Publications - The British University In Egypt
Publications - The British University In Egypt
Publication List I. International Peer Reviewed Journals I.1. Appeared in 2015 Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Sciences (13 Publications): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Hafez, H. (2015) "Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial performance: An Empirical Study on Egyptian banks", Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol 12, Issue 2, pp. 107-127. Ranked "B". Hassaballa, H. (2015) “The Effect of Corruption on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in The MENA Region”. European Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 4 (2), 301-312. Hussein, A. and Abdelfattah, T. (2015) "Auditors’ Perceptions of Narrative Reporting Assurance: Evidence from Egypt", Scientific Journal of Economic & Commerce, Ain Shams University, April issue 2015. Iskander, M. G. (2015) “A Suggested Approach in Mixed Zero-One Fuzzy Goal Programming”, Journal of Computations & Modelling, Vol. 5, No. 2. Iskander, M. G. (2015) “Exponential Membership Functions in Fuzzy Goal Programming: A Computational Application to a Production Problem in the Textile Industry”, American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 5, No. 1. Kirby, D., Dada, O. and Watson, A. (2015) ‘‘Entrepreneurial Tendencies in Franchising: Evidence from the UK’’, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol 22, No. 1, P82-98. Kirby, D., ElHadidi, H. (2015) “Universities and Innovation in a factor-driven economy: The Egyptian case”, Industry & Higher Education, Vol.29, No.2, 151-160. Khodary, Y. (2015) ‘Women, Local Governance, and State building in Egypt Women, Local Governance, and State building in Egypt’, New York: International Peace Institute. Khodary, Y. (2015) ‘Public Participation: Case Studies on Egypt's Right to Information Draft Law and National Plan’, Denmark: Danish Institute for Human Right (DIHR). Miniesy, R. & Adams, J. (Guest Editors) (2015) ‘Chinese FDI in Africa: a platform for development?’. Special Issue of the Journal of Chinese Economics and Foreign Trade Studies –Vol. 8. Selim, G. (2015) “Egypt under SCAF and the Muslim Brotherhood: The Triangle of CounterRevolution,” Arab Studies Quarterly, Vol. 37, No. 2 (Spring): 177-199. Shamah, R.; Elsawaby, S. (2015). “Facing the Open Innovation Gap: Measuring and Building Open Innovation Scale in Supply Chains”, Journal of Modelling in Management, Vol.11, No. 2. Younis, Z. & Awad M.(2015) “Leadership Styles in the Administration of Public Organizations: A case- study of Administrative Transformation from Public or Business sector Organizations into private Organizations’’, The Journal of AL-NAHDA, The Faculty of economics and Political science. Cairo University, Volume.16, No.1, January. 1 Faculty of Dentistry (2 Publications): 14. 15. Fardos Nabil Rizk, Engy Ali Abdelhaleam ‘Radiographic Evaluation Of Accuracy Of Surgical Stent For Implant Placement In Knife Edge Posterior Mandibular Ridge In Cases Of Ridge Splitting” E.D.J. Vol. 60, No. 3, Apr. 2015 Fardos Nabil Rizk “Comparative Study of Implant Stability and Bone Height Changes Among Different Implant Designs Retaining Partial Overdenture” Egyptian Dental Journal EDA, May. 2015 Faculty of Engineering (180 Publications): 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Khodeir Laila, (2015)," Assessing Discrepancies in Current Practices for Selecting Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning Systems in Buildings", JES Journal of Engineering Sciences-Faculty of Engineering- Assiut University, V.43,No.1,pp.140-155, Khodeir Laila, (2015)" Forming A Constructivism Design Studio: Simulation Of Real-Life Architecture Experience On An Experimental Youth Workshop In Egypt", JES Journal of Engineering Sciences-Faculty of Engineering- Assiut University, V.43,No.1,pp.125-139 Khodeir Laila, (2015)" Teaching with Influence: An Analysis of Teaching Methods Used at the Course of Control Systems in Buildings, , JES Journal of Engineering Sciences-Faculty of Engineering- Assiut University, V.43,No.2. Khodeir Laila, (2015)," Suggested Guidelines for Integrating Maintenance Considerations into the Life Cycle of the Building " , Journal of Engineering SciencesFaculty of Engineering- JoC ( Journal of Construction), Official Journal of the Association of Schools of Construction of Southern Africa, April Khodeir Laila, (2015)" Construction Project Management: Analysis of the Root Causes of Change in Low-Income Housing Projects in Egypt”, Journal of Architecture and Planning ( JAP)-King Saud University,Vol.25,No.1. Hassan, D., Abdulrahman, A., and Rashed, A. (2015). "The Role of Cairo's Hybrid Cultural Spaces in Creating Sense of Place Attachmnet". Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies , Vol 6, Issue 2, PP 1-19. Ali Afzali-ardakani, Shu-jen Han, Amal Kasry, Ahmed Maarouf, Glenn J Martyna, Razvan Nistor, Hsinyu Tsai, “Graphene Nanomesh Based Charge Sensor”, US Patent 20,150,233,900, 2015. Mostafa Mohammed Mohie El-Din, Mohammed Sayed Kotb, Walid Sayed Emam, Prediction intervals for future order statistics from two independent sequences, AJTAS, 4 (2015) 33 - 40. Mostafa Mohammed Mohie El-Din, Mohammed Sayed Kotb, Walid Sayed Emam, Prediction intervals for progressive Type-II right-censored order statistics, AJTAS, 4 (2015) 329 - 338. S. U. El-Kameesy, E. Salama, S. Elfiki1, O. Nasser, M. Ehab. “Indoor Radon Monitoring and Gamma Activity Levels Inside Some Ancient Egyptian Tombs in Luxor”. International Journal of Advanced Research (2015), Volume 3, Issue 6, 1007-1016. E. Salama, S. U. El-Kameesy, S.A. El-Fiki, N. El-Faramawy and Areej Hazawi. “Natural Radioactivity in different water samples inAl-Bayda Region Northeast of Libya”. International Journal of Advanced Research (2015), Volume 3, Issue 3, 48-54. 2 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Ahmad Rateb and S. K. S. Yusof, “Recovery error bounds on compressed sensing of noisy signals,” International Journal of Communication Systems”, John Wiley & Syst., vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 546–559, Feb. 2015. (Impact factor = 1.106 in 2013). Duong, V.-H., Bastawrous, H.A., Lim, K., See, K.W., Zhang, P., Dou, S.X., “Online state of charge and model parameters estimation of the LiFePO4 battery in electric vehicles using multiple adaptive forgetting factors recursive least-squares,” Journal of Power Sources, vol. 296, pp. 215-224, Available online 24 July 2015. (Impact Factor (IF) = 6.22 in 2014/2015 © Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2015). Online Available from: Mariam Wagih Attia, F.E.Z Abou-Chadi, Hosam El-din Mostafa, and Nagham, “Classification of Ultrasound Kidney Images Using PCA and Neural Networks, (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications Vol. 6, No. 4, April 2015. G. S. A. Fam, Y. F. Rashed, J. T. Katsikadelis, “The Analog Equation integral formulation for plane Piezoelectric media”, Engineering analysis with boundary elements, 2015, 51, 199-212, DOI:10.1016/j.enganabound.2014.10.013. G. S. A. Fam, Y. F. Rashed, “An efficient meshless technique for the solution of transversely isotropic two-dimensional piezoelectricity”, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 02/2015; 69(5). DOI:10.1016/j.camwa.2015.01.007. Centre for Advanced Materials: 32. M R Abusrea, M Shazly, A Elmokadem, and A S Wifi, "Spring-Back in Multi-Point Discrete Die V-Bending," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol.4, No. 2, pp. 1-13, April 2015. Centre for Renwable Energy: 33. Sayed Y. Akl, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, “Condition monitoring of a gear-box using wear particle analysis technique”, Advanced Materials Research Journal, Trans Tech Publications Inc. ISSN: 1662-8985, Vol. 1125 (2015) pp 511-515. Centre for Therotical Physics: 34. 35. 36. 37. Awad, A., Faizal, M.(2015) "Four Dimensional Supersymmetric Theories in Presence of a Boundary", HEP-TH, arXiv: 1502.07717, Phys.lett. 414,421. Abdalla, M. A., Ashraf, O., Rammah, S. Y., Ashry, H. A., Eisa, E., Tsuruta, T.,(2015) " Fast Neutrons Detection in CR-39 and DAM-ADC Nuclear Track Detectors " , Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 108, 24. Benussi, L., et al, Sayed, A., Radi, .A. (2015) "Performance of the Gas Gain Monitoring System of the CMS RPC Muon Detector", Journal of Instrumentation, JINST, 10, C01003. Elgammal, S. et. al.,(2015) “Search for physics beyond the standard model in dilepton mass spectra in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=8 $ TeV”, JHEP 1504, 025 arXiv:1412.6302 hep-ex. 3 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. El-Zant, A. A., Khalil, S., and Sill, A. (2015) "Warm Dark Matter in BL Inverse Seesaw", Physical Review D, 91, 035030. El-Zant, A. A. (2015), “Unified Dark Matter: Consttraints from Galaxies and Clusters”. Elhanafy, W., Nashed, G. L. (2015) “THE HIDDEN FLAT LIKE UNIVERSE Starobinsky-like inflation induced by f (T ) gravity “ Eur.Phys.J.C June 75.279. Radi, A., Ali, A., ATLAS and CMS Collaborations, (2015) "Combined Measurement of the Higgs Boson Mass in pp Collisions at s√ = 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS Experiments", Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 191803. Rammah, S. Y., Ashraf, O., Abdalla, M. A., Eisa, M., Ashry, H. A., Tsurta, T., (2015) “Fast Detection of Alpha Particles in DAM-ADC Nuclear Track Detectors”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 107, 183. 43. Tolba, E.R, Moslem, M. W., El-Bedwehy, A.N. and El- Labany, K. S. (2015) "Evolution of Rogue Waves in Dusty Plasmas”, Physics of Plasmas, 22,043707. 44. Nashed, G. L. (2015) "Kerr-Newman Solution in Modified Teleparallel Theory of Gravity", International Journal of Modern Physics, 24, 1550007. Nashed, G. L. (2015) ''Regularization of Gravity Theories and Local Lorentz Transformation'', Advances in High Energy Physics, ID 680457. Nashed, G. L., (2015) "Axially Symmetric-dS Solution in Teleparallel f (T) Gravity Theories", Advances in High Energy Physics, ID 915928. Nashed, G. L. (2015) “Kerr–Newman-NUT Black Hole in f (T) Gravity Theory and its Thermodynamical Quantities", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 84, 044006. Nashed, G. L. (2015) "Spherically symmetric geometries in f(T) and f(R) gravitational theories'', Adv. High Energy Phys.'' ID 821519, 8. Nashed, G. L. (2015) "A spherically symmetric null tetrads in non-minimal torsion-matter coupling extension of f (T) gravity'', Astrophys space science 357,157. Nashed, G. L. (2015) ''Total Conserved Charges of Kerr Spacetime with One Rotation Parameter in 5-Dimensions Using Poincaré Gauge Theory'', Int. J. Theor. Phys.''54 spt.3490,3499. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55 - 196 Nashed, G. L.(2015) "FRW in quadratic form of $f (T)$ gravitational theories General Relativity and Gravitation", " Gen Relativ Gravit Will appear in GRG" 47,75. Nashed, G. L. (2015) "Kerr-NUT black hole thermodynamics in f(T) gravity theories" EPJP 130,124. Elgammal, S. et. al., (2015) "Preparations for a dielectron resonance search in Run2 at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV pp collisions", CMS AN- 058. Elgammal, S. et. al., (2015) "Search Strategy for High Mass Resonances Decaying to Muon Pairs at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV in Preparation of Run2", CMS AN- 061. 141 published CMS Papers (all in top journals) with CTP-BUE affiliations. These were connected to the CMS collaboration at the LHC in CERN, which the BUE forms part through the Egyptian Network for High Energy Physics (ENHEP). 4 Faculty of Informatics and Computer Sciences (7 Publications): 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. Aboul Ella Hassanien, Mostafa A. Salama, Jan Platos and Vaclav Snasel, "Rough local transfer function for cardiac disorders detection using heart sounds", Logic Journal of the IGPL, Oxford, Mar. 2015, vol. inpress. [DOI: 10.1093/jigpal/jzv009]. Samy Ghoniemy, “Design and Performance Analysis of Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network (TWDM-PON) for Triple-play Broadband Service Delivery in FTTx Networks,”International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Information Science, vol. 15, no 2, April 2015. Samy Ghoniemy, “GPU-based Real-Time Multiple Moving Objects Tracking using Integrated Spatial Region Graph for Video Surveillance,” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015 M. Ubeda, W. Hussein, M. Hussein, J. Hinrichs, T. Becker: "Acoustic sensing and signal processing techniques for monitoring milk fouling cleaning operations". Engineering in Life Science (IF: 2.49), DOI:10.1002/elsc.201400235, 2015. Khaled Ahmed Nagaty, “A Framework for Secure Online Bank System Based on Hybrid Cloud Architecture ", Journal of Electronic Banking Systems, Vol. 2015 (2015), Article ID 614386, DOI: 10.5171/2015.614386 El-Seoud, Samir A.; Karker, AbdelGhani; Al Ja'am, Jihad; Karam, H. Omar A Pictorial Mobile Application for Improving Communication Skills in Non-Verbal Autism International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), Vol. 9, pp. 49-55, No. 4, 2015. H. F. El-Sofany, T. Al-Aeaid, El-Seoud, Samir A. Studying the Effectiveness of using Smart Parking System International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA): Vol. 10, Nov. 2015 Faculty of Pharmacy (11 Publications): 204. 205. 206. 207. Chakchouk I, Ben Said M, Jbeli F, Benmarzoug R, Loukil S, Smeti I, Chakroun A, Abdullah Gibriel, Ghorbel A, Hadjkacem H, Masmoudi S. 2015. NADf chip, a twocolor microarray for simultaneous screening of multigene mutations associated with hearing impairment in the North African Mediterranean Countries. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics (IF 4). 2015; 17(2):155-61. Ebeid HM, Abdullah Gibriel, Al-Sayed HM, Elbehairy SA, Motawe EH. 2015. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effects of Wheat, Carrot, and Mango as Nutraceutical Agents against CCl4-Induced Hepatocellular Toxicity. J Am Coll Nutr. 2015, 3:14. Hayam M. Lotfy, Maha A. Hegazy, Shereen Mowaka and Ekram Hany Mohamed, Novel spectrophotometric methods for simultaneous determination of Amlodipine, Valsartan and Hydrochlorothiazide in their ternary mixture, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 140, 495–508 (2015). Hayam M. Lotfy, Dalia Mohamed and Shereen Mowaka, A comparative study of smart spectrophotometric methods for simultaneous determination of sitagliptin phosphate and metformin hydrochloride in their binary mixture, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 149, 441–451 (2015). 5 208. Shereen Mowaka and Dalia Mohamed, Novel contribution to the simultaneous analysis of certain hypoglycemic drugs in the presence of their impurities and degradation products utilizing UPLC-MS/MS, Royal Society of Chemistry Advances, RSC Adv., 5, 60467–60481 (2015). 209. Doaa A Helal, Mahmoud H Teaima, Dalia Abd El-Rhman, Sally A Abdel-Halim, Mohamed A El Nabarawi “Preparation and Evaluation of Niosomes Containing an Anti-Cellulite Drug. Inventi Rapid: Pharm Tech, 2015(2): 1-7, 2015. Dalia AbdelRhman Attia In Vitro and In vivo studies of Repaglinide Fast Dissolving tablet utilizing Solid Dispersion Techniques. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 5(4):260-279, 2015. Nermeen Ashoush, Manal El-Hamamsy, Mona Schaalan, Osama Ahmed, Mohey Elmazar, Osama Badary: Folic Acid and Vitamin B Complex Improves Quality of Life in Hepatitis C Infected Patients Treated with Peginterferon and Ribavirin. Br J Med Health Res. 2015; 2(2). Fares, M., Eldehna, W.M., Abou-Seri, S.M., Abdel-Aziz, H.A., Aly, M.H., Tolba, M.F. Design, synthesis and in vitro antiproliferative activity of novel isatin-quinazoline hybrids. Arch. Pharm. Chem. Life Sci. 348(2): 144-54, 2015. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. Eldehna, W.M., Fares, M., Ibrahim, H.S., Aly, M.H., Zada S., Ali, M.M., Abdel-Aziz, H.A. “Indoline ureas as potential anti-hepatocellular carcinoma agents targeting VEGFR-2: Synthesis, in vitro biological evaluation and molecular docking”. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 100: 89-97, 2015. O.A. Hammam, N. Elkhafif, Y.M. Attia, T. Mansour, M.M. Elmazar, R.A. Mohsen, S. Kenawy, A.S. El-Khatib. Efficacy of Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells combined with praziquantel in Schistosoma mansoni-induced liver fibrosis in mice. Journal of Hepatology, Vol. 62, S300. Published in issue: April, 2015. English Department (3 Publications): 215. 216. 217. Shadia, F. & Khalil, R. (2015). Addressing Differentiation: Effective Classroom Teaching Strategies. Journal of Language and Cultural Education, Vol. 3 Issue 2, ISSN 1339-4045 May 2015, p. 200-221. Soliman, N. (2015). Blended Learning Essentials. Lambert Academic Publishing. Omniscriptum GMBH & Co. KG. ISBN 978-3-659-75903-1. Soliman, N. (2015).The Impact of Technology on Teaching Language and Literature. Lambert Academic Publishing. Omniscriptum GMBH & Co. KG. ISBN 978-3-65968036-6. 6 Appeared in 2014 Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Sciences (23 Publications): 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. Abdelfattah, Y., Abu-Qarn, A., Dunne, P. & Zaher, S. (2014), "The Demand for Military Spending in Egypt". Defence and Peace Economics, Volume 25, pages 231-245. DOI:10.1080/10242694.2013.763454. Gervasio, G. (2014) "L’Egitto di al-Sisi," Italianieuropei, Vol. 15, No. 6 (in Italian). Khodary, Y. (2014) ‘Informal Non-state Policing: Case Study of Egypt’, Economic and Business History Research Center Chronicles, EBHRC: Harvard fellow center. Mason, R. (2014) ‘Back to Realism for the Promise of an Enduring US - Saudi Relationship’, Middle East Policy, Vol. XXI, No. 4. Miniesy, R. (2014). “The Egyptian Food Bank: Is it Sustainable? Is it Exportable?” International Journal of Finance and Policy Analysis, Vol. 6, No. 1&2, pp.49-59. Phillips, L. (2014) ‘The revolution that never was: episodic framing of political repression and unrest in Egypt’, JOMEC Journal, No. 6. Rizk, R. & Owusu-Afriyie, J. (2014), “Determinants of Household Expenditure On Children’s Education in Egypt”, International Journal of Education Economics and Development, Vol. 5, No. 4, November, 2014. Rashwan, M. (2014) ‘’Measuring Egyptian Banks Efficiency using Co-Plot’’, Journal of Modern Business Studies, 2(28). Selim, G. (2014) "Global Civil Society and the Egyptian 2011 Uprising: Assessing the Boomerang Effect," Mediterranean Review, Vol. 7, No. 2, December. Shamah, R.; Elsawaby, S. (2014) “Trust as a Nucleus Key for Open Innovation”, The Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), Vol.9, No.1, pp; 110127. Younis, Z.(2014) "The Role of Competitive Advantage in the development of The Services of Public Utilities: A Study on the Railway Sector in Egypt". The Journal OF AL-NAHDA, The Faculty of Economics and Political Science on Cairo University, volume 15- Number 4, October 2014. Derera,E.,O’Neill,C, and Chtakunye,P. (2014) ‘The impact of gender on start-up capital: A case study of women entrepreneurs in South Africa’, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Vol. 23, No.1, pp. 95-114. ElHadidi,H. (2014) ‘The relationship between key economic parameters and growth- A case study of Egypt", International Review of Research in Emerging Markets and the Global Economy (IRREM) in 2014 Vol 1 issue 4. Elish E. & ElShamy H. (2014) ‘Absorptive Capacity of Human Capital and International R&D Spill-over On Labour Productivity in Egypt’, International Journal of Innovation and Knowledge Management in the Middle East and North Africa, Vol.3, No. 3/4, pp. 285-296. Hattab, H. (2014) ‘Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on the Entrepreneurial Intentions of University Students in Egypt’, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Vol. 23 No. 1. pp. 1-18. Hassanien, K. (2014) ‘The Three Major Aspects of the Economic Risks of Human Capital Accumulation and Efficiency: A Case Study of Al-Salam District – Cairo’, 7 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. International Journal of Innovation and Knowledge Management in the Middle East & North Africa Vol. 3 No. 3/4, pp.349-368. Iskander, M.G. (2014) ‘A Suggested Approach for Solving Fuzzy Stochastic Multiobjective Programming Problems in the Case of Discrete Random Variables’, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 258269. Rizkallah, S. (2014) ‘Khul in Egypt’, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Salem, K. (2014) ‘Improving Government Service Delivery in Egypt’. The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD). Salem, K. (2014) ‘Strategic management between formalism and realism : the case of the Egyptian Government’. Arab Journal of Political Science Study (in Arabic). Sottimano,. M. (2014) ‘Nationalism and reform under Bashar al Asad: reading the ‘legitimacy’ of the Syrian regime’ in Hinnebusch, Raymond and Tina Zintl (eds.), Syria from Reform to Revolt, Volume 1: Political Economy and International Relations, Syracuse University Press. Sottimano, M. (2014) ‘Syria: History’ in The Middle East and North Africa 2015, Europa Publications, Routledge. Sottimano, M. (2014) ‘Bahrain: History’ in The Middle East and North Africa 2015, Europa Publications, Routledge. Faculty of Dentistry (9 Publications): 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. Tarek Abbas; Layla Omara, Nevine Alaa, Hesham Elhawary, (Nov 2014), “THE ASSESSEMENT OF THE USE OF TOOTH ASH AS A GRAFT MATERIAL IN BONY DEFECTS AFTER CYST ENUCLEATION” Egyptian Dental Journal EDA, Nov 2014. Gamal M. Moutamed, Hussein Hatem, “SURGICAL TREATMENT OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT ANKYLOSIS AS A SEQUEL OF CONDYLAR FRACTURE IN ADULTS” Egyptian Dental Journal EDA, Vol. 60, 3595:3601, July, 2014. Attia AS, Khalil MA, Azzazy, HM and Hashem AG. (2014), "A sensitive colorimetric assay for identification of Acinetobacter baumannii using unmodified gold nanoparticles. Journal of Applied Microbiology", 2014 May 19. doi: 10.1111/jam.12546. [Epub ahead of print] Gamal M. Moutamed, Islam T. Abbas, “ACCELERATION OF ORTHODONTIC TOOTH MOVEMENT BY ALVEOLAR CORTICOTOMY USING PIEZOSURGERY” Egyptian Dental Journal EDA, Vol. 60, 2157:2165, April, 2014. Abd El Wahed, S. M., El-Hossary, N. M., Abd El-Ghani, S. F. and Elsayed, A. M.: "Assessment of DNA Content by Flow Cytometry and Immunohistochemical Expression of BUBR1 in Oral Epithelial Dysplastic Lesions", Egyptian Dental Journal, 30, April 2014. Tarek Abbas Hassan, Waheed Abdel Hamid Mohamed and Dalia Abdel Khalek Radwan (Jan 2014) “MANAGEMENT OF MAXILLOFACIAL FRACTURES IN CAIRO EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (A PROSPECTIVE STUDY)” Vol. 60, 373:381, January, 2014. 8 247. 248. 249. Gamal M. Moutamed, “EFFECTS OF LOCAL TRAMADOL ADMINISTRATION FOR SURGICAL EXTRACTION OF IMPACTED MANDIBULAR THIRD MOLAR” Egyptian Dental Journal EDA,Vol. 60, 313:320, January, 2014. Tarek Abbas Hassan, Marwa Sayed and Hatem Abd EL-Rahman (Jan 2014) "THE EFFECT OF PULSED ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD (PEMF) ON MANAGEMENT OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT INTERNAL DERANGEMENT", Egyptian Dental Journal EDA Vol. 60, 321:328, January, 2014. Tarek Abbas Hassan, Mahmoud Mohsen El Arini, Hatem abdel Rahman Mostafa, Mouchira Abdellatef Dahba and Hesham El Hawary (Jan 2014) "CLINICAL OUTCOME OF IMMEDIATE NON FUNCTIONAL LOADED IMPLANTS; IMMEDIATE VERSUS DELAYED IMMEDIATE IMPLANTATION", Egyptian Dental Journal EDA, Vol. 60, 345:354, January, 2014. Faculty of Engineering (122 Publications): 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. Khodeir Laila, Elmoatasem Samar, Abdelkader Morad, , (2014)"Comparative Analysis Between In-House And Outsourced Services Through The Phase Of Building Maintenance In Egypt", Mattaria Engineering Research Journal. Elmaboud Y. Abd, Mekheimer Kh. S., Abdelsalam S. I. (2014). A Study of Nonlinear Variable Viscosity in Finite-Length Tube with Peristalsis. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics DOI 10.3233/ABB-140101. Mostafa Mohammed Mohie El-Din, Mohammed Sayed Kotb, Walid Sayed Emam, Bayesian estimation of the parameters of the the modified Weibull lifetime model based on combined hybrid censored data, IJSCE, 4 (2014) 92 - 97. E. Salama, H. M. Diab, S. A. EL-Fiki, A. Ibrahim “Soil samples analysis of Western Coast - Gulf of Suez, Egypt for the sequential determination of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides” Arab J. Nucl. Sci. Applic. (2014). AbdelSalam, S. S., Baligh, F. A., and El-Naggar, H. M. (2014). “A Database to Ensure Reliability of Bored Pile Design in Egypt”. Proceedings of the ICE: Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 168, No. 2, pp. 131–143. AbdelSalam, S. S., Suleiman, M. T, and Sritharan, S. (2014). “Modeling Load-Transfer Behavior of H-Piles using Direct Shear and Penetration Test Results”. ASTM, Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 1–15. Ibrahim Mohamed, Mohamed Gadala, Mohamed Alqaradawi, and Osama Badr, “Centrifugal Compressor Spiral Dry Gas Seal Simulation Working at Reverse Rotation”, ASME J. Procedia Engineering (PROENG13131) ISSN: 1877-7058, Imprint: ELSEVIER, 2014, USA Sheweka, S.& Magdy, N., (2014) " The Impact of Different Green Roofs Strategies on the Indoor Thermal Comfort with special reference to Cairo-Egypt”, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 935 (2014) pp 38-43 © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Taher G. Abu-El-Yazied, Osama A. Montasser, F. S. Al-Fares, “Identification of Vibrating Structures under stochastic loading conditions”, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 11, Issue 5 Ver. IV, PP 21-28, (Sep- Oct. 2014). 9 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. Osama. A. Montasser and B. A. El-Sayed, “Design of an Adaptive Neural Network Controller for Effective Position Control of Linear Pneumatic Actuators”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN 2277 – 4106, P-ISSN 2347 – 5161, Vol.4, No.4, pp 34983507, (Oct 2014). Osama. A. Montasser and M. E. G. Samra, “A smart PC based system to control the air-fuel ratios in SI engines foe best performance”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, EISSN 2277 – 4106, P-ISSN 2347 – 5161, Vol.5, No.4, pp 3508-3918, (Oct 2014). Taher G. Abu-El-Yazied , Ahmad M. Ali, Osama A. Montasser, “Optimization of Wind Duct Geometry for Maximizing Power Generation of Ducted Vertical Turbines”, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719, Vol. 4, Issue 10, V1, pp 11-19, (Oct. 2014). Osama A. Montasser, “An Improved Accurate Trajectory Control System for Industrial Hydraulic Robotic Arms”, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), ISSN: 2249–6645, Vol. 4, Issue 10, pp 18-31, (Oct. 2014). Gamal G. L. Nashed (2014) “Exact axially symmetric solution in f(T) gravity theory” “ Adv. High Energy Phys.” Volume 2014, Article ID 857936. E. Salama “Egyptian limestone for gamma dosimetry: An EPR Study” Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids” Volume 169, Number 4, 3 April (2014), pp. 325-333. E. Salama, H. M. Diab, S. A. EL-Fiki, A. Ibrahim “Soil samples analysis of Western Coast - Gulf of Suez, Egypt for the sequential determination of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides” Arab J. Nucl. Sci. Applic. (2014). 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Accepted for both Publication and presentation in the European Journal of Management (EJM) volume 13 number 12, , and for presentation at the IABE ( International Academy for Business and Economics) conference in Bangkok June 15-17. Elshamy, H. and Elish, E. (2014). Absorpative Capacity of Human Capital and International R&D Spillover On Labour Productivity in Egypt."International Journal of Innovation and Knowlege Management in Middle East and North Africa ,3, no. 3/4 . Elshamy, H. and Miniesy, R. (2013). Efficiency of microfinancial institutions in Egypt. International Journal of Economic and Political Integration, Vol.3, No.1, pp. 3-15. Mulligan, M. 2013 ‘Convention of London 1840 and International Law in the 19th Century’, Law and History Review. 27 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 526. 527. 528. 529. 530. Maria Aurora Sottimano “Labour unions and the changing dynamics of social mobilization in the Middle East”, paper presented at the First Conference of the Arab Council for the Social Science entitled: Arab Transformations: Interrogating the Social Sciences”, Beirut, Lebanon, 19-20 March 2013. Teti, A., Gervasio, G. & Matthies-Boon, V. (2012) ‘The revolution continues: Morsi’s miscalculations and the Ikhwan’s impasse’, Open Democracy, 3 December. Miniesy, R. and Adams, J. (2013). China: the next ten years. Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, Vol.6, No. 2, pp. 91-96. Lau, A., Adams, J., Yeung, J.& Zhang, M.. ‘The Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Hong Kong Logistics Industry.’ March 2012, Literate Publications, Hong Kong. ISBN 978-988-15641-1-5 R. Miniesy and J. Adams, ‘China: the next ten years?’ in Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, vol 6, Number 2, June 2013. pp12-21. Tarek Abbas Hassan, Waheed Abdel Hamid Mohamed and Dalia Abdel Khalek Radwan, (September 2013), MANAGEMENT OF MAXILLOFACIAL FRACTURES IN CAIRO EDUCATION AL HOSPITALS (A PROSPECTIVE STUDY), Egyptian Dental Journal, E.D.J. Vol. 60, No. 1. Tarek Abbas Hassan, Mahmoud Mohsen El-Arini, Hatem Abd El-Rahman Mostafa, Mushira Abdel-Latif Dahaba and Hesham El-Hawary,(September 2013), CLINICAL OUTCOME OF IMMEDIATE NON FUNCTIONAL LOADED IMPLANTS IMMEDIATE VERSUS DELAYED IMMEDIATE IMPLANTATION, Egyptian Dental Journal, E.D.J. Vol. 60, No. 1. Mohamed M. Elmazar, Hanan S. El-Abhar, Mona F. Schaalan, Nahla A. Farag (2013), “ Phytol/Phytanic Acid and Insulin Resistance: Potential Role of Phytanic Acid Proven by Docking Simulation and Modulation of Biochemical Alterations”, PLOS ONE, Vol. 8, (1), e45638, this paper is also published in World Biomedical Frontiers (Diabetes 2013 July-27), please see the cover letter. Bioactive cembranoids from the Red Sea soft coral Sarcophyton glaucum. Rania F. Abou El-Ezz, Safwat A. Ahmed, Mohamed M. Radwan, Nahla A. Ayoub, Manal S. Afifi, Samir A. Ross, Pawel T. Szymanski, Hesham Fahmy, Sherief I. Khalifa. Tetrahed Lett (2013) 54: 989-992. In Vitro and In Vivo Anti-Inflammatory and Cytotoxic Capacities of Dietary Phenolics Isolated From Corchorus Olitorius and Vitis Vinifera. Heba Handoussa, Rasha Hanafi, Islam Eddiasty, Mohamed El-Gendy, Micheal Linscheid, Laila Mahran, Nahla Ayoub. (2013.) Journal of Functional Foods, 5(3):1204-1216. Novel Quecetin Glycoside with Oromising Hepatoprotective Activity Isilated from Lobularia libyca (ViV). C.F.W. (Brassicaceae). Nahla Ayoub, Khaled Nematallah, Amal Al Gendy, Soumaya Zagloul. European Scientific Journal (2013) 9: (25): 177-193. Cytotoxicity of Enterolobium timbouva Plant Extract and its Isolated Pure Compounds. (2013) Mariam I. Gamal El-Din, Omayma A. Eldahshan, Ashraf B. Abdel-Naim, Abdel-Nasser B. Singab and Nahla A. Ayoub. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research In Vitro Anti-Inflammatory, Cytotoxic and Hepatoprotective Activities of Laurus nobilis L. (Lauraceae) Wood Extract and Its Constitutive Phenolics. Sahar A. Hussein, Amani N. Hashim, Nahla A. Ayoub, Heba M. Hassanein and Nesrine M. Hegazi. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry (2013). 28 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. 542. 543. 544. Hepatoprotective Effect of Bay Crude Extract on Primary Cultured Rat Hepatocytes. Nahla Ayoub, Sahar A. Hussein, Amani N. Hashim, Heba M. Hassanein. Nesrine M. Hegazi and Mahmoud Nawwar. European Scientific Journal (2013): 632-636. Rizk, M., Taha, E., Mowaka, S., Abdallah, Y., “Kinetic fluorimetric determination of Mesna (Sodium‐2‐mercaptoethane sulfonate) in drug products through oxidation with cerium(IV)”, European Journal of Chemistry 4 (3) (2013) 220‐225. El-Bagary R, Elkady E, Ayoub B; (2013) " Development and validation of a reversed phase liquid chromatographic method for the determination of three Gliptins and Metformin in the presence of Metformin impurity (1-Cyanoguanidine)", European Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 4, No. 4. Pages [444449]. El-Bagary R, Elkady E, Ayoub B; (2013) “Simultaneous determination of sitagliptin and metformin in ternary mixture with sitagliptin acid degradation product ", European Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 4, No. 4. Pages [360-365]. Attia, Y.M., Elalkamy, E.F., Hammam, O.A., Mahmoud, S.S., El-Khatib, A.S. “Telmisartan, an AT1 receptor blocker and a PPAR gamma activator, alleviates liver fibrosis induced experimentally by Schistosoma mansoni infection”. Parasites and Vectors. 2013 Jul 5;6:199. Tarek Abbas Hassan, Marwa Sayed Abbass and Hatem Abd El-Rahman, (September 2013), PULSED ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD (PEMF) ON MANAGEMENT OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT INTERNAL DERANGEMENT, Egyptian Dental Journal, E.D.J. Vol. 60, No. 1. Fardos Nabil Rizk, (July 2013), Comparative Evaluation of Two Different Castable Bar Attachments in Implant Retained Mandibular Overdeture Cases, Egyptian Dental Journal. Haggag, M. H., & Othman, B. M. (2012). “Chronological Ordering Based on Context Overlap Detection”, International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR), vol. 2 no. 4, pp. 31-44. Khaled Ahmed Nagaty, (01/2013) “Secret Sharing using Image Hashing”, International Journal of Computer Applications; vol. 73 No. 20 P. 14-22. A. Elnahas , N. Basta, H. Grossmann and S. Abdennadher, (5/2013) “Geo-Social Mobility Models for VANETs: an Overview” First International Workshop on Vehicular Networks and Telematics, Marrakech. El-Seoud, Samir A.; El-Sofany, Hosam F.; Taj-Eddin, Islam A.; Nosseir, A; and El-Khouly M. (5/2013) "Implementation of Web-Based Education in Egypt through Cloud Computing Technologies and Its Effect on Higher Education", Canadian Center of Science and Education. “Higher Education Studies (HES)”, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp 62-76,. ISSN 1925-4741, E-ISSN 1925-475X. Kamelia F. Abdalla, Omar H. Karam, (6/2013) “Neamat Allah G. Ahmed and Eglal H. Abd ElHakeim, The Effect of e-Learning Versus Traditional Teaching Methods on Students’ Performance Regarding Critical Care Nursing”, Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technology Research, Vol.3, No.2, pp 83-98. El-Seoud, Samir A. and Taj-Eddin, Islam A. (6/2013) "On the information hiding technique using least significant bits steganography", Journal of Computing, Volume 5, Issue 6, eISSN 2151-9617 Samy Ghoniemy and Omar H. Karam, (7/2013) “Semantic Network-based Digital Optical Computer Algorithms for Expert Systems and Masively Parallel Knowledge Base Applications”, Journal of Next Generation Information Technology, JNIT, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 133 – 146. 29 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. Ahmed Elsayed, Ahmed Sharaf Eldin, Doaa S. El Zanfaly, (7/2013) “Enhancing Keyword Search over Relational Databases Using Ontologies”. Third International Conference on Advances in Computing & Information Technology (ACITY 2013), India, pp. 147– 154, Maria Salama and Ahmed Shawish, (7/2013) “Libraries: from the Classical to Cloud-Based Era”, in International Journal of Digital Library Systems (IJDLS). Maria Salama, Ahmed Shawish and Amir Zeid, (9/2013) “A Generic Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Cloud Computing Services”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA). Hesham, A. Nosseir and O. H. Karam, (9/2013) “A Novel system for music learning using low complexity algorithms”, International Journal of Applied Information Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4. Mostafa A. Salama, Aboul Ella Hassanien, Kenneth Revett, (9/2013) “Employment of neural network and rough set in meta-learning”, Journal of Memetic Computing, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp 165-177. Ann Nossier, Khaled Ahmed Nagati, Islam Taj-Eddin, (2013) “ Intelligent Word-Based Spam Filter Detection Using Multi-Neural Networks”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues vol. 10, No. 2, P17. Mostafa A. Salama, Mohamed Mostafa M. Fouad, Nashwa El-Bendary, Aboul Ella Otifey Hassanien, (2014) “Mutagenicity Analysis Based on Rough Set Theory and Formal Concept Analysis”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing , Vol. 235, pp 265-273. Self-Assembling of gold nanoparticles array for electrosensing applications", I. M. Al-Akraa, A. M. Mohammad, M. S. El-Deab, B. E. El-Anadouli, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 8 (2013) 458-466. .“Enhanced Electrolytic Generation of Oxygen Gas at Binary Nickel Oxide-Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles-Based Catalysts Modified Electrodes”, I. M. Sadiek, A. M. Mohammad, M. E. ElShakre, M. S. El-Deab, B. E. El-Anadouli, J. Solid State Electrochem. 17 (2013) 871-879. “Impact of acrylonitrile poisoning on oxygen reduction reaction at Pt/C catalysts”, M. S. El-Deab, F. Kitamura, T. Ohsaka, J. Power Sources 229 (2013) 65-71. "Electrocatalysis by design: Enhanced electrooxidation of formic acid at platinum nanoparticles– nickel oxide nanoparticles binary catalysts", G. M. El-Nagar, A. M. Mohammad, M. S. El-Deab, B. E. El-Anadouli, Electrochim. Acta, 94 (2013) 62-71. M. A. Soliman, and K. Alhumaizi,(2013)” Efficient Numerical Scheme of the Dynamics of Nonisothermal Thin Film Flow”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 13,No. 1,2439 . M. A. Soliman, and K. 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Amira Mahmoud Olayan, Design and implementation of piezoelectric pressure sensor, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 4, April-2012 ISSN 2229-5518, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. Gervasio, G. (with Andrea Teti), “After Mubarak, Before Transition: The Challenges for Egypt’s Democratic Opposition”, Interface: a journal for and about social movements, 4 (1), pp. 102 - 112 (May 2012). Othman, A.A.E. (May 2012) ‘A Study of the Causes and Effects of Contractors’ Non-Compliance with the Health and Safety Regulations in the South African Construction Industry. Journal of Architectural Engineering and Design Management, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. AlDairi, A., McQuaid, R & Adams, J. “Entrepreneurship training to promote start-ups and innovation in Bahrain.” International Journal of Innovation & Knowledge Management in the MENA Region, (1) 2, June 2012, pp179-210. G. Gervasio & A. Teti (2012), “Egypt’s presidential run-off: legal limbo and the transition to nowhere”, Open Democracy, 19 June. G. Gervasio & A. Teti (2012), “Egypt’s Presidential Elections: Moving Beyond Authoritarianism”, IEMed Obs. Observatory of Euro-Mediterranean Policies, 94, July. Hassanien, Karim (2012) “Applications of New Technology in the Islamic Banking and Finance” International Journal of Management Entrepreneurship & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 1, 1 July 2012. Adnan Shaout, Samir A El-seoud, Islam Taj-eddin and Kamel H.shafa’amri, “Dynamic Video Content Streaming”, International Journal of Computer Applications 49(11):8-16, 34 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. July 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA. doi:10.5120/7669-0950. Shaout, Adnan, El-Seoud, Samir A.; Taj-Eddin, Islam A.T; and Shafa’amri, H. Kamel. Dynamic Video Content Streaming. International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) Volume 49– No.11, pp.8-16, July 2012. 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Remark: The paper was selected to be published in ‘Best of Book’ Teti, A., Gervasio, G. & Matthies-Boon, V. (2012) ‘The revolution continues: Morsi’s miscalculations and the Ikhwan’s impasse’, Open Democracy, 3 December 2012. Forward Energy Flow, Central Charged-Particle Multiplicities, and Pseudorapidity Gaps in W and Z Boson Events from pp Collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Eur. Phys. J. C 72 (2012) 1839. Search for new physics in events with opposite-sign leptons, jets, and missing transverse energy in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 718 (2013) 815-840. Forward-backward asymmetry of Drell-Yan lepton pairs in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 718 (2013) 752-772. Search for a W' boson decaying to a bottom quark and a top quark in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 718 (2013) 1229-1251. Search for flavor changing neutral currents in top quark decays in pp collisions at 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 718 (2013) 1252-1272. Measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy of neutral pions in PbPb collisions at sNN−−−√ = 2.76 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 042301. Observation of a diffractive contribution to dijet production in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D 87 (2013) 012006. Measurement of the Υ(1S), Υ(2S) and Υ(3S) polarizations in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 081802. Search for a narrow, spin-2 resonance decaying to a pair of Z bosons in the qqˉl+l− final state / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 718 (2013) 1208. Search for anomalous production of highly boosted Z bosons decaying to μ+μ− in proton–proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. 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Search in leptonic channels for heavy resonances decaying to long-lived neutral particles / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 02 (2013) 085. Identification of b-quark jets with the CMS experiment / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. Instrum. 8 P04013 (2013) P04013. Search for new physics in events with photons, jets, and missing transverse energy in pp collisions at √s= 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 03 (2013) 111. Measurement of the ZZ production cross section and search for anomalous couplings in 2l2l' final states in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 01 (2013) 063. Search for exotic resonances decaying into WZ/ZZ in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 02 (2013) 036. Search for long-lived particles decaying to photons and missing energy in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), arXiv: 1212.1838. Search for heavy narrow dilepton resonances in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV and √s = 8 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 720 (2013) 63-82. Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV in events with a single lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Eur. Phys. J. C 73 (2013) 2404. 41 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. 727. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 733. 734. 735. 736. 737. On the mass and spin-parity of the Higgs boson candidate via its decays to Z boson pairs / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), arXiv: 1212.6639. Measurements of differential jet cross sections in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV with the CMS detector / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), arXiv: 1212.6660. Measurement of the ttˉ production cross section in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with lepton + jets final states / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 720 (2013) 83-104. Interpretation of searches for supersymmetry with simplified models / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), arXiv: 1301.2175. Search for physics beyond the standard model in events with τ leptons, jets, and large transverse momentum imbalance in pp collisions at √s= 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), arXiv: 1301.3792. Measurement of W+W− and ZZ production cross sections in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 721 (2013) 190-211. Measurement of the ttˉ production cross section in the τ+jets channel in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Eur. Phys. J. C 73 (2013) 2386. Study of the underlying event at forward rapidity in pp collisions at √s = 0.9, 2.76, and 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 04 (2013) 072. Studies of jet mass in dijet and W/Z+jet events / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 05 (2013) 090. Application of gene expression programming for proton–proton interactions at large hadrons collider/ A. Radi. (2013) Indian Journal of Physics. Online publication date: 19-Mar-2013. Study of high-pT charged particle suppression in PbPb compared to pp collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Eur. Phys. J. C 72 (2012) 1945. Centrality dependence of dihadron correlations and azimuthal anisotropy harmonics in PbPb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Eur. Phys. J. C 72 (2012) 2012. Jet Production Rates in Association with W and Z Bosons in pp Collisions at √s= 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 01 (2012) 010. Exclusive γγ→μ+μ− production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al.s (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 01 (2012) 052. Measurement of the Production Cross Section for Pairs of Isolated Photons in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 01 (2012) 133. J/ψ and ψ (2S) production in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 02 (2012) 011. Search for the standard model Higgs boson in the H→ZZ→2l2ν channel in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 03 (2012) 040. Search for the standard model Higgs boson in the H→ZZ→l+l−τ+τ− decay channel in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 03 (2012) 081. Search for B0s→μ+μ− and B0→μ+μ− decays / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 04 (2012) 033. 42 738. 739. 740. 741. 742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. Search for a Higgs boson in the decay channel H→ZZ(∗)→qqˉl−l+ in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), J. High Energy Phys. 04 (2012) 036. Search for microscopic black holes in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. 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Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 710 (2012) 91-113. Measurement of isolated photon production in pp and PbPb collisions at sNN−−−−√ = 2.76 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 710 (2012) 256-277. Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to bottom quarks in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 710 (2012) 284-306. Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying into two photons in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 710 (2012) 403-425. Search for large extra dimensions in dimuon and dielectron events in pp collisions at √s= 7 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 711 (2012) 15-34. Jet momentum dependence of jet quenching in PbPb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV / A. Radi et al. (CMS Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 712 (2012) 176-197. Search for neutral Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV / A. Radi et al. 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El-Basyouny, A nonperturbative calculation for the effective potential of the (g/4 phi**4 - J phi) (1+1) scalar field theory using the oscillator representation method with Borel resummation. 2007. 14pp. Published in Int. J. Mod.Phys.A22:1265-1278, 2007. Shalaby, Non-perturbative calculations for the effective potential of the PT symmetric and nonHermitian (-g 4) field theoretic model, Eur. J. Phys. C236 (2007). M. Everitt, Recovery of classical chaotic-like behaviour in a quantum three body problem, Phys. Rev. E 75: 036217(2007). I.S. El-Mahallawi, M. R. El Koussy, S. M. El Raghy , A.F. Waheed, G. Megahed, M.Hashem & O.Abd-Ellatif; “Current research in Egypt into the optimization of the combined mechanical strength and corrosion behaviour of steel rebar”; International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering IHSE, vol. 3, 2007. Y. Reda, R. Abdel-Karim, I. 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Accepted in 2015 Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Sciences (4 Papers): 1. 2. 3. 4. Gervasio, G. (2015) Egitto: la transizione interrotta (Italian), Critica Marxista, 18(1). Hassanien, K. (2015) “The Applications of the Economics of New & Renewable Energy: A Case Study of Egypt”, accepted for publication the Journal of Advanced Social Research (ISSN: 2231-8275). Metawie, M. and Saad, M. (2015) " Store environment, personality factors and impulse buying behavior in Egypt: The mediating roles of shop enjoyment and impulse buying tendencies’, Journal of Business and Management Sciences, Volume3, Number 2. Shamah R. (2015). Analysing the Relationship between Joint Productivity Improvement and Supply Chain Sustainability. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (IP). Faculty of Engineering (3 Papers): 5. Khodeir Laila, (2015)," An Evaluation of Current Practices of Facility Management in Egypt- Status, Importance and Impact" , Journal of Engineering Sciences-Faculty of Engineering- Shoubra University, April Center for Advanced Materials: 61 6. Mostafa Shazly, Sherif Sorour, Ahmed R. Alian, “EFFECT OF PROCESS CONTROL MODE ON WELD QUALITY OF FRICTION STIR WELDED PLATES”, Accepted, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Springer. Centre for Theortical Phyics: 7. Nashed, G. L. "Conserved Charges of Schwarzschild-NUT-AdS Space-Time Using the Method of Regularization through Relocalization", to appear in Indian Journal of Physics, Springer Faculty of Informatics and Computer Sciences (3 Papers): 8. 9. 10. El-Seoud, Samir A.; El-Sofany, Hosam F. and Karam Omar "Semantic Web Architecture and its Impact on E-learning Systems Development" Paper has been accepted to be published in the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET). Publishing expected November 2015. Nermin Abdel-Hakim Othman, Ahmed Sharaf Eldin, Doaa S. El Zanfaly, “Enhancing Aggregation over Uncertain Databases”, 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT-2015) to be held in Liverpool, England, UK, 26-28 October 2015. Dandashi, Amal; Karkar, Abdelghani; AlJaam, Jihad; El-Seoud, Samir A.; Osman Ibrahim. Framework for Development of Cognitive Children with Hearing Impairments Proceedings of the IEEE 18th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2015). ICL2015 was a part of the 2015 World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF2015) that has been held from 20-24 September 2015, Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy. http://www.icl-conferen Paper has been accepted to appear in the Modern Education Review (ISSN 2155-7993), December 2015. Faculty of Pharmacy (6 Papers): 11. 12. 13. Faten Rmida, Arwa Kammoun, Nadia Mahfoudh, Adnene Ayadi, Abdullah Ahmed Gibriel, Bakhta Mallek, Leila Maalej, Zouheir Hammami, Samir Maatoug, Hafedh Makni, Saber Masmoudi. 2015. Genetic diversity and haplotype structure of 21 Y-STRs, including nine non-core loci, in South Tunisian Population: Forensic Relevance. Accepted Sep 2015 in Electrophoresis (DOI: 10.1002/elps.201500204). S. A. Ahmed, Abdullah Gibriel, A. K. Abdellatif, H. M. Ebied. 2015. Evaluation of food products fortified with oyster shell for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. J. Food Sci & Tech. Accepted Jan 2015 (DOI 10.1007/s13197-015-1725-3). Ramzia I. El-Bagary, Ehab F. Elkady, Shereen Mowaka, Maria A. Attallah 62 14. 15. 16. “Validated HPLC and UPLC Methods for Determination of Dronedarone and Amiodarone-Application for Counterfeit Drug Analysis” (15-0054) has been accepted (20 May 2015) in the Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL (2015). Hayam M. Lotfy, Maha A. Hegazy, Shereen Mowaka and Ekram Hany Mohamed, Validated spectrophotometric methods for simultaneous determination of Omeprazole, Tinidazole and Doxycycline in their ternary mixture, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153, 321–332 (2016). M. A. Nawwar , A. N. Hashem, S. A. Hussein, N. F. Swilam, A. Becker,B. Haertel, U. Lindequist, A. El-Khatib, M. W. Linscheid. Phenolic profiling of an extract from Eugenia jambos L. (Alston) The Structure of three flavonoid glycosides – Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities: Accepted in Die Pharmazie, September 2015. Sobeh, Mansour, Esraa El-Hawary, Herbenya Peixoto, Rola Labib, Heba Handoussa, Noha Swilam, Ahmed El-Khatib, Farukh Sharapova, Tamer Mohamed, Sonja Krstin, Michael Linscheid, Abdel Nasser Singab, Michael Wink, Nahla Ayoub. Identification of phenolic secondary metabolites from Schotia brachypetala Sond. (Fabaceae) and demonstration of their antioxidant activities in Caenorhabditis elegans. Accepted in Biod research international, September 2015. Accepted in 2014 Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Sciences (8 Papers): 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. El Mosallamy, D. (2014) ‘Performance Evaluation of Islamic versus conventional Mutual Funds: Evidence from GCC markets’, Journal of commercial and Environmental Studies, Suez Canal University. El Mosallamy, D. (2014) ‘Profitability performance of Islamic versus Conventional banks: evidence from GCC and MENA region’, Journal of contemporary commercial research, Sohag University. Iskander, M.G. (2014). Fuzzy Goal and Possibility Programming with Imprecise Goal Hierarchy. International Journal of Operational Research, Forthcoming. Metawie, M. & Mostafa, R.(2014) " Ethical considerations in the use of pharmaceutical promotions: the impact on Egyptian physicians prescribing behavior’, Journal of Commercial and Environmental Studies, Suez Canal University. Anis, M.,ElDomiaty, T., Soliman, A. (2014) ‘The financial aspects of corporate responsibility index in Egypt: A quantitative Approach to Institutional Economics’. Corporate Responsibility Journal, Forthcoming. Attia, A. (2014) ‘Testing Bowersox and Daugherty topology in Egypt – an empirical study on the pharmaceutical industry’, Int. J. Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, Vol. 6, Nos. 3/4, pp.228–238. Selim, G. (2014) ‘The Arab Spring and the Return of ‘Great Power’ Politics to the Middle East’. Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, (in Asia). Selim, G. & Selim, M. (2014) , "The Impact of the Arab Spring on the Future of Asia," Journal of International Politics (Cairo), in Arabic. 63 Faculty of Engineering (51 Papers): 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Khodeir Laila, Hamdy Ahmed, (2014),"Identifying the Latest Risk Probabilities Affecting Construction Projects in Egypt According to Political and Economic VariablesFrom January 2011 to January 2013", Elsevier -HBRC Journal Othman, A.A.E. (2014b) "An International Index for Achieving Customer Satisfaction in the Construction Industry", International Journal of Construction Management, Vol. 13, No.3, pp. Othman, A.A.E. (2014c) "Drivers for Achieving Customer Satisfaction in the Construction Industry: An International Perspective", Journal of Engineering Construction and Project Management, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. Osama A. Montasser, “Development of a Smart Mechatronic Tracking System to Enhance Solar Cell Panels Performance”, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), ISSN: 2249–6645, Accepted to be published in Nov. 10th, 2014. M. A. Soliman, Y. Al-Zeghayer, A. Ajbar, “A modified orthogonal collocation method for reaction diffusion problems”, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, In Press Radwan, M., Gendy, M., Hadhoud, M., "Effect of Nano-Sized Barium Ferrite Catalyst on Ballistic Properties of Composite", 7th International Conference on Chemical & Environmental Engineering, MTC, Cairo, Egypt, 27-29 May, 2014. Gamal G. L. Nashed (2014) “Relocalization of total conserved charge for Schwarzschild-AdS spacetime” “will appear in Int. J. Theor. Phys’’. Gamal G. L. Nashed (2014) “Charged axially-symmetric solution in f(T) gravity theory” “ Will appear in Indian Journal of Physics” Y. H. Elbashar, A. El-Korashy, M. M. Elokr,“Study of the elastic properties and microhardness of Neodymium doped borate glasses using an ultrasonic technique”, Egyptian Journal of Solids (2013) Othman, A.A.E. (2014). "An International Index for Customer Satisfaction In The Construction Industry" International Journal of Construction Management, in press. Aly Ahmed, Abdel-Rahim, and Rashed, “Involving Younger Generations in Defining Future Transportation Needs in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Egypt’s National Transportation Network to Support Sustainable Developments”, Submitted for Publication in 2015 Transportation Research Record and Presentation at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 11-15, 2015. Kenawy, I. (2014) "Sustainability of Cultural Diversity: An Egyptian Perception", to be presented in ARCHCAIRO6: Responsive Urbanism in Informal Areas, Towards a Regional Agenda for Habitat III. Cairo, Egypt. Kenawy, I. & Rushdy, R. (2014) "Buildings clusters and outdoor thermal comfort in hot arid regions", to be presented in ARCHCAIRO6: Responsive Urbanism in Informal Areas, Towards a Regional Agenda for Habitat III. Cairo, Egypt. Mamdouh A. Gadalla, A New Graphical Method for Pinch Analysis Applications: Energy Integration, Journal of Energy, 2014, in press. Mamdouh A. 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M. W, S. K. El-Labany, and M. Djebli, Effect of polarization force and trapped ions on dust acoustic waves. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, Institutes of the MaxPlanck-Gesellschaft, Germany, English. U. M. Abdelsalam, F. M. Allehiany, and Moslem. M. W, Nonlinear structures for extended Korteweg-de Vries equation in multicomponent plasma, Pramana, Springer, Netherlands, English. Elgammal, S., et al. (2014). “Search for massive resonances decaying into pairs of boosted bosons in semi-leptonic final states at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV”. Submitted to the Journal of High Energy Physics, arXiv: 1405.3447 [hep-ex]. Elgammal, S., et al. (2014). “Search for jet extinction in the inclusive jet-pt spectrum at sqrt(s) =8 Te”. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D, arXiv: 1405.7653 [hep-ex]. S. A. El-Tantawy, Moslem. M. W, and P. Carbonaro, Cylindrical and spherical solitons collision in the Xe⁺-F⁻-SF₆⁻ and Ar⁺-F⁻-SF₆⁻ plasmas, Annals of Physics, Elsevier Publisher, Holland, English. El-Zant .A.A., M. J. Everitt, S. Kassem “Time Reversibility in Gravitational N-body Simulation”. El-Zant .A.A., S. Khalil, A. Sil, “Warm Dark Matter in BL Inverse Seesaw”, Submitted to Phys. Rev. D (arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.0836). El-Zant .A.A., “On the Failings of Unified Dark Matter on Galaxy and Cluster Scales”, Submitted to Mon. Not. Ast. Soc. M. E. Yahia, R. E. Tolba, S. K. El-Labany, N. A. El-Bedwehy, and Moslem. M. W, Rogue waves lead the instability in GaN semiconductors. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, UK. Nashed L. G (2014) “Delocalization of total conserved charge for Schwarzschild-AdS space time” “will appear in Int. J. Theor. Phys’’. Nashed L. G (2014) “Charged axially-symmetric solution in f(T) gravity theory” “ Will appear in Indian Journal of Physics” Nashed L. G (2014) higher dimensional spherically symmetric solutions in f (T) gravitational theories. Nashed L. G (2014) “Delocalization of total conserved charge for Schwarzschild-AdS space time” “will appear in Int. J. Theor. 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A search for WW gamma and WZ gamma production and constraints on anomalous quartic gauge couplings in pp collisions at sqrt (s)= 8 TeV. A. Radi (CMS collaboration), 2014. Measurement of jet multiplicity distributions in t-tbar production in pp collisions at sqrt (s)= 7 TeV. A. Radi ( CMS collaboration), 2014. Search for supersymmetry with razor variables in pp collisions at sqrt (s)= 7 TeV. A. Radi (CMS collaboration), 2014. Search for top-squark pairs decaying into Higgs or Z bosons in pp collisions at sqrt (s)= 8 TeV. A. Radi (CMS collaboration), 2014. Search for massive resonances decaying into pairs of boosted bosons in semi-leptonic final states at sqrt (s)= 8 TeV. A. Radi (CMS collaboration), 2014. Constraints on the Higgs boson width from off-shell production and decay to Z-boson pairs. A. Radi (CMS collaboration), 2014. Search for massive resonances in dijet systems containing jets tagged as W or Z boson decays in pp collisions at sqrt (s)= 8 TeV. A. Radi (CMS collaboration), 2014. Measurement of pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles in proton-proton collisions at sqrt (s)= 8 TeV by the CMS and TOTEM experiments. A. Radi (CMS collaboration), 2014. 66 Faculty of Informatics and Computer Sciences (1 Papers): 76. Hassanien, Karim, 2014.The Three Major Aspects of the Economic Risks of Human Capital In Cairo. UK: Emerald Publications: The World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD): The International Journal of Innovation and Knowledge Management in Middle East and North Africa (IJIKMMENA), Vol. 3 No. 3/4 2014. Faculty of Pharmacy (2 Papers): 77. 