Welcome to Tourism BC`s Reservation System using Inntopia


Welcome to Tourism BC`s Reservation System using Inntopia
Welcome to Tourism BC’s Reservation System using Inntopia
Version – 1.2
Issued – Feb, 2009
Table of Contents
Supplier Control Panel................................................................................................................................................... 3
Getting Started Quickly ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Set Up A New Supplier Account ........................................................................................................................ 4
Log-in to Your Existing Account ....................................................................................................................... 4
Set-Up New Products Wizard (units or room types)....................................................................................... 4
Set-Up Product Attributes ................................................................................................................................... 4
Set-Up New Rates Wizard ................................................................................................................................... 4
Load Rates & Availability..................................................................................................................................... 4
Set-up Company Information ............................................................................................................................. 4
Set-up Company Attributes ................................................................................................................................. 4
Set-Up Company Policies..................................................................................................................................... 4
2.10 Add Photos ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.11 Activate ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Using the Supplier Control Panel................................................................................................................................. 4
Supplier Control Panel Overview -..................................................................................................................... 4
Opening the Supplier Control Panel -................................................................................................................ 4
Setting Up Your Supplier Account..................................................................................................................... 4
On the Account Logon screen you are able to; ......................................................................................................... 4
Set-Up New Supplier Account - ......................................................................................................................... 5
Supply Company Policies - .................................................................................................................................. 5
Supplier Categories - ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Login to your Existing Account - ....................................................................................................................... 6
Add an Account to your Supplier Account....................................................................................................... 7
Set Up New Products (Products Wizard).......................................................................................................... 7
3.10 Rate/Availability Types ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.11 Product Types / Categories................................................................................................................................. 8
a. Category Group: Lodging .................................................................................................................................... 9
b. Category Group: Airport Shuttle ..................................................................................................................... 10
c. Category Group: Equipment Rental ............................................................................................................... 10
d. Category Group: Activities and Attractions................................................................................................... 11
e. Category Group: Car Rental ............................................................................................................................. 11
f. Category Group: Lift Tickets ........................................................................................................................... 12
g. Category Group: Events & Spa Treatments & Service ................................................................................ 12
4. Tax and Fee Tables ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Complete the Tax and Fee Table for a Product: ............................................................................................ 13
5. My Products Table ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Rates/Avail........................................................................................................................................................... 14
Load Rates and Availability................................................................................................................................ 14
a. Same Rate for all Days........................................................................................................................................ 14
b. Rates Vary by Day of Week............................................................................................................................... 15
Quick Updates ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Number Available (Quantity) ............................................................................................................................ 17
Rates ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
iii Minimum Stay...................................................................................................................................................... 18
iv Close-Outs............................................................................................................................................................ 18
v. View Calendar for a Product ............................................................................................................................. 19
Quick Overview Chart ................................................................................................................................... 19
Edit a Product in Quick Overview............................................................................................................... 20
Edit a Rate in Quick Overview..................................................................................................................... 20
Edit a Day in Quick Overview ..................................................................................................................... 21
x. Easy Edit Calendar and Tape Chart ................................................................................................................. 21
6. Attributes ....................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Taxes & Fees........................................................................................................................................................ 23
Item Address........................................................................................................................................................ 24
Customer Requirements..................................................................................................................................... 24
Channel Restrictions ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Neighborhoods.................................................................................................................................................... 27
Lodging Products Only ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Bed......................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Location Category Codes ................................................................................................................................... 28
iii Physically Challenged Features.......................................................................................................................... 29
Room Amenity Types .................................................................................................................................... 29
v. Rooms in Unit...................................................................................................................................................... 30
Unit Type ......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Unit Location .................................................................................................................................................. 31
Rental Car Products Only .................................................................................................................................. 31
Info (Edit a Product) .......................................................................................................................................... 33
Display Sequence................................................................................................................................................. 33
6.10 Removing or Deleting Products........................................................................................................................ 33
Rates ............................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Rates Overview.................................................................................................................................................... 33
Set Up New Rates ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Rate Wizard ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
Loading Non-Tiered No-Discount Rates........................................................................................................ 35
Loading Non-Tiered, Discounted Rates.......................................................................................................... 35
To load a tiered, discounted rate:...................................................................................................................... 38
8. Rate Types ..................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Set Up Net and Discounted Published Rates ................................................................................................. 40
a. To set up a Net Rate in the Rate Optimizer.................................................................................................... 40
b. Edit Net and Discounted Published Rates...................................................................................................... 41
c. Removing a Net Rate or Discounted Published Rate in Rate Optimizer................................................... 41
Rate List..................................................................................................................................................................... 42
10.1 Edit a Rate ............................................................................................................................................................ 42
10.2 Edit a Product Using Edit a Rate Feature ....................................................................................................... 42
10.3 The Rate Channel as a reviewing tool .............................................................................................................. 43
The Rate Channel Feature as an Editing Tool ............................................................................................................. 43
10.4 Removing or Deleting Rates ......................................................................................................................... 44
Company ................................................................................................................................................................... 45
The Consumer and Your Company Information.................................................................................................... 45
11.1 Company Page and Account Wizard Information......................................................................................... 45
11.2 Consumer Searches & Company Information................................................................................................ 46
11.3 Consumer Bookings & Company Page Information..................................................................................... 46
11.4 Set Up New Company Details .......................................................................................................................... 47
Company Attributes............................................................................................................................................ 47
11.5 Company Information........................................................................................................................................ 49
11.6 Company Policies ................................................................................................................................................ 49
Users...................................................................................................................................................................... 51
12.2 Grant Privileges to New Users.......................................................................................................................... 52
12.3 Edit Privileges for Existing Users ..................................................................................................................... 52
12.4 Change a User Password .................................................................................................................................... 52
Home ......................................................................................................................................................................... 52
13.1 Home Page Overview......................................................................................................................................... 52
13.2 New Reservations................................................................................................................................................ 53
13.3 View New Reservation Details.......................................................................................................................... 53
13.4 Edit New Reservation Details ........................................................................................................................... 53
13.5 Acknowledge a New Reservation ..................................................................................................................... 54
13.6 Cancel a New Reservation ................................................................................................................................. 54
13.7 Upcoming Arrivals .............................................................................................................................................. 55
13.8 Account Information.......................................................................................................................................... 56
Reservations.............................................................................................................................................................. 57
14.1 Reservations Overview....................................................................................................................................... 57
EZ Update ................................................................................................................................................................ 58
15.1 EZ Update Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 58
15.2 EZ Update – Changing Number Available..................................................................................................... 59
15.3 EZ Update – Changing Rates............................................................................................................................ 59
15.4 EZ Update – Changing Minimum Stay ........................................................................................................... 60
15.5 EZ Update - Close Outs .................................................................................................................................... 60
Calendars................................................................................................................................................................... 60
16.1 Calendars Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 60
16.4 Edit a Rate in Quick Overview ......................................................................................................................... 62
16.5 Edit a Day in Quick Overview.......................................................................................................................... 62
16.6 Easy Edit Calendar and Tape Chart ................................................................................................................. 63
Reports ...................................................................................................................................................................... 64
17.1 Reports Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 64
17.2 Reservation Detail Report.................................................................................................................................. 64
17.3 Travel Agent / “Tourism BC Visitor Centre” Export Report ..................................................................... 65
17.4 Guest Export Report .......................................................................................................................................... 65
Photos........................................................................................................................................................................ 66
18.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................... 66
18.2 The Photo Page layout ....................................................................................................................................... 66
18.3 Search Results and Images in the Online Booking Module.......................................................................... 66
18.4 Search Results and Images in the CRS (Call Centre & Visitor Centres) ..................................................... 67
18.5 Photos Page Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 68
18.6 Uploading Photos................................................................................................................................................ 68
18.7 Assigning Captions and Display Sequence ...................................................................................................... 71
18.8 Changing and Deleting Photos ......................................................................................................................... 72
After Hours Contact & Passwords ....................................................................................................................... 72
19.1 After Hours Contact ........................................................................................................................................... 72
19.2 Passwords ............................................................................................................................................................. 72
Appendix - Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................. 72
1. Supplier Control Panel
The Supplier Control Panel is designed specifically to allow access to a variety of products representing Lodging, Activity,
Central Reservations Systems (CRS) and other entities that require access to manage products in the system.
The Inntopia solution is made up of fulfillment Channels and Supplier control systems, or Control Panels. The fulfillment
Channels are used by consumers and CRS to buy or sell travel related products. The Channels for Tourism BC include; Call
Centre (1-800 HelloBC), the websites (ie: www.HelloBC, www.2010destinationplanner,com), Tourism BC’s Visitor Centres
(ie: Peace Arch, Vancouver Airport) & the Community Visitor Centres (ie: Squamish, Campbell River).
Fulfillment Channels are nothing without Products to sell, and this is where the Inntopia Supplier Control Panel comes into
play. A Supplier is defined as an entity that makes. a travel-related Product. available to consumers, either through a CRS
or a website etc Products can range from shuttle buses, theatre tickets, lodging and many more. Examples of Suppliers
include car rental agencies, lift ticket distributors etc.
The Supplier Control Panel allows Suppliers to manage every aspect of their products. It is designed to allow maximum
flexibility and re-seller options. You are also able to define the Supplier Company, the products, rates, availability, policies,
and provide images.
2. Getting Started Quickly
Getting Started Quickly is a guide that allows you to quickly go through the 11 critical steps to setting up a Supplier Account
(your 'Management Account") and loading at least one Product for sale in the system. Once you have completed the Quick
Start, remember to take the time to learn more about the system. There are many tools available to help maximize the
benefits of Inntopia’s software.
**Note: Tourism BC will set-up your Account based on the Company information you provided in Tourism BC’s
Listing Program. Tourism BC will then provide you with a log-in and password, which you can change. The user-id
will allow you to add additional users, review & update the information Tourism BC entered on your behalf as well as
add new information ie: photos.
2.1 Set Up A New Supplier Account
This Wizard will walk you through the process of creating your Supplier Account.
2.2 Log-in to Your Existing Account
Test your Account and ensure you can get into the system.
2.3 Set-Up New Products Wizard (units or room types)
Create a product for sale in the system.
2.4 Set-Up Product Attributes
Complete your product with attributes. Update those areas that are more appropriate for your product.
2.5 Set-Up New Rates Wizard
Create rates for your products. Determine what type of rates you would like to use & link to the page that instructs you on
its set-up.
2.6 Load Rates & Availability
Assign the rates you just created to your products.
2.7 Set-up Company Information
Provide important Company information.
2.8 Set-up Company Attributes
What sets your company apart.
2.9 Set-Up Company Policies
What are your terms & conditions?
2.10 Add Photos
For both your Company & products.
2.11 Activate
Contact the Inntopia Support Team to activate your Supplier Account.
3. Using the Supplier Control Panel
3.1 Supplier Control Panel Overview This is the lifeline to your Products in the Inntopia system. As an ASP program, it is navigated in a web browser and uses
several wizards to provide you with assistance.
3.2 Opening the Supplier Control Panel To open this panel, access the Account Logon Screen of the Inntopia website. Once you have completed the steps to Set-up
a New Supplier Account, you will be able to open the Supplier Administration Homepage - your portal to managing your
Products in the Inntopia System.
3.3 Setting Up Your Supplier Account
On the Account Logon screen you are able to;
Create a new Account setup / sign up
Log in to your existing account
An existing user may add a new account
3.4 Set-Up New Supplier Account • On the Account Logon Screen click if you are not a current user & would like to be, sign up here.
• Complete the fields and click the Add User Information button.
• Once the form is completed, note your Username and Password. Note: the email address entered will be
used by the system as your primary contact information.
You will then be asked to enter your company information. Follow the directions on the wizard to ensure
you properly define your Supplier Category in the system.
• Continue by defining your policies.
3.5 Supply Company Policies These policies help you define your operational parameters that Resellers and Consumers are expected to follow. The policy
fields do not drive Inntopia functionality as they are text fields that will be viewed and referred to by Resellers using Inntopia
CRS (ie: Call Centre) or Online consumers (ie: HelloBC.com) as text.
• General Policy – A good area to place any information that is additional to the other options.
• Cancellation Policy – This outlines the Supplier's rules for reservations that cancel ie: how far in advance
they may be canceled, penalties incurred etc.
• Deposit Policy – This area defines what type of, and how much, payment you require to hold a Product
out of inventory as a reservation at the time of booking. Deposit polices may be multi-tiered chronologically so
that $x.xx may be due at the time of booking and $x.xx (balance) is due "x" days prior to arrival.
• Check-In Policy - Defines for consumers and Resellers when your front desk opens & closes, after-hours
check-in and the like. In the case of Activity Providers, Event Coordinators or other Supplier Categories, these
instructions may include specific notes such as arriving 1/2 hour before the scheduled Activity, liability release
requirements, Identification requirements etc.
• Check-Out Policy - Defines for consumers and Resellers the time they need to vacate the premises. This
area may include information such as additional charges for overstaying, cleaning instructions etc.
• Pet Policy – This exists for the comfort of consumers of your Product and partially as a safety
consideration by you. Use this area to make it clear to consumers what type, if any, pet is allowed on your
premises/business, the fees you may charge and what deposit &/or punitive fees may exist for breaking these
• Children Policy – You may define whether or not children stay for free, and the applicable age range,
curfews etc. In the case of some Adventure Activities, Bed and Breakfast’s and Events, children may be
restricted completely from attending. Use this area to clearly state your Child policies as they are an important
consideration in many consumers' considerations of a Product.
• Other Policy – Use this area to add additional operating polices not outlined above.
3.6 Supplier Categories -
These items define what type of business you operate. Carefully review the categories prior to making your selection as your
decision determines the functionality of the Inntopia User Interface that will be available to you. Note: in the event you
select an incorrect Supplier Category, email Inntopia Customer Service to make the necessary adjustments as you will not be
able to change this.
The screen shot below lists the categories to choose from and provides a definition. Note: the chart is broken into 2 sections;
#1 - categories for Suppliers & #2 – categories for Resellers. This line does not actually appear in the system.
When this step is completed, you will be asked to define your Company Policies.
3.7 Login to your Existing Account -
Once you have created your User Account(s) you will need to log-in to work with them. Whether you have one account or
many the process is simple.
• On the login screen select Click Here To Log On
• Enter your username & password
• If you have 1 user account you will be directed to the Home Page. If you have multiple User Accounts,
the following screen will appear:
• From the pull-down menu, select the Account you wish to work on & click Go.
• You will land on the Home Page for that Account.
3.8 Add an Account to your Supplier Account
Many business models call for multiple accounts in the Inntopia system ie: your business is a holding company with several
Supplier companies and multiple Products. In this case, you will need to create additional accounts within your existing
profile. Note: If you are a Supplier and wish to add additional accounts to your existing account, you will need to contact
Inntopia Customer Care to begin the process. Once your first additional account has been added, you will be able to add
additional accounts on your own.
• To add a new Supplier Account to your existing 2 or more accounts, click on the Add a New Account
• Complete the New User Wizard.
3.9 Set Up New Products (Products Wizard)
Products are 'goods' made available for resale through the Inntopia system. There are a wide variety of Product Types to
choose from. Note: within the Inntopia system, Products are categorized by "Type" and "Category". These terms are
synonymous; a Product Type is the same as a Product Category. The new Products Wizard will walk you through the
• On the Products page, the New Product Wizard will take you through 2 steps asking you to complete the;
#1 - Product Details & #2 - Tax and Fee Tables for the Product.
• If you have no Products created, from the Supplier Admin Homepage follow the link provided or click on
Products on the toolbar.
• If you have Products created & wish to add more, click on Products on the toolbar.
• On the Products page, left side, start the Products Wizard by choosing an appropriate Product Type &
clicking Start Wizard. Note: the system default for this field is Lodging. Ensure you select the correct type for
your Product.
• Click on a Product Type from the pull-down.
• Once you have finished the Product Details section, click Continue to move to the Tax/Fees Table.
• Once this is complete, click finish & receive a message stating the Product has been added.
• The Product will now appear in the table to the right called My Products table.
• Prior to proceeding with your Product setup on the My Product table you must first Set-Up New Rates in
the system for the Products.
3.10 Rate/Availability Types
Rate/Availability Types tell the system what flexibility your Product has in reference to Rate Structures, availability
limitations etc. Your Rate/Availability Types will also have an effect on whether or not you have the ability to use the
Quick Update, EZ Update and Calendar features.
Each Product Type / Category has options for which Rate / Availability Type you would like to assign to it. Examples:
The "Lodging" Product Type Category has the following Rate / Availability options from which you can choose:
a. Limited and Varying Availability, Varying Rates
b. Free Sale, Varying Rates
c. Derived
d. Merchandise
The Rate/Availability Type definitions are;
a. Limited and Varying Availability, Varying Rates:
Rates and availability change over time, and can change on a day-by-day basis. This item can be used by
more than one person, but charges may apply for extra people. It is applicable to many Products that are not
Lodging Units or Vacation Packages.
This Rate/Availability Type can be updated with Quick Update, EZ Update and Calendars.
Applicable Product Types/Categories: All Product Types / Categories
b. Free Sale, Varying Rates:
An unlimited number of this Product is available on any and all days this Product is Active, but rates may
vary on a day-by-day basis. Free Sale is typically used by large hotels that have a large number of units available
and wish to make a particular room type 'Available' or 'Unavailable' rather than assign an allocation.
This Rate/Availability Type can be updated with Quick Update, EZ Update and Calendars.
Applicable Product Types/Categories: All Product Types / Categories
c. Derived:
This Product's Availability is the same as another existing Product's Availability, but it has its own rates.
This is often used for All-Inclusive Packages which are dependent upon a specific component's availability.
This Rate/Availability Type can be updated with Quick Update, EZ Update and Calendars.
Applicable Product Types/Categories: *Note: Derived Products only pull inventory from a Parent
Product. Extra care must be taken when making adjustments to Parent Products ie: Close-Outs as such
changes will only be applied to the Parent Product and you must mirror these changes at the Derived Product
level. Failure to update both Parent and Derived Products can result in Resellers being able to book
reservations for Products that do not have any literal inventory.
d. Merchandise (Always Available, Price Never Changes:
There is always an unlimited number of this Product available during the dates it is active. The price does
NOT vary by number of people OR date.
This Rate/Availability Type CANNOT be updated with Quick Update, EZ Update and Calendars.
Applicable Product Types/Categories: All Except Lodging
3.11 Product Types / Categories
Products in the Inntopia system are varied and for this reason they are categorized into Product Category Groups. Product
Category Groups are used to group similar Suppliers in the Inntopia system together, allowing great flexibility in the
presentation of Products, particularly where Packages are concerned. Each Product Category Group contains at least one,
Product Category / Type. Example – The Category Group "Activities & Attractions" includes the Product Category /
Types "Classes and Workshops" & "Fishing".
Note: Product Type Categories and Rate/Availability Type will affect how or whether you can update your Product's
inventory and rates after loading and both should be considered carefully before going through the New Product Wizard.
The Table below lists the different Product Type Categories and the Category Groups that they belong to.
a. Category Group: Lodging
Lodging Units can be a hotel room, condo unit, house, campsite etc. These units are priced on a daily basis, but a consumer
can reserve multiple, consecutive days. A Lodging unit must have a Rate associated with it in order to be saleable.
Rate/Availability Notes: Derived rates can be created for Lodging unit products. This means that the inventory may be
dependent upon an existing Product's inventory (derived) but have it's own Rates. When you click Derived you will be
directed to choose the Product which you intend to base the inventory on. Derived Rates can be useful when dealing with
"Run of House" rules. **Note: Derived Products only pull inventory from a Parent Product. Extra care must be taken
when making adjustments to Parent Products such as Close-Outs. Such changes will only be applied to the Parent Product
and you must mirror these changes at the Derived Product level. Failure to update both Parent and Derived Products can
result in Resellers being able to book reservations for Products that do not have any literal inventory.
b. Category Group: Airport Shuttle
Transportation and Ground Shuttles are primarily shuttle services between the airport and Lodging or a central station.
Users are purchasing a 'Seat' on a shuttle and therefore the pricing is 'Per Person' for these services. Each shuttle route
should be listed as an individual Product. Example - if you are a hotel who runs shuttles to and from local airports, you
would need to create the following products.
