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Here`s - Kiwi Auctions
KIWI AUCTIONS Presents an Absentee Auction of Whisky & Brewery Advertising Memorabilia April 16th 2016 KIWI AUCTIONS LTD 106B Harpers Road RD 2 Kaiapoi 7692 New Zealand Telephone (NZ only) 0800 782 584 Telephone: (intl) +64 21 944 759 Web Email: Terms & Conditions 1. This is a minimum bid Absentee Auction, all bids will be handled as if you were present at the Auction, you can submit your bids by telephone, email or by post using the bidding form enclosed. The Auction will be conducted under the terms and conditions of the New Zealand Auctioneers Association and the also under the terms below. 2. Guarantee, We guarantee the descriptions of all items in this catalogue. Any item found to have damage or faults not described may be returned for a full refund within 45 days of the close of the sale. However any manufacturing ÀDZWKDWGRHVQRWVLJQL¿FDQWO\GHWUDFWPRQHWDULO\IURPWKHYDOXHRIWKHLWHPEHLQJVROGZLOOQRWEHFRQVLGHUHGIRUD refund. 3. 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Prices realised: Will be posted on our Website after the sale 3D\PHQWRQFHQRWL¿HGRI\RXUVXFFHVVIXOSXUFKDVHVSD\PHQWLQ1(:=($/$1''2//$56RULQ\RXU currency (after obtaining an amount from Kiwi Auctions) must be received within 21 days. Late payment will incur additional charges. Payment by Visa or MasterCard will incur a 3% surcharge to cover bank costs. 11. Foreign Exchange: We can now accept your personal cheque in your currency for payment, please enquire after the auction has ended for the amount due in your currency. 2 400. FORTY SECOND 205mm tall, Forty Second Fine Highland Whisky, Williams Aberdeen, Port Dundas pm, potstone to rear, VG R$1500 401. BALDERSON’S 135mm tall, Baldersons Old Highland Whisky, Stag tm, Port Dundas pm, sliver chip off rim edge, Good R$350 402. STENHOUSE 180mm tall, Wm Stenhouse Liqueur Whisky, no maker, prof lip repair, Good R$500 403. CLANSMAN 195mm tall, Clansman Pure Highland Malt Whisky, Thistle tm, Kennedy pm, minor rim edge frits, VG R$600 404. RABBIE BURNS 190mm tall, The Rabbie Burns Whisky Jar, Kennedy pm, minor rim edge chip, Good, R$800 407. RODERICK DHU 100mm tall, mini version Roderick Dhu Old Highland Whisky, prof rim edge repair, Good, R$100 408. EMMETS 155mm tall, Blue Print Emmets Erin Go Bragh Irish Whiskey, Irish Harp tm, XX maker, prof repair to minor lip nick, A very rare Irish Whiskey item, VG, R$1600 409. MITCHELL’S 200mm tall, Red Print, Mitchell’s Old Irish Whisky Cruiskeen Lawn, Grosvenor maker, VG, R$650 410. GRANTHAM 200mm tall, Johnson Basker & Fletcher Finest Old Highland Whisky Grantham, VG, R$650 411. GLENGELT 185mm tall, Glengelt Old Scotch Whisky Wm Stenhouse Glasgow, Buchan pm, VG, R$650 412. MY QUEEN 230mm tall, conical shape, My Queen Whisky, no maker, VG, R$1500 405. LOFFET 165mm tall, Loffet & Co Choice Old Scotch Whisky, Wheatsheaf decoration, words to rear Loffet & Co Bonded Stores Glasgow (different from book), Kennedy pm, VG, R$450 406. BALDERSON’S 140mm tall, Blue Print, Baldersons Old Highland Whisky, Stag tm, Port Dundas pm, VG, R$650 413. JAMESON 190mm tall, William Jameson Whisky Distillers Dublin, elaborate transfer decoration, Kennedy pm, minor frits to rim edge, VG, R$750 414. AULD LANG SYNE 195mm tall, Auld Lang Syne Whiskey, Burns verse to rear, no maker, VG, R$300 3 415. LONG JOHN’S 210mm tall, Long John’s Dew of Ben Nevis Scotch Whisky, no maker, minor rim edge frits, VG, R$600 416. MY QUEEN 195mm tall, classic mallet shape, sepia print My Queen Jubilee Blend, Port Dundas pm, VG, R$500 417. DOULTON Very large 300mm tall salt glazed Royal Doulton marked jug, taking the appearance from the earlier Bellarmine, rich chocolate glossy glaze, words to mid section The Miser ,V1HYHU6DWLV¿HG(YHQ:KHQ,V6DFN & Safe Are Full, A rare and interesting item, VG R$1200 418. DUNHILL 170mm tall, Dunhill De Luxe 25’s, no maker, VG, R$35 419. MARLBORO 