1999 Fall - Tartan Ten Class
1999 Fall - Tartan Ten Class
l -'.:,i :' Fall Quarter 1999 HEADLII\IE DORAVIWins 1999North American Championship By SusanBackusStarr August7-10,1999 All the makings of a great regatia came togetherin Milwaukeefor the 1999North American Championshipat South Shore YachtClub: Cornfortabledocks - with Sly anC Larry capablyoperatingthe hoist Goodfood - lots of thoseMilwaukee brats Well-run races- plenty of wind BNCKROADheld on to a solid leadwith NLTS andMIDNIGI{T OIL closebehind. After the race ended.the wind died and shifted to The second race was sailed in light and l*py conditions. The Z flag and OCS claimed a few boats, including CHAfuMER and US. DOM VI Ied the fleet retuming to the dock at 7 p.m. for brats,burgers,and "wall" beer. TENSPEED NEWS Sunday - Rece 3, Big Waves, Big Breeze,Big Race Greatcompetition- 29 boats Saturday - Races I and 2, Southerly wind, 15+ knots PUBLISHEDBY THE TARTAN TEN ASSOCIATION TENSPEEDEDITOR: SusanBackusStarr All association membersareencouraged to submitarticles,classifieds, photogaphsand advertisements. Pleaseforward informationto: SusanBackusStarr 321 SouthBroadmoorBlvd. Springfield,OH 45504 Next Deadline: Januarv31.200A race (twice aroundthe giant triangle) was sailed in 20-25 knots from the North. The higblight of this race for most competitorswas the hullhumming spinnaker reach on the third leg. (SeeDora VI wins on Page 5) 1999NATIONAL OFFICERS Matt Sealy 1234McMillian Dearbom,MI 48128 Home: (313)278-5958 Office: (313)875-9900 Fax (313)875-939 E-mail: msealy@ford.com PRESIDENT: VICEPRESIDENT GaryDisbrow 32907Fox ChapelLane AvonLake.OH 44012 (216)930-2s44 AREA VICE PRESIDENTS: LAKE ERIE: Kim Disbrow 423 Fox ChapelRoad Pittsburgh,PA15238 (412',)963-1692 E-mail: saildiz@aol.com JackOtrompke 2120Stanhope GrossePointeWoods.MI 48236 (313)343-9060 LAKE ST. CLAIR: LAKEMICHIGAN: Art Stillcy P.O.Box 60081 Chicago,Il 60660 (3r2\ 4754953 FLEET CAPTAIN: Mark Heup 2715S, WentworthAvenue Milwaukee,WI 53207 Home: (414)747-9909 Ofice: (414)227-2783 SECRETARY: Roberi Aring 2821S. SuperiorSt. Milwaukee,Wl 53207 Home: (414)481-2600 Offtce: (414)224'6742 E-mail: baring@frontier.net David Tritsch 4561BentCreekPlace GroveCity, OH 43123 Home: (614)875-6767 Office: (614),144-1164 TREASIJRER: welcomeslettersaddressing The TenSpeed concemsfor the class.Ifnecessaryto shortenfor publication,the Editorwill conla$ you. Commentsmay also be directedto the web page: http://www.tten.con/ or c/o Mike Puie<fanmkD@neosoft.com> David A. Ken 19BrandonPl. Rocky River, OH ,t4l 16 Home: (216)333-7463 Officg. (216\447-2420 E-mail: daken@worldnet.att.net CHIEF MEASI.]RER: Fromthe LakeErieVice President Attention Lake Erie Sailors: I want to thank everyonefor participating in the 1999 season. Even though numbers were relatively low at many regattasthis year, the Ten classseemsto have grown in numbers. The class also maintained its reputation by hosting many blender parties across the lake thanks to the Liquor Box Crew on the East End. Thanksto Gary Disbrow and his crew for hosting the blenderparty at the Bay. (Even though we know he did it so it wouldn't end up on his boat!!!) Also, thanksto DaveandCaroleDisbrow for once again hosting the OH-iiOY Pafty at tte Bay. As we finish up sailing at the Fall Regattas,pleasekeep in mind that I still needresultsfrom many of the regattas.If you have any results or know whom I should contact at your club for the results,pleaselet me know. As soonasI get copiesof the results,I \ rill be ableto determinethe Winners!! I would like to plan a meeting/ awards presentation sometimein February. So stay tuned for more information. Rememberjust becausethe seasonis comingto an end,it is nevertoo earlyto start lining up your crew for next year's Nationals.MentorHarborYachtingClub will be hosting the regatta and have TimJackett BLIILDER'SREPRESENTATM: promisedme that it will be a greattime. 