The LOG - Botany Bay Yacht Club
The LOG - Botany Bay Yacht Club
The LOG December 2014 The LOG December 2014 1 Commodore’s Report Dear Members, It is hard to believe that with Xmas approaching this will be the last issue of the LOG for 2014. It seems only yesterday that we were all excited about the start of the Summer sailing season and here we are nearing completion of the first half of the year. So far this year there have been no major issues confronting the club apart from the normal concerns of managing our expenditure and conducting our sailing programme. We are finding, however, that with our ageing infrastructure the club has to spend more funds than we would like to ensure that our property and plant is maintained in the proper manner. Having said that, it is comforting to note that at this stage we are coping financially. We are fortunate in having an extremely competent Treasurer in Fred Garside who devotes many hours of his time in managing our financial affairs. Fred is joined by Brian Christianson, RC, and Sailing Secretary Steve Hall who look after all our onwater activities and, like Fred, devote a large amount of time to the BBYC. It would be remiss of me not to mention the sterling efforts of our VC, Karen Ballantyne, and Honorary Secretary Peter Richardson who, together with our Board of directors, put in a large amount of their time for the benefit of the BBYC. As sailors will be aware we have a long break from sailing from the 20th December until 26th January. Given that a number of skippers have expressed interest in some on water activity during that period, I am proposing the Clayton's Commodore's Cup. It is intended to hold the event on January 10th 2015 with a course to be advised. In order for this event to take place there will be an entry form on the notice board and it is imperative that intended participants advise us via the entry form. The event will only happen if there is firm interest from members prior to the 20th December. Members should also be aware that our club is hosting the 50th National Endeavour Championships in March of 2015 which is next month! We are in need of volunteers who will not actually be participating in the event to assist with on and off water activities and therefore if you are able to help please advise either the Rear Commodore , Sailing Secretary or myself as soon as possible. One of our members, Kelly Ryan, has spent some time in hospital recently please join me in wishing her a speedy recovery. The LOG December 2014 2 It is with sadness that we note the passing of well-known club member Noel Garnett after a long illness. Noel will be very much missed around the club especially for his cheerful manner and his many contributions to our Club. Our sincere condolences go to Noel's family at this sad time. It remains only for me to wish all BBYC members and their families the very best for a happy and safe Xmas and a prosperous New Year. See you at the club Greg Lerond Commodore Endeavour 50th National & State Championships 2015 - 13 to 15 March Calling all Endeavour owners! We look forward to seeing you in March 2015 for the 50th Endeavour Yacht Association championships for E26, E27+ and E24. Please contact the EYAA or the Club if you'd like assistance finding an Endeavour to charter for the championships. Marie T (C.Marussich helm) leading Scallywag (K.Titmus) across the line in the last race of the 40th Anniversary of Endeavours National Regatta 2005. The LOG December 2014 3 Vale Noel Garnett Dear Members It is with regret that I have to inform you of the passing of Noel Garnett, a stalwart of the Club for many years. The owner of Hinemoa, a 30ft sloop, Noel passed away last Saturday. Noel will be fondly remembered for all his work around the Club, including his last contribution, the Club's distinctive pink Ladies’ toilet door and the more sedate blue Gentlemen's door. Noel's funeral was held on Friday, the 28th of November at 12pm at the South Chapel, Woronora Cemetery, Sutherland. Peter Richardson Honorary Secretary BBYC Noel taking a break from building our new ramp to the main pontoon. The LOG December 2014 4 Vice Commodore’s Report It’s fantastic to welcome some new entrants to the twilight series with Terry & Michael on Hop Step; Glenn & Javier on Jeeves; Col, Tony & Lowri on Young at Heart and Emma & Johnno on Spindrift. Thanks to Marc at AusSea Sailing School for donating a spinnaker course for the most improved twilight crew. Thanks to everyone who volunteered on Discover Sailing Day in light breezes. Great to welcome back some of our try sailors for a twilight sail. The Club's Christmas parties will be held on the final twilight on 19 December and final Saturday sail of the year on 20 December, so come down and join the celebrations. I hope you've got a fabulous festive season planned, whether you're heading to Hobart on Boxing Day, cruising out of the heads to check out the action, chilling out on