BXB Monthly Report_March, 2014


BXB Monthly Report_March, 2014
March, 2014
BXB Monthly Report
in BXB
2014 ISE in Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Upcoming Era of PA System and
Its Challenges(II)
2014 Incentive Tour-Osaka, Japan
Secutech Countdown
March, 2014
BXB Monthly Report
2014 ISE in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Writer/ Stacy Chiang
ISE 2014(Integrated Systems Europe)grandly opened on 4,
Feb. During the three-day exhibition, BXB not only made many new
friends, but had a great reunion with long-cooperated customers.
BXB’s main goal of attending ISE this year is to introduce new
products and techniques. We add TCP/IP technique to the newest
conference system FCS-6300 series. Users can either download
BXB’s APP by hand-hold devices(iPhone/iPad)or go to BXB’s web
browser to control a conference and change conference settings.
This remote control technique can make a conference go smoother
and easier. Furthermore, each microphone of FCS-6300 series has
built-in DSP technique, which can control speakers’ speaking volume
automatically. Therefore, speakers no longer require adjusting their
distance with the microphone but can speak to their own content.
The sound quality is also clear and plain.
There are also a lot of visitors around the world visiting BXB’s
booth and expecting to cooperate with us. We greatly appreciate
for the positive feedback of BXB’s new technique and its applications.
Besides, many visitors perceive the vivid design of BXB’s booth
decoration. The colorful circles on the wall, presenting the integrated
system of BXB’s conference and PA products, make visitors be
clear at the first glance. Thanks for our partner ACE Group’s kind
assistance and effort!
ISE this year is just on the days of Chinese New Year holidays.
The organizer is thoughtful of Chinese exhibitors and they held a
great banquet for reunion. We not only enjoyed delicious Chinese
cuisine but the exciting lucky draw. With great luck, BXB’s vice
president Jerry got the first prize! We hope the fortune continues
coming to BXB, making BXB more prosperous!
Next stop→ Secutech in Taipei, Taiwan!
The Upcoming Era of
PA System
Its Challenges
( II )
Author/ Wu Chao-Wen
(General Manager of BXB Electronics Co., Ltd.)
Along with the higher level of people’s requirements in the life,
a set of PA system with simple function has been unable to meet
all needs. On the other hand, PA system should be customized
according to different places and situations. Among all, PA system
used in the campus possesses the most abundant functions that
can be applied for many situations. This month, the main topic is the
application and future development of the PA system in campus.
PA system in campus
In an urban area with highly-dense population, schools are often
nearby residential areas. The sound from schools’ PA system can be
the noise for the residents so that many complaints will come out.
Although it is impossible to completely cut off the transmission of
sound, there are some ways to decrease the interference, which
makes schools become the good neighbors. Recently, the concept of
public address system in different zones has been accepted by more
people because it greatly decreases the negative effects caused by
large-scale public address. This kind of PA system can be called as
“Environment-friendly PA System”, which can be the standard type of
PA system used in the community with high-dense population. The
main future requirements of PA system in campus are listed as follows:
1. Design and install based on the function required
in the campus
A campus can be roughly divided into: classrooms for each
grade, specialized classrooms, teachers’ offices, general rooms,
library, activity center, corridors, playground and so on. Different
areas possess different configurations of speakers. Here are the
suggestions about the configurations for each area:
(1) Classrooms for each grade: ( general characteristics:
open space, no dehumidification equipment, more dust )
a. If we want to do English listening teaching and test, the quality
of speakers is the primary consideration. The sound pressure
and diffusion angle has to meet the space of classrooms.
Iron-made speaker box and wooden speaker box are not
suitable to be installed in classrooms. Iron-made one is easy
to produce resonance and noise. It is generally used for fire
alarming PA system. And wooden one is easy to be moldy
and damaged due to the moist environment. The best
material for speaker box is ABS.
b. The demand of teachers should be taken into consideration
when installing speakers. Generally, the amplifier with around
20W is enough. Moreover, chalk tray and dust in the air are
easily cause the damage of microphone jacks. To avoid the
damage, separated audio input panel is recommended since
it can be replaced quickly.
c. In order to operate pubic address, English listening teaching,
and other functions, it is essential to have a complete
integrated system. It had better to use all-in-one equipment
rather than installing many separated items.
