MV2010D0053 - Dyke Delineation Work at Snap Lake Mine
MV2010D0053 - Dyke Delineation Work at Snap Lake Mine
March 29th, 2011 File: L020 Tracy Covey Resource Management Officer, III, Snap Lake South and Mackenzie District 16 Yellowknife Airport Yellowknife, NT. X1A 3T2 Re: Dyke Delineation Work at Snap Lake Mine Dear Mr. Covey, Snap Lake Mine is proposing to do seismic investigations. The objective is to image, with meter resolution the location of the kimberlite dyke, estimated to be located at ~450 to 625m below the surface in the region of the 2011 survey. The first phase will use boreholes drilled from the lake, through the ice, and must therefore be completed before the ice melts. Phase 1 of this activity has previously been submitted to the Inspector and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for approval. The second phase will be conducted in boreholes on land and will comprise both crosshole and Walkaway VSP (WVSP) surveys. A surface seismic line will also be measured along one of the WVSP lines, to provide a direct comparison between the capabilities of the two layouts. Upon evaluating the results of this comparison, a subset of the surface-to-hole measurements may be supplemented by or converted into surface seismic lines. DE BEERS CANADA INC. SUITE 300, 5101-50th AVENUE, YELLOWKNIFE, NT X1A 3S8 TEL 1 (867) 766-7300 FAX 1 (867) 766-7347 The assumption is that twelve vertical and inclined boreholes ( Figure 1. Location of the drill-holes listed in Error! Not a valid bookmark selfreference.. Only 12 drill-holes will be drilled and used for the planned seismic survey. Table 1) will be drilled and can be used for cross-hole and/or WVSP surveys. The land based drilling will commence on April 20th, 2011. DE BEERS CANADA INC. SUITE 300, 5101-50th AVENUE, YELLOWKNIFE, NT X1A 3S8 TEL 1 (867) 766-7300 FAX 1 (867) 766-7347 Figure 1. Location of the drill-holes listed in Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference.. Only 12 drill-holes will be drilled and used for the planned seismic survey. Table 1. Planned drill-holes for the 2011 seismic survey at Snap Lake. W3 has alternate on land that is L3, so that either W3 or L3 will be drilled, not both. For the benefit of the seismic imaging program preference should be given to drilling L3 (on land) so that the hole will be accessible also after the ice melts. Top of hole Bottom of hole Hole HOLE-ID AZIM DIP LEN Northing Easting Elev Northing Easting Elev Land/Lake 1 Surf_11_W1 - -90 500 53820 8750 440 53820 8750 -60.0 Snap Lake 2 Surf_11_W2 - -90 575 53820 9150 440 53820 9150 -135.0 Snap Lake 3 Surf_11_W3 - -90 550 53820 8970 440 53820 8970 -110.0 Snap Lake 3 Surf_11_L3 -90 550 53890 8970 442 53890 8970 -108.0 Land 4 Surf_11_L4 - -90 525 54090 8750 443 54090 8750 -82.0 Land 5 Surf_11_L5 - -90 550 54070 8980 442 54070 8980 -108.0 Land 6 Surf_11_L6 - -90 575 53780 9390 444 53780 9390 -131.0 Land 7 Surf_11_L7 240 -75 650 54300 9070 447 54215.4 8924.1 -180.7 Land 8 Surf_11_L8 - -90 620 54420 8950 446 54420 8950 -174.0 Land 9 Surf_11_L9 - -90 650 54220 9350 445 54220 9350 -205.0 Land DE BEERS CANADA INC. SUITE 300, 5101-50th AVENUE, YELLOWKNIFE, NT X1A 3S8 TEL 1 (867) 766-7300 FAX 1 (867) 766-7347 10 Surf_11_L10 140 -75 675 54540 11 Surf_11_L11 200 -75 600 54550 12 Surf_11_L12 - -90 600 54620 9040 450 54406.0 9152.7 -201.9 Land 8810 450 54403.6 8757.0 -129.5 Land 8150 450 54620 8150 -150.0 Land During the seismic portion of the study, crosshole measurements will be made firstly with the source in borehole Surf_11_L5 and three component receivers in boreholes Surf_11_L4 and Surf_11_L3 and secondly with the source in borehole Surf_11_L8 and three component receivers in boreholes Surf_11_L7, Surf_11_L10 and Surf_11_L11. WVSP measurements will be made in boreholes Surf_11_L4 (one profile), Surf_11_L12 (one optional profile), Surf_11_L11 (one profile), Surf_11_L7 (one profile), Surf_11_L10 (one profile), Surf_11_L9 (one profile), Surf_11_L5 (one profile) and Surf_11_L6 (one profiles). A surface 2D survey will be conducted along the line connecting boreholes Surf_11_L4 and Surf_11_L7. The intention is to record