Spring 2006 - Broadcasters Foundation of America


Spring 2006 - Broadcasters Foundation of America
On The Air
Table Of Contents
Golden Mike Award....... 3-30
Pioneer Awards.........37- 42
NAB Golf.......................46
Offshore Challenge......49-50
Celebrity Golf Tournament..54
Hurricane Katrina............55
Television Tightrope.........58
President’s Message....59-60
On The Air
Volume 10 • Issue 1 • Spring 2006
© On the Air is a free news and
feature publication, offered to
Broadcasters’ Foundation
members and friends and
published three times a
year by the :
Broadcasters’ Foundation,
7 Lincoln Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830
Gordon H. Hastings, Publisher
Jamie Russo, Creative Director
For feature story contributions or
to request another copy of this
publication, please call the
Broadcasters’ Foundation at
203-862-8577, or you may email
any questions and/or comments
to Gordon H. Hastings at
Jeff and Heather Smulyan
at the Golden Mike Award
President Clinton,
Senator Evan Bayh Join
Salute To Jeff Smulyan
At 2006 Golden Mike Award
Dave Kennedy
And Bruce Reese
Co-Anchor Jeff-TV
3 On The Air Spring 2006
Only the creative genius of the radio community
in support of the noble mission of the Broadcasters’
Foundation could bring together, in person and by
video, a cast of players unparallel in the historic halls of
the industry. It all happened at the 2006 Golden Mike
Award, Monday, February 27th at The Waldorf Astoria in
New York City.
industry. Saluting Jeff from the Waldorf Grand Ballroom
podium were retired Jefferson Pilot Radio President
Clarke Brown, Emmis Communications Radio President
Rick Cummings and Federated Media President John
Dille, Cox Radio President Dick Ferguson introduced a
special video presentation entitled “Jeff-TV.”
In an evening that raised a record net $425,000 for the
Broadcasters’ Foundation mission of helping colleagues in
acute need, over 400 guests came to salute Jeff Smulyan,
chair and CEO of Emmis Communications.
In accepting the Golden Mike Award, Jeff made these
President Bill Clinton, a friend of Jeff’s from campaign’s
past participated in a video salute to the honoree, which
was part roast part a tribute to Jeff’s contributions to the
industry and community at large. United States Senator
Evan Bayh, attending in person, saluted Jeff’s enormous
impact on his home state of Indiana.
Guest presenters for the evening also included
individuals who work with Jeff at Emmis and in the
(See separate Jeff-TV story beginning on page 31.)
“I really am blown away. Dick Ferguson, Bruce Reese
and David Kennedy have not spoken to each other for
years! I am astounded by the fact that they are all on the
same video (Jeff-TV) together!
I want to thank Gordon and Phil for the remarkable
work that the foundation does. They really do make a
difference in people’s lives, I personally want to thank
them, and everyone connected with the foundation for
your wonderful work.
4 On The Air Spring 2006
It has been mentioned at least a ten times tonight that
I come from Indiana. We have a saying that if you are
breathing and you are not in prison, you get awards in
I have to say there is a surprising relationship between the
presenters tonight; you had Evan Bayh, Clarke Brown,
John Dillie, Dick Ferguson and the Rick Cummings
who used to be at Emmis! In addition, if you really think
about it you have one person (President Clinton) a lot
people believed could be the leader of the free world
and five people who could not manage a radio station in
All kidding aside, those people who presented tonight
Evan ,Rick ,John, Clark and Dick as well as some of the
people who were on the video are some of my oldest
dearest friends, who have made this journey so wonderful.
I briefly want to thank Robin, Wendy, and Lindy from
our office, all of whom make my life easier. I thank you so
A kiss to build a dream on!
Unforgettable Golden Mike moment.
Jeff’s wife Heather and his daughter
Cari salute their Golden Mike man.
Air Fall
55 On
Moreover, it is so nice to see so many of my friends from
the industry here tonight. I know you must have better
things to do! I have to be honest with you, I never
dreamed I would live long enough to be honored at an
event that cost $1,200 a plate! In Indiana that can feed
an entire county for a year!
Obviously, everybody at Emmis means so much to me. It
has been a long and successful journey. Then there is my
family, my sister, niece and nephew, my daughter Kerri
and son Brad who I love so very much, and of course my
brother Jim. Of course, my love Heather and our baby
girl Sam who is now two and by the time she is four will
have taken over Emmis lock, stock and barrel! Everyone
knows I love my mom dearly and unfortunately, she could
not be here tonight. I know she would have been very
proud. My family means so much to me.
Tonight has really been humbling to me. No matter
how many wonderful highs that you have in life, an
evening like this is incomparable. The journey in this
industry with the friends that I have made together with
my family and the people in this room have made it all
worthwhile. The fact that tonight is in support of helping
fellow broadcasters makes it even more special. When you
think about it, helping others is what broadcasters have done
since this business began started 85 years ago. At Emmis, we
try to do that every day.
Thank you so much for being apart of this wonderful evening.
Thank you!”
U.S. Senator Evan Bayh was a most gracious guest presenter
taking time from a busy Washington schedule to be at the
Golden Mike.
“Thank you very much, Deborah, (Deborah Roberts) for
your gracious introduction and ladies and gentleman for your
warm-warm welcome.
It is my honor and privilege to be here as we recognize Jeff
Smulyan’s lifetime of achievement in the broadcasting
industry, but also much more than that. When I think about
Jeff, there is so much to admire, his unique combination of
youthful enthusiasm but also a deep experience from so many
years. I mean how many of your friends know when they go
shopping they can look for both diapers and depends on the
same trip? Ah, but Jeff can!
I particularly am grateful for his willingness to embrace
quixotic, uh, somewhat difficult challenges like supporting
Democratic candidates in a state like Indiana. Jeff, many of
us have benefited from your devotion to principle rather than
You have seen and heard tonight what a wonderful employer
Jeff is, sponsoring a real spirit of togetherness in the
corporation that makes Emmis among the unique companies
in the United States of America. A place where people can
go to work each and everyday and think about not only doing
well but also doing good. That’s very much a part of Jeff
Smulyan’s character. He has been a faithful friend, a devoted
family member and stellar member of our community in
Kerri is with us tonight and I cannot tell all of you how
many times I have been with Jeff, even in important business
settings, where he will interrupt a meeting to take a phone call
from either Kerri or Brad. In addition, he has told me that as
far as I can remember not a day has gone passed when he has
not tried to talk to them at least once during the day. That is
the kind of father he is. As the father of 10-year-old boys, I
can only say that I hope one day I will have the kind of bond
with my sons that you have with both Kerri and Brad.