(2) Specialized classroom:
The equipment in specialized classrooms is normally the same as
that of common classrooms. The only difference can be the level
of speakers. The speaker in specialized classrooms does not need
to be high-class. If all specialized classrooms are gathered up,
setting them with the same zone can be appropriate.
(3)Teachers’ office:
Office is a place for teachers to take a rest. Normally, the office is
quieter than classrooms. Therefore, it had better to add a volume
controller for teachers to adjust the volume.
(4)General rooms:
General speakers are enough to be installed in general rooms. It
can also be arranged as the same zone.
(5)Library and activity center:
Usually, there is the independent PA system installed in the library
and activity center. It had better to integrate it with the original
system. However, the main control units in the two areas should
be automatically turned on.
If the amount of fund is sufficient, it had better to install speakers
in corridors. The speaker with the features of moisture-proof and
directional is preferred. If there is limited amount of fund, horns can
be installed in the high position of buildings. Although the sound
quality of horns is not as good as that of the speakers at the corridor,
it is also a good choice for the school with limited fund.
Playground can be the space that PA system is hardly installed
well. Generally, it is installed with horns. The best installation method
of speakers is to set them around the playground. It achieves the
excellent sound field and will not bother the nearby residential areas.
But the difficult thing is that most playgrounds belong to the open
space. Beside the review stand, there is no place for installation.
Building on stilts or constructing with overhead pipes can incur a great
expense, which general schools cannot afford. Therefore, horns
installed in each zone can be the better way. Be careful to avoid
installing the horns at the place the lightning strike usually happens.
2. For English Listening Teaching
English listening exam, introduced by College Entrance
Examination Center, has arrived in high schools in Taiwan. Using
PA system for teaching English listening is also indispensable
nowadays. In the past, when having English listening teaching or
listening comprehension test, the only way for teachers is to use a
portable stereo for audio output. It can be a flexible way on English
listening teaching. However, several problems about equality would
happen if the portable stereo is used for English listening comprehension test. For example, if the brand of the portable stereo, the
quality of sound, the starting and ending time, and the response of
teachers when facing controversial issues are not consistent, students
doubt the equality of the test. Therefore, it is much more important to
use an appropriate English listening teaching System. Here are some
key points about constructing an English listening teaching system:
a. The broadcasting channel for each grade and the one for public
areas should be constructed independently because of the
difference of teaching materials. Constructing independently
makes students in each grade carry out English listening learning
and listening comprehension test at the same time. Also, voice
messages can be announced to public areas at the same time,
which decreases the burden of teachers and co-workers at school.
b. The location of the classroom for each grade may change in
each academic year. Hence, the flexibility of the system design
for switching channels is also essential.
c. The current PA system of English listening comprehension is still
equipped with CD player or cassette player. It is easy to get, but
not convenient for actual use. Recently, “multi-channel digital
signal archive and broadcasting system” has been developed.
The main point is to use a PC to transform all teaching materials
into electronic documents. After that, the coding system will output
different materials to the channel for each grade. The broadcasting
time can also be preset, which greatly reduces the working burden
of teachers and co-workers at school.
d. The current material of English listening comprehension is normally
recorded by publishers or educational organizations, which is not
convenient to obtain. Recently, TTS (Text-to-Speech)technique
has been integrated to the PA system in campus. This technique
is able to transform the edited texts into voice messages directly.
Figure 1. Example of PA system’s TTS techniq
Each Campus
Can Do...