78. Lindequist U, Swilam N, Harms M, Nawwar M. 2014. "New sulphated flavonoids from heartwood of Tamarix aphylla (Tamaricaceae) with cytotoxic effect on HaCaT cells". Journal of Phytotherapy. E. Motawe, AAY Gibriel, HM Ebeid, HM AL-Sayed, SA Elbehairy. "Antioxidant effect of wheat, carrot and mango leaves as nutraceutical agents against hepatocellular toxicity". 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El-Bagary R, Elkady E, Fouad M, Sherif Z, Ayoub B; Development and validation of a stabilityindicating RP-LC method for the determination of sitagliptin and simvastatin in the presence of their degradation products in bulk drug mixture and combined pharmaceutical preparations, Journal of liquid chromatography and related technologies, in press. Hashem, Y., Yassin, A., and Amin, M. Virulence and resistance mechanisms of Enterococcus spp. clinical isolates from the main university hospitals in Cairo, Egypt. Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2013, in press. Albrazi, A., Power, M., Investigating the Relationship Between False Memory Formation and Emotional Response at dysphoric participants, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2013, in press. Albrazi, A., Power, M., Investigating the Relationship Between False Memory Formation and Emotional Response at depression patients, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2013, in press. 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A Strategic planning and enabling of Youth and scientific research: as an approach towards the sustainable development in Egypt. How to write the history of the future, the fifth Conference of Egyptian Engineers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, 15-17 May 2013. Radwan, M.A.; Abdalla, M.; Fawzy, A.; Zaafarany, I and Abdfattah,E. [2013], "Inhibition of Aluminum Corrosion in Hydrochloric Acid by Cellulose and Chitosan", Journal of American Science, 2013. A.Bayoumi, M.A.Abdelaziz, Magdy M.Abdelhameed (2013)” Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid PV/Thermal Solar System”, Helwan University Journal, Vol. 138, June 2013. M. A. Soliman, and K. Alhumaizi,(2013)” Efficient Numerical Scheme of the Dynamics of a Coating Film Flow on Horizontal Cylinders”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling,. Monitoring of a single cylinder engine running on gasoline and gasoline-Ethanol blend using wear particle analysis as an Engine condition monitoring technique Sayed Y. Akl, Ahmed A. AbdelRehimThe British University in Egypt, Centre for Renewable Energy (CRE) MRE International Congress Athens 2013. Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Sayed Y. Akl The British University in Egypt, Centre for Renewable Energy (CRE) MRE International Congress Athens 2013. Comparative analysis of different cleaning techniques of photovoltaic modules Amr Abdel Kader, Sayed Y. Akl, Bahy S.A. Abdel-Mesih, Ahmed A. Abdel-RehimThe British University in Egypt, Centre for Renewable Energy (CRE) MRE International Congress Athens 2013. M. R. Ismail. A parametric investigation of the acoustical performance of contemporary mosques. Journal of Frontiers of Architectural Research. (2013) 2, 30–41. Mostafa A. Salama, Nashwa elBendary, Mohamed M. Mostafa, Aboul-ellah hassanien, Mutagenicity Analysis Based on Rough Set Theory and Formal Concept Analysis to 2013 International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics(ISI2013- Mysore). Revett, K., The role of endophenotypes in cognitive performance, International Journal of Cognitive performance Support, v1(1), pp. 1-10, 2013. Samy Ghoniemy, Omar H. Karam and Osman Ibrahim, Robust and Large Hiding Capacity Steganography using Spread Spectrum and Discrete Cosine Transform, International Journal of Image Processing and Visual Communication, 2319-1724, Volume 1 , Issue 4 , February 2013 Khaled Ahmed Nagaty, “Cloud Tree: A Hierarchical Organization as a Platform for Cloud Computing”, Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, 2013 (under publication). Ann Nosseir,, Khaled Nagati, and Islam Taj-Eddin, “Intelligent Word-Based Spam Filter Detection Using Multi-Neural Networks", IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 2, No 1, March 2013. 68 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. El-Sofany H.F., Taj-Eddin I.A., El-Hoimal H., Al-Tourki T., and Al-Sadoon A. May 2013. Enhancing Software Quality by an SPL Testing based Software Testing, International Journal of Computer Applications. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA. El-Seoud M.S., El-Sofany H.F., Taj-Eddin I.A.T.F., Nosseir A., and El-Khouly M. May 2013. Implementation of Web-Based Education in Egypt through Cloud Computing Technologies and Its Effect on Higher Education, Higher Education Studies, Vol. 3, No. 3, ISSN 1925-4741, E-ISSN 1925-475X, Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. Rizk, M., Taha, E., Mowaka, S., Abdallah, Y. (2013). “Kinetic Fluorimetric Determination of Mesna in Drug Substance and Drug Product Through Oxidation with Cerium (IV)”, Eur J Chem, manuscript no. 785. El-Bagary, R., Elkady, E., Fouad, M., El-Sherif, Z., Kadry, A., Ayoub, B. (2012) “Development and validation of a stability-indicating RP-LC method for the determination of sitagliptin and simvastatin in the presence of their degradation products in bulk drug mixture and combined pharmaceutical preparations”, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies. Manuscript Number: LJLC-2012-0328.R2 Ghonemy, E, G, ElShaer, H. E., Fatouh, E,A: & Mohamed, S.: Assessment of reproductive & sexual health knowledge among female university students” Egyptian Journal Of Medicine, 2/2013 Vol.( ). Mabrouk H, Kamala T & Khalifa .M, QUALITY OF NURSING INTERVENTIONS WHILE MANAGING CHILDREN RECEIVING MECHANICAL VENTILATION. Egyptian Journal of Medicine, 12/2012, Vol. ( ). Prof. Tarek A. Hassan: The effect of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) on management of temporomandibular joint internal derangement. (July 2013). Prof. Tarek A. 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Younis, Zeinab Shawky and Randa El Bedawy. “Upholding Competitive Advantage through Endorsing Corporate Social Responsibility: Case Study PEPSICO EGYPT. Accepted for both presentation at the fourth International Conference on New Horizons in Education, Rome 25-29 June 2013 and for publication in Procedia (Social and Behavioral Sciences on line Journal ELSEVIER. At: . Selected and peer reviewed under the responsibility of the Association of Science, Education and Technology- TASET, Sakaraya Universities, Turkey. Mulligan, M. 2013 Convention of London 1840 and International Law in the 19th Century, Law and History Review. Maria Sottimano, Syria: History” in The Middle East and North Africa 2014, Regional Surveys of the World, London and New York, Routledge, 2013. Maria Sottimano, “Bahrain: History” in The Middle East and North Africa 2014, Regional Surveys of the World, London and New York, Routledge, 2013. Halim, H. 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Abd El Fattah Hussein and Osman Ibrahim, Supporting Cloud Computing Using Erlang Programming Language, 20th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, November, 20-22, 2012, pp1432- 1435 Hazem El Gendy, Magdy Amer, and Osman Ibrahim, Towards Modeling of Communication Protocols, 20th Telecommunication Forum TELFOR 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, November, 20-22, 2012, pp. 233 – 236. Osman Ibrahim, Towards Better Control Over the Distribution of Subsidized Commodities International Journal of Computer Engineering & Technology (IJCET), Volume 3, Issue 3, October - December (2012), pp. 355-368. Ahmed S. Fadel, Mohamed Belal, Mostafa-sami M. Mostafa, Protein Structure Comparison Based on Relative Orientation of Secondary Structure Elements, Accepted and not yet published, December 2012, The 2012 World Congress on Computer Science and Information Technology, WCSIT'12. Kamelia Fouad, Cheherezade Ghazi, Mona M. 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Maged S Morcos and Michael Henshaw (2013) “A Soft Systems Methodology for Transforming Organizations to Product-Service Systems (Application In Defense and Construction Industry)” International Journal of General Systems. 79 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. Maged S. Morcos (2013) “Reliability Focused Thinking: A Conceptual Approach to Systems Improvement in Organizations and Projects”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability. Wadid, E. , Labib, N. M. and Abdel Wahab, S. “Proposed Business Intelligence Models for Medical Risk Assessment Case study of Venous Thrombosis Disease in Egypt” The 9th International Conference on Data Mining, July 22-25, 2013, Las Vegas, USA. Tantawi, M., Revett, K., Salem, A.-B. M., & Tolba, M.F., A New Vantage Point in the Fiducial Based Approach to ECG Biometrics , submitted to the International Journal of Signal Processing, November, 2012. Ezzat, M. M. and Shedid, S. A. “An Experimental Approach Investigating Effects of Salinity and Flow Rate on Formation Damage and Characterization of Clastic Reservoir Rocks,” Canadian Energy International Journal (CEIJ), submitted for publication, 2012. Zekri, A. Y., Shedid, S. A., and Almehaideb, R. “Possible Alteration of Tight Limestone Rock Properties and Effect of Water Shielding on the Performance of SC-CO2 Flooding for Carbonate Reservoirs,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, submitted for publication, 2012. Al-Rabiah, A., Ajbar, A., Soliman, M. A.,(2012) Mathematical Modeling of Gas Permeation in Nanoporous Carbon Membranes, Mathematical & Computer Modeling. Abbas H., Mohammed Hussein, and M. Etman , Verification of a Dynamic Supply Chain Model and its Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Solution Methodology, Journal of Computer and Industrial Engineering CIE, 2012, under reviewing. M. R. Ismail One pot synthesis of azolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine, isoxazolo[3,4-d]pyridazine, pyrazolo[3,4d]pyridazine, and thieno[2,3-b]pyridine derivatives containing 1,2,3-triazole moiety under solvent-free conditions. Abdou O. Abdelhamid, Tamer T. El-Idreesy, Nadia A. Abdel-Riheem, and Huda R. M. Rashdan. Abdel-Mesih B., Abdelsalam T., An experimental study on the effect of using Fresnel lenses on the performance of solar stills, Desalination: The International Journal on the Science and Technology of Desalting and Water Purification, 2012. E. Salama “Egyptian limestone for gamma dosimetry: An EPR Study” Radiation effects and defects in solids. N. L. Youssef, A. M. Sid Ahmed, Ibtisam H. Taha, 2012 “On Finslerized Absolute Parallelism Spaces” Submitted to Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. G.G.L. Nashed, 2012“Thermal Properties of Lense-Thirring Spacetimein Tetrad Theory of Gravitation”. Submitted to Chin. Phys. B. G.G.L. Nashed, 2012 “Cosmological Applications on Five-dimensional Teleparallel Theory Equivalent to Gneral Relativity”. Submitted to Chin. Phys. B. A. Radi and Samy Hinday, 2012 “Applying Artificial Neural Network Hadron-Hadron Collisions at LHC”, Submitted to Artificial Neural Networks. Iskander, M. G. “A Suggested Approach for Solving Fuzzy Stochastic Multi objective Programming Problems in the Case of Discrete Random Variables” Submitted to International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research. Morcos, Maged A Two Dimensional Performance Measurement Approach for Modeling and Improving Organizational Strategic Decisions, submitted for review to International Journal of Production and Operations Management. 80 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. Mostafa A. Salama, Kenneth Revett, Aboul Ella Hassanien, Aly A. Fahmy, “An investigation on mapping classifiers onto data sets”, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2012. [Submitted]. Khalifa, W., Revett, K., Roushdy, M., & Salem, A.B., A multimodal biosignal based approach to stress detection, Topics in Cognitive Science, September, 2012, submitted. Abdel Salam, S. S., Suleiman, M. T., and Sritharan, S. A Load-Transfer Analysis for Axially Loaded Piles based on Laboratory Test Measurements, ASTM, Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2012, to be submitted. Mostafa Shazly, Ahmed R. Alian, Mohammad M. Megahed, “Parametric Studies of Residual Stresses and Pipe Melt-Through in In-Service Sleeve Repair Welding of Gas Pipelines, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Submitted, Oct. 2012. El-Bagary, R., Elkady, E., Fouad, M., El-Sherif, Z., Kadry, A., Ayoub, B., (2012) Development and validation of a stability-indicating RP-LC method for the determination of sitagliptin and simvastatin in the presence of their degradation products in bulk drug mixture and combined pharmaceutical preparations, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies. Manuscript Number: LJLC-2012-0328.R1. Bagary, R., Elkady, E., Ayoub, B., (2012). Simultaneous determination of sitagliptin and metformin in ternary mixture with sitagliptin acid degradation product, Journal of Chromatographic science, Manuscript Number: JCS-12-452. Bagary, R., Elkady, E., Ayoub, B., (2012). Spectrophotometric methods for the determination of linagliptin in binary mixture with metformin hydrochloride and simultaneous determination of linagliptin and metformin hydrochloride using highperformance liquid chromatography, International Journal of Biomedical Science. O'Neill, C, Derera, E. and Chitakunye, P. "The impact of gender on star-up caoital: a case of women entrepreneurs in South Africa", Journal of Entrepreneurship in October 2012. Mostafa A. Salama, A.E. Hassanien, Aly A. Fahmy, “Binarization and validation in formal concept analaysis”, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2011. Mostafa A. Salama, A.E. Hassanien, Aly A. Fahmy, “Fuzzification of Euclidean space in machine learning techniques”, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2011. Soliman, M. A., and Al-Zeghayer, Y., (2012), A modified orthogonal collocation method for reaction diffusion problems, Computers & Chemical Engineering. Al-Rabiah, A., Ajbar, A., Soliman, M. A., (2012) Mathematical Modeling of Gas Permeation in Nanoporous Carbon Membranes, Mathematical & Computer Modeling. Revett, K, & Salem, A.-B. M., “An evaluation of a stroke microarray dataset: and the development of a gene regulatory Network, Computers in Biology and Medicine”, 2012, in press. Salama, M., Revett, K., Interval-based Attribute Evaluation Algorithm, Journal of Computer Science, Technology and Applications, 2012, in press. Revett, K., Enhancing person-interface performance: a biosignal based approach, International Journal of Cognitive Performance Support, 1(1), 2012, in press. Mulligan, M. Egypt, The Ottoman Empire and The Concert of Europe after 1840', Review of International Studies (submitted). 81 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. Eldomiaty, T., Farag, D. (2011). ‘Dividend Policy, Market Risks and Shareholder Value: Further Test’. Submitted to American Journal of Finance and Accounting. Eldomiaty, T. and Hendawy. (2011) ‘The Contribution of Financing and Investment Decisions to Firm Growth and Market Share’. Submitted to Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. Revett, K. Analysis of a Cardiotocography dataset using rough sets, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, submitted. Morcos, M. 2010 “Assessing The Reliability Of Organisational Management Systems Using A Simulated Probabilistic Fault Tree Analysis”, International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics, (Currently Under Review). B. Dutta, S. Khalil, Y. Mimura and Q. Shafi, Dimuon CP asymmetry in B_s decays in two Higgs doublet models, submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Wanas, M.I., N.S.Awadalla and W.S. El- Hanafy, On The Field of a Binary Pulser, Sumbitted for Publication (2010). Y. Kajiyama, S. Khalil, H. Okada, E. Ma, Gauged B-L leptogenesis, submitted to Phys. Rev. D. H. Ishimori, T. Kobayashi, H. Okada, Y. Shimizu and M. Tanimoto, “Delta (54) Flavor Model for Leptons and Sleptons'', arXiv: 0907.2006. Enhanced Electrolytic Generation of Oxygen Gas at Binary Nickel Oxide-Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles-Based Catalysts Modified Electrodes”, I. M. Sadiek, A. M. Mohammad, M. E. El-Shakre, M. S. El-Deab, B. E. El-Anadouli, J. Solid State Electrochem. (2012) submitted. "Electrocatalytic Evolution of Oxygen at Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles Modified Electrodes", I. M. Sadiek, A. M. Mohammad, M. E. El-Shakre, M. S. El-Deab, B. E. ElAnadouli, Electrocatalysis (2012) submitted. II. International Conferences 2015 Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Sciences (26 Conferences): 1. 2. 3. 4. Abd Al-Aziz, A., Gheith, M. & Sharaf Eldin, A. (2015) ‘Lexicon based and MultiCriteria Decision Making (MCDM) Approach for Detecting Emotions from Arabic Microblog Text’, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, Cairo, Egypt, April 14 –20, 2015. Abdelmageed, S. (2015) ‘Social Justice and Economic Growth: The Paradox in Egypt’, Presented at Cairo University's Faculty of Economics and Political Science Annual Conference "Egypt's Political and Economic Challenges: Future Perspectives", Cairo, May 9 – 11, 2015. Abdelfattah, T. and Hussein, A. (2015) "Auditors’ Perceptions of Narrative Reporting Assurance: Evidence from Egypt ", Innovative Arabia 8 Conference organized by Hamdan Bin Mohammad Smart University Dubai UAE February 16-18 2015. Abou-Ali, H., Abdelfattah, Y. & Adams, J. (2015). Driving Forces of Environmental Degradation in Arab Countries: An Extended STIRPAT II. The Economic Research 82 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Forum 21th Annual Conference, Tunis, Tunisia, March 20-22, 2015. Abou-Ali H., Abdelfattah, Y. and Adams, J. (2015) "Driving forces of environmental degradation in Arab Countries: An extended STIRPAT II Model.” Presented to the ERF 21st Annual Conference, Tunisia, March 20-22, 2015. Alnsary & Hafez,H. (2015) "Determinants of the Capital Adequacy Ratio: An Empirical Study on Egyptian Banks (5th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society Banking, Financial markets, risk and financial vulnerability. Audencia Nantes School of Management Campus). Attia, S. (2015) “Rent Control Dilemma Comeback in Egypt’s Governance”. Economics research forum (ERF) 21st annual conference, Tunisia, March 20-23rd. El-Fekey, S. F. & Elemary, P. (2015) ‘The Effect of Human Resource Development Practices on Creating Learning Organizations: An Empirical Study on the Banking Sector in Egypt’, Proceeding of the MENA Development Conference 2015 – the 21st Annual Research Conference of the American University in Cairo (AUC), New Cairo, Egypt, March 16-18, 2015. Gervasio, G. (2015) “Reconfigurations of Power(s) and Resistance(s) in Egypt’s ‘Continuous Revolution’: Civil Society Activists Before and After the Uprising”, paper presented at The Second Arab Council for Social Sciences (ACSS) Conference, Beirut, 13-15 March. Gervasio, G. (2015) “An unfinished Revolution? Reconfiguration of power and resistance in post2011 Egypt”, paper presented at the Whatever happened to the Arab Uprisings? International workshop, Cairo, Orient Institute- NVIC, 1-2 March. Hassaballa, H. (2015). The Effect of Corruption on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in The MENA Region. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), Rome, June 6, 2015. Hassanien, K. (2015) “The Application of the Innovation Economics: A Comparative Case Study of the Application in the Developed Countries Versus That of the Developing Countries”, published in the Book of the Accepted Research Papers of the Fourteenth International Annual Conference: Innovation Management in Business, 20-22 April 2015, Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, Al-Zaytoonah Private University Of Jordan. Hassanien, K. (2015) “The Applications of the Economics of New & Renewable Energy: A Case Study of Egypt”, A Research Paper Submitted to the International Business Conference (IBC) 2015: Diversity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities of Global Business, Ajman University of Science and Technology, Ajman, United Arab Emirates (UAE), 12th -14th May, 2015. Hassanien, K. (2015) “The Application of the Innovation Economics: A Comparative Case Study of the Application in the Developed Countries Versus That of the Developing Countries”, published in the Book of the Accepted Research Papers of the Fourteenth International Annual Conference: Innovation Management in Business, 20-22 April 2015, Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, Al-Zaytoonah Private University Of Jordan. Hassouna,D. and Ouda,H. (2015) "A suggested measure for the quality of Corporate Governance in Egypt", Annual International Conference of the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA), Manchester City, United Kingdom. 83 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Hassouna,D. and Ouda,H. (2015), "The development of a corporate governance measurement tool for Egyptian listed companies: An approach based on the governanceperformance relationship literature", American University in Cairo, 21st Annual Research Conference on the Middle East and North Africa Region, Cairo, Egypt. Hattab, H. (2015) ‘’Investigating the Impact of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem on the Growth of Women Entrepreneurial projects in Egypt’’, AUC 21st Annual Research Conference – Middle East and North Africa Region. 16-18 March, 2015. Cairo, Egypt. Hussein, A. (2015) "User’s perception on Internet Banking in Egypt ", Business Administration Department Second International Conference, Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, Egypt 23-25 May 2015. Khodair, A. (2015) "Women’s Political participation in Egypt: Role of NWC". Paper accepted in the 65thPolitical Studies Association (PSA) Annual International Conference, UK, April 25. Kirby, D. (2015), ‘Ecopreneurship’, UNIDO Green Technology Conference, Bahrain. Kirby, D. (2015) ‘The Business Case for Sustainability’, The First Dubai Sustainability Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Kirby, D. (2015) ‘Entrepreneurial Universities and Entrepreneurial Education in a Factor-Driven Economy: creating an Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Egypt’, UniversityIndustry Innovation Network Conference, Berlin. Rizk, R. (2015) “Comparative Analysis of the Determinants of Household Education Expenditure: Evidence from Arab Countries” presented in the 21th Annual Conference, Economic Research Forum, Tunisia, March 20-22 & presented in the 21th Annual Research Conference , American University in Cairo, March 16-18. Sameer, Y. (2015) ‘Innovative Behavior of Egyptian Entrepreneurs’, presented at Cyrus Institute of Knowledge conference at Harvard University, Boston, April 2015. Younis , Z. (2015) ‘Change as a Catalyst leading to corporate social Innovation’ , Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Global Business, Finance, Economics and Banking, The British University in Dubai with the collaboration of the Institute for Management Development in India, Al Murooj Hotel Rotana, Dubai. May 22-25th, 2015. Younis , Z. (2015) ‘Towards a Socially- Responsible and Sustainable Management Education and Practice’, The German University in Cairo in collaboration with the International Labor Organization and The Federation of Egyptian Industries. May 6th-7th, 2015. Conrad hotel in Cairo, Egypt. Faculty of Dentistry (3 Conferences): 27. 28. 29. Kabil S.k., Poster presenter in the International Association of Dental Research Meeting, Boston, USA. March 2015. Title of the poster: “Depth of Cure and Adaptation of BulkFill Resin Composites” Ahmed G S Zaghloul Co-Author; conference paper. “Short-term Fluoride Rlease and Water Sorption of Two Esthetic Restorations”. The International Association of Dental Research Meeting, Boston, MA USA. March 2015 Ahmed G S Zaghloul Main Author; conference paper and poster presentation. “Microtensle Bond Strength of Bulk-fill Resin Composite in High Configuration-Factor Cavity Preparations”. The International Association of Dental Research Meeting, Boston, MA USA. March 2015 84 Faculty of Engineering (17 Conferences): 30. A.E. El-Etriby, M.E. Abdel-Meguid, K.M. Shalan, T.M. Hatem, Y.A. Bahei-El-Din, “A MultiScale Based Model for Composite Materials with Embedded PZT Filaments for Energy Harvesting,” Proceedings of the TMS Middle East - Mediterranean Materials Congress on Energy and Infrastructure Systems, MEMA 2015, Pages 361-379. 31. Dewidar Khaled, Mariane Nabil “Air Purification Towers: A Modern Concept in Architectural Sustainability”, Middle East Green Building Summit Cairo, April 2015. Dewidar, Khaled “Bridging the Gap between Sustainable Architecture Design Principles and Elements of Defining Art of Sustainability”, The 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development in Building and Environment, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom, July 2015. AbdelSalam, S. S., Azzam, S. A., and Abdel-Awad, A. S. (2015). “Laboratory Characterization and Numerical Modeling of EPS Geofoam”. ICASGE 15, International Conference on Advances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, April 2015, Hurghada, Egypt. Azzam, S. A., and AbdelSalam, S. S. (2015). “EPS Geofoam to Reduce Lateral Earth Pressure on Rigid Walls”. ICASGE 15, International Conference on Advances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, April 2015, Hurghada, Egypt. Elfekey, H.M.; Bary, E.M.Abdel; Bastawrous, H.A., "Flexible ITO-free touch panel based on the effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields," in Proc. of 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (IEEE-ISCE 2015), Madrid, Spain, 24-26 Jun. 2015, pp. 1-2. 32. 33. 34. 35. Centre for Advanced Materials: 36. 37. Bishoy Dawood, Mostafa Shazly, Alaa Almokadem, Abdall S. Wifi, “Effect Of Variable Blank Holder Force On The Springback And Weld-Line Movement During DrawBending Of Tailor Welded Blanks”, 10th ASME 2015 Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, paper # MSEC2015- 9379, June 8-12, 2015, Charlotte North Calorina, USA. Amr Abdel Kader and Amir Abdel Mawla, “A Novel Control Scheme for Pitch Regulated Vertical Axis Wind Turbine”. Conference ICERE 2015, Vienna International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy, May 20-21, 2015. Centre for Renewable Energy: 38. M. Refat, A.M.M. Abdelmotagaly, M.M.Z. Ahmed, El-Mahallawi; “The Effect Of Heat Treatment On The Properties Of Friction Stir Processed AA7075-0 With And Without Nano Alumina Additions”, TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), March 1519, 2015 Walt Disney World • Orlando, Florida, USA. 85 39. 40. Nevin Yahia , Iman S. El-Mahallawi , Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Tarek Hatem, N. Khattab; “Modelling and Experimentation of Thermal Flat Plate Solar Collector Design Parameters”, The 3rd Sustainable Thermal Energy Management International Conference (SUSTEM 2015) 7th – 8th July 2015, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Ahmed A. Ebied, “Fabricating and Testing of a Thermoelectric Generator Based on Silicon Nanowires”, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineering) Paper No. 2015-01-1603, SAE International, Detroit, USA, April 2015. Centre for Theoretical Physics: 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Sherif Elgammal Gave an invited talk on "Search for New Physics in Di-Muon Channel", at CMSDAS School in Bari, January 2015. Waleed Moslem gave an invited talk on “Generation of Rogue Waves by Nonlinear Interactions in Dusty Plasma", in the 4th International Conference in Mathematics and Information Science, Zewail City, Egypt, from 5 to 7 February 2015. Waleed Moslem gave a talk on “Nonlinear Waves in GaAs Semicondutor” in the 5th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress & Exhibition, Sentido Lykia Resort in Blue Lagoon, Fethiye, Turkey, from 16 to 19 April 2015. Sherif Elgammal gave a talk on" CMS Physics Results " in 1st Mini-CMS Analysis School in Egypt" at the British University in Egypt (BUE), 18 April 2015, also he gave a talk on “ Electrons Interaction with Matter-Exercise” in the same school at Ain-Shams University, 21 April 2015. Amr El-Zant gave a public talk on “Galaxies and the Universe” at the American University in Cairo, in the context of the ‘Third Astronomy Conference” held in February 2015. Amr Radi attended the CMS-CERN meeting and GEM Workshop, held at CERN (Geneva), from 15 February to 25 February 2015. Faculty of Informatics and Computer Sciences (7 Conferences): 47. 48. 49. Dandashi, Amal; Karkar, Abdelghani; AlJaam, Jihad; El-Seoud, Samir A., Ibrahim, Osman “Children with Hearing Impairments Proceedings of the IEEE 18th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2015). ICL2015 is a part of the 2015 World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF2015) that will be held from 20-24 September 2015, Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy. El-Seoud, M. Samir; El-Sofany, Hosam F.; Karkar, AbdelGhani; Dandashi, Amal; Taj-Eddin, Islam; Al Ja’am, Jihad M.”Semantic-Web Automated Course Management and Evaluation System using Mobile Applications” Proceedings of the IEEE 18th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2015). ICL2015 is a part of the 2015 World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF2015) that will be held from 20-24 September 2015, Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy. Hatem Hassan, Ahmad Mostafa, Ahmed Shawish, “S-SAC: Towards a Scalable Secure Access Control Framework for Cloud Storage”, in Proc. 5th European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC 2015), Manchester, United Kingdom, September 2015. 86 50. Samiha Marwan, Ahmed Shawish, and Khaled Nagaty, “ An Enhanced DNA-Based Steganography Technique With a Higher Hiding Capacity,” in Proc. 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models , Methods and Algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, January 2015. 51. Akram, M. , ElNahas, A. (2015) ‘Energy-Aware Offloading Technique for Mobile Cloud Computing’, The third IEEE International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud-2015), 24-26 August 2015, Rome, Italy El-Seoud, Samir A.; El-Khouly, Mahmoud M; Taj-Eddin, Islam A.T “Motivation in E-learning: How do we keep learners motivated in an e-learning environment?” Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies (ICFET2015)”. ICFET2015 has been held on July 29-30, 2015, Shanghai, China. Paper will be published in International Journal of Learning and Teaching (IJLT, ISSN: 2377-2891). Randa El-Bialy, Mostafa A. Salama, Omar H. Karam, M. Essam Khalifa, Feature Analysis of Coronary Artery Heart Disease Data Sets, International Conference on Communications, management, and Information technology (ICCMIT'2015), Procedia Computer Science, Volume 65, 2015, Pages 459–468. 