BXB Monthly Report_June, 2015


BXB Monthly Report_June, 2015
.Kaohsiung City Mayor Chen Chu Visited BXB!
.Secutech, Taipei 2015
.BXB Finds Success of FCS 6000 with Shidco in Iran
.The Advantage and Installation of Balanced Transmission
.2015 BXB Incentive Tour- Busan & Jeju
.BXB infoComm15 Countdown
Kaohsiung City Mayor Chen Chu
Visited BXB!
Writer/ Liang-Bi Chen
Recent years, BXB is investing on product innovation and development,
which has got the number of government subsidy and supports from MOEA
and Kaohsiung City Government. Among them, BXB got Small Business Innovation Research(SBIR)Program subsidy in 2012 and 2013 to develop a sound
digital public address system. This system also won a contract signed with
Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan. It enables BXB to transmit earthquake warning
messages instantly to the public. Nowadays, more than 400 elementary/junior
high schools are installed with this system in Taiwan, and 71 are in Kaohsiung City.
Furthermore, BXB's products continuously won several awards, particularly got
Taiwan Excellence 3 years in a row. Among all our products, UFO series conference micro
phone is awarded 2015 iF International Product Design Award. In Asia, it is also the first
conference microphone getting the award.
BXB’s achievement and development got Kaohsiung City Government’s attention. On 11th May, Kaohsiung City Mayor Chu
Chen, Deputy City Mayor Li-Ming Hu, Economic Development Bureau Commissioner Wen-Sheng Zeng, Institute for Information
Industry, Chief Information Officer Dr. Hao-Jun Dai, Director Liang-Sen Lian, and several honored guests visited BXB. In the
beginning, BXB’s President Wu delivered a welcome speech, and Vice President Jerry Hung, who is responsible for R&D, shared
BXB’s culture, company growth, and the appreciation to the support and concern shown by all the guests. Finally, we guided
guests to BXB’s R&D center. We invited Mayor Chen personally experiencing our innovation- LED visible light communication(VLC)used in Emergency Incident Command PA System and made everyone know its application on urban planning.
In recent years, BXB grew and transformed along with
Kaohsiung government and had great performances annually.
City Mayor Chen Chu expressed that she is grateful to see
BXB’s progress with the subsidy of SBIR and expecting that
we can connect PA system with Kaohsiung City’s disaster
prevention system to release instant and sound disaster
information. Mayor also mentioned that Kaohsiung Disaster
Prevention Office and Southern Contingency Response
Center are both equipped with BXB’s system. The advanced
and high-effect facilities and BXB’s persistence of local
invention and production really impressed her!
We sincerely thank to all guests and media’s visit. Now
BXB is planning to apply Earthquake Early Warning System to
social media software. After the software has come out, we
expect to combine it with LINE official account of Kaohsiung
City. In the future, as soon as an earthquake hits, BXB can
deliver instant messages to the public. We will do our best to
establish a safe and smart city for the pubic!
Source:Kaohsiung City Government
Secutech, Taipei 2015
Writer/Michelle Chan
The 18th international exhibition and conference
for Electronic Security of 2015 Secutech lasted 3 days
from April 28 to April 30. The topic was the most comprehensive smart security technology supply chains
and, the most popular smart application markets; it
attracted 26,229 visitors from 82 countries to come
and source for purchase! Of course, BXB definitely
wouldn’t miss this event! We demonstrated the brand
new ‘’IP based PA system with audio/video intercom’’.
The ‘’IP based PA system with audio/video intercom’’ operates with cat5e cable. In addition to sound
transmission, video transmission is also introduced to
the system. It provides a wider range of application,
which reverses the traditional concept of conference
room and PA structure. For example, in case of emergency, the conference room is not only for meeting,
but also a real time emergency command center. It
receives the PA of both sound and video that sent
from the incident sites; meanwhile, the participants in
the command center can use conference microphone
for announcement to the sites through IP network,
which realizes real time audio/video intercom. In this
way, the incident condition can be monitored closely
for any actions.