6 On The Air Spring 2006
Rabbi Saslo mentioned the new vitality and
joy that has come into Jeff’s life with his
marriage with Heather and birth of Samantha
and that has been a wonderful thing to see.
There is hardly a worthy cause in Indianapolis
or Indiana that has not benefited from Jeff’s
philanthropy. When there is a challenge
confronting our community and we are making
up a list of the leaders to try to deal with the
situation, Jeff Smulyan is always at the top of
the list and he has never failed to answer the
call. Our state and capital city would not be
the places they are today without the civic
involvement of Jeff Smulyan.
As a friend, I know I speak for many in the
audience here tonight when I say there is no
one better. With the ups and downs of life,
with the occasional trials and tribulations,
I think each of us are lucky if we can count
on the fingers of one hand those friends that
we can really depend on when the going gets
toughest. For me and for so many others, Jeff,
you have always been that kind of friend.
Let me conclude by saying this. At a time of
uncertainty for our country, at a time when
many are asking what the place is for the
United States of America in this world, what
makes our nation special? I believe what
makes America unique cannot be found in
the strength of our armaments, or in the size
of our GDP, or even in the brilliance of our
technology. What makes America special lies
in the character of our people, the ability to
dream great dreams, to sacrifice to make them
come true, to work for something other than
our own selfish interest and to think about
the greater good. That is the kind of man Jeff
Smulyan has always been. Therefore, as we
gather here tonight we honor both a great
broadcaster but even more importantly a great
American. Jeff, I am just proud to be here to
join with everyone in honoring you. Thank
you, my friend.”
American Pie, you bet. The incomparable Don McLean.
Air Fall
77 On
The 2007 Golden Mike Award will be
presented on Monday, February 26th at
The Waldorf Astoria. The honoree will be
announced in the summer of this year.
8 On The Air Spring 2006
Welcome to The Waldorf!
Foundation President
Gordon Hastings
Clarke Brown and Jeff-TV Creator Dick Ferguson
9 On The Air Spring 2006
Jeff and Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana
Foundation Chair Phil Lombardo
and his wife Kim
From U.S. Trust, Louis Theodos, Gina Costello,
Executive Vice President Paul Napoli and Nancy Lambert
Mary and Charles Warfield president
of Inner City Broadcasting
Bill and Nancy O’Shaughnessy with Phil Lombardo
Golden Mike on ice!
10 On The Air Spring 2006
Premiere Radio Networks Margaret Hughes
United Stations Radio Networks President Jim Higgins
and his wife Barbara
Carter Broadcasting CEO
Mike Carter and
his wife Monica
Bud and
11 On The Air Spring 2006
Gordon Hastings & Arnold Gardner
Dick Foremen and his wife Ann
Bob and Sheila Wilner with their daughter Lindsey
Stuart Lane, Seven 2 Sports, Heather Smulyan and Jeff
12 On The Air Spring 2006
Deon Livingston, Emmis New York, Ghylian Bell, Barry Mayo of Emmis New York
Jeff Warshaw of Connoisseur
Communications, Jay Chapman of
Maverick Media, Gary Rozynek of
Maverick Media and Jeff
Jon and Lori Beck of Emmis St. Louis
Photos by
Wendy Moger-Bross
Carole and Disney’s
Grif Foxley
Michelle and Steve Goldbach of the Monitor Group with Cari Smulyan
13 On The Air Spring 2006
Buckley Broadcasting COO Joe Bilotta
with Connie and Rick Buckley
Guest presenter
John Dille of
Federated Media,
Elkhart, Indiana
Ralph and Jean Baruch
Jeff and
former FCC
Susan Ness
Tim McCarthy and Ed McLaughlin
14 On The Air Spring 2006
Kathleen and Walt Sabo
with Erica Farber
Inner City Broadcasting Chair
Pepe Sutton with his wife Karen
Gordon Hastings, BMI President Del Bryant
and his wife Carolyn and Phil Lombardo
The Golden Mike guest presenters: Cox Radio President Dick Ferguson, Federated Media President
John Dille, Senator Evan Bayh, retired Jefferson Pilot Broadcasting President Clarke Brown and
Emmis Radio President Rick Cummings. Emcee Deborah Roberts of ABC 20/20 and Jeff at center.