90mm tall, Marlboro, Wade pm, VG, R$35 420. WOODBINE #1 100mm tall, early jug for Will’s Woodbine Cigarettes, Made in England 8544A pm, VG, R$55 421. WOODBINE #2 95mm tall, early jug for Will’s Woodbine Cigarettes Smoked by Millions!, Bovey pm, VG, R$55 422. WOODBINE #3 120mm tall, early jug for Woodbine Britain’s Biggest Selling Cigarette, no pm, VG, R$55 423. PLAYERS 100mm tall, Lovatt Langley stoneware jug for Players Please, Seaman tm under spout, VG, R$65 4 424. PHILLIPS 130mm tall, early 6 sided jug Smoke Phillips Empire Pure Leaf, no maker, VG, R$175 425. ALLSOPPS 120mm tall, Allsopps, red hand tm to one side and rhyming verse to other, Royal Cauldron pm, VG, R$165 426. COURAGE #1 105mm tall, Courage Alton Pale Ale, with Rooster tm, HCW $VVRFLDWHG3RWWHULHVSP¿QH crazing, VG, R$125 427. BRAKSPEAR’S 100mm tall, bright red jug Brakspear’s Henley Ales, picture of the founder, Wade Regicor pm, VG, R$60 428. COURAGE’S #2 130mm tall, early beer jug for Courage’s Famous Beers, coat of arms tm, MDL & Co maker, light wear, Good, R$200 429. WYLDS 100mm tall, bright red jug great shape, Wylds Crown Scotch/Georges Beers, Horse tm, Pountney pm, VG, R$175 430. GREENE KING 110mm tall Royal Doulton Lambeth Ware jug, applied medallion, Greene King Fine Beers Ales, VG, R$150 431. IND COOPE’S 130mm tall, early Mintons made jug, Ind Coop’s Burton Ales, light wear, VG, R$125 432. MITCHELLS BUTLER 105mm tall, bright yellow & red Deco jug, Mitchells & Butler Good Honest Beer, Made in England, VG, R$125 433. MANSFIELD 100mm tall, early jug recessed handle, Worth Hunting For 0DQV¿HOG$OHVSLFWXUHRIWKH Huntsman toasting, Clifton Cottle SP¿QHFUD]LQJ9*5 434. ROBINSON’S 75mm tall, blue on white, Robinson’s Best Mild, prancing KRUVHWP¿QHFUD]LQJ:DGH Regicor pm, VG, R$50 435. ASTON 110mm tall, Fredk Smith’s Aston Model Ales with picture of English Gent toasting, light stain on rim edge, Causton pm, Good, R$150 436. FARMER ALE 105mm tall all over blue mottled glaze stoneware jug by Royal Doulton Lambeth for Style & Wynch Farmer Ale, VG, R$150 437. TRUMANS 115mm tall, Truman’s with picture of an English pub scene, Royal Doulton pm, VG, R$150 438. TENNENT Centenary jug 1885-1985 for Tennent’s Lager Beer, a replica of the 1910 Minton designed jug by Wade, picture of Brewery to rear, VG, R$75 439. ALLSOPP’S 140mm tall, over glazed label for Allsopp’s East India Pale Ale, no maker, recessed handle, VG, R$125 440. WREKIN 135mm tall, bright yellow jug for Famous Wrekin Ales picture of Gent holding a glass, James Kent Old Foley maker, light crazing, VG, R$150 441. WATNEY 105mm tall, copper lustre body, Watney’s Ales, James Green Nephew pm, VG, R$75 442. WORTHINGTON #1 100mm tall, Always have a Worthington, Fielding pm, light wear, Good, R$60 443. WORTHINGTON #2 100mm tall, bright yellow, Worthington in Bottle, Minton pm, light crazing, VG, R$125 444. WORTHINGTON #3 80mm tall, unusual shaped jug, Worthington, with picture of a label under spout, L & Sons maker, VG, R$150 445. WORTHINGTON #4 100mm tall, Always Order Worthington The Perfect Beer, Fielding pm, VG, R$125 446. YOUNGER #1 90mm tall, Wm Younger No 3 Scotch Ale, Shelley pm, VG, R$100 447. YOUNGER #2 90mm tall, Wm Younger No 3 Scotch Ale, James Green Nephew pm, VG, R$100 448. YOUNGER #3 85mm tall, Wm Younger Scotch Ale, Royal Doulton pm, VG, R$100 449. YOUNGER #4 105mm tall, Wm Younger Scotch Ale, Royal Doulton pm, VG, R$100 450. YOUNGER #5 105mm tall, Wm Younger No 3 Scotch Ale, Royal Doulton pm, VG, R$100 451. YOUNGER #6 115mm tall, Wm Younger Scotch Ale, Minton pm, light crazing/staining, Good, R$75 452. ANDERSON 125mm tall, copper lustre, Anderson’s Rare Old Liqueur, picture of bottle under spout, Dickens verse to sides, Spiers & Pond maker, an Early Rare MXJ¿QHFUD]LQJ9*5 5 453. AINSLIE’S 100mm tall, Copeland Spode all over blue & white decoration, central picture of Edinburgh Castle, Mint, R$300 454. AINSLIE’S 130mm