2010 School Library Partner Manual
2010 School Library Partner Manual
2010 School Library Partner Manual Make a Splash READ! Make Waves at Your Library Summer Reading at New York Libraries is a program of the Office of Cultural Education at the New York State Education Department and is funded through the Federal Library Services and Technology Act, with funds awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services. School Library Partner Manual Contents The Summer Reading Program at the Local Library: What Happens All Summer Long ...........................................................................................1 Summer Reading at New York Libraries Websites...............................................................4 Partner with Summer Reading at New York Libraries ........................................................5 Promotional Materials..............................................................................................................8 Children’s Resources .............................................................................................................12 Wow! Wonders of Water............................................................................................13 An Ocean of Fun .........................................................................................................19 High Seas Adventures.................................................................................................24 Splish Splash Summer ................................................................................................28 Freshwater and Wetlands ..........................................................................................32 Teen Resources .......................................................................................................................39 Rock the Boat ..............................................................................................................40 Ocean Commotion ......................................................................................................43 Water Your Imagination............................................................................................46 Dive In ..........................................................................................................................48 Liquid Lit.....................................................................................................................50 Water Under the Bridge.............................................................................................54 Attachment A New York State Public Library Systems .............................................................................57 Attachment B Youth Services Consultants, Coordinators and Directors .................................................58 School Library Partner Manual The Summer Reading Program at Your Local Public Library: What Happens All Summer Long? Goals of Summer Reading at New York Libraries: • To motivate children to read • To develop positive attitudes about reading and books • To enable children to maintain their reading skills during summer vacation • To encourage family reading • To encourage regular use of the library and attract new library users • To foster cooperation between community agencies, schools, and the public library • To provide access to library programs and materials for the entire community 1 The 2010 theme is WATER The slogan for the children’s summer reading program is “Make a Splash, Read!” Children of all ages can participate in reading library activities related to water and the environment. Read-To-Me Many public libraries offer a Read-to-Me program for preschoolers, which introduces the summer reading concept to young children. A parent or caregiver reads aloud to the child and keeps a record of their shared reading. Independent Readers Children read on their own, report what they’ve read to the librarian or record the information for the librarian, and receive a reward or certificate at the end of the program. Families Children join the summer reading program alone or participate with their families. Family participation encourages reluctant readers who may be more willing to join with a family reading partner. It also encourages visits to the public library as a family activity. 2 The slogan for the teen summer reading program is “Make Waves at Your Library” Teens are encouraged to explore all areas of water, science, and the environment. Young Adults Many children stop using libraries when they reach the teen years. A summer program designed with teen interests in mind keeps them involved in the public library. Teens are given the opportunity to take charge of their own library program. This ownership translates into pride in the program and has a direct influence on teen library usage. Events and Activities for all at the local public library Events and Activities Concerts, craft programs, computer workshops, battle of the books, and author visits are some of the programs offered by public libraries during the summer. Encourage your students to check with their local libraries all summer long for reading materials as well as special programs and activities geared towards a variety of interests and age levels. 3 Summer Reading at New York Libraries Websites The official site of Summer Reading at New York Libraries is www.summerreadingnys.org. The New York State Library website includes flyers, fact sheets, resources and research about literacy and summer reading: www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/summer. Be sure to visit the New York State Performers and Programs Database to locate educational programmers in your area of New York State: www.performersandprograms.com. The Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) website, www.cslpreads.org, includes outlines of the 2010 library manuals for children and teens. 4 Partner with Summer Reading at New York Libraries ; Collaborate with your local public library: • Collaborate with your public library on the 2010 summer reading program. They can share the CSLP programming manual, official art work, and materials for the Summer Reading at New York Libraries. • Invite your public librarian for a school visit. • Have your class visit the local public library. • Publicize to increase awareness of Summer Reading at New York Libraries. o in your school library newsletter o in school newspaper/newsletter o on library and school web pages o place announcements on computer screen savers o put bookmarks in books as students check out • Plan fall follow-up recognition for those who participated in the public library summer reading program. • Encourage children who participate in a State Assembly and/or State Senate “Summer Reading Challenge” to use the public library all summer long. • Visit the New York State Library’s Summer Reading Program website for reproducible flyers and fact sheets promoting summer reading www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/summer. • Visit www.summerreadingnys.org for information, and art and reading related activities for educators, families, and children • There are 23 public library systems serving all regions of New York State. Please visit http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/youthsvs/links.htm#yspages for information on youth services and programs in your area of the state. Public library youth services experts at each system will be happy to help connect you with your local library and its summer reading program. o Map of the 23 Public library Systems (attachment A) o List of Youth Services Consultants, Coordinators, or Director for each library system (attachment B). 5 ; Begin activities in your school library related to water and the slogans “Make a Splash, Read!” and “Make Waves at Your Library”: • Promote the summer reading program and theme with faculty throughout the school. • Use this as an opportunity to work with the science and social studies faculty in your school to link library and their subject area resources and activities to aquatic themes (e.g. creating a map of NYS waterways, a class presentation on the effects of water pollution, research on fish and aquatic life forms). • Work with your school administration to encourage participation in the State Senate and State Assembly summer reading programs. Both houses of the legislature are encouraging participation in Summer Reading at New York Libraries as a way to receive all the benefits of reading during the summer months. • Display student/local artist aquatically-related art work in your school library media center. • Cover a bulletin board with blue paper to look like the ocean. Use die-cut or hand made paper shapes with ocean-themes-water drops, shells, starfish, dolphins, sharks, fish, etc. 6 • Write trivia facts or questions about water and water science on water drop shapes and affix them to a bulletin board. Hurricanes Have Eyes but Can’t See and Other Amazing Facts about Wild Weather and Can it Really Rain Frogs? and The weather Dude’s Web site: www.wxdude.com, are great sources. • Display nautically-themed books: Pirates, Sailing, Ocean Life, Sharks, Fishing, Lakes & Streams, Rivers, Beaches, Submarines, Ocean Exploration, Navy, Marine Life, Boats, Tropical Islands, Whales, Seals, Coral Reefs, Ocean Liners. • Decorate the school library media center to look like the bottom of the ocean. Use streamers and blue-tinted plastic wrap to make water on the walls. Hang green tissue paper strips or crepe paper from the ceiling to look like seaweed. • Create a beach display using: Beach chairs, beach towels, surfboard, diving mask, flippers, beach balls, suntan lotion, or an inflatable raft. • Display a Treasure Map directing children to different parts of the collection. • Encourage children and teens to start a play, poetry, or journal writing group. • Form book discussion groups. o Offer a “book pass,” where students gather to discuss the books they have read. o Or start a more “formal” group where students have all read the same book. o Create a Wiki or Blog to share ideas about reading over summer vacation . • “Booktalk” to groups of teens. For guidance and tips visit these websites: o www.nancykeane.com/booktalks/tips.htm, o www.thebooktalker.com. • Have children and teens write book reviews and to keep in a binder for others to peruse. This could carry over into the fall as a follow-up activity. 7 Promotional Materials to Download and Print can be found at the New York State Library Website: http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/summer/facts.htm Two examples of downloadable materials from the website are on pages 9, 10, 11: • A flyer to share with parents (2 sided, pages 9 and 10) • A flyer to share with educators (page 11) 8 Summer AT N E W Y O R K L I B R A R I E S Parents: Help your kids succeed in school! 2010 Summer Reading Program for Children 2010 Summer Reading Program for Teens 2010 Summer Reading at New York Libraries When children read what they enjoy, they learn to love reading and become better readers. The free summer programs at your public library will help your child keep reading and have fun all summer long. For more information Talk to the School Library Media Specialist at your child’s school or the librarian at your public library. Need books in languages other than English? Ask the librarian! Or visit www.summerreadingnys.org Summer Reading at New York Libraries is a program of the Office of Cultural Education in the New York State Education Department and is funded through the Federal Library Services and Technology Act, with funds awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services. Summer AT N E W Y O R K L I B R A R I E S 8 Easy Ways to Get Children to Read this Summer Children who read do better in school — so make sure your child is a reader! 1. Get your child a library card at your local public library. It’s free! 2. Sign your child up for Summer Reading at the local public library and enjoy free programs with fun activities, storytelling, reading contests, crafts and more. 3. Read with your child every day. Take advantage of “waiting” time to share books: on trips, at the doctor’s office, in line at the grocery store. 4. Take a basket of books for reading breaks from the sun, water, and sand at the beach, lake, or pool. 5. Read on your own and talk to your child about what you’re reading. Families who share reading experiences raise children who read well. 6. Visit the library every week and bring the whole family. Need books in languages other than English? Ask a librarian! 7. Use the closed captioning during TV shows so children see the words as they hear them. 8. Keep a list on the refrigerator of the books everyone has read during the summer. For more information Talk to the School Library Media Specialist at your child’s school or the librarian at your public library. Or visit www.summerreadingnys.org Summer Reading at New York Libraries is a program of the Office of Cultural Education in the New York State Education Department and is funded through the Federal Library Services and Technology Act, with funds awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services. Summer AT N E W Y O R K L I B R A R I E S Educators: Help your students improve skills through reading during the summer months. “ ‘Summer Reading at New York Libraries’ gives teachers and parents a proven learning tool that engages and excites youngsters as it raises literacy levels. This is a critically important experience that keeps children learning — and engaged in the wonderful act of reading —even when the school year is over.” —New York State Education Commissioner David Steiner 8 Ideas to Get Students Reading this Summer 1. Encourage your students to get a library card at their local public library. It’s free! 2. Invite a public librarian to your class to introduce this year’s summer reading program and theme: Make a Splash – Read! 3. Collaborate with your school library media specialist to introduce fun reading about water related themes to your students. 4. Show your class a beach bag of books and magazines that you plan to read during summer vacation. 5. In your classroom post a list of favorite books. Encourage students and parents to add their favorites. 6. Have students start a list of books they’d like to read during the summer. 7. Collaborate with the local public library to ensure your students get the best possible summer reading experience. 8. Encourage your students to share their summer reading experiences when they return to school in the fall. For information and educational activities check out these New York Summer Reading program sites: www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/summer www.summerreadingnys.org Summer Reading at New York Libraries is a program of the Office of Cultural Education in the New York State Education Department and is funded through the Federal Library Services and Technology Act, with funds awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services. CHILDREN’S RESOURCES The following resource lists were created by the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) for use in support of the 2010 summer reading program at public libraries 12 WOW! WONDERS OF WATER Water is everywhere. It covers nearly 70% of the earth; it makes up 70% of our bodies. It can be hot or cold, hard or soft, tranquil or violent. It can clean almost anything, generate power, restore living things, and literally move mountains. It can also drown, devastate, and destroy. If we don’t protect and manage it well, it can threaten us. We can’t live without it, but it demands respect. Encourage your students to participate in the summer reading program at their local library and appreciate the science and wonders of this precious natural resource, water. Books • Aigner-Clark, Julie. What Does Violet See? Raindrops and Puddles. Hyperion Books for Children, 2002. 16 p. (978-0786808717, board book) Baby, Pre. In this Baby Einstein book, Violet explores the world around her on a rainy day. • Bailey, Jacqui. A Drop in the Ocean: The Story of Water. Picture Window Books, 2006. 32 p. (978-1404811270, pap.) Pri, Int. Bright colors, friendly format, and busy design invite kids to explore the water cycle, water as a precious resource, and the effect of human activity on our water supply. • Barrett, Judi. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Atheneum, 1978. 32 p. (978-0689306471) Pre, Pri. Life is delicious in the town of Chewandswallow where it rains soup and juice, snows mashed potatoes, and blows storms of hamburgers—until the weather takes a turn for the worse. • Berger, Melvin, and Gilda Berger. Hurricanes Have Eyes but Can’t See and Other Amazing Facts about Wild Weather. Scholastic, 2004. 48 p. (978-0439625340, pap.) Pri, Int. This books shares lots of fun facts, safety tips, quizzes, and games about the weather. • Branley, Franklyn M. Down Comes the Rain (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science). HarperTrophy, 1997. 32 p. (978-0064451666, pap.) Pri, Int. Branley consistently produces simple, effective explanations of scientific concepts for kids. This nicely illustrated, inviting book introduces the water cycle and offers simple, hands-on activities to try. • Christian, Spencer. Can It Really Rain Frogs? The World’s Strangest Weather Events. John Wiley & Sons, 1997. 121 p. (978-0471152903, pap.) Int. This title is full of interesting weather facts, myths, and experiments. • Cobb, Vicki. I Get Wet (Vicki Cobb Science Play). HarperCollins, 2002. 40 p. (9780688178383) Pre, Pri. Picture book format offers easy experiments with water to do with preschoolers. • Collins, Heather. Jack and Jill. Kids Can Press, 2003. 12 p. (978-1553370758, board book) Babies, Toddlers. Jack and Jill are toy pigs in this retelling of the nursery rhyme. • Dayrell, Elphinstone. Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky. Houghton Mifflin, 1968. 32 p. (978-0395296097) Pre, Pri. A Nigerian pourquoi story about how a visit from Ocean caused Sun and Moon to move to the sky. Caldecott Honor Book. 13 • Ehlert, Lois. Snowballs. Harcourt, 1995. 40 p. (978-0152000745) Pre, Pri. Some children create a family out of snow. Includes labeled pictures of all the items they use, as well as information about how snow is formed. • Fleischman, Sid. Here Comes McBroom. HarperCollins, 1998. 80 p. (978-0688163648, pap.)Pri, Int. Share the tall tale, “McBroom the Rainmaker.” • Frasier, Debra. The Incredible Water Show. Harcourt, 2004. 