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Learn more - OCP Group
#1 CREATING VALUE Building on over 90 years of experience with an access to one of the world’s largest phosphate rock reserves, OCP has a two-fold objective consisting of creating value and strengthening its societal commitment. In order to retain its leadership position in the phosphate industry, OCP laid out an ambitious strategy leveraging its competitive advantages. 1. CREATING VALUE Talent factory 08 OCP Production System 10 Innovative business dynamics Innovation, at the very core of the leadership strategy 12 14 The OCP strategy is based on 3 pillars 6 1 Significant increase in capacity along the value chain 2 Lower production costs 3 Industrial flexibility and business agility Doubling the extraction capacity of the mines and tripling the chemicals production capacity Major cost reductions to be among the most competitive producer of phosphate rock and its derivative products. Adapting to market changes and coping with its seasonality by enabling a full integration of the value chain, from mining to chemistry to marketing. Talent factory Human capital is OCP Group’s most valuable asset and the key to its success. The Group shares a common secular leadership culture based on the values of excellence, solidarity, innovation and openness. 23,000 employees Being the largest employer in Morocco, OCP aspires just like the world’s biggest companies, to have its own «Talent Factory», a nursery of responsible talents who are brought up in the Group’s values and capable of facing their challenges. Strong with this cultural heritage, OCP has undertaken to raise of its 23,000 employees to the level of the market dynamic and of its status of world leader. OCP empowers its human resources with the adequate means to fully assume their responsibilities and develop their personal abilities and skills to operate efficiently in today’s ever changing environment. OCP promotes transversal governance within which everyone fully masters their duties while coordinating them with those of their fellow employees. Each employee is expected to share responsibility for their own future. 8 OCP does so through training and development support program that teaches each man and woman, in an inseparable way, a business expertise as well as a model of human behaviour that can adapt to change and transformation while staying consistent with the Group’s vision. The Corporate Institute along with the Industrial Skills Development Department orchestrate this training policy, often in partnership with the world’s leading academic institutions, such as HEC-Paris or MIT in Boston and the best industry references including Technifutur and GIZ in Germany. OCP Production System Implementing the OCP strategy required an in-depth industrial transformation of not only the production tools but also practices and industrial processes. Front-rank partners to serve a world-class ambition OCP joined with front-rank partners in order to become a world-class industrial reference. Major industrial projects carried out by OCP require engineering and cutting-edge project conduct. JESA (Jacobs Engineering SA), a jointventure between OCP and Jacobs Engineering, a global leader in engineering, was set up for this purpose. By aggregating in-house developed methods and practices - the result of a long experience - as well as international best practices, OCP has found the way to a global and consistent management, the OCP Production System that serves both the world-class ambition and excellence strategy of the Group. The deployment of this strategy translates into a ten-year, 140 billion dirhams (around 17 billion USD) investment for major industrial developments by 2020. The most emblematic projects are the slurry pipeline and the new El Halassa mine : • The 235 km slurry pipeline, centrepiece of the Group’s strategy, will transport phosphate from the mines of Khouribga to the integrated Jorf Phosphate Hub chemicals platform. This mode of transportation represents a huge technological leap, significantly enhancing volume and cost competitiveness while substantially reducing the environmental footprint. • Fully integrated - from mining to enrichment -, the new El Halassa mine features state-of-theart technologies designed by OCP Group’s R&D department, allowing for the improvement of yields by 40%. On the other hand, the beneficiation plant will include a sludge storage and water recovery dike, and will recycle over 80% of wastewater. Industrial excellence cannot be reached without safety control. In order to strengthen its leadership in safety matters, OCP partnered with DuPont, a world reference in the field, to create «DuPont OCP Operations Consulting», a joint-venture dedicated to industrial performance. This alliance aims to assist OCP in reaching world-class levels in terms of safety, performance and sustainable development. . 