Spring 2015 - Ulysses Philomathic Library


Spring 2015 - Ulysses Philomathic Library
Philomathic News
Library Outreach
A Winter Escape
From our central location on Main Street, the library
serves as a meeting spot, an afterschool activity center,
and an art & story exploration hour. We are a place to
borrow books, music, and movies, and of course, a place
to read, both in-print and online. But the library also
reaches beyond our building and website to bring our
resources into this community. !
"That's it. We surrender. Winter, you win. Key
West anyone?" said the VisitIthaca.com website
in a February post that went viral. Here in
Trumansburg, though, we never surrender.
And with our army of dedicated volunteers at
UPL, we can shovel our way through
whatever winter dishes out.!
Thanks to our many volunteers, we have three locations
outside the library for storytimes: at the Presbyterian
Chapel for baby storytime with Jackie Puleo in
partnership with the Trumansburg Community Nursery
School, at the Jacksonville WIC site for reading with the
Family Reading Partnership, and at the Trumansburg
Farmer’s Market during those longed for warmer
days. We also deliver books to those who cannot come to
the library with our Books at Home program led by Kathy
Carpenter. Collections of large type and mystery books are
circulated at the Evergreen House and Juniper Manor as
well. New babies born at Cayuga Medical Center are sent
home with a library card and new book, thanks to a
program with all the libraries in Tompkins County and the
Family Reading Partnership. With support from the
United Way, the Friends of Tompkins County Public
Library, and the Ulysses Christmas Bureau, we are on our
third year of providing a monthly book in the backpacks
of food sent home with children in need through the
Trumansburg Food Pantry and the Trumansburg Central
School District. !
"Due to this ridiculously stupid winter, Ithaca
invites you to visit the Florida Keys this week.”
UPL isn’t inviting you to escape to the Keys,
but we’ll help you escape in a good book. Or if
you’d like to learn about warmer climes, come
on in and check out a travel book or two.
Perhaps use one of our many computers to
plan a trip. !
Working with our community has led to our newest
outreach endeavor, circulating museum passes to the
Museum of the Earth and the Cayuga Nature Center as
part of the Paleontological Research Institute’s
Community Accessibility program. For more information,
please visit our library at trumansburglibrary.org, on Main
Street, or wherever you find us…
Annette Birdsall!
“Please come back when things thaw out.” Sure, it
may be cold outside, but we’ve got a nice
warm fireplace and comfortable chairs to curl
up in. Even the floor in the children’s section
has radiant heat (and you don’t have to be a
kid to sit on the floor). On the other hand, if
you enjoy the frosty outdoors, borrow a book
on winter sports.!
“Really, it's for the birds here now." Winter is for
the birds—it’s the perfect time of year to enjoy
them as they visit your feeders. Need help
identifying our feathered friends? We’ve got an
amazing book, Audubon’s Birds of America, at
our reference desk. Want to do something nice
for the birds this summer? There’s a beautiful
bird bath on display that’s being raffled in May.!
So, Ithaca (and everyone else), if winter’s
getting you down, don’t surrender, escape to
UPL where it’s always nice inside. !
Stevan Knapp!
President !
Ulysses Philomathic Library • 74 East Main Street • Trumansburg, NY 14886 • www.trumansburglibrary.org
Celebrating the Love of Learning!
Spring Cleanup Day
April 25 (rain date May 2)
Library Advocacy Day
On February 25, Douglas Land, Earla Sue
McNaull, Ksana Broadwell, Joanna Lynch, and
David Nelson Wren lobbied for library aid in
Albany, New York. The library community
thanks this group and appreciates their efforts
to fight for library support.!
Sign up at the circulation desk !
or send an email to
Fireside Talks: !
A Winter Speaker’s Series
Elanor Henderson: March 26th!
Elanor Henderson is a fiction and short story
writer, author of the novel Ten Thousand Saints.
She is also an assistant professor at Ithaca College.!
On Thursday evenings throughout the winter
and spring, the library will host local authors to
present their published works. Each talk takes
place at 7:00 PM beside the fireplace or outdoors
if the weather permits.
Greg Scherer: April 30th!
Greg Scherer is the author of the book Timber!!. !
He also compiled stories from lumberjacks in the
Lumberjack Preservation Project. !
