendance with Chris Harper were Ed
Leaver, David Morris, Tony Owens,
Bobby Glenn, Laura Ward, Will Skelton,
Ken Childs, Felon Wilson, Joe Jackson,
Mike Parton, Ron Mcelhaney and Emily
Bolling. Guests included Kristy Altman
and Jason Altman
The Minutes from the March KTC
Board meeting were unanimously approved with minor modifications.
Treasurer’s Report- Mike Parton: Mike submitted the Treasurer’s
Report. The Treasurer’s report was unanimously approved. First quarter 2012
financials were presented for board review. No change in investments. Audit is
now in progress for 2011. Tax form 990
to follow in June.
Altman: Kristy submitted the Managing Director report. The Knoxville Track
Club has been featured in the Running
Journal for April 2012. Kristy is continuing to work on the website redesign with
the designers. She is also assisting Mike
Parton with the 2011 audit. As of April
2012, our membership is 2028 individuals/not family or household. Kristy has
added Doug Young to the Long Distance
Committee. Kristy and the Long Distance Committee are looking for more
individuals to become IPICO managers.
When the Long Distance Committee
meets in May, she will lead further discussion on this matter. Kristy is continuing to fill the 2013 calendar of events. The
next RunKNOX Program session begins
late June. The Knox-Walks program will
have a second session in fall 2012. The
program will host a Final 5K on May 5 at
8:30 am at the West Hills/ Jean Teague
Marathon Report- Jason Altman:
Jason submitted the Marathon Report.
The total for actual finishers from all
events for 2012 is 7195, compared to
5846 for 2011. The Post Race survey has
been sent to all participants. The survey
will close on April 30th. Best Neighborhood survey was sent to all full marathoner
participants. Island Home, Sequoyah
Hills, and 4th and Gill were the top three.
Fittest company results have been tabulated and posted on website. Awards will
be presented at a luncheon at Pilot Flying
J. Fittest School results have also been
tabulated and posted on website. Jason is
currently arranging presentations to winning schools. Members of the Marathon
Organizing Committee were treated to
an appreciation dinner on April 22. The
race date for 2013 is April 7,
Youth Athletic Program-Marty
Sonnenfeldt: Marty submitted a report
via email. Summer Track and Field Development Program registrations are running ahead of last year’s totals for the
same time period. Plateau Distance Camp
has 50 participants. This camp has a cap
of 100 participants. The 49th Volunteer
Track Classic was held and had over
2000 athletes from over 15 states participate. Costs for the event were higher due
to officials’ expense. Many officials had to
be brought in from out of town. KTC
YAP has also assisted with the CAK
High School Invitational, CAK Tri-Meet
and two Middle School Meets.
New Business
YAP Amendment: There was a
second reading of proposed amendment
to the YAP contract. The vote was passed
10 to 2.
KTC “Treadin’ Trodden Trail”
Series-Michael deLisle: The board
unanimously approved an increase
Michael deLisle’s compensation. This
was the second vote for M. deLisle’s
contract amendment approving new funding for his duties with the TTT series.
Youth Fitness Plan: Chris Harper
proposed that the Knoxville Track Club
fund transportation to elementary school
track and field meets for Knox County.
Chris and Kristy are meeting with the
Physical Education Supervisor to discuss
on April 24, 2012.
The next meeting will be the KTC
Board meeting on May 21, 2012 at 7:00
The meeting was adjourned at 9:33
MAY 21, 2012
he May meeting of the Knoxville
Track Club Board of Directors
was held on May 21, 2012 at
7:00 p.m. at the Parks and Recreation
Building on Sutherland Ave. President
Chris Harper called the meeting to
order at 7:01 p.m. In attendance with
Chris Harper were Ed Leaver, Tony
Owens, Bobby Glenn, Will Skelton,
Ken Childs, Felon Wilson, Joe Jackson, Mike Parton, and Emily Bolling.
Guests included Kristy Altman, Jason
Altman and Ethan Coffey.
The Minutes from the April KTC
Board meeting were unanimously approved with minor modifications.
Treasurer’s Report- Mike Parton: Mike submitted the Treasurer’s
Report. The Treasurer’s report was unani-
m,x continued on page 29,cx
Footnotes July 2012 - 15
Dr. Brantley Burns
Orthopaedic Surgeon, KTC Member
Get Back
(ToWhere You Once Belonged)
ity of back pains will improve without
surgery. Regardless of the cause, what
treatment is given, or whether treatment
is given. This is my take-home message.
I remember those
early running years.
Nothing about running
was that hard. You just
got a little winded, a
touch sore and by morning you were fine. No
problem training every
single day on roads (my
high school had no track)
wearing canvas and rubber shoes (those
were the pre-Nike days). Ahh, the wonders of youth and ignorance.
For ease of understanding, some separate back pain into
neurologic or mechanical causes. Essentially, neurologic
means the pain comes
from a nerve that is
irritated, inflamed,
compressed, etc. You
know, a “pinched
nerve”. Mechanical
would be anything
else such as a painful
bone (fracture), ligament (sprain or thickening), muscle (strain) or any combination of the above including neurologic and
t was about the time The Beatles
released “Get Back” that I began my
running career as a high school
trackster. Subsequently, both the Brits
and I never got back to where we once
belonged: the group disbanded about a
year later, and running
became entrenched in my
Now I long to get back that body and
those abilities. Among the casualties of
time is a strong, flexible and painless
spine. Runners are not immune to back
pain of course, and as in many conditions
such as knee arthritis, the impact pounding and stress on the spine seem to be
offset by improvements in strength, endurance, balance and proprioception
(awareness of body position in space).
It’s no wonder so many of us have
experienced episodes of back pain, occasionally severe. Compared to the hip and
knee where simply two or three bones
meet, the spine has dozens of bones and
discs, twice that many nerves and joints
and hundreds of muscles as sources of
pain. But remember this: the vast major-
Footnotes July 2012 - 16
lightly touch the nerve to cause pain. Like
if you touch your eyeball. Inflammation
and swelling occur, and even though the
disc remains herniated, significant or complete pain relief can occur if the inflammation is reduced.
Very often the disc simply expands
like a potbelly and doesn’t come close to
the nerve. This “bulging disc” is thought
to be a normal consequence of aging, is
not considered pathologic nor a source of
pain. Once this diagnosis is uttered, often
neither the patient nor their regular doctor can understand why surgery isn’t
recommended. I cringe when I hear the
words “bulging disc”.
Most painful spinal conditions,
whether neurologic or mechanical, are
treated with rest, NSAIDs, physical
therapy and time. The worrisome causes
of back pain may last several weeks to
months, and may be associated with pain
at night, weight loss, progressive loss of
strength, or change in control of your
bowel or bladder. These situations are
Backs are funny things. Sometimes
they hurt long after you abuse them – like
the morning after yard work. Other times
my back will hurt just by standing to
perform a long operation or while shopping for a couple hours. Backs seem to be
happiest when they get to change positions every so often and less happy with
constant sitting or standing. Keep this in
mind with your desk job and on long car
rides or at the mall.
One oft-discussed topic is the disc,
which is a shock absorber
between vertebrae that also
allows bending and rotation. Conceptually it makes
sense that the disc (which
has a hard outer covering
and a soft center) can crack
on the outside and allow a
bit of the soft stuff to leak
out and squeeze a nearby
nerve. Hence, the “ruptured
disc” or “pinched nerve”.
However, even most of these will improve without surgery. Just how can this
be? Well…
One orthopedic colleague
of mine says “surgery is for
patients”. Meaning it’s not
for me as a doctor. So as far as I’m
concerned, it’s not for you either. Especially spine surgery. Yikes!
A nerve is extremely sensitive and the
disc merely needs to come close to or
So, get back – to where your back was
strong. And be careful out there…
A strong flexible spine is
always a good goal, even
and especially for runners.
You should become familiar
with core strengthening,
cross training, and recent
running trends associated
with less impact.
Jason Altman, Director, Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon
ow that the dust has settled from
the 2012 Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon, I can take a little
time to reflect upon race weekend. I can
honestly say that I have never been so
pleased or so proud in the event as what
we put forth this year. Feelings like this
truly are a testament to the volunteers
that stepped up in the months leading to
race day. This year’s Marathon Organizing Committee did an outstanding job
executing race weekend. If you were on
the committee, thank you and congratulations on a job well done!
Some of the highlights include:
post race that they had ever attended
¨ Packet Pickup Process was much
improved over 2011.
¨ 96.6% were pleased with their
overall experience
¨ The Expo (both variety of vendors,
location, and overall experience) exceeded
We sent a post-race survey to this
year’s participants in an effort to gather
feedback for future years. Thankfully,
almost all of the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.
¨ People were
pleased with the police presence and
course monitors on course
While most everything was positive
on the survey, we did collect information
to try and improve for
next year. While many
things cannot reasonably be addressed
(such as flattening the
hills in Knoxville), we
can try to address the
small things that
would make this
event an even better experience for the
More than half of the participants that
filled out the survey were considered
novice (less than 5 previous races). 57%
that answered were female, which falls in
line with our overall participant numbers.
¨ Timing chips were accurate and
instantaneous results were well received
altering your metabolism—and no special food or pill that will elevate it for you.
The best thing you can do to raise your
current metabolic rate is be more active
and include strength training and higher
intensities in your workout regimen. This
will, in turn, raise your energy expenditure and allow your body to burn through
more calories throughout the day.
m,x continued from page 13 m,x
weigh more, or your grocery bags are
heavier. Your body needs to remember
that strength training requires “strength”
so you have to load your exercises
accordingly. Otherwise your body
won’t get the challenge it needs to build
muscle and lose fat.
Bottom Line
So I’m sorry there really is no secret to
¨ Both the Goody
Bag and Race Shirt were
an improvement over
2011 and exceeded expectations
¨ Course marking was great
¨ Many who attended the post race
party mentioned it was the best marathon
(If you are interested in having your
specific metabolic rate measured in one of
the most accurate methods available, please
visit Knoxville Performance Lab at the
Health Shoppe in Suburban Plaza to have
your rate measured, which can help you
determine your current calorie needs.)
The survey also generated a Net Promoter Score. This score is determined
based off of participant loyalty and recommendation. For instance, it will ask a
participant (on a scale of 1-10) if and how
highly they would recommend the event
to someone else. This is an important
question of the participant, because they
are not only recommending the event,
but they are putting their own reputation
on the line and standing behind your
event. Our Net Promoter Score was
extremely high (which is a good thing!)
and rivaled scores from Apple, HarleyDavidson, and Bristol Motor Speedway (NASCAR). These are companies that have a huge fan loyalty, so
being in the same ballpark as them is
Thanks to all of you who did the
survey, participated in the event, or volunteered in some way. The excellent
feedback we received is a testament to
this great community that we live in!
Footnotes July 2012 - 17
Footnotes July 2012 - 18
Confessions of a Social
by Lauren Chiles, KTC Social Director
A view fr
om the rear
’m always impressed by the willingness to participate by the members of
the track club. We’ve had NFL
themed runs, 80’s themed runs, scavenger runs with photo messaging documentation, leap frog runs with stuffed
frogs, among other historic runs. Some-
times, there are a few groans, but hey,
we love a good scapegoat if the the party
goes lame. In fact, it’s the jump right in
attitude that makes all the runs so much
fun. We did our Cades Cove Night Run
last year and had about twenty folks
show up and maybe eight stayed to
camp. This year, we had a
record setting 43 runners, and
30ish stayed to camp. We got
shushed three times (once more
than last year), but everyone
had a wonderful time.
same, no runner is the same, but the
shared goal remains true: Self-challenge
in the comraderie of others.
Maybe it’s this acceptance of
a challenge that makes runners,
runners. We sign up and show
up for every type conceivable
race, from zombies chasing us,
to downhill screams, to relays,
to color wars, to 26 miles in all
fifty states. No race is the
To become more active with our social events/runs/funs, follow our facebook
group page
I think it’s this shared knowledge that
allows us to so easily welcome new
runners into the fold. We love that you
enjoy the challenge of our sport. We love
that you put in the effort to see the
results. We love that you are hooked on
the same healthy obsession we are. Sleeping in on the weekends is overrated
We’d be glad to have you.
he Knoxville track Club has three advertising options that may
make sense for your business or organization:
1. Advertising in our award-winning bi-monthly magazine, “Footnotes”
that goes to each of our 1,450 member households and 1,900 members.
2. Sponsoring or co-sponsoring one of our official KTC race events.
3. A general sponsorship of the Knoxville Track Club, East Tennessee’s
premier running organization.
Most KTC sponsorship packages are race specific. Race sponsorship and
co-sponsorship packages are typically negotiated on a case-by-case basis
and may include the sponsor’s logo on the race t-shirt, annual KTC race
calendar, KTC sponsors logo page in “Footnotes” Magazine, the race
entry form and all race advertising and correspondence as well as
complimentary ads in “Footnotes” magazine. Race sponsorship packages
generally range from $1,000 to $10,000 depending upon the size and
prominence of the race in question. Co-sponsorship packages generally
range from $500 to $5,000.
Footnotes ads are available as follows:
Back Cover $250
Inside Front Cover $200
Full Page Ad $125
½ Page Ad $ 75
Multi-issue packages at volume discount rates are available
Race Sponsorships
General KTC Sponsorships
A limited number of general Knoxville Track Club sponsorship
opportunities are available and would include a customized package of
KTC benefits commensurate with the sponsorship value. General
sponsorship packages normally range from $5,000 to $25,000 and may
consist of any combination of cash, product and/or in-kind services.
For more information on these or any other Knoxville Track Club
promotional opportunities, please contact Kristy Altman, KTC Managing
Director at 888.217.5635.
Footnotes July 2012 - 19
cool and clear disposition that consistently helps the group set off in a fun yet
well-organized fashion.
Michael deLisle, Trail Series Director
Triple Digits... Again!
n a triple digit weekend, with
race temps at the start already
nudging 80 degrees, more than a
hundred intrepid trail racers took to the
East Lakeshore Trail near Greenback to
contest the inaugural running of the
Lakeshore Trail Trek on June 30. More
than two thirds of the runners chose the
longer distance, mercifully shortened by
a joint decision by Bobby Glenn
and a few mad cows. The best
part was that no one crossed
the finish line in distress. Excellent work by the TTT team
and the 123 registered runners, who took seriously the
threat of heat related illness,
and also local trail steward
Gene Brownell, who not only hung
around the staging area to offer encouragement and shoot photographs, but
hauled two empty water coolers to a
neighboring residence to refill them, made
for a gratifyingly safe and successful
race. The Smiths, young Andrew from
Knoxville, and only slightly less young
Kathy from Friendsville, again notched
overall victories, taking the top slots in
the nine-mile race. It was Kathy’s fourth
win in this year’s series and Andrew’s
third. Congratulations to both.