your mooring, or just messing about on the water. Last New Year, Grant & I joined the cruising division for the fireworks just off Brighton Beach. It was way more relaxing than battling the crowds on the harbour - and our local 9pm display lasted heaps longer! If you don't yet have one of the BBYC 50th anniversary brag plates, with just a few weeks until Christmas, you'd better get on the water soon to race in our golden anniversary year! The first race of 2015 will be the 179th Australia Day regatta, which is always a great afternoon, tickets for the dinner are now on sale - get yours now for a special rate! The New Year twilight series will start on Friday 30 January, with the first race of the Saturday series on 31 January. WANTED: volunteers for Australia Day. The caterers are booked, but we're looking for some people to help set up and decorate or step behind the bar. Please give me a call if you can help. "Go Easy on the Drink" With the party season fast approaching Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) and the NSW Police are running a campaign to remind skippers to know their limit when drinking on the water. Maritime Director of RMS, Angus Mitchell says that the rules about the concentration of alcohol are the same on the water as on roads. "Any person operating a moving vessel can be breath-tested," Mr Mitchell said. Mr Mitchell said skippers needed to be aware the wind, waves and the sun could combine to multiply the effects of alcohol, which in turn could increase the chances of becoming disoriented and drowning. The LOG December 2014 5 Boating safety officers together with police officers will be doing random breath testing on NSW waterways this summer. There will also be a focus on lifejacket awareness. Saturday Galley Roster Shop for ingredients for bacon & egg rolls and your choice of after race snack and cook up a storm. Keep your receipt and claim petty cash at the bar. • • Sat 13 Dec: Stella Sat 20 Dec: Red Ned – Christmas celebration Friday Galley Roster Grant has volunteered to buy the ingredients, you just need to prep and keep things spic & span. • • Fri 12 Dec: Wasabi Fri 19 Dec: in The Mood – Christmas celebration If you can't make this date, please arrange a swap and let Karen know - thanks. RSA? Merry Christmas from your friendly volunteer bar staff! Got your RSA & want to join us? Please have a chat to Karen, our Vice Commodore. Merry Christmas Karen Ballantyne Vice Commodore The LOG December 2014 6 Rear Commodore’s Report To all members and skippers the Christmas break is almost upon us with only 3 races in the Saturday Series and 2 in the Twilights. The weather has not been kind for many of the races in both the Twilight and Saturday series with either no wind or strong gusty ones. The Friday Twilight series was looking poor at the start of the season with only 9 boats - then we had a fleet of 17. Great to see all those boats with many new members on the water. Nothing has changed, the Friday night series is supposed to be to encourage members to hone their skills and progress to the Saturday events. However, it is clear there is far more competitive spirit in the twilight series than in the Saturday racing, I am not sure of what sheep station they are trying to win. Skippers - how about a bit of chivalry coming back into this series. There have been considerable delays in the carrying out of some maintenance on the fixed marks and I will not bore you with the details but it has been a challenge to say the least. With luck they may be back in before Santa delivers this year. Our starter Doug puts a lot of time into servicing the Starters’ boat as well as being our main starter - thanks Doug. John Crouch had been making himself available, but is now having a few health problems, we hope he gets over them by Christmas. Bret as always is around to assist and I believe YA is about to elevate his starting status. New volunteer Alex Revilla There are many behind the scenes that help your Club run such as Garry & Kath who assist on the start boat and many other members who give that extra time to keep the Club running. The LOG December 2014 7 Tony Brauer has turned his hand to doing the race results if Steve Hall is not around, Kelly keeps an eye out and brings things to my attention that have slipped through the system. I have spoken to Ian McKay and he has just had his new knee fitted and hopes to be out of St George private come next Monday 9th or Tuesday 10th December he is in good spirits and said to say Hello to you all. The Twilights finish on Friday the 19th December and some prawns & kebabs will be on offering for those in attendance and the same applies for Saturday 20th the last race. There will be a list of jobs that require attention. They can be carried out on a working bee date or if you are available any time, could you put your name beside the operation you may be able to handle. For those of you I may not catch up with