• 8:00 am Vancouver Airport to Resort
• 12:00 pm Vancouver Airport to Resort
• 7:00 am Resort to Vancouver Airport
• 9:00 am Resort to Vancouver Airport
NOTE: Select Rate/Availability Type - Merchandise is an optional choice for this Category. Selecting the merchandise
option when completing the Product Wizard will cause the system to prompt you for a rate for this Product. You do not
need to apply a rate from the Rates/Avail pull down menu in My Product Table. The rate entered in this field will be
constant until such time as you either set the Product Status as Inactive or Edit the price using the Edit feature on the My
Products Table. Products that are merchandise will display N/A in the Rates/Avail Field of the My Products table
c. Category Group: Equipment Rental
Equipment rentals include bike, ski, ski/snowboard & canoe rentals or any other recreation item. Recreation equipment is
sold on a day-by-day basis, and can also be purchased for consecutive days. Each rental time slot should be listed as an
individual Product. Example - Bicycle Rental Supplier who rents on the hour for 2 hours you would create the following
• 7 am 24 speed 2 hour Mtn Bike rental due by 9 am
• 8 am 24 speed 2 hour Mtn Bike rental due by 10 am
• 9 am 24 speed 2 hour Mtn Bike rental due by 11 am
NOTE: Select Rate/Availability Type - Merchandise is an optional choice for this Category. Selecting the merchandise
option when completing the Product Wizard will cause the system to prompt you for a rate for this Product. You do not
need to apply a rate from the Rates/Avail pull down menu in My Product Table. The rate entered in this field will be
constant until such time as you either set the Product Status as Inactive or Edit the price using the Edit feature on the My
Products Table. Products that are merchandise will display N/A in the Rates/Avail Field of the My Products table
d. Category Group: Activities and Attractions
Activities & Attractions include Adventure Tours, Classes & Workshops, Cross Country Skiing, Fishing, Horseback Riding,
Rafting, Scenic Tours & Ski School. Activities are typically sold as passes, vouchers or time slots and may be multi-day
passes or single events. The availability and rates can vary based on the 'Start Date' Examples - 1 day Adult Ski Pass, 4 out
of 5 day Child Ski Pass, Dog sled trip or Horseback Riding
NOTE: Select Rate/Availability Type - Merchandise is an optional choice for this Category. Selecting the merchandise
option when completing the Product Wizard will cause the system to prompt you for a rate for this Product. You do not
need to apply a rate from the Rates/Avail pull down menu in My Product Table. The rate entered in this field will be
constant until such time as you either set the Product Status as Inactive or Edit the price using the Edit feature on the My
Products Table. Products that are merchandise will display N/A in the Rates/Avail Field of the My Products table
e. Category Group: Car Rental
Typically Rental Cars are designed with rates that change from day to day and have limited availability. Specials and
packages may also be available with their own availability or they may be dependent upon another products' availability
(derived). Rental cars come in different categories and need to be entered separately for each category, Examples – midsize
cars, luxury cars, mini vans etc.
f. Category Group: Lift Tickets
Lift Tickets are a ski lift ticket to a resort. They can be sold individually or built into packages. They may vary by price
from day to day (midweek/weekend, holiday) and have limited availability.
NOTE: Select Rate/Availability Type - Merchandise is an optional choice for this Category. Selecting the merchandise
option when completing the Product Wizard will cause the system to prompt you for a rate for this Product. You do not
need to apply a rate from the Rates/Avail pull down menu in My Product Table. The rate entered in this field will be
constant until such time as you either set the Product Status as Inactive or Edit the price using the Edit feature on the My
Products Table. Products that are merchandise will display N/A in the Rates/Avail Field of the My Products table
g. Category Group: Events & Spa Treatments & Service
Each of these services have their own template however they look identical. Examples of events include: concert & theatre
NOTE: Select Rate/Availability Type - Merchandise is an optional choice for this Category. Selecting the merchandise
option when completing the Product Wizard will cause the system to prompt you for a rate for this Product. You do not
need to apply a rate from the Rates/Avail pull down menu in My Product Table. The rate entered in this field will be
constant until such time as you either set the Product Status as Inactive or Edit the price using the Edit feature on the My
Products Table. Products that are merchandise will display N/A in the Rates/Avail Field of the My Products table
4. Tax and Fee Tables
Tax and Fee tables are your means of defining how you would like to collect taxes, booking fees, gratuities, cleaning fees etc.
They may be charged on a per night basis (ie: cleaning fees), a per trip basis (ie: booking fees) or as a percentage of the pretax rate (municipal & hotel taxes).
4.1 Complete the Tax and Fee Table for a Product:
• From the Fee/Tax Type column use the pull-down menu to select your defined charge
• Enter the Amount of the Fee/Tax in the second column. Note: this field only accepts numbers (either
whole or decimals).
The system will calculate charges based on the Basis you choose in column 3. You should enter true
representative numbers for percentiles such as taxes or membership fees. (ie: a 8.5% tax should be entered as
'8.5' in the Amount column, not as '.085'). In the Basis field enter how the system will calculate the Amount
from the Amount column.
• Example - if you are charging a tax use the pull-down to choose the "%" symbol. If you are choosing a
booking fee use the pull-down to choose "per item" etc.
• You may add multiple charges to a Product to allow you to collect all of the associated fees.
5. My Products Table
The My Products Table is a table on the Products Page of the Supplier Control Panel that displays all of the Products you
have in the System. The default display for Products is to show only those that have an active status. You may however
select to View All Items (Products), including Inactive ones.
The purpose of the My Products table is to provide you with a central hub for reviewing, editing, adding rates and attributes
to your Products. Below is a Sample My Products table.
5.1 Rates/Avail
The Rates/Avail menu from the My Products table allows you to add Rates to a Product, give a Product availability
(inventory), change (update) a product's rates and availability and provide you with alternative access to the calendars
section of the Supplier Control Module.
Until you Load Rates and Availability, the Home Page will continue to remind you to do so.
The three tools available from the My Products table Rates/Avail pull-down are:
1 Quick Update – provides access to the EZ Update function for a specific Product.
2 View Calendar – provides access to look at all of your Product's in a calendar to view rates, availability,
close-outs, minimum stays & close outs.
3 Load Rates & Availability – allows you to load your base rate and availability for a specific Product over a
long period of time.
The Rates/Avail pull-down menu with sample Products
5.2 Load Rates and Availability
**Note: Before you can Load Rates and Availability for a Product you must first Setup New Rates in the system.
Loading rates and availability is the key to making your Product available, for your Resellers and Consumers as well as
making it available for editing.
Using the Load Rates and Availability feature provides you with the following options:
• Load existing rates in the system;
• Over-write / replace a product's existing rates and availability;
• Load a quantity of Product in the system;
• Define minimum stay requirements;
• Create "No Check-In" days;
• Determine "Closed Out" dates;
• Have rates / availability consistent for each day of the week; and
• Have the rates / availability vary by each day of the week.
a. Same Rate for all Days
Rates that are the Same Rate for all Days refers to entering in the same Rate for each day of the week.
Steps to loading rates and availability for a product that are the same for all days;
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Rates/Avail that corresponds to the Product
you wish to update;
• Click Load Rates & Availability;
• The following pop-up will appear;
In the From field use the pull-down to enter the start date, indicating when that rate is to come into effect;
In the To field, use the pull-down to enter in the end date, indicating the last date the rate is effective;
Under Item to Load, ensure the correct Product name is appearing;
Ensure the Same for All Days button is selected;
In the Qty field, enter the quantity of product you would like to make available for sale;
In the Rate field, use the pull-down to choose the appropriate rate from the Rate List table;
In the Min Stay field, enter in the minimum number of nights a guest must stay in this room, for the dates
indicated. Note: if left blank, the system will default to 1 night.
• Check the No Check-In box if you do not wish to allow arrivals on this date range. Note: typically this
option is used when rates are loaded using the Vary by Day of Week option.;
• Check the Closed-Out box if you wish to make this item unavailable for this date range;
• Click Load Availability & Rate Info.
• You will receive a message "Room dates have been loaded" once successfully loaded.
• When the update is complete, you can view the updates on the Calendar by clicking View Dates on
Calendar, otherwise close the window by clicking the
in the upper-right corner of the pop-up;
If you have attempted to load rates and availability where data already exists the following message will
• You may Continue if your intention is to overwrite existing rates, or View Dates on Calendar or Tape
Chart to review what information currently in the system;
To exit without completing the update and start over, click the
My Products table.
in the upper-right corner to return to the
b. Rates Vary by Day of Week
Rates that Vary by Day of the Week refers to being able to enter a different Rate for each day of the week ie: weekends and
holidays. If you charge a different price for midweek and weekend usage or holidays, you may wish to build a tiered rate
when you set-up a New Rate in the Rate Wizard.
If you have set-up a Tiered Rate that is already structured to meet your Vary by Day of Week needs, you can choose to
Load Rates and Availability using this rate from the "Same for All Days" option. If you would like additional flexibility,
choose Vary by Day of Week and combine different rates to meet your needs.
Steps to loading rates and availability for a product that vary by Day of the Week;
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Rates/Avail that corresponds to the Product
you wish to update;
• Click Load Rates & Availability;
• The following pop-up window will appear
In the From field use the pull-down to enter the start date, indicating when that rate is to come into effect;
In the To field, use the pull-down to enter in the end date, indicating the last date the rate is effective;
Under Item to Load, ensure the correct Product name is appearing;
Click Vary by Day of Week button;
The pop-up will change to reflect a weekly calendar:
Example - For each day of the week, Sunday through Saturday enter;
• In the Qty field, enter the Quantity of Product you would like to make available for sale;
• In the Rate field use the pull-down window to choose the appropriate rate from your Rate List table;
• In the Min Stay field enter the minimum number of nights the guest must stay in this room during these
• Check the No Check-In box if you do not wish to allow check-in's on this date range;
• Check the Closed-Out box if you wish to close make this item unavailable for this date range;
• Click Load Availability and Rate Info;
• You will receive the message "Room dates have been loaded" when the rates and availability have
successfully been loaded;.
• When the update is complete you can view the updates on the Calendar by clicking View Dates on
in the upper-right corner of the popup;
Calendar, otherwise close the window by clicking the
If you have attempted to load rates and availability where data already exists the following message will
• You may Continue if your intention is to overwrite existing rates, or View Dates on Calendar or Tape
Chart to review what information currently in the system;
To exit without completing the update and start over, click the
My Products table.
in the upper-right corner to return to the
5.3 Quick Updates
Quick Update is a fast and simple way to manage the number available, rates, minimum stay and close-outs for a Product.
It is similar to updating & viewing using calendars, but allows you to make changes more quickly without having to first
viewing the dates to be changed.
Quick Update and EZ update are very similar in that they are both used to make speedy and simple changes to a Product.
The functionality of the features is the same with two exceptions:
• Quick Update is accessed from the My Products Table under Rates/Avail pull-down menu whereas EZ
Update is accessed by clicking EZ Updates on the toolbar - and • Quick Update is specific to the corresponding Product from which you used the pull-down menu in the My
Products Table. EZ Update requires you to choose the Product you wish to update from a list.
In order for a Product to be eligible for updating with the Quick Update feature it must have a Rate/Availability Type that
can change day-to-day. Following is a breakdown of Product Types/Categories and Rate/Availability Type that are eligible
for the Quick Update feature.
• Product Types/Categories that ARE eligible for update using Quick Update:
Lodging / Activities / Rental Cars / Vacation Packages / Lift Tickets
• The above Product Types / Categories must have one of the following Rate/Availability Types:
Vacation Packages and Lodging Units / Seat with Variable Pricing / Tour/Trip / Free Sale /
• Product Types / Categories that ARE NOT eligible for updating with Quick Update are:
AP Shuttle / Add-On Packages / Any Product whose Rate/Availability Type is "Merchandise"
i. Number Available (Quantity)
Note: Changing the number available of a Product that has derived Products underneath it will change the number
available for the derived product as well.
To Change the Number Available of a Product for a specific date range:
• Ensure you have loaded Rates for the dates you wish to update. The system will not allow you to update
Rates and Availability until they have been loaded;
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Rates/Avail that corresponds to the Product
you wish to update;
• Choose Quick Updates;
• The following pop-up window will appear
• In the From Field enter the start date for which you want the change to first be effective (mm/dd/yy), or
click the Calendar icon for a pop-up calendar and choose the From date
• In the To Field enter the ending date for which you want the change to last be effective (mm/dd/yy), or
click the Calendar icon for a pop-up calendar and choose the To date
• Under Item, ensure the Product you wish to update is displayed in the pull-down. If the Product you wish
to update is not displayed then your Product is not eligible for Quick Updates and EZ Updates.
• In the Update section make sure that Number Available button is clicked;
• Under Number Available enter the number of the Product you wish to make available;
• Click the Update button;
You will receive the message "Update Successful!" and a review of the date range, product and updated
number available;
• To view the updates on the Calendar click View Calendar;
To return to the Quick Updates screen and make further changes to this Product, click the small
If you are finished updating this Product, close the window by clicking the
the pop-up
in the upper-right corner of
ii Rates
Note: Changing the Rates on a Parent Product that has Derived Products underneath it will not change the Rates for the
Derived Product. You must manually change the Derived Product Rates.
To Change the Rates of a Product for a specific date range:
• Ensure you have loaded Rates for the dates you wish to update. The system will not allow you to update
Rates and Availability until they have been loaded;
• In the EZ Update screen noted above, select the Rate button;
• Beside Rate use the pull down menu to choose the rate you wish to insert from your Rate List;
• Click the Update button;
• You will receive the message "Update Successful!" and a review of the date range, product and updated
number available;
To return to the Quick Updates screen & make more changes to this Product, click the small
If you are finished updating this Product close the window by clicking the
the pop-up
in the upper-right corner of
iii Minimum Stay
**Notes: Minimum Stay requirements are applicable for each individual day of a date range. Example, if you choose a 3
day minimum stay for Oct.1 through Oct.5 inclusive, a guest arriving on Oct.5 must book for departure no earlier than the
8th, even though the 6th and 7th may only have a 1 day minimum stay.
This logic is also true for the reverse. Using the example above, if a guest wishes to stay the night of Oct.1 they must arrive
by Sept.29 to meet the minimum stay requirements. The CRS users are able to view your minimum stay requirements on a
graphical calendar to assist them in booking your Product.
Changing the Minimum Stay on a Parent Product that has Derived Products underneath it will not change the Minimum
Stay for the Derived Product. You must manually change the Derived Product Minimum Stay.
To Change the Minimum Stay of a Product for a specific date range:
• Ensure you have loaded Rates for the dates you wish to update. The system will not allow you to update
until Rates and Availability have been loaded;
• In the EZ Update screen noted above, select the Minimum Stay button;
• Beside Minimum Stay enter the number of days that the Product must be booked for during that date range
• Click the Update button;
• You will receive the message "Update Successful!" and a review of the date range, product and updated
number available;
To return to the Quick Updates screen & make more changes to this Product, click the small
If you are finished updating this Product close the window by clicking the
the pop-up
in the upper-right corner of
iv Close-Outs
To Close-Out a Product is to make it unavailable for booking regardless of any other factors. It is a fast and efficient way to
stop reservations from coming in for the Product.
**Note: Changing the close out setting on a Parent Product that has Derived Products underneath it will not change the
close out setting for the Derived Product. You must manually change the Derived Product Close Out settings.
To change the Close-Out status of a Product for a specific date range:
• Make sure that you have loaded Rates for the dates you wish to update. The system will not allow you to
update until Rates and Availability have been loaded.
• In the EZ Update screen noted above, select the Close-Out button;
• The pop-up window will change to include the following;
If you wish to make the Product available to be booked, click Open;
If you wish to Close-Out the Product & make it unavailable for booking click Closed-Out;
Click the Update button;
You will receive the message "Update Successful!" & a review of the date range, Product and updated
number available;
• To return to the Quick Update screen & make further changes to this Product, click the small
• If you are finished updating this Product close the window by clicking the
in the upper-right corner of
the pop-up.
v. View Calendar for a Product
Similar to the functionality of Quick Updates, but with a more graphical interface, Calendars allow you to graphically view
and change the current status of your Products. The items you can view and edit on a Calendar are Availability, Rates,
Closed to Check-In ("No check-in"), Minimum Stay and Close-Out. When deciding which items to view on the Calendar,
you must choose one of either Availability or Rates for the calendar to display along with any other aspects you wish to
view, otherwise an error will occur. You can view as many of these items as you wish at once.
Note: The Easy Edit Calendar and Easy Edit Tape Chart are designed for editing and viewing Product information. The
Quick Overview Chart is designed for auditing a product. The products reviewed by Quick Overview are editable one day at
a time only.
Quick Overview Chart
The Quick Overview Chart is a means by which you can easily view the status of one or multiple Products in the system and
make changes for each of them one day at a time. It can best be described as a day-by-day review tool where sweeping
changes to single Products are not expected to be done.
You may edit a product, rate or an entire day from the Quick Overview Chart. Note: Editing a rate in the Quick
Overview chart will change that rate for ALL products associated with it, NOT just the product currently being viewed.
To view the current status of Products using the Quick Overview Chart in My Products Table • From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Rates/Avail that corresponds to the Product
you wish to update'
• From the pull-down menu select View Calendar
• The following screen will appear:
Use the pull-downs to select From and To dates.;
The From date is the first day that will be displayed on the calendar & the first date for which you will
be able to make changes to the Product. Conversely, the To date is the last day that will be displayed on
the calendar and the last date for which you will be able to make changes to the Product. The default
From date is "today" and the default To date is 28 days out.
You may choose as large a date range as you wish at any given time. The system will display one
month at a time and provide you with date links to other months.;
In the Display Format area, choose Quick Overview;
The Item(s) to View section will list your Products with check corresponding check boxes similar to:
the Item(s) you wish to View. Note: the item name is a hyperlink. If you wish to edit the Product
details from Quick Overview click this link;
Under Data to Display choose the data you wish to view.;
Click the Show Calendar button;
Depending on whether you choose to view one Product or multiple Products, one of the following
Overview Screens will appear as noted below;
Click Products on the toolbar to return to the Products Page and My Products Table.
Edit a Product in Quick Overview
To edit the Product in Quick Overview click on the Product Name link under Items to View. Follow the steps outlined in
the Edit a Product section.
Make your changes and click Save Changes when complete.
viii. Edit a Rate in Quick Overview
Note: Editing a rate in the Quick Overview Chart will change that rate for all products associated with it, not just the
product currently being viewed.
• To edit the Rate for the Product in Quick Overview click on the Rate Name Link in the rate column.
Follow the steps outlined in the Edit a Rate section of this manual.
Edit a Day in Quick Overview
This feature can be thought of as a Day Overview for your Supplier Account Products. When you choose to edit a day from
the Quick Overview Chart, the system will display the selected calendar dates and a 'snapshot' of every Active Product you
have, regardless of availability. Only non-Active Products will be hidden. No matter which Data you choose to display, the
Edit a Day feature will show all data relevant to each Product. (ie: Quantity, Rate, Minimum Stay, No Check In, ClosedOut).
Note: Changing the Close Out or Minimum Stay settings on a Parent Product that has Derived Products underneath it will
not change the settings for the Derived Product. You must manually change the Derived Product's Settings.
To Edit a Day from the Quick Overview Chart • From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Rates/Avail for any Product;
• Since the Edit a Day feature is going to display all Active Products, it does not matter which Product you
choose to get to the Quick Overview Chart;
• From the pull-down menu select View Calendar;
• In the Calendar pop-up under Display Format make sure the Quick Overview box is chosen for at least 1
• Click the Show Calendar button;
• Click on the Edit This Day link from the left side of the Quick Overview Chart;
• A screen similar to the following will appear with all available products displaying in white & unavailable
products displaying in gray.;
• You may update one day at a time or update ALL PRODUCTS for that day. Make changes using the
same protocols as you would for updating a Calendar.;
• When you have made your changes click Save Changes to complete;
• The Edit Day screen will reload with any changed Products highlighted in GREEN;
• Click Close This Window when complete to return to the Supplier Control Panel.
Easy Edit Calendar and Tape Chart
The Easy Edit Calendar and Easy Edit Tape Chart are designed to allow you to view and update, in a graphical format,
individual Product Availability, Rates, Closed to Check-In ("No check-in"), Minimum Stay and Close-Out status. From
these screens you can make changes to any of these items. The primary difference between the Easy Edit Calendar and the
Easy Edit Tape Chart is the layout of the information. You will have to choose which format best suits your needs and
To View and edit the Calendar or Tape for a Product from the My Products Table • From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Rates/Avail that corresponds to the Product
you wish to view;
• Choose View Calendar and the following screen will appear;
Use the pull-downs to select From and To dates.;
The From date is the first day that will be displayed on the calendar and the first date for which you will
be able to make changes to the Product. Conversely, the To date is the last day that will be displayed on
the calendar and the last date for which you will be able to make changes to the Product. The default
From date is "today".;
You may choose as large a date range as you wish at any given time. The system will display one
month at a time and provide you with date links to other months.;
In the Display Format section, choose either Easy Edit Calendar or Easy Edit Tape Chart;
Under Item, make sure that the Product you wish to update is displayed in the pull-down.;
Choose the Data to Display by checking the appropriate boxes.;
Click Show Calendar;
You can make changes to your Products' status by choosing an editable item from each day and entering
the new data. You do not have to save after every change & therefore can do multiple changes to
multiple days & only need to save once you are ready to view the next calendar/tape.;
Click Save Changes to update the Product;
You will receive a confirmation message that changes have been successful and the calendar will be
displayed again. Any days that had changes applied to them will be highlighted in green.; and
You can view dates outside of the date range you entered without reopening the My Products table by
clicking on the date link in the upper and lower corners of the Calendar Screen
6. Attributes
Product Attributes are items that help to define the unique properties of a Product. Using Inntopia's Advanced Search
Option, CRS users are able to clearly define the products they are looking for. Attributes allow you to make your Product
stand out among others during an Advanced Search by defining such things as room amenities, location etc. This is also an
area where you can apply or edit taxes and fees, determine what sales channels you will use or lay out customer
requirements (ie: minimum age).
All Attributes are important to the search and CRS users. Some of them are searchable by the Advance Search Feature and
the others are all part of your Products' presentation. While the non-searchable Attributes do not help the user find your
Product initially, they are a critical part of the sales presentation.
• Taxes and Fees
• Beds in Unit
• Location Category Code
• Physically Challenged Feature Code
• Room Amenities
• Rooms in Unit
• Unit Type
• Item Address
• Customer Requirements
• Channel Restrictions
• Unit Location.
Some of the Attributes you access from the My Products Table reflect existing data that you entered with the New Products
Wizard. The purpose of this functionality is to allow you to edit Product-specific information. Example, a specific Lodging
Product may have additional cleaning fees over and above Provincial & Municipal taxes that were applied when completing
the Product Wizard. You now have the ability to add them here.
As some Attributes are specific to a particular Product Type, not all Attributes lists are the same. Example: those applicable
to Lodging are not the same as those applicable to Activities.
