New Member Class - First Lutheran Church Detroit Lakes


New Member Class - First Lutheran Church Detroit Lakes
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Volume 19
February 2015
Walking with Denise
February 3rd
at 11:30
Ash Wednesday
February 18th
Worship with Communion
12:05 & 6:15
Lenten Wednesday Worship
12:05 with Soup & Sandwiches following
6:15 with OASIS meal before
New Member Class
February 26th
6:00 pm
Dinning Room
Issue 2
Inside this issue…
Action Corps
Page 13
Page 16
Children’s Ministry
Page 5
Page 17
Kidsfirst Preschool
Page 12
Page 14
New Books
Page 15
Parish Acts
Page 12
Parish Nurse
Page 9
Pastor Dave
Page 2
Pastor Lee
Page 3
Page 4
The Link, WFLC
Page 8
Youth News
Page 6-7
Deadline for
February's Newsletter is
February 16th
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Page 2
Pastor’s Corner
by Pastor Dave
Friends in Christ,
The other day Dean, our bass player, caught me going out of the sanctuary, and, as he pointed to the
worshipping community leaving the sanctuary that day, said to me, “Dave, there are LOTS more people out
there, just like me!”
“What are you talking about Dean?” I asked.
“Dave, when I made that phone call to you a few years back, I was scared enough to want to hang up the
phone because I didn’t think I had the talent or ability to do what we were talking about…and then…when you
invited me to come to rehearsal that night, I thought NO WAY!! But look at what’s happened since then…”
And as we looked at what’s happened since then, he is right…more than he knows. In fact, I would maintain
that EVERY ONE in the sanctuary that day was just like Dean as EVERYONE of us is looking for, is seeking
our place in life and faith, and many times not really sure where we really do “fit it”!!
With this in mind, the leadership of First Lutheran is making “Finding your place in life and faith” a focus for
2015, starting with our Lenten Journey “Repacking our Backpacks”!!
In their thought provoking book “Repacking your bags: lighten your load for the rest of your life”, Richard
Leider and David Shapiro offer, as they call it, the “good life”, (the place where you find your smile and inner
joy) includes four basic components: place, people, work, and purpose. And all four of these need to be present
in ALL phases of our live. When they opened this up, they said it like this:
The Good life is “living in the place you belong, with people you love,
doing the right work, on pupose.”
Sound like something that would speak to you? It sure does to me…and it sure did for Dean.
Thus, as we journey into 2015, the invitation is offered to all join the journey. Join in the Lenten Journey as we
hear the words of our Living God (through the Psalms) invite us to take a look at the backpacks of faith and
life that we carry…and then to discard those things that are getting in the way of a life of joy and happiness…
and repack with those gifts God gives us to fully live each and every day.
In our Lenten Journey we’ll get to hear from Dean himself…along with several other fellow “backpackers”.
It’s my hope and prayer that all followers of Jesus will, through this journey indeed, “Find your place in life
and faith in and through First Lutheran.”
A fellow traveler on the journey,
Pastor Dave
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Page 3
The Life & Times
of an Interim Pastor
Now is a good time to reflect on the Call of God. It is a good time because so many of our Gospel stories
this time of year are about God’s Call. It is also a good time because
First Lutheran Church is now starting the process of calling another Pastor. It is still 4-6 months away
from the new Pastor being here but things are now happening. It is also a good time because each of us
needs to reexamine and recommit our calls to Christ, family, church, friends, work, God and country.
There will be many things that will come together in the next six months:
A congregational study
A gathering together of possible candidate names from our members, from the Bishop,
and from candidates themselves
The interviewing and selection of a candidate by the Call Committee
The presentation to, and the election of the candidate by the voting members
Then hopefully, the acceptance by the candidate, and the announcement of the
beginning date
It has been many years since First issued a Pastoral Call. This can be an immensely exciting time for a
congregation. It will be for First.
God also calls the members of First.
All of this is now taking place.
Leaders and Call Committee and
Bishop and Staff and you and I will
all be fufilling our tasks. The Spirit
is moving in our midst and the Lord is
leading the way. Thanks be to God.
Pastor Lee Yarger
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Page 4
Support Ministries
Yay! I just heard back from Deb & she said, “Yes!” I’m so excited!! Every Tuesday morning all of us who
work in the church office gather for our weekly staff meeting. It’s an invaluable time of connecting, communicating, visioning and scheduling. It would be impossible for us to move forward as individual parts of
one body without this time to make sure we maintain a common vision and coordinate all our ministries as
such. That being said, it is also a tremendous support for us to have someone man the front desk during this
time so we can tend to our business uninterrupted. This ministry has evolved into a regular schedule each
month; and boy do we love it!
Once upon a time, I had a list of people willing and able to help with Tuesday morning office coverage and I
would call each week to line someone up. Eventually, that switched (thankfully) to having regular helpers on
a regular weekly schedule. This has been a great transition in many ways. One, Dianne simply knows she
will be on duty the second Tuesday of each month and she can schedule her time accordingly. Two, I don’t
have to take time to call each week. I know that if, for some reason she can’t come that day, she will call me;
otherwise, she will be in. Three, since she comes in every month, she has been able to take over an office
task that is now hers to do whenever she does come in. Trust me, I was all about my ‘happy dance’ when
Dianne took over the WeCare receipt ministry!!!!! It’s so great when one of our many Support Ministries
just gels. Great people using their individual gifts to do great ministry.
