Raportti tapahtumasta


Raportti tapahtumasta
8.‐11.4.2009 JYVÄSKYLÄ Jelmu ry
Schaumaninkatu 3
40100 Jyväskylä
Background MidNordic Extreme
In February 2008 the Regional Council of Central Finland approached Jelmu to ask if
Jelmu was interested in taking part in organizing a Mid-Nordic culture event in Jyväskylä in
2009. A natural starting point for the event was then the local rock music scene. A variety
of quality rock and metal bands have come not only from Jyväskylä but also from other
areas in the Mid-Nordic region.
Jelmu ry
Live Music Association of Jyväskylä, Jelmu ry, is a community service association
organizing rock concerts and maintaining rehearsal spaces for local bands in Tanssisali
Lutakko in Jyväskylä. Annually Jelmu organizes concerts on 100–140 evenings, and the
annual attendance rate has been c.38,000 visitors in the past few years. Almost all
concerts are all ages. Jelmu employs five paid workers, all other employees are voluntary
workers. Currently the association has some 100 active volunteers. Jelmu is a non-profit
seeking association and has currently 3 300 members.
Tanssisali Lutakko
When Jelmu started organizing shows in Tanssisali Lutakko, the building was condemned
to be torn down in the city plan. Preservation of Lutakko after a struggle of more than ten
years was a dream come true for Jelmu. The renovation of the building was completed in
2005. A significant part of the renovation costs were covered with a 1 million euro ERDFsubsidy granted by the State Provincial Office of Western Finland, and also the City of
Jyväskylä and RAY (Finlands slot machine association) contributed to the funding.
Approximately half of the 2,7 million euro renovation costs were covered with a loan taken
by the mutual real estate company that owns the building now, the share holders of which
in addition to Jelmu ry are YAD ry and Kauko Sorjonen Foundation. Currently the main
users of the building alongside Jelmu are YAD (Youth Against Drugs) and the traditional
dance association ISOn Tanhuujat ry. In addition to this, rehearsal spaces for bands,
ateliers for artists, and a yoga parlor were built in the renovation.
Tanssisali Lutakko has established its status: rock venues of equal status and standard in
Finland are found only in Helsinki alongside Jyväskylä. Tanssisali Lutakko has been
awarded as the best rock club in Finland in the Music & Media trade fair more than once.
Also, the 20 rehearsal spaces provided by Jelmu have been a significant help in
Jyväskylä’s crying need for more places for bands to practice.
Jelmu’s events are directed especially to the youth. This decision is an ideological one
enabled by the voluntary work. The goal is to raise new active rock generations to Finland
as audiences as well as performers and organizers. An equally important goal is to run
Tanssisali Lutakko so that young people as customers would feel genuinely welcome and
at home in Lutakko.
About working and planning The workgroup in Central Finland consisted mainly of Jonna Paananen (Jelmu) and Raija
Partanen and Virpi Heikkinen (Regional Council of Central Finland and Midnordic
Committee). In addition, huge amount of work, especially contacting in Midnordic was
made by Matti Salmela, Jelmu´s promoter. Also directors of planning and development
Hannu Korhonen and Martti Ahokas gave their contribution to the work.
The project plan was presented to the midnordic culture work group on several meetings
(June, December 2008 and March 2009) and given feedback was taken into consideration.
Jelmu contacted during year 2008 several experts, cooperation partners and other actors
in the chosen music genre in the Midnordic region in order to find performers to the event.
In choosing the bands Jelmus principle was to find outstanding bands from each and every
region, but Jelmu also wanted to pay attention to the quality and high-level of performing
Pre‐club The event was pre-marketed during a pre-club on 6th of December 2008. 3 bands from
Sweden performed: Burst, Victims and Icos and from Finland Deathbed. An audience of
140 people came to the event.
Programme The four day event MidNordic Extreme 2009 was held in Tanssisali Lutakko during Easter
week from April 8th to April 11th 2009 (Wednesday – Saturday). Totally 15 bands
performed during the event.
An opening club was held on the first day, Wednesday April 8th, featuring artists mainly
from Central Finland area. During next three evenings - the main events - artists
performed on two stages, line-up features bands from Sweden, Norway and Finland.
