Winter 2011 - Golden Valley Memorial Hospital


Winter 2011 - Golden Valley Memorial Hospital
1 6 0 0 N o r th Se c ond Str e e t
Cl inton, MO 64735
w w w.gv
Putting the Finishing Touches
on Our Renovation Project
Begun in the summer of 2010, Golden Valley Memorial
Healthcare’s construction and renovation project has
proceeded smoothly. If you’ve visited Golden Valley Memorial
Healthcare recently, you may have had the chance to enjoy
some of the improvements that have already been completed.
T he r e nov a tion
pr oje ct will ma ke a
numbe r of p ositiv e
change s for p a tients
and family memb er s.
“The scope of the project is to renovate public corridors
and waiting areas throughout the facility, as well as make
improvements in our admitting area and front lobby,” says
Randy S. Wertz, CEO. “As various areas have been completed,
we’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback from the community
about the quality of the improvements.”
Maintaining up-to-date facilities and equipment is critical to
assuring the provision of quality care and service. “Successful
hospitals need to invest in modern equipment and facilities,”
says Wertz, “and over the course of time, a modern, up-todate facility is required to satisfy the expectations of our
patients. The project will make a number of positive changes
in terms of improving comfort and privacy for patients and
family members.”
The construction and renovation are expected to be completed
by the end of March. “Plans are under way for an open house,
sometime in the spring, to invite the community to see all the
changes and improvements,” Wertz says. “This project reflects
the strength of our commitment to assure modern, up-to-date
equipment and facilities for the community and the patients
we serve.”
Golden Valley Memorial Healthcare Gets Artsy
Golden Valley Memorial
Healthcare has some very talented
photographers. A total of 18
employees have generously shared
their artistic ability for the benefit
of the newly renovated hospital.
All photographs include the
employee’s name who submitted
it. The photography pieces will be
incorporated into the artwork already
hanging throughout the hospital.
Artwork was hung in December
and will continue to be displayed as
more pieces become available. This
addition to the renovated hospital
adds a beautiful personal touch while
making the facility feel homey.
Thank you to all of our photographers
who submitted pieces!
Pain Management Clinic Open on Fridays
When you’re in pain, driving an hour or two for pain
management services at another medical facility can be
inconvenient, stressful and uncomfortable. Now patients with
acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) pain have access to
specialized services right here in Clinton.
Karl J. Haake, MD, specializes in pain management and is
board certified in both anesthesiology and pain medicine. He
performs epidural steroid injections and other pain relieving
procedures to help patients manage acute and chronic pain.
Are You in Pain?
You don’t have to “tough it out” or live in pain. Whether you
have pain from a recent injury or pain that has bothered
you for years, you may benefit from an assessment with a
specialist. “Getting treatment as early as possible can help
prevent an acute pain situation from spiraling into chronic
pain,” Dr. Haake says.
Back and neck pain are the most common reasons patients
seek pain management services. Patients are treated for many
types of pain, including:
• Bulging or herniated disks
• Leg pain
• Numbness or tingling in the legs
• Post-surgical back pain
The good news: There is hope for pain relief and a better
quality of life with treatment. “The best part of my job is
helping patients feel better so they can get back to doing
the things they enjoy,” says Dr. Haake.
A Tremendous Need
Dr. Haake is pleased to provide services to patients
who otherwise would have to travel long distances
to see a pain specialist. “Pain specialists are often
based in the larger cities and metro areas,” Dr.
Haake explains, “so there’s a tremendous need
for pain management services in the rural areas of
Back and neck pain are the most
common reasons patients seek
pain management services.
Meet Dr. Haake
Karl J. Haake, MD, is a pain management specialist
offering a new Pain Management Clinic at the
hospital on Fridays.
Dr. Haake attended college and medical school
at Creighton University in Omaha, followed by
a year of internal medicine training at Creighton
University and a three-year residency in
anesthesiology at the University of Nebraska in
Omaha. In 2002 he began working in Jefferson City,
Mo., as an anesthesiologist. Dr. Haake obtained
board certification in pain medicine in 2009.
Right Here in Clinton
Dr. Haake began seeing patients in January at the new Pain
Management Clinic located in the outpatient surgery area
of the hospital. Most patients are treated on an outpatient
basis and go home after the appointment. Consult with your
primary care physician regarding referral for pain management
services. If you do not have a primary care physician, please
call 660.890.8452 and request a copy of our physician
directory. A directory of physicians is also available online
Q u a lit y C ar e Wh en I t Rea lly Counts
New Improvements to Emergency Services
When you need emergency medical
care, there are a number of options
around the region for care. At Golden
Valley Memorial Healthcare, we work
hard to provide excellent care close
to home. Now there are more reasons
to choose us for emergency services,
• Reduced waiting times in our “no-wait”
waiting room.
• Goal for every patient to see a doctor
within 10 minutes of arrival.
• Patient satisfaction scores are up
Jennifer Pankratz, Director of Emergency
Services at Golden Valley Memorial
Healthcare, joined the staff in August.
“I came here with high expectations,
and I’m excited to see many positive
changes already under way,” she shares.
Key Improvements
Pankratz describes the top three
improvements to emergency care
at GVMH:
1. “ No-wait” waiting room. When
patients come into the ER, we strive
for a no-wait waiting room, meaning
they go directly to an open bed,
where they are triaged and assessed
at the bedside.
2. D
oor-2-Doc. A new type of workflow
process called Door-2-Doc divides
critical care and minor care patients,
moving minor care patients through
faster. The goal is for patients to be
seen by a doctor within 10 minutes.
3. E
vidence-based medicine. We
follow protocols for the best care
based on research. It’s something we
have been doing all along for heart
and stroke care, and now we are
applying these guidelines to other
illnesses and injuries as well.
A Measurable Difference
“We have made big strides in patient
satisfaction in recent weeks and
months,” Pankratz says. “Our scores
from surveys by Press Ganey, a
nationally recognized patient satisfaction
survey company, are higher, and we are
hearing positive feedback from patients
and their families. That tells us we are on
the right track.”
Pankratz is proud to serve the
community with a staff that is
experienced, knowledgeable and
committed to providing high-quality
emergency care.
As always, the hospital continues to
serve you with:
• 24-hour emergency room coverage.
• Ambulance services based in the
• LifeFlight Eagle Air Ambulance base.
For more information, call
660.890.7180 or visit
In an emergency, always dial 911.
We work hard to
provide excellent
care close to home.
To provide exceptional health and
wellness services with friendliness
and compassion
To make a positive difference in
the health and wellness of each
life we touch
Quality – GVMH is committed
to providing exceptional care and
Professionalism – GVMH is
a learning organization that
maintains a competent, qualified
and progressive staff.
Accountability – GVMH is
committed to its responsibility
to the community and the cost
effective utilization of resources
and financial soundness.
Compassion – GVMH is a caring
organization, valuing human
dignity and quality of life.
Excellence – GVMH is
committed to providing
an exceptional health care
This publication does not constitute professional medical advice. Although it is intended to be a
­ ccurate, n
­ either the publisher nor any other party assumes liability for
loss or damage due to reliance on this material. If you have medical questions, please consult your medical professional. Images may be from one or more of these
sources: ©Thinkstock, ©iStock, ©Fotolia. ©2011 Golden Valley Memorial Healthcare.
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1600 Nor th Se c on d S t r e e t
C l inton, MO 6473 5