the paw print - Cause for Paws


the paw print - Cause for Paws
The latest news of Cause for Paws, Inc.
events and projects and the
Hutchinson Animal Shelter
Cause for Paws presents
Looking for a fun place to take your dog and
help the unwanted pets in Hutchinson? Join
us June 20th at the Meadowlark Building,
Kansas State Fairgrounds from 9 am till 2 pm.
This is the 6th year for this great event.
Money raised goes to support the STOP spay/
neuter assistance program, the Hutchinson
Dog Park, Rescue Van and educational programs that Cause for Paws implements for
the community.
There will be doggie demos from
the K-9 unit Hutchinson Correctional Facility and All Paws Pet Center in Wichita will be showing what
their dogs can do in obedience,
Rally Obedience and Agility. You
will get a chance to take your dogs through
the rally and agility course too.
Shelter dogs will be parading around the
grounds all day so you might find your next
best friend.
As of the printing of this newsletter we have
the following Sponsors:
Great Dane: All Paws Pet Center, Central
Kansas Veterinary Center, Community Finance, Lonnie & Vergi Geurian and Wal~Mart
Shetland Sheepdog: Ad Astra Per Aspera
Broadcasting, Art Design Studios, City of Hutchinson, Higgins Water, Inc., Hutchinson
Kennel Club, Peoples Bank and Trust, Petco,
Pic Quik and Speedy Cash
Chihuahua: Coldwell Banker, One Hour Air
Conditioning and Radio Disney
Donations from: DJ Liquor, Decker
Mattison, First National Bank, Hutchinson Credit Union and Laird Noller
If you would like to be a sponsor there
is still time if you hurry.
$2 Buttons are required for entry into the
festival and will be available at Pic Quik locations and at the door, kids 12 & under and
seniors 60 & older are free.
The Festival will start with the Pooch Promenade and a King and Queen will be crowned
to reign over the event.
There will be food available and lots of vendors with neat stuff for you to check out.
Doggie contests will be best costume and
best tricks with adult and kids divisions, best
barker and best tailwagger.
We are still setting up funs things for you to
see and do so watch for the posters and brochures that will be popping up all over town
closer to the event.
The Salty Pups kids events will be inside the
Meadowlark Building with face painting, a
fishing game and paint the doghouse.
We need volunteers and donations for the
event, if you can help contact or call 728-2906, leave a message and your call will be returned.
Come and Meet the Breeds so you can ask
questions about your favorite breeds.
Canine Good Citizenship testing will be offered to all dogs for $10 and they can run the
Lure Course for a $5 donation.
From your CAUSE FOR PAWS President Charles BuckalooThank you to our outgoing board members; Annie Fee, Jane Lee, and Mike Lueck for their
dedication and hard work for Cause for Paws.
Welcome to new members: Mark Harris, Connie Johnson, Jessica Miller, Brenda Pace and
Shana Turner. They are already hard at work helping the animals of Hutchinson.
Thank you to a generous donation Cause for Paws was able to outfit all the Hutchinson Fire
Department and Hutchinson Animal Control trucks with oxygen masks that will fit dogs and
cats. A presentation of the masks was made to the Fire Department at the March 3rd Hutchinson City Council meeting.
Thank you to Bob Fee, Chief Forbes, Jason Holland & Craig Rothe with the Hutchinson Fire
Department, Dr. Melinda Chambers DVM with Central Kansas Veterinary Center and Amber
Mings for their presentations at the recent training session for the Cause for Paw Rescue Van.
We picked up some new members and van drivers.
If you have questions or comments contact Charles Buckaloo, President, call 7282906 and leave message, your call will be returned.
Donations to Cause for Paws-
Dog Park News
-DJ Peterson
-Marsha Knipe
STOP-Central Kansas Veterinary Center
-Christmas present for Linda St. Amand
from Brent Weaver
-Kathleen Foster
-Mike Margheim-through the Wal~Mart
Community Involvement Program
-of SHARON MILLER by Lois Roberts
Thank you to all of you who are using the
dog park and especially those of you that
go that extra mile by pulling weeds and
picking up poop that gets left behind. We
especially would like to thank Janet Fesler
for helping keep our dog park looking
2nd Annual
Co-ed Softball Tournament
June 6, 9 a.m. Stremel
Field in Carey Park,
winning team members
will receive a Championship T-Shirt and bragging rights, contact
Jessica Zizumbo-Pratt
at 620-966-2615 or
to participant or volunteer.
