Exhibitor Name/Number List
Exhibitor Name/Number List
PhillipsCountyFair July 2015 ExhibitorName ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors - All - Complete Active/lnactive Exhibitor# Club/Farm Name Page 1 All Exhibitors Online Abrahamson, J.R. 000-000-00006 Abrahamson, Jan 000-000-00010 Abrahamson, Logan 000-000-00003 Abrahamson, Mary 000-000-00009 Abrahamson, Riley 000-000-00301 Abrahamson, Warren 000-000-00263 Adams, Thadious 000-000-00546 Adams, Vicktoria 000-000-00545 Allen, Cindy 000-000-00421 Allery, Fred 000-000-00630 Amestoy, Jenise 000-000-00366 Anderson, Addy 000-000-00538 Anderson, Berta 000-000-00353 Anderson, Darden 000-000-00617 Anderson, Elly 000-000-00539 Anderson, Madelyn 000-000-00002 Anderson, Tova 000-000-00129 Anderson, Wanita 000-000-00t96 AndrewsoDolores 000-000-00007 Arnoldo Cody 000-000-00004 Arnold, Erika 000-000-00001 Arnold, Rhonda 000-000-00506 Arnold, Tyler 000-000-00262 Around Quilting, Hands All 000-000-00609 Austin, Helen 000-000-00306 Baeth, Marlette 000-000-00350 Baeth, Roy 000-000-00401 Bagley,Patrick 000-000-002t3 Bailer, Colton 000-000-00693 Baley, Donny 000-000-00288 Bandle, Martha 000-000-00482 Barnard, Jeanne 000-000-00500 Barnard, Mary 000-000-002t7 Bartak, Adam 000-000-00552 BearoCathy 000-000-00280 Bebee,Madison 000-000-0043 1 Bebee,Zach 000-000-00430 Benge,Gavin 000-000-00678 Benton, Bridger 000-000-00681 Bergtoll, Brittani 000-000-00209 Bergtoll, Rhonda 000-000-00210 Besel,Lulu Belle 000-000-00644 Bessette,Jennifer 000-000-004s3 Best, Ireland 000-000-00638 Beyer, Clarence 000-000-00016 Bibeau, Adriana 000-000-00407 Bibeau,Ed 000-000-00593 Bibeau. Terri 000-000-00408 Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:44PM PhillipsGountyFair Jufy 2015 ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors - All - Complete Active/lnactive ExhibitorName Exhibitor# Biddix, Hope 000-000-00s58 000-000-00488 000-000-0001I 000-000-00041 000-000-00683 000-000-00684 000-000-00391 000-000-00238 000-000-00239 000-000-00015 000-000-00013 000-000-00014 000-000-00340 000-000-00168 000-000-00200 000-000-00387 000-000-002s2 000-000-00292 000-000-00346 000-000-00291 000-000-00433 000-000-00336 000-000-00541 000-000-00167 000-000-00202 000-000-00203 000-000-00580 000-000-00679 000-000-00s53 000-000-00469 000-000-00602 000-000-00670 000-000-00700 000-000-000s6 000-000-000r2 000-000-0026s 000-000-00235 000-000-00234 000-000-00236 000-000-00226 l 000-000-0023 000-000-00643 000-000-00020 000-000-00019 000-000-00018 000-000-00627 000-000-00409 000-000-00164 Bishop, Kaylee BlackoMerrilyn BlatteroAnnie Blunt, Macey Blunt, Steeler Bolland, Paula Boothe, Anne Boothe, Kris Brady, Mary Brady, Matthew Brady, Shannon Brainerd, Lee Breipohl, Marilyn Brosseau,Esther Browno Carol Brown, Maria Bruckner, Bayleigh Bruckner, Darby Bruckner, Misty Bruckner, Tavner Bruckner, Vivian Buchta, Liz Buechler, Lauren Burnham, Alex Burnham, Tori Campbell, Ben Campbell, Jimmy Carman, Grace Carnahan,Charli Carnahan, Ellis Carpenter, Kristen Carpentier, Kirsten