40 p. (978-0152162870) Pri, Int. A wonderful theatrical extravaganza about water science, conservation, and protection that you can stage as a play or puppet show. Try this as a kickoff or end-of-summer program. Visit Frasier’s Web site at http://debrafrasier.com/pages/books/washo.html for details on performing the show. • Garland, Sarah. Splash! Frances Lincoln, 2006. 16 p. (978-1845073459, board book) Babies, Toddlers. This baby board book helps parents encourage the fun by following an infant through splashing activities. • Godwin, Sam. The Drop Goes Plop: A First Look at the Water Cycle. Picture Window Books, 2005. 32 p. (978-1404806573) Pre, Pri. Mama and baby seagull guide us through this overview of the water cycle, with a glossary, fun facts, and resources at the end. • Graham, Joan Bransfield. Splish Splash. Sandpiper, 2001. 32 p. (978-0618111237, pap.) Pre, Pri, Int. A collection of fun, brightly illustrated concrete poems about water in its various forms, from ice cubes to the ocean. • Hannah, Julie, and Joan Holub. The Man Who Named the Clouds. Albert Whitman, 2006. 40 p. (978-0807549742, lib. bdg.) Pri, Int. This is a biography of Luke Howard, an 18th-century chemist whose fascination with weather and clouds led him to introduce a classification system for clouds. It incorporates lots of weather science and an example of a weather journal kids could keep. • Hiaasen, Carl. Flush. Knopf, 2005. 263 p. (978-0375821820) Int. Another award-winning ecoadventure by the author of Hoot, this time about young people catching the manager of a floating casino who is dumping waste into Florida’s coastal waters. • Hirschmann, Kris. Sponges (Creatures of the Sea). KidHaven Press, 2005. 48 p. (9780737730135) Int. Introduces sponges and their unique relationship with water during and after their lives through clear text and bright, appealing photos. • Hopkins, Lee Bennett, selector. Weather: Poems for All Seasons (I Can Read Book). HarperCollins, 1995. 64 p. (978-0064441919, pap.) Pre, Pri, Int. A nice collection of weather poems by various poets. Read some poems and have children illustrate them. • Intrater, Roberta G. Splash! (Baby Faces). Cartwheel, 2002. 10 p. (978-0439420051, board book). Babies, Pre. Simple rhymes caption photos of expressive young children playing in water. Also available in Spanish as Splash: Al Agua Patos. • Jaffe, Nina. The Golden Flower: A Taino Myth from Puerto Rico. Piñata Books, 2005. 32 p. (978-1558854529) Pre, Pri, Int. Illustrated by Enrique O. Sanchez, this pourquoi story explains how water came into our world and how Puerto Rico came to be. • Johns, Linda. Hannah West in Deep Water: A Mystery. Puffin, 2006. 160 p. (9780142407004, pap.) Int. Likeable series hero Hannah West tackles the mystery of who is polluting the waters of Lake Washington. • Kerley, Barbara. A Cool Drink of Water. National Geographic Children’s Books, 2002. 32 p. (978-0792267232) Pre, Pri. Stunning photographs and simple text show people around the world drinking water. Includes a map and a note on conservation. • Kimmel, Eric A. Anansi and the Magic Stick. Holiday House, 2001. 32 p. (978-0823414437) Pre, Pri, Int. Everyone’s favorite trickster Anansi steals a magic stick to do his chores for him. But 14 when he falls asleep while watering his garden, the stick keeps watering and creates a flood that threatens the neighborhood. • Koss, Amy Goldman. Kailey (American Girl Today). American Girl, 2003. 160 p.(9781584855910, pap.) Pri, Int. Ten-year-old Kailey launches an art protest to keep a developer from spoiling the cove and its tide pools that are special to her and her family and friends. • Levine, Shar, and Leslie Johnstone. Bathtub Science. Sterling Publishing, 2001. 80 p. (9780806971858) Pri, Int. Photos and cartoon drawings illustrate this fun collection of water experiments from simple to complicated. • Levy, Constance. Splash! Poems of Our Watery World. Orchard Books, 2002. 48 p. (OP) Pre, Pri, Int. This nicely illustrated book of poems about water could be used in many programs and to inspire kids to write their own. • Martin, Jacqueline Briggs. Snowflake Bentley. Houghton Mifflin, 1998. 32 p. (9780395861622) Pri. In this Caldecott Medal book, Martin and Azarian offer a dreamy and lyrical, yet informative, version of Bentley’s lifelong love affair with snow. • McCloskey, Robert. Time of Wonder. Viking, 1957. 64 p. (978-0670715121) Pri, Int. Two children spending their summer on an island off the coast of Maine experience a hurricane. Send this Caldecott Medal book home with families this summer. Display it with a nonfiction title about hurricanes. • Milord, Susan. Tales of the Shimmering Sky: Ten Global Folktales with Activities. Williamson Publishing Company, 1996. 128 p. (978-1885593016, pap.) Pri, Int. Beautifully illustrated tales with related activities, including stories about clouds, rain, and rainbows. • Morrison, Gordon. A Drop of Water. Houghton Mifflin, 2006. 32 p. (978-0618585571) Pre, Pri. Follow water’s journey from rain through mountain brook, waterfall, bog, river, swamp, and stream, nourishing plants and animals along the way. • Moss, Marissa. Rose’s Journal: The Story of a Girl in the Great Depression. Silver Whistle/Harcourt, 2001. 56 p. (978-0152024239) Int. This series of first-person accounts, in the form of hand-written journals, brings historical periods to life. Here, Rose’s Kansas family tries to save their farm in the throes of the 1930s drought and dust storms. • Murphy, Bryan. Experiment with Water. Two-Can Publishing, 1997. 32 p. (978-1587281198, pap.) Int. Bits of history and brightly colored photos enhance this collection of water experiments. Also available in Spanish as El Agua. • New Book of Popular Science, editors. Just Add Water: Science Projects You Can Sink, Squirt, Splash, Sail. Children’s Press, 2008. 32 p. (978-0531187623, pap.) Pri, Int. Fairly simple experiments about the states, solvent properties, density, buoyancy, and natural phenomena of water. Kid-friendly and inviting. • Olien, Rebecca. Sources of Water (First Facts). Capstone Press, 2006. 24 p. (978-0736851800, pap.) Pri. Learn how water filters through Earth’s layers, being cleaned and stored, using the Groundwater experiment on p. 21. • Olien, Rebecca. Water and the Weather (First Facts). Capstone Press, 2006. 24 p. (9780736851817, pap.) Pri. A good basic overview with nice photos and “Fun Facts.” • Olien, Rebecca. The Water Cycle (First Facts). Capstone Press, 2005. 24 p. (978-0736851824, pap.) Pri. Companion to the previous title in the First Facts: Water All Around series. • Olien, Rebecca. What Is Water? (First Facts). Capstone Press, 2005. 24 p. (978-0736851831, pap.) Pri. Another companion to the previous titles. • Osborne, Mary Pope, and Natalie Pope Boyce. Polar Bears and the Arctic (Magic Tree House Research Guide). Random House, 2007. 128 p. (978-0375832222, pap.) Int. This nonfiction companion to Polar Bears Past Bedtime introduces readers to animals and people who live in the 15 Arctic, with a focus on the effects of global warming on their present and future. • Polacco, Patricia. Thunder Cake. Putnam, 1990. 32 p. (978-0399222313) Pre, Pri. Grandma finds a way to dispel her grandchild’s fear of thunderstorms. • Prelutsky, Jack. It’s Snowing! It’s Snowing! Winter Poems (I Can Read Book). HarperCollins, 2006. 48 p. (978-0060537173, pap.) Pre, Pri. Lovely short poems about the joys and trials of winter. • Quinn, Zoe. Totally Toxic (The Caped 6th Grader). Yearling, 2009. 148 p. (978-0307498366, pap.) Int. This lightweight, entertaining series title has superhero Zoe Richards taking on a factory that is dumping toxic waste in a river. • Relf, Pat, and Carolyn Bracken. The Magic School Bus Wet All Over: A Book about the Water Cycle. Scholastic Paperbacks, 1996. 32 p. (978-0590508339, pap.) Pri. Another Ms. Frizzle adventure, in which the gang learns all about the water cycle, up close and personal. Also available in Spanish as El autobus magico—se salpica todo. • Roth, Susan L. The Biggest Frog in Australia. Aladdin, 2000. 32 p. (978-0689833144, pap.) Pre, Pri. In this tall tale, when a thirsty frog drinks up all the water in Australia, the other animals must think of a way to make him give it up. • Sacks, Janet. Weather & Art Activities (Arty Facts). Crabtree Publishing Company, 2002. 48 p. (978-0778711469) Int. Twenty fun art activities featuring weather themes. • Sharpe, Susan. Waterman’s Boy. Aladdin, 2007. 176 p. (978-1416964537, pap.) Int. Two boys from a small town on the Chesapeake Bay help a scientist interested in cleaning up the water while risking parental disapproval. Also available in Spanish as Suspenso en la bahia. • Sherman, Josepha. Splish! Splash! A Book about Rain. Picture Window Books, 2004. 24 p. (978-1404803398, pap.) Pre, Pri. Colorful illustrations form the backdrop for straightforward text full of action words that draw readers in to explore the water cycle and rain. Also available in a bilingual English/Spanish edition, Splish! Splash! Un libro sobre la lluvia. • Silverstein, Alvin, and Virginia Silverstein. A World in a Drop of Water: Exploring with a Microscope. Dover, 1998. 64 p. (978-0486403816, pap.) Int. This title shows a menagerie of microscopic creatures found in a single water drop. • Skurzynski, Gloria, and Alane Fergusen. Deadly Waters (National Park Mysteries) National Geographic Children’s Books, 2007. 160 p. (978-1426300936, pap.) Pri, Int. While visiting the Everglades National Park with their parents, the Landon children uncover the mystery of dying manatees and learn important lessons about the natural environment. • Speed, Toby. Water Voices. Putnam, 1998. 32 p. (OP) Pre, Pri. Water, in all its poetry and whimsy, is the subject of this lovely collection of poems and riddles. • Stewart, Melissa. The Wonders of Water. Compass Point Books, 2004. 32 p. (9780756506377, lib. bdg.) Pri, Int. Nicely designed and illustrated with color photos, this book involves kids in simple, observation-based activities to learn about water. • Strauss, Rochelle. One Well: The Story of Water on Earth. Kids Can Press, 2007. 32 p. (978-1553379546) Int. In picture book format, Strauss presents a beautiful and effective overview of the importance and uses of water, how water systems operate, and how we can conserve and protect them. • Tekavec, Heather. Storm Is Coming!. Dial, 2002. 32 p. (978-0803726260) Pre, Pri. The animals misunderstand the farmer’s “storm” warning and expect someone scary and mean in this picture book. • Trapani, Iza. The Itsy Bitsy Spider. Charlesbridge, 1998. 30 p. (978-1580890144, board book.) Pre. A board book version of the nursery rhyme. • Waldman, Neil. The Snowflake: A Water Cycle Story. Millbrook Press, 2003. 32 p. (978- 16 0761323471) Pri, Int. Lovely, emotive pastel illustrations add charm to this month-by-month “travelogue” approach to the water cycle, starting with and “starring” a snowflake rather than the traditional raindrop. • Walker, Nick. Sing Along with the Weather Dude. Small Gate Media, 2000. 20 p. (9780964338913, pap.) Pre, Pri. TV meteorologist Walker’s pleasant voice and clever songs are perfect for background, sing-along, and consolidating concepts. Book/CD set. • Weeks, Sarah. Splish, Splash! (My First I Can Read). HarperCollins, 2000. 32 p. (9780064442824, pap.) Pre, Pri. How many animals can fit in a bathtub? Find out in this fun, silly beginning reader. • Wells, Robert E. Did a Dinosaur Drink this Water? Albert Whitman, 2006. 32 p. (9780807588406, pap.) Pri. Picture book format introduces the water cycle. Also available in Spanish as Bebio un dinosaurio de esta agua? • Wick, Walter. A Drop of Water. Scholastic, 1997. 40 p. (978-0590221979) Pri, Int. Great photos are the highlight of this oversized book that illustrates the properties of water. • Williams, Judith. Why Is It Raining? (I Like Weather) Enslow Publishers, Inc. 2005. 24 p. (978-0766023185, lib. bdg.) Pre, Pri. Simple questions and answers about raindrops, snow, clouds, and water vapor with a rain gauge experiment at the end. • Woods, Michael, and Mary B. Woods. Droughts. Lerner Publishing Group, 2006. 64 p. (9780822565765, lib. bdg.) Pri, Int. Stories, images, facts, and figures about droughts. Web Sites • Alphabet Soup. www.alphabet-soup.net/mini/rain.html. “The Rain Storm” participation story. • American Science Surplus. www.sciplus.com/index.cfm/go/front.tagged/tag/cast. Purchase PerfectCast™, a plaster substitute for making casts of kids’ footprints. • Be Amazing Toys. www.beamazing.com. Sells Insta Snow Powder, a substance that expands to 100 times its original size to make a white fluffy fake snow. • Boy Scout Trail. www.boyscouttrail.com/content/song/if_its_raining-1337.asp. Words to “If It’s Raining” song, sung to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It.” • Droplet and the Water Cycle. kids.earth.nasa.gov/droplet.html. This NASA site has an interactive game about the water cycle. Bookmark it at a computer station for children to play independently. • EEK. www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/caer/ce/eek/earth/groundwater/index.htm. EEK (environmental activities for kids) Web site activities for kids grades 4−8. Check out Water Wonders. • Enchanted Learning. www.enchantedlearning.com/rt/weather/watercycle.shtml. This site has a short Reader’s Theater script for up to 19 children called Water Cycle Adventure. • Environmental Protection Agency. Drinking Water and Ground Water Kids Stuff. www.epa.gov/safewater/kids/index.html. Lots of information, activities, and lesson plans that you can use or adapt for summer programs. You’ll find a word scramble, a question and answer quiz, and many other activities about water. • Expert Village. www.expertvillage.com/video/9867_surface-tension-demo.htm. A short video that demonstrates the surface tension of water. • General Chemistry Online: Water to Wine. antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/features/water2wine.shtml. Explains the chemistry behind the classic water to wine magician’s trick. • How Stuff Works. Science Projects for Kids. home.howstuffworks.com/science-projectsfor-kids-weather-and-seasons4.htm. Project on making fog. 17 • How to Make Fog in a Bottle. www.wikihow.com/Make-Fog-in-a-Bottle. This site explains what fog is. • Hummingbird Educational Resources. www.hummingbirded.com/winter-snow.html. Songs • Kiddiddles. www.kididdles.com/lyrics/s103.html. Lyrics to the song “Splash! Fall the Raindrops.” • KinderNature. kindernature.storycounty.com. Nature songs and fingerplays including the “Water Cycle” song referred to on page 85. • Magic School Bus. Simple Science. www.scholastic.com/magicschoolbus/simplescience/archive/labs/rain.htm. “Make Rain Indoors” experiment. • National Geographic Kids. Experiment with Water Tricks. www.nationalgeographic.com/ngkids/trythis/trythis_water/floating-paper-clip.html. Can a paper clip float? Try this easy experiment to find out. • National Geographic Kids. Experiment with Water Tricks. www.nationalgeographic.com/ngkids/trythis/trythis_water/floating-egg.html. This easy experiment makes an egg float. • Oceans Alive! Water on the Move: Wind and Waves. mos.org/oceans/motion/wind.html. Explains how waves are created and includes an easy experiment to show how water moves. • The Preparedness Center. www.preparedness.com/assnac.html. Offers freeze-dried Astronaut Space Snacks to which you “just add water.” • Safety Central. www.safetycentral.com/assnac.html. Sells freeze dried food products like “Freeze Dried Astronaut Ice Cream” to which you “just add water.” • Thirstin’s Questions and Answer Game. www.epa.gov/safewater/kids/flash/flash_qagame.html. This EPA site has a quiz about water. • Thirstin’s Word Scramble Game. www.epa.gov/safewater/kids/flash/flash_wordscramble.html. This EPA site is a word scramble in which water-related questions are asked. • A Trip with Drip. www.ceeindia.org/drip/movie.html. An animated movie about the water cycle. • U.S. Geological Survey. Water Science for Schools. ga.water.usgs.gov/edu. Offers information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center where you can give opinions and test your water knowledge. • Visible Water Vapor. web2.airmail.net/kboyle/Vapor.htm. This experiment is from a Web site, Science Lesson Plans That Teach Literacy K-2. • The Water Cycle. www.epa.gov/safewater/kids/flash/flash_watercycle.html. An animated movie about the water cycle. • The Water Cycle. www.hardbargainfarm.org/hbf/watercycle/watercycle_puzzle2.html. Label parts of the water cycle in this online puzzle. • Water Cycle Puzzle. www.lakelandschools.org/lt/Technology/waterpuz.htm. Try this online, 16-piece jigsaw puzzle about the water cycle. • Utah Science. www.usoe.k12.ut.us/curr/science/sciber00/7th/cells/sciber/slidepre.htm. Directions for preparing a slide. 18 AN OCEAN OF FUN Explore an ocean full of ideas here from the whimsy of a sea serpent party or an octopus’s garden to the real world of sharks and the importance of our bay waters. You’ll catch a net full of ideas here. Books • Anderson, M.T. The Serpent Came to Gloucester. Candlewick Press, 2005. 80 p. (9780763620387) Pri, Int. Rhyming text tells of a sea serpent that plays off the coast of Massachusetts during the summer of 1817 and is hunted upon its return the next year. • Anderson, Sara. Octopus Oyster Hermit Crab Snail: A Poem of the Sea. Handprint Books, 2005. 32 p. (978-1593540791) Pre, Pri. Build vocabulary with lyrical, beautiful verses, such as, “Under indigo swells in cerulean seas” in this magical picture book. • Berne, Anne. Manfish: A Story of Jacques Cousteau. Chronicle Books, 2008. 40 p. (9780811860635) Pri. A biography of oceanographer and champion of the seas, Jacques Cousteau. • Blade, Adam. Sepron the Sea Serpent. (Beast Quest Book 2). Scholastic, 2007. 80 p. (9780439906548, pap.) Pri, Int. Tom and Elenna must stop Sepron the Sea Serpent from destroying the people of Avantia’s coast. • Burns, Loree Griffith. Tracking Trash: Flotsam, Jetsam, and the Science of Ocean Motion (Scientists in the Field). Houghton Mifflin, 2007. 64 p. (978-0618581313) Int. This is part biography of Dr. Curtis Ebbesmeyer, part chronicle of his fascinating and unique local-goneglobal campaign to track trash lost in the ocean. The result is a compelling education on both the need for clean up and how ocean currents operate. • Carle, Eric. Mister Seahorse. Philomel Books, 2004. 