15 On The Air Spring 2006
The RAB’s Executive Vice President
Ron Ruth, Radio& Records Publisher
Erica Farber and Bill McElveen
Dwight Ellis, Regent Communications President & CEO
Bill Stakelin and Glen Serafin of Serafin Brothers
Paul Fiddick and Bill Pearson
Don Benson of Jefferson Pilot Radio, Sandusky Broadcasting President Norman Rau and Hubbard Radio President Ginny Morris
Photos by
Wendy Moger-Bross
16 On The Air Spring 2006
John Axton
Dave Harrington of GE Capital and Dick Foremen
NAB President David Rehr with Jeff and Heather
Diane Powell and Lynn Hastings
Jim and Lee Greenwald
17 On The Air Spring 2006
Jim and Jean Pawlik
Arnold Gardner with J.L. Media President Jerry Levy and
Peter Doyle of Traffic Pulse Networks
Jeff with Peter Smyth
president and CEO of
Greater Media
The Chair and Chair Emeritus, Phil Lombardo and Ed McLaughlin
18 On The Air Spring 2006
Pat and Ed McLaughlin with their daughter Marika
Lindy and Mike Richman
Bruce Jacobsen and Jeff’s sister Dale Friedlander
Photos by
Wendy Moger-Bross
Jeff with Tom Carter of Bank of America
Jeff with Lew Paper of Dickstein Shapiro Morin Oshinsky LLP
with Drew Marcus and Jeff Amling of Deutsche Bank
19 On The Air Spring 2006
Jeff, Heather and Stan Shuman of Allen & Company
Sheila and Scott Knight
with their son
Broadcasting & Cable’s
Sandy Friedman with
Maggie Pritikin
Heather and Jeff Smulyan with Greater Media’s Peter Smyth, Susquehanna
Radio’s David Kennedy and Alissa Pollack of Premiere Radio Networks
BMI’s Jose Gonzalez, Mike O’Neil,
Tina Sinay and Pamela Williams
20 On The Air Spring 2006
Sheila and Bob Wilner with Jeff Shapiro
Phil Lombardo with USO President Ned Powell and
Broadcasters’ Foundation Director Diane Powell
Karen Sutton, Jeff, Karen Finley, Heather Smulyan and Skip Finley
The RAB’s George Hyde,
BMI’s Dan Spears and
Dwight Ellis, president of
Dwight Ellis Associates
NAB President David Rehr and Bonneville International
President and NAB Joint Board Chair Bruce Reese
21 On The Air Spring 2006
Sheri Bolkcom, Jeff, Heather, and Broadcasting & Cable
Group Publisher Chuck Bolkcom
Howard Sontag of
Sontag Advisory
Michael Fawcett and Hedy Becker
Lynn and Brandt Hastings
Jeff, Heather and Cox Television President Andy Fisher
22 On The Air Spring 2006
Nick and Bonnie Verbitsky
Jim Rosenfield and Stan Moger
Vanessa Curcuru of
Horizon Media and
Tiffany Barocas of
23 On The Air Spring 2006
Ann Granath and Lee Greenwald
Scott Knight, Rick Buckley, Tim McCarthy, Jerry Levy and Brian Stone
The reaction to Jeff TV! Heather, Jeff and Cari
Diane Powell and Gordon Hastings
Paxson Communications President
Dean Goodman with Phil Lombardo
24 On The Air Spring 2006
Jim Stagnitti, general sales manager WEFX- WKHL, Stamford Norwalk,
Lee Davis Vice President and General Manager of WEZN-WPLR-WYBC,
Bridgeport, New Haven, Michelle Catolico, general sales manager WPLR,
New Haven and Robin Faller vice-president and general manager of
WKHL-WEFX-WSTC-WNLK in Stamford/Norwalk
and Margaret
Clarke Brown
with Star Media’s
Doug Ferber
25 On The Air Spring 2006
Broadcasters’ Foundation Director Wade Hargrove, Katz Television President Jim
Beloyianis, Hearst Argyle Television’s ,Linda Lange , Al Lustgarten and Steve Hobbs
From Interep, Michelle
Skettino, Bruce Feniger,
Lisa Bonk and
Lisa Sirotka-Sonnenklar
Ghylian Bell
The RAB’s Mary Bennett
with Connie Buckley
John Axton and Peter Kauff
26 On The Air Spring 2006
U.S. Trust’s Paul Napoli and Frank Osborn of
Quantum Communications
Chuck and Lori Bolkcom and
Broadcasting & Cable’s Mike Farina
Photos by
Wendy Moger-Bross
of Emmis
Radio, John
of WQHT,
New York,
Barry Mayo
and Don
of Jefferson
Pilot Radio
Tom McKinley, George Reed of Media
Services Group and Ed Keane
Horizon Media’s Vanessa Curcuru , MediaCom’s Tiffany Barocas, D&R’s Kevin
Cassidy, Sheila Kirby, J.L. Media’s Rich Russo and Michael Ferranti of D&R
27 On The Air Spring 2006
Scott Knight, Rick Buckley, Tim McCarthy,
Jerry Levy and Brian Stone
Maire Mason and Phil Lombardo
Brandt, Lynn and Gordon Hastings
CEO of Connoisseur Communications, Jeffrey Warshaw,
NAB President & CEO David Rehr and Radio and Records
Publisher Erica Farber
Jerry Levy of J.L. Media, Dick Silipigni of United
Stations and John Dzaidzio of J.L. Media
Clear Channel’s Lisa Dollinger, NAB Radio Executive
Vice President John David, Ginny Morris
28 On The Air Spring 2006
Jeff Amling of Deutsche Bank with
Nick Verbitsky, chairman of United
Stations Radio Networks
John Fiorini
of Wiley Rein
& fielding with
Steve Crane
Jeff Smulyan, SFM Entertainment
President Stan Moger and Jeffrey
Rayport of Monitor Group
Kate Bueker, Blackstone Group, Heather, Jeff,
and Jill Greenthal of the Blackstone Group
Ed Keane of WABC Radio, Scott Knight, Dan Duman of
York Street Partners and Peter Doyle
Connie Buckley and
Phil Lombardo
29 On The Air Spring 2006
Heather, Jeff and Stan Shuman of Allen and Company
Amy and Dale
Radio & Records Publisher Erica Farber, Bill McElveen, John Dille
and Steve Newberg, CEO of Commonwealth Communications
Susan Ness and Gordon Hastings
Emily Keeton Bank of America & Barry Mayo Emmis New York
30 On The Air Spring 2006
Ferguson Launches New TV Station
Reese-Kennedy Co-Anchors At Jeff-TV
Mays and Hogan Leave Clear Channel For Taco Bell
Karmazin Purchases The FCC
Dick Ferguson of Cox Radio showed his love for show business
and unveiled a new creative talent by collaborating with Curt
Hahn and Wayne Campbell of Nashville’s Filmhouse to create
an over the top finale to the 2006 Golden Mike dinner in honor
of Jeff Smulyan.
Ferguson corralled a collection of top industry talent to produce
a video that left The Waldorf Astoria crowd on the feet
following a personalized video salute to Jeff by President
Bill Clinton.
For thirteen hilarious minutes Jeff-TV Co-Anchors Bruce
Reese, president of Bonneville International and David
Kennedy, president of Susquehanna introduced a staff of
reporters across the nation. In addition, to the personal salute
by President Clinton, the former president congratulated Jeff
on receiving the “Golden Shovel Award.” Reese and Kennedy
introduced field reporters David Field, Erica Farber, Peter
Smyth, Susan Ness and Judy Ellis.
Mark Mays and John Hogan were interviewed live at their new
“Less is More” Taco Bell in San Antonio. Mays pointed out that
by carrying less is more to the ultimate goal left them with no
inventory left to sell at Clear Channel. Mays and Hogan were
pictured live extolling the virtues of applying “ Less is More”
the taco business by dramatically reducing the taco filling and
raising the price at the same time!