Elaine Mansfield: May 28th!
Elaine Mansfield recently wrote a memoir Leaning
into Love. She leads bereavement support groups
in Ithaca. !
Upcoming Events
Spring Book Sale!
April 16-21 !
Intermediate Spanish!
Mondays at 2:00 PM!
Afterschool Movie!
Second Wednesdays at 3:30 PM!
Read to Leo!
Mondays at 3:15 PM!
Storytime and Art Project!
Thursdays at 10:30 AM!
Birdhouse Build!
May 9th at 10:00 AM!
Chair Yoga Exercise!
Tuesdays at 10:00 AM!
Thursdays at 1:30 PM!
Libations for the Library!
May 13th at 6:30 PM!
TAG: Teen Advisory Group!
First Wednesdays at 3:00 PM!
Dungeons and Dragons!
Thursdays at 3:00 PM!
Watercolor Art !
Mondays at 10:00 AM!
Baby/Toddler Storytime!
Second & Fourth Wednesdays !
at 9:30 AM at TCNS!
Spring Cleanup!
April 25th at 10:00 AM!
Conversation Spanish!
Mondays at 1:00 PM!
Please check website as dates and times are subject to change.
This newsletter was sponsored by Greg and Linda Scherer.
Celebrating the Love of Learning!
Volunteer Spotlight
Early Literacy Station!
In 2014 the greatest number of volunteers on record gave
over 3000 hours of their time to our library community.
Huge thanks and congratulations to all you wonderful
Whether out in the stacks, or behind the scenes, there are
many opportunities to join this growing family of caring
and dedicated volunteers. Fill out an application in any of
these three ways:!
・ online: trumansburglibrary.org/UPL/support/volunteers !
・ in person at the library circulation desk!
・ email Reanna at volunteer@trumansburglibrary.org!
Libations for the Library!
Prohibition is Over!!
Dust off your glad rags & shake a leg at !
our wingding:!
Wednesday, May 13, 2015, 6:30 - 9:00 PM!
Where: Americana Winery!
4667 East Covert Road, Interlaken.!
1935: A Year in Ulysses Philomathic Library History.
Celebrate our Library Charter. Library supporters, local
politicians, county legislators will gather to enjoy tastings
from several libation makers and great food from local
restaurants and private kitchens. Bring a non-perishable
food item for the Tburg food pantry and be entered into a
mystery raffle. All money earned from ticket sales and
raffles goes directly to help ensure the library’s programs
and book purchases. Raffles! Live music!!
Libation tickets: $30 each. Buy at the door or in advance at
the UPL circulation desk by mid April.
Birdbath Raffle
created & donated by
Denise Milito-Stockwell
Tickets cost $1 each or 6 for $5
The raffle will be held at Libations for the Library on May 13th
This A.W.E. Early Literacy Station !
was provided by a grant from the !
Nelson B. Delavan Foundation.
Birdhouse Build
Saturday, May 9th
10 AM- 2 PM
A Paperless
You may sign up for an
electronic version of the
Philomathic News at the
circulation desk or !
by emailing
If you or your organization would like to sponsor an issue of the library newsletter, please contact the Library Director.
Celebrating the Love of Learning!
Associate Membership Makes Marvelous Association!
Have you ever felt the desire to connect with the heart of your community? Do you wish to be a
sustaining agent of one of the most widely-utilized centers for literary, informational and social
resources in our region? If so, look no further for immediate fulfillment. We have the right job for you!!
Help Wanted: Ulysses Philomathic Library Association Members!
Qualifications: must include an interest in supporting a wide array of enlightening and entertaining
resources to the community, such as print and electronic media for loan, book reading groups,
lectures, workshops, art, live music, children’s story reading, travel talks, internet access, and much
more. Must enjoy being a helpful catalyst for the love of learning.!
Work duties: merely renew or initiate a UPL Association Membership by completing and returning
the enclosed remittance envelope with your monetary donation (an on-line process is also available at
www.trumansburglibrary.org). Any and every level of contribution is appreciated!!
Compensation: pride and satisfaction in helping to sustain this important community institution.
