The LOG - Botany Bay Yacht Club
The LOG - Botany Bay Yacht Club
The LOG October 2014 The LOG October 2014 1 Commodore’s Report Dear members, It had seemed like an eternity since we last spent a Saturday afternoon bashing around the Bay but the new season is upon us with several races having been completed so far. Unfortunately 2 races have been abandoned due to marks having moved. However the RC will comment in his report. Things have been very quiet around the club since the 50th Anniversary dinner was held a couple of weeks ago and therefore there is not a lot to report in this LOG. Our General Meetings held in July, August and September were well attended by members, the highlight being a sailing rules seminar conducted by our own Tony Dillon who, as most of you know, is a highly qualified and experienced yachtsman. Tony fielded many questions from members on all matters relating to yacht racing ranging from barging at the start to how many VB’s can be consumed during a race. Judging by member’s comments after the meeting, the Rules night can be regarded as a success. Tony has kindly consented to give a repeat performance at our next General Meeting which should be a highlight. On behalf of our members, to Tony, thank you for your time. Many thanks to all those who organized the 50th Anniversary dinner and in particular our Vice Commodore Karen and Board member Grant who both put in a great deal of their time into ensuring that the evening was as successful as it turned out to be. For those members who have not attended the General Meetings this year, you will no doubt be pleased to learn that our various Flag Officers’, together with the Treasurer’s and Secretary’s reports have been very positive regarding matters involving the wellbeing of the BBYC. Their reports confirm my comments in the last LOG that the club is financially sound, that on water activities are proceeding well, and that membership is stable with a bright future. You may be aware that there is general concern among boat owners at the reluctance of insurance companies to insure yacht’s on swing moorings. Many, if not most, insurers have either quit the swing mooring market or increased premiums substantially. Therefore, at a future General Meeting it is proposed that a representative from the Club’s insurance broker be in attendance to outline the current state of marine insurance. Should you have any queries on marine insurance, I am sure you would find that meeting to be of value. The LOG October 2014 2 Our starter, Ian McKay, has left St. George hospital and is at home recovering from a knee operation and we look forward to seeing him on deck soon. I note that our Rear Commodore Brian has been busy overhauling various marks around the Bay, particularly Brighton and Airport marks, which should make our race navigation much easier. Finally don’t forget the commencement of the Flying Fifteen regatta sailed twice a Month on Sundays commencing 26th November where sailors will get an opportunity to Skipper and also crew on one of the yachts See you around the club Greg Lerond Commodore New Life Member At the recent 50th Presentation Night, Chris Mifsud was declared Life Member. We thank Chris for his continuous support of the Club over the past years. Our newest life member, Christopher Misfud enjoying the celebrations with wife Connie. The LOG October 2014 3 Vice Commodore’s Report Summer Friday twilights are back!! Welcome to Hop Step & with Terry and Michael out on the water for the first twilight race and most Saturdays. The first race of the summer was a gorgeous evening and it’s great to see some new crew out on the water, including our newest life member, Chris, back sailing. Please make anyone you don’t recognise welcome and start a conversation by simply saying hello and asking if they’re coming for a sail. Twilight races start at 6pm during October and 6:30pm from November. First Summer Twilight Discover Sailing Day is coming soon. We’d love your help to welcome potential new crew on Sunday 26 October. Please let me know if you’re available as a skipper, crew or part of the friendly registration team welcoming new sailors from the age of 8 to 80. Please promote the event to your networks – there is a link from to register online, or send us an email to let us know who’s coming. There’s no cost to discover sailing or try twilight sailing. After a couple of twilights or bay races, it’s time to join the Club. BBYC crew membership enables you to comply with the racing rules of sailing (Rule 56) for just $130/year. I hope you enjoyed the celebrations of our Club’s 50th anniversary at our presentation dinner. It was a Stella night indeed! I was delighted to meet ‘Peter Young – son of Frank Young and our first junior member’ (The Log, December 1967) and to catch up with old friends like