The grid below shows you what Attributes available for each Product Type/Category.
There are 5 Attributes in the system that are applicable to every Product, regardless of Product Type/Category; Taxes &
Fees / Item Address / Customer Requirements / Channel Restrictions / Neighborhoods
6.1 Taxes & Fees
Taxes and Fees are originally added to Products when using the Product Wizard. Taxes and Fees in the Attributes table
provide a means to edit and add charges.
To edit a Product's Taxes and Fees tables using Attributes:
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Taxes & Fees;
• The following will appear;
Items that are already entered and associated with the Product are listed from top down.
To edit an item that already exists in the tables make the to the item using the pull-downs. Click Edit when
you are finished.
• The system will update the change and give you a message indicating a successful change or there are
errors. If there are errors correct the highlighted items and click Edit.
• To Delete an item click the Delete button that corresponds to the Tax/Fee item you wish to remove. Once
an item has been deleted you will need to enter it over again to replace it.
• To Add an item to the table, enter the new data on the last line in the display (the line with a corresponding
Add button). When the data has been entered click Add to update.
Click the
button to close the window and return to My Product table.
6.2 Item Address
The Item Address is defaulted to the Address you entered when you set-up Company details on the Company Page. If you
are a Supplier who represents Products with check-in offices located other than at your offices, you will want to change the
Item Address in the Attributes to ensure your consumer arrives at the correct location.
To change an Item Address from Attributes on the My Product Table:
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Item Address;
• The following will appear;
The default address appears on the pop-up. To change the address enter the new information and click
Save Changes;
• Click Close This Window to return to the My Products Table.
6.3 Customer Requirements
Customer Requirements are pieces of information about the guest and their travels that you deemed necessary to collect at
the time of booking. Suppliers will have different needs where Customer Requirements are concerned. Example - a
Lodging Product may require estimated time of check-in from a guest so that they can have someone available at the front
desk. Conversely, a Snowboard rental supplier may require weight and shoe size information to ensure stock is ready for the
guest's arrival.
You may define a Customer Requirement as "required" or "optional". "Required" details is information that MUST be
collected in order to complete the reservation. "Optional" information does not need to be on the reservation in order to
complete the transaction.
Note: It is well-documented that consumers are diverted from completing transactions, particularly online, when they are
asked for seemingly unnecessary details during the reservations process. Make sure you use Customer Requirements
sparingly - enough to satisfy your booking requirements & avoid consumers drop-out during the booking process. If you do
need considerable information to fulfill the reservations make sure that you provide your consumers with an explanation as
to why you require the information.
To add Customer Requirements from Attributes on the My Product Table:
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Customer Requirements;
• The following will appear;
Under Information Requested, use the pull-down to select the Information you wish to request;
Determine if you would require the information for every member of the party (ie: Ski rentals where it is
being sold on a one-to-one basis) or for the entire itinerary (ie: Rentals Cars or Lodging).;
the Required box if this information is mandatory for the completion of the transaction;
• Click Add to Add the item to the list of Customer Requirements;
• Repeat this process until you have defined all of your Customer Requirements for this Product;
• Click Close This Window to finish the Requirements and return to the My Products Table
To Remove a Customer Requirement from Attributes in the My Products Table
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Customer Requirements;
• The following will appear;
Click the Delete button that corresponds to the item you wish to delete from the list
Wait for the page to refresh
Click Close This Window to return to My Product Table
6.4 Channel Restrictions
Channel Restrictions are a way for Suppliers to allow or disallow specific fulfillment entities or Resellers (CRS’s etc.) to
access your Product(s) for booking. You are literally restricting your Product to specific Sales Channels if you chose this
You can use this control to restrict sales of this product to specific sales sites. If you don't have any options listed, then your
item will be available in "All" Inntopia sales channels. If you choose to Permit a specific site or sites, then this item will
ONLY be available at those sites.
You can remove the default Channel of "all" by choosing your own Supplier company as your Channel of choice. You will
not be able to book through this channel, but it will 'hide' your Product from Resellers you may not wish adding you to their
Supplier lists until you are set up with a reseller.
Initially you will have only your own Supplier Company as a Channel Restriction option (see preceding paragraph). You
will not be able to add any other Channel Restriction to a Product until a Central Reservation/CRS or other fulfillment
entity has added you as a Supplier of Product for them. This can be accomplished 2 ways:
You establish a CRS or other fulfillment account yourself. If you are a Supplier who is also acting as a Fulfillment
entity then you will have the option to Restrict your sales exclusively to your fulfillment account without taking any
further steps.
You establish a relationship with an existing Central Reservation/CRS entity or other fulfillment entity. This is the
more common solution and is done when you are supplying a Product to a specific fulfillment entity such as a
CenRes for a membership organization. In a case such as this, the CRS account holder will add you to their list of
Suppliers and your Products will become part of their inventory.
Once one of these steps has been taken, you will be able to restrict sales of your Product to the Resellers of your choice.
To add / Permit Channel Restrictions from Attributes on the My Product Table:
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Channel Restrictions;
• The following will appear;
Use the Sales Site pull-down menu to select your desired Sales Channel.;
Ensure that the Permission field pull-down says Permit;
Click Add;
If update is successful, click Close This Window to return to the My Products Table;
If you already have Channel Restrictions in place, those Channels through which you have opted to sell
your Product will be displayed as follows;
To Deny sales channels using Channel Restrictions is to do the exact opposite of permitting them. Permitting allows a
limited number of Channels to book your Products while denying the majority access to them. The Deny feature is used to
disallow a limited number of Sales Channels access to your Product while allowing the majority access to them.
To Deny sales channels using Channel Restrictions
From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Channel Restrictions;
• The following will appear;
Use the Sales Site pull-down menu to select the Sales Channel you wish to deny access to your Products;
Ensure that the Permission field pull-down says Deny;
Click Add;
If the update is successful, click Close This Window to return to the My Products Table
To Delete (restrict) a sales channel using Channel Restrictions click the corresponding Delete button.
6.5 Neighborhoods
Neighborhoods are geographic locations within a city that a Product may be located in. They are not 'cities' themselves and
are not defined by zip / postal codes, but rather by geographic features, streets etc. At present Tourism BC does not use
this option to search.
Examples - The mid-town or theater district of Manhattan (bounded by streets and Central Park), or the Loop in Chicago
(bounded by "The El" train's looping tracks). While these are large urban examples, most cities and towns have definable
Neighborhoods are added to the Product Attributes lists by the Inntopia staff using information you provide them. Please
note they are optional tools that assist with the presentation of a Product and are not required.
To add Neighborhoods to a Product from the Attributes section of My Product Table
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Neighborhoods;
• Click the box that corresponds to the neighborhood that best describes your Product's location;
• Click Submit Changes. Once the update is complete click Close This Window to return to the My
Products table.
6.6 Lodging Products Only
Some Attributes are only logically applicable to Lodging Products. These Attributes will assist a Reseller in finding your
product, being clear on what it offers and allow an informed decision to be made.
Tip: Too much of a good thing can work against you. Be careful not to overwhelm the Reseller with too many Attributes to
a product. This can cause confusion and result in the product being undersold. Try to find the right balance of clarity and
Attributes that are applicable to Lodging Properties only are:
• Bed - How many of each type of bed do you have in the Unit?
• Location Category Codes - Is this an ocean-front or slope-side Property?
• Physically Challenged Features - Tell your guests which features you offer physically challenged guests.
• Room Amenity Types - Over 160 different Room Amenities from "Accessible" to "Woodstove".
• Rooms in Unit - How many bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens does the unit have?
• Unit Type - Tell your reseller if the unit is a cabin, condo etc.
The Bedding Configuration (Bed) Attribute lets you tell Resellers and Consumers what types of beds and how many your
Product contains.
To add or edit a Product's Bedding Configuration using Attributes:
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Bed;
• The following will appear;
Enter the number of each type of bed in the unit into the corresponding text box;
Click Submit Changes;
Click the
button to close the window and return to the My Products Table.
ii Location Category Codes
Location Category Codes help to identify the general area in which the Lodging Property is located. Choices such as "slope
side", "ocean view" and "downtown" help to make clear to the consumer the environment in which they will be staying. Tip
- multiple Location Category Codes can be confusing and lead to Customer Service issues.
To add or edit a Product's Location Category Codes from Attributes:
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Location Category Codes;
• The following will appear;
• Check
the box(es) that best correspond to your Lodging Property's location category. Uncheck any
boxes that are checked and do not apply. ;
• Click the Submit Changes button;
• Click the
button to Close the Window and return to the My Products table;
iii Physically Challenged Features
Property Features that are designed to meet the special needs of physically challenged consumers are Physically Challenged
Features. These codes are important for assisting a very specific group of persons with finding a Property that meets their
needs. Make sure you are familiar with Laws and Standards of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) prior to using
this code.
To add or edit a Product's Physically Challenged Features from Attributes:
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Physically Challenged Features;
• The following will appear;
• Check the box(es) that best correspond to your Lodging Property's Physically Challenged Features.
Uncheck any boxes that are checked and do not apply.;
• Click the Submit Changes button;
Click the
button to Close the Window and return to the My Products table.
iv. Room Amenity Types
Room Amenity Types refers to the specific items that make a room desirable to the Consumer. Conversely, you can use this
feature to also ensure Resellers have a realistic description of the room/unit. Example, "Bathtub Only" allows you to tell a
guest clearly what to expect.
To add or edit a Product's Room Amenity Types from Attributes:
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Room Amenity Types;
• The following will appear;
the box(es) that best correspond to your Product's Room Amenity Types. Uncheck any boxes
that are checked and do not apply.;
• Click the Submit Changes button;
Click the
button to Close the Window and return to the My Products table.
v. Rooms in Unit
Rooms in Unit allows you to clearly define for the Reseller the number of each type of room in your rooms. This is a
particularly strong tool for Condominiums and Vacation Homes.
To add or edit the Rooms in a Unit from Attributes:
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Room Rooms In Unit;
• The following will appear;
Enter the number of each type of room in the corresponding box.;
Click Submit Changes button;
Click the
button to Close the Window and return to the My Products table.
vi. Unit Type
A Unit Type defines what type of Lodging Product you are selling, whether it is a Hotel Room, Condominium etc. This is
an item a Reseller will be able to use as a search criteria. It is critical you reach your market by clearly defining your Product
Unit Type.
To add or edit the Unit Type of a Product from Attributes:
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Unit Type;
• The following will appear;
• Check
the box(es) that best correspond to your Product's Unit Type. Uncheck any boxes that are
checked and do not apply.;
• Click Submit Changes button;
• Click the
button to Close the Window and return to the My Products table.
vii. Unit Location
Unit Location is a System Administration Feature that the majority of Suppliers will not use. It is used to differentiate
multiple Property Management Companies on one location from the Inntopia Supplier. It is also used as a Search Filter in
the Inntopia Online module for consumers.
The default Unit Location for a Product is the Supplier's location, much as the default Item Address is the Supplier Address.
However in some circumstances, such as where a Property with multiple units is managed by multiple Property
Management Companies, a Unit Location other than the Supplier's is desirable to drive fulfillment to that Property.
Unit Locations must be entered into the system manually prior to having them as a choice in Attributes. To do this you
must have access to the System Administrator Features. Access to these features can be granted by the Inntopia Support
Team and are required prior to taking any further steps on this topic. Once you have entered alternate Unit Locations they
are available to all permitted users for updating.
To Add a Unit Location to a Product from the My Products Table
• Contact the Inntopia Support Team to be given permission to access the System Administration section of
the Supplier Control Panel;
• Enter the additional Unit Locations into the system;
• From the Attributes Section of the My Products Table, use the pull down that corresponds to the Product
you wish to update;
• Click on Unit Location;
• The following will appear;
Under Location use the pull-down to choose the location you would like to set for this Product;
Click Go to return to the My Products Table click Close This Window.
6.7 Rental Car Products Only
Rental Cars are unique in that the Product being sold may be returned to a location other than that from which it was
rented. As this is the only Product in the Inntopia System that needs this functionality, it is a unique Attribute of the Rental
Car Product Type/Category,
Pick Up and Drop Off Location Attribute
A consumer may wish to pick up their Rental Car at Airport "A" and drop it off at Airport "B". For this reason the system is
designed to allow for differing Pick Up and Drop Off Locations. This Attribute is only applicable to Products that have been
created as a Rental Car Product Type.
The system uses Airport Codes (LAX, JKF, etc) to track Pick Up and Drop Off locations. You will need to furnish Inntopia
with the codes required for your business prior to being able to add these locations.
If you have a Pick Up or Drop Off location that is not an airport, provide Inntopia with a code for that location and they will
load it into the system (eg: DEN2 might represent a location in Downtown Denver)
To add, edit or delete the Pick up and Drop Off Location of a Rental Car Product from Attributes:
From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit
Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Pick Up and Drop Off Location;
The following will appear;
To Add a Pick Up / Drop Off Location
• Under the heading Airport Code enter the code of the Pick Up / Drop Off location that you wish to add to
the system. Make sure you are entering a code that Inntopia has been given and that they have loaded this code
in the system or you will receive an error.
• Depending upon what you wish to do at this location, under Options for Location choose either:
- Pickup & Drop-off;
-Pick Up only; or
- Drop off Only.
• Click Add.
The location will be added and the popup window will change to show the following:
• Click Close This Window when you are finished adding locations & return to My Products Table.
To Edit a Pick Up or Drop Off Location
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Pick Up and Drop Off Location;
• When the popup window appears, use the pull down menu under Options for Location to choose the new
status for that location;
• When you have set the new status click Edit to update your changes;
• Repeat as necessary for other Locations;
• When completed, click Close This Window to return to the My Products Table.
To Delete a Pick Up or Drop Off Location
• From the My Products table, click the pull-down menu under Attributes that corresponds to the Product
you wish to edit;
• Use the pull down menu to highlight and click Pick Up and Drop Off Location;
• When the popup window appears, click the Delete button that corresponds to the Location you wish to
remove from the Pick Up / and Drop Off List;
• When you have finished click Close This Window to return to My Products Table.
6.8 Info (Edit a Product)
Editing an item from the My Products Table allows you to change any or all of the parameters you set up in the New
Products Wizard with the exception of the Product Type/Category. The Product Type / Category cannot be changed. If
you need to change a Product Type / Category you will need to recreate the Product with the new Type / Category
associated with it.
To Edit a Product (Item) from the My Products table
• Under Info, click the Edit Item link that corresponds to the Product you wish to change. The Product
Information Page will be different for each different Product Type/Category.
• The Product Information will open in a new window;
• Make your changes & click on Save Changes;
• Click Products on the toolbar to return to the Products Page;
• Note: you can also edit an item from the edit a rate section of the Supplier Control Panel.
6.9 Display Sequence
The Display Sequence is an optional feature that tells the Inntopia system in which order to present Products in the CRS.
The values range from 1 to 20 with 1 being the first Product presented and 20 being the last. If you require more than 20
Products at one time, then you can assign the same Display Sequence number to multiple Products effectively expanding the
number of Products presented exponentially, although you may lose some presentation order. You will need to determine if
this course of action is appropriate for you.
If you do not set a Display Sequence value for the Products in your Supplier Account, the Products will be presented in
search results in the order in which they were entered in the system.
To Edit / Set the Display Sequence from the Edit a Product screen in My Product Tables:
• Under Info, click the Edit Item link that corresponds to the Product you wish to change;
• Scroll down the Product Information Page to Display Sequence;
• Use the pull down menu to set the Sequence to the Value you want;
• Click Save Change.
6.10 Removing or Deleting Products
Products cannot be deleted from the system as they have accounting codes and other important information permanently
linked with them. You can however set a Product so that it does not appear in your My Products table. You can remove
Products from the table by setting their status to Inactive. You will be able to view these Products in future by selecting the
"View All Items" option in My Products Table. Note: By setting a Product status to Inactive it will be unavailable for
To change a Product's status and remove it from the My Products Table:
• Go to the Products Page of the Supplier Control panel;
• In the Info column, click edit item beside the item you wish to make inactive;
• Scroll down to the Status section and click the Inactive button;
• Click Save Changes;
• To return to the My Products Table click Products on the toolbar.
To change a Product's status and replace it in the My Products Table:
• Go to the Products Page of the Supplier Control panel;
• Below the My Products Table click the "View All Items" link;
• In the Info column, click edit item beside the item you wish to make inactive;
• Scroll down to the Status section and click the Active button;
• Click Save Changes;
• To return to the My Products Table click Products on the toolbar.
7.1 Rates Overview
Rates are the price that you charge for your product. The Inntopia system is designed with the flexibility to apply all the
different rate structures needed for these business models. Until you have set-up Rates in the system, your Home Page will
prompt you to do so. This section will tell you what you need to know about:
• Setting Up New Rates with the Rate Wizard
• Creating Net Rates with the Rate Optimizer
The Rate List
Editing a Rate
Deleting a Rate
For easy navigation, the Rates Page contains a link bar to each of the primary Rate features, the Rate List, Rate Wizard and
Rate Optimizer. This link bar is visible in the upper-right corner of the page (above the Rate List which is the default view)
at all times.
The Link Bar:
7.2 Set Up New Rates
Each Product for resale in the Inntopia system requires Rates. Rates are the cost per saleable unit of a Product for a set
period of time. Periods of time may vary depending on the Product. Example - Lodging Units typically charge by the night,
whereas a Rafting Adventure may charge by the trip.
A loaded rate may be applied to more than one Product so that, if you have multiple Products of the same pricing structure
you only need to enter the appropriate Rate once in the Rates Wizard and it will be available to you. Example - A
Condominium & a Vacation Rental home both rent for $120.00 per night during the week and $175.00 per night on the
weekend. You can call this rate 120-175 and apply it to any and all products that are appropriate for it.
On the Rates Page you will see the Rates Tables on the right-hand side. Until rates are loaded, this table is empty. The table
contains 3 tabs; Rate List, Rate Wizard and Rate Optimizer. Using these tabs you can view all of your loaded rates, create
new ones or program the system to automatically markup and markdown rates using the Rate Optimizer.
7.3 Rate Wizard
Like the Products Wizard, the Rates Wizard will walk you through the steps of setting up your rates. This section will walk
you through setting up each of the different kinds of rates.
Rate Wizard Page 1 - Non-tier and No Discount (see below)
Rate Wizard Page 2 - No Tier and No Discount (see below)
There are 4 basic Rate Structures you can set up:
• Non-Tiered / No Discount Rates: These rates are the same no matter what day of the week the Product is
sold for, and there are no discounts for multiple day reservations
• Non-Tiered / Discountable Rates: These rates are the same no matter what day of the week the Product is
sold for, but there is a discount for multiple day use. For example, you may offer a Product for $100.00 per day
of use. If reserved for 4 days the consumer only pays for 3 days. The system will prorate the Product to charge
the guest $300 for 4 days' use or $75.00 per day.
• Tiered / No Discount Rates: These rates will fluctuate by day of the week, most commonly
weekend/midweek and over Holiday periods. The rate is not discounted for multiple day uses.
• Tiered / Discountable Rates: Tiered by day of the week and discounted for multiple day use, this is a
highly flexible rate structure.
7.4 Loading Non-Tiered No-Discount Rates
These rates are the same no matter what day of the week the Product is sold for, and there are no discounts for multiple-day
To Load Non-Tiered, No-Discount Rates:
• Start the Rates Wizard by clicking the Rate Wizard tab on the Rates page of the Supplier Control Panel;
• Select a Rate Name using a protocol that you can standardize. You will need to identify your rate from a
list once all your rates are loaded so consistent and logical names will assist you in this. Example, if you wish
to establish a rate for a 2 Queen bed hotel room with 1 rate Mon. through Fri ($100) and a different rate on the
weekend ($150) you may want to name “100M-F150Sa-Su”. Note - Calendar Views will only display the
first 15 characters of a rate name.
• Enter the Base Price. This price will be the cost for the Base Occupancy/Users (from Products Details) to
use your Product. Example, if the Base Occupancy/Users you entered for the Product in the Product Wizard is
2 people and the price for 2 people is $200.00 per day, enter $200.00 here.;
• Enter the Extra Adult Charge. This charge is a per diem rate for any adults over your Base
Occupancy/Users, up to your Capacity. For example, if your Product Base Occupancy/Users is 2 and
Capacity is 4, then any 3rd or 4th adult using the Product will be charged the Extra Adult charge daily.
Example - $20.00 per day
• Enter the Extra Child Charge. This charge works exactly as the Extra Adult Charge. Example - $5.00 per
• Click Continue;
• If you do not complete page 1 of the Rate Wizard correctly the system will give you an error, return you to
page 1 and highlight the fields to be corrected.;
• Using the examples above the following page will appear to confirm your information;
Click Complete;
You will receive a message that "Changes have been made" and to confirm the changes. This is a last step
review prior to loading your rates. Review the rate and click Save Changes.;
• To Return to the Rate Page click on Rates on the toolbar or click on the Rate List tab.
7.5 Loading Non-Tiered, Discounted Rates
These rates are the same every day of the week the Product is sold for, but there are multi-night discount options available to
the Supplier. Using the Discounted rates tool gives you a means of providing an incentive to consumer to use a Product
over a longer period of time by setting benchmark time periods and then pro-rating a discounted rate over the life of the
Discount Example 1:
A Lodging Supplier provides an incentive to a consumer to stay extra nights over and above 1 night. Note - the
discounts prorates:
A 1 night stay is 100.00 = $100.00 / reservation;
A 2 night stay is 90.00 / night (prorated to include the first night = $180.00 / reservation (10% prorated
A 3 night stay is 85.00 / night (prorated to include first 2 nights) = $255.00 / reservation (15% prorated
discount) etc.