CaseboltoEmma Chambers,Blake Chase,Caitlyn Christofferson,Carlee Jo Christofferson, Justin Christofferson, Kameron Christopherson,Joan Christopherson,Kelli Cole, Emma Cole, Jessie Cole, Shelby Cole, Terri Cooke, Lisa Copple, Betty Cornell, Helen Club/Farm Name Page 2 All Exhibitors Online Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:45PM PhillipsGountyFair July 2015 ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors Active/lnactive- All - Complete ExhibitorName Exhibitor# Cornell, Larry 000-000-00240 000-000-00017 000-000-00s97 000-000-0063 1 000-000-00130 000-000-00367 000-000-0a320 000-000-0068s 000-000-00419 000-000-00163 000-000-00697 000-000-00032 000-000-00429 000-000-00198 000-000-00023 000-000-00188 000-000-00208 000-000-00025 000-000-0003 I 000-000-00022 000-000-002s8 000-000-00029 000-000-00027 000-000-00028 000-000-00030 000-000-00026 000-000-0055 I 000-000-00450 000-000-00ss4 000-000-00273 000-000-004s l 000-000-00632 000-000-00322 000-000-00222 000-000-00380 000-000-00024 000-000-00612 000-000-00021 000-000-00523 000-000-00s24 000-000-00413 000-000-004t2 000-000-004t4 000-000-00629 000-000-00457 000-000-00455 000-000-00479 000-000-00277 Costin, Landon Crasco,Neala Crowder, Judy Crowder, Kailey Cummings,Heidi Cummings, Kayleigh Cummings, Kinlie Dale, Doreene Dauch, Connie Davis, Kaille DeBoeroHenrietta DePuydt, Becky DePuydt, Brianne DePuydt, Christopher DePuydt, Evelyn Debbs,Deandra Demarais,Mitchell DodsonoComm Booth Dodson, School Dodson, Student Coun Doucette,Emmy Doucette,Grace DoucetteoPhil Doucette, Reba Doucette,Rose Dowell, Tamra Drabbs, Jakob DrabbsoJakob Drabbs, Khristi Drabbs, Zachary DuBeau, Deb Dull, Ronda Dumbar, Jessie Dunbar, Barb Dunbar, Janet Dunbar, Shirley Dunbar, TyAnna Durocher, Doug Durocher, Wanda Eggebrecht,Jared Eggebrecht, Taylor Eggebrecht, Vicki Eklund, Mary Ellsworth, LaVohn Ellsworth, Vicki Enerson,Dale Engebretson,Jeanne Club/Farm Name Page3 All Exhibitors Online Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:45PM PhillipsCountyFair July 2015 ExhibitorName Engebretson,Jeanne Engel, Layne Epperson,Carter Epperson,Travis Ereaux, Brigdett Ereaux, Emma Ereaux, Jane Ereaux, Marion Ereaux, Michael Fred Erickson, Jaydyn Erickson, Jessa Erickson, Laytin Erickson, Melissa Fast Horse, Nikki Fauth, Stella FearoMary Sue Ferrell, Shelby Fettero Lindsey Fewer, Virginia Flansburg, Jazlyn Flansburg, Kataya Freeman,Anita French, Connie French, Corky French, Kelli French, Leann Funk, Bailey Gehrke, Cristal Gehrke, Dannielle Gehrke, Mark Gibbs, Samme Gibbs, Spencer Gibbs, Sydney Gildon, Audrey Goehner,Joanne Goetske, Laerke GoukeroLaura Gouker, Sarah Grabofsky, Mavis Graves, Bailey GreenoCaleigh Green, Jean Green, Jeanie Green, Kailyn Green, Malaya Green, Paycen Green, Rory Green, Sommer ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors - All - Complete Active/lnactive Exhibitor# Club/Farm Name Page4 All Exhibitors Online 000-000-00034 000-000-00356 000-000-00186 000-000-00190 000-000-00362 000-000-005 II 000-000-00033 