bucharest property, year end 2008
bucharest property, year end 2008
1 Research BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 BUCHAREST PROPERTY year end 2008 2 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 3 Introduction 21 Introducere 4 Economic Overview 22 Situatia Economica 5 Office Market Overview 23 Piata spatiilor de birouri 9 Residential Market Overview 27 Piata spatiilor rezidentiale 13 Retail Market Overview 31 Piata spatiilor comerciale 16 Industrial Market Overview 34 Piata spatiilor industriale 17 Land Market Overview 35 Piata terenurilor 18 Investment Market Overview 36 Piata de investitii 20 Green Buildings 38 Cladiri verzi BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 The office market is experiencing the negative effects of the economic downturn manifested in declining rents and leasing activity. Although this segment performed remarkably well during the first semester of 2008, market fundamentals have been softening at a moderate pace especially since the last quarter of the year. The current real estate market situation creates demand coming from companies that are currently paying rents already indexed for several times, thus exceeding the current rental market value. These tenants are trying either to renegotiate their ongoing lease or obtain a better quality for the price they pay in other buildings. Despite cost cutting policies, tenants remain willing to secure quality office accommodation at a lower more competitive price and are trying to speculate the contraction of demand in the circumstances of increasing availability of office spaces. Tenants have a more global approach of cost savings looking to increase efficiency of their office use, while reducing overall occupancy costs (energy savings, low maintenance costs, flexibility in partitioning). In addition tenants with expiring leases prefer to renew the contracts as they benefit from substantial discounts proposed by landlords rather than incurring costs associated with relocations. Over the past few months the market has obviously recorded a downward correction in asking rents and greater flexibility of landlords in negotiation process. Especially owners of newly completed buildings have significantly lowered the rents in order to achieve a certain level of occupancy. The level of the total occupational costs, building quality and efficiency will become the most important decision factors in detriment of location. As the cost building policies are affecting the demand characteristics, on the long term the proposed supply should adapt to an emerging new trend, the development of green buildings. In 2008 the increasing trend of supply initiated in last two years continued on the residential segment. In the second half of the year, the first challenges appeared for developers, due to the worsening of the local and international economic situation. As a result, many projects experienced slow construction works, while others have been postponed for 2009 or even later. The retail market has experienced a remarkable evolution in 2008, characterized by significant increasing of supply and diversification of retail type of properties. The industrial segment continued to perform remarkably well during H1 2008 as the leasing activity corroborated with the development process contributed to a further market expansion. However, starting with H2 2008 the worsening of the international and local economic context led to the slight decrease of demand, while the launching of new projects was virtually non-existent. During 2008 the land segment has recorded a fundamental change, from a vendor to customer market, this trend becoming more visible in the second half of the year. Despite the evident downtrend in prices, the number of transactions has severely decreased while significant transactions have been virtually non-existent. The global financial and economic turmoil strongly corroborated with the softening of local real estate market fundamentals have negatively impacted the property investment market. In addition to the specific factors of the local real estate market, the investors’ restrain was induced by the less favorable country risk indicators and fear over a prolonged economic slowdown. As a consequence of the market evolution, the profile of investors has changed. Opportunistic equity investors became the most active market players during H2 2008, outstripping the heavily leveraged investors that dominated the market in previous years. The investment market is experiencing a price readjustment across all segments. Starting with the end of 2007 the average prime yields increased in all sectors after five successive years of compressing evolution, as a result of general market uncertainty doubled by limited availability of finance and diminishing market capitalization of some international companies. Equity opportunistic investors will continue to represent the main driving force of the demand in 2009, being attracted by the investment products coming to the market. In addition the worsening investment environment creates new opportunities, as distressed transactions are occurring and large investors intend to increase the efficiency of their portfolios and consider implementing exit strategies. Ioana MOMICEANU MRICS Managing Director, President of the Board BNP Paribas Real Estate Romania 3 4 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Economic Overview In 2008 Romania had a significant economic growth of 7.1%, level that almost matches the impressive expansion in 2004 and 2006. The economic activity has recorded a significant fluctuation throughout 2008. After the impressive growth of 9.1% and 9.3% recorded in Q2 and Q3, the effects of the international economic crisis reflected into the statistic data from Q4 2008 published by the National Institute of Statistics, when the GDP increase was 2.9%. The opinions of economists regarding the future economic evolution of Romania differ significantly. Optimistic economic forecasts predict a slight advance for the Romanian economy in the next 3 years. According to the National Commission for Prognosis, the annual y-o-y GDP growth for 2009 is expected to reach 2.5%. ECONOMIC FORECAST GDP (%) 2009 2010 2011 2012 +2.5 +4.5 +5.5 +6.0 Average annual inflation rate (%) 4.8 3.6 3.2 2.8 Annual unemployment rate (%) 5.5 5.0 4.8 4.5 Exchange rate (Euro/RON) 4.0 4.09 4.17 4.24 Source: National Commission for Prognosis (Autumn prognosis 2008) According to the Romanian Agency for Foreign Investment, the volume of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) grew by 24.4% in 2008, totalling Euro 9.02 billion and thus approaching the historical record reached in 2006 (Euro 9.1 billion). Only in December 2008, the monthly FDI flow attracted in the economy increased by 20.5% compared to the previous month, even under the circumstances of the economic international crisis. Foreign direct investments financed 53.5% of the current account deficit, compared with 43.5% in the previous year. At the end of 2008, the total number of registered unemployment was 403,441 (national basis), representing 4.4% of the active population. The national average unemployment rate has increased with 0.3 percentage points compared to the same period of 2007. At the end of 2008 the annual inflation rate was 6.3%, decreasing from the maximum level of 9.04% reached in July last year. This value was also slightly below the level recorded in December 2007(6.57%). However, the annual inflation rate was still well above the target set by the National Bank of Romania - 3.8%. The National Bank of Romania (NBR) has successively increased the monetary policy rate, from 7.5% in January 2008 to 10.25% in January 2009, also adopting additional prudence measures regarding the banking system. These measures target primarily the inflation pressure, the local currency exchange rate and the financial behavior of households and companies. Average gross monthly salary increased steadily during 2008, from RON 1,730 (Euro 491) in December 2007 to RON 2,023 (Euro 517) at the end of 2008. According to the National Institute of Statistics, during Q3 2008, the average monthly income per household in Romania was RON 2,164 (Euro 606). The most important financial sources for household income were represented by salaries (53.3%) and social allowances (20.8%). The monthly household expenditures in Romania reached RON 1,954 ( Euro 547) in Q3 2008, of which consumption expenditures represent 70.9%, while taxes and duties represent 15.9%. NBR’S MONETARY POLICY RATE AND ANNUAL INFLATION RATE NBR's Reference Rate Annual inflation rate 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 1/1/2004 1/1/2005 1/1/2006 1/1/2007 1/1/2008 1/1/2009 Source: National Institute of Statistics; National Bank of Romania STRUCTURE OF HOUSEHOLD CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE IN Q3 2008 (%) 1.5 0.6 3.6 Agro-food products and non-alcoholic drinks 5.6 Beverages and tobacco 5.1 Clothing and footwear Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 40.3 7.6 Furniture, dwelling endowment and maintenance Health Transport 3.9 Communications 5 Leisure