Newsletter Mk8 - Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club
Newsletter Mk8 - Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club
RPCYC Sailing newsletter February 2016 Dear Club members and West Hoe Club members, A belated Happy New Year to you all. A stiff North Westerly is blowing 30 knots so I've abandoned work on my boat and thought it would be much better to catch up with the sailing news from last season and look forward to the new one. The table below shows the podium places for last season with club members well represented. Almost incredibly, we lost no races in the main part of the season with the weather. There were summer gales but they seemed to come through on a Wednesday or a Friday. There were good turnouts in all fleets but they waxed and waned when the school holidays arrived. The Autumn series after a slow start got away with most of its races but it was breezy! The use of a temporary mark kept us out of the Cattewater after the starts and there will be a little fine-tuning of its position (when it is used) next season to avoid frightening the swimmers and to try and escape the frustrating wind shadow in a northerly breeze. There seemed to be lots of northerly and easterly winds last year with few Thursday's having a prevailing south westerly. OVERALL Class st 1 Slow Name Steve Oliver 2nd Hugh Spencer Chloe BeavenSmith 3rd Spring 1 2nd Early Summer Class st 3rd Late Summer Class Regatta Class Blue Moon Feva 1038 Slow Name Steve Oliver Hugh Spencer Chloe BeavenSmith 1 2nd 2nd 3rd Boat Toad Hugh Spencer David Scott 3rd 1 Blue Moon Feva 4603 Slow Name Steve Oliver st st Boat Toad Boat Toad Blue Moon Feva 4603 Fast Name Chris Hampe Boat Monkey Ents Name Rob Beaton Stu Woodger Hinano Elliot Jago Roger Howell Menace Billy Bartlett Fast Name Chris Hampe Boat Monkey Ents Name Billy Bartlett Stu Woodger Hinano Elliot Jago Boat Fat and Furious 22475 Roger Howell Menace Peter Ganderton Different Shade Boat Monkey Hinano Roger Howell Menace Ents Name Rob Beaton Martin Bevan Elliot Jago Ents Name Elliot Jago Boat 22475 Rob Beaton Martin Bevan Egg n Spoon Malt Easer 3 Boat Blue Moon Fast Name Chris Hampe Boat Monkey Steve Oliver Izzy Cramp Toad Mistral Stu Woodger Roger Howell Hinano Menace Xenon Boat Paddy and Izzy 2nd Josef Spencer Feva 4595 Ents Name Darren Roach Elliot Jago 3rd Neil Boughton The Cabinet Makerʼs Art Martin Bevan 1 st 2015 Autumn Class PY Handicap Name st 1 Chris Hampe 2nd Steve Mitchell 3rd Izzy Cramp Fat and Furious Fast Name Chris Hampe Stu Woodger Slow Name Hugh Spencer PY Handicap Boat Egg n Spoon 22475 Boat Sentry 22475 MaltEaser 3 Squib Name Charlie Thomson Dick Hanson Paul Hardy Squib Name David Wines Boat White Magic John Barton Echo Charlie Thomson Archimedes Squib Name David Wines Charlie Thomson John Barton Boat White Magic Archimedes Echo Boat Egg n Spoon Malt Easer 3 Squib Name David Wines John Barton Boat White Magic Echo 22475 Dick Hanson Moondance Squib Name Charlie Thomson John Barton David Wines Boat Archimedes Echo White Magic Boat Archimedes Moondance B of the Bang Boat Monkey Dances with Waves Mistral Chris Hampe worked hard as Sailing Secretary last year (and in recent years) to put together a full programme of events. He is having a change of career, which will mean he has less time, so he has passed on his duties to me. Everyone at 1 the club wants to say 'thank you' as he kept the sailing going through a very tricky period, we look forward to seeing your transom on the water Chris. Another stalwart of last and recent seasons has been Ade Beavan Smith who has organised and crewed