1920FairportNurseryRoad The Sackettsfrom Cracker are chairing P.O.Box 1135 the event and we know that they know FairportHarbor,OH 44077 how to paq. I believethe dates.willbe (2l6) 3s4-3I I I August l2th through the .15' with SusanBackusStarr TEN SPEEDEDITOR: registrationon the l0* and l1'. So plan 321SouthBroadmoorBlvd. Springfield,OH 45504 on participatingat the ILYA regattafor a Home: (937)390-1431 tune up; then headover to Mentor for the xl33 Ofiice: (937)325-7368 Nationals.Pleasenotethat you will have E-mail: cjvs_sbackus@Kl2server.mveca.org a week in between the Bay and the Nationalsso you canget somework done (only if you wantto). USSAREP.: Maft Koblenzer l0l 1 EastSpoonerRoad Fox Point, Wl 43217 Home: (414)351-5078 Office: (305)852-349r I have enjoyed sailing with You ihs,rghout the summerand look forward to seeing and hearing from you during the dreadedoff-season. Don't worry, Memorial Day will be here soon!!! If you have any questions,pleasefeel free to contact me at 412-963-1692or email me at <saildiz@aol.com>and don't forgetto sendresultsto: Kim Disbrow 423 Fox ChaPelRd. PittsburghPA 15238 Have a great winter and see you in the Spring KimDisbrow LakeErie Vice President BNCKROAD preparesfor racingat the NorthAmericanChampionship. Gorrection: The greatphotoon the classifiedpageof the summerissuewasmisidentified.The spinnakeris being set onboard TMTEN, owned by the class treasurer, Dave Tritsch. (Picture relabeled- see on classiJieds page) T-{0 Association Minutes August7,1999 SouthShoreYacht Club Milwaukee,WI Officers Attending: Gary Disbrow DaveKerr JackOnompke Bob Aring Mark Heup Gary Disbrow - 0832 CT meeting called to order. Gary infomredus that next year 2000NAC's will be in Mentor,OH; Aug 10-16,2000. Rick Strilky requestedthe principal race officer's name, the jury, equipmentavailable,etc. for this regatta. Detroit hasexpressedinterestin the 2001 NAC. The Treasurer'sreport was read. Rick Stilky movedto accept,Passed. Bob Aring - Read the minutes of the conference call and moved to accept. Passed. Dave Kerr - Regarding the new boat desig4 there are five changes to the currentdesignfor the new boat, all above the waterline. Dave will put out a packet to the membership with a sketch and specificationsto get feedback from the membership. SusanBackus askedabout whom is financingthis. We were assured that this is not being done with T-10 Association funds. Also, as to whether this boat would still be considered "class." After somediscussion,we were assuredthat the new boat would have to be voted in by the full membershipas a "class" T-10. At that'time, older boats should be able to upgrade to the new s$le. Dave Kerr - Work is proceedingon the new fittings to raise the sbroud attachmentsabovethe deck. They hope to be able to have fittings fabricatedand testedthis year. Currentestimateis that a retro kit will be in the neighborhoodof $500, with plans availableto multiple vendors. It is important to check the current chain plate attachmentsbefore upgrading, as the upgrade will get its supportfrom the currentsystem. Gary Disbrow - Broughtup the subjectof the handrail. Rick Strilky offered the opinion that the Chicagofleet would like it replaced with a small handrail. Discussion followed without resolution. It