Kimball Knews Klips Keep up with our happenings each month!
Kimball Knews Klips Keep up with our happenings each month!
JUNE 2016+FREE- TAKE ONE HOME+volume 7 issue 6 KIMBALL HIGH SCHOOL ALL SCHOOL KIMBALL HIGH GYM SATURDAY, JUNE 18TH - MEAL AT 6:30 PM ALUMNI TALENT SHOW LIVE - Kiote alumni WANTED to participate in our 1st Alumni Talent Show. Do you sing, dance, write poetry, play an instrument, standup comic or class skit. SILENT AUCTION to follow talent show -seeking auction prizes, please call Carolyn Downs (605-2610987) or Barb Engel (605-730-3323) to donate an item or services. We need talented. Do you sing, dance, write poetry, play an instrument, standup comic or class skit. THE FIVE MOST RECENT ALUMNI IN ATTENDANCE WILL RECEIVE A FREE MEAL!! LET’S MAKE THIS REUNION A GOOD ONE, FELLOW ALUMNI! 4TH Annual Kimball School foundation golf tournament All Profits Directed to the Kimball Foundations Scholarship Fund. Saturday, June 18 - Lake 16 Golf Course. Kimball, SD 57355 ---- 9:00 a.m. Shotgun Start See full details on page 4 of this issue. FBLA PANCAKE BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER AND BAKE SALE. Sunday, June 19th - Kimball American Legion 8 am to 12 noon - Free Will Donation Pancakes - Sausage. Eggs - Coffee - Juice Funds to help travel expenses to National FBLA convention in Atlanta, Georgia Those attending Convention. Alex Toupal, Tristan Hayes, Jessica Backes, Lindsay Olson, Justine Heath, Lizzie Riggen, Aaron Toupal, Hannah Surat, Amya Swett, Hunter Gillen, Bethany Robinson, Charlene Miller (advisor), and Steve Robinson ( chaperone) THIS ISSUE IS PROUDLY SPONSORED BY: South Dakota's 5th Annual Scavenger's Journey June 24-26, 2016 JOIN THE FUN - SELL, LOOK, , BUY, OR JUST ENJOY THE OUTING. LOCAL CONTACT MARJEAN WARREN- 730-0863 To register your event or garage sale or for more information See some Kmball Activities on those days on page 3. WEB PAGE: or FACEBOOK: 1 ANTICIPATED SWIMMING POOL OPENING June 1, 2016 Pool Hours Monday-Friday 1pm-5pm & 6 pm -8 pm lap swimming until 8:30 pm Be at pool before 8:00 pm to swim laps. Weekend hours are 1pm -6 pm. Swimming lessons dates & rates to be determined. Watch for more fun activities in the future. DAY CAMP Kimball Protestant Parish July 10 to 14th Staffed by NeSoDak Bible Camp Students who have completed K thru 5th grade Runs 9 am to 3 pm. Lunch and snacks provided each day. Registered by June 15th to assure enough staff. No cost but suggested $20 donation per child to cover expenses or if donation is not possible for you, give what you can. Limited space available. If a registered child is unable to attend contact us so another child might take their place. To register a child or more information call Pastor Lori or Chris at 778-6410, or stop at the church. KIMBALL LIBRARY THE KIMBALL CENTER WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE MAIL STORY AND CRAFT SESSION at the library on Wednesdays at 10 am starting June 8 CHILDREN'S READING PROGRAM starting June 8 with prizes ADULT SUMMER READING PROGRAM starting June 8 with prizes For more details Call THE Library AT 778-6690 ENJOY OLD TIME GOSPEL LIVE MUSIC? Join the Kimball Protestant Parish for worship on Sunday, June 12 at 10 am. They will be hosting The Happy Memories Band. led by Maurice Bueber and Merlyn Tiede. Maurice is a commissioned ELCA Lay Pastor and Merlyn serves as Music Minister for the Micheal Durfee Prison. The band includes ex-prisoners from the prison and shares their ministry with various churches and care facilities throughout the region. Freewill offering taken to promote their ministry. CARRIERS FOR THEIR RECENT COLLECTION OF FOOD ITEMS FOR THE KIMBALL FOOD PANTRY. Our shelves were looking quite depleted and the recent donation is very appreciated. The Food Pantry summer hours start in June open Friday afternoon from 4 pm -6pm. No Monday hours during the summer. If anyone needs assistance, and cannot make it to the Center during these hours, contact Audrey Konechne (7786337) or Lori Tonak (680-0403) Kimball Rubble Site Hours Sat- 1 pm -5 pm & Wed 5 pm-8 pm Watch for future city wide cleanup days later this summer. Acceptable Items For The Rubble Site: Trees-Untreated Wood-White Goods-Metal-Concrete-Leaves & Grass No Tires, Batteries or Household Garbage Kaleb's Service and Repair Grand Opening (formerly John's Tire Service) 117 Truck Street June 29, 2016 - 5:30-7:00pm burgers, brats, and beverages will be served THE PUBLIC IS INVITED FOR A FREE EVENING OF FUN AND GOOD FOOD. Answers for this quiz can be found in this newsletter. Answer the questions and clip this section with your name and phone number to enter the monthly drawing for $10.00 in Kimball Kash by taking it to EITHER Brooks Hdwe., 1st Dakota Bank or A &M Market. or email to . These email entries will be included in the drawing. Entries need to be made by jUNE 20 . Last Month’s Winner: Jean Cahill 1. This issue is sponsored by ____________________________________ 2. Bingo at the Sr. Citizen building is on ____________________________ 3. Old Time Gospel Music at the Protestant Parish is on ______________ 4. Kimball Swimming Pool will open on ____________________________ 5. James Kroupa city council election opponent is ____________________ j 6. Brule County Historical Society is holding _____________show during the Scavenger Journey United States Flag Day is celebrated on June 14 each year. It commemorates the adoption of the U.S. flag which happened on that day in 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. Fly the flag on this day to honor our country, its veterans, and our freedoms. If you have a worn or ragged flag, replace it with a new one. The local Legion has quality U.S. made flags for sale at A &M MarketPICK ONE UP AND FLY IT PROUDLY! Your name and phone number? _________ __________________________ KIMBALL SENIOR CITIZENS SPONSORED BINGO NIGHT Saturday Night - June 4, 7:00 pm Free Popcorn -Soda and Water 50 cents Friday July 29th: Bull riding, mutton busting, inflatables, Texas Hold Em’ qualifiers Saturday July 30th: Golf tournament, pork rib cook-off, turtle races, candy scramble, water inflatables, Texas Hold Em’ qualifiers, pork rib supper, youth tractor pedal pull (state qualifying event), Dustin Evans and the Good Kimball Times Band Sunday July 31st: Texas Hold Em’ finals If you would like to be a sponsor, cooker in the pork rib cook-off, food vendor, volunteer or want more information call Thersa at 680-4781. Check us out on Facebook “Desperado Days” TOTUS TUUS For Youth of St. James and St Margaret Parishes Grades 7-12 - June 12-16 - 7:30- 9:30 pm Grades 1-6 June 13-17 - 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Grades 1-6 should bring a sack lunch each day For children unable to attend all days, come as able (ex. baseball game or other commitment) for registration or information call 778-6420 If attendance numbers to and from Kimball are sufficient rides to and from Chamberlainl might be provided. KIMBALL LEGION - LUNCH & BEVERAGES available Friday and Saturday - Plus rummage, crafts, vendors & homemade items. Proceeds towards building upgrade BRULE CO. HISTORICAL SOCIETY Contact Wayne Woodraska 778-6358 Bendon Museum open house/dolll show. View antiques and dolls! To enter a doll, please contact Wayne Open Sat. 9:30 am-4:30 pm, Sun. noon- 4:30 pm Vote from 7 am to 7pm CLUB VEGA Russ Ehlers Main St., 778-9229 Great steaks - Fresh burgers - Cold drinks Friday and Saturday 11 am-2 am No School Election Ward I Kimball City James Kroupa vs Deb Gillen Wed State ballot will have primary election for Presidential Candidates. NATIVE PRAIRIE GARDEN - Overflowing tent of vendors - Old & new items - Antiques - Refurbished - Repurposed - Glassware - Garden art - Jewelry Clothing - Baked goods - Craft supplies - Material Yarn - Books - Western - Much More! MORE VENDORS WANTED Open Fri. 10 am - 7 pm, Sat. 8 am - 7 pm, Sunday 9 am - 12 pm. Contact Marjean Warren -,730-086 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS RUMMAGE SALE Contact Tanya Hofhenke, 605-381-1458 Located in the St. Margaret's basement. Huge multi-family rummage sale! Open Friday 5-7 pm, Saturday 7:30 am-2pm JUNE 7TH PRIMARY ELECTIONS 1 SCAVENGER JOURNEY ACTIVITES IN KIMBALL June 24, 25, & 26 2 THE BACK 40 GRILL AND CANTINA - Acoustic Sunset every Sat. night 6:30-10:30 pm. HOURS: ThuBrunch - 10am-3pm, Fri Mon. CLOSED, Tues. Sat Sun. 9am-3pm Wed.-Sat. 9am-2am - Many vendors: 3 4 Sr. Citizen bingo Katz Krazee Good Soap, doTerra Essential Oils, See AD Vinyl stickers, Premier Jewelry, Rediscovered Love, DE Sign, Real Time, Garage sale items, Antiques, and much more! Wed If you would like to receive this newsletter by email, send you email address to 1 Thu 2 Fri 4 Senior Citizen Bingo - 7 pm See AD 10 11 17 18 5 6 7 8 Kimball Lib. Craft and Story Time-See AD Kimball city council mtg. 9 Kimball Ambulance District Mtg. Sat 3 See AD 12 13 14 School bd. mtg. Fire Dept. mtg and training 19 26 20 27 Knights of Columbus Mtg. 15 Kimball Lib. 16 Craft and Story Time-See AD KHS All School Reunion See details on front page. CDA meeting 21 28 22 Kimball Lib. 23 Craft and Story Time-See AD 29 Kimball Lib. 30 Craft and Story Time-See AD Kaleb's Service and Repair Open House -See Ad 24 25 See Note below KIMBALL SCHOOL PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FUNDRAISER. A 5K walk/run is planned for June 25. It will begin at the Kimball track. Details have yet to be finalized.
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