tall, Ainslie’s Scotch :KLVNLHV*ULI¿QWPQR maker, VG, R$75 455. ANTIQUARY 140mm tall, The Antiquary De Luxe Old Scotch Whisky, great pictorial, Buchan pm, VG, R$100 456. BLACK PRINCE 145mm tall, The Black Prince Scotch Whisky, elaborate Coat of Arms tm, Buchan pm, VG, R$100 457. BURNS COTTAGE 130mm tall, Burns Cottage Pure Malt Scotch Whisky, picture of the cottage, Buchan pm, VG, R$100 458. BOWMORE 200mm tall, large heavy stoneware jug for Bowmore 25 years old Scotch Whisky, Buchan pm, VG, R$150 459. JOHN BEGG 140mm tall, bright blue jug, Take a Peg of John Begg, Made in England pm, VG, R$75 460. 2 DOGS 120mm tall, It’s The Scotch Black & White, picture of the 2 Dogs beside Bottle, Shelley pm, VG, R$125 461. EXHIBITION 125mm tall, Black & White Scotch Whisky, with side images for the NZ Centennial Exhibition 1940, Shelley pm, prof repair to chip on spout, Good, R$300 6 462. BUCHANAN’S 95mm tall, Buchanan Black & White Scotch Whisky, picture to sides Dogs Sitting/Dogs Running, James Green Nephew pm, VG, R$100 462A. HOPSCOTCH 120mm tall, Buchanan’s Black & White Scotch Whisky, forming a H, Made in England pm, Mint, R$175 463. BENMORE 100mm tall, Benmore Scotch Whisky, Royal Winton pm, Mint R$100 464. BLACK WHITE 185mm tall, Black & White Buchanan’s Blended Scotch Whisky, USA importer marks, VG, R$100 465. BULLOCH LADE #1 115mm tall, bright green body, The Call is BL Bulloch Lade Pedigree Scotch Whisky, central picture of a Highlander, Made in England pm, VG, R$500 466. BULLOCH LADE #2 105mm tall, Bulloch Lade Scotch Whisky/Clipper Gin, Woods Ivory Ware pm, VG, R$100 467. BULLOCH LADE #3 125mm tall, blue mottled jug, Bulloch Lade Gold Label Pedigree Scotch, central picture of a Highlander, minor chip to rear foot, Minton pm, VG, R$225 468. BULLOCH LADE #4 125mm tall, blue & white jug, Bulloch Lade Gold Label Pedigree Scotch, picture of a Highlander under spout, James Green Nephew pm, VG, R$225 469. BULLOCH LADE #5 100mm tall, yellow jug, Bulloch Lade BL The Pedigree Scotch, picture of a Highlander under spout, James Green Nephew pm, VG, R$225 470. BOOTH’S 105mm tall, Booth’s Finest Old Dry Gin London, Minton pm, VG, R$125 471. BELLS 80mm tall, blue textured effect, Bell’s Perth Whisky, light crazing, Carlton Ware pm, VG, R$75 472. CUTTY SARK #1 170mm tall, Cutty Sark Scots Whisky, highly detailed picture of the Cutty Sark Clipper, Amber Glade pm, Mint, R$100 473. CUTTY SARK #2 145mm tall, Cutty Sark Scots Whisky, highly detailed picture of the Cutty Sark Clipper, Amber Glade pm, Mint, R$100 474. CUTTY SARK #3 115mm tall, Cutty Sark Scots Whisky, highly detailed picture of the Cutty Sark Clipper, Amber Glade pm, Mint, R$100 475. CUTTY SARK #4 115mm tall, Cutty Sark Scotch Whisky, highly detailed picture of the Cutty Sark Clipper, HCW pm, VG, R$75 476. CRAWFORD #1 105mm tall, single sided, Daniel Crawford’s Red Star Scotch Whisky, light crazing, Carlton Ware pm, VG, R$100 477. CRAWFORD #2 110mm tall, Blue & White Willow pattern Crawford’s /LTXHXU6FRWFK¿QHFUD]LQJ James Green Nephew pm, nice early jug, VG, R$150 478. CLAYMORE 135mm tall, Imported Claymore Blended Scotch Whisky, multi-coloured picture of a Highlander, Seton pm, VG, R$75 479. CHIVAS REGAL 150mm tall, Chivas Regal 12 to sides and detailed picture of the Strathisla Distillery under spout, Buchan pm, VG, R$125 480. DCL 100mm tall, lustre effect, Extra Special DCL Scotch Whisky, wear to gilding, Shelley pm, Good, R$125 481. DEWAR’S #1 80mm tall, bright yellow, Dewar’s White Label Whisky, Minton pm, VG, R$125 482. DEWAR’S #2 120mm tall, The Original J H Dewar Whisky Dewar’s Special Liqueur Old Scotch Whisky, Coat of Arms tm, Minton pm, A Rare early jug, VG, R$450 483. DUNVILLE’S 135mm tall, Dunville’s Special Liqueur Whisky, 3 Crowns tm/Dunville’s VR Whisky, Campbell pm, wear to gold gilding, VG, R$300 485. DAWSON 110mm tall, Peter Dawson Scotch Whisky, entwined letters tm, Gray’s pm, VG, R$75 7 