000-000-00227 000-000-00261 000-000-0013s 000-000-00134 000-000-00133 000-000-00s20 000-000-00466 000-000-00344 000-000-00297 000-000-00549 000-000-00603 000-000-00s37 000-000-00641 000-000-00642 000-000-00036 000-000-00399 000-000-0003s 000-000-00224 000-000-00223 000-000-00266 000-000-00039 000-000-00038 000-000-00040 000-000-00446 000-000-00448 000-000-00447 000-000-00600 000-000-00294 000-000-00349 000-000-00667 000-000-0039s 000-000-00165 000-000-0029s 000-000-00037 000-000-00290 000-000-00091 000-000-00563 000-000-00s64 000-000-00565 000-000-00s43 000-000-00495 Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:45PM PhillipsGountyFair Jufy 2015 ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors - All - Complete Active/lnactive ExhibitorName Exhibitor# Greenwood,Bridgette Greenwood,Daisy 000-000-00649 000-000-00650 000-000-00648 000-000-00647 000-000-00620 000-000-00618 000-000-00619 000-000-00206 000-000-00591 000-000-00590 000-000-00690 000-000-00662 000-000-0053 1 000-000-00r66 000-000-00595 000-000-00049 000-000-00308 000-000-00046 000-000-00050 000-000-00341 000-000-00616 000-000-00378 000-000-00639 000-000-00191 000-000-00476 000-000-00615 000-000-00616 000-000-00661 000-000-0028 1 000-000-00376 000-000-00368 000-000-00194 000-000-00373 000-000-00321 000-000-00284 000-000-00375 000-000-0063s 000-000-00462 000-000-00283 000-000-00328 000-000-00659 000-000-00369 000-000-0032s 000-000-00324 000-000-00432 000-000-00323 000-000-00660 000-000-00370 GreenwoodoLacee GreenwoodoMelissa GuardipeeoAaron Guardipee, Isaac Guardipee,Isabella Gumfory, Briana Habagen,Adam Habegen,Aden Hallenburg, Isabelle Hammond, Debbie Harms, Emmett Harms, Karl Hebert, Sophia Helgeson,Chick Helgeson,Daniel HendersonoJeanie Henry, Dora Henry, Jessica Henry, Trinity Heppner, Jessie Heuscher, Evelyn Hiline Retire, Center Hill, Bruce Hines, Rylee HinesoShylee Hofer, Ally Hofer, Ally Hofer, Amber Hofer, Anita Hofer, Barbara Hofer, Carla Hofer, Carol Hofer, Carrie HoferoCarrie Ann Hofer, Christin Hofer, Corrine Hofer, Courtney Hofer, David Hofer, Debbie Hofer, Debra Hofer, Esther Hofer, Gabriel Hofer, Glenda Hofer, Halyi Hofer, Hayli Hofer, Jenny Glub/Farm Name Page5 All Exhibitors Online Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:46PM PhillipsGountyFair July 2015 ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors - All - Complete Active/lnactive ExhibitorName Exhibitor# Hofer, Jeremy Hofer, John Matilda 000-000-0033s 000-000-0028s 000-000-00372 000-000-00461 000-000-00282 000-000-00377 000-000-00326 000-000-00521 000-000-00374 000-000-0019s 000-000-00193 000-000-00192 -000-00460 Hofer, Jordan Hofer, Joyce Hofer, Julia Hofero Justin Hofer, Marie Hofer, Melissa HoferoSamantha Hofer, Shirley Hofer, Steven Hofer, Susan Hofer, Susie Hofer, Titus Hofer, Williams Hoge, Jenn Holman, Billie Rae Holman, Cordell Hould, Corine Hould, Don Hould, Kari Hould, Kay Hould, Scott Howard, Kaycee Howard, Kayla Howard, Raelynn Hughes,Kathleen Hungerford, Sue Icenogle,Sharon Isakson, Keyvn