was decided to put this to a general membershipvote. Gary Disbrow - CommendedDave Kerr on the new MeasurementCertificate,but noted that we need to defrne parameters around how this is organized. It was enforcedfor the 1999 NAC's and will alsobe enforcedfor the 2000NAC's. A suggestion was made to somehow mark the forestayafter it wasmeasured. Gary Disbrow - Named the officers. (SecretaryNote: Since an election was not held, all cunent fficers remain in their current positions until the next GeneralMembership meeting.) SusanBackus - Looking for information from all the fleets for the TenSpeed. Gary Disbrow - lnformed all about Key West Week and the St. Petersburg NOODs, pumpedup the membershipto go to those. If there are 10 boa$ at the NOODs,we cangeta onedesignstart. Dave Kerr - A questionabout the boom topping lift was raised and it should be 3/32" coatedwire. Someboats have a Kevlar line, but this was voted upon at the Dec 1998meetingandpassedto keep it asis. Bob Aring - Brought up the idea of allowing any fitting on the boat to be moved wittrin the stated tolerances,as opposedto "You can't changeanything." Gene McCarthy - Restatedthis better asi: "Owners' changes within tolerancesare not grounds for protest." A motion to sendthis as a proposalto the membershipwas madeandpassed. Ron Jerominski- Broughtup the needfor a girth measurementat the top batten of the jib, a ruling on loose footed mains and boomsfaps. Refened to Dave Ken andhis measurers. Mark Heup - Fleet Captainof Fleet 21 welcomed all to Milwaukee and gave pointerson areasto avoid due to the low water. Meetadjoumedat 0950. Bob Aring Secretary LakeSt. ClairFleet Activity By JackOtrompke ThursdayNight SummerSeriesResults 007 Jim Kraft 7 pts DemonRum JackOtrompke 8 pts Hydromotion DeanCorrion l0 pts MachoDuck DaveKlaasen 24pts PassinThru Mat Sealey 24 pts Britsar Ken Schram 24 pts t ) Taz 25 pts Eric Slack DougHill HansonBratton 8) JeannieAnn LarryPetersen 26pts 9) La Rosa Brian Walter 32 pts l0) Overdrart Dave Williams 35 pts ll) Adios Ken Tanner 40 pts 12) Tar Baby Donlang 43 pts l) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) LHOOD (Lake Huron Offshore One Desigrt)Labor Day Weekend This was the secondyear for this regatta and participation was up just one boat from last yearto 4 boats. The regatta consists of 2 windwardleeward races on Friday, followed by a modified windward leewardon Saturday and a Long Distance Race on Suday. Monday was used to transport back home. It is anticipatedthat this r€gatta will becomemore popularin futtue years for the T-TENS. as it hasfor the J-35's. Bayweek- Results(August2-4, 1999) Competitor Place BoatName Fleet Measurerc TartanTen ClassOne DesignRules: *16.1 The owner shall be obliged to satisfr himself that one-desigrr the principle has not been violated and to do nothing during the course of ownership to causethe principle to be violated." 5 THINKBLUE 8 REDCLOUD 10 ER/ES/LENCE 11 BEAR 12 SKM 13 PASS/NIHRU 14 FULLBORE Racel Race2 Race3 Race4 Race5 Race6 RaceT Total 132177122 28 1 I 2 6 2 5 LenChamberlain 4 2 BillKubicek 2832 3 11044 DaveDisbrow 1 DSQ 39 5 4139 GaryDisbrow 11343 2 6 6411 lGren Sackett 5105 7 11 13 3 I 7 Greg Guttrnan 9457 981386 JohnGreiner 12 6 7 5 7 9 DavidBlackrnan 1310710114 Tom Rocks 141199513 12 11 12 51012971 J i mJohns 76 13 10 13 12 MattSealy 96 12 ',14 14 DNF 12 14 14 RandyOates 15 DNF DNF 111 DNS DNS DNS DNF 5 weeks Being in race getting it ready,the start of the race was simply a continuation. The boat was August24,1999 ready and we had only seenthe upwind 10-15knots on Monday and Wednesday