TFV �SVM * Support Vector Term Frequency Variance support vector machine Machine : * 4 Classification 1 E-Mail Support Vector Machine d f L D D tf ′ ′ 1 Clustering 2 TFV Term SVM Frequency Variance TFV (SVM) Support Vector Machine TFV TFV C = {c1, } f f Document [٥] TFV Document Frequency TFV Frequency [۱] Document Frequency TFV Document Frequency TFV [ ٦ ] ،[ ۱ ] SVM SVM support vector [٦] 1 Term Frequency Variance 3 � h SVM h SVM h - radial basis SVM D(x) x h X 4 kernel ′ q C kernel H ′ radial basis kernel ′ ′ SVM - Accuracy [ ] Accuracy Precision [ ] Recall Accuracy Recall 5 Precision ci ci fn tp tn fp ci ci Recall Precision Precision Recall F Precision Recall F [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] 20-NewsGroups 6 tab TFV Polynomial Kernel SVM Kernel SVM 12 10 8 ميزان خطا6 4 2 0 0 - 20 درصد کاهش فضای خصيصه 40 SVM SVM TFV 7 gamma . Accuracy F_measure Recall Precision Precision Recall SVM Recall [ ] [ ] Binary TF TF-IDF Polynomial Kernel SVM Recall Precision Recall Precision [ ] Information Gain [ ] Recall Precision Recall Precision Recall Precision SVM SVM SVM 8 SVM SVM SVM SVM SVM [1] Yan Zhan, Hao Chen, Su-fang Zhang, Mei Zheng, “Chinese Text Categorization Study Based on Feature Weight Learning”, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Baoding, 2009. [2] Fatimah Wulandini, Anto Satriyo Nugroho, “Text Classification Using Support Vector Machine for Webmining Based Spatio Temporal Analysis of the Spread of Tropical Diseases”, International Conference on Rural Information and Communication Technology, Indonesia, 2009. [3] O. Chapelle and S. S. Keerthi, “Multi-class feature selection�with� support vector�machines”, Joint Statistical Meeting) conference (JSM), 2008. [4] Jason D. M. Rennie and Ryan Rifkin, “Improving Multiclass Text Classification with the Support Vector Machine”, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 2001. [5] Tang, B., Shepherd, M., Milios, E. and M.I. Heywood, “Comparing and Combining Dimension Reduction Techniques for Efficient Text Clustering”, International Workshop on Feature Selection for Data Mining Interfacing Machine Learning and Statistics in conjunction with 2005 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 2005. [6] R. Cooley, “Classification of News Stories Using Support Vector Machines”, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI Workshop Text Mining, 1999. [7] Fars News Agency, “”, Accessed on August 2008. [8] Islamic Republic News Agency, “”, Accessed on August 2008. [9] Mehr News Agency, “”, Accessed on August 2008. [10] Iran Students News Agency, “”, Accessed on August 2008. [11] Iran Sport News Network, “”. Accessed on August 2008. 9
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