Oh, yes… Deb. We’ve done some changing up of the rotation this last few months! I think Dianne Fillmore
has been 2nd Tuesday from the beginning. Bev Jacobson was 3rd Tuesday, but our ‘Snowbird’ flew away
for the winter, so Grace Dunham has covered her post. Marny Dreyer was 1st Tuesday, but her schedule got
so crazy (that’s our Marny ) that she switched to being a sub. I had asked Deb Anderson if she would be
interested in taking over 1st Tuesday, but she was already booked during that time. “BUT,” she added, “if a
2nd or 4th Tuesday is open…” “Sandi!” I’m on the phone with 4th Tuesday, Sandi Kemmer, “Would you
mind switching from 4th to 1st Tuesday?” Sandi, as ever, is so awesomely gracious, “Sure, that would work
just fine.” So, Sandi switched to 1st so Deb could do 4th. (Hmmm. 1st Tuesday helps put away all the
nametags from “Nametag Sunday” & prints & assemble any new ones. Boy, I’d hate to lose Sandi’s help
with all the database work she’s already got going… awww, she a pro, she can handle double duty; hee, hee.)
So, I asked Deb if 4th Tuesday would work for her and if she would like to give it a go and … re-read the
opening sentence!!! Whew, clear as mud? Ha, ha, I love my faith family.
So, a Support Ministry you may not even realize exists is the “office coverage during staff meeting team.” 
As noted, for 1st through 4th Tuesdays we’re blessed with Sandi, Dianne, Grace and Deb. And, when there’s
a 5th Tuesday… Liz Mathison! Also, every so often when someone has a conflict with their schedule, I can
call Liz or Linda Adkins, Marny, Marilyn Hedstrom or Karen Herman. In addition to Tuesdays, every year,
typically in May, the staff gather at some location away from church to do our annual planning and calendar.
I am so thankful each time that there is such a great pool of help I can call on who know their way around the
office well enough to take care of things in our absence. I can’t say enough, how I appreciate the many
hands of ministry here at First. If you’d
like to connect into something but just
aren’t sure what that might be… call
me! There may just be a perfect fit
Edna Mae Pearson brought in a newspaper article covering
you don’t yet know exists!!
“Rally Day” at First Lutheran in 1969. The picture is of
With joy & thanksgiving,
Pr. Kermit Graves and 42 of the 66 “members of the church
Tanzy Kratzke
Sunday school staff” who were leading the “555 children
for the coming year.” It is so exciting to see how
Office Administrator,
many of those individuals are still worshipping here today!!
Director of Support Ministries
Fun ‘First’ Fact
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Children’s Corner February 2015
You are Invited!
Dear Families, you are invited to join us
during a very special
Oasis evening during Lenten services
February 18th-March 25th.
There will be opportunities to meet new
friends, have dinner together, share our
faith stories and worship as families.
Stay tuned as more information will
follow in worship bulletins.
Coming up:
Feb. 8th– 3 & 4 year olds Noah’s Ark Party & Blessing
Feb. 11th– 3 & 4 year olds Noah’s Ark Party & Blessing
Feb. 25th-March 25th– Wednesday Night Communion
Classes with 5th graders and parents
Page 5
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Page 6
First Lutheran Church Youth
February 2015
Mark Your Calendar:
 February 8: Pancake Breakfast
 February 10: Youth Team Meeting
 February 11: 10th Grade Check-in meeting @
 February 15-16: Buena Vista Trip
 February 18: Ash Wednesday
 February 22: Youth Movie Night
10th Grade Check-in Meeting
10th Grade youth and their mentors will be meeting with Pastor
Dave on February 11th in the chapel @ 7:00 pm. They will be talking about upcoming expectations and meetings with the pastors.
Pancake Breakfast
February 8th
Come and enjoy a delicious meal of
Pancakes and sausages from 9:3010:45! Youth are Invited to come and
help prepare the meal! The money
raised during breakfast will be used to
send youth on trips such as the National Youth Gathering, Buena Vista, ETC.
Lenten Devotion– Repacking your backpacks of life and Faith
This year the Lenten theme focuses on the baggage we carry around in our daily lives and how worship,
church, and God help us on our journey to lose our baggage. The youth and families are invited be a part
of the theme in many ways in February and March
5:00-6:15 pm Oasis: families are encouraged to join First Lutheran during special Oasis evenings.
Throughout the meals tables will be having “Faith Talks” with each other. During the Faith Talks the
youth room will closed. Youth and families are encouraged to come together to eat and talk about their
Lenten Worship: 6:15-7:00 pm
7:00-8:00 Lenten youth devotion: 6th-12th Graders are invited to a devotion based on the night’s theme.
They will be doing interactive activities, having discussions, watching videos, etc. The devotion will be in
the sanctuary after worship. All youth and friends are invited.
How do you #pictureLent?