sails; the down wind sails had not been out of the bags. We were a dog off the made for perfect racing at Bay Week. starting line; everyonein the sectionwas the packed into a full schedule The Tens sailing by us and we tried all sorts of 3 day event: 7 races, I Oh Boy party, I combinationstrying to seek some speed blender party (and that's in addition to out of the boat. Some l0's had double the sponsoredparties). reef, somesinglereef and someno reef in On the final day's long distancerace, 5 their mains. We tied single reef and no boats could shift in any finishing order. reef. We tried flattening and deepening Heidi andthe N[/IS womentook the lead the sails. We couldn't find any speed at the first mark and held on for the going upward. We started at the Pin victory. The next four boats finished (East End) and flopped to Port within 3 points of eachother. Therewas immediately,with the conceptbeing that lots of good competitionwith newcomers we believed that the wind would clock andveteranssharingleadpositionsin any and we would be on the right hand side given race. of a right hand shift. It worked. When we hit the beach(almost literally) on the Next year's rcgatta(July 31 - August2) Michigan side,we flopped over and got would be a great tune-up for Mentor's lifted on starboard. The wind continued North Americans. Think about a long clock. We put up the kite (two to Lake Erie vacation. beautifirl Indian headspainted on them) and clipped close to Little Sable, Big Sableand Point Betsie. Then we went out to sea. Going into the Manitou Blind Luck passage,we hit a wind shearand sat for 1-% hours. While eatinglasagn4garlic By GlennT. McCarthy,ESTAES bread,fresh veggiesand Marie's Garlic Exactly 5 weeks before the start of the dressing and tapioca pudding, the 1999 Chicagoto MackinacIsland Race, youngestcrew, 15 year old Laura said, Gene McCarthy purchasedthe T-10, ex "Aren't we supposedto do a radio call Pulp Fiction, ex Tom Tom, with the in?" Yikes, therewas 5 minutesto go. A intention of sailing the Mac. The floor scrambleto plot, find the radio station, was rotted 8" wide by 6' long, which call in the position and in the remaining required replacement. Other projects moments,we heard one other boat make includedpulling the water and fuel tanks; a call in with the same grid as we so with 4 weeksto go, the interior of the reported,WATERWORKS. boat was guttedwith only the engineleft ln hastemaking it to the startingline, we inside. left the binocularsat home. The rule of BayWeek 1998-r999 FleetMeasurers: Fleet2 Measurer Doug Baker ,1415North tlamlin Avenue Chicago,IL 60625 Home: (312)588-0388 Office: (312)2E0-EE00 Fleet3 Mcasurcr Ray Lokar 33705lakeshore Boulevard Lakeline, OH 44095 Home: (440)942-2518 Offtce: (440) 974'1300 Fleet4 Measurer Eric Slack 1976HawthorneRoad GrossePointc Woods"MI 48236 Home: (313) 882-5973 Flcet 15Measurer lohn Riddle 5778Huron S[eet Vermilion,OH 44089 Home: (i140)967-4538 Offroe: (440\949'2999 Flcet 16Measurer Iim Johns 68 Elm Street,Box 396 Milan, OH ,14846 Home: (419)499-4269 Oftice: (419)499-2508 Fleet19Measurer DaveKen 19BrandonPlace RockyRiver,OH 44116 Home: (440)333-7,f63 Office: (440\953-7527 Fleet2l Measurer Ron Jerominski 9751SouthHowell Avenue OakCreek WI 53154 Home: (414\7624927 Ofiice: (414)7624927 Toledo FleetMeasur€r. JohnGreiner Drive 5556Edgewater Toledo,OH43611 Home: (419)726-3755 Offrce: (419)726-2933 thumbbecameo if it hasa3/arig, it is a T10. Do you have any idea how many boats sail the Mac that are % ng? The radio call-in left us not knowing if were last or first. Without