signals from 240 geophones planted at 2m intervals. The completion time for each cross-hole and WVSP panel is estimated to one week. Error! Reference source not found. summarizes possible configurations of the proposed seismic surveys in both Phase 1 and Phase 2. DE BEERS CANADA INC. SUITE 300, 5101-50th AVENUE, YELLOWKNIFE, NT X1A 3S8 TEL 1 (867) 766-7300 FAX 1 (867) 766-7347 Borehole Seismic Source The SPH sources work based on the Swept Impact Seismic Technique (SIST). A series of impacts are produced at time intervals varying from 50 to 150 impacts/second. The energy per each impact is ~3J -5 J.The sequence of impacts is recorded as a 30 s sweep. The central frequency at the receiver end can be app. 1 - 3 kHz and the bandwidth is app. [500 – 4000] Hz, depending on the type of coupling and on the physical properties of the rock. The MH64 produces impacts of ~ 100J at a rate of one impact every 1s-2 s and is a typical 'vertical stack' source, whereas records of subsequent impacts are added together to increase the overall energy. The reason for proposing two sources for Phase 1 is the insufficiently well known characteristics of the dyke and especially of its boundaries. Lower frequencies may have in integrating effect over asperities and irregularities and improve the resolution of the target image. Surface Seismic Source The compact VIBSIST-500 distributed impact surface source will be used for the WVSP and 2D measurements. The host vehicle is the diesel powered Ramrod 1150. The VIBSIST is a multi-impact time-distributed seismic source based on the Swept Impact Seismic Technique (SIST). It uses a modified hydraulic rock-breaker, powered through a computer controlled flow regulator. The VIBSIST-500 can easily be disassembled in two elements each weighing less than 2200 Lb and transported to the work site by helicopter. The RAMROD1150 mini skidder will be used as carrier vehicle for the VIBSISST500 source. 'Turf-tred' tracks have no lug pattern thus preserves turf. More Information on the RAMROD1150 can be found in Appendix 1 of this document. Borehole Receivers The RD-XYZ geophone receiver chain will be used for the measurements. The tool is equipped with 24 geophones with 28Hz natural frequency placed in 8 modules with 3 orthogonal components. The distance between levels is 10 m. A linear response is expected in the 30 - 2000 Hz band. Each module is equipped with a clamping arm, which is operated independently. DE BEERS CANADA INC. SUITE 300, 5101-50th AVENUE, YELLOWKNIFE, NT X1A 3S8 TEL 1 (867) 766-7300 FAX 1 (867) 766-7347 Vibrometric Recording Unit A 24-bit PC-based acquisition system will be used to record the cross-hole and VSP data. The Summit II plus Surface Distributed Acquisition System The acquisition system proposed for the surface measurements is the Summit II distributed seismic. Time Schedule The planned duration of the cross-hole survey is estimated to forty two days (thirty six) effective for seven cross-hole sections. One cross-hole section is estimated to be measured in six days, including equipment setup on boreholes and take-off. The planned duration of the WVSP survey is estimated to fifty four days (forty eight) effective for nine WVSP lines. One WVP line is estimated to be measured in six days, including equipment setup on boreholes and take-off. The planned duration of the 2D survey, to be measured at the same time with one of the WVSP lines, is estimated to two days for receivers setup and five days for actual data acquisition. Adherence to Land Use Permit and Water License No permanent structures will remain in place once the project is completed. No land clearing, excavating, grading infilling, dredging or water withdrawal are associated with the drilling project. The work is scheduled to take place in part during freshet. Care will be taken to ensure that the RAMROD1150 does not adversely affect the tundra flora. For activities being taken outside of the Local Study Area, no anthropological assessments have been undertaken. As always, if any artifacts are unearthed or discovered during the proposed activity, the project will cease until