before Christmas, I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Brian Christenson Rear Commodore Sunken cruiser near StGMBC after big storm The LOG December 2014 8 179th Australia Day Regatta – Monday 26 January The Australia Day Regatta is proudly acclaimed as the oldest continuouslyconducted annual sailing regatta in the world. The regatta has been conducted each year since 1837 to commemorate the anniversary of the first European settlement of Australia. This is one of the highlights of the Australia Day celebrations with hundreds of vessels taking part in the Australia Day Regatta in Botany Bay and beyond. Join us for the 179th Australia Day Regatta. The race will start outside the Club, with a staggered start. All four divisions will sail the same transit course around Botany Bay for a close finish in Kogarah Bay. Race entry is $25 per yacht. …… Panther The Councillor’s Challenge Cup will also be held on 26 January. Council representatives will join BBYC members for the race around Botany Bay. Please let the Race Officer know if you'd like to host a Councillor. Ludichris After the regatta, invite your family and friends to join us at the BBYC for dinner and a fantastic view of the 9pm fireworks at Carss Bush Park. Tickets are now on sale at $30/adult. Pre-pay before 19th Jan and its just $25/adult & $15/child (under 12s). The menu includes tender roast beef, succulent roast lamb, hot jacket potatoes with lashings of sour cream, a selection of salads and fresh fruit pavlova. Please email the Club if you'd like to pay online. Ready for fireworks Ready for the Fireworks Photos show scenes from the 2014 regatta. The LOG December 2014 9 Ladies’ Day Great to see Wendy, Sarah & Shannon on Rhumbline. Shannon came all the way from the US. Lisa helmed Limerick to win the Norma Dicken trophy, ably assisted by crew member Grant. Will put his war paint on to crew F15 Wing(h)er. All fired up after ladies day - who needs a token male?! The LOG December 2014 10 New Members Dear BBYC Members, Please welcome to the Club the following members: Iveta Kecskesova; Lowri Pryce; Kate Maclean; Jane Kembrey; David O'Connell; Javier Artadi; Steven Penning and Michael Bastas. All new members get a membership card and a copy of the BBYC Club Handbook. If you do not have these, please email me at and I will arrange supply. I would like to take this opportunity to commend to all Club members the efforts of our Vice Commodore, Karen Ballantyne, in her tireless promotion of the Club. In spite of Karen's efforts though, out of over 140 members, we can only just get a quorum to our General Meetings. If the Club is to survive, we need to hear from our members and the GM is one of the places where you can contribute. Please come! Cheers Peter Richardson Honorary Secretary BBYC Enjoying après race afternoon tea on Ladies’ Day The LOG December 2014 11 Member Benefits For our new and not so new crew members, here are some of the benefits of BBYC membership: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Opportunity to sail at over 60 club activities a year, including year round racing and cruising. Eligibility to compete in events and races by complying with the Racing Rules of Sailing - Rule 55: Any crew member that sails in more than three races in any one sailing season shall be a member of a Club affiliated to Yachting NSW. Tender use at club events. Personal accident insurance cover to the value of $50,000 - see Hot showers! Ability to hire the club for your next celebration (hire fee applies). SLAM gear: 10% discount at Herrick Sails - show Graham your membership card. Australian Sailing+Yachting and Cruising Helmsman magazines: 40% off annual subscription. Call 1800 807 760 or visit For Australian Sailing+Yachting please quote ASC/ASYA, for Cruising Helmsman, quote ASC/CHYA. Tohatsu Outboards - up to 15% off selected outboard types at Sunsail bareboat charters - 5% discount. Call 1800 803 988 or visit and quote YACHT. Bausele: 15% off watches.Visit and quote YA15X. Nautica: 15% off first online order. Toga’s Australian Hotels: 5% off the best available rates at over 50 apartments and hotels. Call 13 TOGA to book and quote your Yachting Australia card number. Avis - special discounted rates on all domestic and international car hire. Call 136 333 or go to and quote Avis Worldwide Discount (AWD) number P843900. (Check Yachting NSW for alterations and updates). The LOG December 2014 12 PROFILE Member no. 51 Name: David Cradock Owner of: In Tune (Sonata 26) When did you join BBYC? “I joined in 2007, just after the purchase of In Tune and have been sailing twilights each season since then. It’s a great way to spend Friday evenings. I have spent a lot of time sailing on the bay. I also sail Lasers at Georges River and have been doing so for the past 14 years. With the Lasers we attend many of the masters regatta’s, States, Australian & occasionally the World’s when they are held in Australia.” Did