From Norway: 22, Monolithic
From Sweden: Af Grund (at pre-club: Burst, Victims, Icos)
From Finland: BBC Nukes, Callisto, FM2000, Substances, Ghost Brigade,
Manufacturer´s Pride, Rotten Sound, Sara, Soulfallen, Swallow The Sun, The Duke,
Kaksonen (pre-club: Deathbed)
See also appendix 1: presentation of the bands.
Unfortunately 1 band (Cult of Luna) from Sweden cancelled their participating.
Detailed program
Wednesday 8th of April:
-gigs: FM2000, Ghost Brigade, Manufacturer´s Pride,
- network-meeting & awards
Thursday 9th of April
- gigs: 22, Monolithic, Sara, The Duke
Friday 10th of April
- gigs: Rotten Sound, Afgrund, BBC Nukes
Saturday 11th of April
-gigs: Swallow the Sun, Callisto, Soulfallen, Kaksonen
See also appendix 2: photos from the gigs
Target audiences
MidNordic Extreme was an all ages event and ticket prices were 22/8€ (20€ / four days
and 8€ / one day). For Jelmu members the prices were 18&5€. The target audience
consisted of people mainly from Central Finland between 15–30 years of age. The
expected attendance rate was 1,500–2,000 visitors.
The result was not as high as espected, but 1300 visitors in total.
Midnordic aspect/benefit and the Network-meeting:
On 8/4 there was an extra program, arranged by Jelmu – a network meeting between:
a) festival and club promoters in the Midnordic region
b) (mainly Finnish) record companies and media
The goal with the meeting was to create contacts and discuss mutual problems,
networking, possible cooperation in the future. People from record companies, the media,
as well as other organizers were invited to attend the meeting. In this way the MidNordic
Extreme was meant to also function as a showcase event for unsigned artists and as a
warm meeting place for people working within the music and culture field.
The Extreme Meeting was very successful although it was mainly between Finnish festival
and club promoters. The conversation was very open and dealt also delicate topics such
as the threat caused by multinational companies (eg. Sonysphere in Finland) for the
traditional consert –and festival arrangement on smaller markets and countries. The threat
is a common feature for all Nordic countries where the audience bace is very narrow and
where several of the events are
based on association work.
During the meeting there was
made plans how to keep up with
the competition together. The
small local actors have the
strength in having good contacts
to the local audience and in the
know-how how the bands could
in the best way reach the
audience that they are seeking
The next similar meeting was
agreed to be arranged during
Opening evening and festival promoters at Midnordic Extreme
Easter 2010.
As another result the meeting
confirmed a festival booking for one of the performing bands and two possible club gigs for
the of the bands.
Because there are also plans to arrange a larger seminar for all midnordic festival
arrangers, so there are hopes for cooperation in the future in common questions.
Jelmu was responsible of marketing the event and producing information&marketing
material. Websites was made for the event: www.jelmu.net/midnordic and a leaflet/poster.
Promoting of the event was mainly be done by direct contacts of Jelmu and through
several different websites (eg. Imperium.net, MySpace, StoråsArtist, LastFM, Meteli.net,
etc.) but also in magazines (eg. Sue, Rumba, Inferno, Keskisuomalainen).
In Facebook there was an own group for the event (with 81 members).
Several newspaper-articles was published, both on the event and the awards.
Local TV-news: http://tvjkl.fi/content/fi/11501/1119/6/6.html (at approx. 8.14 minutes)
The office of MNC supported and helped in marketing actions. All material included MNClogotype and website-adress (www.mittnorden.net).
See also appendix 3: Promotion of Midnordic Extreme
Midnordic Awards/Scholarships
The Midnordic Committee has a tradition of 2 awards/scholarships (50 000SEK +
25 000SEK) for outstanding representants within chosen field.