James,Lorena Jaynes,Bethanee Jaynes,Cathy Jaynes,Christina Jaynes, Gabby Jaynes, Gabriella Jaynes, Jamie Jaynes, Jennifer JaynesoRussell Jenkins, Heather Johannesen,Allexis Johannesen,Briana Johannesen,Deandra Johannesen,Emauni Johannesen,Kyle Johannesen,Nikki Johannesen,Taylin Johannnesen,Twila Club/FarmName Page6 All Exhibitors Online 000-000-00371 000-000-00658 000-000-00204 000-000-00008 000-000-00481 000-000-00111 000-000-00r62 000-000-00047 000-000-00300 000-000-00048 000-000-00045 000-000-00044 000-000-00043 000-000-00438 000-000-00042 000-000-00179 000-000-00581 000-000-0025 l 000-000-00052 000-000-003 I1 000-000-00312 000-000-00423 000-000-0057r 000-000-00329 000-000-00302 000-000-00szs 000-000-006s5 000-000-005 16 000-000-00304 000-000-00303 000-000-00464 -000-00463 000-000-00669 000-000-0046s 000-000-00207 Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:46PM PhillipsGountyFair July 2015 ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors - All - Complete Active/lnactive ExhibitorName Exhibitor# Johnannesen,Jennifer Johnson,Jan 000-000-0005 I 000-000-00053 000-000-00330 000-000-00241 000-000-00498 000-000-00499 000-000-00556 000-000-00062 000-000-00187 000-000-00215 000-000-00060 000-000-00218 000-000-00440 000-000-000s4 000-000-0005s 000-000-00480 000-000-00005 000-000-00228 000-000-00061 000-000-00680 000-000-000s9 000-000-00058 000-000-0021I 000-000-0035 I 000-000-005s7 000-000-00411 000-000-00410 000-000-00296 000-000-00475 000-000-00057 000-000-00076 000-000-00568 000-000-00542 000-000-00622 000-000-00566 000-000-00569 000-000-00621 000-000-00360 000-000-003s9 000-000-00358 000-000-00069 000-000-00070 000-000-00225 000-000-00071 000-000-00072 000-000-00073 000-000-00075 000-000-00074 Johnson,Julia Johnston,William Jones,Dora Jones, Nina JonesoShelby Kaasa, Carl Kalal, Mary Grace Kelsey, Jace Kelsey, Kale Kelsey, Sydney Kienenberger,Leona Kindleo Patrick Kindle, Robert Kindle, Sam Kindle, Sharon Kirkaldie, Rita KnudsenoEarlene Knudsen, Jane Knudsen, Tate Knudsen, Teaguean Kolczak, Kelli Korman, Donna Koss, Donna Koss, Kari Koss, Kathy Koss, Kendall Koss, Kennedy Kunze, Paul LaBrie, Bessie LaBrie, Kaden LaBrie, Karlie LaBrieoKenan LaBrie, Kenzie LaBrie, Kora LaBrie, Shelbi LaFond, Jessen LaFond, Josie LaFond, Tammy Lamb, Gerome Lamb, Gina Lamb, Giona LamboJalen Lamb, Justine Lammerding, Brenda Lammerding, Colter Lammerding, McCall Club/FarmName Page7 All Exhibitors Online Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:46PM PhillipsCountyFair July 2015 ExhibitorName Landusky, School Lankford, Bonnie Lankford, Caitlyn Lankford, Kendle Lankford, Lindsey Lankford, Ryan Lankford, Tera Lee, Jodee Lee, LeAnn Lett, Chanel Lett, Danielle Lett, Markelle Lind, Jackie Lingohr, Dennis Linn, Joy Linn, Pamela Lodmell, Terry Lonebear, Mason Loring Colony, School Low, Linda Lucas, Grace Lumsden, Kathleen Lundman, Ron Lundstrom, Lori Mackay, Thayne Mackey, Bella Mackey, Michelle Mackey, Mikee Mackey, Oren Mahaffey,Lizz Main, Jaada Malone, Megan Malta, Dirt