April - Concord Yacht Club
April - Concord Yacht Club
Luff CONCORD YACHT CLUB Letter April 2008 rsmithso@utk.edu Stuff is certainly happening at CYC as the club prepares for the traditional raising of the waters of Ft. Loudoun Lake and the beginning of another season. Saturday work parties are continuing, an Introduction to Racing Clinic is set for the morning of April 5, a trio of regattas are on the horizon, and Sail Camp '08 is just around the corner. A full slate of parties and socials are on the calendar as we move from the spring through the summer and on to the fall. As they say, something is out there for everyone. Find something that perks your interest and get involved. A special invitation goes out to those who would like to race either regularly or occasionally but are not exactly sure what to do. The April intro clinic 5 (9 a.m. until noon at the club) will provide all the basic information you need to step up and join the fleet. Some of the club's most experienced and successful racers will be leading sessions. Racing is a means of evaluating your sailing skills and you don't have to cross the finish line first to be first. These are handicapped races, which means your goal is simply to sail the course as fast as you can in your boat. And it's a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon or Wednesday evening. Our first big regatta is the annual Rocky Top for auxiliaries April 26-27. The deadline for entries is April 4, so go to the CYC web page for registration information and all the details. Registration forms are also available at the clubhouse on the table under the phone. The Admiral Farragut for Thistles and the Dutch Treat will follow in May. Registration information on those events will be forthcoming. I'm pleased to report that your Commodore survived a week in Key West during spring break with the UT Sailing Club. We didn't get to do much sailing because of unfavorable winds - both heavy and light - but I can safely say a good time was had by all. Unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to provide details. As they say, what happens in Key West stays in Key West. I believe this was the largest group UT has ever put on the water during spring break as nearly three dozen brave souls made the trip and all lived to tell about it. The UT group continues to sail on Thursday evenings at the club and is planning a work project at the club in the near future. Several members will be completing the US Sailing Small Boat Level 1 class to be held at the club later this spring. 2008 CYC OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS: Commodore—Ralph “RG” Smithson; 1st Vice Commodore—Eric Nicholls; 2nd Vice Commodore—Tom Hogan; Rear Commodore—Kevin Johnson; Secretary—Bonnie McCormick; Treasurer– Greg Little; Assistant Treasurer—Barbara Weaver, Member at Large, Education—Neil Quigley, and Member at Large, Social—Ann Zimmerman http://www.concordyachtclub.org/ Opportunities to sail competitively abound in 2008. Unlike series races that require perseverance of pres‐ ence, regattas require only the commitment of a day or two. The season begins with three invitational regattas. The Rocky Top Regatta is sailed the last weekend of April for auxiliaries. The Admiral Farragut is the first weekend of May for This‐ tles only and the Dutch Treat is the weekend of May 17 and 18 for dinghies. The one day club regattas are associated with Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day. Those without a boat to campaign, have the opportunity to participate as a crew member. Al‐ though most captains conscript their crew, they may arrive on regatta day short handed, more likely if the weather is less than perfect or the wind is piping up. If you want to crew arrive at the club before the skippers meeting which is usually 2 hours before the first race and make your availability known. The direct approach is to ask the individual captains, Hint: they each appear before the meeting or at the registration table. Or you can speak up at the conclusion of the skip‐ pers meeting, or ask the Race Director to make your desire to sail known. As guest crew, there are some courtesies that should be observed: Make the captain aware of your skill level and experience. (Beginners are welcome, but don’t let the captain assume you can fly a spinnaker). Arrive ready to sail. Bring a variety of clothing so you can take what is appropriate for the boat and conditions, including foul weather gear. Be self‐sufficient. Bring a PFD, food, water, sunscreen, being mindful of the boat size and probable length time you may be on the water. Commit to “being there”. Sail the whole regatta, take an active part as crew not passenger, and stay focused (don’t bring your cell phone). Assist with the post‐ race