The 3/4 Classroom - Peel Elementary Teachers` Local
The 3/4 Classroom - Peel Elementary Teachers` Local
The 3/4 Classroom A STARTING POINT FOR PEEL TEACHERS Long Range Plans for Combined Grades Last updated April 2014 A STARTING POINT FOR PEEL TEACHERS: Long Range Plans for Combined Grades LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Acknowledgements The following people made significant contributions to this resource and are gratefully acknowledged PETL Executive PETL New Teacher Committee Executive Liaison/Editor Kurt Uriarte WRITING TEAMS Annette Ackermann Pam Evoy Lisa Graham Maureen Murphy Karen Ott Deborah Solomon ADVISORY SUPPORT Janet Miller Grant Joanne Meyers Tim Cunningham Heather Thompson Feedback We would love to know what you think! If you would like to offer feedback/suggestions or share units you have created for this resource please contact Kurt Uriarte at Copies are available at LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Last updated April 2014 A STARTING POINT FOR PEEL TEACHERS: Long Range Plans for Combined Grades LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Introduction ONE OF THE LARGEST CHALLENGES for a teacher of a combined grade is how to best balance two sets of curriculum expectations in a wide variety of program areas. Simply trying to get an understanding of the two curricula, looking for possible points of integration and determining what to teach can be overwhelming for even the most experienced teacher. Over the last few years there has been a marked increase in the creation of combined grades resulting in a greater need for additional support for those teachers who are in these classrooms. This document was created by Peel teachers for Peel teachers in order to assist combined grade teachers with planning support, by providing a basic framework of what Long Range Plans might look like for combined grades classrooms. In addition to the Long Range Plans, ideas for unit integration and a variety of tasks to aid in planning have been included. Our hope is that this resource will serve as a starting point for teachers as they begin to flesh out the various assessment/instructional tasks and other program planning requirements specific to their school and c lassroom situation. It is important to stress that this document is only intended to be a basic framework designed to assist teachers with support in mapping out the curriculum needs for the year, and is in no way intended to be adhered to strictly. While using these documents teachers will need to use best judgment and possibly adjust the order of units, time lines, material and change/ incorporate additional information as needed to best meet the specific needs of the learners in their classroom. These Long Range Plans were created using the Overall Expectations (OE) in the Ontario curriculum documents a vailable as of April 2014. Please be a dvised that a teacher must incorporate any new Ontario curriculum documents after this date of publication. Your Union will continue to monitor and review the implications of combined grades and work with teachers who have concerns with increased expectations on their workload in the area of planning, instruction and reporting. The PETL continues to encourage members to work with us through any work load concerns. For further information on ETFO’s position on combined grades visit ( Governance/PolicyStatements/Pages/default.aspx) For further assistance with combined class planning the PETL local has purchased the ETFO resource “Learning Together: A Teacher’s Guide to Combined Grades” for all Peel school libraries. LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Last updated April 2014 1 A STARTING POINT FOR PEEL TEACHERS: Long Range Plans for Combined Grades Format Definitions Each grade pairing is chunked into four units of time, to loosely align with the school year calendar, reflecting reporting periods. Start-of-Year (Sept/Oct) Term One (Nov–Jan) Term Two (Feb–April) Year End (May/June) BIG IDEA The Big Idea is the concept which unifies the curriculum being taught during a specific block of time and is the idea students should remember long after the unit is over and details forgotten. Each unit includes Big Ideas, Culminating Tasks, Performance Tasks, Subtasks, Guiding Questions and clusters of curriculum overall expectations (OE) from the Science and Tech, Social Studies, Language, Mathematics and Arts strands. (Teachers who teach their own Health and Physical Education or Music will need to i ncorporate this curriculum area.) LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 PERFORMANCE TASK Within each subject area specific Performance Tasks are suggested. These tasks are separate from the Culminating Task and are not integrated with other curriculum areas but rather help ensure an overall expectation is covered. These tasks may be modified to suit a teacher/class need, and are used as assessments of learning. Teachers will need to consider skills students require to have been taught prior to or subsequent to the Performance Task in each subject area. How best to teach the skills needed to complete the Performance Task is up to the professional judgment of the teacher. CULMINATING TASKS The Culminating Task is the final assessment of learning for the cross curricular unit and allows students to authentically demonstrate all the formative learning from the unit. In creating the Culminating Tasks the authors were careful to develop tasks that were engaging and connected to real world experiences. While creating a unit with this long range plan teachers GUIDING QUESTIONS need to refer back to the Big Idea and ensure all learning Used to encourage critical thinking and guide rich conexperiences lead to the Culminating Task through a versations that reinforce the Big Idea. backward design model of planning. SUBTASKS The Subtasks help ensure that the skills required to move s tudents forward to complete the culminating task are taught. LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Last