Daubers Malta, School Mandeville, Todd ManoukianoMarley Marks, Tina Marney, Bonnie Marquis, Autumn Marquis, Thatcher MarshalloJustin MarshalloSue Martino Steve MasteloDiane Matovich, Susan Matthews, Jacklynn Mavencamp, Angela Mavencamp, Chrystal ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors - All - Gomplete Active/lnactive Exhibitor# Glub/FarmName Page8 All Exhibitors Online 000-000-00065 000-000-00394 000-000-00640 000-000-0064s 000-000-005 l0 000-000-00067 000-000-00361 000-000-00477 000-000-00334 000-000-00416 000-000-004ts 000-000-00417 000-000-00530 000-000-00068 000-000-00079 000-000-00449 000-000-002r4 000-000-00570 000-000-00169 000-000-00066 000-000-00063 000-000-00219 000-000-00633 000-000-00608 000-000-00487 000-000-0008s 000-000-00084 000-000-003 14 000-000-003 15 000-000-00205 000-000-00279 000-000-00170 000-000-00077 000-000-00064 000-000-00342 000-000-00089 000-000-00087 000-000-00088 000-000-00573 000-000-00572 000-000-00243 000-000-00242 000-000-00478 000-000-003s5 000-000-00098 000-000-00628 000-000-00347 000-000-00392 Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:46PM PhillipsCountyFair Jufy 2015 ExhibitorName Mavencamp, Heather Mavencamp, Jay Mavencamp, Jean Mavencamp, June Mavencamp, Michaela Mavencamp, Wilma Maxie, Billie Rae Maxie-Weakly, Dylan Mayer, Bobby Mayer, Kyle Mayer, Kyle Mayer, Michael Mclntosh, Leanne McMillan, Rachel McMullen, Amy McNamara, Brandi McNamara, Shauna Mears, Cyra Medicine Bear, Keonna Medicine Bear, Lynette Medicine Bear, Tyra Medicine Bear, Wes Meeks, Peyton Meeks, Sidney Meneely, Ryan Menge, Christian Menge, Loretta Messerly, Dallan Messerly, Darrow MesserlyoPatricia Messerly,Rheanna Miller, Justice Millero Linda Miller, Sharon Missildine, Kevin Missildine, Melissa Missildine, Micaela Mitchell, Megan Mitchell, Michelle Mitchell, Samantha Mitchell, Vanessa Moore, Dixie Moore, Julia Moore, Nolan Moore, Tatum Moore, Thyus Morrison, Paula Morser, Ashlynn ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors - All - Complete Active/lnactive Exhibitor# Club/Farm Name Page 9 All Exhibitors Online 000-000-00080 000-000-00081 000-000-00094 000-000-00095 000-000-00393 000-000-003s7 000-000-00611 000-000-00398 000-000-00682 000-000-00672 000-000-00582 000-000-00s83 000-000-00s44 000-000-00078 000-000-0065 1 000-000-00096 000-000-00097 000-000-00287 000-000-00664 000-000-00665 000-000-00663 000-000-00666 000-000-00299 000-000-00473 000-000-00584 000-000-00496 000-000-00086 000-000-00503 000-000-00s02 000-000-00171 000-000-00s01 000-000-0067s 000-000-00626 000-000-00247 000-000-00652 000-000-006s4 000-000-006s3 000-000-00424 000-000-00426 000-000-00575 000-000-00425 000-000-006r3 000-000-00614 000-000-00562 000-000-00092 000-000-00090 000-000-00082 000-000-00528 Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:47PM PhillipsCountyFair July 2015 ExhibitorName Morser, Marla Morser, Megan Mortenson, Gloria Mortenson, Parker Mortenson, Pierce Mortenson, Rachel Mortenson, Raina Mortenson, Riley Munsinger, Melvin