Former FCC Commissioner Susan Ness joined with the FCC’s
Roy Stewart and former NAB CEO Eddie Fritts in introducing
the new “owner” yes “owner” of the FCC. Mel Karmazin.
Mel earnestly explained that under his ownership,” the FCC
would be much more responsive to broadcaster’s immediate
needs, increase revenues and reduce costs. As a tribute to Jeff,
he announced that Emmis Communications in honor of the
Golden Mike Award would be presented licenses for life!
Ginny Morris of Hubbard, Bill Stakelin of Regent and Lew
Dickey of Cumulus were interviewed on Jeff TV by Entercom’s
David Field at a New York Hooters. Ginny reversed the
questioning by asking Field, “David, exactly what is a Hooters
Citadel’s Judy Ellis interviewed Joel Hollander, in his new
role as Jeff Smulyan’s limo driver. Hollander pointed out that
he learned everything he ever new about radio while listing to
Jeff’s phone conversations in the limo.
Jeff TV concluded its broadcast with President Clinton on a
serious note congratulating Jeff on receiving the 2006 Golden
Mike Award and inviting him to the stage to accept the
In his closing remarks, Broadcasters’ Foundation President
Gordon Hastings thanked Dick Ferguson and all of the cast
members of for their tremendous contribution of personal
resources time and talent in creating Jeff-TV.
You my view the video at broadcastersfoundation.com
32 On The Air Spring 2006
33 On The Air Spring 2006
34 On The Air Spring 2006
2006 Pioneer Awards
2006 Pioneer Award Honorees
Case, Conomikes, Fries, Tichenor Family, Yager
Dick Foreman To Receive Chairman’s Award
The 2006 Broadcasters’ Foundation Pioneer Awards will
be presented on Wednesday morning, April 26th at The
Bellagio, Las Vegas, Nevada. The annual honors will take
place at 7:30 A.M. during the Broadcasters’ Foundation
Breakfast, which is held each year at the annual National
Association of Broadcasters’ Convention.
The National Association of Media Brokers, the Radio
Advertising Bureau and the Television Bureau of
Advertising underwrite the breakfast. There is no charge
for admission; however, reservations must be made through
the foundation office at 203-862-8577 prior to April 15th.
37 On The Air Spring 2006
publisher of Radio & Records. Following his stay at R&R
case launched the first all Asian station, KAZN in Los
Angeles followed by Spanish language stations in Fresno,
Sacramento and Bakersfield, California. The 90’s were
spent as part of the senior management team at Western
International Media.
Currently Dwight is CEO of TEAM ASIA, a management
consulting company active in ethnic media in Los
He is married to Virginia Case and enjoys five “5th
generation” Californians, Scott, Craig, Bret, Cole and
Dwight Case
It all began in early 1948 when Dwight Case was doing
midnight dance remotes in Stockton, California for radio
station KJOY. Dwight then took time out to serve in
the Korean War and then attended the College of the
Following college, he joined station KFIV in Modesto,
California where stints as a board operator, copywriter
and as a DJ convinced him that sales and marketing were
to be his future.
His first management position was at KRAK, Sacramento
as general manager. From there he moved to a similar
position at KOBY in San Francisco. His first group
management position was with Gordon Broadcasting
where he oversaw five markets from a base of operations
at KSDO, San Diego.
Tom Merriman and Richard H. Ullman lured Case
to Los Angeles to run their international syndication
and jingle company, the Richard H Ullman Company.
He then returned to station management at KROY in
In the 1970s Case became president of RKO Radio with
13 major market stations, a rep company and building 3
new news networks, including the first to use satellites as
the distribution platform. During this period, Case was
very active in RAB and among the founders of the RAB
Managing Sales Conference
The RKO satellite experience led to the co-founding of
Transtar Radio Network, the first satellite delivered 24/7
radio programming network. In the 1980’s Case became
John G. Conomikes
John G. Conomikes is a director of The Hearst
Corporation and a Trustee of the Trust established
under the will of William Randolph Hearst. He is
also a director of Hearst-Argyle Television, Inc. and
chair of the executive committee of Hearst-Argyle’s
board of directors. He also serves on the management
committees of the A&E Television Networks and
Lifetime Entertainment Services, in which The
Hearst Corporation holds substantial ownership
Conomikes began his broadcasting career in 1955
and joined Hearst’s WTAE‑TV in Pittsburgh in
1959. At WTAE‑TV, he served in various sales
positions before becoming vice president and general
manager in 1970. He was named general manager
of Television for The Hearst Corporation in 1981,
and was elected a vice president of the Corporation
and general manager of Hearst Broadcasting, then a
38 On The Air Spring 2006
three-station TV group, in 1983. He held this title
until the 1997 merger of Hearst Broadcasting and
Argyle Television. From August 1997 to June 1999,
he served as president and co-chief executive officer
of Hearst-Argyle Television, and from June 1999
to November 2002, Conomikes was a senior vice
president of The Hearst Corporation.
Conomikes is also a member of the board of trustees of
the University of Pittsburgh and chair of the athletics
committee. Conomikes has served on the boards
of the National Association of Broadcasters, the
Television Bureau of Advertising, the International
Radio & Television Society Foundation, and the
Association for Maximum Service Television, Inc.
He is a past chair of the ABC Television Affiliates
Association Board of Governors and the Television
Operators Caucus. He also served as an honorary
trustee of The Foundation of American Women
in Radio and Television, and was a University of
Pittsburgh-appointed director of the UPMC Health
Conomikes has received the Man of the Year Award
from the Pittsburgh Jaycees; the Golden Panther of
the Year Award from the University of Pittsburgh; the
Media Award from the Variety Club of Pittsburgh;
the Outstanding Achievement in Broadcasting
Award for Television from the Pittsburgh Radio
& Television Club; a STAR Award and the 1999
President’s Award from American Women in Radio
and Television; the “Lifetime Achievement” Golden
Mike Award from the Black Broadcasters Alliance;
the Chairman’s Award from the National Association
of Television Program Executives; the Golden Mike
Award from the Broadcasters’ Foundation; and in
2004 he was inducted into the National Academy
of Television Arts and Sciences Management Hall
of Fame.