10 140 billion dirhams investment 80% of wastewater recycled 40% of additional yield 1/3 reduction of carbon footprint Innovative business dynamics In constant contact with the market thanks to a foothold abroad, OCP holds one third of the world market share of phosphate in all its forms. OCP adopts a proactive business strategy based on anticipation and adaptability. The objective is to be well acquainted with customers and their needs in order to offer them customised proposals. Within this momentum, OCP opened offices around the world (Paris, Saõ Paulo, New Delhi, Buenos Aires, Istanbul...) and established several joint-ventures, such as BSFT, a trading company based in Turkey and OCP Fertilizantes, a local fertilizer distributing company in Brazil. The Group also launched Performance Phosphate Products, a new range of products that is adapted to costumers’ needs including products delivery-related logistics services. The OCP business model is thus a bespoke offer of products and logistics services answering a twofold goal : responsiveness and cost control. OCP’s undeniable industrial edge allows it to exercise its business leadership upstream, which puts it at the forefront of the market of phosphate in all its forms. What does OCP produce ? PHOSPHATE ROCK Moroccan phosphate deposits are of sedimentary type, formed 70 million years ago. Phosphate quality is measured in terms of phosphorus content (P2O5) and 85% of its global production is intended for fertilizer production. PHOSPHORIC ACID An intermediate product between phosphate rock and fertilizers, phosphoric acid is produced from original ore and sulfuric acid. As for purified phosphoric acid, it is designed for food and industrial applications. PHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS It is the result of phosphoric acid transformation: DAP (most commonly used binary fertilizer), TSP (full phosphate fertilizer), MAP (binary fertilizer consisting of two fertilizing agents: phosphorus and nitrogen) and NPK (ternary fertilizer made of three elements: phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium). OCP also introduced a new range of phosphate products to the market, based on a high performance, sustainable agricultural approach: Performance Phosphate Products (PPP). • PPP - Complex fertilizers : which contain a great fertilizing value, rich in micro and macronutrients while being immediately absorbed. They are adapted to poor or degraded soils to improve their agricultural productivity. • PPP - Direct Application - TERACTIV TM : an all-in-one range, which includes both fertilizer and soil improver. Four formulas have been developed to meet the nutritional needs of acidic and sandy soils or for cocoa, cotton, and corn crops. • PPP - Soluble Fertilizers : the Soluble Fertilizers range is intended for irrigated crops. It addresses issues related to the scarcity of water resources in numerous regions around the world and supports new micro-irrigation and watering systems. • PPP - Animal Feeds: These animal feed supplements are source of phosphorus and calcium and help reinforce bones structure and accelerate animals’ growth (livestock and poultry). 12 Innovation, at the very core of the leadership strategy 200 researchers With approximately 200 researchers, R&D at OCP fully covers the Group’s value chain, from geology to finished products. Carefully planned, OCP’s R&D unfolds over three major areas : • The first area is operational and closely linked to production and industrial processes. It aims at improving production performances, particularly in terms of efficiency and energy savings. • The second one, known as differentiation, refers to continuous research on products’ quality enhancement. • The third area is related to disruptive research. It strives to develop new products, niche products and innovative technologies with an unwavering focus on eco-design. Based on continuous and open innovation, breakthrough research is the second innovation lever. OCP hence teamed up with local and international research institutions to develop R&D programs. That is what is called Open Innovation. 14 Within this framework, OCP hosted scientific world-class events such as « Symphos » (Symposium on Innovation and Technology in Phosphate Industry) and R&D “Assises Nationales” (National Forums) on phosphate, reflecting the Group’s willingness to network. Today, OCP sets out its R&D vision within a new scale offering training and adapting its programs to both academic and industrial contexts. The implementation of this vision reflects, among other things, through the creation of the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, a world-class higher education establishment in the fields of research and training. OCP’s commitment to innovation also translates into the development of an encouraging framework for pioneering business incubation projects as part of the «OCP Innovation Fund for Agriculture» program. #2 COMBINING PERFORMANCE AND RESPONSIBILITY OCP does not assess its societal commitment in terms of financial costs only, and it is not considered as a burden. It is part of its DNA and represents many opportunities for improving its competitiveness 2. COMBINING PERFORMANCE AND RESPONSIBILITY Protecting the environment, the key to sustainable leadership A global social corporate responsibility A new South-South cooperation model Moroccan people hold OCP dear to their hearts 18 20 22 24 Protecting the environment, the key to sustainable leadership Aware of the responsibilities that come with its position as a world leader, OCP aims to achieve a two-fold ambition: decisively meet the needs of global agriculture while ensuring the protection of the environment. 