It was also another in a staggering
series of triple-digit registrations for this
year’s Treadin’ Trodden Trails series.
Prior to this year, we’d only seen an
occasional smattering of races with attendance this high; now it appears to be
the rule rather than the exception, with
five of the eight races thus far logging
more than one hundred registrants. It’s
highly gratifying to me, in particular, as
I’ve worked the program since its inception in 2004, and can well remember the
last race of 2005, when a total of 15
participants took to the trails at Victor
Footnotes July 2012 - 20
Ashe Park. What a wild ride it’s been
since then, and what a treat it’s been to
add the talented and energetic individuals
who comprise this year’s TTT crew.
Near the top is Laura Gearhiser, whose
tireless willingness to act as unofficial
teamster, hauling myriad equipment,
food, T-shirts, and nearly everything else
in her huge land yacht, as well
as directing multiple races, has
gone a long way toward making the 2012 series the best yet.
Tony Owens, who’s also
captained multiple races this
year, usually organizes the trail
marking crew, taking to the
trail with backpacks full of trail signs and
orange construction flags at all hours of
the day and night, in conditions ranging
from driving rain to triple digit heat. He
hasn’t gone alone, as nearly every other
committee member has donned a backpack at one time or another and trod a few
miles of trail and laid out course markings
that have ensured everyone who toes the
line crosses the line sometime later.
Kerry Trammell leads our Oak Ridge
contingent, directing the Norris Dam
Hard Trail Race(s) and acting as liason
with the city of Oak Ridge, Norris Dam
State Park, and Haw Ridge Park, as well
as being our lead EMS guy. His
ultramarathoning experience and genial
good nature has been invaluable at every
step of the way in making our series
better each year.
Newcomer to the TTT group Kathy
Smith not only wins races but directs
them. Her first venture at race directing,
the 2012 Wanderers Trail Race, stands
as the biggest race we’ve ever held. A
teacher by trade, she brings to the table a
Having Bobby Glenn, who’s directed
each of the nineteen Big South Fork Trail
Races, on our committee is a luxury for
which I’m always thankful. Not only
does he offer a wealth of RD experience,
his willingness to go out on the course,
hand out water, and then sweep the
course afterward is a major boon to the
rest of us—most of whom like to run the
races once plans have been laid.
Trailster Leah Jones took to trail race
directing like a duck to water, handling
leadership duties at the Stalk Your Quarry
Trail Race both years it’s been held. She’ll
also direct the much-anticipated Dirty
South Trail Half Marathon this November, which, coming as it does after Big
South Fork, will act as both culmination
of the 2012 season and kickoff of the
2013 TTT Grand Prix. Leah is also a
stalwart on the trail marking crew.
John LeCroy, head Park Ranger at
Panther Creek State Park, makes the trip
down from Morristown several times a
year to pitch in at our races, and makes
our Panther Creek Challenge one of the
most outstanding trail races of the series.
He also directs KTC’s Fireball Classic 5k
on the eve of the Fourth of July.
Race directing experience, as well as a
love of trail running itself, made Larry
Brede a natural to rejoin the trail committee upon his return from a four-year
hiatus in Colorado. Veteran RD at KTC’s
Summer Solstice 8k, as well as the entire
XTERRA series with which our trail
series affiliated itself several years ago,
Larry’s enthusiasm and leadership are
valuable assets to our group of trail
running aficionados.
Now a resident of North Carolina,
Carl Epley still contributes mightily to the
TTT cause, arranging food donations for
each race on the series. His connections
as former manager of a WalMart store in
East Tennessee led to our series receiving product sponsorships in the form of
fruit from Ingles, chips from Frito-Lay,
Vidration sports drinks from Cherokee
Distributing, and bagels from Flowers
m,x continued on page 21 ,cx
2012 TRAIL
WANDERERS’ TRAIL RACE — Sunday, January 22, 2:00 pm. Maryville College. 4 miles.
m,x continued from page 20 ,cx
Bakery. Veterans of our series who
remember our spartan offerings at early
Mayor’s Cup races can appreciate the
contrast with our current tables wellladen with food and drinks.
DARK HOLLOW WALLOW — Sunday, February 12, 2:00 pm. Big Ridge State Park. 10 miles.
WILD WEST RIDGE RUN — Sunday, March 18, 2:00 pm. Haw Ridge Park, Oak Ridge. 7 miles.
I.C. KING OF TRAILS RACE — Sunday, April 8, 2:00 pm. I.C. King Park. 7 miles.
FORKS OF THE RIVER TRAIL RUN — Sunday, April 29, 9:00 am. Ijams Nature Center,
TWRA Wildlife Management Trails. 6½ miles.
Coaching experience and a wealth of
trail running experience made Jerry Monroe a natural to join forces with us when
an opening appeared a couple years ago.
Having directed this year’s Wild West
Ridge Run, Jerry’s willingness to take on
any needed pre-race or race day task,
jump in the race and finish strongly, then
stick around till the last box is loaded up,
provides an emulable example of devotion to both the trail committee and trail
PANTHER CREEK CHALLENGE — Saturday, May 19, 9:00 am. Panther Creek State Park,
New to this year’s TTT crew is Scott
Gibson, but he’s run in the series for
years. Since joining up with us, he’s been
involved in course marking, registration,
course teardown and cleanup, as well as
providing a good-natured presence at
meetings and races alike. Rumor has it
that Scott may be leaving town in the
future; if this bears out, his absence will
leave a big hole to be filled.
NORRIS DAM HARD TRAIL RACE — Sunday, September 2, 7:00 am. Norris Dam State
Park and Norris Municipal Watershed Park. 25k and 50k.
While Susan Donnelly has yet to be
seen at a 2012 Treadin’ Trodden Trails
race, she puts together a first-class
ultramarathon on the Cumberland Trail
each October. Not for the faint of heart,
the CT50k offers locals—those who can
qualify, anyway—a taste of true
ultrarunning only a few miles from town.
So with such a diverse, talented, and
energetic group of individuals, how could
the 2012 TTT series be anything but the
grand success it has been thus far? At our
last race, not only did most of the TTT
crew show up, but fully forty volunteers
made our jobs that much easier. Think of
it. A hundred and one runners with forty
volunteers. Amazing. And that’s a word
I can easily and without hesitation ascribe
to KTC’s 2012 Treadin’ Trodden Trails
Offroad Running Series. Amazing.
Morristown. 10 miles.
STALK YOUR QUARRY TRAIL RACE — Sunday, June 10, 9:00 am. Ijams Nature Center,
Ross Marble Quarry Trails. 7-8 miles.
LAKESHORE TRAIL TREK — Saturday, June 30, 9:00 am. East Lakeshore Trail System,
Coytee Road trailhead near Greenback. 9 miles. NEW: 5 mile option.
THE TRAIL THAT CAN’T BE CONCORD — Saturday, July 14, 9:00 am. Concord Park. 8½ miles.
HAW RIDGE TRAIL RACE — Friday, August 3, 5:30 pm. Haw Ridge Park, Oak Ridge. 6-7 miles.
BIG SOUTH FORK TRAIL RACE — Saturday, September 29, 8:30 am. Big South Fork
National Recreation Area, Oneida. 17½ miles. NEW: 10k option.
CUMBERLAND TRAIL 50k — Saturday, October 20, 6:30 am. Cove Lake State Park,
Cumberland New River Trail System, Caryville. 50k.
DIRTY SOUTH TRAIL HALF MARATHON — Saturday, November 10, 9:00 am. Knoxville
Urban Wilderness Corridor, South Knoxville. 13.1 miles.
¨ Follow the rules of the road - travel on the right and
pass on the left.
¨ Don’t run down the middle of the trail. Run to the
right side to allow others to pass safely.
¨ Don’t wear headphones – but if you insist on going
against this RRCA and common-sense safety guideline,
keep the volume low or only wear one headphone.
¨ If you are running an out-and-back route on a trail,
don’t just make a sudden u-turn at your turn around
point. Stop, step to the right to allow oncoming traffic the
opportunity to pass. Ensure the trail is clear of oncoming
traffic (runners, cyclists, in-line skaters, etc.) then make
your u-turn. Making a sudden u-turn without looking
over your shoulder is a good way to get hit by an
oncoming cyclist or skater.
right of way on most trails, the goal is to share the trails.
¨ Alert people when you are passing them – don’t
assume they are aware of their surroundings. A simple
“on your left” warning will suffice.
¨ Be alert on blind curves.
¨ Stop at stop signs if the trail crosses a roadway. Don’t
assume cars on the road will stop for the trail crossing.
¨ Be mindful of young children on the trail – their
movements can be unpredictable. Slowing the pace a bit
when you pass small children on the trail is a wise idea.
Use this as an opportunity to slow the pace then pick up
the tempo.
¨ Respect private property along the trail.
¨ Avoid running on trails in the evening if they are not
well lit and do not have regular traffic.
¨ Don’t litter. If you can’t find a trash can, carry your
trash home.
¨ Never run more than two abreast if you are running in
a group. Don’t be a trail hog. While pedestrians have the
¨ Get approval from local authorities before planning a
race or training event on your local multi-use trail.
Footnotes July 2012 - 21
portal to portal which was completed under
budget and ahead of schedule. Many of
their descendants live in the area today.
by Bob Godwin
umberland Gap,” “The Wilderness Road,” “Daniel Boone,”—
don’t these words stir you?
I spent the last weekend of April in the
Towne of Cumberland Gap,
located just below the geographical gap, drawn there by
the annual Civil War Reenactment. The town changed
hands four times during the
Civil War, and we forget that
Tennessee had more Civil War
battles than any other state
than Virginia.
Only 52 miles north of my house in
Knoxville, the town is only about four
blocks square and is surrounded by the
Cumberland Gap National Memorial Park.
Many of the town structures date
from the 1800s and hiking and biking
trails abound through and around the tiny
town. Three campgrounds are nearby if
you choose not to stay in the Cumberland
Gap Inn or the Olde Mill Inn Bed and
Breakfast which has six renovated rooms
in the heart of “downtown.”
Park in the Iron Furnace Parking Lot
and walk 100 feet to the remnants of the
Iron Furnace, circa 1830, where readily
available ore, limestone and timber were
used to produced iron that was shipped
by wagon and boat on the Powell River
as far as Chattanooga. A half mile further
is the saddle of the Gap where as many as
300,000 intrepid souls passed pursuing
their future in The West from 1775 to
1840. In other words, walk where
Daniel Boone walked. In 1784, Abraham
Lincoln’s father passed through the Gap
at age eight; his mother in 1809 as a babe
in arms. Savor that history as you stand
where they trod. Then hike .6 of a mile
further to the three state marker where
Footnotes July 2012 - 22
Tennessee, Kentucky and Virginia meet.
Why drive 1,600 miles, 24 hours, to
stand at 4 Corners (New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado), when you can
stand in three states at once in a couple of
hours from your home?
Okay, I admit I have visited
4 Corners three times and
loved it each time. And yes,
I’ve got the photos to prove
it. A favorite cartoon shows
a guy with a blanket over one
arm and a girl on the other,
walking from 4 Corners saying, “I bet we made history.”
Of special interest to thee and me is the
Little Congress Bike Museum (free, but
donations welcomed) in the heart of
town by the mill and a bubbling stream
known as Gap Creek turning the wheel.
We of a certain age will delight in revisiting a Western Flyer, a Huffy, a real
Schwinn Paramount from 1970 and dozens more, each with an explanatory placard. If you are lucky, you
will be hosted by the curator-docent-proprietormaintenance man, the Honorable Judge McClanahan
(ret.), a living history book
of arcane knowledge about
each bike displayed and
many more—possibly including your own ride. What fun it is to
view a penny-farthing bike from the
1800s and the sturdy and ornate bikes of
the 30s and 40s! And, of course, the
gleaming Paramount with Campy derailleur. It is hard to believe that this sleek
bike is now 40 some years old.
Biking and hiking trails abound, including two covered bridges and converted railroad tunnel. At the west end of
town is the 1897 railroad tunnel, handcarved by Italian immigrants 3,746 feet
Only a couple of miles away is the new
twin Cumberland Gap Tunnel for US
25E. Too many people have reported
seeing a ghost for you not to keep an eye
out as you traverse it, heading toward
Middlesboro or back home through
Harrogate. Five trips have failed to
reveal the specter to me, but I remain
Middlesboro lies in a bowl, which
geologists have recently identified as the
result of an asteroid strike. It was the
home of “Glacier Girl”, one of the six
existing P-38’s from World War II. It
was located and dug out of 250 feet of
Greenland ice and taken piece by piece to
Middlesboro, where it was restored. I
was there in October, 2002 when “Glacier Girl” made her first flight, fifty plus
years after the initial crash. She now lives
in Texas where she flies in air shows and
A bit south of Cumberland Gap is
Harrogate, Tennessee, home of Lincoln
Memorial University and the outstanding Lincoln Memorial Museum.
I urge you to visit this marvelous area,
especially Cumberland Gap itself, which
may be found as follows:
Leave Knoxville on Maynardville Highway (Tennessee 33) and
follow it to Tazewell, then
Middlesboro. Immediately
before entering the Twin
Tunnels, follow the sign to
the right, which pronounces
the next two exits lead to
Cumberland Gap. Due to
the tiny size of the town, either exit will
suffice, but look out as the exits appear
Walk where Daniel Boone walked and
viewed Kentucky, that “dark and bloody
ground.” Look about you in the little
town and envision Union and Rebel forces
vying for it 150 years ago. Have a
marvelous time on any weekend, only 50
miles away!
See also www.bicyclemuseum.net.
Footnotes July 2012 - 23
Footnotes July 2012 - 24
Michael Holtz, race director
his year’s EXPO 10K and 5K Run/
Walk Presented by 6 Cares was
especially meaningful for me this
year. I’ve walked or run either the 10K or
5K several times over the years, and was
honored to be asked to serve as racedirector for the 2012 iteration of the
event. I was diagnosed with cancer as
planning was well underway and was in
the middle of oral chemotherapy and
radiation therapy on race day, so I was,
quite honestly, just happy to be there.
Thanks to Kristy, Mike and Anthony for
helping me through some of the rough
spots leading up to race day.