A native of Ithaca, New York, Conomikes attended
Staunton Military Academy in Virginia, Miami
University in Oxford, Ohio, and received a B.A.
from the University of Pittsburgh. He and his family
now reside in Pittsburgh.
39 On The Air Spring 2006
Gary Fries
Gary Fries has devoted his entire professional life to
Radio. His diverse experience has given him a keen
awareness of the nuances of the Radio business at
the local, national and network levels, with insights
to the concerns of a small market operator as well as
a major market station.
Under Gary’s leadership, Radio Advertising Bureau
(RAB) membership has doubled to over 6,000 Radio
stations and 1,000 associate, network, representative
firm and international organizations. He has raised
the profile of radio within the advertising and buying
communities; introduced or advanced numerous
training, NTR and certification programs; and
established the RAB as a full-service resource center
for member stations, agencies, advertisers, the press
and financial institutions.
Appointed president and chief executive officer of
the RAB in 1991, Gary has held many positions in
the radio industry, including president of Unistar
Radio Networks and Transtar Radio Networks;
president and chief operating officer of Sunbelt
Communications’ Radio Division; and vice president
at both ITC Communications and Multimedia
Broadcasting, Inc.
He began his career in Lincoln, Nebraska, where
he worked as a part-time salesperson at Stuart
Broadcasting’s KFOR Radio while still in college. By
the time he was 24, he landed his first management
position at KRGI, Grand Island, Nebraska.
A highly sought after speaker, Gary has represented
the radio industry at numerous broadcasting, agency,
advertiser and financial industry gatherings across
the country and abroad. He serves on the Arbitron
Radio Advisory Council, the National Association
of Broadcasters’ Radio Convention Planning
Committee, and the Ad Council Board of Directors.
He is an officer of the Broadcasters’ Foundation,
chair of the John Bayliss Foundation, and co-chair
of the Radio Ad Effectiveness Lab (RAEL) and of
the Radio Creative Fund.
Gary has been named one of Radio Ink Magazine’s
Top 40 Most Powerful People in Radio every year
since 1996, and recognized as Radio Executive of
the Year in 1993. In 1994, he was roasted by the
Bayliss Broadcast Foundation and inducted into the
Nebraska Broadcasters Association Hall Of Fame.
The Illinois Broadcasters Association also bestowed
that same honor on him in 1999, and in 2000,
he received the Arkansas Broadcasters Pinnacle
The son of an Air Force officer, Gary spent his youth
on the road living in Germany and Morocco. He is
fascinated with model trains and has an impressive
collection on display in his home. An avid hockey
fan, he has refereed semi-pro and college hockey,
and owned his own team.
Gary holds a degree in Business Administration from
the University of Nebraska. When not on the road
promoting radio, his time is divided between his office
at RAB headquarters in New York and his home in
Phoenix, Arizona. He and his wife Linda have three
sons, one of whom has a career in Radio, and they
are the proud grandparents of seven grandchildren.
The Tichenor Family –
Giants In Broadcasting
The Tichenors are a remarkable broadcasting
family that spans three generations. The Tichenor
family dynasty was build on a vision of the future,
a tremendous work ethic, and a commitment to
excellence that few have surpassed.
The Tichenor story began with McHenry Tichenor
who was born in 1898, in Morganfield, Kentucky.
McHenry came from very humble beginnings. He
worked hard to save his money in order to attend
college, but World War I interrupted his studies.
After the war, McHenry went to work as a salesman
for The Daily Oklahoman newspaper, and by the time
he was 27, he became the national sales manager. In
1932, he moved his young family to the Rio Grande
Valley in Texas, where he purchased the Valley
Morning Star newspaper. In 1937, McHenry sold the
paper and went into several other business ventures;
and in 1949, he put an AM radio station on the air
in Harlingen, Texas, which he named KGBS (later
changed to KGBT). In 1952, McHenry took a huge
risk and switched to a half-English, half-Spanish
format. KGBT was the beginning of a media empire,
which encompassed radio stations in markets across
America, production studios, and the first television
station in the Valley.
McHenry’s only son, Mac, grew up in the business.
While attending college, Mac met his future wife,
Carolyn White, who he married in 1954, and they
40 On The Air Spring 2006
had four children, Mac Jr., Warren, Jean, and Bill.
(Years later, Mac remarried after his wife’s untimely
demise and had another son, David). After earning
his undergraduate degree in 1954 and serving in the
Navy during the Korean conflict, Mac received his
law degree and planned to work as an attorney in
Dallas. He moved to the Valley when his Father
requested his assistance, and started out in retail sales;
then regional sales; and up to radio national sales. In
1962, Mac convinced his Father that all Spanish was
the way to go, and the next ratings period for KGBT
was a smashing success, earning the third-largest
market share in the country. This set up a series of
media purchases in both English and Spanish radio
that led to the formation of Tichenor Media System.
Mac became President of TMS in 1962.
All of Mac’s children were raised in the business,
and the eldest of Mac’s sons, Mac Jr. became
immersed in the family business and went to work
for the company immediately after graduating from
college. In 1982, Mac Jr. became President of TMS
and in 1984, convinced his father and grandfather
to lead the company in an all-Spanish direction.
They agreed, and the company created a strategy to
own leading stations in the top 10 Hispanic markets
in the country. TMS divested its non-Spanish
television and English-formatted radio properties,
sold TMS Production, and worked feverishly to
acquire more Spanish radio stations. Warren became
vice president of TMS in 1986, and served as GM for
several stations.
Mac’s other children also became astute business
people. Jean started a business in San Antonio in
the health care field; Bill showed tremendous talent
in sales and found his niche in national sales and
headed a division of Katz in Dallas; and worked at one
of the TMS stations. David attends Regis University
in Denver, where he studies computer programming
and business.
Working together, the Tichenor family made the
expansion dreams a reality. In 1997, TMS merged
its 17 radio stations with Heftel Broadcasting to
become the nation’s largest Hispanic radio group
with 38 radio stations in every major U.S. Hispanic
market. The value of the transaction was about $900
million. Mac Jr. remained Chairman of the Board
41 On The Air Spring 2006
and president/CEO of the new public company, later
named Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. In 2002, HBC
merged with Univision Communications in a deal
worth $3.1 billion.