18 Recognizing that sustainable development offers new opportunities to the phosphate industry, OCP chose to integrate social, environmental and economic issues within every level of its activity. Furthermore, OCP developed an innovative approach for the integrated management of its hydric needs and implemented a major “Water” program focusing on three main lines of action : In fact, eco-designing investments enhances the Group’s competitiveness as it allows it, among other things, to achieve water and energy savings, recycle, upgrade and eliminate waste in an environmentally responsible way. 1.Optimal use of water resources throughout the OCP’s voluntary enrolment in environmental programs aimed at reinforcing the observance of the highest international standards, also demonstrates its commitment to sustainable development. Thus, OCP is the first Moroccan company to join the national program for safe PCB management and disposal (PolyChlorinated Biphenyls). through the building of wastewater purification plants and new desalination units. entire value creation chain ; 2. Cease of groundwater extraction and geographic reallocation of surface water resources ; 3. Mobilization of non-conventional water resources MOHAMMED VI GREEN CITY : University town, first 100% eco-friendly city in Africa. True to its tradition of building cities, OCP initiated the “Mohammed VI Green City” project. With a strong focus on sustainable development and respect for the environment, this town is among the first 100% eco-friendly cities in Africa. The Green City’s implementation plan meets strict specifications, in compliance with LEED ND (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Neighborhood Development), the highest international certification in this matter. Located at the heart of this Green City, the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University aspires to become a major higher education and research institution, offering a fulfilling learning environment to the most deserving students. A national flagship of higher education and research, which is highly focused on emerging countries, the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University will promote R&D in fields of importance to the Group’s development: mining industry, sustainable development and industrial management, as well as to the economic, social, environmental and academic future of Morocco. 2 7 9 billion people billion people billion people 1920 2013 2050 A global social corporate responsibility Feeding mankind has always been a fundamental part of OCP’s culture, a “raison d’être” or reason of being. Throughout almost a century of history, OCP has witnessed the world population grow at a steady pace increasing from less than 2 billion in 1920 to over 7 billion people today. And by the year 2050, 9 billion people are expected to populate the planet. This demographic leap will require an increase of the world agricultural production of 77 % to address the growing food demand with twice fewer farmlands per capita. Such a challenge calls for a doubled consumption of phosphoric nutrients to compensate for essential soil nutrients extracted by crops. Using fertilizer secures nearly half the global food consumption. As the world’s leading phosphate producer, OCP therefore carries the responsibility to help feed the planet. Resulting from OCP’s wish to commit to the global food security challenge, the Global Food Security Forum GFSF is a place of international exchange aimed at allowing implicated stakeholders to raise the very nature of this issue and try to solve global food insecurity. GFSF led to a genuine partnership between several local, regional and international institutions : the Global Food Security Initiative, which pledges to unite and respond effectively to the numerous challenges facing global food security over the long term. Source: FAO - website: rootsforgrowth.com 20 Precision farming and sustainability OCP’s objective is to seek ways to increase yields of cultivated lands through the use of phosphate fertilizer, while mitigating threats to the ecosystem using precision farming: administering the right dose of fertilizers at the right place and the right time. Implementing a fertility map for soils in Morocco, a pioneer experience in Africa, demonstrates OCP’s commitment to agricultural development. This fertility map pursues a three-fold objective : • Creating a geographical database of Moroccan soil resources. • Developing an improved knowledge of Moroccan soils, their compositions and their fertilizer needs. • Enabling a reasoned use of fertilizer in both quantity and quality for a better productivity. A new South-South cooperation model African horizons In Africa, believed to be the most promising region in terms of agricultural yields increase, OCP takes concrete measures, based on a mutually profitable cooperation, one that is focused on three main areas : Understanding : As regions involved respectively in their first and second «Green Revolution», Africa and India are the Group’s preferred lands for promoting and implementing the «precision farming» concept, a method that is productive, optimized and innovative, and designed to improve soil fertility. On the broader front, OCP tirelessly strives for the creation of a larger body within which sharing experiences, reinforcing cooperation and initiating South-South