Discount Example 2:
A Lodging Supplier provides an incentive to a consumer to stay 4 nights by giving them a 15% discount on all nights
when they stay 4. This would be done on the Rate Wizard as follows:
1st night: $250.00 - guest will be charged $250 + taxes for this 1 night stay;
2nd night: $250.00 - guest will be charged $500 + taxes for the 2 night stay;
3rd night: $250.00 - guest will be charged $750 + taxes for the 3 night stay;
4th night: $212.50 - guest will be charged $850 + taxes for the 4 night stay (15% prorated discount).
To load a non-tiered, discounted rate:
• Start the Rates Wizard by clicking the Rate Wizard tab on the Rates page of the Supplier Control Panel;
• Create a Rate Name using a protocol that you can standardize. You will need to identify your rate from a
list once all your rates are loaded so consistency and logical names will assist you in this. Example – A unit
that charges $100/night Mon. through Fri. & $150/night on Sat. & Sun. “100M-F150Sa-Su”. Note: Calendar
Views will only display the first 15 characters of a rate name.;
• Enter the Base Price. This price will be the cost for the Base Occupancy/Users (from Products Details) to
use your Product. For example, if the Base Occupancy/Users you entered for the Product in the Product
Wizard is 2 people and the price for 2 people is $250.00 per day, then enter $250.00 here.;
• Enter the Extra Adult Charge: This charge is a per diem rate for any adults over your Base
Occupancy/Users, up to your Capacity. Example, if your Product Base Occupancy/Users is 2 and Capacity is
4, then any 3rd or 4th adult using the Product will be charged the Extra Adult Charge daily of $20 per day;
• Enter the Extra Child Charge: This charge works exactly as the Extra Adult Charge. Example - $5.00
per day.;
• A new section appears asking you "What is the longest duration that qualifies for a multiple night
discount?" In other words, the system wants to know if you will be offering a discount for staying 3 nights, 4
nights, 10 nights? If you offer no further discounts after 4 nights (as in our example #2 above) then enter "4"
here. If you offer a discount at 3 nights and another at 1 week, enter '7' here.;
• Using your business rules enter a number using the pull down option;
• Click Continue;
• If you do not complete page 1 of the Rate Wizard correctly the system will give you an error, return you to
page 1 and highlight the fields to be corrected.;
• Based on Example 2 above, the following page will appear. Note - the Base Rate is in each of the 4 Price
fields. You must now edit it to apply your discount.
This image shows the discount as it applies in Example 2 above.
Click Complete;
You will receive a message that "Changes have been made" and that you should confirm the changes. This
is a last step review prior to loading your rates. Review the rate and click Save Changes;
• To Return to the Rate Page click on Rates on the toolbar or click on the Rate List tab.
Loading Tiered, No-Discount Rates
These rates vary by the day of the week the Product is sold for, but there are no discounts to the consumer for multiple night
stays. Using the Tiered Rates tool gives you the power to direct consumers to days/dates that you wish to increase business
on by driving them to a lower-cost Product.
The most typical examples of Tiered Rates are weekend/midweek rates.
To load a tiered, no-discount rate:
• Start the Rates Wizard by clicking the Rate Wizard tab on the Rates page of the Supplier Control Panel
• Select a Rate Name using a protocol that you can standardize.
• Enter the Base Price. This price will be the cost for the Base Occupancy/Users (from Products Details) to
use your Product. Example, if the Base Occupancy/Users you entered for the Product in the Product Wizard is
2 people and the price for 2 people is $200.00 per day, then enter $200.00 here.
• Enter the Extra Adult Charge: This charge is a per diem rate for any adults over your Base
Occupancy/Users, up to your Capacity. Example, if your Product Base Occupancy/Users is 2 and Capacity is
4, then any 3rd or 4th adult using the Product will be charged the Extra Adult charge daily. Example we will
use $20.00 per day
• Enter the Extra Child Charge: This charge works exactly as the Extra Adult Charge. Example - $5.00 per
• Where the system asks "Does the Rate change depending on the Day of the Week?" click Yes.
• Where the system asks "Do you offer a discount for multiple days/nights?" click No
• Click Continue
• If you do not complete page 1 of the Rate Wizard correctly the system will give you an error, return you to
page 1 and highlight the fields to be corrected.
• Using a $250.00 Base Price, the following will appear:
In order to make this a midweek/weekend rate it must now be edited. Click on the rate fields you
wish to change and type in the desired rate for that day of the week.
When complete, your tiered rate may appear as follows:
Click Complete
You will receive a message that "Changes have been made" and that you should confirm the changes. This
is a last step review prior to loading your rates. Review the rate and click Save Changes
• To Return to the Rate Page click on Rates on the toolbar or click on the Rate List tab
7.6 To load a tiered, discounted rate:
These rates combine the flexibility of tiered rates with the added value of offering a discounted rate.
Start the Rates Wizard by clicking the Rate Wizard tab on the rates page of the Supplier Control Panel;
Select a Rate Name using a standardized protocol. You will need the ability to identify your rate from a list
once all your rates are loaded, so ensure the name is logical names to assist you.
• Enter the Base Price. This price is the cost for the Base Occupancy / Users to use your Product. Example if the Base Occupancy / Users you entered for the Product in the Product Wizard is 2 people and the price for 2
people is $250.00 per day, then enter $200.00 here.
• Enter the Extra Adult Charge. This charge is a per diem rate for any adults over your Base Occupancy /
Users, up to your Capacity per room. Example - if your Product Base Occupancy / Users is 2 and Capacity is
4, then any 3rd or 4th adult using the Product will be charged the Extra Adult charge daily. In this example we
will use $20.00 per day.
• Enter the Extra Child Charge. This charge works the same as the Extra Adult Charge. In this example we
will use $5.00 per day.
• When the system asks "Does the Rate change depending on the Day of the Week?" click Yes.
• When the system asks "Do you offer a discount for multiple days/nights?" click Yes
• A screen will appear asking you "What is the longest duration that qualifies for a multiple night discount?"
The system wants to know if you will be offering a discount for staying 3 nights, 4 nights etc. If you offer no
further discounts after 4 nights, then enter "4". If you offer a discount at 3 nights and another at 1 week, enter
'7' here.
• Click Complete
• Note: If you do not complete this page of the Rate Wizard correctly, the system will return an error, return
you to page and highlight the fields to be corrected.
Using a $250.00 Base Price, the following will appear:
• To make this a midweek / weekend rate it must now be edited. Click on the rate fields you wish to change
and type in the desired rate for that day of the week. To avoid confusion we will repeat this for every Fri. &
Sat., regardless of 1, 2, 3 or 4 night stays. When tiering is complete, your tiered rate chart may appear as
• It's now time to enter your Discounted Rates for multiple day stays. In this example we will use a 15%
discount. Using this example your rate chart will look like this:
Click Complete;
You will receive the message, "Changes have been made" and that you need to confirm the changes.
Review the rate and click Save Changes;
• To Return to the Rate Page click on rates on the toolbar or click on the rate list tab.
8. Rate Types
Published Rates: The Published Rate is the rate that a Supplier creates when they Set Up Rates using the Rates Wizard. It
can be considered the 'default' rate that is used for a Product and is the rate that the public will see when purchasing the
Derived Rate: Derived Rate is a generic term for any type of rate that is based on a Published Rate and is created using the
Rate Optimizer. Types of derived rates are Net Rates, Wholesaler Rates, Private Rates as well as Optimized Published
Rates. An Optimized Published Rate is a useful tool for offering discounted Product through, for example, your own
Supplier web site.
Price Control: Derived Rates provide your Resellers with the flexibility of Price Control. Price Control is the ability for the
Reseller to change the selling price for a product and is a required aspect of such features as selling Packages. As the
Supplier you will control who has Price Control and who does not by defining your Resellers with Channel Restrictions.
Resellers with Price Control must still meet your minimum rate (Net Rate) required for each Product they sell.
Discounted Published Rates: These rates are created in the Rate Optimizer and are considered a type of Derived Rate as
they come from an existing Published Rate. They are often used to sell distressed inventory through your own Reseller
channel, to build Discount Packages or to promote Internet Pricing off of your own site. They should not be confused with
Net Rates which are used for Wholesale and Distributorship sales.
Discounted Published Rates that are created specifically for Packaging do not need to be discounted in the Rate Optimizer.
The discount amount in the Rate Optimizer may be set at "0" for these rates as they will be reduced at the Point of Sale with
the Package.
Net Rates: A Net Rate is the amount of money that a Wholesale or Distributorship Supplier demands to receive from a
Reseller for a Product. Net Rates are created using the Rate Optimizer. Net Rates are also known as Wholesale Rates,
Distributor Rates, etc.
Example of a Net Rate scenario:
A Supplier has an agreement with a Reseller to sell Product for them. The Supplier states they must receive $90.00 per
night for the Product. This $90.00 is their "Net Rate". The Reseller has a markup of 15% on the Net Rate. This means that
the Reseller will sell the $90.00 Product to the consumer for $103.50 ($90.00 x 115%). The Reseller will then remit to the
Supplier a Net amount of $90.00 per Product night sold and retain their markup of $13.50. Net Rates are set up using the
Rate Optimizer and are a type of "Derived Rate".
Net Rates are applied to Sales Channels using the sales channels you are permitting for Product in the Channel Restrictions
section of Attributes. Example - you set-up a Net Rate that is 10% less than the Published Rate for "Sales Channel A" but
another that is 15% below the Published Rate for "Sales Channel B". Sales Channel "A" & "B" may be Reselling the
Product to the consumer at the same price because of different markups, you will receive different dollar amounts back
from each because of their individual Net Rates you offered them.
Net Rates are not published to the public and are designed primarily for use in conjunction with a markup on the Reseller
A Derived, Published Rate may be used as a cost-to-consumer rate in order to discount rates for distressed inventory as well
as building Packages and the like. Derived, Public rates must be sold through the Supplier's own Reseller Channels
9. Rate Optimizer
The Rate Optimizer is a feature designed to allow Wholesale and Distributorship Suppliers to provide inventory to Resellers
at discounted wholesale rates - or Net Rates - based on Published Rates created during the set-up. It is a time-saving tool
that streamlines the Rate Channel / Sales Channel functionality.
The rates that can be created in the Rate Optimizer are: Discounted Published Rates & Discounted Net Rates.
9.1 Set Up Net and Discounted Published Rates
Note: Prior to setting up Net Rates in the Rate Optimizer you will need to complete the following:
• Completely set-up at least one Product to be sold;
• Provide that Product with at least one Sales Channel using the Channel Restrictions feature of Product
To set up a Net Rate in the Rate Optimizer
From the Rates page click on Rate Optimizer above the Rate List;
The following screen will appear;
• Click on Sales Site to choose the Channel through which you would like to offer this Net Rate. The
names that appear in the pull down will correspond with the Rate Channels you chose for your Products in the
Attributes section of My Products Table.
Note: The Sales Site you choose must be set up to accept Net Rates. This is a step the Reseller takes by
contacting the Inntopia Support team.;
• Enter the amount, as a percentage of your Published Rates, that you wish this Sales channel to receive as
a discount. This percentage will be deducted from your Published Rate(s) to become the Net Rate(s) for that
• From the Rate Type pull down select Net Rate;
Under Apply to Existing Rates determine if you wish to have this Net Rate apply to all rates that are
currently loaded in the system ("Yes") or if you wish to apply it only to rates that are loaded from the current
date forward ("No"). Choose Yes or No to continue.
Note: The 'Yes/No' option is only valid during the Setup process for a Derived Rate. Once you have chosen
to apply to Existing Rates, this discount will apply to all rates that previously existed in the system until you
either remove the rate or change the discount rate to "0%".
• Click Add to complete the process;
• The window will change to reflect your current Net Rate(s) as below:
Note: Differing sales contracts or markets may require multiple & different Net Rates for different Resellers.
You may set up as many Net Rates as you have Sales Channels established. In the example below, the Supplier
is selling the product through their own website at a discounted rate to the consumer.
b. Edit Net and Discounted Published Rates
The following items can be edited in the Rate Optimizer:
• Discount Percentage for a Sales Site; and
• Rate Type - Published or Net Rate.
Note: Not all properties of a Derived Rate can be edited.
The following items cannot be edited in the Rate Optimizer:
Apply to Existing Rates; and
Remove a Sales Site from the list
Net Rates in the Optimizer are measured as a percentage of your Published Rate. If you need to edit the net
rate dollar value you can do this using the Rate Channel Feature of Edit A Rate by;.
• Click on the Discount Box that corresponds to the Sales Channel you wish to edit;
• Overwrite the existing discount amount with the new amount;
Click the
button that corresponds to the Sales Channel; and
Click either Rate List or Rates on the toolbar to exit the Rate Optimizer.
If you wish to editing a Rate Type for a Sales Site in Rate Optimizer;
• Click on the Rate Type pull down that corresponds to the Sales Site you wish to edit;
Note - Remember applying a Net Rate to a Sales Site requires the Sales Site to be set-up to accept Net Rates.
A Reseller must Contact the Inntopia Support Team to have their account set to accept Net Rates.
A Discounted Published Rate is the rate that the consumer or CRS Reseller sees. This is not an appropriate rate for a
Markup reseller to whom you wholesale a Product without making arrangements with the Reseller.
• Choose either Net Rate or Published Rate;
• Click the
button that corresponds to the Sales Channel; and
• Click either Rate List or Rates on the toolbar to exit the Rate Optimizer
Removing a Net Rate or Discounted Published Rate in Rate Optimizer
Click the Discount Box that corresponds to the Sales Site to remove the Derived Rate for;
Change the Discount amount to 0%;
If you want to provide a Published Rate to that Sales Channel:
Ensure Rate Type is set to Published;
If you want your existing published Rate to be treated as a Net Rate by the Sales Channel:
Ensure Rate Type is set to Net;
Click the
button that corresponds to the Sales Channel; and
Click either Rate List or Rates on the toolbar to exit the Rate Optimizer.
10. Rate List
The Rate List is an overview of all Rates that are currently loaded in the Supplier Control Panel, including those which are
not associated with any Products. Note the components of the example list below:
From the Rate List you can:
• Edit a Rate - This includes all aspects of the rate including the Rate Channel, Rate Name, Rate Discount
Method etc. From here you can also review which Products are currently using the Rate.;
• Use The Rate Channel to view and edit Derived or Optimized Rates; and
• Remove or Delete a Rate completely from the Inntopia system.
10.1 Edit a Rate
You can Edit a Rate from the Rate List at any time. Editing a Rate will affect all of the Products (Items) using the Rate.
Check the Items Using This Rate section of the editing screen prior to making any changes to ensure you are only updating
Product(s) you wish to.
Rates may also be edited from the My Products Table using the Quick Overview Feature.
Not all of a Rate's properties can be edited from the Edit Rate feature. Some properties are permanent and can only be
changed by Setting Up a New Rate with the desired properties.
Items you can edit with the Edit Rate feature:
• Rate Channel (Edit an Optimized Rate) - see Rate Channel;
• Rate Name;
• Price Per Day;
• Multi-Day Discount Method;
• Extra Adult Charge; and
• Extra Child Charge.
Items you cannot edit with the Edit Rate feature
• Rate is a Tiered Rate or Non-Tiered Rate;
• Rate is a Discounted Rate or Non-Discounted Rate; and
• Rate Type as it will always appear in this field as either a Published Rate or a Net Rate depending on the
Rate Channel you are viewing - see Rate Channel.
To Edit a Rate from the Rates List:
Click the
Button that corresponds to the Rate you wish to change;
Click the field you wish to change, or use the pull-down menu to make changes;
When you are finished click Save Changes;
Confirm your changes; and
Click on Rate List in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to return to the Rate List.
10.2 Edit a Product Using Edit a Rate Feature
You can also edit a Product from the Edit Rate feature. When you edit a Product here, you will be redirected to the Product
Information screen on the Products page. To Edit a Product here;
• Choose the Rate you wish to edit;
• Under Items Using this Rate click the link to the Product you wish to edit;
• The Product Information Screen appear to allow you to make the necessary changes;
• Complete your changes & click Save Changes; and
To return to the Rate List features click Rates on the toolbar.
10.3 The Rate Channel as a reviewing tool
The Rate Channel is "a means of viewing the Sales Channels for this rate and their Net Rate values in dollars". When you
create a derived (or Net) Rate using the Rate Optimizer, you are creating a rate that is discounted from your Published Rate
and is applicable only through Sales Channels that you define in the Optimizer. This rate is discounted on a percentage (%)
basis. When you are dealing with multiple Net Rates this can become confusing, so the Rate Channel allows you to view a
Published Rate and every Net Rate that is derived from it in real dollars.
The example below shows a Published Rate viewed in the Edit Rate feature & the Net Rate viewed in the Edit Rate feature,
using the pull-down to choose an applicable Sales Channel. Note the difference in rates for each day but the Extra Adult
and Extra Child charges have not been discounted. This particular rate is a tiered rate that does not have a multiple day
discount applied and is selling through this Sales Channel at a Net Rate of 10% off the Published Rate.
A Published, Tiered/Non-Discounted Rate
The Net Rate after an applicable Rate Channel is selected.
A Net, Tiered/Non-Discounted Rate
The Rate Channel Feature as an Editing Tool
Rate Channels also provide you a means of editing the Derived Rates you created in the Rate Optimizer without having to
work the numbers backward to determine percentages. Example - a Product has a Published Rate of $100.00 & you set-up a
Net Rate discount of 10% ($10.00), equally a Net Rate of $90.00. To increase this Net Rate by 2.5% to meet rising fuel costs
can be complicated in the Optimizer. Rather than working with the Optimizer to change the % discount rate, simply
calculate 2.5% of $90.00 ($2.25) & use the Rate Channel pull-down to see and edit the daily optimized rate for that Channel.
The new rate you enter here will override the existing 10% discount in the Optimizer.
Note: Net Rates created for Sales Channels in the Rate Optimizer apply to ALL rates using that sales channel. Editing
a Net Rate from the Rate Channel feature will only override the Net Rate for products using that rate. All other Net
Rates through that sales channel will remain at the discount set in the Optimizer unless you either edit the discount in
the Optimizer, or edit each Published Rate's Net Rates using the Rate Channel feature.
Using the example screen shots above, note the edited rate for Midweek nights (Sun-Thursday).
10.4 Removing or Deleting Rates
Removing or Deleting Rates is an important step to ensure you keep your Rate List clean and organized. Unlike the My
Product Table, the Rate List shows all rates that are loaded into the system and does not have an option for viewing only
those that are active or have a Product associated with them.
There are 2 important steps to address prior to deleting a rate from the system.
You must ensure that there are no Products/Items using it in the system.; and
Regardless of whether or not you intend to keep the Product Active, you must set-up a new rate as a replacement for
the Rate you will delete or have an alternate rate already set-up to use. Overwriting a rate is the only way to remove it
from usage by a Product.
Note: You cannot remove or delete a rate that is currently being used by a Product
To check for and remove Products/Items using a rate in the system from the Rate List
Step 1 -
Click the
button that corresponds to the Rate you wish to check;
Under Items Using This Rate check to see if there are any Items listed;
If there are items listed, note them and click Close This Window and continue with these directions;
If there are not items listed, click Close this window and follow the directions in Step 2;
Once you have noted the Products/Items using this rate, click Products on the toolbar;
On the My Products Table locate the Product that is using the rate. If you cannot locate the Product click
View All Products below the table to view Products that are currently inactive but may be using the rate.;
• Under Rates/Avail click on the pull down that corresponds to the Product you wish to change;
• Highlight and click Load Rates & Availability;
• Follow the steps in the Load Rates and Availability section using the replacement rate so that the new
rate overwrites or replaces all date ranges that currently use the rate you are deleting.;
• Repeat this as necessary for all Products using the rate to be deleted;
• When you are finished, click Rates on the toolbar to return to the Rate List;
• Click the
button that corresponds to the Rate you wish to check and make sure there are no Products
listed under Items Using This Rate. If there are still Products listed you may need to look more closely at the
calendars for each and determine which specific dates the Product is using the rates for or you may overwrite a
large date range and reload other seasonal rates; and
• Click Close This Window.
Step 2 - Note: Once you delete a rate it cannot be recovered.
• Once you have completed Step 1, go the Rate List;
Click the
button that corresponds to the Rate you wish to remove/delete;
The system will update automatically without confirmation and return you to the Rate List; and
Ensure the Rate has been removed from the List.
11. Company
The Consumer and Your Company Information
Most of the information and settings you enter into the system are visible to the Consumer. It is important to know what the
consumer sees as they book online or finished a transaction with a CRS. Although the layout of the information and page
is done automatically by the Inntopia system, the data itself is yours as you entered it, and you are responsible for it's
accuracy as it relates to content, spelling, grammar and representation.
The Company Page information are prominently displayed to the Consumer at almost every stage of the online booking
process. This information is also visible on the confirmations that are emailed to consumers following a transaction, as well
as on subsequent "cancellation" and "modification" forms sent to the consumer.
11.1 Company Page and Account Wizard Information
On the Company Page, some Amenities are visible to the consumer during the booking process, Company Info
shows up during the booking process and on Guest Confirmations & Policies are displayed at the end of the
Online Booking process, as well as on the Guest Confirmation Email.
The New Account Wizard info displays on booking screens as contact info on the Guest Confirmation. The info entered in
the Wizard can be edited using the Company Page.
11.2 Consumer Searches & Company Information
After an online search is conducted, the Supplier's information and the Product information are displayed to the Consumer.
