review - SIU Credit Union
review - SIU Credit Union
CU W E I V E R VOLUME 24 In this issue... | ISSUE 2 “The Harrisburg branch helps to carry out ourmissionofalwaysworkingforourmembers.Welookforwardtoservingmanynew membersfromthiscommunitywhowillenjoy the personal service and state-of-theartmobileandonlineconveniencethatSIU CreditUnionoffers.” NewHarrisburgBranch Page 2 • • Q&ACorner Chairman&President’sReport Page 3 • • The Harrisburg branch is open Monday throughFriday,9a.m.to5p.m.Foradded convenience, the location features several amenities to enhance the member experience such as a drive-up teller window, night depository, 24-hour full service drive-up ATM machine, shared branching for members of other credit unions in the shared branching network, and in-lobby onlinebankingaccesskiosk. YouthMonth-WildAboutSaving NewOnlineFeatures Page 4 • • SIUCUInvestmentServices BranchLocations Mark Your Calendar Apr11-YouthDayatSIUCreditUnion Apr15-RelayforLifeBankNight Apr21-BloodDrive|Carbondale Apr23-Lunch&LearnSeminar May14-SuperShredder|Metropolis May25-MemorialDay-CLOSED June17-MemberSeminar:Credit July4-IndependenceDay-CLOSED Connect Online With SIU Credit Union APRIL 2015 New Branch Opens in Harrisburg Page 1 • | SIU Credit Union, which has proudly served the financial needs of Southern Illinois for over 76 years, opened the doors onJanuary6,2015,totheirnewHarrisburg location.Locatedat777FordStreetonthe newRoute13HarrisburgBypass,thebranch SIUCreditUnionmergedwithSoutheastreplacesthecurrentBonanBusinessCenter ernElectricEmployeesCreditUnioninApril location. 2013.Staffreadytoassistmembersinclude: JanetBundren,Teller;BritneyStokich,Head “We are excited to provide members a Teller; Karen Frier, Member Service Reprenewbranchexperience,”DennisSchaefer, sentative;andJanetJackson,BranchManSIU Credit Union President and CEO said. ager. Make your home your own. Home equity loans starting at Mission Statement We’re working for you. 3.49% APR* FOR 60 MO. AT 80% LTV For more info, call 1-800-449-7301 or visit We’re working for you. *Annual Percentage Rate. Subject to credit approval. Offer valid for new Home Equity loans with a minimum amount of $5000 and a maximum amount of $100,000. Actual APR depends on credit qualifications and loan-to-value ratio. Disclosed APR valid for loan-to-value ratio up to 80% as stated on 2013 property tax bill. (The combined amounts of your first mortgage and the amount of your Home Equity loan may not exceed 90% of the value of your home.) Other rates available up to 90% loan-to-value ratio. New appraisal may be required. SIUCU will not pay for any required appraisal. Property and/or flood insurance may be required. Offer valid for primary owner-occupied dwellings only. Consult a tax advisor regarding deductibility of interest. Membership required. Federally insured by NCUA. Offer valid March 28, 2015, to June 30, 2015, but may end at anytime without notice. Call 1-800-449-7301 for details. 1 Q&A CORNER Q & A Cornerisaspacededicated toansweringallyourquestionsabout SIU Credit Union products, services, and member benefits. If you have questions, feel free to submit them suretoincludeQ&ACornerinthe subjectline. Q. I keep hearing about these EMV chip cards in the news. How are they different than my current card? A. We all use our debit and credit cards for shopping, eating out and buying groceries. Soon you can do so with the added security benefits ofanEMVchipcard.Thenewcards arenearlyimpossibletocounterfeit, andtravelwillbeeveneasierinmore than130countrieswherechipcards are already used. EMV chip cards doeverythingmagneticstripecards dobutevenmoresecurely;plus,you are still protected from fraud by Visa’s Zero Liability Policy. Additional information is available online at visa-credit-chip-technology.shtml. If you are a SIU Credit Union Visa creditcardholderyouwillbereceivingthenewEMVchipcardoverthe nextseveralmonths.Don’thavean SIUCreditUnionVisa?Applyonline orvisitoneofourbranchlocations. Q. When is your next shred event? A. We are excited to once again partnerwith WPSD and Datalock to bringSuperShredderThursdaysback toSIUCreditUnionin2015.Ourfirst eventwillbeheldonThursday,May 14 at our Metropolis branch. Bring up to 50 pounds of old documents to have them safely and securely shreddedon-sitewithoutriskingidentitytheft. 2 2014 Chairman & President’s Report For 77 years, the vision of SIU Credit Union has been to build lifelong relationships by delivering personalized financial solutions. With this vision in mind, we’ve had the pleasureofhelping thousandsofmemDennisSchaefer President & CEO bers reach their financial goals for decades. This continues todaywiththeadoptionof,“We’reworking foryou.”asourmissionstatement. The continued success comes from a passion for providing financial products andservicesofrealvalue,andacommitment to making our member experiences enjoyable and worthwhile. Our focus on service excellence, convenience, and fiscal responsibility has allowed us to enjoy growth and financial strength through recent challenging times. Through it all, we remaincommittedtohelpingourmembers with financial solutions that improve their lives. We’repleasedtoreportthatSIUCredit Union experienced another year of successful financial growth. Our growth was assisted by additional enhancements to deliverychannels,security,andsystemsto provide for a better member experience. In 2014, assets grew 4.5% to $291,597,041, loans grew 12.37% to $181,115,731, and membershipgrewto34,988members. Ourmissionof“We’reworkingforyou.” was clearly seeninloans to our members. In2014,weprovided5,508consumerloans ($59.7 million), 325 mortgage loans ($16.0 million),62businessloans($4.5million)and 889($3.6million)instudentloans. Commitment of service and stewardship to our communities remained a priority.Someofthecausesthatwesupported