1 - Kimberly M Carmell : Portfolio
1 - Kimberly M Carmell : Portfolio
70 %$&.&$5(6HFWLRQ6WDUWLQJRQSDJH JRQSDJH 1(: 1(: 1 (: iÕÝiÊ iÕÝi Õ>Ê-i>ÌÊ Õ>Ê-i>ÌÌÊ >VÊ ÕÃ Ê Õà ,'($6)25$&7,9(+($/7+</,9,1* 6SULQJ+HOSHUV7UDYHO$XWRPRWLYH )RRW&DUH0RELOLW\ +RPH.LWFKHQ+HOSHUV (YHU\GD\%DWKURRP+HOSHUV 3HUVRQDO,QWLPDWH&DUH 7KHUDSHXWLF%DFN&DUH +HDOWK$LGV%HWWHU6OHHS 0RQH\6DYLQJ6ROXWLRQV )LWQHVV+REELHV/HLVXUH Fashionable nable cushion wh heellch hair i or for your wheelchair seat! Dual cushion nd seat) makes (back and tingg experience your sitting a little cozier and ommore come. fortable. High density foam ns with cushions removable polyester cover. Back: 18" x 16" x 3". Seat: 18" x 16" x 2". Imported. 7/Ç£ÇÓÊÊÕ>Ê-i>ÌÊ>VÊ Õà ÊÊfÎ{°n i>ÀÊÀi`] This year the /(,685(6HFWLRQ6WDUWLQJRQSDJH is \HDUVROG-a milestone not many catalog (or any other) companies have reached. We are proud to have served d you for f a century. t We W look l k forward to serving you now and in the future. / iÊVÀi`LiÊ>}Ê"À}>âiÀt 6HWRI As you look through our newest edition, don't miss our 6SHFLDO$QQLYHUVDU\3ULFHG items throughout this catalog--where we’ve marked prices down to (to match the year we started business). As always, we offer you KDVVOHIUHHVKRSSLQJRIWKH PRVWXQLTXHLWHPVDURXQGDOOFRPSHWLWLYHO\SULFHG DQGFRYHUHGE\RXUPRQH\EDFNJXDUDQWHH. After all, we’ve got 100 years of experience under our belt! 021(<%$&.*8$5$17(( 3EEORDERFORMFORDETAILS /2:35,&(*8$5$17(( )FYOUFINDTHEIDENTICALITEMFORLESSJUSTSENDUSADATED ADVERTISEMENTWITHINDAYSOFYOURPURCHASEANDWE WILLREFUNDOFTHEDIFFERENCEORAPPLYTHATAMOUNT TOANEWORDERWHICHEVERYOUPREFER4HISOFFERDOES NOTAPPLYTOINTERNETORBUYINGCLUBOFFERS 0RICESWILLBEHONOREDUNTIL*UNE 1RQUHWXUQDEOH,WHPV $UETOHEALTHANDSAFETYCONCERNSITEMSWITHTHE NOTATION1RQUHWXUQDEOHARENOTRETURNABLE ÕÃÌiÀÊ-iÀÛVi]Ê >Ì>}Ê,iµÕiÃÌÃ]Ê*À`ÕVÌÊvÀ>ÌÊ £nääxxnÈÈÇÊUÊÊnÈ*Ê/ \Ê ÕÃÌiÀ-iÀÛViJÕ"vvi°V {x£{Ê£/Ê-/°Ê /°Ê-/ÊÊÊ, /" ]ÊÊÎ{ÓäÎ "*9,/Ê^ÊÓä£{Ê" -" Ê-/Ê "* 9 )LQGHYHU\WKLQJLQDÁDVK2UJDQL]HU (with LED so you can SEE what you’re looking for) is full of slots, pouches and nooks and crannies to hold over 70 items. This makes it a snap to /(' change purses in an /LJKW instant! Just lift out 7R6HH the organizer and ,QVLGH put into new purse! 6HWRI organizers (10½" x 2½" x 6½" and 8½" x 2½" x 6"). Light in each bag uses 4 button batteries, included. Polyester; imported. &KRRVH7DQRU%ODFN 7/Ç£ÈÈ£ÊÊ>}>ÀÊii«iÀÊÀÌi VÀ¶®Êf£ä°n 7KDQN\RXIRUKHOSLQJXVEHFRPH D\HDUROGFRPSDQ\ qqÊÊÀÊ/ iÊÃÊÌÊÕÊvÊvi 1(: >}>ÀÊ ii«iÀÊÀÌiÒ 635,1*+(/3(566HFWLRQ6WDUWLQJRQSDJH 1(:>À`iÊ-i>ÌÊÕLiÃÊÃÊÊiiiÀ Portable seat is a perfect companion when working out in the JDUGHQ-XVWÁLSLWRYHUDQGLW turns into a kneeler. The legs now act as supports to help you push yourself back up to a standing position. Durable tubular steel frame with ¾" thick foam padding supports up to 250 lbs. Open: 23" x 11" x 19". Folded: 23" x 11" x 5". 6RUU\ H[SUHVVUXVKGHOLYHU\DQGJLIW ZUDSQRWDYDLODEOH 7/Ç£{ÓÊÊ>À`iÊ-i>ÌÊ iiiÀÊÊfÎx°n *i>ÃiÊ>``Êf{°ääÊ``Ì>Ê- ««}ÊÌÊÌ iÊ-Ì>`>À`Ê- ««}Ê >À}iÊvÀÊi>V ÊÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH +20(+(/3(566HFWLRQ6WDUWLQJRQSDJH 1(:/À>`Ê 1(:7ÀiiÃà iÀÌÊ>ÀÊ V UÊ Ê*À}À>}Ê iViÃÃ>ÀÞ UÊ/À>`Ê"Þ]Ê"ÀÊÊ ÊÊÊÊ7i>Ì iÀÊiÀÌÃÊ"«Ì UÊ ÀV`i`ÊiÀÌÊÊ ÊÊÊ} ÌÃÊEÊ ÀÊë>Þ With unpredictable weather and superstorms, you don’t want to be caught off guard! Just press one button to be warned about tornados (only), or, for ALL weather alerts. 'XULQJ DQDOHUWDPHVVDJHZLOO VFUROODWERWWRPRIGLV SOD\UHG/('OLJKWZLOOIODVKFRORUFRGHG$OHUWEXWWRQZLOOUHPDLQ OLWDQGIRU:DUQLQJVWKHUDGLRZLOOXQPXWHDQGSOD\DWPD[LPXP YROXPH Features AM/FM plus all 7 NOAA weather band channels, telescoping antenna, LCD backlight and color display, 12-hour time display and alarm with snooze. Includes AC adapter. Battery backup uses 3 “AAA” batteries, not included. Approx. 6½" x 3" x 3". 7/Ç£ÇÇÈÊÊ/À>`ÊiÀÌÊ>ÀÊ VÊÊfÈ°n 7/xÓÈÈÎÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n +2%%,(66HFWLRQ6WDUWLQJRQSDJH 'RQ W 7KURZ$ZD\ <RXU)DYRULWH &DVVHWWH7DSHV &RQYHUW 7KHP 1(: 1 (: *ÀiÃiÀÛiÊ9ÕÀÊ >ÃÃiÌÌiÊ/>«iÃt >ÃÞÊ ÛiÀÌÊ/Ê}Ì>Ê*ÎÊià Just connect this portable cassette player/converter to your PC, pop in your tape, and press “Record”. Creates 03ÀOHVIURPWKH transferred audio that you can burn to a CD or play on your MP3 players. Now you’ll be able to enjoy your old favorites anytime! Works with both PC and Macs using included software. You can also use it as just a portable tape player, if you wish. Uses 2 “AA” batteries, not included. Approx. 5" x 3½" x 1¼". 7/Ç£Çn{ÊÊ >ÃÃiÌÌiÊ ÛiÀÌiÀÊÊfÓ°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n 02%,/,7<6HFWLRQ6WDUWLQJRQSDJH ,iViÀÊiÛiÀÊÝÌi`iÀ *>ViÃÊ >ÀÊ>`iÊ 7Ì Ê>ÃÞÊ,i>V &XVWRPHU )DYRULWH %(77(56/((36HFWLRQ6WDUWLQJRQSDJH UWLQJ QJ J RQ SD SDJH SDJH JH This ergonomic extension handle makes it simple to adjust any type of reclining chair. Anyone with reduced strength or mobility can operate the chair’s lever without effort or strain. The extender attaches to the chair handle in seconds with the provided Allen wrench. Its heavy duty steel construction with SRZGHUFRDWÀQLVKLVVWXUG\DQGHDV\ to grasp. Padded design keeps handle from marring. 9"H x 6.5"W. 7/ÇÓääxÊÊ,iViÀÊiÛiÀÊ ÝÌi`iÀÊÊfÓ{°n /6ÊÃÌi}Ê-ÞÃÌi /LVWHQ7R 79:LWKRXW 'L XUEL 2WK V 'LVWXUELQJ2WKHUV 3OXV%XLOW,Q 0LFURSKRQH $PSOLILHV Enjoy your shows without having to blast the TV at full volume! Underthe-chin headset uses RF wireless technology (2.4 *K]WRÁRZ ctl tlyy to crystal clear audio from your TV directly linggs and your ears. Travels through walls, ceilings VDLG VD ÁRRUV:DQWWRKHDUZKDW·VEHLQJVDLG H DURXQG\RXLQVWHDG"8VHWKHPXWH XLOW XL O EXWWRQWRVLOHQFHWKH79DQGWKHEXLOW D LQPLFURSKRQHZLOODPSOLI\FRQYHUVD ble WLRQVDURXQG\RX Features adjustable djust dju tone clarity and balance control to adjust mpat at volume output for each ear. Also compatible with most devices with an earphone jack. Includes rechargeable battery, wall charger, and connection cables. Approx. 9"L. 7/Ç£ÇnÎÊÊ/6Ê7ÀiiÃÃÊÃÌi}Ê-ÞÃÌiÊÊf°n +($/7+$,'66HFWLRQ6WDUWLQJRQSDJH 1(: iÃ}iÀÊ ,i>`}ÊÊ >ÃÃiÃÊ7Ì ÊÊ ÌiÀV >}i>LiÊ /i«ià Change up your style as often as you like! 7RUWRLVH or FOHDU frame readers have interchangeable black and brown temples (or “arms”). They are YHU\ÁH[LEOHZLOOEHQGEHIRUHEUHDNLQJDQGKDYHDEXLOWLQPDJQHW so you can ensure your readers are always within reach! Included accessories: a 26"L magnetic lanyard, hard case, and magnetic holder with suction cup. Outside width of frame approx. 5¼". &KRRVHPDJQLILFDWLRQ +2.5; +3.0; +3.5; or +4.0. 6KRXOGQRWEHZRUQE\LQGLYLGXDOVZKRKDYHLPSODQWHGPHGLFDOGHYLFHV 7/Ç£nxÈÊÊ/ÀÌÃiÊÀ>iÊiÃ}iÀÊ ,i>`}Ê>ÃÃiÃÊV Vi¶®ÊÊfÓx°n °n 7/Ç£nxÇÊÊ i>ÀÊÀ>iÊiÃ}iÀ ,i>`}Ê>ÃÃiÃÊV Vi¶®ÊÊfÓx°n °n 1(:Ê *«iÊÀ>VÃÊ }ÕÀi 7KHÀUVW3RSHRIWKH Americas! Sculpted 4" UHVLQÀJXUHIHDWXUHV intricate handpainted detailing. Box includes his bio and a prayer card on back. 7/£xxÎÊÊ *«iÊÀ>VÃÊ }ÕÀiÊÊf££°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV ÊÀiÊÀ`ÊiÃÃt Ê ÌVÌÛ>Ìi`Ê Ì À`Ê,i«iiÌ Humanely Hu H um ma an ne ely banish birds and their me mess ess s from from ro om your porch, patio, balco cony ony or pool. Infrared mottion sensor will detect ti birds up to 16-feet away b and a nd d then emit e miit a powerful, po ow ultrasonic u ltrrasoniic sound s only birds on nly b irrds can c KHDUDQGZLOOÁHH K HD DU DQG GZ from. from fr m. Unit Unit offers adjustable adj ad just sttable e inteni sity si ty and and d range ran ange ge up up to 900 square 9 90 0 sq squa uare re feet. fee eett Water-resistant Watter re Wa e with keyhole slots for wall mount. Uses 6 “AA” batteries (not included) or the included wall adapter. Approx. 6" x 4½" x 3". 7/Çä{xnÊÊ,``iÝÊÀ`Ê,i«i}Ê`ÊÊf{°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n ÃiVÌÊ6>VÕÕ %XJ%XVWHU 7/Óx{nÎÊÊÕ}ÊÕÃÌiÀÊÊf£Ó°n 7/ÓÇäÊÊÊ6ÌÊ>ÌÌiÀÞÊÊÊÊÊ ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊfä°n 1(:i>ÛÞÊÕÌÞÊ Ài>½ÃÊÃiÊ ââi 6SUD\V2YHU )HHW 1(: &KLUS LUS &K "ÕÌ`ÀÊ-}}Ê À`Ê V ÊÊÊ7Ì Ê/ iÀiÌiÀ Beautiful clock dial features 12 of the most recognized North American song birds and each hour is announced by one of the authentic bird songs! (Light sensor deactivates songs at dark.) The opposite side of the clock is an easy-to-read thermometer. Unique swivel mounting bracket (12" x 11" x ¾") allows clock to be turned to view either side. Mounting screws not included. Weather-resistant metal frame makes this a long-lasting piece for your patio, deck or garden. Uses 3 “AA” batteries, not included. Clock: 3½" x 9" dia. 7/Ç£ÇÊÊ-}}Ê"ÕÌ`ÀÊÀ`Ê VÊÊf{{°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n Ê>ÀvÕÊ iV>ÃÊÊ No dead bugs smashed against your wall, and less chance of being bitten or stung. Simply press the button to start the suction, bring the open end near the insect and it’s swiftly swept inside. Slip the safety cap over the end to prevent escape and empty the vacuum outside. Uses one 9 volt battery (not included). 15½" long. 7KHUPRPHWHU Clean your siding, the car, or water the garden LQDÁDVKZLWKWKHVSUD\ you’ll get from this super duty nozzle. Turn nozzle clockwise or counterclockwise to adjust from full jet spray to shower spray or off. Bottom valve also adjusts ZDWHUSUHVVXUH5XEEHUKDQGOH nozzle is easy to hold (even with wet hands) and protects against impact if dropped. Handle approx. 9"L with 3" dia. nozzle. Fits most garden hoses. 7/Ç£{nnÊÊÀi>½ÃÊÃiÊ ââiÊÊf£°n 1(: -iÌÊÞ}Ê ÃiVÌÊ/À>« /ÝV]Ê i>ÊEÊ+ÕiÌt Enjoy the silence as those annoying pests are dealt with! 7UDSV )RU FRPPRQIO\LQJLQVHFWVOLNH ,QGRRU PRVTXLWRHVJQDWVQRVHH XPVIUXLWIOLHVDQGEODFNIOLHV 2XWGRRU Just plug into an outlet. They’ll 8VH come for the light, and stay glued to the board! Non-toxic. Includes 2 glue boards and 13-watt UV bulb. Approx. 7½" x 3" x 12". 7/Ç£Ç{ÎÊÊ-iÌÀ>«ÊÃiVÌÊ /À>«ÊÊfΰn ,iÕÃ>LiÊ ÌVÀL>Ê>à Ultra-soft material is permanently treated with Aegis Microbe Shield® Antimicrobial and is hospital proven safe. It wicks PRLVWXUHDZD\ZKLOHÀOWHULQJ the air of pollens, dust, airborne germs from coughs and sneezes, pet dander, mold spores and many types of bacteria. Approx. 7½" x 5½" with drawstring ear loops and malleable nose IRUPIRUDFXVWRPÀW2QHVL]H ÀWVPRVW0DGHLQWKH86$ /DE7HVWHG(IIHFWLYH $W0LFURQV 7/Çx{Ó{ÊÊ7>à >LiÊ ÌVÀL>Ê>ÃÊÊf£È°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH 6SULQJ+HOSHUV SULQJ+HOS SHUV NEW! *i/>Ì\Ê Ê7>ÌiÀÊÌÌiÊ >À`i You don’t need a lot of space to grow your own cherry tomatoes or basil! Just grab a plastic water bottle from the recycling bin and you’re ready to grow! Kit LQFOXGHVJURZLQJWXEHÀOWHU *URZ&KHUU\ LQ ssand, fertilizer, spoon and 7RPDWRHV sseeds. Choose: 2U%DVLO,Q %DVLO or 05-Tomato. $%RWWOH2I :DWHU 7/Ç£ÇÈÎÊÊ*i/>ÌÊ 7 V Vi¶®ÊÊf£{°n From This... NEW! ÞÊ-«ÞÊÀ` ÕÃiÒ 9ÕÊ >Ê-iiÊ/ iÊÀ`Ã]ÊÊ ÕÌÊ/ iÞÊ >½ÌÊ-iiÊ9Õt Bird-lovers will enjoy being able to witness birds nesting and se feeding. Window-mounted birdhouse R ZLWKZD\PLUURUÀOPDOORZV\RXWR e watch as baby birds grow and make ny WKHLUÀUVWÁLJKW Perfect size for many backyard species, plus 2 perch hole LQVHUWVDUHLQFOXGHGIRUVSHFLÀFVSHcies. Includes a privacy “curtain” so night-time house lights don’t disturb the birds, plus strong suction cups and double-sided tape. Made of weather-resistant resin with a natural wood-grain appearance. Approx. 4½" x 6¼" x 7¾". 7/Ç£x{ÈÊÊÞÊ-«ÞÊ À` ÕÃiÊÊf£{°n *>VÊ6>V½Ê-Ì>V Ì>V >ÃÞ/1ÃiÊÊ iÊÊ -«>Vi->Û}ÊÊ }ÊÊ -ÌÀ>}iÊ-ÞÃÌi 8VHWKLVDLUWLJKW m to vacuum bag system create storage space ce you didn’t 5HGXFHV9ROXPH 5HGXFHV 5 9ROXPH ...To know you had! Justt place your 8S7R items into the bag, seal, seal,l then th use 7KLV your own vacuum hose to suck the airr RXW5HGXFHVYROXPH PH up to 75%! Perfectt 6HWRI for seasonal clothing, ng, bedding, jackets and more. 6WRUHGLWHPVVSULQJEDFNDQGIXOO\ UHFRYHUWKHLURULJLQDOVKDSHVL]HVRIWQHVVDQGZLOOEHDVIUHVK as the day you put them in. This is also a handy way to pack a suitcase! Set of 4 ODUJH[EDJVZLWK]LSSHUYDFVHDOV 7/Ç£Èn{ÊÊ*>VÊ6>V½Ê-Ì>VÊ-iÌÊÊf£{°n i"ÁÊ ,iV«iÊ It’s more than a century old and still jiggling and delighting our taste buds! Celebrate with 100 recipes from the classics like Fruit 7ULÁHDQG5DLQERZ5LEERQWRPRGHUQ VHQVDWLRQVOLNH6DQJULD6SODVK5LQJ and Cappuccino Cups! Find something for every taste, with sections devoted WRNLGVKHDOWKFRQVFLRXVTXLFNHDV\DQGKROLGD\VRFFDVLRQV Includes tempting photos and tips from the experts. Hardcover; 128 pages. See Book Policy on order form. 7/xÓxnÈÊÊi"Ê LÊÊf£{°x >ÀÊ ÕÃ Ê ,i`ÕViÃÊ ÀVÌÊEÊ *ÀiÃÃÕÀi This chair cushion eases the amount of pressure and friction that is applied to your sensitive areas as you sit. That means you stay comfortable, even if you have to sit for long periods at a time. Excellent choice for your patio chairs, recliners, lift chairs and wheelchairs. The extra padding also helps your chair feel more snug and cozy. Cushion is 2" thick with following measurements: Seat is 16" x 16", Back is 24" x 18", Arms are 14" x 16". Navy polycotton with SRO\HVWHUÀEHUÀOO0DFKLQHZDVKGU\0DGHLQ86$ 7/Ç£{ÇnÊÊ*ÀiÃÃÕÀi,i`ÕV}Ê >ÀÊ Õà ÊÊfÓ°n U.S. Based Call Center NEW!ÊÊ SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY PRICE -VÊ >Ê >ÃiÀ Safely chase away dogs, FDWVVTXLUUHOV and garden pests with the press of a WULJJHU8OWUD sonic Scram Patrol gun :RUNV8S7R with laser light IW$ZD\ sighting effectively targets nuisance animals up to 20 feet away, and humanely repels them without harm or disturbance to neighbors. Can also be used as a SHWWUDLQHU3ODVWLFDERXW/8VHVRQH9EDWWHU\QRWLQFOXGHG 7/nxÓÇäÊÊ-VÊ>Ê >ÃiÀÊÊf£°£{ 7/ÓÇäÊÊÊ6ÌÊ>ÌÌiÀÞÊÊfä°n 1-800-521-7638 Orders 24 Hours 1(:Ê6ÃÒÊ7À>«>ÀÕ`à ÌÃÊ"ÛiÀÊ*ÀiÃVÀ«ÌÊ>ÃÃiÃt 1RQHHGWR KDVVOHZLWK FOLSRQVRU VZLWFKLQJ EHWZHHQSUHVFULSWLRQ JODVVHV7KHVH DIIRUGDEOH ZUDSDURXQGV VOLSRQRYHU \RXUH[LVWLQJJODVVHV SunglassesIHDWXUH89DPEHUOHQVHVWR DOORZ\RXWRVHHEHWWHUGXULQJWKHGD\Night vision glassesKDYH\HOORZOHQVHVWRKHOSUHGXFH WKHJODUHIURPKHDGOLJKWVDQGH\HVWUDLQDWQLJKW %RWKZUDSDURXQGVDUHôORQJ 7/Ç£ÇxnÊÊ7À>«>ÀÕ`ÊÊ-Õ}>ÃÃiÃÊÊf°n 7/Ç£ÇxÇÊÊ7À>«>ÀÕ`ÊÊ } ÌÊ6ÃÊ >ÃÃiÃÊÊf°n 1(: '((7)5(( :RUNV 3OHDVDQW )ORUDO6FHQW *>ÌÊ}}ÒÊ ÃµÕÌÊ iÌiÀÀiÌÊ vvÕÃiÀ (IIHFWLYHVDIH DQGHDV\ZD\WR NHHSPRVTXLWRHVDQGRWKHU ELWLQJLQVHFWV DZD\IURP\RXU SDWLRRXWGRRU OLYLQJVSDFHV3OHDVDQWÁRUDOVFHQWJHUDniol and lemongrass oil) deters the skeeters in an area up to 200 square feet. Just add a small amount RIWKHHVVHQWLDORLOEOHQGÁR]LQFOXGHGWRWKH´HJJµDQGLW ZLOOGLIIXVHFRQWLQXRXVO\IRUXSWRPRQWKV6LWVRQDWDEOHRU VKHOIRUKDQJVXVLQJWKHLQFOXGHGQHWWLQJ$SSUR[óGLD[ 7/Ç£ÈnÊÊ*>ÌÊ}}ÊÊfÓx°n >}iÌVÊ/ iÀ>«ÞÊÛiÃÊÀÊiÊEÊ7i &RPIRUWDEOHÀQJHUOHVVJORYHVRIIHUJHQWOHFRPSUHVVLRQZLWK RYH YHVRI RIIHUJH RI JHQW QWOH OHFRP RPSU SUH H VVL HVV HV VLRQ R ZLW LWK K WSU SUHVSU PDJQHWVSRVLWLRQHGDWMRLQWSUHVVXUHSRLQWVWRKHOSGHFUHDVH VH H DUWKULWLVSDLQ,PSURYLQJ FLUFXODWLRQZKLFKPDJQHWV V FDUHEHOLHYHGWRGRKHOSVDFFHOHUDWH\RXUERG\ VQDWXUDO DO KHDOLQJSURFHVV0DJQHWLF F VWUHQJWKYDULHVIURPWR JDXVVSHUPDJQHWPDJQHWV DJQ J HW HWV VL]]H ÀWV WV SHUJORYH2QHSDLU2QHVL]HÀWV PRVWChoose 01-Men or 02-Women,PSRUWHG 1(: +RR W ÌVÌÛ>Ìi`Ê Ì}Ê"Ü 6FXOSWHGLQUHVLQZLWKUHDOLVWLFGHWDLO WKLVKDQGSDLQWHGRZOZLWKVKLQLQJH\HV KRRWVWLPHVZKHQHYHULWGHWHFWV (\HV/LJKW8S PRWLRQ3HUFKKLPRQ DUDLOLQJRUIHQFHSRVW IRUGpFRUDQGWRGHWHU YDUPLQWV8VHV´$$µ EDWWHULHVQRWLQFOXGHG WDOORQGLDPHWHU EDVHZLWKRQRIIVZLWFK 7/Ç££ÈÊÊ>}iÌVÊ / iÀ>«ÞÊÛiÃÊV Vi¶®ÊÊf£Ó°n Vi¶®ÊÊf ®ÊÊf£ £Ó° Ó°n n 7/££x{ÊÊÌ VÌÛ>Ìi`ÊÌ}Ê "ÜÊÊf£°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n 1(: iV iÃÃÀÞÁ -«À}ÌiÊ -V>ÀvÊ-iÌà 6HWRI *UHHQ6HW &RUDO6HW 6D\KHOORWRVSULQJZLWK EULJKWKDSS\FRORUV6FDUYHV KLGHQHFNLPSHUIHFWLRQV ZKLOHDGGLQJDGHOLJKWIXO DFFHQWWR\RXURXWÀW:LWK PDJQHWLFFORVXUHIRUHDV\RQ DQGRIIGreen setLQFOXGHV VROLGIXFKVLDVROLGVRIW JUHHQDQGJUHHQÁRUDOSDWWHUQCoral set LQFOXGHV VROLGFRUDOVROLGEOXH DQGFRUDOÁRUDOSDWWHUQ SRO\HVWHULPSRUWHG 1RWIRUXVHLI\RXKDYHDSDFHPDNHU RURWKHULPSODQWHGHOHFWULFDOGHYLFH 7/Ç£È{ÇÊÊ-«À}Ê -V>ÀvÊ-iÌÊÀiiÊÊ f£{°nÊ 7/Ç£È{ÎÊÊ-«À}Ê -V>ÀvÊ-iÌÊ À>ÊÊ f£{°n >â}ÊÀÃÒ ÀÊ >LÊ/Ê>LÊÃÌ>ÌÞt )LQDOO\DZD\WRFRQFHDO WKDWHPEDUUDVVLQJDUPÁDE SOXVZULQNOHVVFDUVDQG EOHPLVKHV$1'ORRN FKLFDQGHOHJDQW7KLV VKHHUOLJKWZHLJKW $IWHU ´ZUDSµZLWKIURQW FORVXUHEOHQGVLQZLWKDQ\VOHHYHOHVVRXWÀW7KHQ\ORQVSDQGH[PDWHULDOKDVDQDPD]LQJZD\VWUHWFK WKDWJLYHV\RXUDUPVDEHDXWLIXOVOLP DSSHDUDQFH6LPSO\VOLSRQZRUNVZLWK DQ\EUD<RX·OOJHWRQHLQEODFNDQGRQHLQ SHDUOSee size chart.,PSRUWHG %HIRUH 7/Ç£{{{ÊÊ >â}ÊÀÃÊ Ãâi¶®ÊÊf£°n %ODFN 6L]HV 'UHVV6L]H 3HDUO %XVW6L]H 0' /* ;/ ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH 6SULQJ+HOSHUV ÃÌ>Ê- VÀi`LiÊ-}Ê/>ÃÊEÊ - ÀÌÃÊÀÊi /RRNÀUPHU\RXQJHUDQGPRUHWRQHGMXVW M by wearing this slimming %HIRUH muscle WDQNor FUHZ QHFN T-shirt! Made of a revolutionary spandex EOHQGLWZLOOÁDWWHQ\RXU VWRPDFKÀUPXS\RXU chest and eliminate love handles. Plus it provides $IWHU compression and support while keeping you cool and comfortable. Available in ZKLWH or EODFN. 6L]HV (measure chest):0'(38"-40"), /* (42"-44"), ;/ (46"-48"), ;(50"-52"). /RRN8S7R ,QFKHV 6OLPPHU 1(:ÊÊ1ÌÀ>Ê*ViÌÊÃi / iÊÃiÊ/ >ÌÊÀÜÃÊ/ÊÕÊ-âit 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/ÇxxÓ{ÊÊÃÌ>Ê-Ê7 ÌiÊ/>ÊÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfÓ£°n 7/ÇxxÓxÊÊÃÌ>Ê-Ê>VÊ/>ÊÊÃâi¶®ÊÊÊfÓ£°n 7/Ç£Ó£ÊÊÃÌ>Ê-Ê7 ÌiÊ/à ÀÌÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfÓ°n 7/Ç£ÓÓÊÊÃÌ>Ê-Ê>VÊ/à ÀÌÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfÓ°n 7/ Ç£ÓÓÊÊà %HIRUH $IWHU i>À >ÃÒÊ*iiÌÀ>ÌiÃÊ EÊÃÊ >ÊÕ}Õà £ää¯ÊÊ >ÌÕÀ>Ê`Ê"À}>V S Start now and be ready to show off those clear nails in no time! Doctor recommended, homeopathic formula is the only topical treatment that penetrates the m QDLOWRFXUHIXQJXV8VHWZLFHGDLO\RQXQSROLVKHGÀQQ gger or toe nails. One 9 mL vial lasts about 4 months. 7/Ç{{änÊÊ i>ÀÊ >ÃÊÊf£°n 7 Ê >ÌÕÀ>Ê >Êi ÀÊiÀ>ÌÊÕ`Ê1« Millions of %HIRUH $IWHU men and women suffer from the embarrassment of thick, discolored nails. Left untreated, the nails may eventually lift off and become deformed. Nonyx Nail Gel penetrates those unsightly dark, yellowing, or thickened nails and exfoliates the keratin debris from beneath. Apply morning and night to affected fingernails or toenails. With daily use, nail growth emerges clear and healthy-looking. 4 oz. 7/ÇäxÇÇÊÊ >ÊiÊÊfÓx°n (;3$1'6 :KHQ,Q8VH ; 6WURQJHU 1HZDQGLPSURYHG2QHPLQXWHLWÀWVLQ the palm of your hand. Turn on the water, and the next minute, it grows to a full size hose! The secret is the accordion design that automatically expands and contracts as water is turned on and off. Lightweight so it’s super easy to handle and store! :LWKXSJUDGHGWXELQJDQGFRQQHFWRUVWKDW PDNHWKLVKRVH[VWURQJHUWKDQEHIRUH Available in IW, IW,IWRUIW (Nozzle not included.) 7/Ç£xÊÊ1ÌÀ>Ê*ViÌÊÃi ÓxÊÌ°ÊÊf£Ó°n 7/Ç£ÈäÇÊÊ1ÌÀ>Ê*ViÌÊÃi xäÊÌ°ÊÊf£°n 7/ǣȣÈÊÊ1ÌÀ>Ê*ViÌÊÃi ÇxÊÌ°ÊÊfÓ°n 7/ǣȣÇÊÊ1ÌÀ>Ê*ViÌÊÃi £ääÊÌ°ÊÊfΰn &RQWUDFWV )RU (DV\ 6WRUDJH 1(: 6HWRI ,``iÝÁÊ-VÊ *ÕÃÊ*iÃÌÊ,i«iiÀ * 7Ì ÊÕÌÊ -`iÊ"ÕÌiÌ Yo don’t need dangerous You ch chemicals, poisons or messy ttraps tto k keep your h house pest-free. This repeller will emit ultrasonic waves to drive away pests like rodents, roaches, ants and other bugs. Just plug in! Works through walls and ceilings! With bonus 2-prong outlet on the side so you don’t lose plug space. One unit covers up to 1059 sq. feet. UL® listed. Approx. 2¾" x 2¾" x 1". 6HWRI. 7/Ç£ÈxäÊÊ,``iÝÊ-VÊ*iÃÌÊ,i«iiÀÊÊf£°n ,iÌÀÊ Ã >iÊÝiÀ Oh, those thick and deliciously creamy milkshakes we used to get at the diner... couldn’t you go for one right now? Make one using your favorite ice cream, fruit, cookies, etc. and this 2-speed mixer! Stainless steel mixing cup lets you blend up to 12 ounces at a time. The tilting head and detachable spindle make for easy clean-up. Includes recipes for 10 tasty concoctions. Yummy! UL® listed. 14"H. 6RUU\JLIWZUDSH[SUHVVDQGUXVK GHOLYHU\QRWDYDLODEOH 7/xÈÈÎÊÊ,iÌÀÊ Ã >iÊÝiÀÊÊf{{°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV ÊÊÊ>LiÌVÊ iÕÀ«>Ì Þ Ài>Ê >ÃÊ >>}i`Ê iÀÛià Calms C a shooting, stabbing sst t and burning caused by ssensations e diabetic nerve pain. d i Helps H e soften hardened, ccallused a skin to eliminate n a painful cracks DQGÀVVXUHV6DIHWR D Q use u s between toes. Use WZLFHGDLO\R]MDU WZ Z 7/Ç{È{{Ê>LiÌVÊ 7 ÌÊ Ài>ÊÊf£{°n 0HGLFDO JUDGH*HO 3DG3URYLGHV &XVKLRQ 3DLQ5HOLHI 1(: ÀV ÊÝiÀÊiÊ>` Feel the pain fade away! Medicalgrade gel pad is anatomically shaped to provide cushioning and absorb shock. Helps reduce pronation and supports the plantar fascia while DOOHYLDWLQJLQÁDPPDWLRQ Stretchable, breathable fabric is thin and soft against the skin. Band pulls over toes for placement; can be worn on either foot. Hand wash. Nylon/spandex blend; imported. Choose: 06-SM/MD or 08-LG/XL. Non-returnable. Reduces friction and irritation as it cushions and provides relief--great way to help keep the “little” toes from overlapping each other. With an all-gel toe loop to keep the spreader in its proper position. The medical grade mineral oil thermoplastic elastomer is hypoallergenic, odorless, washable, and reusable. Fits into most shoes. Set of 2. 6L]H Non-returnable. E\VKRHVL]H 0HQ :RPHQ Sizes: 06-SM/MD, 08-LG/XL. 7/Ç£äÇÊÊiÊ/iÊ-«Ài>`iÀÊ 600' õ õ /*;/ -iÌÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfn°n ÕLiÊÕÊÌÊ-iiÛi «ÀiÃÃÊÌÊ-iiÛi « ÀÊ*>Ì ÀÊ*>Ì>ÀÊ>ÃVÌÃ]ÊÊ Ì>ÀÊ> > >ÃV ÌÌà ÌÃ]Ê ÀV Ê*>ÊEÊ`i> ÀV Ê*> *> >ÊE EÊ `i> ` 7/Çä{{ÈÊÊÕLiÊÕÊ-iiÛiÊ V Vi¶®ÊÊf V Vi¶®ÊÊf£È°n Forget thick and bulky-this foot sleeve is made using the same process as medical compression stockings. With 6 targeted support zones to reduce swelling that causes pain, strengthen and improve vascular foot health. Plus 3 graduated compression levels throughout the sleeve to assist circulation and relieve lie li ieve ve swelling. Thin, lightweight material al will provide moderate compression.. ([SHFWDVWURQJVQXJÀW Sizes are by arch circumference: MDGLDLG GLD or XLGLD<RXJHWRQH VLQJOHVOHHYHWKDWÀWVHLWKHUIRRW Non-returnable. 7/ǣΣÊÊ «ÀiÃÃÊ ÌÊ-iiÛi7 ÌiÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfÓ{°n 7/Ç£änÈÊÊ «ÀiÃÃÊ ÌÊ-iiÛi Õ`iÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfÓ{°n iÊ/iÊ-«Ài>`iÀÊ À 7Ì Ê« Protects both bunion joints and cushions the metatarsal head! Soft-stretch fabric sleeve comfortably positions gel pad over bunions and forefoot to redistribute and ease impact pressure from walking. Use on either foot; VLPSO\ÁLS “inside-out” to reverse orientation. Washable. Choose: 06-MD ÀWVZRPHQ·V VKRHVL]HPHQ·VRU08-LG (womHQ·VóPHQ·Vó Non-returnable. 7/Ç£{nÊÊiÊÀV ÊÝiÀÊ V Vi¶®Êf£Ó°n 6XSSRUW =RQHV 6HWRI VÀ*i`Ê >Ê >ÕÃÊ,iÛiÀ Want your feet to be baby-smooth? This unique roller, with micro mineral particles, spins an amazing 30 times a second to pulverize i dead skin in an instant! ,W ,W·VDTXLFNZD\WRJHQWO\DQG effectively efff ef buff away dead, calloused, hard and dry skin. cal Safer Safe than metal scrapers and faster fast fa st than other methods that require req constant rubbing. Uses 2 “AA” batteries, not included. $SSUR[ó[[ 1RWIRUXVHLI\RXKDYHGLDEHWHV 7/Ç£Î{ÇÊÊVÀ*i`Ê >ÊÊfÓ{°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊ fÓ°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH )RRW&DUH 1(: i>ÀÞÊ v`i ÁÊ ÌvÕ}>Ê Ài> Clear up your nails and regain your conÀGHQFH&UHDPLVIRUPXODWHGZLWK PLFRQD]ROH %HIRUH $IWHU QLWUDWHDQG PRLVWXU L]LQJHPX RLOWRWUHDW IXQJXVRQ VNLQDURXQG DQGXQGHU 6HH5HVXOWV,Q:HHNV QDLOZKLOH LPSURYLQJQDLODSSHDUDQFHIDVW Apply twice daily. Works through nail polish WRR,QFOXGHVÁR]WXEHQDLOEUXVK nail tool and ten 2 sided app 2-sided applicators. 7 7/Ç£Èx{ÊÊ ÌvÕ}>Ê Ài>ÊÊ f£n°n iiÊ/>ÃÌVÒ 7>ÌV ÊÀÞ]Ê À>Vi`Ê iiÃÊÃ>««i>Àt 7XUQVHYHQWRXJKFUDFNHG sskin babyssmooth and soft a after only a a few applications. Formulated with natural w Neem and %HIRUH $IWHU Karanja RLOVSUL]HGIRUFHQWXULHVIRUWKHLUUHVWRUDWLYH R properties. No mess application absorbs deep EHORZVNLQWRDLGLQ\RXUERG\·VQDWXUDOKHDOLQJ process. Apply as needed; 2 oz stick. 7/ÇÎn£äÊÊiiÊ/>ÃÌVÊÊf°n 7 ÓÊÀÊÀi]Êfn°nÊi>V >LiÌVÀi`ÞÊ >Li LiÌÌV Ài i`Þ ÌÕ}>ÊÌÊ Ài> Õ}>Ê ÌÊ Ài> ,W·VVDIHWRXVHEHHtween toes! Formulated d IRUSHRSOHZLWKGLDEHWHV V this foot cream treats and prevents fungal inIHFWLRQV<RX·OODOVRÀQG G UHOLHIIURPLWFKLQJEXUQQ-ing and scaling. Made with natural moisturizers rs and essential oils. No mineral or petroleum RLOQRUDGGHGG\HVRU IUDJUDQFHVR]MDU 6L]H 0' ;/ )OH[LEOHEUHDWKDEOH nylon fabric Arch Wrap with built-in soft silicone gel %XLOWLQ pad reduces pronaVLOLFRQHJHOSDG WLRQDUFKFROODSVH IRUDUFKVXSSRUW supports the plantar fascia and 0HQ :RPHQ alleviates inflammation. Thin profile design conforms to your foot and lets you õ õ wear your shoes as usual. Use on either õ õ IRRW,PSRUWHG6HHVL]HFKDUW 7/Ç{££nÊiÊÀV Ê7À>«ÊÃâi¶®Êf£ä°n ÓÊÀÊÀi]Êf°nÊi>V /iÊ-ÌÀ>} ÌiiÀÊ7À>«Ã 6HWRI ,iiÛiÊ ÀV ÊEÊiiÊ *> E\VKRHVL]H 7/Ç£{ÈÇÊ>LiÌVÊ V ÌÕ}>Ê >Ê ÌÊ Ài>Ê Ê f£°n n n &XVWRPHU )DYRULWH *HQWO\UHDOLJQKDPPHUWRHVRYHUODSping or crooked toes while easing your everyday discomfort. Non-bulky foam toe wrap holds 2 or more toes together to stabilize and straighten. Just slip your crooked toe through loop then wrap strap around neighboring toe. Cushioning relieves rubbing and irritation too. Wear inside any shoe. 6HWRI; 2QHVL]HÀWVPRVW,PSRUWHG 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/ÇäÓÊÊ/iÊ-ÌÀ>} ÌÊÊf£x°n 1(:iÊiiÒÊ <«1«Ê «ÀiÃÃÊ ÀiÃà -Õ««ÀÌ Most compression suppSRUWVFDQEHYHU\GLIÀFXOW FXOW WRJHWRQLQWKHÀUVWSODFH DFH 7KDQNIXOO\WKH$QNOH *HQLHKDVDEXLOWLQ]LSSHU SSHU WKDWDOORZVIRUHDV\RQDQG QDQG RII Plus it has 2 straps ps so you can adjust the amount ount of ZHDN compression. +HOSVZHDN VZROOHQLQMXUHGDQNOHV HV DVZHOODVJHQHUDOIRRW RW IDWLJXH Wear on either er DQNOHRYHURUXQGHUVRFNV RFNV Fits in most shoes too. One QHQ\ORQ VL]HÀWVPRVW1HRSUHQHQ\ORQ blend; imported. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH UHWXUQDEOH :HDU 2YHU 6RFNV :LWK $Q\ 6KRH 7/Ç£ÈnäÊÊiÊiiÊÊf£Ó°n iiÊ f£Ó°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV 1(:- iÀ«>Ê iVÊ-Õ««ÀÌ 1(: Ê6ÃÒÊ >ÀÊ6ÃÀ Õ>ÊiÃÊÀÊ>ÞÊEÊ } Ìt Regular visors just block a portion of your view to cut down on glare. The HD Vision NHHSV\RXUHQWLUHÀHOGRIYLHZZKLOHLWEORFNVVXQ JODUHZLWKLWV89SURWHFWLRQDPEHUOHQV$1'\RXFDQÁLS GRZQWKH\HOORZOHQVDWQLJKWZKLFKUHGXFHVJODUHDQGUHÁHFWLRQVIURPOLJKWVDQGZHWURDGV Always there when you need it, even if you forget your sunglasses. Clips onto any visor in seconds. Approx. 12" x 5¾". :LWKRXW+'9LVLRQ :LWK+'9LVLRQ Turn those car rides into a more comfortable experience! Sherpa neck support slips over your headrest to provide soft ergonomic comfort for your head and neck. Can also be used on other chairs around the home DQGRIÀFH3RO\HVWHU acrylic blend; imported. 7/Ç£ÇÎÊÊ- iÀ«>Ê iVÊ-Õ««ÀÌÊÊ f£{°n -i>ÌÊ ÕÃ Ê ``ÃÊx¸Ê "vÊvÌ 7/Ç£ÇÈÈÊÊÊ 6ÃÊ6ÃÀÊÊf£{°n 1(:* 1(: *>À>VÊ,i>ÀÛiÜÊÀÀÀ , ,i`ÕViÃÊ`Ê-«ÌÃt :LGHQ\RXUÀHOGRIYLVLRQWRUHGXFHWKRVHGDUQEOLQGVSRWVDQGLQcrease your driving safety! Simple to install--just clip over your existing rearview mirror! Wide-angle 12" long panoramic mirror also has an attached 4"L mirror that lets you see what’s happening in your backseat. 7/Ç£xÈäÊÊ*>À>VÊ,i>ÀÛiÜÊÀÀÀÊÊf££°n Find yourself sitting for long periods of time? Seat cushion distributes body weight evenly and absorbs pressure to insure maximum comfort. The 5" lift also KHOSVWRPDNHLWHDVLHUWRVWDQGLI\RXWHQGWRKDYHGLIÀFXOWO\ULVLQJ from a chair. Works wonderfully in the car if you need help seeing over the steering wheel. Includes washable polycotton cover. Approx. 14" x 14" x 5". Made in USA. 7/Çä{n{ÊÊ x¸Ê>Ê-i>ÌÊ ,ÃiÀÊÊf£È°n %()25( ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ >ÀÊ>`iÊ *ÀÛ`iÃÊ-`Ê-Õ««ÀÌ 7Ì ÊÕÌÊ>à } Ì /LJKW One of the most helpful arthritis aids! Add an instant safety and support handle for getting in and out of the car--especially lower cars and higher SUVs. Simply insert it into the existing door striker located on the inside of the door frame--uniYHUVDOÀWZLWKQRFRVWO\LQVWDOODWLRQ Fits parallel to car for optimal leverage. Forged steel for superior strength and non-slip handle grip for extra comfort. Works on driver and passenger doors. %XLOWLQÁDVKOLJKWKHOSV\RXLQDQd out of the car at night. Indispensable for WKRVHZLWKEDFNRUOHJSUREOHPVSRVW VXUJLFDOSDWLHQWVDQGVHQLRUVZLWK limited mobility. Holds up to 500 lbs. Handle is 8"L. Includes 2 “AA” batteries. 7/Çä{äÊÊ >ÀÊ>`iÊ*ÕÃÊÊfÎ{°nÊ $)7(5 º>âÞÊ-ÕÃ>»Ê -ÜÛiÊ Õà A must-have for anyone with hip or back problems. “Lazy Susan” style seat cushion turns 360 degrees so you can get in and out of any chair or seat easily. Filled with a soft foam that supports up to 300 lbs. With removable velourlike cover. Approx. 15" dia. x 1½". Imported. 7/Ç{{£ÊÊ-ÜÛiÊ-i>ÌÊ Õà ÊÊfÎÓ°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH -Ì>iÃÃÊ -ÌiiÊ7>iÌÃÊ *ÀiÛiÌÊ `iÌÌÞÊ/ ivÌ ID thieves using radiofrequencing technology can steal your information without touching your wallet! tio Stainless steel wallets block this S ttype of RFID scanning on your ccredit cards. Virtually indesstructible, feels like silk, yet is resistant to corrosive materials llike salts, acids and seawater! Ultra-thin has 5 credit Ult thi wallet ll t h dit card d slots, ID window and divided billfold. Ladies checkbook wallet has 12 credit card slots and 2 large pockets that can be used for checkbook or cash. Approx 8"L. 7/nÇ£ÈäÊÊ-Ì>iÃÃÊ-ÌiiÊ7>iÌÊÊfÓn°n 7/Ç{{ÓÊÊ>`iÃÊ iVÊÊ7>iÌÊÊfÎ{°n 1(: 7UDYHO$XWRPRWLYH+HOSHUV i>`Ê`Ê iVÊ -Õ««ÀÌ Give your neck and shoulder muscles a chance to relax with the Neck Rest™. Place around neck for a comfortable experience that provides a lifting sensation as it temporarily supports the weight of your head. Perfect for travel, sleeping upright, working at a computer and more. 7KHXQLTXHÁH[ tension construction conforms to the shape of the neck as it supports your head. Velcro® strap for adjustable fit. Nylon/Spandex. Machine wash/ 0HDVXUHQHFNDWLWV 5HJXODU /DUJH dry. Assorted QDUURZHVWSDUW ôô colors; our choice, please. Choose: 06-Regular or 04-Large. 7/ÇÎΣäÊÊ iVÊ,iÃÌÊV Vi¶®ÊÊfÓ°n - iÀ«>Ê-i>ÌÊ iÌÊ ÛiÀà } ÌÊ6iÜ iÜÊ >ÃÃiÃà Don’t like the way your seat belt cuts into you? Sherpa seat belt covers (you get one pair) reduces that UXEELQJDQGFKDÀQJ Feels nice and comfy on your skin! Velcro® on/off. 100% polyester; made in USA. /ÕÀÊ } ÌÊ ÌÌÊ ÌÊÀ} Ìt Ìtt Specially-coated ated at ed yellow lensess block nighttime me glare! See clearer earer no m matter atte at ter what the conditions: diti di t ons:: rain rai ain or snow, cloudy, daytime or at night. 100% UVA/UVB protection. 2QHVL]HÀWVPRVW 7/Ç£Ç{ÊÊ- iÀ«>Ê -i>ÌÊiÌÊ ÛiÀÃÊÊ fÈ°n 1Ì>ÌiÊ >ÀiÊ-Õ}>ÃÃià /À«iÌiÀÊiÃiÃÊ iÛi«i`ÊÞÊ - See S e more clearly and dramatically d ra reduce glare D DQGUHÁHFWLRQLQVWDQWO\Eagle QGU Eyes®SDWHQWHGWULSOHÀOWHUSRS larized lenses block all harmful blue, violet and ultraviolet light to help preserve and enhance your vision. Wear them year-round to see better in sun, smog, haze, snow, &ODVVLF rain and overcast conditions. Eagle Eyes preserve your night vision when you enter buildings and lets you see through water instead of just the surface. Devel&OLS2Q oped by NASA scientists and worn by professionals where safety and protection are essential, these sunglasses are lightweight, comfortable and rugged. Also available in classic style and as clip-on sunglasses. 7/Óxä£ÇÊÊ>}iÊÞiÃÊ-Õ}>ÃÃiÃÊÊfÎ{°n 7/ÓxnäÊÊ >ÃÃVÊ>}iÊÞiÃÊ-Õ}>ÃÃiÃÊÊfÓ°n 7/Óxä£nÊÊ «"Ê>}iÊÞiÃÊ-Õ}>ÃÃiÃÊÊfÓ°n 7/ǣΣÈÊÊ } ÌÊ 6iÜÊ>ÃÃiÃÊÊf°n %HIRUH $IWHU iÕÝiÊ >ÀÊ-i>ÌÊ/Üi vÀÌ>Li]Ê7>ÌiÀ,iÃÃÌ>ÌÊ>ÌiÀ>t Protect your seat cover from sweat, sunscreen, moisture, dirt and other harmful substances. Easy to install, this seat cover goes on in seconds--simply slip over the head rest and secure with attached elastic straps. Secure the tie cord where the seat bottom 7DQ meets seat back and it stays in place as you get in and out of the vehicle. Made from superVRIWPLFURÁHHFH, it ÀWVmost vehicles. Machine washable for years of carefree service. 27.25" x 58". Colors: 31-Gray or 67-Tan. 7/ÇxÓä£ÊÊiÕÝiÊ >ÀÊ -i>ÌÊ/ÜiÊVÀ¶®ÊÊ f£°n ÓÊÀÊÀi]Êf£n°nÊi>V 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV *UD\ (DVLO\ ,QVWDOOV ,Q-XVW 6HFRQGV 8VH%URZQLH &DNH2U 0XIILQ0L[ 7RR 1(: ÊÕÌÊ >iÀ <R <RXFDQEHHDWLQJ GH GHOLFLRXVPLQL G GRQXWVTXLFNHU WKDQ\RXWKLQN 'RQXWPDNHU FRRNVXSWRPLQL WUHDWVGLD DWDWLPHLQMXVW WRPLQXWHV 8VHSUHSDFNDJHG PL[HVWRPDNH EURZQLHPXIÀQRU FDNHWUHDWVWRR -XVWSRXU\RXU PL[LQWRWKHPROGVDQGOHWWKHFRRNHUGRWKHUHVW,QFOXGHVDIHZ UHFLSHVWRJHW\RXVWDUWHG(7/®OLVWHG$SSUR[[[ iÌÊÀiiÊ /6Ê >ià 6WRSSD\LQJIRU\RXUIDYRULWH QHWZRUNVKRZVZKHQ\RXFDQ ZDWFKWKHPIRUIUHH*HWDFOHDU +'FKDQQHOIURPDOPRVWDQ\ZKHUH6HWXSLVHDV\-XVWSOXJ LWLQDQGSODFHRQDÁDWVXUIDFH RUZDOOPRXQW7KHQHQMR\WKRVH WRSUDWHGQHWZRUNVKRZVVSRUWLQJ HYHQWVVLWFRPVORFDOQHZV ZHDWKHUDQGPRUH*HWJUHDW UHFHSWLRQLQ\RXUOLYLQJURRPDWD SLFQLFRUHYHQRQDERDW $SSUR[õ[õ 3HUIRUPDQFHPD\YDU\DQG PD\UHTXLUHD79GHYLFHZLWK $76&WXQHU 7/ÇäÇÓÇÊÊ i>ÀÊ/6Ê Ìi>ÊÊf£°n 7/Ç£ÇÇÓÊÊÊÕÌÊ>iÀÊÊfÓ{°n ÕÌ > i f °n `ÕÌÊ 7>à >LiÊ Là ,Q /LQW)X]] 5HPRYHU 1(: 3URWHFW\RXU FORWKHVIURPVSLOOV DQGVWDLQVZLWK WKLVODUJH[ 6HWRI óELEWKDWFRYHUVQHFNFKHVW ó ó DQGODSZKHQVHDWHG-XVWWRVVLQWKH DQGODS S ZK ZDVKHUDIWHUWKHPHDO5RRP\GLD ZDVKHUD QHFNRSHQLQJKDVDKRRNDQGORRSFORQHFNRS VXUHIRUHDV\RQDQGRII6HWRIELEV VXUHIR LQFOXGHVZKLWHEOXHDQGPXOWL LQFOXG FRORUHGFRWWRQLPSRUWHG FR iiiÀÁÊ 1Ì>ÌiÊ ÕââÊ ,iÛiÀ 4XLFNO\EULQJ\RXUZDUGUREH ZDUGUREH LYHRQVR EDFNWROLIH(IIHFWLYHRQVR PXFKPRUHWKDQVZHDWHUV ZHDWHUV WKLVIX]]DQGOLQWUHPRYHUZRUNV HPRYHU ZRUNV RQHYHU\WKLQJIURPKHDY\GXW\ZRRO WRV\QWKHWLFEOHQGVWRILQHVLONVDQG NQLWV5HPRYHXQVLJKWO\SLOOVIX]]EDOOV OLQWDQGSHWKDLU1REDWWHULHVQHHGHG ,QFOXGHVWUDYHOSRXFK$SSUR[/ 7/ǣǣxÊÊ1Ì>ÌiÊÕââÊ ,iÛiÀÊÊf£°n 7/Çx£xÓÊÊ7>à >LiÊ LÃÊ-iÌÊÊf£È°n %HIRUH $IWHU >Ê * *iÀviVÌÊ 6Ãt 6 ÃÌ>ÌÊÓäÉÓäÊ Ã ÞiÜi>À $GMXVWDEOH $GMX $G MX XQLVH[H\HJODVV XQLVH[H\HJODVVHVIRFXVIRUIDURU VVHVIRFXV QHDU QHDUVLJKWHGQHVVZLWKWKHWXUQRID HDU DUVLJ VLJKWHGQHVV JKWHGQHVV ZLWK Z WKH WX GLDO&RUUHFWVRIVSKHULFDOHUURUV UHFW FWVV R DGMXVWVWRDOPRVWDQ\SUHVFULSWLRQ8VH RVW WKHPWRUHSODFHEURNHQJODVVHVRUORVW FRQWDFWVNHHSWKHPDVDVSDUHSDLURQ WKHQLJKWVWDQGRUZKHQWUDYHOLQJ/LJKWZHLJKWDQGGXUDEOHLQFOXGHVSURWHFWLYH FDVH2QHVL]HILWVPRVWDGXOWV:LOOQRW FRUUHFWDVWLJPDWLVP 7/£änxÊÊÃÌ>ÌÊ ÓäÉÓäÊÞiÜi>ÀÊÊ fÓ°n 1R&RQWUDFWV 1R+LGGHQ )HHV 1R +DUG :LULQJ 1HHGHG 6$/(ÊÊ7ÀiiÃÃÊ6`iÊ 6$ ÀÊÌiÀVÊ-ÞÃÌi UÊÜ UÊÜ>ÞÃÊÜÊ7 ÊÃÊÌÊ9ÕÀÊÀ UÊ } } ÌÊ6ÃÊ >iÀ>Ê`iÌvià ÊÊÊ6ÃÌÀÃÊÊ/ iÊ>À ÊÊÊ6à UÊ7>ÌiÀ«ÀvÊ1ÌÊÃÊ>ÃÞÊ/ÊÃÌ> UÊ7> Ì> > :KH WR RQ :KHQDYLVLWRUSUHVVHVWKH&DOOEXWWRQ \RXUP \RXUPRQLWRUSOD\VDFKLPHVRXQG 0RQLWRU DQGWKHGLVSOD\VFUHHQVKRZVZKR·V DQGWK DWWKHGRRU6SHDNWRWKHSHUVRQE\ DWWKH SUHVVL SUHVVLQJWKH7DONEXWWRQRULJQRUH WKHFDOO)RXUEXLOWLQ,5/('VIRU WKH QLJKWYLVLRQKHOSLGHQWLI\YLVLWRUV Q DWQLJKW,QWHUQDOPHPRU\VWRUHV D HV 'LVSOD\ XSWRSLFWXUHVVR\RXFDQ X FKHFNZKRZDVDURXQGZKHQ\RXZHUHQ·WDWKRPH FKHFN K N ZKR ZDV DURXQG 'LJLWDOZLUHOHVVWHFKQRORJ\SURYLGHVDVHFXUHVLJQDO ZLWKRXWLQWHUIHUHQFH$OVREXLOWLQPLFURSKRQHDQG U &026 & FDPFDP VSHDNHUDUDQJHXSWRIHHWKLJKUHVROXWLRQFRORU&026FDPHUDDQGD/&'PRQLWRU,QFOXGHVPHWDOPRXQWLQJEUDFNHW DQGLQVWUXFWLRQV&DPHUD[[óXVHV´$$µEDWWHULHVQRW LQFOXGHG5HFHLYHU[[KDVFKDUJLQJGRFNZLWK$&DGDSWHU 7/nnxxnÊÊ7ÀiiÃÃÊ6`iÊÀLiÊÊ 7ASÊÊ ÜÊf£°Ç 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH +RPH+HOSHUV -ÜÛiÊ-Üii«iÀÊ>Ý Ê-Üii«iÀÊ>Ý -ÜÛiÃÊEÊ*VÃÊ1«ÊiÊ *VÃÊ1«ÊiÊ Ê"Ì iÀt Rotating bristles es on all 4 sides pick up at the same e ttime ime im e fo forr faster, fast fa ster er, easier easi ea sier er FOHDQLQJ:RUNVRQZRRGÁRRUVWLOH UNVRQZRRGÁRRUV WLOH FDUSHWDQGÀWVLQWRWLJKWVSDFHVWRR VLQWRWLJKWVSDFHVWRR Head swivels 360-degrees 360-deg degre rees es tto o clean clea cl ean n in any direction. This This lightweight lig ight htwe weig ight ht cordcor ordd less sweeper rruns unss up to un to 45 minutes min inut utes es on a single charge. arge. Removable bristles for easy sy cleaning--no clea cl eani ning ng--no no more mor ore e clogged strings gs or hair. Includes wall adapter to o re-charge the battery. Approx. 11½" x 5½" x 48". >ÌÊë>ÞÊ >iÀÊ -iiÊ7 ½ÃÊ >}ÊÀÊ VÀÃÃÊ/ iÊ, +HDG 6ZLYHOV 7/Ç£Ó£ÊÊ -ÜÛiÊ -Üii«iÀÊÊ fΰn -iiÊ`Êi>ÀÊ À`iÃÃÊ* i ` UÊ i>ÀÞÊ i>ÀÊVÛiÀÃ>ÌÃÊÜÌ Êv>ÞÊEÊvÀi`Ãt UÊ ÕÃÌâ>LiÊÌiÊÌÊÞÕÀÊëiVvVÊ i> }ÊvÀiµÕiVÞÊÃà UÊ vÀÌÊi>ÀÊÃi>ÊâiÃÊL>V}ÀÕ`ÊÃi iÃÊL>V}ÀÕ`ÊÃi UÊ«vi`Ê ÕiÊ>`ÊÀ}iÀ }iÀ 7KLVSKRQHLVVSHFLÀFDOO\GHVLJQHGZLWK QHGZLWK features that improve communications ications for those with mild, moderate and VHYHUHKHDULQJLPSDLUPHQW$PSOLÀHG PSOLÀHG volume up to 40 dB gain and 104 dB 63/PD[RXWSXWDPSOLÀHGULQJHUZLWK HUZLWK ,W·V$ XSWRG%RXWSXWDPSOLÀHGKDQGKDQG9LEUDWLQJ VHWVSHDNHUSKRQHDQGDPSOLÀHG HG +DQGVHW headset jack. ([WUDODUJHEDFN N OLW/&'ZLWKHQODUJHGQXPEHUV V DQGH[WUDODUJHEDFNOLWNH\SDG G ZLWKDXGLEOHSUHYLHZGLDOLQJ Hearing aid compatible. Set includes base, handset, batteryy pack, AC power adapter, belt clip, wall mount bracket, and teleelephone line cord. /LPLWHGTXDQWLWLHV WLWLHV 7/Ç{Çä{ÊÊ-iiÊEÊi>ÀÊ À`iÃÃÊ* iÊÊfÈ°n À`iÃà * i fÈ n 6HWRI <Ê ÛiÀà ,iVÛiÀÊ9ÕÀÊ >ÀÊÊ 1`iÀÊxÊÕÌiÃt Go from dull and dirty chair covers to clean and new in just 3 easy steps! Just %XUJXQG\ remove, stretch and cover to update your style for fall, winter, summer or spring. The secret is in the 5-way VWUHWFKPDWHULDOWKDWÀWVQDUURZZLGHELJDQGVPDOO FKDLUVHDWV,W·VDSHUIHFWÀWHYHU\WLPH&RWWRQSRO\HV%HLJH ter/spandex; imported. Machine wash. 6HWRI covers. &RORUV%XUJXQG\%HLJHRU&KRFRODWH &KRFRODWH 7/Çx{ÓxÊÊ<Ê ÛiÀÃÊ-iÌÊÊVÀ¶®ÊÊf£°n The extra-large 3-line LCD display lets you stay seated while the answering machine handles unwanted calls. Features include: Large number date and time; flashing “new call” indicator; repeat call indicator; 50 name/number memory keeps a record of callers; new call/total call counters; display contrast control; and 6 foot telephone cord for easy installation. Wall mounts or sits on desk or table using the detachable 3-position pedestal. 5HTXLUHVFDOOHU,'VHUYLFHIURP\RXUORFDOWHOHSKRQHFRPSDQ\ Uses 3 “AAA” batteries, not included. 5.25"W x 4.25"H x 1.5"D. 7/xäÎäxÊÊ>ÌÊë>ÞÊ >iÀÊÊÊfÓ°nÊ 7/xÓÈÈÎÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n 1(:ÊÊ£È ÀÊ} ÌÊÕL 5HPRWH &RQWURO Set the m mood just right--this LED bulb gives you tons to of options! Choose what you want using the remote control. There wa ar are 16 colors (from white, red, blue, green, purple and shades in-between), gr IRXUGLIIHUHQWVHWWLQJVÁDVKVWUREH IR fade, fade fa de and smooth), and the ability to increase/decrease the intensity of color. Fits crease stand t dard d light l standard sockets. 3-watt; 2½" x 2" dia. 7/näÈÓÊÊ, Ê ÀÊ >}}Ê} ÌÊ 7/näÈÓ ÕLÊÊfÓÓ°n /iiiÀ}iVÞÊiÀÌÊ iÛVi i«ÊÃÊ"Ê/ iÊ7>ÞÊ7Ì Ê Ê*ÀiÃÃÊ"vÊÊÕÌÌ It’s a phone that could save your life! With the included wireless pendant in your possession, help can be contacted if you are unable to reach or dial the telephone. There are no monthly fees for this feature! You can record your own personalized emergency message and have VSHFLÀFSKRQHQXPEHUVGLDOHGZKHQDQHPHUJHQF\ happens. Also, if you are away from the phone when it rings, you can press the wireless pendant to activate the speakerphone and start talking to the caller. Also features DPSOLÀHGKDQGVHWORXGULQJHUYROXPHDGMXVWWDONLQJ keypad, talking Caller ID*, and LCD display with large characters. Use 4 “AA” batteries, not included, as backup in event of power failure. Includes AC adapter, telephone cord and wall mount. 5HTXLUHVFDOOHU,'VHUYLFHIURP\RXUORFDOWHOHSKRQHFRPSDQ\ 7/Ç£xÈÎÊÊ/iiiÀ}iVÞÊiÀÌÊiÛViÊÊ f£x°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV >`ÃÀiiÊ -«i>iÀ« iÊ - 6 6OLPSURÀOHVSHDNHUphone offers many ffeatures without taking up too much space! See u who’s calling before you wh p pi ck up the phone, and pick use the hands-free speakerphon ph one e to enjoy a conversaphone tion without w having a handset cram cr amm m into your face. crammed With ne new call indicator, clock 9 display, 90-name and number Caller ID* memory, plus handset, ringer and speakerphone volume Us 3 “AA” batteries, not control. Uses included. For desk or wall (bracket included). Approx. 6½" x 6" x 3". Available as a white or black phone, our choice, please. 5HTXLUHVFDOOHU,'VHUYLFHIURP\RXUORFDOWHOHSKRQHFRPSDQ\ 7/Ç£xnÈÊÊ >iÀÊÊ-«i>iÀ« iÊÊf£°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n Ê -Õ«iÀÊÀ} ÌÊ *ÀÌ>LiÊÊ >« Set it on the bedside table, bring it to the living room, take it on the go... this portable lamp has 24 LEDs and 3 levels of brightness to light up your personal space. )ROGVÁDWWR[[õDQG can extend to 13" high with many adjustable positions in between. Uses 4 “AA” batteries (not included) or included 3½-foot USB cord. 7/Ç£{nÓÊÊ*ÀÌ>LiÊ Ê>«ÊÊf£{°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n 6RXQGV$ODUP:KHQ :DWHU,V'HWHFWHG 6HWRI 1(: -«>ViÊ->Û}Ê£ Õ«Ê vviiÊ>iÀ Perfect for coffee, tea, hot chocolate and more! %RQXV This compact unit brews &HUDPLF directly into your mug 0XJ DQGLWÀWVDYDULHW\RI ,QFOXGHG mug sizes). Coffee makerr has a water level window, illuminated on/off switch and LQFOXGHVDSHUPDQHQWQ\ORQÀOWHUQRSDSHUÀOWHUVUHTXLUHG ETL listed. Holds a maximum of 10.5 oz. of water. Approx. 5½" dia. x 9". Bonus ceramic 11 oz. mug included! 7/Ç£Èx£ÊÊ"iÊ Õ«Ê vviiÊ>iÀÊÊfÓÓ°n iVÌÀVÊ7>ÌV Ê}ÊÊ ÃÊÜ>ÞÃÊ"ÊÕ>À` Lik a well-trained watch dog, electronic Like YHUVLRQHPLWVÀHUFHUHDOLVWLFEDUNVZKHQYHU YH U e ever anyone approaches. When a an intruder is 15 ft. away, it barks intermittently and then louder and more frequently if the intruder draws closer. “Sees” through doors and walls up to 25 ft. away. A Adjust dj the distance and volume to your exact needs. For security, set it to bark, or 9HUVDWLOH0RGHV a combination of barks and siren. For other times, set it to a continuous rain forest sound, or as a chime to announce invited guests. Use indoors or outdoor covered area. High-impact plastic case. Powered by standard household current. 5"W x 7.5"H x 5"D. 7/x££ÓÊÊiVÌÀVÊ7>ÌV Ê}ÊÊf°n ÊÊ`ÊÕââÒ 7>ÀÃÊ9ÕÊ"vÊÊi>ÊivÀiÊ ÌÊiViÃÊÊ` Even a small amount of water can cause serious damage to your KRPH3ODFHD)ORRG%X]]LQDQ\SRWHQWLDOÁRRGVSRWOLNHQH[WWRD washing machine, water heaters, in the basement, etc. If it detects even a small water leak, it will sound an alarm to alert you to a potential problem. Needs no programming; just place it and forget it. Includes non-replaceable batteries. Set of 3 ÁRRGDODUPV 7/Ç{{xÎÊÊ`ÊÕââÊÊf£°n 1Ì>ÌiÊ À`iÃÃÊi>`ÃiÌ ÃÃÊi>`ÃiÌ UÊxävÌÊÀ>}iÊÊÊUÊ/À>ÃÌÃÊÌ ÀÕ} ÊÜ>à ÌÃÊÌ ÀÕ} ÊÜ>à Enjoy TV or music while others hers sleep, read, or study. Transmitter converts muted or lowered sound into o invis&RUGOHVV & RUGOHVV ible infrared light waves justt +HDGVHW like your TV remote. Headset et ,,QFOXGHV QFOXGHV then converts these light %XLOW,Q)0 %XLOW,Q )0 %X waves back into high fidelityy 5DGLR sound, all without annoying wires or bulky headphones. Works with any TV, DVD player, MP3 player, PC or CD D player with audio output. Hearearing impaired can watch TV alongside others at normal volume. me Headphones include a built-in FM radio and can be used for wireless net chat. Headset has soft cushion ear pads and volume control. Requires 4 “AAA” batteries. Transmitter has jack for AC adapter (not included). 7/nÓnnäÊÊ1Ì>ÌiÊi>`ÃiÌÊÊf£°n 7/xÓÈÈÎÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH 1(: ÌVÊ VÊ*ÀiVÌÃÊÊ VÊ VÊ*ÀiVÌÃÊÊ /iÊ`Ê/i«iÀ>ÌÕÀi `Ê/i«iÀ>ÌÕÀi Spotlight is always ready--because it holds a charge for up to 7 years! Recharges using any light source, like the sun or indoor lights, or use the wall/ car adapter or USB cable (both included) for a recharge. One full charge gives you 3 hours of light. Also with battery backup (3 “AAA” batteries, not included). Impact-resistant plastic is extremely durable. Floats too! LED panel indicates when charging and which power source you’re using. Approx. 9" x 5¼" dia. 7/nÓxÎÊÊ->ÀÊ-«Ì} ÌÊÊfÈÓ°n 7/xÓÈÈÎÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n iÀV>À>`iÊ >À«iÌÊ-Üii«iÀ >À«i (DV\7R(PSW\ *UHDW)RU 6WHSV6WDLUV iÕiÊ>ÀÊÀÃÌiÊÀÕà iÕiÊ Do you remem remember your mother’s or grandmothe grandmother’s Hoky? Easy-touse sweeper is effective on carpet, rugs, vinyl, lino linoleum AND hardwood ÁRRUV3LFNVXSGLUWVDOWFLJDUHWWHV ÁRRUV3LFNVX popcorn, ashe ashes, pet hair and more. Just like those used in airports and theaters! With a center split movie theaters boar boa bristle brush, corner horse hair brushes h (that ( grab dust hiding (DV\7R up against walls), soft &OHDQ rubber wheels and cushion bumpers. Sturdy steel construction for years of use. Approx. 9½" x 9" x 2½" with a 43"L handle. 7/ÇxxÎnÊÊÊÞÊ >À«iÌÊÊ-Üii«iÀÊÊfÈÈ°n ,iiÜÊ9ÕÀÊ >ÌÌiÀiÃÊEÊ ->ÛiÊiÞ (YHU\GD\+HOSHUV +ROGV$&KDUJH 8S7R<HDUV 7>ÌiÀ«ÀvÊ ->ÀÊ -«Ì} Ì &KDUJH $OPRVW $1<.LQG2I %DWWHU\ Don’t throw those batteries out! Instead, renew them up to 70 times! Charger has 4 expandable battery dockss to to ÀW´$$$µ´$$µ´&µDQG´'µ 'µ batteries, plus a spot for a 9-volt battery. Compatible with alkaline, NiCd and Ni-MH batteries! It’s easy to see when bat-teries are done, thanks to the LED indicators and d digital display that showss full charge, charging and bad battery indicators. Includes des wall adapter. Approx. 7" x 6" x 2" 2". 7/ÇäÇnÊÊ,iÕÌÊ>ÌÌiÀÞÊ,iV >À}iÀÊÊf{Ó°n UÊÕÌ>ÌV>ÞÊÃiÌÃÊÌÃiv V>ÞÊÃiÌÃÊÌÃiv UÊ-Õ`>VÌÛ>Ìi`ÊL>V} Ì ÌÛ>Ìi`ÊL>V} Ì Atomic clock k projects the current time and outdoor temperature onto your wall or ceiling (clock has adjustable focus and rootating projection ction arm) for easy viewing. wing. Wireless sensor (uses 2 “AA” batteries, not included) has an extended 200-ft range to capture outdoor temperatures. Also features moon phase icons, 12/24 time display, alarm clock, calendar and sound-activated backlight. Clock runs on AC adapter, included, with battery for backup (3 “AAA” batteries, not included.) Clock approx. 7" x 3½" x 2¾". 7/ÇäÈÇÈÊÊÌVÊ*ÀiVÌÊ>ÀÊÊfΰn 7/xÓÈÈÎÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n Ê>}iÌVÊ / iÀ>«ÞÊ *>` Quilted cover pad has 32 (800 Gauss each) magnets embedded inside to provide magnetic therapy, a centuries old method thought to help increase blood circulation, thus speeding up healing time. Simple to use! Just place against the area that hurts. Use while sitting in chair, laying in bed, or in the car. Approx. 19" x 15". 6KRXOGQRWEHZRUQE\LQGLYLGXDOVZKRKDYHLPSODQWHGPHGLFDOGHYLFHV 7/Ç£xxnÊÊ>}iÌVÊ/ iÀ>«ÞÊ*>`ÊÊf£n°n ÕLÊ ÌVÊ V -iÌÊÌÊ"ViÊEÊÊ iÛiÀÊ-iÌÊÌÊ }>t S Synchronizes automatically with the m most accurate clock m in the world! Select yyour time zone and the advanced Atomic th Clock does the rest. C Also displays the month, A th, d oor temperature (°F or °C). °C) Features 12/24 date, day and your indoor time, alarm with snooze and auto daylight savings time updates. For ti desktop or wall. Uses 2 “AA” batteries, not included. Approx. 9" x 7". d 7 7/ÇÎxÇÓÊÊÌVÊ VÊÊfÓÈ°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV 1(:ÌÉ `Ê 1(: >ÃÃ>}iÀ 8VH2Q %DFN1HFN 6KRXOGHUV $UPV$QG /HJV Long day? Release stress and tension, promote blood circulation and relieve aches and pains! liev Use on back, neck, shou shoulders, tummy, arms, legs--pre legs--pretty much anywhere you need it. Included optional hot/cold pack enhances the vibrating massage and helps soothe a variety of conditions. Massage pad about [ZLWKDGMXVWable belt. Uses 2 “AAA” batteries, not included. ÊÊ>ÃÃ>}}Ê iVÊ7À>« Finally, a massager you can actually cozy up with! Soft, plush massager is conveniently sha shaped to wrap around your neck (o (or legs, or back) and has a securing sec button loop so you yo u can c keep your hands free fre fr e to read a book or sip a drink. It also offers 6 modes: low, medium, m high and 2 speeds of hi “h “hammering” type massag Uses 2 “AA” batsage. teri te ries es, not included. Approx. teries, ORQJIURPHQGWRHQG&RORUVPD\YDU\RXUFKRLFHSOHDVH O JI GW G & O 7/Ç£ÎäÈÊÊ>ÃÃ>}}Ê iVÊ7À>«ÊÊfÎÈ°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n 7/Ç£ÈÓÊÊ>À}iÊë>ÞÊ `Ê*ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊÌÀÊÊfÓ{°n 7/xÓÈÈÎÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n Ê >}iÌâi` vÀ>Ài`Ê `}Ê >ÃÃ>}iÀ Massage for your whole body! Built-in magnets in the infrared lens creates a PDJQHWLFÀHOG to help increase blood circulation. This, in turn, helps alleviate muscles aches and arthritis pain. The opposite side of the head holds 1 of 4 interchangeable massage heads (roller, joint, body and concentrator). The long-reach handle bends up to 90 degrees, making it easier to reach spots on your back and shoulders. Runs on KRXVHKROGFXUUHQW$SSUR[ORQJ 7/Ç£x{xÊÊvÀ>Ài`Ê`}Ê>ÃÃ>}iÀÊÊfÓ{°n 7/Ç£ÈäÊÊi>À}Ê «viÀÊfΰ UÊ V>ÞÛ>`>Ìi`ÊvÀÊ>VVÕÀ>VÞ UÊ>ÃÞÌÀi>`Ê Ê`ë>Þ Such an easy way to keep track of your blood pressure! Fully automatic monitor ÀWVRQHLWKHUZULVWDQGGLVSOD\V\RXUV\VWROLF and diastolic pressure plus heart rate. Stores up to 60 readings. Adjustable cuff ÀWVZULVWFLUFXPIHUHQFHVIURPWR Includes storage case and instructions. Uses 2 “AAA” batteries, not included. Ready to be a part of converersations again? Hear what’ss being said around you? Just slip this DPSOLÀHULQWR\RXU right ear and adjust the volume to your comfort level. Nearly unnoticeDEOH$PSOLÀHU comes with storage FDVHVRIWUXEEHU tips and 6 button batteries. $SSUR[õ[ 1(:`Ê*ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊ ÌÀÊ7Ì Ê>À}iÊë>Þ +HDU :KDW <RX·YH%HHQ 0LVVLQJ ÛÃLiÊ 6ViÊ«vi 7/Ç£Ç{ÓÊÊ / iÀÊ*ÕÃiÊÊ f{°n 7/xÓÈÈÎÊÊ {ʺ»Ê >ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n 1(: 7À`½ÃÊÃÌÊ*ÜiÀvÕÊÊ >}iÌÊ/ iÀ>«ÞÊÀ>ViiÌÒ %ODFN UÊiiÊLiÌÌiÀÊÊUÊi>Êv>ÃÌiÀÊÊUÊ>ÃiÊÌ iÊ«> Magnalinx™ is 100x’s more powerful than regular magnetic bracelets, with a total of JDXVVRIPDJQHWSRZHU0DJQHW therapy may bring relief from symptoms associated with arthritis, carpel tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure, rheumatism, headaches, backaches and more. Each link on the bracelet is an individual magnet that can be removed, making it a cinch to adjust the size. Also fun and easy to mix and match colors when you buy more than one, as in the examples shown. Includes microÀEHUSROLVKLQJSRXFKColors: 01-Black, 29-Gold, 64-Silver, or 33-Gunmetal. Should not be worn by individuals who have implanted medical devices. Go to our website to view a video clip on how this device works! *ROG 7/Ç{ΣÊÊ>}>ÝÊÀ>ViiÌÊ VÀ¶®ÊÊfÎ{°n ÞÊÓÊÀÊÀi]ÊfÎÓ°nÊi>V 6LOYHU *XQPHWDO %X\PRUHWKDQRQH WKHQPL[PDWFK %ODFNDQG *XQPHWDO *ROGDQG6LOYHU ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH 7KHUDSHXWLF 1(: >}iÌVÊ/ iÀ>«ÞÊ - Õ`iÀÊ*>` -Ì«Êii`}Ê ÃÌ>ÌÞÊ7Ì Ê 7Õ`Ê-i>Á For neck and shoulder pain that originates between your shoulder blades, try this shoulder pad with 9 powerful magnets sewn inside. Believed to help increase blood circulation, which can relieve pain. Slips on easily over the head and can be worn under clothes for all day relief. Neoprene/polyamide; imported. Approx. 