Join people of faith from all over the country as we picture Lent this year. From weekly themes to church
activities and resources, #pictureLent is a great way to unite your family or your faith community in moving toward Easter intentionally and passionately. Check out what #pictureLent has to offer this year:
#pictureLent Photo-a-Day
First, we want to share our Lenten journey with all our friends and family, so we're inviting you to share a
daily photo. Lent is a contemplative season, , we will be providing a word each week for you to carry with
you and consider all week long. Post your picture on your favorite social media site with the theme and
#pictureLent so we can all be inspired together! Look on Facebook, twitter, text messages, etc. for the
word of the week.
Youth Movie Night
Youth will be getting together on February 22nd to watch the movie Despicable Me at 5:00.
Before watching the movie, youth will be having a wonderful meal based on the movie. Come
hang out, and have a fun time!
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Page 7
Buena Vista Ski Resort
President’s Day Weekend!
Sunday, February 15th Monday, February 16th, 2016
We will leave from First Lutheran in DL on Sunday, Feb. 15th at 1:30 p.m.
and return on Monday, Feb. 16th.
You must sign up and pay your $85.00 deposit at your own church office by February 11th to reserve your
spot on the bus and slopes!
Sign up lasts until the bus is filled! After that, there will be a waiting list for anyone else who wants to see
if a spot opens up!
Name: _______________________________________ Phone: _____________________
Email: __________________________________
Grade in school ’14-’15: __________
Church: ______________________________________________
____ : Bringing my own gear! $95.00
____ : Renting Snowboard Sun. & Mon.! $120.00
____ : Renting Skis! $110.00
Parent/Guardian Permission Signature: ______________________________________________
________ I am interested in chaperoning the ski trip to Buena Vista in February!
Please make checks payable to your church!
Please return this form, along with your $85 deposit to your church office ASAP top reserve your spot!!
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Page 8
The Link
Women of First Lutheran Church
While on the WELCA website, I came
across a blog asking “What would you say if
someone asked about WELCA.” I started
thinking about that – women have always
gathered together, women in Jesus' time
gathered at the well when they came to get
water for the day. When the pioneers came to
America the first things they did was organize a
church and school. Pioneer women gathered to
make quilts, have lunch together and one of the
women fluent in reading would read from the
Bible. As churches grew women organized “Ladies Aid.” Pot lucks became ways for families
to socialize and the women organized bake sales and church suppers, using the proceeds to buy
items for the church.
So why do I belong to WELCA? As a newly wed it was a way to get to know other women,
they companions on my faith journey as they were on theirs. I deeply enjoy being part of an organization that women in generations past had the wisdom and faith to carry on and share with
one another to learn and grow together. I also find great satisfaction in making LWR kits – my
pet project is to make layettes. Other women have their own favorite projects – making quilts,
other kits, Global Health kits for Aids/Hospice and Newborn kits. Whatever projects that are
made bring blessings to people in need. My hope is the generations following us will carry on
the ministry we women have been doing.
Our church will be hosting World Day of Prayer on March 6 at noon followed by a light lunch
which we will be serving. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. If you can help in any
way let me know.
Happy Valentines Day to each of you!
WFLC Bible Study Leaders
will meet
February 26 at 10:00 am in
the Conference Room
Norma Smith
Circle Meetings in February
February 5
February 3
February 5
February 5
February 3
2:00 pm
7:00 pm
1:30 pm
9:30 am
9:30 am
Dining Room
Jan J. House
Virginia E.
Sue C.
Henrietta M. & Kari Jo H.
Jean R.
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Parish Health
Page 9
Denise Gaard 218-847-5656
Hands Only CPR: two steps to save a life. February 8th 10:15 & 12:00 in the Library. Learn how to do
hands only CPR and how to use the AED. This class is for all ages and will be taught by a certified CPR instructor. Please sign up in the church office.
Heart attacks are caused by heart disease, which is the number one cause of death among both men
and women in the United States. According to the American Heart Association, every year in the United States
roughly 785,000 people will have their first heart attack. And approximately 470,000 who have had a heart attack before
will have another one.
You may be someone who is recovering from a heart attack or someone who is concerned about your personal risk for a
heart attack. Or you may be a caregiver who is helping a loved one who has heart disease. Regardless of your starting
point, information through the American Heart Association can help you better understand what heart attacks are – their
causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment – and what you will need for recovery and to lead a heart-healthy lifestyle
moving forward. You’ll also find questions you can ask your physician about heart attack, what you can do to increase
your odds of surviving a heart attack, and what recovery from heart attack will involve.
Do you know the symptoms of a heart attack? Would you call 9-1-1 if you or someone you were with was experiencing the warning signs?
Many people who suffer a heart attack either don’t recognize the signs or dismiss them. Although “It can’t be happening
to me!” is a natural reaction, it’s in your best interest to play it safe and get checked out. To improve the odds of survival
and of preserving heart muscle function, it is crucial to:
Recognize the Symptoms
Most typically the symptoms are described as a pressure or squeezing central chest discomfort; however, heart attack
patients have also described pain in the upper arm, across the back, up into the neck and jaw. Others have described it
as heartburn, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain. Women’s symptoms may be different, and could include sudden onset of weakness; shortness of breath; nausea or vomiting; indigestion; fatigue; and an overall feeling of illness; mild discomfort in the back, chest, arm, neck, or jaw; or sleep disturbance. Don’t forget - not all patients who have a heart attack experience chest pain.