486. GLENLIVET 180mm tall, Glenlivet 12 Year Old Scotch, decorative jug, Revol France pm, VG, R$125 487. GLENMORANGIE 115mm tall, Glenmorangie Single Highland Malt Whisky, 150 years anniversary 1843 – 1993, Buchan pm, Mint R$150 488. GRANT’S 125mm early rare Glass jug, applied handle, Grant’s Liqueur Scotch Whisky, Coat Arms tm, VG, R$175 489. HOUSE PEERS 95mm tall, dark blue body with gold print, House of Peers Finest Rare Deluxe Blended Scotch Whisky, picture of the Houses of Parliament, Highland China pm, Mint, R$125 490. GREERS 100mm tall, recessed handle, Greer’s OVH Scotch Whisky, Shelley pm, VG, R$175 491. HEWITTS 115mm tall, yellow body, Hewitt’s Whisky, Arklow pm, VG, R$100 492. JAMESON 150mm tall, early Rare, yellow body, John Jameson Seven Years Old, picture of a masked man carrying a crate of whisky, James Green Nephew pm, VG, R$300 493. KGIV 190mm tall, early jug, square with ice catcher, Top Notch King George IV Whisky, embossed Crown, Rd to base, VG, R$175 8 494. KINGS LIQUEUR 100mm tall, all over Blue & White Copeland Spode decoration, Kings Liqueur Finest Scotch Whisky, picture of a Gent LQKLV¿QHU\WRDVWLQJ5DUH9* R$500 495. KING WILLIAM 90mm tall, sepia print, King William IV VOP Scotch Whisky, Wade Regicor pm, Very Good, R$150 496. NICHOLSON 150mm tall, Nicholson’s Lamplighter Gin, picture of Gent holding a lamp, Wade Regicor pm, VG, R$125 497. LANGS #1 90mm tall, copper body, I Want A Lang’s Scotch Whisky, light wear to print, Causton pm, Good, R$125 498. LANGS #2 95mm tall, Lang’s Scotch Whisky, picture of a butler with large bottle of Lang’s on a tray, Belgium pm, VG, R$125 499. McNISH #1 95mm tall, tartan bands to top and bottom, McNish Special Scotch Whisky, Dunn Bennett pm, light wear, VG, R$150 500. McNISH #2 80mm tall, tartan to sides, McNish Special Scotch Whisky, Dunn Bennett pm, light wear, VG, R$150 501. MACKINLAY’S 105mm tall, Mackinlay’s Scotch Whisky, recessed handle, James Green Nephew pm, VG, R$125 502. MORTON’S 95mm tall, colourful panel, Morton’s Liqueur Old Scotch Whisky, picture of bottle under spout, James Green Nephew pm, Rare, VG, R$225 503. MONKS 115mm tall, copper body, Ye Monks A Curious Old Whisky, picture of a Monk, Seton pm, VG, R$90 504. MARTELL PPWDOO¿JXUDOMXJ0DUWHOO&RJQDF Brandy, Lancaster pm, VG, R$150 505. NICHOLS PPWDOOÀDWWLVK jug, The Whisky People Talk About Nichols, no pm, Rare, VG, R$150 506. PERKINS 160mm tall, Perkins & Co XXX The City Brewery Brisbane Prize Pale Ale, MIE to base, A very rare early Australian water jug, prof rim chip repair VG R$1750 507. PORTER 100mm tall, Robert Porter & Co Ltd Bull Dog Brand Bulldog Guinness Stout, Bull Dog tm to one side and Guinness Stout For Strength with picture of detailed label to other, Associated 3RWWHULHVSP¿QHFUD]LQJ$ Rare Guinness jug, VG, R$450 508. PLYMOUTH 130mm tall, Royal Doulton Lambeth stoneware, yellow body raised print, Plymouth Dry Gin Coates & Co Plymouth, picture of a Monk toasting under spout, not seen this one before, VG, R$300 509. PADDY 125mm tall, Paddy Old Irish Whiskey to one side only, colourful jug with map of Ireland, no maker, VG, R$100 510. ROYAL AGES 175mm tall, dark blue body, Royal Ages Very Old Deluxe Blended Scotch Whisky, Wade pm, VG, R$75 511. ROSS’S 80mm tall, Ross’s Belfast Ginger Ale, copper OXVWUHERG\&DPSEHOOSP¿QH crazing, VG, R$75 512. STUART 140mm tall, all over blue & white Willow pattern, Jamie Stuart Liqueur Scotch, prof repair to chip off spout, VG, R$200 513. STEWART’S #1 100mm tall, grey body, Stewart’s Dundee De Luxe Scotch Whisky Cream of The Barley, Crown Devon pm, VG, R$125 514. STEWART’S #2 100mm tall, bright red body, Stewart’s Dundee De Luxe Scotch Whisky Cream of The Barley, Wade Regicor pm, VG, R$125 515. STEWART’S #3 65mm tall, tiny jug words under spout, Stewart’s Finest Old Scotch Whisky, no maker, VG, R$75 516. SCHWEPPES 125mm tall, Why Not A Schweplet It Will Improve Your Whisky, Schweppes Table