binoculars. we couldn't measure who was around us. Monday afternoon while sailing past Beaver Island, we confirmed a T-10 behind uri, CHEAP THRILL. Not knowing if we were 2ndto last and he was last or if we were first andhe was second. we decidedto go for the kill and attempt to leap boatsthat were aheadof us. The plan backfired and CHEAP THNLL leap froggedpastus and got a halfhour ahead of us. ln retospect, had we known CHEAP THNLL was 2d, we would have carnpedon him all the way through the finish line andmatchedhis everymove. CHEAP THNLL andESTAES were in a pack of 37 boats(33'-50') that traveled togetherfrom the Manitou's through the finish. There seemedto be a crunching effect of the wind that kept us togetheras a pod. When sailing underthe bridge the wind was good; past the bridge it went deadagain. A freighterwas coming from the bridge and making course between the finish line shack and the Round Island Lighthouse. He turned on his carbon-arclight at 3:00 am and shownit on us whenwe passed150' awaymaking it brighter than daylight. I picked up a flashlight" shown it back on him and stuck my tongue out at him. He waved his light backand forth, which gaveall of us a howl. We kept ttre kite up in T-10 fashion, flipping from head to wind, beatingand tight reachingwith it all the way acrossthe line. We closedthe % hour gap to 32 secondsat the finish, for secondplacein section,l5s in fleet. For sailing in the blind the whole raceand not knowing where the competitionwas, we were all pleasedat the outcome. It was a nicewelcomebackto the T-10 class. |NOTE: Final results of this race are listed on Page9, from the ChicagoYacht Club websitel Talentaboundsin T10 Fleet As a sequelto his "Lord Won't you Buy Me a Tartan Ten," Rick Anderson (ECLIPSE)pennedtheselyrics. Sing or hum to the Wizard of Oz tune - 'If I onlv had a Brain.' I COULD WHILE AWAY TIIE HOURS AND SPENDA LOT OF DOLLARS NOT KNOWING WHY OR WHEN. YES I COULD BE A SAILOR I COULD BE A'STARBOARD' HAILER IF I IIAD A TARTAN IO. I WOULD MEMORIZE THE POLARS GO SURFIN' DOWN TI{E ROLLERS NO ONE WOI.JLDPASSME TIIEN. I'D THANK SPARKMAN & STEPIIENS FORTFIEWAKE THAT I'DBE LEAVIN' IF I HAD A TARTAN IO. OH I COULD TELL YOU WHY YOU STARTATBOAT ORPIN ICOULD DREAMOF ALLTI{E RACES I COI.JLDWIN IF I ruST TACK JIBE A}{D TACK I WOTJLDNOT BE CHASIN' BIRDIE SAIL TI{E WORLD BEFOREI'M 30 LIKE COLTIMBUSAND HIS MEN. I COULD SAIL TO T}IE HORZON THAT I ALWAYS HAD MY EYES ON IF I HAD A TARTAN 10. And you thoughtyou hadseeneverything Be sure to check out <tten.com> the photosof Brett Hamlin's "crucified" T10. And you guys thought the handrails werein the way! (ContinuedfromPageI) DoraVl Wins MIDNIGI'IT OIL was first to the weather mark and kept his lead. Meanwhile, NWS and LIQUOR BOX werc trading placesfor secondand third. Other great boat racestook place on the racecourse, but sailing conditionslimited this editor's reporting ability. (See <tten.com>for DOM ZIs descriptionof the race.) A few casualtieswere suffered. The most dramaticwas the loss of WINNEBAGOs rig on the secondbeat. LIQUOR BOX missed the evening's karaoke while reinforcingtheir mast stepand re-rigging. It was an incredibleday of racing! Monday - Race4 The day's racing was postponedfor two hours waiting for wind. The breeze finally filled in from the Southeast. PEAfuL and TEMENW reachedthe first mark fust and second. But with wind shifu on both sides of the course. LIQUOR BOX took the lead on the second weather leg. The next seven boats(including BRICKRAAD who made the comebackof the day) rounded the mark virtually at the same time and