an anthropological assessment can be conducted and alternate locations will be proposed as necessary. DE BEERS CANADA INC. SUITE 300, 5101-50th AVENUE, YELLOWKNIFE, NT X1A 3S8 TEL 1 (867) 766-7300 FAX 1 (867) 766-7347 Mitigation measures Use existing trails, roads, or cut lines wherever possible to avoid disturbance to the riparian vegetation. Apply appropriate measures, including an emergency contingency plan for inadvertent spills, to ensure that deleterious substances such as drill cuttings, acidic or metal leaching water, petroleum products, sediment, and debris do not enter any water body. The project will adhere to the Conditions set out in the Land Use Permit including: 26(1)(c) Type and size of equipment 19. The Permittee shall not use any equipment except of the type, size, and number that is listed in the Accepted Application unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Inspector and notification has been provided to the Board. 26(1)( Control or prevention of ponding of water, flooding, erosion, slides, and subsidence of land 33. The Permittee shall suspend overland travel of equipment or vehicles SUSPEND at the first sign of rutting. 26(1)(g) Use, storage, handling, and ultimate disposal of any chemical or toxic material 34. The Permittee shall not use chemicals in connection with the land use APPROVAL OF operation that were not identified in the Accepted Application without CHEMICALS the submission of associated MSDS sheets, written authorization for use by the Inspector and prior notification to the Board. *All MSDS sheets for the proposed seismic work can be found in Appendix 2. 39. The Permittee shall dispose of all combustible waste petroleum WASTE products by incineration or removal. 41. The Permittee shall report spills immediately to the 24-hour Spill Report Line, (867) 920-8130, in accordance with instructions contained in the "NT-NU Spill Report" form. DE BEERS CANADA INC. SUITE 300, 5101-50th AVENUE, YELLOWKNIFE, NT X1A 3S8 TEL 1 (867) 766-7300 FAX 1 (867) 766-7347 26(1)(h) Wildlife and fish habitat 43. The Permittee shall ensure that all employees, contractors and visitors are aware that they shall not, and do not, feed wildlife. 44. The Permittee shall use food handling and garbage disposal procedures that do not attract wildlife, as per the Domestic Waste and Sewage Management Plan submitted as part of the Accepted Application. 45. The Permittee shall ensure that all employees, contractors and visitors are aware that they shall not, and do not harass wildlife during this land use operation, as defined in subsection 38(1) of the Northwest Territories Wildlife Act. 46. The Permittee shall minimize damage to wildlife and fish habitat in conducting this land use operation. 26(1)(i) Storage, handling, and disposal of refuse or Sewage 50. The Permittee shall dispose of all Sewage and domestic Waste as outlined in the Domestic Waste and Sewage Management Plan submitted as part of the Accepted Application. 51. The Permittee shall dispose of all hazardous Waste as outlined in the Hazardous Materials Management Plan submitted as part of the Accepted Application. 52. The Permittee shall remove all non-combustible garbage and debris, including plastics, from the land use area to a disposal site as specified in the Accepted Application. 26(1)(j) Protection of historical, archaeological, and burial sites 56. The Permittee shall not operate any vehicle within 30 metres of a known or suspected archaeological site unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Inspector. 57. The Permittee shall not knowingly remove, disturb, or displace any archaeological specimen or site. 58. Should a suspected historical or archaeological site or burial ground be DE BEERS CANADA INC. SUITE 300, 5101-50th AVENUE, YELLOWKNIFE, NT X1A 3S8 TEL 1 (867) 766-7300 FAX 1 (867) 766-7347 discovered, the Permittee shall immediately suspend operations on the site or burial ground and notify the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board at (867) 669-0506 and the Inspector. 