Bobby & Kimlei who came back to Sydney for the occasion. Thanks to the fantastic volunteers that made the night such a success, especially to Grant, who only stepped out from behind the bar to collect some silverware, Fred for helping set up and Greg for turning up the morning after to set the Club back to rights. To mark the occasion Tony Brauer has also produced a special 50th anniversary blue book. Ordinary and crew members - don’t forget to pick up your copy! It includes sailing instructions, course maps and the schedule of events for 2014/15. It would be awful to get to the first mark and not know where the second one is (you know who you are!!). Congratulations to our 2 newest RSA holders - Fred has just requalified and yours truly. If you and your crew have ever found yourself waiting at the bar, maybe it’s time to do yours?! Let me know if you’re interested or if you secretly already hold an RSA. See you on the water, Karen World E26 champion (it’s all about the crew ) The LOG October 2014 4 NSW Youth Championships Thanks to our race officers for volunteering to support the NSW Youth Championships over the long weekend. There were 8 classes including optimists, lasers, 420s and 29ers and the kids look like they had a ball Discover Sailing Sunday 26 October 2014 Know someone that might like to try sailing? Encourage them to come along from 10am on Sunday 26 October. Anyone as young as 8 years old can register online via Kids should bring along mum or dad. Volunteers and boats wanted to support discover sailing day, including people to welcome new sailors to the club and talk through their questions, skippers, crew and someone to man the bar- please let Karen know your availability from 9am to 4pm. The LOG October 2014 5 BBYC in the News Secret Suburb: Sydney’s Sans Souci is bathed in a rich history of saltwater, surf and sailing. ‘“Rock up on a Friday evening, introduce yourself and you’re certain to get a ride on a boat with anyone headed out for a twilight cruise,” explains Colin Cole, former Commodore of the Botany Bay Yacht Club.’ A great article in the Sunday Telegraph about the secret suburb of Sans Souci featured our Club and a cracking photo of Col. Visit the Club's website for a link to the story. Not to be outdone, our Vice Commodore will shortly be interviewed by BBC radio in connection with Bart's Bash! View the full article at: e910d9 Photo credit: Jenifer Jagielsk. The LOG October 2014 6 Presentation Night Winter Series 2013 Wundurra Brian Christenson Stingray Greg Lerond Planit Tony Passmore Spring Series Stella Wundurra Red Ned Tony Brauer Brian Christenson Brian Leverton Summer Series 2013/14 Stella Tony Brauer Stingray Greg Lerond Tic Tacs Peter Ashton YANSW President’s Trophy E. Merrington Trophy John Slattery Trophy Founder’s Trophy A Stella performance The LOG October 2014 7 New Year Series 2014 Stella Tony Brauer Stingray Greg Lerond Tic Tacs Peter Ashton Sprint Series 2013/14 Red Ned Brian Leverton Limerick Grant Ballantyne Stingray Greg Lerond Eric Gamble Memorial Trophy Jim Mitchell Trophy Transit Series 2013/14 Planit Anthony Passmore Tass Economos Trophy Red Ned Brian Leverton Stockade Team Stockade Endeavour Series 2013/14 Tics Tacs Peter Ashton Blys Warren Browne Wundurra Brian Christenson Gardner Trophy Flying Fifteen Series 2013/14 Miss Behaving Kelly Ryan Our fantastic MC John with Dorothy Dorothy accepting plaque for 2nd place in the 50th anniversary non spinnaker division for Tarni II The LOG October 2014 8 Twilight Series 2013/14 Limerick Grant Ballantyne Larry Lucock Trophy In the Mood Marc Van Dinther Miss Concepcion George Reed A boat once sailed in the twilight But that was not really the highlight She had a young crew Of which there were two Plus an old fella steering by moonlight Spring Twilight Series 2013 Miss Concepcion George Reed Jim Burrell Memorial Trophy Limerick Grant Ballantyne In the Mood Marc Van Dinther New Year Twilight Series 2013 Tics Tacs Peter Ashton Limerick Grant Ballantyne Blys Warren Browne The LOG October 2014 Steve Hall Trophy 9 Commodore’s Trophy 2013 Planit Anthony Passmore David Holloway Trophy 2013 Tic Tacs Peter Ashton 50th Anniversary Race (spinnaker division) Vaya Con Dios Ian Anderson Red Ned Brian Leverton Stella Tony Brauer 50th Anniversary Race (non-spinnaker division) In the Mood Marc Van Dinther Tarni II John Clingan Windy Point Peter Bennett James Morgan was “In the Mood” to collect the 50th anniversary race and twilight trophies on behalf of AusSea Sailing School Australia Day Regatta 2014 Councillors’ Cup 2014 Wundurra Ron Bezic, Rockdale Red Ned Geoff Stevenson, Randwick Vaya Con Dios Peter Towell, Sutherland The LOG October 2014 10 Division A In Tune In the Mood Endless Summer David Craddock Marc Van Dinther Justin O'Bryan Division B Juanita Dreamtime Ludichris Glyn Jones