convergedfor a close finish. PEIRI had been OCS, so everyone moved up a place. The predictedfront camethroughjust as the RC was preparingfor race5. The 30knot wind left crews scrarnblingto reef, rurtil the RC abandonedracing for the day..just in time for Mexican Night and the pub-crawl. Tuesday - Rrce 6, Northwest, 8-10 knots,5legsW-L, The Showdown Any of five boats could win the championship. MIDNIGH'T OIL (5.25) had a2 point lead on tlree boatstied for secondplace,LIQUOR BOX, DOM W, and. BNCKROAD. NUTS was 2.25 pointsbehindwith 10, ECLIPSEhad an early lead and was first to the weather mark, followed by the Klaasencrew on MACHO DUCK. NUTS was close enough in third to hear the quaking. BRICKROAD and LIQUOR BOX werc sailing their tlrow-out races whtle MIDNIGHT OIL and DOM YI were tying to pick their way from the 6s-10trplacerange. On the second weather leg, DOM VI brokefree (seeaccountat <tten.com>)on a long starboardtack. Rich's crew came out of the left comer with a five boat length lead on the fleet. It was clear air for anothertwo legs and a terrific come from behindvictory. Scott Brueswitz's crew on MIDNIGHT OIL n race 3 won the SparkmanStevens PerformanceTrophy for greatestmargin of victory. The Charlie Britton Trophy for best final standing after a lower half, mid-regatta position was won by Ron Jerominskion EXPRESSO. (See Results of 1999 North American Championshipon Page8) MilwaukeeBay Fleet-2{ News By Mark Heup 20,1999 September The Milwaukee Bay Tartan Ten Class Fleet-2l wrappedup its 1999seasonthis past weekend. Attached are the final seasonresults. It was a groatsummerfor sailing on Lake We Milwaukee. Michigan in predominantly wann sunny experienced weatherwith moderatewinds. The Last Blast regatta sailed the weekend of September l8 &. 19 provided for southerlywinds and temps near 80; this regattais taditionally known for doling' out cold blastsfrom the north along with heavyseas. The great weatherallowed us to sail 17 racesfor our seasonseries. Most of the Fleet-2l boatsalso sailedin the Chicago NOOD's, the Milwaukee Grand Prix (fomrerly known as the Milwaukee "Big seeinga lot more of Scott'sboat on the Boat Regatta")and of course,the Tartan Ten North American ChamPionshiP water next summer. Our nurnbersnow standat 11 and we havehopesofadding Regatt4 hosted by Miiwaukee's South boatsto the fleet in the future. additional Shorp Yacht Club. All added uP, this January17-21,2000 seasonprovided us with 31 hard-fought We'll be holding our season wrbp-up All T-10 ownershave been mailed the fttces- a formula for an excellentsummer meetingin early October,where we plan Notice of Race for GMC Yukon of T-10racing! to elect local fleet offtcers and vote on Yachting Key West Race Week. Event We also addedto our ranksthis summer, rule and rcgaltaplans for the 2000 racing organizerswill provide a separateclass season. with Scott Bruesewitz bringing the boat start for T-10's if there is a strong MIDNIGI|T OILto town. Although only (See1999MilwaukceBay SeasonResults nrrnout. racing enough to CuaUry for the onPage 10) For More Information,Contact: '99NAC's this summer, we anticipate PeterS. Craig EventDirector andRaceChairman c/o PremiereRacingInc. 