updated April 2014 2 September/October LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 BIG IDEA: Environmentalism CULMINATING TASK: Using your research create and present a text (such as a brochure, poster, power point) including the features of a rural/urban community or a province/territory of Canada to promote tourism. Explain the features of the urban/rural community and the physical regions of the province/territory. Features to be explained should include natural resources/population, agriculture, businesses (soils, rocks, minerals, living things). Highlight the positive features of the selected community/province/territory. Overall Expectation and Performance Tasks SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL STUDIES LANGUAGE CONNECTIONS MATH CONNECTIONS ARTS Understanding Earth and Space Systems People and Environments Oral communication Number Sense Dance Grade 3: Soils in the Environment Grade 3: Living and Working in Ontario Grade 3 and 4: Grade 3: Grade 3: OE1. assess the impact of soils on society and the environment, and of society and the environment on soils; B3. Understanding Context: describe major landform regions and types of land use in Ontario and some of the ways in which land use in various Ontario municipalities addresses human needs and wants, including the need for jobs (FOCUS ON: Significance). OE1. listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes. OE1. read, represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 1000, and use concrete materials to represent fractions and money amounts to $10. A1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to the composition of dance phrases, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas. Grade 4: Political and Physical Regions of Canada OE1. read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic, and informational texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning; OE2. investigate the composition and characteristics of different soils; OE3. demonstrate an understanding of the composition of soils, the types of soils, and the relationship between soils and other living things. OE1. assess the social and environmental impacts of human uses of rocks and minerals; B3. Understanding Context: identify Canada’s political and physical regions, and describe their main characteristics and some significant activities that take place in them (FOCUS ON: Significance; Patterns and Trends). OE2. investigate, test, and compare the physical properties of rocks and minerals; GUIDING QUESTIONS Grade 4: Rocks and Minerals OE3. demonstrate an understanding of the physical properties of rocks and minerals. GUIDING QUESTIONS Grade 3: Look at the soil/rocks in your neighbourhood and what impact they have on your environment — do they meet the needs of your community? What plants/agriculture do we see in our communities? How do we impact the environment? (refer to page 80). Grade 3: Canada and its communities (our needs distinguish our communities). What is in our community? What do we need in our community? Are all of our needs met through our community? Grade 4: What are the effects of physical features on land use? How are goods transported from one province or territory to another? What physical features do we have in our province/territory? Are all of our needs met through our province/territory? Reading Grade 3 and 4 OE2. recognize a variety of text forms, text features, and stylistic elements and demonstrate understanding of how they help communicate meaning; OE3. use knowledge of words and cueing systems to read fluently. Writing Grade 3 and 4: OE1. generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience; OE2. draft and revise their writing, using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience; Grade 4: OE1. read, represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 10 000, decimal numbers to tenths, and simple fractions, and represent money amounts to $100; OE4. demonstrate an understanding of proportional reasoning by investigating whole-number unit ratios. PERFORMANCE TASK: Grade 3 and 4: Research transportation options when visiting a province/territory from Ontario. Which mode of transportation (train, car, plane) is best to justify your choice (include cost and time). Grade 4: A1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to the composition of movement sequences and short dance pieces, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas. Music Grade 3: C1. Creating and Performing: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to create and perform music for a variety of purposes, using the elements and techniques of music. Grade 4: C1. Creating and Performing: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to create and perform music for a variety of purposes, using the elements and techniques of music. OE3. use editing, proofreading, and publishing skills and strategies, and knowledge of language LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Last updated April 2014 3 September/October LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 BIG IDEA: Environmentalism continued Overall Expectation and Performance Tasks SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Grade 4: What rocks and minerals do we see in our community? How do we use them? How did our past society use these rocks/minerals? Where might we find products made from rocks and minerals in our daily life? (refer to page 94). Looking at Humans and nature connectedness what would be the impact of our actions on the environment, plants and soil? SUB TASK Grade 3: Grow some seeds and observe and record your observations (ex. - different soils, sand, earth, rocks, with water/no water, with sun/without sunlight), and how climate affects the growth of plants. Grade 4: Test certain rocks as material for future structures in our community – test against weather, hardness, colour, texture. SOCIAL STUDIES SUB TASK Visit an urban or rural community in your neighbourhood (e.g. walking tour or short bus trip, to a farm, city hall, community centre). Grade 3: Use a graphic organizer (such as a Venn diagram) to compare land use and access to natural resources in urban and rural communities. Grade 4: Compare the physical regions of two provinces/territories of Canada. LANGUAGE CONNECTIONS MATH CONNECTIONS conventions, to correct errors, refine expression, and present their work effectively. Data Management Media OE1. collect and organize categorical or discrete primary data and display the data using charts and graphs, including vertical and horizontal bar graphs, with labels ordered appropriately along horizontal axes, as needed; Grade 3 and 4: OE1. demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts. SUB TASK Reading/Writing: Grade 3: With co-created criteria, model how to record the results of a science experiment using a procedural writing piece and pictures. Grade 4: Students write a recount on their class visit to the community. Oral Language/Media: Use smart ideas or any other graphic organizer to sort/organize research used for the culminating task. Present your graphic organizer to a small group. Grade 3: OE2. read, describe, and interpret primary data presented in charts and graphs, including vertical and horizontal bar graphs; OE3. predict and investigate the frequency of a specific outcome in a simple probability experiment. Grade 4: OE1. collect and organize discrete primary data and display the data using charts and graphs, including stem-and-leaf plots and double bar graphs; OE2. read, describe, and interpret primary data and secondary data presented in charts and graphs, including stem-and-leaf plots and double bar graphs; OE3: predict the results of a simple probability experiment, then conduct the experiment and compare the prediction to the results. SUB TASK Collect data (rain fall in our community, temperature, population in various provinces, population of school and neighbouring schools, territories, communities,) various provinces/territories and represent it in a chart. ARTS PERFORMANCE TASK: Music/Dance Using Body Storming strategy (page 160) , use Aboriginal drumming or beat rhythms to create movement traditional from that community (use a choreographic pattern [page 159] and try to link it to music/drums) . Visual Arts Grade 3: D1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to produce a variety of two- and three-dimensional art works, using elements, principles, and techniques of visual arts to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings. Grade 4: D1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to produce a variety of two- and three-dimensional art works, using elements, principles, and techniques of visual arts to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings. SUB TASK Consider the use of colour/drawings/images /symbols when creating your final culminating task (e.g. brochure, poster, power point). LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Last updated April 2014 4 September/October LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 BIG IDEA: Environmentalism continued Overall Expectation and Performance Tasks SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL STUDIES LANGUAGE CONNECTIONS MATH CONNECTIONS ARTS Measurement Grade 3: OE1. estimate, measure, and record length, perimeter, area, mass, capacity, time, and temperature, using standard units. Grade 4: OE1. estimate, measure, and record length, perimeter, area, mass, capacity, volume, and elapsed time, using a variety of strategies. Measurement Performance Task: Measure the area and perimeter of both the classroom and the gym. Grade 3: Using analog and digital clocks explore how to read time. Grade 4: Explore the latitude and longitude of particular cities in each province/territory. Make a schedule of your day, exploring elapsed time. How might it change from province to territory? LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Last updated April 2014 5 November/December/January LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 BIG IDEA: Cooperation in the environment—cause and effect on the environment CULMINATING TASK: Divide the class into small groups. The grade 3’s will be given a large cut out province of Ontario—the grade 3’s will look at least one or two urban/rural communities and discover the housing, transportation, and vegetation and how it relates to the community/environment. Grade 4’s will explore the physical features of all the provinces/territories (e.g. highways, airports, business, buildings, agriculture, natural resources). Grade 4’s will be given their province in a large cut out format on chart paper to reconstruct a map of Canada. By the end of the task a large map of Canada will be recreated. Overall Expectation and Performance Tasks SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL STUDIES LANGUAGE CONNECTIONS MATH CONNECTIONS ARTS Understanding Life Systems People and Environments Oral communication Number Sense Dance Grade 3: Growth and Changes in Plants Grade 3: Living and Working in Ontario Grade 3 and 4: Grade 3: Grade 3: OE1. assess ways in which plants have an impact on society and the environment, and ways in which human activity has an impact on plants and plant habitats; B1. Application: demonstrate an understanding of some key aspects of the interrelationship between the natural environment, land use, employment opportunities, and the development of municipal regions in Ontario (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Patterns and Trends) ; OE2. use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes. OE1. read, represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 1000, and use concrete materials to represent fractions and money amounts to $10. A1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to the composition of dance phrases, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas; B2. Inquiry: use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some of the environmental