The weather was a scorcher, but that
didn’t stop 1,037 participants from coming out on race day for what turned out to
be a great event. This year, we had the
opportunity to honor 28 so-called
“streakers” who have run either the 10K
or the 5K for each of the 35 years the
Expo has existed. The streakers were
presented commemorative medals recognizing their feat.
Darren Brown of Knoxville took first
place in the 10K, running 32:06, followed
by Andy Baksa of Knoxville (32:30) and
Micah Tirop of Murfreesboro at (33:11).
In the 5K, Hayes Griffin took first, clocking18:50, followed by Ernie Brooks
(19:25) and Zachary Rose (19:33).
One of the things I love about EXPO
is that it truly is a family-friendly race.
We had three 8-year-old runners, and
what race in Knoxville would be complete
without an appearance by 93-year-old
John Smartt. I hope
and pray I’m still able
to participate in races
when I’m his age!
The other familyfriendly aspect of
EXPO is the family teams: Mother/Son,
Mother/Daughter, Father/Son, Father/
Daughter, Husband/Wife and Three
Generations. In the Mother/Son category,
Team Tener, Jeremiah Tener and Becky
Tener, took first place in the 10K with a
combined time of 95:16. Mother/Daughter team winners were Hodges-Allan,
Sarah Allen and her mom Teri Hodges,
(combined time 100:31). Team Baksa,
Andy and Jessica Baksa, took Husband/
Wife team honors (85:07). The Father/
Son team category was won by Team
Houston and his
dad, Daniel, (combined time 84:31).
Team Parker, Leann
Lanz and her dad
Tom Parker, took
KTC races are
made possible because of the generous support of our
sponsors. Thanks to
6 Cares for being
presenting sponsor
and for covering the
race lives. It was exciting to watch the
replay of the race on television later that
weekend. Thanks also to Pilot Travel
Centers, Tennessee Sports Management
Group, Runners Market, Academy Sports
+ Outdoors, Advanced Chiropractic, Tim
Hathaway—Realty Executives, Power
Systems and Endurance Sports Management.
Of course, no race would be possible
without the exceptional support of our
volunteers. Thanks to Rebekah Roberts,
Malinda Wood, Sara Webb, the Tin
Roof runners who helped stuff goody
bags, Susan Rutherford, Ken Sirois,
Shirley Sirois, Kathy
Nash, Linda French,
Becky Tener, John
Cunningham, Diane
Scarbrough, Cait
Shanahan, Phyllis Sizemore, Lindsay
Rebert, Jeffrey Long, Terry Higgins,
Larry Brede, Doris Gove, Troy Rebert,
Angie Schmidt, Felon Wilson, Sgt.
Bennett, Scott Dougherty, Steve
Speelman, Mara Speelman, Kekona Soon,
Julia Pope, Linda Henry, Jamie Niland,
Caitlyn Sherrod, John LeCroy, Hayes
Hunter, Joyce Hunter, Becky Dockery,
Betsy White, Sgt. Minus, Sgt. BunchCarr, Michael Palmer, Kim Emert, Kay
Shanahan, Brian Lewis, Greg McMullen,
Vic Hair, Amanda Peretich, Steve Zimo,
Michael Caroll, Jeff Archer, Sgt. Web
Bussell and his group from the air base,
D.K. Stanford, Sgt. Wilson, the residents
of Island Home who manned a water
stop, Doug Singh, Jennifer Singh and
Bryan Harmon.
Thanks to David Simpson for managing
the equipment, Jason Altman for handling
IPICO chip timing, Mike Wortley for
manning the finish line, Anthony Palmer
for taking care of volunteer check-in and
Kevin Mahan for handling sound.
Thanks to Kristy Altman and Mike
Wortley for making a race director’s job
relatively easy. Hope to see everyone at
EXPO in 2013!
Footnotes July 2012 - 25
Coming Labor Day 2012
Hal Canfield Memorial Mile and 5 Miler
Hal Canfield Race Adds 5 Mile Option for 2012
The Hal Canfield Memorial Mile was established in 2010 to honor the late Hal Canfield.
Upon his death in 2009, the KTC Board of Directors created the Harold W. Canfield
Memorial Scholarship Fund with the help and generosity of his daughters, Barbara
Karpay and June Fillingim. The fund now qualifies as an endowment, thanks to the
efforts of the East Tennessee Foundation. Earnings from this endowment are used to fund
and support an academic scholarship annually. With Hal’s Mile now on the event
calendar, all proceeds of the event will be contributed to this endowment to help pay for
future scholarships.
You may have noticed that we have added a 5 mile option to the race this year. With the
KTC celebrating 50 years in 2012, we thought it would be a nice touch to add a 5.0 mile
option to this race that honors one of our founding fathers. In fact, we originally chose
Cherokee Boulevard to stage this race because of the history that Hal and the Club had
with the area. In the early days, many of the KTC’s long distance running races were run
on a five mile loop course on Cherokee Boulevard. This theme continues with the
addition of the 5 miler to the event in this celebratory year.
We believe (and hope!) that many people will want to run both races. In order to
accommodate this possible demand, we have staggered the race times. The mile will start
at 7:30 am and the 5 miler will begin at 8:15 am. We may even have a special award for
those individuals who do both races! All registration will take place in the parking lot on
the western end of Cherokee Boulevard. Hope to see you there!
Footnotes July 2012 - 26
Mike Wortley, KTC Event Director and grateful participant
n June 21, 2003, 125 runners
gathered at the Millhouse restaurant in Walland on a sunny
and wonderful afternoon to run a hilly
out-and-back 8k on Cold Springs Road.
Cherokee Distributing and Threds were
the main sponsors, and Burke Pendleton
brought home the title, running the course
in a time of 29:57.
On June 16, 2012, 119 runners were
on hand for the tenth running of the
Summer Solstice 8k Challenge. Many
things have stayed the same. Cherokee
Distributing and
Threds are still sponsors, although they
are now joined by
Rosy’s Wine and
Shoppe, New Balance Knoxville, and
Shawn’s Custom Computers. The course
is still hilly, and weather is still sunny and
wonderful, so long as you like it hot!
The runners have gotten faster in ten
years, as well. This year it was Ethan
Coffey, who smartly warmed up wearing
and ice vest, who was dubbed “King of
the Mountain” by co-race director Ray
Wilson after running the course in 27:36.
Coffey was followed by
Lenoir City high school
standout Nathan Jones
in 29:50, and Coffey’s
Trooper’s Bar teammate
Michael Mentz in 29:59.
Kevin Fitzgerald, Brent
Bueche, and Chuck
Shultz won the men’s
masters, grandmasters, and senior grandmasters titles, respectively.
In the women’s
Grunenwald was the
Queen of the Hill, completing the challenging course in an impressive 33:04.
Second place was Cherie Kern in 34:29,
and Missie Gregory was third with a time
of 36:24. Jennifer Singh was the top
masters runner, and Shirley Sirois was
the grandmasters champion.
After the run, participants enjoyed
barbeque sandwiches with baked beans,
cole slaw, and chocolate cake from the
Millhouse restaurant, and cold beverages from Cherokee
Distributing. A bluesy
trio called Mojo played
live music while runners enjoyed dinner
on the lawn. Kids
danced to the music
while their parents enjoyed their rewards for
a race well run.
I’d like to extend a big thank you all of
the volunteers who kept the participants
safe and well hydrated on course, and the
co-race directors Ray Wilson (who emceed the post race festivities) and Doug
Young (who set up the course, ran the
race, and then cleaned up the course.)
And an extra big thank you to the
young man who was handing out iced
towels at the finish line. He is my new
Footnotes July 2012 - 27
John LeCroy, race director
record number of participants
experienced almost perfect conditions for racing in July with
temperatures in the mid
90s, partly cloudy skies,
and a slight breeze. 1419
runners registered for the
28th Annual Pilot Fireball
Moonlight Classic. Thank
you to all of the runners who participated
in this year’s event. A number of runners
returned this year to heat up the field
making this an exciting race.
Maclean O’Donnell took the overall
win, covering the five kilometer course in
15:28. Max Paquette placed second,
running 15:40, improving from last year
by six seconds, and Ethan Coffey finished
third with a time of 15:44. Family and
friends witnessed an exciting race from
start to finish.
Haley Ward finished first in the female
overall division with an excellent time of
18:04. Rebecca McDowell returned this
Footnotes July 2012 - 28
year to race and took second place, just
six seconds back at 18:10. Kelsey Kane
claimed third, clocking 18:54.
Top finishers in the
Masters Division include
Eddie Wright from Oak
Ridge (16:55) and
Marsha Morton from
Lafollette (20:41). Top Grandmasters
were Brent Bueche from Maryville
(19:05) and Knoxville’s Jennifer Singh
from Knoxville (23:12). Fastest Male
Veteran Divison runner was Kurt
Backstrom from Knoxville, who finished
in 21:21, while local speedster Jeanne
Fair took first place in the Female Veterans Division, running 30:11.
Thank you to our title sponsor, Pilot
Corporation, for their continued support
of this fantastic family event. Thank you
WBIR for being our TV partner. Thank
you to all of the other businesses and
agencies that support this race including
Advanced Chiropractic, Tim Hathaway/
Realty Executives, Dick’s Sporting Goods,
TN Sports Medicine Group, University of
Tennessee, Rita’s Italian Ice, The Knoxville
Police Department, The Knoxville Fire
Department, and the City of Knoxville.
A special thanks goes to Runners
Market for continuing to support running
and racing in the community by partnering
with the Knoxville Track Club and hosting packet pick up. Thank you Kevin
Mahan and Endurance Sports Management for helping make the race day run
smoothly. Joe Jackson sang a beautiful
rendition of our National Anthem once
again for this year’s race.
The success of the race depends so
much on the volunteers that help set up
the water stops, course, start and finish
lines, registration, refreshments, data
entry, sorting shirts, stuffing goody bags,
picking up trash post race, sound, lighting, and the list goes on. Thank you once
again for helping put on a spectacular
race. Hope to see you again next year.
Outdoor KnoxFest Packs Three Days Of Urban Adventure
et ready for a fun three-day adventure packed weekend, August 24-26 as Outdoor KnoxFest
presents events and activities for the avid
adventurer, weekend warrior, the novice
outdoor enthusiast and everyone that
loves to Get Out & Play! The weekend
activities include:
Saturday morning starting at 9
a.m. The Urban Adventure Race presents a 6-8 hour challenging course for
teams of three who will bike, run, paddle,
swim, orienteer and face a few surprises
as they maneuver a unique course in and
around downtown Knoxville and the
Knoxville Urban Wilderness.
Sunday morning at 9 a.m. the
Urban Trail Race will head out on a
course designed by the Knoxville Track
Club. The 4-mile trail run winds through
Ijams Nature Center onto the new trails
at the Quarry. Walkers are welcomed.
m,x continued from page 15 m,x
mously approved. Mike provided an overview of recent cash and investment balances. There has been no change in
investments. The audit is almost complete for 2011. Tax form 990 to be
prepared in June.
Altman: Kristy submitted the Managing Director report. The Provision Health
and Wellness Dogwood Classic 5K/ Walk
on April 28 had 654 registered participants. This is a new record. The Expo
10K/5K will be held on May 26 and
volunteers are still needed. As of May 15,
the KTC has 2074 members (individual/
not family or household). Knox-Walks
fall session will begin late August or early
September and will culminate with the
Pilot CrossKnox 10 Miler and 4 Mile
Walk on October 29. The RunKNOX
program’s target event for the first ses-
Sunday at 11a.m. there will be a
TBRA sanctioned Mountain Bike Time
Trial. Test your skills and endurance on
10+ mile singletrack loop that begins at
Meads Quarry.
Saturday at 8 a.m. the Smoky
Mountain Wheelmen Bicycle Club hosts
the Pickel Road Ride, in honor of Harry
Pickel, famous for his friendly greetings
to those that rode past his store on
Thorngrove Rd. This figure-eight loop
highlights the scenic back roads of East
Saturday from 10-4 a day of Get
Out & Play activities will be held on
Knoxville’s Waterfront. This is a great
time to try out sport climbing on the
climbing wall or see why everyone’s
excited about Stand-Up Paddleboards.
Saturday at 9 a.m. Former Olympian, Missy Kane, will be leading a His-
sion is Expo. WATE TV 6 will have live
coverage of the EXPO 10K/5K. Facebook
event pages have been set up for Dogwood and Expo.
Marathon Report- Jason Altman:
Jason submitted the Marathon Report.
Jason is waiting on a couple of invoices
before wrapping up financials on the
2012 event. Jason expects to have final
numbers by June. Island Home won the
“best neighborhood” award again. An
award presentation was held at Pilot
Flying J on May 3 and the top three
companies in three division received
awards. Eight of the nine winning companies were present. Jason presented
awards for the Fittest School Challenge.
The MAC committee met in late April to
discuss big picture ideas for 2013 and
Youth Athletic Program-Chris
Harper: The KTC Board of Directors
voted on a resolution that KTC shall take
the affirmative action to ensure that the
Youth Athletics Program is maintained
as part of the KTC. The resolution
tory Hike on the trails and greenway at Ft
Dickerson Park. Come discover this hidden gem in the heart of Knoxville.
Sunday at 2 p.m. the Legacy
Leisure Bike Ride will be hosted by Mast
General Store. Starting from downtown,
cyclists will enjoy a part road/part
greenway ride to the Knoxville’s Urban
Wilderness and back. The ride will be at
a social pace perfect for enjoying the
scenery along the way.
Go for the Triple Crown! —
We’ve designed a commemorative gift
for those that take the challenge of
completing all 3 races: Urban Adventure Race (Saturday), Urban Trail Race
(Sunday morning) and the TBRA
Mountain Bike Time Trail (Sunday late
morning). Register for all three events,
enjoy a discounted entry fee and make
the most of your Outdoor KnoxFest
passed. The KTC Board of Directors also
voted on a resolution to have Darren
Brown serve as the interim director of the
Youth Athletics Program. This resolution passed.
New Business
Blue Ridge Relay- Ethan Coffey:
Ethan formally requested that the Knoxville Track Club sponsor a team for the
Blue Ridge Relay. The previous KTCsponsored team won the race in 2010 and
set a course record. The KTC Board of
directors unanimously voted to sponsor
the KTC team in the form of paying the
entry fee.
Greater Knoxville Sports Hall of
Fame Dinner and Induction -Kristy
Altman: The Greater Knoxville Sports
Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction benefiting the Boys and Girls Club of the TN
Valley will be held on August 23, 2012.
The next KTC Board meeting will be
on June 25, 2012 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was adjourned at 8:51 pm.