BAD DOG (really Bad Editor)
Corrections and additions from the Winter
2008 issueEllen Angell was left off of the volunteers that
wrapped Christmas presents at the mall, she
also donated paper and was an inspiration on
the best way to wrap.
Orscheln also donates broken bags of pet food
to the Meals on Wheels program.
Spay/Neuter Day 2009
Thank you to Central Kansas Veterinary Center, their staff and volunteers
spayed & neutered 66 feral cats February
24, 2009 to reduce the over-population of
feral cats in our community. These numbers also included 16 spay/neuters for
shelter cats, enabling the shelter to
adopt them out at lowered prices, only
You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never
know how soon it will be too late.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day (with your dog, of course). And while you walk, smile. It is the
ultimate anti-depressant.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Talk to God about what is going on in your life. Buy
a lock if you have to.
3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement,
'My purpose is to__________ today. I am thankful for______________'
4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli, almonds &
6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative
thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present
8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge
9. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
11. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
12. You are not so important that you have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
13. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
14. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this really matter?'
17. Forgive everyone for everything.
18. What other people think of you is none of your business; who cares? God Knows.
19. GOD heals everything - but you have to ask Him.
20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
21. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your family will. Treat them good!
22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
23. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements:
I am thankful for __________. Today I accomplished_________.
24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
1) The dog is not allowed in the house.
2) OK, the dog is allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms.
3) The dog is allowed in all rooms, but has to stay off the furniture.
4) The dog can get on the old furniture only.
5) Fine, the dog is allowed on all the furniture, but is not allowed to sleep with the humans on
the bed.
6) OK, the dog is allowed on the bed, but only by invitation.
7) The dog can sleep on the bed whenever he wants, but not under the
8) The dog can sleep under the covers by invitation only.
9) The dog can sleep under the covers every night.
10) Humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the dog.
New Hours at the Hutchinson
Animal Shelter
Tuesday-Friday 1-6 pm
Saturday & Sunday 2-5 pm
Animal Control-Daily 8 am to 7 pm
Come to the TEA FOR TAILS Party!
Ticket Price:
April 11, 2009
Carey Park Homebuilders Shelter
2 PM
$10, seating is limited
Traditional High Tea with tea sandwiches, scones, and sweets. During the tea there will be a
doggie fashion show.
Proceeds will go for indestructible metal beds for the dogs and a cat fence so the kitties can go
outside to play.
If you have questions call Amber Bowlby at the Shelter 694-1924.
If you made a donation and it isn’t listed,
please let us know so that you can be recognized for your support and generosity and
please accept my heartfelt apology.
-Asilynn Boor
-All Paws Pet Center, Wichita
-Westlake Hardware-North Main
-YEAH organization-Hutch Middle School 7
-Cheryl Carlson
-Sky Vending Calendar Club
-Central Kansas Vet Center-15 spay/neuter
procedures for shelter cats for Spay/Neuter Day
when you are searching the internet and help
raise money for the Shelter
In Memory of Leslie Hiebert
-Jean Barnes
Aiden Fund-Mike & Christi Ireland
Shelter Statistics for January 1-February 28, 2009
Total Intake= 333
Surrendered Dogs=33
Stray Dogs=196
Dogs Euthanized for Space=4
Adopted Dogs=67
Reclaimed Dogs=57
Dogs Transferred to Rescues=31
Dogs Euthanized for Behavior & Medical Reasons=82
Surrendered Cats=17
Stray Cats=87
Cats Euthanized for Space=2 (0 in January)
Adopted Cats=33
Reclaimed Cats=4
Cats Transferred to Rescues=0
Cats Euthanized for Behavior & Medical Reasons=74
Euthanasia Rate for year 49%
Euthanasia Rate for adoptable dogs & cats 1%
♥Check out the pictures of adoptable
dogs and cats from the Hutchinson
Animal Shelter that are on display at the
following locations. These pictures are
updated weekly. Thank you for letting
us use your “Space”.