67 B FrontSteet,P.O.Box 1067 MA 01945 USA Marblehead. (781)639-9s45 Tel: (781) 639-9171 Fax: E-Mail: L0227.3465@compuserve'com KeyWest2000 Photos by NateParsons Race Results 1999NorthAmericanChamPionshiP August7-14,1999 SouthShoreYacht Club, Milwaukee,WI Results: PEARL I M. Van Fossen/ IYILDNORWEGAN * Did not sail, racewas abandoned ChicagoYacht Club, Raceto Mackinac July 10-13,1999 on July 15, 1999 Resultspostedto http://www.chicagoyachtclub.conr/updates.htm PreliminaryResults: PHRF 9 Chicagoto MackinacRace Final resultspendingAdmin. Detailsnot affectingwinners. Resul* created:07/1511999 @ 14:06:33 RaceChairman: Ann Moorman SponsoringClub: CYC - ChicagoYacht Club Time AllowanceMethod: TD - Time on Distance RaceType: MAC - MackinacClassic RaceDistance:289.4 StartTime: 12:30:00 RaceScoringData- StartDate: 07110/99 Irn 33 fFor all boatsthis race)Ratine= 126 Twe = Tl0 Elapsed Allowanc Corrected Sec. Flt Note Club Finish Owne(s) Sail# BoatName e l14 3l:2:9 62:57:I 3I:54:52 CYC 3:3:27:I Snyder,Tim & 32319 CHEAP THNLL Nancv 215 3l:2:41 JPYC 3:3:27;33 62:57:33 3l:54;52 McCarthy,GeneT. 26315 ESTAES I 36 4 33:36: 3:6: 0:53 65:30:53 3l:54:52 CYC Whitford, 26337 BILLYBONES Christopher 46 6 0 CC Y C 3:6:2:52 65:.32t52 3l.54:,52 33:38: Hallisy,Judy 30246 US 33:41:7 56 8 65:35:59 3l:54:52 CYC 3: 6: 5:59 Gofl C. /Mitchell, 23669 DIFFERENT J DRUMMER 33:45:18 67 1 COLY C 3:6:10:10 65:40:10 3l:54:52 Elledge,Richard 30829 ALIBI 77 3 33:49:21 3:6:14:13 65:.44;13 3l:54:52 CYC 26302 WATERWORKS Lillie, R. 3:6:16:45 65:46245 3l :54:52 33:51:53 87 5 CYC Knon, Tom 26332 MEMCIOUS 97 7 33:52:4 3:6:16:56 65:46:56 3l:54:52 CYC Martin, Adrian R. 32279 KUNJANI 8l 33:57212 l 0 65:52:4 3l:54;52 C C Y C 3:6:22;4 Eiesland,Arvid 26327 WILD NORWEGUN 11 95 34:ll:49 CC Y C 3:6:36:41 66:.6:41 3l:54:52 Kerlow,E. lMintz 40563 OWMGEOUS B. 12 107 31:54.52 34:20: 8 66:15: 0 JP Y C 3:6:45:0 McDonnell, G. / 26317 WITCH-CMFT Webb.J. 66:33:45 3l:54:,52 34:38:53 13 125 CYC 3:7;3:45 32101 FIDDLESTICKS!! Woodward,Woody 14 135 CYC 3:7:19:I 66:49:1 31:54:52 34:54:9 Dorra Syndicate 26341 DOM YI 15 t42 67:6:21 31t54t52 35:ll:.29 CYC 3:7:36:21 Igoe,Philip A. 26349 HOT CANARY 35:30:12 16 146 67:25:4 3l:54:52 M OR F 3:7;55:4 Baker,Doug 26316 TEMENTY 35:50:13 t7 155 JPYC 3: 8:15:5 67:45:5 3l:54:52 Travis,David B. 26318 MISCHIEF 36:32:56 18 176 CYC 3: 8:57:48 68:27:48 3l:54:52 Hildewein,Todd 21789 JAWS 36:38:33 19 178 68:33:25 3l:54:52 CYC 3:9:3:25 Mehaffey, Stanley 26301 TALISMAN R. 36:53t29 20 l9l CYC 3:9:18:21 68:48:21 3l:54:52 Gordon,Glen 33885 SIEGE 21 200 69:36257 3l:54:52 37:425 JPYC 3:10:6:57 Taylor, Keith 26307 TALL DOG 37;57:12 22 202 WYC 3:10:,22:4 69:52:4 3l:54:52 Witaszek,George 26303 BUSHIDO l7 23 205 C C Y C 3:10:58:9 70:28:9 31:54:52 38:33: 26340 MINBOW'S END Finh StevenJ. 24 209 39:4:50 3:11:29:42 70:59:42 3l:54t52 Keepper,John ANYC 26322 SCOTCHMIST DNF MORF Luksha,William 32640 EARTH EXPLORER DNC MORF Beemsterboer, 42385 DWCH REIGN Simon Note CodeExplanations:DNC.....Did not Compete DNF .....Didnot Finish 1999BacardiBayviewMackinacRace postedJuly Resultsfrom Bayview Yacht Club web site' 15' 1999 Results: Final Class:PHRF'L Course:ShoreCourse Date: JulY13, 1999(Finish) Time: gly"i"* Y.C. Website- Sponsoredby UK-Defoit andthe Yachtsman Owner{s) BoatName Sait# Pt- Club Type Rating LOA 126 I Ttszt TARBABY Don BYC T-10 ) 15378 DEMONRUM JackOromPke AYC T-10 JJ 126 26350 HYDROMOTION DeanCorrion BYC T-10 JJ 126 J 30687 uRossa Brian Walter CSYC T-10 33 126 4 26158 MACHODUCK Dave Klaasen GPSC T-10 JJ 126 ) HansonBratton BYC T-r0 JJ t26 6 31126 TAZ 22391 NOREBASE BYC T-10 JJ 126 7 Ralph fuchards 23928 OVERDMFT David Williams PHYC T-10 JJ 126 8 26308 BRITSAR Ken Schram sYc T-10 JJ t26 9 Finish Tue l 3:17:38 Tue 15:39:31 Tue l 5:41:35 Tue 15:51:57 Tue 15:52204 Tue16:26215 Tue16:47:.22 Tue17:55:32 Tue 18:04:07 Div. Score l0 IJ l4 15 l6 19 )) 29 3l TaftanTenClass- lggg MluaukeeBaySeasonResults Fi Bod Rrd( t Elcld 2 Oo.Jt 3 EcnF. a Ch.ffi e 0 EeF..o TerdtY 7 I I r0 fi lbl(hi. hlu PrrddrBq sfle l|drblr(Il Orfirr t|tt forrG. Afiortq!