Footnotes July 2012 - 29
kruz ad
Footnotes July 2012 - 30
Footnotes July 2012 - 31
The Knoxville Track Club's Treadin' Trodden Trails 2012 Offroad Running Series proudly presents
DATE TIME PLACE: Saturday, July 14, 2012. 9:00 am. Starts/finishes at Concord Park in West Knoxville.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 8½ mile course begins in the parking lot of Concord Park, winding first through the eastern side of the park for 6½
action-packed miles of twisting, turning, climbing fun, then crosses to the western portion of the park for two more circuitous miles, finishing exactly
where it started. Barrels of fun. One or two leaflets of poison ivy have been rumoured to lurk astride the course. COURSE CLOSES 11:30 am
DIRECTIONS: Concord Park is located ½ mile west of the junction of Northshore Drive and Westland Drive. Take I-140 (Pellissippi Parkway)
to Westland Drive exit (3) travel west on Westland Drive, approx. 1¼ miles, turn right on to Northshore Drive, go ½ mile to entrance on right. Those
arriving by helicopter, descend rope near starting line; no helipad provided. Latitude 35.8631354 Longitude -84.1304691.
REGISTRATION AND FEES: Fee: $10.00 for pre-registration and online registration. Five bucks for students 14 and younger. Two KTC volunteer
coupons will waive fee. On line registration available at www.ktc.org. NOTE: Day of Race registration $15.00 or three volunteer coupons.
T-SHIRTS: Special limited edition T-shirts will be printed for the series. This is the same shirt as at all other Treadin’ Trodden Trails races;
one shirt per runner PER SEASON please. Taking multiple shirts minimizes monies we are able to donate to KTC’s Youth Athletics Program.
RACE NUMBER PICKUP: Numbers will not be mailed. Pick up packet at race site 30-90 minutes before the start.
AWARDS AND REWARDS: Awards will vary from race to race, but each race offers the eminent satisfaction of completing a challenging run,
testing oneself against the elements and participating in a delightful romp among the woods, waters, hillsides, and fields of East Tennessee.
SPECIAL SERIES AWARDS: Points will be awarded for overall finish (and volunteerism) at each of the TTT Series races. Top point earners
at the end of the series (10 each male / female and < 40 / 40+) will receive TTT Series awards. Overall top male and female and top male and
female masters qualify for free entry to Big South Fork Trail Race and hotel accomodations for that race. In order to qualify for a series award,
an individual must be a current KTC member and volunteer at a minimum of two Treadin’ Trodden Trails events. Point totals accrue in a
maximum of ten series events.
RESULTS: Results will be available on the Knoxville Track Club website: www.ktc.org
COURSE ETIQUETTE: We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers. Due to
insurance regulations, no headsets, earphones, bicycles, baby strollers, roller blades or pets on the course.
SAFETY: The course will be monitored with water and aid stations; however, due to the unusual nature of this race (and trail racing generally) we
strongly recommend that you : (1) Carry your own water with a fanny pack, (2) If sensitive to insect stings or bites, carry your own medication, and
(3) Do some pre-race training offroad, as there is no substitute for experience. We want you to have a good time.
INFO FOR RUNNING OR VOLUNTEERING: Contact race director Michael deLisle at 865.548.4718 or mdelisle@comcast.net. More info 865.588.1650
Race Number
City ________________________________ State ___________ Zip _____
Sex Circle One
Phone (
) _______ - _______ E-Mail Address ______________________
In case of emergency, call ________________________
at Phone ( ) ________ - ________
2 HR 30 MIN
We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits
unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers!
Age as of 12/31/12 _____
T-shirt Size (circle one)
Fill Out Completely and Mail with Entry Fee to:
Michael deLisle, Concord Trail Race
4443 Kingston Pike, Knoxville TN 37919
Make checks payable to
The Knoxville Track Club (No refunds)
I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter and
run in the Trail that Can't Be Concord trail race unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by
any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with
running and /or volunteering to work in the aforementioned race, including but not limited to falls, contact with other
participants, the effects of weather, including high heat or humidity, ice and snow, the condition of the road and traffic
on the course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and
in consideration of your acceptance of my application, I for myself, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive
KNOXVILLE, TOWN OF FARRAGUT, AND KNOX COUNTY, any and all members thereof, and all further sponsors,
their representatives, successors, from all claims or liability of any kind arising out of my participation in the
aforementioned event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons
named in this waiver. I also grant permission to all the foregoing to use any photograph, motion pictures, recordings,
or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose.
__________________________ _______________________ _____
Athlete's Signature
Footnotes July 2012 - 32
& if under 18, parent's signature
Presented by
The 29th Annual
Carter Mill Splash 10K
Date, Time, & Place: Saturday, July 21, 2012 at 7:30 AM. Starts and finishes at the Carter Mill community
swimming pool, 9218 Carter Mill Rd, Strawberry Plains, TN.
Directions: From Knoxville, go east on I-40. Take Strawberry Plains exit. Go left at end of exit ramp onto
Strawberry Plains Pike. Go 3 miles to stop sign. Turn right onto Hwy. #70. Go 1/2 mile and turn right on
Carter School Road. Go 1/4 mile, turn right onto Carter Mill Road. The Pool is on your left.
Course Description and Highlights: USATF Certified #TN03001DJR. Out and back course that runs on
rolling, rural roads, with the second half slightly more downhill³especially the last 1/2 mile.
Registration & Entry Fee: Cost is $25 for all mail in entries. Mail in entries must be postmarked no later
than Wednesday, July 11, 2012. No t-shirt ² deduct $5 anytime. Race day registration is from 6:30 a.m. to
7:15 a.m. at the pool. To receive early registration and KTC member discounts, please go to
www.ktc.org/RaceCarterMill.html and register online. No Refunds, and no transfers.
T-shirts: 1st quality, short-sleeved. Pre-registered runners will receive shirts on race day. Late registrants
as supplies last or at a later date.
Awards: Ceremony following the race at the pool. Awards to top 3 Overall, top Masters (40+),
Grandmasters (50+), Veterans (60+) for Male and Female. Awards to the top Clydesdale (male, 200 lbs+)
and Athena (female, 150 lbs+). Overall winners not eligible for age division awards (three deep). Awards
must be picked up on race morning or at Runners Market at Western Plaza after Monday, July 23. Awards
will not be mailed to local runners.
Grand Prix Points: 2012 Grand Prix Points awarded. Remember, to be eligible for Grand Prix awards you
must be a member of the KTC and you must volunteer for at least 3 events on the 2012 Grand Prix
Refreshments: Refreshments provided for participants only after the run at the pool.
Results: Compete results will be available on the KTC Website at www.ktc.org.
Race Etiquette: Due to insurance regulations, roller blades, strollers, bicycles, and dogs are not allowed
on the course. Headphones are prohibited at this event. Anyone wearing headphones will be disqualified
and will not receive a time. Course closes after 1 hour 45 minutes.
Information: Contact Race Director Joe Jackson at 865-719-4098 or at jjacksonruns@gmail.com, or e-mail
at knoxvilletrackclub@gmail.com.
Course closes
after 1 hour, 45
Official 2012 Carter Mill Splash 10K Entry Form
Race No. _____________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Last: _______________________________
City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________
First: _______________________________
E-mail Address*: ______________________________________________________
Sex Circle One:
Age (as of 7.21.12) _____________
Birth date (mo/day/yr) ____________________
Clydesdale/Athena Division (circle one):
200 lbs + male
150 lbs + female
Circle T-shirt Size:
Select all that apply:
________ 10K Run: $25(Discounts available
for registering online)
________ NO SHIRT ² Deduct $5
$________ TOTAL
Please remember that headphones are
prohibited at this event!
Please Complete and Mail to
KTC/ Carter Mill 10K Splash
10031 Westland Dr, Knoxville TN, 37922
Make checks payable to Knoxville Track Club
*Please provide a valid e-mail address for important pre-race instructions
Emergency Contact: ____________________________________________________
In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for
myself, my family, my heirs, executers, and administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all
rights & claims for damages & causes of suit or action known or unknown, that may have against The
Knoxville Track Club, The City of Knoxville, Road Runners Club of America, and all other political entities, all
independent contractors & construction firms working on or near the course, all KTC Committee persons,
Officials & Volunteers, & all sponsors of the race, & related Race Events & their officers, directors, employees,
agents & representatives, successors, & assigns, for any and all injuries that may be suffered by me in this
event. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers & precautions that must be taken when
running in warm or cold conditions, & have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I also agree
to abide by any decision of an appointed medical official relative to my ability to safely continue or complete
the run. I further assume and will pay my own medical & emergency expenses in the event of an accident,
illness or other incapacity regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. Further, I hereby grant full
permission to the Knoxville Track Club and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any photographs,
videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any
time. I further understand that there are no entry refunds, exchanges, transfers or rollovers, and that the
event may be cancelled due to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and national
security including suspected terrorist activity. I understand if I use a MP3 player, IPOD, headset, cell phone or
other electronic device while participating in the event, I will do so in a reasonable way using common sense
and awareness of those around me. I have read this waiver carefully & understand it.
We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct
or is abusive to race volunteers. HEADPHONES ARE PROHIBITED AT THIS EVENT!
Anyone wearing headphones during the race will be disqualified.
Footnotes July 2012 - 33
The Knoxville Track Club's Treadin' Trodden Trails 2012 Offroad Running Series proudly presents
DATE TIME PLACE: Friday evening, August 3, 2012. 5:30 pm. EDT. Starts/finishes at Haw Ridge Park between Knoxville and Oak Ridge.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This roughly seven mile loop course will take runners on a mind-bending tour of the eastern part of the park, utilizing
known and unknown trails ascending and descending hills steeper than the slopes of Everest (though no snow or ice likely). Upon reaching the
finish line, it is expected that runners will collapse in paroxysms of pain, delight, and oxygen deprivation. A fiesta will follow in an attempt at
assuagement. Party beverages will NOT be provided but ample food will be on hand, along with water and soft drinks. Course closes 7:15 pm.
DIRECTIONS: From Knoxville, take Pellissippi Parkway to Edgemoor Drive and travel east for a mile and a quarter, turning onto Old Edgemoor Drive
and following it ¾ mile to the Life Development Center. Lat: 36.009638°N, Long: -84.169044°W
REGISTRATION AND FEES: Fee: $10.00 for pre-registration and online registration. Five bucks for students 14 and younger. Two KTC volunteer
coupons will waive fee. On line registration available at www.ktc.org. Participants are encouraged to donate to Friends of Haw Ridge at registration.
NOTE: Day of Race registration $15.00 or three volunteer coupons.
T-SHIRTS: Special limited edition T-shirts will be printed for the series. This is the same shirt as at all other Treadin’ Trodden Trails races;
one shirt per runner PER SEASON please. Taking multiple shirts minimizes monies we are able to donate to KTC’s Youth Athletics Program.
RACE NUMBER PICKUP: Numbers will not be mailed. Pick up packet at race site 30-90 minutes before the start.
AWARDS AND REWARDS: Awards will vary from race to race, but each race offers the eminent satisfaction of completing a challenging run,
testing oneself against the elements and participating in a delightful romp among the woods, waters, hillsides, and fields of East Tennessee.
SPECIAL SERIES AWARDS: Points will be awarded for overall finish (and volunteerism) at each of the TTT Series races. Top point earners
at the end of the series (10 each male / female and < 40 / 40+) will receive TTT Series awards. Overall top male and female and top male and
female masters qualify for free entry to Big South Fork Trail Race and hotel accomodations for that race. In order to qualify for a series award,
an individual must be a current KTC member and volunteer at a minimum of two Treadin’ Trodden Trails events. Point totals accrue in a
maximum of ten series events.
RESULTS: Results will be available on the Knoxville Track Club website: www.ktc.org
COURSE ETIQUETTE: We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers. Due to
insurance regulations, no headsets, earphones, bicycles, baby strollers, roller blades or pets on the course.
SAFETY The course will be monitored with water and aid stations; however, due to the unusual nature of this race (and trail racing generally) we
strongly recommend that you : (1) Carry your own water with a fanny pack, (2) If sensitive to insect stings or bites, carry your own medication, and
(3) Do some pre-race training offroad, as there is no substitute for experience. We want you to have a good time.
INFO FOR RUNNING OR VOLUNTEERING: Contact race director Laura Gearhiser at 865.318.0108 or lauragearhiser@hotmail.com.
Race Number
City ________________________________ State ___________ Zip _____
Phone (
In case of emergency, call ________________________
at Phone ( ) ________ - ________
Sex Circle One
Age (as of 12-31-12) ______
Birthdate Mo. ____ Day ____ Yr ____
T-shirt Size (circle one)
Fill Out Completely and Mail with Entry Fee to:
Michael deLisle, Haw Ridge Trail Race
4443 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN 37919
Make checks payable to
The Knoxville Track Club (No refunds)
Footnotes July 2012 - 34
) _______ - _______ E-Mail Address ______________________
1 HR 45 MIN
We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits
unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers!
I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter and
run in the Haw Ridge Trail Race unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of
a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and /or
volunteering to work in the aforementioned race, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants,
the effects of weather, including high heat or humidity, ice and snow, the condition of the road and traffic on the course,
all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in
consideration of your acceptance of my application, I for myself, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and
AND THE CITY OF OAK RIDGE, any and all members thereof, and all further sponsors, their representatives, successors,
from all claims or liability of any kind arising out of my participation in the aforementioned event, even though that
liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I also grant
permission to all the foregoing to use any photograph, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for
any legitimate purpose.
__________________________ _______________________ _____
Athlete's Signature
& if under 18, parent's signature
TSD Fall 10K and 1 Mile Fun Walk
Part of the Soles of the City Race Series
Benefits Tennessee School for the Deaf
Date, Time and Place: Saturday, August 4, 2012 7:30 AM EST Tennessee School for the Deaf in Knoxville, TN
Course Description: USATF Certified Course. (A single loop course through the Island Home Neighborhood beginning and ending on
the beautiful Tennessee School for the Deaf Campus.)
Registration and Fees: Early (June 1 to July 20) $25 Adults/$15 Children <18 Late and Race Day $30 Adults/ $20 children <18 No
T-Shirt Option Deduct $2.00. Online Registration Available at http://www.runnerreg.net/register/?event=12561 Early (June 1 to
July 20) $22 Adults/$12 Children <18 Late $27 Adults/$17 Children <18 Online registration closes at midnight July 31,
2012. Preregistration packet pickup will be at Fleet Feet in Turkey Creek Friday, August 3, 2012.
Shirts: Heavy Weight Cotton Short Sleeve.