chores. Sails don’t fold and bag themselves. Thank the skipper. Show your appreciation (win or lose) by presenting him with an in‐ scribed Rolex Mariner watch. Eric Nicholls - First Vice Commodore In Memoriam Helen Gleason – wife of the late Jeff Gleason, and mother of Greg Gleason and Greta (Mrs. Charles) Satterwhite died Sunday March 9th in Oak Ridge after an extended period of illness. Greg and Greta grew up at CYC. The Gleason's joined CYC in 1968, and Jeff served as commodore in 1985-86. Greta and Charles' son, Brian, is active in high school sailing; and Greta has crewed Thistles at CYC since her youth. April 2008 No. 438 2 glittle@tds.net (865) 675-6933 2008 Membership Dues invoices were sent in November and were due by December 31, 2007. Annual dues are $396.00 plus tax ($432.63 total). 2008 Slip Fees were billed in February and were due March 31, 2008. As of this date there are still several outstanding invoices for membership dues. Several of these are members who paid their slip fees. Because of the change in the way that the fees were billed this year (two separate invoices) there may be some confusion. Next week statements will be sent to all members who have not paid their dues. Because of late payment the statement will reflect an interest charge. Questions should be directed to Greg Little. Steve Litherland tnl@icx.net (865) 483-5917 The CYC Library, located in the lobby of the clubhouse, is open every Sunday from 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Items may be checked out for two weeks. To return library items when the library is not open, place the items in the book return box on the corner table in the lobby or on the table near the phone. This month’s Practical Sailor features the results of 6, 12, and 18-month underwater tests of antifouling bottom paints. Check to see if you are using the recommended brand. The Practical Sailor magazine is located in a magazine file box in the club library. The CYC library features books and videos in the areas of cruising, racing, maintenance, adventure, and sailing fundamentals. There should be material to interest any sailor. Among sailors of the past, there is one who is the hero of most small boat cruisers. This is Captain Joshua Slocum. In 1892, at the age of 59, Captain Slocum obtained and refurbished a derelict 37-foot Long Island Oyster Boat. In 1895, he began the first solo, around the world cruise. His book, Sailing Alone Around the World, is the autobiographical record of his voyage. Slocum deals with fatigue, murderous natives, pirates, and a variety of sea and weather conditions. When he finally dropped anchor in Newport, Rhode Island in 1898, he had traveled 46,000 miles around the world. Much of the time the wheel was lashed, while he sat below reading and cooking. This book is just one of the classics available in the CYC Library collection. Check it out. Library work slots are available for most of the high water season starting with May 25. If interested in volunteering for library duty, contact Steve Litherland. April 2008 Schedule: March 30th April 6th April 13th April 20th April 2008 David Valone David Valone David Valone André Terry April 27th May 4th May 11th No. 438 David Valone George Hubbell George Hubbell 3 We’re going to kick off another great season of sailing & Socializing with our Annual Choice of Chicken, Beef, or Cheese Enchilada with rice, beans, chips, salsa. Beverages included. NOTE: Every member MUST choose one (1) enchilada choice! Every member: Appetizer or Dessert to share No chips & salsa please • provided by caterer THURSDAY, APRIL 10th - Via CYC Calling Committee If you are NOT contacted by the 10th please email or phone Sandra Ford-Johnson @ 531-3707 or sandrafj@comcast.net April 2008 No. 438 4 SATURDAY, APRIL 26th 8:30 AM ‐ Coffee & Danish • 9‐10 AM ‐ Registration & Sign‐In 10 AM ‐ Skipper’s Meeting • 11 AM ‐ Racing Begins 6 PM ‐ Social Hour • 7 PM ‐ Dinner & Music Adult Menu Catering by Season’s Café includes dinner salad, assorted rolls, butter, Chicken Picatta, Herb Rice & cookies. Vegetarian entrée will be available with advance reservations. Beverages included. Kids Menu Pizza Cost • Advance Reservations Adult $18.00 • Children $10 10 and under What To Bring An appetizer or dessert to share SUNDAY, APRIL 27th 9 AM ‐ First Race • ASAP after Last race ‐ Awards, Hot Dogs & Beverages RESERVATIONS: Everyone is welcome at the Regatta & Party; if you choose to race or just want to socialize and enjoy a delicious meal. Advance reservations are much appreciated since it helps with all the planning. ONLINE RACE REGISTRATION: http://web.utk.edu/~rsmithso/08RT/08reg.htm, make sure you return the registration form promptly to RG Smithson at rsmithso@utk.edu DINNER ONLY RESERVATIONS: Calling Committee