Call 9-1-1
Call 9-1-1 so emergency responders can run an ECG before arriving at the hospital. The ambulance can send the results
to the hospital. Based on the findings, they may alert an interventional cardiologist to be standing by. Can you do that
driving in your car?
For more information on Heart Disease go to
Let’s get moving!
~Walk with Denise~ Starts again February 3rd at 11:30. We will meet in the Sanctuary. Walk with Denise will
be most Tuesdays. The schedule varies due to Denise will be on vacation. Check the calendar in your newsletter
for dates of walking. Wear comfortable shoes. You can walk at your own pace. We do not walk stairs and we walk
inside until the weather warms up. We will walk for 20 to 30 minutes.
~Strength and Stretching~ led by Cindy Bruflodt, will resume March 12th! This is a great time of relaxing and
strengthening your body and mind! The class is held on Thurdays at 12:30. Everyone is welcome! Plan on attending
and bring a friend too!
~Grief Share and Support Group February 12th 2:00 PM in the library. This is a time of sharing,
supporting each other and prayer. Everyone is welcome!
~First Lutheran’s Wear Red Day for heart disease is February 8th.
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Page 10
Pastoral Call Update
Pastoral Call Process update:
The Call Committee has been formed, consisting of the current members of the Vision Council and the Chair
of the Personnel Committee, Paul Webber. We are currently working on our congregational profile as the next
step in our search. As we look for a pastor to join in ministry with our Lead Pastor, Pastor Dave, we are
seeking input from all confirmed members of First Lutheran.
Please offer your responses to the following statements and turn into the church office before February 2nd.
It is the goal of the Call Committee to have this congregational profile completed by the middle of February.
Your participation is appreciated,
Tim Sundby, Vision Council President
What excites you about First Lutheran’s Ministry?
What are the challenges you see for the Ministry of First Lutheran in the next 5 years?
What are the goals you have for the Ministry of First Lutheran in the next 5 years?
From the following list, select the FIVE most important traits in our next pastor:
Help people develop their spiritual life.
Be effective in ecumenical relationships.
Help people understand and act upon issues of
Be effective in working with youth.
social justice.
Organize people for community action.
Provide care and nurture.
Be skilled in planning and leading programs.
Be active in visitation of members and non-
Have a strong commitment and loyalty to the
Be effective in working with children.
Build a sense of community among the people
with whom he/she works.
Lutheran Church.
Understand and interpret the mission of the
Church from a global perspective.
Deal effectively with conflict.
Help others develop their leadership abilities and 
Bring joy and good humor to relationships.
skills for ministry.
Be able to share leadership and work in a team.
Be an effective administrator.
Be creative and innovative about his or her tasks.
Be an effective communicator.
Be able to use technology and media.
Be an effective teacher.
Appreciate cultural diversity in language and
Encourage support of the Church’s wider
Work regularly in the development of
stewardship growth.
Have talents in the areas of music, arts, and
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Page 11
Repacking Our Backpacks of Life & Faith
So then, what are YOU carrying around in your in your backpacks
of Life and Faith?
Does it make you happy...does it bring a smile to your face?
Does it fill you with joy and peace...or empty you of energy and vibrancy?
Come and Eat...with your entire family. And,
while we eat, the Generosity Team will lead us
in some “faith talk” time centering in the
Psalm of the day. Great food and great
conversation: what a deal. While “faith
families” gather together as well. Meal times
are AFTER the noon worship and from 5:15 to
6:00 for the 6:15 Lenten Worship.
Starting Ash Wednesday, February 18th, Each Wednesday our Lenten Journey
opens up our backpacks of Life and Faith...and invites us to discard those things
that weigh us down and repack with God’s gifts of Community, Belonging and the
Spirit of Christ Himself. And further, “Special Speakers” with guide us at every
step along the way.
Let’s write our own First Lutheran Travel Guide. Let 40 of us share the joy and happiness e have found in Christ. So, are there 40 First Lutheran members who would write
a short ½ page to one page devotional? It could be any God story of yours, or a time
your faith was inspired or grew, or an experience you had which made you thank and
praise God. It may have been a time of great challenge, or great achievement, or even
great suffering. It could be a story of unexpected grace, or a time you were surprised
by love, or maybe your work or hobby that gave fulfillment and purpose.
Be what Luther called ‘a little Christ’ to your congregation. Let them repack their bags
with you and your God story inside. Please sign up today by Feb. 8.
The Psalms can give joy and happiness. The Psalms can connect and
then reconnect you to God. Why would you ever leave home without
them? Pastor Lee will lead a six part series on the Psalms during Lent.
We will meet after each noon and evening Lenten
Service. It all starts on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18.
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Page 12
“See that you also Excel in this Grace of Giving – 2 Corinthians 8:15”
Generosity updates to “chew on” as we seek to “Excel in this Grace of Giving”!!
CHRISTFIRST: Growing God’s Vision update. WOW!! Thanks be to God for the extravagant
Generosity happening in and through God’s People at First Lutheran. This update lets you
know that our mortgage is now $195,000 and going down faster than we could have ever imagined. And, in addition, almost $200,000 is “in the bank” waiting for the sanctuary remodeling to
take place and the anniversary gift to be given. And, we’re only in the second year of people fulfilling their pledges! Thanks for your faithfulness People of God!!