Awards: $100 to Top M/F Overall Finisher $50 to Top M/F Master, Grandmaster, and Veteran Finisher. Awards Three Deep to M/F
Finishers in Age Group 1-10, 11-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, and
80+ (overall winners not eligible). Awards will not be mailed.
TN Grand Prix: This Event is Part of The Run and See Tennessee Grand Prix Series. http://www.tngrandprix.com
Refreshments: Refreshments Will be Furnished After the Race.
Information: Ron Fuller at 865-300-3473 or Hope Tourville 865-806-9964 or ron.fuller@totalracesolutions.com
Please Check Mark or Complete Appropriate Entries
Last Name:___________________________________________________ First Name:_____________________________________________________________
Age:_____ DOB: ____/____/______ Gender: ____M ____F Email Address: ______________________________________________________________
Adult Shirt: ____No Shirt ____S ____M ____L ____XL ____XXL ($2.00 Up Charge)
Youth Shirt: ____YS ____YM
Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zip Code _____________
Emergency Contact:__________________________________________________________________ Emergency Phone # _________________________
Fee: Adult ____$25
Child <18 ____ $15 (postmark by July 20)
No Shirt ____ (Deduct $2.00)
Adult ____$30
Child <18 ____ $20 (postmark after July 20)
Adult XXL ____ (Add $2.00)
Additional Donation to Tennessee School for the Deaf ____ Yes Amount $ ____________
Total Amount Enclosed: $____________ Check Payable to TSD Fall 10K and Mail to: TRS PO Box 30667 Knoxville, TN 37930-0667
In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my family, my
heirs, executors, and administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all rights & claims for damages & causes of suit or
action known or unknown, that we may have against The TSD Fall 10K and 1 Mile Fun Walk, Total Race Solutions, the Run and See
Tennessee Grand Prix, RunnerReg, Soles of the City Running Club, the City of Knoxville, and all other political entities, all independent
contractors & construction firms working on or near the course, all event officials & volunteers, & all sponsors of the race, & related
race events & their officers, directors, employees, agents & representatives, successors, & assigns, for any and all injuries that may be
suffered by me in this event. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers & precautions that must be taken when running
in warm or cold conditions, & have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I also agree to abide by any decision of an
appointed medical official relative to my ability to safely continue or complete the run. I further assume and will pay my own medical
& emergency expenses in the event of an accident, illness or other incapacity regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses.
Further, I hereby grant full permission to The TSD Fall 10K and I Mile Fun Walk, Total Race Solutions, the Run and See Tennessee
Grand Prix, RunnerReg, Soles of the City Running Club, and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any photographs,
videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any time. By furnishing my
email address, I acknowledge that I authorize The TSD Fall 10K and 1 Mile Fun Walk, Total Race Solutions, the Run and See
Tennessee Grand Prix, RunnerReg, and Soles of the City Running Club to include me on mass emails concerning The TSD Fall 10K and
1 Mile Fun Walk, or any Total Race Solutions, Run and See Tennessee Grand Prix, RunnerReg or Soles of the City Running Club event.
I understand that my personal data will not be shared with any other entity without my express written approval and that I may opt
out of receiving these emails at any time. I further understand that there are no entry refunds, exchanges, transfers or rollovers, and
that the event may be cancelled due to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and national security including
suspected terrorist activity. I understand if I use an MP3 player, IPOD, headset, cell phone or other electronic device while
participating in the event, I will do so in a reasonable manner using common sense and awareness of those around me. I have read
this waiver carefully & understand it.
Signature:_________________________________________________________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian if Under 18)
Footnotes July 2012 - 35
Footnotes July 2012 - 36
Presented by
Midnight 8k
Date, Time, & Place: Saturday, August 4, 2012, Pigeon Forge, TN. Runners will line-up at 11:55 pm and the
race will start at midnight.
Course Description and Highlights: USATF Certified #TN10018MS. A fast, flat course!
RRCA Regional Championship Race: The PigeonForge.com Midnight 8K is the RRCA Regional 8K
Championship for Tennessee.
Registration & Entry Fee: Cost is $30 for all mail-in entries. Mail-in entries must be postmarked no later
than Wednesday, July 25, 2012. No t-shirt – deduct $5 anytime. Race day registration is from 10:30 p.m. to
11:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Pigeon Forge Hotel and Convention Center. To receive an early registration and
KTC member discounts, please go to www.ktc.org/RacePigeonForge.html and register online. No Refunds,
and no transfers.
T-shirts: Pre-registered runners will receive short sleeved performance t-shirts on race day. Late registrants
as supplies last or at a later date.
Awards: Cash awards for overall winners. Cash prizes will be mailed. Awards to top 3 Overall, top
Masters (40+), Grandmasters (50+), Senior Grandmasters (60+) for Male and Female. Awards to the top three
Clydesdale (male, 200 lbs+) and Athena (female, 150 lbs+). Age Divisions include 14 and Under, 15—19,
20—24, 25—29, 30—34, 35—39, 40—44, 45—49, 50—54, 55—59, 60—64, 65—69, 70—74, 75—79, and 80
and over. Overall winners not eligible for age division awards (three deep). Awards must be picked up during
the awards ceremony or at Runners Market at Western Plaza beginning Monday, August 6. Age division
awards will not be mailed.
Grand Prix Points: 2012 Grand Prix Points awarded. Remember, to be eligible for Grand Prix awards you
must be a member of the KTC and you must volunteer for at least 3 events on the 2012 Grand Prix Schedule.
Collier Restaurant Group
Refreshments: Refreshments provided for participants only after the run/walk.
Results: Compete results will be available on the KTC Website at www.ktc.org.
Sponsors: Please thank our sponsors: PigeonForge.com, Holiday Inn Pigeon Forge Hotel and Convention
Center, the City of Pigeon Forge, Sevier County Bank, and Collier Restaurant Group.
Race Etiquette: Due to insurance regulations, roller blades, strollers, bicycles, and dogs are not allowed on
the course. Headphones are strongly discouraged, but participants will not be disqualified.
Information: Contact Race Director David Morris at 865-607-8717 or via email at smokymtnhiker@aol.com
or Mike Wortley at 888-217-5635 or via e-mail at knoxtrackevents@gmail.com.
Course Closes after 1
hour, 30 minutes.
Official 2012 The PigeonForge.com Midnight 8K Entry Form
Race No. _____________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Last: _______________________________
City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________
First: _______________________________
E-mail Address*: ______________________________________________________
Sex Circle One:
Emergency Contact: ____________________________________________________
Age (as of 8.4.12) _____________
Birth date (mo/day/yr) ____________________
Clydesdale/Athena Division (circle one):
200 lbs + male
150 lbs + female
Circle T-shirt Size:
Mens - S
Womens - S
Select all that apply:
________ 8K Run: $30(Discounts available
for registering online)
________ NO SHIRT – Deduct $5
$________ TOTAL
Please Complete and Mail to
KTC/ PigeonForge.com Midnight 8K
10031 Westland Dr, Knoxville TN, 37922
Make checks payable to Knoxville Track Club
*Please provide a valid e-mail address for important pre-race instructions
In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for
myself, my family, my heirs, executers, and administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all
rights & claims for damages & causes of suit or action known or unknown, that may have against The
Knoxville Track Club, The City of Knoxville, Road Runners Club of America, and all other political entities, all
independent contractors & construction firms working on or near the course, all KTC Committee persons,
Officials & Volunteers, & all sponsors of the race, & related Race Events & their officers, directors, employees,
agents & representatives, successors, & assigns, for any and all injuries that may be suffered by me in this
event. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers & precautions that must be taken when
running in warm or cold conditions, & have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I also agree
to abide by any decision of an appointed medical official relative to my ability to safely continue or complete
the run. I further assume and will pay my own medical & emergency expenses in the event of an accident,
illness or other incapacity regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. Further, I hereby grant full
permission to the Knoxville Track Club and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any photographs,
videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any
time. I further understand that there are no entry refunds, exchanges, transfers or rollovers, and that the
event may be cancelled due to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and national
security including suspected terrorist activity. I understand if I use a MP3 player, IPOD, headset, cell phone or
other electronic device while participating in the event, I will do so in a reasonable way using common sense
and awareness of those around me. I have read this waiver carefully & understand it.
Athlete’s Signature
Parent’s Signature (if under 18)
We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct
or is abusive to race volunteers.
Footnotes July 2012 - 37
Scholars RUN 2012
Second Leg of the
Healthy Blount Triple
Crown of Running
5K Run & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
Proceeds are to fund two annual scholarships sponsored by the
Foothill Striders, Inc.
DATE: Saturday, August 11, 2012
LOCATION: Physical Education Building,
Maryville College
CHECK-IN: 6:45 – 7:30 a.m.
RACE TIME: 8:00 a.m. – 5K Run
8:05 a.m. – 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
THE COURSE. 5K Course includes
area city streets. Split times will be
provided at each mile. The 1 Mile Fun
Walk/Run is situated entirely on the
Maryville College campus.
REGISTRATION & ENTRY FEE. Individuals can pre-register in person at the Parks
and Recreation Office located at: 316 S. Everett High Road, Maryville, TN 37804 through
Thursday, August 9, 3 p.m. Fee includes a race T-shirt. (Please add $1.50 for XXL shirt
UÊ"ÀÊÀi}ˆÃÌiÀʜ˜ˆ˜iÊLÞÊÕ}ÕÃÌʙ]ÊÓÊ«°“°Êeastern at www.parksrec.com
CORPORATE & SCHOOL GROUP CHALLENGE. Each team consists of at least
3 members. The 3 fastest times will be added together to form the team score.
Runners may register separately but must enter a corporation or school group name
in the appropriate blank on the entry form. Entry fee for team members is
$17 preregistration. Teams must pre-register.
T-SHIRTS. All runners will receive an
attractive, high-quality T-shirt (race day
guarantee to pre-registered runners). Shirts
will be available on the day of the race for
day-of-race entries, as long as supplies last.
Those who do not receive a shirt on race day
may pick up a shirt at the Parks & Recreation
office approximately two weeks later.
place immediately following the 5K and
1 Mile Fun Run/Walk. Plaques will be
awarded for the top corporate/school
ceremony will be held on-site immediately
following the race (approximately 9 a.m.).
Special awards will be given to the top three
finishers in each age group and to the male/
female Overall and Masters winners in the
5K. All Fun Run/Walk participants will receive
a ribbon. All race participants will be eligible
for free door prize drawings which will take
Refreshments will be served immediately
following the race for all registered
OTHER INFORMATION. No baby strollers,
bicycles, roller blades, dogs or use of
headsets are allowed.
For more information regarding this
race or the Triple Crown of Running,
please contact Parks & Recreation at
Access results at www.parksrec.com
Male & Female
Masters Male & Female (40 & over)
2 0 1 2
Detach and return form with check or money order (made payable to Foothill Striders): ATTN: Parks &
Recreation, Scholars Run, P.O. Box 789, Alcoa, TN 37701-0789 or register online at: www.parksrec.com
For office use only
LAST NAME _______________________________________________ FIRST NAME ______________________________________________
SCHOOL GROUP _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
CORPORATION NAME _________________________________________________________________________________________________
SEX ______________________
STREET ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY _________________________________ STATE ______________ ZIP _______________ PHONE (________)______________________
________ ________ ________
EMAIL _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I WILL RUN IN THE: ________ 5K
AGE AS OF AUG 11, 2012:
________ 1 MILE
XXL (Please add $1.50 to entry fee for XXL shirt order.)
EMERGENCY CONTACT________________________________________________________ PHONE (________)______________________
ATHLETE’S RELEASE: I know that running in road races is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and run in this race unless I am medically able and
properly trained. I assume all risks associated with running in this road race, including, but not limited to: falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather,
including high heat and/or humidity, the conditions of the road and traffic on the course; all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver
and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Foothill
Striders, Parks & Rec, and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in the race even
though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I also grant my permission to all of the foregoing to
use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose.
SIGNATURE______________________________________________________________________ DATE_______________________________________
(If under 18 years of age, parent’s signature required)
Footnotes July 2012 - 38
Footnotes July 2012 - 39
The Butterfly Fund 5K
The Butterfly Fund of East Tennessee Foundation supports research, treatment
and services dedicated to the defeat of childhood cancers.
Date, Time & Place: Saturday A
August 18, 2012 at 9 am at the west end of Cherokee Blvd in Sequoyah Hills
Course Description: Course Cer
Certified: USTAF #TN4012DJR. An “Out and Back” along Cherokee Blvd beginning in the eastbound
lanes near the west park entrance
entrance. Course runs to Talahi Drive and back in the westbound lanes of Cherokee Blvd to Southgate Rd.
Registration & Entry Fee: Early (Aug 11, 2012) $25 adults/$15 children. Late And Race Day Registration $30 adults/$20
children. No T-Shirt Option Deduct $2. Online Registration available at www.butterfly5k2012.edgereg.com Butterfly Fund
website: butterflyfund.org
Pre-Registration Packet Pickup Will Be at Fleet Feet in Turkey Creek on Thursday and Friday, August 16 and 17.
T-Shirts: 1st Quality Short Sleeved.
Awards: $125 to Top Male and Female, $100 to 100th Finisher, $75 to Top Masters (40+), Grandmasters (50+), & Veterans (60+)
Male & Female. Awards to Top 3 Male And Female Finishers in each Age Group (Overall Winners not Eligible). Awards Must Be
Picked Up On Race Day And Will Not Be Mailed.
T1 Gand Prix: This race is part of the Total Race Solutions Tennessee Grand Prix Series. More info at www.tngrandprix.com
Refreshments: Refreshments will be provided in the tent following the race.