12" x 12". 6DIH$QG (IIHFWLYH Powder forms an instant seal over the wound in seconds and it's safe to leave in place until the wound heals. Specially developed to stop bleeding for people on blood thinners because it doesn't rely on the normal al clotting factors in your blood. The e 4 single-use packets are easy to keep in your pocket or purse so you ou always have on hand for emergen-cies. Made in the USA. 6KRXOGQRWEHZRUQE\LQGLYLGXDOV ZKRKDYHLPSODQWHGPHGLFDO GHYLFHV 7/Ç£ÇxÊÊ>}iÌVÊ - Õ`iÀÊ*>`ÊÊ f£È°n 7/ÇxÓ{ÇÊÊ7Õ`Ê-i>ÊÊfn°n n 1(:iÀ}iVÞÊ}À>iÊ-«À>Þ >ÃÌÊ}À>iÊ,iivt The reason it’s so effective? Because you spray it on the back of your neck where the magnesium is absorbed through your skin for fast relief! Conveniently pocket-sized so you have it with you when a migraine strikes. 1 oz. odorless spraystick lasts for 50 treatments. 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRW EHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)RRG DQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHG WRGLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRU SUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH 7/Ç£ÇÎ{ÊÊ<ÞVi>ÀÊ }À>iÊ,iivÊÊ f£{°n :LWK $QWLPLFURELDO 6KLHOGLQJ -ÌÀiÌV Ê iiÊ-Õ««ÀÌ 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)RRG DQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWR GLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH 7/Ç£ÈnÊÊÀÕÃiÊ,ii`ÞÊÊf£Ó°n /Ài>ÌÊ9ÕÀÃivÊ/ÊÊ ÕÊi}Ê>ÃÃ>}i Pamper your thighs, calves, ankles and feet with a stimulating massage anytime, anyplace. Simply slip on and the amazing chamEHUVLQÁDWHDQGGHÁDWH pinpointing pressure points to softly and gently massage away fatigue and tenderness. Zip-on leg “boots” and Velcro® close thigh 5XEV massagers may be $ZD\ used together or 7LUHG$FK\ separately. One /HJV size fits most. Includes 2 leg massagers, 2 thigh massagers, handheld control unit, connecting cords and AC adapter. 7/ÇxäÈÓÊÊÌVÀL>Ê -ÌÀiÌV ÊiiÊ-Õ««ÀÌÊÃâi¶®ÊÊ f£{°n i«ÃÊ7Ì Ê-«`iÀÊ6iÃÊ/t Fade away and heal unsightly discoloration from bruises and spider veins with a soothing botanical-rich formula with Arnica Montana, MSM and aloe. Gentle “no-touch” applicator dispenses the gel without needing to apply pressure to tender bruise area. Non-greasy DQGIUDJUDQFHIUHHÁR]0DGHLQ86$ Care for unstable, arthritic and injured knees with a support made of 4-way stretch fabric that provides 360° compression. Seamless custom knit reduces pressure on the patella. Won’t bunch, bind or pinch. Latexfree with antimicrobial shielding that controls odors and stains. Imported. Fits right or left knee. Sizes (measure around knee and across kneecap): MD (12"-15½"), or XL (15½"-19"). 1(:ÀÕÃiÊ,ii`ÞÊi 7/Ç{äÓÇÊÊÀÊ «ÀiÃÃÊi}Ê>ÃÃ>}iÀÊÊfÈ°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV :LGH+HDG)RU %URDG+HDW $SSOLFDWLRQ Ê vÀ>Ài`Êi>ÌÊ7>` 7Ì Ê>}iÌVÊ/ iÀ>«Þ Infrared heat penetrates below the VNLQWRVWLPXODWHEORRGÁRZWKLV helps speed healing, relax muscles, reduce pain and joint stiffness. This heat wand also has 2 powerful magnets embedded in the treatment area to help enhance the relief of pain. :DQGLVDQJOHGWRPDNHGLIÀFXOW areas easy to reach. Great for your back, shoulders, neck, legs and feet. Approx. 15" long with 6-ft. power cord. 7/Çx{{ÊÊvÀ>Ài`Êi>ÌÊ7>`ÊÊ fÓÓ°n i>Ìi`Ê >VÊEÊ- Õ`iÀÊ >ÃÃ>}iÀ +HDWHG 0DVVDJH )RU1HFN 6KRXOGHUV %DFN It’s the next best thing to a personal massage therapist! Four powerful motors work to relieve neck, shoulder and back pain, easing stress and enhancing your mood. Just slip it on like a backpack and use the handheld controller to select your desired mode: wave, pulse, heat or use the 15-minute automatic timer. Adjustable shoulder and waist straps; one VL]HÀWVPRVW,QFOXGHV$& adapter. Imported. Styles may vary, our choice, please. ºÌÊÌÊÞiÃÌiÀ`> ºÌÊÌÊÞiÃÌiÀ`>Þ°ÊÊÊ /Ài`ÊÌÊÌÜVi] /Ài`ÊÌÊÌÜVi]Ê Ì½ÃÊÜÀ}Ê}Ài> ̽ÃÊÜÀ}Ê}Ài>Ì°Ê Ì }Ê >ÃÊÜÀi`Ê Ì } À LivÀi°»ÊÊV >i]Ê< }iÀÌ«Ê*ÕÃiÊ"ÝiÌiÀ iVÊ9ÕÀÊ`Ê"ÝÞ}iÊÊ iÛiÊ`Êi>ÀÌÊ,>ÌiÊ ÞÌi]ÊÞÜ iÀit Tr Tracking blood oxygen saturation levels (SpO2) with a pulse oximeter can help prevent complications in people who are at risk of low 6S2OHYHOV-XVWLQVHUW\RXUÀQJHULQWRWKH oximeter and your Sp02 level and pulse rate are displayed and continually updated until \RXUHPRYH\RXUÀQJHUXQLWZLOOVKXWRIIDIWHU 8 seconds). The readout direction of the color display is easily changed to one of 4 directions for readability. Includes neck lanyard, protective cover, 2 “AAA” batteries and instructions. Approx. 2¼" x 1¼" x 1½". Not intended for diagnostic and treatment or continuous monitoring. 7/Ç{ÇÓÓÊÊ}iÀÌ«Ê*ÕÃiÊ"ÝiÌiÀÊÊ 7ASÊÊ ÜÊfÎx°Ç 1(: (: :ÊÊ i`V>ÊiÀÌÊ >Ê iÀÌÊ ÊÊÊÊÊ}Ê/>}Ê />}Ê ÀÊi i Alert EMTss iin n emergencyy si sit situaitua tuations by applying pp plyin ingg one or more re of of the included ed 16 condition on stickers to the back of of the stainless steel dog tag (1½"L). On na 24" L beaded ded ed cchain. hain ha in. 7/ÇäÇÈnÊÊÀ"->}iÊ >VÊ>ÃÃ>}iÀÊÊfx°n 6$/(Ê ÊÊ ,iÌÕÃÊ/ÌÕÃÊ,iivÊ >ÀÊ>ÃÃ>}iÀ Soothe and silence the ringing and noises caused by Tinnitus with this FDA registered therapeutic ear massager. The calming micro-vibrations help to relax the auditory nerves, and as your body re-adjusts to the vibrations, the tinnitus seems to disappear. A quick 30-second session can bring sustained relief for up 2 hours or more*. Just massage different points on WKHHDUWRÀQG\RXUEHVWUHVXOWV Includes replaceable foam tip and 1 “AAA” battery. Approx. 7"L. ,QGLYLGXDOUHVXOWVPD\YDU\ 7/Ç£xÎÊÊ/ÌÕÃÊ / iÀ>«iÕÌVÊiÛViÊÊf{°n &RQGLWLRQ6WLFNHUV &RQGL 7/Ç£{xxÊÊ-ÛiÀÊi`V>Ê ` }Ê/>}ÊÊf£°n À>ÃiÊ,>à Ê`ÊÊ -Ê*ÀLià %HIRUH $IWHU ºiÃÌÊ>ÀÊ-ÌÕvvÊÊÊ 9Õ½ÛiÊÛiÀÊ/Ài`» Got psoriasis, nail fungus, ringworm, acne or athlete’s foot? Slap on some of this remarkable FUHDPDQGNLVVLWJRRGE\H&RUtisone-free formula also stops the itching as it helps restore your skin’s natural balance. And don’t let the “toots” fool you--this works for guys too! 4-oz. jar. Made in the USA. 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRW EHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)RRG DQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ7KLV SURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWRGLDJQRVHWUHDW FXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH 7/Çx{x£Ê"Ê/ÌÃtÊ ,>à ÊÀ>ÃiÀÊÊf£°n ºÀ>ViÊVÀi>tÊÊÃÌ>ÀÌi`ÊÓÊ º t Ì Ì `Ó ÜiiÃÊ>}Ê>`Ê>ÊÛiÀÞÊVÃiÊ ÌÊLi}ÊV«iÌiÞÊVi>ÀÊvÊ «ÃÀ>ÃÃt»ÊÞ ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH +HDOWK$LGV 1(:*ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊ*ÌÊ iVÊ>ÃÃ>}iÀ ,QVWDQWUHOLHILVDW\RXUÀQJHUWLSV7KH cushioned “golf” balls provide for gentle, yet ÀUPSUHVVXUHWRUHGXFHPXVFOHWHQVLRQQHFN VWLIIQHVVDQGVRUHQHVV7UHDWHGZLWKQDWXUDO ral 3UHVVXUH3RLQWV germanium, a trace mineral believed to have numer-NH RXVKHDOWKEHQHÀWVOLNH aimproving blood circulation. Place massager at back of neck and rotate d handles, or press and hold for deep tissue penetraost tion. Fits most ut necks. About 14"L. ´<RXUV\VWROLFSUHVVXUHLVµ :LWK1DWXUDO *HUPDQLXP 7KHVHVWDWH PHQWVKDYH QRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)RRGDQG'UXJ DWHGE\WKH)RRGDQG'UXJ $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWR GLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH 7/Ç£È{ÊÊ ÕÃ Ê iVÊ>ÃÃ>}iÀÊÊf£°n `Ê «ÀiÃÃÊ ÀÌ ÀÌÃÊ ÛiÃ Ê />}Ê`Ê *ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊÌÀ /iÃÊ9ÕÊvÊÊ9ÕÊ>ÛiÊ/ iÊ ÕvvÊÊ/ iÊ7À}Ê*ÃÌ Simply attach to your wrist and press the start button. 0RQLWRU ZLOOVSHDNWR\RXDQRSWLRQ\RX FDQWXUQRIILI\RXZLVK WHOOLQJ\RXWRPRYH\RXUDUPLIWKHFXIILV QRWDWWKHFRUUHFWOHYHOWKHQUHDGVRII\RXU UHVXOWVZKHQWKH\DUH ´7KHFXIILVD UHDG\ Also features an OLWWOHELWKLJK arrhythmia detection 3OHDVHORZHU\RXU system, extra large 1¾" x DUPDOLWWOHµ 2" LCD display, and a 180slot memory bank with date and time stamp. Comfort cuff adjusts WRÀWPRVWZULVWV,QFOXGHVKDUG carry case. Uses 2 “AAA” batteries, not included. 7/ÇxÓÇÊÊ/>}Ê*ÊÌÀÊÊ fxÓ°n 7/xÓÈÈÎÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n Relief for painful KDQGVDQGVWLIIÀQgers! Arthritis gloves provide mild compression for warmth and increased circulation which ultimately reduces pain. Soft cotton/spandex blend is comfortable for all day and night wear. 2SHQÀQJHUWLSVDOORZIRUIXOOIUHHGRPWRIHHODQGWRXFK2QH pair. 0HDVXUHZLGWKRISDOPDWNQXFNOHVIRUVL]LQJ60 (up to 31ȫ8"), 0' (up to 3½"), /* (up to 4"). Imported. ÊÊÊÊ`-Ì«ÁÊ ÌÀÃÊii`}Ê>ÃÌ VÌÃÊÊiÃÃÊ/ >ÊÊÕÌit $PXVWIRUÀUVWDLGNLWV4XLFNO\DEVRUEV blood, transforming into a gel to seal wound with a protective, transparent layer. Non-irritating, water-soluble gel can be rinsed off without disrupting the clotted surface. For all skin abrasions and cuts, even nosebleeds. Easy to cut, pack or layer. Contains 10 sterile packets (eight 1" x 1" and two 2" x 2" squares). 7/Ç{£{£ÊÊ`Ê-Ì«ÊÊf£{°n ÓÊÀÊÀi]Êf£Î°nÊi>V 7/Ç£{{nÊÊ>ÊÀÌ ÀÌÃÊÛiÃÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfÓx°n ,i>`iÀÀi`ÞÊ i`V>Ê ,iviÀiVi One of the most widely used sources in the world. Merck Manual-Home Edition provides the same reference that doctors use in easyto-understand, everyday language with readerfriendly format. Learn about symptoms, causes, treatments, and tests for almost all medical problems. Comprehensive and current. 1767 pgs. with index. See Book Policy on order form. 7/Ç£ä{ÈÊÊiÀVÊ Ê>Õ>ÊÊfÇ° -V>ÌV>Ê*>Ê,iivÊ Ài> -V>ÌV> *> ,i Natural, botanical cream helps relieve persistent, shooting pains associated with the sciatic nerve in the lower wer back, buttocks and legs. Non-greasy homeopathic formula is be to generously applied to affected areas. 4 oz. jar. 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRW EHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)RRG DQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHG WRGLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRU SUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH 7/ÇxÎÈÈÊÊ -V>ÌV>Ê*>Ê ,iivÊ Ài>ÊÊ f£{°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV ÊÊÊ -ÊÎä8Ê ÃVÀiiÌÊ-Õ`Ê «vi Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊ ,iµÕÀi`Ê Lightweight ampliÀ ÀHUKHOSVLPSURYH DP DPSOLÀFDWLRQXSWR; ÀWV ÀW V ÀWVFRPIRUWDEO\LQWKH left or o right ear, and is pract practically unnoticeable. 2QO\ 2Q O\\ 2QO\RXQFHV)RUJHW bat batteries--just place in the included rapid charger cradle and recharge using the wall adapter. For both men and women. ,Q ,QFOXGHVGLIIHUHQWVL]HG VLOLF VLOLFRQHHDUWLSVWRÀWDQ\HDUDQG seal out o the noise. 7/Ç 7/ÇäÇÇÇÊÊ-ÊÎä8Ê -Õ`Ê«viÀÊÊfÓ° >ÌÕÀ>ÊÊ7>ÀÌÊ,iÛiÀ No pain or scarring--this 100% natural plant H[WUDFWWUHDWPHQWLVWKHPRVWHIIHFWLYH gentle method. Homeopathic topical liquid is composed of Thuja Occidentalis 6X HPUS plus essential oils to help treat common warts, verruca vulgaris, plantar’s warts and ÁDWZDUWV$SSO\[GDLO\WRDIIHFWHG DUHD:DUWVZLOOGU\DQGÁDNHDZD\ RYHUDZHHNSHULRGÁR]ERWWOH 7/ÇxÓÎÊÊ7>ÀÌÊ,iÛiÀÊÊfÓ°n SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY PRICE i>}Ê }Ê 7Ì Ê iÞ - }iÃÊ>ÝÕÊ,iVÛiÀÞÊ Ài>Ê Þ ÌÌV ÊÀÕ> For effective relief during VKLQJOHVRXWEUHDNVDSSO\ this deep penetrating, fasttacting cream. With Lysine and Gelseium to relieve long-term nerve pain even after the rash is gone. R]MDU $FWLYH QH\LV 0DQXND+RQH\LV clinically proven oven to º>â}tÊÊ"ÞÊ>ÊviÜÊ>««V>ÌÃÊ º>â}tÊÊ"ÞÊ>ÊviÜÊ>«« V>ÌÌà ÃÊ Ãà cterial have antibacterial >` >`ÊÞÊLÕÀÊÜ>ÃÊ i>i`°»ÊÊÊ Þ LÕÀ Ü>à i>i` » properties. Protects °°ÊÊÀ`>°Ê against infection, FURVVLQIHFWLRQDQG056$1DWXUDOO\HIIHFWLYHWKLVWRSLFDO WUHDWPHQWFDQEHXVHGIRUPDQ\ZRXQGVOLNHEHGSUHVsure sores, diabetic ulcers, burns, cuts and more. Formula also includes the soothing power of aloe vera. Net weight 80 grams. Do not use if allergic to bees or bee/honey products. 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQ HYDOXDWHGE\WKH)RRGDQG'UXJ $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ7KLVSURGXFWLV QRWLQWHQGHGWRGLDJQRVHWUHDW FXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH 7/ÇÎ{äÊÊ7Õ`ÊiÞÊÊ 7/ÇäÇn£ÊÊ- }iÃÊ >ÝÕÊ,iVÛiÀÞÊ ÞÊ Ài>ÊÊf£°n n f£°£{ >>Þ>Ê->ÌÊ ÌÊiÌÝÊ*>ÌV ià >ÌÕÀ>Ê /ÝÊ i>ÃiÀ >` i`Ê >` i` *iÀVÕÃÃÊ>ÃÃ>}iÀ :LWK )2856RIW ,QWHUFKDQJHDEOH 0DVVDJH +HDGV *ÕÃ}Ê>ÃÃ>}iÊ,iiÛiÃÊ*ÀiÃÃÕÀi 3 3HUFXVVLRQPDVVDJHUVDUHVSHFLÀFDOO\ designed to loosen up tense muscles and d rrelieve pressure pressure. <RX <RXDUHLQFRQWURORI\RXU DUH LQ FRQWURO RI \RXU WWUHDWPHQWFKRRVHIURPGLIIHUHQWDXWR PDWHGSURJUDPVSOXV\RXFDQGHFUHDVH P RULQFUHDVHWKHVSHHGDQGLQWHQVLW\DV\RX R OLNH OLNH With 4 interchan interchangeable soft massage heads to use based RQ\RXUDFKHVDQGSDLQV8VHRQ\RXUEDFNVKRXOGHUZDLVWFDOI thigh and arms! 15" long with a 6-ft power cord. 7/Ç£Ó{xÊÊ>` i`Ê*iÀVÕÃÃÊ>ÃÃ>}iÀÊÊf{n°n www.FULLOFLIFE.com Foot patches with 100% natural ingredients draw out unZDQWHGERG\ÁXLGVDQGWR[LF waste through your feet while you sleep! This promotes a healthy pH balance, improves circulation, increases metabolism and enhances the quality of sleep! Plus, Himalayan salt contains 84 minerals and rare elements essential to the human body. 6HWRIpatches (two 5-day regimens). 7/ÇxääÎ >>Þ>Ê iÌÝÊ*>ÌV ÊÌÊÊ f£Ç°n %HIRUH $IWHU Place Your Order Online! It’s Convenient, Safe and Secure! +HDOWK$LGV iÕÝiÊ*iÀÃ>Ê -Õ`Ê«viÀ >ÀÀÞ}Ê >ÃiÊ ,i`ÕViÃÊ>`}Ê Ãi UÊ,i`iÃ}i`Ê } ÃiÃÌÛÌÞÊ ÊÊÊVÀ« i UÊxä³Ê`ÊÃÕ`Ê>«vV>Ì ÊÊÊÕ«ÊÌÊ£ääÊÞ>À`à This “binoculars for your ears” device now provides even greater quality sound amplification. Small enough to fit in your hand and can clip to purse, pocket or belt. Try using it for worship services, during lectures or while watching TV. Features lighted on/off button, auto shut-off, volume control, earbuds and stereo headphones. Uses 2 “AAA” batteries, included. 3.5" x 2" x ¾". 7/ÇÓÇ£xÊÊ-Õ«iÀÊ>ÀÊ *ÕÃÊÊfxn°n *ViÌÊÕ`iÊ/Ê *ÀiÃVÀ«ÌÊÀÕ}à / iÊ >ÌÕÀ>Ê7>Þ A gentle and effective way to get rid of uncomfortable, able, e, unsightly skin 6NLQ7DJV tags without -XVW'U\ any pain. 8S)DOO Homeopathic topical remedyy $ZD\ is made from allnatural plant extracts DQG7KXMD2FFLGHQWDlis 6X HPUS--a pure essential oil recogQL]HGIRULWVWDJUHPRYLQJSURSHUWLHV$SSO\ 3x daily to affected areas. Skin tags will dry XSDQGÁDNHDZD\RYHUDZHHNSHULRG )RUDOOVNLQW\SHV2QHPOR]ERWWOH 7/näx£ÊÊ/>}ÊÜ>ÞÊÊf£n°n ,QFOXGHV2YHU1HZO\ )'$$SSURYHG'UXJV Based on the Physicians’ Desk Reference®, the nation’s leading drug handbook, this guide gives you up-to-the minute and complete information on the most commonly prescribed medications for arthritis, high FKROHVWHUROKRWÁDVKHVDQGPRUH (DV\WRXQGHUVWDQGGUXJSURÀOHV are drawn entirely from the ofÀFLDO)'$DSSURYHG3'5XVHGE\ doctors everywhere. :LWKIXOO FRORU9LVXDO,GHQWLILFDWLRQ*XLGH Softcover; 1168 pgs. See Book Policy on order form. 7/ÇäÓÓÈÊÊ£äÌ Ê`ÌÊ *,ÊÊfn° 3URPRWHG%\ 'U2] 1(:ÊÊ,iÛiÊ-Ê/>}ÃÊ >ÀV>Ê >L}> VÃÊ>ÌÊ Ê-Ì«ÃÊÕ}iÀ This natural extract is derived from the tamarind fruit rind which contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA). It’s clinically proven as an appetite suppressant and fat blocker! Also helps elevate serotonin levels, suppressing the desire to respond to stressful situations by eating. This supplement LVIRUPXODWHGZLWK+&$DQGDOVR contains calcium, chromium, and potasVLXPWRVXSSRUWRYHUDOOKHDOWK=HURÀOOHUV RUDUWLÀFLDOLQJUHGLHQWVFDSVXOHV servings). Made in USA. 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)RRG DQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHG WRGLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH 7/Ç££xxÊÊ>ÀV>Ê >L}>Ê -Õ««iiÌÊÊf£È°n 1Ì>ÌiÊÎ£Ê 7i} ÌÊÃÃÊÀ«Ã 5HDSWKHEHQHILWVRI$IULFDQPDQJRH[WUDFW UDVSEHUU\NHWRQHDQGSXUHJUHHQFRIIHHEHDQ H[WUDFWZKLFKDUHWKUHHRI'U2]·VIDYRULWH QDWXUDOVXSSOHPHQWVDOODWRQFH All three ingredients work well alone to suppress appetite, boost metabolism and inhibit the growth of fat cells. Yet when blended together, they produce faster and more pronounced results! Sublingual liquid format (drop liquid under tongue for absorption) is easy and has little to no side effects. ÁR]ERWWOHDERXWVHUYLQJV 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)RRGDQG 'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWRGLDJ QRVHWUHDWFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH 7/Çä{äxÊÊΣÊ7i} ÌÊÃÃÊÀ«ÃÊÊ fÎÈ°n ÓÊÀÊÀi]ÊfÎ{°nÊi>V ÊÕÊ"Ê Ài>Ê-Ì«ÃÊ ÀÌ ÀÌÃÊ*> Emu oil, a natural wonder, contains Lenolenic acid (a pain killer) and Oleic acid DQDQWLLQÁDPPDWRU\ 3OXVLWSHQHWUDWHVWKH VNLQTXLFNO\DOORZLQJIRU LPPHGLDWHSDLQUHOLHI Does not contain capsaicin, has no odor and will not stain your clothing. No known side effects. Apply twice daily or as QHHGHGR]MDU 7/Ç{£ÇÊÕÊ"Ê ÀÌ ÀÌÃÊ Ài>ÊfÓ£°n £°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV )DVW$FFXUDWH5HVXOWV ) )D VW $FFXUDWH5HVXOWV VW 1(: 1(: (: >À}iÊ}Ì >À}iÊ}Ì>Êë>ÞÊ }Ì>Êë>ÞÊ `Ê*ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊÌÀ `Ê*ÀiÃÃÕÀ ÕÀÀi Monitoring your blood pre pressure is a vital tool to help identify early signs of heart problems! Simply attach this monitor to your wrist and press start button. You’ll have accurate results within 60 seconds. Measures heart rate, systolic & diastolic pressure. Includes an arrhythmia detection system and built-in 60 reading memory bank that records results (with date and time stamp). ,QFOXGHV´$$$µEDWWHULHV2QHVL]HÀWVPRVWZULVWV 7/Ç£Çn£ÊÊ}Ì>Ê`Ê*ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊÌÀÊÊf{È°n 1(: Ì/ÌÊà Trace a line from one dot to the next in numerical order to reveal intricate pictures of insects, animals, flowers, s, characters,, and more. Both spiral bound softcover books are 96 pages with solutions. Welcome To Dotville, 80 puzzles; Dots Incredible, 84 puzzles. See Book Policy on order form. 7/£äx{ÓÊÊ7iViÊ ÌÛiÊÊfn°x x 7/£äxÇÎÊÊÌÃÊVÀi`LiÊÊ iÊÊ fn°x fn° x 6SLQV &RQWLQXRXVO\ * ÞÃV>½ÃÊ ÃÊ *>Ê,iivÊ vÊ Ài> )) ºvÌiÀÊÊÕÃi`ÊÌ iÊ Ài>Ê ºvÌiÀ ÕÃi` Ì i Ài> This deep penetratat ing, non-greasy formula has NO burning or ÌÊÜ>ÃÊÌ iÊvÀÃÌ ÌiÊÊ>Ê }ÊÌiÊÊVÕ`Ê}ÊÌÊ freezing sensation, plus it has a pleasant, Li`Ê>ÌÊ} ÌÊ>`ÊÃii«Ê non-medicine smell. Contains menthol «>ÊvÀii°»Ê-Õi]Ê/ SOXVRIWKHPRVWHIIHFWLYHDQWLLQÁDPPDtories and pain relievers known in modern science, including the patented Hepes Iso-Stearate, which is not available in any other product on the market. Just apply to affected areas for fast relief. 4 oz. tube. )) 7/Ç£ÈnÓÊÊ* ÞÃV>½ÃÊ*>Ê,iivÊ Ài>ÊÊf£n°n iÕÝiÊ>Ì ÊiV A must for anyone who needs (or likes) to sit in the shower! Shower bench with seat back provides a sturdy, secure surface so one can safely enjoy their bathing experience. expe ex peri rien ence ce. Legs Leg egss adjust from 16" to 21" high and the seat bench is a comfortable 16" x 12". Lightweight Lightw aluminum frame and a blow-molded seat and a back are corrosive proof p with drainage holes. S Supports up to 250 lbs. S Simple assembly required. A Approx. 20½" x 15½" x 31½". 3 Non-returnable. Allow 3-4 weeks. See A Policy on order form. P 6LPSOH 7RRO)UHH $VVHPEO\ 7/ÇxxÇÊÊ>Ì Ê 7 iV ÊÊfÇ°n *i>ÃiÊ>``ÊÊfÇ°ääÊÊ ``Ì>Ê- ««}ÊÊ ÌÊÌ iÊ-Ì>`>À`Ê - ««}Ê >À}iÊvÀÊ i>V ÊÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° 1(: )) ->ÀÊ*ÜiÀi`Ê 7`Ê/ÕÀLiÊ V You’ll catch yourself watching this turbine spin as it sits on your desk! Base has 3 solar panels to catch light (both natural sun DQGDUWLÀFLDOOLJKWZRUNVWKDW will power the turbine and clock. Digital alarm clock displays time, month & day, and temperature. With snooze function too. Includes 2 button batteries (as backup at night or in dark settings). Approx. 4" x 4" x 11". 7/nÓ£ÇÊÊ7`Ê/ÕÀLiÊ ->ÀÊ VÊÊfÓ°n >}iÌV ii >}iÌVÊiiÊ -Õ««ÀÌ Give your knee a boost! Magnetic therapy is thought to increase blood circulation and aid in the healing process. This magnetic knee support has 34 sewnin magnets at 500 surface gauss rating each with adjustable Velcro® straps so you can customize your desired degree of support. To determine size for knee, measure circumference at kneecap with knee bent 90-degrees. Choose 01-Standard (up to 18") or 02-Large (up to 26"). Imported. ,QGLYLGXDOVZKRKDYHLPSODQWHGPHGLFDOGHYLFHVVXFKDV SDFHPDNHUVVKRXOGXVHFDXWLRQZKHQKDQGOLQJPDJQHWV 7/Ç£{ÎxÊÊ>}iÌVÊiiÊ-Õ««ÀÌÊV Vi¶®ÊÊfΰn ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH ZZZ)8//2)/,)( *ÀÌ>LiÊ`}Ê*i`>ÊÝiÀVÃiÀ No excuses for missing a workout with this foldable pedal exerciser. Place it on the ÁRRUWRSHGDO ZLWK\RXUIHHW DQGSXWLW XSRQDWDEOHWRSWRZRUN\RXU )ROGHG DUPVImproves both your lower and upper body circulation! Exerciser has large pedal straps to keep feet or hands from slipping off, a tension adjustment knob to control the amount of resistance needed, and slipresistant rubber feet. Chrome-plated welded steel construction holds up to years of use. Approx. 18" x 15" x 12½". Folds up to 16" x 10" x 6". 6RUU\H[SUHVVDQGUXVKGHOLYHU\QRWDYDLODEOH 7/ÇxÓÈäÊÊ`}Ê*i`>ÊÝiÀVÃiÀÊÊfΰn } f i>Ê<>««iÀÊ ÀÊ L ->viÊÀÊ*iÌà /Õ} Ê"Êi>Ãà 1(: ÊÊ7«iÊ iÜÁÊ i>`} ÌÊ ,iÃÌÀi Foggy headlights make driving dangerous, makes your car look rundown, and can put k for your vehicle at risk failing state inspections. Now, get crystal clear headlights in just seconds! Wipe New is designed to bind to the lenss to form a weather +HDGOLJKWV and UV resistant *XDUDQWHHG ast coating that will last 7R3DVV for years! Includess Wipe ,QVSHFWLRQ cator cloth, professional lens New infused applicator RZHO SROLVKLQJSDGSDLURIQLWULOHJORYHVDQGPLFURÀEHUWRZHO 7/Ç£nÇäÊÊ7«iÊ iÜÊi>`} ÌÃÊÊf£ä°n Is your beloved pet ERWKHUHGE\ÁHDV"7KLV 7KLV safe, easy-to-use device evice trireleases a low electrical charge through the comb’s teeth that kills PRVWÁHDV\HWLVKDUPless to your pet. Much OHVVVWUHVVIXOWKDQDÁHD bath or applying chemicals! Works on all dog and cat breeds, with long or short hair. Uses 2 “AA” batteries, not included. Approx. 5½" long. 1(: £ÓÊiÃÌÊÕÃÌ-iiÊ *>ViÃÊ"Ê6 Buenos Aires, Barcelona, New Zealand, South Africa, .DXDL2DKX7DKLWLDQG 6 more memorable trips will make your “bucket list!” View the vibrant cultures, local cuisine and natural beauty these places have in store--and start packing! Compiled by travel expert Rudy Maxa. Run time approx. 100 minutes. See Video Policy on order form. 1RWUHFRPPHQGHGIRULQGLYLGXDOVZKRKDYHLPSODQWHGPHGLFDOGHYLFHVVXFKDVSDFHPDNHUV 7/Ç£{ÇÇÊÊ«>`ÞÊi>Ê<>««iÀÊÊfΰn 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n 7/xÓ£nÊÊ£ÓÊiÃÌÊ/À«ÃÊ 6ÊÊfÓÓ°n iÀ>Ê -Õ««ÀÌÊiÌ i«ÃÊ,iiÛiÊ *>ÊEÊ ÃVvÀÌ While surgery is the only cure, this comfortable hernia belt features removable foam cushions to reduce single or double inguinal her:DLVW 60 0' /* nias. Waist band and 6L]H leg straps have hook and loop closures that adjust easily for size and pressure GHVLUHG/RZSURÀOHQHXWUDOFRORUFDQEHZRUQGLVFUHHWO\ under most clothing. Latex-free. Poly/cotton blend. Washable. Made in USA. 6HHVL]HFKDUW1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/ÇÓn£ÇÊÊiÀ>ÊiÌÊÃâi¶®ÊÊf{°n 1(: ÌiÃÛiÊ >ÀiÊ -Ê> Amazing skin balm soothes, heals, repairs, and protects your skin. (QULFKHGZLWKRYHU HVVHQWLDORLOVDQGKHUEV OLNHIUDQNLQFHQVHHXFDO\SWXVZKLWHFDPSKRU WHDWUHHYHYLWHUFORYH VKHDRLODQGPRUHWKLVEDOP LVFKRFNIXOORIDQWLR[LGDQW DQWLLQÁDPPDWRU\DQWLEDFWHULDO DQGDQWLIXQJDOSURSHUWLHV Use it to combat eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, dry skin, bruises, cold sore, scars, etc. Individual results PD\YDU\ÁR]WLQ 7/Ç£xnÊÊ,iÃVÕiÊiÊÌiÃÛiÊ >ÀiÊ>ÊÊfÓ{°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV ÊÊ ,PSURYHG &RQWURO 6WDELOLW\ 6WDE 6W D LO DE LOLW LW\ \ \ >`ÞÊ/ÀiÞÊ >ÀÌ Easily cruise from room to room with your meal, books, magazines, knitting and more with this hand cart! Comes with two removable 18" x 14" trays--and the bottom tray is set forward enough so it doesn’t interfere with your walking gait. Angled hand grips and large wheel casters provide for improved control and stability. Durable steel construction. 18 lbs. Approx. 