MISSION BUDGET update: While this update is not as “glowing” as the ChristFirst update,
this update still says “Thanks to the regular and faithful giving of God’s People, learning and
worship, serving and community continue to take place as we Open Doors to Life in Christ.”
Without question, offering our tithes and offerings to “keep the lights on” for all the ministries
of First Lutheran isn’t glamorous, but it is essential. While FLC ended 2014 with a positive
Mission Fund balance of $19,135.54, God’s people are encouraged to continue to offer your gifts
and tithes throughout January and February as these months have a tendency to get pretty
tight financially for First Lutheran. Thanks for your faithfulness, People of God.
Kidsfirst Preschool
Greetings from Kidsfirst Preschool!
It’s about that time of year again when we will begin accepting fall
registrations for the 2015-2016 school year. We will offer a three day
a week all day session and tow day a week half day sessions for
three, four and five year olds. If you would like to register your child
for preschool for next year, please contact Beth for more information
at 847-5656 or at
Monday February 9th beginning at 8:00 in the morning is when we will begin to accept registrations.
Parish Acts
Clara Elise Frank
January 18, 2015
Harvey Handegard January 17, 2015
Danielle Blauert & Adam Spieker January 24, 2015
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Page 13
Action Corp Monthly Service
Leader: Dick & Bar b Groth
Ashland, Kurt & Marie
Banks, Valerie
Bauder, Darrell & Dorothy
Berg, Dan & Sandy
Brehm, Cheryl
Brenden, Myra
Brenden, Paul & Teri Lynne
Brown, Brandon
Burnside, Brady & Jen
Carlblom, Chad & Kristen
Christensen, Walt & Sue
Davis, Richard & Joanne
Floan, Fred & Sally Ziegler-Sletto
Floding, Eric & Barbara
Freeman, Jon & Belinda
Groth, Dick & Barb
Hagen, Chad & Wanda
Helm, Bonnie
Hesby, Sue
Johnson, Tallack & Janice
Keizer, Loren & Sarah
Klyve, Joyce & Tom
Kuehne, Mike & Diane
Leegard, Lyle & Peggy
Lindquist, Mark & RoxAnn
MacPherson, Phil & Ilene
Mason, Patricia
Meyer, Dennis & Sharon
Murphy, Todd & Cindy
Nordmark, Mary
Olson, Ben & Heidi
Olson, David
Funerals: Sue Chr istensen
Omberg, Julian & Eloise
Ostby, Al & Dottie
Pearson, John
Pender, Mason & Sara
Rathbun, Dick
Rethwisch, Deb
Schramel, Paul & Jill
Schwartz, Kevin
Shepard, Sara & Brian
Totland, Jennie
Waalen, Mary & Lanny
Wenberg, Ronald
Wheeler, Holly & Tolly
Wheeler, Joy
Wheeler, Roger & Jodi
Whitworth, Warren & Kristen
Action Corps serves the Coffee Fellowship time on Sunday mornings, provides desserts for funerals and serves
other congregational events.
The month you are on Action Corps, you will be called by your Action Corps leader to see when and how you
would like to participate. For Sunday mornings You can serve (set-up, serving and/or clean up).
You can donate food items or You can donate money to pur chase food items.
You will only be called as the need arises for funerals & other events.
We accomplish big things when everybody does a little bit! Thank You!!
Leader: Ar dys Hor ner
Adams, Hope & Darin
Allen, Ken & Marty
Anderson, Ryan & Angela
Anderson, Verly
Andrews, Stephen & Mary
Armstrong, Jim & Joyce
Bausman, Brian & Kris
Bendewald, Gary & Ruth
Bergquist, Cheryl
Blacknik, Kathleen
Blauert, Adam & Danielle
Borgmann, Chris & Kari
Buboltz, TJ & Karen
Christensen, Lisa & Casey
Davis, Leslie
Dickson, Rick & Angie
Erickson, LeAnn
Gilbertson, Ben & Joyce
Haderly, Don & Cheri
Hanson, Bradley
Horner, Jon & Ardys
Hovde, Cody
Hummel, Bruce & Phyllis
Jacobson, Lynelle
Jernberg, Bob & Marilyn
Johnson, Ray & Ellen
Kirchner, Phil & Nicole
Kotschevar, Gail
Kunz, Susan
Kyro, Ruben & Pat
Funerals: Cher i Hader ly
Lee, Wayne & Joan
Magnusson, Chuck & Pat
Marxen, Greg & Glenice
Nelson, Arlen & LaVonne
Peterick, Karla
Roel, Bob & Sandra
Rogstad, Lief & Theresa
Rouse, Patti & Shannon
Schatteles, Michael & Denise
Seal, Vern & Ruth
Strand, Taressa
Sundby, Tim & Mary
Tunheim, Pauline
Wentz, Brad & Jen
Wolf, Jake & Sharron
Each family/person has a 3-month quarter in which they will be called upon for serving. If you are on the list for
February, you will rotate each year between December, January and February. If you are on the list for March,
you will rotate each year between March April and May. If you know which Sunday you would prefer to help
serve during Sunday Coffee Fellowship time, please contact your leader and let them know! Call the office, 8475656, if you would like to change the season in which you serve.