Waters Famous Since 1790 under spout, hairline to base of handle, James Green Nephew pm, Good, R$125 517. SMUGGLER 160mm tall, heavy gold trim to rim and base, Old Smuggler Blended Scotch Whisky, no maker, VG, R$75 9 518. THROGMORTON 145mm, 3 way poring action, Throgmorton Whisky, picture of a waiter, Coat of Arms in gold gilt (wear), no maker, Good, R$150 519. TEACHER’S 200mm tall, Teachers Scotch Whisky/ No Scotch Improves the Flavour of Water Like Teacher’s, no maker, VG, R$75 520. THOMSON’S 160mm tall, sepia print, Thomson’s Deerstalker Scotch Whisky, Stag tm, Wade Regicor pm, light crazing, VG, R$125 521. THORNE’S 160mm tall blue & white decoration, Thornes Whisky, silver gilt to top bottom & handle (some wear), Shelley pm, Early Rare jug, VG, R$400 522. WHITE HORSE #1 120mm tall, Blue & White hunting scene decoration, White Horse Whisky, Coaching Scene, Shelley pm, VG, R$650 524. WHITE HORSE #2 125mm tall, blue white crocodile patterning, White Horse Whisky, Coat of Arms, silver gilding to rim and handle has worn, Shelley pm, Good, R$150 525. WHITE HORSE #3 135mm tall, White Horse Fine Old Scotch Whisky as a label to one side and large White Horse to rear, Wade pm, minor prof repair to spout edge chip, Good, R$60 526. WRIGHT GREIG 95mm tall, copper lustre treacle glaze jug, Roderick Dhu Old Scotch Whisky Wright & Greig Glasgow, Adams pm, VG, R$175 10 527. JW #1 150mm tall, pale blue body with red label, Johnnie Walker Red Label Old Scotch Whisky, no maker, Mint, R$75 528. JW #2 160mm tall, Johnnie Walker playing Golf, Staffordshire pm, Mint, R$75 529. JW #3 180mm tall, triangular shaped, Johnnie Walker riding a bicycle, Made In England pm, Mint, R$75 530. JW #4 155mm tall, Johnnie Walker Curling 1820, Made in England no 1 in series of 4, Mint, R$75 531. JW #5 155mm tall, Johnnie Walker Skating 1820, Made in England no 3 in series of 4, Mint, R$75 532. JW #6 PPWDOO-RKQQLH:DONHU*RO¿QJ 1820, Made in England no 2 in series of 4, Mint, R$75 533. JW #7 155mm tall, Johnnie Walker Coaching 1820, Made in England no 4 in series of 4, Mint, R$75 534. BEEFEATER Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Beefeater, large Dewars Scotch Whisky to rear, VG, R$400 535. CONNOISSEUR Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Connoisseur, prof repair to minor chip off base edge, VG, R$375 536. HE’S A JOLLY Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, He’s A Jolly Good Fellow, prof repair to small chip on rim edge, VG, R$350 537. ROB ROY Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Rob Roy, AC 1912 to rear, Greenlees marks to base, VG, R$650 538. BONNIE PRINCE #1 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Bonnie Prince Charlie, large Dewars to rear, VG, R$100 539. 1911 CORONATION Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Sporting Squire with Coronation 1911 under spout, large Dewars to rear, VG, R$200 540. MR PICKWICK Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Mr Pickwick, Dickens character to rear, VG, R$450 541. WATCHMAN #1 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, large size with modelled head, Silver chain & stopper, VG, R$200 542. WATCHMAN #2 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, The Watchman, VG, R$100 543. JOVIAL MONK #1 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, tear drop shape, Jovial Monk, Dewars Scotch Whisky to rear, VG, R$100 544. BRITTANIA Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Green glazed, thistle stopper, Dewar to rear, repair to base edge, Good, R$150 545. MEMORIES #1 Royal Doulton Airbrush Kingsware Flask, Memories, characters in relief, Silver plate stopper, VG, R$425 546. GILLIE FISHERMAN #1 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Gillie & The Fisherman, BL Scotch High Ball to rear (rare Variation), small lip chip, VG, R$400 547. MONK Royal Doulton Queensware Flask, Monk In Cellar, VG, R$600 548. TONY WELLAR #1 