safety cover. We have asked a great deal and we need to say a big thank you to him too. The intention next season is to try and lighten his load (more later). Sprinkled during the season have been races the club organised for other classes (Larks, Enterprises and Mirrors) that can be an important earner for the club. A few club members represented us at the Port of Plymouth dinghy regatta and many others crewed or helmed on boats successfully in other clubs series throughout the summer. Prize-giving was well attended in the Autumn and we had a social night in January with entertaining and scary talks from West Hoe sailor Jennie King and Eric, skipper of Rumpleteazer. WEST HOE SAILING CLUB The Squibs are looking forward to the 2016 Force 4 Evening Summer Series and the initiatives being introduced by the new PRO, John Ingram. In addition this year to competing in Plymouth Regatta, the Squibs have also decided to reintroduce some weekend racing and plan to race on two Sundays in 2016 with the possibility of extending the idea in 2017 if it proves successful. 2016 is an exciting year for the Squib Class with the new prototype boat produced by Rondar currently undergoing trials, the national championships in June at Weymouth, the most popular venue, and a new event, the European Cup, being hosted by the Sailing Club of Lac Cazaux near Bordeaux in September. Team White Magic (David Wines and Keith Davies) have already entered both events and its hoped that a number of other Plymouth Squibs will also enter. Before all that, however, the Class will be getting together in late February for annual Plymouth Fleet Squib Dinner. This popular season “launcher” which has once again been organised by John Lewis is this year being held at The Waterfront restaurant. WHSC members will also be actively involved in a number of other classes and events. Keith Davies will be onboard Steve Northmore's J70 which is entered for a number of events including the nationals in Plymouth in September, Paul Hardy will be racing his Devon Yawl with the YYC fleet, Keith Woodgate has a full season of racing planned for his Charisma - Calypso, Dave Burrell will be once again helping to organise the Plymouth Classics event, and Bob Rimmer will be cruising his Contessa 32. 2 Plans for next season Most importantly the planned calendar for next season is below. This is repeated on the club website and on the Sail Plymouth facebook page and in the club entrance. PLYMOUTH GIN SPRING YACHT SERIES 4 RACES SUNDAY MORNINGS 0N APRIL 3RD, 10TH, 17TH & 24 TH Port of Plymouth Yacht Regatta 15th to 17th July Port of Plymouth Dinghy Regatta 2nd to 3rd July Hurley Owners Association 50th Anniversary Celebrations 2016 Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th July 2016 RPCYC & WEST HOE SAILING CLUB FORCE 4 THURSDAY EVENINGS 1930 THURSDAY 31 MARCH – REGISTRATION EVENING THURSDAY 07 APRIL – FIRST RACE OVERALL SERIES/SPRING MINI SERIES THURSDAY 26 MAY – LAST RACE SPRING SERIES THURSDAY 2 JUNE – FIRST RACE EARLY SUMMER SERIES THURSDAY 2 JUNE – DEREK OLIVER RACE FOR SQUIBS THURSDAY 21 JULY – LAST RACE EARLY SUMMER MINI SERIES THURSDAY 28 JULY –FIRST RACE LATE SUMMER SERIES THURSDAY 8 SEPTEMBER – START TIME ADVANCED 20 MINUTES THURSDAY 15 SEPTEMBER– START TIME ADVANCED 20 MINUTES and LAST RACE LATE SUMMER SERIES and OVERALL SERIES 1100 SUNDAY 25 SEPTEMBER – WHSC/RPCYC REGATTA 1930 THURSDAY 29th SEPTEMBER – WASH UP MEETING 1930 FRIDAY 21 OCT – ANNUAL PRIZE GIVING As I mentioned earlier, the dinghies cannot race without appropriate safety cover and we were a whisker away from cancelling races