52. 53. Faculty of Pharmacy (13 Conferences): 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. Participation of Mohey Elmazar in Symposium and workshop about “Impact of Nanobiotechnology Applications on the Future of Medicine and Personalized Medicine”August 3-7, 2015 Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Albany, New York, USA. Participation of Mohey Elmazar in 13th International Conference on “Current Issues in Pharma and Medicine” August 10-11, 2015 at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Albany, New York, USA. Poster entitled “ Formulation and evaluation of niosomal ketotifen Fumarate hydrogels as sustained release delivery systems” by Mona G. Arafa , The 3rd FUE International conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Held 9-11 February, 2015, Intercontinental- City star, Cairo, Egypt. Poster entitled PHYTOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATION OF MARKHAMIA ZANZIBARICA (BOJER EX DC) K. SCHUM (BIGNONIACEAE) Fatma S. ElSakhawy, Riham S. El-Dine, Dina R. Abou-Hussein, Dina M. el-Kersh at the 6th International Scientific Conference of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University "2020 Vision for Pharmacy in Egypt" April 2015. Hayam M. Lotfy, Dalia Mohamed and Shereen Mowaka “A Comparative study of smart spectrophotometric methods for simultaneous determination of sitagliptin phosphate and metformin hydrochloride in their binary mixture” poster presentation in 3rd FUE International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences (3rd FUE-ICPS) February 9-11, 2015 Dalia Mohamed and Shereen Mowaka “UPLC-MS/MS Stability Indicating Studies of Vildagliptin and Metformin in Dosage Form and Human Plasma” poster presentation in 87 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 3rd FUE International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences (3rd FUE-ICPS) February 9-11, 2015. 6th International Scientific Conference of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University “2020 Vision of Pharmacy in Egypt” April 25th – 26th, 2015, Poster presentation of preparation and evaluation of noisome containing an anti-cellulite drug. By Dalia Abdel Rhman Attia 6th International Scientific Conference of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University “2020 Vision of Pharmacy in Egypt” April 25th – 26th, 2015, Poster presentation of Formulation and evaluation of diclofenac potassium transdermal gel, by Dalia AbdelRhman Attia. FUE international conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Feburary 9-11, 2015, Poster presentation of In Vitro and In vivo studies of Repaglinide Fast Dissolving tablet utilizing Solid Dispersion Tecchniques, by Dalia Attia. Attending 3rd Future University in Egypt International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences Held on 9-11 February, 2015 at Intercontinental-City Star, Cairo, Egypt by Nermeen Ashoush. Poster presentation by M. H. Aly, M. F. Tolba, I. Ayoub, S. Zada, A. B. Singab, M. M. Elmazar. Hepatoprotective activity of Dietes bicolor leaf extract: Role of Vitexin. The Toxicologist: Late-Breaking Supplement. 2015. presented at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) 54th annual meeting, San Diego, CA, United States. O.A. Hammam, N. Elkhafif, Y.M. Attia, T. Mansour, M.M. Elmazar, R.A. Mohsen, S. Kenawy, A.S. El-Khatib. Efficacy of Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells combined with praziquantel in Schistosoma mansoni-induced liver fibrosis in mice. Presented as an e-poster in The International Liver Congress (ILC) 2015 - 50th annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), Vienna, Austria. 22-26 April 2015. Poster presentation at the Canadian Society of Chemistry "CSC" conference 2015 "Triphosphorylation of Protected Nucleosides Using Activated Trimetaphosphate" Samy Mohamady and Scott Taylor English Department (1 Conference): 67. Shadia, F. & Khalil, R. (2015). Addressing Differentiation: Effective Classroom Teaching Strategies. Journal of Language and Cultural Education, Vol. 3 Issue 2, ISSN 1339-4045 May 2015, p. 200-221. Jolace – Nitra, Slovakia. 2014 Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Sciences (15 Conferences): 68. 69. Badawy, S. (2014) 'Work environment, work pressure and burnout among Egyptian teachers. EBES Conference Journal. 14th EBES Conference, 23-25 October, Barcelona, Spain. El-Fekey, S. F. & Bassem P. (2014) ‘Individual and Organizational Barriers Impeding the Establishment of Learning Organizations: An Application on the Egyptian Banking Sector’, Paper 88 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. presented at the International Research Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences, IRC-2014, December 29-30, 2014, Dubai, UAE. Gervasio, G. (2014) “The Egyptian Revolution(s) and the Emergence of New Subaltern Subjects”, paper presented at the 2014 Annual MESA Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 21-24 November. Khodary, Y. (2014) ‘Public Participation: Case Studies on Egypt's Right to Information Draft Law and National Plan’, Proceedings of the Danish Institute for Human Right Conference, Copenhagen, 28 November, 2014. Khodary, Y. (2014). The Roles and Initiatives of Women in Peace-Building and State-Building: Case Studies from Egypt, Proceedings of the International Peace Institute Conference on Leveraging Local Knowledge on Peace-Building and State-Building in Africa, New York, 21 November, 2014 Khodary, Y. (2014). Improving Basic Education in Egypt since 1990 by Basma Serag, The German Council on Foreign Relations Conference on The MENA Region in Turmoil – Causes and Ways out of the Crises, Berlin, 13-15 November, 2014. Kirby,D. (2014) "The Management of Entrepreneurial Universities", The Future of Higher Education Conference: University—Industry Collaboration, Astana, Kazakhstan. Selim, G. (2014). “The Arab Spring and the Return of ‘Great Power’ Politics to the Middle East”. Paper presented at the 4th International Forum on Asia and the Middle East, “International Conference on Great Powers and the Middle East Political & Social Transformation,” organized by the Middle East Studies Institute at Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China (10 – 11 September). Shamah, R. (2014). “Improving Registration Process for Freshman Students Through Operating Lean Six Sigma Approach, A Case study at Ahram Canadian University”, Fifth International conference of Lean Six Sigma. Shamah, R. (2014). “Ports Role in Supply Chain Management”,Conference of the New Egyptian Port. Attya, A. (2014) ‘National Innovation System in developing countries and barriers to universityindustry collaboration – The Egyptian scenario’. Conference on ‘Innovation Systems and the New Role of Universities’ (COSINUS). Bordj-Bou-Arreridj, 23-25 September, Algeria. Badawy, S. (2014) 'Work environment, work pressure and burnout among Egyptian teachers. EBES Conference Journal. 14th EBES Conference, 23-25 October, Barcelona, Spain. Hassib, B. (2014) Jean Monnet Conference on 'The EU's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: Stockholm and beyond'. 16-17 June. The University of Dundeem, Dundee, Scotland, UK. Hassanien, K. (2014) ‘A Case Study of the Global Financial Crises Management: Lessons Learnt From Strategic Successes and the Repeated Failures”, Thirteenth International Annual Conference: Crisis Management in a Changing World, 21-24 April , Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, Al-Zaytoonah University Of Jordan. Selim, G. (2014) ‘The Arab Spring and the Return of ‘Great Power’ Politics to the Middle East’. The 4th International Forum on Asia and the Middle East, “International Conference on Great Powers and the Middle East Political & Social Transformation,” Middle East Studies Institute at Shanghai International Studies University, 10 – 11 September, Shanghai, China. 89 Faculty of Dentistry (8 Conferences): 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. Attia AS, Psoter presenter in the 114th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Boston, USA. May 2014. Title of the poster: “Development and Optimization of a Simple and Economic System for the Screening of Mycobacterial Isocitrate Lyase Inhibitors”. Attia AS, Principal invastigator on a psoter presentation in the 114th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Boston, USA. May 2014. Title of the poster: “Acinetobacter baumannii Type Two Secretion System; Unique Genetic Arrangement and Potential Role in Virulence”. Presensted by Noha Elhossieny, MSc. Attia AS, Principal invastigator on a psoter presentation in the virtual psoter symposoium of the American Collage of Clinical Pharamcy. May 2014. Title of the poster: “The Effect of α1-antitrypsin Deficiency and Bacterial Loads on the Efficacy of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Pharmacotherapy in Egyptian Patients”. Presensted by Marwa Elhenawy. Attia AS, Oral presenster in the 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology and Enviromental Safety, organized by the National Research Center, Giza Egypt. May 2014. Title of the talk: "Merging Medical Informatics and Biotechnology to Design a Global Acinetobacter baumannii Vaccine”. Attia AS, Oral presenster in the 5th Faculty of Pharmacy Cairo Univeristy international conference. Cairo, Egypt. April 2014. Title of the talk: "Cutting-edge technologies and molecular approaches for exploring microbial targets in quest for new antimicrobials”. Attia AS, Principal invastigator on a psoter presentation in the TWAS/BioVision Alexandria.NXT 2014, Alexandria, Egypt. April 2014. Title of the poster: “Polymorphisms in Genes Encoding Drugs Metabolizing Enzymes among Egyptian Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients”. Presensted by Noha Elhosseiny, M.Sc Attia AS, Co-author on a psoter presentation in the TWAS/BioVision Alexandria.NXT 2014, Alexandria, Egypt. April 2014. Title of the poster: “Genetic and Phenotypic Characterization of Moraxella catarrhalis strains isolated from Egyptian otitis media children”. Presensted by Sally Atef Attia AS, Oral presentation in the 58th International Meeting of the Egyptian Society of Clinical Chemistry, Cairo, Egypt. November, 2013. Title of the talk: “Molecular and Genetic Approaches for Exploring Microbial Virulence in Quest for Novel Therapeutic Targets”. Faculty of Engineering (79 Conferences): 91. Shalan, K.M., Abdel-Meguid, M.E., Hatem, T.M., Bahei-El-Din, Y.A., “Multiscale Model and Experimental Study of Damage in Piezoelectric Fiber-Based Composite,” 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2014 - 2nd European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society, 2014, Pages 2191-2198. 92. Dewidar, Khaled “Living Skins: A new concept of Self Adaptive Building Envelope Regulating System”, International Conference on Design Methodologies, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, Turkey, November 2014. 90 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. Dewidar, Khaled “Beauty of Wholeness and Beauty of Partiality. New Trends Defining the concept of Beauty in Architecture in Terms of Sustainability and Computer Aided Design”, International conference on Sustainability, Teaching and Education, The international Association for Development of the Information Society,Taipei, Taiwan, December 2014. Kh. S. Mekheimer, S. R. Elkomy, S. I. Abdelsalam, ‘Effects of Compressibility, Space Porosity, and Slip Flow on Peristaltic Transport of MHD Jeffrey Fluid through an Annulus: Aerospace Field Applications’. The 7th International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Physics ICMEP-7, 27-29 May 2014. Military Technical College Kobry Elkobbah, Cairo, Egypt (paper accepted for oral presentation). AbdelSalam, S. S. and El-Naggar, M. E. (2014). “LRFD for Large-diameter Bored Piles in Egypt”. ASCE, Geo-Congress 2014, Geo-characterization and Modeling for Sustainability, pp. 900–910. AbdelSalam, S. S. (2014). “Repair of a Tilted Building Resting on a Deep Soft Clay Using Micropiles and Raft”. ASCE, Geo-Congress 2014, Geo-characterization and Modeling for Sustainability, pp. 4280–4292. Duong, V.-H., Bastawrous, H.A., Lim, K., See, K.W., Zhang, P., Dou, S.X., “SOC estimation for LiFePO4 battery in EVs using recursive least-squares with multiple adaptive forgetting factors,” in Proc. of the International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE 2014), Vienna, Austria, 3-7 Nov. 2014, pp. 516-517. Bahy Abdel-Mesih, Ahmed Abdelrehim, Amr Khobeiz. Comparative Analysis Between Water and Nanofluids as Working Fluids in Photovoltaic Thermal Collectors. Y. Al-Zeghayer, M. Soliman,ad , S. Al-Mayman “Development of a MoVNbPd catalyst supported on titania for the partial oxidation of ethane”, 21st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CHEMICAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING CHISA 2014, Prague,23-27 August 2014 Omar Yasser, Mamdouh Gadalla, Fatma Ashour. (2014). Simulation of Biomethanol Production from Green Syngas through Sustainable Process Design. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Vienna, August 28-30, 2014. Omar Yasser, Mamdouh Gadalla, Fatma Ashour, Simulation Design of Methanol Sustainable Production from Rice Straw Gasification, The 13th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, September 30 - October 3, 2014. Marwa Obayya and F.E.Z. Abou-Chadi, “Automatic Classification of Sleep Stages Using EEG Records based on Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) Algorithm” Proc. of the thirty-first National Radio Science Conf. (NRCS), Cairo, April 2014. Vadim V. Silberschmidt, Sameh M.A. Mahdy, Moustafa A. Gouda, Ahmed Naseer, Agostino Maurotto, Anish Roy, Surface-roughness Improvement in Ultrasonically Assisted Turning, Procedia CIRP, Volume 13, 2014, Pages 49-54, ISSN 2212-8271, Ahmad M. Mohammad, Gumaa A. El-Nagar, Islam M. Al-Akraa, Mohamed S. El-Deab “A stable Nickel Oxide Nanoparticel Ternary-based Anodic Catalyst for the Dirct Formic Acid Fuel Cells”, Bahgat E. El-Anadouli, International Conference on Industry Academia Collaboration (IAC2014) (paper no. 46), Fairmont Hotel, Cairo, Egypt, March 3-5, 2014. 91 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. G. Nowihy, A. M. Mohammad, M. Khalil, M. S. El-Deab, “Development of nickel and manganese oxides nanostructured binary modified anodes for the direct methanol fuel cells”, International Conference on Industry Academia Collaboration (IAC2014) (paper no. 58), Cairo, Egypt, March 3-5, 2014. Islam M. Al-Akraa, Ahmad M. Mohammad, Mohamed S. El-Deab “Development of Gold Nanoparticles-based Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Water Electrolysis”, Bahgat E. El-Anadouli, International Conference on Industry Academia Collaboration (IAC2014) (paper no. 62)., Fairmont Hotel, Cairo, Egypt, March 3-5, 2014. G. El-Nagar, A. M. Mohammad, M. S. EL-Deab, B. E. El-Anadouli, “Electrocatalysis by nanoparticles: Oxidation of formic acid at novel Pt/NiOx nanoparticles-based binary catalysts”, International Conference on Industry Academia Collaboration (IAC2014), Cairo, Egypt, March 3-5, 2014. Mohamed A. Hassan, Taher A. Salah , Ahmad M. Mohammad, Bahgat E. El-Anadouli, “Adsorptive removal of nickel (II) ions from aqueous solutions using hydroxyapatite/chitosan nanocomposites”, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Basic & Applied Sciences (ABAS-II), Organized by Faculty of Postgraduate Studies for Advanced Sciences Beni-Suef University Sokhna, Egypt, 2-4 April 2014. A. M. Mohammad, G. A. El-Nagar, I. M. Al-Akraa, M. S. El-Deab, B. E. El-Anadouli, “Towards improving the catalytic activity and stability of platinum-based anodes in direct formic acid fuel cells", 13th international conference on clean energy, WOW Istanbul Hotels & Convention Center, Istanbul / Turkey, June 8-12, 2014. I. M. Al-Akraa, A. M. Mohammad, M. S. El-Deab, B. E. El-Anadouli “On catalytic activity of palladium nanoparticles-based anodes towards formic acid electrooxidation: effect of electrodeposition potential", , 13th international conference on clean energy, WOW Istanbul Hotels & Convention Center, Istanbul / Turkey, June 8-12, 2014. G. A. M. El-Nagar, A. M. Mohammad, M. S. El-Deab, B. E. El-Anadouli “Electrocatalytic activity of novel binary modified platinum surfaces with cobalt and nickel oxides nanostructures toward formic acid oxidation”, 13th international conference on clean energy, WOW Istanbul Hotels & Convention Center, Istanbul / Turkey, June 8-12, 2014. S. M. El-Refaei, G. A. M. El-Nagar, A. M. Mohammad, M. S. El-Deab, B. E. El-Anadouli, “Electrooxidation of small organic molecules at PT-based electrodes modified with nickel oxide nanostructured”, 13th international conference on clean energy, WOW Istanbul Hotels & Convention Center, Istanbul / Turkey, June 8-12, 2014. M. G. A. Elmoghny , A. M. Mohammad, M. S. El-Deab, A. Mazhar, ”Enhanced electrocatalysis of formic acid electro-oxidation at poly-analine/platinum nanoparticles modified electrodes”, 13th international conference on clean energy, WOW Istanbul Hotels & Convention Center, Istanbul / Turkey, June 8-12, 2014. I. M. Al-Akraa, A. M. Mohammad, M. S. El-Deab, B. E. El-Anadouli (2014) “On the catalytic activity of palladium nanoparticles-based anodes towards formic acid electrooxidation: Effect of electrodeposition potential",13th international conference on clean energy, WOW Istanbul Hotels & Convention Center, Istanbul, Turkey, June 8-12, 2014. S. M. El-Refaei, G. A. M. El-Nagar, A. M. Mohammad, M. S. El-Deab, B. E. ElAnadouli (2014) “Electro-oxidation of small organic molecules at PT-based electrodes modified with nickel oxide nanostructures”,13th international conference on clean energy, WOW Istanbul Hotels & Convention Center, Istanbul, Turkey, June 8-12, 2014. 92 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. El-Deab M. S., El-Nagar G. A., Mohammad A. M., El-Anadouli B. E., (2014) “Electrocatalytic oxidation of formic acid at novel Pt/NiOx nanoparticle-based binary catalysts: Tolerance to poisoning by halides”, Electrochemistry 2014 Basic Science and Key Technology for Future Applications, Mainz, Germany, Sept. 22-24, 2014. Y. S. Al-Zeghayer, S. I. Al-Mayman, A. S. Al-Awadi, M. A. Soliman, “Support Effects on Ethane Oxidation Catalyzed by MoVNb Catalyst”, International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Osaka, Japan, 7-9 November (2013) M. A. Soliman, Approximate analytical solution for Frank Kamenetskii equation in a sphere, Gulf International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Kuwait, Nov. 19-21 (2013). M.A. Soliman and Y.S. Al-Zeghayer, "Calculation of the effectiveness factor in a porous catalyst particle-a perturbation approach", 2nd International Conference on Chemical Science and Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 29-30 (2013). S M A Mahdy, M A Gouda and V V Silberschmidt, “Study of ultrasonically assisted turning of stainless steel and brass alloys”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2013, vol. 451 012037, 2013, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/451/1/012037. Osama Badr and Omar El-Farouk, “Formation of Dangerous Zones Due to Accidental Release of Liquified Natural Gas in Egypt”, Paper Number P001, presented and published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Environment Pollution and Prevention, Melaka, Malaysia, October 2013. Ibrahim Mohamed, Mohamed Gadala, Mohamed Alqaradawi, and Osama Badr, “Centrifugal Compressor Spiral Dry Gas Seal Simulation Working at Reverse Rotation” presented and published in the Proceedings of the Malaysian International Tribology Conference, paper 1569774127, Sabah, Malaysia, November 2013. Ibrahim Mohamed, Mohamed Gadala, Mohamed Alqaradawi, and Osama Badr, “Three Dimensional Computational Study for spiral Dry Gas Seal with Constant Groove Depth and Different Tapered Grooves’’ presented and published in the Proceedings of the Malaysian International Tribology Conference, paper 1569771323, Sabah, Malaysia, November 2013. Ibrahim Mohamed, Mohamed Gadala, Mohamed Alqaradawi, and Osama Badr, “Unsteady CFD Simulation for High Speed Centrifugal Compressor Operating Near Surge”, GT2014-27336, presented and published in the Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, GT2014, Düsseldorf, Germany, June16–20, 2014 Taher Halawa, Mohamed Alqaradawi, Osama Badr, and Mohamed Gadala, “Numerical Simulation and Control of Rotating Stall in a Transonic Centrifugal Compressor”, presented and published in the Proceedings of the ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis ESDA2014, Paper # 20589, June 25-27, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark Taher Halawa, Mohamed Alqaradawi, Osama Badr, and Mohamed Gadala, “Numerical Investigation of Steady Air Injection Flow to Control Rotating Stall in Centrifugal Compressors”, presented and published in the Proceedings of the ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis ESDA2014, Paper # 20590, June 25-27, 2014, Copenhagen, 93 Denmark 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. Taher Halawa, Mohamed Alqaradawi, Osama Badr, and Mohamed Gadala, “Numerical Investigation of Rotating Stall Characteristics and Active Stall Control in Centrifugal Compressors”, presented and published in the Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Power Conference, Paper # 32052, July 28-31, 2014, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Taher Halawa, Mohamed Alqaradawi, Osama Badr, and Mohamed Gadala, “Numerical Simulation of Stall Development into Surge and Stall Control Using Air Injection in Centrifugal Compressors”, presented and published in the Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Power Conference, Paper # 32053, July 28-31, 2014, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Mohammed Hussein and Safaa Diab, “Developing on-line approaches to visually inspect quality characteristics with known tolerances”, 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, International IIE Conference 2014, Malaga, Spain. (Accepted for publishing) Tarek Abdelsalam, Bahy Abdel-Mesih. “An experimental study on the effect of using Fresnel lenses on the performance of solar stills” International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials, Springer Proceedings in Physics 155 (2014) Bahy S.A. Abdel-mesih, Ahmed A. Abdelrehim, Amr M.H. Khobeiz. “Comparative analysis between water and nanofluids as working fluids in photovoltaic thermal collectors” imece2014-37503. ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE 2014, November 14-20, 2014, Montreal, Canada (accepted) Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Ahmed A. Attia, “Does magnetic fuel treatment affect engine’s performance?”, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineering) Paper No. 2014-011398, SAE International, Detroit, USA, April 2014. Iman S. El-Mahallawi, Nadia H Rafat, Nagwa Khattab, Moetaz A. Nabil, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Sayed Y. Akl, Amr Mohsen, “Economic Technical Solutions for Enhancing the Efficiency of Thermal Solar Systems”, Industry academia collaboration conference IAC2014, Cairo, Egypt, March 2014. Sayed Y. Akl, Ahmed Abdel-Azim, Hamed Mosleh, “Condition monitoring of a gearbox using wear particle analysis technique; A case study”, Industry academia collaboration conference IAC2014, Cairo, Egypt, March 2014. Sayed Y. Akl, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, “Condition monitoring of a single cylinder engine running on gasoline and gasoline-ethanol blend using wear particle analysis technique”, ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, paper number IMECE2013-65910, San Diego, USA, November 2013. Mostafa Shazly, Sherif S. Sorour, Ahmed R. Alian, “FINITE ELEMENTS INVESTIGATION ON THE EFFECT OF LOADING MODE ON FRICTION STIR WELD QUALITY”, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition IMECE2014, November 14-20, 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Ayman S. Abbas, Tamer A. Mohamed and Mohamed Gamal Hafez, “Localization Accuracy of Autonomous Guided Vehicles for Material Handling Applications using Response Surface Methodology”. The Twentieth International Conference on Industry, Engineering and Management Systems, Cocoa Beach, Florida, 24-26 March 2014. 94 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. Halim, A.S.A. and Othman, A.A.E. (2014). Managing Stakeholders’ Needs And Expectations In The Architectural Design Process: A Knowledge Management Approach. Proceedings of the 8th Post Graduate Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, 10-11 February 2014. Hamad, S.S. and Othman, A.A.E. (2014). Study of the Causes of Inefficient Use of Open Public Green Spaces: A Literature Review. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Civil And Architecture Engineering (ICCAE-1), May 27-29, 2014, Cairo, Egypt. El-Sokhn, N.H. and Othman, A.A.E. (2014). Project Failure Factors and their Impacts on the Construction Industry: A Literature Review. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Civil And Architecture Engineering (ICCAE-1), May 27-29, 2014, Cairo, Egypt. Shouman, B.A. and Othman, A.A.E. (2014). Total Quality Management As A Strategic Option for Achieving Competitive Advantage in Architectural Design Firms: A Literature Review. International Conference on Industry Academia Collaboration, 3-5 March 2014, Cairo, Egypt. Ahmed, H.M.A. and Othman, A.A.E. (2014). Achieving Sustainable Values Through Waste Reduction During the Architectural Design Process: A literature review. International Conference on Industry Academia Collaboration, 3-5 March 2014, Cairo, Egypt. Epead, A.A.H. and Othman, A.A.E. (2014). Marketing Strategies For Promoting The Architectural Engineering Profession In A Rapidly Changing Business Environment: A Literature Review. International Conference on Industry Academia Collaboration, 3-5 March 2014, Cairo, Egypt. M. R. Ismail and H. Eldaly. Origamic Forms: A New Realm in improving Acoustical Environment Origamic. ARCHDESIGN '14, 8-12May 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. M. R. Ismail and H. Eldaly. The Acoustics of the Mevlevi Sama’Khana. Accepted for publication at IP2014. 18–20 July 2014, Viseu, Portugal. M. R. Ismail and Y.Eisa. Cairo, a possible Aural Comfort: Factors effecting the Cairene perception of Soundscape. Accepted for publication at IP2014. 18–20 July 2014, Viseu, Portugal. Anas, Salma, Ismail, Ayman & Bakr, Husam (2014): Multicase Algorithm for Road Realignment of Informal Settlements. An Application using AxwomanTM on GIS. 9th National GIS Symposium, Dammam, KSA April 28-30th 2014. El Khateeb, S. (2014). Informal markets in Cairo. Proceedings of ARCHCAIR06: Responsive urbanism in informal areas, towards a regional agenda for Habitat III, May 2014. Dabaih, M. & El Khateeb, S. (2014) Towards a design model for Eco-cities in Egypt: Case of Basata Eco community. PLEA 2014 - The 30th International PLEA Conference, Ahmedabad, India. Refaat, M, Eldaly, H (2014). “Origamic Forms: A New Realm in improving Acoustical Environment” Published in conference ARCHDESIGN 2014. Istanbul, Turkey. Refaat, M and Eldaly, H (2014). “Parametric architecture: from presence to contemporaneity” Published in conference ARCHDESIGN 2014. Istanbul, Turkey. 95 152. 153. 154. 155. Refaat, M and Eldaly, H (2014). “The Acoustics of the Mevlevi Sama’Khana” Invisible places, sounding cities, Visu, Portugal. Marwa Obayya and F.E.Z. Abou-Chadi, “Automatic Classification of Sleep Stages Using EEG Records based on Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) Algorithm” Proc. of the thirty-first National Radio Science Conf. (NRCS), Cairo, April 2014. Deifalla, A., (2014a). “Progress on a Sustainable Locally Manufactured Adhesively Bonded GFRP bars for L-shaped Beams under Significant Torsion.” IAC, paper131, Fairmount Hotel, 4 pp. Deifalla, A., (2014b). “Sustainable new and existing infrastructures: Beams.”ACEA, 2014, GUC, 2 pp. Centre for Renewable Energy: 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Ahmed A. Attia, “Does magnetic fuel treatment affect engine’s performance”, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineering) Paper No. 2014-011398, SAE International, Detroit, USA, April 2014. A. Bayoumi, I. El Mahallawi, I.M. Mahmoud, S. O.Abdellatif; Back Pipes Optimization in a Photovoltaic/Thermal Hybrid System Using Finite Element Method; International Conference on Industry - Academia Collaboration, Fairmont Helipolis Hotel Cairo Egypt, IAC 3-5 March, 2014. Iman S. El-Mahallawi, Nadia H Rafat, NagwaKhattab, Moetaz A. Nabil, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Sayed Akl, and Amr Mohsen; Economic Technical Solutions for Enhancing the Efficiency of Thermal Solar Systems, International Conference on Industry - Academia Collaboration, Fairmont Helipolis Hotel Cairo Egypt, IAC 3-5 March, 2014. Tarek I. Abdelsalam, Tarek M. Hatem; Evaluation of Solar Energy Solution for Egyptian Remote Areas; International Conference on Industry - Academia Collaboration, Fairmont Helipolis Hotel Cairo Egypt, IAC 3-5 March, 2014. Ahmed Abdel-Azim and Tarek M. Hatem, the researcher links workshop targeting solar and wind energies organized by the University of Nottingham, London, UK, March 31stto April 3rd2014. Ahmed Abdel-Azim and Tarek M. Hatem "Industry academia collaboration conference IAC2014", Cairo, Egypt, March 2014. Iman El-Mahallawi "European Steel Environment & Energy Congress ESEC2014, Teesside University, 15-17 September 2014. Centre for Theoretical Physics: 163. 164. Adel Awad attended the “Dark Side of the Universe 2015" conference (DSU 2015) held at Cape Town, South Africa from 17 to 21 November 2014, South Africa, and gave a talk on “Weyl Anomaly and FLRW Cosmology”. Amr El-Zant gave a talk on “Unified Dark Matter: Constraints from Galaxies and Clusters”, at the DSU-2015 conference, held at the University of University Cape Town, South Africa, from 17 to 21 November 2014. 