The hostregion nominated two actors and presented them to the culture workgroup in
March 2009 in Oslo. After further discussion
the nominations were confirmed and also
presented to the Midnordic Committee in
- The main prize winner (50 000SEK): Jelmu
Jyväskylä Live Music Association
The reasoning: the Midnordic Committee
appreciates the work that Jelmu has made in
the music business and among young people
and volunteers. The association has made a
principal decision about addressing the events
to younger people and acknowledges the
youth in all its´ activities. The youth represents
also the backbone of the great amount of the
volunteer work that is made in Jelmu.
Jelmu also pays attention to smaller, marginal music genres in Jelmus events and
- Youth award (25 000SEK): Toinen vaihtoehto/The other Alternative – publication
The reasoning: The publication was awarded for it´s longterm work within music journalism
and for the young voluntary edititorial staff. The publication has been published since 1989
and represents youth subcultures, especially punk and other. The publication is made by
mostly young volunteers.
The prizes were given during the opening evening of Midnordic Extreme and the audience
appreciated highly the award-choices of the Midnordic Committee. Both Jelmu and the
publication represent such actors which do not normally receive any prizes or stipends for
their work.
For example, The other Alternative –publication can now assure their publications for 2
coming years with the help of the award.
Martti Ahokas as the representative of the
Midnordic Committe handed out the awards.
Matti Salmela received the award for Jelmu.
Marko Nääsilä and Ville Änger received the
youth prize on behalf of The other
Alternative –publication.
To arrange the event on one particular point of time was more challenging to Jelmu than
expected. The main reason to this was the geographical questions of finding the bands
exactly from and limited to the region, because at the same time the organizer had to think
about the overall programme of the event. The goal was to assure the quality of the
programme, to keep it artisticly coherent but also as diverse as possible. In addition, the
organizer had to keep in mind and to estimate the appeal and popularity of the bands to
ensure that the bands get enough listeners.
Now, after the event, it would have been wise to place the more unknown bands (to local
audience) from Norway and Sweden a bit differently in the programme. They were now
placed to the same evening as the most popular band, Sara, and the goal was to get these
unfamiliar bands as much publicity as possible. But this evening was in fact the most quiet
one. This taught the organizer that expectations can always be proven wrong,
The bands from Sweden and Norway, which were not so familiar before, got anyhow
positive feedback. Especially Monolithic from Norway received many praises..!This was a
bit surprising because the music of Monolithic is pretty distinctive and reckless of the
music genres. The audience in Central Finland clearly showed openness and welcomed
warmly new bands to the scene.
Concerning the culture awards of the Midnordic Committee:
the public was genuinely excited about the prize winners..!The prizes and the whole event
proved to the young people that they and their important work have been acknowledged
from a formal direction and actor. The Midnordic Committee and the midnordic cooperation
truly received appreciation and high scores from the young audience and other interest
Youth culture is unfortunately often seen as less appreciated and valued in the society. It
is often seen as merely entertainment or a hobby. Only so called “adult culture” is normally
conceived as developed civilazation and as a form of culture that receives funding and
prizes. To young people and to actors that work with youth this division is unfortunately
ordinary and therefor even small evidence of contrary attitudes are very surprising and
very welcome.
Funding from the Midnordic Committee
300 000SEK + 75 000SEK for prizes
Funding from other actors
Jyväskylä city 2000e + award-evening costs
Regional Council of Central Finland 2000e
(Application of 10 000e from Nordic Culture Fond was rejected!)
Report and accounts
Jelmu has delivered a report of the event to the Midnordic Committe and presented also
See appendix 4: Accounts.
PRESENTATION OF THE BANDS (from the website)
22 (NOR)
"Ut av asken fra det suksessfulle bandet Gåte, kommer nå
konstellasjonen 22. Bandet består av gitarist par excellence Magnus
Børmark, samt medlemmer fra diverse profilerte Trondheimsband. 22
var et av de første bandene som ble valgt ut til by:Larm 2008, hvorpå
by:Larm-juryens erkjennelse til bandet var: " Vi skjønner ikke bæret av
hva dere driver med, men det er vanvittig fett! Dere er med!
Detter er ProgPoP av ypperste klasse: Forestill deg Mars Volta på
lystgass møter Joni Mitchell på vekkelsesmøte med Meshuggah på
hybelen til Jeff Buckley. Som bandet selv sier: "22 er musikken som
kommer når man står opp klokka 06.00 og begynner å komponere.