The Supplier information is sourced from the New Products Wizard and the Company Page & the Product information is
sourced from the Product Wizard, Rates Wizard and Photos Page.
Anywhere your Supplier Name is displayed during the online booking process it acts as a hyperlink to your Supplier
Information from the Company Page. The Photos are all from the Photo Page
11.3 Consumer Bookings & Company Page Information
Once a consumer has chosen your Product and is viewing their Itinerary, they have the option
to click on the link back to your Supplier information.
As a Consumer finishes a transaction, your Policies from the Company Page are presented for Agreement.
The email confirmation a consumer receives contains links to the same information they were able to view online and
displays your Policy information from the Company Page.
11.4 Set Up New Company Details
Company Details explain your check-in policies, credit cards you accept, contact information etc. The Company Details
you set-up on the Company page are:
Company Attributes - These are different from Product Attributes. They address items that are generally
applied to your Supplier Company, as opposed to Product Attributes which apply at the Product Location level
to individual units. Company Attributes also provides you with a click link to the Photos Page so you can
upload, edit and manage your Company, Property & Unit level photos.
• Company Information - These fields provide further details about your Company such as Contact
Information, Driving Directions, Descriptions, etc.
• Company Policies – These tell CRS and consumers what your rules are regarding check-in/out, children,
pets, payment etc. This section also allows you to create a Payment Schedule using the Deposit Schedule
To begin setting up your Company Details click Company on the toolbar.
a Company Attributes
Company Attributes are similar to Product Attributes in that they help you note what it is that makes your company
different. They are items that help to define the unique properties of a Company. Using Inntopia's Advanced Search
Option, CRS staff and online consumers are able to clearly define the Company and Product they are looking for. Company
Attributes allow you to make your Company stand out among others during an Advanced Search
All Attributes are important to search and sales tasks of the Inntopia system and the CRS staff. Some are searchable by the
Advance Search Feature (listed below in Red) and others are all part of your Company's presentation to the Consumer.
While the non-searchable Attributes do not help the consumer find your property initially, they are a critical part of the sales
Most Attributes are made up of a series of Feature Codes or Category Codes that help best define your Company. These are
chosen by checking the box that corresponds to your code of choice. Some Attributes are not codes and require you to enter
values such as a "AAA" rating or the number of a specific item on the property (ie: Apartment units).
Note: "The more the merrier" is not always the case. Don't use too many amenities as it may confuse a consumer and cause
issues down the road.
Items that you will have the option to define under Company Attributes are noted below. Under each attribute,
select those that are relevant, click Submit Changes & Close the Window.
Accepted Cards - Allows you to choose which Credit Cards you as a Supplier accept.
Architectural Style - Define your style: Art Deco? Modern? High Rise?
Attraction Category - Note the large attractions nearby that helps you sell your Company?
Meals Offered - Meals, Snacks, Tea etc.
Brand Category - Deluxe, Budget, Moderate etc.
Business Services - Business center etc.
Property Info – The number of rooms, the year it was built, what is the "AAA" rating.
Personal Services Offered - Butler service, Salon or Spa services.
Pets Policy Code - Clarify the types of animals, if any, that you allow.
Physically Challenged Feature Code - Visible emergency alarms for the hearing impaired etc.
Property Amenity - Pool, bell service etc.
Location Category Codes - Explain where in the city, or area, you are ie: waterfront, slope side etc.
Property Class Type - Inn, Hostel, a full-service Resort etc.
Recreation Service Type – Explain about the bike trails in the area, distance to the golf courses, or what
days the fitness center is open etc.
• Reference Point Category Code - Distance from the local Church, the supermarket, boat dock etc.
• Security Feature Code - Let guests know what measures you have taken to make your facility secure ie:
locked lobby door.
• Segment Category Code - Another way of defining your Brand Category.
• Points Of Interest - A pull down shows consumers how many miles you are from major points of interest.
You may add multiples.
- Enter the distance (in miles) from the point of interest;
- Use the pull-down to enter the directions from the Point of Interest;
- Enter the name of the Point of Interest; and
- Categorize the Point of Interest choosing from the following list below;
- Click Add; and
- Click Close the Window.
On-Site Facilities - Enter the Facility Name (ie: Day Spa) and then choose a category for the facility from
the following list, enter a description, the hours of operation & click Add Facility.
Local Transportation Options - Outline what your guests options for travel are without a vehicle of their
own. Complete the information for taxi services, subways, limousine companies etc. Scroll down the list &
add information for those types of transportation you have information for ie: Hotel shuttle, Limousine (Limo),
Taxi, Bus etc., enter the hours of operation & any special instructions such as shuttle pick-up point, enter the
oneway costs (Note: Be sure to keep items such as 3rd party costs up to date to help avoid customer service
issues), select Edit & click Close the Window.
Personnel - This item is used for internal purposes to allow Inntopia & TBC staff to see who to contact for
specific issues. The default value is the person who's information you entered when you set-up your New
Account. Enter the staff members' First and Last names, contact email address for that person & the Staff
Members' Position & Location lists below;
11.5 Company Information
Company Information is the contact details and descriptions that are needed in the system for CRS Agents & consumers.
Most of the fields in this section are self-explanatory with the possible exception of the following:
Description - Enter a detailed description of your Company here. This field should include any and all information that
is important for the CRS or consumer to see. Remember that policies and other elements will appear in other areas so
you do not need to repeat them here.
Short Description:
The Short Description is specifically intended for use by InntopiaPlus customers for sending a description to the GDS
System. It is limited to 128 characters in length and should be clear and concise.
Description of Your Location
This describes places that a Product is near( near town, ski lift, golf course, etc) and should include anything that a guest
should know about, but is not physically part of the property. This is limited to 64 characters and is also primarily used
for InntopiaPlus users and the GDS System.
11.6 Company Policies
This section allows you to define your operational parameters - the guidelines for the CRS and Consumers. Policy
definitions and descriptions can be extended to apply to most business types. These policy fields do not drive Inntopia
functionality as they are text fields that will be viewed and referred to by the CRS or Inntopia Online consumers as text.
From this part of the Company page you can also Create or Update a Deposit Schedule so that the system knows how you
wish to receive advance deposits and payments. Note: for all Products with the exception of accommodation, Tourism
BC collects full payment at time of booking & the fee is non-refundable.
To edit a field under Company Policies on the Company page
Click the edit link that corresponds to the item you wish to add/change;
Enter or Edit the information in the Text field; and
a. Deposit Schedule Wizard
Deposits are the money you receive as payment for your Product(s), whether that payment is taken by the CRS or by an
online booking engine. Deposit Schedules are rules, based on dates, that determine how much money you will receive for
the booking at the time of booking and when you will receive the final balance due. You may also set up Tiered Deposit
Schedules to take initial payment, interim deposits and final payment in as many tiers as you feel appropriate. The timing
on payments can be worked from date booked or arrival date.
The Deposit Schedule Wizard allows you to set up schedules that can vary by Sales Channel so that different Resellers or
web sites collect payment differently. This allows flexibility in supplying a Product to a Reseller who may not be able to be
as flexible as you would like with their business rules. Prior to setting up Deposit Schedules for individual Channels, you
will need to use the Channel Restrictions feature of the Product Attributes to define your Sales Channels.
To set up a Deposit Schedule for multiple sales channels, follow the steps below with the added step of choosing a Sales
Channel from the Reseller pull down menu on the top left of the pop up window.
If you are not using multiple Sales Channels you can set up a Default Deposit Schedule that will be applied to all Resellers
the way any of your other business rules would.
To Create a Default Deposit Schedule in the Company Policies Page
Example - we will create a Deposit Schedule that requires 50% of payment to be taken at the time of booking, with the
balance due at 7 days prior to arrival.
Click on Create/Update Deposit Schedule on the Company page;
The following screen will appear:
Under Add New Schedule, enter the date you would like to start using this schedule in the Effective Date
field. If you would like today to be the effective date, skip this step. Note: Deposit Schedules are date
sensitive. Once you’ve established an effective date schedule it will be in effect for all reservations checking in
after that date, up until the effective date for the next schedule (optional).
• Under Final Payment Due you must determine if you would like to measure your scheduled deposits to be
taken 'x' number of days prior to arrival, or 'x' number of days after the day the booking is made. The default
option is Days Prior to Arrival. Use the pull-down menu to choose either Days Prior to Arrival or Days After
• Enter the number of days you would like to apply to this rule next to the pull-down menu under Final
Payment Due.
& the pop-up window will change to appear as follows:
You now have the opportunity to add a second element to the rule. The first element, Balance Due 7 days
Prior to Arrival, is shown in the bottom section of the right side of the window. In the upper section you will
determine when your initial payment(s) will be taken.;
• Under Amount in the pull down you have the option of collecting deposit payments based on a % of the
entire cost of the booking, a flat fee or a preset number of nights/days. For this example, we will choose a
percentage of the entire cost of the booking.;
• From the pull down under Amount choose %;
• In the text box under Amount enter the value for the percentage you would like to collect. This can be a
whole number or can be a decimal (eg 5.5). For our example we will enter "50";
• Under When Due you must again determine if you want to calculate by Days After Booking or Days
Prior to Arrival. Use the pull down menu to choose either.;
In the text box under When Due enter the number of days (whole numbers only) to apply to this element of
the schedule. Note: If you would like the deposit payment to be due at the time of booking, enter "0"
during this step.;
& the pop-up window will again update to appear as follows:
• In the example screenshot above there is an opportunity to add tiered deposit schedules ie: 10% at the time
of booking, 40% 30 days prior to arrival and then the 50% balance due 7 days prior to arrival. It would look
as follows;
12. Users
Users are persons within your organization who have access to your Inntopia Accounts. They have their own login ID,
passwords and whatever privileges/restrictions you grant them. The initial User set-up is done when you Set-Up a Supplier
Account using the New User Wizard. The person completing the Wizard will become the initial User and administrator
and will enter other Users into the system. Users are then set up individually so that one user may have full access to the
entire system, while another may have access only to a portion of it ie: Company information and Rates. You will need to
determine who has access to what based upon their functions within your organization.
12.1 Enter Additional Users
• Cick on Users on the Toolbar;
• The User Account Administration screen will appear as follows;
Click Add User Account under Create a New User Account;
The following screen will appear. Complete the form for the new user and note the information as you will
need it to grant privileges later.
Click Add User Information;
A Congratulations! message will appear;
Click the Edit User Permissions button or Users from the Toolbar;
You will be returned to the User Account Administration Screen;
The New User has been successfully added to the Account.
12.2 Grant Privileges to New Users
• Under Grant Access Privileges to an Existing User From the User Account Administration Screen, enter
the Username under UserID
• Check the boxes that correspond with the areas of the Supplier Control Panel you wish to grant access to
for the User
• Click Add to the right of the check boxes
• The UserID appears under the upper Edit User Privileges section
• The User has successfully been granted privileges
Example showing several different users with different privileges granted.
12.3 Edit Privileges for Existing Users
• Under Edit User Privileges From the User Account Administration screen, locate the UserID you wish to
Edit and make the appropriate changes; and
• Click the corresponding Edit button to the right of the check boxes and the User Privileges have been
successfully edited.
12.4 Change a User Password
• Any User, regardless of privileges can only change their own password.
• Login to the User Account you wish to change the Password for from the Inntopia Login Screen;
• Go to the Users page link on the toolbar;
• In the Edit User Privileges section, click Change Password under the UserID.
In the pop-up window, enter the new password information and duplicate email information.
Click Save Changes; and
Click on Login to log back into your User Account with your new password.
13. Home
13.1 Home Page Overview
The Supplier Control Panel Homepage is an important feature as it provides a window into recent activity through your
Sales Channels. This page is automatically updated any time one of your Sales Channels makes, cancels or updates a
reservation. It also provides you with a summary of reservations arriving in the next 7 days.
13.2 New Reservations
The Inntopia system automatically notifies you any time one of your Sales Channels makes a reservation for your
Product(s). Your notification will be received via email notification for your records and electronic posting in the New
Reservations section of the Inntopia Supplier Home Page.
The email notification you will receive will be sent to the address you specified when you Set-Up Your New Account.
You will also be made aware of new reservations by postings on your Supplier Home Page. New Reservations are posted to
the Home Page in real time under the New Reservations heading. These reservations will only be seen when you refresh the
home page. Using the View New Reservation Details feature of the Home Page allows you to view the details of a New
Reservation and make changes to the Reservation as well.
Example of the Supplier Home Page with the New Reservation Section
13.3 View New Reservation Details
Viewing reservation details from the Inntopia Home Page allows you to review and acknowledge New Reservations in one
spot, on your Home Pag. To view the details of a reservation;
• Click on the corresponding Guest Name you wish to View under the Guest heading. There you will see
such information as: Full Guest Info, Special Requests, Booking Agent, Payment Type and Method, Special
Agent Notes on the Reservation etc.
When you are finished click
13.4 Edit New Reservation Details
Note: A Supplier may only Edit New Reservations in the Reservations Details Screen for which they have processed the
payments themselves ie: for Tourism BC this will be the Lodging Suppliers.
You may also add your own confirmation number to the reservation. This is a helpful tool when you are using a separate
Property Management System for tracking your reservations internally. Adding your own system's confirmation number
allows you to easily reconcile between programs. To add this number;
• Under New Reservations on the Home Page, click on the Guest's Name under the Guest heading that
corresponds to the Reservation you wish to edit.;
• In the Your Conf # box, enter in your identifier.;
Additional editable items are shown in the pull-out image below.
Note: Approach changes to Reservations through this screen cautiously. While the screen does allow for changes to the
Reservation, this screen will not update changes to the cost of the Reservation to the guest in the Inntopia system. You
will need to process these through alternate means.
13.5 Acknowledge a New Reservation
Each new reservation on the Home Page has a corresponding Acknowledge button. You are required to acknowledge all
Reservations within 24 hours as a means of ensuring you are kept up-to-date on all transactions on your Product(s). To do
Under New Reservations on the Home Page, click the Acknowledge button that corresponds to each
reservation. OR
• From the New Reservations section on the Home Page, under the Guest heading click on the Guest's
Name that corresponds to the Reservation you wish to view.;
• In the Reservation Information Section of the Reservation Detail Screen
the box next to
If you fail to Acknowledge new reservations within 24 hours of their posting on your home page, you will receive another
email each 24 hours advising you of reservations you need to acknowledge. The email will contain a link to the Inntopia
Login Screen, where you can login to your Supplier Account and Acknowledge the Reservation.
13.6 Cancel a New Reservation
In some cases, where the Sales Channel is no longer in communication with the consumer, you may wish to cancel a
reservation from your Home Page. You will need to Acknowledge the New Reservation before you can cancel it.
Note: Approach canceling reservations through this screen cautiously. Any changes to the reservation from this screen will
not affect payment processing to the consumer. Depending upon the Settlement Rules you have established with the
Reseller, you will need to process payment refunds / discounts or additional charges, plus any cancellation fees yourself or
have your Reseller process them on your behalf. To do this;
• Under New Reservations on the Home Page, click on the Guest's Name under the Guest heading.;
• In the Reservation Information Section of the Reservations Details Screen
the box next to
• Click
• Acknowledge will change to display Cancel
the box next to Cancel; and
• The following warning message will appear
to return to the Reservations Detail screen;
To continue and cancel the reservation;
to continue and cancel the reservation;
to return to the Home Page;
To continue without canceling the reservation;
Remove the
from the box next to Cancel; and
to return to the Home Page.
Example of the Supplier Home Page with New Cancellations Section
The Inntopia system automatically notifies you any time one of your Sales Channels cancels a reservation for your
Product(s). Your notification takes place the same way as a New Reservation. To view the details of a cancellation;
When a cancellation occurs through a Sales Channel, the Supplier system does not automatically return the Product to
inventory. The Supplier must review each cancellation & decide to either return or not return the inventory;
• Under Return to Inventory column, click Yes to return the Product to Inventory and make it available for
future bookings. Note: once the cancellation is Acknowledged, the inventory will immediately be available.
• Under Return to Inventory column click No to keep the Product out of Inventory, thereby not making it
available for future bookings. Note: if you do not return a Product to Inventory, that inventory will not
longer be available.
13.7 Upcoming Arrivals
From this section of the Supplier Home Page you can view the details of upcoming reservations, arriving within the next 7
Example of the Supplier Home Page with Upcoming Arrivals Section Blown-Up
In the image above, you can use this feature for an at-a-glance overview of upcoming reservations, or you can click on each
individual reservation to see the details. To view the details of a reservation;
• Click on the Guest Name under the Guest heading. You can view information on;
• Full Guest Info;
• Special Requests;
• Booking Agent;
• Payment Type and Method; and
• Special Agent Notes on the Reservation etc.
• When you are finished click
13.8 Account Information
All Inntopia Web Pages, including the Home Page, contain the page header where you will find Account and User
information to either view or edit. In the header you can:
• Confirm if your Supplier Account is Active/Inactive;
• Confirm which User is currently logged into this session and Change the User Password;
• Confirm the Account you are Logged Into and Change Accounts; and
• Confirm the Account ID number.
Example of the Supplier Home Page with Account Information Blown Up
Account Inactive/Active tells you whether or not your account settings have been reviewed by the Inntopia team and
deemed ready to go. When you first Set Up a New Supplier Account in the system, this section will state Account Inactive.
To activate your account you will need to Contact the Inntopia Support Team. This information is visible on all Inntopia
screens as part of the web page header. Note: Activating your Account is only one of many steps required to make your
Products available to Resellers and online consumers.
Login Information is provided on every screen so you can be sure of which account you are logged into when making
changes to your Supplier and Product information.
User Information tells you what User you are logged in as from your choice of authorized Inntopia Users. The User
Change Password allows you as the User to change your login password. To change this;
• Click on the Change Password hyperlink and the following screen will appear;
Confirm the Username you want to change;
In the Existing Password section, enter the Password currently used by this User;
In the New Password section, enter the New Password for this User;
In the Confirm New Password section, re-type the New Password for this User;
• Click
Account section displays the name of the Supplier Account you are logged into. The Account/Change will appear if you
have multiple Supplier Accounts. This section allows you to change which account you are currently logged into. To
Change which Supplier Account you are currently logged into;
• Beside Account in the upper, right-hand corner of any Inntopia Page click on the Password link;
• The following screen will appear;
• From the Select An Account to Manage pull down choose the Supplier Account you wish to work with;
• Click
; and
• You will be redirected to the Home Page for the Supplier Account you just logged into.
Account ID tells you the six-digit Account number for the Supplier Account you are currently logged into. This number is
useful for internal tracking, differentiating accounts with similar names and when communicating with the Inntopia Support
14. Reservations
14.1 Reservations Overview
This page is a reporting tool used to Find, Edit, Update and Cancel reservations. The tools used to accomplish these goals
are the same as those used on the Home Page to View, Acknowledge and Cancel Reservations. From the Reservations Page
you can find a reservation by its confirmation number, guest last name &/or date range.
Find a Reservation by Confirmation Number allows you to look up Upcoming and Past Reservations by Confirmation
Number - either the Inntopia Confirmation Number or by Your Confirmation Number. To search by your own
confirmation number you must first add your system's confirmation number to the Reservation. This is done in the
Reservations Details Screen while viewing your new Reservations on the Home page. To Find a Reservation by
Confirmation Number;
Enter the Confirmation Number to search for under Conf Number;
If the system has a corresponding reservation, the following will appear;
Under Type use the pull down menu to choose Your Conf # or Inntopia Conf #; and
Note- If there are no corresponding reservations the following message will appear: "No Reservations Found".
• Under Guest, click on the Guest Name to open the Reservations Detail Screen
Find a Reservation by Guest Last Name allows you to look up Upcoming and Past Reservations by the Guest's Last Name.
The search engine will allow for misspellings and errors and will return all values similar to what you enter. To Find a
Reservation by Guest Last Name;
• Enter the Guest Last Name in the Last Name field;
• Click
Note- If there are no corresponding reservations the following message will appear: "No Reservations Found".
• If there are exact matches, they will be returned and you should then use the Guest column to find your
corresponding guest.
A Sample Search Return with Similar Last Names
Under Guest, click on the Guest Name to open the Reservations Detail Screen
Find a Reservation by Date Options allows you to view one or more reservations for specific date ranges or you may need
to search for a Reservation for which you have no name and no Confirmation Number. To find a reservation by Date
Range allows you to choose between searching a Check-In Date, a Check Out Date or a Reserved Date.
• Under Date Type use the pull down feature to choose either Check In Date, Check Out Date or Reserved
• Use the pull downs to enter the From and To dates under the From and To dates fields.;
• Find by Date Range searches are inclusive of the "To" date.; and
• Click
• Any reservations that correspond to the Date Type and From/To dates you entered will be returned as
shown below: and
• Under Guest, click on the Guest Name to open the Reservations Detail Screen.
15. EZ Update
15.1 EZ Update Overview
EZ Update is a fast and simple way to manage the number available, rates, minimum stay and close-outs for Products in the
system. EZ Update is similar to updating / viewing using calendars, but allows you to make changes more quickly without
first viewing the dates to be changed. Note - In order for a Product to be eligible for updating with the EZ Update feature, it
must have a Rate/Availability Type that can change day-to-day. Following is a breakdown of Product Types/Categories
and Rate/Availability Type that are eligible for the EZ Update features.
Product Types/Categories that ARE eligible for update using EZ Update feature:
• Lodging, Activities, Rental Cars, Vacation Packages & Lift Tickets.