you have a successful last season? “Not too sure about that one! I picked a win in the Australia Day regatta (Div A), one or two in the twilights and a fairly average season in the Laser, although in the Australian masters I had some top 10 results in the big breeze days, and some bottom 10 in the light stuff.” Do you sail with your family? “My family have all had some involvement in sailing, my wife Louise used to crew for me on a Hobie 16 many years ago, but with two on the wire, every time the lee bow went into a wave, skipper & crew ended up wrapped around the forestay, as a result Louise is only a fair weather sailor these days. My three children all learned to sail in Sabots at Georges River, but my youngest son Luke, is the only one sailing on a reasonably regular basis.” What does your sailing schedule look like this year? “This season’s agenda is fairly quiet, with only twilights and club Laser racing on the agenda, plus one Laser masters regatta in February. Hoping to get both boats going a little faster.” And your ultimate sailing goal? “I have been trying to win a cube at a Laser regatta, without much success, so will keep on trying. On a larger scale, a Hobart race has always been in the back of my mind, although I recently read a book “Team Spirit” by Brendan Hall who competed in the 2009-10 Clipper around the world race. That certainly sounded interesting and challenging, although the chances of obtaining a ten month leave pass are rather slim!!” The LOG December 2014 13 Discover Sailing Day Nearly 30 intrepid beginners came out for a day on the water. Skipper Danielle & 1st mate Steve on Wasabi (above and below) Wayfarer The LOG December 2014 14 Twilight Action Friday twilight racing is a great introduction to competitive sailing and the best way to start the weekend! Fantastic to see 17 yachts on the water with Hop Step &, Young at Heart, Jeeves and Spindrift all joining us for a sunset sail. Thanks to our sponsor, AusSea Sailing School, we've got a fantastic reward for the most improved crew/ entry in the Twilight Series. The lucky crew will be rewarded with an awesome spinnaker training day from AusSea Sailing School, valued at $695. With Marc's expert instruction you'll finesse trimming and gybing a kite to take your skills to the next level. Hot contestants for the prize so far: Hop Step &, Commi$$ion Sails, Dreamtime and Jeeves. Races start at 6:30pm, enjoy the camaraderie after the sun sets with a few drinks and dinner back at the Clubhouse. Steak, cooked just the way you like it, and salad $12. Veggie option is also available, order at the bar. Don't miss the Ladies skippers’ twilight race on 12 December. AusSea Sailing Thumbs up to Emma who has taken the plunge & is racing her E27, Spindrift. The LOG December 2014 15 Mark and the crew at twilight F15 match racing Some hard-fought, fast, neck to neck match racing between two F15s on the rippled waters of Kogarah Bay. Warren Browne (Ffirefly 3488) v. Kelly Ryan (Whinger 4055) The LOG December 2014 16 Spring The Spring Series is progressing well…… Congratulations to Dimitri & son George new owners of Farr Griffin …..despite the odd problem or two. Chris up the mast of Stella between sprint races. The LOG December 2014 17 In one of your correspondent’s rare appearances of late, I got a ride with Steve on Wasabi. Eager, was I, to contribute, though at a more sedate pace. Pull on a rope here; sip a beer there. Alas, not having looked at the racing schedule, imagine my dismay at discovering that far from a sedate sail, with sunny views, long legs (sailing, not Steve’s), and the odd fizzy drink, I would be involved in two frenetic, seat of the pants, all hands on deck sprint races. Oh, the horror, the horror. “Surely you jest!”, I hear you say. Well, probably, yes. Let me state for the record, then, that sailing, and all things marine, have provided me with the most memorable, enjoyable and fulfilling experiences in my life. I would thoroughly recommend this life, most particularly to those young people who find it difficult to compete at conventional sports and to those happy few for whom sea-sickness is rarely, if ever, a problem. I would like to publicly thank my former skippers: Paul Minter (Asterix), the late Past Commodore and founding member William Vine and his son Bruce (Southwinds II), Peter Young (Panther Too), Don and Margie McIntyre (Spirit of Sydney), Kelly Ryan and Warren Anderson (Wide Load), Michael Penney (Hocus Pocus), Greg Lerond (Final Obseession), David Wright (Marie T) Brian Christenson (Wundurra), Duncan Irvine (Stella), Stephen McLennan (Wasabi). Hope I did more good than harm. My thanks also to those who have occasionally given advice to this beginner – Ian McKay, David McKay, Warren Eggins, Kelly Ryan (“Warren Anderson always needs to ease the mainsheet and get the traveller up”), Colin Cole, Grant McKellar, Ian Short and others in the post-game chats around the bar. My