Moreover, considering the frequency of global disasters has increased in recent years, BXB’s IP based PA system also
incorporates “Earthquake Early Warning(EEW)” software introduced by Central Weather Bureau(CWB), with “EEW APP”
developed by BXB. When CWB issues earthquake messages, it activates PA system from schools to announce
earthquake message. We also bring TTS(Text-To-Speech)technique to the system. It’s an automatic voice message
announcement, which gives alarms to schools in advance, so students and teachers can take suitable actions against
Besides, we do the best to provide campus English listening tests by integrating with BXB PA system. It makes the
tests easy to operate. The Ministry of Education in Taiwan has already included reading and listening tests in junior high
school entrance exams since 2014; the listening test is going to be scored officially in 2015. Therefore, on top of playing
real voice files, teachers can use TTS technique to convert the text into sound announcement without recording their
voices beforehand. It reduces labor cost hugely. Lastly, BXB’s 1080P HD video broadcasting can play different videos to
particular classrooms. It can also be applied to text and multimedia broadcasting.
BXB’s “IP based PA system with audio/video intercom’’ is not only applied to smart campus, but also brought to emergency command centers during national disasters. This time at Secutech, we received great response. Visitors’ valued
feedback is the inspiration to our continuous innovation! We wish to introduce more new systems next year. Stay tuned!
BXB Finds Success of
FCS-6000 with Shidco in Iran
Writer/ Zolzaya Erdenechimeg
BXB conference system FCS-6000 has been installed
in Iran for Municipality project, that includes a single
chairman unit with 45 delegates. Project implemented by
Shidco, BXB distributor in Iran, successfully selected from
the other brands.
The system FCS-6000 series with sound effect processing, fast speed dome positioning, and graphical control
software. The software accommodates 14 languages,
synchronises the 6051 control unit with a PC, records to
MP3, allows editing of individual attendee data and is configurable according to actual seating environment of the room.
Table-top delegate units equipped with digital volume control mode, 24x2 LCD that shows conference mode and speaking
microphone. The chairman units all features push-button “control and talk” functionality.
BXB C901 camera control unit awarded Taiwan Excellence in 2014, it has RS232 and RS485 input/output connectors
comply with BXB conference system, provides 4 outputs for camera each of them preset 128 points. Apart from those
specifications, control software and camera tracking perfectly suited the customer requirement.
Shidco provided best professional service during the installation with full training on the software as well as for other
configurations of the system. Furthermore, we will share more and more Shidco’s installation news in our monthly report.
The Advantage and Installation
of Balanced Transmission
TRS(Three-core):Unbalanced stereo / balanced
mono / insert I/O.
TS(Two-core):Unbalanced / mono.
Writer/ Hunk Huang
To see from physical points of view, TRS can stand
for unbalanced stereo and balanced mono. If we keep
naming it as “stereo jack,” we may feel confused as
hearing “balanced mono” because the application of
TRS jack can cross civil to professional markets, which is
varied in usage. Now, let’s see from practical perspectives, unbalanced stereo signal is on left and right, so the
signal of the both sides may not be totally the same. On
the other hand, balanced mono signal is positive(+)and
negative(-); the latter one is equal to “- positive.”
(Diagram 1)
Balanced transmission is a common way for audio
connection. This month, we would like to talk about the
merit and installation of balanced transmission.
Firstly, we are going to talk about connector. To see
from the appearance, the commonly known 6.3mm jack
is classified into TRS and TS ones. The description of
their usage for balanced and unbalanced transmission is
shown as below:
Why do we need balance? The standard output of a
mixer is +4dBu(1.23V)and RCA output is -10dBV( 0.316V)
and the audio signal is quite weak. Therefore, during transmission the mixer may easily have electromagnetic
interference nearby. Shield is just one of methods to make
the signal transmission efficient. Actually, a smarter way
is to do active absorption to offset unnecessary signals.
Let me take an old Chinese historical story about flood
control as an example. Gun, the founder of Xia dynasty,
constructed a dam as a “shield” to block the flood of
Yellow River. On the contrary, his son Yu dredged channels to make the floodwater flow to the sea(absorption)
and founded dams(shield)simultaneously. Obviously,
Yu did have grander achievement than his father did.
Let’s see this issue with mathematical perspective.
Using balance mode means outputting positive(+)and
negative(-)signals; and negative(-)signal s is equal to “positive” signal. And then the recovered signal will be
calculated as “positive(+)– negative(-)” = “positive –
(–positive)”, which is equal to 2 positive signals. Maybe
we cannot understand clearly in this way. Let’s substitute
N for noise as further explanation. Positive(+)and negative(-)represents original signal. As any interference
gets into balanced line, the recovered signal will become
"positive + N" and "negative + N", which is equal to positive+N -(negative+N)= positive + N -(-positive+N).