PA Control Unit
1. Zone/ Grouping
2. Text-to-Speech(TTS)
3. Two-Way Intercom
4. Two-Way Emergency Call
5. Communication with
MoE by VoIP Tech
Broadcasting Server
for Each Campus
Ministry of Education(MoE)
que on English Listening Learning at schools
Meg. Remote Decoder
Meg. Remote Decoder
Meg. Remote Decoder
Meg. Remote Decoder
Meg. Remote Decoder
Meg. Remote Decoder
Meg. Remote Decoder
Meg. Remote Decoder
Meg. Remote Decoder
A Zone( Ex. Language
Learning Room )
1. Campus Broadcasting
2. Two-Way Emergency Call
3. Equipment Self-Detection
After that, the PA control unit will send the voice signal to the
remote decoder to broadcast. To avoid bad sound quality of
personal recording, TTS technique can realize a professional
and great sound output.
3. Multi-pattern Real-time Clock
The real-time clock generally used before only has several builtin bell tones the supplier provides. There is also a built-in MP3 player
or software in the real-time clock of some brands. What built inside a
real-time clock should be based on users’ demands. However, to
satisfy users’ requirements, there are some key points to follow:
a. The setting of time schedule and audio files should be userfriendly. Editing by personal PC and then transmitting the edited
file to the real-time clock can be the best way. Therefore, users
do not need to stay at the clock every time as the setting should
be changed.
b. Morning study and lunch time can be the longest period of resting
at schools. It can be a great idea to arrange a set of relaxing
music playing during the two periods. English listening learning
can also be included during the morning study.
4. Remote Control by Internet
Most remote-control PA system in the early days is used with
analog microphones. The basic installation is to connect PA control
unit with the microphones by wires. Due to its fixed connection
method, it is not easy to rearrange the circuit in the environment
frequently adjusted. Another way of controlling the PA system is by
using telephone control. Extensions of a telephone system can
control different zones of PA system, which is convenient, flexible
and money-saving. The two ways previously mentioned are for
audio public address. However, more and more schools tend to
apply wired or wireless internet system combing with the software
to create a complete PA system. Controlling by computers or tablets,
setting by graphic control software, playing music, and editing time
schedule and other adjustments can be achieved with this system.
By applying wired/wireless internet system, PA system can be
controlled without boundaries.
5. Intercom Function
Everyone holds the same time in each day. If the communication
between people can be smoother, more time can be well-controlled.
Therefore, two-way communication between classrooms and the
main control room makes the communication more efficient. As
emergent conditions happen, intercom function can be beneficial
to react instantly.
6. Integration with Emergency Call
Students’ safety is what schools and parents pay attention to
the most. Recently, bullying affairs frequently happen, which makes
school authorities think about how to decrease students’ bullying.
One good way is to install an emergency call system for anti-bullying.
Students can call for help promptly when they are threatened by
others. Generally, emergency call buttons are set at the lavatory
and dead corner in the campus. When students are in danger,
they can press the button to transmit the emergency signal to the
emergency operation center of school. However, the traditional
structure of emergency call system is applied with analog and multiwired equipment, which is complicated to install when there are too
many zones. The diagnosis and maintenance in the future can be
difficult as well. Currently, emergency call function can be integrated
with PA system. The integrated system can realize self-diagnosis
by long-distance transmission. Users can also know immediately
if the system is breaking down. Moreover, the PA system can be
installed with flash-light speakers to deter evildoers, which can
prevent any harm or danger before security personnel arrives.
「2014 Incentive
Tour - Osaka,
Roger: I haven’t joined BXB’s incentive
tour for two years. This time I brought
my wife and son enjoying family happiness. Universal Studios is the place
we’ve expected for long. Due to my
son’s age, he is only allowed to be on
merry-go-round. The big mascots also
scare him. However, this trip still expands our visions a lot. The most impressive part is the spectacular view from
each hotel we live. It’s really relaxing
and comfortable. Finally, I would like
to thank the staff of BXB’s Employee
Welfare Committee. They work hard
on arranging such a wonderful journey!