|c Slax J.mrtrrld Ernacr. Scfr6 ArxtsSdlqdd F&ru|tglrEl .E!tltfrlrre Bn-atiftz 112 673 2 22 E Dt{S Dt{s 311 227 56 5105 I 35 43ll 4 63 766 6 76 't'l 10 7 DN;7 t 989 14 Dtis Di.ls Df.ts 11910 854 1 t{.nb.Alhb i5b: cddldoal TClaIRM: 75%C(rrt(rc): Ttrsrqls: tlrqr.ub A $a6dscoD.bnd€s 17 12.75 1 tfu,Yqrt 8 32 47 86 95 Dt{S II,S 84 5E II'6 7 D.{S DiB 2l 7l 4l 1 3 1 4 FO 6 Itls 8 I DilS R 5 7 II\S t DT.IS .l 22 I 1l 1t ' l 34 l 4l 14 0l I "l I /t t 45 36 3 3 53 1 62 Dlis A D?{S [Iis TIIB 78 66 0 85 A RA 7 off 1 D.'|s tI\F E[,6 II\S 116 Dtt6 [t,E DNS Dt{s ot{s Dl{s Dt.|s DI{S Da{s Dt'|s Dl,S D|{s Dt6 Dt{s DTIS DNS 1l 2l 21 ^l TartanTenGlass'1999RegattaPlacement CLASSIFIEDS For Salel (Price Reduced) For Sale: MOTIVATEDBUYER #152,WTNDEMON,$14,900. #54,RED CLOI.ID Fully Race Equippd. Dark Blue Hull Extensive (Awlgripped in '93) EquipmentList (include. 14 sails) KVH Electronics: Speed, wind speed anddirection,depth ThunderBay Sailor wantsto pwchaseTl0 and/ortrailer. Bill Kruse Jim Hammond@ (313) 562-3491 E-mail: jmhmnd@mindspring.com Or JohnBianco@ (313)343-0724. Pack Rats Wanted Mike Puig is looking for old issuesof the TenSpeed. If you have kePt them stashedwith your shoebox of priceless baseballcards,pleasecontactMike. Shirts We (SSYC) have some NAC shirts available at half price. If someone wantsone,they are $20. Contact the club at info@ssyc.org or 414-481-2331 for sizes. (807)34s-2s3r All the sailsyou canfit in your garage! 2 mains(1 class,I PHRF) 2 jibs (1 tape,I snap) 3 spinnakers(2 class,1 PHRF) 2150%Genoas headfoil E-mail: kruseb@air.on.ca $15,000 plus $1,000 for the tailer @on't call to buy only the trailer. It goeswith the boat.) 2 mains (l is new Equipment: Kevlar), 2 jibs, vhf radio, kenYon wind, (aPParent instruments quik knots hauled, anemometer,close vang),engine(1 cylinderfarryman),new packing and packing gland nose, new cutlass bearing, data marine gauges (apparentwind, knotrneter,depthmeter). JohnGreiner 5556EdgewaterDr. Toledo,OH 43611 Atthe loft: (4re)726-2933 (419)726-2225 Fax: ForSale: Hull #304 Greaton Porttack,$4000. Damage to port side. 7 HP Faryman cradle,intact rig. Heidi Riddle (440)e67-4538 E-mail: flamingol0S@yahoo.com JohnRiddle (440) 949-2999 E-mail: boatworks@centuryinter.net For Sale Hull #117 $13,000or MakeOffer Condition fair, needs some love and elbowgrease. Contact: JayCampbell (sr6)482-3022 E-rnail: myusa@aol.com BOAT OWNERS:Keepyour crewhappy.Buy thema Tenspeedsubscription. =wFt= 1999TARTAN TEN MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP BOAT NAME HULL HULLNUMBER NUMtsBR sATI,Nrn SAILNUMBER FIOMEPHONE OFFICEPHONE E-MAIL Checkone& Enclose1999Dues Regularmember$50.00(Boatownersandparkrerships) Associatemember$20.00(Crew,non-boatowner) LakeErie Fleetmember$65.00($50+ $15fleet dues) DetroitFleet$175.00(You know whatto do. sendyour moneyto Jim Hammond andhe will take careof everything.) $5,00Subscription to Tenspeed(includedin reg.association-m-nnberships) an extra$20.00andwe'll sendthe TenSpeed to 6 ofyour crew(Sendtheir addresses) Makecheclrspayable to T-Tenclass Association Moil to: BobAring 2821S. SuperiorSt. Milwaukee,WI 53207 Don't missan issue!If your duesarenot received,your namernaybe droppedfrom the mailing list. i::'Aftl-l-+t*l*lrt .,' 3lltF*/Bf,c&EL TARTAN TEN CLASS ASSOCIATION SUSANBACKUS STARR 321SouthBroadmoorBlvd. Springfield,OH 45504 TedMahoneY 2655S.BelvoirBlvd' OH 44118 ShakerHeights, Pleasereturn undeliverable Mail *4ii*:i.4i.i.* ;t': i,i,,ir l,,l,,,ii,,,iii,,i,,i' ,i,ii,,,ii,,ll r,,,l ,i ,,l ,i ,,l i ,.i