especial thanks go to the late Ronald J. Walsh (Branch Office) and his sailmaster Sid Jones (though he would eschew such titles). Ron’s generosity and Sid’s knowledge allowed me to learn a lot quickly so that I was entrusted with the care of Branch Office and her crew in Ron’s absence, so that I could ship onto Spirit of Sydney as diver and watch captain on a clam project (’97 and ’99) with Townsville Aquarium Curator Paul Hough, and that I could deliver Wide Load back from Hobart then sail her in Sydney-Mooloolaba 2000. Editor The LOG December 2014 18 Cruising Division It’s party time and there are lots of opportunities to get out on our waterways and enjoy our beautiful Bay and surrounds. With a team from Aussea Sailing School, we are taking Vaya Con Dios up to the Harbour on Boxing Day … something to do with a 70th anniversary of a yacht race. Cruise along on your own boat if you would like join us. We are planning to leave the dock around 8:30 am and normally hover off the 1 mile turning mark. It’s pretty spectacular out there and not for the faint hearted. One hundred or so powerboats bearing down on you, with the helicopters above, and in between the yachts, require some good seamanship just to stay out of the way. But if you want a close-up of the Hobart boats, this is the best way to see them. Let me know if you would like to tag along, so we know who to look out for and make sure you get home OK. New Year’s Eve is a wild time on Sydney Harbour, but Botany Bay is a great place to see the fireworks. A barge will be anchored off Brighton Baths and in previous years an excellent display is provided at 9 pm. In the past years the fireworks go for about 20mins (longer than the display on the harbour). In previous years some boats have picked up a mooring at Towra, others anchored within a couple of hundred meters of the barge. Some people choose to head home after the display, some (like me) stay overnight at anchor and enjoy the sunrise of the first day of the New Year on the water. We will plan to leave the dock about 6pm, depending on the weather. Please let me know if you plan to join us so that we can account for all boats making it home safe on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s day. Fair winds and following seas Ian Anderson Phillip and Fay’s Wave Walker at anchor off Brighton on New Year’s Day 2014. The LOG December 2014 19 50th Anniversary Merchandise Last Chance Sale Members this is your last chance to celebrate BBYC's 50th anniversary and take home a life-long memento of this significant milestone in our club’s history. You will look great too while gearing up for Summer. • • • • 50th Anniversary Polo Shirts short sleeve $30.00 (normally $40.00) 50th Anniversary Ladies Shirts short sleeve - $30.00 (normally $40.00) 50th Anniverary Sailing Shirts long sleeve $33.00 (normally $45.00) 50th Anniversary Caps - $15.00 (normally $25.00) Or • Buy the whole Kit and get another 5% off while stocks last. Wear them with pride and show your support for your club. Regards Fred Fred Garside Hon. Treasurer The LOG December 2014 20 Why a marine radio? The proliferation of smart phones and mobile communication devices in recent years has given the recreational mariners a false sense of security, and misplaced belief that such devices are a suitable replacement for marine radio transceivers. After all, these devices are convenient and not only provide voice communication but also allow messaging and access to the internet, where one can find the latest weather forecast and other safety related information. As a bonus, many such devices have a built-in GPS receiver and can pinpoint the user’s position and present it on a detailed map. With improvement in technology and expansion of the mobile network, the often cited limitations of coverage and battery life are also becoming increasingly irrelevant further blurring the distinction between mobile phones and radio transceivers. No matter how advanced your smart phone it will never be a suitable replacement for your VHF transceiver for two very crucial reasons. Radio Transceivers: (a) are autonomous devices, and (b) they can broadcast signals to everyone within range. In a distress situation your best hope is the nearest vessel. If you have a radiotransceiver, an antenna, and a charged battery, you can broadcast your signal to everyone who is listening on the same frequency and is within range. Your mobile phone is a carrier-based device which only provides one-to-one connection. You must pay a carrier to deliver your signal to one other person. If the carrier is out of action, because the cyclone that hit you also swept away the telephone towers, then the only creatures you can talk to would probably be the sharks circling your boat! From the Office of Maritime Communications. The LOG December 2014 21 Merry Christmas to all our Readers The LOG December 2014 22
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