20" x 19" x 35" (adjusts up to 40"). $OORZZHHNV6HH 3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 5HWXUQ5HSDLU3ROLF\ 'RQRWUHWXUQWKH FDUWWRWKH-RKQVRQ6PLWK&RPSDQ\3OHDVHFDOO RXU&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH'HSDUWPHQWIRUUHWXUQDXWKRUL]DWLRQDQGUHWXUQDGGUHVV<RXU SXUFKDVHSULFHOHVVDUHVWRFNLQJIHHZLOOEHUHIXQGHGLI\RXUHWXUQWKHFDUWLQLWV RULJLQDOSDFNDJLQJZLWKLQGD\V7KLVVXSHUVHGHVRXUQRUPDOGD\UHWXUQSROLF\ 7/ÇäÎÇxÊÊ>`ÞÊ/ÀiÞÊ >ÀÌÊÊfÇ°n *i>ÃiÊ>``Êf£ä°ääÊ``Ì>Ê- ««}Ê ÌÊ-Ì>`>À`Ê- ««}Ê >À}iÊvÀÊi>V ÊÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° -vÌÊÀÁÊ*ÃÌÕÀiÊ ÌÀÊÀ>Vi Minimizes a “stooped” posture as it gently holds your shoulders back in proper position. Crisscross elastic shoulder straps and ventilated elastic side panels provide additional compression support for lumbar and abdominal region. Two removable stays can be shaped for custom fit. Made with a durable outer nylon layer, support foam base and soft cotton interior lining. Worn underneath clothing, it contours to shape of your body. Please see wearing instructions, included. Latex-free. Non-returnable. Sizes: MD, LG, XL, 2X. 7/ÇÎÎÓÊÊ*ÃÌÕÀiÊ ÌÀÊ À>ViÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfÈÓ°n 0HDVXUHDURXQG IXOOHVWSDUWRI DEGRPHQ 0' /* ;/ ; 1(:ÌÊÕiÊ- iÊ` Ê/ÜÃÌ}Ê"ÀÊ,i>V }tÊ 1(: / iÊ«ÜiÀÊ ,>ÌÀ UÊ*>``i`ÊL>VÀiÃÌÊv«Ã ÊÊÊÊÃÊÞÕÊV>ÊÃÌÊÊ ÊÊÊÊiÌ iÀÊÃ`i UÊ«Õ«ÊÃi>ÌÊ>ÜÃÊ ÊÊÊÊÞÕÊÌÊÃÌi«ÊÌÊ ÊÊÊÊÌ iÊÀ>ÌÀ UÊ vÀÌ>LiÊ ÊÊiÀÞÊv>ÊÃi>Ì Rollator empowers you with the multitude of ways it can be adjusted! The adjustment points (legs, backrest and handles), color-coded bright yellow, DUHHDV\WRÀQG:LWK 8" wheels and loop-style brakes. Includes roomy neoprene storage bag. )ROGVÁDWIRUVWRUDJH and transport. Supports up to 300 lbs. Overall height ranges from 31¼" to 39". Weighs 19 lbs. Choose 05-Blue or 01-Black. $OORZZHHNV6HH 3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 5HWXUQ5HSDLU3ROLF\ 'RQRWUHWXUQWKHUROODWRUWRWKH-RKQVRQ6PLWK&RP SDQ\3OHDVHFDOORXU&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH'HSWIRUUHWXUQDXWKRUL]DWLRQDQGUHWXUQ DGGUHVV<RXUSXUFKDVHSULFHOHVVDUHVWRFNLQJIHHZLOOEHUHIXQGHGLI\RXUHWXUQ WKHUROODWRULQLWVRULJLQDOSDFNDJLQJZLWKLQGD\V7KLVVXSHUVHGHVRXUQRUPDO GD\UHWXUQSROLF\ 7/Ç£ÈnÇÊÊ«ÜiÀÊ,>ÌÀÊV Vi¶®ÊÊf£°n *i>ÃiÊ>``Êf£ä°ääÊ``Ì>Ê- ««}ÊÌÊÌ iÊ -Ì>`>À`Ê- ««}Ê >À}iÊvÀÊi>V ÊÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° Hands-free way to get your shoes on! Just place the foot funnel into \RXUVKRHWKHQSODFHVKRHRQÁRRUDQGLQVHUW\RXU foot. The smooth, straight surface allows your foot to glide right in. Then use your other foot, or, the included 60"L lanyard, to remove the funnel. Easy! Flexible plastic; approx. 5½" x 4" x 2". 7/Ç£ÇÇÎ Ì ÊÕiÊ f£°n 6KRH+RUQ $OWHUQDWLYH 1(: >ÌÕÀ>Ê>ÀÊvÀ>Ài`Ê iiÊEÊiÊ-Õ««ÀÌà It’s natural heat therapy--no batteries or wires required! Bamboo charcoal ÀEHUHPLWVIDULQIUDUHGUD\VDQGQHJDWLYHR[\JHQLRQVZLWKKLJKFRQGXFWLYLW\ SURSHUWLHVWKDWIXQGDPHQWDOO\LPSURYHV blood circulation, which helps increase warmth, and ease soreness, muscle tension, stiffness, aches and joint discomfort. Knee and ankle supports are both are one VL]HÀWVPRVW3RO\FRWWRQEOHQGLPSRUWHG 7/Ç£ÈÇäÊÊ>ÀÊvÀ>Ài`ÊiiÊ -Õ««ÀÌÊÊf£ä°n 7/Ç£ÈÇ£ÊÊ>ÀÊvÀ>Ài`ÊiÊ -Õ««ÀÌÊÊf£ä°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH 0RELOLW\ 1(:->viÊEÊ>ÃÞÊ-ÜÛiÊ-i>Ì 6RIWÁH[LEOHVZLYHO seat cushion spins GHJUHHVPDNLQJ it easy to get in and out of your favorite chairs and car seat. Comfortable and light ZHLJKWWKHWRSOD\HU cushions while base OD\HUKDVDQRQVOLS EDFNLQJIRUDÀUPJULS Supports up to 350 OEV$SSUR[GLD /DWH[IUHH,PSRUWHG *ÕÀ«ÃiÊ-ÌÊ `ÕÃÌÃÊÀÊÞÊ/>à 7/Ç£ÇnÊÊ -ÜÛiÊ-i>ÌÊÊfÓÓ°n >`iÃÊ`i>ÊÌÊ-««iÀà Soft and roomy slippers are specially designed for sufferers of swollen n IHHWGLDEHWHVDQGVHQVLWLYHVNLQ)HDWXULQJDKLJKGRPHGWRHER[DQG G ZLGHUIRRWSULQWWR R SUHYHQWLUULWDWLQJWRHV V plus no inside seamss to rub against sensi WLYHVNLQ:LWKFRPI\ \ shearling polycotton OLQLQJDQGDGMXVWDEOH Velcro® ankle strap. Machine wash/dry. Ladies sizes (by shoe e size): MDóó LGXLó 0DGHLQ86$ 7/Ç£{ÇÊÊ>`iÃÊ Ã `i>Ê-««iÀÃÊ Ãâi¶®ÊÊf£Ó°n /iiÃV«}Ê 7 iiV >ÀÊ,>« 7KHVHVWURQJUXVW resistant aluminum ramps have a telescop ing feature that allows \RXWRH[SDQGWKHPXS to 5 feet in length and lock them securely into SODFH7KHGXUDEOH QRQVNLGWUHDGVDQG OE 8VKDSHGWUDFNVLQVXUH :HLJKW added traction and safety. The &DSDFLW\ FRQYHQLHQWVHFWLRQGHVLJQPDNH WKHUDPSVHDV\WRWUDQVSRUWDQGVWRUH(DFKIRRWUDPSLVóZLGH with a combined weight capacity of 600 lbs.. 32 32/[:[ 32/ /[[ : :[[ +ZKHQFORVHG([WHQGVWRIXOOIWOEVAllow V Allow 2-3 weeks. SeeÊ ÊPolicy on order form. Ramp Return Policy: 'RQRWUHWXUQWKHVHUDPSVWRWKH RWKH 6HWRI -RKQVRQ6PLWK&RPSDQ\3OHDVHFDOORXU&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH YLFH 'HSDUWPHQWIRUUHWXUQDXWKRUL]DWLRQDQGWKHUHWXUQDGGUHVV UHVV 7/ÇäxnÇÊÊ7 iiV >ÀÊ,>«ÃÊ ÃiÌÊvÊÓ®ÊÊf£xÓ°n *i>ÃiÊ>``Êf£ä°ääÊ``Ì>ÊÊ - ««}ÊÌÊ-Ì>`>À`Ê- ««}Ê >À}iÊvÀÊi>V ÊÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° 6HDW +HLJKW $GMXVWV WR UÊ}i`Ê«ÃÌÊ>iÃÊÃÌÌ}ÊÊ ÊÊÊ`ÜÊ>`Ê}iÌÌ}ÊÕ«Êi>ÃiÀ UÊ*>``i`ÊÃi>ÌÊEÊL>VÊvÀÊiÝÌÀ>ÊÊ ÊÊÊVvÀÌ 6WRRO·VVHDWKHLJKWDGMXVWVIURPWR WRPHHW\RXUQHHGV,QFOXGHVUH PRYDEOHDUPVXSSRUWVZLWKDGMXVWDEOH width for safety and custom fit. Legs DUHFKURPHSODWHGVWHHOZLWKUXEEHUWLSV DUHFKURPH PH SODWHGVW ODWHGVWHHOZLWKUX DQGDGMXVWDEOHKHLJKW DQ QG DG DGMX MXVW XVW VWWDEOH K option. opti ion n. Constructed Cons nstruc of white w SRZGHU coated steel for an at WUDFWLYH durable finish. Simple assembly required. Limited lifetime manufacturer’s ZDUUDQW\6HDWGLPHQVLRQV[ ó Allow 2-3 weeks. SeeÊ Ê Policy on order form. 7/Ç{äÎÓÊÊÊ*ÕÀ«ÃiÊ `ÕÃÌ>LiÊ-ÌÊÊfÈx°n *i>ÃiÊ>``Êf£x°ääÊ``Ì>Ê - ««}ÊÌÊ-Ì>`>À`ÊÊ - ««}Ê >À}iÊvÀÊi>V Ê ÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° *HO3DG $GMXVWV (DFK 7LPH <RX6KLIW )RU &RQVLVWHQW 6XSSRUW ÀiÛiÀÊ vÞÊiÊ Õà Do you have to spend most of the day sitting? Don’t wait for your back ck to start aching... Make sure you sit on a Forever Comfy gel cushion. It instantly lessens the discomfort caused d by hard surfaces by providing a supple layer er of support between you and your seat. The soft gel el centre RIIHUVÁH[LELOLW\DGMXVWLQJDV\RXVKLIWLQ\RXUVHDW*HOSDGVXSSRUWV WLQJ DV \RX VKLIW LQ \RXU VHDW *HO SDG VXSSRUWV XSWROEV$SSUR[ó[[:LWKUHPRYDEOHSRO\HVWHU ÁHHFHWRSSHGFRYHU$OVRDYDLODEOHLQblack! Imported. 7/ÇxxxxÊÊ vÞÊiÊ Õà ÊÊf£°n 1(:ÊÊ7/Ç£nÈÎÊÊ>VÊ vÞÊiÊ Õà ÊÊf£°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV 1(:>«Êi>Ê 1(:Ê `}Ê ÀÕÌV ià Everyo can relate to how awkEveryone wkward it is to get regular crutches hes in and out of the car. These lightweight crutches solve lightwe that p e problem with the d ability to quickly fold ha Now you can n in half! HDV GHU HDVLO\ÀWWKHPXQGHU sea se a or table, in the he seat trun of a car, or trunk eve in an overhead ead even bin Height adjuststbin. ab from 41" to able 59 to accommo-59" da most users date fro 4'11" to 6'4". 4". from C so Crutches are also e equipped with g s grip handles es soft )ROGHG a crutch pads. ds. and Suppo up to 250 lbs. Folded: 20" x 7.5". Supports 7/Ç£xnnÊÊ`}Ê ÀÕÌV iÃÊÊfxÈ°n 7/Ç 7 iiV >ÀÊ >V«>V It’s a mini backpack for your wheelchair! Designed with two loops to suspend from the wheelchair handles, this bag has 4 zippered pockets to hold your necessities. Approx. 12" x 7½" x 13½". Imported. Õà A lap cushion can make a world of difference! It provides a comfortable, elevated surface to rest your arms and elbows, not to mention a book, reading tablet, or even a food tray. This “bean”” 0DGH FXVKLRQLVÀOOHGZLWK 7R&RQWRXU 100% polystyrene <RXU%RG\ beads that contour to your body, and has a ts hook & loop belt (adjusts from 8" to 30" long) to hold des cushion in place. Includes ant polyureremovable, water-resistant thane laminate cover. Approx. 22" x 18" x 5" overall. Imported. 7/Ç£xn{ÊÊ>«Êi>Ê Õà ÊÊfΰn *ÀÌ>LiÊ ÌÊ-Ì Perfect for petite women, men of shorter stature, and anyone ZKRÀQGVWKDWHOHYDWLQJWKHLU feet while sitting provides much-needed back relief! )ROGV Using the foot stool can help )RU4XLFN reduce leg cramps, increase (DV\ blood circulation, and gives 3RUWDEOH your lower back a break. Also 6WRUDJH ideal for long car and plane trips. Sturdy plastic foot rest approx. 8" x 4" x 4", and folds to just ¾" thick. (DVLO\ÀWVLQDSXUVHWRWHEDJRU carry-on. Go to our website to view a video clip on how it works! 7/Ç£xnxÊÊ>VÊ,i>ÝÊ*ViÌÊÌÊ-ÌÊÊfÓÈ°n 7/ÇäÇÇÓÊÊ 7 iiV >ÀÊ>}ÊÊ f£n°n :RUNV:LWK 6OLGLQJ'RRUV <RXU &DQH:LOO 6WDQG2Q , V2ZQ ,W ,WV2ZQ 'HWDLO +Õ>`ÀÕ«iÊ Ê ÊÊ >iÊ/« Na Navigate uneven terrain e like sand or gravel more easily with the quadruple cane quad tip. )H )HDWXUHVQRQ VOLSHQKDQFHG VOLSH WUDFWLRQGHVLJQ WUDFW $1'\RXUFDQH $1' ZLOOVWDQGRQ ZL LWV LWVRZQ Fits most mo sturdy ¾" cane c tubes. Approx. 4" x 4". Approx 7/Ç{£äÊÊ +Õ>`ÀÕ«iÊ >iÊ/«ÊÊf£Ó°n 3XW<RXU )HHW8S $Q\ZKHUH 8VDEOH+HLJKW 'LPHQVLRQV 7KUHVKROG öô õ/: 7KUHVKROG ôö õ/: 7KUHVKROG öô /: 7KUHVKROG öô /: 7KUHVKROG öô ô/: / Àià `Ê ,>«Ê>iÃÊ VViÃÃÊ>ÃiÀ Lightweight, durable threshold ramps install easily. Works with sliding doors, thresholds, raised landings, etc. Measure door entry height and choose correct ramp--use one alone or two combined depending on your needs. Anodized aluminum is rustproof and corrosion proof with a non-skid surface. 600 lb. weight capacity. $OORZZHHNV6HH Ê Ê 3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 5HWXUQ5HSDLU3ROLF\'RQRWUHWXUQWKH7KUHVKROG5DPSWRWKH-RKQVRQ6PLWK &RPSDQ\3OHDVHFDOORXU&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH'HSDUWPHQWIRUUHWXUQDXWKRUL]DWLRQDQGUHWXUQ DGGUHVV<RXUSXUFKDVHSULFHOHVVDUHVWRFNLQJIHHZLOOEHUHIXQGHGLI\RXUHWXUQWKHUDPS LQLWVRULJLQDOSDFNDJLQJZLWKLQGD\V 7KLVVXSHUVHGHVRXUQRUPDOGD\UHWXUQSROLF\ *i>ÃiÊ>``Êfx°ääÊ 7/ÇääÊÊ£¸Ê/ Àià `Ê,>«ÊÊfxä°n ``Ì>Ê 7/Çä£äÊÊ£°x¸Ê/ Àià `Ê,>«ÊÊfÇä°n - ««}ÊÌÊ 7/Çä{xÊÊÓ¸Ê/ Àià `Ê,>«ÊÊfnÈ°n -Ì>`>À`Ê- ««}Ê 7/Çä{ÈÊÊθÊ/ Àià `Ê,>«ÊÊf£äÈ°n >À}iÊvÀÊi>V Ê 7/Ç££ÓÓÊÊ{¸Ê/ Àià `Ê,>«ÊÊf£Ón°n ÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH 0RELOLW\ >VÊ `Ê-i>ÌÊ Õà 6SHFLÀFDOO\GHVLJQHGIRUORQJWHUPZKHHOFKDLUXVHUV\HWJUHDW for use with any chair! Use it to cushion your back (16" x 18" x 3") and seat (16" x 18" x 4"), plus you have the option to lay it ÁDWWRSURYLGHVXSSRUWZKLOHOD\LQJGRZQ+HOSVSUHYHQWVRUHV and offers a slip-free seat. Polyurethane foam with removable polycotton and faux sheepskin cover. Imported. 7/Ç£äÇxÊÊ>VÊEÊ-i>ÌÊ Õà ÊÊfÎ{°n -ÜÛiÊVÊ7 iiÊÌÊ ÀÊ7>iÀà A Adding wheels to your walker will help yyou move more easily over irregular ssurfaces. These wheels can be locked IR IRUÀ[HGZKHHORUXQORFNHGIRUVZLYHO w wheel. Set includes pair of swivel lo lock 5" dia. wheels plus a pair of rrear glides. Fits most walkers w with 1" dia. tubing and allows fo for 8 height adjustments. S Supports up to 350 lbs. 7/Ç£ÎäÊÊ-ÜÛiÊVÊ 7 7 iiÊ-iÌÊÊfÓÈ°n 8VH2Q:ULVW .QHHV%LFHSV 0RUH 6HWRI 1(:1ÛiÀÃ>Ê7À>«Ê *ÀÛ`iÃÊ >ÌÕÀ>Ê>ÀvÀ>Ài`Êi>Ì iÕÝiÊ7>iÀÊ`ià Make it across rough surfaces without getting “hung up.”6HWRI deluxe glides are constructed of long-lasting nylon that optimize walker performance and stability. Attaches easily to walker leg--no tools needed. Fits walkers that have a 11ȫ8" diameter tube leg. 7/ÇÎäxÎÊÊiÕÝiÊ7>iÀÊ `iÃÊ-iÌÊÊf£{°n "iÊ >iʳÊ-i>ÌÊ The perfect travel companion! Cane provides the stability and balance you need while walking. Then, unfold and the seat provides temporary relief. Easy-open collar slides seat open and closed with little effort. Lightweight (just 2 lbs) yet sturdy 7/8" steel tubing holds up to 250 lbs. Be sure to sit on the seat with the handle in front of you for maximum stability. Approx. 34" tall with +ROGV a 8½" x 9½" seat. 6RUU\ 8S7R H[SUHVVDQGUXVKGHOLYHU\ OEV QRWDYDLODEOH 7/ÇxÎÈ{ÊÊ/À>ÛiÊ Ê-i>ÌÊ >iÊÊfΰn *i>ÃiÊ>``Êfx°ääÊÊ ``Ì>Ê- ««}Ê ÌÊ-Ì>`>À`Ê- ««}Ê >À}iÊvÀÊi>V Ê ÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° Wrap radiates a far-infrared heat evenly at all times that feels natural on your skin. Great for arthritis, sore muscles, aches and pains. Never needs to be pre-heated, portable, lightweight and discreet under clothing. Laboratory-tested and safe on the skin. Use on any area of the body up to a 20" circumference. Composed of a zetathermide®/cotton/neoprene/polyester blend. Imported. 7/Ç£nä{ÊÊ<iÌ>Ê1ÛiÀÃ>Ê7À>«ÊÊf£n°n iÕÝiÊ} ÌÜi} ÌÊ7>iÀ UÊ7Ì Êv«Õ«ÊÃi>ÌÊ>`Ê«ÊV UÊÀÌÊÜ iiÃÊV>ÊLiÊÃiÌÊʺÃÜÛi»ÊÀʺv i`»Ê«ÃÌ UÊ-vÌ]ÊviÝLiÊL>V iÃÌÊ«ÀÛ`iÃÊVvÀÌÊ>`ÊÃÌ>LÌÞ Clever walker has a built-in seat that allows the user to sit and WDNHDEUHDNRUÁLSLWXSDQGVWHSLQVLGHWKHIUDPHWR /RRS/RFNV resume motion. Plus, the special loop locks are made of internal aluminum casting to ensure safety and easy operation. Walker folds up using the dual lever side paddle )OLS8S6HDW release. Sturdy 1" diameter anodized aluminum construction supports up to 300 lbs. Weighs 13 lbs. Approx. 27" x 23" x 36". $OORZZHHNV 6HH 3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 5HWXUQ5HSDLU3ROLF\'RQRW UHWXUQWKHZDONHUWRWKH-RKQVRQ 6PLWK&RPSDQ\3OHDVHFDOORXU &XVWRPHU6HUYLFH'HSWIRUUHWXUQ DXWKRUL]DWLRQDQGUHWXUQDGGUHVV <RXUSXUFKDVHSULFHOHVVDUHVWRFN LQJIHHZLOOEHUHIXQGHGLI\RXUHWXUQ WKHZDONHULQLWVRULJLQDOSDFNDJLQJ ZLWKLQGD\V7KLVVXSHUVHGHV RXUQRUPDOGD\UHWXUQSROLF\ 7/Çx{ÇÓÊÊ iÛiÀÌiÊ 7>iÀÊÊf£ÇÓ°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV *i>ÃiÊ >``Ê f£x°ää ``Ì>ÊÊ - ««}Ê ÌÊÌ iÊ-Ì>`>À`Ê - ««}Ê >À}iÊ vÀÊi>V ÊÌiÊ À`iÀi`°Ê 1(:ÊÕÕÊ/À>ëÀÌÊ >À Get where you need to go with less hassle. Transport is turned LQWRDFRPIRUWDEOHH[SHULHQFHWKDQNVWRWKHVSDFLRXVZLGH seat and full length padded arms. Fold-down back and carry straps on seat makes storage easy. With adjustable footrests QRWRROVQHHGHG/LJKWZHLJKWFKDLUDURXQGOEVLVDEOHWR VXSSRUWXSWROEV$SSUR[[ô[ôRYHUDOO)ROGV to 10¾" thick. &RORUV%OXH 5HG6LOYHU*UHHQ )ROG'RZQ 3LQN$TXD. $OORZZHHNV %DFN 6HH 3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP &DUU\6WUDSV :LGH6HDW 3DGGHG $UPV 7/Ç£x£ÊÊÕÕ Ê/À>ëÀÌÊ >ÀÊ VÀ¶®ÊÊf£°n *i>ÃiÊ>``Ê f£ä°ääÊÊ ``Ì>Ê - ««}ÊÌÊ -Ì>`>À`Ê - ««}Ê >À}iÊÊ vÀÊi>V Ê ÌiÊÊ À`iÀi`° %OXH 5HG 6LOYHU *UHHQ 3LQN $TXD 6HWRI 7>iÀÊ 7 7 iiÊÌ 7 Make Mak Ma k your way over ir irregular terrain with w greater ease. ease ea se. Convert Co your folding walker w into a wheeled wonder in a flash. flash fl h. 6 6HWincludes H two5" two 5 wheels with 2-sided position2-s ing holes fit in most standard m 1" walker tub1 ing and allows in for 8 height fo ad adjustments. Plus rear glide glide covers! caps and glid 350 lb. weight capacity. 7/ÇÎn{xÊÊ x¸Ê7>iÀÊ7 iiÃÊÊ f£Ç°n >ÀÊ >``iÒÊ iÌÊ"ÕÌÊ"vÊ9ÕÀÊ >ÀÊ 7Ì Ê>Ãi Car Caddie provides just the support you need getting in and out of the car. Durable nylon strap handle installs (and removes) in seconds on any framed vehicle window. It’s perfect for users with back or neck ailments, postsurgical patients, and people with limited mobility. Soft, comfort-grip handle. 4" wide, adjustable length. 7/ÇÎäx£ÊÊ >ÀÊ >``iÊÊf£Ç°n iÀÞÊ>ÊÊ >ÀÊÀÊ*>`à Add cushy comfort to any chair in your house. Works on arm FKDLUVRIÀFHFKDLUVHYHQ wheelchairs! Fits most chairs-just use e attached ed straps to secure ure to arm of chair. r. 6HWRI 6HWRI arm pads; apSUR[[ó 6HWRI [óHDFK Imported. Style may vary from image shown. 7/Çä{{äÊÊ vÀÌÊ ÀÊ*>`ÃÊÊ f£{°n 7À>«>ÀÕ`ÊiiÊÀ>Vi `i>ÊÀÊ ÀÌ ÀÌÃÊEÊ ÀVÊÌÊ*> Wraparound design allows for quick, easy application to tender swollen knees. Provides compression to increase stability and help relieve pain. Polycentric hinges support natural joint movement and DOORZIRUIXOOÁH[LRQDVLWSUHYHQWV K\SHUH[WHQVLRQ:LGHRSHQLQJUHGXFHV irritation behind the knee. Fits right or left knee. 6L]HV (measure circumference 4" above center of knee): 0' (16" - 17½"), /* (18" - 19½"), ;/ (20" - 21½"), ;(22" - 23½"). 7/ÇxÓxÈÊÊÀv ÜÊ7À>«>ÀÕ`Ê iiÊÀ>ViÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfÈ°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH 0RELOLW\ «ÀiÃÃÊÊ >vÊ-iiÛi Advanced medical sleeve for sup-SRUWUHFRYHU\DQGYHQRXVLQVXIÀciency! Soft, moisture-wicking fabric bric provides 20-30 mmHg gradient comompression with 6 targeted support zones. These zones support the calf and achilles, help improve circulation and aids in recovery. Wear comfortably alone or under nder socks. ([SHFWDVWURQJVQXJÀW/DWH[IUHH2QHSDLU HH2QHSDLU 6HHVL]HFKDUW Imported. /ÀÕÃÌÞÊ >i -ÕÀiÌi`Ê >iÊ-Ì>`ÃÊ"ÊÌÃÊ"ÜÊ 7/Ç£änÇÊÊ «ÀiÃÃÊ >vÊ-iiÛi >vÊ-iiÛi >VÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfΰn n 7/Ç£ännÊÊ «ÀiÃÃÊ >vÊ-iiÛi7 ÌiÊÃâi¶®ÊÊ ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊfΰn Have perfect balance with the help of the Trusty Cane! Engineered with a pivoting head and extra-wide base (3½" dia) to stay steady on uneven surfaces (like stairs) and stand on its own. Which means it’ll be right where you left it, and not lying on WKHÁRRU%XLOWLQ/('OLJKWVRQWKH HUJRQRPLFKDQGOHIDFHERWKIRU ZDUGDQGGRZQZDUGWRLOOXPLQDWH \RXUSDWKLQWKHGDUN Folds up for travel, then springs back into action when you’re ready to go. Height easily adjusts from 32" to 36" tall. Supports up to 250 lbs. Uses 3 “AAA” batteries, not included. 6L]H $QNOH&LUFXPIHUHQFH QFH &DOI&LUFXPIHUHQFH &DO DOI OI &LUFXPIHUHQFH 60 õõ õõ 0' õõ 1RWLQWHQGHGIRULFHRUVOLSSHU\FRQGLWLRQV RUIRUSHUVRQVZLWKODWH[DOOHUJLHV /* õõ 7/Ç£{nxÊÊ/ÀÕÃÌÞÊ >iÊÊ fÓ°n 7/xÓÈÈÎÊÊ{ʺ»ÊÊ >ÌÌiÀiÃÊfÓ°n /iiÃV«}Ê,i>V iÀÊ ÝÌi`ÃÊ9ÕÀÊ,i>V t Grabber gives you the extra reach you need at home or on the go. Jaws can be rotated 90 degrees to grab items from a better angle. 0LQL3LN6WLFNwhich telescopes from 20" to 26". The 3LN6WLFN telescopes from 30" to 44". 6RUU\H[SUHVVDQGUXVK GHOLYHU\QRWDYDLODEOH :LWK %XLOW,Q /(' /LJKWV Õ«ÊEÊ >iÊ`iÀ E Convenient accessory holders clip onto your wheelchair, walker or rollator. Slotted 3½" dia. cup holder accommodates mugs with handles, bottles and cans. &DQHKROGHUKDVERWWRP DQGWRSSLHFHVWKDWURWDWHLQWR GLIIHUHQWSRVLWLRQVWRORFN DQGUHVWFDQHLQSODFH6LPSOH WRROIUHHDVVHPEO\&ODPSVÀW 1" diameter tubing with inserts for smaller frames. Includes 1 cup holder and 1 cane holder. 7/Çx£Î{ÊÊÊ*Ê-ÌVÊÊfÓ°n 7/Ç{ÇxÓÊÊ,Ì>Ì}Ê*Ê-ÌVÊÊfÎÈ°n ([WHQGV7R/RQJ 7/ÇΣääÊÊ Õ«ÊEÊ >iÊ `iÀÊÊfÓ{°n ([WHQGV7R/RQJ ÝÌi`>LiÊ -VÊ` You don’t have to bend or stretch awkwardly to put on your socks-let this extendable sock aid help you! Just slide your sock onto the front, make sure the poles are extended to your preferred height, then slide foot through opening. Works with hosiery and compression socks too. Handles are 15½" long and extend up to 24½". 7/ÇäÎÎ{ÊÊ ÝÌi`>LiÊ -VÊ`ÊÊ f£{°n VVÞÝÊÊ iÊ Õà Use it on any chair in your home to alleviate back pain. Cut-out relieves pressure on tailbone and spine, allowing you to sit more comfortably for longer periods of time. Cushy m 3" high density foam cushion with a gel pad in the center comes with an easy-care washable ÁHHFHWRSSHGQDY\ ". cover. 16" x 18" x 3". 7/ÇÓÈÓÊÊiÊ Õà ÊÊfÎÈ°n n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 8 6 %DVHG HUV +RXUV 2UGHUV+RXUV >V>Ê>ÀÊ,iÛiÀ +ÕVÞÊ,iÛiÃÊ>ÀÊÀÊ/ iÊ,Ìt Ìt Ì Ìt >ÌÕÀ>Ê "iÊ*Ü`iÀ 7ÀÃÊ7Ì ÊÊ-Ê /Þ«iÃ]ÊÊ/iÃ]ÊÊ}ià This 8-in-1 self-adjusting “magic powder” acts as your foundation, concealer, blush, eye shadow, highlight, contour, brow and lip color! Just sweep on and it works with your own different pigments and bone structure to create amazing results. Feels luxurious and silky, with added vitamins and minerals. Includes the Go-Natural all-in-one powder (.35 oz), mirror compact with brush and lip applicator, plus multi-tasking retractable brush. ,Q 6HOI$GMXVWLQJ 0DJLF 3RZGHU Hair stays gone for up to 6 weeks! No need to “hunt” for stray hairs--just gently glide the epilator over the skin for automatic hair removal. There are 12 tweezer action discs that move at an amazing 360 strokes per second to quickly (and comfortably!) remove hair from the root. Also great for touch-up use on underarms and bikini line. Uses 2 “AAA” batteries, not included. Approx. 5"L. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Çänn£ÊÊVÀVÌÛÊ>V> >ÀÊ,iÛiÀÊÊfÎÓ°n 7/xÓÈÈÎÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n >ÀÊ}> 7/Ç£xÓÊÊÊ >ÌÕÀ>Ê ÃiÌVÊÊfÎÈ°n iÌÊ}iÀ]ÊÕiÀÊ>à iÃÊ 7Ì ÕÌÊÊ*ÀiÃVÀ«Ì Not a mascara or makeup! This breakthrough growth formula containing a blend of proteins, vitamins, and nutrients is FOLQLFDOO\SURYHQWRJLYH \RXIXOOHUORQJHUGDUNHU ODVKHVLQMXVWZHHNV Apply to the lash line to stimulate growth of luxurious lashes. 5 ml. %HIRUH $IWHU 7/Ç{äÎÇÊÊÀÃÌÊ >ÃÃÊ>à iÃÊÊfΰn >ÀV>Ê >L}>ÊÝÌÀ>VÌÊ /À> /À>Ã`iÀ>Ê*>ÌV ià Gar Garcinia Cambogia extract is a 100% natural fat burner that 100 suppresses the appetite AND sup hel helps block fat from being made by your body. Transdermal pa patches deliver 95% of the supplement directly to your su cells. Apply fresh patch daily ce fo for a 24-hour timed release. In Includes 30 patches. Each p patch contains 1500 mg of G Garcinia Cambogia extract. 7 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOX DWHGE\WKH)RRGDQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUD D WLRQ7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWR GLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH GL LDJQR 7 7/Ç£xxxÊÊ>ÀV>ÊÊ 7/ >L}>ÊÝÌÀ>VÌÊ*>ÌV ià ÊÊf£°n ÓÊÀÊÀi]Êf£n°nÊi>V ÃÌ>ÌÊ>ÀÊ/ ViiÀ E Enjoy dramatically thicker-looking hair iin just 60 seconds! Hair cream reduces VVFDOSVHHWKURXJKE\ÀOOLQJHDFKH[LVWiing hair shaft so it appears thicker and stands separated from nearby shafts, giving you the illusion of having more hair. Looks natural from root to tip. Won’t stain clothes or wash out in rain. Apply a pea-sized amount to damp hair and comb evenly through. Safe for all hair types. ÁR]ERWWOH 7/Ç£{ÓÎÊÊ>ÀÊ}>Ê Ài>ÊÊf£°n 7/ -}Ê- ÀÌà - >«i]Ê-ÊEÊ/iÊÊ Ê/Ì>Ê vÀÌ The best workout ever... and all you have to do is wear it! 6OLPPLQJVKDSLQJIDEULF KROGVPLOOLRQVRIPLFURFDSVXOHVWKDW UHOHDVHDOOQDWXUDODFWLYHLQJUHGLHQWVOLNH FDIIHLQHWRVWLPXODWHIDWEXUQDQGVKHD EXWWHUWRQRXULVKVNLQDV\RXZHDULWDOO GD\ORQJ These ingredients stay effective for up to 20 washes. Independent studies show that most women report an improved VNLQWRQHDQGUHÀQHGVLOKRXHWWHDIWHURQO\ 15 days! Bike-style shorts are comfortable, breathable and discreet. Polyamide/ elastane blend; imported. &KRRVHVL]H 60 (dress size 6-10), /;/ (12-16), or ;/ (18-24). 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Ç£xxÊÊ-}Ê- ÀÌÃÊ V Vi¶®ÊÊf{°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH ZZZ)8// 3HUVRQDO&DUH 01-Professional 02-Round ÕiÀÊ>ÀÊÀÕà ià ,W·VEHHQDZKLOHVLQFH7KH)XOOHU%UXVK0DQODVWNQRFNHGRQ\RXU door, but the hair brushes are made with the same dependable TXDOLW\(DFKEUXVKLVFUDIWHGXVLQJQDWXUDOERDUEULVWOHVWRJLYH your hair back its natural glow without damaging or conductLQJVWDWLF'XUDEOHSODVWLFKDQGOHZLOOODVWDORQJWLPH&KRRVH 3URIHVVLRQDO (great for short or fine hair) or 5RXQG (adds soft curls or extra bounce)1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/ÇÓnxÊÊÕiÀÊÀÕà ÊV Vi¶®ÊÊf£°n ÞÊÓÊÀÊÀi]Êf£n°nÊi>V ,iVÌÛ>ÌiÊ9ÕÀÊ -ÌiÊ iÃÊ/Ê >iÊ7ÀiÃÊ Ã>««i>À Before After 6WHP&HOO7KHUDS\LVWKHQHZest bio-active topical cream that actually stimulates your own skin stem cells to JURZVPRRWKVXSSOHÀUP QHZVNLQ7KUHHSRZHUIXO LQJUHGLHQWV3K\NR$,3) (increases skin production E\0LWRVWLPHUH activates stem cells), and 6HUDFWLQD\RXWKFRPSRXQGWDUJHWHGDWGHFUHDVing your deepest wrinkles) all work together to help you turn back WKHFORFN6HHUHVXOWVZLWKLQZHHNVRIUHJXODUXVHR] 7/Ç{xÎäÊÊ-ÌiÊ iÊ/ iÀ>«ÞÊÊfÓ°n ÓÊÀÊÀi]ÊfÓÈ°nÊi>V -ÌÀ}]Êi>ÕÌvÕÊ >ð°°>ÃÌt iÊ >ÌÊ,i«>ÀÃÊEÊ-ÌÀi}Ì iÃÊ >à No UV Light Needed! Protein-rich gel formula helps nails grow fast and strong as it protects and provides a bright, glossy ÀQLVK3OXV\RX·OOVDYHRQVDORQFRVWV8VHDVD base coat to make your nail beds look pinker and WKHZKLWHVORRNZKLWHU&DQDOVRXVHDVDWRS FRDWWRH[WHQGWKHOLIHRI\RXUPDQLFXUH4XLFN GU\LQJJHOGRHVQ·WUHTXLUH89OLJKWDQGLWUHPRYHV ZLWKDQ\QDLOSROLVKUHPRYHUÁR]ERWWOH 7/ÇäÎäÊÊ*ÊÀÀÊ >ÊiÊÊf°n ÊÊ*>LÀ>½ÃÊ /ÕÞÊiÀà LÃÀLÃÊ-Üi>ÌÊ1`iÀÊ/ iÊ /ÕÞÊ` 'RFWRUUHFRPPHQGHGWRNHHS VNLQGU\DQGSUHYHQWFKDÀQJ Great for post-surgery or bedULGGHQSDWLHQWV3DFNRI ZKLWHOLQHUV)RUPHQDQG ZRPHQ6L]HV(measure under tummy)60/0'//*/;//;/ FRWWRQZLWKSRO\FRWWRQVKHOO0DFKLQHZDVKGU\0DGH LQ86$1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/ÇxÓÈÓÊÊ/ÕÞÊiÀÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfÓÓ°n ÊÊ iVÊ Ài>ÊvÌÃÊEÊÀà >ÌÕÀ>Ê }i -«Ì ,iÛiÀ }iÊ-«ÌÊ,iÛiÀ Before Remove your sun spots, age spots, freckles and skin discolorations the natural way for even skin tone and FRORU6WDWHRIWKHDUWSHSWLGHFRPSOH[ is alcohol free, chemical free, bleach IUHHDQGFRQWDLQVQRK\GURTXLQRQH Also helps repair and prevents free UDGLFDOVNLQGDPDJH&RQWDLQV63) VXQVFUHHQ&RQYHQLHQWSHQVW\OH GLVSHQVHUIRUHDV\DSSOLFDWLRQ-XVW DSSO\RQFHGDLO\R] After 7/Ç{ÓäÈÊÊ-Ê7 Ìi}Ê «iÝÊÊfÓn°n Professional lifting and ÀUPLQJHIIHFWV achieved without major surgery or harsh chemi1HFN FDOV5HMXYH-DZOLQH nating cream contains 8*/ 'pFROOHWDJH &RPSOH[ to tighten ht skin ki and d restore elasticity to lift the delicate area of the neck, while &KORUHOODJHQ works to renew the skin cells by adding FROODJHQ$SSO\WZLFHGDLO\IRUPD[LPXPHIIHFW5HVXOWVLQDVOLWWOHDV PD[LPXP HIIHFW 5HVXOWV LQ DV OLWWOH DV ZHHNVR]MDU&RPSDUDEOHWRPRUHH[SHQVLYHFUHDPV 7/Ç£äÈxÊÊÀ}Ê iVÊ Ài>ÊÊfÓ°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV 31 Ê VÀ/ÕV Ê"iÊ >ÃÃVÊ->viÌÞÊ,>âÀ %HIRUH -i -iÊ ÀÊ*VÌÕÀiÃÊ}>t UÊ`iÃÊÃÃ}]ÊVÀi`]ÊÃÌ>i`]ÊÊ ÊÊÊLÀiÊÌiiÌ UÊ-«i>ÊEÊ`ÀÊÀ>Þ]ÊiÛi ÊÊÊÃi]ÊÜ iÊÜi>À} $IWHU UÊ >ÊLiÊÜÀÊÛiÀÊ>ÌÕÀ>ÊÌiiÌ ]Ê ÊÊÊVÀÜÃ]ÊÛiiiÀÃÊEÊL`}à Imako Cosmetic Teeth® even covers up to 4 missing front teeth! Once fitted (which can be done, by yourself, at home) they snap onto your upper teeth for a a (DVLO\ ssecure fit, yet remove easily at your discretion. 6QDSV,Q IIncludes carrying case, instructions and fitting ma2XW2QFH<RX tterial. Measure width of 4 front teeth and choose )LW7R<RXU ssize with closest measurement. Select SM (11/8" ´%LWHµ w wide) or LG (115/16" wide). Non-returnable. A timeless classic that proves you only need 1 blade for a perfect shave! Hand crafted 3¼" tall razor has a twist-handle that raises the safety bar up for blade insertion, removal and easy cleaning. Includes 3½" tall chrome stand for storage and 12 precision blades (Need more? 12 blade UHÀOO available). 