`09 April Luff Letter
`09 April Luff Letter
April 2009 RALPH “R.G.” SMITHSON COMMODORE rsmithso@utk.edu Cost of Business affects us all... Unfortunately for all of us, the cost of doing business has gone up everywhere over the past year, and the Concord Yacht Club has not been immune. At the March meeting the CYC Board voted the following increases in fees: Lift/Railway usage is now $15.00 per day plus sales tax. Trailer/Dinghy parking space above one (1) per member will be $50.00 per year. The first trailer/dinghy assignment is included in the price of membership. To give members an opportunity to make adjustments, the cost of additional parking spaces this year (2009) will not take effect until July 1st and will be $25.00 for the remainder of the year. Clubhouse deposit for all rentals is $250.00 and is refundable if the facilities are properly cleaned and restored following usage. Rental fees: Groups up to 50 = $75.00 per day Groups 51 to 100 = $150.00 per day Groups 101 to 200 = $300.00 per day. It is the board’s intent that the monies collected through the fee increases be used to upgrade and maintain the affected facilities. Over the past year the boat lift has had to be repaired and the marine railway is currently in the process of being almost completely rebuilt. The boat trailer parking areas are also in need of work, weed removal, and additional gravel, in particular. “You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this." Henry David Thoreau Let’s celebrate the start of the 2009 Sailing Season with fellow sailors at CYC MENU Choice of Beef, Cheese, or Chicken Enchilada with rice, beans, chips & salsa. Beverages included. Note: Every member must choose one (1) enchilada choice. What To Bring Every member: Appetizer or Dessert to share Please - no chips & salsa - provided by caterer Reservation Deadline - Saturday, April 11th The CYC Calling Committee will be taking your reservations April 2009 No. 449 2 Sandra Ford-Johnson Harbormaster sandrafj@comcast.net S pring is here and the 2009 sailing season is about to jump into overdrive. Before the boats head out of the Harbor for a day’s sail they’ll be moving to Moorings and Summer Slips; reserving the Boat Lift, and the Work Area is going to become the spot for CYC Sailors. To keep this activity organized and operating smoothly please review the following procedures for requesting and using CYC’s Harbor facilities. There are a few changes from last year. S Click on–“New/Change Boat Space Request” Click on–“CYC Slip, Mooring, Trailer, Dinghy Space Request” 2. Member must complete, sign, date, and return (via Email or US Mail) a Summer Slip Release Form. Release must be received before assignment issued. You will find this form on the CYC web page. If you don’t have access to the internet, call me: 531-3707. http://www.concordyachtclub.org Click on–“Members” Drop down menu–“CYC Members Only” (User name is CYC / password is current gate code) Click on–“Harbor Release Forms” Select–“Summer Slip” UMMER SLIPS Before any boat is assigned a mooring, permanent slip, or summer slip the owner must sign duplicate copies of a liability-release form supplied by the Harbormaster. The Club shall retain one copy and the owner of the boat shall retain the other. 2009 CYC Handbook – Section F. Gen- eral Policies, Assignment of Boat Storage Facilities, #6 $25/day will be charged for mooring or docking a boat without authorization from the Harbormaster. 2009 CYC Handbook – Section G. Financial, Unauthorized Storage Fines #18 1. A Boat Space Request must be completed and sent via CYC web page by every member requesting an assignment. If you don’t have access to the internet, call me: 531-3707. http://www.concordyachtclub.org Click on–“Members” Drop down menu–“CYC Members Only” (User name is CYC / password is current gate code) April 2009 B OAT LIFT/RAILWAY Railway/Lift Rental: Must be reserved with the Harbormaster by members who have been trained and certified. $15.00 per day + sales tax for days reserved unless adjusted by the Harbormaster. The Harbormaster furnishes the list to the Treasurer for annual billing. There is a $100.00 fine for unauthorized use of the equipment. No-shows: Members reserving the Railway/Lift and not cancelling them three (3) days in advance are billed unless they appeal to the Board due to extenuating circumstances. 