32 p. (978-0399242694) Pre, Pri. After Mrs. Seahorse lays her eggs on Mr. Seahorse’s belly, he drifts through the water, greeting other fish fathers who are taking care of their eggs. • Cleary, Brian. Peanut Butter and Jellyfishes: A Very Silly Alphabet Book. Milbrook Press, 2007. 32 p. (978-0822561880) Pre, Pri. An alphabet book whose highly unique illustrations feature collage, hidden letters, and word pictures. • Colandro, Lucille. There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell. Cartwheel, 2008. 32 p. (978-0439873802, pap.) Pre, Pri. In this variation on the traditional cumulative rhyme, a woman swallows a shell, a crab, a fish, a gull, a pail, some sand, and a wave. • Corral, Kimberly. A Child’s Glacier Bay. Alaska Northwest Books, 1998. 32 p. (9780882405032) Pri, Int. Two Alaskan siblings travel with their parents on a three-week sea kayaking journey along more than 200 miles of coastline at Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. 19 • Cousins, Lucy. Hooray for Fish. Candlewick Press, 2005. 40 p. (978-0763627416) Pre. Little Fish has all sorts of fishy friends in his underwater home, but loves one of them most of all. • Cummings, Priscilla. Meet Chadwick and His Chesapeake Bay Friends. Tidewater Publishers, 1999. 30 p. (978-0870335167) Pre, Pri. Introduces Chadwick, a blue crab, and his various animal friends who live in and near the Chesapeake Bay. • Ehlert, Lois. Fish Eyes, a Book You Can Count On. Harcourt, 1980. 40 p. (9780152280505) Pre. A colorful counting book of brightly colored fish. • Galloway, Ruth. Fidgety Fish. Tiger Tales, 2001. 32 p. (978-1589250123) Pre. Sent out for a swim in the deep sea, Tiddler, a young fish who just can’t keep still, sees many interesting creatures and one very dark cave. • Geist, Ken. The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark. Cartwheel/Scholastic, 2007. 32 p. (978-0439719629) Pre, Pri. In this spoof of “The Three Little Pigs,” Mama tells her three little fish that it’s time to seek their fortunes. Jim builds a house of seaweed and Tim builds a house of sand, but it’s up to Kim to find the house that will stop the big bad shark’s munching and crunching. • Hurd, Edith Thacher. Starfish (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science). HarperCollins, 2000. Rev. ed. 40 p. (978-0064451987) Pre, Pri. A simple introduction to the appearance, growth, habits, and behavior of starfish. • King-Smith, Dick. The Water Horse. Yearling, 2007. 128 p. (978-0375842313) Pri. In 1930, on the coast of Scotland, eight-year-old Kirstie finds a large egg that hatches into an unusual sea creature, and, as he grows, her family must decide what to do with him. • Kraus, Robert. Herman the Helper. Aladdin, 1987. 32 p. (978-0671662707, pap.) Pre, Pri. Herman the helpful octopus is always willing to assist anyone who needs his help. • Lionni, Leo. Swimmy. Knopf, 1963. 32 p. (978-0394817132) Pre, Pri. A little black fish in a school of red fish figures out a way of protecting them all from their natural enemies. • Markle, Sandra. Octopuses (Animal Prey). First Avenue Editions, 2008. 39 p. (978-0822560661). Detailed, energetic text and vivid photographs reveal the fascinating world of the octopus. • Miller, Ruth. I Went to the Bay. Kids Can Press, 1999. 24 p. (978-1550744989) Pre, Pri. When a young boy sets out in search of frogs, he’s amazed to find a vibrant, bustling world of wildlife. The bay provides a day’s fascination for the curious little boy—and a day’s fun for some elusive frogs. • Most, Bernard. My Very Own Octopus. Voyager, 1991. 40 p. (978-0152563455) Pre, Pri. A boy imagines what fun he would have with a pet octopus. • Mullarkey, Lisa. Splashing By the Shore: Beach Activities for Kids. Gibbs Smith Publishers, 2007. 64 p. (978-1586858841, pap.) Pri, Int. Beach-themed activities and crafts for shore or home. • Native American Design. Dover, 2007. 128 p. (978-0486998459, pap.) Adult. Nearly 500 color and black-and-white illustrations celebrate traditional Native American art. Designs include those used to decorate clothing, ceremonial masks, jewelry, blankets, utensils, and more. • Osborne, Mary Pope. Dark Day in the Deep Sea (Magic Tree House). Random House, 2008. 128 p. (978-0375837319, pap.) Pri, Int. When Jack and Annie join a group of 19th-century explorers aboard the H.M.S. Challenger, they learn about the ocean, solve the mystery of its fabled sea monster, and gain compassion for their fellow creatures. See also the companion guide: Sea Monsters: Companion to Dark Day in the Deep Sea. Random House, 2008. (978-0375846632, pap.) • Osborne, Mary Pope. Summer of the Sea Serpent (Magic Tree House). Random House, 2004. 128 p. (978-0375827358) Pri, Int. Jack and Annie travel in their magic tree house to the land 20 of the mystical selkies to seek a magical sword for Merlin. • Peet, Bill. Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent. Houghton Mifflin, 1975. 48 p. (9780395202722) Pri. A shark accuses Cyrus of cowardice because he won’t sink any ships. The kindly sea serpent almost succumbs to peer pressure, but learns at last to be himself. • Pfister, Marcus. The Rainbow Fish. North-South Books, 1992. 32 p. (978-1558580091) Pre. The most beautiful fish in the entire ocean discovers the real value of personal beauty and friendship. • Pirotta, Saviour. Turtle Bay. Frances Lincoln Children’s Books, 2005. 32 p. (978-1845074111, pap.) Pre, Pri. Taro and his sister Yuko help old Jiro-San prepare for the sea turtles that are about to lay eggs. Prelutsky, Jack. A Pizza the Size of the Sun. Greenwillow Books, 2006. 160 p. (9780688132354). Pri, Int. A classic collection of Prelutsky poetry, including “I’m Wrestling with an Octopus.” Sabuda, Robert, and Matthew Reinhart. Sharks and Other Sea Monsters: Encyclopedia Prehistorica. Candlewick Press, 2006. 12 p. (978-0763622299) Pri, Int. Explore the prehistoric underwater world, where monsters like megalodon ruled the waves. Over 35 pop-ups. • • • Schwartz, Viviane. Shark and Lobster’s Amazing Undersea Adventure. Candlewick Press, 2006. 40 p. (978-0763629106) Pre. Follows the humorous attempts of Shark and Lobster to conquer their fear of tigers. • Serafini, Frank. Looking Closely along the Shore. Kids Can Press, 2008. 32 p. (9781554531417) Pri. Stunning close-up photographs of things one might find along the shore challenge children to guess their identity. • Sherry, Kevin. I’m the Best Artist in the Ocean. Dial, 2008. 32 p. (978-080373255) Pre. A squid creates a masterpiece full of ocean creatures . . . on the body of a whale. Read this and have children create a mural or a drawing of a whale. • Skurzynski, Gloria. Out of the Deep. (National Parks Mystery) National Geographic, 2002. 160 p. (978-0792282303) Pri, Int. Jack, Ashley, and their new foster sister set out to solve the mystery of why whales are beaching themselves at Acadia National Park. • Slater, Dashka. The Sea Serpent and Me. Houghton Mifflin, 2008. 40 p. (978-0618723942) Pre, Pri. One day a small sea serpent falls from the faucet into the tub as a child is about to take a bath, and as the serpent grows, the child realizes that he needs to go back to the sea where he belongs. • Wood, Audrey. Ten Little Fish. Blue Sky Press, 2004. 40 p. (978-0439635691) Pre. Ten little fish swim along an ocean reef, each finding a different reason to leave until there is only one left. Audio • Abbey Road by the Beatles. Capitol Records, 1990. Audio CD (B000002UB3). Includes the song “Octopus’s Garden.” • All You Need Is Love: Beatles Songs for Kids. Music for Little People, 1999. Audio CD (B00000JZAP). All ages. Raffi sings “Octopus’s Garden.” • Animal Songs by Raffi. Rounder, 2008. Audio CD (B0012TBH5U). All ages. Raffi sings “Octopus’s Garden” and “Down by the Bay.” Video/DVD • Andre. Paramount Pictures, 1994. (94 min.) Rated PG. Based on a true story, a newborn seal is orphaned when his mother is caught in a fishing net. A family saves his life and takes him on as 21 their new pet, teaching him tricks and training him to adulthood. When local fishermen complain that the seal is interfering with their productivity, the family is forced to let Andre back into the wild. • Eyewitness: Shark. DK Publishing, 2007. DVD. (35 min.) Not Rated. Explores the murky world of the shark to discover facts and dispel myths about these marine creatures. • Finding Nemo. Buena Vista Pictures, 2003. DVD. (105 min.) Rated G. Set under the sea in the world of clown fish Marlin and his son Nemo, when the defiant Nemo takes off from his dad and gets captured by a tropical fish seeker, he finds himself stuck in a fishbowl in a dentist’s office. Marlin and his friend Dory embark on an epic journey to find Nemo. • Flipper. Universal Pictures, 1996. DVD. (94 min.) Rated PG. Based on the long-running television series, Flipper tells the story of an eccentric fisherman, his nephew, and a brilliant dolphin who join forces to combat a group of cutthroat businessmen. Starring Elijah Wood. • Hooray for Fish. Candlewick Storybook Animations Series. DVD/CD. (5:26 min.) (978763634414) Pre. This activity pack includes a hardcover book and on the DVD/CD, an animated version along with two audio tracks of the narration, one with music and sound effects and another with page-turn signals. • Planet Carnivore: Sharks and Lions. National Geographic, 2007. DVD. Not Rated. This 52minute shark episode features the Great White Shark. • Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure. National Geographic, 2008. DVD. Rated G. (40 min.) Pri, Int.Journey 80 million years back in time to an age when an astonishing assortment of ferocious creatures swam, hunted, and fought for survival beneath the prehistoric seas. Stunning imagery re-creates the perilous underwater realm of two young, dolphin-sized marine reptiles called Dolichorhynchops, or Dollies. A companion children’s book, Sea Monsters, is also available at shopngvideos.com/kids. • The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep. Columbia Pictures, 2007. DVD. (111 min.) Rated PG. A young boy finds a mysterious enchanted egg and what hatches from it will set in motion an adventure that will take him on the journey of a lifetime as the sea creature of Scottish legend is born. Starring Emma Watson. Web Sites • Chesapeake Bay Foundation. www.cbf.org/site/PageServer?pagename=homev3. Check out environmental and conservation organizations in your region that work to protect bays. • Cousteau Kids Online. www.cousteaukids.org/index.html. Kid-friendly site of the Cousteau Society with an online magazine and more. • Danielle’s Place. daniellesplace.com/html/paperplate.html. Danielle’s Place has directions for making a cute sea otter and a walrus paper plate craft. • Dashka Slater. www.dashkaslater.com/childrens_books_seaserpent.html. Web site of the author of The Sea Serpent and Me with ideas for a sea serpent party. • DLTK’s Animal Crafts for Kids. www.dltk-kids.com/animals/index.html. Check out DLTK’s site for patterns and directions for making a lobster craft, an otter craft, a paper plate crab, toilet paper roll lobster and otter, several octopus crafts and several fish crafts. • First-School. www.first-school.ws/theme/animals/ocean.htm. First-School has a section of preschool crafts and activities on ocean animals. • Get “Hooked” on Books. www.angelfire.com/la/kinderthemes/olit.html. This site includes a bibliography of ocean-themed picture books and the words to Margaret Wise Brown’s The Fish with the Deep Sea Smile. • Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. www.nps.gov/glba. The Web site for Glacier Bay 22 National Park includes a section for kids and one for teachers. You’ll find a Pacific Salmon coloring and activity booklet, and a Glacier Bay Pee Wee Ranger Coloring and Activity booklet for children two-to-six years. • Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ocean Future’s Society. www.oceanfutures.org. The Web site of the non-profit marine conservation and education organization led by the son of the famed Jacques Cousteau. • The Kennedy Center Artsedge. artsedge.kennedy-center.org/content/3436. Information on and directions for making Gyotaku, the Japanese art of fish printing. • Mr. Anderson’s Company. www.misterandersons.com. Offers a red octopus puppet and various sea serpent puppets. • Monterey Bay Aquarium. www.mbayaq.org/lc/activities/default.asp. Lots of fun games and activities for a program on bays or oceans and the animals that live there. See the Wild about Otters Bingo game. • National Aquarium, Baltimore. www.aqua.org/factsheets.html. Check out a nice collection of fact sheets on a multitude of marine animals to print and distribute or use for quick facts or trivia games. • National Park Service. Games and Activities. www.webrangers.us/search.cfm. Kids can join WebRangers and find several online theme-related activities including “Protect the Harbor,” “Water Quality,” “Exploring Tide Pools,” “Turtle Hurdles,” and “Swimming for Home.” • Oriental Trading. www.orientaltrading.com. You can purchase inexpensive “Fortune Fish,” small plastic fish that curl in the palm of the hand and “tell” a fortune by the way they curl. • Pinksunrise.com. www.pinksunrise.com/craft/ross.htm. This site has instructions for making a shark puppet. • Robert Sabuda.com. www.robertsabuda.com/popmakesimple.asp. Patterns and directions for making a pop-up shark and more. • San Diego Aquarium. Shark School. www.sdnhm.org/kids/sharks/index.html. You will find puzzles and quizzes all about sharks. • Sea Monkeys®. www.sea-monkeys.com. Sea-Monkeys® are a unique species of brine shrimp, known by the scientific name of Artemia NYOS. You can purchase kits to start a colony of SeaMonkeys®. • Sea World. www.seaworld.com/sitepage.aspx?PageID=430. Click on Kid/Teens Fun Stuff at bottom of page where you will find a Shamu and Shark Cam, and directions for making an origami penguin, whale, and fish. Shedd Aquarium. www.sheddaquarium.org. You’ll find videos and stories of the animals living at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. • 23 HIGH SEAS ADVENTURES Aarrgh, mateys! There be pirates in these here resources. Aye, and mermaids and ships and lonely desert islands to boot! Are ye brave enough to sail these waters? Read on to discover the treasure of fun stories buried within these pages. Books • Agee, Jon. Terrific. Hyperion Books for Children, 2005. 32 p. (978-0786851843) Pri. “Terrific,” says Eugene when he wins an all-expenses-paid cruise to Bermuda. “I’ll probably get a really nasty sunburn.” But Eugene’s luck is much worse than that. His ship sinks, and he ends up stranded on a tiny island. • Allen, Pamela. Who Sank the Boat? Putnam, 1996. 32 p. (978-0698113732, pap.) Pre. Readers guess who causes the boat to sink when five animal friends of varying sizes decide to go for a row. • Barton, Byron. Boats. HarperFestival, 1986. 34 p. (978-0061150173, Board book, lap edition) Babies, toddlers. Simple text and vibrant illustrations showcase a variety of boats. • Birkett, Georgie. Lila Pirate. Simon & Schuster, 2007. 32 p. (978-1416911050, pap.) Pre, Pri. When a sudden storm knocks Teddy off the crow’s nest on Lila’s pirate ship, the crew and a helpful mermaid save him from drowning. • Brink, Carol Ryrie. Baby Island. Aladdin, 1993. 160 p. (978-0689717512, pap.) Int. Twelve-yearold Mary Wallace and her ten-year-old sister Jean survive the wreck of an ocean liner on its way to Australia and manage to make it to a seemingly deserted island in a lifeboat with four babies. • Bunting, Eve. Little Badger: Terror of the Seven Seas. Sandpiper, 2006. 32 p. (978-0152057022, pap.) Pre, Pri. A little badger pretends to be a pirate until it’s time for supper. • Burningham, John. Mr. Gumpy’s Outing. Henry Holt & Company, 1971. 32 p. (978-0805007084 ) Pre. Mr. Gumpy accepts more and more riders on his boat until the inevitable occurs. • Churchill, E. Richard. Fast & Funny Paper Toys You Can Make. Sterling Publishing, 1989. (OP) Int. Directions for making movable paper toys from household articles. Includes boats, noisemakers, puppets, mobiles, and more. • Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. Tom Doherty, 1989. 352 p. (978-0812504828, pap.) Int, YA. As the sole survivor of a shipwreck, an Englishman lives for nearly thirty years on a deserted island. • Farley, Walter. Black Stallion. Yearling, 1991. 224 p. (978-0679813439) Int. Young Alec Ramsay is shipwrecked on a desert island with a horse destined to play an important part in his life. • Greenburg, Melanie Hope. Mermaids on Parade. Putnam, 2008. 32 p. (978-0399247088) Pre, Pri. A young girl participates in Coney Island’s Mermaid Parade to celebrate the opening of the ocean during the summer. Includes directions for making a simple mermaid tail. • Hobbs, Will. Wild Man Island. HarperCollins, 2003. 184 p. (978-0380733101, pap.) Int, YA. After 14-year-old Andy slips away from his kayaking group to visit the wilderness site of his archaeologist father’s death, a storm strands him on Admiralty Island, Alaska, where he manages 24 to survive, encounters unexpected animal and human inhabitants, and looks for traces of the earliest prehistoric immigrants to America. • Kennedy, Kim. Pirate Pete’s Talk Like a Pirate. Abrams, 2007. 40 p. (978-0810993488) Pre, Pri. In search of a crew, Pirate Pete and his parrot look for “stanky scallywags” who possess certain conversational skills. • Korman, Gordon. Shipwreck (Island, Book 1). Scholastic, 2001. 129 p. (978-0439164566, pap.) Int, YA. Six teens on a boat in the Pacific Ocean are shipwrecked and must learn how to survive. Sequels include Escape and Survival. This series is also available in Spanish. • Kraft, Jim. The No-Good, Do-Good Pirates. Albert Whitman, 2008. 32 p. (978-0807556955) Pre, Pri. When Captain Squint and his band of pirates are sentenced to do a good deed, they have problems figuring out just what that means. • Kubler, Annie. Row Row Row Your Boat. Child’s Play, 2003. 12 p. (978-0859536585, board book) Babies, Toddlers. Cheerful illustrations to the traditional children’s song. • Lester, Helen. Tacky in Trouble. Houghton Mifflin, 1998. 32 p. (978-0395861134) Pre, Pri. Tacky the exuberant penguin accidentally goes sailboarding and winds up on a tropical island, where he meets an elephant who demands proof of Tacky’s identity. • Leuck, Laura. I Love My Pirate Papa. Harcourt, 2007. 32 p. (978-0152056643) Pre, Pri. A pirate’s son shares the things he loves about his father, including climbing the mast together to yell “Land ho” and sharing the booty when they find buried treasure. • Llewellyn, Sam. Bad, Bad Darlings. Razorbill, 2005. 