and culture Education Hotels, cafés and restaurants 13.6 6.8 6.4 Source: National Institute of Statistics Miscellaneous (products and services ) BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Office Market Overview EXISTING STOCK OFFICE COMPLETIONS New The office market is experiencing the negative effects of the economic downturn manifested in declining rents and leasing activity. Although this segment performed remarkably well during the first semester of 2008, market fundamentals have been softening at a moderate pace especially since the last quarter of the year. However the office market lags the other segments by few months concerning the effects induced by the economic slump. Refurbished 400 Thousand sq m 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate EXISTING OFFICE STOCK AS AT H2 2008 BY LOCATION Central-North and North South East Central West SIGNIFICANT OFFICES COMPLETED IN 2008 Building 1 Location GEA (sq m) Sema Park I West 17,500 2 IEMI Phase I North 40,000 2 Tower Centre International Centre 31,135 3 Twin Barba Center II North 30,000 4 Alexander Center North 7,580 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate As anticipated based on the data regarding the proposed supply for 2008, last year completions have almost matched the forecasted level of 410,000 sq m (GEA) of offices. However, a number of projects have been temporarily stopped or have been witnessing slow construction works progress due to financing problems or low rate of pre-leases, mainly affecting the supply for 2009-2010. The geographical pattern of the new added stock reflects the growth of the market in the northern and western parts of Bucharest with 40% and respectively 22% of completions. The structure of new added stock is dominated by class A office buildings representing approximately 55% of completions. The rise in supply on this segment was mainly due to the completion of international standard properties of over 15,000 sq m. Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate Q Supply has diversified as concerned the geographic location and the quality of the buildings, as a result of significant new supply delivered in 2008 and the emergence of the sub-lease market. The development of large modern premises sustained by the significant pre-lease activity recorded during 2007 and H1 2008 has contributed to the market growth by adding around 395,000 sq m (gross external area) of modern office spaces, the highest figure since 2000. Compared to 2007 new added stock has increased by 25% as the market has continued the shifting towards large, high quality premises. Of the proposed supply for 2008, already 45% have been pre-leased during 2007. As a result of the significant amount of completions, at the end of 2008 the stock of modern office space in Bucharest reached a total of 1.9 million sq m (gross external area), up 25% compared to the existing stock as at Q4 2007. Despite the extensive completion of class A premises in the last 2 years, class B offices still represent the largest market segment, accounting for around 56% of the existing supply. A new trend worth mentioning is the extension of the sublease market. The majority of the sublease space available on the market mainly results from the downsizing of tenants’ business, rather than ceasing of activity as they have pre-leased a significant amount of spaces (over 1,000 sq m) on the expectation of a further business expansion. 5 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Office Market Overview (cont.) EXISTING STOCK (CONT.) OFFICE STOCK BY BUILDING SIZE This market segment is offering shorter term sublease opportunities (less than 5 years), also meeting the characteristics of demand for smaller and less expensive units. On this segment the offer is mainly represented by small and medium size spaces ranging between 500 and 1,500 sq m generally located in buildings completed in 20072008. Back operation centers which represented the main drivers of the demand during previous years are currently the major office accommodation suppliers on the sublease market. 16% <=2,500 sq m 16% 50% DEMAND ANF TAKE-UP 9% Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate TAKE-UP BY SUBMARKET IN 2008 21% During H2 2008 the leasing activity was dominated by the concentration and rationalization of office accommodation, as companies adjusted the space requirements based on their specific market situation, in connection to the real estate market conditions. A large number of tenants reconsidered their relocation/extension plans and adopted a wait-and-see attitude expecting a further down trend in rents. However the ‘freezing’ of demand was mainly related to the segment of larger requirements. The most active leasing activity was generated by small and medium companies belonging to advertising, audit, IT and Telecom sectors. As a result the number and the average size of office enquiries sensibly decreased, ranging between 500 and 1,000 sq m. Generally tenants targeted budgets fluctuating around Euro 20/sq m/month for centrally located premises, Euro 15-16/sq m/month for spaces located in Barbu Vacarescu and Floreasca areas and a lower buget of Euro 10-14/sq m/month for premises in descentralized and pheripheral buildings. The current real estate market situation creates demand coming from companies that are currently paying rents alredy indexated for several times, thus exceeding the current rental market value. These tenants are trying either to renegotiate their ongoing lease or obtain a better quality for the price they pay in other buildings. Relocations and expansions have no longer represented the main demand driving factors. Despite cost cutting policies, tenants remain willing to secure quality office accommodation at a lower more competitive price and are trying to speculate the contraction of demand in the circumstances of increasing availability of office spaces. The absorption for Class A offices has reached approximately 65% of the total takeup recorded in 2008 being exclusively located in new buildings or pipeline developments. 5,001-7,500 sq m > 10,000 sq m 9% During H1 2008 the office market has maintained relatively high take-up rates (192,000 sq m) despite a 20% fall compared to H1 2007. However the leasing activity has significantly slowed down to approximately 120,000 sq m during H2 2008, as the worsening business environment negativelly impacted on the office market beginning with September 2008. As a result, the total office takeup recorded in 2008 decreased by 30% compared to last year. 2,501-5,000 sq m 7,501-10,000 sq m 18% Central submarket Northern submarket Eastern submarket Southern submarket Western submarket 2% 9% 50% Source: National Bank of Romania OFFICE TAKE-UP Class A Thousand sq m 6 Class B 300 270 240 210 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 2002 2003 Source: National Bank of Romania 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Office Market Overview (cont.) DEMAND AND TAKE-UP (CONT.) SIGNIFICANT OFFICE TRANSACTIONS IN 2008 Tenant Building Area (sq m) ABN Amro * LakeView 12,000 Siemens * West Gate 10,000 Rams 4,200 Premium Point 3,600 S-Park 2,550 West Gate 2,300 Cheque Dejeuner Aviva Intesa Sanpaolo Bank** CitiFinancial * pre-lease ** sublease Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate OFFICE VACANCY RATES Total vacancy Class-A vacancy 20 18 % 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 H2 2008 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate Class A Class B 2007 H22008 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1996 Euro/sq m/month In addition tenants with expiring leases prefer to renew the contracts as they benefit from substantial discounts proposed by landlords rather than incurring costs associated with relocations. However this situation is not applicable in the circumstances of tenants currently located in low quality buildings which prefer to relocate in better buildings at similar or lower costs. Extensive completions, reduction in take-up, renewals and the emergence of subletting market led to rising availability in the local market. After a quick and continous decline in vacancy recorded between 2003 and Q4 2007, the overall market vacancy increased to 4.5% at the end of the year. During 2008 the overall vacancy rate increased with 2.5 basis points resulting in a total of 85,000 sq m (GEA) of available offices. Of the total amount of vacant space class A offices represent 15% and class B, 79%. During 2008 pre-lease transactions still have represented a significant amount of the total transactions reaching approximately 60%. This type of transactions has not affected the availability of existing office premises in 2008, space since the pressure on supply has been transferred for the next years. As a result of the current market and economic conditions tenants have become reluctant to conclude pre-leases since Q4 2008. RENTAL LEVELS OFFICE RENTS Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate A notable positive aspect is emerging into the market. Tenants have a more global approach of cost savings looking to increase efficiency of their office use, while