Mary: It’s really unforgettable running
into the mysterious Ichiriki Teahouse
at the night of Kyoto. The Geisha
performance is the most attractive
point there. However, we didn’t have
chance to meet the most high-profile
geisha. But we still saw some geisha
girls with gorgeous dressing. It’s really
Vivian: The two spots I’ve expected for long
are Shinsaibashi(shopping area)and Universal Studios. After arriving at Kansai International Airport, the tour guide kindly
brought us to Shinsaibashi directly. I was
really joyful and excited although it cost me
a fortune! Universal Studios of the second
day is, without a doubt, the paradise to both
children and adults. The most impressive
facility to me is ELMO’s 4D movie. I’m surprised that the current technology can make
us virtually be involved to the scene of the
movie. We could smell the scent and feel
the wind and rain! Moreover, Water World
and Spider-Man are also the exciting facility.
Everything is great except that there are too
many visitors, so we need to line up for long
for each facility. It’s regretful that I didn’t take
a photo with big Hello Kitty. Finally, I hope
that the incentive tour next year can be in
abroad. BXB’s sales,
let’s work harder to
make it come true.
Go! Go! Go!
Corinna: I really had fun on shopping and eating
in Japan this time. I saw many of our staff heading for drug and cosmetics shops and coming
out with many bags in hands. I think this trip
totally satisfies everyone’s shopping demands.
Dora: I really had fun shopping in
Osaka except the cuisine our travel
agency arranged. Fortunately, we
personally found excellent restaurants so that our stomach can be
filled. Since we have much free time
seeing around by ourselves this
time, there are many chances to
ask for directions. Originally, I feel
Japanese quite cold. However, I
found they are very kind. Even though they don’t know the direction,
they will help us ask others until
we have known how to go. It’s really
warming! Finally, I appreciate that
our company helds incentive tour
every year so that we can expand
our vision by experiencing different
cultures. In each trip, the relationship between colleagues can be
increased as well. I can’t wait to
join the incentive tour next year!
Tony: This is my first time taking
someone accompanying me to BXB’s
incentive tour. My wish of traveling to
Japan with my younger sister finally
comes true! Taking the train to the
city center of Osaka is advanturous
because we are unfamiliar with the
place and people, and language barrier can be a big problem to us as well.
The most impressive experience is
enjoying the ice cream in 10-degree
winter. With the twilight of sunset at
Osaka Castle Museum, the freezing
weather doesn’t affect us anymore.
Moreover, my sister feels BXB’s
colleagues kind and friendly. Thanks
for President Wu and the members
of Employee Welfare Committee. We
truly have a great memory!
Joanne: After joining BXB’s 2012
incentive tour in Tateyama Turobe,
Japan, I always expect to visit Japan
again. It’s so glad that BXB’s Employee Welfare Committee really holds
a trip in Japan this year! The schedule
for each day is well-arranged and
suitable for both children and adults.
There are always surprises every day.
We went to the drug and cosmetic
shops, saw many products of cute
Hello Kitty, and ate the hottest Thunder Chocolates. Although I shopped
from the first day to the final day and
needed to rearrange my luggage
every night, I totally found pleasure
in it. Thanks for President Wu and
BXB’s Employee Welfare Committee
provide such a great trip!
BXB - C901
BXB-C901 Conference Camera Control Unit got 22th Taiwan
Excellence Award. FCS Flush-mounted and UFO Table-top
microphone units got 21th Taiwan Excellence Award.
FCS - 3025/FCS - 3026
UFO - 2011/UFO - 2012
Taipei, Taiwan
.Date/ 19-21 Mar, 2014(3 days)
.Location/ Nangang Exhibition Hall
19 Wed 10:00am to 18:00pm
20 Thur 10:00am to 18:00pm
21 Fri
10:00am to 17:00pm
Booth No.
Publishing Date/
March 1, 2014
Wu,Chao - Wen & Wu Chen, Hui - tu
Published Monthly by/
BXB Electronics Co., Ltd.
Tel /
6F - 1, No.288 - 5, Xinya Rd.,
Qianzhen Dist., Kaohsiung City
806, Taiwan
Chief Editor/
Dora Tseng dora@bxb.tw
Translation Editor/
Stacy Chiang stacy@bxb.tw
Executive Art Designer/
Dora Tseng dora@bxb.tw