208 p. (OP) Int. Shipwrecked on a tropical island, members of the Darling family find themselves surrounded by burglars, unsavory real estate developers, and a wild boy. • Marshall, Ray. The Cast-Away Pirates: A Pop-up Tale of Bad Luck, Sharp Teeth, and Stinky Toes. Chronicle Books, 2008. 20 p. (978-0811859233) Pri. When their sailing ship, the Stinky Toes, springs a leak during a storm, a band of pirates too long at sea blames their captain, Runny Nose, and tries to plug the hole with his shoes, his coat, and other items, while a gray shark circles near. • McDonnell, Flora. I Love Boats. Candlewick Press, 1995. 32 p. (OP) Pre. A little girl lists all the boats she loves to play with in the bath. • McPhail, David. Edward and the Pirates. Little, Brown and Company, 1997. 32 p. (9780316563444) Pre. Once Edward has learned to read, books and his vivid imagination lead him to adventures. • McPhail, David. The Puddle. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998. 32 p. (OP) Pre. A boy sets out to sail his boat in a puddle and is joined by a frog, a turtle, an alligator, a pig, and an elephant. • O’Dell, Scott. Island of the Blue Dolphins. Random House, 1987. 192 p. (978-0440439882) Int. Left alone on a beautiful but isolated island off the coast of California, a young Indian girl spends 18 years, not only merely surviving through her enormous courage and self-reliance, but also finding a measure of happiness in her solitary life. Newbery Medal winner. Also available in Spanish as Isla de los delfines azul. • Rey, H. A. Curious George Rides a Bike. Houghton Mifflin, 1973. 38 p. (978-0395169643) Pre, Pri. George the monkey goes riding on his new bicycle and runs into unexpected adventure. Also available in Spanish. • Riordan, Rick. The Lightning Thief. Hyperion, 2005. 384 p. (978-0786856299) Int, YA. About to be kicked out of boarding school once again, Percy is sent to Camp Half-Blood, a summer camp for demigods, where he learns that his father is Poseidon, God of the Sea, and where he embarks upon a quest to reach the gates of the Underworld and prevent a catastrophic war between the gods. First in a series. Also available in Spanish. 25 • Sams, Laura, and Robert Sams. A Pirate’s Quest for His Family Heirloom Peg Leg. Carl R. Sams II Photography, 2008. 48 p. (978-0977010875) Pre, Pri. Join a one-legged pirate on a grand quest from the lakes to the rivers to the ocean as he tries to find a lost family heirloom peg leg. Visit apiratesquest.com for extension activities to use with this book. • Schaefer, Lola M. An Island Grows. Greenwillow Books, 2006. 40 p. (978-0066239309) Pre, Pri. Lava flows, waves pound, sands mound, and an island is born; and as it grows, life thrives. • Segal, John. Alistair and Kip’s Great Adventure! Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2008. 32 p. (978-1416902805) Pre. When Alastair and Kip sail out to sea, they quickly find themselves in deep water. • Sendak, Maurice. Where the Wild Things Are. HarperCollins, 1988 25th ann. ed. 48 p. (9780060254926) Pre, Pri. Max is sent to bed without supper and imagines sailing away to the land of Wild Things, where he is made king. • Sierra, Judy. Counting Crocodiles. Harcourt, 1997. 40 p. (978-0152001926) Pre. In this rhymed retelling of a traditional Asian tale, a clever monkey uses her ability to count to outwit the hungry crocodiles that stand between her and a banana tree on another island across the sea. • Steig, William. Abel’s Island. Square Fish, 2007. 128 p. (978-0312371432, pap.) Int. Accustomed to a life of leisure, gentlemanly Abel must be resourceful to survive after he finds himself stranded on a remote island. Newbery Honor Book. • Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island. Penguin, 2008. 224 p. (978-0451530974, pap.) Int, YA. While going through the possessions of a deceased guest who owed them money, the mistress of the inn and her son find a treasure map that leads them to a pirate’s fortune. Also available in Spanish. • Storm, Rory. Castaway Survivor’s Guide. Scholastic, 2000. 120 p. (OP) Int. Filled with information and real stories, this guide tells readers what they need to know to be a castaway survivor and learn the skills needed to live off the land, find shelter in dire circumstances, and cope with disasters. • Sturges, Philemon. This Little Pirate. Dutton, 2005. 40 p. (978-0525464402) Pre, Pri. Two bands of pirates fight over a box, but when they raise the white flag and open the box together, they find a treasure to share. • Taylor, Theodore. The Cay. Laurel Leaf, 2003. 140 p. (978-0440229124, pap.) Int. When the freighter on which they are traveling is torpedoed by a German submarine during World War II, a white boy, blinded by a blow on the head, and an old black man are stranded on a tiny Caribbean island where the boy acquires a new kind of vision, courage, and love from his old companion. Also available in Spanish. • Tucker, Kathy. Do Pirates Take Baths? Albert Whitman, 1997. 32 p. (978-0807516973, pap.) Pre, Pri. Humorous rhyming answers to eleven questions about the life of pirates with illustrations by Nadine Bernard Westcott. • Wyss, Johann D., William Kingston, trans. Swiss Family Robinson (Puffin Classics) Puffin, 1986. 408 p. (978-0140367188, pap.) Int, YA. Relates the fortunes of a shipwrecked family as they imaginatively adapt to life on an island with abundant animal and plant life. Audio • Peg Leg Tango by Captain Boggs and Salty. Scabbydisc Music, 2005. Audio CD (B0007KH8F8). Lively sing-alongs, sea chanties, and pirate tunes for kids. • Sea Music: A Gathering of Sea Songs by Dan Zanes. Festival Five Records, 2004. (Audio CD) (B0001XAMU4). A collection of 14 maritime songs. 26 Video/DVD • The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything: A Veggie Tales Movie. Universal, 2008. DVD. (60 minutes) Rated G. Larry the Cucumber, Mr. Lunt, and Pa Grape find themselves on the ride of their lives when they are mysteriously whisked back to the time when pirates ruled the high seas. Very silly songs. Web Sites • Angry Chicken. angrychicken.typepad.com/angry_chicken/2008/04/mermaids.html. A blog posting with instructions for sewing mermaid clothes for dolls. • Debbie’s Unit Factory. www.themeunits.com/Pirates_song.html. Lyrics to “This Pirate.” • Edible Fires. guidezone.e-guiding.com/edible.htm. Directions for making an edible fire. • Family Fun Jet Boat. jas.familyfun.go.com/arts-and-crafts?page=craftDisplay&craftid=10746. Directions for making a balloon-powered boat. • Hyperion Books for Children. www.hyperionbooksforchildren.com/percy_jackson_eventkit.pdf. This site is virtually the same as Rick Riordan’s (below), but it includes a reader’s theater script from The Titan’s Curse. • Parachute Play. www.tarheeltriad.org/Bright Ideas/Parachute Play.pdf. Several games to play with play parachutes. • Rick Riordan. www.rickriordan.com/Event_Kit_Riordan.doc. An event kit of ideas for a Percy Jackson party based on the “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” books by Rick Riordan. Also, you’ll find easy art and writing project ideas submitted by schools at www.rickriordan.com/index.php/books-for-children/a-teachers-guide-to-percy/project-ideas-forthe-percy-jackson-series. Talk Like a Pirate. www.talklikeapirate.com. Information and more about Talk Like a Pirate Day. Includes pirate vocabulary lists, links to pirate name generators, games, and more. Some content is adult, but material suitable for children can be found. 27 SPLISH SPLASH SUMMER Beaches, baths, brooks, and bubbles -summertime offers lots of splashy opportunities. Wade into your collections to discover fun books. Books • Allen, Pamela. Who Sank the Boat? Putnam, 1996. 32 p. (978-0698113732, pap.) Pre. Readers are invited to guess who causes the boat to sink when five animal friends decide to go for a row. • Appelt, Kathi. Bubba and Beau Meet the Relatives. Harcourt, 2004. 32 p. (978-0152061364, pap.) Pre, Pri. While preparing for a visit from some relatives—and even after they arrive—Bubba and Beau want nothing more than to sink their paws into the squishy, squashy mud hole. Display this at your “Muddy Buddies” program. • Banks, Kate. A Gift from the Sea. Frances Foster Books, 2001. 32 p. (978-0374325664) Pre. Unaware of its eons-old history, a boy finds a rock and takes it home to a shelf beside his sea glass and starfish. • Beaumont, Karen. Move Over, Rover! Harcourt, 2006. 40 p. (978-0152019792) Pri. When a storm comes, Rover expects to have his doghouse all to himself but finds that various other animals, including a skunk, come to join him. Theodore Seuss Geisel Award honor book. • Bennett, Kelly. Not Norman, A Goldfish Story. Candlewick Press, 2005. 32 p. (978-0763628697) Pri. As a boy attempts to convince someone else to take his disappointing pet, he learns to love Norman the goldfish himself. • Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker. Pop! A Book about Bubbles (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science) HarperTrophy, 2001. 40 p. (978-0064452083, pap.) Pre, Pri. Simple text explains how soap bubbles are made, why they are always round, and why they pop. Colorful photographs with a multicultural cast of children. Includes a recipe for bubble solution and simple bubble experiments. • Brisson, Pat. Beach Is to Fun: A Book of Relationships. Henry Holt & Company, 2004. 80 p. (978-0805073157) Pri, Int. A day at the beach is the occasion for the rhyming look at the relationships between things. • Carle, Eric. 10 Little Rubber Ducks. HarperCollins, 2005. 38 p. (978-0060740757) Pre. When a storm strikes a cargo ship, ten rubber ducks are tossed overboard and swept off in ten different directions. Based on a factual incident. Also available in Spanish as 10 patitos de goma. • Clarke, Jane. Stuck in the Mud. Walker & Co., 2008. 32 p. (978-0802797582) Pre, Pri. In this cumulative, rhyming story, a little chick needs help from all his farmyard friends to get out of the mud. 28 • Cousins, Lucy. Maisy Takes a Bath. Candlewick Press, 2000. 24 p. (978-0763610845, pap.) Babies, Pre. When Tallulah comes to visit twice at bath time she finally decides to join Maisy in the bath to play. Also available in Spanish as A banarse con Maisy. • Cowley, Joy. Mrs. Wishy-Washy Makes a Splash! Philomel Books, 2003. 18 p. (9780399242014, board book). Babies, Pre. Mrs. Wishy-Washy slips and falls in her large, metal washtub. • Eagle, Kin. It’s Raining, It’s Pouring. Charlesbridge, 1997. 32 p. (978-1879085718, pap.) Pre, Pri. This expanded version of the traditional rhyme shows what happens to the old man in all kinds of weather. Includes music on the last page. • Frazee, Marla. A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever. Harcourt, 2008. 40 p. (9780152060206) Pre, Pri. Friends James and Eamon enjoy a wonderful week at the home of Eamon’s grandparents during summer vacation. Add this to a display of “beach books” this summer. • Giff, Patricia Reilly. Lily’s Crossing. Yearling, 1999. 208 p. (978-0440414537, pap.) Int. During a summer spent at Rockaway Beach in 1944, Lily’s friendship with a young Hungarian refugee causes her to see the war and her own world differently. Newbery Honor book. • Hoffman, Alice. Aquamarine. Scholastic, 2002. 112 p. (978-0439098649, pap.) Int, YA. A lovestruck mermaid named Aquamarine supplies adventure and insights to two 12-year-old girls; lifelong friends who are spending their last summer together before one of them moves away. • Holm, Jennifer. Babymouse, Beach Babe (Babymouse #3) RandomHouse, 2006. 96 p. (9780375832314, pap.) Pri, Int. After finishing her last day of school for the year, Babymouse and her family go on vacation at the beach. Graphic novel format. • Jonas, Ann. Splash! Greenwillow Books, 1995. 32 p. (978-0688110512) Pre, Pri. A little girl’s turtle, fish, frogs, dog, and cat jump in and out of a backyard pond; constantly changing the answer to the question, “How many are in my pond?” • Jones, Sylvie Michelle. Who’s in the Tub? Blue Apple Books, dist. by Chronicle Books, 2007. 38 p. (978-1593546120) Pre. Willie John Jones is stalling before taking his bath, but when a variety of animals join him, his mother has a hard time getting him out of the bathtub. • Katz, Alan. Take Me Out of the Bathtub and Other Silly Dilly Songs. Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2001. 32 p. (978-0689829031) Pre, Pri, Int. Well-known songs, including “Oh Susannah” and “Row Row Row Your Boat,” are presented with new words and titles, such as “I’m So Carsick” and “Go Go Go to Bed.” • Lee, Suzy. Wave. Chronicle Books, 2008. 40 p. (978-0811859240) Pre, Pri. This wordless picture book shows a little girl’s first experiences at the beach, as she goes from being afraid of the roaring waves to playing on the shore while gulls soar overhead. • Lies, Brian. Bats at the Beach. Houghton Mifflin, 2006. 32 p. (978-0618557448) Pre, Pri. On a night when the moon can grow no fatter, bats pack their moon-tan lotion and baskets of treats and fly off for some fun on the beach. Add this to a display of “beach books” this summer. For extension activities with this book, visit Lies’s Web site at www.brianlies.com/brian_lies_beach_main.html. • McMillan, Bruce. A Beach for the Birds. Houghton Mifflin/Walter Lorraine Books, 1993. 40 p. (978-0395640500) Int. Discusses the physical characteristics and habits of the endangered least terns and describes the Maine beach where they spend the summer and raise their young alongside their human neighbors. • Potter, Jean. Science in Seconds at the Beach: Exciting Experiments You Can Do in Ten Minutes or Less. Jossey-Bass, 1998. 122 p. (978-0471178996, pap.) Pri, Int. The nearly 100 activities in this book investigate the many mysteries of animals, plants, sand, shells, sun, and water. 29 • Roome, Diana Reynolds. Tulliver’s Tunnel. Frances Lincoln, 2007. 32 p. (978-1845074005) Pre. Tulliver is a little rabbit who hates washing his face. One day he decides he has had enough and leaves home to live in a burrow under a big oak tree at the far end of the field. When nighttime comes, and Tulliver’s burrow is not finished, a very hungry, muddy, and miserable rabbit settles down to sleep. Perhaps he isn’t ready to leave home after all? • Ross, Kathy. Crafts for Kids Who Are Learning about the Weather. Millbrook Press, 2005. 47 p. (978-0761327967) Pri, Int. Make the wind, rain, lightning, and thunder puppets for the “All Wet” program. • Ross, Kathy. Crafts from Your Favorite Children’s Songs. Topeka Bindery, 2001. 48 p. (9780613904490, lib. bdg.) Int. Provides instructions for 20 easy-to-make crafts based on nursery rhymes, including an Old Man Is Snoring puppet. • Spinelli, Eileen. Summerhouse Time. Knopf, 2007. 224 p. (978-0375840616) Int. The approach of summerhouse time at the beach brings back good memories of this annual tradition, of aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents cleaning, laughing, eating, playing, and relaxing. • Spohn, Kate. Turtle and Snake’s Day at the Beach (Easy-to-Read). Puffin, 2004. 32 p. (9780142401576, pap.) Pre, Pri. Turtle and Snake go to the beach, where they and some other animals participate in a sandcastle-making contest. Another good “beach book” to have on display. • Stein, David, ed. How to Make Monstrous, Huge, Unbelievably Big Bubbles. Klutz, 2005. 38 p. (978-1570542572, spiral bound) Int. How-to tips and techniques for making bubbles. This Klutz kit includes a “bubble thing,” a fabric loop that you dip in a bucket of bubble solution and use to make giant bubbles. • Stilton, Geronimo. Surf’s Up, Geronimo! (Geronimo Stilton #20). Scholastic, 2005. 128 p. (9780439691437, pap.) Pri, Int. Geronimo tries to enjoy his seaside vacation even though his hotel is dilapidated. Fans of Geronimo Stilton can read The Rodent’s Gazette online at www.scholastic.com/titles/geronimostilton/index.htm. • Taylor, Theodore. The Cay. Laurel Leaf, 2003. 144 p. (978-0440229124, pap.) Int. When the freighter on which they are traveling is torpedoed by a German submarine during World War II, a white boy, blinded by a blow on the head, and an old black man are stranded on a tiny Caribbean island where the boy acquires a new kind of vision, courage, and love from his old companion. • Trapani, Iza. Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone? Charlesbridge, 1998. 32 p. (9781580890052, pap.) Pre, Pri. An expanded version of the traditional rhyme, in which the little dog runs away and explores the desert, mountains, and oceans before deciding that home is best. Includes music on the last page. • Watt, Melanie. Scaredy Squirrel at the Beach. Kids Can Press, 2008. 32 p. (978-1554532254) Pre, Pri. Scaredy Squirrel’s afraid to go to the beach so he makes his own “safe” beach under his tree. But can he resist the real thing? • Wood, Audrey. King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub. Harcourt, 1985. 32 p. (978-0152427306) Pri. Despite pleas from his court, a fun-loving king refuses to get out of his bathtub to rule his kingdom. Caldecott Honor book. • Yaccarino, Dan. The Birthday Fish. Henry Holt & Company, 2005. 32 p. (978-0805074932) Pre, Pri. Cynthia has always wanted a pony for her birthday, but when she blows out the candles on her cake this year, she gets a surprise. • Zion, Gene. Harry by the Sea. HarperTrophy, 1976. 32 p. (978-0064430104, pap.) Pre. Harry, a friendly little dog on a visit to the seashore, is mistaken for a sea serpent when a big wave covers him with seaweed. 30 Audio • Let’s Go! Travel, Camp and Car Songs by Susie Tallman. Rock Me Baby Records, 2007. CD (B00129IFCS). Includes the song “Ain’t Gonna Rain No More.” • Raffi in Concert with the Rise and Shine Band. MCA, 1996. CD (B000002ODA). Babies, Pre. Includes the song “Bathtime.” Video/DVD • Finding Nemo. Buena Vista Pictures, 2003. (100 min.) Rated G. Join the undersea world of clownfish Marlin and his son Nemo. When the defiant Nemo takes off from his dad and gets captured by a tropical fish seeker, he finds himself stuck in a fishbowl in a dentist’s office. Marlin and his well meaning, but wacky, friend Dory embark on an epic journey to find his son. • The Little Mermaid. Walt Disney Pictures, 1989. (89 min.) Rated G. Hans Christian Andersen’s enchanting fantasy of a beautiful young mermaid who falls in love with a prince is brought to the screen with a colorful and endearing cast of new characters and seven dazzling original songs. Web Sites • Crafttown. www.craftown.com/kids/kc9.htm. Directions for a beach towel craft. • Family Crafts. familycrafts.about.com/od/tiedye/ss/ssbeachtwl.htm. Directions for a beach towel craft. • Half.com. www.half.com. An ebay company that offers very inexpensive books. • Kiddiddles. www.kididdles.com/lyrics/i038. Lyrics to “I Wish I Were a Little Bar of Soap.” 31 FRESHWATER AND WETLANDS Understanding, and respecting our natural world, especially the things associated with water, our wetlands, lakes, ponds, and streams, is a natural extension of enjoying the summer months. Our freshwater resources are filled with an amazing array of plants and animals, and support many aspects of our lives, including recreation and industry. Books • Arnosky, Jim. All about Manatees (All About Books) Scholastic, 2008. 