effects of different types of land and/or resource use in two or more Ontario municipal regions, as well as some of the measures taken to reduce the negative impact of that use (FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Perspective). OE1. read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic, and informational texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning; Grade 4: Political and Physical Regions of Canada SUB TASK OE2. investigate similarities and differences in the characteristics of various plants, and ways in which the characteristics of plants relate to the environment in which they grow; OE3. demonstrate an understanding that plants grow and change and have distinct characteristics. Grade 4: Habitats and Communities OE1. analyse the effects of human activities on habitats and communities; OE2. investigate the interdependence of plants and animals within specific habitats and communities; OE3. demonstrate an understanding of habitats and communities and the relationships among the plants and animals that live in them. GUIDING QUESTIONS Grade 3: How are humans and nature connected? How do human interactions with the environment impact on the environment, soil and plants? Grade 4: How is development affecting natural habitats in Canada (i.e. animals, plants, the environment and humans)? B1. Application: assess some key ways in which industrial development and the natural environment affect each other in two or more political and/ or physical regions of Canada (FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Interrelationships); B2. Inquiry: use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some issues and challenges associated with balancing human needs/wants and activities with environmental stewardship in one or more of the political and/or physical regions of Canada (FOCUS ON: Perspective). Reading Grade 3 and 4: OE2. recognize a variety of text forms, text features, and stylistic elements and demonstrate understanding of how they help communicate meaning. Oral Language/Reading Read specific traditional stories from those regions (provinces/territories) to share with the group/class in a drama/tableau format. Writing Grade 3 and 4: OE1. generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience; OE2. draft and revise their writing, using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience; Grade 4: OE1. read, represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 10 000, decimal numbers to tenths, and simple fractions, and represent money amounts to $100. A2. Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process (see pages 23–28) to communicate their feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of dance pieces and experiences. Geometry Grade 4: Grade 3: A1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to the composition of movement sequences and short dance pieces, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas; OE3. identify and describe the locations and movements of shapes and objects. Grade 4: OE3. identify and describe the location of an object, using a grid map, and reflect two-dimensional shapes. Geometry Performance Task Grade 3: Locate on a map of your school, your classroom or locate your house/apartment on a street. If you could change the location of your room/house, would you? Explain why. A2. Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process (see pages 23–28) to communicate their feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of dance pieces and experiences. Drama Grade 3: B1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to dramatic play and process drama, using the elements and conventions of drama to communicate feelings, ideas, and stories; LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Last updated April 2014 6 November/December/January continued LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 BIG IDEA: Cooperation in the environment—cause and effect on the environment Overall Expectation and Performance Tasks SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL STUDIES SUB TASK GUIDING QUESTIONS: Show a large photo of a community in Canada (for example, a fishing community or farm along the coast of PEI). How do the needs of different Canadian communities make them different/same from eachother? Ask grade 3 students is this an urban or rural community? How do you know? Explain your answer. Ask: What do you see? Where might this be? How do you know? What is the interaction between urban and rural communities? Grade 4: Invite Grade 4’s to predict or hypothesize what area of Canada the photo represents. Share your reasons for your prediction. Grade 3: Students will be given a large cut out province of Ontario and look at least one or two urban/rural communities and discover the housing, transportation, and vegetation and how it relates to the community/environment. How are we all linked together? SUB TASK Grade 4: Students will use the inquiry process to explore one of the other provinces/territories and/ or political regions- focusing on physical features (e.g. highways, airports, business, buildings, agriculture, natural resources, etc.). LANGUAGE CONNECTIONS OE3. use editing, proofreading, and publishing skills and strategies, and knowledge of language conventions, to correct errors, refine expression, and present their work effectively. MATH CONNECTIONS Grade 4: Map out your present community (e.g. school, neighbourhood, playground). Would you change or alter anything (e.g. location of buildings, agriculture, roads/highways, recreational facilities)? Explain why. Measurement Grade 3: OE2. compare, describe, and order objects, using attribute measured in standard units. Grade 4: OE2. determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes, including the area and perimeter of rectangles. ARTS B2. Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process (see pages 23–28) to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of drama works and experiences. Grade 4: B1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to dramatic play and process drama, using the elements and conventions of drama to communicate feelings, ideas, and stories; B2. Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process (see pages 23–28) to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of drama works and experiences. Performance Task: share the moral of your traditional story from a specific province/territory through drama using tableau/tableau cross-over (page 172). Music Grade 3: C1. Creating and Performing: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to create and perform music for a variety of purposes, using the elements and techniques of music; C2. Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process (see pages 23–28) to communicate their feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of music and musical experiences. LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Last updated April 2014 7 November/December/January continued LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 BIG IDEA: Cooperation in the environment—cause and effect on the environment Overall Expectation and Performance Tasks SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL STUDIES LANGUAGE CONNECTIONS MATH CONNECTIONS ARTS Grade 4: C1. Creating and Performing: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to create and perform music for a variety of purposes, using the elements and techniques of music; C2. Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process (see pages 23–28) to communicate their feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of music and musical experiences. Visual Arts Grade 3: D2. Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process (see pages 23–28) to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of art works and art experiences. Grade 4: D2. Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process (see pages 23–28) to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of art works and art experiences. Performance Task: Look at First Nations art pieces and respond to the mood and feeling of the art piece by looking closely at the colours. Why did the artist select these colours? What mood do these colours reflect? LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Last updated April 2014 8 February/March/April LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 BIG IDEA: Systems and Structures CULMINATING TASK: Grade 3’s build a long house or an early settler home. Grade 4’s build a model that represents technology from a chosen early society (e.g. a castle with pulleys and gears). Using procedural writing the students will explain the steps and stages to follow when building a long house/early settler home/castle. Overall Expectation and Performance Tasks SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL STUDIES LANGUAGE CONNECTIONS MATH CONNECTIONS ARTS Understanding Structures and Mechanisms Heritage and Identity Oral communication Number Sense Dance Grade 3: Strong and Stable Structures Grade 3: Communities in Canada, 1780-1850 Grade 3 and 4: Grade 3: Grade 3: OE1. assess the importance of form, function, strength, and stability in structures through time; A3. Understanding Context: identify some of the communities in Canada around the beginning of the nineteenth century, and describe their relationships to the land and to each other (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships). OE1. listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes. OE2. demonstrate an understanding of magnitude by counting forward and backwards by various numbers and from various starting points; Reading OE3. solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of single- and multi-digit whole numbers, using a variety of strategies, and demonstrate an understanding of multiplication and division. A3. Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of dance forms and styles from the past and present, and their social and/or community contexts. OE2. investigate strong and stable structures to determine how their design and materials enable them to perform their load-bearing function; OE3. demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of structure, strength, and stability and the factors that affect them. Grade 4: Pulleys and Gears OE1. evaluate the impact of pulleys and gears on society and the environment; OE2. investigate ways in which pulleys and gears modify the speed and direction of, and the force exerted on, moving objects; OE3. demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles and functions of pulley systems and gear systems. SUB TASK Grade 3 and 4: Explore various castles/early settler homes/long house and how they were built. Explore structures and materials used to build these structures. Grade 4: Early Societies, 3000 BCE- 1500 CE A3. Understanding Context: demonstrate an understanding of key aspects of a few early societies (3000 BCE-1500 CE), each from a different region and era and representing a different culture; with reference to their political and social organization, daily life, and relationships with the environment and with each other (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships) . SUB TASK Grade 3 and 4: Compare and contrast how goods are sold in modern times as compared to Early Settler/Early Society times. Use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast similarities and differences. Grade 3 and 4: OE4. reflect on and identify their strengths as readers, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful before, during, and after reading. Writing Grade 3 and 4: OE1. generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience; OE2. draft and revise their writing, using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience; OE3. use editing, proofreading, and publishing skills and strategies, and knowledge of language conventions, to correct errors, refine expression, and present their work effectively. Grade 4: OE2. demonstrate an understanding of magnitude by counting forward and backwards by 0.1 and by fractional amounts; OE3. solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of single- and multi-digit whole numbers, and involving the addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to tenths and money amounts, using a variety of strategies. Grade 4: A3. Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of dance forms, traditions, and styles from the past and present, and their socio-cultural and historical contexts. Drama Grade 3 B3. Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of drama and theatre forms and styles from the past and present, and their social and/or community contexts. Grade 4: Geometry OE1. compare two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures and sort them by their geometric properties; B3. Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of drama and theatre forms, traditions, and styles from the past and present, and their socio-cultural and historical contexts. OE2. describe relationships between two-dimensional shapes, and three-dimensional figures; See Oral Lanuguage/Reading/Writing/Media sub task. Grade 3 : OE3. identify and describe the locations and movements of shapes and objects. LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Last updated April 2014 9 February/March/April BIG IDEA: Systems and Structures continued LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Overall Expectation and Performance Tasks SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL STUDIES LANGUAGE CONNECTIONS MATH CONNECTIONS ARTS GUIDING QUESTIONS Media Grade 4: Music How can form and function of specific structures assist us and make our lives easier? What structures do we see in our own communities? How are they built? Would these be still used in today’s society? Do we have any similar structures in our own communities today? (Grade 3: refer to page 74; Grade 4: refer to page 88). Grade 3 and 4: Grade 3: OE1. demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts; OE1. identify quadrilaterals and three-dimensional figures and classify them by their geometric properties, and compare various angles to benchmarks; OE2. identify some media forms and explain how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning; OE2. determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes, including the area and perimeter of rectangles; OE3. create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques. OE3. identify and describe the location of an object, using a grid map, and reflect two-dimensional shapes. SUB TASK Patterning and Algebra Oral Language/Reading/Writing/Media Select a character or member of society and describe the day to day events of the chosen character in role. Create a comparison between the character’s life and your present life. Present your comparison using a tool of technology (such as Comic Life Microsoft Publisher, etc.) . C3. Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of musical genres and styles from the past and present, and their social and/or community contexts. Grade 4: C3. Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of musical genres and styles from the past and present, and their socio-cultural and historical contexts. Grade 3: MUSIC/DANCE SUB TASK OE1. describe, extend, and create a variety of numeric patterns and geometric patterns. Using the flocking strategy (page 161), move in groups with no set pattern following a leader and all doing the same movement simultaneously using music from the Medieval Times/First Nations. Grade 4: OE1. describe, extend, and create a variety of numeric and geometric patterns, make predictions related to the patterns, and investigate repeating patterns involving reflections. Patterning and Algebra/ Geometry Performance Task Grade 3 and 4: Describe structures by its geometrical shape and patterns. Do we see any geometrical patterns in these structures? What shapes build strong structures? Why? Visual Arts Grade 3: D3. Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of art forms, styles, and techniques from the past and present, and their social and/or community contexts. Grade 4: D3. Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of art forms, styles, and techniques from the past and present, and their socio-cultural and historical contexts. SUB TASK Include a blue print/sketch of your castle/long house or pioneer home to go with your procedural writing piece. LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Last updated April 2014 10 April/May/June LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 BIG IDEA: Courage and Determination Create and present a “poem for two voices” to compare and contrast issues in the past with the present – one voice represents the past (grade 3 First Nations/Early Settlers; grade 4 Early Societies). One voice will represent the present. Teacher/students will decide the issues that the poem will explore (ex. disease, war, crime, etc.). Overall Expectation and Performance Tasks SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL STUDIES LANGUAGE CONNECTIONS MATH CONNECTIONS ARTS Understanding Matter and Energy Heritage and Identity Oral communication Number Sense Music Grade 3: Forces causing Movement Grade 3: Communities in Canada, 1780-1850 Grade 3 and 4: Grade 3: Grade 3: OE1. assess the impact of various forces on society and the environment; A1. Application: compare ways of life among some specific groups in Canada around the beginning of the nineteenth century, and describe some of the changes between that era and the present day (FOCUS ON: Continuity and Change, Perspective); OE3. reflect on and identify their strengths as listeners and speakers, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in oral communication situations. OE3. solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of single- and multi-digit whole numbers, using a variety of strategies, and demonstrate an understanding of multiplication and division. C1. Creating and