reducing overall occupancy costs (energy savings, low maintenance costs, flexibility in partitioning). Other trends that are becoming more obvious are shorter term leases and renewals. As a result of the difficulty in predicting their business over a longer period of time, tenants are looking for greater flexibility and shorter commitments (up to 3 year terms). This type of demand can be potentially matched by the offers existent on the sublease market. During H2 2008 the office segment experienced the negative effects of the weakening demand and economic turmoil manifested in declining rents. This trend is also sustained by the considerable rise in volume of new supply and available spaces offered on the sublease market. Although landlords have tried to maintain the rents stable during H1 2008, over the past few months the market has obviously recorded a downward correction in asking rents and greater flexibility of landlords in negotiation process. Especially owners of newly completed buildings have significantly lowered the rents in order to achieve a certain level of occupancy. Additionally, landlords that are experiencing tenant rollover issues in the next 6-12 months are willing to offer important discounts to retain the current tenants. Furthermore the growth of the subletting market is pressuring landlords to decrease asking rents to compete with sublease offers that are priced 5% to 10% less than their offers. 7 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Office Market Overview (cont.) RENTAL LEVELS (CONT.) TRENDS The decrease in rental levels was recorded across the whole quality spectrum of the buildings and market segments. In the second semester of 2008 the average prime office rents decreased by 10% compared to H1 2008, reaching approximately Euro 21-22/sq m/ month, while for quality Class B office buildings located in decentralized areas, rents are currently ranging between Euro 14-15/sq m/month, up to Euro 17/sq m/month. The office market will continue to face many of the challenges that manifested in the second semester of 2008 some of them becoming more acute. The completion of 450,000 sq m of new supply in 2009 will increase the downward pressure on rents, as leasing market fundamentals are expected to deteriorate as a result of the difficult economic context. However, the above-mentioned figure should be treated with caution, as a number of projects are temporarily stopped or witnessing slow construction works progress. In addition, the high level of uncertainty on the market is discouraging other developers from undertaking new developments, mainly affecting the supply for 2010-2011. Following the significant growth in rents in the central submarket during the last 2 years, average rents started to decline, although at a much slower pace than in other submarkets. Asking rents are fluctuating between Euro 22-23/sq m/month, but considering the rent-free periods and other incentives, the net effective rent is generally ranging from Euro 21-22/sq m/month. In the peripheral locations newly completed premises or those about to be finished have been more sensitive to the current market difficulties. The achieved rental levels for less attractive class B offices (mainly in terms of location) ranged between Euro 10-12/ sq m/month. LEASE TERMS Landlords adapt to the changing market conditions and become more flexible in the negotiation process. Flexible options and tenant’s rights have become a general practice both for large and small occupants. However the current market conditions have not made a significant impact on lease terms of large tenants, which remain comparable with those recorded in last year. Standard lease terms were 5 years in 2008, however longer leases (5+ years) are common for quality offices in prime areas and for larger occupiers. Shorter lease terms, up to 3 years, are common for spaces offered on the sublease market or located in less attractive buildings. Incentives, such as rent free periods for 1-3 months and landlord contribution to tenant fit-out are also becoming more common. In fact such incentives are lowering net effective rents by 5-10%. The level of the total occupational costs, building quality and efficiency will become the most important decision factors in detriment of location. As the cost building policies are affecting the demand characteristics, on the long term the proposed supply should adapt to an emerging new trend, the development of green buildings. The main features of this type or properties, such as using sustainable construction materials, high energetic efficiency, water and waste recycling, less carbon emissions, etc, lead to higher overall efficiency and lower occupancy costs. SIGNIFICANT OFFICE PROJECTS TO BE COMPLETED IN H1 2009 Q Building Location GEA (sq m) Metropolis Center Central 12,800 85 1 Excelsior BC Central 12,000 100 1 River Side Tower West 13,000 0 2 Executive BC North 10,000 0 2 Galaxy BC II North 10,690 0 PROPOSED OFFICE SUPPLY FOR 2009 - 2010 Landlords have become more aware of cost cutting policies implemented by tenants. As the majority of tenants base their decisions on the total occupational costs, landlords have maintained or even decreased the service charges for certain office buildings. Currently service charges for Class A office spaces record a decrease by around 10% compared to H1 2008, reaching the level recorded in H2 2007 (Euro 3.5-4.0/sq m/month). Class B services have remained stable at around Euro 3.0-3.5/sq m/month. In the central submarket, monthly parking rents are currently Euro 100-120/ space for off-street units and between Euro 130-150/space for underground parking. For the underground parking spaces in non-central locations, the rental levels are in the region of Euro 90-120/space/month, whilst the off-street parking is leased at Euro 60-80/space/month. Pre-leased (%) 1 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate Class A Class B 500.000 400.000 Thousand sq m 8 300.000 200.000 100.000 0 2009 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate 2010 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Residential Market Overview EXISTING STOCK ANNUAL COMPLETIONS OF HOUSING UNITS Bucharest Ilfov County 8.000 7.000 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Q1-Q3 2008 Source: National Institute of Statistics According to the National Institute of Statistics, at the end of 2007 the total stock of residential units in Bucharest-Ilfov region was 899,125 units. Between Q1-Q3 2008, 5,012 units were completed in Bucharest – Ilfov region, with 644 more units than the same period of 2007. ANNUAL COMPLETIONS BY NUMBER OF ROOMS IN BUCHAREST-ILFOV REGION 1 room 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms The residential stock for newly built apartments, especially the ones in large residential projects targeting the medium class, increased significantly in 2008 compared with the previous years. The very high rhythm of sales in 2007 and constant price increase of residential units in the last years made the developers consider that the existing volume of demand from the mid-budget population clients could generate very high profit margins. As a consequence the total number of new residential units proposed to be delivered in 2008 increased to about 9,000 of which less than half were completed. In addition to the new built residential units, the existing residential stock increased in 2008 also with about 50 % of the units delivered in 2007, units which were purchased in the previous years by investors in initial stages of construction for reselling after completion. 5 rooms and over 8.000 The main development activity was recorded in Ilfov County where the completions reached 3,484 units, representing almost 70% of the total units completed in the region between Q1-Q3 2008. 7.000 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Source: National Institute of Statistics However, in H2 2008 some of the developers changed their strategy by slowing down the construction works or by freezing completely the developments. The explanation is the increased availability of residential units in existing and proposed new developments, the worsening economic situation and the constant decrease of the number of units sold in H2 2008. STOCK EVOLUTION BY OWNERSHIP State owned The stock of private owned properties increased constantly in the last years in Bucharest-Ilfov region, reaching a total of 877,875 units by the end of 2007, according to the National Institute of Statistics. The stock of state owned properties reached a total number of 21,250 units registering a slight decrease. Private owned 1.000.000 900.000 Some developers tried to adapt and find solutions by changing the size of the apartments or offering incentives or discounts to attract potential buyers. Also, in these conditions, the differentiation of the project concepts has become a very important aspect on an increasingly competitive residential market. 