The above Product Types/Categories must have one of the following Rate/Availability Types:
• Vacation Packages and Lodging Units, Seat with Variable Pricing, Tour/Trip, Free Sale & Derived
Product Types/Categories that ARE NOT eligible for updating with EZ Update are:
• AP Shuttle, Add-On Packages & Any Product whose Rate/Availability Type is "Merchandise"
15.2 EZ Update – Changing Number Available
Click on EZ Update on the Toolbar;
In the From Field click the Calendar icon
The following Popup Window will appear;
In the To Field click the Calendar icon
for a pop-up calendar and choose the From date;
for a pop-up calendar and choose the To date;
Under Item, use the pull down menu to make sure that the Product you wish to update is displayed If the
Product you wish to update is not listed then your Product is not eligible for EZ Updates.
In the Update section make sure that Number Available button
is clicked.;
Under Number Available enter the number (amount) of the Product you wish to make available.;
You will receive the message "Update Successful!" and a review of the date range, Product and updated
number available;
To view the updates on the Calendar click Calendar on the toolbar
15.3 EZ Update – Changing Rates
• Click on EZ Update on the Toolbar;
• In the From Field click the Calendar icon
for a pop-up calendar and choose the From date
• In the To Field click the Calendar icon
for a pop-up calendar and choose the To date
• Under Item, use the pull down menu to make sure that the Product you wish to update is displayed
If the
Product you wish to update is not listed then your Product is not eligible for EZ Updates.
• In the Update section make sure that Rate button is clicked.;
• Beside Rate use the pull down menu to choose the rate you wish to insert from your Rate List.;
• Click
• You will receive the message "Update Successful!" and a review of the date range, Product and updated
number available.;
• If you are finished updating this Product close the window by clicking the
in the upper-right corner of the
15.4 EZ Update – Changing Minimum Stay
Critical Note About Minimum Stay Requirements:
Minimum Stay requirements are applicable for each individual day of a date range. Example, if you choose a 3 day
minimum stay for October 1 through October 5 inclusive, a guest arriving on October 5 must book for departure no earlier
than the 8th, even though the 6th and 7th may only have a 1 day minimum stay.
This logic is also true for the reverse. Assuming the above example, a guest wishing to stay the night of October 1 must
arrive by September 29 to meet the minimum stay requirements. CRS/Reservations agents are able to view your minimum
stay requirements on a graphical calendar to assist them in booking your Product.
Note: Derived Products
Changing the Minimum Stay on a Parent Product that has Derived Products underneath it will not change the Minimum
Stay settings for the Derived Product. You must manually change the Derived Product Minimum Stay Settings.
• Click on EZ Update on the Toolbar
• In the From Field click the Calendar icon
for a pop-up calendar and choose the From date
• In the To Field click the Calendar icon
for a pop-up calendar and choose the To date
• Under Item, use the pull down menu to make sure that the Product you wish to update is displayed
If the
Product you wish to update is not listed then your Product is not eligible for EZ Updates.
• In the Update section make sure that Minimum Stay button is clicked.
• Beside Min Stay use text field to enter the minimum number of nights a guest must use the Product for it to
be eligible for booking
• Click
• You will receive the message "Update Successful!" and a review of the date range, Product and updated
number available
• If you are finished updating this Product close the window by clicking the
in the upper-right corner of the
15.5 EZ Update - Close Outs
Note: Derived Products
Changing the Close Out Settings on a Parent Product that has Derived Products underneath it will not change the close out
settings for the Derived Product. You must manually change the Derived Product Close Out Settings.
• Click on EZ Update on the Toolbar
• In the From Field click the Calendar icon
for a pop-up calendar and choose the From date
• In the To Field click the Calendar icon
for a pop-up calendar and choose the To date
• Under Item, use the pull down menu to make sure that the Product you wish to update is displayed.
If the
Product you wish to update is not listed then your Product is not eligible for EZ Updates.
• In the Update section make sure that Closed-Out button is clicked.
• Beside Close-Out Status choose either the Open or Closed Out button
• Click
• You will receive the message "Update Successful!" and a review of the date range, Product and updated
number available
• If you are finished updating this Product close the window by clicking the
in the upper-right corner of the
16. Calendars
16.1 Calendars Overview
Similar to the functionality of EZ Updates, Calendars allow you to graphically view and change the current status of your
Products. The items you can view and edit on a Calendar are Availability, Rates, Closed to Check-In ("No check-in"),
Minimum Stay and Close-Out.
When deciding which items to view on the Calendar, your choice must include at least one of the following: Availability or
Rates. Failure to choose either Availability or Rates will keep the calendar from displaying at all.
The Easy Edit Calendar and Easy Edit Tape Chart are designed for editing and viewing Product information. The Quick
Overview Chart is designed for auditing a product. The products reviewed by Quick Overview are editable one day at a
time only.
Note - Derived Products
Changing the Settings in Calendars on a Parent Product that has Derived Products underneath it will not change the
settings for the Derived Product. You must manually change the Derived Product settings.
16.2 Quick Overview
The Quick Overview Chart is a means by which you can easily view the status of one or multiple Products in the system and
make changes for each of them one day at a time. It can best be described as a day-by-day review tool where no sweeping
changes to single Products are to be done.
You may Edit a Product, A Rate or An Entire Day from the Quick Overview Chart.
Note: Editing a rate in the Quick Overview chart will change that rate for ALL products associated with it, NOT just the
product currently being viewed.
To view the current status of Products using the Quick Overview Chart in Supplier Control Panel:
• Click on Calendar on the Toolbar;
• The following screen will appear;
• Use the pull-downs to select From and To dates. The From date is the first day that will be displayed on the
calendar and the first date for which you will be able to make edits/changes to the Product. Conversely, the
To date is the last day for which you will be able to make edits/changes to the Product. The default From date
is "today" and the default To date is 28 days out. You may choose as large a date range as you wish. The
system will display one month at a time and provide you with date links to other months.
• In the Display Format area, choose Quick Overview.;
• The Item(s) to View section will list your Products with check corresponding check boxes similar to:
the Item(s) you wish to View. Note the item name is a hyperlink. If you wish to Edit the Product
Details from Quick Overview click this link.
• Under Data to Display choose the data you wish to view. In the example, all data has been chosen.
• Click
• Review the Dates for accuracy; and
• Click Products on the Toolbar to return to the Products Page and My Products Table.
16.3 Edit a Product in Quick Overview
To Edit the Product in Quick Overview click on the Product Name under Items to View. Follow the steps outlined in the
Edit a Product section of this manual. Make your changes and click
when complete.
16.4 Edit a Rate in Quick Overview
Note: Editing a rate in the Quick Overview chart will change that rate for ALL products associated with it, NOT just the
product currently being viewed.
To Edit the Rate for the Product in Quick Overview click on the Rate Name Link in the Rate column. Follow the steps
outlined in the Edit a Rate section of this manual.
16.5 Edit a Day in Quick Overview
This feature can be thought of as a Day Overview for your Supplier Account Products. When you choose to Edit a Day from
the Quick Overview Chart, the system will display the selected calendar dates and a 'snapshot' of every Active Product you
have, regardless of availability. Only non-Active Products will be hidden. No matter which Data you choose to display, the
Edit a Day feature will show all data relevant to each Product. (ie: Quantity, Rate, Minimum Stay, No Check In, ClosedOut)
To Edit a Day from the Quick Overview Chart;
• Click on Calendar on the Toolbar in the Supplier Control Panel;
• In the Calendar Popup under Display Format make sure the Quick Overview
• at least one Product to view in order to show the Quick Overview Chart;
• Click
• Click on the Edit This Day link from the left side of the Quick Overview Chart;
• A screen similar to the following will appear;
is chosen;
• Note all products are represented here. Available Products have a white background, while unavailable
Products have a grey background.;
• You may only update one-day at a time, but you may update ALL PRODUCTS for that day. Make changes
using the same protocols as you would for updating a Calendar.;
• When you have made your changes click
to complete;
• The Edit Day screen will reload with any changed Products highlighted in GREEN; and
• Click
when complete to return to the Supplier Control Panel.
16.6 Easy Edit Calendar and Tape Chart
The Easy Edit Calendar and Easy Edit Tape Chart are designed to allow you to view and update, in a graphical format,
individual Products and the current status of those products as it pertains to Availability, Rates, Closed to Check-In ("No
check-in"), Minimum Stay and Close-Out. From these screens you can make changes to any of these status items over large
date ranges. The primary difference between the Easy Edit Calendar and the Easy Edit Tape Chart is the layout of the
To View and edit the Calendar or Tape for a Product from the Supplier Control Panel:
• Click on Calendars on the Toolbar
• The following screen will appear:
• Use the Pull-downs to select
From and To dates.;
• The From date is the first day that will be displayed on the calendar and the first date for which you will be
able to make edits/changes to the Product. Conversely, the To date is the last day that will be displayed on the
calendar and the last date for which you will be able to make edits/changes to the Product. The default From
date is "today". You may choose as large a date range as you wish at any given time. The system will display
one month at a time and provide you with date links to other months.;
• In the Display Format section, choose either Easy Edit Calendar or Easy Edit Tape Chart;
• Under Item, make sure that the Product you wish to update is displayed in the pull-down.;
• Choose the Data to Display by checking the appropriate boxes. The example shows all data.;
• Click Show Calendar;
• You can make changes to your Products' status by choosing an editable item from each day and entering the
new data. Since you do not have to save after every change, you can do multiple changes to multiple days and
only need to save once you are ready to view the next calendar/tape.;
• Click
to update the Product.;
• You will receive the confirmation message that changes have been successful and the calendar will be
displayed again. Any days that had changes applied to them will be highlighted in green;
• You can view dates outside of the date range you entered without reopening the My Products table by
clicking on the date link in the upper and
lower corners of the Calendar
17. Reports
17.1 Reports Overview
The Reports Page in the Supplier Control Panel provides you with the opportunity to view all reservation transactions that
have taken place on your Supplier Account. The Reports are robust in nature, providing you with a large data set from
which to choose one you have run the report. Additionally, reports may be looked at from the perspective of Date Reserved,
Date Checking In and Date Checking Out..
Inntopia's reports can be exported easily to your local machine/network as an Excel Spreadsheet, HTML format or XML
format for simple integration with your data and to provide you with local backup data of all your transactions.
The report types available to Suppliers for Tourism BC’s business are; 1) Reservations Detail Report that provides a robust
overview of all reservations activity on your Supplier Account for the filter dates; 2) Travel Agent Export report being used
to monitor individual Visitor Centres & 3) Guest Export report provides the contact information for all Guests / Consumers
entered by filter dates.
17.2 Reservation Detail Report
The Reservation Detail Report is designed to allow the User to view all transactions that have been booked for their Supplier
Products through all Sales Channels. The Report can be filtered by Reserved Date, Check In Date or Check Out Date, and
may be viewed in HTML format, or exported in XML or Excel format to your local machine. To Run a Reservations
Detail Report;
Click on Reports on the Toolbar;
Determine how you would like to filter your data (Date Reserved, Date Checking In, Date Checking Out);
The Reports Page will open showing the Reporting Widget;
Under the appropriate Date Filter, use the Calendar button
Use the Calendar button
to select the From Date;
to select the To Date;
Make sure that the Report Window says "Reservation Detail". If it does not say Reservation Detail, use
the pull-down to choose the right report;
If you wish to view the report, choose HTML from the Format Window. If you wish to export the report
choose XML or Excel from the Format Window; and
to run the report
17.3 Travel Agent / “Tourism BC Visitor Centre” Export Report
The Travel Agent / Tourism BC Visitor Centre Export Report is designed specifically to allow you to track those who have
made reservations for your Products via your Sales Channels. The report does not track dollar amounts booked or specific
itineraries. To run a Travel Agent Export Report from Supplier Control Panel;
Click on Reports on the toolbar in Supplier Control Panel;
The Reports Page will open showing the Reporting Widget;
Determine how you would like to filter your data (Date Reserved, Date Checking In, Date Checking
Under the appropriate Date Filter, use the Calendar button
Use the Calendar button
to select the From Date;
to select the To Date;
Make sure that the Report Window says "Travel Agent Export". If it does not say Travel Agent Export,
use the pull-down to choose the right report;
If you wish to view the report, choose HTML from the Format Window. If you wish to export the report
choose XML or Excel from the Format Window; and
to run the report.
17.4 Guest Export Report
The Guest Export Report is designed specifically to allow you to compile the Guests / Consumers who have made reservations
for your Products via your Sales Channels. The report does not track dollar amounts booked or specific itineraries. To run a
Guest Export Report from Supplier Control Panel
Click on Reports on the toolbar in Supplier Control Panel;
The Reports Page will open showing the Reporting Widget;
Determine how you would like to filter your data (Date Reserved, Date Checking In, Date Checking
Under the appropriate Date Filter, use the Calendar button
Use the Calendar button
to select the From Date;
to select the To Date;
Make sure that the Report Window says "Guest Export". If it does not say Guest Export, use the pulldown to choose the right report;
If you wish to view the report, choose HTML from the Format Window. If you wish to export the report
choose XML or Excel from the Format Window; and
to run the report
18. Photos
18.1 Overview
The Photos you upload to Inntopia using the Supplier Control Panel Photos page are intended for viewing by CRS Agents
and Consumers when they book a property.
From the CRS standpoint, the agent is able to see the unit they are selling and use these images to reinforce your description
- providing them with an effective additional sales tool. From the Consumer standpoint, the photos may be the single most
influential element that you will add to the online booking experience. The consumer sees the images of your Supplier
(Primary Business) and Unit (Product) from the moment they get results for a search until the end of the booking process.
These images are presented not only as a 'top level' Product presentation, bannered to the consumer, but also as a slide show
that the consumer can peruse at their leisure.
For this reason, it is important for you to know what the consumer sees as they book online or after they have finished a
transaction with a CRS. Although the layout of the information and pages is done automatically by the Inntopia system, the
images themselves are determined by the Supplier.
Below you will find screenshots of a typical consumer experience with Photos in the Online Booking Engine as well as
examples of the CRS Agent's experience. Each will contain a description of what steps you can take to achieve this
experience for the consumer.
18.2 The Photo Page layout
The Photo page below contains images for a test account. What is important here is knowing the features
of the Photo page and how using those feature affects the consumer or CRS experience during the booking process.
18.3 Search Results and Images in the Online Booking Module
The Online booking module presents online consumers with search results in a tiered fashion. The results are listed by
Supplier company, and within that supplier listing are available Product listings. These listings are
accompanied by the images that you set up in the Photos Page. There is an image for the Supplier and an image
for each Product. The image that is displayed at this stage is the image that is designated as # 1 in the Display Sequence for
the Supplier (Company) and Product. Additional images (Display Sequence >1) are shown via a slide show.
A Search Result for Lodging Returns the Suppliers and their Products
An online consumer can view a larger copy of the image, or a slideshow by clicking on the image itself. The
image will open in a new window. The consumer may also click on the "# Photos" link that is included exclusively in the
Product listings to open the image or slideshow.
A Supplier Image
A Product Slide Show Window
18.4 Search Results and Images in the CRS (Call Centre & Visitor Centres)
Agents using the CRS system are shown images for Products and Suppliers (Companies) in similar ways to the online
experience for the consumer. When a CRS agent conducts a search, the values that are returned to them are in a line-item
format of html links. Clicking on the links allows the agent to view either the Supplier information or the Product
Information. When the screen for the information is opened by the agent by clicking this link, the photos that the Supplier
has loaded for either the Company or the Product is displayed to the Agent.
There are 2 main differences between what the Agent sees and what the online consumer sees: 1) the Agent only sees
images for a Supplier or Product that they choose to see them for, not for all returned values at once & 2) the agent cannot
view a slideshow or larger image by clicking on the image itself, the agent must follow the "View Slideshow" link to open the
slideshow in a new window.
When a consumer books through a CRS Agent they do not get to see the image at the time of booking, but will see it after
the booking when they receive an email confirmation from the CRS agent. Email confirmations contain active hyperlinks to
Supplier and Product information pages that include, your Photos.
Guest Confirmations from CRS to the consumer
Consumer-viewable Supplier information after guest follows
confirmation links
18.5 Photos Page Overview
To ensure consumers and agents have a clear "picture" of your Products, you can add, sort, caption and delete photos in the
Supplier Control Panel. Photos are presented as a banner to your Product and Company information when being searched
or reserved, and as a slide show if the User wishes to look further.
This feature allows you to upload an entire photo or, during the upload process, to crop and choose a portion of a photo for
a detail presentation. There are, however, some rules governing Photo Uploads, formats and displays. The basic rules that
govern the photos you wish to upload to Inntopia are
• All images must be either GIF, PNG or JPEG format;
• Images should be at least 400 pixels wide or high for property resolution;
• It is recommended that all Lodging Suppliers display a photo of their property's exterior as their first photo;
• Although the display sequence appears to limit the number of photos per unit to 10, you may post more
photos and use the same display number more than once. In this instance, photos with the same display
sequence number will be presented to the User randomly.;
• All images are viewed by the Inntopia Staff for content prior to posting to the Supplier Account;
• The Inntopia Photos page is not a photo editor. You must edit the content of your photos as you see fit and
then save them in either a GIF or JPEG format. Using the Photo Upload Wizard will allow you to crop
photos or upload a portion of a photo but will not allow repairs or enhancements. Remember, for clarity of
presentation to the Consumer you should not use images that are smaller than 400 pixels (either wide or tall).
The Inntopia photos Page Wizard will automatically take care of resizing your photos appropriately for the
application.; and
• All images you upload to the Photo page will be displayed at the top left of the page for viewing and editing
ease. Images are displayed first by Product and then by Display Priority/Order - also called Display Sequence.
18.6 Uploading Photos
Photos used for viewing your Products and Property are uploaded to the Inntopia Servers from your Local Machine. The
time required to upload images will vary depending upon your connection speed to the Internet and the size of the images
you use.
• The Inntopia Photos page is not a photo editor. You must edit the content of your photos as you see fit and
then save them in either a GIF, PNG or JPEG format. Remember, for clarity of presentation you should not
use images that are smaller than 400 pixels (either wide or tall). The Inntopia photos Page Wizard will
automatically take care of resizing your photos appropriately for the application.
• As you add new Products using the Products Wizard they will become available on the Photos page as an
option under "Assign this Photo To".
Note: The Photo Upload Wizard requires the Macromedial Flash Player. You will be prompted to install
this on your system prior to proceeding with the upload. To install the Macromendia Flash player you will be
redirected to a new web page in a new browser window. Follow the instructions on that page to successfully
download and install the Flash Player. The Macromedia Flash Player prompt is a pop-up feature in your
browser window. You will have to allow the pop-ups in order to continue with the Installation.
Click on Photos on the Toolbar in Supplier Control Panel
The following page will appear:
• Change your browser's settings to Temporarily or Always Allow Pop-ups.;
• On the right hand side, click on .
• If the Macromedia Flash Player is already installed on your machine, the following pop-up screen will
appear. If it is not installed on your machine, follow the instructions that will appear in the window. To install
the Player you will be redirected to the Macromedia Web Site in a new Browser Window. When you are
finished installing the Player, close the new browser window and continue with the Photo Upload.;
The pop-up will change to a document Browse Screen.;
Click the Browse button and go to the local directory where the desired image is located;
The Choose File Window will open;
Highlight the Photo you wish to Upload and click
There are now several controls on the popup for you.;
The Image Name will be inserted on the browse line. Click
The upload Progress Screen will be displayed. When the image is uploaded the popup will change to the
Cut Image popup Screen as seen here:
On the left hand side is a slider cursor that allows you to resize the image. Use this cursor to choose a
portion of the image and maintain proportions (cutting or cropping the image);
Below the Resize Image Curser is the Zoom View Cursor. Use this cursor to zoom into a specific part of
the picture;
Image Edit Markers (the eight black squares that are around the image) allow you to drag and drop the
borders as an alternative means of cropping (cutting) the image manually;
The Show Me How button on the bottom will guide you through a tutorial on changing your image
Once you have made your changes (if any) Click
Click to Complete the Photos Upload Process;
The Photos Page will change to show the uploaded photo as follows.
18.7 Assigning Captions and Display Sequence
Once you have successfully Uploaded Photos you should continue by; 1) Providing a Caption for the Photo, 2) Assigning
the Photo to a specific facet of your Supplier Account & 3) Set the display sequence in which the Photos will be presented.
To Complete New Photo Upload by Adding a Caption, Assigning the Photo and Defining a Display Sequence:
• After upload of a photo, the Photos page will appear similarly to the following:
On the right-hand side, underneath the newly uploaded photo, enter the Caption in the Photo Caption
field. Make it short and to the point for maximum effectiveness.;
Under Assign This Picture To, use the pull-down to select the Product you have loaded in the Supplier
Control Panel that you wish to associate the photo with. If you wish to associate the photo with your
Company and have it display at the top level, then assign it to Company Photos. Note: You can only assign a
photo to a Product that has already been loaded in the system.;
Using the Display Sequence pulldown, set the Display Sequence (or order) in which the photo will be
presented to the guest. This sequence is relative to the other photos in this assignment (Product or Company).
• Click Save Changes to Save the Photo with these settings, or click Cancel to reset and start over with this
The photo will be placed on the left side of the Photos page under the heading to which you assigned it.
Once you have repeated the process for different images, the page will begin to look as follows:
18.8 Changing and Deleting Photos
As Products change, you will need to change or delete photos from your Photo collection. It is important to ensure you are
representing your Products as accurately as possible.
To Change the settings for a Photo from the Supplier Control Panel
Click on Photos on the Toolbar in Supplier Control Panel;
Enter the new caption in the Photo Caption text box.;
From the listings on the left hand side of the page, locate the photo you wish to Delete;
From the listings on the left hand side of the page, click on the photo you wish to change;
The image will appear as a large thumbnail on the right side of the Photo page;
To associate the photo with a different item (Product or Company Info) use the Assign This Photo To pull-down to
choose the Product you wish to associate the photo with;
to update the file;
o Click
To Change the Display Sequence for the photo
o Use the Display Sequence pull-down to change the current number to a new Display Sequence placement;
o Click
to update the file;
To Change the Caption for a Photo
to update the file.