Information: Contact James Harrill At 865.789.1982 Or Email At Jharrill@Butterflyfund.org
t Detach Here t
5K only entry form
Machine copies accepted
First Name and Middle Initial
T-Shirt Size:
Last Name
S, M, L, XL, XXL
T-Shirt Size:
S, M, L,
Mailing address
Area Code
E-Mail Address
First Name
Emergency Contact Last Name
Area Code
Fees: Adult -- $25
Zip/Postal Code
Child (18 & Younger)--$15
Fill Out And Return To (Please make checks payable to East Tennessee Foundation):
The Butterfly Fund, PO Box 31434, Knoxville, TN 37930-1434
Timed 5K
Untimed 5K
1 Mile Fun Walk
Athlete's Release - Please Read Carefully
I know that running and volunteering to work in road races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter the butterfly fund 5k unless i am
medically able and properlytrained. I understand that my entry fee is non-refundable and race numbers are non-transferrable. I agree to abide by
any decision of the race director relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and/or volunteering to
work the aforementioned race, including but not limited to falls, contact with participants, weather, including high heat or humidity, the conditions
of the course and traffic on the course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and release and knowing these
facts, and in anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Butterfly Fund, East Tennessee Foundation, Total Race Solutions, and
EdgeReg, and all participating sponsors, their representatives, successors, from all claims of liability of any kind arising out of my participation in
the aforementioned event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I
also grant permission to all the foregoing to use any photograph, motion pictures, recording, or any other recording of this event for any legitimate
(Please fill out a form for each participant)
Footnotes July 2012 - 40
Parent/Guardian if under 18
Presented By
Prostate Cancer Awareness 10K Race*, 5K Race
& 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
August 25, 2012
8:00 a.m.
The University of Tennessee Medical Center
1924 Alcoa Highway
Check all that apply
Entry Fee for 10K (Chip timed, USTAF certified course)
Entry Fee for 10K after August 24 and on-site Race Day
Entry Fee for 5K (Chip timed, USTAF certified course)
Entry Fee for 5K after August 24 and on-site Race Day
Entry Fee for Family 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
Sleep in for The Man Run
Additional Contribution to The Man Run
Total Amount
In appreciation of
support from the
Complete registration form on back
*All 10K participants must finish the event by 10am
Registration is also available online at www.manrun.org
Team Name:
First Name:
Last Name:
Age on Race Day:
Sex: M
Primary Phone:
Date of Birth:
I am a Prostate Cancer Survivor
Pre-registered runners/walkers packet pick-up will be at Runners Market, Western Plaza on
Friday, August 24 from 11 a.m.– 6 p.m.
T-Shirt Size ADULT:
Late race registrants receive shirts as supplies last at the UT Medical Center registration table.
1ST Prostate Cancer Survivor, 1st Overall Male and Female, Top Team Participation. Awards will be given to the top 3 overall
male and female finishers, the top male and female Masters finishers (40+), the top male and female Grandmasters finishers
(50+), and the top male and female Veterans (60+). The top 3 finishers in each age group (10 & under, 11-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29,
30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75 & over.) will also receive awards. Overall winners are not
eligible for age division awards (three deep) Participants are eligible for only one award. Awards must be picked upon race day;
they will not be mailed.
I understand that my consent to the following provisions is given in consideration of the acceptance of this registration and for being permitted to participate in The Man Run. I am a voluntary participant in this athletic event and know and understand that it is strenuous physical
activity and potentially hazardous to my health. Knowing the inherent hazards of participation in this athletic event, I HEREBY ASSUME AND
RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS University Health System, Inc. (UHS), University of Tennessee Medical Center, Total Race Solutions and any
event sponsor from any loss, liability or claims I may have arising out participation in this event, including personal injury or damage suffered
by me or others, whether caused by falls, contact with or negligence of other participants, conditions of the course, or otherwise. I attest and
verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I understand that the entry fee is non-refundable and
the numbers are non-transferable. The race director reserves the right to reject any entry or to issue invitations. I give my permission to UHS
and its affiliates to use any photographs, videotapes, or other recordings of me that are made during the course of this event. I certify that I am
at least 18 years of age and this is my legal signature.
Signature, and if under 18, Parent’s Signature
If sending by mail, early registration must be post-marked by August 22, 2011 to:
The Man Run
1934 Alcoa Highway, Suite 473
Knoxville, TN 37920
Make checks payable to: UT Medical Center–The Man Run
Footnotes July 2012 - 41
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Pre-Race Registration / Check-in 7:00 a.m.
Run/Walk Starts at 8:30 a.m.
at Central High School, 5321 Jacksboro Pike, Knoxville
Presenting Sponsor:
Logo by CHS Student: Brock Etters
To benefit: Central High School PTSO
Please fill out completely.
Last Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Sex: (Circle one) Male
Age: (as of 8/25/12 )
Circle t-shirt size: Youth M Youth L
Birth date: (mo/day/yr)
Adult: S M L XL XXL
Fees: (Please check all that apply. Make checks payable to: Central High School PTSO)
$20 –Early Registration Adult (thru 8/17/12)
$15 –Early Registration Youth 14 and under (thru 8/17/12)
$25 –After 8/17/12 and Race Day Adult
$20 – After 8/17/12 and Race Day Youth 14 and under
TOTAL Registration Fees (No Refunds)
Pre-Registration Date: on/before August 17, 2012
Contact Info: Central PTSO, Janna Kilgore / e-mail: janna.kilgore@gmail.com or Lisa McKenzie / e-mail: lisa.mckenzie@flightchoiceinc.com
Mail To: Central High School, c/o Lauren Kenny, 5313 Swanner Road, Knoxville, TN 37918. Write checks to Central High School PTSO.
ONLINE REGISTRATION: http://www.active.com/5k-race/knoxville-tn/bobcat-blast-5k-2012 (Credit card payments accepted for online registrations only.
Cash or check on day of race.) All pre-registered participants will receive a t-shirt on the day of the event. All late and race day registrants will receive
a t-shirt, while supplies last.
Three deep M/F: overall, 10 & under, 11 to 14, 15 to 19, 20 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 to 69, 70+
One deep M/F: masters (40+), grandmasters (50+), and veterans (60+)
Athlete’s Release. Please sign and date. I understand that I should not enter and run in the Bobcat Blast 5K unless I am medically able and properly trained. I
agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and/or volunteering to work in the
aforementioned race, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including high heat or humidity, ice and snow, the condition of the
road and traffic on the course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance
of my application, I for myself, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release Central High School, Marco’s Pizza, the Bobcat Blast, and any and all sponsors and
members thereof, and all further sponsors, their representatives, successors, from all claims or liability of any kind arising out of my participation in the aforementioned event,
even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I also grant permission to all the foregoing to use any
photograph, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose.
Athlete’s Signature. If under 18, parent’s signature
We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers. Headphones are PROHIBITED at this event. Due to insurance
regulations, roller blades, strollers, bicycles, and dogs are not allowed on the course. COURSE CLOSES after 2 hours.
Wm. Kevin Bailey, MD
Footnotes July 2012 - 42
East TN Kidney Foundation
Presented by:
Date, Time, & Place: Saturday, September 1, 2012 at 8:00 am at Krutch Park Extension facing Gay
Street in Downtown Knoxville. Parking available in nearby public parking garages.
Course Description and Highlights: 6K certified course. Out and back on Gay St. beginning beside
Krutch Park Extension in Downtown Knoxville. Course runs across Summit Hill Dr. to Emory Place,
through Historic 4th & Gill neighborhood. and back to Krutch Park Extension. Walkers will follow the
same course to Emory Place, around one neighborhood street and back to Gay Street to rendezvous with
running course. Course closes after 1 hour, 15 minutes.
Sponsored by:
Registration & Entry Fee The first 106 ONLINE entries ONLY $16! After that, cost is $26 for all entries.
Mail in entries must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, August 22nd. Race day registration is from
6:30-7:45 am at the race tent; cost is $30 day of race. To register online, visit www.ETKidney.org.
No refunds and no transfers.
Packet Pick-up: Packet pick-up to be held Friday, August 31st, from 12 pm to 6 pm at Fresenius Medical Center, Cedar Bluff location, 431 Park 40 North, Knoxville, TN 37923.
T-shirts: Cotton, short-sleeved. Pre-registered runners will receive shirts on race day. Late registrants as supplies last or at a later date. T-shirts will not be mailed.
Awards: Awards to top 3 Overall, top Masters (40+), Grandmasters (50+), Veterans (60+) for Male and Female. Awards to the top three Clydesdale (male, 200 lbs+) and Athena
(female, 150 lbs+). Awards to top 3 Teams in Team Division. Overall winners not eligible for age division awards (three deep). Awards must be picked up on race morning or at
Fresenius Medical Care Cedar Bluff beginning Monday, September 3rd, 2011. Awards will not be mailed.
Results: Compete results available on KTC Website www.ktc.org.
Race Etiquette: Due to insurance regulations, roller blades, strollers, bicycles, and dogs are not allowed on the 6K/2K course. Headphones are strongly discouraged.
Information: Contact Race Director Katie Caldwell 865-712-6594 or via e-mail at at Katie@ETKidney.org
Official 2012 Fresenius Medical Care ETKF 6K Fun Run / 2K Walk Entry Form
Race No. _____________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Last: ________________________________
p: _______________________
First: ________________________________
Sex Circle One:
ma Addre
r ss
s*: _____________________
a provide
ro ide
e a valid
alid e-mail address for important pre-race instructions
Age (as of 9.1.12) _____________
cy Co
act: ____________________________________________________
_ ________________
Birth date (mo/day/yr) ____________________
Clydesdale/Athena Division (circle one):
200 lbs + male
150 lbs + female
Circle T-shirt Size:
Select all that apply:
al: $26
________ 6K Run or 2K Walk Individual:
________ 6K Run or 2K Walk Team: $26/person
e (if applicab
le )
_________________________ Team Name
$________ TOTAL
Please Complete and Mail to
East TN Kidney Foundation
PO Box 22072, Knoxville, TN 37933
Make checks payable to East TN Kidney Foundation
undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for
In c
tion o
off yo
ou ac
c ting th
his e
ntry, I, the u
administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all rights
self, my family,
y my
y he
irs, executer
rs, a
nd administ
& claims
cllaims for damages
amages & causes
es of
of suit
uiit or
or action
action known
know or unknown, that may have against The Knoxville Track
Club, The Ci
y of Kno
nox lle
e, R
oad Runners
rs Club of Am
America, and all other political entities, all independent
rs & construction
o firms
rm working
on or near the course, all KTC Committee persons, Officials &
s, & all
al spo
onsors off the race, & related Race Events & their officers, directors, employees, agents &
e , succ
cessors, & assigns, for any and a
all injuries that may be suffered by me in this event. I attest
that I am
am ph
y cal
ca ly
y fit,
fit, am
am aware
ware of the dangers & precautions
that must be taken when running in warm or cold
s & have suffi
fficienttly trained for the comple
completion of this event. I also agree to abide by any decision of
n appointed
ed m
al officia
al rrelative
elative to my ability to safely continue or complete the run. I further assume and
willl p
a my own medical
all & e
y exp
enses in th
the event of an accident, illness or other incapacity regardless
off whether
herr I have autho
h ize
d such
c expe
enses. Further
Further, I hereby grant full permission to the Knoxville Track Club
/ agents hereby authorize
ed b
y tthem,
hem, to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or
y other record of this eventt ffo
or a
ny legitimate purp
purpose at any time. I further understand that there are no entry
efunds, exchanges, transfe
rs or
o rollovers, and that tthe event may be cancelled due to severe weather
conditions, natural disaste
s orr threats to local and national security including suspected terrorist activity. I
understand if I use a MP
P3 p
err IPOD, headset, cell phone or other electronic device while participating in the
event, I will do so in a reasonable
e way using common sense and awareness of those around me. I have read this
waiver carefully & unde
nd it.
Athlete’s Signature
Parent’s Signature (if under 18)
We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or
is abusive to race volunteers.
Footnotes July 2012 - 43
The Knoxville Track Club's Treadin' Trodden Trails 2012 Offroad Running Series proudly presents
Norris Dam Hard Trail Race
DATE TIME PLACE: Sunday morning, September 2, 2012. 7:00 am. Starts/finishes at Norris Dam State Park off
US 441 in Norris,
COURSE DESCRIPTION: 25k and 50k course will take place on the beautiful trails in the Norris Dam State Park and
the City of Norris municipal watershed. Combination of 70% single track trails and jeep roads. Aid stations every 5 miles.
50k has 5200 ft of climb. Camping and cabins are available within walking distance…and will go fast!....of the start at
Norris Dam State Park. 50k has 8 hour time limit and 25k has a 3¾ hour limit. Also, 50k runners must complete the 25k in 3½ hours to continue.
DIRECTIONS: From Knoxville: Take I-75 north to exit 122. Turn right off exit towards Norris. From the top of the exit
ramp, go 1.4 miles, then turn left on Hwy 441/Norris Freeway. Go about 4.8 miles, then when you approach the dam, turn right at the Norris State
Park cabin/campground. Go up the hill about a quarter of a mile to the 2nd pavilion on your right. TN. Latitude, Longitude: 36.237685, -84.095066
REGISTRATION AND FEES: Fee: $15.00 for 25k, $30.00 for 50k. This is really cheap for races of this length. Three KTC volunteer coupons will
waive fee for 25k, six for 50k. On line registration available at www.ktc.org. Day of Race Registration $20 for 25k, $35 for 50k.
T-SHIRTS: Special limited edition T-shirts will be printed for the series.
RACE NUMBER PICKUP: Numbers will not be mailed. Pick up packet at race site 30-90 minutes before the start.
REWARDS: The eminent satisfaction of completing a challenging run, testing oneself against the elements and participating in a delightful
romp among the woods, waters and fields of East Tennessee.
SPECIAL SERIES AWARDS: Points will be awarded for overall finish (and volunteerism) at each of the TTT Series races. Top point earners
at the end of the series (10 each male / female and < 40 / 40+) will receive TTT Series awards. Participation (racing or volunteering) in four of
the races is required for consideration for series awards. Overall top male and female and top male and female masters qualify for free entry
and hotel accomodations to the Big South Fork Trail Race in September.
RESULTS: Results will be available on the Knoxville Track Club website: www.ktc.org
COURSE ETIQUETTE: We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers. Due to
insurance regulations, no headsets, earphones, bicycles, baby strollers, roller blades or pets on the course.
SAFETY: The course will be monitored with water and aid stations; however, due to the unusual nature of this race (and trail racing generally) we
strongly recommend that you : (1) Carry your own water with a fanny pack, (2) If sensitive to insect stings or bites, carry your own medication, and
(3) Do some pre-race training offroad, as there is no substitute for experience. We want you to have a good time.
INFO FOR RUNNING OR VOLUNTEERING: Contact race director Kerry Trammell at 865-567-0377 or kerryt11@comcast.net. More info 865.588.1650
Race Number
City ________________________________ State ___________ Zip ___________
Phone (
) ____ - _______ E-Mail Address ______________________________
In case of emergency, call ________________________
at Phone ( ) ________ - ________
Sex Circle One
3:00 PM
We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits
unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers!