7/Ç£xÈxÊÊVÀÊ/ÕV Ê"iÊ,>âÀÊÊf£°n 7/Ç£xÈÈÊÊVÀÊ/ÕV Ê"iÊ,ivÊÊfÇ° 7/ÇÎÈÈxÊÊ ÃiÌVÊ/iiÌ ÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfÎ{°n 7 1(:Ê ,VÊ>À`ÁÊ 7iii` -iÝÕ>Ê*iÀvÀ>ViÊ *ÊÀÊi All natural supplement uses a safe & effective proprietary herbal blend to produce a rock hard erection in 30 minutes or less! Just one capsule keeps you harder, longer & stronger for up to 72 hours. Powerful formula works every time so you’ll never leave her wanting for more. May be used with alcohol. 8 capsules. Not to be used by individuals under 18 years old. 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)RRGDQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWRGLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH 7/nÈ{näÊÊ,VÊ>À`Ê7iii`ÊÊfÎÈ°n i½ÃÊ VÌiViÊ ÝiÀÊÀivà 7>à >LiÊ 1«Ê/Ê£ääÊ/ià )HHOFRQÀGHQW$1'FRPIRUWable all day long in these boxer briefs. Super-absorbent, sewn-in pad holds 7 oz. of liquid as it wicks away moisture and kills odors. Briefs also feature a EXWWRQÁ\HODVWLFZDLVWDQG tapered legs. Adult sizes: MD (32"-34"), LG (36"-38"), or XL (40"-42"). Cotton/spandex. Imported. Non-returnable. 7/Çx£xÎÊÊVÌiViÊÝiÀÊÀivÃÊÃâi¶®ÊÊf£Ó°n ÓÊÀÊÀi]Êf££°nÊi>V / iÊiÌÊ7Ì Ê ÊiÃt `ÕÃÌÊ/Ê/ iÊ-âiÊ / >ÌÊiÃÌÊÌÃÊ9Õ Why poke more holes in a belt for extra breathing room? Revolutionary belt has NO holes! You just click the buckle to adjust to the size you need. Click to loosen, click to tighten--it’s that easy. Genuine cow hide leather belt is 50" long. Just cut to the length you want. Black or brown. 7/nnÓÓÓÊÊ+ÕVÊ VÊiÌÊ >VÊÊfÓ°n 7/nnÇÓÓÊÊ+ÕVÊ VÊiÌÊ ÀÜÊÊfÓ°n $GMXVW&XW7R<RXU6L]H i>`Ê,>âÀÊÊ ÀÊ 9Õʺ7 ii»Ê"ÛiÀÊ 9ÕÀÊi>`ÊÀÊÊ VÀiiÊ- >Ûi Shaving your head doesn’t need to be an ordeal filled with nicks and cuts. This head ead razor iss specifically designed to make shaving the head fast, easy, and even fun. It looks like a mini ATV vehicle (with razor blade on the back end) with a soft 6KDYLQJ rubber finger grip--that you “wheel” over <RXU+HDG your head. Such an easier, more natural +DV1HYHU motion than using a straight razor! Can %HHQ also be used to shave your face and (DVLHU body. Approx. 3" x 1¾" x 1½". 7/nääÇÈÊÊi>`Ê,>âÀÊÊf£°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH 3DLUV 3HUVRQDO&DUH 1(:Ê *>ÌÊiÀÊ-iÌ Pant liner solves the problem of too-sheer &RQFHDO pants, panty lines, 6PRRWK adds layer of protec$QG$GG$ tion from unlined /D\HU2I scratchy wool pants, :DUPWK and is an extra layer of warmth when you’re chilly. Ankle-length nylon/spandex/cotton blend liner has nonbinding elastic waistband and cuffs. You get SDLUV of beige liners. &KRRVHVL]H5HJXODU ÀWVOEVRU4XHHQ ÀWVOEV,PSRUWHG 7/Ç£xnäÊÊ*>ÌÊiÀÊ -iÌÊV Vi¶®ÊÊf£Ó°n 1(: Ì}}Ê6iÊ Ài> Ê9ÕÌ vÕÊ-iVÀiÌÊ/ >ÌÊ>ÃÊÞÜ`Ê-Ì>ÀÃÊ ÃÊ }Ê£äÊ9i>ÀÃÊ9Õ}iÀt 7KH 8OWLPDWH %RWR[ $OWHUQDWLYH Snake venom may sound scary, but it’s just the opposite! This rich, gentle cream uses a synthesized version of the venom of the Temple Viper of Malaysia and adds collagen, elastin, youth peptides and anti-oxidants your skin needs to look younger and %HIRUH $IWHU healthier. BioVen then blocks the nerve signals telling wrinkle-causing muscles to contract. As muscles relax, old age lines diminish as BioVen helps prevent the appearance of new ones. Start to feel and see the effects on the YHU\ÀUVWGD\«ZLWKIXOOUHVXOWVDIWHUZHHNV$SSO\ RQFHDGD\ÁR]ERWWOHDERXWDGD\VXSSO\ 7/ÇxÎäÎÊÊ6iÊÊfÓn°n 7/ ÇxÎäÎÊÊ6iÊÊfÓn°n ÕÃÌiÀÊÀÜ Ü ÁÊ >`iÃÊ ÃÊ ÌÌÊ-Và Và 1(: Ê>ÃÌVÊÀÊ ÀÊ `}Ê vÀÌ v v vÀ ÀÌÌ - >««ÞÊÌÊi Your foot is rounded-VR\RXUIRRWÀOHVKRXOGEH too! Use the “inside” of WKLVFXUYHGÀOHWRUHPRYH roughness from the heels and borders of your feet. 7KH´RXWVLGHµRIWKHÀOH is great for your soles. Use on wet or dry skin. $SSUR[[ó[ó Enjoy the comfort found fou und d LQ´WKHRULJLQDOµ cotton anklet thatt is made with zero elastic or syntheticc materials. These non-binding lightweightt socks are great for women who struggle with poor circulation, diabetes, edema or RWKHUVNLQLVVXHV&RPHVSDLUVWRDSDFNLQHLWKHUZKLWHor EODFN. &KRRVHÀWVVKRHVL]HVKRHVL]Hó VKRHVL]HóóRUVKRHVL]H,PSRUWHG 7/Ç£xÇÊÊÕÃÌiÀÊÀÜÊ7 ÌiÊiÌÊ-VÃÊÃâi¶®ÊÊf£ä°n 7/Ç£xÈÊÊÕÃÌiÀÊÀÜÊ>VÊiÌÊ-VÃÊÃâi¶®ÊÊf£ä°n 1(:/2:(535,&( Ì}}Ê-Õ«iÀÊÀÕ> Ê£äÊ9i>ÀÃÊ9Õ}iÀ°°°ÀÊvi See initial results within one hour of application! Pure hyaluronic acid %HIRUH penetrates beneath wrinkles and expands, lifting and relieving age lines like magic. Acquacel, a bio-extract compound of watermelon rind, lentil and unripened apple skin, draws moisture from the air to hydrate your $IWHU skin all day and night. <RX FDQORRNWR\HDUV \RXQJHUWKDQ\RXUDJHIRU OLIHZLWKGDLO\XVH 1 oz. tube. 7/ÇxääÇÊÊiië iÀiÊ ÜÉVµÕ>ViÊÊf£°n 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Ç£ÈÈÇÊÊ- >««ÞÊiÊÊ f£ä°n >ÌÕÀ>]ÊvviVÌÛiÊ i /Ài>ÌiÌÊ ÀÊ*>ÊEÊ v>>Ì Sublingual formula containss aloe vera and nopal cactus DNDSULFNO\SHDUEHWDODLQ which is a very rare and powerful antioxidant that has as EHHQVFLHQWLÀFDOO\SURYHQWR help the body detoxify itself DQGUHGXFHLQÁDPPDWLRQ Effective relief for all types RILQÁDPPDWLRQLQFOXGLQJ respiratory, arterial, digestive e tract and muscle and joint HU LQÁDPPDWLRQ-XVWDGURSSHU D GD\ Á R] ERWWOH GD\ VXSSO\ IXOOXQGHUWKHWRQJXHWZLFHDGD\ÁR]ERWWOHGD\VXSSO\ 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)RRGDQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWRGLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH 7/Çä{xÊÊ «>ÛiÀ>ÊÊfΰn 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV -Õ«iÀÊLÃÀLiÌÊ 1ÌÀ>-vÌÊ i`Ê*>`à ÃÃÕÀiÃÊÀÞÊ vÀÌ %UXVKHGTXLOWHGVXUIDFH LVNLQGWRWKHVNLQDVLW ZLFNVPRLVWXUHDZD\ IURPWKHERG\The ZDWHUSURRIERWWRPOD\HU SURWHFWVEHGGLQJ 4XLOWHG SDGKDVVRDNHUOD\HUV IRUKHDY\GXW\DEVRUS WLRQ:[+ 0DFKLQHZDVK0DGHLQ 86$1RQUHWXUQDEOH ÓÊvÀÊfÓn ëÃ>LiÊ `ÕÌÊÊ 7>à VÌ Ã 1DWXUDO +\SRDOOHUJHQLF )RUPXOD 6RIWXOWUDWKLFNSUH PRLVWHQHGK\JLHQLF ZLSHVDUHDOFRKRO ODWH[FKORULQHDQG IUDJUDQFHIUHH8VH RQDQ\SDUWRI\RXU ERG\$OOQDWXUDOFOHDQLQJK\SRDOOHUJHQLFIRUPXODHQULFKHGZLWK DORHYLWDPLQ(DQGFKDPRPLOHWKDWLVVRRWKLQJWRGU\VHQVLWLYHVNLQ 6WURQJDEVRUEHQWSUHPLXPFORWKLVPDGHZLWKELRGHJUDGDEOHILEHUV H[WUDODUJH[ZLSHV 7/ÇÓn£nÊÊëÃ>LiÊ7>à VÌ ÃÊÊfn°n 7/ÇääxnÊÊ+ÕÌi`Ê i`Ê*>`ÊÊf£È°n >ÌÕiViÊi`ÀâiÀ %RWK$UH :DVKDEOH $QG+ROG 8S7R 2XQFHV No more smelly episodes, horrible ÁDWXOHQFHRGRUVDQG 3HUIHFW IHHOLQJDVKDPHGRU )RU,%6 HPEDUUDVVHG3ODFH WKH)ODW'OLQHULQVLGH H 6XIIHUHUV 2U$Q\RQH \RXUXQGHUZHDUVR :LWK WKHQH[WWLPHJDV ([FHVV*DVV LVH[SHOOHGLWLVLQ VWDQWO\QHXWUDOL]HG ZLWKRXWWKHWHOOWDOHOLQJHU LQJRGRUWKDWFRXOGSXW\RX LQDQDZNZDUGVLWXDWLRQ 'RFWRUUHFRPPHQGHGDFWLYDWHG FKDUFRDOFORWKSDGLVWKLQDQG FRPIRUWDEOHWRZHDU$SSUR[[ 5HXVDEOHIRUVHYHUDOZHHNV GHSHQGLQJRQXVDJH,QFOXGHV RSWLRQDOGRXEOHVLGHGWDSHDQG LQVWUXFWLRQV1RQUHWXUQDEOH 1(:,iÕÃ>LiÊVÌiViÊÀivÃÊÊ ÀÊiÊEÊ7i <RXGRQ·WKDYHWRJLYHXSGLJQLW\FRPIRUWRUFRQYHQLHQFH5HXVDEOH ZDVKDEOHEULHIVDUHEXLOWIRUPRGHUDWHWRKHDY\LQFRQWLQHQFHKROGV XSWRR]DQGKDYHDZKLVSHUTXLHWZDWHUSURRIYLQ\OEDUULHUPHWKRG WRSUHYHQWVSLOORYHU,QQHUOLQHULVVRIWDJDLQVWVNLQDQGTXLFNO\ZLFNV PRLVWXUHDZD\&RWWRQSRO\HVWHUYLQ\O,PSRUWHG6HHVL]HFKDUW 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Ç£ÇnxÊÊi½ÃÊ,iÕÃ>LiÊÀivÊÃâi¶®ÊÊf£Ç°n 7/Ç£ÇnÈÊÊ7i½ÃÊ,iÕÃ>LiÊÀivÊÃâi¶®ÊÊf£x°n 7/ÇxÓÇÎÊÊ>ÌÊÊiÀ f£n°n n 6HWRI :DLVW6L]H 7>ÌiÀ«ÀvÊ 6ÞÊ*>Ìà ÃVÀiiÌÊ*ÀÌiVÌ )RUFRPIRUWDEOHDOOGD\ DQGRYHUQLJKWSURWHF WLRQZDWHUSURRIYLQ\O SXOORQSDQWVRIIHUD GLVFUHHWDQGTXLHW VKLHOGRYHULQFRQWL QHQFHEULHIVRUOLQHUV 6RIWYLQ\OHOLPLQDWHV HPEDUUDVVLQJFULQNOLQJ VRXQGV 6L]H 0' /* ;/ ; 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These ti natural ingredients work together to n a and lighten scars, reduce swellssoften o iin ng and inflammation, rebuild damaged ing tissue and restore healthy cell function. Effective on surgical, hypertrophic and keloid scars, burns, acne %HIRUH %H and older scars. Simply apply 3-4 times daily. Many users begin to see results in as little as 3 days. Features vitamins $IWHU $I A, C and D, co-enzyme Q-10, onion extract, pycnogenol, glucosamine amine, lecithin, grape seed and green tea extrac extracts. 2 fl. oz. tube. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/ÇÓÎ{ÊÊ-V>ÀÊ/ iÀ>«ÞÊÊfÓ°n 7/Ç / Ê «Ü>`ÊÊ/ iÀ>«ÞÊ >V>Ê-ÞÃÌi &RRO7R7KH7RXFK ,i`ÕViÊiÊiÃÊEÊ7Àià LED therapy is easy to use and helps skin look radiant and healthy! 3HQVL]HGZDQGKDV DPEHU/('VWKDWHPLWD QPZDYHOHQJWKWRKHOSVWLPX ODWHDQGDZDNHQFHOODFWLYLW\ %HIRUH SDUWLFXODUO\SURPRWLQJFROODJHQ IRUPDWLRQZKLFKVPRRWKVRXW ZULQNOHGVNLQ In addition, the wand has a microvibration feature (8000 microvibrations per minute!) to help enhance blood $IWHU circulation, which assists in the healing and re-energizing process. Just switch on and gently place on affected areas of your face. Uses 1 “AAA” battery, not included. Approx. 5" long with ¾" dia. treatment area. 7/Ç£xÇ{ÊÊ/ÓÊ«Ü>`Ê>V>Ê-ÞÃÌiÊÊfÓ°n 7/xÓÈÈÎÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n , Ê ÃiÌVÊ>} Don’t leave for your next trip without this travel buddy. It’ll hold your cosmetics, toiletries, jewelry, and more in 4 separate, zippered compartments--yet rolls up into a compact bag for HDV\SRUWDELOLW\:LWKVQDSVKXWÁDSDQG hang-tag. 100% polyester; imported. }iÊ-«ÌÊ Ài> }i -«Ì Ài> ,iiÜÊUÊ,i«>ÀÊ UÊà &ORVHG 7/Çä{x£ÊÊ,Ê ÊÊÊf£°n Clinically-proven formulation C ggently fades age spots and other discolorations of the o sskin. Even sun-damaged sskin will appear younger. Non-greasy, Non gre grea easy sy bo botanical b tani ta nica call ffo formula orm rmul ula a iincludes lilicorice root and bearberry extract. Massage into affected areas twice daily. Most see results in 30 days. 2 oz. jar. Individual results may vary. 7/Ç{È{ÎÊÊ}iÊ-«ÌÊ Ài>ÊÊf£°n ÊÊ -Õ``iÊ >}iÁÊ 9Õ}iÀÊÞià Look younger in just 3 minutes! %HIRUH Lasts for hours! &UHPHÁR] lifts the “curtain” of sagging skin over your eyes. 6HUXPÁR]PDNHVWKH appearance of dark circles, wrinkles, OLQHVDQGSXIÀQHVVGLVDSSHDU8VHWRgether for a total eye transformation. 7/Ç£xÇäÊÊ-Õ``iÊ >}i ÊÞi`ÊvÌÊ ÀiiÊÊf£È°n 7/Ç£xÇ£ÊÊ-Õ``iÊ >}iÊ 1`iÀiÞiÊÀ}Ê-iÀÕÊÊÊ f£°n 6HUXP %HIRUH $IWHU &UHPH -Ì«Ê/ iÊÌV Ê`Ê >`ÀÕvvÊ"vÊ*ÃÀ>Ãà $IWHU Why suffer from embarrassing dandruff and intense scalp itch? The powerful ingredients in this rich, moisturizing and conditioning shampoo o eliminate the symp,PPHGLDWH$QG&RQWLQXRXV 5HOLHI2I3VRULDVLV toms of psoriasis, dry scalp, seborrheic der- 'DQGUXII$QG6HERUUKHLF 'HUPDWLWLV matitis and dandruff. All you’ll have left is soft, oft manage manageable gea ab ble h hair. air ir N Nonon greasy, irritation-free formula contains 3% salicylic acid and egg protein. 8 oz. Made in the USA. 7/Çx{{nÊÊ*ÃÀ>ÃÃÊ - >«ÊÊf£n°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH 3OHDVXUH )RU+LP $QG+HU 3HUVRQDO,QWLPDWH&DUH 6LÀ>Ì}Ê º"»Ê-iiÛi Designed to add intense pleasure for both him and her! Incredibly soft, stretchy enhancer sleeve has a vibrating “head” that activates upon body contact. Includes 2 replaceable button batteries. Approx. 6½" x 1" dia. (TPR material stretches WRÀWPRVW 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Çä£ÎÊÊ 6LÀ>Ì}Ê "Ê-iiÛiÊÊ fÓ{°n fÓ "ÛiÀÊxÊÕÀÃÊ"vÊ Ì>ÌiÊ-iÝÊ`ÛVit it >ÃÃ>}iÀ Curved just right to give you maximum pleasure! The ribbed ´ÁRZHUµRIIHUVIXOOFOLWRUDOVWLPXOD-tion while the insertable section tickles your hidden G-spot. Flexible to adjust to any woman’s curves. Push-button provides 5 different vibrations sista ta ant nt; to bring you to a climax. Water-resistant; tte eriies es (8 (8 are are included). includ uded ed d). ). phthalate-free. Uses 4 button batteries Approx. 5" x 3½" x 1¼". 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Ç£nx{ÊÊx8Ê`ÞÊÃÃÊ>ÃÃ>}iÀÊÊfÓn°n Develop new skills and techniques as you learn more about innovative foreplay and arousal, sennsual massage, increasing ng the duration and intensity ty of climax, advanced positions sitions and much more. Both male DQGIHPDOHORYHUVZLOOÀQGWKLV best-selling sex guide visually fantastic, uniquely educational, and highly entertaining. '9' VHW. 6H[XDOO\H[SOLFLW<RX PXVWEHDWOHDVW\HDUVROG WRRUGHU,QWLPDWH'9'V See Video Policy on order form. i½ÃÊ>ÝÕÊ *i>ÃÕÀiÊ6 Ancient Tantric sexuality secrets teach men how to unlock the natural sexual energy within them to reach the highest plateaus of prolonged orgasmic pleasure. Discover how to experience the intense feelings of orgasm ov over and over again prior to ejaculation, the male “g-spot”, ej an and more. Approx. 75 mins. ([ ([SOLFLWVH[XDOLQVWUXFWLRQ <RX P PXVWEHDWOHDVW\HDUVROG WR WRRUGHU,QWLPDWH'9'V See V Video Policy on order form. 7/ÇxxÎÓÊÊÛiÀÃÊÕ`iÊ "À}>Ê iVÌÊ6Ê-iÌÊf{°n -iÌÊf{°n 7 7/nÈäÓÈÊÊi½ÃÊÕ`iÊ /Ê1Ì>ÌiÊ*i>ÃÕÀiÊ6ÊÊ / f£°n r More Fo Intimate Cares: w. m Item Fu l co ww +LW $OO +LW$OO 7KH5LJKW 6SRWV(QMR\ 7RWDO7HQVLRQ 5HOHDVH / iÊÛiÀ½ÃÊÕ`i / i ÛiÀ½Ã Õ`i ÊÊ 1(:`ÞÊÃÃÊÊ e l O f Lif . 7>`Ê>ÃÃ>}iÀ 7 ` 7Ì ÊnÊ vviÀiÌÊ-«ii`à Hit alll the the rright igh spots! Just plug this wand massager massag ma age er in n for f powerful vibrations (with 8 different diff di ffe erentt speeds spee ee to choose from) that are GHOLYHUHGWKURXJKWKHVRIWÁH[LEOHKHDG GH HOLOLYH YHUHG YH GWK WKUR You’ll You’ u ll enjoy enjoy oy total to tension release... and more! mo ore re!! P Phthalate-free. hthal htha Approx. 12"L with 2½" dia. dia silico silicone head and 6-ft power cord. 1RQUHWXUQD 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Ç££ÇÊÊ,iiÜÊ7>`Ê>ÃÃ>}iÀÊÊ 7/Ç££ÇÊÊ fΰn -iiÊÕ}iÊ,iÃÕÌÃÊ 7Ì Ê`ÃÊ*Õ« <ÊÀ«Ê>`iÊ *ÕÃÊÓÊ-iiÛià Affordable, easy-to-use enhancement pump creates a vacuum around the penis, encouraging an erection by LQFUHDVLQJEORRGÁRZ&DQDOVRPDNH an erection harder & bigger. º*Õ«Ê"vÊ Flanged cylinder with universal / iÊ9i>Àt» measures has a tapered siliiÀV>Ê cone donut for maximum suc*Õ«iÀÃÊ tion. Included interchangeable ÃÃV° sleeves provide added stimulation. Non-crimping air hose has quick release valve. 8" x 2¼" dia. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Çx£ÈxÊÊ`ÃÊ *Õ«ÊÊfÎ{°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV 86%DVHG&DO 9LEUDWLRQ 3XOVDWLRQ 3XOVDWLRQ 7KUXVWLQJ )RU&RPSOHWH )RU&RPSOHWH $URXVDO $URXVD DO O ÊviÌiÊ"vÊ iÌÌiÀÊ-iÝÁ ÃÊ-iiÊÊ,* / ÀÕÃÌ}ÊÕÞÊ>ÃÃ>}iÀÊ / 8QOL 8QOLNHDQ\WKLQJ\RX·YHVHHQEHIRUH([ perience peri pe rie ri e 8 levels of incredible, insertable, WKUXVWLQJDFWLRQ3/86URWDWLQJEHDGVIRUH[WUD WKUXVW VWLPXODWLRQ3/86LQGHSHQGHQWYLEUDWLRQ VWLPXOD VSHHGV$1'YLEUDWLRQSXOVDWLRQHVFDOD VSHHGV tion fun functions for BOTH the motors. Did we mentio mention it also has the vibrating tickling bunny WRR"(DV\WRXVHSXVKEXWWRQFRQWUROV$SSUR[ WRR"(DV\ /RYHUDOOZLWKDôORQJVKDIWDQGDóORQJ /RYHUDO WLFNOLQJEXQQ\8VHV´$$µEDWWHULHVQRWLQFOXGHG WLFNOLQJEXQQ :DWHUSURRI1RQUHWXUQDEOH :DWHUSURRI Hosted by internationally recog QL]HGH[SHUWVWKLV'9'VHW shows how men and women in their 40s, 50s and beyond that WKHEHVWVH[RIWKHLUOLYHVFDQ be enjoyed right now. Dis cover the secrets of romance, seduction and the keys WRVH[XDOSOHDVXUHDVUHDO couples demonstrate proven VH[XDOWHFKQLTXHVWRUHDFKD QHZOHYHORIVH[XDOIXOÀOOPHQW DQGSDVVLRQ$SSUR[ mins. 6H[XDOO\H[SOLFLW<RX PXVWEHDWOHDVW\HDUV ROGWRRUGHU,QWLPDWH'9'V6HH9LGHR3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP HH 9LGHR 3ROLF\ RQ RUGHU IRUP 7/Ç{nÎÎÊÊviÌiÊiÌÌiÀÊ-iÝÊ6Ê-iÌÊÊfÓÈ°n 7/ÇxxnÎÊÊ/ 7/ÇxxnÎÊÊ/ ÀÕÃÌ}ÊÕÞÊ>ÃÃ>}iÀÊÊfn°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ iÃÌÊ"vÊÛ}Ê-iÝÊ 6Ê-iÌ The popular /RYLQJ6H[ series LVWKHSHUIHFWPL[RIVH[XDO HGXFDWLRQDQGWDVWHIXOO\ÀOPHG UHDOVH[7KLV´EHVWRIµ'9' VHWJLYHV\RXIXOOKRXUV VFHQHVRIKRWVH[IHDWXULQJ real couples in real life situa WLRQV,QIRUPDWLYHDQGVH[\ it’s a great way to improve your VH[OLIHDQGVWUHQJWKHQ\RXUUH lationship. 6H[XDOO\H[SOLFLW <RXPXVWEHDWOHDVW\HDUV ROGWRRUGHU,QWLPDWH'9'V $SSUR[PLQV6HH9LGHR 3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP ÀÕ}ÀiiÊ-ÕÌÊ /ÊÀiVÌiÊÞÃvÕVÌ 8VLQJYDFXXPWKHUDS\DGUXJIUHHHIIHFWLYHDOWHUQDWLYHWR surgery, the 3RV79DF7KHUDS\6\VWHPXVHVDEDWWHU\RSHUDWHG pump and a vacuum cylinder. One press of the button and the motor begins a smooth steady pumping action providing a natu ral method of gaining an erection. Creating a vacuum generates blood flow into the penis, causing engorgement and rigidity. The natural erection is then held by a support ring which restricts the flow of blood back out of the penis. The system helps maintain DQHUHFWLRQVDIHO\IRUXSWRPLQXWHV5HTXLUHV´$$µEDW teries (included). Achieve similar results using the manual hand pump on the 3RV79DF0DQXDO6\VWHP. You control the amount of vacuum pressure needed. Includes support rings and lubricant. %RWKLWHPVDUH QRQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Ç££Î{ÊÊ *Ã/6>VÊÊ / iÀ>«ÞÊ-ÞÃÌiÊÊ f£n°n 7/Ç{ÎÎÊÊ *Ã/6>VÊ >Õ>Ê-ÞÃÌiÊÊ f£Ó°n 7/Ç£ÎnnÊÊiÃÌÊ"vÊ Û}Ê-iÝÊ6Ê-iÌÊÊf£{°n )LUP7LS! LUP7LS! ``ÊÎÊV iÃÊÃÌ>ÌÞÊ Ê-ÕÀ}iÀÞÊ"ÀÊ*ÃÊ,iµÕÀi` Clear sleeve (with enhanced tip) slides over your ur HUHFWLRQH[WHQGLQJLWDIXOOLQFKHVDVZHOODVDGGLQJ VDGG GLQ LQJJ girth to entire length of the penis. Supple material erria ial feels like real skin, allowing both of you to enjoy oy sen sations equally. Stretchy love ring helps you m maintain aint ai ntai ain n DÀUPHUHUHFWLRQORQJHU:DWHUUHVLVWDQWYLEUDWLQJ WLQ LQJJ EXOOHWKDVVSHHGVDQGFDQEH used with ring or alone. ne.. Two button batteries 6OLGHV 6OLG HV included. Sleeve is 2Q Q [óDQGFDQEH cut for comfortable, FXVWRPÀW3KWKDO DWHODWH[DQG39& free. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH OH 7/ÇäÎÓäÊÊÊ*iÃÊ ÝÌiÃÊÌÊÊf£°n f£°n n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH IH DQG 6HF IH HFXU XU ,QWLPDWH&DUH 1(:,}Ê-ÞÃÌiÊi«ÃÊ -Õ««ÀÌÊÀiVÌà Easy, safe, and comfortable to wear, this medical grade ring kit facilitates intimacy E\KHOSLQJWRPDLQWDLQÀUPHUORQJHU lasting erections. Designed for those who can naturally achieve an erection aintaining it) or those (but need help maintaining who can achieve only a partial erection. Reusable silicon non-latex constriction round rings are placed around base of penis, gently providing pressure to help maintain rigidity ed. until ring is removed. Includes 2 multiper sized rings for proper ÀW1RQUHWXUQDEOH EOH >â}ÊviiÊiiÊ ÀÊVÀi`LiÊ ->ÌÃv>VÌ Take your playtime pleasure to the next level. Life-like massager is made with PureSkin™, a soft, smooth plush material that feels like the real thing. State of the art memory chip gives you the choice of H[FLWLQJVHQVDWLRQOHYHOV, like “escalation” and “heart racer.” Easy push button control. Uses 2 “AA” batteries, not included. Approx. 8" long. Waterproof. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/ÇÎn£ÊÊ>VÊÀi>ÃÊ ÊÊÊÊÊ>ÃÃ>}iÀÊÊfÎÈ°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»ÊÊ>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊ fÓ°n 7/Ç£xx -Õ««ÀÌÊ,}Ê }Ê -iÌÊÊfÓ°n n 1(: / iÊÃÃiÌ>Ê ÛiÀ½ÃÊÕ`iÊ iVÌ >ÃÃ>}iÀ Explore sexual techniques and sensual skills that will take you and your partner to new heights of passion and intimacy. From erotic communication, aphrodisiacs, self-pleasure and oral sex techniques to over 60 positions for lovers to try, this collection will appeal to both men and women. '9'VHW. 6H[XDOO\H[SOLFLW <RXPXVWEHDWOHDVW\HDUV ROGWRRUGHU,QWLPDWH'9'V See For More Video Policy on order form. Intimate 7ZR3XPSLQJ2SWLRQV 3XP 3X 3XPSLQJ2SWLRQV PSLQ QJ2 2SWWLRRQV iÕÝiÊÊ 6 6>VÕÕÊ*Õ«Ê-ÞÃÌi -iÃÕ>Ê >Ê `Õ}iVi Fu l co w. m Item ww 7/Ç£nxxÊÊ>VÊÊ>ÃÃ>}iÀÊÊfÓÓ°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n Cares: 7/Ç£ÈnnÊÊÛiÀ½ÃÊÕ`iÊ ÃÃiÌ>Ê iVÌÊÊf{°n 1(:>Vʺ»Ê Feeling pleasure is healthy! Long slender massager provides an easy reach to focus on clitoral stimulation, with a specially-shaped tip that is angled to reach the G-spot (insertable up to 6½"). Multi-speed vibrations are easily controlled by the twist-base. Durable, body-safe material is compatible with any lubricant. Water-resistant, phthalate- and latex-free. Uses 2 “AA” batteries, not included. Approx. 7½" overall. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH i>ÀÞÊÈÊÕÀÃÊ"vÊ Ì>ÌiÊ -iÝÊ`ÛVit ([FLWLQJ 6HQVDWLRQ /HYHOV l O f Lif e. 6 6H[XDOIXOÀOOPHQWFDQEHDQ\ZRPDQ·V reality with the Climactic Climaxer. Place re the soft, silicone cup over the clitoris to th enjoy the sensations of a gentle suction, enj 3 ssuper soft ticklers and one intense vibrating speed. Stimulates like nothing vibr \RX·YHH[SHULHQFHGEHIRUH8VHV´$$$µ \RX·Y batteries, not included. Approx. 5½"L. batte 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 1RQU 7/ÇäÈÓÊÊ >VÌVÊ 7/Ç >ÝiÀÊÊf£{°n 7/xÓÈÈÎÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊÊfÓ°n 7/xÓ >ÌÌiÀÞ*ÜiÀi`Ê*Õ«ÊEÊ >Õ>Ê*Õ«Ê"«Ìà P Powerful vacuum therapy is a non-invasive way to regain your n natural erections and intercourse ability. Deluxe pump system gives you the option to manually pump OR use the battery-powered attachment to create the vacuum needed to gain a natural erection. Vacuum cylinder (9" x 2" dia.) works with the included soft (removable) gasket that adds extra comfort for a variety of sizes. With easy-to-use quick release valve. Includes a set of 4 multi-sized support rings. Phthalate, latex and PVC free. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/ÇäÇÈäÊÊ`ÜÊ6>VÕÕÊ*iÃÊ*Õ«Ê-ÞÃÌiÊÊf°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 8 6 2UGHUV+RXUV i>ÃÊ /iÌÊÜÊ / ÀÕ} Êxä]äääÊ Õà ià &KHPLFDO )UHH 7Ì ÕÌÊ iV>Ãt 7 7 Ì #KN S Safe and sanitary ttoilet bowl cleaner to iiss guaranteed to keep your toilet k cclean through 50,000 flushes h without ith it h t scrubbing! Just drop the Chem-FreeTM cartridge into the toilet tank to prevents mineral stains, hard-to-remove rings around the bowl, fungus and mildew, while inhibiting bacteria growth. Safe for children, pets, septic systems, and the environment. About 6" long. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 1(:"À}>Ê > À}ÊÀ`tt Fun to watch! Tip his beak into a glass of water, and he goes es back on his own again and again for another “drink!” A fascinating nating classic! About 8" tall. WARNING: RNING: Choking Hazard - small parts. ts. Not for children under 3 yrs. s. 7/x{nÊÊÀ}Ê À`ÊÊf£ä°n ä°n ÓÊvÀÊf£n #KN (UDVHV ,QN 6HWRI 1(: Place this island cutie it in a sunny or brightly-lit spot and she’ll dance the hula all day long! Her upper body and lower torso move independently, and she never needs batteries. eries. 4"H. Assorted 6KRXOGHUV colors; our +LSV6ZD\ choice, please. ,Q7KH/LJKW WARNING: Choking Hazard small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs. 7/££nÎäÊÊ->ÀÊ Õ>ÊÀÊÊfÇ°n n ÓÊvÀÊf£Ó #KN À>Ã>LiÊ Ê *iÃÊ 0APO #KN 7/Ç{£ÓÓÊÊ*ÕââiÊ*iÊ-iÌÊÊf°n 7 ÓÊÃiÌÃÊvÀÊf£Ç #KN "`ÀÊ>ÌÀÊ ÀÊÊÌÜi>À Do people open the windows when you take off your shoes? Stink Free™ kills the stinky bacteria on contact! No powdery mess. Just spray a few times into shoes, let dry, and next time take RIIWKRVHVKRHVZLWKFRQÀdence. Ideal for all footwear. ÁR]VSUD\ERWWOH 7/Ç{xÓÇÊÊ-ÌÊÀiiÒÊ f£Ó°n *iÀÃ>Ê ->viÌÞÊ>À P Perfect for crossword cr puzzles and p sudoku, these su retractable ink re pens erase cleanly, even on newsprint. 6HW pe RI Assorted colors, our choice, please. RI iÌÊ,`Ê"vÊ -iÞÊiiÌÊ `Ê- iÃt ÓÊvÀÊfÓä 0APO #KN ÓÊÃiÌÃÊvÀÊf£ä ÓÊvÀÊf£È Keep a layer of protection between you and the toilet seat on hand. Specially-sized tissues are ÁXVKDEOHZRQ·W c plumbing. 6HW clog inc includes 60 folded tis tissues and vinyl ca carry pouch. Pouch desi designs vary, our choice choice, please. 7/Ç{Σ{ÊÊ ÛiÀÊ i>Ê-iÌÊÊfÇ°n 7/ 7 Ç{Σ{ 7/Çä£nÊÊÜÊ i>iÀÊÊfn°n ->ÀÊÕ>ÊÀ À Õà >LiÊ /iÌÊ-i>ÌÊ ÛiÀà 7/Ç{ÇÇÎÊÊÉÀ>ÃiÀÊ,ivÊÊfΰn 7 >â}Ê >ÌÕÀ>Ê i>`>V iÊ,iiv I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t tried it out of desperation. My pounding headache vanished! Peppermint stick with menthol crystals and rosemary simply rubs on temples, forehead, and back of neck. Relieves headaches, sinus congestion, and neck tension with cool, tingling relief in minutes! Of course, results may vary. 6HWRILabel designs may vary, our choice, please. 0APO #KN 7/ÇäÇ£ÓÊ *i««iÀÌÊ i>`>V iÊ,iivÊÊ ,QVWDQW5HOLHI ,QVW VWDQ QW5HOLHI f££°n 6HWRI ÓÊÃiÌÃÊ vÀÊf£ Piercing 130 dB alarm scares off potential attackers and/or alerts others you need help! Simply activate with a push of a button. Convenient to keep with you too! Loop the lanyard onto a purse strap or wear around your neck for quick access. Also attaches to your keychain, clips inside purse, on your belt, etc. FeaWXUHVDQH[WUDEULJKW/('ÁDVKOLJKWSOXV HPHUJHQF\UHGÁDVKHUEHDFRQ,QFOXGHV 3 button batteries. Approx. 