32 p. (978-0439903615) Pri, Int. Arnosky shows how manatees grow and live, answering kids’ biggest questions about these animals. See other titles in his “All About” series for children in grades 1−4. • Arnosky, Jim. Beachcombing: Exploring the Seashore. Dutton Children’s Books, 2004. 32 p. (978-0525471042) Pre, Pri. Illustrations and text describe some of the many things that can be found on a walk along a beach, including coconuts, shark teeth, jellyfish, crabs, and different kinds of shells. • Arnosky, Jim. The Brook Book. Dutton, 2008. 32 p. (978-0525477167) Pri. This virtual field trip to brooks and streams is perfectly pitched to young explorers and scientists. • Arnosky, Jim. Field Trips: Bug Hunting, Animal Tracking, Bird-watching, Shore Walking. HarperCollins, 2002. 96 p. (978-0688151720) Pri, Int. An ordinary hike becomes an eye-opening adventure with Jim Arnosky as he shares a wealth of tips for watching wildlife and identifying plants and animals. • Arnosky, Jim. Hook, Line, & Seeker: A Beginner’s Guide to Fishing, Boating and Watching Water Wildlife. Scholastic, 2005. 192 p. (978-0439455848, pap.) Int. A handbook to fishing, boating, and water wildlife with drawings and photographs. • Arnosky, Jim. Otters Under Water. Putnam, 1999. 32 p. (978-0698115569, pap.) Pre, Pri. Two young otters frolic and feed in a pond. 32 • Arnosky, Jim. Watching Water Birds. National Geographic Children’s Books, 2002. 32 p. (9780792267393, pap.) Pri, Int. Provides a personal look at various species of fresh- and saltwater birds, including loons, mergansers, mallards, Canada geese, gulls, and herons. • Bania, Michael. Kumak’s Fish: A Tall Tale from the Far North. Alaska Northwest Books, 2004. 32 p. (978-0882405834) Pre, Pri. On a beautiful Arctic morning when Kumak and his family go ice fishing, Kumak hooks what seems like an enormous fish, and the entire village gets involved. • Bauer, Marian Dane. A Mama for Owen. Simon & Schuster, 2007. 32 p. (978-0689857874) Pre, Pri. When the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami separates a young hippopotamus from his mother, he finds a new snuggle partner in Mzee the giant tortoise. Based on a true story. • Bergman, Mara. Snip Snap! What’s That? HarperCollins, 2005. 32 p. (978-0060777548) Pre, Pri. Three siblings are frightened by the wide mouth, long teeth, and strong jaws of the alligator that has crept up the stairs—until they decide they have had enough. • Berkes, Marianne. Marsh Morning. Millbrook Press, 2003. 32 p. (978-0761319368) Pre, Pri. Beginning with the first light of dawn, the marsh comes alive with music as different types of birds tune up and perform nature’s symphony. Also by Berkes: Marsh Music. • Best, Cari. Goose’s Story. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002. 32 p. (978-0374327507) Pre, Pri. A young girl finds a Canada goose with a badly injured foot and looks for her each day to see how she is doing. • Boyle, Doe. Otter on His Own. Soundprints, 2002. (978-1931465533) Pre, Pri. From two hours old to adulthood, this title follows the life and habits of a sea otter. • Bunting, Eve. Some Frog. Harcourt, 1998. 48 p. (978-0152770822) Pri, Int. It’ll take some frog to win the frog-jumping contest at Billy’s school. But Billy’s all set—he’s got a champion jumper, a grandpa with lots of good advice, and a mom and grandma to cheer him on. • Burningham, John. Come Away from the Water, Shirley. Red Fox, 1992. 32 p. (978-0099899402, pap.) Pre. Shirley’s adventures at the beach are accompanied by familiar parental warnings. • Buzzeo, Toni. Little Loon and Papa. Dial, 2004. 32 p. (978-0803729582) Pre, Pri. Motivated by a challenging situation and his supportive father, Little Loon finally learns to dive. • Casanova, Mary. One-Dog Canoe. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003. 32 p. (978-0374356385) Pre, Pri. A girl and her dog set out in their canoe one morning, only to be joined by a series of animals, large and small. • Casanova, Mary. Utterly Otterly Day. Simon & Schuster, 2008. 40 p. (978-1416908685) Pre. After a day out on his own, Little Otter realizes that he still needs his family no matter how big he grows. • Church, Caroline. One Smart Goose. Orchard Books, 2005. 32 p. (978-0439687652) Pre. A goose who likes to wash in a muddy pond is teased by the other geese, until they realize that he is the only one not chased by the fox. • Cook, Bernadine. The Little Fish That Got Away. HarperCollins, 2005. 64 p. (978-0060557133) Pre. A little boy goes fishing every day, but he never catches anything until one special day when a fish comes swimming by. • Crimi, Carolyn. Get Busy, Beaver! Orchard Books, 2004. 32 p. (978-0439548663) Pre, Pri. While the other beavers in his family furiously flip-flap their tails and chomp-chomp their teeth to make a new dam, young Thelonious takes a moment to smell the flowers. • Cuffe-Perez, Mary. Skylar. Philomel Books, 2008. 138 p. (978-039924543) Pri, Int. Skylar, who claims he was once wild, leads four pond geese in their first attempt at migration when an injured heron asks their help in reaching Lost Pond, where the annual Before the Migration Convention is about to be held. • DeFelice, Cynthia. The Missing Manatee. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008. 192 p. (978- 33 0374312572) Int. While coping with his parents’ separation, 11-year-old Skeet spends most of Spring Break in his skiff on a Florida river, where he finds a manatee shot to death and begins looking for the killer. • Delaney, M. C. Birdbrain Amos, Mr. Fun. Philomel Books, 2006. 160 p. (978-039924278) Pri. Amos, the hippopotamus takes his tickbird, Amoeba, and her family on what he hopes will be a fun vacation, but he finds himself competing with Amoeba’s imaginary friend. This is the sequel to Birdbrain Amos. • Dwyer, Mindy. The Salmon Princess, an Alaskan Cinderella Story. Sasquatch Books, 2004. 32 p. (978-157061355, pap.) Pri. Loosely based on “Cinderella,” this story is set in Alaska; the fairy godmother is an eagle; and the hero, the son of a cannery owner, finds his true love through her Sitka slipper, a heavy rubber boot she left at the Silver Salmon Festival. • Faller, Regis. The Adventures of Polo. Roaring Brook Press, 2006. 80 p. (978-1596431607) Pre, Pri. In this wordless picture book, Polo the dog enjoys many adventures, including sailing his boat on top of a whale. • Falwell, Cathryn. Turtle Splash: Countdown at the Pond. Greenwillow Books, 2001. 32 p. (9780060294625) Pre, Pri. As they are startled by the activities of other nearby creatures, the number of turtles on a log in a pond decreases from ten to one. • Felix, Monique. The Boat. Creative Editions, 1993. 32 p. (978-1568460802) Pre, Pri. A mouse trapped inside a book makes a boat out of paper and goes sailing. • Fleming, Denise. In the Small, Small Pond. Henry Holt and Company, 1993. 32 p. (9780805081176, pap.) Pre. Illustrations and rhyming text describe the activities of animals living in and near a small pond as spring progresses to autumn. Caldecott Honor Book. • Florian, Douglas. In The Swim: Poems and Paintings. Harcourt, 2001. 48 p. (978-0152024376, pap.) Pre, Pri. A collection of humorous poems about both freshwater and ocean fish. • Frank, John. How to Catch a Fish. Roaring Brook Press, 2006. 32 p. (978-1596431638) Pre, Pri. Rhyming text and illustrations describe the ways different fish are caught around the world. • Frazier, Craig. Stanley Goes Fishing. Chronicle Books, 2007. 32 p. (978-0811852449) Pre, Pri. Stanley, a fellow who looks at life differently, goes on a fishing trip and discovers that the fish are not where they should be. • George, Jean Craighead. The Case of the Missing Cutthroats (Ecological mystery). HarperTrophy, 1999. 160 p. (978-0064406475, pap.) Int. After Spinner Shafter catches a cutthroat trout in the Snake River, she and her cousin Alligator search the nearby mountains to determine where the endangered fish came from and how it survived. Reissue of Hook a Fish, Catch a Mountain. • George, Jean Craighead. Fire Storm. HarperCollins, 2003. 32 p. (978-0060002633) Pri. Alex enjoys kayaking behind the raft of his aunt and uncle as they journey down Idaho’s Salmon River, until they find themselves in the middle of a forest fire. • George, Jean Craighead. Luck (Outdoor Adventures). HarperCollins, 2006. 32 p. (9780060082017) Pre, Pri. A young sandhill crane, Luck, finds his place in the ancient crane migration from northern Canada to the Platte River. • George, William T., and Lindsay Barrett George. Box Turtle at Long Pond. Greenwillow Books, 1989. 32 p. (978-0688081843) Pre, Pri. On a busy day at Long Pond, Box Turtle searches for food, basks in the sun, and escapes a raccoon. (Also by the authors, Beaver at Long Pond.) • Goering, Laura. Whistling Wings. Sylvan Dell, 2008. 32 p. (978-1934359129) Pre, Pri. A young tundra swan stays behind while his parents and flock continue on their migration south. • Guiberson, Brenda. Mud City: A Flamingo Story. Henry Holt & Company, 2005. 32 p. (9780805071771) Pri. This illustrated introduction to the life cycle of flamingos includes where they 34 • Hatkoff, Isabella. Owen and Mzee: The True Story of a Remarkable Friendship. Scholastic, 2007. 40 p. (978-043982973) Pri. The story of an orphaned baby hippo named Owen and the 130year-old giant turtle, Mzee, who became friends after the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004. Other books about Owen and Mzee include Owen and Mzee: The Language of Friendship, Best Friends (Owen and Mzee), and Owen and Mzee: A Day Together. • Huggins, Peter. Trosclair and the Alligator. Star Bright Books, 2006. 32 p. (978-193206598) Pre, Pri. Trosclair ignores his father’s warning about Gargantua, the rogue alligator living in nearby Bayou Fontaine, and heads off into Bee Island Swamp to hunt for turtle eggs. • Kalan, Robert. Jump Frog, Jump. HarperTrophy, 1989. 32 p. (978-0688139544) Pre. A cumulative tale in which a frog tries to catch a fly without getting caught itself. • Kurtz, Kevin. A Day in the Salt Marsh. Sylvan Dell Publishing, 2007. 32 p. (978-0976882350) Pri. Rhyming verse introduces readers to hourly changes in the salt marsh as the tide comes and goes. Includes a section with a matching game and activity. Visit www.SylvanDellPublishing.com to download activities. Nice illustrations. • Kvasnosky, Laura McGee. See You Later, Alligator! Harcourt, 1995. 24 p. (978-0152003012) Pre. Alligators, turtles, and other reptile pupils enjoy a boisterous day in school. • LaMarche, Jim. The Raft. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 2000. 40 p. (978-0688139773) Pri. Reluctant Nicky spends a wonderful summer with Grandma who introduces him to the joy of rafting down the river near her home and watching the animals along the banks. • Lee, Suzy. Wave. Chronicle Books, 2008. 40 p. (978-0811859240) Pre. A wordless picture book that shows a little girl’s first experiences at the beach as she goes from being afraid of the roaring waves to playing on the shore. • Lehman, Barbara. Rainstorm. Houghton Mifflin, 2007. 32 p. (978-0618756391) Pre, Pri. In this wordless picture book, a boy finds a mysterious key, which leads him on an adventure one rainy day. • Llewellyn, Claire. Watch Out! Near Water. Barron’s Educational Series, 2006. 32 p. (9780764133275, pap.) Pri. Teaches children the different ways to keep safe when in or near the water. • Louv, Richard. Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder. Algonquin, 2008. 390 p. (978-1565126053) Adult. Louv shares research and his observation about the gap between children and nature and suggests ways to get children unplugged and in closer contact with the natural world. • Luenn, Nancy. Nessa’s Fish. Aladdin, 1997. 32 p. (978-0689814655, pap.) Pri. Nessa’s ingenuity and bravery save from animal poachers the fish she and her grandmother caught to feed everyone in their Eskimo camp. • Mayer, Mercer. A Boy, a Dog, and a Frog. Dial, 2003. 32 p. (978-0803728806) Pre, Pri. A boy and his dog go walking in the swamp in this wordless picture book. • McDonald, Rae. A Fishing Surprise. Northword Books for Young Readers, 2007. 32 p. (9781559719773) Pre, Pri. A sister and brother go fishing, but come home with a net full of apples instead. • Mitton, Tony. Down by the Cool of the Pool. Orchard Books, 2002. 32 p. (978-0439309158) Pre, Pri. Frog and the other animals have a dancing good time both in and out of the water in the cool of the pool. • Page, Jason. Rowing, Sailing, and Other Sports on Water. Crabtree Publishing Company, 2008. 32 p. (978-0778740346, pap.) Pri, Int. Provides basic descriptions, historical information, and trivia about boat-related events since their inclusion in the modern Olympics in 1900. • Paye, Won-Ldy and Margaret H. Lippert. Mrs. Chicken and the Hungry Crocodile. Henry Holt & 35 Company, 2003. 32 p. (978-0805070477) Pre, Pri. When a crocodile captures Mrs. Chicken and takes her to an island to fatten her up, clever Mrs. Chicken claims that she can prove they are sisters and that, therefore, the crocodile shouldn’t eat her. • Polhemus, Coleman. Crocodile Blues. Candlewick Press, 2007. 32 p. (978-0763635435) Pre, Pri. A wordless picture book in which a man and his pet cockatoo discover, much to their dismay, the true nature of the egg they bring home from the store. • Quigley, Mary. Granddad’s Fishing Buddy. Dial, 2007. 32 p. (978-0803729421) Pre. A young girl and her grandfather go fishing and always meet up with the heron that helps them find fish. • Raatma, Lucia. Water Safety. Child’s World, 2003. 32 p. (978-1592960903, lib. bdg.) Pri. Explains various ways to stay safe in, on, or near water, and what to do in certain emergencies. • Rockhill, Dennis. Ocean Whisper/Susurro del oceano. Raven Tree Press, 2006. 32 p. (9780974199245) Pre, Pri. This wordless picture book begins with a bilingual poem. A boy’s fish bowl and whale poster transform his room and bed into an undersea dreamscape. • Rohmann, Eric. Clara and Asha. Roaring Brook Press, 2005. 40 p. (978-1596430310) Pre, Pri. Young Clara would rather play with her imaginary giant fish, Asha, than settle down to sleep. Also available in Spanish as Clara y Asha. • Root, Phyllis. One Duck Stuck. Candlewick Press, 2003. 32 p. (# 978-0763615666) Pre. One stuck duck must rely on the help of friends to free him in this muddy, mucky, and lively counting book. • Sadler, Judy Ann. Knotting: Make Your Own Basketball Nets, Guitar Straps, Sports Bags, and More. Kids Can Press, 2006. 40 p. (978-1553375418) Int. Shows kids how to make both simple and intricate knots with rope, cord, or twine. • Sayre, April Pulley. Trout, Trout, Trout!: A Fish Chant. Northword Books for Young Readers, 2004. 32 p. (978-1559718899) Pre, Pri. A jaunty, fun, rhyming chant and tribute to freshwater fish. • Schubert, Ingrid. There’s Always Room for One More. Boyds Mills Press, 1998. 32 p. (9781886910775) Pre. Beaver builds a raft so that his friends can go for a ride with him. • Sierra, Judy. Counting Crocodiles. Harcourt, 1997. 40 p. (978-0152001926) Pre. In this rhymed retelling of a traditional Asian tale, a clever monkey uses her ability to count to outwit the hungry crocodiles that stand between her and a banana tree on another island across the sea. • Skurzynski, Gloria, and Alene Fergusen. Deadly Waters: A Mystery in Everglades National Park (Mysteries in Our National Parks). National Geographic Children’s Books, 2007. 160 p. (9781426300936, pap.) Int. While visiting Everglades National Park with their parents, the Landon children uncover the mystery of dying manatees and learn important lessons about the natural environment. • Slade, Suzanne. Let’s Go Canoeing and Kayaking. PowerKids Press, 2007. 32 p. (9781404236493, lib. bdg.) Int. Motivate kids to get out and canoe or kayak after reading this book. • Sloat, Teri. I’m a Duck! Putnam, 2006. 32 p. (978-0399242748). Pre. A duck marvels at how wonderful it is to be a duck, with feathers, webbed feet, and wings that can fly, from the time he is hatched until he becomes a dad. • Sloat, Teri. There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Trout. Owlet Paperbacks, 2002. 32 p. (978-0805069006). Pre, Pri. An old lady swallows a variety of marine life in this play on the traditional song, “There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly.” • Stetson, Emily. 40 Knots to Know: Hitches, Loops, Bends & Bindings. Williamson Publishing Company, 2002. 62 p. (978-1885593702, pap.) Int. Provides step-by-step instructions for tying five basic knots plus a variety of more complex ones, including joining knots, bindings, coils, hitches, lashings, and more. 36 • Stewart, Amber. Little by Little. Orchard Books, 2008. 32 p. (978-0545061636 ) Pre, Pri. Otto is a young otter who can do many things well, but swimming is not one of them until his older sister tells him to start small and, little by little, he is able to reach his goal, adding swimming to his “I can do” list. • Tafuri, Nancy. Have You Seen My Duckling? Greenwillow Books, 1984. 32 p. (9780688027971) Pre. A mother duck leads her brood around the pond as she searches for one missing duckling. • Tafuri, Nancy. Whose Chick Are You? Greenwillow Books, 2007. 40 p. (978-0060825140, lib. bdg.) Pre. Goose, duck, hen, bird, and the little chick, itself, cannot tell to whom a new hatchling belongs, but mother swan knows. • Wiesner, David. Flotsam. Clarion, 2006. 40 p. (978-0618194575) Pre, Pri. The story of what happens when a camera becomes a piece of flotsam. This wordless picture book won the Caldecott medal. • Wilson, Karma. A Frog in the Bog. Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2003. 32 p. (9780689840814) Pre. A frog in the bog grows larger and larger as he eats more and more bugs, until he attracts the attention of an alligator who puts an end to his eating. • Woods, Bob. Water Sports. Gareth Stevens Publishing, 2003. 