2009 CYC Handbook – Section G. Financial, #11 1. Cost is now $15.00 per day. 2. Must be trained and certified to make a reservation or use this equipment. 3. Reservations are made via CYC web page: No. 449 3 Harbor Continued... http://www.concordyachtclub.org Click on-“Members” Drop down menu-“CYC Members Only” (user name is CYC / Password is current gate code) For Boat Lift click on–“Boat Lift Reservations/Cancellations” then click on– “Reservation & User Guidelines” For Railway click on–“Railway Reservations/ Cancellations” then click on–“Reservation & User Guidelines” W ORK AREA Usage Coordination The area immediately west of the Marine Railroad and Boat Lift is reserved for work projects and does not serve as boat storage space. Members are permitted in the designated area for thirty (30) days or less, but encouraged to vacate as soon as their work is completed. Member must coordinate work area usage with the Harbormaster (preferably via the CYC web page). If additional days are required member must make arrangements with the Harbormaster. NO PARKING of cars in the work area is permitted at any time. A fine of $10/day will be assessed work area violations. 2009 CYC Handbook - Section G. Financial, #19 This is not a reservation – just notification. You do not have to wait for a confirmation for usage. If the Work Area is filled you will be notified of the situation and informed when a space becomes available. 1. You must notify the Harbormaster with the first date of occupancy, the work to be performed, and the date you plan to vacate. If you are using an off-site company/professional to perform the work please include that information as well. April 2009 Notifications can be made via the CYC web page: http://www.concordyachtclub.org Click on–“Members” Drop down menu–“CYC Members Only” (User name is CYC / password is current gate code) At the bottom of the CYC Harbor page you will see “Click here if you plan on using the Work Area” An email will pop-up. Fill out completely and make any notations you feel will be necessary for the Harbormaster. Then press send. T RAILER/DINGHY No boat or trailer may be brought onto CYC property without proper owner identification and prior space assignment by the Harbormaster. Trailers must have the owner’s name on the tongue of the trailer. 2009 CYC Handbook – Section F. General Policies, Trailer Parking Assignments, #1 The first assigned trailer/boat parking space shall be included with membership, and additional spaces shall be charged at the rate of $25.00 per six (6) months for each additional allocated space. The full amount will be billed, in advance, due within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. Requests must be made to the Harbormaster (preferably via the CYC web page). 2009 CYC Handbook – Section G. Financial, #17 (new line item) $10/day will be charged for storing a boat or trailer on CYC property without prior assignment by the Harbormaster, parking a boat or trailer on CYC property without proper identification. 2009 CYC Handbook – Section G. Financial, Unauthorized Storage Fines #18 1. Every trailer/dinghy assignment will be inventoried on April 15, 2009. If you No. 449 4 Harbor Continued... have more than one (1) assignment but don’t want to pay the new yearly fee you will need to remove your property on/or before April 14, 2009. 2. Any trailer that does not CLEARLY display “owner identification on the trailer tongue” will be subject to the daily fine. 3. If you need a trailer/dinghy assignment please use the CYC web site to make your request: http://www.concordyachtclub.org Click on–“Members” Drop down menu–“CYC Members Only” (User name is CYC / password is current gate code) Click on–“New/Change Boat Space Request” Click on–“CYC Slip, Mooring, Trailer, Dinghy Space Request” P ERMANENT SLIP Before any boat is assigned a mooring, permanent slip, or summer slip the owner must sign duplicate copies of a liability-release form supplied by the Harbormaster. The Club shall retain one copy and the owner of the boat shall retain the other. 