800.000 700.000 600.000 500.000 400.000 300.000 200.000 100.000 0 1998 Source: National Institute of Statistics 2002 2006 2007 9 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Residential Market Overview (cont.) EXISTING STOCK (CONT.) Smaller developers diminished their presence on the market, delaying construction works or stopping certain announced developments. Many announced residential projects remained in project status. Large developers have chosen to complete only the projects in advanced work stages and decide later the future of other announced projects. COST ELEMENTS EVOLUTION IN CONSTRUCTIONS (2000=1) Construction costs for residential units Average net salary in constructions 7,0 6,0 5,0 4,0 3,0 DEMAND 2,0 1,0 One of the most important factors which determined the slowdown in sales during 2008 was the lower number of transactions concluded by opportunistic investors, which decreased from over 50% in 2007 to less than 10% in 2008. This was mainly determined by the depreciation of the economic environment, lack of liquidity and the changing of the Fiscal Code, which no longer allowed the chargeback of VAT for companies when purchasing a property. Other important factors were the new regulations related to the mortgage loans imposed by the National Bank which considerably diminished the possibility of potential buyers to access or qualify for credit loans. The average interest rate for residential loans in local currency increased from 10.17% in November 2007 to 11.07% in November 2008, while in the same period, the average interest rate for the loans granted in Euro increased from 8.02% to 8.6%. Mortgage loans remained the main source of finance for residential acquisitions by private individuals in 2008. According to the National Bank of Romania, at the end of 2008 the total volume of loans granted for real estate purchase reached approximately RON 8.75 billion in Bucharest – Ilfov County region. Increased costs of financing, rigorous conditions imposed by the banks and the speculations about future price corrections generated by the current economic context caused a prudent attitude of potential buyers towards the acquisition of new apartments. In 2008 the demand for studios and 2 room apartments represented 75% of the total demand. The price level was a decisive factor for the medium and upper-medium class. High demand came from young people (between 35 and 40) which earn monthly between Euro 2,200 – 2,500 per household. Demand for old apartments mainly came from those who did not meet the financing conditions necessary for the acquisition of new apartments. 2000 0,0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Q3 2008 Source: National Institute of Statistics AVERAGE INTEREST RATE ON NEW LOANS TO HOUSEHOLDS GRANTED FOR REAL ESTATE PURCHASE EURO RON 12 10 8 % In the recent three years the increased demand on the residential segment was primarily fueled by the desire of the population to relocate from the old blocks of flats in new larger apartments and by the availability of mortgage loans. Despite the completion of the first residential projects in Bucharest, demand remained consistently higher than the offer by the end of 2007, when the rhythm of sales began to decrease slightly. 6 4 2 0 Jun07 Jan08 Jun08 Nov08 Source: National Bank of Romania LOANS GRANTED FOR REAL ESTATE PURCHASE IN BUCHAREST-ILFOV REGION 10.000 8.000 RON Millions 10 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 ian.04 iun.04 ian.05 Source: National Bank of Romania iun.05 ian.06 iun.06 Jan-07 Jun-07 ian.08 Iun-08 Dec-08 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Residential Market Overview (cont.) DEMAND (CONT.) DEMAND STRUCTURE ON APARTMENT SUBMARKET 5% 20% 30% Studios 1 bedroom 2 bedrooms 3 bedrooms or more SALE PRICES AND RENTS 45% Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate AVERAGE ASKING SALE PRICES (EURO/SQ M) Location Apartments Villas Baneasa/Pipera 1,800-2,500 - 1,700-2,200 - Domenii 2,200-3,000 - 2,200-3,200 - Herastrau 2,300-3,500 - 2,200-3,200 - Floreasca 2,100-3,000 - 2,400-3,500 - Primaverii 3,500-5,000 - 3,000-5,000 - Aviatorilor 3,500-4,700 - 3,300-4,600 - Dorobanti 3,000-4,000 - 3,000-5,300 - Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate AVERAGE ASKING MONTHLY RENTS (EURO) Location Apartments Villas Primaverii 2,500-6,000 3,500-8,000 Dorobanti 2,000-4,000 3,500-6,500 Herastrau 2,000-5,000 3,000-6,000 Floreasca 2,000-4,500 3,000-5,500 Aviatorilor 2,000-4,000 3,500-7,500 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate In 2008 the rental market did not suffer significant changes, being dominated on the luxury and upper-medium segment by clients working in multinational companies. High profile residential locations such as central and northern Bucharest (Herastrau), near parks and special amenities are mainly required by these clients. The rental market for medium class properties was dominated by young professionals who currently cannot afford to acquire a home, but could become potential demand in the next years. At the beginning of 2008 a tendency of stabilization was registered after the steady increase of sale prices of previous years. During last year the limited access to financing, instability and obvious discrepancies in price expectations between developers and customers led to a severe decrease in the number of transactions. As a consequence, in the last quarter of 2008 the residential transactions were almost frozen and we have assisted to an important decrease of asking prices of the residential units. The price corrections referred especially the units in old blocks, where in some cases prices went down up to 40%. In H2 2008, the developers tried to maintain a constant level of the sale prices, while offering some financial incentives through different promotional campaigns. They preferred to offer incentives as a substitute to a price decrease, in order to avoid a negative psychological effect on the market: free parking, free storage rooms, furnished/equipped kitchen or exemption from VAT. The downtrend pressure on developers’ profit continued and they were forced to find alternative solutions to make their projects more affordable. The fierce competition between developers, but also the pressure coming from investors created the conditions for a further price decrease. Some developers have chosen to rent the completed apartments with further option for tenants to purchase them, or to offer alternative payment methods for clients to avoid bank financing. In H1 2008 the average prices for apartments addressing the medium and upper-medium income customers have been maintained at the level of Euro 1,300-1,800/ sq m. The few transactions recorded in H2 2008 have shown price decreases of 15-20% compared to the levels recorded at the end of 2007. 11 12 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Residential Market Overview (cont.) The average prices for villas and apartments located in low rise buildings situated in prestigious areas (Primaverii, Dorobanti, Kiseleff) started from around Euro 3,000/sq m and reached up to Euro 5,000/sq m. Asking rents for high-class properties located in established residential areas of the city (Primaverii, Dorobanti, Herastrau, Aviatorilor) ranged between Euro 2,000 and 6,000/month for apartments, and between Euro 3,000 and 8,000/month for villas. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ISSUED FOR RESIDENTIAL UNITS NOV 2007-NOV 2008 Bucharest Ilfov County 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 TRENDS Considering the actual economic and financial environment the local residential market will remain relatively stagnant in the first semester of 2009, being mainly influenced by the high cost of finance. Comparing with the residential markets in other capital cities, in Bucharest the real need of new residential properties still exceeds the existing supply. It is expected that the demand, so far coming from the medium class looking to upgrade their living standards, can be re-activated by the availability of finance at reasonable costs, by selling prices corresponding to the real purchase power of the middle class population and by launching of new cost effective products. In addition, any fiscal incentives granted through governmental decisions could boost the level of transactions on the residential segment of the market. 