59. The Permittee shall ensure that all persons working under authority of NOTIFICATION the Permit are aware of these conditions concerning archaeological TO EMPLOYEES land use activity. 26(1)(m) Fuel storage 70. The Permittee shall maintain a dyke around the Fuel Storage Facilities. The Permittee shall ensure that the dyke and the area enclosed by the dyke shall be impermeable to petroleum products at all times. 71. The volume of the dyked area shall be 10 percent greater than the capacity of the largest fuel container placed therein. 76. The Permittee shall mark all stationary petroleum products storage facilities with flags, posts, or similar devices so that they are at all times plainly visible to local vehicle travel. 77. The Permittee shall mark all fuel containers, including 45-gallon drums, with the Permittee's name. 80. The Permittee shall ensure that adequate contingency plans and spill kits are in place, prior to commencement of operations, to respond to any potential spills. Prior to the commencement of the work we request advice from the Inspector as to whether the vibrometrics plan is deemed to be acceptable. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by phone at (867) 767-8646 or by email at Sincerely, DE BEERS CANADA INC. Alexandra Hood Permitting Coordinator DE BEERS CANADA INC. SUITE 300, 5101-50th AVENUE, YELLOWKNIFE, NT X1A 3S8 TEL 1 (867) 766-7300 FAX 1 (867) 766-7347 Snap Lake Mine cc. J. Ash, P.Mooney S. Hayden DBCI MVLWB DE BEERS CANADA INC. SUITE 300, 5101-50th AVENUE, YELLOWKNIFE, NT X1A 3S8 TEL 1 (867) 766-7300 FAX 1 (867) 766-7347 Appendix 1: RamRod 1150 Mini Skidder We will use as carrier vehicle for the VIBSISST500 source the RAMROD1150 mini skidder. 'Turf-tred' tracks have no lug pattern thus preserves turf. With a mass of 1150 kg and an active track area of 0.5 sqm, the pressure exercised by the vehicle on the ground is ~0.2 bar, which is equal to the pressure exercised by a man standing on his both feet. The average energy produced by the hammer is ~250 J/impact. This is the same as dropping a 20Kg suitcase from a height of 1.25 m. Luggage handlers at Pearson Airport do it all the time! DE BEERS CANADA INC. SUITE 300, 5101-50th AVENUE, YELLOWKNIFE, NT X1A 3S8 TEL 1 (867) 766-7300 FAX 1 (867) 766-7347 The energy is distributed over a 0.4 sqm aluminum ground coupling plate. The example below is given from a test with a heavier equipment. Nonetheless, the mark left on the ground is barely visible. Appendix 2: MSDS Sheets DE BEERS CANADA INC. SUITE 300, 5101-50th AVENUE, YELLOWKNIFE, NT X1A 3S8 TEL 1 (867) 766-7300 FAX 1 (867) 766-7347 SUPER POWER! Versatile, efficient, labor-saving Ramrod compact utility loaders and attachments Ramrod Taskmaster 950 and 1150 models Ramrod Mini-Skid® Loaders The On-The-Job Performance Choice! Push-Pull Tractive Power Ramrod’s exclusive, patented “high torque” hydraulic drive system provides 1,600 lbs. (727 kg) of tractive power. The high, uninterrupted output to hydraulic functions means greater lift capacity as well as more power to drive any attachment. Power that proves itself with the tough trenching, digging, pushing, drilling, lifting conditions of different work sites. Hydraulic Pump Capacity Ramrod employs two hydraulic pumps on all models - providing up to 12 gallons per minute (46 liters per minute) - and unlike many others, the hydraulic power can be applied simultaneously to all machine functions. Operators can choose between 6 GPM or 12 GPM output flows. Available on all Taskmaster models. Lift Height and Capacity Compact utility vehicle operators said they needed to lift more and lift loads higher. Ramrod Taskmaster loaders do just that. Taskmaster model 950 4WD tire units can lift 950 lbs. (432 kg) to the 72” hinge pin and carry up to 1,900 lbs. (864 kg). The Taskmaster 1150 track unit can lift 1,150 lbs. (523 kg) to the 72 “ hinge pin and carry up to 2,300 lbs. (1,046 kg). Visibility - A Full 360 o Ramrod Taskmaster’s compact body style (registered design) provides unobstructed and safer viewing of the attachment being used and work area in general. Fuel Capacity The large Ramrod Taskmaster fuel tanks save time and money by working on the job all-day long without