2009 CYC Handbook slip. 2009 CYC Handbook – Section G. Financial, #12 To request a slip and/or to be placed on the permanent slip wait list you must: 1. A Boat Space Request must be completed and sent via the CYC web page by every member requesting an assignment. If you don’t have access to the internet, call me: 865-531-3707. http://www.concordyachtclub.org Click on–“Members” Drop down menu–“CYC Members Only” (User name is CYC / password is current gate code) Click on–“New/Change Boat Space Request” Click on–“CYC Slip, Mooring, Trailer, Dinghy Space Request” 2. Every member must complete, sign, date, and return (via Email or US Mail) a Dock Slip Release Form. Release must be received before assignments can be issued. You will find this form on the CYC web page. If you don’t have access to the internet, call me: 865-531-3707. http://www.concordyachtclub.org Click on–“Members” Drop down menu–“CYC Members Only” (User name is CYC / password is current gate code) Click on–“Harbor Release Forms” Select-“Dock Slip” – Section F. General Policies, Assignment of Boat Storage Facilities, #6 Slip Rental: $25/month in advance for the remainder of the year from the date of occupancy, due within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. Wait lists are by seniority. Requests must be made to the Harbormaster (preferably via CYC web page). 2009 CYC Handbook – Section G. Financial, #13 Floating Slips/Occupancy Fee: $100 will be charged for each initial assignment of April 2009 M OORING Before any boat is assigned a mooring, permanent slip, or summer slip the owner must sign duplicate copies of a liability-release form supplied by the Harbormaster. The Club shall retain one copy and the owner of the boat shall retain the other. 2009 CYC No. 449 5 Harbor Continued... Handbook – Section F. General Policies, Assignment of Boat Storage Facilities, #6 $25/day will be charged for mooring or docking a boat without authorization from the Harbormaster. 2009 CYC Handbook – Section G. Financial, Unauthorized Storage Fines #18 1. A Boat Space Request must be completed and sent via the CYC web page by every member requesting an assignment. If you don’t have access to the internet, call me: 865-531-3707. http://www.concordyachtclub.org Click on–“Members” Drop down menu–“CYC Members Only” (User name is CYC / password is current gate code) Click on–“New/Change Boat Space Request” Click on–“CYC Slip, Mooring, Trailer, Dinghy Space Request” 2. Every member must complete, sign, date, and return (via Email or US Mail) a Mooring Release Form. Release must be received before assignments can be issued. You will find this form on the CYC web page. If you don’t have access to the internet, call me: 865-531-3707. http://www.concordyachtclub.org Click on–“Members” Drop down menu–“CYC Members Only” (User name is CYC / password is current gate code) Click on–“Harbor Release Forms” Select–“Mooring Release Form” If you have questions, or need assistance please feel free to contact me. CYC families pay $100.00 per year, which entitles a family member to check out one JY15, Sunfish, Opti, or Catalina 22 at a time. For an additional $50.00 per family ($150.00/year), two boats may be checked out at the same time. The Catalina 22 fleet membership requires five work hours in addition to the yearly fee. These five work hours are in addition to the required annual fifteen CYC work hours and must be applied directly to the Catalina 22 fleet. The use of all training fleet boats requires a one-time evaluation by an authorized CYC evaluator of the sailing skills of all family members wishing to use the boats. If you’re interested in joining for 2009 send the appropriate fees to the CYC Treasurer with a note indicating the purpose of the check. Dinghy fleet users should contact Neil Quigley for training fleet shed key. April 2009 No. 449 6 Secretary’s Report Bonnie McCormick mbmccormick@charter.net No new members this month Resignations Dave & Jennifer Clinton Barbara Maples Current Membership 192 Active • 12 Honorary • 9 Students Total Membership Count: 213 25 Inactive Members A special THANK YOU to Brenda Smith & Jeff Rose for their beautiful contribution of the America’s Cup photos hanging up on the Lounge walls in the CYC Clubhouse. The CYC Library, located in the lobby of the clubhouse, is open every Sunday