last season. To help Ade we will need to ask sailing crews to take a turn in the safety boats. Ade has put on training courses for the helms (RYA Safety boat) and crew (RYA Powerboat level 2) and will do so again during the season. At the moment we have a handful of qualified racers who will take a turn to enable everyone else to sail. It isnʼt reasonable or fair to ask them to miss too much of their own racing to enable some 50 other boats to race each week. We will be asking people who enter the series to be prepared to take their turn in boats occasionally. Another area of concern last year was staffing the race office, without those good people we cannot race. Some sailors and West Hoe supporters did help out last year either as Race Officer or on the line but not enough! We are fortunate this season that John Ingram has volunteered to be our Chief Race Officer, this is a big relief to all who race but again he will need help from time to time, so if you enter a series, be prepared to occasionally help. John will be asking for reps from each class of dinghy and the squibs so that we can meet occasionally to give feedback on racing. Communication We will need your email address (if we have not got it already) to try and improve communication and the sailing section of the clubʼs website should soon contain all the information you need to know. This information and some wider sailing news will also be available on the ʻSail Plymouth facebook pageʼ. You donʼt need to sell your soul to facebook to see it. Just put the phrase into your search engine. A plea to non-racing club members If would like to join the line crew on a Thursday evening from 5-30pm until around 8pm please let me know. You will receive gentle training, ʻtoss some buntingʼ (not a term of abuse!), have some fun and join us for supper afterwards, that goes for crewing the RIBs too. What could be better that being in charge of a 40hp RIB on a beautiful summerʼs evening? (apart from racing a dinghy!). Any budding photographers are welcome to get images of club sailing to me so that we can decorate newsletters and maybe the clubʼs walls. A prize will be given for the best entry this year. 3 Other plans are to read out the results after supper and giving weekly prizes (something drinkable no doubt). Keeping a dinghy on the dinghy park until the end of September will be free for members (who will have priority places) this year and at £40 for visiting sailors who enter for the whole summer. Andy is looking to organise some local cruising this year, if anyone is interested please contact with the heading ʻCruisingʼ. Events that the club is hosting includes the Hurley Ownerʼs Association “Bring Your Hurley Home” event scheduled for 22 to 24 July this summer. Hurley yachts were ʻbornʼ in Plymouth and their event this year is to celebrate 50 years since Hurley 22s started being built by George Hurley at Richmond Walk by inviting 50 Hurleys back to their home for a celebratory sail past Plymouth Hoe. Events will be witnessed by George Hurleyʼs surviving wife who is flying in from the USA especially to unveil a commemorative Plymouth City Council plaque in Richmond Walk. The final word is that Andy Thomas, recently retired steward of the club, is now the Rear Commodore Sail and joins the new Rear Commodore House and Geoff Wheeler the new Commodore. A big welcome to them for stepping up. st Donʼt wait until the registration evening on Thursday 31 March to get into the club especially as the Sunday carvery is st back on and the new menu (see below). Until then, winter well, let me know please