partnerships would pave the way for long-lasting food security. Because the African market is unique and has its own specific features, OCP dedicated a team to work on the continent’s characteristics through meetings and exchanges with local distributors, state agencies, and agronomic research institutes of several countries in Africa. Moreover, in order to improve its knowledge of the African agricultural specificities, the Group sponsors and participates to international forums and conferences that are consistently linked to the subject. Commitment : Sharing of expertise between Morocco and India In India, OCP promotes field actions including the AES project (Agricultural Extension Services) which benefits 15,000 farmers of the sub-continent’s poorest districts. It educates them on the importance of sustainable development and reasoned fertilization techniques.. Reference is also made to the sharing expertise approach as the Morocco-India Karnataka initiative for the rehabilitation of grain legume started in 2012 with the direct participation of 10,000 farmers in Morocco and 15,000 in India. The technology transfer Morocco receives through this initiative shows great potential thanks to India’s broad agronomic experience in sustainable agriculture-related research and development. In order to secure the continent’s supplies on the long term, OCP provided Africa with dedicated production volumes regardless of the international demand. Securing these volumes represents an investment of approximately 600 million dollars for the construction of a specific unit within the Jorf Phosphate Hub industrial platform. Thus, the volume of distributed fertilizer by OCP in Africa has been multiplied by 10 in 5 years, rising from 50,000 tons in 2007 to over 500,000 tons in 2012. Innovation : OCP designed and marketed new, innovative products within the «Performance Phosphate Products» (PPP) range, which meet specific needs. «PPP-Direct Application» is hence particularly suitable for tropical and sub-tropical soils of Sub-Saharan Africa. This fertilizer is available in three different formulas: cocoa, cotton and corn. 22 OCP FOUNDATION, the Group’s social conscience and societal Created in 2007 and recognized as an organization of public utility in 2012, the OCP Foundation’s main goal is to carry out the Group’s social and societal commitment. Its mission is to define and implement human development actions which will benefit the most vulnerable populations not only in the areas where OCP operates but also at the national and international levels. With its flexible organization, the OCP Foundation is guided by excellence and operates as an integrated structure for effectiveness, including activities of its internal Think Tank named the “Policy Center” as well as action plans intended for agricultural development, youth support and citizen development. Its process lies in the implementation of keystone projects through a fair, transparent approach in accordance with a networking, subcontracting and inhouse doing weighting method. Headquartered in Rabat, the OCP Foundation strengthens its presence through regional offices in order to optimize the outreach work towards affected communities and the social fabric in 14 different regions across the country. In so doing, the actions of the OCP Foundation serve more than 250,000 beneficiaries in Morocco and abroad every year, including a majority of women and children mostly from rural areas. 24 Moroccan people hold OCP dear to their hearts OCP fully assumes its economic and social responsibility towards Morocco and Moroccans. Its societal commitment in Morocco is written into its DNA. It reflects its smooth integration in its own close-knit social environment. OCP makes substantial investments in social infrastructure to the benefit of communities and regions where manufacturing activities are located. The Group’s measures focus on health and education, particularly through the building or renovation of healthcare centers and schools, the building of youth centers and by providing school transport… Furthermore, OCP has launched a program for young people, OCP Skills; an emblematic example of its societal responsibility. This program unfolds through three areas: training and youth employability improvement, incubation of local firms and support to associations. OCP pursues its long-term commitment to youth through the creation of Skills Centers, genuine platforms for learning, exchange and openness. As Morocco’s main employer, OCP is proud to play a major role in the economic development of the country while actively participating to its presence worldwide. OCP is the country’s largest company representing about 6% of Morocco’s GDP and one quarter of the Kingdom’s export revenues. OCP highly contributes to the success of the agricultural sector in Morocco supporting «Plan Maroc Vert», Morocco’s national agricultural development program 6 % 1/4 of Morocco’s GDP of the Kingdom’s export revenues in 2012 “ It is within human capital that lies the very soul of our company, the driving force of its success and influence. Mostafa TERRAB Chief Executive Officer 26 ” OCP and corporate citizenship OCP transforms the social, economic and environmental challenges related to its activity into shared value-generating opportunities for all its stakeholders. OCP