Munsinger, Sharon MunsonoTimber Murdoch, Jayce Murdock, AIex Murdock, Jim Murdock, Kate Musick, Kendrick Nagel, Michael Nugy, Erika Napier, Cheyenne Norton, Cassie Norton, Fern O'Brien, Jillian Ohl, Maddlyn Ohl, Rylan Ohs, Hazel Ohs, Ron Olsen, Margie Olsen, Serenity Olsen, Sue Olsen, Tessa Olson, Abigale Olson, Annika Olson, Carli Olson, Jackie Olson, Leah Olson, RoseAnn Olson, Walker Omundson,Sarah Orahood, Billie Orahood, Frankie Orahood, Georgie Orahood, Jessie Ost, Bonnie OstoPaula Ost, Tyler Ottinger, Carson Ottinger, Katie Ottinger, Kayla Jo ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors - All - Complete Active/lnactive Exhibitor# Club/Farm Name Page10 All Exhibitors Online 000-000-00s27 000-000-00529 000-000-00249 000-000-00r75 000-000-00174 000-000-00r72 000-000-00248 000-000-00173 000-000-00189 000-000-00093 000-000-00468 000-000-00s67 000-000-00181 000-000-00601 000-000-00083 000-000-00s94 000-000-00278 000-000-00547 000-000-00100 000-000-00184 000-000-00185 000-000-00508 000-000-00604 000-000-00605 000-000-00107 000-000-00108 000-000-005 l9 000-000-00161 000-000-00337 000-000-0010s 000-000-00533 000-000-00s34 000-000-00109 000-000-00400 000-000-00106 000-000-00260 000-000-00535 000-000-00ss9 000-000-00103 000-000-00r02 000-000-00104 000-000-00101 000-000-00696 000-000-003 l6 000-000-00427 000-000-00230 r8 000-000-005 000-000-00437 Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:47PM PhillipsCountyFair Jufy 2015 ExhibitorName Pankratz, Danaley Pankratz, Mariah Pankratz, Timberlee Pearson,Jenny Pederseno Duke Pekovitch, Walter Perdue, Mindy Perry, Caitlyn Perry, Evie Perry, Fred Peterson, Katie Phillips, Alice Phillips, Debbie Phillips, Ember Phillips, Emile Pippin, Carol Pippin, Chandler Pippin, Cheyten PippinoConner Pippin, Heidi Plouffe, Nellie Poor, Doris Prestwich, Roan Prestwich, Trey Raymond, Renzey Raymond, Ryder Raymond, Ryder Reiter, Brisban Reiter, Brisbane Reiter, Kaydance RhoadesoDanie Rhoads, Sadie Rhoads, Shelby Rhodes,Cathy Rhodes,Charlee Rich, Gabrielle Roberts, Chelsea Roberts, Jessica Roberts, Lara Jean Robinson,Eva Romo, Eunice Rosman, Crystallyn Saco,School SacoGarden, Club Salsbery, Devyn Salveson,Angel Salveson,Cindi Salveson,Devon ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors - All - Complete Active/lnactive Exhibitor# Club/Farm Name P a g e1 1 All Exhibitors Online 000-000-00592 000-000-00183 000-000-00182 000-000-00233 000-000-00113 000-000-00574 000-000-00s32 000-000-00381 000-000-00365 000-000-00505 000-000-0033 1 000-000-00232 000-000-0027s 000-000-00116 000-000-00115 000-000-00tt2 000-000-00254 000-000-00255 000-000-00199 000-000-00267 000-000-00114 000-000-00343 000-000-00671 000-000-00550 000-000-006s7 000-000-00656 000-000-00418 000-000-00692 000-000-0058s 000-000-00586 000-000-00405 000-000-00216 000-000-00121 000-000-00404 000-000-00406 000-000-00691 000-000-00119 000-000-00r 18 000-000-00117 000-000-00435 000-000-00120 000-000-00178 000-000-00124 000-000-00r27 000-000-00610 000-000-003s2 000-000-00536 