22 blåste lufta og vettet ut av publikum da de spilte sin fødselskonsert
den 2/2/2008, på Ut-Awards i Trondheim. De spiller på by:Larm den
22/2 kl 22:22, og flere store norske sommerfestivaler har allerede meldt
sin interesse.
Det ryktes om peppermyntelukt på scenen, boksehanskesynthesizer, og
et liveshow med kaskader av tight fresh punch. DebutEP kommer iløpet
av våren 2008. 22 er en bevegelse, ett tall med mye mening, og nå
navnet på den freskeste ferskvaren som kommer på musikkmarkedet i
Afgrund (SWE)
Afgrund - Sweden - Influences: Brutal Truth, Nasum, Napalm Death,
Disrupt, Converge, Sayyadina, Disfear... just any hardcore punk, grind
or other good extreme music...no need to say more.
BBC Nukes
"BBC Nukes perustettiin Helsingissä vuoden 2008 alussa, jolloin neljä
Keski-Suomessa aikaisemmin vaikuttanutta nuorta miestä päättivät
yhdistää voimansa. Jokainen jäsen toi oman näkemyksensä
treenikämpälle, jonka tuloksena kehittyi punk-musiikkiin nojautuvaa
rockia. Kesällä -08 BBCN nauhoitti ensimmäisen vielä
julkaisemattoman EP-levyn, Cutting Room, Helsinki Underground
Studiossa yhdessä Joel Attilan ja Ronnie Winstonin kanssa. Running
with Scissors on ensimmäinen päivänvalon nähnyt kappale, jonka
lopullinen versio on vielä matkalla, mutta idean kuulee; BBC Nukes on
tinkimätöntä, kokeilunhaluista ja energistä alternativea... Niin levyllä,
lavalla kuin vapaa-ajalla."
"In English: BBC Nukes is furious, aggressive and melodic music with
punch of junkies from the countryside and in-your-face attitude, so
suck it!"
"Callisto perustettiin vuonna 2001 Keski-Pohjanmaalla Kokkolassa,
jolloin yhtyeeseen kuuluivat Arto Karvosta lukuun ottamatta kaikki
nykyiset jäsenet. Musiikkityyli oli uran alkuvaiheessa
suoraviivaisempaa metalcorea, vaikuttajinaan muun muassa
ruotsalainen Breach ja yhdysvaltalainen Zao. Yhtye esiintyi
harvakseltaan. Vuodesta 2002 lähtien Callisto on jatkanut toimintaansa
Turusta käsin ja lisännyt esiintymisiään tasaiseen tahtiin. Musiikillinen
kehitys on kulkenut alkuajoista nykyhetken hitaampaan ja
tunnelmoivampaan suuntaan, hieman yhdysvaltalaisen Neurosiksen
Callisto on levyttänyt vuodesta 2002 lähtien helsinkiläiselle Fullsteam
Recordsille, jolle se on julkaissut yhden mini-cd:n ja kaksi täyspitkää
albumia, joista True Nature Unfolds lisensoitiin vuonna 2005
tunnetulle brittiläiselle raskaan musiikin levy-yhtiö Earachelle.[1]
Levyn maailmanlaajuisen jakelun myötä Callisto saavutti nopeasti
tunnettavuutta ja lisää kannattajia ympäri maailman. Esiintymisiä on
kertynyt ympäri Suomea ja Eurooppaa yli sata kappaletta. Keväällä
2005 Callisto muun muassa kiersi Isoa-Britanniaa yhdysvaltalaisen
High on Fire -yhtyeen kanssa. Vuonna 2005 Callisto soitti Helsingin Tuska-festivaaleilla. Yhtyeellä on innokas kotimainen ja
kansainvälinen kannattajakunta.
Toinen albumi Noir julkaistiin Kanadassa ja useassa Euroopan maassa helmikuussa 2007. Earache Records ei saanut oikeuksia
julkaista albumia Yhdysvalloissa. Kolmas albumi, Providence, julkaistaan vuonna 2009.