200 100 0 XI XII I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI Source: National Institute of Statistics SELECTED PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS Project Newtown Residence Location Nr. of units to be completed in 2009 Total proposed Total proposed units units Central-East 316 651 900 Rose Garden East 276 Ten Blocks West 430 430 Citadella East 224 224 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Retail Market Overview EVOLUTION OF RETAIL TRADE IN CEE (% VARIATION COMPARED WITH THE SAME MONTH OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR) Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08 EA-15 -1.5 -1.7 -1.0 -2.1 -2.6 -1.6 EU-27 -0.2 -0.3 -0.1 -0.9 -1.1 -0.8 Romania 18.5 16.8 13.0 8.3 6.4 -0.2 Hungary -1.7 -1.4 -1.6 -1.4 -2.0 N/A Bulgaria 5.1 2.4 3.8 2.8 -0.9 -0.6 Poland 8.1 4.9 5.8 5.1 6.2 4.6 -0.6 -0.2 2.1 -1.1 -1.2 N/A Czech Rep Source: EUROSTAT EVOLUTION OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME AND CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE Total household income EXISTING STOCK The retail market has experienced a remarkable evolution in 2008, characterized by significant increasing of supply and diversification of retail type of properties. In 2008 the modern retail stock has increased with approximately 250,000 sq m gross external area, reaching a total of 950,000 sq m. After 3 years from the last completion of a shopping mall (City Mall, in 2005) the most active segment was the development of shopping centers, that added approximately 155,000 sq m built area to the existing stock. After the completion of Baneasa Shopping City (85,000 sq m) and Liberty Center (65,500 sq m), the total surface of shopping malls reached 350,000 sq m built area. Last year the dynamic of this segment was sustained by numerous pre-leasing agreements that have demonstrated once again the lack of modern retail spaces compared to the high demand mainly coming from international brands that were looking to enter to the local market, and to open stores in shopping malls rather than in street units. Consumption expenditure per household Although in Bucharest the retail market has recorded a high supply and leasing activity, starting with Q4 2008 the growth of the volume of retail trade has slightly diminished. December 2008 was the first month when a decrease of the retail trade (0.2%) was recorded compared with the same month of the previous year. 2500 2000 RON 1500 1000 500 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 Q3 2008 Source: National Institute of Statistics EXISTING RETAIL SUPPLY BY TYPE Malls Hypermarkets New important players entered on the market in 2008. OBI chose to open its first outlet in the southern part of Bucharest, completing the supply on the DIY market. Austrian retailer KIKA chose the western side of town, next to A1 highway for the opening of the first outlet, within West Park. Also, Fashion House Outlet Center (the first multi – brand factory outlet center in Romania) and the second Technomarket outlet were delivered on the market. In addition to the above-mentioned projects, others were completed during 2008: Auchan hypermarket in Militari Shopping Centre and the second Hornbach store in Bucharest, in West Park. Also, the completion of the entire project Vitantis Shopping Center has added approximately 37,000 sq m to the existing stock. The project has a commercial gallery and adjacent buildings leased by Praktiker, Carrefour, Technomarket and Bontas Furniture. On street units Other projects delivered in 2008 were small and medium developments, mostly discount stores such as Profi, Plus, supermarkets and hypermarkets (Real in Berceni area) but also the extension of Cora Lujerului gallery with about 3,000 sq m. Do-it-yourself Shopping Galleries Shopping Centres Cash&Carry Department stores Outlet Discount stores Supermarkets 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 Thousand sq m Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate 13 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Retail Market Overview (cont.) EXISTING STOCK (CONT.) SELECTED RETAIL SCHEMES DELIVERED IN 2008 The modern retail stock could have reached even a higher level in 2008, if the projects with delivery dates initially announced during the year had not been delayed until the first half of 2009 or even later. In this situation was Grand Arena Mall, the project developed in southern Bucharest re-scheduled to become operational in the first quarter of 2009, Sun Plaza, and the first phase of Mega Designer Outlet, initially proposed for completion for the end of 2008. Although the decrease of the sales volume has been recorded only in the last month of 2008, the increasing competition and the inability to adapt to the market have also caused the closedown of Teknosa, a new comer on the home appliance market, after Anador Shopping Center and Univers’all supermarket chain. Sellable Area (Sq m) North 85,000 Vitantis - Phase II+III South-East 25,550 Liberty Center South-West 25,000 Fashion House Outlet West 20,000 Auchan West 12,500 Real - Berceni South 7,320 Baneasa Shopping City The availability of high street units has increased visibly as a number of retailers ceased their businesses or preferred to relocate within shopping malls. The relocations were caused by the current excessive rental levels charged by the owners of high street units, the attractiveness of the high traffic inside shopping malls and by the current economic conditions. 2008 marked the exit from the market of investment funds, with the takeover of La Fourmi by the Belgian group Delhaize (owner of Mega Image), thus continuing the trend initiated in 2007, when several such acquisitions were completed: Artima chain was taken over by Carrefour and Albinuta was acquired by Profi. Location Building Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate ASKING RENTS BY LOCATION Peripheral Secondary Prime DEMAND AND TAKE-UP In 2008 the leasing activity remained strong. The completion of two shopping malls, Baneasa Shopping City and Liberty Center has marked the entry of new international brands on the local market. Thus, in the first half of 2008, Peek & Cloppenburg, Douglas, Manoush, Next, IKKS, Elle, Maria Rinaldi and fast food operators, Burger King and Nordsee have started operations in Baneasa Shopping City. Hervis became the anchor of Liberty Center, Cache Cache and Migato also choosing to open the first stores in Romania there. It is expected that some requirements active in 2008, such as C&A and Decathlon, will start operations in the second phase of Militari Shopping Centre. Last year a strong demand came from supermarkets or hypermarkets that chose to become strong anchors in shopping malls in detriment of green-field investments. Billa became anchor for City Mall and Liberty Center while Carrefour will be the anchor tenant for Grand Arena Mall in the southern part of the city. Other two important retailers, Real and Cora announced their plans to secure extensive sellable areas in AFI Cotroceni Park and Sun Plaza at the moment of their completion. 0 30 60 90 120 150 Euro/sq m/month Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate PRIME RETAIL RENTS 160 140 120 Euro/sq m/ month 14 100 80 60 40 20 0 1998 1999 2000 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Retail Market Overview (cont.) An abrupt slowdown in the expansion of banking networks, financial non-banking institutions and pharmacy chains, corroborated with the high asking rents compared to the space quality led to a decrease of demand for high street units in 2008. In these circumstances when competition between retailers has focused on the best locations in shopping centers, developers had to find innovative solutions to improve the design, architecture and services of their projects, elements that will make the difference and will ensure the success in the future. The length of standard lease for retail units located within shopping centers remains 5 - 7 years up to 10 years for anchor tenants (over 2,500 sq m leased) with renewal/ break options. SELECTED RETAIL DEVELOPMENTS PROPOSED FOR DELIVERY IN 2009 Location Sellable Area (Sq m) Grand Arena South 50,000 AFI Cotroceni Park West 75,000 Building Sun Plaza South 76,000 Downtown 10,000 Plaza Romania extension West 6,000 Mega Designer Outlet Phase I West 16,000 Iris Shopping Center Phase II East 14,000 Militari Shopping Centre Phase II West 24,000 Cocor Luxury Store Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate RENTAL LEVELS The beginning of 2008 brought a slight increase of around 10-15% of the average rents for high street units, while at the end of the year, in the conditions of a weaker demand and economic difficulties, rents have stagnated or even recorded a slight decrease. In H2 2008 rents have reached a maximum level of Euro 120-130/sq m/ month for prime high street units up to 75 sq m, and Euro 80-90/ sq m/month for units over 75 sq m. In secondary areas rents ranged between Euro 45-75/sq m/month, and at the periphery between Euro 20-30/sq m/ month. Shopping galleries generally maintained the rents at a similar level with 2007. The rented area, tenant’s name and lease terms were the key factors to determine the level of the rent, which varied from Euro 25 to 40/sq m/month for larger spaces, reaching Euro 100-120/sq m/month for spaces up to 75 sq m. TRENDS Despite the worsening economic environment and real estate market evolution, in H2 2008 the retail segment was active, continuing the upward trend of the previous years. The economic worsening conditions have changed the plans of growth for some traders and developers. However, 2009 will be the year with the completion of some major projects already in the last phases of construction. Approximately 240,000 sq m of gross external area is estimated to be added at the existing stock. The biggest projects proposed to be completed in 2009 are: AFI Cotroceni Park (75,000 sq m) in the western part of Bucharest, Sun Plaza (76,000 sq m) in the southern part of Bucharest, Grand Arena Mall (50,000 sq m), phase I of Mega Designer Outlet and the completion of Plaza Romania extension (6,000 sq m). The first shopping center with luxury brands only, Cocor Luxury Store (10,000 sq m) will also be launched in 2009. The competition between retailers will also become fierce on other segments in the western submarket. The two retail parks (Militari Shopping Centre and West Park) are located at the exit towards A1 Highway, forming a narrow retail cluster. New types of retail spaces will be encouraged in the near future, such as retail parks and multi – brand factory outlet centers. Also considering the current economic context, it is estimated that discount chains will be attractive to customers. The trend of an increasing available supply for high street units will continue in H1 2009 as many retailers will close unprofitable locations or downside the existing spaces. 