000-000-00637 Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:47PM PhillipsGountyFair Jufy 2015 ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors - All - Gomplete Active/lnactive ExhibitorName Exhibitor# Salveson,Devon Salveson,Gloria SalvesonoJerry 000-000-00483 000-000-00131 -000-00606 Salveson,Rita 000-000-00636 000-000-00r32 000-000-00607 000-000-00472 000-000-00668 000-000-00673 000-000-00305 000-000-00388 000-000-00st2 000-000-00507 000-000-00123 000-000-00509 000-000-00220 000-000-00244 000-000-0024s 000-000-00434 000-000-00588 000-000-00589 000-000-004s4 000-000-00272 000-000-00540 000-000-00598 000-000-00309 000-000-00339 000-000-00289 000-000-00526 000-000-00259 000-000-003 10 000-000-00686 000-000-0as96 000-000-00176 000-000-004s2 000-000-00333 000-000-00268 000-000-00269 000-000-00212 000-000-00201 000-000-004s9 000-000-00136 000-000-00099 000-000-00110 000-000-00420 000-000-00561 000-000-00338 000-000-00197 Salveson,Tiffany Sanguine,Amelia Sanguins,Serena SautteroAshlyn Sautter, Carson Scheffelmaer,Lela Scheffelmear,Donna SchiflbaueroEmily Schlocker,Barbara Schweigert, Lena Schye,Ella Sheehan,Vanessa ShetteloAnne Shettel,Landen Shipman, Keenan Siewing,Jonathan Siewing, Seth Simanton,Dottie Simanton,Jan Simanton,Wendy Simonsen,Lyn Simonson,Beau Simonson,Gale Simonson,Jesse Simonson,Judy SimonsonoKeira Simonson,Trace SimontonoLuke Simpson,Audie Simsonsono Kourtney Sintler, Mary Lou Sjostrom, Doris Sjostrom, Joannie SjostromoReese Sjostrum, Debbie Sjostrum, Kipp Skiff, David Skiff, Katie Skiff, McKinley skiff, Rc Skubinna, Korbyn Smail, MaRae Smith, Carol Smith, Diane Club/FarmName P a g e1 2 All Exhibitors Online Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:47PM PhillipsCountyFair July 2015 ExhibitorName Smith, Rebecca Snell, Jackson Snell, Lola Solberg, Blake SolbergoEdward Solberg,Polly Solberg,Shari Solberg,Thea Sorlie, Brittany Soul, Shane Southwick, Marda Spencer,Joan Stahl, Clarice Stahl, Wayne Stark, Jacob Komis Stevens,Auston Stevens,Jennifer Stevens,Mathew Stout, Mrs. John StrzelczykoJenifer Sudbrack, Beau Sudbrack, Karla Sullivan, Hotly Sunford, Charlene Tallow Creek, School Tatafu, Luke Taylor, Lori Taylor, Marilyn Tayloro Virgil Taylor, Vivian TeskeoRose Thompson,Lane Thompson, Owen Tramel, Trinity Tremblay, Hunter Tremblay, Karrie Tremblay, Kristie Tremblay, Lena TrembleyoNancy Turner, Eileen Tuss, Connor Tuss, Denvyr Tuss, Janine Tuss, Lauren Ulrich, Addison Ulrich, Jamie Ulrich, Zach Veit, Kendra ExhibitorNameListing- AII Exhibitors - All - Complete Active/lnactive Exhibitor# Glub/Farm Name Page13 All Exhibitors Online 000-000-00125 000-000-00271 000-000-00490 000-000-00221 000-000-00379 000-000-00276 000-000-00497 000-000-005 l5 000-000-00688 000-000-00677 000-000-00237 000-000-00517 000-000-00274 000-000-00599 000-000-003s4 000-000-00397 000-000-00396 000-000-00345 000-000-00439 000-000-00436 000-000-00522 000-000-00128 000-000-00126 000-000-00229 000-000-00137 000-000-00689 000-000-00403 000-000-00348 000-000-00428 