from 12:15-1:15 p.m. Items may be checked out for two weeks. To return library items when the library is not open, place the items in the book return box either on the corner table in the lobby or on the table near the phone. James R. Louttit, offers easy to understand explanations of coastal navigation and boating protocol. In the Seamanship section, “The Complete Book of Anchoring and Mooring, by Earl Hinz, describes the state of the art essentials of anchoring and anchor gear. In the History/Adventure section, “ Tales of the Sea”, by Joseph Conrad, provides eight of the The March edition of the Practical Sailor has reviews of rope most famous, most adventurous sea stories ever written. clutches, 9.9 hp outboards, vinyl restorers, barrier coat April 19th is the only available library work slot for this strippers, and anti-fouling paints. Copies of the current and month. Many slots are available for the high water season past Practical Sailor magazines are available in a 3-ring starting in May. Library duty offers a pleasant way to relish binder to the left of the fireplace. They are on the open the fantastic view. In front of the fireplace, read your favorshelving and are available to read 24/7. Original issues are ite selection from the library. Interested in volunteering for only available during library hours. library duty? Contact Steve Litherland. The following books will be added to the library shelves this month. CYC thanks those of you who have donated new and used books to the library. In the Racing section, “The Race”, by Tim Zimmerman, chronicles the first nonstop, round-the-world, no-holds-barred sailing competition. In the Navigation section, “The New Skipper’s Bowditch”, by April 2009 April 2009 Schedule April 5th: April 12th: April 19th: April 26th: May 3rd: No. 449 Valone Elkins Need Volunteer Elkins Valone 7 Rear Commodore Jerry.delaurentis@att.net WOW!! March is coming to a close already. Can you believe how the time just flew by…we must have had fun??!! I did, thanks to all our volunteers who gave their time to improve and repair OUR yacht club. We accomplished a lot during the two work parties that were held. The second weekend was cancelled due to rain. Unfortunately, as of this writing March 26, the forecast isn’t promising for this weekend. However, we will be positive and expect clear skies on Saturday (3 /28)!! You accomplished many projects in just two Saturday Work Parties. The majority of the summer slips have been repaired. A contractor will install the 16 new pylons needed. Siding was replaced on the Club House and Boat House. A new roof was installed on Jack’s Shack after Max Dawson removed the old shingles without being blown off the roof himself. Twentyfour, yes 24 TONS of rip rap was hand laid along the dinghy launch ramp… A herculean task!!! April 2009 A crew shoveled almost 2 feet of sand from inside the boat house to allow for more clearance. They did this by good old manual labor with shovels and wheel barrels. What tenacity!!! Six new windows were replaced on the club house. They were then washed sparkle clean. The gutters were also cleaned of leaves and winter debris. A contractor will paint the entire exterior club house, covered patio and bath house. Bags and bags of leaves were racked from the bushes around the club house. Crews worked to remove the logs and debris along the shoreline. They used trucks with winches, racks, wheel barrels, and chain saws. The main entrance to the yacht club has been cleared of years of overgrown bramble and scrub bushes. Teams worked to remove the No. 449 8 replacing this. Horace Beckner and college friends of his daughters installed the current railway 30 years ago. It has served us well. Horace, Dwight Guinn, Bob Paterson and consultants met on several occasions to formulate the best plan for replacing the railway. logs, overhanging branches, fallen trees along the shoreline at the west dock area. All the small brush was brought to the fire pit where our “fire brigade” kept a watchful eye. Numerous repairs are in progress on the east dock. Repairs to Dave’s dock and the west dock will be completed in the coming weeks. Repairs will be made to the CSC sail loft building, the pressure washer storage shed and