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, full size model of Tony Wellar, 2 minor chips off hat rim edge, VG, R$700 549. WIZARD Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Wizard, prof lip repair, VG, R$375 550. HERE’S HEALTH Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Here’s A Health Unto His Majesty, VG, R$400 551. McNAB Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, The McNab, Dewar’s stopper, prof rim repair, Good, R$100 552. BARLEYCORN #1 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, John Barleycorn, silver stopper & chain, VG, R$500 553. LEATHER BOTTLE Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, in shape of Leather Bottle with Elizabethan scenes to sides and ends, prof repair to minor nicks off spout and base edge, Good, Rare, R$900 11 554. BONNIE PRINCE #2 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Dewar’s stopper, large Dewars to rear, VG, R$100 555. BEATTY Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Admiral Beatty, Dewa’s to rear, VG, R$200 556. WELLAR #2 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Tony Wellar Beware of the Vidders, Dewar’s Imperial to rear, original stopper, VG, R$100 557. TONY WELLAR #3 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, miniature size model of Tony Wellar, prof repair to hat rim edge, VG, R$300 558. COACHMAN #1 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, miniature size model of the Coachman, head is stopper, prof repair to hat rim edge, VG, R$600 559. OYEZ #1 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, tall version, Oyez Oyez Town Crier, Dewar’s Scotch Whisky to rear, VG, R$175 560. PIRATES Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, green glazed, Pirates, Greenlees Distillers to base, AC 1909 to rear, Rare, VG, R$750 561. COACHMAN #2 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, full size model of the Coachman, head is stopper, VG, R$600 562. BACCHUS Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, modelled ¿JXUHRI%DFFKXVVLOYHUVWRSSHU5DUH9* R$1500 12 563. CRUSADER #1 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Crusader, AC 1913 to rear, Greenlees Distillers marks to base, lip repair, Good, R$350 564. WATCHMAN #3 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, tall version, Dewar’s Whisky to rear, VG, R$175 565. DON QUIXOTE Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Don Quixote, silver stopper & chain, Rare, VG, R$1200 566. WATCHMAN #4 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Watchman, large raised Dewar’s Whisky to front & rear, lip repair, Good, R$175 567. GREEN WATCHMAN Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask in Rare GREEN glaze, silver stopper & chain, transfer picture of the Watchman to front, ¿QHFUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG5 568. STATE GOVERNOR Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, A State Governor 100 Years, AC1911 o rear, Greenlees Distillers marks to base, VG, R$950 569. BARLEYCORN #2 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, John Barleycorn, VG, R$450 570. BARREL Royal Doulton Kingsware Barrel with attached ceramic feet, with Elizabethan scenes all around, silver stopper and spigot, VG, R$800 571. UNCLE SAM Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Uncle Sam, Dewar’s Scotch Whisky to rear, in manufacture rim edge chip glazed over, VG, R$350 572. ALCHEMIST Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Alchemist, VG, R$300 573. WELLAR #4 Royal Doulton Airbrushed Kingsware Flask, Tony Wellar VG, R$375 574. FISH STORY Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, (untitled) Fish Story, AC 1910 to rear, Greenlees Distillers marks to base, VG, R$900 575. GILLIE FISHERMAN #2 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Gillie & The Fisherman, BL to rear, VG, R$250 576. PIPE MAJOR #1 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Pipe