To Delete a Photo from your Photo collection
Click on the image you wish to delete. The image will appear as a large thumbnail on the right side of the
Photo page;
to remove the photo from your online collection.
Note: The Delete a Photo feature does not ask for confirmation prior to deleting a photo from your online
collection. If you accidentally delete a photo you will have to Upload the image again to replace it using the
Upload Photo Wizard.
19. After Hours Contact & Passwords
19.1 After Hours Contact
In the event you need assistance with the management of your Product, please feel free to contact Product Sales at;
productsales@tourismbc.com or 604-660-3670. Our hours of operation are; Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm.
For assistance outside of these hours and days of week, you may contact Inntopia Customer Care at;
19.2 Passwords
In the event you have lost or forgotten your password you will need to contact Inntopia Customer Care at; 1-877-740-4143
to retrieve it.
Appendix - Glossary
The Glossary is intended to provide definitions for Inntopia - related features and functionality and does not define terms as
they are applied to other vendor software products. Exceptions to this are common travel and technology terms, in which
case a web-based resource has been used to find the most universally acceptable definitions.
30 Days Due - In Statements / Payments Due, an amount that is overdue for payment from the previous month.
60 Days Due - In Statements / Payments Due, an amount that is overdue for payment from 2 months previous
90 Days + Due - In Statements / Payments Due, an amount that is overdue for payment from 3 months previous or longer
Account ID - A number assigned by the Inntopia system to identify your Supplier Account. Typically 6 digits long and
strictly numeric. The Account ID can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the Supplier Control Panel
Account – Supplier or Supplier Account. A registered and contracted relationship between Inntopia and a Supplier that
permits access to the Supplier Control Panel to conduct business for a fee.
Account – User - Within a Supplier Account, a set of permissions that allows specific personnel to log into the Supplier
Control Panel. For example, Supplier Account "A" may have 10 users within it who all have different access levels and
different permissions.
Active - Supplier Account - The status of a Supplier Account that has been reviewed by the Inntopia staff and given
permission to transact business on the Inntopia System. Only an Active Supplier Account can transact business on the
Inntopia system. Accounts must be activated by contacting the Inntopia Support Team.
Product Details and Product Wizard:
An Active Product is available for reservations. The "On" switch. Active/Inactive may be set by Editing Product Details
in My Products Table
Active Only During Specific Times - Product Details and Product Wizard:
The ability to schedule the Active and Inactive Status changes of a Product in Product Details. For example, you may set a
Product to begin it's Active Status on 12/20/2005 and to become Inactive on 1/10/2006.
Activity Provider - A Supplier Category, an Activity Supplier is any business whose primary Product is the sales of
Activities to consumers. Example of Activities may be: Lift Tickets or Ski Lessons, River Rafting, Bicycle Rental,
Horseback Riding, See "Supplier Categories" in Help Manual
Advance Booking Requirements - The number of days prior to the Arrival Date that a Reseller or online consumer must
have as lead time before being able to book a Product. If the Reseller or online consumer is inside the Advance Booking
Requirements window the Product will only be presented as a Restricted Item to the Reseller and will not be an option to an
online consumer. If the Reseller or online consumer is outside the Advance Booking Requirement window both will be
presented with the Product as an option provided their search criteria meet all other requirements.
Airport Shuttle - A Product Type / Category - Any type of Shuttle Service.
ASP - Application Service Provider – A third-party entity that manages and distributes software-based services and
solutions to customers across a wide area network from a central data center. An Enterprise ASP, such as Inntopia, is a
provider of high-end software via this model
Attributes – Company – Is part of the Company Page in Supplier Control Panel, a set of descriptors that a Supplier can
choose from to help define their Company to the guest. Some of the attributes are search-able, for example "Property Class
Type", while others are functional, such as Accepted Credit Cards.
Company attributes are made up of the following categories: Accepted Cards, Architectural Style, Attraction Category,
Meals Offered, Brand Category, Business Srvc, Property Info, Personal Services Offered, Pets Policy Code, Physically
Challenged Feature Code, Hotel Amenity, Location Category Codes, Property Class Type, Recreation Srvc Type, Reference
Point Category Code, Security Feature Cos p de, Segment Category Code, Points Of Interest, On-Site Facilities, Local
Transportation Options, Personnel.
Attributes – Product - A set of descriptors for a Product that allows the Supplier to define that Product as unique. Product
attributes are used by the system as search filters to help guests arrive at an appropriate Product for their needs.
Attributes are accessible from the My Products Table and are listed in a pull-down menu format. Each Product
Type/Category has a unique set of Attributes associated with it.
The available Product Attributes are: Taxes & Fees, Bed, Location Category Codes, Physically Challenged Features Code,
Room Amenity Type, Rooms in Unit,Unit Type, Item Address, Customer Requirements, Channel Restrictions, Unit
Location, Neighborhoods
Availability Calendar Popup - A 90 day calendar, beginning with the current month and extending forward, that displays
availability of your Products to the guest on your web site or other online booking portal.
The Availability Calendar Popup uses dates and capacity requirements input by the consumer and runs this information
against the database of your Products, returning positive availability as long as at least one Product in inventory meets the
search criteria and can be booked.
Available / Availability - A generic term describing the occupancy or use status of a Product. A Product that is not
currently in use has inventory in the system for a given set of dates is said to be available.
Base Occupancy - Found in the New Products Wizard and directly related to the Base Price, the Base Occupancy is the
number of people in a Party for which the Base Price is a valid rate without incurring additional charges. As an example, if
the Base Price of a Product is $100.00 per day, and the Base Occupancy of the Product is 4, then 4 people may use the
Product at the rate of $100.00 per day. Any additional persons would be subject to the Extra Adult or Extra Child charges
defined in the Rate Wizard
Base Price - Found in the Rate Wizard, and directly related to the Base Occupancy, the Base Price is the charge that a party
can expect to pay for a pre-defined number of people to use the Product. As an example, if the Base Price of a Product is
$100.00 per day, and the Base Occupancy of the Product is 4, then 4 people may use the Product at the rate of $100.00 per
Bed - A Product Attribute - Edited exclusively in My Products Table. Only applicable to Lodging Product Type/Category.
Allows the Supplier to define the type of bed contained in a specific unit. Eg: King, Queen, Double, Bunk, etc.
Bed and Breakfast (B&B) - A Property Class Type - Is a Property Class Type that is searchable in the CRS. Property Class
Type is defined in the Company Page of Supplier Control Panel.
Bed and Breakfast Room(B&B) - As A Product Attribute - Is a Unit Type description that is searchable in the CRS.
Billings, Adjustments and Payment - In Statements, a section of the ,monthly billing statement that itemizes any charges
pending on your Supplier Account. Billings, Adjustments and Payments is broken down chronologically by month, most
recent at top, and lists current month charges, previous month charges, 30 days due, 60 days due and 90+ days due. Item
Types for Billings, Adjustments and Payments are Invoice, Payment, Credit Memo and Debit Memo,
Booking Channel - In Reports - A search filter defining the values you wish to view for your transaction reports. The
options available in the Booking Channel pull-down are "All" for all reservations, "GDS" for Global Distribution System
reservations, or "Internet" for reservations booked through all of your online Resellers.
Booking Fees - A Product Attribute - Accessed exclusively in My Products Table / Attributes / Taxes and Fees. Booking
Fees are additional charges to the guest that a Supplier wishes to apply to a transaction in Inntopia. They are applied at the
Product level. Booking Fees may be levied as a percentage (%) of the item price, a dollars per day (night) fee, or a dollars
per item fee.
Browser - Short for Web browser, a software application used to locate and display Web pages. The two most popular
browsers are Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Both of these are graphical browsers, which means that
they can display graphics as well as text. In addition, most modern browsers can present multimedia information, including
sound and video, though they require plug-in's for some formats.
Calendar(s) Feature - Accessible from two location in Supplier Control Panel: 1) Click Calendars on the Toolbar, and; 2)
My Products Table on the Rates/Avail pulldown. Calendars are graphical interfaces that allow Suppliers to view the status
of individual or multiple Products in a user-friendly format. Calendars can display the following information: Rate,
Availability, Minimum Stay Required, Closed-Out, No Check-In.
Calendars are interactive, allowing Suppliers to update the above-noted display information in real-time.
Cancellation Policy - A text statement defined in the Company Details Page. Cancellation Policy outlines the Supplier's
rules for reservations that cancel, how far in advance the reservation may be canceled, penalties for cancelling, etc.
Capacity - Defined in New Products Wizard, the number of persons that a Product can accommodate. Searches conducted
with a number in party that exceeds the Capacity will not return the Product as a book-able item.
Category Codes - A Company Attribute - Similar to Feature Codes, Category Codes are option items that help define your
Supplier Company to consumers. Category Codes may be Location Category Codes, Reference Point Category Codes or
Segment Category Codes among others.
Central Reservations/CRS - In general, a third-party Reseller that takes reservations for your Products, usually for a fee,
and forwards the transaction on to you for processing and completion. Central Reservations / CRS entities may or may
not collect payment on your behalf, depending upon your business agreement with the entity.
More specifically, for Tourism BC this includes 1-800-HelloBC and the Visitor Centres.
All Inntopia Central Reservations/CRS entities are able to book your Product(s) unless you define specific Sales Channels
using Channel Restrictions.
Channel - See Also Sales Channel.
A sales conduit (Reseller) through which a Supplier chooses to offer their Product for sale. Any potential Reseller of a
Product is a potential Channel - eg: a Central Reservations / CRS entity is a Channel, as is your own website.
A Supplier's Product is sell-able through all existing Inntopia Sales Channel unless specific Channels are defined by the
Supplier using Channel Restrictions.
Channel Restriction - A Product Attribute - Allow the Supplier to restrict sales of their Product to specific Reseller. This
allows you to have further control over how your Product is sold, as well as allowing for exclusivity agreements and targeted
Check-In Policy - A Company Policy - A text field to be completed by the Supplier. Defines for consumers and Resellers
the time at which your front desk is open to accept guests and what time the front desk closes, after-hours check-in and the
like. Also include here are documentation requirements, key pickup, detailed credit card requirements, etc. In the case of
Activity Providers, Event Coordinators or other Supplier Categories, these instructions may include specific notes such as
arriving 1/2 hour before the scheduled Activity, liability release requirements, Identification requirements or the like.
Check-In Time - Defined in the New Product Wizard and specific to Lodging Type Products
Check In Time is the time of day at which you guarantee the Product will be available for use by the consumer. This item is
presented to the consumer and Central Reservations / CRS agents as part of your Product Policies.
Check-Out Policy - A Company Policy
Check-Out Policy defines for consumers and Resellers the time by which you expect them to vacate the premises or return
the Product without being subject additional charges. Check-Out Policy may include information such as additional
charges for overstaying, waste disposal, cleaning instructions and the like.
Check-Out Time - Defined in the New Product Wizard and specific to Lodging Type Products
Check Out Time is the time of day at which the consumer must either vacate the premises or return the Product to you at
your defined location. If a Check Out Time is not adhered to by a consumer you may charge late fees or otherwise
penalize the consumer. This item is presented to the consumer and Central Reservations / CRS agents as part of your
Product Policies
Children Policy - A Company Policy - May define whether or not children stay for free (and at what age that is applicable),
curfews etc. In the case of Adventure Activities, Bed and Breakfast type accommodations and certain Events, children may
be restricted completely from attending.
Click Item - Process Item - A click item in the Inntopia Help Manual is any item you may need to click the mouse cursor
on during a process. Click Items are highlighted during a Process description ie: "Click on Toolbar and use the pulldown
to view the options"
Close Out - A Calendar Item referring to Product Availability - The ability to make a Product unavailable to the consumer
using the Closed-Out option in Quick Updates and EZ Updates or by choosing Closed-Out check boxes on a Calendar or
Tape Chart. A "Closed-Out" day is a day for which the Product in question cannot be reserved
Closed-Out days may be overridden by a Central Reservations/CRS agent.
Closed to Check In - See No Check In
Company Details - A collective term referring to Company Attributes, Company Information and Company Policies.
Company Details are completed on the Company Page in Supplier Control Panel
Company Policies - On the Company Page - Your operational Rules and Regulations as they relate to guest requirements.
Company Policies are: General, Cancellation, Deposit, Check-In, Check-Out, Pets, Other and Children
Components may be comprised of one, or more than one, Product. For example, a component that requires Lodging
Properties can require a specific Property only, or may be applicable to multiple Properties. Even if multiple properties are
chosen, they still make up a single component of a Package. The Products that a component contains for packaging are
defined by the Supplier.
Confirmation Number - Inntopia - In Reservations Page, Home Page (New Reservations), Reservation Details Screen a
number generated by the Inntopia Booking Engine and Inntopia CRS. A 6-digit numeric locator that refers to a specific
Contents Pane - In Help Manual user Interface - The left-hand pane of the Help Manual where the Contents, the Search,
the Index and the Favorites are displayed
Credit Memo - An Item Type in Statements - Denotes a transaction that has resulted in a positive balance transaction on
your Statement. Credit Memos are usually associated with over payments to Inntopia or cancellations/modifications to
bookings that have resulted in a lower commission payable to Inntopia
Current Due - In Payments Due section of Statements – Is a reflection of all commissions and other fees due to Inntopia for
reservations that departed prior to the end of the previous month. For example, if the current month is November, Current
Due commissions will be for any reservation that departed on or between October 1st and October 31st, certain GDS
transactions excepted (see further info here)
Customer Requirements - A Product Attribute - Information that the consumer must provide to the CRS or the Booking
Engine prior to being able to complete a reservation. Customer Requirements may be forced (required) or not by the
Supplier. Forced requirement prevent the Consumer from continuing with the booking without providing the information.
Customer Requirement options include, among other things: Age, Airline, Estimated Check-In, Specific ID required,
Height, Weight, Snowboard Stance. These items can be customized by the Inntopia Support Team. This Attribute applies
to All Product Type/Categories
Date Type - In the Find by Date Range section of Reservations Page - A search filter when reporting on Reservations made
for your Products in the Inntopia System. Date Types are Check-In, Check-Out and Reserved (Date Booked).
Debit Memo - An Item Type in Statements - Debit Memo denotes a transaction that has resulted in a negative balance
transaction on your Statements. Debit Memos are usually associated with adjustment or modification to transactions on
your Account that have resulted in an increase in commissions due to Inntopia.
Deposit Policy - A Company Policy - Defines what type of, and how much, payment you require to hold a Product out of
Inventory as a reservation at the time of booking. Deposit Policies are often multi-tiered chronologically as a Deposit
Schedule so that $x.xx may be due at the time of booking and $x.xx (or the balance) is due "x" days prior to arrival.
Deposit Schedule - A Company Policy - Is a structured payment schedule that a consumer must follow to pay for the
reservation(s) ie: 50% due at the time of booking, with the balance due 5 days prior to arrival.
Derived Product - A Product's Rate / Availability Type - Is a product whose inventory is a dependant of a Parent Product's
inventory ie: Product "A" is a parent with inventory count of 5. Product "B" is a Derived Product whose inventory will
deplete as the Parent's inventory depletes.
Derived Rate - A Rate Type - A generic term that refers to any rate that is based on a Published Rate and is created using
the Rate Optimizer. Discounted Published Rates and Net Rates are the 2 types of Derived Rates.
Description - A component of Company Details - Description is a detailed description of your Supplier Company.
Completed on the Company Page, it is complementary to other Company Details. The Company Description is unlimited
in text size.
Discountable Rate - A Rate Structure - A rate that decreases for longer stays. For example, a guest may stay 3 nights for
$100 per night but once the guest has stayed 4 nights the rate prorates to $75.00 per night. Set up in Rates Wizard
Discounted Rate/Discounted Published Rate - A Derived Rate - Created in the Rate Optimizer and considered a Derived
Rate. Discounted Published Rates are used to sell distressed inventory through your own Call Center, build Packages or
promote Internet Pricing off of your own site. They should not be confused with Net Rates which are used for Wholesale
and Distributorship sales.
Display Sequence - A Product Info Item in My Products Table - Value assigned to a Product that weights the order in which
the Inntopia system will display the Product (1 is highest weight, 2 next highest and so on). Use for weighing distressed
Product more heavily.
Leaving all Products weighted to "1" will result in Products being displayed in the order in which they were loaded into the
Display Priority/Order or Display Sequence - A Property of Photos - The order in which a given photograph will be
displayed in the slide show presentation of your photos.
Distributor - A Wholesaler of Product to Central Reservations / CRS Resellers and other consumer fulfillment channels.
Easy Edit Calendar - View Calendars - A Display Format for the output of the View Calendars feature from Rates/Avail in
My Products Table. Easy Edit Calendar displays requested data in a traditional calendar format
Easy Edit Tape Chart - View Calendars - A Display Format for the output of the View Calendars feature from Rates/Avail
in My Products Table. Easy Edit Tape Chart displays requested data in a linear Tape Chart format
End Time - Defined in the New Products Wizard - The time by which a consumer must return a Product to avoid incurring
overdue or other punitive charges. Specific to Product Types/Categories: AP Shuttle, Activities and Rental Cars.
Equipment Rental - A Product Type / Category - Ski Rentals, Bike Rentals, Canoe Rentals or other Suppliers of
recreational equipment.
Event Coordinator - A Supplier Category - Defined when setting up a new Supplier Account. A Supplier who coordinates
and hosts events such as festivals and concerts
Export - Reports Page feature - Download report output data from Inntopia to your Local Machine in a spreadsheet format.
Extra Adult Charge - Rate Wizard / Rate Structure -An additional charge for each adult that exceeds the number of
persons defined in the Base Occupancy field of the New Product Wizard and Product Details. Extra Adult Charge is
defined in the Rate Wizard.
Example: Base Occupancy = 4; Base Price = 200.00 per night; extra adult charge = $20.00 per night; # of people in party
= 5 adults; Charges = 200.00 per night (for base) + $20.00 per night (1 extra adult) = $220.00 per night
Extra Child Charge - Rate Wizard / Rate Structure - An additional charge for each child that exceeds the number of
persons defined in the Base Occupancy field of the New Product Wizard and Product Details. Extra Child Charge is
defined in the Rate Wizard.
Example: Base Occupancy = 4; Base Price = 200.00 per night; extra Child charge = $20.00 per night; # of people in party
= 4 adults and 1 child; Charges = 200.00 per night (for base) + $20.00 per night (1 extra child) = $220.00 per night
EZ Update - Supplier Control Panel Feature - Accessed from the Toolbar, allows for one-step updating of Active Products
for which Inventory and Rates have been loaded via a Calendar type interface. Updates that can be performed using EZ
Update Calendar are: Number Available, Minimum Stay, Rates and Closed-Out.
Feature Codes - Company Attributes - Similar to Category Codes, Feature Codes are used to define the features of your
Supplier Company ie: emergency evacuation plan, restricted access, etc.
Filters (Search) - Filters are definitions or parameters used to 'filter' data to assist you in finding specific data sets. Date
ranges, Products, Sales Channels and Rates are examples of some search Filters
Finance Charges - In Statements Page - Are carrying charges you will incur for any balances overdue to Inntopia. Finance
Charge rates are subject to change. For further information on Finance Charges contact Inntopia Accounts Receivable.
Fulfillment Channels - See Sales Channels
General Policy - The General Policy is a legacy item. Previous versions of Inntopia had only this policy field. It remains to
allow users of older versions of Inntopia to have their policies represented. This is a good spot to put in any information
that is additional to the other options.
Home - Help Manual Navigation - A navigation button on the Inntopia Help Manual Toolbar, clicking it returns the user to
the Supplier Control Panel Help Manual Home Page
Hyperlink - An element in an electronic document that links to another place in the same document or to an entirely
different document.
Inactive - Supplier Account - The status of a Supplier Account that has not been reviewed by the Inntopia staff and given
permission to transact business on the Inntopia System. Accounts must be activated by contacting the Inntopia Support
Team. Also, an Account that has been rendered Inactive by the Inntopia Team for Contract Infringement
Product Details - An Inactive Product is not available for reservations. The "Off" switch. Active/Inactive may be set by
Editing Product Details in My Products Table
Inntopia CRS - Inntopia Product - The Central Reservations Service Software solution from Inntopia. Click here for further
Inventory - Product Attribute
Inventory is the Quantity of Product Available on any given day.
Item Address - Product Attribute - An address that a Supplier can define in My Product Table to differentiate between their
corporate operating address (entered in the New Account Wizard) and the location of the Product (Item Address).
Typically used when a check in location is different from an operational location
Item Type - Statements - A data field on your Account Statements, an Item Type is a descriptive definition applied to each
transaction listed on your Statement. Item Types are: Pending, Invoice, Debit Memo and Credit Memo.
Itinerary - Obsolete Term - View Reservation Details and InntopiaCRS. A term to describe a group of reservations that are
part of the same booking. Example: A guest has booked flight, a hotel and lift tickets for the same trip. A reservation
number is assigned individually to each item (flight, hotel and lift tickets) and the overall booking (Itinerary) is referred to as
an Itinerary.
Itineraries have a unique numeric, 6 - digit locator code called an Itinerary Number
Keyword(s) - Using and Getting Help Overview are words or phrases used in the Search and Index Features of the Help
Manual Contents Pane to find specific topics in the Manual
Lift Tickets - Product Type / Category - Are a ski lift ticket to a resort. They can be sold individually or built into Packages.