96 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. Adel Awad gave an introductory course in quantum field theory at the CTP in autumn 2014. It was attended by a wide audience including faculty and students from the American University in Cairo and Cairo University. Nashed, G. L., “f(T) gravity theories and local Lorentz transformation ” Int. conference of Dark side of the universe from 17 to 21 November 2014, Cape town Univ, South Africa. Amr Radi ,‘The 4th Egyptian School of High Energy Physics’, held at the BUE and Ain Shams University from 26th April to the 5th of May (2014). Waleed Moslem, the main organiser ‘the 2nd workshop in Plasma Physics: Theory and Application’, held at Port Said, Egypt, from 11 to 14 October (2014). Amr El-Zant, International Summer Institute for Modelling in Astrophysics, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (university of Toronto) from 1 July to 8 August (2014). Faculty of Informatics and Computer Sciences (11 Conferences): 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. El-Seoud, Samir A.; Al Ja'am Jihad M. and Karam Omar, “A Pictorial Mobile-based Communication Application for Non-Verbal People with Autism” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2014). ICL2014 was a part of the 2014 World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF2014) that has been held from 03-06 December 2014 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Dubai, UAE. El-Seoud, Samir A.; Islam A.T. F. and Ann Nosseir “Using Handheld Mobile System for Teaching Illiterates” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2014). ICL2014 was a part of the 2014 World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF2014) that has been held from 03-06 December 2014 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Dubai, UAE. Mostafa A. Salama, M. M. M. Fouad, N. El-Bendary, and A. E. Hassanien, "Mutagenicity analysis based on Rough Set Theory and Formal Concept Analysis",Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 235, 2014, pp 265273. Mostafa A. Elgendy, Ahmed Shawish, and Mahmoud I. Moussa “MCACC: New Approach for Augmenting the Computing Capabilities of Mobile Devices with Cloud Computing,” in Proc. IEEE International Science and Information Conference (SAI 2014), London, United Kingdom, August 2014. Maria Salama and Ahmed Ghawish, “A QoS-oriented Inter-Cloud Federation Framework” in Proc. 38th Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2014), IEEE Computer Society 2014 European Cloud Computing Congress, Vasteras, Sweden, July 2014. Maria Salama and Ahmed Ghawish, “Taxonomy of Usability Requirements for Ageing” in Proc.13th International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems (SEPADS 2014), Gdansk, Poland, May 2014. Maria Salama and Ahmed Ghawish, “Designing an Innovative Computer Networking Course Using Junosphere” in Proc. IEEE 16h International Conference on Modeling & Simulation (UKSim 2014), Cambridge, United Kingdom, March 2014. Maria Salama and Ahmed Ghawish, “A Mobile-Cloud Based Smart 97 178. 179. 180. Framework for Healthcare Systems” in Proc. 7th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2014), Angers, France, March 2014. Mostafa Ghattor, Ayman M. Mokhtar, and Samy S. Ghoniemy, “Simulation and Performance Analysis of Passive Optical Networks (PONs),” 9th International conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEENG 2014), Cairo, Egypt, May 27-29, 2014. F. Huenupán, W. Hussein, M. Khan, N. Yoma, “Fusing new speaker verification classifiers based on vocal tract length normalization”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP 2015, 19-24/4/2015, Brisbane, Australia Abeer Hamdy, “Genetic fuzzy system for enhancing effort estimation models”, 3 rd International conference on system engineering and modeling (ICSEM 2014), May 20-21,2014, Paris, France Faculty of Pharmacy (4 Conferences): 181. 182. 183. 184. Mowaka, S., Mohamed, D. “UPLC-MS/MS Validated Quantitative Kinetic Study of Sitagliptin and Metformin in presence of Impurties and Degradation Products in dosage form and Human Plasma” 1st International Conference of the Faculty of Pharmacy- Ain Shams University, poster presentation, 2H, 14th-16th October (2014). Mona G. Arafa, Mohamed I. Fetouh, Esmail M. Ramada, Thanaa M.Borg ،،Formulation and evaluation of Niosomal Salbutamol Sulphate hydrogels as sustained release delivery systems ,, The 17th Scientific congress of the Association of Pharmacy Colleges in the Arab World, Ain Shams University, Poster B-13, 14th-16th October (2014). AAY Gibriel, SA Ahmed, AK Abdel latif, HM Ebied. “Production and evaluation of Jerusalem artichoke containing crackers for the possible treatment of obesity”. 15th International Conference "Mental, Neurological, and other Chronic Disorders: Bio-markers, Bioactive Compounds, and Functional Foods", 10-11th May 2014, Regensburg, Germany. (Oral speaker). Mohamed, D., Mowaka, S., Mostafa, A. “Simultaneous Quantitative Analysis of binary Mixture of Tamsulosin and Finasteride in Pharmaceutical Dosage form by UPLC Tandem Mass Spectrometry” 5th international scientific conference in Cairo University, poster presentation ACD-27, 23 April (2014). English Department: 185. Khalil, R. (2014) ‘Summative and Formative Assessment in English Language Teaching’ 32nd CDELT Symposium – Ain Shams University 3rd May, 2014 2013 186. Adams, J. (2013) ‘Investment Promotion: Creating a Good Practice Environment’ and ‘Employment and Business Skills Challenge: Lessons Learned from China'. Presented to the First International Knowledge Economy Conference, Aloula Professional & Technological College, June 3-4, Khartoum, Sudan. 98 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. Ajjan, H., Tomczyk, D. & Hattab, H. (2013) ‘Understanding Students’ Intentions Towards Entrepreneurship: Comparing Students in Egypt and the USA’, 73 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 9-13, 2013, Florida USA. Abdelfattah. T. (2013) ‘Ethical Performance and Financial Performance: An Accounting Perspective’. a working paper published in the proceedings of The 19th Arab International Conference for Training and Management Development,Towards Organizational Excellence : the New Roles for leaders under the changing conditions in the Arab world Intercontinental City Stars, Cairo: 26-28. Badawy. S., (2013) ‘The role of Social Media in Human Development’, A working paper published in the proceedings of The 19th Arab International Conference for Training and Management Development, Towards Organizational Excellence : the New Roles for leaders under the changing conditions in the Arab world.Intercontinental City Stars, Cairo: 26-28, 2013. Derera,E., O’Neill,C., Takhar, A. and Chitakunye, P. (2013) ‘The marketing of start-up capital to women entrepreneurs in South Africa’ Refereed Conference Proceedings. Academy of Marketing Science. California, USA. May 2013. El-Fekey, S., (2013) ‘Employee Empowerment: Preparing Future Leaders’. A working paper published in the proceedings of The 19th Arab International Conference for Training and Management Development, Towards Organizational Excellence : the New Roles for leaders under the changing conditions in the Arab world. Intercontinental City Stars, Cairo: 26-28. Ebrahim, A. & AbdelFattah, T. (2013) ‘Corporate Governance and Initial Compliance with IFRS in Emerging Markets: The Case of Income Tax Accounting in Egypt’, Under review for conference presentation in the AAA Northeastern Regional Meeting, Hartford, Connecticut, October. El Mosallamy D.& El Masry A. (2013) ‘Investigating The Performance of Islamic Mutual Funds: A Comparative Study’, Published in the book of accepted research papers of the 1st international conference; the impact of revolutions on risk management in the framework of governance, 16-17 February, Faculty of Management Sciences, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts. Cairo- Egypt. El Mosallamy D. & El Masry A. (2013) ‘Unconditional versus conditional approaches in measuring Market Timing and Security Selection abilities of Saudi Mutual Funds’. Published in the book of accepted research papers of the 1st international conference; the impact of revolutions on risk management in the framework of governance,16-17 February, 2013, Faculty of Management Sciences, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts. Cairo- Egypt.SWEEP-NET 3rd Regional Forum, May 14-1, Cairo, Egypt. Elshamy, H. (2013) ‘The Economic Determinants of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Egypt’, Helwan University Conference, Helwan, 16-17th March, Cairo, Egypt. Elish, E. (2013) ‘Absorptive Capacity of Human Capital and International R&D Spillover on Labour Productivity in Egypt’, Human capital in a Knowledge Economy, ’ Published in Proceedings Twelfth International Scientific Conference, 22-25 April, Jordan. 99 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. Gervasio, G. (2013), ‘ Al-Thawrat al’arabiyya fi itar al-harakat al-igtima’iyya al-‘alamiyya al-gadida (The Arab Revolutions in the context of the new world social movements)’, Paper presented at the international conference al-Yasar al’arabi wa al-Thawraat’ , Cairo, The Arab Forum for Alternatives. Gervasio, G. (2013) ‘The Muslim Brotherhood in power: Islamisation of the Revolution or counterrevolution?’, Paper presented at the Islamism and the Arab Revolutions: Dynamics of Change International Conference, Cairo University. Hassanien, K. (2013) ‘The Three Major Aspects of the Economic Risks of Human Capital Accumulation and Efficiency: Poverty, Poor Environmental Conditions, & the Filtration from Education: A Case Study of Al-Salam District – Cairo’, Published in Proceedings of the Twelfth International Annual Conference: Human Capital in a Knowledge Economy, 22-25 April, , Jordan. Khallaf, C. (2013). ‘The Index of Sustainable Ecotourism Impacts, The case of Wadi El Gemal Protected Area of Egypt’, 11th International Conference - World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD), September 2-4, London, U.K. Saad, M., (2013) ‘Psychological capital and creative performance’ a working paper published in the proceedings of The 19th Arab International Conference for Training and Management Development,Towards Organizational Excellence : the New Roles for leaders under the changing conditions in the Arab world’, Intercontinental City Stars, 26-28, Cairo, Egypt. Saad, M., (2013) ‘The effect of ethical leadership on employees performance’, A working paper published in the proceedings of The 19th Arab International Conference for Training and Management Development,Towards Organizational Excellence : the New Roles for leaders under the changing conditions in the Arab world.Intercontinental City Stars, Cairo: 26-28. Soliman, A. (2013) ‘Evaluation of a Pan-Islamic Multilateral Investment Bank, ICD as a Case.’Presented to 2nd International Conference on Islamic Economics and Economies of the OIC Countries 2013 (ICIE2013), Kuala Lumpar, January. Selim, G. (2013) ‘The Role of Transnational Civil Society in the Arab Spring: The Case of Egypt’. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference, Social Sciences: Partners in Development, of the College of Social Sciences at Kuwait University, 11–13 February, Kuwait. Wadid, E. , Labib, N. M.& Abdel Wahab, S. (2013) ‘Proposed Business Intelligence Models for Medical Risk Assessment Case study of Venous Thrombosis Disease in Egypt’, The 9th International Conference on Data Mining, July 22-25, , Las Vegas, USA. Halim, A.S.A. and Othman, A.A.E. (2013). Knowledge Management as an Innovative Approach for Improving the Performance of Architectural Design Organizations during the Preparation and Design stages. Proceedings of the HKU-HKHA International Conference 2013: Construction and Housing in the 21st Century, Hong Kong, PRC, 2–3 May, 2013, 282-292. Tawfik, A.N. and Othman, A. A. E. (2013). Towards lean construction: using quality management as a tool to minimise waste in the Egyptian construction industry. Proceeding of the 6th Annual SACQSP Research Conference on “Green Vision 20/20”, Cape Town, South Africa, 20-21 June 2013, 129-144. 100 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. Othman, A.A.E. (2013). An Investigation into the Challenges and Potentials of Delivering Mega Construction Projects in Developing Countries. Proceedings of the 7th Built Environment Conference, Cape town, South Africa, 28 July – 30 July 2013, pp. 4567. Othman, A.A.E. (2013). Knowledge Management as A Catalyst for Design and Construction Process Improvement in Developing Countries. Proceedings of the 7th Built Environment Conference, Cape town, South Africa, 28 – 30 July 2013, pp. 159-176. Aboul Seoud, S.H. and Othman, A.A.E. (2013). Constructability for Sustainability: A Waste Elimination Approach in Construction Projects. Proceedings of SB13 Cairo, Sustainable Building Conference, Cairo, Egypt, 6 – 7 November 2013, pp. 564 - 577. El-Gendawy, A.H.S., Othman, A.A.E. and Mahmoud, A. H. A. (2013). Sustainable Decision-Making through Integrating Geographic Information Systems into the Entire Environmental Impact Assessment Process. Proceedings of SB13 Cairo, Sustainable Building Conference, Cairo, Egypt, 6 – 7 November 2013, pp. 637 – 653. ElAttar, M. & Haddad, R. (2013) "Using Computational Fluid Dynamics to Assess the Environmental Performance of Architectural Heritage Elements: El-Malkaf as a Case Study" The 3rd. National Built Heritage Forum (NBHF) Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia- Riyadh, 8: 12/ 12/ 2013. ElAttar, M. & AlAntary, A. (2013) "Modern Techniques in Crisis and Disaster prediction and prevention- Application as a concept of sustainability in urban education” The First Saudi International Conference on Crisis and Disaster Management, Riyadh, 8: 9 September 2013. 214. Deifalla, A., Hamed, M., Saleh, A., and Ali, T. (2013). “The size effect of adhesively bonded GFRP stirrup size on the torsional behavior of spandrel beams.” Proceedings of APFIS 2013, Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures, December 2013, Melbourne, Australia. 215. Saleh, A., M. Hamed, M., Deifalla, A. and Ali,T. (2013), "The effect of replacing steel reinforcements with GFRP on the torsional behavior of RC L-beams'', SMAR 2013, Paper 353, 10 pp. 216. The Third National Built Heritage Forum: 8-12 December 2013, Al Madinah Al Munawwarah, KSA: organized by Saudi Commission for Tourism & Antiquities, ISBN: 978-6038136 – 24 – 9. Participated with three papers: a. Rashed. A, Aly B, and Abdel-Rahim, A (2013): Paper titled: “Revival of Historical Hajj Transportation Networks: Potential Impact on Tourism Development and Cultural Resources Preservation”. Pp 72- 87. b. Rashed. A, Belkassy M, and Fekry, M (2013) : Paper titled: “Investment as a base of heritage area conservation: Case study (Fatimid Khalif El-Muizz Ledin Allah Street)”. Pp 299- 315. c. Rashed. A, Belkassy M and Azmy, S (2013): Paper titled: “Al Madinah Al Munawwarah Heritage between Investment and Adaptive Reuse: Analytical Study for the reuse of Hejjaz Train Station” Pp. 142-153. Rashed. A, Aly B, and Abdel-Rahim, A (2013): Paper titled: “ Urban Transportation Networks to Support Sustainable Developments of New Communities in Egypt” in 2nd 217. 101 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. T&DI Green Streets, Highways and Development Conference, November 3 – 6, 2013 in Austin, TX. The participation SB13 Cairo Conference 6 November 2013 through two papers within the Theme III: Urban Management and Local Governance - Cultural Challenges and Capacity Building: d. Rashed. A, AbdulRahaman. A, and Fahmy T (2013) : Paper titled: “Using virtual reality as a tool for enhancing the perception and visualization of architecture students”. e. Rashed. A, AbdulRahaman. A, and Torky, I (2013): Paper titled: “Design of educational spaces for autistic children in Egypt”. Sayed Y. Akl, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, “Condition monitoring of a single cylinder engine running on gasoline and gasoline-ethanol blend using wear particle analysis technique”, ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, paper number IMECE2013-65910, San Diego, USA, November 2013. Tarek I. Abdelsalam, Bahy Abdel-Mesih, (2013) “ International Congress on Energy Efficiency And Related Materials, Antalya, Turkey. Tarek I. Abdelsalam, ZiadDarwish, T.M. Hatem, (2013) “Solar Energy for Rural Egypt”. The Springer Proceedings in Physics, International Congress on Energy Efficiency And Related Materials, Antalya, Turkey. Tarek I. Abdelsalam, Bahy Abdel-Mesih, (2013) “Effects of Concentrated Preheating, Input Volume, and Input Salinity on the Performance of Solar Stills”. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering: ASME DC. Samy Ghoniemy, Omar H. Karam, “A high performance Optoelectronic Machine for Automated Arabic-English Parallel Corpus and Text Mining,” 2nd International Conference on Computer Technology and Science (ICCTS 2013), Dubai, United Arab of Emirates, August 3-4, 2013. Barakat N. (2013). “Feature Ranking Utilizing Support Vector Machines’ SVs”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference Third International Conference on innovative Computing Communication Technology (INTECH 2013), London, UK AAY Gibriel. “Designing a microarray sensor platform for monitoring cell signalling”. 2nd post EURRASNET workshop “RNA alternative splicing”, 18th-20th Nov 2013,Trieste, Italy. (Poster). AAY Gibriel. “Monitoring cell signalling and drug profiling using a new microarray based technology”. 28th Annual Congress in Quality and Medicine (4th-8th, 2013) Tanta University, Egypt. (Oral speaker). Hebatallah A. Wagdy, Rasha S. Hanafi, Rasha M. El-Nashar, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein. “The Design Space of the HPLC Analysis of Water Soluble Vitamins”. Euroanalysis 2013, 25th-29th August 2013, Warsaw, Poland. Mamdouh Gadalla, Dina Kamel, Fatma Ashour, Hemdan Nour El din, A New Optimisation Based Retrofit Approach for Revamping an Egyptian Crude Oil Distillation Unit, TerraGreen 13 International Conference - Advancements in Renewable Energy and Clean Environment, February 15-17, Beirut, Lebanon (2013). 102 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. Yehia Bahei-El-Din and Amany Micheal, "Multiscale Analysis of Multifunctional Composite Structure" IMECE2013, ASME, 13-21 November 2013, San Diego, CA, USA Mostafa Shazly, Bishoy Dawood, Abdalla Wifi, Alaa ElMokadem, “Effect of blank holder force schemes on weld-line movements in u-draw bending of tailor welded blank”, The North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI/SME) 41st NAMRC - An International Forum. The University of Wisconsin-Madison from June 10-14, 2013, in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, Paper No. NAMRC41-1530. Mohamed El-wageeh, "New Technique- One Three/ One Two (13/12)- In Ultimate Pit Limit Heuristic Algorithms", The 45th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy 16-19 October, 2013, Bor Lake, Bor (Serbia). A. R. Alian; M. Shazly; M. M. Megahed, “3D FINITE ELEMENT MODELING OF IN-SERVICE SLEEVE REPAIR WELDING OF GAS PIPELINES”, 2013 ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel & Conference Center, July 14-18, 2013, Paper No. PVP2013-97234. Sameh Osama: Abdellatif, S, Kirah, K., ’Numerical Modeling and Simulation for a Radial p-i-n Nanowire Photovoltaic Device ’’, TERRAGREEN13 international conference, ELSEVER, Lebanon, Feb. 2013. Ihab Adly: Agieb, R.; Adly, I.; Ragai, R., "Two nodes UWB low power asset localization in WSN," Computer Applications Technology (ICCAT), 2013 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,4, 20-22 Jan. 2013 Deifalla, A., Awad, A., Abdelrahman, A. (2013a) "Load Capacity and Failure Modes of L-beams Strengthening Using FRP While Subjected to Pure Torsion.” CSCE 2013 General Conference – Montreal, Quebec, May 29- June 1, GEN 153, pp. 10. Saleh, A., M. Hamed, M., Deifalla, A. and Ali,T. (2013). “The effect of replacing steel reinforcements with GFRP on the torsional behavior of RC L-beams”. SMAR 2013, Paper 353, 10 pp. Y.S. Shash, R.M. Rashad and E.A. Nada” Influence of Manganese Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-Alloyed ADI” Journal of Al Azhar University Engineering Sector, Vol. 8, No.26, January, 2013, 29-51 M.A. El Saeed, F.A. Deorsola, R.M. Rashad “Influence of SPS Parameters on the Density and Mechanical Properties of Sintered Ti3SiC2 Powders” Elsevier, Int. Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, accepted for publication, on line 4-Feb 2013. R.M. Rashad, O.M. Awadallah and A.S. Wifi, “Effect of MWCNTs content on the characteristics of stir cast A356 Aluminum Silicon Nanocomposite”JAMME, Journal of Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Volume 58, Issue 2, June 2013, p.p 74-80 EL Bagoury Z.F, EL Mohandes W.A, Rashad R.M and Morsi M.A,” Biomechanical Evaluation of 3 Different Plating Techniques in Fixation of Mandibular Fractures” Egyptian Dental Journal, Official Organ of the Egyptian Dental Association. July 2013. Elgazaly. W.S.; Shash Y.S; Rashad. R.M and Amer A.E. “ Influence of Heat Treatment on Microstructure Changes and high Temperature Creep Behavior of An Experimental Cast -Iron Base Alloy. Accepted for publications, Bulletin of Tabbin Institute for Metallurgical studies, International No. 1110-2519. Elgazaly W.S.; Shash Y.S: Rashad, R.M and Amer A.E” Mechanical Behavior and Microstructure Changes of AN Experimental Fe-Base Cast Super Alloy” Accepted for publication, Journal of Al Azhar University Engineering Sector. ISSN: 1110-6409 103 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. Osama M. Awadallah, Ragaie M. Rashad and Abdalla S. Wifi, ”STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF ANODE/CATHODE GEOMETRY ON THE YIELD RATE AND QUALITY OF THE MWCNTS SYNTHESIZED BY SUBMERGED ARC DISCHARGING” Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference MSEC2013 ,June 1014, 2013, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Rashad R.M , O.M. Awdallah and A.S.Wifi, “Effect of MWCNTs Content on the characteristics A356 NanoComposite” AMME Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 23rd-26th June 2013, Gliwice- Krakow, Poland NAMRC41-1530: Effect of blank holder force schemes on weld-line movements in u-draw bending of tailor welded blank Mostafa Shazly, Bishoy Dawood, Abdalla Wifi, Alaa ElMokadem, The North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI/SME) 41st NAMRC - An International Forum. The University of Wisconsin-Madison from June 10-14, 2013, in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Sayed Y. Akl, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, “Condition monitoring of a single cylinder engine running on gasoline and gasoline-ethanol blend using wear particle analysis technique”, ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, paper number IMECE2013-65910, San Diego, USA, November 2013. Iman El-Mahallawi et. al., Enhancing Low Temperature Thermal Absorptivity of Commercial Black Painting Using Nano-graphite –dispersions, to be published in First International Congress on Materials and Renewable Energy (MRE 2013), 1-3 July, 2013, Athens – Greece. Amr Abdel Kader, Sayed Y. Akl, Bahy S.A. Abdel-Mesih, Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, “Comparative analysis of different cleaning techniques of photovoltaic modules”, International Congress on Materials and Renewable Energy (MRE 2013), paper number MRE-10(c), Athens, Greece, July 2013. Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Sayed Y. Akl, “On the Feasibility of Using Nanomaterials to Enhance Solar Thermal Conversion Efficiency”, International Congress on Materials and Renewable Energy (MRE 2013), paper number MRE-10(b), Athens, Greece, July 2013. PVP2013-97234: 3D FINITE ELEMENT MODELING OF IN- SERVICE SLEEVE REPAIR WELDING OF GAS PIPELINES R. Alian; M. Shazly; M. M. Megahed, 2013 ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel & Conference Center, July 14-18, 2013. Ebrahim, A. & AbdelFattah, T. (2013).“Corporate Governance and Initial Compliance with IFRS in Emerging Markets: The Case of Income Tax Accounting in Egypt” Paper presented at the AAA Northeastern Regional Meeting, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, 24 – 26 October 2013. Ebrahim, A. & AbdelFattah, T. (2013).“Corporate Governance and Initial Compliance with IFRS in Emerging Markets: The Case of Income Tax Accounting in Egypt” under review for conference presentation in the AAA Northeastern Regional Meeting, Hartford, Connecticut, October. El-Seoud, S., Seddiek, N., Taj-Eddin, I., Ghenghesh, P., El-Khouly, M. (2013). The Effect of E-learning on Learners' Motivation: A Case Study on Evaluating E-Learning. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace, Columbia University, New York, NY, June 12-14, 2013. El-Seoud, S., Seddiek, N., Taj-Eddin, I., Ghenghesh, P., Nosseir, A., El-Khouly, M. (2013). ELearning and Motivation Effects On Egyptian Higher Education. Proceedings of the Sixth 104 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning and 42nd International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, Russia, September 25-27, 2013. El Mosallamy D. & El Masry A. (2013). “Unconditional versus conditional approaches in measuring Market Timing and Security Selection abilities of Saudi Mutual Funds”. Published in the book of accepted research papers of the 1st international conference; the impact of revolutions on risk management in the framework of governance,16-17 February, 2013, Faculty of Management Sciences, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts. Cairo- Egypt. Khallaf, C. (2013). Rural Infrastructure Task Force Meeting- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. March 14-15 March, Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy - Rome, Italy. June 12-14, SWEEP-NET 3rd Regional Forum - Cairo, Egypt. May 14-16, Derera, E., O’Neill, C., Takhar,A. & Chitakunye, P. (2013). The marketing of start-up capital to women entrepreneurs in South Africa. Refereed Conference Proceedings.42nd Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science. Monterey, California, USA. 15-18 May. Khallaf, C. (2013). 11th International Conference - World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) - London, U.K. September 2-4, Khallaf, C. (2013). The Index of Sustainable Ecotourism Impacts, The case of Wadi El Gemal Protected Area of Egypt. World Sustainable Development Outlook 2013. World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD), NJ, USA Shawky, Z. (2013).”The Art of Mastering Leadership Skills in the Management of Crisis on Organizational level”. Public Leadership at Times of disaster conference at The Arab Administrative Development Organization (ARADO,Electronic-library) th th, The League of Arab States. 17 -18 February,Fairmont Heliopolis Cairo, Egypt. Shawky, Z. (2013). “Bridging the Culture’s Environment Components into A Common Cause, Case Study: El Zahrawan Charity Corporation in Egypt”. ( Participant paper presentation and discussion).The London Conference on Cultural Bridges 2013. Published on line by: The Institute of cultural diplomacy ICD. Great Britain: London, 2022nd of March. Shawky, Z. (2013).“Upholding Competitive Advantage through Endorsing Corporate Social Responsibility: Case Study PEPSICO EGYPT. Accepted for both presentations at the fourth International Conference on New Horizons in Education, Rome 25-29 June And for publication in Procedia ( Social and Behavioral Sciences on line Journal ELSEVIER. At: . Selected and peer reviewed under the responsibility of the Association of Science, Education and Technology- TASET, Sakaraya Universities, Turkey. Wadid, E. , Labib, N. M.& Abdel Wahab, S. (2013).Proposed Business Intelligence Models for Medical Risk Assessment Case study of Venous Thrombosis Disease in Egypt” The 9th International Conference on Data Mining, July 22-25, , Las Vegas, USA. Hepatoprotective Effect of Bay Crude Extract on Primary Cultured Rat Hepatocytes. Nahla Ayoub, Sahar A. Hussein, Amani N. Hashim, Heba M. Hassanein. Nesrine M. Hegazi and Mahmoud Nawwar. 1st annual international interdisplinary conference ,AIIC 2013, Azores, Portugal. 105 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. Amr Adel & Gamal Moutamed (August 2013) presented an abstract in the 101ST FDI Annual World Dental Congress, Istanbul, 28-31 August 2013; Abstract title: Somatosensory Evoked Potential to Assess Neurosensory disturbance following Removal of Third Molars. Amr Adel (November 2013) Lecture in the 16th Egyptian Dental Association International Dental Conference held in City Stars Intercontinental, Heliopolis, Cairo; Abstract title: Assessment of peripheral alcohol injection with different Concentrations in Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia.Maria Salama and Ahmed Shawish, (6/2013) “A Comprehensive Mobile-Based Companion for Diabetes Management,” Proceeding of the 7th WSEAS European Computing Conference (ECC 2013), Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2013. Mohamed Osama and Ahmed Shawish, (6/2013) “Enhanced Network Coding Scheme for Efficient Multicasting in Ad-Hoc Networks,” Proceeding of the 7th WSEAS European Computing Conference (ECC 2013), Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2013. Maria Salama and Ahmed Shawish, (7/2013) “ Junosphere: Towards Professional Networks Education,” in Proc.37th Annual Int. Computer Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2013), Kyoto, Japan, July 2013 Samy Ghoniemy and Omar H. Karam, (8/2013) “A high performance optoelectronic machine for automated Arabic-English Parallel Corpus creation and for Text Mining processing”, proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Technology and Science, Dubai, UAE, August 2013 Khaled Ahmed Nagaty, (8/2013) “Cloud Tree: A Hierarchical Organization as a Platform for Cloud Computing”, International Conference on Computer Technology and Science. August 2013. Maria Salama and Ahmed Shawish, (12/2013 ) “A Mobile-Cloud Based Smart Framework for Healthcare Systems,” (to appear) in Proc.4t International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth), Washington, Washington D.C., United States, December 2013 Amira Sayed A. Aziz, Ahmad Taher Azar, Mostafa A. Salama, Aboul Ella Hassanien, Sanaa El Ola Hanfy, (2013)“Genetic Algorithms with Different Feature Selection Techniques for Anomaly Detectors Generation”, Proceedings of the 2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, pp. 769–774, 2013. Gervasio, G. (2013). “The Muslim Brotherhood in power: Islamization of the Revolution or counter-revolution?”, paper presented at the Islamism and the Arab Revolutions: Dynamics of Change International Conference, Cairo University, 11-12 February. Gervasio G. (2013). “al-Thawrat al’arabiyya fi itar al-harakat al-igtima’iyya al‘alamiyya al-gadida” (The Arab Revolutions in the context of the new world social movements), paper presented at the international conference al-Yasar al’arabi wa alThawraat’ , Cairo, The Arab Forum for Alternatives, 24-25 April. El-Seoud, Samir A.; Seddiek, N.; Taj-Eddin, Islam A; Ghenghesh, P.; Nosseir, A. and ElKholy, M. (2013) "E-Learning and Motivation Effects on Egyptian Higher Education", Proceedings of the IEEE 16th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2013) and 42nd International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, September 25-27, 2013 Kazan, Russia, 2013. El-Seoud, Samir A.; Seddiek, N.; Taj-Eddin, Islam A; Ghenghesh, P. and El-Khouly, M. (2013) "The Effect of E-learning on Learner's Motivation: A Case Study on Evaluating ELearning and its Effect On Egyptian Higher Education", Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace 2013 (ICELW 2013), June 12-14, 2013. New York, NY, USA.2013. 