Membership donations help maintain basic library services to an increasing number of patrons and
enable our library to continue and expand popular services and programs like the Speaker Series,
Summer Reading Program, Preschool Story Time, and various electronic media resources. Members
are also invited to the yearly UPL Candlelight Dinner gala, can vote for UPL Trustees and receive
priority admission to the twice-yearly used book sales. !
Join our team today!!
We are so committed to assembling the biggest Membership team ever, we have added an incentive
for you to join as soon as possible. A group of current and very generous UPL Association Members
have offered funds toward a matching gift: every dollar contributed by first time Association
Members during this membership drive will be matched dollar for dollar up to $2500. 28 new
members have joined so far! What a great start to a beautiful relationship!!
We look forward to working with you for the future of UPL.!
Membership Matters!
New Member
Join as a new or renewing
Association Member by March 31
and you could win a $100
Rongovian Embassy gift
Join as a new or renewing
Association Member by June 30
and you could win one ticket to
the 2015 Grassroots Festival of
Music & Dance!
Celebrating the Love of Learning!
Join hundreds of your friends
and neighbors in support of this
great community treasure.
Thank you to our generous
donors who have contributed
$2,500 in matching funds to new
members joining the UPL
Association in 2015: Donald Guy
and Eilene Ehrhart Guy, Cynthia
and Joseph Mannino, Joan and
Edward Ormondroyd, Scott
Sutcliffe and Anonymous.!
2014 Ulysses Philomathic Library Association Members
ANGEL ($2500 and up)!
Achilles & Candy Filios!
Christopher Grace & Katy Roberts!
CHAMPION ($1000 to $2499)!
John & Christine Delaney!
Arthur John & Rachel Cooke Golder!
Cynthia & Joe Mannino!
William & Shirley McAneny!
Greg & Linda Scherer!
PARTNER ($500 to $999)!
Leslie Appel & Keith Baier!
Barney & Linda Beins!
Chris & Cathy Honness!
Ruth Kahn!
Ronda & Steven Ketcham!
John Levine & Tonia Saxon!
Emma Lou and Abdul Sheikh!
James & Judith Snow!
Lucia & David Tyler!
BENEFACTOR ($250 to $499)!
Ellen Avril!
Kathryn Boor & Martin Wiedmann!
Ramon & Diana Bradham!
Carol Critchlow & Timothy Davis!
Scott & Amy Dawson!
David & Sarah Dieterich!
The Farina-Geiger Family!
Jeanette Forker!
Connie Ged & Pete Akins!
Jerry Juenger!
The MacQueen Family!
Margot McClure!
Betty McKnight!
Scott & Kristine Miller!
Laura Nelkin & Maxim Paperno!
Ellie O'Connor & Richard Hurd!
Mark & Mary Ochs!
Tom & Kathleen Overbaugh!
Charlotte & John Peverly!
Janet Reid!
Judy & Ed Riley!
James Rodriguez & Angela Gaige!
Betsy & Tom Salm!
Robert & Virginia Snedden!
Christina Tama-Sweet!
David Nelson Wren & David Blake!
SUPPORTER ($100 to $249)!
Daryl & Suzanne Anderson!
Marianne Arcangeli & !
Michelle Paolillo!
Celebrating the Love of Learning!
Gary & Mandy Astles!
Kenneth & Janice Avery!
Jean Baines!
Doug & Judy Barkee!
Andrea Beesing & John Tamburello!
Fran Birdsall!
Bonna Boettcher!
Kathy Bond!
Laurie Brooks & Robert Manvell!
Laura & Carl Butterfield!
Martha & James Catalfamo!
Michael & Lisa Collins!
Peter Cooke!
Bill & Lori Coon!
Benjamin, Caitlin, & Eli Darfler!
Ann Day & Donald Mintz!
The DeCloux Family!
Marina & Ezra Delaney!
Amy & Andreas Delfs!
Margaret Dillingham!
Ronald Donovan!
June & Jim Dunn!
Bob & Chris Duthie!
Joann Edwards & Martha Hardesty!
Joe & Bobbi Farrell!
Frank & Gail Flannery!
David & Alanna Fontanella!
Jim Gair & Barbara Lust!
John & Alice Gant!
Joan & Steve Garner!
Charles Grace!
Mary Gutelius!
Don Guy & Eilene Ehrhart Guy!
Douglas & Ellen Haith!
John & Wilma Hammill!