Official homepage
"Savolaista mellakkaa hc/metalli/aggressio -tyyliin tarjoiltuna =
FM2000. Bändin voisi väittää soittavan Rytmihäiriön levittämää
surmacorea mutta jannut harrastavat niin skitsofrenian saastuttamaa
rytmilaukkaa, että välillä meno kuulostaa Stam1nan ja Eläkeläisten
kaksintaistelulta. Suomen System Of A Down on rehellisesti kotoisin
perämetsien Junttilan heinäladoista. FM2000 on kuin
musiikkimuottiin ahdettu Jackass/Duudsonit. Aidosti outoa. FM2000
on räyhäävä äpärä, joka ei välitä kurista ja säännöistä. Sisäsiisteyskin
on vasta työn alla." (J.A.Kaunisto, Tuhma)
"Yhtye jolla on kykyä kirjoittaa biisi, jonka kertosäe kuuluu
"lääkehumala pirikumara" ei voi olla täysin väärillä jäjillä" (Jean
Ramsay, Rumba)
Official homepage
Ghost Brigade
"If someone asks us what our influences are, we won't necessarily have
a definitive answer. I guess we are influenced by anything that we think
sounds good. We all have wide and different tastes in music, everything
from pop to electronic music and from rock to death metal, so listing
our current favorite bands here to explain GHOST BRIGADE's origins
wouldn't do us or the listener any justice. And it wouldn't probably
make any sense either. We just try our best to make music we'd like to
hear our ultimate favorite band play. We don't really waste our time
figuring out what influences us and what doesn't. And besides, the
source of motivation to do a new song doesn't have to be other music at
all. It can be a movie, something you've seen or heard on the street
during the day or a state of mind you're in. Anything that moves you,
Official homepage
"Kaikki kaksoslaiset ovat Ala-Keiteleen Musiikkiopiston kasvatteja, ja
siellä aloitettiin myös yhdessä soittaminen. Vuoden 2005 alkupuolella
Antti, Miika ja Tuomo ryhtyivät veivaamaan erään suomithrashin
kärkinimen biisejä. Saman vuoden lopulla joukkoon liittyi Ville, ja pian
alkoi syntyä omia kappaleita lähinnä Miikan toimesta. Settiä alettiin
kasvattaa ja tavoitteeksi otettiin vuoden 2007 ToukoFestin bändikisa.
Kohtalo osoitti sairaan huumorintajunsa, ja Kaksonen voitti kuin
voittikin kisan ja samoihin aikoihin porukka väänsi myös ensimmäisen
demonsa Sami Niittykosken avustuksella. Loppuvuoden keikkojen
jälkeen Kaksonen suuntasi uudelleen Sami Niittykosken SN-Audiopajalle. Tuloksena oli uusi, entistä ehompi demo: Tulvat. Vuosi 2008
lähti käyntiin demon julkaisulla, sekä aktiivisella keikkailulla. Tulvat sai
hyvän vastaanoton niin kriitikkopuolelta kuin kuuntelijoiltakin.
Keikkarumbaa jatkettiin kesään asti, kunnes porukka jäi tuumailemaan
syksyn metkuja ja kolmatta kiekkoa."
Official homepage
Manufacturer's Pride
"The band is a compilation of six individuals working towards a
common goal which is embodied in the Manufacturer's Pride. The
creation saw first light in the early 2006, and has since produced a
couple of promo CD's and a full length album " Faustian Evangelion
(2007)" which has been complimented by many Finnish reviews. The
music combines occasionally progressive death metal riffs and futuristic
computed sounds harmonically weaved into a whole. The vocals bring
forth aggression and clean notes to add more depth and to complement
the rich melodic atmosphere. Manufacturer's Pride is an ambitious
musical mechanism aiming higher than the average consumer oriented
product maker. Compromise is not an end to any means, and nothing
needs to be settled on. As a band Manufacturer's Pride is not trying to
re-invent the wheel but rather give the listener a bit different
perspective on metal music and broaden the accustomed boundaries."