refueling. The 8 US gallon (30 liter) tanks are designed to be accessible for easy fueling, yet out of the way while working. The 1150 Is Our Most Popular Model For day-in, day-out job-site performance, the Taskmaster 1150 has been proven to deliver the power, safety, improved productivity and savings operators are demanding. Tractive (Push-Pull) Power....1600 lbs (727kg) Lift Capacity...........................1150 lbs (523kg) Carrying Capacity................2300 lbs (1046kg) Lift Height (to hinge pin).................72” (183 cm) Hydraulic Pump Capacity.............6 or 12 GPM Hydraulic Pumps............................................2 Relief Pressure..................................3000 PSI Drive System.............................................track Track width.......................................9” (20 cm) Oil Filter.............................................10 micron Overall Height ..........................87.8” (223 cm) Body Height............................50.2” (127.5 cm) High performance tracks Ramrod’s high traction mud and dirt tracks get through dirt, mud and snow. ‘Turftred’ tracks have no lug pattern thus preserves turf. Changing standard to ‘Turf-tred’ track (or vice-versa) can be done in under an hour. Maximum Ground Speed......0 - 3.5 MPH Length w/bucket................80.4” (204 cm) Length less bucket...............61” (155 cm) Wheel Base.........................31” (78.7 cm) Reach at 45o Dump.............16.1” (40 cm) Angle of Departure.................26 degrees Width..............................43.5” (110.5 cm) Ground Clearance.................6.5” (17 cm) Start...................................12 volt electric Liquid Cooled Engines: 27 hp Kawasaki gasoline 22 hp Kubota diesel Exclusive Ramrod Rigid Track System Dedicated sprocket drive ensures positive traction in all conditions Rubber tracks with steel reinforcements - longer track life Unique track tensioner provides great track tension Sloped front of rubber track increases visibility Large diameter bogie wheels (with shielded roller bearings) prevent debris jams inside tracks Ramrod Taskmaster 950 - Great Superior performance from our most powerful wheeled compact utility vehicle - with a new, patented “high torque” hydraulic drive that puts the power where you need it, Tractive (Push-Pull) Power...1600 lbs (727 kg) Lift Capacity............................950 lbs (432 kg) Carrying Capacity.................1900 lbs (864 kg) Lift Height (to hinge pin)................72” (183 cm) Hydraulic Pump Capacity............6 or 12 GPM Hydraulic Pumps...........................................2 Relief Pressure.................................3000 PSI Drive Chains #60 Heavy.................4 enclosed Maximum Ground Speed..............0 - 3.5 Ground Clearance....6.5” (17 cm) Turf Tire Size -10”(25 cm) Drive System.........4 WD Oil Filter...........10 Ramrod Heavy Duty Power And Versatility That Can The Ramrod demolition loader is a heavier, stronger 950 4WD for the extreme wrecking conditions. ¨Hose protector ¨Narrow 32” width gets through doorways, into elevators, etc ¨Liquid cooled Kubota diesel ¨Exhaust purifier to reduce emissions ¨Connex bushings kits ¨Hydraulic oil cooler ¨Twine Guards ¨4-inch solid tires ¨Heavy duty quickattach mount ¨Heavy duty twin Safety Exclusive self-levelling loader arms prevent load “fall back” on operator at full lift height, eliminates the danger of losing a load during the raising and lowering process provides excellent dump and rollback Tires Specific To Your Job Service Chevron - high traction for dirt and mud Turf tires - also runs smooth on concrete Heavy duty push-pull on dirt, mud, pavement. 