Major, Dewars to rear, lip repair, Good, R$75 577. OYEZ #2 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, teardrop version, Oyez Oyez Town Crier, Dewar’s Scotch Whisky silver label to rear, VG, R$175 578. GILLIE FISHERMAN #3 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Gillie & The Fisherman, BL SCOTCH WHISKY to rear, VG, R$250 579. CROWN Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, The Crown, original stopper, VG, R$275 580. WELLAR #5 Royal Doulton Rare QUEENSWARE Flask, Tony Wellar VG, R$750 581. MEMORIES #2 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Memories, characters in relief to front & back, VG, R$300 582. CAPTAIN PHILLIP Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Captain Phillip to one side and Sailing Ship 1788 – 1938, Celebrating Australia 150 years, original stopper, VG, R$375 583. JOVIAL MONK #2 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, ÀDWYHUVLRQ7KH-RYLDO0RQN Dewars Scotch Whisky to rear, poor lip repair R$50 584. MONK CELLAR Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Monk in Cellar, kiln marks to side and rear, Good, R$300 585. WELLAR #6 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Tony Wellar Beware of the Vidders, Dewar’s Imperial to rear, VG, R$75 586. CRUSADER #2 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Crusader, AC 1913 to rear, Greenlees Distillers marks to base, VG, R$750 13 587. CHURCHWARDEN Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Churchwarden, large Dewar’s Scotch Whisky to rear, prof lip repair, R$275 588. MICAWBER Royal Doulton Airbrushed Kingsware Flask, Micawber, original pottery stopper, VG, R$225 589. ARKWRIGHT Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Richard Arkwright 1732-1792, to rear Inventor of the Spinning Wheel, original stopper, VG, R$600 590. JOVIAL MONK #3 5R\DO'RXOWRQ.LQJVZDUH)ODVNÀDW version, The Jovial Monk, Dewars Stopper, VG, R$100 591. PIED PIPER Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Pied Piper, VG, R$375 592. WELLAR #7 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Tony Wellar Beware of the Vidders, Dewar’s Imperial to rear, VG, R$100 593. WATCHMAN #5 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Watchman, large raised Dewar’s to front & to rear Dewar’s Whisky, VG, R$175 594. SPORTING SQUIRE Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Sporting Squire, tear drop shape, VG, R$100 595. PIPE MAJOR #2 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, The Pipe Major, Dewars to rear, poor repairs, R$50 14 596. PIPE MAJOR #3 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, no title, Dewars to rear, lip repair, Good, R$75 597. OYEZ #3 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, teardrop version, Oyez Oyez Town Crier, VG, R$175 598. WATCHMAN #6 Royal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Watchman, large raised Dewar’s to front & to rear Dewar’s Whisky, VG, R$175 599. POLAR BEAR PP5HVLQ¿JXUHRI Polar Bear holding a bottle of Guinness My Goodness My Guinness, Mint R$85 600. SEAL #1 PP5HVLQ¿JXUHRID6HDOZLWK a pint of Guinness on his nose, Mint R$85 601. ZOO KEEPER PP5HVLQ¿JXUHRIWKH=RR.HHSHU holding a pint, My Goodness My Guinness, Mint R$85 602. SEAL #2 &KDL¿JXUHRID6HDOZLWKDSLQWRI Guinness on his nose, Carlton Ware pm, Mint R$100 603. HORSE & DRAY PP[PPFKLQD¿JXUH of man pulling the cart with horse in it! Guinness for Strength, Carlton Ware pm, Mint R$100 604. JOEY PPFKLQD¿JXUHRI0DQZLWKEDE\ Kangaroo in apron, Carton Ware pm, Mint R$100 605. TURTLE PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHRI7XUWOH with pint of Guinness on his back, Carlton Ware pm, Mint R$100 606. TOUCAN #1 190mm tall by 130mm wide china wall pocket of Toucan and pint of Guinness, Carlton Ware pm, Mint, R$100 607. LAMP PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHRI7RXFDQZLWK HOHFWULF¿WWLQJDQGJODVVVKDGH&DUOWRQ Ware pm, Mint, R$400 608. GUINNESS JUG #1 