Spring-Summer 2013 - Franciscan Life Process Center
Spring-Summer 2013 - Franciscan Life Process Center
Troubad ur SPRING/SUMMER 2013 OUR MISSION: To promote a relationship with God that brings dignity and hope to the sacred process of all life through programs that assist, educate, enrich and inform. This Issue of Troubadour Pacific Lite and TJO to Perform at Festival of the Fields 2013..........1 HARPfest Celebrates its Fifth Birthday...............................1 Center Approved as Continuing Ed Site for Music Therapists........2 Roots Will Rock Finishes Second Session...........................2 Yurts Offer Summer Respite .......2 Franciscan Life Process Center ART • COUNSELING • MUSIC EDUCATION • MUSIC THERAPY • RETREATS • VOLUNTEER Pacific Lite and TJO to Perform at Festival of the Fields 2013 Something special is in store for those who attend the Franciscan Festival of the Fields 2013 on Saturday June 15 from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. Two musical groups, The Thornapple Jazz Orchestra and Pacific Lite will perform on the patio at the Center. TJO plays vintage big band music as well as music for the contemporary big band. Pacific Lite, a duo, plays a variety of easy listening music and dance beats that appeal to ballroom dancers. To add to the fun, a swing dance instructor will give lessons to those who are interested in “cutting a rug”! Other highlights include baked goods made by the Sisters, frisbee golf, kite flying, wagon rides, a blacksmith, and crafters selling their creations. This year’s festival is a celebration of the life of John Paul Milanowski who lived for only a few hours after his birth. “The Franciscan Festival is a unique event that celebrates family life and the vocation of marriage,” says Sister Colleen Ann Nagle. “What better way to remember John Paul and his family!” When you come look for the handcrafted wooden rocking horse, made by Greg Lindsey, John Paul’s grandfather. Please join us for afternoon of good food, good music and fun for the entire family. The entrance fee is $20 per car load. Meals are $5 for adults and $3 for children under twelve and include walking tacos, vegetables and dip, and ice cream. Mark Your Calendar ....................3 Did You Know? ...........................3 Winter Programs Successful........3 In Memoriam...............................4 Dates Set for 2013 -2014............4 Franciscan Festival in the Fields.....................................4 Join Us for Bowl-a-Rama 2013.....4 “Contemplating the beauty of creation inspires us to recognize the love of the Creator, that Love which ‘moves the sun and the other stars.’” Pope Benedict XVI HARPfest Celebrates its Fifth Birthday! HARPfest is a two day workshop offered annually in August for students of all ages and skill levels who share a passion for the harp. It is geared specifically to those who wish to develop their present skills in the retreat like setting of the beautiful grounds of the Lowell Campus. This year, Serena O’Meara will lead “HARPfest 2013: Experience the Harp” and offer several workshops. • Music Should Be Musical • Ensemble: Play well with Others & Shopping Through the Repertoire six albums and her publications of harp ensemble music are sold by music distribution companies on five continents. Serena currently maintains a studio of over 40 harp students ranging from age 5 to 90. She directs five different harp ensembles. One of them, The Harp Ensemble, made up of middle and high school harpists, is the longest-running precollegiate harp ensemble in the United States. • The Celtic Harpist Ms. O’Meara will give a performance that is open to the public on Friday, August 16 at 7:30. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Serena O’Meara is a full-time performing harpist and harp teacher. She has recorded Registration information is available at www.lifeprocesscenter.org. • Performing for Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, and Senior Apartments Dear Friends, gratitude When was the last time you were halfway through a project and then questioned why am I doing this? Is it worth continuing? What have I learned so far? As uncomfortable and disconcerting as times like that can be, they are actually times of grace and potential insight – an invitation to increase momentum toward the finish line. We are at such a midpoint in the YEAR of FAITH. The first six months awakened the entire Church to fresh commitment. Pope Benedict challenged us with his words to open “the door of faith”. It first opened for us when we crossed its threshold at baptism. During this YEAR of FAITH, each of us is called to take up anew the journey we began on that day. Pope Benedict not only placed this challenge before us, but witnessed his own renewal on February 11 when he announced his decision to hand on the keys of St. Peter. In that action he pressed us to also take a tremendous leap of faith with him. Pope Francis is one of the surprises of this YEAR of FAITH, impelling us to follow the Risen Christ who said: “I am always with you. Follow me.” The Franciscan Life Process Center desires to accompany you on that journey of faith this summer. The pace of faith-life actually intensifies with the gift of years. That is why on June 1 we will offer a retreat for both women and men called WHAT NEXT? LIFE BEYOND