There would be 2 positive signals. Therefore, signal N
has been canceled out(see Diagram 2 as reference).
This application has already been mature today. The
most apparent one is the usage of internet cable. There
are 4 pairs of balanced transmission cable in one internet
cable, which belongs to “Twisted Pair Series”. The traditional analog audio frequency, DMX RS-485, to Ethernet
DVI/HDMI are all operated with balanced transmission
(as Diagram 3). The blue arrow shows interference. If
cables are twisted, the interference of red and green
cables will be keep equal. If not, the field strength that
red cable receives will be higher than green cable’s.
(Diagram 3)
(Diagram 2)
Balanced transmission is greatly helpful for long-distance project. However, to let the interference(N signal) get
into +/- cable with an equal level, the cable should interlace
constantly. This is what so-called “Twisted Pair Cable”.
How to make balanced and unbalanced transmission
As previously mentioned, there are positive and negative
signals within balanced transmission. If the negative
signal is short to ground, the transmission becomes
unbalanced(see Diagram 4).
Another example, the RS-485 interface we used for
PTZ speed-dome camera also requires a pair of cables
without shield for transmission(see A and B cores in Diagram 5).
(Diagram 4)
When does balanced transmission come into existence?
Balanced transmission comes into existence when the
transmitting point and receiving point of one cable is balanced. The failure of any point would make balanced transmission lose efficacy and unbalanced. The most common
case is that the microphone cable or pre-balanced cable
is not twisted due to the intention of costing down the
quantity of copper wires used. This will make the noise
current stronger only to single core of the balanced
cable. That’s the main factor of balance failure occurring
during the installation of low-cost microphone cables.
(Diagram 5)
The requirement of balanced transmission cable
According to the deduction made above, cables with
two cores as a pair can achieve balanced transmission.
With the shield, it would be better for us to react interference. In audio industry, we normally use the microphone
cable with two cores and shield to transmit the signal of
Phantom Power.
However, we cannot say that shield is useless. With
enough budget, using cables with shield can absolutely
enhance the efficacy of balanced transmission. If there is
ground loop, you can choose one-end ground open
method to make shield as well. The detail of this part will
be depicted on later reports.
Let’s take Ethernet cable as an example. Generally
we buy UTP(Unshielded Twisted Pair)network cables
for Ethernet use. However, they don’t include ground
wires and shield.
We can see the production of Ethernet cable follows
TIA568 A or B methods. This is for making twisted pair
cables. Next time, if you meet any system with balanced
transmission protocol, just use twisted pair cables!
What terminals do we use for balanced transmission?
Just check two things: what kinds of signal you use for
transmission? what the business standard of your industry?
1) If the audio frequency is analog, you can use 6.3 TRS
XLR or 3P Phonix terminal that is normally used for
media matrix.
2) If it is multi-paired, you can just follow the business
standard of your industry.
If you’re familiar with
BXB’s product, you may
know there are two RCA
jacks with red and white
color respectively labeled
BALANCE on the rear panel
of FCS-6350 Conference
Control Unit. The jacks are
exactly for the output of
balanced or unbalanced
audio transmission.
(Diagram 7)
Source:illustrated by BXB Hunk
The illustration of pin is shown as Diagram 7. We can
just use balanced microphone cable for connection.
Please do not use cables with AV terminals as long-distance and unbalanced non-twisted transmission. That
would make the cable go to waste.
(Diagram 6)
RCA jacks of BXB FCS-6350
Conference Main Control Unit
There’s a compromised way if you want to connect
FCS-6350 with other acoustic equipments. Just make a
short plug adapter for the switch of dual RCA to
Besides, if the balanced transmission goes to mixer,
it’s better to use TRS connector for mixer’s LINE IN jack.
If the newer digital mixer does not have TRS LINE IN
jack, remember to shut down the phantom power on
XLR connector to avoid the breaking of +48V to
FCS-6350’s transistor.
More reading on
2015 BXB Incentive Tour-Busan & Jeju
Writer/ Liang-Bi Chen
This month, General Manager Wu commissions BXB’s Employee Welfare Committee arranging this oversea trip to appreciate the hardworking of all staffs. After
several discussions, we choose Jeju Island
and Busan City for this year’s company
tour. Jeju is a tranquil place which is full of
natural scenary. It is also called “Honeymoon Island” by Korean people. Busan is a
city similar with BXB’s headquarter- Kaohsiung City. It’s also the biggest harbor of
Korea. We can see and learn the development of this city in these recent years.