Age as of 12/31/2012 ______
T-shirt Size (circle one)
Fill Out Completely and Mail with Entry Fee to:
Michael deLisle,Norris Dam Hard Trail Race
4443 Kingston Pike, Knoxville TN 37919
Make checks payable to
The Knoxville Track Club (No refunds)
I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter and
run in the Norris Dam Hard Trail Race unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision
of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and /or
volunteering to work in the aforementioned race, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants,
the effects of weather, including high heat or humidity, ice and snow, the condition of the road and traffic on the course,
all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in
consideration of your acceptance of my application, I for myself, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and
and all further sponsors, their representatives, successors, from all claims or liability of any kind arising out of my
participation in the aforementioned event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the
part of the persons named in this waiver. I also grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photograph, motion
pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose.
__________________________ _______________________ _____
Athlete's Signature
Footnotes July 2012 - 44
& if under 18, parent's signature
The 3rd Annual
Presented by
and 5-Mile Run
All proceeds go to the Hal Canfield Endowment Scholarship Fund.
Date, Time, & Place: Monday, September 3, 2012. The mile run/walk will begin at 7:30 a.m., and the 5mile run will begin at 8:15 a.m.. Race day registration and packet pick-up will take place in the western
parking lot on Cherokee Blvd.
Course Description and Highlights: Both courses will be USATF certified (certification numbers pending.)
Courses will run on Cherokee Blvd.
Registration & Entry Fee: Cost for all mail-in entries is $20 for the mile, $30 for the 5-mile, or $40 for
both. Mail-in entries must be postmarked no later than Friday, August 24. No t-shirt – deduct $5 anytime.
Discounts available by registering online at www.ktc.org/RaceHalCanfield.html. No refunds and no
Packet Pick-up: Packet pick-up and race day registration will take place in the far west end parking lot
beginning at 6:30 a.m.. Registration for the mile will close at 7:10 a.m., and registration for the 5-mile
will end at 8:00 a.m..
Proceeds/Donations: Proceeds from this event will go to the Hal Canfield Scholarship Endowment Fund.
This fund provides scholarship money to one local high school student for college.
T-shirts: Short-sleeved t-shirts from Next Level. Women specific sizes available. Pre-registered runners
will receive shirts at packet pick-up. Late registrants receive shirts as supplies last.
Awards: Awards to top 3 Overall Male and Female, Top Masters (40+), Grandmasters (50+), Senior
Grandmasters (60+) for Male and Female in both races. Awards to the top Clydesdale (male, 200 lbs+) and
Athena (female, 150 lbs+). Age Divisions will be in 5 year increments (three deep). Overall winners not
eligible for age division awards. Special awards for completing both events!
Grand Prix Points: 2012 Grand Prix Points awarded for the mile race only. Team Grand Prix points also in
the mile race only. Remember, to participate in the Grand Prix, runners must be a KTC Member and MUST
volunteer at least 3 times at KTC Grand Prix events to qualify.
Results: Compete results will be available on the KTC Website at www.ktc.org.
Race Etiquette: Due to insurance regulations, roller blades, strollers, bicycles, and dogs are not allowed
on the course. Headphones are strongly discouraged, but not prohibited.
Information: Contact Race Director Jason Altman at 865-805-2476 or via e-mail at jalts2@comcast.net, or
Mike Wortley at 888-217-5635 opt. 3, or knoxtrackevents@gmail.com.
Official 2012 Hal Canfield Memorial Mile and 5-Mile Entry Form
Race No. _____________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Last: _______________________________
City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________
First: _______________________________
E-mail Address*: ______________________________________________________
Sex Circle One:
Emergency Contact: ____________________________________________________
Age (as of 9.3.12) _____________
Birth date (mo/day/yr) ____________________
Clydesdale/Athena Division (circle one):
200 lbs + male
150 lbs + female
Circle T-shirt Size:
Men’s: S
Women’s: WS
*Please provide a valid e-mail address for important pre-race instructions
No Shirt
(save $5)
________ 1-Mile Run or Walk ($20)
________ 5-Mile Run ($30)
________ Both the Mile and 5-Mile! ($40)
$________ Donation to the Hal Canfield
Endowment Scholarship Fund
Please Complete and Mail to
4049 Taliluna Ave, Knoxville, TN 37919
Make checks payable to Knoxville Track Club
In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for
myself, my family, my heirs, executers, and administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all
rights & claims for damages & causes of suit or action known or unknown, that may have against The
Knoxville Track Club, The City of Knoxville, Road Runners Club of America, and all other political entities, all
independent contractors & construction firms working on or near the course, all KTC Committee persons,
Officials & Volunteers, & all sponsors of the race, & related Race Events & their officers, directors, employees,
agents & representatives, successors, & assigns, for any and all injuries that may be suffered by me in this
event. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers & precautions that must be taken when
running in warm or cold conditions, & have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I also agree
to abide by any decision of an appointed medical official relative to my ability to safely continue or complete
the run. I further assume and will pay my own medical & emergency expenses in the event of an accident,
illness or other incapacity regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. Further, I hereby grant full
permission to the Knoxville Track Club and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any photographs,
videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any
time. I further understand that there are no entry refunds, exchanges, transfers or rollovers, and that the
event may be cancelled due to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and national
security including suspected terrorist activity. I understand if I use a MP3 player, IPOD, headset, cell phone or
other electronic device while participating in the event, I will do so in a reasonable way using common sense
and awareness of those around me. I have read this waiver carefully & understand it.
Athlete’s Signature
Parent’s Signature (if under 18)
We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct
or is abusive to race volunteers.
Footnotes July 2012 - 45
Fees $20 until August 24th, $25 thereafter
Directions From North and South
Take I-75 North/South to Jellico,TN exit 160. Turn right at end of exit ramp onto 25w (toward town).
Go approximately 1.3 miles to London Avenue (Harp Funeral Home) and turn right.
Go approximately .08 miles over RR tracks and immediately turn left onto Dairy Street. Notice the
State Park sign at that turn. Go approximately .56 miles and bear right into Indian Mountain State Park.
Course Description
Keyhole course for all events. Level course for walkers and 5k participants.
Combination of level and rolling hills with one long grade and a few challenging
Finish Line
www.totalracesolutions.com or www.minersmile.com.
Preregistration $20. Shirt orders will be based on preregistered numbers.
Pre-registered runners receive shirts on race day. Race day registrants receive shirts as supply lasts.
Overall winners (male & female) 10K – 1st Place - $150; 2nd Place - $100; 3rd Place $50
Overall winners (male & female) 5K – 1st Place - $100; 2nd Place - $50; 3rd Place $25
Overall winner (male & female) 2 mile walk – 1st Place Prize
9 and under; 10-14; 15-19; 20-24; 25-29; 30-34; 35-39; 40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-69; 70-79; 80-up
with most participants, will receive the “Team Award.” Award for top team only.
Post Race Celebration
Stick around for healthy refreshments and the awards ceremony.
Return completed forms to The Miner’s Mile,188 Hospital Lane, Jellico,TN 37762.
If you have questions contact Kevin Shelley at 423-494-7302 or 423-784-1225.
adult small
child small
adult medium
child medium
adult large
child large
adult extra large
child extra large
no t-shirt ($16 registration fee ($21 late) without shirt)
2 mile walk
5k run
10k run
We share race lists with other organizations.
If you would like to opt out please e-mail Kevin.Shelley@ahss.org.
By signing below, you agree, warrant and covenant as follows:
I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and run unless I am medically able
I assume all risks associated with participating in the Miner’s Mile Walk/Run on September 3, 2012, including, but not
and conditions of the road, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. I realize that this is a strenuous event
which requires proper physical conditioning. I hereby certify that I am in such physical condition and good health.
Having read this release and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone
entitled to act in my behalf or on behalf of my estate, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns waive and release
the City of Jellico, Tennessee, any employee or volunteer of the City of Jellico, Jellico Community Hospital, any employee
or volunteer of Jellico Community Hospital and all other sponsors of the race, any other persons assisting with the race,
assigns of each and every one of the above from any and all claims of injury or liabilities of any kind including illness or
damages suffered by me, arising out of my participation in or traveling to or from this race event even though the liability
may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons referred to in this waiver.
I also grant permission for the use of any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of my
participation in this event for any legitimate purpose. I give permission for the use of my name and photo by
any sponsors of this event to use for their distinct purposes. I understand that if the race is canceled because
of circumstances beyond the control of the race committee and sponsors, including, but not limited to,
unsafe weather conditions or governmental ban, my entry fee will not be refunded.
I agree to the above waiver,
Name of Participant
Signature of parent or guardian if under age 18 years of age
Footnotes July 2012 - 46
Presented by
The 36th Annual
Parkside Realty
Date, Time, & Place: Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 8:00 a.m. in Townsend, TN. Townsend is located
about 35 miles SE of Knoxville. From Knoxville, take Alcoa Highway (Hwy #129) through Alcoa and
Maryville into Townsend. Race headquarters is Trillium Cove, 101 Painted Trillium Way, Townsend, TN
Course Description and Highlights: USATF certification TN07013MS. A lovely, scenic, and challenging
course that runs on backcountry roads near the Little River. First mile is flat, followed by a major hill near
2 miles. Rolling hills the rest of the way, with a flat final mile. Course closes after 2 hours – this is not a
course for walkers.
Course Records: Men: Marty Sonnenfeldt – 47:00 (1988); Women: Susan Shipley – 54:03 (1987)
Registration & Entry Fee: Cost for all mail-in entries is $25. Mail-in entries must be postmarked no later
than Friday, August 31. No t-shirt – deduct $5 anytime. Discounts available by registering online at
www.ktc.org/RaceWearsValley.html. No refunds and no transfers.
Packet Pick-up: Packet pick-up and race day registration will take place at Trillium Cove in Townsend from
6:45 to 7:45 a.m..
T-shirts: Short-sleeved t-shirts. Pre-registered runners will receive shirts at packet pick-up. Late
registrants receive shirts as supplies last or at a later date.
Awards: Awards to top 3 Overall Male and Female, Top Masters (40+), Grandmasters (50+), Senior
Grandmasters (60+) for male and female. Awards to the top Clydesdale (male, 200 lbs+) and Athena
(female, 150 lbs+). Age Divisions will be in 5 year increments (three deep) beginning with 14-years and
under. Overall winners not eligible for age division awards.
Grand Prix Points: 2012 Grand Prix Points awarded. Remember, to participate in the Grand Prix, runners
must be a KTC Member and MUST volunteer at least 3 times at KTC Grand Prix events to qualify.
Results: Compete results will be available on the KTC Website at www.ktc.org.
Race Etiquette: Due to insurance regulations, roller blades, strollers, bicycles, and dogs are not allowed
on the course. Headphones are prohibited at this event. Wearing headphones will result in disqualification.
Information: Contact Race Director Pam Haggard at 865-207-6122 or via e-mail at
pamhaggard@ymail.com, or Mike Wortley at 888-217-5635 opt. 3, or knoxtrackevents@gmail.com.
Course closes
after 2 hours.
Official 2012 Parkside Realty Wears Valley 15k Entry Form
Race No. _____________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Last: _______________________________
City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________
First: _______________________________
E-mail Address*: ______________________________________________________
Sex Circle One:
Emergency Contact: ____________________________________________________
Age (as of 9.9.12) _____________
Birth date (mo/day/yr) ____________________
Clydesdale/Athena Division (circle one):
200 lbs + male
150 lbs + female
Circle T-shirt Size:
No Shirt
(deduct $5)
________ 15k Run ($25)
Make checks payable to Knoxville Track Club
Please Complete and Mail to
4049 Taliluna Ave
Knoxville TN, 37919
*Please provide a valid e-mail address for important pre-race instructions
In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for
myself, my family, my heirs, executers, and administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all
rights & claims for damages & causes of suit or action known or unknown, that may have against The
Knoxville Track Club, The City of Knoxville, Road Runners Club of America, and all other political entities, all
independent contractors & construction firms working on or near the course, all KTC Committee persons,
Officials & Volunteers, & all sponsors of the race, & related Race Events & their officers, directors, employees,
agents & representatives, successors, & assigns, for any and all injuries that may be suffered by me in this
event. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers & precautions that must be taken when
running in warm or cold conditions, & have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I also agree
to abide by any decision of an appointed medical official relative to my ability to safely continue or complete
the run. I further assume and will pay my own medical & emergency expenses in the event of an accident,
illness or other incapacity regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. Further, I hereby grant full
permission to the Knoxville Track Club and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any photographs,
videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any
time. I further understand that there are no entry refunds, exchanges, transfers or rollovers, and that the
event may be cancelled due to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and national
security including suspected terrorist activity. I understand if I use a MP3 player, IPOD, headset, cell phone or
other electronic device while participating in the event, I will do so in a reasonable way using common sense
and awareness of those around me. I have read this waiver carefully & understand it.
Athlete’s Signature
Parent’s Signature (if under 18)
We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct
or is abusive to race volunteers. Headphones are PROHIBITED at this event.
Footnotes July 2012 - 47
The 19th Annual
Presented by
and 10k Trail Run
Date, Time, & Place: Saturday, September 29, 2012, at 8:30 am (Eastern Daylight Time). Starts and finishes
at the Bandy Creek Campground in the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area.
Directions and Lodging: From Knoxville, take I-75 north to Oneida, Exit 141 (40 minutes) and follow the
signs to Big South National River and Recreation Area. Proceed to the Bandy Creek Campground. Camping
space is available at the Bandy Creek Campground. Reservations can be made through the NPS reservation
service (www.nps.gov) at 1.800.365.CAMP.
Course Description and Highlights: This 17.5 Mile out-and-back, loop course starts and ends at the John
Litton General Slavens Trailhead. The first 1.5 miles is paved and gravel, with the balance being a single
track trail. Aid stations at (roughly) 3.5, 8.5, 12, and 14 miles. 10k course is an out an back loop course
consisting primarily of single track trail. For more details visit www.ktc.org/RaceBigSouthFork.html. Course
closes in 5 hours.
Registration & Entry Fee: 17.5 mile trail race: $40. 10k trail run: $30. All runners MUST pre-register! Mail
in entries must be postmarked no later than Friday, September 21, 2012. Online registration available at
www.ktc.org/RaceBigSouthFork.html until September 26. KTC Members eligible for $5 discount. Additional
picnic lunches are $8.00 each. KTC coupons can be used in lieu of fee. There is NO LATE OR RACE DAY
Sweatshirts: Each runner will receive a limited edition long-sleeve BSF Trail Race sweatshirt. If you choose
the “No Sweatshirt Option”, deduct $10 from the entry fee.