4” tires in solid or regular air-filled models Ramrod’s design allows easy access through both sides and the front. For even more access, the side panels are removeable. Features and Benefits Superior Rollback Full 85o Dump Angle Work-All-Day Tanks 30 degree bucket rollback angle transports dirt, snow, sand, mulch, etc without spillage even in fully lowered position This superior dump angle empties loads completely, preventing sticking even with wet and sticky loads. Large 8 US gallon (30 liters) gas and diesel tanks means non-stop, all day on the job. Easily accessible fuel cap location. Greaseable Pivot Points Easy Single Hand Palm Steering Ramrod’s Light Weight Units permit Control speed, direction and steering with right hand - loader and attachments with left hand use inside buildings, on roofs, platforms, patios and other restricted weight-sensitive areas. Dripless Hydraulics Narrow Width Easy access auxiliary hydraulic outlets are quickattach - clean connections everytime - conveniently on front of lift arms. Get into confined areas, elevators, doorways manoeuver in obstructed areas. Transports easily in trailer or pick-up truck. High Machine Under Clearance Unobstructed Low Step Platform Instrumentation Located throughout the machine and track assembly, lift arms, quickattach, etc. for greater wear Safe and easy on/off slipresistant platform - with side and rear protection. Prevent operator accidents - minimize claims. Readily visible tachometer, hour-meter, low fuel and hydraulic oil warnings, key and light switches. clean flow clearance is important working in loose, wet, uneven, rough soil conditions. Enclosed Drive Chain Fully enclosed drive system protects #60 heavy chain from outside debris, rocks and dust - better performance in various job site conditions. Operator Padding Handy Compartment Powder Paint Finish on handlebars and cooler area for increased operator comfort and ease of use. Convenient place to store gloves and other small operator items. Available on most Ramrod models. Baked-on, tough, durable, outer protection provides a new standard of finish and quality. Features are standard on Ramrods · Front halogen lights · Low fuel warning light · Hour meter · Low hydraulic oil warning light · Lift lugs · Tie down lugs · Lift arm lock bars North America and Europe Certified to meet sound and other standards. “CE” approved. All engines meet required N. A. emission standards. Capacities in accordance with ASAE standards. Over 50 “Get-The-Job-Done” Attachments Ramrod attachments are ‘Quick-On, Quick-Off’ and fit most compact utility loaders Post Hole Augers Direct drive head with 6,800 lb/in torque (peak) up to 105 RPM. Bits in 6, 9 and 12 inches. Also planetary heads. Grated Bucket Separates rubble and stones from sand or earth. 43 inches wide with 2.5 inch tooth spacing and removable dirt plate. Dozer Blade Digging, backfilling, landscaping, moving snow. 48” blade with 30o left or right hydraulic angling. Pallet Lift Forks Carry and handle many items two 41 inch fork tines adjust to 30 inches wide. Safety back guard. Standard Earth Augers Direct drive heads as at left. Bits in 18, 24 and 30 inches. Available with planetary heads. Tree Auger Bits Hi-Reach Rollover Bucket increases dump height to over 79 inches. Larger 42 inch wide bucket. Planetary Drive Power Heads with 17,600 lb/in torque (peak) - up to 60 RPM on the Ramrod 950. Material Bucket with high carbon cutting edge in 31, 36, 42 and 44 inch widths. Tooth bars available. Heavy Duty Material Bucket with replaceable cutting edge in 42 and 44 inch widths. Tooth bars available. High Capacity Mulch Bucket for handling snow, 4-in-1 Multi-Purpose 44” Bucket for digging, dozing, mulch and other light materials. 42” (14.7 cu. ft.) and 54” (18 cu. ft.) sizes. grappling, leveling, loading, etc. Hydraulics included. Tooth bar available. Backhoe Attach to regular bracket. Two models: one digs to 6’6” with 9’ reach, the other 8’6” with 11’ reach. 12” buckets. Joystick control. Mini Dipper digs to 60” deep with 12” bucket. Uses the mini-skid steer turn as the swing and the loader arms as boom. Hay and Manure Fork Hydraulic Hammer with Grapple Four strong grapple tines with forks (or bucket) handle various materials. Hydraulically operated. For the tough demolition work: breaker with 500 to 1,300 blows per minute at up to 184 ft. lbs. Complete kit. Loose Material Handler Carry-all Leveler Level loose dirt, sand, etc or transport various items. 