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Page 14
First Lutheran Church acknowledges with grateful
appreciation these memorials which have been
received this past month.
In Memory of: Red Elton
Given by: Pat Zurn
In Memory of: Roy & Lois Floan
Given by: Fred Floan
In Memory of: Harvey Handegard
Given by: Pat Zurn
In Memory of: Betty Kjos
Given by: Dean & Sue Berg
In Memory of: Evelyn Luthi
Given by: Jon & Ardys Horner
In Memory of: Carolyn Armstrong
Given by: Ruth Olson
In Memory of: Carol Beaudine
Given by: Mary Nordmark
Ruth Olson
In Memory of: Leland Buboltz
Given by: Donald & Carolynn Blanding
Bruce & Marlys Douglas
In Memory of: Harvey Handegard
Given by: Tallack & Jan Johnson
In Memory of: Carol Johnson
Given by: Ruth Olson
In Memory of: Georgie Kershner
Given by: Ruth Olson
In Memory of: Darrell Smith
Given by: Jon & Ardys Horner
In Memory of: Richard Strand
Given by: Larry & Adrianne Buboltz
Bruce & Marlys Douglas
In Memory of: Georgie Kershner
Given by: Many Donors
In Memory of: Barbara Thompson
Given by: Alan & Brenda Bergum
Paul & Terri Nelson
In Memory of: Pat Danner
Given by: Jerry Danner & Family
In Memory of: Leland Buboltz
Given by: Mike & Dianne Fillmore
In Honor of: Wade & Holly Dutton
Given by: Lynn & Beverly Hummel
In Memory of: Bette Kjos
Given by: Fern Brown
In Memory of: Allen Lund
Given by: Fern Brown
In Memory of: Shirley Hunnel
Given by: Ruth Tovson
In Memory of: Alan Lund
Given by: Pat Bollig
In Honor of: Karen Bimberg
Given by: Florence Danielson
In Memory of: Harvey Handegard
Given by: Arvin & Twila Halvorson
In Memory of: Agnes Johnson
Given by: Fern Brown
In Honor of : Dennis & Mary Lou Anderson’s
7th Wedding Anniversary
Given by: Dennis Anderson
In Memory of: Bernice Boode
Given by: Ann Dewing
In Memory of: Harvey Handegard
Given by: Fern Brown
Ruth Tovson
In Memory of: Shirley Hunnel
Given by: Harvey & Elyda Handegard
In Memory of: Agnes Johnson
Given by: Lorraine Mackner
In Memory of: Evelyn Luthi
Given by: Fern Brown
In Memory of: Honorary Members of Rachel Circle
Given by: Rachel Circle
In Honor & Memory of: Quilters Past & Present
Given by: Quilters
In Memory of: Roger Sogge
Given by: Ken & Marlys Christianson
In Memory of: Harvey Handegard
Given by: Dean & Sue Berg
In Honor of: Harvey & Elyda Handegard’s
60th Wedding Anniversary
Given by: Edna Mae Pearson
In Memory of: Agnes Johnson
Given by: Edna Mae Pearson
In Memory of: Mickey Johnson
Given by: Edna Mae Pearson
In Memory of: Georgie Kershner
Given by: Barbara Cizek
In Memory of: Evelyn Luthi
Given by: Edna Mae Pearson
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Page 15
New in the Library
Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality
Donald Miler
"I never liked jazz music because jazz music doesn't resolve. I used to not like God because God
didn't resolve. But that was before any of this happened." ―Donald Miller
In Donald Miller's early years, he was vaguely familiar with a distant God. But when he came to
know Jesus Christ, he pursued the Christian life with great zeal. Within a few years he had a successful ministry that ultimately left him feeling empty, burned out, and, once again, far away from
God. In this intimate, soul-searching account, Miller describes his remarkable journey back to a
culturally relevant, infinitely loving God. For anyone wondering if the Christian faith is still relevant in a postmodern culture. For anyone thirsting for a genuine encounter with a God who is
real. For anyone yearning for a renewed sense of passion in life. Blue Like Jazz is a fresh and
original perspective on life, love, and redemption.
Introverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture
Adam S. McHugh
On December 10, 2009, Crystal McVea, a thirty-two-year-old mother of four, stopped
breathing. Her face turned a dark shade of blue, then black. Her mother screamed for help,
and a nurse tried to revive her . . . to no avail. Today, Crystal does not remember what happened in that hospital room during the nine minutes she was unconscious and unable to
breathe on her own. She has no memory of the panic and the rushing nurses and the loud
cries of “Code Blue.” She simply remembers drifting off. And she remembers waking up in
heaven. For most of Crystal’s broken life, she felt utterly beyond the reach of God— if God was
even real. Then came December 10—and the nine minutes that changed everything. Waking Up in Heaven invites readers along on a journey to witness the relentless pursuit of God in a life that was
shattered and seemingly beyond hope, an awe-inspiring account of love, forgiveness, and redemption, and the
healing power of God’s presence. Call Number: 248.4 McH
Quiet Faith: An Introvert’s Guide to Spiritual Survival
Judson Edwards
In Quiet Faith, Judson Edwards writes, “For all of the fine qualities we introverts bring to the
table, the truth remains that we are typically viewed as people in need of a personality upgrade. Those of us who are active in the church find that to be especially true in the community
of faith. We are consistently, though subtly and indirectly, reminded that we need to be bolder,
louder, and more certain in our faith. If we ever really got filled with the Spirit, the church seems
to suggest, we would become extroverts.” In eight finely crafted chapters, Edwards looks at key
issues like evangelism, interpreting the Bible, dealing with doubt, and surviving the church from
the perspective of a confirmed, but sometimes reluctant, introvert. In the process, he offers
some provocative insights that introverts will find helpful and reassuring. Quiet Faith offers a
thoughtful, honest, and entertaining look at what it means to be a Christian in the twenty-first
The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics
C.S. Lewis
The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics contains seven essential volumes by C.S.