000-000-00s78 000-000-002s6 000-000-00674 000-000-00327 000-000-00687 000-000-0048s 000-000-00484 000-000-00177 000-000-00486 000-000-00646 000-000-00257 000-000-00493 000-000-00494 000-000-00492 000-000-00491 000-000-0044s 000-000-00443 000-000-00444 000-000-00253 Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:48PM PhillipsCountyFair Jufy 2015 ExhibitorName Venable,Ashley VenableoJayden Venable, Kyler VesethoDavid Veseth, Rosemary Voss, Jake Wahl, Kyra Wahl, Madison Wahl, Teagan Walking Eagle, Amelia Walking Eagle, Shoni Walkup, Jadyn Walton, Lexi Warburton, Madyson Warren, Jeret Warren, Kayla Warren, Robin Waters, Alicia Waters, Ashley Waters, Baxter Waters, Bo Waters, Clara Waters, Dan Waters.,Eli Waters, Emily WatersoGrayson Waters, James Waters, Jenna Waters, John Waters, John Waters, Kathie R Waters, Kathy Waters, Mary Waters, Rhonda Waters, Theresa Webb, Alexis Welch, Heidi Welch, Kennedy Welch, Preston Welch, Reid Welch, Summer Whitaker, Hannah Whitewater, School Wiebe, Barb Wiebe, Brett Wiebe, Kalen Wiederrick, Tanner Wiederrick, Titus ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors - All - Complete Active/lnactive Exhibitor# Glub/Farm Name Page14 All Exhibitors Online 000-000-00383 000-000-00382 000-000-005 14 000-000-00r22 000-000-00138 000-000-00504 000-000-00458 000-000-00386 000-000-0038s 000-000-00467 000-000-00699 000-000-00634 000-000-004s6 000-000-00560 000-000-00363 000-000-00246 000-000-00364 000-000-00r49 000-000-00180 000-000-00139 000-000-001s2 000-000-00317 000-000-00474 000-000-00140 000-000-00148 000-000-003 13 000-000-00402 000-000-00548 000-000-003 18 000-000-005ss 000-000-00264 000-000-003 l9 000-000-00422 000-000-00r57 000-000-00470 000-000-00156 000-000-00r43 000-000-00286 000-000-00250 000-000-00153 000-000-00154 000-000-00298 000-000-00r47 000-000-00141 000-000-00293 000-000-00142 000-000-00s79 000-000-005 13 Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:48PM PhillipsCountyFair July 2015 ExhibitorNameListing- All Exhibitors - All - Gomplete Active/lnactive ExhibitorName Exhibitor# Wiese, Aaron 000-000-001s0 000-000-00471 000-000-00 15I 000-000-00270 000-000-00332 000-000-00384 000-000-00624 000-000-00623 000-000-0062s 000-000-00694 000-000-0069s 000-000-0014s 000-000-00t46 000-000-00155 000-000-00698 000-000-00s87 000-000-00144 000-000-00390 000-000-00389 000-000-00441 000-000-00442 000-000-00s77 000-000-00489 000-000-00s76 000-000-00307 000-000-001s8 000-000-00159 000-000-00160 Wiese,Aidan Wiese, Avery Wiese, Jessica Wiese,Sam Wilcoxo Carissa Wilke, Danika Wilke, Makiya Wilke, Taya Williams, Kayden Williams, Rylee Williamson, Halle WilliamsonoRob Wombold, Don Woods, Marcus Wright, Caroline Wrighto Joyce Wright, Justin Wright, Zachary Wrights, Bruce Wrightsn Sandra Wyse, Jada Wyse, Kayla Wyse, Tammy Young, Challise Young, Mary Lou Young, Seth Ziegler, Toni Glub/Farm Name Page 15 All Exhibitors Online TotalNumberOf Exhibitors: 200 Printedat 06/23/2016 3:41:4BPM
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