48 by 24 inches, steel reinforced frame. Nursery Tree Tongs Hydraulic operated 36” nursery tongs, with cushion valve, to gently carry up to 24” balled trees. Snow Blower 42 Inch Rotary Tiller Roll Sod Installer Two stage, hydraulically driven, with discharge spout adjustable for distance and direction. 40” or 60” widths. Tills up to 6” deep, reversible tines to clear jams, reversible reel to till in either direction. Paving Stone Mover Hydraulically clamps and carries a stack of paving stones or bricks. 42” wide open, 26” closed by 10” deep x 34” high. In 18, 24 and 30 inch bits, designed specially for planting trees. Direct drive or planetary drive heads. Ripper Uses two 12 inch long teeth to loosen pack soil, debris and other material. collects, then compresses and holds loose, sloppy-type materials such as debris, wood chips, some manures. Saves labor costs installs a semi-trailer of sod in hours. Also easily converts to nursery tongs. More Attachments Available Trenchers Vibratory Plow-Compactor Hydraulic drive unit cuts up to 36” deep, in 4” or 6” widths. Optional 4” crumber to clean debris from trench available. Pull pipe or cable to 12” deep in difficult soil with minimum surface disturbance. Plus 8” by 10” rectangular compactor shoe compacts sub-bases. Rotary Broom Cement Bowl Hydraulically driven, 48” wide, 24” diameter, 30o left or right angling, steel and poly bristles. 2.2 cu. ft. capacity mixer bowl, attaches easily to Ramrod earth auger’s direct drive heads. Mix, haul and pour on your job site. Curb Mover Grapple and Bucket Grapple with Tines Spade Bucket Includes two independent hydraulically controlled grapples, with base bucket unit. Also heavy duty models. Loose materials drop through - two independent hydraulically controlled grapples. 42 inch (4.9 cu. ft) bucket with pointed spade front. Lift and carry old roofing materials, etc. Clamps and carries standard concrete parking curbs. 40” long boom, hydraulically Multi Purpose Toolbar Three tools in one: ripper (with 3 tines), tow bar, and lift boom. Tooth Bars Available as a bolt-on attachment for all bucket sizes. Easy-on, easy-off. ¨ 40” Boom, with hook and chain ¨ Fork Lift Masts 96” 2,000 lb. lift capacity ¨ Large 4.4 cu. ft. stand alone Cement Bowls ¨ Landscape Rakes ¨ Brush Mowers ¨ Post Pounders ¨ Boring Tools ¨ Stump Grinders ¨ Tree Spades ¨ Conversion Kits If you do not see it, please call Ramrod Ramrod operators tell us they are improving productivity while reducing labor costs Quality compact utility loaders since 1980. The key to any equipment is on-the-job-site capabilities and, according to thousands of Ramrod owners, they are more than proving their worth: productivity increased, lower labor costs, safer working conditions - overall greater return on investment. The new “shock-proof” Ramrod Taskmasters engineered with heavier uniframe construction laser cut for precision - extra gusseting and reinforcements. New, stronger quick-on, quick-off brackets - heavy duty pins at arm pivot points - heavy duty lift cylinder cross tubes - heavy duty machine axles. Foam padding on control panel plus hydraulic oil cooler. Electrical Outlet option brings power to remote job-sites for lights, power tools. 115 volt, AC,1,000 watts with 1,600 watts peak. Ramrod Trailers Take The Tools To The Job 16-foot wood deck trailer with 5-inch channel construction, tandem 3,500 lb. axles (7,000 lb. GVW), 15-inch radial tires, brakes on both axles, teardrop fenders, rear loading ramp, 2 lockable over-the-fender tool chests. Available in various configurations of attachment mount points. Remote Control option protects operator working in hazardous conditions. Protective Shipping Covers and special crates eliminates breakage during transportation. Ramrod’s are covered by a 3 year structural warranty on machine frame and arms - a 2 year manufacturer’s engine warranty and 1 year warranty on all other components. Parts and Customer Support and Factory Training Service Toll-free and webbased support guarantees that help is only a call away. Ramrod provides same day processing of parts, whole goods and service requests. Help eliminate costly downtime with the help of qualified and friendly experts. Ramrod Equipment is committed to providing the very best in technical training. Simply call to book an appointment at one of Ramrod dealers’ product, sales and service seminars. Hands on demonstrations, along with classroom training provide the knowledge on how Ramrod can work well for you. Financing Ramrod is here to help. A quick call will provide a complete list of the best options for you or your business. Credit approved applicants may participate in special Ramrod promotional options, such as low, payments, reduced APR or deferred payment plans. Stay Ahead With Ramrod - Stay Ahead With The Best Specifications subject to change without notice. 