BXB’s main purpose of holding an inventive tour is to enhance the relationship
and coherence of the staff. Let’s see some
reflections shared by our colleagues!
Penny: This is the
first time bringing
my three kids abroad. We really had
a great time! My
kids also share
their great memories to friends
Liang-bi: I greatly feel fulfilled at this incentive tour with my nearly
2-year old son to reach the summit of Sunrise Peak, certified with
World Natural Heritage by UNESCO and World New Seven
Wonders. BXB had also been to another wonder Descending
Dragon Bay in Vietnam two years ago. We are expecting to visit
the resting 5 wonders! As standing in front of Busan Tower, I
imagined that the Korean hero General Yi Sun-sin bravely
confronted the invasion from Japan. The image of his defending
act impresses me deeply. It’s really a wonderful experience of
travelling Busan and Jeju.
Boss Wu: Travelling with BXB’s staff is the
most expecting and happiest thing every
year! Since year 2001, it has already been
15 years holding company incentive tour.
Every staff can feel relaxed on gathering with
colleagues, family, and friends after work
as well as make great memory ever. If we recharge ourselves and broaden our scopes
of the world, it would be beneficial to us on
creating higher performances of the work
and turnover. Let’s travel abroad every year!
Henry: This is my first time travelling to Korea. Although we had
tight schedule of our journey, I
was satisfied as seeing my
mom’s happy face. She had fun
of wearing Korean traditional
dress and reaching the summit
of Sunrise Peak. Thank BXB for
holding this relaxing tour and
offering a great chance to everyone gathering with family.
Stacy: Although I’ve already been
to Seoul before, the atmosphere in
Busan and Jeju is totally different.
Seoul is a good city for shopping.
However, I didn’t have any idea what
should I buy in the two places.
During this trip, we visited many
natural places and did a lot of sports
such as mountain-climbing, traintaking, and walking. My calf's muscle
is still aching after coming back to
Taiwan! This is also my first time
taking mother abroad, which is a
very special memory!
Sarah: This is my first time
participating with company
tour. It’s really a good chance
for me chatting with colleagues
and familiarizing myself into
this big family- BXB. Some
of my original impressions
on Korea are totally different
from what I really experienced.
But only what doesn’t change
is that Korean youngsters
have good taste of fashion.
I would like to make a conclusion to this trip: Busan is
a good place of shopping!
Joanne: It’s really an adventurous flight. I firstly
know the feeling of airsick; I felt like vomiting!
This year’s company tour focuses on healthy
and natural routes. The most impressive spot
is Sunrise Peak. "Footprints in the mountains
show where I have been". Although the mountain slope is steep, the route and memory still
rise vividly as everytime I recall.
Dora: Before heading to Korea, I heard a lot
that Jeju is a place for elder people. However, it’s not the truth! Jeju is a place where
the elders dislike, I think. There’s no stunning spot and it’s really an exhausting
schedule. I felt my bones nearly coming
lose! However, one thing worthy to be
mentioned is that everyone cast job aside
temporarily and has great interaction and
joy during the trip.
Vivian: This is the most exhausting and scary company
tour I ever had. We met several turbulences during the
flight; the plane shook intensely! Also, we transferred flight
for many times, which is really in tight schedule. I totally felt
myself like an artist who is hurry to propagandas.
Publishing Date/
June 1, 2015
Wu,Chao-Wen & Wu Chen, Hui-tu
Published Monthly by/
BXB Electronics Co., Ltd.
Tel/ +886(7)9703838
Fax/ +886(7)9703883
Add/ 6F-1, No.288-5, Xinya Rd.,
Qianzhen Dist., Kaohsiung City
806, Taiwan
Website/ www.bxb.tw
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Chief Editor/
Dora Tseng dora@bxb.tw
Michelle Chan michelle@bxb.tw
Zolzaya zolzaya@bxb.tw
Liang-Bi Chen liangbi@bxb.tw
Hunk Huang hunk@bxb.tw
Translation Editor/
Sarah Lee sarah@bxb.tw
Stacy Chiang stacy@bxb.tw
Selena Huang selena@bxb.tw
Meggy Lee meggy@bxb.tw
Executive Art Designer/
Dora Tseng dora@bxb.tw
To be continued...