3" x 1½" x ½". #KN 7/Çä{Ç{ÊÊ*iÀÃ>Ê>ÀÊÊf£Ó°n ÓÊvÀÊfÓÓ ÃÌ>ÌÊ-Õà ÊÕ} Changes almost any beverage into a delicious, frozen dessert. Keep Slush Mug in freezer until you’re ready, then pour in drink and watch as it thickens into an icy full-bodied slush in minutes! Flavor lavor stays strong and undidiluted since no ice is used! Use over and over again. Hand wash. 10 oz. Assorted colors, ourr choice, please. #KN 7/ÇÇänÊÊ-Õà n ÊÕ}ÊÊf£ä°n ÓÊvÀÊf£Ç ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH 0RQH\DYLQJ6ROXWLRQV J ëÃ>LiÊ `ÕÌÊ Là 7/ÇÎnÓÇÊÊëÃ>LiÊLÃÊÊf°n ÓÊÃiÌÃÊvÀÊf£x - ,ÒÊ *ÕââiÊà One-player puzzles let you play the SRSXODUZRUGJDPH DQ\WLPHZLWKRXWDQ opponent. Each volume contains 116 puzzles. Softcover; 128 pages each. See Book Policy on order form. #KN ÝÌÀ>Ê*ÀÌiVÌÊ }>ÃÌÊÌÀÕ`iÀà Even tough tobacco, cola, coffee and tea stains are erased the very first time you use this amazing tool. 6SHFLDOO\IRUPXODWHGUXE EHUWLSVJHQWO\OLIWRIIVXUIDFHVWDLQVIRU LPPHGLDWHUHVXOWV Favored by dentists IRURYHU\HDUVLW·VDVDIHVLPSOHZD\ WRNHHS\RXUWHHWKZKLWHUORQJ. :LQGRZEDUHDVLO\ORFNV into place onto frame, adding another line RIVHFXULW\WRZDUGSURWHFWLQJ\RXUKRPH 6WXUG\GLDVWHHOWXEHZLWKUXEEHUHQGV easily adjusts from 17" to 29" long. 7/ÇÓäÈÊÊ/Ì Ê-Ì>ÊÀ>ÃiÀÊÊ f£ä°n ÓÊvÀÊf£x f 7/Ç£xÈÊÊ-iVÕÀÌÞÊ>ÀÊÊf°n ÓÊvÀÊf£Ç #KN #KN 1(: 1 (: 7/££ÈxnÊÊ6ÕiÊ £ÊÊfÇ°x 7/££ÈxÊÊ6ÕiÊ ÓÊÊfÇ°x >À« iÃÊ/ >ÌÊ7ÀÊ iÊ>À«Õ}Ãt ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÓÊvÀÊf£Î ÊÊÊÊÊ 1(:ÃÌ>ÌÊ>ÀÊÊ /ÕV Ê1« T Temporary h hair color (for ZRPHQDQG Z m men!) that instantly covin %HIRUH ers up those e annoying gray a a areas. Similar to a mascara $IWHU brush, it’s b HDV\WRDSSO\WRH\HEURZV V hairlines, sideburns, and PXVWDFKHVÁR]ERWWOH &RORUV %ODFN, 'DUN%URZQ, 0HGLXP%URZQ, /LJKW%URZQ, %HIRUH $VK, or $XEXUQ. 0APO #KN 7/Ç£Ç{ÇÊÊ vÌÞ >ÀÊ/ÕV Ê 1«ÊVÀ¶®ÊÊf££°n $IWHU À>ÃiÊ/Ì Ê-Ì>à / Ì -Ì ÓÊvÀÊf£ 1(: 7`ÜÊ -iVÕÀÌÞÊ>À UÊÞÊ+Õ>ÌÞÊÕ`Ê7 iÊ " Ì v Ãi V}Ê"ÕÌÊ>ÀvÕÊ UÊ ÃiÊ,i`ÕVÌÊ,>Ì}Ê"vÊÓxÊiVLià Earbuds do double-duty by blocking out KDUPIXOQRLVHVZKLOHOHWWLQJ\RXHQMR\\RXU PXVLF6WDQGDUGPPVWHUHRMDFNZRUNV ZLWK$SSOHDQG$QGURLGSURGXFWVZLWK 8mm inner ear speakers. Comfortable! #KN >ÃÃVÊ ÃÃVVÊ vÌiiÊ*Õââi *ÕââiÒ Originally introduced duced in 1880, 1880 this mindERJJOHUTXLFNO\EHFDPHWKHZRUOG·VEHVW NQRZQSX]]OH$FRQIRXQGLQJFRQWUDSWLRQ that challenges you to slide the 15 numbers into order inside the tray! We’ve recreated this smooth, polished stainless steel collectible just as it appeared at the height RILWVSRSXODULW\LQWKHV,QFOXGHVD ERRNOHWZLWKRYHUPRUHWHDVHUVSOXVD OHDWKHUHWWHFDUU\LQJEDJVTXDUH 7/{£nnÊÊvÌiiÊ*ÕââiÊÊf£Ó°xä ÓÊvÀÊfÓä 7/nÓxÓÊÊ>À« iÊ>À«Õ}ÃÊf£È°n ÓÊvÀÊfÓ #KN ÊÊÊ/i«À>ÀÞÊ 7ÀiÊ,iÛiÀ )LQHDJHOLQHVGLVDSSHDU GHHSZULQNOHVGLPLQLVK DQGORRVHVNLQWLJKWHQ XSDURXQG\RXUH\HVOLSV FKHHNVRUIRUHKHDG Effect lasts 8 to 10 hours! Use ZLWKRUZLWKRXWPDNHXS .5 oz. bottle. 7/ÇÎnÈÈÊÊv/} ÌÊ Êfn°Ç ->ÀÊ>ÃÞÊ LÃÊ>VÊ EÊÀÌ t /LJKW5D\V3RZHU )ORZHU/HDYHV Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊ ,iµÕÀi`t A tiny built-in solar panel absorbs sunlight and sets WKHÁRZHUDQG leaves in motion, gently bobbing in an imaginary breeze. Use LQGRRUVRQDVXQQ\ZLQGRZ sill, or in a bright covered outdoor area. Cheerful on a desk, too! Plastic. 4" tall. 0APO #KN #KN Handy [ disposable 6HWRI ply tissue bibs catch spills in front ZKLOHWKHSRO\ backside protects clothing from bleed-through. 6HWRI tieback bibs. #KN 7/£ÎÈx{ÊÊ->ÀÊ>ÃÞÊÊfÇ°nÊÊ ÓÊvÀÊf£{ 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV ÓÊvÀÊf£Ó *UHDW9DOXH 6HWRI 1HZ 6WUHQJWKV $YDLODEOH 6$/(1Ì>ÌiÊ ->ÀÌ« iÊ`iÀ 6RVLPSOHLWZRUNV Keeps your phone safe while driving. Fits into most cupholders (auto, lawn chair, boat, treadPLOOHWFDQGKROGV most smartphones. You can even stash some cash unseen in the underside of the holder. Flexible foam won’t scratch your SKRQHDSSUR[ó[GLD ,i>`iÀÃÊ6>ÕiÊ*>V Classic readers have a half-eye style, lightweight plastic frame that looks great on both men and women. Each SDFN includes 1 brown, 1 black and 1 tortoiseshell colored frame. &KRRVH+1.5; +2.0; +2.5; +3.0; +3.5; +4.0; +4.5; or +5.0 magniÀFDWLRQ$SDLUIRUHYHU\URRP 7/Ç{Î{äÊÊ,i>`iÀÃÊ-iÌÊV Vi¶®Ê Êf£ä°n 1(:Ê>ââÞÊ-«ÀÌÊ>ViÃÁÊ /ÕÀÊ>Vi1«Ê- iÃÊÌÊ-«"à Replace your shoelaces, so there’s no more tying and untying, or tripping over loose laces. Just slip them through your shoe’s grommets, FOLSWKHPDQG\RX·UHGRQH Really fun fashion accessoU\WRR6HWRILQHDFK package. &RORUFKRLFHV %ODFN:KLWH %OXH&DPR 1HRQ0XOWL 7/£x{ÎÇÊÊ>ââÞÊ -«ÀÌÊ>ViÃÊ VÀ¶®ÊÊfn°n iÀ}iVÞÊÊ>ÀiÊ 1(:ÊÛiÀÞiÊ ii`ÃÊ Ê>ÌÊÁt Take out your anger and frustration on WKHWKHUDSHXWLF'DPPLW'ROO6WXUGLO\ FUDIWHGRIFRWWRQDQGÀEHUÀOOWRKROGXS WRUHSHDWHGZKDFNLQJV$YHUVHVHZQ RQWRWKHGROOWHOOV\RXKRZWRGRLW3DWWHUQVYDU\RXUFKRLFHSOHDVH$QGLI\RX X don’t like the pattern we send, use that excuse to give your new Dammit Doll its ÀUVWZRUNRXWWDOO 7/£{ÎÇÓÊÊ>ÌÊÊÊf£{°n 1(:ÊÊ,V}Ê *ÀÌiVÌÛiÊ >À`Ê-iiÛià 1ÃiÊ7Ì Ê9ÕÀÊÝÃÌ}Ê7>iÌ 1(:Ê /iÞiÊ >iÊ Ýià Turn up the “wowfactor” at your next get-together when you serve up slices of an awesome UDLQERZ or SDVWHO tieG\HFDNH Dry cake mix includes step-by-step directions plus liquid color tints, and options for 2-layer, OD\HU[RUWXEHSDQ-XVWDGG\RXU own eggs, oil, water, and frosting. 7/x£{ÇÇÊÊ,>LÜÊ >iÊÝÊÊf°n 7/£{ÓÈÊÊ*>ÃÌiÊ >iÊÝÊÊf°n 7/Ç£ÈnÈÊÊ1Ì>ÌiÊ->ÀÌ« iÊ `iÀÊÊ7ASÊÊ ÜÊf£ä°Ç Identity theft, by scanning the RFID chips (found in most of our credit FDUGVDQG,'VWKURXJKRXUZDOOHWVLV fast becoming widespread. But there’s no need to stop using the wallet you love. These sleeves are made of a patented tear-resistant material that protects your cards from RFID scanners. Just slide card into sleeve and put in your wallet as usual. Then go about your day knowing you ar are protected. 6HWRI 6 6HWRI “l “leather-look” ssleeves. 3URWHFW<RXU&DUGV )URP6FDQQHUV 7/nΣÓÊÊ 7 ,Ê Ài`ÌÊ >À`Ê-iiÛiÊ -iÌÊÊf°n ,ÕÃÊ1«Ê/ÊÎnÊÕÀà M Make sure you are seen when it FR FRXQWV7KLV/('IODUHKDV 10 differ1 en ent light patterns pa so it can be u used as an emergency em beacon, a road flare, 'LIIHUHQW or while out boating or 0RGHV FDPSLQJ6KDWWHUSURRI 6SRWOLJKW+UV housing can withstand 'RXEOH%OLQN+UV 'RXEOH3XOVH+UV the weight of a 20,000 6LQJOH%OLQN+UV OEYHKLFOH,W·VDOVRZD- 5RWDWH+UV 6265HVFXH terproof, floats, has a 0RUVH&RGH+UV magnetic base and can $OWHUQDWH+UV be seen up to 2 miles 6ROLG2Q+LJK+UV 6ROLG2Q/RZ+UV away in a 360-degree /(')ODVKOLJKW+UV circular direction. ,QFOXGHV´$$$µEDWWHULHVõGLD 7/näÇÎxÊÊiÀ}iVÞÊ£ä`iÊ >ÀiÊÊf£Ç°n 1(: "iÊ*ÌÊ ÌÊ *>ÃÌ>Ê ,iV«iÃà Only one pot QHHGHG-XVW combine, cook DQGHDW1R straining or draining. You can get a delicious hearty ty pasta meal on the table in record time. Enjoy classic spaghetti, pasta primavera, beef stroganoff, minestrone pasta, VKULPSSHVWRDQGPRUH6SLUDOERXQG SJV6HH%RRN3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 7/ǣȣÊÊ"iÊ*ÌÊ*>ÃÌ>Ê LÊÊf£Ó°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH -Ì>ÀÊ- >«i`Ê >`Ê ÝiÀVÃiÀ 8QLTXHVWDUVKDSH 8 HDVLO\ÀWVLQWKH HDVLO\ÀW SDOPRIKDQG SDOP 0DVVDJH and between \R $QG([HUFLVH \RXUÀQJHUV 0DVVDJHV <RXU(QWLUH 0 DQGH[HU DQ +DQG FLVHV\RXU FLVH HQWLUHKDQGDV HQWLUH \RXVTXHH]H*UHDWIRU \\RX V VWUHVVUHOLHIWRR3LQNVWDU VWUH LVVRIWGHQVLW\LHHDVLHU LV WRVTXHH]H%OXHVWDU WR is PHGLXPGHQVLW\$SSUR[ó[ó[ 7/Ç£{ÇÊÊ*Ê-Ì>ÀÊ >`ÊÝiÀVÃiÀÊÊf°nÊ 7/Ç£{ÈÊÊÕiÊ-Ì>ÀÊ >`ÊÝiÀVÃiÀÊÊf°n NEW! Ê 0RQH\DYLQJ6ROXWLRQV $7ULHG7UXH )DYRULWH NEW! 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Pre-measured color capsules deliver perfect results every time. Covers gray, $IWHU too! Kit contains everything needed for 4 applications. 6WDWH FKRLFH -HW%ODFN, 1DWXUDO%ODFN, 0HGLXP%URZQRU*UDSKLWH. Not for use on eyelashes. %HIRUH 5HVWRUH<RXU&DU·V 6KRZURRP/RRN %HIRUH 7«iÊ/ iÊ9i>ÀÃÊ "vvÊ 9ÕÀÊ >À One quick, easy application restores (and protects) the original sheen! Lasts season after season. Safe and effective on most plastic, rubber, $IWHU chrome, vinyl, leather, acrylic, ceramic and metallic surfaces. .LW LQFOXGHVÁR]ERWWOHof Wipe New, 1 pair of gloves, plus BONUS detailing kit consisting of 2 applicator cloths, detail brush, headlight prep pad and applicator cloth. 7/ÇxxÇäÊÊ7«iÊ iÜÊÊf£°nÊÊf£Î°nÇ ÌÉ `Ê >ÃÃ>}iÊ *ÜÊ Microwave or freeze the included gel pack for hot/cold therapy-you can also turn on the massaging element for a double whammy treatment! Use on your neck and shoulders, your back, you can even tuck your feet or hands into the “pockets” on the top of the pillow. With polyHVWHUÁHHFHFRYHU8VHV´'µEDWWHULHVQRW included. Approx. 11" x 11" x 4". Imported. 7/Ç£ä£ÊÊ>ÃÃ>}iÊ*ÜÊÊf{x°nÊÊ fÓÈ°nÇ ->ÞÊ Ê/Ê ÀiVÌiÊ ÞÃvÕVÌ The Maximus Enh hancement System lif lifts and supports the pe penis for stronger, harder and more effective HUH HUHFWLRQV6RIWÁH[LEOH and stretchy shaft has an a attached clitoral stimulator that vibrates upon contact (or set to vibrate continuously) for added pleasure for her. Includes button batteries. Approx. 4"x ó2QHVL]HÀWVPRVW1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/nnÓ{ÓÊÊ>ÝÕÃÊ >ViiÌÊ -ÞÃÌiÊÊfÓÇ°nÊÊf£x°Ç i>ÀÊ6iÁÊ ÀiiÊ Helps reduce spider veins and capillary redness. Also excellent for clearing up bruises and enhancing ng the healing process. With ingredients like pycnogenol, horse chestnut and grape skin extract. Paraben-free. 2 oz. jar. Made in USA. 7/Ç£ÎnÊÊ i>ÀÊ6iÊ Ài>ÊÊfÓ{°nÊÊ f£È°Ç 7ÀÃÌ -ÌÞiÊ `Ê *ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊ ÌÀÊ 7/ÇÎx{nÊÊÃÌ>ÌÊÞiLÀÜÊ/ÌÊ V Vi¶®ÊÊf££°nÊÊfx°nÇ 7>iÀÊ -i>ÌÊ ÛiÀÊ-iÌ Blue plaid seat cover and matching roll bar cover VWUHWFKWRÀW most standard walkers with 4 wheels. Attaches easily via Velcro®. Machine washable polycotton blend. Imported. (Walker not included.) 7/Ç£ÓÇÊÊ7>iÀÊ-i>ÌÊ ÛiÀÊ-iÌÊÊ f£{°nÊÊf££°Ç ">Ìi>Ê->«Ê " >Àà Be Beauty bars are made w with goat milk which moisturizes skin m naturally. na Great for sensitive se skin! 6HWRI ; DYDLODEOHLQ/DYHQ GHURU$OPRQGVFHQW GH 4 oz. o bars. 7/Ç£Ó{ÊÊÀ>`>½ÃÊ 7/Ç£Ó >Ûi`iÀÊ">ÌÊ>ÀÊ-iÌÊÊf£Ó°nÊÊf°Ç 7/Ç£ÓÈÊÊÀ>`>½ÃÊ `Ê">ÌÊ>ÀÊ-iÌÊf£Ó°nÊÊf°Ç iÊ iVÊ7À>« Infused with jojoba, olive, lavender and vitamin E oil that hydrates and conditions rough, dry skin. Just wear 20 minutes a day for skin that will feel soft and silky. Reusable up to 40 times. Adjustable Velcro® closure; one VL]HÀWVPRVW$SSUR[[,PSRUWHG 7/Ç££ÇÊÊÃÌÕÀâ}Ê iVÊ7À>«ÊÊ f£È°nÊÊfÈ°{Ç ,QÁDWHV GHÁDWHVDQG displays your readings on the digital screen. Features irregular heartbeat detection, WHO K\SHUWHQVLRQFODVVLÀFDWLRQVDQGKROGV readings in memory. Includes 2 “AAA” batteries and storage case. Approx. 2¼" x 2¼" x 1". Fits wrist circumference from 5½" to 75ȫ8". 7/Ç£äÇÓÊÊÕÌ>ÌVÊ}Ì>Ê`Ê *ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊ7ÀÃÌÊÌÀÊÊfÎÓ°nÊÊ fÓ롂 /ii« iÊ iÀÌ Extra-loud (95 dB) high pitch ring tone helps alert visuallyimpaired persons, while the super bright /('DOHUWOLJKWDLGV hearing-impaired persons. Unit sits on desktop or can be wall mounted. No batteries needed. Includes telephone adapter and extension cable. Approx. 4½" x 2½" x 1". 7/Ç£änÎÊÊ/ii« iÊ-}>iÀÊÊ fÓ£°nÊf£x°Ç Þ>ÕÀVÊ7ÀiÊ ,i«>À Hyaluronic Acid, the super skin hydrator, is so effective, it’s the primary ingredient in brand-name injectables! Penetrates deep within your skin, plumping your skin and reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Use it in the morning and evenings to see a remarkable difference in your mirror in just a few weeks. ÁR]GURSSHUERWWOH 7/Ç£än{ÊÊ, Ê-iÀÕÊÊ f£°nÊÊfn°{Ç ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH 683(56$/( /LPLWHG4XDQWLWLHV 2UGHU1RZ 7>ÌiÀ«ÀvÊ >ÌÌÀiÃÃÊ *>` Super absorbent 3-layer pad has polyester soaker and waterproof bottom to keep you in total comfort. Fits most size beds. Machine wash/ dry. Approx. 34" x 32" with 20" tuck tails on each side. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/ÇÎä{äÊÊ7>ÌiÀ«ÀvÊ>ÌÌÀiÃÃÊ*>` ÊÊfÓx°nÊÊf£°nÇ *ViÌÊÃi 2QHPLQXWHLWÀWVLQWKH palm of your hand. Turn on the water, and the next minute, it grows to a full size hose! The secret is the accordion design that automatically expands and contracts as water is turned on and off. Available in 100 ft. (Nozzle not included.) /LPLWHGTXDQWLWLHV 7/Ç££ÇÎÊÊ£ääÊiiÌÊ ÃiÊÊfΰnÊÊfÓ°Ç ià ÊÕ>À` .HHSV %XJV 2XW Nylon mesh guard attaches to metal, wood and vinyl doorways using the included Velcro® magnets (optional tacks also included). Rolls up for storage. Fits most single car garage frames; approx. 8-ft wide x 7-ft high. Connect 2 mesh guards for a 2-car garage. 7/Ç£äÈÓÊÊ-}iÊ >ÀÊ>À>}iÊià ÊÊ f£È°nÊÊf°Ç *ÀÊiiÊ -ÌÀ>« Bob Ross’s warm voice and technique is a relaxing way to pass the time, painting crashing waves, blazing skies, and gentle shorelines. '9'VHW; 6.5 hours. See Video Policy icy on order form. 7/£äÎäÊÊ-i>ÃV>«iÃÊ6ÊÊfΰnÊ ÊfÓÇ°ÇÊ >Ã>ÃÊ ÌÞÊ ,>À>`ÊÊ 6Ì>}i -ÌÞiÊ*ViÌÊ 7>ÌV Nostalgic 2" replica features a cut case that reveals its inner-working springs, sprockets, cogs and gears. Goldtone bezel embossed with antique-style scrollwork, and paired with a matching 24" chain and fob. Precision quartz technology and accurate battery-free performance. 7/x£ÈÇnÊÊ>Ã>ÃÊ ÌÞÊ*ViÌÊ7>ÌV ÊÊ fÓ°nÊÊfÓÓ°ÇÇ Find relief IURPFROGÁX asthma, sinusitis and allergy symptoms. Silent vaporizer uses heat to activate the replaceable aromatherapy pad (5 menthol-eucalyptus scented pads included). Adjust the intensity of the scent from low, medium and high. Each pad lasts up to 8 hours. Unit approx. 5" x 4½" x 2½" with 60"L power cord. UL® listed. 7/ÇäÈÊÊ7>ÌiÀiÃÃÊ6>«ÀâiÀÊÊ fÓ°nÊÊfÓä°Ç Made of a unique viscoelastic material that stabilizes the knee by mimicking human tissue. Takes less than 10 seconds to put on (no hard plastic or buckles) for relief of knee and patellar pain from athletic or overuse injuries. Works on either OHIWRUULJKWNQHH2QHVL]HÀWVPRVW *>Ì>ÀÊ>ÃVÌÃÊ } ÌÊ-«ÌÊ-««iÀ 7/ÇäÈänÊÊ*ÀÊiiÊ-ÌÀ>«ÊÊfÓÓ°n ÊÊf°{Ç ÕÌÊ"«iiÀ "«iiÀ LÊ,ÃÃÊÊ *>Ì}Ê6 7>ÌiÀiÃÃÊ 6>«ÀâiÀ Gently stretches the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon to help UHGXFHLQÁDPPDWLRQDQGSDLQ as it promotes healing. Lateral side support with opening ensures no pressure on your sensitive heel or ankle. Available for ULJKW or OHIWfoot. 6HHVL]H FKDUW5LJKW0HGLXPQRWDYDLODEOH 7/Ç££nÎÊÊ*°°Ê,} ÌÊ } ÌÊ -«ÌÊ-««iÀÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfÇ°nÊÊÊÊf{{°nÇ 7/Ç££nnÊÊ*°°ÊivÌÊ } ÌÊ -«ÌÊ-««iÀÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfÇ°nÊÊÊÊf{{°nÇ A Arthritic Ar hands will rejjoice! o Multi-use e opener makes op o iitt a “snap” to open plastic op o bottles, can b ttabs and bottle e caps. caps Can also be used to C break vacuum seal b on jars. Plastic; approx. 8" long. o 7/Ç£{äÊÊÕÌÊ"«iiÀÊÊf°n 7 ÊÊfÈ°Ç >ViiÌÊ,}Ê ÀÊ Õ«ià &RQWULEXWHVWRDKDUGHUVWURQJHUDQG ORQJHUODVWLQJHUHFWLRQ With ribbed exterior and clitoral vibrator, included, for her pleasure. Includes 2 sets of button batteries. Phthalate-free, latex-free and PVC-free mateULDO2 ULDO2QHVL]HÀWVPRVW Appro Approx. 3¾" long. (Inside d diameters: 1" main shaft/ shaft/2" scrotum ring. (Mate (Material is stretchy.) 1RQU 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Ç£ääÊÊ >ViÊ 7/Ç Õ«iÃÊÛiÊ ,}ÊÊfÓ{°nÊÊ f£Ç°Ç 6L]H 0HQ·V6KRH :RPHQ·V6KRH 60 õXQGHU õXQGHU 0' õ õ /* XS µÕ>,Õ}\ÊÊ/ iÊ >À«iÌÊ ÀÊ9ÕÀÊ- ÜiÀ Feels great and helps prevent falling on wet, slippery surfaces. 7KH/X[XU\%DWK0DW Can even position (YHU\RQH/RYHV it right over the drain because the patented design allows water to $OORZV:DWHU7R ÁRZULJKWWKURXJK )ORZ7KURXJK Suction cups keep it securely in place. Anti-microbial: will not stain, fade or breed mildew. Machine wash. Approx. 29½" x 17". 7/Çä{ÇxÊʵÕ>Ê,Õ}ÊÊf£°nÊ 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV f£Î°Ç ``ÊÊÞ}iVÊ`iÌÊ -«À>ÞÊÊÕÌià (DV\7R ,QVWDOO Now you can have all the convenience of a bidet in your own home quickly and inexpensively. No plumber needed. Installs easily onto your toilet’s supply line. Adjust the water flow to the desired pressure with the easy-to-reach control valve. :LWKEXLOWLQ0LFUREDQ DQWLEDFWHULDOSURWHFWLRQ Perfect for feminine hygiene, hemorrhoid sufferers, and those recovering from surgery. Great for elder care and for the physically challenged. Meets all USA plumbing codes. Includes 4 ft. hose. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Ç£È{ÈÊÊ`iÌÊ-«À>ÞÊÊfÎÈ°n 1(:Ê7iiÃÃÊ /iÌÊ-i>ÌÊ,ÃiÀ ,>ÃiÃÊ9ÕÀÊ-i>ÌÊ Ê``Ì>ÊΤÊV ià Why are toilet seats so low anyway? Make it easier on yourself by adding a little height to your toilet seat with the addition of this plastic seat riser. Installation is a snap. 7KHH[WUDORQJ EROWVDUHLQFOXGHGDQG\RX·OO RQO\QHHGDVFUHZGULYHU Plus you can continue to use your own seat and lid. Supports up to 300 lbs. Fits most VWDQGDUG or HORQJDWHGtoilets. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Çä{nÈÊÊ-Ì>`>À`Ê/iÌÊ -i>ÌÊ,ÃiÀÊÊfÎ{°n 7/Çä{nÇÊÊ}>Ìi`Ê/iÌÊ 7/Çä{nÇÊÊ}>Ìi`Ê/ -i>ÌÊ,ÃiÀÊÊfÎ{° -i>ÌÊ,ÃiÀÊÊfÎ{°n LÃÀLiÌÊ1`iÀÜi>ÀÀ -«>ViÊ}iÊ/iV }ÞÊ ii«ÃÊ9ÕÊÀÞ Super absorbent pull-on underwear can absorb up to 87 ounces of liquid! Best of all, it pulls and stores the liquid in a separate layerr AWAY AWAY from the skin. This cuts down on odor, odor chance of infections, skin irritation, and DOORZVIRUZHDUWLPHVXSWRKRXUVRU PRUH. The Incontek® technology, inspired byy NASA’s astronauts, ensures fast absorption rates. The ease of use (ideally 3 simple changnges a day) puts the wearer in control, instead of letting incontinence inccontinence control them. Slips on and off like regular underwear. Unisex; MD: 18-count; LG: 16-count; XL: 12-count package. $GXOWVL]HV0' (25" - 35" waist), /* (30"- 40"),;/ (40" - 60"). 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Ç£xnÎÊÊ7iiÃÃÊLÃÀLiÌÊ1`iÀÜi>ÀÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfÓ{°n *i>ÃiÊ>``ÊfΰääÊ``Ì>Ê- ««}ÊÌÊÌ iÊ -Ì>`>À`Ê- ««}Ê >À}iÊvÀÊi>V ÊÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° ÝÌÀ>Ê7`iÊ iÛ>Ìi`Ê/iÌÊ-i>ÌÊ 7Ì ÊÀÃÊEÊi}à Soft, foam armrests, the added stability of leg frames and an elevated (by 4" high) seat make it easier to sit and rise from the toilet. The 18½" x 16" x 4" seat slides up and down the leg frames to adjust to any toilet seat height. Sturdy aluminum frame supports up to 400 lbs. Fits most standard and elongated toilets. Simple assembly required. Secures to seat with bracket that simply slides between toilet seat and bowl. Approx. 19" x 16" x 25" overall. Made in USA. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH $OORZZHHNV 6HH 3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 7/Ç£{xÎÊÊÝÌÀ>Ê7`iÊiÛ>Ìi`Ê/iÌÊ-i>ÌÊÊf£ÓÓ°n *i>ÃiÊ>``Êf£ä°ääÊ``Ì>Ê- ««}ÊÌÊÌ iÊÊ -Ì>`>À`Ê- ««}Ê >À}iÊvÀÊi>V ÊÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° 3DLQ)UHH 6\VWHP)RU 6 6PRRWK6LON\ +DLU)UHH 6NLQ õ õ 1(:Ê*>ÀiiÊ*iÀ>iÌÊ 1(: >ÀÊ,iÛ>Ê-ÞÃÌi > Forget the has hassles of tweezing, shaving and waxing! TThis state-of-the state-of-the-art hair removal system uses radio ssignals (otherw (otherwise harmless to you) that penetrate deep into the h d hair follicle to destroy the root. It iss a pain-free process pr of removing unwanted hair permanently! Use on brows, upper lip, chin, permanent chest, sstomach, arms, legs and bikini line to achieve a smooth, silky, hair-free skin. System includes 2 tips (one tweezer S VW\OHDQGRQHÁDWDQGHOHFWURO\WLFJHO V Uses U 4 “AAA” batteries, not included. 7/Ç£xxÈÊÊ*>iÃÃÊ>ÀÊ 7 ,iÛ>Ê-ÞÃÌiÊÊfÓ°n 7/xÓÈÈÎÊÊ {ʺ»Ê >ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊ fÓ°n ÊÊ*ÕÀiÊÞiÊ->« Highly recommended for dry skin! Natural lye soap retains all of the natural moisturizing glycerin and has NO detergents or additives that dry out skin. (Commercial soap has most of the natural glycerin removed) Use on face and body and you’ll feel the difIHUHQFHWKHÀUVWWLPH)RONVDOVR like to use it for rashes, hives, poison ivy, insect bites, itchy skin, etc. A 6 oz. bar lasts about a month. 6HWRI Made in USA. 6HWRI 7/Çä{£ÊÊÞiÊ->«ÊÊf£Ó°n ÓÊÀÊÀiÊÃiÌÃ]Êf£ä°nÊi>V ÊÃiÌ ÃiÌ ºÊ >ÛiÊ«ÃÀ>ÃÃÊ>`ÊvÀÊÞi>ÀÃÊÊ >ÛiÊ>««i`Ê«ÀiÃVÀ«ÌÊ ÌiÌÃ]ÊVÀi>ÃÊ>`Êà >«ÃÊÊÌ iÊ>vviVÌi`Ê>Ài>ÃÊ >`ÊÌ }ÊÜÀi`°ÊÊ7Ì Ê{Ê`>ÞÃÊvÊÕÃ}ÊÌ iÊÃ>«]ÊÌ iÊ iÃÃÊVi>Ài`ÊÕ«°»ÊÊ°ÊÀi}ÀÞ]Ê ÕL>]Ê- ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH 1(: iÕÝiÊÊ*ÌÒÊ *ÀÌ>LiÊ1À> ,W·V7KH *R$Q\ZKHUH 8ULQDO )RU0HQ :RPHQ Great for long road trips, bedridden patients, bladder urgency problems, RVs, and more! Just attach funnel or hose (extends from 11" to 22") making it easy to use for any size person. Container seals tightly to prevent spillage. Easily empties in next available restroom. Includes male and female adapters, 2 water-tight caps, extension hose, quart-size tank and nylon carrying bag that doubles as a privacy shield. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Ç£ÈxnÊÊÊ*ÌÊiÕÝiÊÊfΰn n -vÌÞÊ-ÛiÀÒÊ - >«ÊEÊ `ÌiÀ Specially formulated to bring out the soft, silvery luster and highlights of gray hair! Enriched with 20% pure Aloe Vera and Pantenol, this formula moisturizes, softens, restores lost body, and protects hair from brassiness or yellowing! Makes even thin or problem hair easy to manage. Safe IRUGDPDJHGKDLUDQGVHQVLWLYHVNLQÁR] 7/Ç£Ó£nÊÊ-vÌÞÊ-ÛiÀÊÊf£ä°n iÕÝiÊ/iÌÊ / Ì 1(: ->viÌÞÊÀ>i *ÀÌ>Li]Ê Àii-Ì>`}Ê-Õ««ÀÌ UÊ->«ÃÊÌÊ«ÃÌÊÊÃiV`à UÊÌ«>ÌiÊi >ViÃÊÃÌ>LÌÞÊ ÊÊÊEÊÃ>viÌÞ No need to permanently modify \RXUEDWKURRP(DVLO\ÀWVDURXQG your toilet to provide assistance when sitting and standing. No loose parts and engineered with positive position locking. Heightadjustable from 26¾" to 34¾". Folds slim for easy portability. Sturdy steel frame supports up to 280 lbs. Approx. 20" x 20¼" x 34¾". $OORZ ZHHNV6HH 3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 7/Ç£ÈxÊÊiÕÝiÊ*ÀÌ>LiÊ/iÌÊ->viÌÞ ÊÀ>iÊÊfn°n *i>ÃiÊ>``ÊfÇ°ääÊ``Ì>Ê- ««}Ê )ROGHG ÌÊÌ iÊ-Ì>`>À`Ê- ««}Ê >À}i vÀÊi>V ÊÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° %DWKURRP+HOSHUV Ê,ÃiÊ>Ì } Each “no rinse” product is ready to use with absolutely no rinsing necessary. Just apply VKDPSRR, massage to lather and towmas el-d el-dry. Add an ounce of the con concentrated ERG\EDWK for a mild, m gentle basin bath. TThe EDWKLQJZLSHV allow you to bathe your entire body. 3HULZDVK gently and d effectively ff ti l cleans l urine, emesis and fecal matter as it eliminates odor. Shampoo, 16 oz. bottle. Body bath, 16 oz. bottle. Bathing wipes, one package of 8 wipes. Peri-wash, 8 fl. oz. spray bottle. 7/ÇÓäÈ{ÊÊ 7/ÇÓäÈxÊÊ 7/ÇÓäÈÈÊÊ 7/ÇÎxÇÎÊÊ Ê,ÃiÊ- >«ÊÊfn°n Ê,ÃiÊ`ÞÊ>Ì ÊÊf£ä°n Ê,ÃiÊ`ÞÊ7«iÃÊÊf{°n Ê,ÃiÊ`ÞÊ7«iÃÊ È{*ÊÊfÓ°n 7/ÇÎ{ÓÓÊÊ Ê,ÃiÊ*iÀ7>à ÊÊf{°n ÓÊÀÊÀiÊ*iÀ7>à ]ÊfΰnÊi>V `ÕÃÌ>LiÊ-iVÕÀÌÞÊ*i UÊÀÊ>ÃÃÃÌ>ViÊÜ iÊÃÌ>`} ÊÊÊÀÊÃÌÌ} UÊÕÌ i} ÌÊ >`ià UÊÃÌ>ÃÊÊÕÌiÃÊ>ÃÌÊ ÊÊÊÊ>ÞÜ iÀi Curved ladder-style handle allows you to grasp at different heights as you sit or stand. ,QVWDOOVZLWKRXWPRXQWV GULOOLQJRUGDPDJHWRZDOOVIORRURU FHLOLQJRubber pads on top and bottom of pole protect floor and ceiling. Comes with wrench to tighten firmly between floor and ceiling. Fits ceilings from 7 ft. to 10 ft. high. Relocates easily when needed. Made from heavy-duty, powder-coated steel to provide long-lasting quality. $OORZ ZHHNV6HH 3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 5HWXUQ5HSDLU3ROLF\'RQRWUHWXUQWKH VHFXULW\SROHWRWKH-RKQVRQ6PLWK&RPSDQ\ 3OHDVHFDOORXU&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH'HSWIRUUHWXUQ DXWKRUL]DWLRQDQGUHWXUQDGGUHVV<RXUSXUFKDVH SULFHOHVVDUHVWRFNLQJIHHZLOOEHUHIXQGHGLI \RXUHWXUQWKHVHFXULW\SROHLQLWVRULJLQDOSDFNDJ LQJZLWKLQGD\V7KLVVXSHUVHGHVRXUQRUPDO GD\UHWXUQSROLF\ 7/ÇÎ{{nÊÊ7 ÌiÊ-iVÕÀÌÞÊ *iÊÊf£Ç°n *i>ÃiÊ>``ÊfÇ°ääÊ``Ì>Ê- ««}ÊÌÊ-Ì>`>À`Ê - ««}Ê >À}iÊvÀÊi>V ÊÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV With 2 Percussion Heads For Deep Tissue Relief >` i`Ê ii«Ê/ÃÃÕiÊ >ÃÃ>}iÀ Designed to relieve severe tension using two independently rotating percussion heads to instantly soothe the tense, tired muscles that lay deep beneath the surface. Ergonomic shape ensures that the massager stays in close contact with your body. Perfect for upper and lower back, shoulders, thighs, calves and more. With adjustable speed and 3 interchangeable attachments. UL® power cord. About 14" long. 7/Ç{££ÊÊii«Ê/ÃÃÕiÊ>iÀÊ>ÃÃ>}iÀÊÊfÎÓ°n >Õ>ÊViÊ/Ài>`Ê 7Ì Ê>}iÌVÊ,iÃÃÌ>Vi ÊÞÊÊ-Ì ]Ê+ÕiÌÊ7ÀÕÌÊÌÊ9ÕÀÊ*>Vi 1RHOHFWULFDORXWOHWQHHGHG,PSURYH\RXUFDUGLRYDVFXODUÀWness and strengthen your legs, hips and thighs from the comfort of your own home. Treadmill has 3 incline levels (5, 6½ and 8 degrees) and 8 levels of resistance so you can customize your ZRUNRXWH[SHULHQFH)HDWXUHVGXDOZHLJKWHG Á\ZKHHOVWH[WXUHGQRQVOLSZDONLQJVXUIDFH DQGDÀWQHVVPRQLWRUWKDWWUDFNVZRUNRXW time, speed, distance, and calories burned. Treadmill folds for a small storage footprint, and is wheeled for portability. Running EHOWVL]Hõ[ó6WHHOIUDPHVXSSRUWVXSWROEV6LPSOHDVVHPEO\ UHTXLUHG$SSUR[[ [RYHUDOOAllow 2-3 weeks. See Policy on order form. Return/Repair Policy: 'RQRW UHWXUQWKHWUHDGPLOOWRWKH-RKQVRQ 6PLWK&RPSDQ\3OHDVHFDOORXU &XVWRPHU6HUYLFH'HSWIRUUHWXUQDX WKRUL]DWLRQDQGUHWXUQDGGUHVV<RXU SXUFKDVHSULFHOHVVDUHVWRFNLQJ IHHZLOOEHUHIXQGHGLI\RXUHWXUQWKH WUHDGPLOOLQLWVRULJLQDOSDFNDJLQJ ZLWKLQGD\V7KLVVXSHUVHGHV RXUQRUPDOGD\UHWXUQSROLF\ 7/Ç£x{ÇÊÊ>}iÌVÊ >Õ>Ê/Ài>`ÊÊ fÓx°n *i>ÃiÊ>``ÊfÓä°ääÊ ``Ì>Ê - ««}ÊÌÊÌ iÊ -Ì>`>À`Ê - ««}Ê >À}iÊ vÀÊi>V Ê ÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° 48 />Ê ÊÝiÀVÃiÊEÊÊ />Ê ÊÀÊÀÌ ÀÌÃÊ6à 6à i«ÃÊVÀi>ÃiÊ>>ViÊ EÊLÌÞ Tai Chi Chuan consists of a series of PRYHPHQWVDQGEUHDWKLQJH[HUFLVHV designed to build strength, restore EDODQFHDQGLQFUHDVHÁH[LELOLW\7KHVH H DQFLHQW&KLQHVHH[HUFLVHVJHQWOH healing, and low-impact. DVD fully H[SODLQVDQGLOOXVWUDWHVHDFKH[HUFLVH$SSUR[PLQV3URPRWHG E\WKH$UWKULWLV)RXQGDWLRQ7DL&KL for Arthritis guides you step-by-step through 12 lessons with warm-ups, and offers demonstrations so you can see the moves from the front and the back. 2-DVD set; approx. 