Official homepage
Monolithic (NOR)
"Ta én del lynkjapp metal, én del bredbeint rock´n roll, en del galskap
og en helvetes stor dose energi, og du får Monolithic; Norges desidert
mest hardtslående duo.
Monolithic er Stian Westerhus (Puma, Bladed m.fl) på baritongitar og
Kenneth Kapstad (Animal Alpha, Gåte) på trommer, og sammen pusher
de grensene for hva som er fysisk mulig i rytmisk musikk i dag.
Monolithic er total tilstedeværelse, og en energiutblåsning av en annen
Tross sine meget få live opptredener har Monolithic fått nærmest
legendarisk status i Trondheimsområdet, og i 2006 gjorde Monolithic
en samarbeidskonsert med Keep Of Kalessin som, i tillegg til å bli
utsolgt, ble direktesendt (streamet) over internett."
Rotten Sound
"Rotten Sound was formed in 1993. The band evolved its sound and
content through the early years, and they consider “Murderworks”
(2002) as their first album. Rotten Sound started touring in Europe and
the USA after “Murderworks” also releasing their first DVD,
“Murderlive” in 2004. The “Exit” album was released in 2005, and was
the first release from Rotten Sound to chart in Finland. The “Consume
to Contaminate”-Mini-CD was released in 2006, also charting in
Finland. Fontana International/Spinefarm Records US released lates
Rotten Sound album “Cycles" in fall 2008. "Cycles" also debuted on the
Finnish charts at 12.
Edellisellä albumillaan He kutsuivat luokseen (2006) Sara keskittyi
uuteen alkuun, sen sisältämän vaikeuden ja vapauttavuuden ristiriitaan
ja menneen hyväksymiseen. Yhtyeen viidennen voimannäytteen myötä
katseet käännetään sinne, mistä ollaan tultu – veden äärelle.
Kuluvan vuosikymmenen alkuvuosina kolme albumia (Narupatsaat
2000, Kromi 2002, Saattue 2003) julkaissut Sara lensi muutama vuosi
sitten tovin tutkan alla. Parivuotiseksi venähtänyttä hiljaisuutta seurasi
uusi nousu, jolloin yhtye lisäsi riveihinsä rumpali Andreas Bäcklundin
ja löysi viihtyisän kodin uudesta levy-yhtiöstä. Entistä
kunnianhimoisempi ja motivoituneempi yhtye palasi valoihin
neljännellä albumillaan He kutsuivat luokseen (2006), joka otettiin
hienosti vastaan sekä yleisön että median keskuudessa.
Kaskisiin, missä se kokoontuu edelleen säännöllisesti.
Kaskisten pienessä merenrantakaupungissa 90-luvun puolivälin jälkeen
syntyneen Saran miehistöstä neljä viidesosaa (vokalisti/kitaristi Jorma
Korhonen, kitaristit Antti Tuomivirta ja Tommi Koivikko, basisti
Kristian Udd) on alkuperäisjäsenistöä. Vaikkei yksikään Saran jäsenistä
enää asu yhtyeen synnyinkaupungissa, on itse yhtye pysyvästi juurtunut
Official homepage
SOULFALLEN performs melodic dark metal from the black blooded,
crestfallen heart of Finland. The band was founded in 2003 and the first
demos were recorded at Studio Watercastle by Arttu Sarvanne in 2004
and 2006. Both demos were received well in the media but especially
the latter, Death Of The Tyrant (2006), received excellent reviews and
praise in all the major music magazines & internet medias in Finland
(including Soundi, Inferno, Imperiumi, Miasma, only to name a few…)
and SOULFALLEN was even voted one of the best unsigned band of
2006 by the readers of Noise.fi. The band had shaped their soundscape
to a league of its own and this was also seen in its growing underground
Firebox Records.