will contact each member. If not contacted by the April 10th ‐ please email or phone Sandra Ford‐Johnson @ sandrafj@comcast.net or 531‐ 3707 April 2008 No. 438 5 Bill & Sue Shafer – our current cruising CYC members ran into. . . Kenny and Brycie Dehoff (pictured at right) and their dog "Minky" at the Luperón Yacht Club in the Dominican Republic! The Dehoff’s have been here three years and live in an apartment overlooking the ocean. Brycie teaches in the school here and their boat "Smidgeon" rests at anchor in the harbor. Kenny asked about "Opal" and we updated them on all the changes at CYC and in Knoxville. They say “Hi” to everybody, especially Lloyd Parker. They had a special message for Lloyd. . .”tell him to come on down.” SECRETARY’S REPORT Bonnie McCormick mbmccormick@charter.net Welcome new member! Dan Tankersley ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Single Retired Recently purchased a Crawford Melonseed 13’ Plays guitar & mandolin Three grown children & six grandchildren Interested in day sailing Charles J. Meyer Meyersail@aol.com or 675-5366 We will try to get the C.M.Y.R.A. started again Saturday April 5th 2008 at 1:00 PM. I will set up a racecourse for practice racing. We will meet at the clubhouse at There were no resignations or requests for Inactive Status this month. 1:00 PM to organize the club if there is enough interest. Current Membership Count 198 Active • 12 Honorary • 7 Students Total Membership Count: 217 24 Inactive Members April 2008 No. 438 6 Saturday, April 5th, from 9AM until noon at the Club. Several of the club's more experienced racers will lead sessions on a variety of relevant topics, such as basic rules, starting and finishing, upwind and downwind sailing, and how handicaps work and races are scored. All are welcome. No registration is necessary. Just be at the club at 9 a.m. April 5. For information contact R.G. Smithson at 599-6054 or rsmithso@utk.edu. Please note that this clinic DOES NOT qualify as CYC work hours. I want to thank all those that participated in the March 22, 2008 work party. I realize that our valued and esteemed Rear Commodore was missing and I could never take his place but I appreciate everyone stepping up to the plate and that "get er done" attitude. Our thanks also go to those hardy sailors who determined that CYC has enough water hose to go across the lake to Francis Perey's home. Now we know why our water bill has been so high. What can be said about the picnic tables? Wow! Hopefully the grass will be green again by 4th of July. NASA astronauts, from the space station, have been hard at work decoding the letters we made in the grass (now you know where your hard earned tax dollars go). To those sailors that set a new record for the height of a bonfire, errrrr I mean weenie roast, the grass will grow back someday. And I'm sorry none of the board members got lunch, (yeah right) so that concludes my report of the March 22nd work party. The worst casualty was, we ran out of BEEEEEEERRRRRR. Thanks for all your help! Your poorly acting Rear, Ross Ramsey April 2008 No. 438 7 May 17th & 18th – The Dutch Treat CYC. This is one of the oldest Regatta’s in our Club’s history! will be held at I need some volunteers to help with the Dutch Treat. Here is what you can do for our Club in exchange for some valuable work hours: Someone to help with the welcoming party on Friday night. Registration on Saturday Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday as well as lunch on the same days, Dinner and the music for Saturday night Everyone is invited to come and hang out on Saturday night. Help support this event. I have sent out e-mails to many of the class president's, with the hope of having a large turnout. Randy Schonagen Please let me know what you can do for our Club and the regatta. rstulley@msn.com The University of Tennessee Sailing Club placed first in its home regatta for the third time in 3 semesters. The practice that we get on the JY-15’s definitely shows when sailing on our home lake. Thanks for letting us host the regatta and all the help! We also just got back from Key West, and our spring break trip was a huge success. 