Lewis, including Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Problem
of Pain, Miracles, A Grief Observed and Lewis’s prophetic examination of universal values,
The Abolition of Man.
Beautiful and timeless, this is a vital collection by one of the greatest Christian literary figures of the twentieth century. Call Number: 248 Lew
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
~Sunday Schedule~
Name Tag Sunday
9:30 2nd Grade
Prayer Party
Renovation Mtg.
8:30 Helping Hands 9:00 AA
10:00 LSS Morning Out 9:00 Office Staff Mtg
9:30 Rebekah Circle
10:30 Oak Crossing
4:30 Tae Kwon Do 11:30 Walking Denise
5:00 AlAnon
12:00 Brown Baggers
12:00 OA Serenity
5:00 Crisis Center Mtg
5:30 Tae Kwon Do
7:00 Rachel Circle
7:00 Youth Team Mtg.
6:30 Daybreak
9:00 Kitchen Team
3 8:30 Quilters 4
8:30 Quilters
~Sunday Schedule~
10:00 LSS Morning Out 9:00 Office Staff Mtg
9:30 Youth Pancake
11:30 Walking Denise
12:00 Brown Baggers
9:30 3 & 4 Yr Old
4:30 Tae Kwon Do 12:00 OA Serenity
Noah’s Ark Party 5:00 AlAnon
10:15 CPR Class
5:00 Crisis Center Mtg
12:00 CPR Class
5:30 Tae Kwon Do
8:30 Quilters
President’s Day 9:00 AA
8:30 Helping Hands 9:00 Office Staff Mtg
10:00 Blood Pressure 10:00 LSS Morning Out 11:30 Walking Denise
3:00 Generosity Team 12:00 Brown Baggers
4:30 Tae Kwon Do 12:00 OA Serenity
5:00 Crisis Center Mtg
5:00 AlAnon
5:30 Tae Kwon Do
6:30 TeacHaiti Board
Beuna Vista Trip 6-12th Grade
~Sunday Schedule~
Page 16
~Sunday Schedule~ 8:30 Helping Hands
10:00 LSS Morning Out
9:00 Redetzke Baptism
10:00 Foundation Board
4:30 Tae Kwon Do
5:00 AlAnon
4:30 Serving at
The Refuge
6:30 Mens Daybreak 8:30 Ministerial
11:00 Winchester
1:30 Lincoln Park
5:00 Worship Team 2:00 Grief & Share
12:00 AA
6:45 3 & 4 Yr Old
4:30 Tae Kwon
Noah’s Ark Party 5:00 Crisis Center Mtg Do
7:00 10th Gr Check-In
Ash Wednesday
9:30 Lincoln Park
6:30 Daybreak
Bible Study 12:00 AA
10:30 Emmanuel
9:30 Park Manor
12:05 Worship
1:00 Executive Council 10:15 Marigold
4:30 Tae Kwon
5:00 Worship Team
5:00 Crisis Center Mtg Do
8:30 Quilters
9:00 AA
9:00 Office Staff Mtg
10:00 Synod Event
12:00 Brown Baggers
12:00 OA Serenity
5:00 Crisis Center Mtg
5:30 Tae Kwon Do
6:00 BeFriender
6:30 Daybreak
8:30 Newsletter
5:15 Family Meal
6:15 Worship
5:00 Worship Team rehearsal
6:15 Alleluia Ringers rehearsal
6:45 Wed. School (3yr to 5th)
7:00 Confirmation (6th to 9th)
7:00 Adult Education
7:15 Jubilate Choir rehearsal
9:30 Naomi Circle
1:30 Ruth Circle
2:00 Miriam/Sarah 12:00 AA
5:00 Worship Team
10:00 Sanctuary
5:00 Crisis Center Mtg
Renovation Mtg.
4:30 Tae Kwon
6:45 2nd Grade
Prayer Party
Wednesday “OASIS”
12:05 Lenten Worship 10:00 Bible Study 12:00 AA
5:00 Worship Team
6:45 5th Grade
Confirmation Class 5:00 Crisis Center Mtg 4:30 Tae Kwon
6:00 New Member
Meet & Greet
7:00 Vision Council
Sunday Schedule
9:00 Traditional Worship
9:30 Sunday School-all ages
10:00 Fellowship Time
10:45 Contemporary Worship
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
Page 17
FLC Happenings
The 40 Days of Lent begin soon. We are looking to make a Lenten Devotional booklet for all 40 days. Please
sign-up or let Pastor Lee know if you would like to contribute to the devotional. Deadline is February 8th.