Followed by intensive live shows and excellent reviews in the beginning
of 2007 the band inked a record deal with OFF RECORDS FINLAND
and began the recordings of their debut album in spring 2007. The
album was recorded in April / May 2007 at Studio Watercastle,
Jyväskylä, by Arttu Sarvanne and mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox
Studios. The album titled World Expiration was released in Finland on
September 19th 2007 by Off Records Finland and distributed by
With World Expiration the band took another great leap forward in forming a perfect balance between aggression and darkly
flavoured melodies & orchestrations and debut album received excellent reviews and attention both in the Finnish media and
abroad. SOULFALLEN also received much praise in several annual votes as one of the best newcomers of 2007!* The year 2008
was spent doing live shows and writing material for their second album. During 2008 the band also did their first shows abroad,
in Russia, and filmed their first music video for the song Death Of The Tyrant.
On November 2008 the band returned to Studio Watercastle to begin the recordings of their second album. The new album
titled Grave New World was recorded in three weeks during November / December 2008 and once again mastered at Finnvox
Studios by Mika Jussila on January 2009. Grave New World continues the dark path begun with World Expiration, but also
presents a band that has expanded its expression to a whole new level. The extremes have been pushed even further as the music
flows from ethereal orchestrations to aggressive guitar patterns on its path to the very core of Finnish melancholy. This is the
soundtrack to the burial of an entire world!"
Official homepage
"Natural Science stipulates: matter can be classified in to two broad
categories - pure substances and mixtures. Being ‘naturals at music’, we
study the science of altering moods. Our substances of choice are:
melodies, sounds, words, emotions, and high energy. When mixed
together in just the right way, these elements can produce a compound
that is bound to leave you high and craving for more." - From “The
Alchemy of Rock”; a chapter in the Origin of Substances, (2005,
Influences: The Beatles, Faith No More, Ben Folds, Bob Dylan,
Screaming Trees, Jeff Buckely, Stone Temple Pilots, Soundgarden,
Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, Queens of the Stone Age, Led Zeppelin,
Black Sabbath, Tool, Muse, Mew, Afgan Wigs, Genesis, Elliot Smith,
Morrissey, Peter Gabriel, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, QOTSA, Blind Melon,
Smashing Pumpkins, Helmet, Tomahawk, Nine, and many other artists
who have altered our own moods over the years (i.e. NIN, Frank
Sinatra, Dean Martin, Serge Gainsbourgh, Portishead, TV On The
Swallow The Sun
"Swallow the Sun on melodista doom- ja death metal -musiikkia
esittävä yhtye Jyväskylästä. Sen perusti yhtyeen kitaristi Juha Raivio
vuonna 2000. Kolmen vuoden päästä vuonna 2003 yhtye äänitti
ensimmäisen tuotoksensa, demon nimeltä Out of This Gloomy Light,
joka sisälsi neljä kappaletta. Samana vuonna yhtye allekirjoitti
levytyssopimuksen Firebox Recordsin kanssa, ja saman vuoden aikana
julkaistiin debyytti The Morning Never Came. Inferno-lehti valitsi
yhtyeen vuoden tulokkaaksi.
Huhtikuussa 2005 Swallow the Sun julkaisi singlen Forgive Her..., jolla
on myös Candlemass-yhtyeen kappaleesta "Solitude" tehty versio.
Single nousi ensimmäisellä viikolla Suomen virallisen singlelistan sijalle
4. Elokuussa 2005 ilmestyi yhtyeen toinen albumi Ghosts of Loss, joka
nousi listalla sijalle 8.
Swallow The Sunin kolmannen albumin Hope julkaisi 7. helmikuuta
2007 Spinefarm Records. Albumin äänitykset tehtiin Seawolf-studiolla
Suomenlinnassa syys- ja lokakuussa 2006. Albumi nousi Suomen
viralliselle albumilistalle sijalle 3." Source: Wikipedia
Official homepage
The Duke
"The Duke is an old-fashioned yet modern rock band from Finland. The band was formed in a little west-coast city called Vaasa
in the beginning of millenium. It's been a long road ever since. Some musicians and sounds have changed during the journey. It
all began when Mikko had a vision to play 60's style retro pop-rock. Pretty soon the whole thing started to evolve into all kinds of
directions. Everything was about to change - and it did!
Right now The Duke is creating new music all the time and probably having a gig in your hometown very soon filled with
amazing tricks and 70's kind of bombastic rock cliches. Stay tuned, boys and girls!"