♥ Hastings Videos
♥ Hobby Lobby
♥ Hutchinson Clinic
♥ Hutchinson Kennel Club
♥ Hutchinson Mall
♥ Laird Noller Cars
♥ Midwest Feed and Merchantile
♥ Midwest Ford/Toyota
♥ Orschlen Farm & Home
♥ Pampered Paws
♥ Pinnacle Sports-Dr. Janelle Regier
♥ Pet Express
♥ Wal~Mart
♥ West 5th Pet Sitters
Want to help? Does your business need a
Petfinder listing? We have boards or books
available. Listings changed weekly. We could
also use volunteers to help deliver the books.
Call Donna at 665-5430
Items needed at the shelter:
Non-clumping cat litter
Dog treats
Rawhide bones
Peanut Butter
Medium and large pet carriers
Shoe boxes for cat beds
Flats for litter boxes, beer flats or plant
nurseries put your flowers in to transport
Paper towels
THERE IS A BIG NEED FOR Sturdy toys for
the shelter dogs (no soft toys, the dogs destroy them)
Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped
as gods. Cats have never forgotten this,
Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get
eight cats to pull a sled through snow.
Dogs have one owner, cats have a staff.
In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats.
There is no snooze button on a cat who wants
As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat.
One cat just leads to another.
Dogs come when they're called; cats take a
message and get back to you later.
Cats are rather delicate creatures and they
are subject to a good many ailments, but I
never heard of one who suffered from insomnia.
People who hate cats, will come back as mice in
their next life.
I have studied many philosophers and many
cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.
There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.
The cat has too much spirit to have no heart.
Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they
are God.
Time spent with cats is never wasted.
Cats seem to go on the principle that it never
does any harm to ask for what you mean.
A Tail Waggin’ Thank You to our
Pet Guardians:
Midwest Superstore
Hutchinson Correctional Facility
Hubco, Inc.
Higgins Mini-Storage
Masterson Family
R-B Drive In
The City of Hutchinson
Orscheln Farm and Home
Steve & Tammy Stanfill
Charles Wheeler Photography
Pampered Paws
The Hutchinson Mall
Answer Link
I hope you understand that ours is a UNIQUE
situation and we have a real emergency here!!!
After two long years of being on a waiting list
for an agility dog, we have been notified by the They MUST be placed in rescue by Sunday night
breeder that, at long last, our number has come at the latest or we will be forced to drop them
off at the orphanage or along some dark, counup and ...WE ARE HAVING A PUPPY!!!
try road. Our priority now has to be our new
We must get rid of our children IMMEDIATELY puppy.
because we just know how time consuming our
new little puppy is going to be and it just wouldn't be fair to the children. Since our little puppy
will be arriving on Monday we MUST place the
children this weekend! They are described as:
One male - His name is Tommy, Caucasian
(English/Irish mix), light blonde hair, blue eyes.
Four years old. Excellent disposition. He doesn't
bite. Temperament tested. Does have problems
with peeing directly in the toilet. Has had
Chicken Pox and is current on all shots. Tonsils
have already been removed. Tommy eats everything, is very clean, house trained & gets along
Please be aware that those “free to a good
well with others. Does not run with scissors
home” ads could be sending dogs and cats into
and with a little training he should be able to
the hands of people that will use them for
read soon.
fighting dog bait. Dogs in Hutchinson have
disappeared from yards and been used for
One female - Her name is Lexie, Caucasian
this purpose Please make sure your pets are
(English/Irish mix), strawberry blonde hair,
green eyes quite freckled. Two years old. Can be safe and secure.
surly at times. Non-biter, thumb sucker. Has
been temperament tested but needs a little at- Please spay & neuter your pets. The “fix”
for reducing the unwanted animal problem is
titude adjusting occasionally. She is current on
by not having the unwanted ones born. A
all shots, tonsils out, and is very healthy & can
be affectionate. Gets along well with other little female in heat can be bred by dogs jumping
girls & little boys but does not like to share her over the fence or even impregnate them
through the fence.
toys and therefore would do best in a one child
household. She is a very quick learner and is currently working on her house training - shouldn't Neutered males are less likely to roam which
will greatly reduce their chances of getting
take long at all.
lost, hit by a car or in a dog fight.
We really do LOVE our children so much and
want to do what's right for them; that is why we If you need financial assistance with getting
contacted a rescue group. But we simply can no
your pets “fixed”, contact Cause for Paws at
longer keep them. Also, we are afraid that they 620-728-2906, leave a message that you are
may hurt our new puppy.
interested in the STOP program.