railway motor shed. The boat lift is scheduled to be painted. I would be remiss if I didn’t extend a heartfelt thanks to Ross Ramsey and his talented staff for providing a gourmet’s repast that provided the much needed energy to complete the day’s tasks. A large undertaking is the replacement of the railway…new rails and ties will arrive on March 27. Bob Paterson’s company will install the new system when the weather breaks AND IF; TVA keeps the water at a working level until this project is completed. You may ask why we are April 2009 When the weather clears a new fence will be installed at our west property line. LCUB installed 5 new 400 watt security lights. AS reported last month, Karen Richter will complete installing two new ladders on the swim dock and replace the carpet on the Opti dock. Karen is completing these requirements towards her achievement of the Girl Scout Gold Award, the Boy Scout’s equivalent of the Eagle Scout award. Karen we applaud your efforts to make CYC a better place for all!! I personally want to thank every volunteer who helped with all the projects, big and small. The results of your efforts are appreciated by all your fellow members. No. 449 9 The Rocky Top and DIYRA Regattas are just around the corner, April 24 - 26. Are you ready for some great racing and off-course fun? Here’s a brief checklist to help you prepare. Submit your registration form early, along with T-shirt and Dinner ticket requests. This will ensure that the club has adequate supplies. Complete and attach your Handicap Requests Form, with your registration, if you have not yet submitted this form to the Handicap Committee. Step-up and volunteer to help out, with Regatta activities. A list of activities can be obtained from: Kurt Finnie 685-4795 or kfinnie@gmail.com; Johnny Ballatin 423-884-2442 or jjb110@tds.net; or Sandra Ford-Johnson 531-3707 or sandrafj@comcast.net. Attend the Mini-Seminar, conducted by North Sails, on Friday, April 24th, between 3:00pm-6:00pm. The seminar is free to each registered skipper, with a $5.00 charge for all other attendees. Attend the Welcome Party at 6:00pm on Friday, to meet and welcome our outof-town guests. Get your crews together early, as we are anticipating a large turn out of boats. So, crews will be in great demand. Come to all the social activities, and meet some out–of–towners, even if you’re not racing. Show that CYC hospitality and friendliness. Hope to see you at the Rocky Top / DIYRA Let’s work together & show CYC’s hospitality by volunteering for following tasks. Please contact Kurt Finnie, John Ballatin, or Sandra Ford-Johnson to volunteer. • • • • • • • • • • April 2009 Food Prep & Service Tasks – Need a Member to Coordinate all activities. Set- up Pre-Race Donuts & Coffee Saturday (8:30am) Sunday (8:00am) Saturday Cocktail Party – Starts at 6:00pm Tickets & Name Tags Set-up Beverages Saturday Dinner - Starts 7:00pm Club Decorations Set-up for Food Line Food Line & Related Support Kitchen Cleanup No. 449 • • • • • • • • • Club Cleanup Welcome/Registration Group-Need a Member to coordinate all activities. Saturday Morning Registrations (Late registrations will be taken from 9:00am – 11:00am) Collection of Registration Fees Collection of Party/Dinner Fees Sale of Event T-Shirts Preparation of Skipper’s Bags / Welcome Pack Distribution of Event Welcome Packs Saturday Morning Question and Answer Help 10 1500 1800 0900 - 1100 1100 1230 1300 1800 1900 2100 Boat Handling & Sail Trim Seminar Presented by: North Sails - New Orleans, Louisiana Welcome Party - Snacks & Beverages for All Sponsored by: CYC Keelboat Fleet Late Registration - Coffee & Donuts Skipper’s Meeting Harbor Gun Warning, First Race of the Day Beverages & Snacks after Race Pre-Dinner Social - hors d’oeuvres & Beverages Sponsored by CYC Catered Dinner from Season’s Café - Live Musical Entertainment Entertainment & Partying - Live Musical Entertainment Chicken Picatta, Herb Rice, Dinner Salad, Rolls/Butter, Beverages 0900 0930 1350 Harbor Gun Warning, First Race of the Day Trophy Awards CYC Calling Committee will be taking reservations for Saturday’s Dinner April 2009 No. 449 11 Appreciative of its sponsorship by the Concord Yacht Club, members of the Ship have their next ship meeting