Neal Kinsey Agronomy Flyer 9 may


Neal Kinsey Agronomy Flyer 9 may
3-Day Intro Kinsey/Albrecht Soil Fertility Workshop
for Fruit, Vegetables, Crops & Pasture
July 28th – 30th Toowoomba Qld.
“Neal Kinsey
- Owner and
Consultant at
Services, Inc
“Neal Kinsey grew up in southeast Missouri
and worked on the farm for his father until he
graduated from high school. To make his way
through college, he worked part-time and
summers as a crop reporter for the USDA's
ASCS in Missouri and Illinois. He obtained his
B.S. degree in marketing from Southern Illinois
University at Carbondale. In the fall of 1966,
Kinsey enrolled in a master's degree program in
Food Industry Logistics in Agricultural
Economics at the University of Missouri,
Columbia. Here is where he first met Dr.
William A. Albrecht, who later provided the
technical training in soil fertility required by his
present profession.
In 1977 he established Kinsey Agricultural
Services. His workshops and seminars take him
all around the world to train hundreds of
growers in soil balancing utilizing cation
exchange specializing in building and
maintaining soil for quality crop production.”
Ref Author reviews
Is this course for you? Questions to ask
 Are you having problems with weeds?
 Is insects control a major drain on
 Are Diseases causing grief?
 Would you like your soil to be more
friable and easier to work?
 Do you want to move away from
If yes then have you asked yourself why this
might be, or what can I do about it????
Register Now –
Form available
This is an intensive 3-day workshop to help in
applying the principles and methods developed by
Prof. William Albrecht as tested and proven
worldwide. The Albrecht system helps to build,
balance, and maintain excellent soil fertility - to
improve crop yield and crop quality.
Both conventional and organic inputs can be
included as needed, and examples discussed will
include local soil samples as questions and time
permits. Based on over 40 years of practical
"hands on" experience working with growers
in over 70 countries globally, this course offers
valuable information concerning how to improve
and manage your farm's soil fertility - from the
basics of using and interpreting a soil test to
learning how to identify the effects of depleted or
excessive nutrients in your soil.
Workshop location:
Sacred Heart Hall
Corner of Tor St/North St
(Entry on North St)
Toowoomba, 4350
Contact Information:
David. and Elaine von Pein
Email Fax 07 46357784
Phone: 07 46 357065 or 0428987 117
Sarah Fea 0439 827927
Additional Public Event
On Sunday July 27th from 12:30pm till 5:30pm Neal
Kinsey is donating his time to present a lecture on the
theme “Biblical Instructions and Applications for
Modern-Day Agricultural Production”
Seats limited • Registrations essential please!
Registrations open at 11:45am and include
Course content:
Organic soup and bread rolls which will be
served prior to commencement of lecture at
Day 1 - Working With Soil Tests, pH, and Liming
The Soil Audit - Key Information
Introduction to Soil Testing and Soil Fertility
using the Albrecht Model
Soil pH. Neutralizing Extreme pH
Liming. Evaluating Liming Materials
Effects of Calcium and Magnesium
Soil Compaction and Solutions
$10.00 cash at the door
Location: - Redeemer Lutheran church hall,
77 Neil Street, Toowoomba
See website for more information
and registration form
Day 2 - Working With Major Nutrients
Nitrogen and Sulphur
Phosphate and Potassium
Composts and Manure
Day 3 - Working With Micronutrients
Introducing Micronutrients For Soil Fertility
Boron - Use and Cautions
Considering Iron and it it is needed
Manganese For Soils And Crops
Copper - Importance and Uses
Zinc For Fertility And Crop Needs
Early Bird Registration - $440 + GST ($484)
closes 16th June
Full Registration - $495 + GST ($544.50)
from 17th June
**A completed registration form is required for
every participant.
See website for form.
Co Author of “Hands on Agronomy” with
Charles Walters
Registration charge includes course notebook,
lunch, and refreshments at morning and
afternoon break, and Tuesday night dinner.
There are no motel accommodations included
with this charge. However, accommodation
options will be listed on the website.
Contact Information:
David and Elaine von Pein
Fax 07 46357784 Phone: 07 46 357065
Mobile 0428987 117
or Sarah Fea 0439 827927

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