Donna Hayes!
Philip Heptig!
Robert & Imo Herrick!
George & Roxana Hewertson!
Dolores Higareda & Don Ellis!
Joan and Bill Hogan!
Anna Holmberg!
Kathryn & Carl Hopkins!
Steven Jones!
Phyllis & Lanny Joyce!
Charlotte Kahn!
Bill Kappel!
Mary Kaszyca & Ken Pickens!
Sue Kittel!
Stevan Knapp & Jennifer Meyers!
R. Carolyn Lange!
Aaron & Hope Lewis!
Gerard Lippert & Kathleen Hefferon!
Lloyd Loop!
Chun Mei & Thomas Lyons!
Tina MacDonald!
Gayle & Ron MacLean!
Robert Manvell!
Lawrence Marks!
Ann Marshall!
Tim Martinson & Joanna Lynch!
Jim & Sue Mason!
James McConkey!
Richard & Gretchen McDaniel!
Char & Michael McGuire!
Nalani & Jim McKenna!
Barbara Melvin!
Jane Melvin & Rick Mattoon!
John Parker Melvin!
Sydney Merritt!
Jeanette Miller!
Jesse & Virginia Miller!
Albert Moracco!
Arlene & Jeffrey Nichols!
Clifford & Margaret Northrup!
Cal & Joan Organ!
Emily & Anthony Ouckama!
Julia Parete & Neil Clifford!
Emily Parker & René Carver!
Jack & Ann Pavia!
Jerry & Sage Peake!
Jane Peck!
Ed & Marcia Pepke!
Renie & Marty Petrovic!
Joel & Bettina Podkaminer!
Roy & Barbara Pollock!
Paul & Lynn Povinelli!
Karen Powers & Jim Dennis!
Dan & Monica Pritchard!
Donna & Gordon Reimels!
James Roberts & Susan Strahosky!
Karen Salino!
Alan & Debra Scheer!
Charles Schlough!
Beatrice Schwoerer!
Jane & Stephen Selover!
Maureen & Neil Shallish!
Gail Shapiro & Peter Fry!
Scott Sheavly & !
Marcia Eames-Sheavly!
Dorothy & John Sholeen!
Marcia Skalnik & Brian Gold!
Pat & Rick Smith!
Phillip & Doris Soyring!
Lynne & John Stager!
Christine Stanton!
Charles & Joan Stewart!
Kathleen Stickane!
Joanne & Nick Sturgeon!
Mark & Ellen Sussman!
Scott Sutcliffe!
William & June Szabo!
Wendy Tarlow & Jim Tantillo!
Jean Taylor!
Robert & Anne Terrell!
Constance Thomas!
Thomas & Sandra Tielens!
Lana Tobey!
John & Martha Ullberg!
Susan Ulrich!
Marilyn & Alan Vogel!
Karl & Karen Weick!
John A. Wertis!
Donald & Nonie White!
John & Carol Wilson!
Nancy Zahler & Judy Barringer!
Jan & Ken Zeserson!
PATRON ($75 to $99)!
Helen & Bob Arco!
Jeffrey Bates!
Marilyn Crooker!
Bill & Carol Grove!
Richard & Mary Ellen Johnson!
Joanne Molino!
Linda Murphy!
Karen & Jay Ohlsten!
Bob & Ruth Potts!
Vicky Romanoff & Sarah Adams!
Jean Seaman!
Gail & Bill Shaw!
Kathryn Sue Updike-Porter!
Gail Zussman & John Dobbins!
SPONSOR ($50 to $74)!
Alexis Alexander!
Margo Alexander & Peter Burgevin!
Carrie Andrews!
Joanne & John Andrews!
Debi & Glenn Applebee!
Marian Asay!
Yvonne Ashcraft!
Ruth Bates!
Robert & Myrtle Batsford!
Deborah Bilinski!
Tim Bond & Carol Lee Fritz!
Mary Bouchard!
Hope Bower!
Mary & Hunt Bradley!
Elvira & Frank Brockman!
Anne & Gary Buchner!
Patricia & Jules Burgevin!
Peg & Dick Burlew!
Paul & Lynne Bursic!
Celebrating the Love of Learning!
Tim & Beckie Cardina!
Stan & Carol Carpenter!