240 mins. 6HH9LGHR3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 7/ÇäÓxÊÊ/>Ê Ê6ÊÊf£È°nÊ 1(:ÊÊ7/Ç£n{{ÊÊ/>Ê ÊÀÌ ÀÌÃÊ 6ÊÊfÓ°n 1(:"`iÀÊ7ÃiÀÊ7ÀÕÌÃÊ6à ->viÊÝiÀVÃià ÊÞ}Ê"ÊÀ Perfect for beginners or those who haven’t EHHQH[HUFLVLQJUHJXODUO\All of the exercises are done either standing or sitting on a FKDLUQRO\LQJGRZQRQWKHÁRRU Volume 1 & 2 offers easy, comprehensive and fun workouts to help you move better, with 2 different levels that allow you to progUHVVDW\RXURZQSDFH$SSUR[PLQV Volume 3 & 4 is more challenging and a great way to improve your aerobic endurDQFHVWUHQJWKDQGEDODQFH$SSUR[ PLQV6HH9LGHR3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 7/Ç£ÈÈxÊÊ"`iÀÊ7ÃiÀÊ7ÀÕÌÃÊ £ÊEÊÓÊÊfÓ£°n 7/Ç£ÈÈÈÊÊ"`iÀÊ7ÃiÀÊ7ÀÕÌÃÊ ÎÊEÊ{ÊÊfÓ£°n >`ÊÝiÀVÃiÀ >` iÃ}i`ÊÞÊÊ* ÞÃV>Ê/ iÀ>«ÃÌÊ Looking for something that can slow the progression of osteoarthritis and alleviate the effects of repetitive-motion injuries? The Xtensor slips on like a glove and features adjustable elastic bands on each ÀQJHUWLSWRH[HUFLVH them with gentle, efGreat For Arthritis, fective resistance. It Golfer’s Elbow, strengthens underused Carpal Tunnel muscles and increases Syndrome & More ÁH[LELOLW\RIRYHUZRUNHG muscles in the palm, resulting in improved muscle balance and joint stability. Just do 1-3 sets of 10-20 repetitions every RWKHUGD\7KH;WHQVRUÀWV either hand with adjustable UHVLVWDQFHIRUHDFKÀQJHU 2QHVL]HÀWVPRVW,QFOXGHVD SDFNRIYDULRXVVL]HGÀQJHUEDQGV 7/ÇxÓÈÇÊÊ8ÌiÃÀÊÊfÎÓ°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH )LWQHVV SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY PRICE À]Ê/} ÌiÊ`ÊvÌ Say goodbye to the jiggle, wiggle and sag. In just 3 minutes a day (no heavy weights involved!) you can tighten and tone your arms and chest to a physique you’re proud to show off. Toner uses triisometric technology to target the hard-to-reach muscles... all you have to do is squeeze. With 3 levels of resistance. Includes workout guide. Plastic; approx. 6" x 4" dia. 7/ÇxÓÓnÊÊ /«Ê/iÀÊÊ f£°£{ NEW! -ÌÊ`ÊiÊÌÊ 7ÀÕÌÊ6Ã Ê 7i} ÌÊÃÃÊ iÜÃÊi«Ê ÕÀLÊ ««iÌÌit These delicious, sugar-free chews KHOS\RXÀJKWKXQJHU and keep you feeling IXOODQGVDWLVÀHGIRU hours. They promote regularity in digestion-- binds to and removes up to 50 grams ms of dietary fat from your GI tract. Chews conWDLQVJOXFRPDQQDQÀEHUDFOLQLFDOO\ tested ingredient for weight loss. Includes recommended diet and exercise plan. 30 diet chews. Choose: 06-Mixed Berry or 07-Chocolate. 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)RRG G DQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWR WR GLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH >ÃÞÊÌiÃÃÊÀÊ-iÀÃt Led by Mary Ann Wilson, RN, from the popular public TV series, these workouts are recommended by doctors and physical therapists. Diabetes & Balance DVD contains a series of exercises designed to LPSURYHFLUFXODWLRQOHJVWUHQJWKÁH[ÁH[ibility, posture and breathing. Ap-prox. 81 mins. Osteoporosis and Brain DVD focuses on exercises to improve postural stability and core strength, plus a fun proJUDPWRNHHSWKHPLQGÁH[LEOH and alert. Approx. 66 mins. See Video Policy on order form. 7/Ç£xÇÓÊÊi}>Ê/Ê7i} ÌÊÃÃÊ iÜÃÊ Üà V Vi¶®ÊÊf£°n n -Ìi««iÀÊ7ÀÕÌÊ>V i «« 6WXUG\ 6WHHO)UDPH :LWK $GMXVWDEOH 5HVLVWDQFH 7/Ç£ÈxÓÊÊ-ÌÊEÊiÊÌÊ >LiÌiÃÊ7ÀÕÌÊ6ÊÊf£°n f£°n 7/Ç£ÈxÎÊÊ-ÌÊEÊiÊÌÊ "ÃÌi«ÀÃÃÊ7ÀÕÌÊ6ÊÊf£°n ÀÊ*ÕiÞÊ ÝiÀVÃiÀ Turn any door into your home gym. Tone your abs, arms, chest, upper back and enhance your range of motion with this resistance system that easily anchors to the top of a door. Made of sturdy nylon rope that measures about 38" long from hand strap to pulley. UÊ >À`Û>ÃVÕ>ÀÊiÝiÀVÃi ÊÊÊÊ i«ÃÊÞÕÊÃiÊÜi} Ì UÊ/iÃÊV>ÛiÃ]ÊÌ } Ã]Ê «ÃÊ ÊÊÊÊEÊÀi UÊ «>VÌÊvÀÊÃ>Ê ÊÊÊÊÜÀÕÌÊ>Ài>à You can “walk” and “step” for exercise, even if the weather is bad outside. Stepping action tones and strengthens calves, buttocks, lower abdominals, hips and thighs. Adjustable resistance cylinders provide smooth stepping motion. Electronic monitor tracks steps per minute, overall steps, workout time and calories burned. With foam covered handlebars and textured pedals for comfort. Compact design (approx. 31" x 20" x 55"). Steel frame supports up to 250 lbs. Allow 2-3 weeks. See Policy on order form. 7/Çxx£ÎÊÊ "ÛiÀÊ/ iÊÀÊ ÝiÀVÃiÀÊÊf£Ó°n U.S. Based Call Center 1-800-521-7638 Orders 24 Hours 7/Ç££nxÊÊÀiiÊ-ÌÀ`iÊÊ -Ìi««iÀÊÊf£x°n *i>ÃiÊ>``Ê f£x°ääÊ``Ì>Ê - ««}ÊÌÊÌ iÊ -Ì>`>À`Ê- ««}Ê >À}iÊvÀÊi>V Ê ÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° ÕLÊ Ã«>ÞÊ ÌVÊ V Clock automatically C ssets itself to the ccorrect time using the radio signal sent th from the National fr Time Observatory Ti in Colorado! Easyto-read jumbo LCD screen (6½" x 4") displays time, date and indoor temperature. Can be mounted to wall or use the easel-back for desktop. Uses 2 “AA” batteries, not included. Approx. 9½" x 1" x 6½". 'LVSOD\V 7LPH'DWH DQG,QGRRU 7HPSHUDWXUH 7/ǣΣÊÊÕL Ê Ê>ÀÊ VÊÊ fÓ{°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê >ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n 1(: -`iÊ-ii«iÀÊ Ê*Ü The unique “L” shape perfectly maintains a comfortable, natural aligng gn ment for your neck, shoulders ulders and upper-body as you sleep on your side. Just wrap your arms around one side of the pillow pilililllow while whil hilile resting your head on the e other--you can position one section behind hind your back to help maintain your side de sleeping posture and reduce snoring. 3LOORZKDVDSOXVKPLFURÀEHUIHHO RÀEHU IHHO “Arms” are approx. 25" x 11" each; about 6" thick overall. Imported. 7/Ç£xxÇÊÊ ÌÕÀÊ *ÜÊÊfÎÓ°n 3OXVK &RPIRUW ,Q(YHU\ 3RVLWLRQ 6HWRI 1(: >ÌÕÀ>Ê,ÊÕ`vi Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊ"ÀÊiVÌÀVÌÞÊ ii`i`t An elegant solution to dry environments that aggravate skin and EUHDWKLQJFRQGLWLRQV6LPSO\ÀOOWKHFHUDPLFERZOZLWKZDWHUWKHQ place clay ball on top. The porous clay will slowly absorb water and naturally release moisture into the air. No batteries or electricity QHHGHG-XVWUHÀOOZLWKZDWHUDVQHHGHG6HWRI includes 1 large (5" dia. x 4") and 1 small (3½" dia. x 3½"). 7/Ç£ÈÇÈÊÊ,ÊÕ`viÀÊ-iÌÊÊfÓ{° -ii«Ê vÀÌ>LÞÊ iÛ>Ìi` `}Êi`Ê7i`}i T gradual incline of this wedge The ccushion supports the head and cchest in an upright, angled ngled posittion. This, in turn, aidss digesttion, eases breathing and sinus pressure, and soothess muscle ttension as it supportss the sspine. Opens to a full ssize torso wedge (24" x 24" x 7", 10" or 12") and folds to a compact a ct 16" long when not in use. Soft velour ccover is washable. Made in USA. $OORZZHHNV6HH 3ROLF\RQ $ RUGHUIRUP R 1RQUHWXUQDEOH RU ,QFKHV +LJK )ROGHG 7 7/Çx{ÈÓÊÊÊÊǸÊ`}Êi`Ê7i`}iÊÊfΰn }iÊÊfΰn 7/Çx{ÈÎÊÊ£ä¸Ê`}Êi`Ê7i`}iÊÊf{Ó°n 7/Çx{È{ÊÊ£Ó¸Ê`}Êi`Ê7i`}iÊÊf{x°n *i>ÃiÊ>``Êfx°ääÊ``Ì>Ê- ««}ÊÌÊ-Ì>`>À`ÊÊ - ««}Ê >À}iÊvÀÊi>V ÊÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° >ÌÕÀ>Êi}Ê À>«Ê,iiÛiÀÀ Tried and true remedy for OHJFUDPSV, with homeopathic quinine (Cinchona Off 3X), also brings pain relief from: foot & calf cramps, joint stiffness, pain in lower back and sciatica. No drowsy side effects! 100 quick-dissolve tablets. /HJFUDPSV30, also with homeopathic quinine, helps you fall asleep, stay asleep and relieves leg cramps. 50 tablets. Leg cramps RLQWPHQW works quickly to relieve cramps and pains while warming the area. 100% natural, non-greasy, with a pleasant wintergreen scent. 2.5 oz. tube. 7/Ç{ÎÎÊÊi}Ê À>«ÃÊÊf£Ó°n 7/Ç{xÓnÊÊi}Ê À>«ÃÊ*ÊÊf£Î°n 7/Ç{ÇÈÓÊÊi}Ê À>«ÃÊ"ÌiÌÊÊf°n º-ÕV Ê>ÊÀiivÊÃii«ÊÃÊÕV Ê LiÌÌiÀÊÜÊÌ >ÌÊÊ>ÊÌÊLi}Ê >Ü>ii`ÊLÞÊi}ÊVÀ>«Ã°»Ê/°°]Ê ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH %HWWHU6OHHS 1(: :DWHUSURRI 3URWHFWLRQ :LWK7KH 6RIWQHVV2I )ODQQHO >iÊ ,ÕLLiÀÊ - iiÌ} *ÀÌiVÌÃÊ >ÌÌÀiÃÃiÃÊÀÊ VÌiVi 5XEEHUVKHHWLV 5 XE E ERQGHGRQRQHVLGH E RQ Q ZLWKÁDQQHOIRUD ZLWK ZL K FRPIRUWDEOHVHQVDWLRQ FR RP DJDLQVWVNLQZKLOH D J SURYLGLQJZDWHUSURRI SU SURWHFWLRQIRU\RXU S PDWWUHVV:DVKDEOH P DQGUHXVDEOH$W D [WKLVVKHHW EHVWDFFRPPRGDWHV EHV D DWZLQPDWWUHVV<RXPD\ZLVKWREX\PRUHWKDQRQHIRUODUJHU WZLQ PDWWUHVV UHVV <RX < X PD\ ZLVK WR EX\ PRUH WKD <R PDWWUHVVHV,PSRUWHG 7/ǣǣÊÊ>iÊ,ÕLLiÀÊ- iiÌ}ÊÊfΰn ÓÊÀÊÀi]ÊfÎn°nÊi>V -ii«Êi}}}ÃÊ*ÀÛ`iÊ } ÌÊ «ÀiÃà 1(: } ÌÊ-VÊ>ÃiÃÊ À}Ê*>Ê $FRPIRUWDEOHVWUHWFKZKLOH\RX UHVWRUVOHHS.HHSVWKHIRRWLQD QHXWUDOSRVLWLRQWKDWKHOSVDOOHYLDWHKHHOSDLQIURP3ODQWDU)DVFLLWLV DQG$FKLOOHV7HQGRQLWLVZKHQ WDNLQJWKRVHÀUVWPRUQLQJVWHSV )HDWXUHVXOWUDVRIWEUHDWKDEOHPDWHULDOVHDPOHVVWRHVDGMXVWDEOHFDOIEDQGDQGDGMXVWDEOH GRUVLÁH[LRQVWUDS6L]HGDFFRUGLQJWRFDOI FLUFXPIHUHQFH&KRRVH5HJXODUÀWVXS WRRU/DUJHÀWVWR /DWH[IUHH,PSRUWHG 7/Ç£ÇÇ£ÊÊ1ÌÀ>ÃÌÀiÌV Ê } ÌÊ-VÊV Vi¶®ÊfÎ{°n 6$/(ÊÊ-ÀiÊ,iivÊÕÌ ÊÕ>À` 6DIHGUXJIUHHVROXWLRQVR\RXDQG\RXUSDUWQHU FDQJHWDJRRGQLJKW·VVOHHS:HDULQJWKHJXDUGDWQLJKWJHQWO\OLIWVWKH ORZHUMDZZKLFKZLGHQVWKHDLUVSDFH LQWKHEDFNRIWKHWKURDW6QRULQJ DQGKHDY\EUHDWKLQJLVJUHDWO\ UHGXFHGRUVWRSSHG*XDUGKDV ODUJHEUHDWKLQJKROHVIRUHDV\EUHDWKLQJDQG LVGHVLJQHGWRFRQWUROWRQJXHSRVLWLRQDQG RIIHUJHQWOH70MRLQWGHFRPSUHVVLRQ2QH VL]HÀWVPRVW,QFOXGHVVWRUDJH FDVH1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Ç££ÇnÊÊÌ-À}Ê ÕÌ ÊÕ>À`ÊÊ 7AS ÜÊf£Ó°Ç +HOSVSUHYHQWDQGUHGXFHWKHDSSHDUDQFHRI YDULFRVHDQGVSLGHUYHLQVZKLOH\RXVOHHS 7KLJKKLJKVOHHSOHJJLQJVDUHDOLJKWJUDGH FRPSUHVVLRQWRERRVWEORRGFLUFXODWLRQIURP OHJVEDFNWRWKHKHDUWSOXVWKH\KDYHDQ RSHQWRHGHVLJQWKDWDOORZVKHDWWRHVFDSH ZKLOH\RXVOHHS&KRRVH60ÀWVXSWR OEVRU/;/ÀWVOEV ÊÊÌiÀ>Ì}Ê*ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊ *Õ«Ê`Ê*>`Ê-ÞÃÌi 7/Ç££Ç{ÊÊ-ii«Êi}}}ÃÊV Vi¶®ÊÊf£n°n ÊÊÊi«ÃÊ*ÀiÛiÌÊ Ê*>vÕÊi`Ê-Àià ÊÕÃÌÊÌiÃÊEÊ i`ÊÕ}ÃÊ"Ê Ì>VÌ ->viÊ/Ê1ÃiÊÀÕ`Ê `ÀiÊEÊ*iÌà %HGEXJVGXVWPLWHVHJJVDQG ODUYDHNLOOWKHPDOODQGNHHS\RX DQG\RXUORYHGRQHVELWHIUHH :RUNVJUHDWRQEHGVSLOORZV FXVKLRQVGXYHWFRYHUVUXJV FXUWDLQVDQGIXUQLWXUH3ODQW EDVHGIRUPXODLVQRQWR[LF DQGELRGHJUDGDEOH,QFOXGHV RQHR]VSUD\ERWWOHDQGD R]WUDYHOVL]HERWWOH 7/Çä{£ÎÊÊ>LÀVi>ÀÊÊ f£°n This Thi Th is high is hig igh quality igh qualility it air i support sup surface V\VWHPLVVSHFLÀFDOO\GHVLJQHGIRU SUHYHQWLRQRISUHVVXUHVRUHV%XEEOH SDGKDVLQGLYLGXDOFHOOVIRUVXSHULRUWKHUDSHXWLFWUHDWPHQW SDG KDV LQGLYLGXDO FHOOV IRU VXSHULRU WKHUDSHXWLF WUHD DWPHQW DWPHQ UHOLHYLQJQHUYHDQGMRLQWSDLQDQGLPSURYLQJFLUFXODWLRQ4XLHW 4 L SXPSWHFKQRORJ\DOWHUQDWHO\LQÁDWHVDQGGHÁDWHVWKHDLUFHOOVHYHU\ PLQXWHVDW/30VIRUFRQVLVWHQWDLUÁRZ8VHWKHÀUPQHVVGLDO WRVHWSUHVVXUHOHYHO3XPSKDVEXLOWLQEUDFNHWIRUHDV\PRXQWLQJ +HDY\JDXJHYLQ\OSDGLVDSSUR[[[óDQGVXSSRUWVXS WROEV$OORZZHHNV6HH 3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 5HWXUQ5HSDLU3ROLF\'RQRWUHWXUQWKHSUHVVXUHSXPSV\VWHPWRWKH-RKQVRQ 6PLWK&RPSDQ\3OHDVHFDOORXU&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH'HSWIRUUHWXUQDXWKRUL]DWLRQDQG UHWXUQDGGUHVV<RXUSXUFKDVHSULFHOHVVDUHVWRFNLQJIHHZLOOEHUHIXQGHG LI\RXUHWXUQWKHSUHVVXUHSXPSV\VWHPLQLWVXQRSHQHGRULJLQDOSDFNDJLQJZLWKLQ GD\V7KLVVXSHUVHGHVRXUQRUPDOGD\UHWXUQSROLF\ 7/Çä{nÊÊ*ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊ*Õ«ÊEÊ*>`Ê-ÞÃÌiÊÊfÓ°n *i>ÃiÊ>``ÊfÇ°ääÊ``Ì>Ê- ««}ÊÌÊÌ iÊ-Ì>`>À`ÊÊ - ««}Ê >À}iÊvÀÊi>V ÊÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV i>ÀÞÊi>ÀÊ / iÊ/6ÊÊ 7Ì ÕÌÊ ÃÌÕÀL}Ê "Ì iÀà 1(:7ÀiiÃÃÊ7i>Ì iÀÊ-Ì>Ì Love keeping up to date (and up to the minute) on your local weather? This weather station displays both indoor AND outdoor temperature, humidity and temperature trend. You’ll also see the time, day and date, moon phase and temperature alerts. 1RZLUHVWRPHVVDURXQGZLWK 2XWGRRUVHQVRUVHQGVLQIRUPDWLRQZLUHOHVVO\WRWKHLQGRRUUHFHLYHU Clock has 12/24 hour time with snooze alarm. Uses 4 “AA” batteries, not included. Receiver: 5½" x 1½" x 4½". Sensor: 1½" x ¾" x 5". 7/Ç£ÇÇ{ÊÊ7ÀiiÃÃÊ7i>Ì iÀÊ-Ì>ÌÊÊfÎ{°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n Listen to your TV at a volume that is loud enough for you without disturbing others. Ideal if you have GLIÀFXOW\KHDULQJ or if you share a room with someone else. Headset features soft, cushioned ear pieces that swivel for maximum comfort plus built-in volume adjustment. Headset works for over 15 hours-and recharges when plugged into transmitter. Works with any TV LQFOXGLQJDOOÁDWVFUHHQVVWHUHRRUDXGLRGHYLFHV7UDQVPLWV signal up to 33 feet away. Hearing aid compatible. One size ÀWVPRVW-79/LVWHQHU includes transmitter, 1 headset, AC adapter, 4 adapters and 2 rechargeable batteries. No limit to the number of KHDGVHWV that can be used with the Listener as volume is independently adjustable for each user. 7/ÇäxÊÊÎÊ/6ÊÃÌiiÀÊÊfxn°n 7/ÇäÈ{ÇÊÊ``Ì>Ê/6ÊÃÌiiÀÊi>`ÃiÌÊÊfÎÓ°n -Õ«iÀÊ LÃÀLiÌÊ 1ÌÀ>-vÌÊ i`Ê*>` 1(:ÊÊ >iÃÊ>ÀÊiÃÊ ,i>`ÃÊ/ iÊLi Relax to the inspirational listening of the King James Version of the New Testament, as read by one of the world’s most gifted voice actors, James Earl Jones! This DXGLR&'VHWRYHUKRXUV contains word-for-word readings of all 27 unabridged New Testament books. See Audio/ Video Policy on order form. 7Ì Ê ÓÊ->iÀÊ>ÞiÀà Brushed quilted surface is kind to the skin as it wicks moisture away from the body. 3-ply pad has 2 soaker layers and waterproof bottom layer to protect bedding. Approx. 7/Ç£ÇnäÊÊ>iÃÊ>ÀÊ iÃÊ,i>`ÃÊLiÊ Ê-iÌÊÊ fΰn 30"W x 36"H. Machine wash. Made in USA. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/ÇÎÈn£ÊÊÎ*ÞÊ+ÕÌi`Êi`Ê*>`ÊÊf£Ó°n ÓÊÀÊÀi]Êf££°nÊi>V $OZD\V 7KH([DFW 7LPH -iÌÊ/ ÃÊ VÊ"ViÊÊEÊ"ÞÊ"Vit Set your time zone and you'll never have to set the time again -even after power outages. Automatically adjusts for daylight savings time. Large LCD display, backlight, snooze alarm, time zone and daylight savings time indicators. Includes one replaceable “AA” battery for backup. 5"W x 3"H x 2"D. 7/ÇÓ{äÓÊÊ-iÌÊ`ÊÀ}iÌÊ>ÀÊ VÊÊfÓÈ°n -ii«Ê>V iÊ -Ì iÃÊ7Ì Ê >ÌÕÀi½ÃÊ -Õ`à 6L[ 6RRWKLQJ 6RXQGV Trouble falling asleep? Need to drown out disturbing noises? Try the Sleep Sounds Machine, and you’ll drop off to a lullaby of nature’s night sounds. :LWKGLIIHU HQWVRRWKLQJUK\WKPLF VRXQGV%URRN6XPPHU 1LJKW2FHDQ:DYHV 7KXQGHU:KLWH1RLVHDQG 5DLQIDOO/HDYHRQDOOQLJKWRUXVHRSWLRQDORUPLQXWH WLPHU Powered by provided AC adapter or 4 “AA” batteries (not included). 7" x 4.5". Assorted colors; our choice, please. 7/Ç£ä{äÊÊ-ii«Ê-Õ`ÃÊ>V iÊÊfÓ°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH i`Ê*>`ÃÊ i«Ê*ÀiÛiÌÊ i`Ê-Àià Did you know bed sores can develop in just 20 minutes? Yet they are easily preventable! Premium VKHHSHWWH (synthetic sheepskin) material feels soft against delicate skin, helps keep air circulating, and reduces pressure on bony prominences that are susceptible to bed sores. Great for chairs, the foot of your bed, or wherever you need a little more comfort. Machine wash/dry. Approx. 24" x 30". Made in USA. Or protect that fragile skin with the addition of a comfortable IOHHFH bed pad (not shown), ZLWKFRUQHUHODVWLFVWUDSVWRKHOSVWD\LQSODFH Washable; approx. 36" x 80". Imported. 7/Ç£{Ç£ÊÊ- ii«iÌÌiÊi`Ê*>`ÊÊfÓÓ°n 7/Ç£ÇnnÊÊiiViÊi`Ê*>`Ê7Ì Ê-ÌÀ>«ÃÊÊfΰn %HWWHU6OHHS 1(:}Ì>Ê À`iÃÃÊ* iÊ7Ì Ê ÃÜiÀ}Ê>V i ,QFOXGHV 7:26OLP +DQGVHWV Attractive, easy-to-use cordless phones offer a multitude of features! 7UDQVIHUFDOOVRUXVHWKHLQWHU FRPEHWZHHQKDQGVHWVVRLI\RX DQVZHUWKHFDOOLQWKHOLYLQJURRP \RXFDQWUDQVIHULWWR\RXUVSRXVH ZKR·VLQWKHEHGURRP Speakerphone allows for hands-free operation anywhere in the house. Handsets also feature Caller ID*, selectable ringtones with adjustable volume control, mute, redial and ÁDVKIXQFWLRQV7KHDQVZHULQJV\VWHPRIIHUVGLJLWDO recording, LED message counter, voice guided setup and operation, time/day stamp and call screening. System includes 2 wireless handsets with charging bases, AC adapters, and rechargeable batteries plus telephone cord and manual. 5HTXLUHVFDOOHU,'VHUYLFHIURP\RXUORFDOWHOHSKRQHFRPSDQ\ 7/Ç£ÈxÈÊÊ}Ì>Ê À`iÃÃÊ>`ÃiÌÊÊ fx{°n 1(:} Ì1«ÊÊ >ÊÌÊiÛ>ÌÀ /ÃÃÕiÊÝÊ 7Ì ÊÞi}>ÃÃiÃÊÊ `iÀ ii«ÃÊiiÃÊ`Ê /iÃÊ"vvÊ>ÌÌÀiÃà The best bedside companion you could ask for! Place a square box of tissues inside the plastic holder--tissues dispense from the side and your eyeglasses rest on top in the felted compartment. On/off button for the LEDs is located on top as well. Just tap for a soft glow. Uses 2 “AA” batteries, not included. Approx. 6" x 5" x 6½". For sufferers of neuralgia, diabetics, or anyone with sensitive feet, this doughnut-style foot elevator will help bring relief. Open up the “slice” and place Op your ankle in the inner opening. you Secure with the hook and loop Se fastener. Lightweight foam fa H HOHYDWRUKDVFRPIRUWDEOHÁDQnelette covering. Approx. 11.5" n GLDPHWHU2QHVL]HÀWVPRVW G 7/Ç£nÓäÊÊ} Ìi`Ê/ÃÃÕiÊÝÊÊf£°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n 7/ÇÓÇ{ÇÊÊ>Ê 7 ÌÊiÛ>ÌÀÊÊf£n°n Ê/ÕV Ê i}Ê*ÜÊÀÊ -`iÊ-ii«iÀà Not only does this leg pillow help prevent back issues for side sleepers, but it also has a JHOLQIXVHGPHPRU\ IRDPWKDWIHHOVFRROWRWKHWRXFKand I molds m to the knees for custom support! p Pillow helps restore your natural s spine alignment, cushions your knees, and a stabilizes your hips. Included breathable quilted cover also ensures b your legs stay cool during the night. Approx. 10" x 8" x 5½". Imported. 7/Ç£ääÈÊÊ Êi}Ê*ÜÊÊ fÓ°n ,iÃÌiÃÃÊi}ÃÊ Ài> V>ÞÊ*ÀÛiÊ,iiv &XVWRPHU )DYRULWH Get welcome relief from the cramps, twitches and spasms of restless leg syndrome. End the disruption of your rest and sleep quickly and easily with this scientifically formulated cream. &RPELQLQJHVVHQWLDORLOVDQWL R[LGDQWVDORHDQGRWKHUQDWXUDO LQJUHGLHQWVSOXVWKHFDOPLQJ HIIHFWRIEHQ]RFDLQHLWLQWHUUXSWV V XQ WKHMXPS\MLWWHU\PRYHPHQWDQGXQ ZDQWHGVNLQVHQVDWLRQVVXFKDVEXUQLQJSULFNOLQJDQGWLQJOLQJ EXUQLQJ SULFNOLQJ DQG WLQJOLQJ Fragrance free. Non-greasy. 4 oz. jar. 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)RRGDQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWRGLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH 7/Ç£n£ÓÊÊ,iÃÌiÃÃÊi}ÃÊ Ài>ÊÊf£Î°n ÓÊÀÊÀi]Êf£Ó°nÊi>V 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 8 6 %DV 2UGHUV+RXUV Ê ÀÌÁÊ ÕLÃ>VÀ>Ê -«>Ê-Õ««ÀÌÊ -ÞÃÌi 3XOO6WUDSV)RU &RPSUHVVLRQ Amazing compression DELOLW\LVDW\RXUÀQJHUtips! Patented PowerWrap® tensioning system reduces the amount of force required to create the amount of sacral and lumbar support you need. The LQGHSHQGHQWSXOOV (easy for weak or injured patients to use as well) provide focused compression where you want it. Lightweight polyester keeps you cool and comfortable all day. With Velcro® closure. &KRRVHVL]H(measure around hips): 0'/* ;/; 0DGHLQ86$ 7/Ç£{näÊÊ ÀÌÊ-Õ««ÀÌÊ -ÞÃÌiÊV Vi¶®ÊÊ fÇÓ°n >}iÌVÊ/ iÀ>«ÞÊ>VÊ>` Dual function back band provides magnetic therapy AND has bioFHUDPLFGRWVWKDWDEVRUEERG\KHDWDQGUHÁHFWLWEDFNDVIDULQIUDred energy that penetrates tissues to increase circulation. &RQWDLQVDWRWDORI QWDL QW DLQV QV D WRW RWDO DO RI VHZQLQPDJQHWVDW JQHWVDW EDFNDWKLSVDQG DQG RQDEGRPHQIRU RU PD[LPXPFRYHU U DJH and deeppenetrating magnet therapy.. Elasticized, breathath hth able material with k and adjustable hook L]HV60 ÀWV loop closure. 6L]HV60ÀWV ZDLVW0'/* ;/,PSRUWHG1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/ÇxäÎ{ÊÊ>}iÌVÊ>VÊ>`Ê Ãâi¶®ÊÊfx°n vÀ>Ài`Êi>ÌÊ7>` Infrared heat is well known to penetrate below the skin to stimuODWHEORRGÁRZZKLFKKHOSVVSHHG healing, reduce joint stiffness and relax muscles. Our infrared heat wand has an angled head to help PDNHGLIÀFXOWDUHDVHDVLHUDQG PRUHFRPIRUWDEOHWRUHDFK8VHRQEDFNQHFNVKRXOGHUVDUPVOHJV and feet for relief of minor aches, strains and cramped muscles. With KLJKDQGORZKHDWVHWWLQJV$SSUR[[GLDZLWKIWSRZHUFRUG 7/Ç£{ÊÊ}i`Êi>`ÊvÀ>Ài`Êi>ÌÊ7>`ÊÊfÓÓ°n 1(:v>Ì>Li iVÊ6Ì>âiÀ ½ÌÊiÌÊ>VÊ *>Ê-Ì«Ê9Õt Return to the activities \RXORYHZLWKWKHFRQÀdence you once had. The ProBack provides immediate relief from back pain associated a with strain/ sprain sp injuries, herniated or ruptured rupt discs, and low back pain. It uses bilateral opposing force to reduce red the load on intervertebral discs, reduce strain on the lower back, provide support to the lumbar and abdominal region, as well as automatically improving posture. It’s also lightweight, compact, non-restrictive and virtually invisible under clothing. &KRRVH6WDQGDUGÀWV Go to our website waist) or/DUJHÀWVXSWRZDLVW to view a video clip 7/ÇxäÇÇÊÊ*À>VÊV Vi¶®ÊÊfx°n on how it works! Beat neck pain before it starts! 6LPSO\SODFHWKH9LWDOL]HUEHWZHHQ your shoulder blades and use the hand SXPSWRLQÁDWHWRFRPIRUWOHYHO7KHQ lay there, resting, for about PLQXWHV$PD]LQJO\WKLV FRUUHFWVIRUZDUGKHDGSRV WXUHUROOLQJVKRXOGHUV DQGUHOLHYHVQHFN DQGXSSHUEDFN SDLQ It’s simple, portable, and easy WRXVH6XSSRUWV XSWROEV,Qcludes storage bag. Approx. [ 7/Ç£ÇÈ£ÊÊ iVÊ 6Ì>âiÀÊÊ fΰn ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH %DFN&DUH 1(:7i½ÃÊÕL>ÀÊ>VÊiÌ >VÊ-Õ««ÀÌÊ/ >ÌÊÛiÃÊ7Ì Ê9Õ 'HOX[HEDFNEHOWLVHQJLQHHUHGWR SURPRWHSURSHUSRVWXUHDQGERG\ PHFKDQLFVZKLFKOHDGVWROHVVEDFN SDLQDQGKHOSVSUHYHQWEDFNLQMXULHV GXHWROLIWLQJWZLVWLQJEHQGLQJDQG other everyday activities. 7DLORUHGIRU WKHIHPDOH SK\VLTXH IRURSWLPDO VXSSRUWDQG FRPIRUW (ODVWLF DEGRPLQDOVLGHSDQHOVJLYH\RXWKH RSWLRQWRKDYHDVPXFKRUDVOLWWOH FRPSUHVVLRQDV\RXZDQWRU %XLOW,Q/XPEDU QHHG:LWKEXLOWLQYHQWLODWHG 6XSSRUW OXPEDUSDGDQGEUHDWKDEOH (QJLQHHUHG)RU$ Q\ORQPHVKEDQGVWRPLQLPL]H :RPDQ·V%RG\ perspiration build up. Hand ZDVKDLUGU\1\ORQSRO\HVWHU spandex blend that contains UXEEHULPSRUWHG&KRRVHVL]H PHDVXUHDURXQGZDLVW 60 (26"-32"), 0/ (30"-36") or /;/ (37"-43"). 7/Ç£ÈÈnÊÊ7i½ÃÊ iÕÝiÊÕL>ÀÊ-Õ««ÀÌÊiÌÊ V Vi¶®ÊÊfÈ°n *>>ÃiÊ -«>ÊÀ>Vi 6SLQDOEUDFLQJDGGVVWUHQJWKDQG JLYHVVXSSRUWWRVSLQDOGLVFRPIRUW and strain, as it helps relieve the SDLQIURPSUHVVXUHLQMXULQJWKH QHUYHVLQWKHVSLQH/LJKWZHLJKW IUDPHZLWKIRDPOLQHUHQFRXUDJHV DEGRPLQDOFRPSUHVVLRQZKLFKDOlows pressure on the vertebral FROXPQWRXQORDGSURYLGLQJUHOLHI5HFRPPHQGHGIRUKHUQLated disc, osteoarthritis, spinal VWHQRVLVDQGFRPSUHVVLRQIUDFtures. 6L]HVPHDVXUHDWZDLVW 0'(36"-41"), /* (42"-47"), ;/%UDFHPHDVXUHV óLQIURQWDQGKLJKLQEDFN 6RUU\H[SUHVVDQGUXVKGHOLYHU\ QRWDYDLODEOH1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Çx£ÎnÊÊ*>>ÃiÊ-«>Ê >ÀiÊÃâi¶®ÊÊfxn°n iÕÝiÊ >ÛViÊ-Õ««ÀÌ For clavicle fractures, sprains, shoulder LQVWDELOLW\DQGÀEURP\DOJLD´%DFNSDFNµ VW\OHFRQVWUXFWLRQZLWKÁDWULQJUHGXFHV pressure on the spine as it pulls shoulders EDFNWRDOLJQFODYLFOHDQGSURYLGHSRVWXUH VXSSRUW([WUDVRIWSDGGLQJZLFNVPRLVWXUH DZD\IRULQFUHDVHGFRPIRUW(DV\ RQRIIDSSOLFDWLRQZLWKVLPSOH closures. Machine wash; LPSRUWHG6L]HVPHDVXUH FLUFXPIHUHQFHDURXQGXSSHU chest): 0' (31½"-373ȫ8"), /* (37"-43¼"), ;/ (43¼"-49¼"). *HQWO\ 3XOOV 6KRXOGHUV,QWR $OLJQPHQW />iÊ ÌÀÊ"vÊÊ9ÕÀÊ>VÊ*> Ê`Ê/>iÊ>VÊ9ÕÀÊvi UÊVi>Ài`ÊÜÀiiÃÃÊ/ -Ê`iÛViÊÌ>À}iÌÃÊL>VÊ«> UÊ Êi>`ÊÜÀiÃ]ÊLÕÞÊÜÀ>«ÃÊÀÊLiÌÃÊii`i` UÊ/ ]Ê} ÌÜi} ÌÊ`iÛViÊV>ÊLiÊÜÀÊÕ`iÀÊVÌ } ÛViÊV>ÊLiÊÜÀÊÕ`iÀÊVÌ } :L7RXFK is a safe, GUXJIUHHPHWKRGRI SDLQUHOLHIXVLQJ7(16 WHFKQRORJ\7UDQVFXWDQHRXV(OHFWULFDO1HUYH 6WLPXODWLRQ(DV\WR XVHWRR-XVWSODFH on your EDFNDQG QG XVHWKHUHPRWHWRVWDUWWKH HUHPRWHWRVWDUWWKH PLQXWHWUHDWPHQWVHVVLRQ QXWHWUHDWPHQWVHVVLRQ and adjust djust the intensity to your FRPIRUWOHYHO,QFOXGHVEDWWHULHV FRPIR JHOSDGVSDLUDQG :LUHOHVV LQVWUXFWLRQV5HXVDEOHJHO 'LVFUHHW SDGVODVWEHWZHHQWR :HDU8QGHU applications. &DQQRWVKLS WR&DOLIRUQLDDGGUHVVHV &ORWKHV 5HSODFHPHQWSDGVVHWRI pairs) sold separately. 'RQRWXVHWKLVGHYLFHLI\RXKDYHD SDFHPDNHURURWKHULPSODQWHGHOHF WURQLFGHYLFH 7/Çä{ÈnÊÊ/iÃÊ 7/ÕV ÊÊf£Ó°n 7/Çä{ÇÇÊÊ7/ÕV Ê ,i«>ViiÌÊ*>`ÃÊÊf£Ç°n 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/ÇänäÈÊÊiÕÝiÊ >ÛViÊ-Õ««ÀÌÊÃâi¶®ÊÊ fÎÈ°n 0RGHV 1(: 1(: -Ê>ÃÃ>}iÀÊÊ -Ê>ÃÃ>}i ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ7Ì Êi>Ì 0XVFOHVSUDFWLFDOO\VLJKZLWKUHOLHI 0XVFOHVSUDFWLFDOO\VLJKZLWKUHOLH (OHFWURQLFVOLPPDVVDJHU RIIHUVPRGHV (OHFWURQLFVOLPPDVVDJHURIIHUVPRGHV FRQVWDQWYLEUDWLQJSXOVHZDYHDQGF\FOLFYLEUDWH7XUQRQ FRQVWDQW YLEUDWLQJ SXOVH ZDYH DQG F\FOLF YLEUDWH 7XUQ R KHDWPRGHIRUDZDUPLQJVHQVDWLRQWKDW·OOHDVHWHQVLRQ8VHRQ \RXUZDLVWDUPVOHJVDQGDEGRPHQWRVRRWKHDQGWRQHPXVFOHV 2QHVL]HÀWVPRVWZLWKDGMXVWDEOH9HOFUR®VWUDS:DOODGDSWHU LQFOXGHG$SSUR[[[ 7/Ç£ÇÇxÊÊiVÌÀVÊ-Ê>ÃÃ>}iÀÊÊfnÈ°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV ,W V$ )ODVKOLJKW 1(:ÊÊ ÊVÀÊÊ >iÀ>Ê ÃÊÃ}ÕÃi`ÊÃÊ ÊiÞÊL UUÊ/>iÊÕ«ÊÌÊ£ä]äääÊ*VÌÕÀiÃtI UÊ/> /> /> > UUÊ>à UÊ>à } ÌÊ`i >Ãà UUÊ UÊ7Ì Ê-Ìi>Ì ÊÌÊiÌiVÌÊ 7Ì 7 7Ì Ì -Ìi Ìi> just Looks LLo ooks oks jus ju ust st like any other key fob... but it’s it t’s really rea eallyy a secret mini camera! The lo lock/unlock ock/u / nloc ock k and trunk buttons actuallyy a activate ctiv ct ivat ate e different FDPHUD modes. Takess 12 12 mega meg eg pixel pictures, records $QG$&DPHUD HD 1080p video with audio. Also features PRWLRQGHWHFWLRQDQGÁDVKOLJKWPRGHV'RZQORDG\RXU$9,-3* DQG:$9ÀOHVWR\RXUFRPSXWHURUVLPSO\YLHZWKHPRQ\RXU79 (cable included). Battery recharges via included USB cable and wall adapter. Compatible with Micro SD cards, not included. Approx. 2½" x 1½" x ½". *Our *%PLFUR6'FDUG, sold separately, will hold up to 10,000 photos. System requirements: Windows ME/2000/XP/Win7/2003/Vista; Mac OX 10.4. 