Cause for Paws, Inc. Membership Application
Membership Category ___New ___Renewal
Basic Memberships:
>Student………………….. $15
>Single……………………. $30
>Senior (55 or over)………$15
List all names on family memberships if applicable
City _____________________________ST____Zip_________
(two adults same residence & their children under 18 years old)
Contributing Memberships:
>Feisty Feline…….…………$75
>Big Dog……………………$100
>Pet Guardian .……………$500
E-mail Address_____________________________________
Can we send your newsletter by e-mail? ____Yes ___No
This membership is being purchased as a gift from:
Name & Address
Phone Number
If you are unable to join at this time but would like to make a donation, please mark “DONATION”
on your check. If you would like for it to go for a specific purpose; spay/neuter, education, dog
park, etc., please note this as well
If you have questions please contact: Sylvia Griggs at 620-663-9012 or
Return application with check made payable to:
HCF-Cause for Paws, Inc., P.O. Box 1391, Hutchinson, KS 67504-1391
MEMBER #______ CK #_______
Cause for Paws Contributing memberships:
HONORARY-Rusty Braden
LIFETIME-Central Kansas Veterinary Clinic, Vergi & Lonnie Geurian
and Wal~Mart
PET GUARDIAN-Brienna & Will Vincent
BIG DOG-Frank & Ardy Alexander, David
Anderson & family, Bob & Ruth Barker, Jannene
& Dan Clark-Welchons, Mary Davis, Dr. Bill &
Kris Davis, John & Jerri Deardoff, Butch & Tremenda Dillon & Whit Jones, Mike & Stacie
Eckels, Janet Fast, Bob & Annie Fee family,
Kathleen Foster, Josh & Sara Geurian, Bill &
Sylvia Griggs, Dick & Martha Hamilton, Hutchinson Clinic, Jim & Sandra Haskell, Rock & Donna
Hessman, Dan & Brenda Pace, Merrill, Joy, Bailey & Blake Petterson, Virginia Rayl, Linda Riner,
Dick & Pat Smith, Phyllis Snyder & Jacque Zimmerman
FEISTY FELINE-Darlene Andsager, Dean &
Sherra Brigman, Mark Harris, Mr. & Mrs. Haytham Ibrahim, Bob & Charlene Lind, Nancy Soldner, Wes & Ann Thiessen & Rev. Mary Al Titus
Welcome to our newest members:
Sylvia Call, Marsha Knipe, Jacquelyn Shuler,
Donna Brenner, John & Janis Bair, Janet Fast,
Sonia Hayse, Pam Brown, Pam & Buck Lyle and
Scott & Patty Sledgister
Mark your calenders for the 2009 Annual
Members meeting, October 8, 2009 at the
Rice Park shelter building. Good fun, good food
and good fellowship.
Cause for Paws, Inc.
P.O. Box 1391
Hutchinson, KS 67504-1391
Charles Buckaloo, Pres.
Ardith Alexander, VP
Michelle Inskeep, Treas.
Donna Hessman, Sec.
Josh Anderson
Wayne Brawner
Terry Bruce
Vergi Geurian
Sylvia Griggs
Mark Harris
Connie Johnson
Jessica Miller
Carl Myers
Brenda Pace
Trish Rose
Nancy Scott
Shana Turner
is committed to
ensuring the well
being of all cats and
dogs, reducing pet
building a strong
base of animal
advocates and
supporting the
Hutchinson Animal
Check out our
website at :
Web Mistress:
Autumn Schmidt
Hutchinson Dog Park-1501 S. Severance
The weather is getting nicer and your dogs are ready to come
and play with their friends.
All dogs over the age of 6 months that live in Hutchinson city
limits are required to have a current dog license.
If you have friends or family that are visiting and brought their
dogs they can also use the Dog Park but their dogs need to
be current on vaccinations and have a current dog license
from the city in which they reside.
APRIL 4, 2-4 PM. at the Dog Park. Pictures with
the Easter Bunny, doggie Easter egg hunt, pet
contests, decorate a kitty condo (sorry, no
kitties can come) and much more. $2 donation to participate in the festivities and be
sure to bring your Easter basket.
Call Donna Hessman at 665-5430 if you have questions