Joseph Cassidy & Michele Mitrani!
Shirley & Thomas Cleere!
Colleen & Tim Coffey!
Brad & Nancy Corbitt!
James Crittenden & Micheline Zion!
Elizabeth Crossgrove!
John Daube!
Deborah Dietrich!
Dale & Ellie Douglas!
Paige, Jeff & Taylor Frey!
Janice Frossard & Jack Katz!
Anne Haus!
Caroline Hecht & George Miner!
Blair & Cathy Hoover!
Jean Houghton!
Richard & Sandra Houseworth!
Pete & Judy Jager!
Kathy Klemperer!
John & Michele Kolodij!
Denise & David Kooperman!
Steve Koski!
Patricia Larsen!
Patricia Love & Jim Zifchock!
Katherine Ludwig!
Michael and Deborah McCallion!
Helen McLallen & Craig S.Williams!
David & Susan Means!
Janet Miller!
Douglas & Diane Millspaugh!
Marvin & Ellen Mitterer!
Andrew Morpurgo!
Scott Mulford!
Megan Mullins!
Charlie & Giselle Nelson!
Sam Nelson & Veronica Guiry!
Sue Newman & Nicholas Berg!
Barbara Nowogrodzki!
Colleen Odea!
Joan & Edward Ormondroyd!
Barbara Page!
James & Yvonne Parkes!
Deborah Pfautsch & Richard Figiel!
Anne & Tahir Poduska!
Charlotte & W. Shaw Reid!
Sarah Rich!
Ann Rider!
Margaret Roberts!
Cynthia Robinson!
Robert & Marilyn Schieber!
Dorothy & Mark Scorelle!
Alice & Don Shardlow!
Kate Sinko!
J. Dana & Roxanne Smith!
Lynn & Bill Smith!
Jeanne Sullivan!
Camille Taranto!
Paul Tatar!
Susan Thomas!
Heather & Jamey Tielens!
Lynn and Glenn Trudell!
Millicent & Howard Tubbs!
Sharon Van Niel!
Franklin Van Volkinburg!
Marjorie VanNess!
Ken & Hester Welch!
Judith & Harry Wellin!
Thomas & Mary Ellen Whitlow!
Henry & Nancy Wuensch!
DONOR ($35 to $49)!
Erika Abrams!
Nancy Ahlers!
Doug & Paula Austic!
Hayden and Sarah Brainard!
Mary Lou Brown!
Shirley Brown!
Freda Clark!
Floyd & Alice Cole!
Julia Comin!
Ray & Wendy Coolbaugh!
Joe & Judy Dell!
Kelly Fiske!
Tom & Ethel Gell!
Nancy Goldberg!
Eleanor Hamill!
Loretta Heimbuch & Stephen Maybee!
Neil & Susan Henninger!
Warren Hickman!
Bev Johnson!
Martha Kelsey & Nancy Hicks!
Joan King!
Marilyn & Richard Kinner!
Dorothy & Stefan Klauber!
Richard Koski!
Karen Legnini!
Joyce Marsh & Jerry Feist!
Peter McCracken & !
Jennifer Germann!
Dawn McDonald!
Colin & Earla Sue McNaull!
Jackie & Ian Merwin!
Julie Messenger!
Sylvia & Jack Mitchell!
Waldo & Annette Moore!
The Oros Family!
Anne Park!
Sigrid Pauen!
Chris & Gail Peck!
Larry & Pam Postle!
Linda Rayor & Cole Gilbert!
Lynn & Bruce Rich!
Kathleen Rourke!
Nancy Salak!
Sally Scatton !
Jim Schechter & Susan Kelley!
Ruth Schlough!
Mary Ellen & Dan Schreher!
Debbie Sender!
Beverly Sorgi!
Georgianna Stevenson!
Edward & Maria Swenson!
William Thomson!
Geraldine Todi!
Robert & Carol Vann!
Louise Vignaux!
Katherine Whitbeck!
Colleen Williamson!
Sue Wright!
FRIEND ($20 to $34)!
Patricia & Richard Austic!
June Bell!
Tomas Bennett!
Mathew, Mike and Debbie Biltonen!
Marion Boratynski!
David & Jacque Boyd!
Robin Bullivant!
Beverly Burritt!