The Sanctuary Renovation Team invites the congregation to the Church Library on Sundays January 25th and
February 1st at 10 am and Wednesdays January 28th and February 4th at 5:15 pm to share your input.
Thank You to all of the Flower Committee members and spouses who helped with putting up and taking down
the Christmas decorations. Also a Big Thank You to all the “extra” people who volunteered their time to help.
Decorating is indeed a Big Job! We can’t forget to thank all of those members of the congregation that graciously
gave money for the poinsettias. Christmas at First Lutheran is indeed a wonderful place to be.
Do you know how to save a life? Would you know what to do if someone needed CPR? Hands Only CPR class
will teach you two steps to save a life. February 8th 10:15 & 12:00 in the Library. Learn how to do hands only
CPR and how to use the AED. This class is for all ages and will be taught by a certified CPR instructor. Sign up in
the church office.
Valentines for Vets We are participating again this year! The deadline for getting the valentines in is February
8th and the drop box is in the Church Office. All valentines go to the Fergus Falls Veteran’s Home. If you have any
questions please call Norma at 334-2721.
Walking with Denise! Starting again on February 3rd! Every Tuesday at 11:30 A.M. We will meet in the Sanctuary and walk through the church for 20 – 30 minutes. Bring your walking shoes and join us!
ELCA MALARIA CAMPAIGN GIVING As of December 1, our Northwestern Minnesota Synod has raised a total of
$301,339.19 for the ELCA Malaria campaign. We are currently ranked 10th out of the 65 ELCA synods in giving
for the Malaria campaign. Thank you for all your gifts!
Morning Out Day Program For more information and to enroll in the Morning Out Program please contact Tara
Giese, 218-233-7521 or Peggy McKeown, 218-375-2975 or Denise Gaard, Parish Nurse.
KidsFirst Preschool has both full and half day openings for this school year. If interested contact Beth at
847-5656 or
Area Happenings
Old Timer’s Pancake Breakfast at Lake Park Lutheran Church is on Saturday, February 7 from 7-10. Proceeds are
going to Caring Hearts and Hands and the Becker County Food Pantry.
Singers Wanted for the Lakes Area Chorale, directed by Lori Paakh. Please e-mail Kendra Mohn at or call 218-847-4346 for more information. Rehearsals will be on Sunday afternoons starting
in January with a concert on March 15th. Please join us!
Hospice of the Red River Valley is looking for volunteers. Contact Stephanie Baker, volunteer coordinator at
701-429-7383 or at for more information.
Lakes Area Moms Volunteers Needed to play with the children while the moms pray, learn and share together.
If interested in volunteering please call Katie at 218-396-0986.
The Caring Cup a grief support group on the second and last Wednesday of each month at David-Donehower
Funeral Home from 9-10. Contact Valerie Knudsvig 218-847-4147 with questions.
AmeriCorps Legacy Corps is looking for respite volunteers. Contact Tara Giese at 218-233-7521
Foster Parents Needed for more information contact Lynn Kotrba at Lutheran Social Services, 218-236-1494 or
Lakes Area Moms meet 1st & 3rd Wed. 9-11 am at Lakes Area Vineyard church. Heather Hayes 218-234-6729.
First Lutheran Church
February 2015
The First Messenger
First Lutheran Church
912 Lake Avenue
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Volume 19 Issue 2
Non-Profit Organization
#0025610 Permit #32
The First Messenger is published monthly
and mailed to the members and friends of
First Lutheran Church. The purpose of this
publication is to inform the congregation of
church activities and upcoming events.
Articles for publication are to be submitted
to the church office by the 15th of each
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 - 4:00
Office Phone: 847-5656
Fax Phone: 847-7009
Page 18
Congregational Staff
Dave Peterson
Lee Yarger
Vision Council
Youth Ministry Director:
Hilary Furuseth
Children’s Ministry Director:
Carissa Markuson
KidsFirst Preschool Director:
Beth Gailfus
Business Manager:
Susie Reitmeier
Office Administrator, Support Ministries:
Tanzy Kratzke
Office Administrator, Communications:
Sarah Keizer
Parish Nurse:
Denise Gaard
Missionary Pastor:
Mary Totland
Rev. Chandran Paul Martin
President: Tim Sundby
President-Elect: Rick Manke
Secretary: Todd Gaard
Treasurer: Ted Heisserer
Carrie Johnston
Sonny Chase
Clayton Jensen
Sue Nelson
Jean Hein
Norma Perry
Foundation Board
President: Mary Lee
Vice President: Lynn Hummel
Secretary: Madalyn Sukke
Treasurer: Mike Fillmore
Tom Harper
Joyce Klyve
Jim Buchholz
Gail Colby
Tim Sundby
Worship is broadcast on KDLM-1340 AM and on 93.1 FM Radio each Sunday Morning at 10:45
Worship is also webcasted on the church website
Return Service Requested
912 Lake Avenue
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
First Lutheran Church (ELCA)
The First Messenger
Non-Profit Org.
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Detroit Lakes MN
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