35 sailors enjoyed fun in the sun for 5 days in Key West before sailing back to Punta Gorda, FL. Unfortunately, we came back to 40 degree weather and snow flurries! As it warms up we are looking forward to racing in the Wednesday evening dinghy races and teaching the new people to sail on Thursdays. Currently we are ranked 3rd in our district of 11 schools and will be traveling to Eckerd in St. Petersburg, FL for the spring dinghy championship regatta on April 5th. Wish us luck! Chris Smith, UT Sailing President Csmith96@utk.edu April 2008 No. 438 8 YOUTHS AGES 8 - 15 YEARS June 2 - June 27, 2008 Four - One Week sessions 11600 South Northshore Drive • Knoxville, Tennessee Concord Sailing Center, Inc. invites girls & boys ages 8 through 15 years old to sign up for a week of sailing lessons during the month of June. Sail Camp is a series of four, one week long sessions from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Experienced and beginning students are welcome! Three classes of sail boats are used: Optimist, Sunfish and JY15 (a two person boat). All participants must know how to swim, and come prepared for a day on the lake and lakeside. Registration starts in March on the Concord Yacht Club’s website at: http://www.concordyachtclub.org/sailcamp/index.shtml Sail Camp starts at 9am with on the water drills, games & exercises. After 3:00pm we come ashore to swim and play games until 5:00pm. Dates: Fees: June 2-6: June 9-13: June 16-20: June 23-27: $50.00 +$170.00 +$55.00 +$40.00 $315.00 Advanced, Intermediate & limited number of Beginners Advanced, Intermediate & limited number of Beginners Intermediate & Beginning sailors Intermediate & Beginning sailors Deposit (non-refundable) Tuition (if member Concord Yacht Club $125) Boat Fee* (omit if providing an Opti, Sunfish, or JY15) Volunteer Fee* (omit if Adult volunteers 4 hours during camp) Per Week Total costs (no volunteering & needs a boat) As well, there is an Extended Sail program June 30th—July 3rd that provides additional time for a youth to get more sailing time. All instructors are U.S. Sailing Certified and boats are available if you don’t own one. To Register Online: http://www.concordyachtclub.org/sailcamp/index.shtml You can view pictures from previous years camp! Can’t get online? Call 691-0656 & we’ll mail you an application. April 2008 No. 438 9 Important Dates for Sail Camp 2008 Question: Suzi Richters @ 691-0656 May 8,9,10,11th US Sailing Level One Instructor Training at CYC, sign up via US Sailing website. Need 8 to make class meet May 18th (Sunday) PARENT MEETING/VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION 5:00 PM CYC 11600 S. Northshore Drive Knoxville TN 37922 671-01210 http://www.concordyachtclub.org June 1st To be announced STAFF TRAINING & ORIENTATION CPR and First Aid Training Session 1 Advanced, Intermediate Sailors & some Beginners June 2nd, Monday: Day 1 Group Photo #1 June 6th, Friday: Regatta, Awards, and Pizza Session 2 Advanced, Intermediate Sailors & some Beginners June 9th, Monday: Day 1 - Group Photo #2 June 13th, Friday: Regatta, Awards, Cookout Session 3 Intermediate & Beginner Sailors June 16, Monday: Day 1 - Group Photo #3 June 18, Wednesday: Big Boat Ride (weather) June 20, Friday: Sailing Parade and Pizza, Awards Session 4 Intermediate & Beginner Sailors June 23, Monday: Day 1 - Group Photo # 4 June 25, Wednesday: Big Boat Ride (weather) June 27, Friday: Sailing Parade, Awards, Cookout Camp Clean Up: Saturday, June 28th staff returns - put fleets away, return camp facilities, equipment to proper places. Clean & file reports. Volunteers are welcome & will be put to good use helping clean up after camp. Lunch will be on CSC in thanks for your great work. Extended Sail Program: June 30 - July 3rd Sail Campers can return to brush up on skills learned or finish off an incomplete Red Book skill. ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. More information is available at Sail Camp. A Farragut Sailors took 5th in the Gold Regatta at Lake Norman—will sail in the District Champs Regatta at the Florida Yacht Club, Jacksonville, on April 5-6th. TEAM FARRAGUT: Kevin Wright, Nick Petersen, John Lindahl, Amy Benefield, and Annie Peretz Above Left: Annie and John Below Left: Nick and Amy April 2008 No. 438 10 May 8 11, 2008 at CYC This course is designed for sailing instructors who will be teaching beginners how to sail on din‐ ghies, catamarans or small, day sailing keelboats. This 4‐day course covers sports psychology, sports physiology, lesson planning, classroom, on‐the‐water teaching techniques and adverse weather activities. Additionally, instructors are evaluated on their sailing and safety boat skills. The instructor will learn how to teach more safely, effectively, and creatively. Small Boat Sailing Instructor courses provide insight into the nuances of teaching sailing, the role of the instructor, some of the legal ramifications involved, analysis of teaching style and practical applications. Applicants must be 16 years old to enroll in the course. However, you must be 18 years old to become a "fully certi‐ fied US Sailing Instructor". If you are interested in taking the training course and would like more information and application forms please visit the US Sailing Training Web site at: http:// www.ussailing.org/training The level 1 Instructor Course registration for CYC/CSC May 8‐11 is posted on the US