Barry Elliott Chris Warner Division C Panther Red Ned Stockade Stephen O'Rourke Brian Leverton Team Stockade Endeavour Division Wundurra Brian Christenson Tic Tacs Peter Ashton Limerick Grant Ballantyne Single Handed Race 2013 Miss Behaving Kelly Ryan Miss Concepcion Jeremy Manion Alan Duffield Memorial Trophy Kelly ships a heavy gun – the Alan Duffield Memorial Trophy. The LOG October 2014 11 Double Handed Race 2013 Miss Concepcion George Reed Miss Behaving Kelly Ryan Crew Member of the Year Tom Dwan Club Member of the Year Garry Ford Club member of the Year Garry Ford appears very pleased to receive an award from the Vice Commodore Improvers Trophy 2013 Grant Ballantyne Roy Gilkes Trophy Mud Crab Award Wundurra Brian Christenson Youngest in Club? Peter Young (first junior member), Colin Cole (former Commodore) and Kyle McKellar (junior member). The LOG October 2014 12 Galley Roster October Thank you to the following galley crews: Fri 10: Spring twilight #1 18:00 Sat 11: Transit Series race #1 13:30 Fri 17: Spring twilight #2 18:00 Sat 18: Sprint series races #1&2 13:30 Fri 24: Spring twilight #3 18:00 Sat 25: Spring Series race #5 13:30 Sun 26: Discover sailing day from 10:00 Fri 31: Spring twilight #4 18:00 novice skippers race Sat 25 Oct: Planit Sat 1 Nov: Hop Step & Sat 8 Nov: Rhumbline IV Sat 15 Nov: Dreamtime Sat 22 Nov: Windy Point Sat 29 Nov: Limerick Can’t do this date? Please arrange a swap and let me know. Thank you Karen The LOG October 2014 Calendar November Sat 1: Spring series race #6 13:30 Sun 2: F15 match racing 1300 Fri 7: Spring twilight #5 18:30 Sat 8: Spring series race #7 13:30 Fri 14: Spring twilight #6 18:30 Sat 15: Spring series race #8 13:30 Sun 16: F15 match racing 1300 Fri 21: Spring twilight #7 18:30 Sat 22: Transit series race#2 13:30 Sun 23: Ladies day 13:00 Sat 29: Sprint series races #3&4 13:30 13 Rear Commodore’s Report Hope you all had great sailing in the various series including those members of the Twilights - a non-spinnaker series. This series is for those who wish to gain experience, and possibly to sail in the Saturday races. However, from my experience it is anything but that, with the calls of “starboard”, “up” and loud expletives that make the Saturday fleet seem like a bunch of pussies. All the previous series – Winter 2013, Spring, Summer and Joint, and most of the Twilights - were pretty well favoured by good sailing weather but not the Winter 2014 series with some of the last races being cancelled because of the weather warnings. Kelly Ryan was the winner with excellent sailing and showing the potential of a little yacht over the much bigger boats - not much help for older and not so athletic skippers and crew. Stockade came in second on a count back and Wundurra scraped in third place. The Presentation night 19th July held after the last Winter race was a great success the Vice Commodore must be congratulated on being the spearhead of organizing this event and top marks to those who assisted in the preliminary setup of the dining room, the catering, Grant in the bar, John Clingham for being the MC, Gary Ford and all the others she had in helping - for once I never heard a complaint.I was asked to hand out the Trophies and it was a pleasure as I had been Commodore in that year. In the off season it is difficult to arrange much activity however we have serviced the 2 buoys used for the twilight series, and hopefully will have the 5 marks in the bay serviced before the first race and it is anticipated the tall YA type mark will be laid at the airport No.3 mark making it easier to find. I have discussed and consider changing the mark at Captain Cook to a small mark and when refurbished the other YA mark could be installed at the Novatel No.2 which is another mark difficult to pinpoint. We have our Aquatic Licence for the ensuing season. Doug Warner is looking after us as starter with assistance from John Crouch & Ian Anderson Brian Christenson Rear Commodore. The LOG October 2014 14 Little Buoy Lost The tireless efforts of the Rear Commodore behind the scenes to help our club run smoothly are appreciated by all, especially the maintenance of our five fixed marks scattered around Botany Bay. However, a small issue arose during the 'Bart's Bash' race, which was held on Sunday, 24 September. A number of our members enjoyed a fantastic afternoon racing against 763 clubs in 68 countries in the world's largest sailing regatta! A race course was set from the Club to the Quibray Bay Mark (#5) and back again to the Club. The problem? Mark #5 was missing in action! Like true sportsmen and women, however, the participants agreed to turn together somewhere near where our mark should have been and race home. After some close racing, Limerick was champion of Botany Bay on the day. Congratulations to Karen Ballantyne, who is