24 p. (978-0836837278) Int. Traditional water sports such as surfing and water skiing, and newer water sports including kite surfing and wakeboarding are detailed in this book. • Yolen, Jane. Dimity Duck. Penguin, 2008. 32 p. (978-0399250606) Pre. Dimity Duck and Frumity Frog have a fun day together in the pond, and then go home when it gets dark outside. Audio • Caribbean Playground by Putumayo Kids. Putumayo World Music, 2004. Audio CD (B00028ZNL6). A joyous celebration of Caribbean music and culture that will delight children and adults alike. Filled with fun songs, cultural information, song lyrics, and colorful artwork, Caribbean Playground is a festive musical cruise for all ages. • Echoes of Nature: Wilderness River. LaserLight, 1993. Audio CD (B000001V4T). This CD has the songs of streamside birds. • Frog Song by Dan Gibson. Solitudes, 2003. Audio CD (B0000E3326). A restful recording of different frog species and other wildlife. • Lakeside Retreat by Dan Gibson. Solitudes, 2002. Audio CD (B000065DW4). Discover the tranquility of a Lakeside Retreat with this laid-back combination of music and nature sounds. Instrumentation includes violin, guitar, flute, clarinet, piano, harp, and mandolin. • Land of the Loon by Dan Gibson. Solitudes, 1999. Audio CD (B00004RGUM). Calming sounds of a secluded lake. Instrumentation includes piano, guitar, flute, percussion, fiddle, and cello. Video/DVD • Awesome Adventures: Wild Water and Wild West. Blackboard Entertainment, 2000. VHS. (45 min.) Not rated. Pri, Int. A rafting adventure is the first half of this video for kids. • Be Cool, Play It Safe. EMP International. 1999. VHS. (43 min.) Not rated. Pri, Int. Water Safety is one short segment of this film. Web Sites • 4 2 Explore. 42explore.com/birds.htm. This Web site has many links for information, crafts, and activities for your program on birds. 37 • Boat Safe Kids. www.boatsafe.com/kids. This Web site has answers to important life jacket and other boating and water safety questions. • Crocodile Hunter. www.crocodilehunter.com.au/crocodile_hunter/about_steve_terri. Official site of the Crocodile hunters. • DLTK. www.dltk-kids.com/animals/forest-other.htm. Several forest animal crafts at this site including an otter, moose, eagle, and fox. • Ducks for Kids and Teachers. www.kiddyhouse.com/Farm/ducks.html. Lots of information on ducks plus activities. • EEK. www.dnr.state.wi.us/eek. Web site activities for children grades 4−8. Check out Critter Corner. • Enchanted Learning. www.enchantedlearning.com/biomes/swamp/swamp.shtml. You’ll find swamp animal printouts. • Family Fun. familyfun.go.com/printables/craft-templates/printable/beaver-mask. This site has a printable beaver mask that you can use in the Beavers and Otters and Bears, Oh My! Program. • Grow a Frog®. www.growafrog.com. Sells Grow a Frog Kits. • Kids’ Planet. www.kidsplanet.org.This site by the Defenders of Wildlife organization provides facts and information on endangered species and includes booklists, teacher curriculum, online games, coloring pages, word searches, puzzles, and quizzes. • The Monkey and the Crocodile. www.libsci.sc.edu/storytelling/techniques/FoldandCutstoriesBird.Monkey.pdf. Try this cut-and-tell story for the Crocs and Gators program. • National Safe Boating Council. www.safeboatingcouncil.org. Promotes safer boating through education. Includes information and illustrations on life jackets, anchors, flags, and more in the “Library” section. • No Child Left Inside. www.eenclb.org. The homepage for the coalition supporting the No Child Left Inside act. • Nova: Crocodiles. www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/crocs. Companion site for the Nova program Crocodiles! • Project Webfoot. www.ducks.org/conservation/initiative50.aspx. Learn about Project Webfoot, sponsored by Ducks Unlimited, whose goal is to educate students throughout North America about the importance of wetlands to waterfowl, other wildlife, and people. • Splash Zone USA. www.poolkidsusa.com/home.html. This Web site helps kids learn about water safety through games, puzzles, and activity guides. 38 TEEN RESOURCES The following resource lists were created by the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) for use in support of the 2010 summer reading program at public libraries 39 ROCK THE BOAT Social Issues and Activism Someone who is rocking the boat is challenging the customary routine of events. Encourage teen students to “rock the boat” in terms of environmental activism. Challenge the status quo! We need teens to help protect our water, our earth, and our society. And if they have a good time doing it, we’re all for that, too. Web Sites • Educational Water Experiments and Demonstrations for Water Awareness. www.watercenter.net. Actually, the title for this site is pretty self-explanatory! • EPA. Water. Water For Kids. www.epa.gov/water/kids/waterforkids.html. List of educational, water-related links. • Info Barrel. www.infobarrel.com/How_to_Make_a_Solar_Powered_Water_Distiller. Short video with directions for making a solar-powered water distiller. • Project Aware. www.projectaware.org/english/templates/info.aspx?id=707. Marine Debris Facts. • USGS Water Use in the United States. water.usgs.gov/watuse. Statistics about water usage in the United States. Has surveys from 2005 and 2009. • WaterAid America. www.wateraidamerica.org. Official Web site for the charity we are working with this summer. • Water Busters! www2.seattle.gov/util/waterbusters. Water conservation game. • Water Conservation. www.monolake.org/about/water conservation. Specific to the Mono Lake area, this Web site also offers excellent general water conservation information. Water Conservation Tips, Facts and Resources. www.water useitwisely.com. This is an outstanding resource for water conservation facts of all kinds. Also, it has some interactive games that are fun and educational. Rock the Boat Bibliograhy Nonfiction Bowden, Robert. Earth’s Water Crisis: What If We Do Nothing? World Almanac Library, 2007. 48 p. (978-0836881547, pap.) Gr. 7+. Each book explains causes and effects and suggests possible solutions to the global water crisis. Suggested answers are presented in the back matter. This is a timely introduction to the study of global problems. de Villiers, Marq. Water: The Fate of Our Most Precious Resource. Mariner Books, 2001. 368 p. (9780618127443, pap.) Adult. This report discusses solutions for our world water issues, calling for a bold 40 combination of solutions: conservation, technological innovation, desalination of sea water, demandreducing devices like low-flow faucets and toilets, public policy to reduce water wastefulness. Emoto, Masaru. The Secret Life of Water. Atria Books, 2006. 208 p. (978-0743289825) Adult. Water philosophy. Reveals water’s secret life, explaining how a drop of water carries its whole history in the same way a human carries their own history, and explains how people can apply the wisdom of water to their own lives and face the challenges of everyday life. LaBella, Laura. Not Enough to Drink: Pollution, Drought, and Tainted Water Supplies. Rosen Publishing Group, 2009. 64 p. (978-1435853768, pap.) Gr. 6+. Discusses the issues facing our world’s water supply. Water conservation is becoming an increasing necessity in many countries. Pollution and drought also discussed. Pearce, Fred. When the Rivers Run Dry: The Defining Crisis of the Twenty-First Century. Beacon Press, 2007. 324 p. (978-0807085738, pap.) Adult. Examines the current state of crucial water sources around the world; discusses the scientific, economic, and historic dimensions of the water crisis; and offers practical solutions for preserving the world’s water supply in the 21st century. Oxlade, Chris and Ganeri, Anita. Down the Drain: Conserving Water. Heinemann, 2005. 32 p. (9780431041766, pap.) Gr. 4−8. Presents a short study on water conservation, and describes where water comes from, what happens to waste water, and how people can save water at home and at school. Snodgrass, Mary Ellen. Environmental Awareness—Water Pollution. Bancroft-Sage, 1991. 48 p. (9780944280263) Gr. 3−6. Discusses the importance of a clean water supply and how water pollution threatens the lives and health of people, animals, and plants. Readers learn how to contribute to anti-pollution and conservation efforts. Vandana, Shiva. Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit. South End Press, 2002. 158 p. (9780896086500) Adult. This book exposes yet another corporate maneuver to convert a critical world resource into a profitable commodity. Using the global water trade as a lens, the author highlights the destruction of the earth and the disenfranchisement of the world’s poor as they lose their right to a life-sustaining common good. Vickers, Amy. Handbook of Water Use and Conservation: Homes, Landscapes, Industries, Businesses, Farms. Waterplow Press, 2001. 494 p. (978-1931579070) Adult. A comprehensive, nontechnical reference handbook on water use and efficiency measures for homeowners, businesses, farmers, and industries. Efficiency measures for landscape water use include native and low-water-use plants, irrigation scheduling, and the use of mulches. Among the useful appendixes are a list of web addresses of conservation organizations, a table for calculating water-cost savings based on volume of use, sample worksheets for water audits for a residence, an irrigational setting, and an industrial/commercial/institutional setting. Vigil, Kenneth M. Clean Water: An Introduction to Water Quality and Water Pollution Control. Oregon State University Press, 2003. 181 p. (978-0870714986, pap.) Adult. Presents a comprehensive study of the issues associated with water quality and water pollution control, and examines the basic fundamentals of water chemistry and microbiology as well as other important water quality rules and regulations. Fiction Beaton, M.C. Agatha Raisin and the Wellspring of Death. Robinson Publishing, 2006. 256 p. (9781845293192, pap.) Adult. While acting as the public relations person for a mineral water company hoping to use water from a spring in a nearby village, Agatha finds the village council chairman murdered. Dalkey, Kara. Ascension (Water trilogy, bk. 1). HarperCollins, 2002. 235 p. YA. OP. Nia, a young mermyd, has longed all her life to become one of the ten Avatars who rule the undersea city of Atlantis, but what she does not realize is that if her wish is granted, it could mean the end of Atlantis forever. Reunion and Transformation are books two and three in the trilogy. Gratz, Alan. Something Rotten, A Horatio Wilkes Mystery. Puffin, 2009. 224 p. (978-0142412978, pap.) Gr. 6+. In a contemporary story based on Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, Horatio Wilkes seeks to solve the 41 murder of his friend Hamilton Prince’s father in Denmark, Tennessee, where the Prince family’s paper plant is under suspicion of polluting the local river. Hiaasen, Carl. Flush. Knopf, 2007. 272 p. (978-0375841859, pap.) Gr. 5−9. With their father jailed for sinking a river boat, Noah Underwood and his younger sister, Abbey, must gather evidence that the owner of this floating casino is emptying his bilge tanks into the protected waters around their Florida Keys home. Hiaasen, Carl. Scat. Knopf, 2009. 384 p. (978-037583486) Gr. 5−9. Nick and his friend Marta decide to investigate when a mysterious fire starts near a Florida wildlife preserve and an unpopular teacher goes missing. Nelson, Blake. They Came from Below. Tor Teen, 2009. 304 p. (978-0765352811, pap.) Gr. 7−10. While vacationing on Cape Cod, best friends Emily, 16, and Reese, 17, meet Steve and Dave, who seem too good to be true, and whose presence turns out to be related to a dire threat of global pollution. Petrucha, Stefan. Teen, Inc. Walker Books for Young Readers, 2007. 224 p. (978-0802796509) Gr. 7−11. Fourteen-year-old Jaiden has been raised by NECorp.since his parents were killed when he was a baby, so when he discovers that the corporation has been lying about producing illegal levels of mercury emissions in area streams, he and his two friends decide to try to do something about it. Robinson, Sandra Chisholm. The Last Bit Bear: A Fable. Roberts Rinehart, 1984. 48 p. (978-0911797091, pap.) All ages. The long search by a bear and his animal friends for land, water, and food that has not been polluted or destroyed by man ends in their discovery of a national park. Roby, Kinley E. Fear Death by Water. Five Star, 2008. 289 p. (978-1594146442) Adult. Harry Brock puts his own life, as well as those he loves, in danger when he agrees to help Colleen McGraw, president of a conservation group trying to save Florida's Okalatchee River from destruction, discover who is trying to sabotage her efforts. 42 OCEAN COMMOTION Science Water is part of our daily lives. Oceans, ponds, streams, and wetlands all play important roles in the ecology of our planet. A better understanding about the relationships among living organisms helps teens to foster a better appreciation for life on Earth. Video/DVD • Sweet Home Alabama. Buena Vista, 2002. (108 min.) Rated PG-13. You can incorporate some science while showing this romantic comedy starring Reese Witherspoon. One of the characters in the movie makes his living selling sand glass, or fulgurite, which he gets by placing metal rods along the beach before a thunderstorm. When lightning strikes the rods and sand, the sand glass is formed. Web Sites • Battleship Instructions. www.hasbro.com/common/instruct/BattleShip_(2002).PDF. This site has the official Hasbro instructions for Battleship. • Bubblemania. bubblemania.com/welcome.html. • Bubbles. www.exploratorium.edu/ronh/bubbles/bub bles.html. This Web site lists many interesting soap bubble facts, experiments, and games. • College Marine Biology Programs. life.bio.sunysb.edu/marinebio/mbcolleges.html. Links to marine biology programs in the U.S. and abroad. • Family Fun. www.familyfun.com. Many craft and game activities dealing with water. • Free Online Battleship Game. www.freeonlinebattleship.com. • Google Oceans. earth.google.com/ocean. In Google’s new ocean layer, you can plunge all the way to the floor of the sea, view exclusive content from partners like BBC and National Geographic, and explore 3D shipwrecks like the Titanic. Be sure to bookmark this site. • Marine Bio. www.marinebio.org. Web site of the Marine Bio Society, a nonprofit organization working to share the wonders of the ocean realm inspiring marine science education, research, and a sea ethic. • Marine Biology Explorations. life.bio.sunysb.edu/marinebio/mblabs.html. Links to marine biology labs and graduate programs. Office of Naval Research. www.onr.navy.mil/focus/ocean/default.htm. Information on ocean habitats, life, water, regions, and research vessels. Ocean Commotion Bibliography 43 Nonfiction Center for Marine Conservation. The Ocean Book: Aquarium and Seaside Activities and Ideas for All Ages. Wiley, 1989. 113 p. (978-0471620785, pap.) 5−9. An activity book on the ocean and its inhabitants. Includes experiments, investigations, puzzles, and games. Cousteau, Jacques and Susan Schiefelbein The Human, the Orchid, and the Octopus: Exploring and Conserving Our Natural World. St. Martin’s Press, 2007. 320 p. (978-1596914179) Adult. Part adventure story, part manifesto, this is legendary ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau’s passionate plea for sustaining life on earth. Davidson, Avelyn. Beach Biology. Children’s Press, 2008. 36 p. (978-0531154953, pap.) 5−8. Photographs, illustrations, and text introduce children to the beach environment, describing the plants, animals, and fish found on and along the world’s coasts, as well as the natural and man-made forces that shape them. Hutchinson, Stephen. Oceans: A Visual Guide. Firefly, 2008. 303 p. (978-1554074273, pap.) Gr. 6+. An illustrated guide to the world's oceans that discusses their formation, exploration, marine life, and the human impact on them, conservation, and other related topics. Kaplan, Eugene. Sensuous Seas: Tales of a Marine Biologist. Princeton University Press, 2006. 271 p. (978-0691125602) Adult. Presents a memoir and a collection of essays from marine biologist Eugene Kaplan that describes various sea creatures that inhabit the oceans, and contains 150 illustrated drawings. Olmstead, Kathleen. Jacques Cousteau: A Life under the Sea. Sterling, 2008. 128 p. (978-1402744402, pap.) Gr. 6−9. A trip into the life and undersea world of pioneering oceanographer Jacques Cousteau. Pernetta, John. Guide to the Oceans (Firefly Pocket Series). Firefly, 2004. 240 p. (978-1552979426, pap.) Gr. 5+. Presents a guide to the world’s oceans, discussing their origins and evolution, the history of ocean exploration, leisure activities that take place in or near the ocean, ocean life, and resources; and includes an atlas, as well as an encyclopedia of marine life. Reis, Ronald A. Eugenie Clark: Marine Biologist. Ferguson, 2005. 128 p. (978-0816058839) Grades 5−8. Tells Eugenie Clark’s life story, describing her start in marine biology and explaining how she came to be the world's leading shark expert. Also explains how to become a marine biologist and how to become a professional diver. Robinson, Tom. The Everything Kids’ Science Experiments Book: Boil Ice, Float Water, Measure Gravity-Challenge the World Around You! Adams Media, 2001. 133 p. (978-1580625579, pap.) Grades 5−8. A collection of science experiments and activities that teaches children the basic concepts of biology, chemistry, and physics. Rothschild, Susan B. Beachcombers Guide to Gulf Coast Marine Life. Taylor Trade Pub., 2004. Third ed. 179 p. (978-1589790612, pap.) Adult. A practical guide to the marine life of the Gulf coast, and contains detailed drawings of over 300 marine creatures commonly found along the beaches and bays of the Gulf region. Rotman, Jeffrey. Underwater Eden: 365 Days. Abrams, 2007. 744 p. (978-0810993112) Adult. Presents 365 color photos of different kinds of sharks, smaller fish, corals, sea anemones, and other life forms in the earth's oceans, accompanied by informative descriptions. Fiction Avi. True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. HarperCollins, 2004. 240 p. (978-0380728855, pap.) Gr. 5−8. As the lone “young lady” on a transatlantic voyage in 1832, Charlotte learns the captain is murderous and the crew rebellious. Fama, Elizabeth. Overboard. Laurel Leaf, 2005. 160 p. (978-0553494365, pap.) Gr. 5−9. Escaping from a sinking ferry in the waters off Sumatra, 14-year-old Emily fights for survival for herself and a young Indonesian boy, who draws courage from his quiet but firm Islamic faith. 