Through hard work, determination, and a vision of
the future, the Tichenors have created a legacy for
future generations. They truly are one of the pioneers
of broadcasting.
K. James Yager
A 1957 graduate of Colgate University and U.S.
Army veteran, Yager began his broadcasting
career in 1960 at Cosmos Broadcasting’s WIS-TV
in Columbia, S.C. Yager was named senior vice
president of Cosmos Broadcasting in 1970 and his
19-year relationship with the company included
stints as general manager of WIS-TV from 1968 to
1974 and as general manager of WDSU-TV in New
Orleans from 1974 to 1980. From 1980 to 1986,
Yager was executive vice president and COO of
Spartan Radiocasting Corporation that owned and
operated WSPA-TV Spartanburg, SC and bought
WBTW-TV, Florence, SC and KIMT-TV, Mason
City, Iowa in 1984.
From 1986 to late 2002, Yager led Benedek
Broadcasting Corporation as president and COO.
Under his leadership, the company aggressively
expanded and operated 23 television stations in
mid-sized markets across the country. In October of
2002, Benedek merged with Gray Television. Yager
was president of Gray MidAmerican Television, a
wholly owned subsidiary of Gray Television until his
resignation in April 2003.
Yager is currently chief executive officer of
Barrington Broadcasting Company, LLC, of Hoffman
Estates, Illinois, an organization he formed to manage
and acquire small to mid-market television stations.
Yager is a current member of the NAB TV Board,
Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI) board, the
Television Operators Caucus (TOC) board, and the
ABC Board of Governors. He served as chair of the
NAB Television Board of Directors from June 1998
until June 1999. From June 1999 to June 2001, he
served as joint board chair of the NAB. He was reelected joint board Chair in June 2003, but resigned
to care for his wife, Patsy, who was terminally ill.
He is a former member of the Television Bureau of
Advertising (TVB) Board, past chair of the NBC
Affiliates Board, and past chair of BMI.
Yager has two adult children and resides in North
Barrington, Illinois.
Electric Broadcasting, as a member of that company’s
Communication’s Task Force. Foreman served HarteHanks Broadcasting as a corporate director of stations
in Houston, Phoenix, Raleigh-Durham and Memphis
and The American Broadcasting Companies as Vice
President Programming at ABC’s Radio Networks in
New York from 1978 through 1981.
In 1981, Dick formed Richard A. Foreman Associates
Inc. a media brokerage and broadcast consulting
The Company specializes in cash positive
communications properties in major growth markets
and has served a number of major broadcasters in
the acquisition and divestiture of broadcast facilities,
with his firm generally ranking among the top 20
media brokers in the country.
In addition to broadcasting, Foreman is also involved
in specialized mobile radio transactions, in the past
representing such regional bell operating companies
as PACTEL communications and NYNEX.
Since its inception, Foreman Associates has
closed media transactions in excess of $1.5 billion
dollars, including group transactions with New
Market Media, Fritz Broadcasting and Black River
In 1994, Foreman was elected vice president of the
National Association of Media Brokers, representing
over 70 member firms involved in the business of
media transactions.
2006 Chairman’s Award Recipient
Richard A. Foreman
Dick Foreman has a broad history of involvement
in broadcast operations, spanning over 30 years.
His experiences range from announcer to executive
and senior management positions with Sudbrink
Broadcasting (WLIF Baltimore) and General
In 1996 Foreman was elected a director of
the Broadcasters’ Foundation and has been
extremely active in the organization over the
past decade includeing three terms as chair of
the nominating committee and member of the
executive committee.
Frequently quoted in numerous media publications,
Foreman was honored as a “Fifth Estater” in
Broadcasting & Cable Magazine.
42 On The Air Spring 2006
Meredith’s Paul Karpowicz And Clear Channel’s Bill Moll
Co-Chair Sold-Out 11th Annual NAB Charity Golf Tournament
Broadcasting & Cable And New York Life Investment
Management Co-sponsor April 23rd Tournament At Bali Hai
he Broadcasters’ Foundation NAB Charity Golf
Tournament is sold-out for the second year in a row.
The 11th anniversary tournament will be played on
Sunday, April 23rd at the Bali Hai Golf
Club in Las Vegas
Karpowicz and Moll also have welcome two additional
sponsors to the tournament. Optimal Solutions will
sponsor the $100,000 Hole In One as well as the official
tournament bag tags. Wide Orbit will
sponsor the on course beverage carts.
Karpowicz and Bill Moll, “ Demand
to play in this event has reached an
all-time high and in the future we
may need to look to a means by which
foursomes. The good news is that we
are all helping many of our colleagues
who have fallen upon difficult times
Paul Karpowicz
by using this tournament as a means of
The tournament was first played in
1996 at the Las Vegas National Golf
Club, the course built at the former
Sands Hotel.
giving back to our industry.”
Broadcasting & Cable, the founding
A host of affiliated firms are
providing items for each official
tournament deluxe gift bag. BMI,
Broadcasting & Cable, Budweiser,
RAB, Roadrunner, Stainless LLP,
Twentieth Television, Sony Domestic
TV, The USO, and Warner Brothers
Domestic Television are donating
items including golf balls, towels,
shirts and hats.
welcomed a new co-sponsor. This
year, New York Life Investment
Management LLP will co-sponsor
the tournament.
Thirty foursomes will tee off at 8 a.m.
Bill Moll
on the Las Vegas Bali Hai course. Tournament play is
followed by a awards ceremony and lunch sponsored by
Media Services Group of Jacksonville Beach, Florida.
46 On The Air Spring 2006
2006 Offshore
Embarks For
Nassau, Bahamas
roadcasters; Foundation Director Skip Finley has turned his
avocation of sport fishing into an opportunity to give back to the
industry. The Broadcasters’ Foundation Off-Shore Challenge
has cruised from Palm Beach Florida to Nassau, Bahamas as the fishing
grounds for the 2006 tournament. RAB President & CEO Gary Fries
has joined with Skip to Co-Chair the event this year.