now officially the fastest Endeavour 26 skipper in the world, with Nick and Grant doing some nifty crew work. Awesome sailing too from Finn and Louisa Van Dinther, with a little help from James Morgan, this trio are the world's fastest rookie J24 sailors on the planet, helming Riff Raff to fifth place in the Australian J24 division! As evidenced by this photo, we are very fortunate that Paul Tranter, a former rugby mate of Tony Brauer, happened to be taking a romantic stroll along Kurnell Beach with his wife that afternoon and spotted what looked like "a very lonesome looking buoy" that obviously needed rescuing from the shallows. Our #5 "little buoy lost" had been found! Thank you Paul and Tony. The LOG October 2014 15 The Endeavour Regatta - A Slightly Different View Well, the 49th Endeavour Regatta is well behind us and next year will be the 50th tilt at the windmill. In hindsight, some will rant about the wonderful weather we had, the (yet again) magnificent volunteers, the on water competition, and they will no doubt crow about the BBYC boats that graced the winners circle. All true. On the other hand, a cynical man, when referring to the racing results, would say that considering that we are the home of the Endeavours, that one of our members helped build many of them, that we were on our home water and that we have oodles of experience sailing them.....well, we did no better than should be expected. But I’m not known throughout the Club as a cynical man. Or am I? There are lots of things that go into a successful regatta and to push an oft quoted statement of late “If you don’t get it right on the water....” Sure there is the background work, notably by the Honorary Race Secretary Steve Hall, but the real action on the water is critical and that means the Starter (or Starting Team to be totally correct). Ian McKay’s name may not be synonymous with the great Tass Economos but he is way ahead of whoever could challenge for third place! And as expected, but rarely happens, the old curmudgeon is training Will Hamilton, Brett Cooney and, of late, Doug Warner in the traditions and black arts that he The LOG October 2014 16 has learnt during his enormously long association with the Club as a Starter’s Assistant, Starter, Director or Flag Officer. I had the privilege of being at the AGM when Ian was granted Honorary Life membership. Amid the standing ovation, I saw tears in his eyes, red embarrassment on his face and they were not needed for the honour was well deserved (and perhaps I’m just beginning to understand that!). Our new Race Officials have much to learn but have taken the bit between their teeth and will perhaps eventually stand on the podium beside the like of Tass and Ian. It is a long road ahead but they are willing, show great devotion to the Club and to the “Art of the Starter”. My forecast is that all will be well “on the water” and the Club will continue to be served by a great Starting Team. I would have thrown Brian Christenson, Steve Hall, Kelly Ryan and myself into the mix as the twilight race starters but we usually manage to muck something up! Don’t knock it - it’s rapidly becoming a Friday night tradition! Rex Jarman The LOG October 2014 17 Hamilton Island Race Week There was plenty of sunshine for the BBYC members that headed up to Hamilton Island this year. Grant McKellar, Kyle and Trevor had a great regatta on and off the water sailing Stephen Barlow's Farr 40 Forty (pictured) to win IRC Division 2. Photo: Andrea Francolin They were far enough in the lead to sit out the final race, a lucky break as the day before they had a damaged rudder bearing and had about 100 buckets of water in the bilge, so they spent the day on the hardstand for repairs. Even more fortunate they had a crack Endeavour Marine Services shipwright on board :) Stephen O'Rourke's Panther took second place in the Melges 32 division, with Anthony Passmore's Planit in 6th place in the performance racing division. Boat Licence Course Congratulations to the 25 members who recently passed their power boat licence course. Thanks to the team from Roads and Maritime and volunteers Fred Garside, Will Hamilton and Gary Ford who coordinated the training and hospitality. Practical boat handling training is available most Saturday afternoons on the Club's sharkcat. If you'd like to put your boat handling skills to good use, consider volunteering as a race officer. There are two half day club race officer courses coming up, Sunday 19 October or Sunday 16 November at Middle Harbour Yacht Club. Register at or talk to the Rear Commodore or Race Secretary. The LOG October 2014 18 Cruising Division Barry & the crew of Dreamtime took advantage of a non-rainy winter’s weekend and cruised to Jibbon for a picnic. The LOG October 2014 19
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