in a nutshell Environmental responsibilities For OCP, environment protection and sustainable development represent a real source of value creation. In fact, eco designing OCP investments enhances competitiveness as it allows the Group, among other things, to achieve water and energy savings, recycle, upgrade and eco-responsibly dispose of waste. Every ambitious program initiated by OCP combines industrial performance and respect for the environment. Economic responsibilities With the status of largest employer and major investor in the country come great economic responsibilities towards the Nation. Indeed, strengthening links with its ecosystem is a key success factor for OCP. Promoting local strongholds, developing their expertise, enhancing the attractiveness of regions where the Group operates; those are the main lines of action undertaken by OCP to involve local and national players. In addition, OCP provides training for more than 15,000 young people and supports over 300 entrepreneurship projects, creates jobs and wealth, both directly and indirectly through the economic activity revitalization of the regions where it is established, particularly via subcontracting and the provision of services. Social responsibilities By acting locally for sustainable development, OCP addresses the global challenge of world food security through important initiatives involving sharing of expertise, as part of the South-South cooperation. Its support for Moroccan agriculture and the human development of populations neighbouring its sites, reinforces its smooth integration within the Moroccan social fabric and thus enhances its local partners’ competitiveness. www.ocpgroup.ma 2-4, rue Al Abtal - Hay Erraha - BP 5196 Casablanca - Maroc OCP is one of the world leading companies in the phosphate (including by-products) market and a key player since 1920. Building on its 90-year experience and operating in all five continents with an access to one of the largest phosphate reserves in the world, OCP is active across the entire value chain: it mines, upgrades and markets phosphate and its derivative products. OCP pursues a two-fold objective of creating value and showing strong social commitment: financial and business performances on one hand, the OCP Group netted an overall turnover of 59.4 billion dirhams in 2012 while supporting, on the other hand, Moroccan economy and global food security for which it is a key player. Proud of its strong corporate culture, OCP provides its 23,000 employees with professional training suited to each position promoting progressive career management. Moreover, OCP significantly contributes to the development of Morocco’s different regions through its mining and industrial sites as well as its programs and projects. OCP 1st exporter of phosphate worldwide around the world in all its forms Puurs (Belgium) NORTH AMERICA Paris Roches (France) Augusta (USA) Service subsidiaries 30% AsiA europe Engis (Belgium) of market share Paradeep (India) OCP products Continent where OCP products are marketed OCP produces solid and liquid fertilizers, food supplements for livestock and basic components necessary to make other derivatives, all from Moroccan phosphate. SOUTH AMERICA Jorf Lasfar Safi Chemical plants Khouribga Benguerir Youssoufia 2 world class chemical complexes Mining areas Phosphate port facilities Laâyoune 4 Boucraâ Sāo Paulo mining operations sites in Morocco Casablanca phosphate port facilities 6.9 billion USD 23,000 BSFT (Black Sea) Trading subsidiaries Morocco 59.4 billion DH of turnover employees Industrial units 4 of phosphate market production in all-its-forms exported phosphate Delhi AFRICA OCP in 27.1 million tons Buenos Aires OCEANIA STANDARD PRODUCTS Phosphate • Phosphate rock (different qualities) PHOSPHORIC ACID • Market phosphoric acid • Purified phosphoric acid FERTILIZERS • Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) • Mono-Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) • Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) • NPK OUR LATEST INNOVATIONS OCP recently introduced a new range of phosphate products to the market, based on a high performance, sustainable agricultural approach : Performance Phosphate Products (PPP). • PPP - Complex fertilizers : they contain a great fertilizing value, rich in micro and macronutrients while being immediately absorbed. They are adapted to poor or degraded soils to improve their agricultural productivity. The Complex Fertilizers range is recommended for forage and higher added value crops such as tea and cotton. • PPP - Direct Application - TERACTIVTM : it is an all-in-one range, which includes both fertilizer and soil improver, continuously releasing phosphate. Four formulas have been developed to meet the nutritional needs of acidic and sandy soils or for cocoa and corn crops. • PPP - Soluble Fertilizers : the Soluble Fertilizers range is intended for irrigated crops. It addresses issues related to the scarcity of water resources in numerous regions across the world and supports new microirrigation and watering systems. • PPP - Animal Feeds : These animal feed supplements are source of Phosphorus and Calcium and help reinforce bones structure and accelerate animals’ growth (livestock, ovine, poultry and caprine). 2012 figures
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