Awards: Top 3 Overall, top Masters (40+), Grandmasters (50+), Veterans (60+) for Male and Female. Awards
to the top Clydesdale (male, 200 lbs+) and Athena (female, 150 lbs+). Overall winners not eligible for age
division awards (three deep). Age divisions grouped in 5-year increments starting with 14—19.
Post Race Celebration: All runners are invited to a family picnic in the staging area held immediately after
the race.
Results: Compete results will be available on the KTC Website at www.ktc.org.
Safety: The course will be well-monitored with water and aid stations; however, due to the unusual nature
of this race (and trail racing in general) we strongly recommend that you: 1)Carry your own water with a
fanny pack; 2)If sensitive to insect stings or bites then carry your own medication—yellow jackets have been
a nuisance; and 3)Do some pre-race training off-road—there is no substitute for experience. And remember
that this is a strenuous race and should only be run if you are properly trained. We want you to have a good
Information: Contact Race Director Bobby Glenn at 865.688.0715 or bgruns@comcast.net. For Big South
Fork information, please call 931.879.3625.
Course Closes
in 5 hours.
Official 2012 Big South Fork 17.5 Mile Trail Race and 10k Trail Run Entry Form
Race No. _____________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Last: _______________________________
City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________
First: _______________________________
E-mail Address*: ______________________________________________________
Sex Circle One:
Emergency Contact: ____________________________________________________
Age (as of 9.29.12) _____________
Birth date (mo/day/yr) ____________________
Clydesdale/Athena Division (circle one):
200 lbs + male
150 lbs + female
Circle Sweatshirt Size:
No Sweatshirt
(deduct $10)
________ 17.5-Mile Trail Race ($40)
________ 10k Trail Run ($30)
________ Extra Picnic Lunch Tickets ($8 each)
Make checks payable to Knoxville Track Club
Please Complete and Mail to
1721 Bonita Dr , Knoxville, TN 37918
Footnotes July 2012 - 48
*Please provide a valid e-mail address for important pre-race instructions
In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for
myself, my family, my heirs, executers, and administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all
rights & claims for damages & causes of suit or action known or unknown, that may have against The
Knoxville Track Club, The City of Knoxville, Road Runners Club of America, and all other political entities, all
independent contractors & construction firms working on or near the course, all KTC Committee persons,
Officials & Volunteers, & all sponsors of the race, & related Race Events & their officers, directors, employees,
agents & representatives, successors, & assigns, for any and all injuries that may be suffered by me in this
event. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers & precautions that must be taken when
running in warm or cold conditions, & have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I also agree
to abide by any decision of an appointed medical official relative to my ability to safely continue or complete
the run. I further assume and will pay my own medical & emergency expenses in the event of an accident,
illness or other incapacity regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. Further, I hereby grant full
permission to the Knoxville Track Club and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any photographs,
videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any
time. I further understand that there are no entry refunds, exchanges, transfers or rollovers, and that the
event may be cancelled due to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and national
security including suspected terrorist activity. I understand if I use a MP3 player, IPOD, headset, cell phone or
other electronic device while participating in the event, I will do so in a reasonable way using common sense
and awareness of those around me. I have read this waiver carefully & understand it.
Athlete’s Signature
Parent’s Signature (if under 18)
We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct
or is abusive to race volunteers.
Date/ Time /Place: Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 9:00 AM. Starts and finishes at the Victor Ashe
Park pavilion.
Course Description and Highlights: 5K course will be a mostly flat out and back. The one-mile loop
will circle soccer fields.
Registration & Entry Fee: Early registration = $20. Must be postmarked by September 14, 2012.
Late Registration & Day of race = $25. No Refunds.
Packet Pick-up Info: Race packets should be picked up on Friday, September 28th at Fleet Feet in
Turkey Creek from 10-7pm.
T-Shirts: Short-sleeved. Pre-registered runners will receive shirts on Friday at packet pick-up. Late
registrants will receive shirts as supplies last on day of race.
Awards: Award ceremony to be held after the race in the Victor Ashe Pavilion. Awards given to top
three overall, top Masters (40+) and Grandmasters (50+) for male and female. Overall winners are not
eligible for age division awards. Awards must be picked up on race day and will not be mailed.
Prize Money: Awarded to the top three winners.
Team Competition: All teams must sign-up during early registration. Each team competitor must fill
out separate entry forms. No changes can be made to any teams on race day.
Refreshments: An assortment of food and drink will be provided post-race.
Information: Contact race directors Teran Moon @ 865-924-3902 rtmoon@chartertn.net or Becky
Crenshaw @ 865-363-9668 or beckycrenshaw3@gmail.com
Last Name:
First Name:
City: ________________State:______Zip:_______
Phone: __________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________
Gender (Circle one): Male Female
Team Name (if applicable):__________________
Event (Circle one): 5K Run One-Mile Walk
Age (as of 9/29/12): _____
Birthdate: _____/_____/______
Adult T-shirt Size (Circle one): S M L XL XXL
Child T-shirt Size (Circle one): YXS YS YM YL
Emergency Contact:
Emergency Contact’s Phone:
Additional entry forms at
Disclaimer: I know that running and volunteering to work in 5K races are
potentially dangerous activities. I should not enter and run in the RUN FOR
THE CLASSICS 5K unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree
to abide by any decision a race official makes relative to my ability to safely
complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and/or
volunteering to work in the aforementioned race, including but not limited to
falls ,contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including high
heat and humidity, the condition of the road and traffic on the course, all such
risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and
knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my
application, I for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and
release the Paideia Academy of Knoxville and all members thereof, and all
sponsors, their representatives, successors, for all claims or liability of any
kind arising out of my participation in the aforementioned event, even though
that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the
persons named in this waiver. I also grant permission to all the foregoing to
use any photograph, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this
event for any legitimate purpose.
__________________________________________________ __________
Runner’s Signature Date
__________________________________________________ __________
Parent’s signature (if under 18) Date
Complete and mail form with entry fee to:
Paideia Christian Academy (c/o 5K Run)
10825 Yarnell Road, Knoxville TN 37932
Additional entry forms at
Make check payable to Paideia Academy
Footnotes July 2012 - 49
KTC Membership
We want to welcome all new members to the Knoxville Track Club
Jordan Webb
Tiffany Paul
C. Nichole Garner
Jeremy Terry
Nicole Shuey
Brandon Sawyer
Jessica Giordano
Michael Whittemore
Demetria Beasley
Mary Wilson
Chris Caldwell
Kelly Foster
Jennifer Griffis
Shawn Jakubowski
Jarius Donnell Parker
William Cansler
David G. Schmidt
Marta Salyer
Amy Lambert
Todd A. Bergeson
Shane Tucker
Larry Lacy
Angela Ferrell
Don S. Burkhalter
Hayley Hillard
Jeffrey Miller
Christopher Rapp
Rachel L. Gentry
Tony Lipford
Hunter Johnson
Landal R. Powers
Aimee Gibson
Bill Presnell
Beth Skeen
Brittany Thomas
Marlene Nichol Pacheco
Jason Kilgore
Diane Mcdaniel
Karla Deen
Erin Woolfork
Heather Ferrando
Ronald Campbell
Jamal Shaw
Collin Miles
Samantha Massey
Terry Bowen
John Ecklund
Carol Steele
Steven E. Brooks
Miranda B. Quarles
Kendall Porter
Kayla Brooks
Kriston Wilson
Kalen Jones
Hannah M. Foust
Jason Rathburn
Tristen Webster
Ladarrius Robinson
Shelley Mcnally
Ethan Swafford
Alvaro A. Ayo
Ashley C. Clark
Gene Borden
Michaela Evans
Erin Dixon
Rashard Witherspoon
Barbara Stinnett
Kurt Brandt
Andrew Lauber
Travis Dukes
Buddy Boyd
Jimmy Wong
Mae Higgins-Bright
Kenneth Alexander
Pamela D. Johnson
Katie L. Morris
Mindy Jones
Shaun Ray Carico
Kimberly Emert
Tracy Smith
Jason Cole
Keith A. Jackson
Stacey Wielfaert
Chris Jones
Diamonique Holmes
Brian Huskey
Daniel Dexter
Hugh Jarnagin
Eddie Reymond
Caryn L. Wood
Samantha Starling
Jarrod L. Justice
Paula Wilson
Chad Gould
Ronald E. Domitrovic
Lisa Ristvedt
ARTICLES: Anyone who wishes to write or submit photos pertinent to the running community are invited to send copy, photos, and letters (preferably by
e-mail to mdelisle@comcast.net) to the editor, Michael deLisle, 1633 Helmbolt Rd, Knoxville TN 37909, or call (865) 622-3044. Copy and art deadlines are
the 15th day of each even numbered month (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec). Publication is bimonthly, beginning with the January issue, and is usually mailed
on or about the 10th day of the month. We cannot take responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, but if you send a SASE, we can generally return these
items. Contents © 2012 Knoxville Track Club.
JOIN THE KNOXVILLE TRACK CLUB: The KTC meetings and races are open to anyone who is interested in physical fitness through running.
Membership includes the award winning magazine FOOTNOTES, monthly business meetings, program meetings, KTC road trips, the annual picnic/
awards banquet and the Christmas party. To join the KTC, fill out this application and send it with the appropriate fee to the membership chairperson at
the address indicated.
Membership Application
Membership in the Knoxville Track Club has many benefits. Members receive a free race entry card, car decal, the award-winning, bimonthly Footnotes Magazine, the monthly e-newsletter The Start Line, discounts at local businesses, , KTC Wall Calendar, social
events, and a $5 discount during early registration for any KTC race (excluding the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon).
Membership Options (please check one):
Individual Membership
1 Year - $20
2 Years - $35
3 Years - $50
Family Membership
1 Year - $30
2 Years - $50
3 Years - $75
High School/Under Membership
1 Year - $15
2 Years - $25
3 Years - $35
* Special Discount Offer! Deduct $5 from any 1 year membership, $10 for any 2 Year Membership, or $15 for any 3
Year Memberships for choosing to receive Footnotes electronically!
Check here ____ if you would like to take advantage of this discount.
* Special Military Discount! Deduct $5 from any membership type for active members of the Military. Please provide
Military ID #:
Zip Code:
Email Address:
*Necessary for delivery of monthly newsletter and electronic Footnotes
Family Member Names:
Birthdate: ___/___/____
Mo. Day Year
Gender: Male
How did you hear about KTC?
Would you like to volunteer for KTC events? Yes ____ No ____
Members Release: I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I assume all risks associated with running
and/or volunteering to work in the aforementioned, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including high heat or
humidity, ice and snow, the condition of the road and traffic on the course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read the waiver and knowing
these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application, I for myself, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the KNOXVILLE
TRACK CLUB, RRCA, USATF, and any all members thereof, and all further sponsors, their representatives, successors, from all claims or liability of any kind arising
out of my participation in aforementioned events, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this
Signature, Parents if under 18
Please mail this application to: Ken St. Germain, KTC Membership, PO Box 52266, Knoxville TN 37950
Footnotes July 2012 - 50
Race Schedule
July - Sept ‘12
Knoxville - 9:00 am. THE TRAIL THAT CAN’T BE CONCORD. See enclosed entry form.
Knoxville - 7:30 am. CARTER MILL SPLASH 10k. See enclosed entry form.
Sevierville - 7:30 am. L.I.F.T. 5k. See KTC Website for more info.
Knoxville - 8:00 am. Karns Community 5k. See entry form in May FOOTNOTES.
Oak Ridge - 5:30 pm. HAW RIDGE TRAIL RACE. See enclosed entry form.
Pigeon Forge - 11:59 pm. PIGEON FORGE.COM MIDNIGHT ROAD RACE. See enclosed entry form.
Morristown - 8:00 am. Trojan Trek 5k. See enclosed entry form.
Knoxville - 7:30 am. TSD Fall 10k. See enclosed entry form.
Knoxville - 8:00 am. Hotter’n’ Hell 5k. See enclosed entry form.
Maryville - 8:00 am. Scholars Run 5k. See enclosed entry form.
Sevierville - 8:00 am. Racing to Remember. See KTC Website for more info.
Knoxville - 9:00 am. Butterfly Fund 5k. See enclosed entry form.
Knoxville - TBA. The Man Run 5k. See enclosed entry form.
Knoxville - 8:30 am. Bobcast Blast for Central High School. See enclosed entry form.
Knoxville - 8:00 am. West Hills 5k. See KTC Website for more info.
Knoxville - 6:30 pm. KTC SUMMER PICNIC. See KTC Website for more info.
Knoxville - 8:00 am. 6k Fun Run for Kidney Foundation. See enclosed entry form.
Norris - 7:00 am. NORRIS DAM HARD TRAIL RACE. See enclosed entry form.
Knoxville - 7:30 am. HAL CANFIELD MEMORIAL MILE AND FIVE-MILER. See enclosed entry form.
Jellico - 9:00 am. Miners Mile 5k/ 10k. See enclosed entry form.
Townsend - 8:00 am. PARKSIDE REALTY WEARS VALLEY 15k. See enclosed entry form.
Maryville - 9:00 am. Camper Scamper 5k. See KTC Website for more info.
Loudon - 8:00 am. STAR Hoof-It Trail 5k. See entry form in September FOOTNOTES.
Oneida - 8:30 am. BIG SOUTH FORK 17.5 MILE AND 10k TRAIL RACE. See enclosed entry form.
Knoxville - 9:00 am. Run for the Classics 5k. See enclosed entry form.
Knoxville - TBA. Dash for Dad 5k. See KTC Website for more info.
Knoxville - 9:00 am. VMC 5k. See KTC Website for more info.
Knoxville Track Club Events are in BOLD type. For more details about regional races, see race calendars in
Running Journal. Check the KTC WEBSITE http://www.ktc.org or call KTC HOTLINE 888-217-5635. See
enclosed entry forms for details about particular races. Race entry forms are often available online.
Footnotes July 2012 - 51
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Saucony Guide 5
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Lightweight stability; 1.5 oz. lighter.
y Kinvara 3
So much technology, so little shoe.
New Balance 890 V2
One of the lightest trainers out there.
Runners Market
Western Plaza
4443 Kingston Pike
(865) 588-1650
Village Green Center
11533 Kingston
(865) 671-4854
Footnotes July 2012 - 52
New Balance Minimus
A whole new approach to running footwear.
Models MT10, WT10, MR00, & WR00.
KTC Members 10% Discount