Nancy Burston!
Diane Capalongo!
Eudora Carson!
Julie Clawson!
Noelle & Daniel Dembrosky!
Barbara DeWall & Deborah Jones!
Pat Ditmars!
Donald & Mary Fairchild!
Christine Finnigan!
Giora Fix!
Brian Gal!
Gordon & Elizabeth Gallup!
Hamilton & Kathleen Garnsey!
Mark Gilbert!
Helene Gilroy!
Ronald & Sandy Gladstone!
Marianne Goldsmith!
Nancy Grossman & Donald Swanson!
Sharon Hammond !
Patricia Heckart!
Elinor Bower Heingartner!
Joe & Eileen Heptig!
Richard & Muriel Heptig!
Phyllis Hickman!
Nancy Hicks!
Mary Hoffman!
Kay Batty Holb!
Irene Hubbell!
Stephen Huber!
Gordon & Margaret Huckle!
Nancy Hysick!
Tracey Jimenez!
Cheryl Jordan!
Lisa Joyce!
Ray & Sharon Kellogg!
Rachel Kennedy!
Robin Kent!
Faye Kephart!
Harold Kugelmass!
Carol Ann Kuklo!
Kay Kulp!
Ralph & Margaret Lener!
Jen & Jeremy Leroux!
Donna Levy & Bill Van Slyke!
Gerine Licht!
Joanne & Richard Lowe!
Clara MacCarald!
Mary & Raymond Maki!
Lorraine McCue!
Phyllis McNeill!
Kate Merriman!
Elsie Moller & Marianne Wright!
Julia Morehouse!
Maureen Newman & Wade Bollinger!
Juanita & Paul Odell!
Marie Palmer!
Robert Pezdek!
Borrow Family Passes for PRI Museum of the Earth & !
Cayuga Nature Center!
Celebrating the Love of Learning!
Londy Powers!
Dan Rappleye!
Tom & Lynn Read!
Christy & Dan Reynolds!
Doris & Dan Robinson!
Elizabeth Root!
Joanna Saccucci-Bryan!
Helen Schantz!
Linda & Mark Scibilia-Carver!
Tim & Sara Seifert!
Stan Seltzer & Nancy Brcak!
Bill & Martha Sitzman!
Mary Spicer!
Nancy Holbrook Stoehr!
Sally & Chuck Sumner!
Jennie Sutcliffe!
Pina Swenson!
Jim & Maggie Updike!
Sharon Van Dyne!
Anita Wahlbin!
Harry & Barbara Weber!
Carolyn Whetstone!
June Wolfman & George Grills!
MEMBER ($1 to $19)!
Ruth Beachler!
Maryanne Burlew!
Richard Flaville!
Cliff Henderson!
Kathleen Smith!
C. Lynn and Jean C. Taber!
Greg VanNess!
Carl Whittaker!
Corporate donors & all
2014 donors not listed
on these pages will be
recognized in the next
One pass admits a family to the museum one time
during a one-week loan period!
· Passes are not renewable or holdable and are
available on a first-come, first served basis!
· There are two passes for each museum – !
Museum of the Earth & Cayuga Nature
· Late fees are $1/day!
· Lost pass charges are $60
Ulysses Philomathic Library!
74 East Main Street!
Trumansburg, NY 14886
Books, Music, Games, Movies,
Puzzles, & more!
/2 Price Day: Sunday, April 19 $5 Bag Day: Monday, April 20th Pick Your Price Day: Tuesday, April 21st
Regular price items range from $1 to $3 per item. !
Prices decrease throughout the sale.!
Specially priced items are exempt from discounts.!
April 16-21, 2015
r a ti
Spring Book Sale
n g th
e Love of L
Book Sale Hours
Thursday*, April 16
6-­‐‑8 pm (for association members)
Friday, April 17
10 am -­‐‑ 8pm *
Saturday, April 18
10 am -­‐‑ 5 pm
Sunday, April 19
12 pm -­‐‑ 4 pm * 1/2 Price Day
Monday, April 20
10 am -­‐‑ 5 pm $5 Bag Day
Tuesday, April 21
10 am -­‐‑ 5 pm Pick Your Price Day
* New Days & Times
Bid On Silent Auction Baskets during library open hours throughout the sale.