106 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. Shedid, S. A. and Salem, Adel “Experimental Investigations of CO2 Solubility and Variations in Petrophysical Properties due to CO2 Storage in Carbonate Reservoir Rocks,” SPE Paper 164632, presented at the North Africa Technical Conference & Exhibition held in Cairo, Egypt, 15–17 April 2013. G. M. Hegazy, A. M. Salem, Shedid A. Shedid, S. E. Shalaby, and Abbott, A New Strategy to Explore Tight Oil/Gas Reservoirs "Fit for Purpose Acid Fracturing" SPE North Africa Technical Conference & Exhibition held in Cairo, Egypt, 15–17 April 2013. Amr Abdel kader, 2013 Synthesizing a Combined Feedback –Feed forward Controller for Variable Speed Pitch Regulated Wind Turbine. Accepted paper MRE International Conference on materials and Renewable Energy, Athens, Greece, July 1-3 ,2013. Mostafa Shazly, Bishoy Dawood, Abdalla S. Wifi and Alaa El-Mokadem, “Effect of Blank Holder Force Schemes on Weld-Line Movements in U- Draw Bending of Tailor Welded Blanks”, 41st North American Manufacturing Research Conference, June 10-14, 2013, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. M Shazly, Y Bahei-El-Din, S Salem, “CHARACTERIZATION OF SANDWICH PANELS FOR INDENTATION AND IMPACT”, International Symposium on Dynamic Deformation and Fracture of Advanced Materials 2013 (D2FAM 2013), 9-11 September 2013 at Loughborough University, UK. Ahmed R. Alian, Mostafa Shazly, Mohammad M. Megahed, “3D Finite Element Modeling of InService Sleeve Repair Welding of Gas Pipelines”, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Conference, PVP2013, July 14-18, 2013, Paris, France. Abbas, A. & El-Geneidy, K. (2013). Development of a Hybrid Technique Utilising Image Processing and Fuzzy Logic for Dynamically Detecting a Movable Colour Object. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronic Systems and Materials Application, Guangzhou, China, June 26 – 27, 2013. Abbas, A. & El-Geneidy, K. (2013). Application of Image Processing and Fuzzy Logic to Mobile Robots Providing Assistance to Fire Fighters. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronic Systems and Materials Application, Guangzhou, China, June 26 – 27, 2013. Tantawi, M., Revett, K., Salem, A.-B. M., & Tolba, M.F., Non-Fiducial Feature Reduction for Electrocardiogram (ECG) Based Biometric Recognition, submitted to the Journal of Universal Computer Science, January, 2013. Osman Ibrahim, Towards an Effective Distribution of Subsidized Food Using Mobilebased e-Government Solution, 4th International Conference on Technical and Legal Aspects of the e-Society (CYBERLAWS 2013), Nice, France, February 24 - March 1, 2013. Khalifa, W., Salem, A.B., Roushdy, M., & Revett, K., An Artificial Immune System for Identifying people using EEG, accepted, WSEAS 7th WSEAS European Computing Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 25-27, 2013. Tantawi, M, Revett, K., Salem, A.-B. M., & Tolba, M.F, ECG based Biometric Recognition using wavelets and RBF Neural Network, accepted, WSEAS 7th WSEAS European Computing Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 25-27, 2013. Fatouh, E,A:, Ghonemy,E,G & Fawaz, A, M , 4th Annual International conference, Helwan University, faculty of nursing contributing with Kennesaw State, Egypt,April,2013”Poster session”. 107 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. Fatouh, E,A:, Ghonemy,E,G & S. : ”The future of nursing education: Ten trends to watch”, Ain Shams International conference,2013-03-09. Mansour,S, Hassan, S & Ghonemy.G, ”Screening of Cervical Cell changes Among Hormonal contraceptives Users at El Manial University Hospital”. Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University International Conference,23/3/2013. Quality & Patient’s Safety, UAE March, 2013 by Professor Dr. Ghazi , Associate Professor Dr. Nagwa El Kateb , Associate Professor Dr. Gehan Ghonemy, Dr. Magda Mohareb and Dr. Mona Mayhop 23-27 /3/2013. 4th Annual International conference, Helwan University, faculty of nursing contributing with Kennesaw State, Egypt, April,2013 by Associate professor Dr. Gehan Ghonemy (participated by poster presentation & scientific committee member). Elshamy, H (2013). “The Economic Determinants of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Egypt” Helwan University Conference, Helwan, held16 of March to 17 March 2013, Cairo, Egypt Elish, E & Elshamy, H (2013). “Absorptive Capacity of Human Capital and International R&D Spillover on labour Productivity in Egypt” The 12th Annual International Conference, Human Capital in a Knowledge Economy, Al-Zaytoona University, held from 22 to25 April 2013, Amman, Jordan. Younis, Zeinab Shawky, the London Conference on Cultural Bridges 2013. The Institute of cultural diplomacy ICD. Great Britain: London, 20-22nd of March, 2013. PRME Conference, (Principles for Responsible Management Education). Maged S. Morcos (2013), “Assessing The Reliability Of Organizational Management Systems Using A Simulated Probabilistic Fault Tree Analysis”, 20th AR2TS (Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium Loughborough University 21-23 April 2013). Gervasio G. (2013). “al-Thawrat al’arabiyya fi itar al-harakat al-igtima’iyya al‘alamiyya al-gadida” (The Arab Revolutions in the context of the new world social movements), paper presented at the international conference al-Yasar al’arabi wa alThawraat’, Cairo, The Arab Forum for Alternatives, 24-25 April. Maria Sottimano, “Labour unions and the changing dynamics of social mobilization in the Middle East”, paper presented at the First Conference of the Arab Council for the Social Science entitled: Arab Transformations: Interrogating the Social Sciences”, Beirut, Lebanon, 19-20 March 2013. Arafa, M. G. (2013). “Targeted drug delivery systems”, Future University International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cairo, Egypt, April 13-15, 2013. El Mosallamy D.& El Masry A. (2013). Investigating The Performance of Islamic Mutual Funds: A Comparative Study. Published in the book of accepted research papers of the 1st international conference; the impact of revolutions on risk management in the framework of governance, 16-17 February, Faculty of Management Sciences, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts. Cairo- Egypt. 2012 108 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. Maria Aurora Sottimano ‘Workers organisations, social demands and public policies’ international workshop, Orient-Institut Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 17 November 2012. Workshop director and chair. Maria Aurora Sottimano “Unionism and social policies”, opening speech at the international workshop ‘Workers organisations, social demands and public policies’, Orient-Institut Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 17 November 2012. Available at Y. Bahei-El-Din and Amany Micheal, “Micromechanical Modeling of Multifunctional Composites,” Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, 9-15 November 2012, Houston, Texas, USA. Rashed. A Social reality and the issues of housing needs in Egypt after the 25th of January 2011: How can we write the history of the future? 18th International Conference on Open Building, Beijing, China, November 2012. Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Bahy Saad, Jamal E. Alostaz, “Comparative Analysis of Fuel Cell and Photovoltaic Panels as Electrical Sources for RO Desalination domestic Scale Systems”, ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, paper number IMECE2012-89171, Texas, USA, November 2012. Sherif Mehanny, Mahmoud Farag, R.M.Rashad and Hamdy EL Sayed “FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF STARCH BASED BAGASSE FIBER COMPOSITE” Proceedings of the ASME2012 International Conference of Mechanical Engineering IMECHE2012 November 915, 2012, Housten, Texas, USA. N. E. Elzayady, R. M. Rashad, A. Elenany and A. Elhabak, “Mechanical and Microstructure Characterization of A356 (Al/SiC) MMC” International Conference n Advanced Material and Manufacturing Science, Beijing, China, December 2012. Atef Abdel Hady, Field Experience to Optimize Gas Lift Well Operations” has been selected for presentation in session 1 “Operational Excellence in Artificial Lift” at the 2012 SPE Artificial Lift Conference and Exhibition, 27-28 November 2012, Manama, Bahrain. Society Petroleum Engineering SPE International Conference, Production optimization challenges for oil and gas fields Hilton Kuwait Resort | Kuwait City, Kuwait. Abdel-Rehim A.A., Abdel-Mesih B., Alostaz J.E. (2012). Comparative Analysis of Fuel Cell and Photovoltaic Panels as Electrical Sources for RO Desalination domestic Scale Systems. ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Houston, Texas. November 9-15, 2012. Khaled Ahmed Nagati, “A Non-linear Model For Fingerprints Matching Based On Minutiae- Core Pairs Interaction”, In the IEEE proceedings of the 22nd International Conference On Computer Theory and Applications, Alexandria, Egypt, 13-15 October 2012. Ann Nosseir, Derek Flood, Rachel Harrison, and Osman Ibrahim, Mobile Development Process Spiral, The 2012 International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems 109 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. (ICCES’2012), Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, EGYPT, November 27th – 29th , 2012, pp 281 – 286 Revett, K., Cognitive biometrics: the role of neural activity for subject identification, Bi Mie Health Workshop, The Future University in Egypt, 12 December, 2012Younis, Zeinab Shawky, “Public Leadership at Times of Disasters”. The Arab Administrative Development Organization in collaboration with Manchester Business School. 17th-18th of February, 2013. Meridian Heliopolis Cairo, Egypt. Rizkalla, Aida (2012), Consumer Behaviour under Economic Hardship, Proceedings of the Annual Crisis Management Conference, Ain Shams University. Labib, N. M, International Conference on Modeling and Simulation MS’ 12 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 10-13, 2012. Younis, Zeinab Shawky, MENA REGIONAL FORUM. The Holy Spirit University Of Kaslik. Beirut, November 7th and 8th, 2012. Gervasio, G. (2013). “The Muslim Brotherhood in power: Islamization of the Revolution or counter-revolution?”, paper presented at the Islamism and the Arab Revolutions: Dynamics of Change International Conference, Cairo University, 11-12 February. Maria Sottimano, ‘Workers organisations, social demands and public policies’ international workshop, Orient-Institute Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 17 November 2012. Workshop director and chair. Maria Sottimano, “Unionism and social policies”, opening speech at the international workshop ‘Workers organisations, social demands and public policies’, Orient-Institute Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 17 November 2012. Available at: Gray C (2012, January 18-20). Narrating the Arab Spring conference, Cairo University. Revett, K., A gene regulatory network investigation of genes involved in ischemic preconditioning, submitted to the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics BHI2012, 5-7 January, 2012, Hong Kong, Shenzen. El-Fekey, S. & FakhrElDin, H. (2012). Sustainable Development in Higher Education Institutions: Teaching & Training Sustainability in the British University in Egypt as a Case Study. Proceedings of the International Academy of Business and Public Administration, Orlando, January 2 – 4, 2012. El Feky, S. (2012) ‘The Role of Universities in Promoting Sustainable Development: A Proposed Framework for the British University in Egypt” IABPAD (International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines) on January 2-5, 2012 in Orlando, Florida. Accepted in the IABPAD Conference Proceedings. Dewidar, K. “Air Purification Towers: A Modern Concept in Architectural Sustainability.” Second International Conference for Technology and Information Modern Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Egypt Feb 2012. 110 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. Mamdouh Gadalla, Dina Ahmed, Fatma Ashour, Hemdan Noureldine, Energy Efficient Redesign of An Existing Crude Oil Distillation Unit, The International Conference on Renewable Energies and Energy Saving, Cairo University, Cairo, March (2012). Gray C (2012) ‘A phased approach to the entrepreneurial creation of added value.’ Accepted for EFMD Entrepreneurship Conference. March 2012. Maastricht. I. El Mahallawi, Y. Shash, H. Abdelkader, L. Shehata, M.H. Abdelaziz, A. Amer Cairo, Helwan and British University in Egypt (Egypt); J. Mayer, A. Schwedt, RWTH Aachen University (Germany); Influence of Nanodispersions on Metallurgical Properties and Performance of Cast AlSi Alloys; TMS Conference, Orlando City, Florida USA, 1115 March 2012. El Shamy Hany (2012) “Economic Intelligence: Theory and Applications” The 11th Annual International Conference, Business Intelligence and Economy Knowledge, Al-Zaytoona University, held from 23 to 26 April 2012, Amman, Jordan. Hassanien, K., "Applications of Business Intelligence in Islamic Banking and Finance," The Eleventh International Annual Conference of Business Intelligence and Knowledge Economy, 23-26 April 2012, Amman, Jordan, pp.1137-1145. ISBN Number 1001/3/2012, the National Library, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Islam M. Al-Akraa, Ahmad M. Mohammad, Mohamed S. El-Deab, Bahgat E. -Au Nanoparticles- modified Electrodes”, The Fifth Saudi Science Conference, College of Applied Sciences, Umm AlQura University, Makkah, Kingdom of Suadi Arabia, April 16-18, 2012. Sheweka, S. “The Impact of Air Flow upon Egypt Buildings “, The 38th IAHS World Congress on Housing Science, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey - April 1619, 2012. Omar, T.K. “Improving the Pediatric Nurses Performance Regarding Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)”, published paper at the 4th International Scientific Nursing Conference April 2012, Innovations in Nursing Researches Education & Practice. El Dorghamy, A.A., Hegazy, S., & Revett, K., Automated Segmentation of MRI brain Scans, 4th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference on Applied Computing (URC 2012), Zayed University, Dubai Campus, UAE, 18-19 April, 2012, pp.131, 2012. M. El-Masry, S. El-Gayar and O. H. Karam, “Content based image retrieval with Boolean options for results refinement”, Fourth International Undergraduate Research Conference on Applied Computing, April 2012, Dubai, UAE. N. Said, D. El-Zanfaly and O. H. Karam, “Towards better polarity mining: An ontology based approach”, Fourth International Undergraduate Research Conference on Applied Computing, April 2012, Dubai, UAE. Ghonemy, E,G, Fawaz,A,M &Fatouh, E,A: “Effect of episiotomy on perineal pain, urinary incontinence & sexual functioning”, 3rd Annual International Conference, Helwan University, Faculty of Nursing contributing with Kennesaw State, Egypt, April, 2012. 111 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. Ghonemy, E,G &Fawaz,A,M : “Correlates of women’s perceived knowledge on selected high risk pregnancy conditions” 3rd Annual International Conference, Helwan University, Faculty of Nursing contributing with Kennesaw State, Egypt, April, 2012. El Shamy, Hany (2012) “Shift-share Analysis on the Egyptian Tourism competitiveness” EBES 2012 Conference, Istanbul, held from 24 to 26 May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. Khalifa, W., Revett, K., Salem, A.B., & Tolba, , A Survey of EEG Based User Authentication Schemes, accepted at the INFOS 2012, The 8th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, 14 - 16 May, 2012, Cairo, EGYPT. Laila M. El Fangary, Doaa S. El Zanfaly, Eiman Haggag. “Proposed Approach Toward Efficient Web Usage Mining”. In the 8th INFOS 2012 International Conference on Informatics and Systems, Cairo, Egypt, 14-16 May 2012. Doaa S. El-Zanfaly, Ahmed G. Gomaa, Ashraf Darwish, Aliaa A.Youssi. “Heterogeneous Data Reduction Model for Payment Request File of Direct Debit Processes - Case Study: Telecom Egypt”. In the 8th INFOS 2012 International Conference on Informatics and Systems, Cairo, Egypt, 14-16 May 2012. I. El Mahallawi, Y. Shash, R. Rashad, H. Abdelkader, L. Shehata, M.H. Abdelaziz, A. Amer J. Mayer, A. Schwedt; “Enhancing Properties of Cast Al Alloys by Rheocasting and Nano-dispersions”: 1 5 th Int. Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Military Technical College Kobry El-Kobbah, Cairo, Egypt.May 29-31, 2012. Meniem M.A.H, Shaaban E., Hamad A.M.,” Speed estimation and travel direction-detection using handover in GSM: Stability analysis and experimental results in Egypt roads “, International Conference on Informatics and Systems (INFOS), 2012 8th, 14-16 May 2012, Page(s): CC-7 - CC11. El Rafaie, Revett, K., & Salem, A.B.M., On the Use of SPECT Imaging datasets for Automated Classification of Ventricular Heart Disease, accepted at the INFOS 2012, The 8th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, 14 - 16 May, 2012, Cairo, EGYPT, accepted, in press. Mayhob, M. “Nurses Role in Managing Complications of Patient undergoing Hemodialysis”, published paper at the 5th International Nursing Conferences Turkey June 2012. Gray C and Hassan, R (2012) ‘Impact of January 25 on Entrepreneurship in Egyptian SMEs’ EBES International Conference, June 2012,Istanbul. Morcos M (2012) “Organisation Interests versus Customers Interests: A Two Dimensional Performance Measurement Framework”. Conference paper to be presented in Cambridge, July 2012. Revett, K., The Endophenotype: A Guiding Principle in Cognitive Biometrics, The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications, COGNITIVE 2012, July 22-27, 2012 - Nice, France, in press. 112 349. 350. 351. Revett, K., Analysis of a Cardiocotography dataset using rough sets, submitted to the upcoming MedDecSup 2011 workshop, in press (due for printing July, 2012). Rashed. A Social reality and the issues of housing needs in Egypt after the 25th of January 2011: How can we write the history of the future? 18th International Conference on Open Building, Beijing, China, 2012 (accepted August 2012). El-Sofany, Hosam; El-Seoud, Samir A; Al-Turki, Turky; El-Howimel, Hasan; and Al-Sadoon, Amjad Improving Educational Outcomes by Providing Educational Services through Mobile Technology Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2012). September 26- 28, 2012 in Villach, Austria. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1223R-USB, ISBN: 978-1-4673-2426-7. 352. Ahmed Hamdy, Hesham Hefny, Mostafa A. Salama, Aboul Ella Hassanien, and Tai-hoon Kim, “The importance of handling multivariate attributes in the identification of heart valve diseases using heart signals”, IEEE Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 9-12 Sept., Wroclaw, Poland, pp. 75–79, 2012. 353. Amira Sayed A. Aziz, Mostafa Salama, Aboul ella Hassanien, and Sanaa EL-Ola Hanafi, “Detectors Generation using Genetic Algorithm for a Negative Selection Inspired Anomaly Network Intrusion Detection System”. IEEE Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 912 Sept., Wroclaw, Poland, pp. 723–728, 2012. 354. El-Sofany, Hosam; Al Qahtani, Hadi; Alghatan, Khalid; Al Tayeb, Abdulelah; and El Seoud, Samir A. The Impact of Cloud Computing Technologies in E-Learning Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2012). September 26- 28, 2012 in Villach, Austria. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1223R-USB, ISBN: 978-1-4673-2426-7. 355. M. Samir Abou El-Seoud, Islam A.T.F. Taj-Eddin, Ann Nosseir, Hosam F. El-Sofany and Nadine Abu Rumman,, “Using Handheld Mobile System for Learning Sign Language”, Interactive Collaborative Learning Conference-ICL2012, Villach, Austria, September 26 to 28, 2012. 356. “Synthesis And Characterization of Reduced Smoke Composite Propellants” Mostafa Radwan, Hosam Mostafa, Ali Abdel All, Second Korean International Symposium On High Energy Material, 17-20 Sep, 2012. 357. El-Seoud, Samir A.; Taj-Eddin, Islam A. T. F; Nosseir, Ann; and Abu Rumman, Nadine. , "Using Handheld Mobile System for Learning Sign Language", Paper has been accepted to appear in the proceedings of the International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2012). September 26–28, 2012, (in Press). Khaled Ahmed Nagati, “A Non-linear Model For Fingerprints Matching Based On Minutiae-Core Pairs Interaction”, In the IEEE proceedings of the 22nd International Conference On Computer Theory and Applications, Alexandria, Egypt, 13-15 October 2012. 358. 113 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. Rana N. Badaran and Hani A. Ghali, (2012). Geometric Optimization of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting System. COMSOL Conference Europe 2012, Milan, Italy, October 10-12, 2012. Youssra El Qattan and Hani A. Ghali, (2012). Web Based Laboratories for Teaching Electromagnetics for TEMPUS eLab Project. COMSOL Conference Europe 2012, Milan, Italy, October 10-12, 2012. Ahmed R. Alian, Mostafa Shazly, Mohammad M. Megahed, "Finite Element Simulation of InService Sleeve Repair Welding of Gas Pipelines", 2012 International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology (ICMSET 2012), Wuhan, China, October 20-21, 2012. Alaa Mohamed, Tarek Osman, Ali Khattab, Mostafa Shazly, "Computer Aided Design and Optimization of Hypoid Gears", the International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET 2012), The German University in Cairo, 10-11 Oct., 2012. Samy Ghoniemy, Tarek Said and Omar H. Karam, Real-Time Multi-object Detection and Tracking for Autonomous Robots in Uncontrolled Environments, in the Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems, November 2012, Cairo, Egypt. Mohsen,H., El-Dahshan, El-Sayed Ahmed, Revett, K., & Salem, A.B.M., A Comparative study on Brain Magnetic Resonance Images Segmentation techniques, ATINER 2012, Athens, Greece, in press. Khalifa, W., Salem, A.-B., M, Revett, K., A Multi-Modal Biosignal Based Approach to Stress Detection during Human Computer Interaction, Med-e-Tel, Luxemborg, 2012. ElRefaie, S.H., Salem A.-B., M., & Revett, K, Machine Learning Approach for Processing Myocardial Perfusion SPECT Images, submitted to Med-e-Tel, Luxembourg, 2012. Dewidar, Khaled. (2012). Alive Structures: A Modern Concept in Garden-polis Architecture. Ninth International Conference on Civil Architectural Engineering. Military Technical Academy. Egypt2012. Dewidar, Khaled, (2012). Ecological Facades: When Cool Green Meets Lofty Blue Skies. World Green Roof Congress. Copenhagen – 2012. Ahmed Hamad , Ehab Morsy , Sameh Adel ,”Performance analysis of a handoff scheme for two-tier cellular CDMA networks”, Egyptian Informatics Journal Vol. 12, pp.139–14 Revett, K. & Taj-Eddin, I., Constraining Gene Regulatory Networks Using subgraphs, submitted to the ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine (ACM-BCB 2012), submitted. Salah Eldin Zaky, Tamer A. Mohamed, and Mohamed Salah "The Optimal Use of Western Electric Runs Rules in the Joint Design of X and R Control Charts", Accepted for publication at the Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems, Florida, 2012. Tamer A. Mohamed and Omar Nounou "Quality Improvement in a Textile Manufacturing Plant Using a Database Management Traceability System ", Accepted for publication at the Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems, Florida, 2012. 114 2011 373. Heba Wageeh, Doaa S. Elzanfaly, and Mohamed Kouta., 2011 “Mapping OWL2 Ontologies to Object Role Modelling 2 Schemes”. In the 4th International Conference on “Information Systems & Economic Intelligence” SIIE’ 2011, Marrakech – Morocco, 1719 February. 374. Heba Wageeh, Doaa S. Elzanfaly, and Mohamed Kouta., 2011 “Mapping Object Role Modelling 2 Schemes to OWL2 Ontologies”. In the 3rd International Conference on Computer Research and Development ICCRD 2011, Shanghai, China, March 11 – 13 375. Y. Bahei-El-Din, M. Shazly, S. Salem, A. Abd El-Rahman, 2011, “On Quasi-static Indentation of Composite Laminates and Sandwich Structures,” Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (EWEA2011), 14-17 March, Brussels, Belgium. 376. Hamada, G.M., 2011 “NMR Can better estimate porosity, permeability and capillary pressure of stratified shaly sand reservoirs” Paper no. RES/PE02, 10th OMC, 23-25 March, Ravenna, Italy. Hamdy A. and Guha R., "Characterization of Bit Torrent Systems Based on Performance and Features". 2nd International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC 2011), Orlando, Fl, USA, March 27th - 30th,2011. 377. 378. 379. Ayman Salah Abbas, “A Comparison of Trajectory Generation Methods for a Three Link Planar Jointed Robot”, Fifth Assiut University International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Advanced Technology for Industrial Production (MEATIP 5). Assiut, 29-31 March, 2011. Dewidar, K., Sustainable Development Strategies in Egypt.” (Keynote Speaker) at the Green Building Summit, Abu Dhabi - March 2011. 380. Samar M. Sheweka, 2011, “Transferring the Historical Icons in Egypt from Statically Isolated buildings into Dynamic one: Case of Sednaoui Building in Cairo Downtown”, Heritage 2011 Conference, Hashemite University, Jordan. 381. Samar M. Sheweka, 2011, “Using Mud Bricks as a Temporary Solution for Gaza Reconstruction”, MEDGREEN 2011-LB CONFERENCE, Beirut – Lebanon April 2011, Lebanese University, Rafic Hariri University Campus. 382. Samar M. Sheweka, 2011, “Living walls as an approach for healthy urban environment”, MEDGREEN 2011-LB CONFERENCE, Beirut – Lebanon April 2011, Lebanese University, Rafic Hariri University Campus. 383. Revett, K. & Salem A.B.-M., Deployment of a Mobile Application for Managing Our State of Health: The E-Dietician, The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Educational, Networking and Business (Med-e-Tel, -2011), Luxembourg, 6-8 April, 2011, pp. 97-99. Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Kairy H. El-Nagar, Ramadan Abdel-Aziz, Hamdy H. Maarouf, “An experimental Investigation of the Effect of Magnetic Field on Engine 384. 115 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. Cooling Water Properties”, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineering) Paper No. 201101-0073, SAE International, Detroit, USA, April 2011. FakhrElDin, H (2011). ‘A Balanced Participatory Strategy in Knowledge Management in International Development Organizations: The Case of CIDA Egypt’. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship and International Business (April 17 – 2011), Cairo, Egypt. (Accepted for publication in the Journal of International Business and Economic Affairs). Revett, K., The Cognitive Biometrics Approach to Person Authentication, keynote speech, ICIT2011, - 11-13 May, 2011, Amman, Jordan Salama, Mostafa A., Aboul Ella Hassanien, Jan Platos, Aly A. Fahmy, Václav Snásel, "Rough Sets-Based Identification of Heart Valve Diseases Using Heart Sounds", The 6th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS 2011), Poland, pp. 667-676, May. 2011. R. El-Ashry, M. Rehan, H. El-Kamchouchi , and F. Gebali " Performance Optimized FPGA Implementation for the Flexible Triangle Search Block-based Motion Estimation Algorithm", the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2011 (CCECE2011) May 2011. Heba Wageeh, Doaa S. Elzanfaly, and Mohamed Kouta., 2011 “Mapping Object Role Modelling2 Schema into SROIQ (D) Description Logic”. In the 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology IEEE ICCSIT 2011, Chengdu, China, June 10 – 12. Revett, K., Computational models of disease: Keynote Speech at the ICICIS 2011, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 30 June – 3 July, 2011. D. Zayan and M. Rehan “Parametric Study on Wide Area Augmentation System for GPS Accuracy Enhancement”, the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS), July 2011. Eid, M., 2011 IABPAD Summer Conference held on July 25-28, 2011 IABPAD International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines, Hawaii, July 2011:- Paper Title: "The Ethical Reasoning behind Sustainable Development; a Paradoxical Opportunity for the Reform of Developing Countries”. G. Salem and M. Rehan “A Comparative Study on Indoor Object Tracking WLAN Systems”, The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS), July 2011. Aggag, A. & Revett, K., WSEAS special session on Knowledge Engineering for Decision Support Systems, the CSCC Multi-conference, Corfu Island, Greece, 15-17 July, 2011,pp. 256-261. Luay, M. & Revett, K., Affective Gaming: an ECG Based Approach to User Interaction, submitted to the WSEAS special session on Knowledge Engineering for Decision Support Systems, the CSCC Multi-conference, Corfu Island, Greece, 15-17 July, 2011 pp. 267-272. Hegazy, S. & Revett, K., Developing an Affective Working Companion by Utilising GSR Data, submitted to the WSEAS special session on Knowledge Engineering for Decision Support Systems, the CSCC Multi-conference, Corfu Island, Greece, 15-17 July, 2011, pp. 262-266. 116 397. Palaniappan, R , Gosalia, J., & Revett, K., PIN Generation Using Single Channel EEG Biometric, in the International Workshop on Application of Signal Processing (IWASP’2011), July 22-24, Kerela, India, pp. 378-385. 398. Khalifa, W., Revett, K., and Salem, A.B., In the Hacker’s Eye: The Neurophysiology of a Computer Hacker, submitted to ICGS3, 24-27 August, 2011, 7th International Conference on Global Security, Safety, and Sustainability (ICGS3) – Thessalaniki, Greece, 25-27 August, 2011, pp. 170-177. Osman Ibrahim, Hazem ElGendy, Ahmed M. ElShafee Towards Speed Detection camera System for a Radar Alternative, Proceeding of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems sponsored by IEEE Communications Society, St. Petersburg, Russia, 23 – 25 Aug. 20-23, 2011 Krishnamurthy, P.R., Jahankhani, H., & Revett, K., On the Deployment of Artificial Immune Systems for Biometrics, submitted to ICGS3, 24-27 August, 2011, 7th International Conference on Global Security, Safety, and Sustainability (ICGS3) – Thessalaniki, Greece, 25-27 August, 2011, pp. 241-249. Ahmed M. R. El-Baz, Osama A. Montasser, and Alaa H. El-Feky “Laboratory Testing of a Novel Float-Type Sea Wave Energy Converter Using a Smart Wave Generator”, The Ninth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC2011), University of Southampton, UK, 5–9 September 2011. Salama, M.A., Revett, K., Hassanein, A.E., & Fahmy, A.A., Interval based attribute evaluation algorithm, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, September 18-21, 2011, Szczecin, Poland, pp. 153-156. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. Salama, Mostafa A., Aboul Ella Hassanien, Jan Platos, Aly A. Fahmy and Vaclav Snasel, "Rough Sets-Based Identification of Heart Valve Diseases Using Heart Sounds", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2012, Germany, vol. 7208, pp. 667-676, Sept. 2012. 404. Dewidar, K., “Green Roofs and Living Walls within the context of the City” (Keynote Speaker) at the Ethical Green Investment Seminar, Dubai 2011. Mayhob, M. “Objective Structured Clinical Examination Versus Traditional Method in Assessing Nursing Student Clinical Competence, published paper at the 1st Internal Nursing Conference SQM/ Muscat-Oman November 2011. Ibrahim B. and Hamdy A., “Building Semantic Maps for High-Level Task Planning of Mobile Robot”, IEEE 1st International Conference on New Paradigms in Electronics and Information Technologies (PEIT '011) Oct. 09-12, 2011, Alex., Egypt. Ibrahim B. and Hamdy A., “Textual Signs for Semantic High-Level Task Planning of Mobile Robot” IEEE 1st International Conference on New Paradigms in Electronics and Information Technologies (PEIT '011) Oct. 09-12, 2011, Alex., Egypt. Zaki A. M., Arafa O., Amer S., Hamdy A., “Mobile Robot Positioning Using Odometry and Ultrasonic Sensors”, IEEE 1st International Conference on New Paradigms in Electronics and Information Technologies (PEIT '011) Oct. 09-12, 2011, Alex., Egypt. Dewidar, K., “Strategies in Sustainable Urban Design, Development and Regeneration. Future Cities International Conference Dubai Cityscape, Dubai - September 2011. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 117 410. Dewidar, K., Green Living Lungs: A Proposal for Sustainable Facades In Egypt.” - 9th Annual International Green Roofs and Walls Conference. The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Philadelphia - USA 2011. 411. M. Rehan "Generic FPGA Architecture for Fast Search Block-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm", The 21st International Conference on Computer Theory and Applications (ICCTA 2011), October 2011. 412. Eman M. Ezzat, Doaa S. El Zanfaly, Mohamed M. Kota. “Fly Over Clouds or Drive through the Crowd - A Cloud Adoption Framework”. The 2011 International Conference and Workshop on Current Trends in Information Technology (CTIT’11). Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai Women’s College, Dubai, October 26-2, 2011. 413. Dewidar, K., “Living Architecture: A New concept in Architectural.” - 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development in Buildings and Environment Chongqing University, China - October 2011. 414. Gray C and Eid, M (2011) ‘Overcoming obstacles and seeking new opportunities – the entrepreneurial approach to managing the recession and recovery.’ 34th ISBE conference, November 2011, Sheffield. 415. Dewidar, K., “Green Architecture: A Catalyst for Activating Buildings in Silence.” - 5th International Conference on Greening Cities. Green Roofs Australia, Sydney, November 2011. Eid, M., ISBE Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Conference Title “Sustainable Future; Enterprising Landscapes and Communities" Sheffield, UK 9th & 10th November 2011, Co-author with Prof. Colin Gray: - Paper Title: "Entrepreneurial Growth versus Sustainability Issues in Small Firms”. Smorfitt, R. and C. O’Neill. 2011. Do South African Government SME focused interventions work? Accepted for Refereed Conference Proceedings of 2011 First Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship and International Business. Cairo, Egypt. Tashreen, & Revett, K., On the development of a virtual typist, IEEE Jordan Conference on Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT 2011), Amman, Jordan,6-8 December, 2011, accepted, in press. 416. 417. 418. 419. Salama, Mostafa A., Aboul Ella Hassanien, Aly A. Fahmy, Tai-Hoon Kim, "Heart Sound Feature Reduction Approach for Improving the Heart Valve Diseases Identification",The International Conference of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (FGIT-SIP 2011), Korea, pp. 280-290, Dec. 2011. 420. F. Eid Heba, Salama, Mostafa A. Aboul Ella Hassanien, Tai-Hoon Kim, "Bi-Layer Behavioral-Based Feature Selection Approach for Network Intrusion Classification. The International Conference of Security Technology (FGIT-SecTech 2011), pp. 195203, Dec. 2011. 421. Hattab H (2011) for ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Does Gender Really Matter? The case of the Middle East', Best Paper Award at Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship & International Business. 118 422. 423. Dewidar, K. “The Future Belongs to those who believe in the Beauty of Their Dreams: Living Architecture: The New Architecture Modernism” at the 4th International Congress on Environmental Planning and Management. Green Cities: A Path to Sustainability, Urbanvirion International Conference, .Cairo 2011. I. El Mahallawi, Y. Shash, M.H. Abdelaziz (Sp), The British University in Egypt, El Sherouk City (Egypt); J. Mayer, A. Schwedt, RWTH Aachen University (Germany); Influence of Nanodispersions on Microstructure Features of Cast AlSi Hypereutectic Alloys; European Symposium on Aluminium Alloys Conference Euro ECAA 2011 5-7 October 2011 in Bremen, Germany. 2010 424. Abdalla S. Wifi, Ragab Abdel-Mageid, Attia Gomaa, and Mostafa Shazly, 2010, “A rule-based process design and finite element analysis of multistage deep drawing of box shapes” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 12-18, Vancouver, British Columbia, IMECE2010-40992. 425. Othman, A.A.E. and Nadim, W., 2010 “Towards Establishing an International Sustainability Index for the Construction Industry: A Literature Review”, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Sustainability and the Future, the British University In Egypt, Cairo, 23-25 November 2010, pp. 222-235. ISBN 978-977-490-083-9. 426. Sirbadhoo, N, Hoyana, UN and Othman, A.A.E., 2010 “Quality management for delivering sustainable construction projects in South African rural areas: the construction project manager’s perspective”, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Sustainability and the Future, the British University In Egypt, Cairo, 23-25 November 2010, pp. 260-273. ISBN 978-977-490-083-9. 427. Maged S Morcos, 2010 “A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model For Guiding Negotiation Process (A Quantitative Perspective)”, 19th International Conference on Management of Technology [IAMOT], Cairo, Egypt, March 8-11. 428. Hamada, G.M., Almajed, A.A., Okasha, T.M. and AlGathe, A.A., 2010,” Uncertainty analysis of Archie’s parameters determination techniques in carbonate reservoirs”, 2nd OGEP, 18-20 December, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 429. Hamada, G.M., Adrenian, A. and Elshafei, M., 2010 "Functional networks soft sensors for formation porosity and water saturation in sandstone reservoirs”, Paper # 7147, 72nd EAGE Conference, 14-17 June, Barcelona, Spain. 430. E.-S. Zanoun, F. Zimmer, L. Jehring, C. Egbers, (2010) ”Evolution of the Mean and the Higher Order Statistics of Pipe Flow Utilizing Single Hot-Wire Probe,” Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC8), Bad Reichenhall, Bavaria, Germany, September 13-16. 119 431. S. M. Sheweka, (2010) “Egypt North Coast between Luxuriate and the Climatic Change Threats” The European Network for Housing Research, ENHR 2010, July, Istanbul, Turkey. 432. A. S. Wifi, A. H. Gomaa, M. Shazly, R. K. Abdel-Mageid, (2010) “A rule-based process design and finite element analysis of multistage deep drawing of box shapes” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 12-18, 2010Vancouver, British Columbia. 433. Khorshid M. And A. Elsadek (2010) “An ICT Economy Wide Interaction Social Accounting Matrix for Egypt – Structure, Economic Rationale and Analytical Indicators” Accepted for Presentation in the International Conference on Policy Modeling, EcoMod2010, Istanbul, Turkey, July 7-10. 434. Khorshid M., H. lofgren, A. Kamaly and S. Abou El-Eenein (2010) “Analysis of the Mellinnuim Development Goals for Egypt – Using an Extended Economy Wide Simulation Model” Accepted for Presentation in the International Conference on Policy Modeling, EcoMod2010, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2010. 435. Khorshid M. and H. Hassan (2010) “An Optimization Oriented decision Support System based on Applying Evolutionary Algorithms to Computable General Equilibrium Models” Proceedings of the IDSC International Conference, Information and decision Support systems, Cairo, Egypt, March 28. 436. Mohamed Kataya, Salsabyl Ibrahim, Ghada El-Helay Eid and Iman El-Mahallawi, “Study on the effect of design features of endodontic files on their cutting efficiency and debris retention”, Fourth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis, Elsevier, Chrchill College, Cambridge, July 2010. 437. Maguid H.M. Hassan, “Toward Reliability-Based Design of Smart Pattern Identifiers for Semi-Active Control Applications”, Fifth World Conference on Structural Control & Monitoring, July 2010, Tokyo, Japan. 438. Naeim A. Henein, Walter Bryzik , Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Ashish Gupta, “Characteristics of Ion current Signals in Compression Ignition and Spark Ignition Engines”, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineering) Paper No. 2010-01-0567, SAE International, Detroit, USA, April 2010. 439. Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Rady M. Sylym, “The Impact of Exit Port Design of a Water Piston IC Engine on Engine Performance”, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineering) Paper No. 2010-01-1114, SAE International, Detroit, USA, April 2010 440. Ahmed Tolba "Promoting a Green Egypt through the Design of a Sustainable Building Assessment Tool." The IERC conference will be organized by the Institute of Industrial Engineers in the United States, June 2010. 441. Mostafa Shazly “Microstructural effects on crack path selection in bending and fatigue in a Nb–19Si–5Cr–3.5Hf–24Ti–0.75Sn–1W alloy” appeared in Materials Science and Engineering A, Feb, 2010. The second one I have submitted to the 18th International 120 conference on Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, June 2010, Gliwice, Wieliczka, Poland. 442. M. Rehan, Rasha El-Ashry, and Hassan El-Kamchouchi, “Computation-Efficient FPGA Implementation for Flexible Triangle Search Block-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm”, IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), May 2010. 443. Mohamed Kataya, Salsabyl Ibrahim, Ghada El-Helay Eid, Iman El-Mahallawi, “Study on the effect of design features of endodontic files on their cutting efficiency and debris retention”, Fourth International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis, Elsevier, Churchill College, Cambridge, 4-7 July 2010. 444. S. S. Mohamed, T.S. Mahmoud, I. S. El-Mahallawi, T. A. Khalifa, “Tribological Characteristics Of Epoxy Based Nano-Composites Under Dry Sliding And Water Lubricating Conditions”, Materials Science and Engineering Conference 2010, 24-26 August 2010 Darmstadt, Germany. 445. I. El Mahallawi, Y. Shash, M. El Saeed, M Hassabo, “Development and manufacturing of nano-disperesd cast Al alloys”, Materials Science and Engineering Conference 2010, 24-26 August 2010 Darmstadt, Germany. 2009 446. Yehia Bahei-El-Din “International Conference on Advanced Materials for Application in Acoustics and Vibration, (AMAAV) Conference”, 4-6 January 2009, Cairo, Egypt. 447. Nermin A. Othman, Doaa S. Elzanfaly, and Yehia M. Helmy. “Prioritized Query Shedding Technique for Continuous Queries Over Data Streams”. In the 2009 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems ICCES’ 09, Cairo, Egypt, 14-16 December, 2009. 448. Mohamed Rehan, and Ramy Nashed, “Efficient Search Area Loading Technique for Block-Based Motion Estimation and its FPGA Implementation Using Flexible Triangle Search Algorithm”, International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES09), December 2009. 449. Ayman Abbas and Mohamed El-Samadony, “Development of an Obstacle Avoidance Behaviour Based Architecture for Autonomous Mobile Robots”, IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications (RA 2009), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. 2–4 November 2009. 450. Moustafa Gouda, Abd Elhamed Hussein, El Said El Bana, Manal Ramadan, "The Effect of Aging Heat Treatment on the Wear Behavior of Aluminum Bronzes/Stainless Steel Fibers Composites", MS&T09, Materials Science &Technology 2009 Conference &Exhibition ,October 25-29,2009, Pittsburgh,USA. 121 451. Ayman M. Kamal, Tamer M. Elnady, and Amira A. Yones, “Parametric Study of Sound Attenuators for Industrial Fans” International conference on Advanced Materials for Applications in Acoustics and Vibration, AMAAV, Proceedings page (iv). Cairo, Egypt, 4-6 January, 2009 452. I. El Mahallawi, A. Saad Abou-elazm, R. Abdel- karim, R. Rashad; "Understanding Crack Features of Stress- Corrosion Failures in 304 H stainless steels", International Conference on Failure Analysis and Repair Welding, 16-19 Nov. 2009 453. Iman EI MahallawI, El Sayed EI Banna, Mohamed Morsi, "Optimising Heat Treatment Requirements For Improved Toughness Of V-Containing 3%NiCrMo- Steel"; First Mediterranean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, Sharm El Sheikh, 1-3 Dec. 2009. 454. Omar Taha, Motaz Ahmed Nabil, Taher El Bitar, Iman El Mahallawi; " ThermoMechanical Processing of 42CrMoS4 Steel", First Mediterranean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, Sharm El Sheikh, 1-3 Dec. 2009. 455. Khorshid M. (2009) “An Energy Economy Interaction Model for Egypt – Results of alternative Price Reform Policies” Proceedings of the International Conference on Policy Modeling, Ottawa, June 24-26. 456. A. Yehia Bahei-El-Din and George J. Dvorak, “The Behaviour of Sandwich Plates Modified for Enhanced Resistance to Blast-Induced Vibrations,” International Conference on Advanced Materials for Application in Acoustics and Vibrations, 4-6 January 2009, Cairo, Egypt. 457. A. Mahmoud & Rania Rushdy, “The Role of Park Planning in Enhancing the Quality of Urban Environments”, Second International Conference Whole Life Urban Sustainability and its Assessment, April 22-24 2009, Loughborough, UK. 458. K. Dewidar, A. Mahmoud, I. Kenawy & N. Magdy, “Upgrading Informal Settlements in Egypt, towards a sustainable urban development”, Second International Conference Whole Life Urban Sustainability and its Assessment, April 22-24 2009, Loughborough, UK. 459. Alaa G., Hussein D., “A Roadmap for Integrating Web 2.0 Tools Into IS Teaching & Research in a Developing Country Context: The Egyptian Perspective”, 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, September 25th - 27th, 2009, Athens, Greece. 460. Hussein D., Alaa G., Hamad A., “Classifying Web 2.0 Supported Applications by Pattern of Usage: Functional & Technical Issues”, 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, September 25th -27th, 2009, Athens, Greece. 461. Hamada G.M., “Detection of bypassed hydrocarbon of sand zones in mature oil fields using CHFR and TDT logs” The 2nd Saudi Arabia International Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition (SAOGE), 01-03 November 2009, Dammam, Saudi Arabia. 122 462. Mostafa GOUDA and Manal RAMADAN, “Wear Behavior of Cu- Al composites reinforced by stainless steels”, 1st Mediterranean Conf. on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, 1-3 Dec. 2009. 463. M. GOUDA, A. A. Hussein, E. ELBANA and M. RAMADAN, ” The effect of heat treatment on the wear behavior of Copper Aluminum alloys / stainless steel fiber Composites”, MS&T 2009. 2008 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. M. Tawfik, “Periodic Structures – The Design Problem” Accepted for Publications, 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2008, 7-9 July 2008, Southampton, UK. M.J. Everitt, "Chaos and entanglement in two coupled SQUID rings: Another example of persistent entanglement in the classical limit" to be published in International Journal of Modern Physics B (invited paper presented at "32nd Condensed Matter Theories Workshop" Loughborough, 2008). Abbas, “A Fuzzy Approach for the Control of Autonomous Vehicles Operating in Hazardous Terrain Environments”, The 7th IARP Workshop on Robotics and Mechanical Assistance in Humanitarian De-mining and Similar Risky Interventions (HUDEM’2008). The American University in Cairo, 28-30 March, 2008. M.M. El-Ashry, K. M. Gouda, H. D. Young, Production of polymer nanofibers by wet spinning Proc. of the ASME 2nd multifunctional nanocomposites and nanomaterials, Sharm El-Saikh Egypt, 11-13 Jan 2008 I.S. El-Mahallawi, K. Eigenfeld, F. H. Kouta, A. Hussein, T. S. Mahmoud, R. M. Ragaie, A. Y. Shash, W. Abou-Al-Hassan, Synthesis and characterization of new cast a356/ (al2o3) p metal matrix nano-compositesut. Proc. of the ASME 2nd multifunctional nanocomposites and nanomaterials, Sharm El-Saikh Egypt, 11-13 Jan 2008. A. Saad Abou-elazm, I. El Mahallawi, R. Abdel- karim, R. Rashad, ; “Failure Investigation of Secondary Superheater Tubes in a Power Boiler”, MDP Conference, Jan, 2008. Y.A. Bahei-El-Din, "Multiscale Modeling of Progressive Damage in Composite Materials and Hybrid Structures," Keynote Lecture, Proceedings of Mesomechanics 2008, The International conference on Multiscaling and Mesomechanics in Relation to Sustainability, Safety and Economy of Materials and Structures: Advanced and Smart, Giza, Egypt, 28 January - 1 February, 2008. T.A. Mohamed, Y. AbdelFattah, and M. Gadallah (2008), Improvement of Airline Industry Service Quality, presented and accepted for publication at the “Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems” conference, March 10-12, 2008, Cocoa Beach Florida. A.H. Galal and T.A. Mohamed (2008) Dimensions Of Service Quality For TV Satellite Channel Programs- Framework for Quality Improvement, presented and accepted for publication at the “Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems” conference, March 10-12, 2008, Cocoa Beach Florida 123 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. H. Ibrahim, M. Tawfik, and H.M. Negm, “Nonlinear Flutter of Shape Memory Alloy Hybrid Composite Panels Subject to Thermal and Random Acoustic Loads” Accepted for Publications, 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2008, 7-9 July 2008, Southampton, UK. Wagih, M. Aladin, M. Tawfik, H. Negm, "Dynamics and Stability of Gun-Barrels with Moving Bullets" 13th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, 27-29 May 2008, Cairo, Egypt. H. Badran, M. Tawfik, H. Negm, "Vibration Characteristics of Periodic Sandwich Beam"13th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, 27-29 May 2008, Cairo, Egypt. H.H. Ibrahim, M. Tawfik, Hani M. Negm, "Aero-Thermo-Mechanical Characteristics of Shape Memory Alloy Hybrid Composite Panels with Geometric Imperfections" 13th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, 27-29 May 2008, Cairo, Egypt. SA Aly, Hassan ZA, Elmazar MM, Abdel Gani MM, Gad MZ (2008). Markers of bone turnover and mineral density in Egyptian patients on hemodialysis vs continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. 55th Scientific Congress of the Egyptian Society of Clinical Chemistry, Cairo Marriot Hotel, Jan 19-20, 2008, p 67. Essam. El-khouly and Hani A. Ghali, "High gain fractal-based Yai antenna", in Proc. Dig. 2008 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference, LAPC 2008, March 2008, Loughborough, UK. M. H. M Hassan. “A Reliability Assessment Model for MR Damper Components within a Smart Structural Control Scheme.” 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures & Systems, CIMTEC 2008, June 8-13, Sicily, Italy. (2008). S. Khalil, Supersymmetry at LHC. AIP Conf.Proc.1006:35-42, 2008. K. M. Dewidar, From Statics to Displaced Equilibrium. A new Architectural Theory, Second International Conference, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, October 2008. K. M. Dewidar, Interactive Skins, Second International Conference, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, October 2008. K. M. Dewidar. & Abu Hela, I., The Image of Future Cities in Science Fiction Films, Second International Conference, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Ain Shams University. Cairo, Egypt. October 2008. K. M. Dewidar, The Effect of Ancient World Mythology on Contemporary Architectural Design Concepts. Second International Conference, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Ain Shams University. Cairo, Egypt. October 2008. S. Shweka, Dorra, M. & Mahmoud, A. H., Documenting Heritage Through Computer Modeling: Case Study of Magra Al Oyoun Aquaduct. Second International Conference, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Ain Shams University. Cairo, Egypt. October 2008. Bahei-El-Din, Y. A. “Multiscale Modeling of Progressive Damage in Composite Materials and Hybrid Structures,” Invited Lecture, Proceedings of Miscomechanics 2008, The International 124 Conference on Multiscaling and Mesomechanics in Relation to Sustainability, Safety and Economy of Materials and Structures: Advanced and Smart, 28 January – 1 February 2008, Giza, Egypt. 2007 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. P. Mitic, Y.F. Rashed, Potential equation solutions using the method of fundamental solutions with a Circular Line Source, Int. Conference BEM 29, UK, 2007. M.A. Radwan, Energetic Thin Sheet Materials Based on Polyisoprene and Polyurethane, In the 38th International ICT-Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 26- June 29, 2007. T.A. Mohamed, A. Al-Salem, and K. Al-Khalifa, “Prioritizing Quality Improvement Opportunities in Case of Limited Resources” Published at the Proceeding of the International Conference on Management of Technology, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, May 2007. M. Gadallah, A. Al-Salem, K. Al-Khalifa, and T.A. Mohamed “A Modified Branch & Bound Algorithm via Orthogonal Array based Enumeration Techniques - Background Method & Preliminary Results,” Published at the Proceeding of the 7th World Congress of Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization, Seoul, Korea, May 2007. J.E. Zekry, G. N. Daoud, H.A. Ghali, and H.F. Ragai, “Design and Simulation of Digitally Tunable High-Q On-chip Inductor”, in Proc. Dig. International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM 07, December 2007, Cairo, Egypt. I.S. El-Mahallawi, M. R. El Koussy, S. M. El Raghy, G. Megahed, M.Hashem & O.Abd-Ellatif, Optimizing Tempcore Cooling Conditions for Mechanical Strength and Corrosion Behaviour of Steel Rebars. Metals processing and Manufacturing Conference MPM 2007, 19-22 Nov. organised by Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute CMRDI. S. Abdelaziz, G. Megahed, I. El Mahallawi, H. Abelazim, Effect of Ca Additions on the Cleanliness of Low C Al Killed Steel, accepted for Publication: Metals Processing and Manufacturing Conference MPM 2007, 19-22 Nov. organised by Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute CMRDI. I.S. El-Mahallawi, K. Eigenfeld, F. H. Kouta R. M. Ragaie, T. S. Mahmoud, A. Y. Shash, Synthesis of Nano-structured A356/(Al2O3)p cast metal matrix composites (MMNCs) by rheo-casting techniques; German - Egyptian Year of Science and Technology, Materials Science Workshop on Materials Based Manufacturing Technologies, Cairo- Egypt, May 7-9th, 2007. Mazaid, M. Gouda, "Niobium and vanadium roles HSLA, fifth Egyptian – Syrian conference, Oct. 2007. S. Abdelaziz, G. Megahed, I. El Mahallawi, H. Abelazim, Effect of Ca Additions on the Cleanliness of Low C Al Killed Steel, accepted for Publication: Metals Processing and Manufacturing Conference 125 497. 498. MPM 2007, 19-22 Nov. organized by Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute CMRDI. AF Galal, Heikal OA, El-Sharkawy SL, El-Eraky WI, Badary OA & Elmazar MMA. Comparative in vivo & in vitro hepatotoxicity study for oral anabolic steroids abused in sports. Egyptian Society of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics, 50th Annual Conference, May 2nd-3rd, 2007, Cairo University. AF. Galal, Heikal OA, El-Eraky WI, Badary OA & Elmazar MMA (2007). Toxicokinetic profiles of oral anabolic steroids abused in doping practice. Egyptian Society of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics, 50th Annual Conference, May 2nd-3rd, 2007, Cairo University, P11. 2006 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. M.A. Radwan, Sensitivity and Performance of Energetic Materials Based on Different Energetic Binders, 37th International ICT Conference, 27-30 June, 2006, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2006. M.A. Radwan, S.S. Elbasuny, M. Ismaeil, Application of Some Chromatography Techniques in the Analysis of Explosives, 3rd International Conference on Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 16-18 May, 2006, MTC, Cairo, Egypt, 2006. M.A. Radwan, H.E. Mostafa and K.K. Elsharkawy, Preparation and Characterization of Thin Sheets of Energetic Materials Based on Polyisoprene", 3rd International Conference on Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 16-18 May, 2006, MTC, Cairo, Egypt, 2006. M.A. Radwan, H.E. Mostafa and M.M. Ahmed, Preparation and Sensitivity Characteristics of 3Nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO)- Based Casted Explosive Formulations", 3rd International Conference on Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 16-18 May, 2006, MTC, Cairo, Egypt, 2006. I. S. El-Mahallawi, K. Eigenfeld, R. M. Ragaie, T. S. Mahmoud, A. Y. Shash, Effect of processing parameters on the mechanical characteristics of A356/(Al2O3)p cast metal matrix nano-composites (MMNCs), First Afro-Asian Conference on Advanced Materials AMSAT06, 13-16 Nov. 2006, Cairo, Egypt. M.M.O. Elshazly, M.H.Y. Elshazly, I.S. EL Mahallawi, & M.R.M. Elkoussy, Effect of Heat Treatment Conditions on Mechanical and Tribological Properties of High C High Cr Tool Steel, 7th International Conference of The Egyptian Society of Tribology 7, Cairo, Dec. 27-28, 2006. Gouda, M., "precipitation processes in maraging steels", Mansoura University International Conference, Sharm El Sheikh, March 2006. 126 2005 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. M.J. Everitt, T.D. Clark, P.B. Stiffell, J.F. Ralph, A.R. Bulsara, Chaos, entanglement and the quantum-classical interface. In: Device Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics (DANOLD), October 02-06, 2005, CATANIA – Italy, 2005. P.B. Stiffell, M.J. Everitt, T.D. Clark, A.R. Bulsara, J.F. Ralph, A SQUID ring-resonator finate state machine. In: Device Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics (DANOLD), October 02-06, 2005, CATANIA – Italy, 2005. M. Gouda, Mazaid, A., "corrosion resistance of copper weathering HSLA steel", the 24th annual conference in corrosion problems in industry, Hurghada, Egypt, Dec. 2005. M. E. Yahia, I.M.Azzouz, S.H.Allam and Th.M. El-Sherbini, Energies and oscillator strengths for Magnesium-like ions up to Vanadium XII, The Arab International Conference in Recent Advances in Physics and Materials Science, Alexandria, Egypt (Sept. 2005). M. E. Yahia, I.M.Azzouz, S.H.Allam and Th.M. El-Sherbini, Scaling of collisionally pumped ns-np (n=4-5) laser plasma in the Magnesium isoelectronic sequence. The Arab International Conference in Recent Advances in Physics and Materials Science, Alexandria, Egypt (Sept. 2005). III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Books & Book Chapters Hassaballa, H. (2015). “Different Regulatory Approaches of Emissions: Theory and Practice”, in: Sharma, U.C, Prasad, R. and Sivakumar, S.(Eds.), Energy Science and Technology: Opportunities and Challenges (Vol.1). Studium Press LLC, USA. Mason, R. (2015) (ed.), ‘The International Politics of the Arab Spring: Popular Unrest and Foreign Policy’. Palgrave-Macmillan. Mason, R. (2015) ‘The Obama Administration and the Arab Spring: Waiting for a Doctrine’ in Robert Mason (ed.), Popular Unrest and Foreign Policy: The International Politics of the Arab Spring, Palgrave-Macmillan. Selim, G. (2015) ‘The International Dimensions of Democratization in Egypt: The Limits of Externally-Induced Change’. Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, Vol. 11, (New York and London: Springer). W. Knoll, A. Kasry, J Dostalek (2015) Biofunctional Surfaces - The Nano-Micro Interface: Bridging the Micro and Nano World - Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. ISBN: 978-3-527-33633-3 January 2015. S. I. Abdelsalam, ‘Some Problems for Peristaltic Transport’ Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Aug. 2015. Book’s ISBN: 978-3-659-70584-7. 127 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. M. Refat, A.M.M. Abdelmotagaly, M.M.Z. Ahmed, El-Mahallawi. (2015) “The Effect Of Heat Treatment On The Properties Of Friction Stir Processed AA7075-0 With And Without Nano Alumina Additions”, Friction Stir Welding and Processing VIII, Edited by: Rajiv S. Mishra, Murray W. Mahoney, Yutaka Sato, and Yuri Hovanski, WILEY TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2015, 115-123. ISBN 978-1-119-08249-1 Al-Jaam, Jihad; El-Seoud, Samir A.; Dandashi, Amal; Karker, AbdelGhani A Cognitive and Augmentative Communication System for Special Needs Education. A chapter that has been submitted for publication in the textbook: Challenges Surrounding the Education of Children with Chronic Diseases. Editor: Maria Gordon, University of Ottawa, Canada. For release in the: Advances in Early Childhood and K-12 Education (AECKE)_ Book Series. Series Editor: Jared Keengwe, University of North Dakota, USA. ISSN: 2329-5929 Publisher: Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), URL: Expected publication October 2015. Ahmed Shawish and Maria Salama, “Cloud-Based Healthcare Systems: Emerging Technologies and Open Research Issues.” in Emerging Research in Cloud Distributed Computing Systems, Susmit Bagchi, IGI Global, pp. 315-338, March, 2015, pp. 24-56. Abou-Ali, H. & Abdelfattah, Y. (2014) ‘Modeling the Relationship between Natural Resource Abundance, Economic Growth, and the Environment: Cross-Country Study’ (Ch. 17) in ‘Econometric Methods and Their Applications in Finance, Macro and Related Fields’ (ed. Kaddour Hadri and William Mikhail), World Scientific, Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-4513-46-3. Salem. R. (2014). "The Representation of Homosexuality between Translation and Movie Adaptation in Mahfouz's Midaq Alley". Article in Naguib Mahfouz Periodical, The Supreme Council of Culture, Ministry of Culture, Egypt. Adams, J., Khan, A & Raeside, R. (2014) ‘Research Methods for Business & Social Science Students’ – SAGE International Publishing, London. ISBN 978-0-7619-3589-6 2nd ed. Feb Hassanien, K. (2014) ‘Unit 1- Conventional Economic Thought & Its Study Guide; Unit 2- Islamic Economic Thought & Its Study Guide; & Unit 8- Business Strategy & Its Study Guide’ Module Text Book & Study Book: Islamic Economics and Business, Msc in Islamic Economics & Business, A Distance Learning Msc Collaborative Programme with DIAS-Switzerland, Cairo: The British University in Egypt. Hassib, B. (2014) ‘The EU's Role in Promoting Women's Rights in Egypt, Case Study: Assessing the Effectiveness of the EIDHR Campaign for Women Judges in Egypt’, Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Kirby, D.A and Ibrahim, N.