15 16 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Industrial Market Overview EXISTING STOCK SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL TRANSACTIONS IN 2008 The industrial segment continued to perform remarkably well during H1 2008 as the leasing activity corroborated with the development process contributed to a further market expansion. However, starting with H2 2008 the worsening of the international and local economic context led to the slight decrease of demand, while the launching of new projects was virtually non-existent. The majority of new modern industrial facilities were completed on a built-to-suit basis providing medium to large areas (10,000 sq m to 20,000 sq m) mainly suitable for logistic activities. The industrial schemes delivered during 2008 have increased the total modern stock to around 650,000 sq m. The most active submarket remained the western industrial cluster, as the majority of new added stock represents the development phases of projects already commenced within this location. The previous market evolution and the typology of the infrastructure still preserve the geographic pattern of the market development in this sector. Company DEMAND The relocation plans of companies or expanding activities have sustained the high demand for new quality industrial spaces in the first half of 2008. The demand came mainly from logistics operators and retail companies ,especially for the western submarket, but the proposed infrastructure projects in the north-eastern part of the city increased the interest of tenants for this area. The average size of industrial space inquiries has not recorded significant changes in 2008 compared to previous years, generally ranging between 2,500-10,000 sq m. The lease contracts were concluded for a period of 3-5 years, except for larger areas, for which the lease terms are longer than 5 years. However, a slight decrease in demand was recorded in H2 2008, reflected by the decrease in the average size and number of enquiries. Project Area (sq m) Centrum Logistics ProLogis Bucharest 19,600 Delamode* Cefin Logistics Park 11,300 Mercury Logistic Park 10,240 ProLogis Bucharest 9,300 General Food Services Equest Logistic Centre 3,300 Nardo Equest Logistic Centre 3,300 Enigma Trading Nord Est Logistic Park 3,068 Miniblu* A1 Business Park 2,460 IT Genesys Distributie* A1 Business Park 1,600 Dumagas Transport Flamingo * - including office spaces Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate ASKING INDUSTRIAL RENTS Location Building Type Euro/sq m/month North/West New 4.00-5.00 North/West Old 2.50-3.50 South New 3.50-4.50 RENTAL LEVELS South Old 2.50-3.50 The rent level remained stable during 2008. For modern warehouse developments located in the northern and north-western part of Bucharest the rental level remained in the range Euro 4.0-5.0/sq m/month, while in other areas, rents varied between Euro 3.50-4.50/sq m/month. Larger tenants with strong covenants renting modern premises (over 10,000 sq m) in the western submarket are achieving lower rents, which fluctuate around Euro 4.0 up to Euro 4.5/sq m/month. Cold storage facilities recorded rents from Euro 8 to 12/sq m/month in 2008. Service charges have registered a slight price increase, stimulated by the raise in cost of utilities and property-taxes, ranging between Euro 0.5-0.8/sq m/month. East New 3.50-4.50 East Old 2.50-3.50 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate SELECTED WAREHOUSE DEVELOPMENTS TO BE COMPLETED IN 2009 Property Developer/ Owner Location Area (sq m) TRENDS Cefin Logistic Park Cefin West 120,000 Given the current uncertain economic context, in 2009 many developers might postpone subsequent phases of large projects for an indefinite period. In addition, certain industrial developments will continue to be negatively influenced by the difficulties regarding the infrastructure improvements. Developers will adopt an wait-and-see attitude. The number of speculative developments will remain limited in the near future and developers will focus almost exclusively on built-to-suit projects. A1 Business Park Phase 3 Cefin West 39,000 Bucharest Industrial Park Universal Logistic West 27,650 NordEst Logistic Park Phase 2 European Future Group NorthEast 19,300 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Land Market Overview SIGNIFICANT LAND TRANSACTIONS IN BUCHAREST-ILFOV IN 2008 Location Area (ha) Value (mil Euro) Corbeanca 8.30 9.0 N/A 8.00 2.0 North 5.58 48.9 Realia Central-South 0.83 12.2 RPF Central-South Central-East 1 N/A River Invest Central-West 0.20 2.6 Purchaser Terra Kapital A.Panayides Contracting Kalpinis Simons D Yapi – Dogan Group Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate AVERAGE LAND PRICES IN BUCHAREST District Location Average Asking Price (Euro/sq m) Aviatorilor-KiseleffMihalache Central 3,500-5,000 Unirii Central 1,750-3,200 Herastrau North 2,000-3,500 Militari West 700-1,250 Ghencea West 500-1,000 Berceni South 300-750 Giurgiului South 125-30 0 Pantelimon East 600-1,000 Titan East 600-1,250 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate AVERAGE LAND PRICES IN BUCHAREST Use Location asking Average Asking Price price (Euro/sq m) Otopeni Residential North 125-375 Pipera Residential Office North North 300-700 1,000-1,250 Chitila Residential West 175-400 A1 Highway Industrial West 25-75 Popesti Leordeni Residential South 125-250 Pantelimon Residential East 125-225 Afumati Residential East 75-150 Area Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate During 2008 the land segment has recorded a fundamental change, from a vendor to customer market, this trend becoming more visible in the second half of the year. Despite the evident downtrend in prices, the number of transactions has severely decreased while significant transactions have been virtually non-existent. However, negotiations on a number of deals concluded in 2008 which had significant impact on the market were initiated in 2007. The contraction of financing corroborated with the decline of the other real estate market segments and pessimistic psychological effects induced by the current economic conditions have contributed to the lower level of activity on the land market. The land market witnessed more diversified type of properties offered for sale, compared to the last 2 years. The source of supply was mainly represented by 2 categories of sellers: opportunistic investors constrained by the current economic conditions to dispose of their properties and landlords willing to sell as a result of their anticipation on a further price decrease. However, under the current market conditions the potential demand remained relatively unchanged compared to 2007, developers still looking for properties with lower risk such as sites located in central areas and granted with certain urban planning indicators. They are not willing to conclude transactions for the moment, preferring to delay the purchase, waiting for a further price decrease and market stabilization. The current economic context and financing restrictions led to a very price sensitive land market, mainly regarding the total value of the properties. As a consequence potential purchasers were focusing on small and medium sized plots which do not imply a significant financial risk and effort. The purchase of plots in view of disposal further to improving the land development potential was an evident tendency during 20042006, but by the end of 2008 a new profile of opportunistic investors emerged, trying to take advantage of a less liquid market. The heavily leveraged speculative investors were replaced by equity investors which are looking for foreclosures or distress properties. Plots with certain urban planning and located in attractive areas with high development potential are preferred by this type of purchasers. During H2 2008 the discrepancies in price expectations between buyers and vendors became more evident. Landlords have reacted to the weak demand reducing the asking price and becoming more flexible in negotiations. However the purchasers are expecting higher discounts which for the moment owners are not willing to offer. The difficulties in agreeing the price are fueled by the lack of transactions and transparency on the market. Despite a slight increase in sale prices (by 10-15% on average) recorded during the first months of 2008, the trend has shifted in H2 2008, the asking price level decreasing by approximately 15-20%, especially in the last quarter of 2008. This trend was not homogenous within the city and the asking price fluctuated significantly depending on location and the development potential. The current asking price decrease is higher than the above-mentioned range in the areas inside and outside Bucharest which had an exponential value appreciation in recent years, due the high interest from opportunistic investors. Severe real estate market conditions and decreasing demand from developers will lead to a further price decline as the availability of financing on the short term is very limited. Both owners and purchasers will still take a wait-and-see attitude, limiting the number of transactions as the price expectations continue to be irreconcilable. 