Lift tickets may vary by price from day to day (midweek/weekend, holiday) and have limited Availability.
Link - See Hyperlink
Local Machine - In networks, local refers to Resources located at your workstation. Resources located at other nodes on the
networks are remote resources or machines
Location - Supplier Category - A specialized category that is used when a location has multiple management companies
managing units at that location. For example, a Supplier that is a condominium complex with 2 or more management
companies handling their rentals is a Location.
Location Category Codes - Product Attributes - Accessed exclusively from My Products Tables, Location Category Codes
are Supplier-defined items that inform the Central Reservations/CRS agent or consumer where the Product is located within
the region. Examples of Location Category Codes are: East, Waterfront, Slopeside, Lake, etc.
Location Category Codes can be customized for a Supplier by the Inntopia Support Team
Lodging Property/Lodging Unit - Supplier Category - Any Travel Supplier who provides Lodging as their primary
business. Examples of Lodging Suppliers include hotels, condominiums, private home management companies, resort
lodges, etc.
Lodging Units are specific items contained on the Lodging Property. For example, a Private Home, a hotel room, a bed
and breakfast room, etc.
Markup - Rates, Net Rates and InntopiaCRS - The difference between the Net Rate that a Supplier provides a Product to a
Reseller for and the price that the Reseller vends to the consumer for. Usually presented as a percentage increase of the Net
Example, Supplier "A" has provided a Product to Reseller "B" for a Net Rate of $100.00. Reseller "B" is selling the Product
to the consumer for $115.00. Therefore the markup is 15% (115 / 100 - 1 = .15 or 15%)
Max Quantity Available - Defined in the New Products Wizard - Refers to the maximum number or count of any given
Product that you wish to sell through the Inntopia system. For example, you may wish to put 8 of your available condos on
the Inntopia system. Therefore the Max Quantity Available would be 8.
Quantity can be adjusted in the Supplier Control Panel using EZ Update, Quick Updates and Calendars
Merchandise - A Product Rate / Availability Type - Always has an unlimited quantity of Product available when the
Product is Active and the Rate does not vary by the number of people or date.
Minimum Stay - Defined in New Product Wizard and Edited in Calendars, EZ Updates and Quick Updates
The minimum number of nights/days that the Product may be rented for. When authorized, Minimum Stay can be
overridden by Central Reservations / CRS agents but not by consumers using your Online Booking Engine.
My Products Table - In Products Page - Similar to My Packages Table, a consolidated listing of Products that you have
entered into the System. My Products Table can display either "All Products" or "Active Products Only".
The My Products Table is also the access point for Editing a Product, Product Attributes, and Product Rates/Avail features.
Neighborhoods - A Product Attribute - Are areas within a Product's City. Neighborhoods are defined by the Suppliers and
customized in Supplier Control Panel by the Inntopia Support Team
Net Rate - In Rate Optimizer - Is the amount of money that a Wholesale or Distributorship Supplier demands to receive
from a Reseller for a Product. Net Rates are also referred to as Wholesale Rates, Distributor Rates, etc
New Products Wizard - Supplier Control Panel Feature - A guided step by step procedure to assist you in setting up a new
Product in the Supplier Control Panel. Accessed from the Products Page.
No Check-In - Determined in Calendars, EZ Updates and Quick Update - Provides a means to disallow arrivals for a
specific day while keeping your Product Available in Inventory . This is most commonly used during holiday periods and
provides a means of controlling guest Arrivals.
Example: You may wish to close your offices to Check-In on Christmas Day but allow for bookings that begin beforehand
and extend through the holiday. No Check-In allows you to do this by keeping your Inventory intact but driving the arrival
date to a day other than the intended day of closure.
Optimized Rates - Synonymous with Derived Rate, any Rate that has been built using the Rate Optimizer, whether that
Rate has been discounted or not. Optimized Rates are: Discounted Published Rates, and Net Rates (also called Wholesale
Rates or Distributorship Rates)
Origin - Search Filter and Data Sort Option in Reports Page - Refers to the Source of your Reservation as it relates to your
Sales Channels. Your Origin has 3 options for filtering and Output - "All", "My Site" and "All Sites Other Than My Site".
Other Policy - Company Policy - This field is used to define Supplier Company Policies for which there are no specific fields
on the Company Page.
Parent Product - Rate/Availability Type item - The Primary Product in a Product/Derived Product relationship. The
Derived Product pulls it's Availability from the Parent Product.
Payment Due - In Statement Page - A section of the Statement that breaks down Payments Due to Inntopia for the sale of
your Product(s). Payment Due section shows balances for the periods Current Due, 30 Days Due, 60 Days Due, 90 + Days
Due Unapplied Payments and the Total Due
Pet Policy - Company Policies - Defines to consumers what type (if any) of pet is allowed on your premises/business, what
Pet Fees you may charge and what punitive fees may exist for breaking these Policies
Photo Upload Wizard - Supplier Control Panel Feature in Photos Page - Automated system for uploading photos to the
Inntopia site for presentation to the Consumer and CRS Central Reservations Service.
Physically Challenged Features - Company Attributes - Allows you to define what features you have to accommodate
physically challenged consumers
Pick Up / Drop Off Location - Product Attribute - Rental Car Product Type Only - My Products Table
Searchable item in the GDS system as well as InntopiaCRS. Pick Up and Drop Off location allows you to define, using
Airport Codes, where your vehicles may be rented and what locations are eligible for return.
Policies - Company and Product Features - Are the rules by which your Company or Product operates. This definition
includes not only the operation of the Inntopia System at the Company or Product level, but also the operation of your
business and rules with which you expect consumers to comply
Pre-Tax Rack Rate - In standard consumerism, referred to as a Net Rate ("Net of Taxes"), not to be confused with an
Inntopia Net Rate (Wholesaler or Distributorship Rate). Pre-Tax Rack Rate is the amount of money on which you charge
taxes or fees to the consumer.
Price Control - Rate Types, Inntopia CRS and Net Rates
Price Control refers to having the latitude as a Reseller to set the consumer price for a Product AND the redemption
amount to the Supplier.
As an example, a Reseller who remits to a Supplier a percentage of whatever price they sell the Product for, rather than a
pre-defined dollar amount (or Net Rates) is said to have "Price Control" over the Product.
Product - Inntopia System Component and Supplier Statement Component
Tangible Goods that an Inntopia Supplier offers for sale through any of the InntopiaCRS booking systems. Products are
further defined by the system in Product Types / Categories that reflect the industry they are best suited to.
On an Inntopia Supplier Statement, referred to as an Item
Product Details / Product Information - In My Products Tables and defined in New Products Wizard
The information entered into the System by a Supplier User that defines the Product for Inntopia. Used to define your
Product as well as for search parameters, Product Details / Information are among the most important elements in Product
Product Details / Information is: Product Name, Inntopia Product ID, Your Product ID, Product Category, Product
Description, Base Occupancy, Capacity, Quantity, Display Sequence, Check-In (Start) Time, Check-Out (End) Time,
Special Instructions and Status.
Product Name - New Products Wizard - A name for a Product that the Central Reservations / CRS and online Booking
Engine will use to refer to the Product when presenting to a consumer. The Product Name should be concise and unique
enough to be easily identified by Resellers and Supplier Users.
Product Status - Product Details / Information and New Products Wizard - Determines whether the Product can or cannot
be booked by a Reseller, regardless of inventory or other Calendar factors. The "On/Off" switch.
Property Status may be set as Active, Inactive or Active During Specific Dates Only
Product Type/Category - New Products Wizard - Defines for the system which type of Product the Supplier is vending.
Different Product Types/Categories have different Product Attributes, different Rate / Availability Types and different
presentations in InntopiaCRS and the Booking Engine.
Property - A generic term used to describe a Supplier Type. Example: "The Property has 2 bedrooms and a full bath"
Property Class Type - In Company Page - The Property Class Type is a classification that best describes the type of business
the Supplier Conducts. Property Class Types include, but are not limited to: Inn, Bed and Breakfast, Hotel, Lodge,
Apartment, Cabin or Bungalow and many more.
Property Management Company - A company whose primary business is to manage multiple location Lodging Properties,
usually condominiums or Private Home Rentals. Property Management Companies usually handle all aspects of renting
the Property, including housekeeping, check-in and check-out, maintenance issues, customer service, as well as marketing
the properties
Published Rate - A Rate Type also in the Rate Wizard
Published Rates are synonymous with the industry term 'Rack Rates' - The default Rate Type when you create a new rate
in the Rate Wizard. Published Rates are the baseline from which you create Net Rates or Discounted Published Rates in
the Rate Optimizer. Published Rates cannot be marked-up by Central Reservations / CRS Resellers. .
Quantity - In Calendars, Quick Update, EZ Update and Load Rates/Availability - Refers to the total count of a Product
that is available for reservations on any given day, provided that the Product is Active in the system.
Quantity is determined when a Supplier uses the Load Rates/Availability feature in My Products Table. It is automatically
decremented when a reservation is made, but is not incremented when a cancellation is done until the Supplier chooses the
option to place the canceled Product back in Inventory. Quantity may be edited at any time using the Calendars, Quick
Update or EZ Update features.
See also Max Quantity Available
Quick Overview Chart - In Calendars and View Calendar - A Display Format option for viewing Calendar output. May be
chosen when using the View Calendar feature in Rates/Avail or when using the Calendars feature from the toolbar. Allows
the User to edit multiple products simultaneously.
Quick Update - In Rates/Avail from My Products Table - A feature in My Products Table that allows you to quickly update
the status of one Product at a time for a large date range. Items that can be updated using the Quick Update Feature are:
Number Available (Quantity), Rate, Minimum Stay and Closed-Out.
Rate - The Price a Supplier charges for their Product. There are 4 different Rates referred to in the Inntopia System.
Published Rates, Discounted Published Rates, Net Rates (also called Wholesaler or Distributorship Rates) and Package
Rates (referring to the price of 2 or more Product sold as a single good).
Rate / Availability Type(s) - In New Product Wizard - An option in New Product Wizard, Rate/Availability Types tell
the system what flexibility your Product has in reference to Rate Structures, Availability limitations and the like.
Rate/Availability Types also have an effect on whether or not you can/need to update the Product using the Calendars,
Quick Update, EZ Update features.
Rate / Availability Types are as follows:
Rate Channel - In Edit a Rate Feature - A pull-down display window that allows you to choose the defined Sales Channels
for that Published Rate and then view the corresponding Optimized Rates (Discounted Published Rates and Net Rates) in
Rate Discount Method - Rate Wizard - A legacy item to support older business models. An optional means of discounting
rates. Supplier may discount rates based on how many nights the consumer is staying, by which day of the week the
consumer arrived or by which day(s) of the week the consumer is staying.
Rate List - On Rates Page - Supplier Control Panel feature - A graphical listing of all Supplier Rates loaded for this Account,
whether in use or not. Displays Rate Name, Amount (Price Range of Rate), Extra Adult Charge, Extra Child Charge and
Rate Discount Method.
It is the default view of the Rates page and can be accessed by going to the Rates Page or clicking on the Rate List tab from
Rate Wizard or Rate Optimizer views.
Rate Name - Rate Wizard and Rates List and Edit a Rate
A unique name for a specific Rate in the Inntopia System. Should easily identify the rate to your Users and to Central
Reservations / CRS staff.
Rate Optimizer - Rates Page - Supplier Control Panel Feature
Tool that allows Suppliers to create new, discounted Rates that are based on the Published Rates loaded in the system
through the Rate Wizard. With minimal user input Rate Optimizer defines specific Discounts to specific Sales Channels.
Net Rates and Discounted Published Rates are created in the Optimizer.
Rate Structure - A collective term describing the components of a Rate - it's effective dates, adult and child charges,
discounts, amount, etc.
Rate Type - Rate Optimizer - A classification of the Rates in Inntopia. Different Rate Types will determine whether or not a
Rate is visible and to whom, Discount-ability, Markup functionality and the like.
Rate Types are: Published Rates, Discounted Published Rates and Net Rates (Wholesales & Distributorship Rates)
Rates/Avail - My Products Table - A section of the My Products Table where Suppliers can Load Rate and Availability for
a Product, View a Product on a Calendar or conduct a Quick Update.
Rates Wizard - Supplier Control Panel Feature - A guided step by step procedure to assist you in setting up a new Rate in
the Supplier Control Panel. Accessed from the Rates Page on the left hand side.
Rental Cars - A Product Type / Category - A Supplier whose primary business is the Rental of motor vehicles. Rental Car
Suppliers have specific business and setup rules in Supplier Control Panel.
Reports -Supplier Control Panel Feature - A feature page in Supplier Control Panel, Reports allows the User to filter and
track all Reservation Transactions on their Supplier Account.
Reseller - Any entity that presents a Supplier's Product to consumers for purchase. Resellers may be GDS partners, a
Central Reservations / CRS entity or your own web site.
Reservation Details Screen - In Reservations and Statements - A pop-up window that allows Suppliers to view the details of
a Reservation. When the Supplier is collecting payment from the guest, this screen can be edited to cancel or modify the
reservations. When the Supplier is NOT collecting payment from the guest, the Reservation Details Screen CANNOT be
Reservation Reports - In Reports Page - A detail tool for tracking all Reservations that have been made for the Products on
your Supplier Account. Different from the Reservations Page reporting, this allows for greater filtering and data output
RezHub - Another name for the InntopiaCRS
Room Amenity Type - A Product Attribute - Allows a Supplier to define the special features that are contained within each
specific Product and that the Supplier thinks are strong selling points of the Product. This Product Attribute is unique to the
Lodging Product Type / Category
Rooms in Unit - A Product Attribute - Allows a Supplier to define the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens within
a Lodging Product. This Product Attribute is unique to the Lodging Product Type / Category
Sales Site(s)/Sales Channel(s) - A Product Attribute - Defined using the Channel Restrictions Attribute in Products. Sales
Channels are the conduits through which a Supplier opts to make their Products available for resale. Sales Channel
examples may be your web site, Central Reservations Company "B", or a GDS Reseller.
Search - A generic term that refers to electronically reading a database to find a specific listing in that database. Searches
may be filtered to return desired results. Examples of filters may be Arrival / Start Dates, Availability, Product Type /
Category, Payment Status, etc. It is done in the Inntopia system to locate Product for consumers, as well as to locate data
for Suppliers in the Reports and Reservations pages.
Settlement Rules - InntopiaCRS feature - Determines Supplier payment rules and defines a Supplier's relationship with
Resellers and consumers as it pertains to accounting and payment schedules. Settlement Rules options with Tourism BC
Supplier collects from Customers and is billed for commissions (Tourism BC Lodging)
CRS collects from Customer and pays Supplier directly (Tourism BC for Non-Accommodation)
Source - In Statements indicates to the Supplier whether the itemized transaction being viewed in Statements came from
GDS, WEB, CRS or N/A, where GDS is the GDS System, WEB is their own web site, CRS is a Central Reservations
System and N/A is another type of Transaction. N/A usually indicates a journal-entry or other adjustment.
Special Check-In Instructions - In Product Details and New Product Wizard - A text field that allows you to include Check
In information that is specific to this Product and is not included in your Check In information under Company Policies
Start Time - In Product Details and New Product Wizard - Defines the time the Product is guaranteed by the Supplier to be
available to the consumer. Start Time replaces Check In Time in the following Product Type / Categories: Airport Shuttle,
Activities, Rental Cars and Lift Tickets
Statement - Supplier Control Panel Feature - A real-time accounting of your current balance due to Inntopia for any
charges, including commissions, adjustments, finance charges, etc.
Status - See Product Status
Style Sheets - A named set of formatting parameters used to define appearance in code and word processing. By applying a
style name to a section of text, you can change many formatting properties at once.
Sub Topic - Help Manual Feature - A topic contained within a chapter in the Help Manual. A topic that is displayed by
expanding a topic in the contents pane. Sub-Topics contain deeper information on a generalized subject (the main topic).
For example, "My Products Table" is a sub-topic of "Products"
Supplier - A business entity who makes available for sale to consumers, either via a Central Reservations / CRS system or
via the Online Booking Engine, a travel-related Product.
Supplier Category - Supplier Control Panel Function in New Account Wizard (Set Up New Account)
A categorization of the primary business of an Inntopia Account. Supplier Categories include Fulfillment entities and
Resellers. Supplier Categories allow Inntopia to customize features and functionality for the best presentation possible to
the consumer. Also allows the system to refine consumer searches, presenting appropriate Products for appropriate
Supplier Categories are: Lodging Property, Activity Provider, Tour Operator, Equipment Rental, Event Coordinator,
Transportation Provider, Online Resellers, Central Reservations, Travel Agent and Location.
Supplier Control Panel - Inntopia Product - A user interface for companies who provide a Product to the Inntopia system
for resale to consumers. The Supplier Control Panel allows the User to define themselves, their Product, their business
rules (Company Policies), Rates, Capacity, Packaging options, Peer networking and other key operational functions to
maximize returns on their booking efforts.
System Administration Feature
Tab - In a windows screen, a tab indicates a page on the top of a window, like the tab of a file folder in a filing cabinet.
Clicking the tab will navigate the user to the corresponding page
Tape Chart - Calendars - An output format option in Calendars, the Easy Edit Tape Chart is a linear representation of dates
as opposed to a traditional block calendar.
Tax and Fee Tables - A Product Attribute in My Products Table - A table that uses pulldown and text windows to allows
Suppliers to define the charges they wish to apply in addition to their Rates. Applied at the Product level to allow for
flexibility with cleaning fees, unit-specific add-on charges, etc.
Taxes and Fees built into the Tables are: Booking Fees, Cleaning Fees, City Tax, County Tax, Federal Tax, Gratuity,
Other, Resort Fee and State/Regional Tax. The Inntopia Support Team can further customize this table if so needed.
Taxes and Fees are charged with a basis amount and can be calculated per day, per item or percent.
Text / Information Pane - Help Manual Feature - The right-side (as default) of the Help Manual, where the content of the
topics is displayed. Clicking on a topic in the Contents Pane on the left will change the display in the Text/Information
Pane on the right. You can navigate this Pane by using the Forward, Back and Top of Section features.
Tiered Rate - Rates and Rates Wizard - A means of defining a Rate that has a different dollar value applied to different days
of the week, usually midweek and weekend. Dollar values per day in Tiered Rates are entered at the 'day' level and so a
week can contain as many as 7 different rates/day, or 'tiers'.
Toolbar - A series of selectable buttons in an Interface that give the user an easy way to select desktop, application or Web
browser functions. Toolbars are typically displayed as either a horizontal row or a vertical column around the edges of the
Interface where they are visible while the application is in use.
Topic - Help Manual Feature - A chapter or section of the Help Manual. Topics are displayed on the left side of the screen
in the Contents Pane of the Help Manual in a 'tree' format. Each Topic is expandable to display an relevant Sub-Topics in
the document.
Total Due - In Statements - In the Payment Due Section of Statements, the aggregate total due to Inntopia for that
Statement. Total Due is inclusive of all outstanding charges, credits, debits, finance charges and adjustments.
Tour Operator - An individual or organization in the business of (bulk) buying, and subsequently bundling, the various
components that make up a package holiday (see above), for sale via a travel agent or direct to the consumer
Transportation/Ground Shuttle - Supplier Category - Primarily bussing services between hotels and Airports, events, train
stations, etc.
Travel Agent - Supplier Category - many or individual who is certified by an authorizing body to act as a retailer of travel
and travel - related products, for a fee.
Unapplied Payment - In Statements - On the Payment Due Line, Unapplied Payments may represent one of several
situations on an Account, most frequently the remittance does not match the outstanding balance on the statement exactly.
Payment will not be applied until Inntopia is informed of any reconciling adjustments and cancellations that are necessary to
balance the Payment Due with the payment. Unapplied Payments are part of the equation used to calculate the Total Due
Unit Location - Product Attribute in My Products Table - Used to differentiate multiple Property Management Companies
on one site from other Inntopia Suppliers. It is also used as a Search Filter in the Inntopia online module for consumers.
The default Unit Location for a Product is the Supplier's location, much as the default Item Address is the Supplier's
Address. However in some circumstances, such as where a Product with multiple units is managed by multiple Property
Management Companies, a Unit Location other than the Supplier's is desirable to drive fulfillment to that Property.
This is an administrative feature with no current interface for Inntopia Suppliers. Most Suppliers will not use this feature.
Suppliers who find they require this feature must contact the Inntopia Support Team for assistance.
Unit Location is specifically a Lodging Product Type / Category amenity
Unit Type - Product Attribute in My Products Table - A Unit Type defines what type of Lodging Product you are selling,
whether it is a Hotel Room, a Condominium or any other. This is an item that a Reseller or Online Consumer will be able to
use as a search criteria and so it is critical that you reach your market by clearly defining each Product's Unit Type. Unit
Type is specifically a Product Type / Category amenity
Users - See Account - Users
Wholesale/Wholesaler - An entity that distributes manufacturers' products to retailers and other distributors. Usually, they
do not sell to the end-user.
Your Confirmation Number - Reservations Page, Home Page and Reservation Details Screen
Inntopia allows you to use your internal Confirmation numbers to help track and reconcile your reporting with Inntopia's.
You can add Your Confirmation Number to the Inntopia Record when you Acknowledge the New Reservation on the
Home Page.
Your Confirmation Number does not override or remove the Inntopia Confirmation number.
Your Product ID - In Product Details / Information - Used to enter a Product identifier that you may use other than the
Product Name you are using in the Inntopia system. An internal name for your reference only.
Web - Statements - A source identifier when running reports, Web indicates that the Reservation has come from your web
site. See Source for further information on these items.