44 Farmer, Nancy. Sea of Trolls. Atheneum, 2006. 480 p. (978-0689867460, pap.) Gr. 5−9. After Jack becomes apprenticed to a Druid bard, he and his little sister Lucy are captured by Viking Berserkers and taken to the home of King Ivar the Boneless and his half-troll queen, leading Jack to undertake a vital quest to Jotunheim, home of the trolls. Hobbs, Will. Leaving Protection. HarperCollins, 2005. 192 p. (978-0380733125, pap.) Gr. 6−12. Sixteenyear-old Robbie Daniels, happy to get a job aboard a troller fishing for king salmon off southeastern Alaska, finds himself in danger when he discovers that his mysterious captain is searching for long-buried Russian plaques that lay claim to Alaska and the Northwest. Johnson, Maureen. Girl at Sea. HarperTeen, 2007. 336 p. (978-0060541446) Gr. 9+. High-school junior Clio Ford reluctantly gives up her dream job and a potential first kiss to take a working vacation with her estranged father on a yacht in Italy. Plum-Ucci, Carol. The She. Sandpiper, 2005. 372 p. (978-0152168193) Gr. 8+. After his parents are lost at sea, Evan Barrett and his older brother leave their seaside home in West Hook to escape bad memories, but years later even worse questions emerge when Evan is asked to help a fellow student deal with another searelated tragedy. 45 WATER YOUR IMAGINATION Creative Activities One area where we never seem to have trouble drumming up enthusiasm with teen library patrons is creative activities. One of the joys of working with High School students is to see how their minds work, dream, and create! Web Sites • Artist Trading Cards. community.livejournal.com/artist_cards. A community for trading ATCs. • Chalk4Peace. www.chalk4peace.org. Information about and photos of the Chalk4Peace sidewalk chalk project for children. • FOUND Magazine. www.foundmagazine.com. All about found objects. Photos, notes, and all the strange, hilarious, and heartbreaking things people find. • How to Make an Ugly Doll. www.squidoo.com/makeuglydolls. Simple instructions for making a fabric ugly doll. • Marbling Paper Pattern—How to Do It. www.show.me.uk/site/make/Art-andDesign/STO953.html. Great instructions and photos describe the process. • Pasadena Chalk Festival. www.pasadenachalkfesti val.com. Photographs of winning entries in the Pasadena Chalk Festival. PostSecret. postsecret.blogspot.com. An ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard. • Water Your Imagination Bibliography Nonfiction Dickinson, Jane. The Paper Marbling Kit: Materials, Techniques, and Projects. Chronicle Books, 2006. 96 p. (978-0811848633) Adult. This kit shows crafters how easy it is to create beautifully patterned paper, 46 from fine comb to block marble to small wave. Horvath, David, and Sun-Min Kim. How to Draw Uglydoll Kit: Ugly Drawings in a Few Easy Steps. Walter Foster, 2006. 32 p. (978-1560108900) All ages. Teaches artists of all ages and skill levels to draw the “ugliest” characters around, from Jeero and Wagehead to Ice-Bat and UglyDog. Murphy, John. Stupid Sock Creatures: Making Quirky, Lovable Figures from Cast-Off Socks. Lark Books, 2005. 120 p. (978-1579906108) Adult. Sculpt and sew a one-of-a-kind menagerie from cast-off socks and your own imagination. Rothbart, David. Found: The Best Lost, Tossed, and Forgotten Items from around the World. Fireside, 2004. 256 p. (978-0743251143, pap.) Adult. From discarded valentines to a breakup letter written on the back of an airsickness bag, this tribute to everyday life takes an uncensored, poignant, and hilarious peek into other people’s lives. Warren, Frank. PostSecret: Extraordinary Secrets from Ordinary Lives. William Morrow, 2005. 288 p. (978-0060899196) Adult. For the Postsecret project, which was started in October 2004, Warren asked people to write a secret they had never told anyone on a handmade postcard and mail it to him. This compilation is astonishing in its honesty and creativity. Fiction Castelucci, Cecil. The Plain Janes. Minx, 2007. 176 p. (978-1401211158, pap.) Gr. 7−10. When Jane moves to the suburbs, she thinks her life is over, but she meets three friends who form a club P.L.A.I.N.E., but can art really save a group of misfits from high school? Spinelli, Jerry. Stargirl. Knopf, 2002. 208 p. (978-0375822339, pap.) Gr. 6−10. In this story about the perils of popularity, the courage of nonconformity, and the thrill of first love, an eccentric student named Stargirl changes Mica High School forever. 47 DIVE IN Try New Ideas To “Dive In” is to start a new endeavor enthusiastically and wholeheartedly. These resources will provide ideas to encourage teens to attempt new ventures. Web Sites • 10 Things to Do Before You Die. www.forbes.com/fyi/2000/0918/082.html. • 50 Things to Do Before You Die. www.bspcn.com/2008/07/09/50-things-to-do-before-you-die. • 100 Things to Do Before You Die. brass612.tripod.com/cgi-bin/things.html. • Blogger. www.blogger.com. This site shows you how to create a blog. • Blogging LibrariesWiki. www.blogwithoutalibrary.net/links/index.php?title=Public_libraries. A list of public library blogs. • Blogs for Teens: Library Success, a Best-Practices Wiki. www.libsuccess.org/index.php?title=Blogs_for_Teens. A list of library blogs for teen patrons. • Flip Video. www.theflip.com. This site has a demonstration of the inexpensive video. • KidzWorld. www.kidzworld.com/article/4670-your-guide-to-capture-the-flag. Instructions for the game Capture the Flag. • Quelf. www.quelf.com. Information on the board game Quelf. • Reaper List- Life to-do list. reaperlist.com. A place to create and share life lists. • Rock Band. www.rockband.com. Web site for the video game Rock Band. Note that in addition to the gaming pieces needed for Rock Band, you will also need a gaming system such as Xbox 360, PlayStation, or Wii. • PLCMC in Teen Second Life. www.plcmc.lib.nc.us/Teens/secondLife.asp. Check out how the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County in North Carolina are getting involved in Teen Second Life. • Tag Team Tech. pdfs.voya.com/VO/YA2/VOYA200708tag_team_tech.pdf. Article, “Avatars and Beyond: Building Virtual Communities with Teens in Libraries” by Linda W. Braun. • Teen Second Life. teen.secondlife.com/whatis. The Web site of Teen Second Life. Would You Rather. www.zobmondo.com/index.php. The Web site for the board game. • 48 Dive In! Bibliography Nonfiction Cope, Peter. Digital Home Movie Making (Teach Yourself). McGraw-Hill, 2007. 224 p. (9780071490887) Adult. Instructions for planning, producing, and refining home movies. Espeland, Pamela. Succeed Every Day: Daily Reading for Teens. Free Spirit Publishing, 2000. 400 p. (978-1575420837, pap.) Gr. 7+. All teens need assets-—not financial assets, but developmental assets including a loving family, close friends, a safe school, and a sense of purpose. Drawing on research by Minneapolis-based Search Institute, this book empowers teens to do and be their best, one day at a time. Gardener, Susannah, and Birley, Shane. Blogging for Dummies. Wiley Publishing, 2008, 2nd ed. 384 p. Adult. (978-0470230176, pap.) Adult. Find out what makes a blog a blog, how to start one and choose a host, and how to keep your blog updated. Sauers, Michael P. Blogging and RSS: A Librarian’s Guide. Information today, 2006. 272 p. (9781573872683, pap.) Adult. Sauers shows how blogging and RSS technology can be easily and effectively used in the context of a library community. 49 LIQUID LIT Literature Surf a variety of literature-related web sites or tackle a great book. Web Sites • Annabelle’s Quotation Guide: Ocean. www.annabelle.net/topics/ocean.php. • National Storytelling Network Directory. www.tellerpages.org. Includes a listing of storytellers. • National Storytelling Network. www.storynet.org/resources/organizations/index.html. Guild and club listings by state. • Quoteland. forum.quoteland.com. • Quote Garden. www.quotegarden.com. • PictureTrail. www.picturetrail.com. Offers various customizing and picture sharing options. • Storyteller.net. storyteller.net/. Includes a database of storytellers by state. • ThinkExist. thinkexist.com. • • World of Quotes. www.worldofquotes.com. Zine Making. en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Zine_Making. Describes zines and how to make them. Liquid Lit Bibliography Nonfiction Atkinson, R. Valentine. Friends on the Water: Fly Fishing in Good Company. Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2007. 191 p. (978-1584795735) Adult. A collection of illustrated photographs of fly-fishing trips with family, friends, and acquaintances; and contains quotes, essays, and stories from famous angler-writers Ernest Schweibert, Nick Lyons, and Zane Grey. Brenner, Robin. Understanding Manga and Anime. Libraries Unlimited, 2007. 356 p. (978-1591583325) Adult. Provides information for librarians who are trying to build their manga and anime collections. Discusses the history of manga and anime, vocabulary, cultural differences in format and content, programming and event ideas, genres, and more. Callahan, Steve. Adrift: 76 Days Lost at Sea. Mariner Books, 2002. 252 p. (978-0618257324, pap.) Gr. 9+. Riveting, first-hand account of the only man ever to have survived more than a month alone at sea in an inflatable raft. A seafaring classic. Hood, Jean. Come Hell or High Water: Extraordinary Stories of Wreck, Terror and Triumph on the Sea. 50 Burford Books, 2006. 399 p. (978-1580801430) Adult. Contains 17 true stories of disaster on the high seas, spanning 250 years and several countries, including accounts of the sinking of the “Titanic,” and the tragedy aboard the “Meduse.” Junger, Sebastian. The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men against the Sea. Harper Perennial, 2007. 272 p. (978-0061148460, pap.) YA, Adult. A book taut with the fury of the elements which depicts the courage, terror, and awe which the men of the fishing vessel “Andrea Gail” faced as they were caught in the grip of a savage force of nature. Marks, William E. The Holy Order of Water: Healing Earth’s Waters and Ourselves. Bell Pond Books, 2001. 2nd ed. 296 p. (978-0880104838, pap.) YA. Explores water lore and science, focusing on the presentday challenges of pollution and ecological destruction of the Earth’s waters. Masood, Ehsan. Dry: Life without Water. Harvard University Press, 2006. 192 p. (978-0674022249) Adult. Presents a collection of stories that describe the challenges many people have around the world who live in the dry desert regions where water sources are limited. McElroy, Colleen. Over the Lip of the World: Among the Storytellers of Madagascar. University of Washington Press, 1999. 216 p. (978-0295981154, pap.) Adult. Colleen McElroy shares stories of heroism, morality, royalty and commoners, love, revenge, and trickers and shape changers gleaned from her studies of the various storytelling traditions of the island of Madagascar; and tells of her adventures in attempting to find and record them. McNeil, Heather. The Celtic Breeze: Stories of the Otherworld from Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Libraries Unlimited, 2001. 214 p. (978-1563087783) Adult. A collection of stories that introduces the Celtic faery folk of the earth and water, as well as their interactions with ghosts and their ties to music. Peirce, Elizabeth. Quabbin Valley People and Places. Arcadia Pub, 2006. 127 p. (978-0738545547, pap.) YA. Vintage photographs and stories of the people of Quabbin Valley, Massachusetts, from 1750 to 1938, describing how they lived, worked, and played before the entire valley was destroyed in order to expand the public water supply for the growing Boston area. Rothenberg, David. Writing on Water. MIT Press, 2001. 285 p. (978-0813915685, pap.) Adult. A collection of scientific articles, essays, poems, stories, and artwork that deals with water. Todd, Mark, and Esther Pearl Watson. Whatcha Mean, What’s a Zine? The Art of Making Zines and Mini Comics. Houghton Mifflin, 2006. 110 p. (978-0618563159, pap.) Gr. 6+. A collection of tips and tricks from contributors designed for anyone who wants to create their own zine, a handmade magazine or mini-comic about favorite bands, personal stories, subcultures, or collections. Whitefeather, Willie. Willy Whitefeather’s Outdoor Survival Handbook for Kids. Taylor Trade, 1997. 96 p. (978-0943173474, pap.) Gr. 5−8. Presents detailed outdoor survival instructions for children through several illustrated stories about a brother and sister who wander away from their site and get into other predicaments while on a camping trip with their parents; covers such topics as food, water, fire, shelter, and animals. Willis, Clint, ed. Big Wave: Stories of Riding the World’s Wildest Water (Adrenaline). Perseus Publishing, 2003. 316 p. (978-1560255017, pap.) Adult. Presents 20 true stories about the world of surfing and its unique figures, including Jock Sutherland and Nat Young. See other titles in the Adrenaline series including Rough Water and Rescue: Stories of Survival from Land and Sea. Fiction Bruchac, Joseph. The Dark Pond. HarperTrophy, 2005. (978-0060529987, pap.) 142 p. Gr. 5−9. After he feels a mysterious pull drawing him toward a dark, shadowy pond in the woods, Armie looks to old NativeAmerican tales for guidance about the dangerous monster lurking in the water. Cummings, Priscilla. Red Kayak. Dutton Children’s Books, 2004. 209 p. (978-0142405734, pap.) Gr. 5−9. Living near the water on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, 13-year-old Brady and his best friends J.T. and Digger become entangled in a tragedy which tests their friendship and their ideas about right and wrong. 51 Cussler, Clive. Blue Gold: A Kurt Austin Adventure (Numa Files). Simon & Schuster, 2000. 403 p. (9780671785468, pap.) Adult. An investigation into the sudden deaths of rare whales sends National Underwater Marine Agency crew leader Kurt Austin to the Mexican coast, where he and his crew stumble upon a white goddess legend and an eco-extortionist set on controlling the world’s fresh-water supply. Dickey, James. Deliverance. Dell Publishing, 1994. 278 p.( 978-0385313872, pap.) Adult. Four men set out for a remote river on a white-water canoeing adventure that turns to a nightmare when they are forced to struggle against man and nature for survival. Dunmore, Helen. Ingo. HarperTrophy, 2008. 328 p. (978-0060818548, pap.) Gr. 5−9. As they search for their missing father near their Cornwall home, Sapphy and her brother Conor learn about their family’s connection to the domains of air and of water. Ferraiolo, Jack. The Big Splash. Amulet Books, 2008. 277 p. (978-0810970670) Gr. 4−8. Matt Stevens, an average middle schooler with a glib tongue and a knack for solving crimes, uncovers a mystery while working with “the organization,” a mafia-like syndicate run by seventh-grader Vincent “Mr. Biggs” Biggio, specializing in forged hall passes, test-copying rings, black market candy selling, and taking out hits with water guns. Hale, Marian. Dark Water Rising. Holt, 2006. 233 p. (970805075854) Gr. 6+. While salvaging and rebuilding in the aftermath of the Galveston flood of 1900, 16-year-old Seth proves himself in a way that his previous efforts never could, but he still must face his father man-to-man. Hautman, Pete. Godless. Simon Pulse, 2005. 198 p. (978-1416908166) Gr. 7+. When 16-year-old Jason Bock and his friends create their own religion to worship the town’s water tower, what started out as a joke begins to take on a power of its own. Haydon, Elizabeth. The Floating Island (The Lost Journals of Ven Polypheme). Starscape, 2006. 368 p. (978-0765347725, pap.) Gr. 5−9.While doing a presale test of one of his family ships, Charles Magnus Ven Polypheme comes under attack by pirates, is rescued by mermaid-like creatures, and travels to Floating Island, where there are heavily sought after magical waters. Hobbs, Will. Downriver. Dell, 1996. 204 p. (978-0440226734, pap.) Gr. 7+. Jessie and the other rebellious teenage members of a wilderness survival school team abandon their adult leader and try to run the dangerous white water of the Grand Canyon. Hoffman, Alice. Aquamarine. Scholastic, 2001. 105 p. (978-0439098649, pap.) Gr. 5−8. A love-struck mermaid named Aquamarine supplies adventure and insights to two twelve-year-old girls, life-long friends who are spending their last summer together before one of them moves away. Kingsley, Charles. The Water Babies: A Fairy Tale for a Land Baby. Dover, 2006. 156 p. (9780486450001, pap.) Gr. 5−8. The adventures of Tom, a sooty little chimney sweep with a great longing to be clean, who is stolen by fairies and turned into a water baby. MacPhail, Catherine. Dark Waters. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2003. 175 p. (978-1582349862, pap.) Gr. 5-8. Col McCann becomes a local hero when he saves a boy from drowning but when his older brother is suspected of a serious crime, Col must decide if he should be loyal to his family or tell the truth about what he saw while under the water. McKinley, Robin, and Peter Dickinson. Water: Tales of Elemental Spirits. Puffin, 2004. 256 p. (9780142402443 pap.) Gr. 5−9. Presents six fantasy stories about mermaids, sea serpents, and other fabulous creatures associated with the element of water. Meyer, Kai. Pirate Curse (Wave Walkers). Aladdin, 2007. 320 p. (978-1416924739, pap.) Gr. 6−9. In a place similar to the Caribbean in 1706, two 14-year-old “polliwogs”-—humans who can walk on water-— rely on a mysterious figure known as the Ghost Trader and a band of pirates to help them escape from the evil that is chasing them. Oppel, Kenneth. Dead Water Zone. Eos, 2007. 195 p. (978-0061234422, pap.) Gr. 6+. Muscular 16-yearold Paul tries to find his genetically stunted younger brother Sam in the polluted ruins of Watertown, where Sam is trying to cure himself with toxic “dead water” that alters the metabolism of those who drink it. 52 Peel, John. Book of Oceans. Llewyllen, 2005. 202 p. (978-0738707488, pap.) Gr. 5−8. When Oracle suggests a comforting vacation through a portal to a world of water, he fails to mention that it is also a world inhabited by pirates. Riordan, Rick. The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians). Miramax, 2006. 392 p. (978078683865, pap.) Gr. 5−9. About to be kicked out of boarding school, Percy is sent to Camp Half-Blood, a summer camp for demigods, where he learns that his father is Poseidon, God of the Sea, and where he embarks upon a quest to reach the gates of the Underworld and prevent a catastrophic war between the gods. The Sea of Monsters, The Titan’s Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth, and The Last Olympian continue the series. Snyder, Midori. New Moon: Book 1 of the Oran Trilogy. Firebird, 2005. 