17 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Investment Market Overview The global financial and economic turmoil strongly corroborated with the softening of local real estate market fundamentals have negatively impacted the property investment market. In addition to the specific factors of the local real estate market, the investors’ restrain was induced by the less favorable country risk indicators and fear over a prolonged economic slowdown. However financing remains the most important obstacle as rigorous credit policies have led to higher capital costs or even blocked specific real estate purchase. Investors became more cautious and took a waitand-see attitude resulting in an abrupt decrease of the number of transactions. As a consequence of the market evolution, the profile of investors has changed. Opportunistic equity investors became the most active market players during H2 2008, outstripping the heavily leveraged investors that dominated the market in previous years. Opportunistic funds are mainly looking for foreclosures or distress properties, hoping for bargain deals with higher yields. In addition active investors are looking for quality, well-located properties which generate capital growth through value-adding strategies rather than by yield evolution on the short term. Particularly income producing properties with strong covenants and tenant base are the most sought after. However, investors’ response remained subdued in the last half of 2008, as no investment transaction was concluded in Bucharest. Additionally the lack of market evidence induced by the limited number of transactions and low transparency increased the uncertainty over transaction values and yields. The timeframe and the complexity of the negotiation process have increased, as there is a mismatch in price expectations between investors and owners. On the supply side, the local market has not recorded encouraging signs which could potentially sustain the transaction activity, as owners have still tried to resist the downward pressure of the few enquiries and maintain the prices to a constant level. Starting with November-December 2008, owners which encountered financing problems have evidently decreased the sale prices, while the owners of high quality properties are still not willing to sell their properties, preferring to postpone this decision. The investment environment became less attractive due to the high volatility and low transparency of the local market. The property investment market significantly declined in transaction value during H2 2008 after the increased activity recorded during the first semester. In 2008 the total volume amounted to Euro 715 million showing a 5% decrease compared to 2007. The investment activity was mainly sustained by the transactions concluded during H1 2008 when approximately Euro 596 million were transacted. Of the total volume of transactions during 2008, two single large deals are accounting for 67% (Upground and Iris Shopping Center). However, negotiations on a number of deals with significant impact on the market expansion in 2008 were initiated in 2007. In contrast to the market evolution recorded in the last years, which was primarily focused on the office segment, in 2008 the majority of investment transactions involved mixed-use projects, accounting for 47% of the total volume. The main reason for the seeming decline of the office investment activity compared to previous years is that office properties were primarily sold as part of mixed-use schemes. INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS BY MARKET SEGMENT IN 2008 Residential Office Retail Mixed Use 47% 12% 5% 36% Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS EVOLUTION Office Industrial Retail Residential Hotel Mixed Use 800 Investment value (mil Euro) 18 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate INVESTORS BY COUNTRY IN 2008 Germany UK Portugal 13% 14% 6% 67% Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate Other 2008 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Investment Market Overview (cont). MAIN INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS IN 2008 Use Size (sq m) Yield (%) ART Group - Buzesti Office 6,500 7.3 2 Parklake Plaza Retail 110,000 N/A 2 Upground Mixed-use 116,000 N/A 2 Iris Shopping Centre Retail 48,000 7.0 2 Biharia OB Office 8,000 7.4 3 BOB Office 23,347 N/A 3 Dorally Retail 57,000 N/A Q Property 1 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate YIELDS BY MARKET SEGMENTS Industrial Retail 14,0 12,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 4,0 2,0 0,0 12,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 4,0 2,0 0,0 2003 2004 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate 2005 2006 2007 H1 2008 H2 2008 Retail Office Industrial Office The retail investment market was the second performing sector during 2008 in terms of total investment volume, with almost Euro 255 million worth of properties sold in only 3 transactions. The office and residential segments accounted for approximately 17% of the total investment volume in 2008. On the industrial and hotel segments, no transactions were concluded during 2008. The single largest investment transaction recorded to date on the Romanian property investment market was concluded by RREEF Deutsche Bank’s Asset Management Division, which acquired Upground, a mixed-use project (office and residential), for a total of Euro 340 million. Another significant transaction was concluded by a German fund (DEGI) which acquired Iris Shopping Center from Avrig35 Developer for a total of Euro 140 million. The investment market is experiencing a price readjustment across all segments. Starting with the end of 2007 the average prime yields increased in all sectors after five successive years of compressing evolution, as a result of general market uncertainty doubled by limited availability of finance and diminishing market capitalization of some international companies. Due to obvious discrepancies in price expectations between owners and investors, the number of transactions has severely decreased. Investors are still waiting for substantial price reduction, while owners are trying to maintain a limited decrease. As a consequence, potential customers are postponing their plans for acquisitions in view of a further price decline. Prime yields are currently under upward pressure; prime office properties with strong covenants, located in good areas were more resilient to re-pricing, with asking yields increasing from 6.0% in H1 2007 to approximately 8.50-8.75% at the end of 2008. Office prime yields have recorded a dramatic increase during the last 3 months of 2008. Office properties located in decentralized and peripheral areas have been even more sensitive to the market changes and recorded a more significant increase, from the level recorded during H1 2007 of 7.50-8.00%, to approximately 9.5%-10.0%. A similar evolution was recorded by asking yields for shopping centers and industrial properties, which increased by 1.5-2.0 basis points, currently ranging between 9.0-10.5%. The main reason which induced this trend was the weak demand represented only by opportunistic investors trying to put a heavy downward pressure on prices. However no transactions have been concluded to substantiate the above mentioned figures. Equity opportunistic investors will continue to represent the main driving force of the demand in 2009, being attracted by the investment products coming to the market. In addition the worsening investment environment creates new opportunities, as distressed transactions are occurring and large investors intend to increase the efficiency of their portfolios and consider implementing exit strategies. The price correction process remains evident in the near future. The softening market fundamentals corroborated with financing constrains and general lack of trust on the investment markets put an upward pressure on yields. Investors will become more demanding regarding the operating incomes generated by properties and expect further decline in values. As a consequence of investors’ preference for income producing properties, the share of forward purchases of the total investment volume will significantly decrease compared to 2006 and 2007, when these transactions represented around 35% of the investment volume. 