165mm tall, Man pulling cart, Guinness marks to base, Mint, R$45 609. TOUCAN # 2 180mm tall china Toucan with separate china glass of Guinness, Carlton Ware, Mint, R$100 610. GUINNESS JUG #2 120mm tall, Man & Ostrich, Guinness marks to base, Mint, R$45 611. GUINNESS JUG #3 120mm tall, Man lifting Steel Girder, Guinness marks to base, Mint, R$45 612. GUINNESS JUG #4 120mm tall, Man & Kangaroo, Guinness marks to base, Mint, R$45 613. GUINNESS JUG #5 120mm tall, Man & Seal, Guinness marks to base, Mint, R$45 614. GUINNESS JUG #6 180mm tall, triangular shape, Turtle with Pint, Guinness marks to base, Mint, R$45 615. GUINNESS JUG #2 120mm tall, WW2 Airplane, Guinness marks to base, Mint, R$45 616. VICKERS PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHRID5RRVWHU All The Best Cocktails Begin with Vickers Gin, Diana Australia pm, VG, R$100 617. AINSLIE’S 205mm wide by 180mm tall, HDUO\5DUH5XEEHURLG¿JXUH RID*ULI¿Q$LQVOLH¶V6FRWFK Whiskies, Very Good, R$200 618. BOOTH’S 150mm wide, solid plaster ¿JXUHRI/LRQ%RRWKV*LQ minor chipping to edges, Made in England, Good, R$115 619. GRAND- DAD PPWDOO5XEEHURLG¿JXUHRI+HDG Shoulders of Old Grand-Dad Head of the Bourbon Family, light wear/minor paint loss, Good, R$75 620. TOBY BITTER PPWDOOPHWDO¿JXUHRQZRRGHQ base, Toby Bitter, it’s a beer pump cover, VG, R$75 621. HEINEKEN PPFDVWPHWDO¿JXUHRIFHOODUPDQ holding a barrel of beer, impressed to base Heineken, VG, R$100 15 622. BULMERS PPFKLQD¿JXUHRI:RRGSHFNHU Bulmers Cider, Carlton Ware pm, VG, R$125 623. KGIV #1 220mm tall, plastic ¿JXUHRIDEXVWRI King George IV, VG, R$50 624. WORTHINGTON #1 PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHE\%HVZLFN of boy & girl leaning on a bar, Worthington E, Mint R$400 630. LAMBS PPWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHRID6DLORU Lambs Navy Rum, paint loss to top section, Good, R$45 631. TRUMANS PPWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHRIKDSS\ Gent with peg leg, Trumans, GDPDJHVWREDVHZKHUHSHJ¿WVLQ some fading, R$25 632. BENGAL 230mm wide by 180mm WDOOKDUGSODVWLF¿JXUHRI Tiger, Bengal Gin Imported (and undomesticated), VG, R$200 625. WORTHINGTON #2 PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHE\%HVZLFNRI 2 Gents leaning on a bar, Worthington E, Mint R$400 626. MACKINLAY’S PPWDOO5XEEHURLG¿JXUHRI Scottish Gent in a Kilt holding a crook, (thumb missing), Mackinlay’s Scotch Whisky, light wear, Good, R$150 627. BLACK & WHITE 240mm wide by 185mm tall, VROLGSODVWHU¿JXUHRIWKH Dogs, Black & White Scotch Whisky, letters retouched, some wear, Good, R$60 628. DOUBLE DIAMOND 210mm wide by 215mm tall, FHUDPLF¿JXUHRIDVWULGLQJ*HQW bowler hat becomes stopper, A Double Diamond Works Wonders, Beswick pm, Mint, Rare to be complete, R$450 629. GRIZZLY PPWDOOIRDPSODVWLF¿JXUHRI Grizzly Bear holding a glass bottle of %HHULPSUHVVLYHODUJH¿JXUHVRPHOLJKW wear, Good, R$175 16 633. CAPTAIN MORGAN PPWDOO5XEEHURLG¿JXUH&DSWDLQ Morgan Rum, light wear, bottle not original, Good, R$50 634. GREYS PPWDOO(DUO\5XEEHURLG¿JXUH of a soldier wearing a Busby, Smoke Greys Cigarettes, lettering retouched, Good, R$250 635. KGIV #2 PPWDOO5XEEHURLG¿JXUHRID of King George IV, some staining/ nicotine, Good R$125 636. DEWAR’S PPWDOO5XEEHURLG¿JXUHRIWKH Dewar’s Highlander, Dewar’s White Label, wear to plinth/words, Good, R$75 637. WHITE HORSE PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHRUDQJHEDVH:KLWH+RUVH:KLVN\RQHVLGHRUDQJHEDVHKDVZHDU (pictured), Good, R$40 638. BEEFEATER PPWDOOODUJH¿JXUHRID%HHIHDWHU7KH*URZQXSV¶+RXUGLIIHUHQWYHUVLRQ9*5 639. DRAMBUIE PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHRI%RQQLH3ULQFH&KDUOLH'UDPEXLH9*5 639A. TOTAL PPWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHRQZRRGHQEDVH$7RWDO3HWUROHXP$WWHQGDQWJUHDWFRORXUV5DUH5 640. BREWMASTER PPWDOOFKLQD¿JXUHRIWKH3LFN)ORZHUV%UHZPDVWHUZRUGVKDYHEHHQUHPRYHG&DUWRQ:DUHSP R$40 641. WILLS PPWDOOVROLGSODVWHU¿JXUHRID3LUDWH:LOOV3LUDWH6KDJJUHDWFRORXUVDQGGHWDLO9*5 17