Performing: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to create and perform music for a variety of purposes, using the elements and techniques of music. Grade 4: Grade 4: OE3. solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of single- and multi-digit whole numbers, and involving the addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to tenths and money amounts, using a variety of strategies; C1. Creating and Performing: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to create and perform music for a variety of purposes, using the elements and techniques of music. OE2. investigate devices that use forces to create controlled movement; OE3. demonstrate an understanding of how forces cause movement and changes in movement. Grade 4: Light and Sound OE1. assess the impact on society and the environment of technological innovations related to light and sound; OE2. investigate the characteristics and properties of light and sound; OE3. demonstrate an understanding of light and sound as forms of energy that have specific characteristics and properties. Performance task: Grade 3 — What forces do we use in our daily lives? Record all the forces you see at school and at home (ex. magnets, moving an object, pushing or pulling an object, friction, gravity). Performance Task: Grade 4 — Research ways in which light and sound are used at home and in the community. GUIDING QUESTIONS Grade 3: What is the purpose of your device? (refer to page 77). A2. Inquiry: use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some of the major challenges that different groups and communities faced in Canada from around 1780 to 1850, and key measures taken to address these challenges (FOCUS ON: Significance; Cause and Consequence); Reading Grade 3 and 4: OE4. reflect on and identify their strengths as readers, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful before, during, and after reading. Grade 4: Early Societies, 3000 BCE- 1500 CE Writing A1. Application: compare key aspects of life in a few early societies (3000 BCE-1500 CE), each from a different region and era and representing a different culture, and describe some key similarities and differences between these early societies and presentday Canadian society (FOCUS ON: Continuity and Change, Perspective); Grade 3 and 4: A2. Inquiry: use the social studies inquiry process to investigate ways of life and relationships with the environment in two or more early societies (3000 BCE-1500 CE), with an emphasis on aspects of the interrelationship between the environment and life in those societies (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships). Grade 3 and 4: OE4. reflect on and identify their strengths as writers, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful at different stages in the writing process. Media OE3. create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques; OE4. reflect on and identify their strengths as media interpreters and creators, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in understanding and creating media texts. OE4. demonstrate an understanding of proportional reasoning by investigating whole number unit rates. Patterning and Algebra Performance Task: Create and build a musical instrument. Grade 3: Refer back to science/forces using movement – create a wind/string instrument. Describe the force used to create the music. Grade 3: Grade 4: Refer back to science/sound unit. Describe the sound used by the instrument. OE2. demonstrate an understanding of equality between pairs of expressions, using addition and subtraction of one- and two-digit numbers. Visual Arts Grade 4: OE2. demonstrate an understanding of equality between pairs of expressions, using addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Grade 3: D1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to produce a variety of two- and three-dimensional art works, using elements, principles, and techniques of visual arts to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings. Grade 4: D1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to produce a variety of two- and three-dimensional art works, using elements, principles, and techniques of visual arts to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings. LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Last updated April 2014 11 April/May/June LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 BIG IDEA: Courage and determination continued Overall Expectation and Performance Tasks SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL STUDIES LANGUAGE CONNECTIONS MATH CONNECTIONS GUIDING QUESTIONS GUIDING QUESTIONS SUB TASK Data Management Grade 4: How often do we use light? Tally how often you turn on and off the lights at school/ at home in one day. How do animals use sound and light? How can we preserve this energy for our future? Grade 3 and 4: Grade 3 and 4: Grade 3: Oral Language/Reading/Writing/Media: OE3. predict and investigate the frequency of a specific outcome in a simple probability experiment. What have we learned from our past? Explore your present community and compare to communities from the past. How have we evolved over time? SUB TASK Create and present a “poem for two voices” — one represents past and one represents present (Conduct a search: disease, war, crime, etc.) and compare/contrast to today’s society. ARTS Grade 4: OE3. predict the results of a simple probability experiment, then conduct the experiment and compare the prediction to the results. Grade 3 and 4: Brainstorm: What were the health and safety issues (e.g. disease, war, crime, etc.) at these times around the world? Students make jot notes on information collected and then use these jot notes to create a poem for two voices. ALL MATH STRANDS — SUB TASK Grade 3 and 4: Set up a trading post/market to trade objects. Design a barter system to trade goods. Then trade using coins and compare the two systems. Which system was easier to use? Why? LONG RANGE YEAR PLANS FOR COMBINED GRADE 3/4 Last updated April 2014 12