on April 4 at 1:00 p.m., a meeting on April 18 at 1:00 p.m. and an Overnight Cruise scheduled on May 9-10. Sea Scouts are boys and girls ages 14 to 21. If you are interested in becoming a member please contact the ship at phone 980-0879 or Email Ship300Sails@yahoo.com. With nine working together the wood was sanded down and new varnish applied in about 90 minutes, leaving time for a sail. For Getting the boat ready goes quickly with crew. many it was the first time they had been in scouting. a sailboat and a reward for Members learn to sail, to row, Being a member in Ship 300 getting the varnishing com- and to keep a boat in shape; enables a youth to pursue a pleted. race and cruise, or daysail range of activity, including Sea Scout Ship 300 is organ- one of our small boats. Memsailing and more that is possi- ized to promote better citi- bers are active in camping, ble through its affiliation as a zenship and to improve mem- social events, tours, regattas, venturing program of the Boy bers' skills and knowledge excursions, and seamanship Scouts of America. through instruction and prac- contests. tice in water During the sailing season, safety, boating every member has a chance skills, outdoor, to try his hand at the tiller, to social, and sertrim the sails, and all memvice experibers are taught safe and ences, and proper methods of handling knowledge of boats. Sea Scouts learn the our maritime meaning of buoys and lights, heritage. Mem- how to take advantage of bers are expected With nine sanding & varnishing on Saturday, March to attend 21st there was time for sailing. meetings, maintain the Ship's In a centuries long spring traboats, and aid in financdition among sailors, 300 began its 8th year this spring ing the program. CYC with sanding of wood rails provides facilities for and thwarts on its Thistle Ab- 300 to meet on a regular secon. Sea Scouting, founded schedule and encourin 1912, has a progressive ages 300 to participate At helm, Luke Schwarzentraub, youth leader, advancement opportunity for in outdoor experiences, Robert Carter & son Gary are in the backvital elements of sea ground youth. April 2009 No. 449 12 Scuba diving certification completed at Florida Sea Base & Scuba trips embarked. wind and tide, and how to drop anchor or approach a dock. Day, weekend, and long cruises are held for Ship members. Regatta at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London CT. Held every two years, the event brings participants from around the world for a week of racing and coaching by “Sea Scout Greats.” Sea Scout Greats are Matt Muecke & John Lindahl pass an Atlanta crew in the International Cup on Biscayne Bay, 2006, for the lead. The 300 crew took 1st place in every race every day, except the last 2 races on the last day where their boat capsized, removing them from competition. High Adventure Opportunities exist for members in Sea Scouting. There are too many to list all of them, but here are a few: • • • • • • • • • • • Visit/host other ships Visit other scout camps National Sea Base Boundary Waters canoeing Philmont Ranch Sea Kayaking-Pamlico Sea Base SEAL training aboard derPeLiiKan Sailing out of bases in San Diego, Northern California, Portland, Tacoma Scuba certification International Cup Regatta Cruising on bark USCG Eagle Philmont Ranch August 1—7, 2010 will be the International Sea Scout Cup April 2009 In addition, an actionpacked, short video is available for presentation Bill Koch, 1992 America’s Cup winner & to groups and a PowerPoint slide presentation New Zealand official (Rt) congratulate 300 crew Lindahl & Muecke on their 3rd about 5 minutes in length place overall in 2006 International. is available for presentaadults who were sea scouts in tion to groups. So spread the their youth, such as Russell word. We are pleased to anCoutts, Bill Koch, Dawn Riley, swer questions or schedule a presentation with your group. and Buddy Melges. Contact George Hubbell. Begun in 2002, the regatta locations have been Colum- The national website is bia YC (Chicago), Mass. Mer- www.seascout.org. The Inchant Marine Academy ternational Cup site is 300 (Cape Cod), Coral Reef YC www.seascoutcup.org. (Coral Gables FL), and U.S. youth are building a site at Naval Academy (Annapolis www.tn300.org. MD). Cost to participate is $150, excluding transportation, and covers room & board for the week. What you can do is pass the word to boys & girls and parents you encounter in your daily life about Sea Scout Ship 300. No. 449 ship300sails@yahoo.com 980-0879 13 Alexander Stein UT Sailing Club President astein@utk.edu The UT Sailing Club has had a good Spring Semester so far. Our regatta season has been under way since February and we have placed well in our points district so far. We also just returned from our annual Spring Break Trip to Key West which was a great success. We travelled with 31 students and six CYC Club Members on four 35-40 foot Catamarans. The students had three boats, which were captained by Doug Toney, Ervin Grove and myself, and the fourth boat (which we dubbed the “Grey Boat” due to the hair color of some of the crew) was skippered by Wayne Cutler. As usual, we drove to Punta Gorda, Fl, and sailed from Charlotte Harbor south 140 nautical miles through the Gulf of Mexico to arrive in Key West around 26 hours later. This was quite an experience for many of our crew since few of them had done any real offshore and overnight sailing before this trip. We had a great and sunny week in Key West filled with day sailing, the usual tourist attractions and a few sunburns. Unfortunately our return trip was somewhat rough due to April 2009 No. 449 14 Continued... 25 knot breezes out of the northeast and 5 foot swells, but we all arrived safely back in Charlotte Harbor. On the whole though, it was a great trip. We have three upcoming regattas this semester, one intersectional in Hampton, Virginia; a points regatta in Clemson, South Carolina; and Dingy Champs in Charleston, South Carolina. We hope to place well in all of these and end the school year and sailing season with a bang. Many of us will also be racing at the Yacht Club on weekends, so if anyone needs crew for the Sunday and Wednesday night races please send us an email. Enjoy the Spring Break Pictures! April 2009 No. 449 15 2009 CYC BOARD MEMBERS While working on the 2009 CYC Hand‐ book we’ve come across some won‐ derful web sites pertaining to all things boats! We think you’ll enjoy these. There’s lots more in the Sailor’s 4‐1‐1 Section of the 2009 Handbook. Enjoy. Galley Essentials, Amanda Neal Swan How to stock your galley & recipes - yum! www.mahina.com/galleyessentials.html Latitudes & Attitudes - Television www.latsandatts.tv Maine Sailing - “How To” Boat Projects & Upgrades www.pbase.com/mainecruising/boat_projects Make sure you check out the 2009 Handbook. It will be in your mailbox soon. Commodore Ralph “RG” Smithson rsmithso@utk.edu First Vice Commodore Eric Nicholls ecnicholls@gmail.com Second Vice Commodore Tom Hogan hoganpest@hotmail.com Rear Commodore Jerry deLaurentis jerry.delaurentis@att.net Secretary Bonnie McCormick mbmccormick@charter.net Treasurer Ellen Oblow epoblow@comcast.net Assistant Treasurer Bill Wickman wewickman@spectraenergy.com Integrity Not to be Confused with Reputation The circumstances amid which you live determine your reputation… the truth you believe determines your character… Reputation is what you are supposed to be; character is what you are… Reputation is the photograph; character is the face… Reputation comes over one from without; character grows up from within… Reputation is what you have when you come to a new community; character is what you have when you go away. Your reputation is made in a moment; your character is built in a lifetime… Your reputation is learned in an hour; your character does not come to light for a year… Reputation grows like a mushroom; character lasts like eternity… Reputation makes you rich or makes you poor; character makes you happy or makes you miserable. Member at Large, Education Neil Quigley nquigley@comcast.net Member at Large, Social Ann Zimmerman Heffalumpz@aol.com 2009 CONTACTS Luff Letter Sandra Ford-Johnson 531-3707 or 599-0751 sandrafj@comcast.net Clubhouse Reservations Elaine Proctor 671-8408 alan.proctor@tds.net Harbormaster Lift/Marine Railway Scheduling Sandra Ford-Johnson 531-3707 or 599-0751 sandrafj@comcast.net Phone Committee www.concordyachtclub.org
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