19 20 BUCHAREST PROPERTY, YEAR END 2008 Green Buildings in Romania Page realized with the significant contribution of Mr. Steven Borncamp, President of Romania Green Building Council Briefly defined as a building that is designed, constructed and operated to minimize environmental damage and minimize energy use, the concept of a modern “green building” is a relatively new concept in Romania. It has, nevertheless, risen very quickly in the minds of executives and other professionals as it has received considerable media attention in recent months. In addition, multinational firms have imported policies requiring certified green buildings for their workspace and leading retailers are incorporating the demonstrated benefits of green retail space. Energy security and concerns about energy costs have contributed to a new consciousness about the financial benefits of the energy efficiency associated with green buildings. Several real estate developers have started certified green building projects indicating a commitment to and belief in the development of the sector. It is our belief that the desire to design, construct, and occupy green buildings will see a significant increase based on observed activity and numerous discussions with a variety of stakeholders on the Romanian market. Numerous studies show that occupants of green buildings experience greater comfort as well as productivity gains of approximately 15% due to the better natural lighting, air quality, lower building toxicities, and design qualities associated with green office spaces. As the cost of human resources will far exceeds the cost of the building rental during the period of occupancy, these productivity improvements make a direct contribution to corporate profitability. High performance green buildings also experience greater tenant retention and lower vacancy rates indicating greater satisfaction with the work environment. Tenants responsible for energy costs can realize energy savings often greater than 30%. On the retailing side, efforts by leading retailers in the U.S. such as Wal-Mart and Target who implemented green building features in selected stores – particularly natural day lighting – led to a 25% to 40% increase in sales by customers while reducing energy use by 50% compared to non-green outlets. Some of the harder to quantify but important other benefits include: There is a close correlation between high quality construction and green construction. The better collaboration between designers, engineers and project managers’ required to create a green building result in more rational use of space in a building design and a building that responds better to the occupants needs. Given the significant rise in awareness about environmental issues particular, talented professionals want to associate themselves with a company that demonstrated environmental leadership. BNP Paribas Real Estate is internationally committed to Sustainable Development launching several initiatives across Europe to inform clients and employees about sustainability. In Romania BNP Paribas Real Estate is founding member of RoGBC (Romania Green Building Council), encouraging and advising Developers and occupiers to have a “green” approach. ABOUT THE RoGBC The Romania Green Building Council (RoGBC) is a non-profit, non-political organization encouraging the market, educational, and legislative conditions necessary to transform the construction industry to produce buildings that are both environmentallyresponsible and profitable. The mission is to create an exemplary development model for the region by ensuring the built environment will not imperil future generations but rather be a source of safety, comfort, innovation, and opportunity. The objectives of the Romania Green Building Council are to: • Facilitate the availability of the most up to date and highest quality training to create the necessary pool of national green building experts. • Support the development of appropriate regulatory conditions that promote sustainable constructions while ensuring attractive returns on investment • Support the development of best in class in-country green construction and position Romania as a sustainable construction leader in the region. • Build an inclusive organization by facilitating the collaboration between all relevant players in order to eliminate systemic barriers and promote a truly sustainable built environment. • Promote domestic, regional and international collaboration to share knowledge and encourage innovation. • Research, compile and disseminate best practices for the region and encourage their adoption and implementation. PIATA IMOBILIARA DIN BUCURESTI, 2008 BNP Paribas Real Estate is a leading international real estate company, present in all the major European real estate markets, as well as in New York, Middle East and India. The company offers a full range of property cycle expertise to its clients. Combining the multi-expertise services of BNP Paribas Real Estate and the support of a major financial institution known throughout the world, BNP Paribas Real Estate is able to meet the client’s real estate needs in Transaction, Consulting, Valuation, Property Development, Investment Management and Property Management. In Romania BNP Paribas Real Estate provides to its clients the same international standard services: Transaction (Letting and Sales, Investment), Consulting and Valuation. The local team has professional consultants with knowledge of the international real estate practice and many years of experience on the Romanian real estate market. 2008 Key Facts BNP Paribas Real Estate Romania • Started operations in 2001 under another international name • January 2008 acquired by BNP Paribas Real Estate • Total headcount: 30 • Two RICS members in the management team • No. of clients: Approx. 2,000 companies – Landlords, Investors, End Users • Total commercial leasing activity: 115,000 sq m • 60 office deals of 500 sq m minimum size • Over 1,500 valuation and consulting instructions • 2008 – BNP Paribas Real Estate Romania is founding member of Romania Green Building Council 39 INTERNATIONAL COVERAGE Canada and USA India Japan Canary Islands LOCATIONS BAHRAIN Al Rosais Tower, floor 16 P.O. Box 5253 Manama Tel: +971-505 573 055 Fax: +973-17-536 506 BELGIUM IT Tower Av Louise 480 B17 Louizalaan 1050 Brussels Tel: +32-2-646 49 49 Fax: +32-2-646 46 50 DUBAI Burj Dubai Square Building No.1, Level 7 Office # 701 P.O. Box 7233 Dubai Tel: +971-505 573 055 Fax: +971-44 257 817 FRANCE 13, boulevard du Fort de Vaux 75017 Paris Tel: +33-1-55 65 20 04 Fax: +33-1-55 65 20 00 GERMANY Goetheplatz 4 60311 Frankfurt am Main Tel: +49-69-2 98 99 0 Fax: +49-69-29 29 14 INDIA 403, The Estate 121, Dickenson Road Bangalore - 560042 Tel: +91-80-40 508 888 Fax: +91-80-40 508 899 IRELAND 40 Fitzwilliam Place Dublin 2 Tel: +353-1-66 11 233 Fax: +353-1-67 89 981 ALLIANCES ITALY Corso Italia, 15/A 20122 Milan Tel: +39-02 5833 141 Fax: +39-58 33 1439 JERSEY 4th Floor, Conway House Conway Street St Helier Jersey JE2 3NT Tel: +44-15 34-62 90 01 Fax: +44-15 34-62 90 11 LUXEMBOURG EBBC, Route de Trèves 6 Bloc D 2633 Senningerberg Tel: +352-34 94 84 Fax: +352-34 94 73 ROMANIA Union International Center 11 Ion Campineanu Street Sector 1 Bucharest 010031 Tel: +40-21-312 7000 Fax: +40-21-312 7001 SPAIN María de Molina, 54 28006 Madrid Tel: +34-91-454 96 00 Fax: +34-91-454 97 65 UNITED KINGDOM 90 Chancery Lane London WC2A 1EU Tel: +44-20-7338 4000 Fax: +44-20-7430 2628 USA 787 Seventh Avenue 31st Floor New York City, NY 10019 Tel: +1-917-472 4970 Fax: +1-212-471 8100 AUSTRIA Dr. Max Huber & Partner Dr. Karl-Lueger-Platz 5 1010 Wien Tel: +43-1-513 29 39 0 Fax: +43-1-513 29 39 14 NORTHERN IRELAND Whelan Property Consultants 44 Upper Arthur Street Belfast BT1 4GJ Tel: +44-28-9044 1000 Fax: +44-28-9033 2266 CANADA Cresa Partners Tel: +1-212-758 3131 Fax: +1-212-980 1977 POLAND Kancelaria Brochocki Krakowskie Przedmiescie 14 00325 Warsaw Tel: +48-22-826 14 14 Fax: +48-22-828 15 45 YPRUS Danos 35, I. Hatziosif Av. 2027, Nicosia Tel: +357-22 31 70 31 Fax: +357-22 31 70 11 GREECE Danos 1, Eratosthenous Str. 11635 Athens Tel: +30-210 7 567 567 Fax: +30-210 7 567 267 JAPAN RISA Partners 5F Akasaka Intercity 1-11-44 Akasaka, Minato-ku 107-0052 Tokyo Tel: +81-3-5573 8011 Fax: +81-3-5573 8012 NETHERLANDS Holland Realty Partners J.J. Viottastraat 33, 1071 JP Amsterdam, Postbus 9669 1006 GD Amsterdam Tel: +31-20-305 97 20 Fax: +31-20-305 97 21 PORTUGAL Fenalu Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco Torre 2 Piso 10, Sala 6/7 1070-102 Lisboa Tel: +351-21-3833106 Fax: +351-21-3833107 RUSSIA Astera 10, b.2 Nikolskaya Str. Moscow, 109012 Tel/Fax: +7-495-925 00 05 UKRAINE Astera 2a Konstantinovskaya Street 04071, Kiev Tel: +38-44-501 50 10 Fax: +38-44-501 50 11 USA Cresa Partners 100 Park Avenue, 24th Floor New York, NY 10017 Tel: +1-212-758 3131 Fax: +1-212-980 1977 March 2009 – BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE ROMANIA. THE BUCHAREST PROPERTY BROCHURE IS NOT AN OFFER AND HAS A PURELY INFORMATIVE ROLE. 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