(2014), “Entrepreneurial universities in Egypt: Opportunities and Challenges”. In Rizk, N.E. and Azzazy, H.M.E (eds). Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Cairo: AUC Press. Forthcoming 128 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. El-Dessouky, M., & El-Dessouky, I., ‘ISO 9001:2008 The Matrix of Quality Management System , How to understand, How to document, How to implement, How to record and How to audit’ depic Press 133 Gesr El-Suez, Cairo, Egypt , 978-977-714004-7, 2013-2014. A. El-Korashy Modification of Physics Book for first year secondary schools (Ministry of Education 2013-2014). A. El-Korashy Prepare and write Physics Book for second year secondary school for next year 2014-2015 (Ministry of Education 2014). A. El-Korashy Translation of (Introduction of crystallography) prepared by the Egyptian national Community of Crystallography). Othman, A.A.E. and Mohamed, H. (2014). Authentic Leadership: An Investigation into the Architect’s Role towards Developing Sustainable Construction Projects. In: Opoku, A. and Ahmed, V. (eds.) Leadership and Sustainability in the Built Environment. Taylor and Francis, in press. Iman El-Mahallawi & Saad El-Raghy, Ch. 3 on “Recycling of Metal Products” in Book on: Re-use of by products and materials in the Construction Industry: Waste minimization and recycling, published by Springer-Verlag London Limited, Jan 2014. Adel, Lubna. We Can Do It! A Feminist Stylistic Study of Female Frustration. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. April 2014. Elhadary, Hoda A. Exile and Identity: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Scholar’s Press, 2014. El-Mansi, Z.(2014). ‘Can the Raped Woman Speak?’ Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. . Amir Zeid, Ahmed Shawish and Maria Salama, “Rationale for use of Cloud Computing: A QoSBased Framework for Service Provider Selection” in Security, Trust, and Regulatory Aspects of Cloud Computing in Business Environments, S. Srinivasan, Eds. IGI Global, March 2014, pp. 24-56. Dalia AbdelRhman Attia, Alaa Ali Kassem& Maha Marzouk ‘Metronidazole, Controlled Release Delivery Systems’ LAP, Lambert Academic Publishing –2014 (ISBN- 978-3-659-53230-6). Reham F. El-Kased & Michael Glocker ' New Mass Spectrometry-based Epitope Mapping Procedures of Autoantigens' Scolars' Press - Germany - July 2014 (ISBN-13: 978-3-639-71924-6, ISBN-10: 3639719247, EAN: 9783639719246). Anceschi, L., Gervasio G. & Teti, A. eds.(2013) ‘Informal Powers in the Greater Middle East’, Hidden Geographies, London: Routledge. Elshamy, H. (2013) ‘Economic Data Analysis’, Baccah Information Technology,Cairo. ISBN 978-9776-06602-1 Gervasio, G & Teti, A. (2013) ‘I Fratelli Musulmani e la Rivoluzione: tra tentazione egemonica e neoautoritarismo’ (The Muslim Brotherhood and the Revolution: between hegemonic temptations and neo-authoritarianism) in M. Campanini (ed). Le rivolte arabe e l'Islam. La transizione incompiuta, Bologna: Il Mulino. Gervasio G. (2013) ‘When Informal Powers Surface. Civic Activism and the 2011 ‘Egyptian Revolution’, in Anceschi-Gervasio-Teti eds , Informal Powers in the ‘Greater Middle East’. Hidden Geographies, London: Routledge. 129 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Khallaf, C. (2013) ‘The Index of Sustainable Ecotourism Impacts, The case of Wadi El Gemal Protected Area of Egypt’, World Sustainable Development Outlook 2013. World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD), NJ, USA. Larsen, J., ElDeeb, M, and AbdelFattah, T., (2013) ‘Modern Advanced Accounting’, McGraw Hill International limited – UK. Mason, R. (2013) ‘Realizing the Indo-Saudi ‘Strategic Partnership’: An Analysis of the Leading Drivers’, in Ranjit Gupta, Abu Backer Bagader, Talmiz Ahmad and N. Janardhan (eds.) India and the Gulf: What Next?, Gulf Research Centre Cambridge, pp. 103-121. Mason, R. (2013) ’Iranian Policy towards Latin America as a Counter-Measure against U.S. Hegemony’, in Alejandra Galindo (ed.), The Gulf and Latin America: An Assessment of Expectations and Challenges, Gulf Research Centre Cambridge, available at ontents&frm_title=&book_id=81739&op_lang=en Rashwan, M. H. (2013) ‘Islamic Economics and Finance’, Pearson (Proposed). Rizkalla, A. (2013) ‘Principle of Marketing’, (6th Edition) Al-Harrery Press, January. Rizkalla, A. (2013) ‘Managerial Communications’, (4th edition) Al-Harrery Press, March. Selim, G. (2013) ‘The International Dimensions of Democratization in Egypt: The Limits of Externally-Induced Change’, Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, London - New York: Springer (Forthcoming). Selim, G. (2013) ‘Global and Regional Approaches to Arms Control in the Middle East: A Critical Assessment from the Arab World. SpringerBriefs in Environment, Security, Development and Peace’, Vol. 4, London - New York: Springer. Selim, G. (2013) ‘The Role of the United States in the Arab Spring's Uprisings’, in The Arab Strategic Report 2011/2012, Cairo: Ahram Center for Political & Strategic Studies, pp. 29-36. (In Arabic). Iman El-Mahallawi & Saad El-Raghy, Ch. 3 on “Recycling of Metal Products” in Book on: Re-use of by products and materials in the Construction Industry: Waste minimization and recycling, to be published by Springer-Verlag London Limited. Rizkalla, A. (2013) “Principle of Marketing”, (6th Edition) Al-Harrery Press, January. Rizkalla, A. (2013) “Managerial Communications”, (4th edition) Al-Harrery Press, March . Rashwan, M. H. (2013). Islamic Economics and Finance, Pearson. Larsen, J., El-Deeb, M. & AbdelFattah, T. (2013). “Modern Advanced Accounting”, New York: McGraw Hill. Maria Aurora Sottimano “Nationalism and reform under Bashar al Asad: reading the ‘legitimacy’ of the Syrian regime”, in Hinnebusch, Raymond and Tina Zintl, (eds.), Bashar al Asad’s first decade: a period of transition in Syria?, Syracuse University Press, 2013. Gervasio, G & Teti, A. (2013). “I Fratelli Musulmani e la Rivoluzione: tra tentazione egemonica e neoautoritarismo” (The Muslim Brotherhood and the Revolution: between hegemonic temptations and neo-authoritarianism”), in M. Campanini (ed), Le rivolte arabe e l'Islam. La transizione incompiuta, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2013. 130 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Anceschi, L., Gervasio G. & Teti, A. eds, (2013), Informal Powers in the ‘Greater Middle East’. Hidden Geographies, London: Routledge. Gervasio G. (2013), “When Informal Powers Surface. Civic Activism and the 2011 ‘Egyptian Revolution”, in Anceschi-Gervasio-Teti eds . Adams, J., Khan, A & Raeside, R., ‘Research Methods for Business & Social Science Students’ – SAGE International Publishing, ISBN 978-0-7619-3589-6 (Second Edition, December 2013). Ahmed Shawish and Maria Salama, “Cloud-Based Digital Library Era,” in Cloud Computing and Virtualization Technologies in Libraries, Sangeeta N. Dhamdhere, Eds. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, (accepted – to be published) 2013. Amir Zeid, Ahmed Shawish and Maria Salama, “Rationale for use of Cloud Computing: A QoSBased Framework for Service Provider Selection,” in Security, Trust, and Regulatory Aspects of Cloud Computing in Business Environments, S. Srinivasan, Eds. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, (accepted – to be published) 2013. El-Seoud, Samir A; El-Sofany, Hosam; Saad, S.; Taj-Eddin, Islam A.; Dandashi, A. & AL-Ja’am, Jihad M. ‘Automated Course Management and Evaluation System’ A chapter that should be published in the textbook: Engineering and Engineering Education in the Middle East: Status, Challenges, Role in Fostering Human and Economic Development, and Futuristic Transformations. Publisher: Elservier Inc. (under review) - due March 2014. Dandashi, A.; Saad,S.; AL-Ja’am, Jihad M.; El-Seoud, Samir A. & Taj-Eddin, Islam A. ‘A Cognitive and Augmentative Communication System for Special Needs Education’ A chapter that should be published in the textbook: Engineering and Engineering Education in the Middle East: Status, Challenges, Role in Fostering Human and Economic Development, and Futuristic Transformations. Publisher: Elservier Inc. (under review) due March 2014. M. S. El-Deab, A. M. Mohammad, B. E. El-Anadouli, "Tailor-designed Electrodeposited Metallic Thin Films, Nanostructures and Nanowires towards Targeted Applications", in "Eectrodeposition: Properties, Processes and Applications", U. S. Mohanty (Ed.), Nova Science Publisher, New York, USA, 2012 (in press). Mohammed Hussein and Haitham Abbas ‘Ch.9: Optimizing Supply Chain Network Design / Text title: Methods in Product Design: New Strategies in Reengineering’ Taylor and Francis Press – due June 2013. M. R. Ismail. Adaptable Theories for modeling Urban Noise Propagation. Urban Noise Propagation. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (2013-02-25). Thermal Stress on Composite Materials” Nagwa E. Elzayady, R. M. Rashad and A.B.D. Elhalim M. Elhabak (Feb 8, 2013). LAMBERT, Academic Publisher. Mostafa A. Salama, Omar S. Soliman, Ilias Maglogiannis, Aboul Ella Hassanien, and Aly A. Fahmy, "Rough Set-Based Identification of Heart Valve Diseases Using Heart Sounds", A. Skowron and Z. Suraj (Eds.): Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems, ISRL 43, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 475–491, 2013. Elshamy, Hany (2013). Economic Data Analysis, 2013, Baccah Information Technology, Egypt - ISBN 978-9-776-06602-1 Rizkalla, Aida, “Principle of Marketing”, 6th Edition, Al-Harrery Press, January 2013. Rizkalla, Aida, “Managerial Communications”, 4th edition, Al-Harrery Press, March 2013, Karim Hassanien, “The Three Major Aspects of the Economic Risks of Human Capital Accumulation and Efficiency: Poverty, Poor Environmental Conditions, & the Filtration from 131 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. Education: A Case Study of Al-Salam District – Cairo” published in the published book of the accepted research papers of The Twelfth Scientific Annual International Conference for Business Human Capital in a Knowledge Economy, Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences, AlZaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, 22-25 April, 2013. Maria Sottimano, “Nationalism and reform under Bashar al Asad: reading the ‘legitimacy’ of the Syrian regime”, in Hinnebusch, Raymond and Tina Zintl, (eds.), Bashar al Asad’s first decade: a period of transition in Syria?, Syracuse University Press, 2013. Gervasio, G & Teti, A. (2013). “I Fratelli Musulmani e la Rivoluzione: tra tentazione egemonica e neoautoritarismo” (The Muslim Brotherhood and the Revolution: between hegemonic temptations and neo-authoritarianism”), in M. Campanini (ed), Le rivolte arabe e l'Islam. La transizione incompiuta, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2013. Anceschi, L., Gervasio G. & Teti, A. eds, (2013), Informal Powers in the ‘Greater Middle East’. Hidden Geographies, London: Routledge. Gervasio G. (2013), “When Informal Powers Surface. Civic Activism and the 2011 ‘Egyptian Revolution”, in Anceschi-Gervasio-Teti eds . Aida M. Yehia “Human Security and National Security's relationship” Published in August 2012 by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Nadim, W. “Construction innovation and process improvement” book chapter published online on 24 February 2012 in UK, DOI: 10.1002/9781118280294.ch9. Khaled Ahmed Nagati “Contribution to the solution of the fingerprint identification problem”. LAP Lambert Academic Publication, Germany, 2012. ISBN: 978-3-659-10623-1. Link to Amazon is: Gervasio, G. ‘The Muslim Brotherhood after 25 January 2011’ (completed, accepted for book, to be submitted for journal). Nagaty, K.A., “Contribution to the Solution of Fingerprint Identification Problem”, LAP Lambert Academic Publication, Germany, 2012. ISBN: 978-3-659-10623-1. Salama, Mostafa A. "Towards an Ideal Electronic cash System: Maximize the client's privacy in the electronic commerce world by a secured offline payment system", LAP Lambert Academic Publication, Germany, May. 2012. ISBN: 978-3-659-10623-1. Philips, L. Colombia, is there any hope? Armed groups, media organizations and the practice of politics (forthcoming, 2012). Moore, J. (edited, with L. Figurelli) Antiquity and Modernity: Experiencing the Classical Tradition in Nineteenth Century Europe (Palermo, forthcoming 2012). Moore, J. (edited, with Wahby H.), Revolt on the Nile: Reflections on the Revolution in Egypt (in progress). Moore, J. High Culture and Tall Chimneys: Art Institutions and Urban Society in Lancashire, 17801914 (Manchester University Press, forthcoming 2012). Ghalwash, M. State and Society: Peasant Land Tenure in Mid-Nineteenth Century Egypt (forthcoming 2012). L. Anceschi, G. Gervasio, A. Teti (eds), Cartographies of Power. Informal Politics in the Greater Middle East, London: Routledge, 2012. Gervasio, G. (with F. Correale), Marocco. Breve storia di uno spazio nordafricano (Morocco. A Short History of a North African Space), Rome: Carocci Quality Paperbacks, forthcoming (expected early 2012). 132 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. Abbas, A. “Fuzzy Logic Control in Support of Autonomous Navigation of Humanitarian Demining Robots”, In: Y Baudoin and M K Habib (eds.) Using Robots in Hazardous Environments, Woodhead Publishing Limited, UK, 2011. Lau, A., Adams, J. & Wong, J. ‘Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Hong Kong Logistics Industry’ HK Scientific Press – due December 2011. Elshamy, H. Estimating the Monetary Policy Reaction Function in Egypt", Essays in Applied Economic Studies, (Chapter in this Book), Forthcoming this year, ATINER, Athens, Greece. Othman, A.A.E. (2010). Value and Risk Management for Dynamic Brief Development in Construction. Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3838390956. Othman, A.A.E. (2010). Managing Human Resources In Construction: The Complete Guide For Building The Effective Architectural Team In Design Firms, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3838390987. Sirbadhoo, N. And Othman, A.A.E. (2010). Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas. Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3838398198. Mia, B. and Othman, A.A.E. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility, Housing for the Poor in South Africa: Investigating the Role of South African Quantity Surveying Firms. Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3838398464. Conrads, S. and Othman, A.A.E. (2010). Industrialized Building Systems for Housing the poor in South Africa: An investigation feasibility study. Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 9783843357340. Othman, A.A.E. (2010) Incorporating Innovation and Sustainability for Achieving Competitive Advantage in Construction. In: Wallis, I., Bilan, L., Smith, M. and Kazi, A.S. (eds.) Industrialised, Integrated, Intelligent sustainable Construction I3CON HANDBOOK 2, pp. 13-42, ISBN 978-086022-698-7. Carnegie, P.J. (2010) The road from authoritarianism to democratisation in Indonesia. Palgrave McMillan, forthcoming. Carnegie P.J. (2010) Indonesia’s militant Islamist groups. Encyclopedia of Global Terrorism, Diversion Press, forthcoming. Carnegie, P.J. (2010) Dirk Tomsa, Party Politics and Democratisation in Indonesia. London, Routledge. Pacific Affairs, 83:1. D. Kirby. Changing the Entrepreneurship Education Paradigm: In Fayolle, A Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship Education: Volume 1: A General Perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. M. Eid, (2009) Sustainable Development: Rethinking Relationships in the Construction Industry; Integrating Sustainable Development (SD) into Project Management (PM) Processes, Lambert Academic Publishing. IV. Reports 1. 2. Abou-Ali, H. and Rizk, R. (2015) “MSEs Informality and Productivity: Evidence from Egypt”, Economic Research Forum (ERF) Working Paper, No. 916. Hattab,H.(2014) ‘The 2014 Africa Prosperity Report’. Legatum Limited Publications. London, UK. 133 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Khodary, Y. (2014) “Egypt’s Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Profile According to International and National Indicators", Cairo: The Social Contract Center. Khodary, Y. (2014) “Why Good Governance?”. Cairo: The Social Contract Center, 2014. Khodary, Y. (2014) “Good Governance in the Egyptian Constitution”, Cairo: The Social Contract Center, 2014. Hassanien, K. (2014) “The Importance of Competition and Its Role in the Economic Development,” Working Paper approved during the course of the Competition & Antitrust Experts-Group Meeting that took place in the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in Cairo on Sunday, 23rd November 2014. This was prepared subject to the Resolution of the Economic & Social Council of the League of Arab States No. 11984 D.A. 93- 13/2/2104. Rizk,R. & Abou-Ali, H. (2015), “Informality and Socio-Economic Wellbeing of Women in Egypt”, Economic Research Forum (ERF) Working Paper No. 910. Shafick,H. (2015) ”Whatever is happening to the Egyptians? Part 2: ”.Opendemocracy Younis, Z. (2014) “Leading Change effectively in Governments”(2014). Workshop organized by The Schulich Executive Education Center in Collaboration with the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC). December 1-3, 2014. York University, Nadal Management Center campus. Toronto, Ontario: Canada. 10. 11. Shafick,H. (2015) ”Whatever is happening to the Egyptians? Part 1.Opendemocracy. 12. Nevin Darwish, Nadia Hegazi and Fatma E.Z. Abou-Chadi, “Egypt Explosives and Mines Detection Research Roadmap” A research roadmap 2014-2017. Specific Council of Information and Communications Technology, The Academy of Science and Research Technology, April 2015. 13. Certificate in Health Economics and Outcome Research, University of Washington (2015) by Nermeen Ashoush. Nadia Hegazi and Fatma E.Z. Abou-Chadi, “Internet of Things:Technology Prospectives and Future Research Directions” A research roadmap 2014-2017. Specific Council of Information and Communications Technology, The Academy of Science and Research Technology, August 2014. Khateeb, S., El Shahat, M. and Nagy, G. “El-Fayoum – Eco Architecture: local experiences & future technologies”, “the publication report of the winter school, Stuttgart University, May 2014. Maria Sottimano, “Workers’ organisations between fragmentation and protest”, workshop report, OIB Beirut, 14 December 2012, available at Pakinam El Sharkawy “The intellectual trends in Obama administration”, The Strategic Report of the Muslim World, The Arabic Centre for Human Studies. Pakinam El Sharkawy “Studying political system and the cultural approach”, The Center for Civilizations Studies and Dialogue of Cultures, Cairo University. Pakinam El Sharkawy “The Turkish regional role: reasons and features”, presented in a conference titled: “The evolution of the Turkish regional role and its impacts on the security and stability of the Middle East”, The International Center for Future and Strategic Studies. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Philips,L. (2014) ”The revolution that never was: episodic framing of political repression and unrest in Egypt.”, Cardiff University school of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies. Hattab H (2012) currently completes GEM 2010 Report on Egypt. Khallaf, Cherine “Impact of Rural Infrastructure on Market Access of Agricultural Products in North Africa" (Category6: Reports)”. Study requested by the Department of Rural Development and Agriculture at the African Union Commission (AUC) to be presented for the first Ministerial meeting on Rural Infrastructure. It is currently under examination by the AUC. 134 22. 23. Hattab, Hala OECD, (2012), Women in Business: Policies to Support Women’s Entrepreneurship Development in MENA Region. OECD Publications. Hattab, Hala OECD. (2012). New Entrepreneurs and High Growth Enterprises in the Middle East and North Africa. OECD Publications. V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Theses by BUE TAs Khalil, A. (2015) ‘’Japan: A Future Nuclear Power? A Tentative Conclusion’’. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Sameer, Y. (2015) "Innovation, Creativity and positive psychological capital: employees, entrepreneurs and adolescents", thesis discussed for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Doctorate in Management at Kassel Univeristy, KOBRA publications. Elbakry, S. (2014) “The Impact of Economic Geography on Regional Inequality. A Case Study of Egypt", thesis discussed for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Master's Degree in Economics at Cairo University, Faculty of Economics and Political Science. Amr M. Ibrahim (2015) ‘Effect of Using Smooth Glass Fiber Reinforced Bars on the Response of Concrete Beams.’, thesis discussed for fulfillment for the requirements of the degree of Master of Science, Ain Shams University. Nermeen Ashoush, Manal El-Hamamsy, Mona Schaalan, Osama Ahmed, Mohey Elmazar, Osama Badary: A pilot study to assess the efficacy and safety of folic acid and/or vitamin B complex on hepatitis C infected patients treated with pegylated interferon and ribavirin. Y.M. Attia “Therapeutic potential of Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells with or without praziquantel treatment on liver fibrosis experimentally induced by Schistosoma mansoni infection”. Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University. June 2015. Mai M. Abd El-Mageed, Ebtehal El-Demerdash, Reem N. El-Naga, Mohamed M. Elmazar “Modulation of Resistance to Sorafenib in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Line(s) Using Phytochemical(s). Anis, M. (2014) ‘The impact of internal corporate governance mechanisms on firm’s financial performance. Evidence from the Egyptian Listed Companies.’, thesis discussed for fulfillment for the requirements of the degree of doctor of philosophy , Loughborough University. Ayoub, D. (2014) ‘A proposed model for the effect of consumer prestige values on luxurious consumption: application on young Egyptian consumers in the fashion market’, thesis discussed for partial fulfillment for the requirements of the degree of doctor of philosophy in business administration, Ain Shamus University, Faculty of Commerce. Magdy, M. (2014) ‘The impact of employee emotional intelligence on employee performance and customer satisfactions: The case of Vodafone Egypt’, thesis discussed for Fulfillment of the Requirements of Masters of Arts in Marketing in Durham University, Business School, April,. Ghada El-Noiwhy “Fabrication and Characterization of Efficient Nano-structured Modified Electrodes for Fuel Cell Applications”, thesis are going to be discussed for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Master degree in Science at Ain Shams University, Faculty of Science, 2014. 135 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Islam M. Al-Akraa: “Assembling of Nanostructured Modified Electrodes for Fuel Cell Applications” a PhD in the philosophy of Science at Cairo University, Faculty of Science, Work is in progress 2014. A. Said,. “Investigation of appreciate Stainless Steel composites developed for industrial and nuclear applications”. MSc Since 2014. AlAntary, A. “Sustainability in Urban Education” thesis discussed for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Doctorate in ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING Degree at Mansoura University, Faculty of Engineering, Aug. 2014. Anas, Salma. Coexistent Urbanism: An environmental planning approach to the development of informal areas. A thesis discussed for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Master in Urban design & Planning at Fayoum University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, July, 2014. Swilam, Noha. “CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY OF PHENOLICS ISOLATED FROM Myricaria germanica (L.) Desv. (Tamaricaceae) ”, thesis discussed and approved for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry). Degree at Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät (Pharmacy), Ernst-Moritz-ArndtUniversität Greifswald, Germany, 07/05/2014. Ayoub, Bassam. “CONTRIBUTION TO THE METHODS OF DETERMINATION OF SOME ORAL HYPOGLYCEMIC DRUGS” thesis discussed and approved for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutical Chemistry). Degree at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt. Sara Elkhateeb,. “Investigation of Developed Polymer Composites for Radiation Shielding”. PhD Since 2013. Monir, M. (2013) ‘A Categorized Trust-Based Message Reporting Scheme for VANETs’; thesis discussed for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Master Degree at Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport, Faculty of Computing and Informatics,Dec. Shahin, M. (2013) ‘Blue Ocean Strategy: An Innovative Response to Egypt’s Downturn Economy’, dissertation submitted as part requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in Management of the University of Durham,. Alaa Hosny Elgendawy “Developing a Framework to Support Sustainable Development Decision Making through Integrating Geographic Information Systems into the Environmental Impact Assessment Process, Cairo University, Egypt.”, Successfully completed and awarded 2013 Mostafa, Amany, “A Proposed Model for the Impact of Advertising in the Children Media Cable on the Relationship between Children influencing Tactics and Parents Respond. Excellent with honour, Ain Shams University, Faculty of Commerce, January 2013. El-Dabet, Mahmood, “A Proposed Framework for the Influencing Factors in Designing the Socially Responsible Marketing Communications to Enhance Customer’s Trust in Electronic Services”. Excellent with honour, Ain Shams University, Faculty of Commerce, March 2013. Khaled Abdel-Rahman “On the Performance Study of Wind Farms”, thesis Defended and approved for Master Degree in Electrical Engineering at Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, April 2012. Supervised by: Mahmoud A.Hameed, T.S.Abdel-Salam and M. I. Marie. 136 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Youmna Abdeldayem. “Psychological needs and design concepts”, thesis to be discussed for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Master degree in Architecture at Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Dec 2012. Ankily M “Effect of anticancer drugs on enamel surface of rat incisors” thesis discussed for partial fulfillment of the requirements of Doctor Degree in dental science at Cairo University, Faculty of Dentistry, June 2012. Sergany O “The effect of different occlusal preparation designs on the internal fit and marginal adaptation of two different all-ceramic crowns restoring endodontically treated teeth” thesis discussed for partial fulfillment of the requirements of master degree in dental science , crown and bridge department at Ain Shams University, June 2012. Akkad M “Histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluation of the effect of topical application of Simvastatin on operculum” thesis discussed for partial fulfillment of the requirements of master degree in dental science at Cairo University, June 2012. Khalaf M “The effect of different occlusal preparation designs on the fracture resistance and strain gauge of two different all-ceramic crowns restoring endodontically treated teeth” thesis discussed for partial fulfillment of the requirements of master degree in dental science, crown and bridge department at Ain Shams University, June 2012. Kabil S “Depth of cure and adaptation of bulk-fill resin composites” thesis discussed for partial fulfillment of the requirements of master degree in dental science, operative department at Cairo University, July 2012. Adel A. “Evaluation of platelet rich fibrin with hydroxyapatite crystals as graft material around immediate dental implants (Clinical and Radiographic Study)”thesis discussed for partial fulfillment of the requirements of Doctor Degree in dental science at Cairo University, Faculty of Dentistry, October 2012. Mohamed H. Abdelaziz, M.Sc. Thesis on “Effect of Ceramic Nano-particles on Wear and Corrosion Properties of Aluminium Silicon Hypereutectic Cast Alloy (A390)”, M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, 2012. Dina Ahmed, M.Sc. “Economical and Enviromental Redesign of Existing Crude Oil Distill Ation Units”. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, 2012. Alber Kamal Abdou Saad Guirguis, M.Sc. “Time Delay estimators Applied To Seismie Signals processing””. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Science, Ain ShamsUniversity, 2012. Yousif Abdel Hamid Hussien Barakat “Synthesis of some 2-Deoxy-N- Acetl Galactose Nucleoside Derivatives using Metal Nano- Partcles as A catalyst”. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Sceince, Monofeia University, 2012. Sameh Osama Ezzat, M.Sc. “Study of the Photovolaic Behaviour of coaxial Nanowires” Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, 2012. Mohamed Hassan Hassabo, Msc.” Mechanical Design and Production” Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, 2012. Hakem, E. “E-learning versus traditional learning in teaching critical care nursing: its effect on nursing students’ performance”, thesis discussed for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Doctorate in Nursing Science Degree at Ain Shamus University, Faculty of Nursing, Dec 2011. Hossam Badran. Vibration Attenuation of Periodic Sandwich Beams, (MSc, thesis), Aerospace Engineering Department, Cairo University, Expected June 2008). 137 40. Ameer Wagih. Dynamics, stability, and Control of Gun Barrels using Timoshenko Beam Model, (MSc, thesis), Aerospace Engineering Department, Cairo University, Expected September 2008). 138