Official homepage
(copyright: Kalle Björklid)
Callisto, 22 and FM2000
Rotten Sound, Sara, Swallow the Sun and
Promotion of Midnordic Extreme
The Midnordic Extreme poster and webbsite.
Competition at Meteli.net –webbsite.
(win tickets to the event)
The Midnordic Extreme in Facebook, 81 members.
News and advertising in local
newspapers, Keskisuomalainen,
Ylioppilaslehti, Suur-Jyväskylän lehti,
City, etc.
Press release about the awards and
some media news about them.
News in Keskisuomalainen about the
meeting between festival arrangers.
Appendix 4 ACCOUNTS
(presented in euros)
Event proceeds
3000 Ticket sales proceeds
6000 City of Jyväskylä
6000 Mid-Nordic Committee
6000 Regional Council of Central Finland
6 125,00
2 000,00
27 500,00
2 000,00
37 625,00
3011 Salaries
14.4.2009 Hannu Laru
11.5.2009 Mikko Tuliniemi
5.5.2009 Matti Impola
28.4.2009 Sami Kokko
28.4.2009 Matti Salmela
28.4.2009 Jonna Paananen
3012 Indirect employee costs
3015 Traveling expenses
15.10.2008 Matti Salmela
30.11.2008 Jonna Paananen
21.2.2009 Jonna Paananen
-5 350,00
Sound technician
Sound technician
Lightning technician
Sound technician
Project manager
-1 337,50
-1 129,86
Real estate expenses
3030 Rent
-7 817,36
-6 000,00
8.4.2009 Tanssisali Lutakko
9.4.2009 Tanssisali Lutakko
10.4.2009 Tanssisali Lutakko
11.4.2009 Tanssisali Lutakko
3031 Equipment rental expenses
4.5.2009 Ääni- ja valotekniikka Ruosila
6.5.2009 Ääni- ja valotekniikka Ruosila
29.5.2009 Musikantti
Program expenses
3040 Artist payments
6.12.2008 Icos
6.12.2008 Deathbed
6.12.2008 Burst & Victims
2.4.2009 Monolithic
2.4.2009 22
8.4.2009 Substances
10.4.2009 BBC Nukes
14.4.2009 Sara
15.4.2009 AfGrund
-1 501,80
Extra sounds equipment
Extra lightning equipment
-7 501,80
-13 906,00
15.4.2009 Rotten Sound
Swallow The Sun
The Duke
Manufacturer's Pride
Ghost Brigade
3041 Copyright payments
3042 Accommodation
20.4.2009 Hotel Alba
3043 Catering
8.4.2009 Ghost Brigade
8.4.2009 FM2000
8.4.2009 Manufacturer's Pride
8.4.2009 Substances
8.4.2009 Extreme Meeting lunch
8.4.2009 Extreme Meeting afternoon tea party
9.4.2009 Breakfast supplies
9.4.2009 Sara
9.4.2009 Monolithic
9.4.2009 22
10.4.2009 The Duke
10.4.2009 AfGrund
10.4.2009 BBC Nukes
10.4.2009 Rotten Sound
11.4.2009 Callisto
11.4.2009 Soulfallen
11.4.2009 Swallow The Sun
11.4.2009 Kaksonen
General expenses
3070 Office expenses
7.10.2008 Dna
27.10.2008 Elisa
18.11.2008 Elisa
9.2.2009 Dna
23.3.2009 Mailing (posters etc.)
30.3.2009 Elisa
3076 Advertising/marketing
6.12.2008 Emposter
13.3.2009 Emposter
14.3.2009 Kopijyvä
Wille Naukkarinen
Inferno Magazine
Tmi Imperiumi MMII
Rumba magazine
Kalle Björklid
3079 Other general expenses
-1 352,00
-1 832,15
-17 348,40
Phone expences Jonna
Phone expences Matti
Phone expences Matti
Phone expences Jonna
Phone expences Matti
-4 514,46
graphic designer
advertising/ www
advertising/ www
www software
7.4.2009 Tukku
8.4.2009 K-Rauta
20.5.2009 Kukkatalo
-5 075,71