The Tournament, which will be based at the RIU Resort Hotel, will
be held May 19-21st. The event opens with a welcoming reception on
Friday evening followed by the tournament on Saturday morning and
an awards reception and dinner that evening.
Gary Fries
Fifteen captains have chartered boats crewed by four anglers that will
cast off in the early morning on May 19th. Nassau, Bahamas has
excellent fishing at this time of year. Prizes are awarded in four
categories. Grand Prize, angler with the biggest eligible fish, First Prize,
team with the most points, Second Prize, team with the second
most points, Third Prize, team with the most eligible fish
There are still opportunities to participate. Interested persons should
call Gordon Hastings at the foundation office at 203-862-8577.
Skip FInley
50 On The Air Spring 2006
2006 Celebrity Golf
At The Stanwich Club
Sponsored By
United States Trust Company, N.A.
FOX 5’s Lew Leone And
WABC-Radio’s Tim McCarthy Co-Chairs
Lew Leone
LPGA’s Cindy Miller Guest Professional
Cindy Miller
he 2006 Broadcasters’ Foundation Celebrity Golf
Tournament will be played on Monday, September 25th
at The Stanwich Club in Greenwich, Connecticut.
The 2006 Tournament co-chairs are Fox 5’s Lew
Leone and Tim McCarthy of WABC-ESPN Radio. N.
Scott Knight of KnightStone Media continues as the founding
executive chair with Jerry Levy of J.L. Media as the tournament’s
founding chair.
Tim McCarthy
are major fund-raising activities for the foundation and are sold
out each year.
Founding Executive Chair Scott Knight explains that one of
the reason’s for the high demand to play in the event is the fact
that each year a new prestigious golf venue is selected in the
New York Metropolitan region. “Playing at a different venue
each year keeps the tournament fresh and gives our friends and
supporters the opportunity play on a variety of highly respected
United States Trust Company, N.A., will sponsor the tournament and challenging golf courses,” said Knight.
for the third consecutive year.
The tournament has been previously played at Manhattan
The LPGA’s Cindy Miller will be the guest professional competing Woods Golf Club, Inwood Country Club, The Ardsley Country
Club, Essex County Country Club, Siwanoy, The Sleepy Hollow
with each player in the King-World Beat The Pro Competition.
Country Club, and last year at the Trump National Golf Club.
Now in its 8th year, the annual Broadcasters’ Foundation Celebrity
Golf Tournament attracts the leaders of the radio and television
industry in a format that combines their foursomes with celebrities
from television, radio and the world of sports. WABC-TV’s Bill
Evans is the host member at The Stanwich Club.
Co-Chairs Lew Leone and Tim McCarthy said, “We are
absolutely thrilled to be playing at The Stanwich Club this year.
We have been waiting for a number of years for a date to open at
this magnificent golf club and we are honored that the club has
invited us.”
This tournament is one of two golfing events scheduled each
year in support of the broadcasters’ foundation mission of helping
fellow broadcasters in need. The second tournament is held each
spring during the NAB Convention in Las Vegas. Both events
There may be a limited number of player positions available
from a waiting list. People interested should contact Tournament
Director Gordon Hastings at their earliest convenience.
54 On The Air Spring 2006
Reprinted from the February 27, 2006 issue of Broadcasting & Cable
55 On The Air Spring 2006
Endowment Fund
Your Opportunity To Give Back
The Broadcasters’ Foundation Endowment Fund was established in 1998 by a resolution of the Broadcasters’ Foundation
Board of Directors.
The fund’s exclusive purpose is to ensure that financial assistance be available in perpetuity to fellow broadcasters who,
through no fault of their own, are in acute personal financial need. The endowment is used exclusively to support the
benevolent outreach of the Broadcasters’ Foundation.
To qualify for help, an individual must go through a detailed application process which includes a financial statement,
income tax returns, reference checks, and a physician’s medical statement, when appropriate. Monthly grants vary in size
depending on individual circumstances. All grants are approved and renewed annually by the Broadcasters’ Foundation
Executive Committee. Grant recipients remain anonymous so as to preserve their dignity.
Call (203) 862-8577 for more information
The memoirs of television giant
Ralph Baruch will be out this fall,
published by Probitas Press. For the first
time, Television Tightrope tells the
inside story of Viacom’s spin-off from
CBS and struggle to survive against
overwhelming odds. Baruch was
a group president at CBS when
Viacom was spun off under his leadership. CBS, the FCC, and the Justice
Department nearly strangled Viacom
in its crib.
Viacom not only beat the odds,
it returned nearly three decades
later and bought CBS. Baruch
also played a key role in the
development of cable and pay
cable. The Emmy Award-winner was a teenager in Paris when
his family narrowly escaped the
Mountains to neutral Spain and
freedom-one of numerous adventures
in the book, which reads like a novel
but is entirely true. Walter Cronkite,
on the jacket of Television Tightrope,
writes that “Ralph’s personal story is
the stuff of which movie thrillers are
made.” CNN’s Larry King calls the
book “A great read from start to intriguing finish.
cable is an insider’s account of
what makes television tick.”
Geraldine Laybourne, head of
Oxygen Media, says “Wow. This
is chock full of lessons for our
industry today.”
58 On The Air Spring 2006
Message From The President
2006 Golden Mike
A Collaborative Effort
were in perfect alignment
T heat thestars2006
Golden Mike Award
in honor of Jeff Smulyan. The
evening was truly spectacular for all of
those who were present. This column
will give me the opportunity to put
into perspective the tremendous
cooperative contributions that made
the evening extraordinary.
It was almost a year ago when the
Broadcasters’ Foundation Board
of Directors selected Jeff as the,
2006 honoree. Beginning then
Emmis Communications Director
of Community Development Lindy
Richman started working with me to
make the Golden Mike Award a true
reflection of Jeff and his company.
Many dozens of hours were spent
developing the group of honorary
vice-chairs, selecting the guest
presenters, collecting photographs
and documents that were to be used
in the salutary video and coordinating
the production with our producer
David Glazer in both Indianapolis
and New York. The results were
seamless and remarkable and we owe
a debt of gratitude to Lindy.