if you can help with our 1 event of 2016, the Plymouth Gin series during April and get the word around the port of an exciting season to come here at the Corinthian. New members are always welcome, there is no need for them to sail or have a boat! Best wishes, Steve Oliver, Sailing Secretary, email: MENU ROYAL PLYMOUTH CORINTHIAN YACHT CLUB &+,/'5(1·60($/6 CROWS NEST PIES )UHVKFRGÀVKÀQJHUVLQKRPHPDGHEUHDGFUXPEVZLWKFKLSV and peas £4.25 Our homemade pies come in two sizes- small for the average appetite or large for the above average appetite. Cheesy macaroni with side salad £4.25 &RULQWKDLQVDLORUVÀVKSLHZLWKFRGVDOPRQSUDZQVPXVVHOV DQGYHJHWDEOHVLQULFKFUHDPVDXFHWRSSHGZLWKFKHHV\PDVK VHUYHGZLWKJDUGHQSHDVDQGVLGHVDODG Fresh chicken nuggets in homemade breadcrumbs with creamed potatoes and baked beans £4.25 %UDLVHGVWHDNYHJHWDEOHDQG'RRPEDUDOHSLHWRSSHGZLWK FULVS\SXIISDVWU\VHUYHGZLWKFKLSVDQGJDUGHQSHDV RESTAURANT CORINTHIAN Served from 10am till 5pm daily Monday to Saturday /DPESHDDQGDSULFRWSLHÁDYRXUHGZLWKYHJHWDEOHDQGPLQW WRSSHGZLWKFULVSSXIISDVWU\VHUYHGZLWKFUHDPHGSRWDWRHV and garden peas SANDWICH ROLL CLUB HOUSE SPECIALS Freshly made in farmhouse harvest roll, each served with side salad and homemade coleslaw Soup of the day with crisp herb croutons with homemade bread roll and butter £4.50 Grated Cheddar cheese and tomato (v) £5.50 Egg mayonnaise and cress (V) £5.50 Home cooked Gammon ham £6.75 Chicken, sweet corn and smoked bacon mayonnaise £6.75 Corned beef and pickle £6.25 Smoked salmon, cream cheese and cucumber £7.95 Prawns in seafood dressing £7.25 Tuna and sweet corn mayonnaise £7.50 )UHVKFRGÀVKÀQJHULQKRPHPDGHEUHDGFUXPEVHUYHGZLWK homemade tartare sauce £7.25 +RPHPDGHUROOVEXWWHU+RXPRXVDQGROLYHV(v) £4.50 DESSERTS Potted smoked salmon with horseradish, herbs and lemon, VHUYHGZLWKVLGHVDODGDQGFULVS0HOEDWRDVWDQGEXWWHU£4.75 Eton mess with lemon curd and fresh raspberries £4.75 BAKED JACKET POTATO Baked with our own recipe of seasonings, served with side salad and homemade coleslaw Smoked salmon and cream cheese £7.95 Tuna and sweet corn mayonnaise Prawns in seafood dressing £7.25 Chicken, sweet corn and smoked bacon mayonnaise £6.75 Cheddar cheese (v) £5.50 Baked beans (v) £5.50 Baked beans and cheese (v) £6.75 Local crabmeat with lemon and cheddar cheese £7.95 'HHSIULHGEDWWHUHGFRGFKLSVDQGPXVK\SHDVVHUYHGZLWK fresh lemon and homemade tartare sauce £10.50 Homemade Beef Burger in toasted roll with battered onion rings, chips and side salad £9.50 3DQIULHGFKLFNHQEUHDVWÀOOHWRQEXEEOHDQGVTXHDNSDWW\ZLWK red wine sauce £8.25 Cheesy macaroni and Portabella mushroom Burger in toasted roll with battered onion rings, chips and side salad (v) £8.50 $YRFDGRURDVWHGUHGSHSSHUDQGIHWDFKHHVHVDODGZLWKKHUE croutons (v) £9.25 Fresh mixed garden salad with local seafood and roasted lemon and honey mustard dressing £10.50 Small £8.25 Warm white chocolate and ginger sponge pudding with custard £4.95 Toffee apple Panna cotta with raspberry sauce and clotted cream £4.50 Honey, almond and cherry sponge with dark chocolate sauce DQGYDQLOODLFHFUHDP £4.75 SUNDAY ROAST CARVERY Join us every Sunday to enjoy a freshly cooked Carvery lunch from 12 noon till 3pm &RXUVHV &RXUVHV 0DLQ&RXUVHRQO\ SIDE ORDERS BAKERY & AFTERNOON TEA Bowl of chips £3.00 Homemade roll and butter £2.75 Bowl of cheesy cheddar chips £3.50 Side salad £3.00 Deep fried battered onion rings £3.00 Houmous £3.00 Creamed potatoes £3.00 Cheesy mash £3.50 2OLYHV£3.00 All cakes and scones are homemade £1.90 Cream Tea £4.95 Afternoon Tea (for two) £14.95 Afternoon Tea (fortwo) with Presecco £19.95 Tel 01752 664327 Email Web 4 Large £9.50