1(:ÌiÀ>Ê 6>}>ÊÃÌÕÀâiÀ >ÃÌÃÊÌÊi>ÃÌÊÎÊ>ÞÃÊÌÊÊ/i Long-lasting moisturizer reduces the discomfort of vaginal dryness associated with menopause and helps increase sexual spontaneity and enjoyment of intimacy. &OLQLFDOO\ SURYHQWRSURYLGHLP PHGLDWHUHOLHIIURP YDJLQDOGU\QHVVIRU XSWRGD\VNongreasy, non-staining, fragrance-free and contains no estrogen, hormones or parabens. ,QFOXGHVSUHÀOOHGDSSOLFDWRUV 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Ç£Ç{{ÊÊ6>}>ÊÃÌÕÀâiÀÊÊf£°n ``Ê-«ViÊ /Ê9ÕÀÊ-iÝÊvi 1RWH$OZD\VFKHFNIHGHUDOVWDWHDQGORFDOUHJXODWLRQVUHJDUGLQJFRQVHQW RISDUWLHVWREHLQJUHFRUGHG Thre real-life attractive couples move Three beyond the bedroom to reveal the beyo highly erotic opportunities that await. high Discover Disc creative uses for otherwise common household items found in com any home. Includes new techniques an for men and women. Approx. 100 mins. ([SOLFLWVFHQHV<RXPXVW m EHDWOHDVW\HDUVROGWRRUGHU EH ,QWLPDWH'9'V. See Video Policy ,Q on order form. o 7/näÓÊÊÊVÀÊ >iÀ>ÊÊfnÓ°n 7/nnÇÎÊÊ{ÊVÀ-Ê >À`ÊÊfÓÓ°n ,>ëLiÀÀÞÊiÌi Ê -Õ««ÀÌÃÊ,>«`Ê7i} ÌÊÃà 'U2] &DOOV,W ´$0LUDFOH )DW %XUQHUµ 3HRSOHHYHU\ZKHUHDUHÀQGLQJRXW how effective raspberry ketone is with reports of weight loss success within just days of use. Derived from red raspberries, it helps speed up metabolism after meals. Taken under the tongue for sublingual absorption (no upset stomachs) at a VDIHDQGHIIHFWLYHGRVDJHPJSHUGRVHÁ oz. bottle; about 60 servings. 7/nÇ££xÊÊ-iÝÊÀÕ`Ê 7 / iÊÕÃiÊ6ÊÊf£n°n 1(: 1(: ÕÌÌiÀvÞÊL 7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)RRGDQG'UXJ $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWRGLDJQRVHWUHDW FXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH Ê i>Ài`Ê/ÊÊ À]Ê/} ÌiÊEÊ/iÊ iÊ 9ÕÀÊLà 7/Çx{£nÊÊ,>ëLiÀÀÞÊiÌiÊÊfÓ°n 1(: xäÃÊ-ÌÞiÊ ÉÊ ,>` Lightweight and durable, this classic is battery operated for true $X[LOLDU\ portability. An 3RUWV)RU auxiliary port 0RUH0XVLF and cable 2SWLRQV enhance the functionality, allowing you to also enjoy your MP3 tunes or other auxiliary device. With faux leather handle, AM/FM selector, volume & tuning knobs, and antenna; padded “feet” protect surfaces. 8"x5"x2.5". Uses 3 D batteries, not included. 7/xÓäÎÊÊxäÃÊ-ÌÞiÊÉÊ,>`ÊÊfÓΰn Á Work your abs while you watch TV, read a magazine, e, or sit at your computer! Wireireless electronic muscle stimulation mulation n (EMS) unit applies a stimulating electrical current rrent to your muscles, causing them to repeatedly edly contract, resulting in strengthened, toned abs! bs! No batteries needed--recharges via a USB B port. Easy to apply and remove, and has a discreet screet profile, so you can wear under your clothes. es. Offers 10 adjustable levels of intensity and nd 6 workout programs: Warm Up/Begininner, Intermediate, General Toning,, Advanced Ab Cruncher, Core Blaster,, and Expert Iron Man. Includes EMS MS unit, 2 reusable toning gel pads (last up to 30 sessions each), USB charging cable and instructions. Approx. 7½"x 4". &DQQRW VKLSWR&DOLIRUQLDDGGUHVVHV 7/nÓ{nÎÊÊÕÌÌiÀvÞÊL ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊfΰn n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH 1(: 6SLUDO6XSSRUW&RLOV iiÊ-Õ««ÀÌ 1(: *>Ì>ÀÊ>ÃVÌÃÊ ,iivÊ-VÃÊ 7Ì ÊÌÉ `Ê iÊ*>Và 7Ì ÊÝVÕÃÛiÊÊ -Ì>LâiÀÊ-ÞÃÌi &RPSUHVVLRQPHGLDO DQGODWHUDOVXSSRUWSOXV ZDUPWKIRUWKHNQHH The most unique feature is the stabilizer system: located on each side of the VXSSRUWDUHSRFNHWVZKHUHDQ\RIWKHÁH[ible spiral stays (included) may be placed. This allows you toSLQSRLQWH[DFWO\ZKHUH\RXZDQW WKHH[WUDVXSSRUW. Breathable material keeps skin comfortable during use. With Velcro® straps. &KRRVH (measure circumference of knee cap while standing): 60 (11"-13¾") or/;/ (14"-17¼"). Imported. 7/Ç£{nÊÊiiÊ-Ì>LâiÀÊV Vi¶® ÊÊf{°n 1(: À>Vi`Ê-Ê,iivÊ Àii >ÌÕÀ>Ê-V>ÀiÊ/ >ÌÊ7Àà )DVWVRRWKLQJUHOLHIIRUSDLQIXOVHYHUHO\FUDFNHGVNLQ1DWXUDOKHUEVDQGVNLQYLWDPLQVOLNHFORYHED\OHDIDUQLFDDORH DQGMRMREDOHDYHHYHQWKHPRVWFKDIHGVNLQVRIWDQGKHDOWK\ $SSO\OLEHUDOO\DEVRUEVLPPHGLDWHO\1DWXUDOIRUPXODLVIUHH RISDUDEHQSHWURODWXPPLQHUDORLODQGSKWKDODWHVR]MDU Pain relief sock have a plantar fascia strap to customize the amount of arch support you need. Full footsized removable gel packs RIIHUUHOLHIIRUKHHOSDLQ SODQWDUIDVFLLWLVIRUHIRRW and toe discomfort. Chill to help reduce swelling or heat to help improve circulation. One pair; gel packs included. &KRRVH60 (Women’s shoe size 7-12; men’s 5-10) or /;/ (women’s 13+; men’s 11+). Polyester/spandex/nylon blend. Imported. 7/Ç£{äÊÊÌÉ `Ê*°°Ê,iiv Ê-VÃÊV Vi¶®ÊÊfΰn 1(:>â}Ê>}iÌÊÕÌÌ ÀÊ-Üi>ÌiÀÃÊ`Ê-V>ÀÛià 7/Ç£n{ÈÊÊiÀ>ÊÊ À>Vi`Ê-Ê,iivÊÊf£È°n 3HDUO &U\VWDO S $QWL6OL EOH D W U &RPIR *ULS 6HWRI Tired of pin holes in your clothes? Double-sided magnet button is an elegant way to dress XS\RXURXWÀWVFORVH your sweaters or shirts and “pin” your scarves into place! Strong magnet has patented grips to help place and pull apart. Approx. 1" dia. &KRRVH3HDUORU &U\VWDO 6KRXOGQRWEHZRUQE\LQGL YLGXDOVZKRKDYHLPSODQWHG PHGLFDOGHYLFHV 7/Ç£ÈÊÊ>}iÊÕÌÌÊV Vi¶®ÊÊf£n°n n Ê>ÀÊ>iÌ 1(: vÀÌÊÀ«Ê ÕÌiÀÞÊ-iÌÊ >ÃÞÊ/ÊÀ>ëÊEÊ` Large plastic handles (1½" wide) are ribbed for a comIRUWDEOHDQWLVOLSJULS6HW LQFOXGHVVWDLQOHVVVWHHOIRUNNQLIHWHDVSRRQDQGWDEOHVSRRQDOO between 7"-8" tall). &DQQRWVKLSWR&DOLIRUQLDDGGUHVVHV Cover your assets and keep them cozy and warm under a blanket of money! Million dollar bill design printed on one side of this 100% polyester blanket gives new meaning to financial security. Hand wash. 35"x71". Imported. 7/£äÇx{Ê Ê>ÀÊ >iÌÊ f£Ó°n 7/Ç£ÈxÇÊÊ vÀÌÊÀ«Ê ÕÌiÀÞÊ-iÌÊÊf£Ç°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV ÊÊÊÊ-Ê>i ÝiÀVÃiÊ9ÕÀÊÀ>t .HHS .HHS <RXU0LQG < RXU0LQG 6KDUS 7KHFODVVLFHOHFWURQLF PHPRU\JDPHIURP WKHVLVEDFN &KDOOHQJH\RXUVHOI DQG\RXUIULHQGV RQFHDJDLQDV\RX DWWHPSWWRPHPRUL]H DQGUHSHDWWKH K\SQRWLFOLJKWDQG VRXQGVHTXHQFHV 1RWRQO\LVLWDIXQ SDVWLPHLW·VDJUHDWZD\ WR´H[HUFLVHµ\RXUEUDLQDQG NHHSLWDFWLYHZKLFKDVZHNQRZ LVLPSRUWDQWIRURXUDJLQJPLQGV *DPHQRZKDVDGLJLWDOVFUHHQDQG EXLOWLQFRXQWHUGLD 7/x££nnÊÊ-Ê>iÊfÓÈ°n 1(: *>ÞÊ9ÕÀÊ>ÛÀÌiÊ ÕÌ>ÀÊ-}ÃÊ Ê" ÊÕÀÊ7Ì Ê ÕÃÌÊ" Ê}iÀ 3OD\WKHJXLWDUWKHYHU\ÀUVWGD\ youWU\XVLQJRQO\RQHÀQJHU1R H[SHQVLYHOHVVRQVUHTXLUHG3DWHQWHG(=&+25'GHYLFHDWWDFKHV WRDQ\JXLWDULQMXVWPLQXWHV 6LPSOH JLYHV\RX,167$1768&&(66,WUHSODFHVGLIÀFXOWÀQJHUPRYHVZLWKMXVWIRXUQXPEHUHGEXW- 2QH)LQJHU &KRUGV WRQV$OO\RXKDYHWRGRWRFKDQJHFKRUGVLV SXVKEXWWRQVDWWKHULJKWWLPH1RZDQ\ERG\ UHJDUGOHVVRIDJHWLPHWDOHQWRUWHPSHUDPHQW<(6(9(1<28FDQSOD\WKHLUIDYRULWH VRQJVLPPHGLDWHO\<RXUHFHLYHWKH(=&KRUG GHYLFHDOOWKHVXSSRUW\RXQHHG)ROORZ DORQJZLWK-RH&DUUQDWLRQDOO\IDPRXVLQVWUXFWRURQWKH PLQ '9'DV\RXOHDUQWRSOD\FRXQWU\EOXHVJRVSHOURFNDELOO\PRUH 7KHSDJHVRQJERRNWHDFKHV\RXDOO\RXUROGIDYRULWHVWHOOLQJ\RX ZKHQWRSXVKWKHEXWWRQV6HH9LGHR3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 7/n£ÈÇäÊÊ<Ê À`ÊÌÊÊf{£°n >ÌÊÊ"vÊ 7À`Ê-i>ÀV ià ÜÊ/Êi>ÌÊÊ / iÊ-ÌÊ>V iÃt 0RUHWKDQZRUG VHDUFKSX]]OHVIHDWXULQJ HQJDJLQJWKHPHVOLNH ´)XQRQWKH%RDUGZDONµ RU´2O\PSLF0HPRULHVµ $OO\RXQHHGIRUKRXUV XSRQKRXUVRIIXQ6ROXWLRQVDUHLQWKHEDFN 6RIWFRYHUSJV6HH %RRN3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 1 1RRQHKDVWREHDVXFNHUDWWKHVORW PDFKLQHVDQ\PRUH/HDUQWRUHFRJQL]H P DQGSOD\DGYDQWDJHVORWPDFKLQHVWKDW D JLYH\RXDUHDOPDWKHPDWLFDOHGJH J KRZ51*UHDOO\ZRUNVDQGZKLFK K PDFKLQHVWRSOD\DQGZKLFKWRDYRLG P 3OXVZK\\RXFDQ·W´TXLWZKLOH\RX·UH 3 DKHDGµZK\PHJDPXOWLOLQHORZGHQRPD LLQDWLRQPDFKLQHVFDQEHGHDGO\WR\RXU EDQNUROOWKHJUHDWP\WKVDQGPLVWDNHV E RIVORWSOD\DQGPXFKPRUH6RIWFRYHU R SJV6HH%RRN3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 7/Ç£ÇnÇÊÊ >ÌÊÊ7À`Ê -i>ÀV iÃÊÊf£x° 7/Çä{xÎÊÊ-ÌÃÊ µÕiÃÌÊ 7 ÊÊf£È°x 7Ê>Li`Ê/ÕV ÃVÀiiÊ/>LiÌÊ `/ / L UÊ7Ì ÊÀÌÊEÊ,i>ÀÊ >iÀ>à UÊÕÌ>ÌVÊ-VÀiiÊ,Ì>Ì ÊÊÊÊ{ÊÀiVÌà UÊÀÜÃiÊ/ iÊ7iL]Ê7>ÌV Ê ÊÊÊ6`iÃ]Ê*>ÞÊ>iÃÊEÊÀit 7KLVWRXFKVFUHHQWDEOHWLV SRZHUHGE\WKH$QGURLG70 RSHUDWLQJV\VWHPDQG:L)L HQDEOHGVR\RXFDQGRZQORDG DSSVSOD\JDPHVFKHFN\RXU HPDLOZDWFKYLGHRVRQ<RX7XEH DQGPRUH:LWKXVHUIULHQGO\FRORU WRXFKVFUHHQDQGIURQWDQGUHDU FDPHUDWRWDNHYLGHRDQGSLFWXUHV,QFOXGHV86%FDEOH27* FDEOH$&DGDSWHUPDQXDODQG *%RIEXLOWLQVWRUDJHZLWKWKH DELOLW\WRXVHPLFUR6'FDUGV QRWLQFOXGHGWRH[WHQGFDSDFLW\$SSUR[[ó 7/n£ÇÓÊÊǸÊ/ÕV ÃVÀiiÊ />LiÌÊÊf£Ó°n ÊLÀ>ÀÞÊ"vÊ >ÃÃVà ÌÊ9ÕÀÊ}iÀÌ«Ã UÊ£ääÊV>ÃÃVÊLÃÊEÊxäÊÕÃV>Ê ÊÊÊV«ÃÌÃÊÌÊÃÌiÊÌt UÊ Ê`Ü>`}ÊÀiµÕÀi`ÊÊ `Ê Ê ÊÊÊiÛiÀÞÌ }ÊÃÊ>Ài>`ÞÊ>`i` `i` ` -XVWRSHQWKHER[DQGKLWSOD\ D\ WROLVWHQWRVRPHRIWKHZRUOG·V G·V EHVWDXWKRUVDQGFRPSRVHUV V 3RUWDEOH03SOD\HULVVLPSOH H WRRSHUDWHDQG\RXFDQXVHLW DWKRPHZKLOHJDUGHQLQJLQWKH WKH KH FDURURQWKHSODQH$XGLRWLWOHV WOHV UDQJHIURP2WKHOOR0RE\'LFN FN 3HWHU3DQ7KH6FDUOHW/HWWHU U DQGSOHQW\PRUH<RXFDQDOVR VR HQMR\PXVLFDOSLHFHVE\%DFK K &KRSLQ%UDKPVDQGRWKHUV WLQJV 03 3SOD\HULV[óZLWK 3 SOD\HU LV 6HHZHEVLWHIRUFRPSOHWHOLVWLQJV03SOD\HULV[óZLWK DFRORUGLVSOD\VFUHHQDQGDQHDV\WRQDYLJDWHPHQXVR\RX·OOEH OLVWHQLQJWR\RXUIDYRULWHVLQQRWLPH<RX·OOUHFHLYHWKHSUHORDGHG 03SOD\HUHDUSKRQHVFDUDGDSWHUDQGZDOOFKDUJHU 7/ÇäÇ{ÊÊLÀ>ÀÞÊ"vÊ >ÃÃVÃÊ*ÎÊ*>ÞiÀÊÊf°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH +REELHV / iÊ>ÃiÃÌÊ7>ÞÊ/Ê i>Ê9ÕÀÊ* )L[<RXU&RPSXWHUV3HUIRUPDQFH 4XLFNO\(DVLO\ "iÊ VÊiÌÃÊ 9ÕÀÊ* Ê7À}Ê ÃÊ`ÊÃÊ iÜ You don’t need an expensive technician WRÀ[VSHHGXS your PC and laptop. With just one click the software will get rid of performancezapping Internet and PC clutter, repair Windows registry problems, accelerate start-up times, recover valuable hard drive space and help protect your privacy! Included data zapper will help you completely “clean” an old computer before discarding or donating it to help prevent identity theft. Plugs into your computer’s USB drive. 7/näÇÓÎÊÊ*ÀviÃÃ>Ê* Ê i>iÀÊÊfÓ°n i>ÀÊ /Ê*>ÞÊ*>Ê ÊÈÊ7iiÃÊ"ÀÊiÃà 7/Ç£ÈÎÊÊ Õ«Ê >iÃÊ ,iV«iÊÊÊ f°n A smart looking choice for both men and women! Mid-eye nickelsilver metal frames 6HWRI have adjustable nose pads and comfortable temple tips for maximum comfort and a SHUIHFWÀW3DFNRI includes 1 bronze, 1 nickel and 1 gold-colored frames. Outside width of frame approx. 5¼". &KRRVHPDJQLILFDWLRQ +2.5; +3.0; +3.5; +4.0; +4.5; or +5.0. 7/ÇänxÊÊ,i>`iÀÃÊÎ*>VÊV Vi¶®ÊÊf£x°n 7/ÇäÈÓÇÊÊi>ÀÊ/Ê*>ÞÊ*>ÊÊÊf£Ó°x -iv /i>V }Ê 1ÕiiÊ Ì ÛiÀÞÌ }Ê 9ÕÊ ii`Ê /Ê*>ÞÊÊ ÕÌiÃt Beginner kit will have you playing the trendy folk instrument in a few minutes. The high-quality 4-string wood instrument with nylon strings and precision tuning comes with a method book with 75 songs (plus instructions on chords, picking, and strumming); a CD and a DVD with demo tracks and additional tips. Ukulele is about 20" long. 6RUU\H[SUHVV UXVKGHOLYHU\DQGJLIWZUDSQRWDYDLODEOH 7/£ÎänÊÊi}iÀÊ1ÕiiÊÌÊÊfΰ Forget all the measuring and mess-just pour in the ingredients and bake! From skillet s‘mores to sticky buns or cakes, you’ll get 5-star dessert recipes that will wow your taste buds. You never knew homemade desserts could be this easy! Over 250 recipes. Hardcover; 288 pgs. See Book Policy on order form. iÌ>Ê À>iÊ ,i>`iÀà Wish you could sit at the piano o and effortlessly play without years of lessons? You can! The trick is learning simple, contemporary chord-playing techniques rather than classical music reading. Book provides 6 weeks worth of progressive, skill-building lessons--each with complete descriptions, diagrams, sheet music, practice techniques and reviews. Spiral bound softcover; 110 pgs. See Book Policy on order form. ,QFOXGHV &'%RRN '9' 1(: +ÕVÊEÊ>ÃÞÊÕ«Ê >iÊ,iV«ià VÊ`iÌÌÞÊ/ ivÌÊ 7Ì Ê/ ÃÊ *>-âiÊ7>iÌ Keep your identity safe from scammers that “scan” your wallet from a distance to steal your personal information! Cute faux leather wallet has a special liner de%ODFN signed to prevent this type of electronic theft. It also features 2 zippered compartments, ID window, 9 3HZWHU accordion folds, plus 2 pockets for %ORFNV change or cash. (OHFWURQLF Approx. 4" x 3½" 7KHIW x 1½". &KRRVH %ODFN, 3HZWHU, or 3XUSOH. Imported. 3XUSOH 7/Ç£Î{äÊÊÕÝÌÊ,Ê 7>iÌÊVÀ¶®ÊÊf£{°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV NEW! 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PHUIHFWIRUWKHYLVXDOO\LPSDLUHG button HG VHQLRUVRUDQ\RQHRQWKHJRZKRZDQWV VHQLRU QWV WRKHDUWKHZRUGRI*RG)HDWXUHVODUJH WRKHDU JH FU\V FU FU\VWDOFOHDUVSHDNHUYROXPHFRQWURO \VWD WDOO SDXVHEXWWRQERRNPDUNLQJPRYHDKHDG SDXVHE DG RU RUEDFNLQVHFLQWHUYDOVHDVHOEDFN EDF DFN N DQGHDUSKRQHV5HFKDUJHVE\WKHVXQRU DQGHDU RU DEULJKW DEULJKWOLJKWVRXUFHDQGSOD\VXSWR KRXUVRQDIXOOFKDUJH:HLJKVRQO\ KR \ C 2.5 oz. 2.2:[+[ AC adapter included. &RORUVPD\ varyRXUFKRLFHSOHDVH 7/ÇÓÓänÊÊ/>}Ê->À LiÊÊf°n n www.FULLOFLIFE.com i>ÀÊ/Ê*>Þ *>ÊÊÊ>à Stop dreaming about playing the piano or keyboard and OHDUQLQDÁDVKULJKWQRZThiss 4-DVD set holds over 8 hours of instruction, tips, secrets and nd music! <RX¶OOOHDUQKRZWRSOD\ RSOD\\ \ QRQFODVVLFDOVRQJVEOXHV V &RVWV VWDQGDUGVURFNDELOO\DQG /HVV7KDQ PRUH:LWKVWHSE\VWHS YLGHRLQVWUXFWLRQIXQDQG $6LQJOH /HVVRQ HDV\WROHDUQWHFKQLTXHV SOXVH\HRSHQLQJVHJPHQWV WV ZLWKLQFUHGLEOHJXHVWSLDQLVWV LVWV 6HH9LGHR3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 7/Ç£Ó££ÊÊ*>ÞÊ*> ÊÊ>à Ê6Ê-iÌÊÊfÎÓ°n n ViÌÊ-iVÀiÌÃÊ"vÊÊ/ iÊLi *RGZRUNVLQP\VWHULRXVZD\V DQGVRPHRIWKRVHP\VWHULHVDUH EHFRPLQJFOHDUHUThis 39-part VHULHVVFLHQWLÀFDOO\H[DPLQHV the Bible’s most controversial stories. Did the David and *ROLDWKVWRU\UHDOO\KDSSHQ":DV WKHUHUHDOO\DELEOLFDOJOREDOÁRRG DQGLV1RDK·V$UNEXULHGXQGHU DJODFLDOLFHSDFNLQ(DVWHUQ7XUNH\")HDWXUHVGUDPDWLFUHFUHDWLRQVH[SHUWWHVWLPRQ\ELEOLFDO HYLGHQFHVFLHQWLÀFH[SHULPHQWV and great entertainment value. '9'VHWDSSUR[PLQV 6HH9LGHR3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 7/Ç£{n£ÊÊViÌÊ -iVÀiÌÃÊ"vÊLiÊ 6Ê-iÌÊÊfÓ°n S SPECIAL PECIAL ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERS PRICE ´+DSS\ ´+DSS\ -}}Ê %LUWKGD\ %LUWKGD >ÀÌ}Ê 7R<RXµ 7R<RX ÀÌ `>ÞÊ Poot Po Poot! P iiâiÀ 77KHSHUIHFWPLOHVWRQHELUWKGD\ 7K H JDJIRU\RXURYHUWKHKLOOSDO JDJ JD J 'UHVVHGLQDFRPI\WUDFNVXLW 'UHV 'U H ZLWKEDOGKHDGDQGRYHUJURZQ ZLWK ZL WK H\HEURZVRXUJDVV\JHH]HU H\HE H\ VLQJV´+DSS\%LUWKGD\µ DFFRPSDQLHGE\VRPHZHOO SODFHGIDUWVRXQGVZKLOH KLVPRXWKPRYHVLQV\QFWR WKHVRQJ3RO\HVWHUDFU\OLF SOXVKWDOO,QFOXGHV UH H UHSODFHDEOH´$$µEDWWHULHV 7/£{xÓÈÊ-}}Ê>ÀÌ}Ê 7/ ÊÀÌ `>ÞÊiiâiÀÊ À f£°£{ 7/xÓÈxxÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n 7/ 7/xÓÈxx xÓÈxx Place Your Order Online! It’s Convenient, Safe and Secure! Ê1(: *iÊ >iÃÊ ,iV«iÊ With a wooden VSRRQ poke a baked cake full of holes and let VVFUXPSWLRXVPL[WXUHVVHHS LQIRUPRLVWGHOLFLRXVQHVV LQHYHU\ELWH0DNHLWOLJKW DQGUHIUHVKLQJRUULFK DQGGHFDGHQWH[SHULHQFH yummy confections like &DSSXFFLQR+D]HOQXW 5RRW%HHU)ORDW3HDQXW %XWWHU%OLVV&RRNLHV&UHDPDQGPRUH6SLUDOERXQG % WW %OL & NL & VRIWFRYHUSDJHV6HH%RRN3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 7/££ÇÈÊÊ*iÊ >iÃÊ,iV«iÊÊÊf£Ó°n ÊÊ >ÃÃVÊ/6ÊÊ 6Ê-iÌà /HLVXUH 1(:9ÕÀÊ"ÜÊ ÜÊ LÀ>ÀÞÊ"vÊ,>`Ê >ÃÃVà >ÃÃVà UÊÊÀiÊÌ >ÊääÊV>ÃÃVÊÀ>`ÊÊ Ê Ê Ã ÜÊi«Ã`iÃt UÊÊ*ÕÃÊ{äÊ`ÌiÊÀ>`Ê>`Ãà UÊÊ Ê`Ü>`}Êii`i` `i`t Ê iÛiÀÞÌ }ÊÃÊ>Ài>`ÞÊ>`i`t HDG\WR -XVWRSHQWKHER[DQG\RX·UHUHDG\WR listen to some of the greatest classic HRIWKH radio shows of all time. 6RPHRIWKH XO+DUUDGLRVKRZVLQFOXGHGDUH3DXO+DUKH%RE YH\·V7KH5HVWRIWKH6WRU\7KH%RE &%6 +RSH6KRZ&DOOLQJ$OO&DUV&%6 RPDQ\ 5DGLR0\VWHU\7KHDWHUDQGVRPDQ\ OHWH PRUH 6HHZHEVLWHIRUFRPSOHWH ó OLVWLQJ03SOD\HULV[ó d with a color display screen and HDV\WRQDYLJDWHPHQXVR you’ll be listening to your old HLYH WKH SUH ORDGHG 03 SOD\HU IDYRULWHVLQQRWLPH<RX·OOUHFHLYHWKHSUHORDGHG03SOD\HU HDUSKRQHVFDUDGDSWHUDQGZDOOFKDUJHU 7/Ç£ÇxäÊÊLÀ>ÀÞÊ"vÊ,>`Ê >ÃÃVÃÊÊf°n ,>À>`ÊÕÀiÞÃÊÊ 6Ê-iÌ >>½ÃÊ>ÞÊEÊÊ >ÀÊÕÀiÌÌÊ À>V1«Ã Now here’s some good TV watching! Just-released 4-disc set RI0DPD·V )DPLO\features the complete 3rd seaVRQSOXVH[WUDV including a classic ´0DPD·V)DPLO\µ sketch from 7KH &DURO%XUQHWW 6KRZand a cast UHXQLRQ$SSUR[ 700 mins. 6-DVD VHWRI&DURO%XUnett's hand-picked favorites includes XQFXWHSLVRGHVDVWKH\ RULJLQDOO\DLUHG ZLWKDGOLEV flubbed lines and the spontaneous hilarity we loved. Guest appearances and new bonus material. $SSUR[KRXUV6HH Video Policy on order form. 7/£ÎÇÇÊÊ>>½ÃÊ >ÞÊ-i>ÃÊÎÊ6Ê fÓ°n 1(:ÊÊ7/xÓ{ÇxÊÊ >ÀÊ ÕÀiÌÌÊ À>VÕ«ÃÊ6ÊÊ fx°n £ÓÊ ÕÌÀiÃÊÊ££ÊÕÀÃt Here’s your ticket to the world’s most scenic train rides! Sit back and enjoy WKHYLHZVDV\RX´ULGHµWKURXJK$XVWULD )UDQFH,UHODQG6FRWODQG6ZLW]HUODQG ,WDO\0HGLWHUUDQHDQ,VODQGV3RUWXJDO &KLQD*HUPDQ\%HOJLXPDQGRIFRXUVH the United States. '9'VDSSUR[ KRXUV See Video Policy on order form. 7/Ç£xÇÎÊÊ,>À>`ÊÕÀiÞÃÊ 6Ê-iÌÊÊfÎ{°n 1(:*ÀÌ>LiÊ /6É6Ê*>ÞiÀ Great way to pass the time or use when your family is hogging the main television. Portable 7" widescreen LCD display swivels 270-degrees and boasts a built-in K\EULG79WXQHU '9'&'SOD\HU 86%SRUWDQG SD card reader. 0HDQLQJWKHUHDUH tons of ways to watch or listen to \RXUIDYRULWH79VKRZVPRYLHVDQGPXVLF)HDWXUHVVSHDNHUV DXWRFKDQQHOSURJUDPPLQJDXGLRDQGYLGHROLQHRXWSXWVHOHFWDEOHVFUHHQPRGHDQGEXLOWLQUHFKDUJHDEOHEDWWHU\,QFOXGHV UHPRWHFRQWURO$&'&DGDSWHU$9FDEOHV[[óRYHUDOO 7/Ç£ÇÇÇÊÊ*ÀÌ>LiÊ6É/6Ê*>ÞiÀÊÊf£Ç°n 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV %OHQGV %RWK6PRRWK $1'&KXQN\ 6W\OH 1(:iVÌÀVÊ 1 *i>ÕÌÊÕÌÌiÀÊ >V i Mak your own peanut Make Mak butter--much tastier and less butt expensive than store-bought brands! Fill the top bin with shelled peanuts (you can also use almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, and more). Add oil, select chunky or smooth texture, and in minutes you have delicious, all-natural nut butter! Perfect for sandwiches, crackers, baking and dipping. Hopper holds up to 2 cups of GU\QXWV,QFOXGHVVHYHUDO recipes. ETL®-listed; plugs into standard outlet. Spacesaving design; 10"x6"x3.25". 7/£äÇ{ÈÊÊiVÌÀVÊ *i>ÕÌÊÕÌÌiÀÊ>V iÊ f{°n 1(:>` i`Ê ` À`iÃÃÊ6>VÕÕ Little messes call for a little, but powerful, vacuum! This lightweight handheld (and cordless!) vacuum picks up dry, damp and wet et spills. Use at home, in the car, or wherever you need a little clean-up. Features an easy-release washable dirt FXSDQGÀOWHU,QFOXGHVFKDUJing base, wall adapter, crevice tool and bristle brush. UL® listed. Approx. 13" x 4" x 4½". 3LFNV8S 'U\'DPS $QG:HW 6SLOOV,V &RUGOHVV 7/Ç£ÇnÓÊÊÊ6>VÊ >` i`Ê6>VÕÕÊÊ fÎ{°n %ULVWOH%UXVK &UHYLFH7RRO ÊÊÊÊ>VÊ7>Ûi ÊÊÊÊ>V 1(:ÕÃi `Ê ÊÊÊÊÊV ÊÊÊÊÊVÀÜ>ÛiÊÊ >VÊ/À>ÞÊ >V ÌÃÊÊ>À}iÊ*ÀÌ Over 500 easy solutions to help your home and furnishings look their best! These strategies save time, money and get the best results. From recipes for simple homemade cleaning solutions to cleaning tips, organization ideas, guidelines for household maintenance and more. Hardcover; 224 pgs. See Book Policy on order form. &RRNV8S7R 6OLFHV $W2QFH 7/Ç£ÇÇÊÊ>À}iÊ*ÀÌ ÕÃi `ÊÌÃÊÊÊ f£Ó°n «Ê>}VÒÊ-ViÀ T fast and easy The way to slice and w dice in seconds! d TThe stainless steel precision blades (2 p ssizes iz included) give yyou uniform results every time. Just eve e place your fruit or pla p veggie on top of the vveg blades and use the bla lid to push it down into the container! int &KRSDZKROHRQLRQ &K LQMXVWVHFRQG1R RGRUDQGQRWHDUVPlus, the 6-cup catch container keeps your kitchen clean. Dishwasher safe. 6QDS2Q%ODGH 3XVK'RZQ 6WRUH,QVLGH &KDUJLQJ%DVH Enjoy that frying pan taste without w the ggrease! The Bacon Wave B holds up to 14 ho slices slic sl ices es o off bacon. Just place p pl ace in yyour our microwave m and set the timer for 1 minute per slice. Then enjoy bacon cooke cooked to perfection ti on with wit ith h less less fat, fat grease, grea gr ease se cholesterol chol ch oles es ca o es Plastic; ast c; approx. app o 10" 0 x 8". 8 and calories. 7/ÇxÓäÊÊ>VÊ7>ÛiÊÊf°n ÇxÓäÊÊ>VÊ7>ÛiÊÊf°n "À}ÀiiVÊ*>V>iÊ>iÀÊ*> V>iÊ>iÀÊ*> >iÃÊÕ-âiÊ*>V>iÃt -âiÊ*>V>iÃt Double-sided pan takes the trouble and mess out of ÁLSSLQJIRRGV3OXV\RXJHW to cook without butter, oil or grease so it’s healthier overall. $OVRJUHDWIRUIUHQFK FK WRDVWJULOOHGFKHHVHHJJV RYHUHDV\FUHSHVDQGPRUH Ceramic non-stick fry pan with stay-cool handle is com-pletely free of harmful PFOA and PTFE. Approx. 8" dia. 7/ÇäÇä{ÊÊ"À}ÀiiVÊ *>V>iÊ*>Ê ÊÊ 7ASÊÊ ÜÊf£Ó°n n 7/Ç£{n{ÊÊ «Ê>}VÊÊf£°n ZZZ)8//2)/,)(FRP3ODFH<RXU2UGHU2QOLQH,W·V&RQYHQLHQW 6DIHDQG6HFXUH .LWFKHQ+HOSHUV 1(: 1 (: -«ÀÒÊ-ViÀ ÕÌÃÊ9ÕÀÊ*Ài«Ê/iÊ Ê>vtÊ Perfect, fast way to prep your favorites like curly fries, zucchini spaghetti, cucumber ribbons, spiral apple strands, coleslaw and more. Slice, shred DQGFXWIUXLWVDQGYHJHWDEOHVMXVWÀWLQWR place and turn the handle for amazing results. Includes 3 stainless steel blades ÀQHFXWFRDUVHFXWDQGVWUDLJKWZKLFK store underneath frame when not in use. Durable plastic body with suction cup feet; approx. 11½" x 5½" x 8½". 7/Ç£ÈÇxÊÊ-«ÀÊÊfÓ{°n 1(: -}iÊ`ÊÕLiÊ iÊ iVÌÀVÊÕÀiÀà ÕÀiÀà Perfect for the holidays, idays, travel, and small spaces! 6LQJOH EXUQHU(9" x 8" x 3") 3) offers 1000 watts attss of adjustable heat control. 'RXEOHEXUQHUU (17" x 8" x 3½") ") has 1500 totall watts of cooking ng power: right side has 900 watts for cooking/boiling while left side has 600 watts for simmering/reheating. Both have thermal safety shutoff, easy-to-clean enamel exteriors and non-skid rubber feet for stability. ETL® listed. 7/Ç£Ç{nÊÊiÌÌiÀÊ ivÊ-}iÊÕÀiÀÊÊfÓ£°n 7/Ç£Ç{ÊÊiÌÌiÀÊ ivÊÕLiÊÕÀiÀÊÊfΣ°n 1(: VÀÜ>ÛiÊ *Ì>ÌÊ iÀ Creates a steam pocket to cook perfect potatoes in the microwave in just 4 minutes! Cooks all types of potatoes (red, white, yams, etc.) with delicious, steamy, perfect results. Cooker bag (10" x 8") is washable and reusable. 3HUIHFWIRUSDQFDNHVZDIÁHV cupcakes, crepes and more! Cordless mixer has an easy-to-pull trigger handle to dispense the perfect amount each time. Uses 6 “AA” batteries, not included. Holds up to 5 cups. Dishwasher safe. Approx. 7" x 5" x 9½". BPA-free. iVÌÀVÊ *>V>iÊ >V i ÝiÃÊEÊ Ã«iÃiÃÊ -ÌÀ>} ÌÊ/Ê À``i 7/Ç£Çx£ÊÊ*>V>iÊ >V iÊÊfÓn°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ÊÊ >ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n 1RQ VWLFN VXUIDFH )RRG 6OLGHV 5LJKW 2XW 7/Ç£ÎÓÊÊ*Ì>ÌÊÝ«ÀiÃÃÊÊf°n -ÌiÊ7>Ûi 7 ÊÊ VÀÜ>ÛiÊ iÀ / 7Ì Ì Ê7Ì ÕÌ Ê"]ÊÕÌÌiÀÊ"ÀÊÀi>Ãit A healthier way to saute, broil, braise and bake your meals! Ceramic non-stick fry SDQ (available in and dia.) and EDNH SDQ (9" x 13") have an aluminum alloy core that is completely free of harmful PFOA and PTFE. Pans have stay-cool handle to with stand high temperatures--goes from stove top to oven in a heartbeat. 7/Çä{xÊÊ"À}ÀiiVÊ -ÌVÊn¸Ê*>ÊÊf£{°nÊ 7/Çx£{äÊÊ"À}ÀiiVÊ -ÌVÊ£ä¸Ê*>ÊÊf£°n 7/Ç£ÓÈÎÊÊ"À}ÀiiVÊ>iÊ*>ÊÊf£{°n Make delicious dishes in just minutes in your microwave! Small ceramic stoneware cooker is perfect for single &RRNV:LWK6WHDP people, students, seniors, or for ,Q<RXU0LFURZDYH preparing individual meals for family members. The non-stick surface means no butter and oil, so it’s healthier for you, and also easier to clean up. Includes a bonus recipe book of soups, veggies, desserts, and other meals you can prepare in 5 minutes or less. Easy to store, 4" bowl with steam FKLPQH\OLGKROGVDERXWÁXLGRXQFHV 7/££ÓÎÊÊ-Ìi7>ÛiÒÊVÀÜ>ÛiÊ iÀÊÊf°n ÓÊÀÊÀi]Êf°xäÊi>V 86%DVHG&DOO&HQWHU 2UGHUV+RXUV 70 >ÀÃÊEÊ ÕV ià You can still live comfortably, even if you need a little extra help getting up out of your favorite chair or couch. Simply slip stability bar between, or, on top of cushion (won’t interfere with how you sit), then adjust the feet to the correct height. Dual cushioned handles are now ready to assist as you stand from the seated position! Fits most couches and chairs (even recliners). Blends in with your living decor. Approx. 27" x 32" x 21". $OORZZHHNV6HH 3ROLF\RQRUGHUIRUP 4514 19th Street Court East P.O. Box 25600, Dept. WT- 1 4 0 5 Bradenton, Florida 34206-5600 CUSTOMER # 1(:1ÛiÀÃ>Ê-Ì>`ÊÃÃÃÌÊÀÊ 7/Ç£ÇÈxÊÊ1ÛiÀÃ>Ê-Ì>`ÊÃÃÃÌÊÊfÓ°n *i>ÃiÊ>``ÊfÇ°ääÊ``Ì>Ê- ««}ÊÊ ÌÊÌ iÊ-Ì>`>À`Ê- ««}Ê >À}iÊÊ vÀÊi>V ÊÌiÊÀ`iÀi`° 1(:`ÕÌÊÃÌiÀÊ ÕÃ Ê ÃÊiÊÊiÃ}iÀÊ>} (DFK *HO7RH &RYHU,V 5HYHUVLEOH PRSRT. STD. U.S. POSTAGE PAID 7/Ç£ÈxxÊÊ`ÕÌÊÃÌiÀÊ*ÜÊÊfÓ{°n 7 Johnson Smith Co. Give yourself a boost! 7KLVDGXOWERRVWHUSLOORZ ORRNVOLNHD ORRNVOLNHDQ\RWKHUDWWUDFWLYHGHVLJQHU EDJVR\RXFDQFDUU\LWDURXQGZLWK EDJVR\RX RXWIHHOLQJVHOIFRQVFLRXV RXWIHHOLQ Great for church, churc restaurants, the car, concerts co and more. Removable ab polyester case has strong nylon nyl straps and is washable (designs (de may vary, our choice, please). ple Imported. Foam cushion approx. 16" x 11½" x 4". 1(:>`ÞÊ-Ì >`ÞÊ-ÌÌV ÌÌV / iÊ>` i`Ê / iÊ>` ` i i`Ê -iÜ} -iÜ}Ê>V i } >V i 1(: Õà i`ÊiÊ/iÊ ÛiÀà Increase your comfort level while wearing close-toed shoes! Gel toppers cover the toes and ball of foot to relieve forefoot pain, and protect against friction and rubbing. Reversible design so you can wear with gel against your skin or the knit material--whichever is more comfortable WR\RX2QHSDLURQHVL]HÀWVPRVW+DQG wash. Imported. 1RQUHWXUQDEOH 7/Ç£ÇÈ{ÊÊiÊ/iÊ ÛiÀÃÊÊf£ä°n Scan the QR code with your VPDUWSKRQHWRŎQGLGHDV for an active, healthy life! WWW.FULLOFLIFE.COM DA?GUKQNKN@ANOP=PQOKJHEJA Catalog Requests, Product Information, All Other Customer Service Questions. 1-800-558-6967 M-F 8AM-6PM ET E-MAIL: CustomerService@FullOfLife.com 2UGHUV2QO\ Sew fabric anytime, anywhere! This portable, cordless sewing machine has the power of a big machine--but in a convenient handheld size. Sews through denim yet repairs delicate fabrics like silk. Also includes spindle, needle threader, 2 extra needles, and 3 extra bobbins with thread. Uses 4 “AA” batteries, not included. Approx. 8" long. 7/Ç£ÈnÎÊÊ>`ÞÊ-ÌÌV ÊÊf£°n 7/xÓÈxxÊÊ{ʺ»Ê>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÊfÓ°n