290 p. (978-0142403495, pap.) Gr. 7+. The Fire Queen, having destroyed her rival queens of Earth, air, and water two hundred years earlier, and killed every child with a trace of elemental magic, feels her power threatened when rumors that four young women gifted with ancient magic are gaining a following in Oran. Watts, Leander. Beautiful City of the Dead: A Novel. Graphia, 2006. 254 p. (978-0618594993, pap.) Gr. 7−12. After joining a heavy-metal band, high school student Zee learns that she is a god of water and is called upon to fight sinister forces that want her powers for their own. Manga Arakawa, Hiromu. Fullmetal Alchemist. Viz, 2005. 192 p. (978-1591169208, pap.) YA. As young boys, Edward & Alphonse Elric once dabbled in the forbidden art of human alchemy to try to resurrect their dead mother. As a result, Ed lost one arm and one leg, while Al lost his entire body and had his spirit sealed inside a suit of armor. Now, both boys are searching for the fabled Philosopher’s Stone to restore what they have lost. Clamp, Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE. Random House, 2004. 208 p. (978-0345470577, pap.) YA. An epic quest involving the young archeologist Syaoran and his life-long love, the princess Sakura. Kishimoto, Masashi. Naruto. Viz, 2003. 192 p. (978-1569319000, pap.) YA. Uzumaki Naruto had no idea he was shunned because inside him was the spirit of the demon fox who destroyed their village over a decade ago! When his corrupt teacher Mizuki tricks him into stealing a secret scroll, Naruto learns the truth. But he’s still determined to be the greatest ninja ever. Oda, Eiichiro. One Piece, Volume One: Romance Dawn. Viz, 2003. 216p . (978-1569319017, pap.) YA. Monkey D. Luffy, blessed with the soul of a shonen manga hero and the stretchy limbs of Mister Fantastic, vows to sail across the Grand Line until he finally discovers a legendary treasure and claims the title of King of the Pirates. Ohba, Tsugumi. Death Note. Viz, 2005. 200 p. (978-1421501680, pap.) YA. Meet Light Yagami, a brilliant but bored high school student whose life is changed when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami, or god of death, named Ryuk. Sugisaki, Yukiru. D.N. Angel. Tokyopop, 2004. 184 p. (978-1591827993, pap.) YA. Daisuke Niwa is a 14 year-old boy who has a special genetic ability: whenever he sees or thinks about his crush, Risa Harada, he turns into the infamous phantom thief Dark. Takaya, Natsuki. Fruits Basket. Tokyopop, 2004. 216 p. (978-1591826033, pap.) YA. When a member of the Sohma family is embraced by a person of the opposite gender, they transform into an animal of the Chinese Zodiak. 53 WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE History Time passing is water under the bridge. It moves ever onward, unstoppable. The resources here all deal with both water themes and historical themes. Web Sites • Ellis Island Free Port of NY Passenger Records Search. www.ellisisland.org/default.asp?SID=2188&gclid=CN_4otzWjpgCFQrFGgodShAGCw. Site of the Ellis Island Statue of Liberty Foundation, Inc., with a passenger search engine. • Ellis Island Immigrants Land in New York. www.history.com/minisites/ellisisland. Online exhibit of Ellis Island from history.com. • Ellis Island Records. www.ellisislandimmigrants.org. Ellis Island Records create links to millions of immigrant ancestors from all over the world. Use this Web site to learn about Ellis Island records, Ellis Island immigrants, museum and archive information, and tips for using immigration records for genealogy research. • International Talk Like a Pirate Day. www.talklikeapir ate.com. Includes a pirate name generator, pirate songs, and more; includes some adult content. Water Under the Bridge Bibliography Nonfiction Beahm, George. Caribbean Pirates: A Treasure Chest of Fact, Fiction, and Folklore. Hampton Roads, 2007. 233 p. (978-1571745415, pap.) Gr. 10−12. Presents a look at pirate history through the lens of the Disney’s “Pirates of the Caribbean” film series, discussing pirate fact and fiction; looking at the life of a pirate; featuring a pirate quiz with answer key; and including annotated lists of pirate-themed books, movies, and Web sites. 54 Breverton, Terry. The Pirate Dictionary. Pelican, 2004. 189 p. (978-1589802438, pap.) Adult. Traces the origins of numerous pirate phrases and words from the 15th to the 18th centuries, along with factual information about life aboard pirate ships, important pirate haunts, and technical terms. Cefrey, Holly. Backstage at a Music Video. Children’s Press, 2003. 48 p. (978-0516243863, pap.) Gr. 5−8. Looks at what goes on behind the scenes at the filming of a music video, discussing the history of music videos and the advent of MTV; and examining issues of planning, preparation, shooting, and postproduction. Gordon, Sherri Mabry. Downloading Copyrighted Stuff from the Internet: Stealing or Fair use? Enslow Publishers, Inc., 2005. 104 p. (978-0766021648, lib. bdg.) Gr. 7+. Presents an introduction to peer-to-peer file sharing, a technology that allows people to share Internet files and information, such as music, movies, and software, and explores the debate over whether the downloading of copyrighted materials is legal or ethical. Gosse, Phillip. A History of Piracy. Dover, 2007. 349 p. (978-0486461830, pap.) YA. An unabridged republication of the 1932 text, which traces the history of piracy, discussing the geographical and social conditions that gave rise to piracy, introducing some of the most notable members of the profession, and examining the reasons for piracy’s decline. Howells, Cyndi. Cyndi’s List: A Comprehensive List of 70,000 Genealogy Sites on the Internet. Genealogical Publishing Co., 2001. 2 vol. (978-0806316789, pap.) Adult. A two-volume set which provides researchers with more than 70,000 links to every conceivable genealogical resource on the Internet. Lawlor, Virginia. I Was Dreaming to Come to America: Memories from the Ellis Island Oral History Project. Puffin, 1997. 40 p. (978-0140556223, pap.). Gr. 3−6. In their own words, coupled with handpainted collage illustrations, immigrants recall their arrival in the United States. Includes brief biographies and facts about the Ellis Island Oral History Project. Macfarlane, David. The Danger Tree: Memory, War, and the Search for a Family’s Past. Walker & Co., 2001. 307 p. (0802776167, pap.) Gr. 10+. Traces the history of Newfoundland through stories of the author's family, the Goodyears, touching on the major events of the twentieth century, including the tuberculosis outbreak, the great seal-hunt disaster, the debate over whether to become part of Canada, and the First World War. Morton, David L. Sound Recording: The Life Story of a Technology. Greenwood Press, 2004. 215 p. (978-0313330902) Adult. Examines the history of recorded sound, from Thomas Edison’s invention of the phonograph, through compact discs and MP3s, and traces the implications of new sound technology on the history of recorded music. Powell, Kimberly. The Everything Guide to Online Genealogy: a Complete Resource for Using the Web to Trace Your Family History. Adams Media, 2008. 288 p. (978-1598694970, pap.) Adult. A comprehensive guide to conducting genealogical research online that covers family tree basics, documenting findings, search engines, connecting with living kin, free databases, social security death index, marriage and divorce records, passenger lists, and other related topics. Rose, Christine. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Genealogy. Alpha, 2006. 2nd ed. 357 p. (978-1592574308, pap) Adult. Offers instructions for researching genealogies through the use of interviews, family papers, wills, and church records. Shepherdson, Nancy. Ancestor Hunt: Finding Your Family Online. Franklin Watts, 2006. 144 p. (9780531154540, lib. bdg.) Gr. 5−8. A guide to finding ancestors that focuses on using the Internet, explaining how Web sites, links, listservs, software, and online family trees can aid in the search for ancestors living as long as two hundred years ago. Stolba, K. Marie. The Development of Western Music: A History. McGraw-Hill, 1998. 3rd ed. 734 p. (978-0697293794) Adult. Examines 27 specific eras in the history of Western art music from c. 18,000 B.C. through the mid-1990s, and includes maps, chronologies, and comparative charts. 55 Wolfman, Ira. Climbing Your Family Tree: Online and Offline Genealogy for Kids. Workman Publishing, 2002. 228 p. (978-0761125396, pap.) Gr. 5−9. The official Ellis Island handbook. Offers children advice on the best ways to research their genealogy, both online and off, discussing how to find the best Web sites, where they can download pedigree charts, family group sheets, checklists, and research logs, and how to decipher old-fashioned documents and handwriting. Fiction Auch, Mary Jane. Ashes of Roses. Laurel Leaf, 2004. 256 p. (978-0440238515, pap.) Gr. 6−9. Sixteenyear-old Rose Nolan arrives on Ellis Island in 1911 in the hopes of starting a new life, but after most of her family is sent back to Ireland, she must find her own way in a new country and fend for herself and her younger sister. Bauer, Joan. Backwater. Speak, 2005. 185 p. (978-0142404348, pap.) Gr. 6+. While compiling a genealogy of her family of successful attorneys, 16-year-old history buff Ivy Breedlove treks into the mountain wilderness to interview a reclusive aunt with whom she identifies and who in turn helps her to truly know herself and her family. Ciencin, Scott. Light of the World: An Original Novel. Simon Spotlight Entertainment, 2006. 241 p. (9781416914709, pap.) Gr. 11+. Phoebe and Piper travel to the beach to be bridesmaids in a friend’s wedding and realize the groom is possessed by the spirit of the lighthouse keeper who wants the bride’s priceless family heirloom. Loughrey, Eithne. Annie Moore: First in Line for America. Mercier Press, 1999. 177 p. (978-1856352451, pap.) Gr. 6−9. On January 1, 1892, the day of her fifteenth birthday, Irish Annie Moore becomes the first immigrant of any nationality to set foot on American soil at the Immigrant Landing Station on Ellis Island. Meyer, L. A. Bloody Jack: Being an Account of the Curious Adventures of Mary “Jacky” Faber, Ship’s Boy. Harcourt, 2004. 278 p. (978-0152050856, pap.) Gr. 6−9. Reduced to begging and thievery in the streets of London, a 13-year-old orphan disguises herself as a boy and connives her way onto a British warship set for high sea adventure in search of pirates. Nixon, Joan Lowery. Land of Hope. Laurel Leaf, 1993. 171 p. (978-0440215974, pap.) Gr. 5−8. Rebekah, a 15-year-old Jewish immigrant arriving in New York City in 1902, almost abandons her dream of getting an education when she is forced to work in a sweatshop. Schraff, Ann. The Bloody Wake of the Infamy (Passages to History Hi-Lo Novels). Perfection Learning, 2000. 127 p. (978-0780796508, lib. bdg.) Gr. 6−12. On his way to medical school in England, 16-year-old Peter McCall is kidnapped by pirates and held for ransom. Tan, Shaun. The Arrival. Arthur A. Levine, 2007. 128 p. (978-0439895293) Gr. 5−8. In this wordless graphic novel, a man leaves his homeland and sets off for a new country, where he must build a new life for himself and his family. Woodruff, Elvira. The Orphan of Ellis Island: A Time-Travel Adventure. Scholastic, 2000. 174 p. (9780590482462, pap.) Gr. 6−9. Includes bibliographical references. During a school trip to Ellis Island, Dominick Avaro, a ten-year-old foster child, travels back in time to 1908 Italy and accompanies two young emigrants to America. 56 ATTACHMENT A Public Library Systems Brooklyn (Kings County) Buffalo-Erie Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Clinton-Essex-Franklin Finger Lakes (Cayuga, Cortland, Seneca, Tioga, Tompkins counties) Four County (Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego counties) Mid-Hudson (Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Putnam, Ulster [part] counties) Mid-York (Herkimer, Madison, Oneida counties) Mohawk Valley (Fulton, Montgomery, Schenectady, Schoharie counties) Monroe Nassau New York (Bronx, New York, Richmond counties) Nioga (Genesee, Niagara, Orleans counties) North Country (Jefferson, Lewis, Oswego,St. Lawrence counties) Onondaga Pioneer (Livingston, Ontario, Wayne, Wyoming counties) Queens Ramapo Catskill (Orange, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster [part] counties) Southern Adirondack (Hamilton, Saratoga, Warren, Washington counties) Southern Tier (Allegany, Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben, Yates counties) Suffolk Upper Hudson (Albany, Rensselaer counties) Westchester 57 ATTACHMENT B NYS Public Library System Youth Services Coordinators Brooklyn Public Library Public Library Judy Zuckerman Ass’t Dir., Neighborhood Srvcs 10 Grand Army Plaza Children's and Family Services Brooklyn, NY 11238 phone: (718) 230-2236 fax: (718) 230-2784 j.zuckerman@brooklynpubliclibrary.org Library System Brooklyn Public Library Andrea Vaughn Coordinator of School Age Services Neighborhood Services 10 Grand Army Plaza ext. 234 Brooklyn, NY 11238 phone: (718) 230-2232 fax: (718) 230-2784 a.vaughn@brooklynpubliclibrary.org Brooklyn Public Library Coordinator Rachel Payne Coordinator of Preschool Services 10 Grand Army Plaza Brooklyn, NY 11238 phone: (718) 230-2233 fax: (718) 230-2784 r.payne@brooklynpubliclibrary.org Brooklyn Public Library Sheila Schofer Coordinator of Young Adult Services 10 Grand Army Plaza ext. 27 Brooklyn, NY 11238 phone: (718) 230-2237 fax: (718) 230-2784 s.schofer@brooklynpubliclibrary.org Buffalo and Erie County Kathleen Goodrich Youth Services Consultant 1 Lafayette Square Buffalo, NY 14203 phone: (716) 858-7194 fax: (716) 858-7515 goodrichk@buffalolib.org Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System Valle Blair Youth Services Consultant 106 West Fifth Street Jamestown, NY 14701 phone: (716) 484-7135 fax: (716) 497-1148 vblair@cclslib.org Clinton-Essex-Franklin Julie Weaver Outreach and Youth Services 33 Oak Street Plattsburgh, NY 12901 phone: (518) 563-5190 fax: (518) 563-0421 wever@cefls.org Finger Lakes Library System Annette Birdsall Youth Services Coordinator 119 E. Green Street Ithaca, NY 14850 phone: (607) 273-4074 fax: (607) 273-3618 annette@flls.org 58 Four County Library System System Starr LaTronica Youth Services and Outreach Manager 304 Clubhouse Road Vestal, NY 13850 phone: (607) 723-8236 ext. 350 fax: (607) 723-1722 slatronica@4cls.org Mid-Hudson Library System Christina Ryan-Linder Youth Services & Community Connections Coordinator 103 Market Street Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 ext. 230 phone: (845) 471-6060 ext. 235 fax: (845) 454-5940 renee@NASSAULIBRARY.INFO clinder@midhudson.org Mid-York Library System Wanda Bruchis & Lifelong Learning Assistant Director 1600 Lincoln Avenue Utica, NY 13502 phone: (315) 735-8331 fax: (315) 735-0943 wbruchis@midyork.org Monroe County Library Sally Snow Assistant Director 115 South Avenue Rochester, NY 14604 phone: (585) 428-8061 fax: (585) 428-8353 ssnow@libraryweb.org Nassau Library System Renee McGrath Youth Services Manager 900 Jerusalem Avenue Uniondale, NY 11553 phone: (516) 292-8920 fax: (516) 481-4777 New York Public library H. Jack Martin Asst Dir for Public Programs ext. 233 Mohawk Valley Library System Sue Rokos Youth Services Consultant 858 Duanesburg Road Schenectady, NY 12306 phone: (518) 355-2010 ext. 226 fax: (518) 355-0674 srokos@mvls.info 455 Fifth Avenue New York, 10016-0122 phone: (212) 340-0851 fax: (212) 340-0988 hjmartin@nypl.org New York State Library Karen Balsen Youth Services Liaison CEC 10B41 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12230 phone: (518) 486-2194 fax: (518) 486-5254 kbalsen@mail.nysed.gov 59 Nioga Library System Library Thomas Bindeman Director Coordination and Management 6575 Wheeler Road Lockport, NY 14094 phone: (716) 434-6167 ext. 24 fax: (716) 434-8231 bindeman@nioga.org kathleen.degyansky@queenslibrary.org North Country Library System Library Emily Owen Youth Services Consultant 22072 County Route 190 Watertown, NY 13601 phone: (315) 782-5540 ext. 245 fax: (315) 782-6883 eowen@NCLS.org Onondaga County Public Library Library Rosalind NaPier Library Services Coordinator Services 447 S. Salina Street Galleries of Syracuse Syracuse, NY 13202 phone: (315) 435-1825 fax: (315) 435-8533 vikki.terrile@queenslibrary.org rnapier@onlib.org Queens Borough Public Kathleen Degyansky Asst Dir of Program 89-11 Merrick Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11432 phone: (718) 990-0887 fax: (718) 297-3404 Queens Borough Public Carol Katz Youth Services 89-11 Merrick Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11432 phone: (718) 990-0882 fax: (718) 297-3404 carol.katz@queenslibrary.org Queens Borough Public Vikki Terrile Coordinator of Young Adult 89-11 Merrick Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11432 phone: (718) 990-5151 fax: (718) 297-3404 Ramapo Catskill Library System Pioneer Library System Ellen Reynolds Collection Management & Youth Services 2557 State Rte. 21 Canandaigua, NY 14424 ext. 240 phone: (585) 394-8260 fax: (585) 394-1935 ereynolds@pls-net.org Randall Enos Youth Services Consultant 619 Route 17M Middletown, NY 10940 phone: (845) 343-1131 fax: (845) 343-1205 renos@rcls.org 60 Southern Adirondack Library System Jennifer Ferriss Youth Consultant 22 Whitney Place 200 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 phone: (518) 584-7300 x219 fax: (518) 587-5589 jferriss@sals.edu Southern Tier Library System Lorie Brown Youth Services/Interlibrary Loan 9424 Scott Road 200 Painted Post, NY 14870 phone: (607) 962-3141 ext. 209 fax: (607) 962-5356 brownl@stls.org Westchester Library System Judith Rovenger Youth Services Consultant 540 White Plains Road - Suite Tarrytown, NY 10591 phone: (914) 231-3236 fax: (914) 674-4185 rovenger@wlsmail.org Westchester Library System John Sexton Teen Consultant 540 White Plains Road, Suite Tarrytown, NY 10591 phone: (914) 231-3260 fax: (914) 674-4185 jsexton@wlsmail.org Suffolk Cooperative Library System Barbara Moon Youth Services Coordinator 627 N. Sunrise Service Rd. Bellport, NY 11713 phone: (631) 286-1600 1352 fax: (631) 286-1647 bmoon@suffolk.lib.ny.us Upper Hudson Library System Mary Fellows Manager, Youth & Family Services 28 Essex Street Albany, NY 12206 phone: (518) 437-9880 ext. 228 fax: (518) 437-9884 mary@uhls.lib.ny.us 61