Sailing web. To register go to: http://www.ussailing.org/training/Instructors/InstructorCourses.asp Registration is on a first come first serve basis. Prior experience in operating a safety boat IS re‐ quired. This skill will NOT be taught. Important Notes for Level 1 Instructor course candidates: REGISTRATION FOR ALL US SAILING TRAINING COURSES ARE ON A FIRST PAY BASIS! ATTENDANCE AT ALL COURSE SESSIONS IS MANDATORY. ABSENCE FROM ANY PORTION OF THE COURSE EXCLUDES THE INSTRUCTOR CANDIDATE FROM EVALUATION. US SAILING individual membership required National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) Safe Boating certification is required. TN Safe Boating Course is available on‐line or through TWRA. Boat US has a free on‐line course that will satisfy the prerequisite. However, if you need to get the TWRA 600 (if you were born after 1/1/89 you should visit the TWRA website for courses available. Kerry Harkins Adult Learn to Sail kharkins@mindspring.com April 2008 No. 438 11 Join the crew! Visitors welcome: Who? boys and girls ages 14 to 21. And, adults, too. When? Saturday, April 5, 2:00 p.m. (1400 hours) Where? Concord Yacht Club For more information contact the ship at Email ship300sails@yahoo.com or leave a message at 980-0879. We will get back to you promptly. Learn to sail, improve your sailing, learn marlinspike seamanship, navigation, and some of the many facets of boat maintenance in an environment where messing around with boats is never “work.” Ship 300 needs adult advisers, too, willing to share what they know about sailing who are willing to meet with the youth on two Saturday afternoons per month [70% attendance is best] and occasionally participate with them in outings, overnight cruises, long cruises, etc. Youth travel with new confidence through the teen years into early adulthood in Sea Scouts. Other activities stop cold after high school; a few begin again in college to a more or lesser degree; Sea Scouts keep sailing and can become winners. As a matter of fact, college age Sea Scouts from Del Mar, California have won the International Sea Scout Sailing Cup in every challenge. George Hubbell, who convenes the Sea Scouts at CYC, said, “There resides in CYC youth the ability to win this regatta held under supervision of America‘s Cup champions, such as Bill Koch, Russell Coutts, Buddy Melges, and Dawn Riley to mention a few. The winning crew is permanently engraved on a 4-foot 10-inch solid silver exact replica of the America’s Cup. Each crew member receives a 10-inch tall miniature as a life long keepsake. “More importantly,” Hubbell says, “participants for a week sail together in competition against the wind and sea with youth from New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Scotland and England, to mention a few. They sail on their own and they make strategic decisions under intense conditions. When a skipper does not like a boat’s maneuver, he can file a protest. When a skipper does not like a race, he can file for redress. But, in each case a skipper better have studied and know what he or she is doing. Sailing is such a grand metaphor for life. In addition, Ship 300 members are able to participate in Thistle regattas somewhere in the South about every weekend in season, where they can learn from some of the finest sailors in this country. No foolin.‘ The opportunity is there and CYC kids can win. Just do your homework and, then, do it.” “Sea Scouts, spanning the world, share some common beliefs: That it is important to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent, each in their own way. Golly, if everyone followed these simple ideas, there would be peace in the world, wouldn’t there?” Hubbell said. April 2008 No. 438 12 Alcort Puffer (as is) - $900 and a trailer for $150 with it. Snark Sun Chaser II - $500 and a trailer for $150 with it. Both carry a main and jib in good condition. If interested in any of the above items contact: Ship 300 @ ship300sails@yahoo.com or (865) 980-0879. From the Harbormaster - If you have not requested a Summer Slip you need to do so ASAP. The slips are assigned by seniority in the order that they are received. If you request after April 15th you’ll have to take what’s left, regardless of seniority. 2008 CYC CONTACTS Luff Letter Sandra Ford-Johnson 531-3707 or 599-0751 sandrafj@comcast.net Clubhouse Reservations Elaine Proctor 671-8408 alan.proctor@tds.net Harbormaster Sandra Ford-Johnson 531-3707 or 599-0751 sandrafj@comcast.net Lift /Marine Railway Scheduling Phil Spurlin 988-3857 philips100@aol.com Phone Committee Sandra Ford-Johnson 531-3707 or 599-0751 sandrafj@comcast.net Presort Standard U S Postage Paid Permit #826 Knoxville TN 11600 Northshore Drive Knoxville, TN 37934
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