1-800-667-1581 Sold and serviced by better dealers throughout Canada, USA and worldwide Printed In Canada RAMROD PRO SERIES SPECIFICATIONS LEON'S MFG. COMPANY INC. MG, Mar08,2011 Ramrod Pro Series No. Performance Specification 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Length-less Bucket Length-With Bucket Width Wheel Base Overall Hieght Body Height Weight, Lbs (Kg) Ground Clearence Dump Angle Reach at 45 degree Dump Angle of Departure (Rollback) Tractive (Push-Pull) pwer capacity, Lbs (Kg) Lift Capacity, Lbs (Kg) Carrying Capacity, Lbs (Kg) Lift Height (To Hinge Pin), Hydraulic Pump Capacity, Hydraulic Pumps Relief Pressure Drive System Self-Leveling Loaders Arms Track Size Oil Filter Maximum Ground Speed Start Engine Type & Power 930 59" (149.9cm) 81.5" (207cm) 32"(81.3cm) to 40"(101.6cm) 27.5" (70cm) 87.8" (223cm) 50.5" (128.3cm) 1935 (877.7) 6.5" (17cm) 80 degrees 13.5" (31.8cm) 26 degrees 1100 (499) 930 (422) 2000 (907) 72" (183cm) 11 GPM 1 3000 psi 4WD (Chain # 60 Heavy) Standard N/A 10 microns 0-4 MPH 12-Volt Electric Diesel/Gasoline & 24HP 1350 67" (170cm) 86.4" (219cm) 42" (106.7cm) 31" (78.7cm) 87.8" (223cm) 51.5" (130.8cm) 2500 (1134) 6.5" (17cm) 80 degrees 12.5" (31.8cm) 26 degrees 1700 (771) 1350 (614) 2700 (1227) 72" (183cm) 7-14 GPM 2 3000 psi Track Standard 9" (23cm) 10 microns 0-3.5 MPH 12-Volt Electric Diesel/Gasoline & 30HP Ground Coupling Plate for VIBSIST-250/500 Turf, before hammering Turf, after hammering Soft Soil, before hammering Soft Soil, after hammering VIBROMETRIC Waterproof casing. Materials in contact with water: Stainless steel, Nylon, Polyurethane. Operating temperature -10 ° C to 50 ° C Sensor size 130mm x 50 mm cylinder Sensor weight 0.7 kg Weight of whole assembly (sensor + positioning plate + 15m cables): 2.05 kg 1 Rhonda Miller - MVLWB From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Shannon Hayden [] March-30-11 8:43 AM FW: Proposed Vibrometric Work 29-03-2011 Vibrometrics proposal FINAL.pdf MV2010D0053 From: Hood, Alexandra [] Sent: March-29-11 5:25 PM To: Tracy Covey Cc: Ash, Jason; Mooney, Peter; Scott Stewart; Marty Sanderson; Shannon Hayden - MVLWB Subject: Proposed Vibrometric Work Hi Tracy Please find attached a copy of proposed work to occur at Snap Lake Mine. I am sure you’ll have lots of questions and we can discuss at Thursday’s meeting. Cheers Alex Alex Hood Permitting Co-ordinator Snap Lake Mine De Beers Canada Inc. c/o Braden Burry Expediting #18 Old Airport Road Yellowknife, Northwest Territories X1A 3T3 Tel: 867-767-8646 Fax: 867-767-8963 Alexandra Hood Permitting Coordinator Snap Lake Mine De Beers Canada Inc. c/o Det'on Cho Logistics 100 Dickins Street, PO Box 2608 Yellowknife, Northwest Territories X1A2P9 Tel: 867-767-8646 Fax: 867-767-8969 Disclaimer - March 29, 2011 This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for Tracy Covey,Ash, Jason,Mooney, Peter,Scott Stewart,Marty Sanderson,Shannon Hayden - MVLWB. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute, copy or alter this email. Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and might not represent those of De Beers Canada Inc.. Warning: Although De Beers Canada Inc. has taken reasonable precautions to ensure no viruses are present in this email, the company cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this email or attachments. 1
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Carrying Capacity, lbs (kg)........................................... 2700 (1227)
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