RETIREMENT, reflecting on the goodness of life that can open at retirement. Opportunities for spiritual direction will continue during summer months. As the entire Diocese of Grand Rapids continues the faith journey with our new Bishop-elect David John Walkowiak, we are planning a fresh, revamped series of retreat experiences for the coming year. Roots Will Rock Finishes Second Session Established in the fall of 2011 by a generous gift from Dan Byrne of Byrne Electric, Roots Will Rock is a group music class that teaches teenage musicians from the greater Grand Rapids area how to work as a team and build a rock band. This year, each student has not only had to learn chord changes, melodies, and rhythms on his own instrument but has also been part of the process of making new arrangements of familiar songs. The songs have been chosen by the students themselves, and one original piece was written by a student with some arrangement help from the group. The current teachers, Pete Muszkiewicz and Jake Meekhof, are working musicians with combined backgrounds in a variety of musical genres from blues and jazz to country and gospel. The class will end with a final performance at 6:15 on Monday, May 13th at the Grand Rapids Campus located at 654 Davis St. NW. The event is open to the public and will give the group a chance to show what they’ve learned in front of an audience. Yurts Offer Summer Respite Summer often provides an opportunity to slow down and relax away from the demands of daily family life, work, and school. Two yurts, located in a quiet, wooded area on the Center’s 230 acre farm, offer an exceptional opportunity for singles, families and couples to connect with God and one another. The yurts were purchased through a donation from the Wege Foundation and dedicated by Bishop Walter Hurley in 2008. Each yurt is about 30 feet in diameter and has two bedrooms, battery-operated lights, a gas stove, a “green” compost toilet, outdoor decks, insulated floors, and windows with screens. One is handicap accessible. Summer is also a time to express the YEAR of FAITH in community events and recreation that celebrate the fruits of faith life found in wholesome fun and music. Join us for the FRANCISCAN FESTIVAL OF THE FIELDS on June 15, BOWL-A-RAMA on August 8, and HARPfest, August 16 and 17. We invite you to journey with us! Sister Sarah Doser, FSE Center Approved as Continuing Ed Site for Music Therapists The Franciscan Life Process Center has recently been approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists to provide continuing education credits. This is an exciting professional honor and responsibility for our music therapy department, as we are now able to offer the continuing education courses music therapists need to maintain their certification status. Our first course was a three-part seminar entitled “Thinking About Ethics: Issues and Considerations for Music Therapists” led by Dr. Peter Birkeland. We are busily planning for future courses, which will be open to music therapists and other professionals in Western Michigan and beyond. Those who use the yurts may choose to spend their time alone, walking the trails, enjoying the beautiful scenery or praying in the Chapel. They might also opt to meet with a Franciscan guide to assist them in gaining a deeper understanding of Scripture or the role of faith in their lives. Need some time away but don’t want to travel far? Call the Center at 616-897-7842 for further information on cost and availability. Mark Your Calendar for a Year of Enriching Events Community Work Days: Second Saturday monthly, March through November 9:30 am to Noon Join us for work on the farm while enjoying the rolling hills and peaceful surroundings. Activities take place in the morning followed by a communal lunch. Work days are a great family activity or group team building exercise. Contact the Center at 897-7842 to sign up. If there is a question about weather, call 897-5220 the day of the event. Music Recitals: May 18 1:30 pm and May 19, 1:30 and 4:00 pm and offer individualized instruction for weavers of all skill levels. Cost for each four day session is $95. Weavers are also welcome to stay overnight in our guest rooms for an added fee. Bowl-a-Rama: August 8, 5:30–9:30 pm This is a fun event for families, groups of friends, and offices. Purchase a lane for up to six people and enjoy an evening of bowling, pizza, and prizes for kids and adults. Bowl-a-rama is held at Northfield Lanes, 2222 Plainfield Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI. All proceeds go to the Franciscan Life Process Center Scholarship Fund. HARPfest 2013: August 16 and 17, 2013 The sounds of music will resonate throughout the Lowell Campus as students from both campuses demonstrate their music making skills. A reception will follow each recital. Serena O’Meara, harpist, music therapist, educator, composer, and arranger, will lead this two day workshop for harpists of all ability levels. Franciscan Festival of the Fields 2013: June 15, 4–8:00 pm Participants will learn techniques, skills, and styles which will enable them to share their music with others in a new way. This family friendly event features children’s activities, wagon rides, and good things to eat. New this year will be live music performed by Pacific Lite and the Thornapple Jazz Orchestra. Entrance/ Parking fee is $20 per car. Meals are $5 for adults and $3 for children under 12. All proceeds benefit our scholarship fund. Serena will give a public concert at 7:30 pm, August 16. Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door. LIFEfest 2013: September 12, 6:30–9:00 pm Support the development of future programs and services by attending our annual fundraising dinner. Contact Gerrie Murray, event coordinator, at (616) 897-7842 or email Jochen Ditterich will be the instructor for two sessions held at the Lowell Campus. Classes meet from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm daily gmurray@lifeprocesscenter.org to support this event. Summer Weaving Classes: June 10–13 and July 8–11 Did You Know? Our Center provides a variety of retreat options: • A private retreat offers quiet time, the use of our chapel, and the opportunity to experience God as you walk trails and enjoy the beauty of his creation. • A directed retreat includes a daily meeting with a Franciscan guide • A retreat with others that focuses on a timely topic or theme is also available at specific times during the year. Upcoming Retreats •A retreat for families will be held on June 21 and 22 entitled, “The Splendor of Creation: Thresholds to God.” Parents and children will experience the pristine wonders of creation as a family through meals, activities, prayers and fun. •“ What’s Next? Life Beyond Retirement” invites both men and women to reflect on the goodness of life that can open after retirement from schedule work hours and dedication to a profession. For further information regarding cost and availability, call Barb at 616-897-7842 or email registrar@lifeprocesscenter.org. Winter Programs Successful It has been a busy and fruitful winter at the Center. The Mardi Gras Pancake Supper and the Lenten Lunches were very well attended. A special thanks goes to these restaurants for their donations of soup: Applause Catering, Schnitz Deli, O’Brien’s Market and Grill, Café Stella, and Vitale’s Ada. Our retreats, directed by Sister M. Timothy Prokes, FSE and Sister Sarah Doser, FSE provided retreatants with a time of prayer and reflection on Lent in the Year of Faith and on the days of Holy Week. Afternoon with the Arts: Praise in the World was a joint venture with the Basilica of St. Adalbert and introduced new friends to the Grand Rapids Campus. In addition to the sacred music and the sacred space of the Basilica, the appetizers by Polka Pops Café and butter lambs and hot cross buns made by the Sisters were especially well received! Dates Set for 2013 – 2014 Events In Memoriam LIFEfest 2013: September 12, 2013, 6:30 - 9:00 pm Long time friends and supporters of the Center, Lorraine Nellist, E. James Jackoboice, Rose Marie Redding and Jan Upp died in recent months. Mr. Jackoboice was a major supporter of the harp program, and his wife, Sandy, was the first director of the art program. Lorraine Nellist, Rose Marie Redding and Jan Upp regularly participated in the artist in residence program over the last twenty years. A memorial service, celebrating their lives and the many gifts and talents they shared with the Center, will be held on August 15th at 4:00 pm. Mardi Gras Supper: March 4, 2014, 5:00 - 7:00 pm Franciscan Lenten Lunch Prayer Experience: Wednesdays from March 12 through April 9, 2014, Noon - 1:00 pm Afternoon with the Arts - Victorian Tea: March 1, 2014, 1:00 pm Noto’s Spring 2014 Charity Wine Fest: April 2014, Date/Time TBA Music Recitals: May 17 and 18, 2014 Franciscan Festival of the Fields: June 14, 2014, 4:00 - 8:00 pm Bowl-a-Rama: August 7, 2014, 5:30 - 9:30 pm HARPfest 2014: Sunita Staneslow, harpist, July 25 & 26, 2014 LIFEfest 2014: September 11, 2014, 6:30 - 9:00 pm Troubad ur Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Grand Rapids, MI Permit No. 1 Franciscan Life Center Network, Inc. dba Franciscan Life Process Center 11650 Downes Street NE Lowell, MI 49331-9489 The Troubadour is published three times a year. To be added to or deleted from the Troubadour mailing list, or to change/correct an address, please call 616 897-7842, or email registrar@lifeprocesscenter.org. Be sure to include the old address and the changes or corrections. www.lifeprocesscenter.org Join Us for Bowl-a-Rama 2013 Thornapple Jazz Orch estra On the Farm… On the Move Join us for a day filled with... Live music by Pacific Lite and by The Thornapple Jazz Orchestra Swing dance lessons Frisbee golf, kite flying & wagon rides Franciscan Heritage Baked Goods featuring Franciscan breads Crafters selling their wares Good eats Admission is $20 per car load $5 per meal ($3 children 12 & under) all proceeds go to our scholarship fund June 15, 2013, 4 – 8pm Thursday, August 8 from 5:30 -9:30 pm at Northfield Lanes, 2222 Plainfield Ave., NE. Your lane sponsorship includes: • Bowling for 6, 1 lane, and shoe rental • 2 Yesterdog hot dogs from Let Us Serve You Catering and 1 non-alcoholic beverage per bowler • Frozen Custard by Culver’s and other treats from the Franciscan Friends • A team shirt for each member and 1 team photo 100% of our proceeds go directly to the Franciscan Life Process Scholarship Fund. Please visit www.grbowlarama. com or contact Gerrie Murray, event coordinator at (616) 897-7842 for further information.
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