The 2006 guest presenters captured
the moment, beginning with Senator
Evan Bayh of Indiana. You will see
excerpts of his comments elsewhere
in this magazine. Emmis Radio
President Rick Cummings, with
Jeff since the company’s founding,
contributed his insightful and often
comical remarks. Clarke Brown and
59 On The Air Spring 2006
John Dille were both on the mark,
Cox Radio President and longtime foundation supporter Dick
Ferguson contacted me early in the
process and told of his concept of
producing a video entitled Jeff-TV.
I was intrigued by both the idea and
the scope of the project and with
the generous offer that Dick would
personally underwrite the cost of
this very substantial undertaking.
The results projected on the giant
screen at the Waldorf created an
unforgettable ending to a perfect
evening. You will read elsewhere in
this issue detail of the production and
the participants. We are particularly
grateful to President Clinton for
his personalized participation. Our
heartfelt thanks go to Dick, Curt
Hahn and Wayne Campbell from
Filmhouse and everyone involved
in this marvelous contribution to
the success of the 2006 Golden
Mike. Thanks to everyone. You can
view the complete Jeff-TV video at
Del Bryant, president of BMI serves
as a foundation director and when
I asked him for his suggestions for
entertainment at the dinner, he
was quick with the right pick. Don
Mclean was masterful and in the end
had the Waldorf crowd on its feet
singing his signature composition
American Pie. Thank you Don and
Broadcasting & Cable magazine
and Chuck Bolkcom have been
instrumental in the development
of the Golden Mike Award. We
are appreciative of their year-round
promotional and editorial support.
We are also appreciative of the
additional support offered by Jim
Carnegie of RBR, Tom Taylor at
Inside Radio, and Erica Farber of
Radio and Records.
This year was our first at The
Waldorf and in these pages you will
see photographs of our new Golden
Mike set centered on the stage. With
multiple lighting effects, the new
set gives us a greater opportunity to
showcase our organization. We could
not have had a more delightful emcee
on our new set than ABC News 20/20
Correspondent and Foundation
Director Deborah Roberts.
In a new element this year, the event
had a video display of past Golden
Mike photographs during dinner. It
was very well received and we will
add photos from each year and it will
become a regular part of the Golden
Mike evening. The Wendy Moger
Bross photographs were magical and
you will see more or her work in this
Our producer David Glazer brings
all of the Golden Mike elements
together. Now in his eighth year
with the Golden Mike David has
been instrumental in creating a
spectacular show and yes, always
getting us off stage at exactly teno’clock! Not an easy task.
The foundation is appreciative of
the continuing support of Atlantic
Wines and Spirits and its President
John Devin. John and his company
sponsor both the reception and the
after party and see to it that our
selection of wines is superb. John
does the same for us at the annual
Celebrity Golf Tournament.
A full house at The Waldorf is
representative of the generosity of
all who purchased tables, tickets
and advertisements in the souvenir
program. As you browse through the
photographs you will see hundreds
of people we have to thank for
the record-breaking success of
the event. From the Broadcasters’
Foundation and especially those
whom we serve, a special thank you
to everyone involved.
2006 Pioneer Awards:
We hope that many of you will
be with us to honor five great
broadcasters in addition to presenting
Chairman’s Award at the 2006
Broadcasters’ Foundation Breakfast
at the NAB.
Dwight Case, John Conomikes,
Gary Fries, the Tichenor Family
and Jim Yager will all be present to
accept this great honor among their
peers. In addition, Phil Lombardo
will proudly present the Chairman’s
Award on behalf of the foundation
to Director Dick Foreman. Dick
has served the foundation board
for over a decade and through his
personal generosity was instrumental
in the success of our outreach to
broadcasters who were victims
of Hurricane Katrina. Dick was
also very instrumental in helping
me create the new Broadcasters’
Foundation Breakfast dating back to
1996 and bringing us together with
our founding sponsor the National
Association of Media Brokers.
The National Association of Media
Brokers, the RAB and TVB now
collectively financially underwrite
the breakfast. We are grateful for
their support, which allows friends
to gather for the awards, and
attend what has become an annual
Sorry, Sold Out!
The “Sold Out” sign is hanging at the
Bali Hai Golf Club in Las Vegas for
the 2006 Broadcasters’ Foundation
NAB Charity Golf Tournament.
Congratulations to Co-Chairs Paul
Karpowicz of Meredith Broadcasting
and Bill Moll of Clear Channel
Television. This tournament has
grown from humble beginnings in
1996 to a signature event during the
NAB. We are indebted to our longtime sponsor Broadcasting & Cable
magazine, this year being joined
by New York Life Investment
Management as tournament cosponsor. We also welcome to the
tournament the hole-in-one and
bag tag sponsor Optimal Solutions,
beverage cart sponsor Wide Orbit
and we welcome back George Reed
and Media Services group who
annually sponsor the breakfast and
brunch at the tournament.
Gone Fishing!
in May in Nassau, The Bahamas.
Over 70 anglers will travel to Nassau
and board charter boats to cast their
line in support of the Broadcasters’
Foundation mission of helping
others. We are grateful to Skip for
creating this tournament last year
and for bringing it to a new level
in 2006. Look for details elsewhere
inside this issue of On The Air.
Golf at the Stanwich Club
The 2006 Broadcasters’ Foundation
Celebrity Golf Tournament moves to
The Stanwich Club in Greenwich,
Connecticut. The tournament, co
chaired by Fox 5’s Lew Leone and
WABC Radio’s Tim McCarthy will
be held on Monday, September 25th at
this legendary golf track. U.S. Trust
returns for the third consecutive
year as the tournament’s sponsor.
Scott Knight continues to serve as
founding executive chair and Jerry
Levy is founding chair.
I hope you enjoy the pages of On The
Air, which are representative of the
wonderfully generous people who
support our mission by attending our
events and having a great time for a
most worthy cause.
All of our contributors will be
receiving a copy of the Broadcasters’
Foundation 2005 Annual Report
later this spring. In closing, please
watch for your annual membership
A Broadcasters Foundation fishing
tournament, you bet! Thanks to
Director Skip Finley and his CoChair Gary Fries, the second annual
Off Shore Challenge will be held
Our next issue of On The Air will be
published in June.
60 On The Air Spring 2006
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On The Air
Broadcasters’ Foundation,
7 Lincoln Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830
PERMIT No. 102