in2014included:SpecialOlympics,AmericanCancerSocietyRelayforLife,Hospice of Southern Illinois, Poshard Foundation, Pets Are Worth Saving (P.A.W.S.), Southern IllinoisHeartWalk,100MenWhoCook,WSIU CuriosityDay,BankonMarion,Boys&Girls ClubofCarbondale,andmore.Participation in these and many others benefit our communityandyours. During this past year, we welcomed the members of Marion Memorial Hospital CreditUnionintotheSIUCreditUnionfamily through our merger on June 30, 2014. Their members can now take advantage ofadditionalproductsandservices,aswell as have access to all six SIU Credit Union branchlocations,includingournewestfacilityinHarrisburg. Aswelookforward,weexpect2015to beayearofchange.Thefaceofallsized financial institutions is changing dramaticallyandrapidly.Cuttingedgetechnologies seem to arise on a daily basis. New competitors continue to press the boundaries of traditional banking. And the demand for access to all information instantaneously continues to increase. To keep pace in this ever-changing environment, wecontinuetoexploreandlaunchnewofferingstoprovideforourmembers’convenience.ProductsandserviceslikeuOpen (online account opening), online banking upgrades, Apple Pay, online chat, instant card issue, and EMV chip-enabled cards arejustsomeoftheprojectsslatedfor2015. Weknowthatoneofthebiggestquestionsthatpeopleaskthemselvesis,“Whom can I trust with my personal financial wellbeing?” Over the years, SIU Credit Union has been a ready answer to that question.Theanswerremainsthesametoday; you can trust your credit union. Your patronage and participation in SIU Credit Union is whatmakesthisorganization special. On behalf of the Board, Management and Staff at SIUCreditUnionwe want to thank you for your continued WilliamCapie Chairman trustandsupport. Members have saved over $1 billion with Love My Credit Union Rewards. Start saving today at Join us on Saturday, April 11 to celebrate National Credit Union Youth Month™ April is National Credit Union Youth Month™! CARBONDALE EAST BRANCH 1. Enjoy a consistent look and feel acrossallyourdevices 395 N. Giant City Rd., Carbondale, IL Face painting, safari photo booth, coloring pages, goody bags, cookies and refreshments. 2. Easily find your most commonly used transactions, all on your new homepage ADMIN BUILDING 400 N. Giant City Rd., Carbondale, IL Mad City Money: a fun simulation workshop where teens and tweens can learn how to identify wants vs. needs and budgeting for their futures. Pizza and refreshments on site. RSVP required. To RSVP, call Kim at (618) 457-3595 ext. 2010 or email 3.Simplifyyourlifewithfaster,easier BillPayfunctionality Monkey See, Monkey Do: Teach Them to be Wild About Saving box of cereal, there may be similar brands on sale for half as much. • As children get older, let them know what things cost. Share sales receipts and bills that you receive for items or services you’ve purchased for them. • If you decide to pay your children an allowance, include them in the decision. Discuss allowance amounts and what they should use their allowance for. The amount is your call, but allow their input. One idea is to have children set aside part of their allowance for spending, part for saving, and part for sharing. Explain what you’ll pay for andwhattheyshouldberesponsiblefor. For example, when you’re at the movWe’d be “lion” if we said saving was ies, maybe you agree to pay for movie easy. Teach children how to save for their ticket, but the Milk Duds are on them. goalsandthey’llhaveoneofthemostdifficultaspectsoffinanceundertheirbeltby • As they reach high-school age, clarify the time they’re teens—being consistent whatyouwillpayforandwhatyourteens savers. are responsible for. For example, they may want the newest cellphone that Here are a few ideas to help your cubs comeswithareallyhighpricetag.EstabgetWildAboutSaving: lish your spending limit. If they still want the more expensive version, have them • Have young children—preschool make up the difference. Often, once age—sort different types of montheresponsibilityofpayingforitemsison ey into piles by color and size. them,the“latestandgreatest”aren’tas important. • Play store or credit union/bank. Help them use a pretend cash register. Getyourchildrenstartedrightfinancially. BringthemintoSIUCreditUnion—wehave • At the grocery store, let children of moreideastohelpyouteachthemtoget all ages help you shop. Teach them WildAboutSaving! how to comparison shop—for example, show them that for every $4.85 TO KNOW New Online Bankingiscoming,and you’re going to love it! Your new andimprovedonlinebankingoffers a new, modern design and is faster andeasiertouse.Herearejustafew oftheexcitingimprovements: Join us on Saturday, April 11th, from 10 to Noon! TEENS LEARNING HOW TO BUDGET NEED 4. Quickly find your most important datawithimprovedSearch 5.FindaconvenientbranchorATM wherever you are with interactive maps Coming soon, you’ll see an opt-in pageafterloggingin,givingyouthe optiontotrythenewexperience.All you have to do is select “Upgrade Now”andyouwillimmediatelytransition into our new, improved online banking.Startgettingexcitednow! Online Account Opening Online Account Opening Want to openanewaccountorknowsomeone who wants to join SIU Credit Union,butcan’tgetintothebranch during business hours? Never fear! uOpen™onlineaccountopeningis comingsoon! It’s never been easier to enjoy the benefitsofbeingamember.Whether it’s your first account or you’re a longtime member, you will be able to apply for most SIU Credit Union accounts online. With just a click of oneamouse,youcanstartlearning howweworkforourmembers. SIUCreditUnionproudlyservesanyonewholivesorworksintheseelevensouthernIllinoiscounites:Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Perry, Marion, Randolph, Saline, Massac, UnionorWilliamson. 3 A Message from SIU CU Investment Services Scott McClatchey, CFP Asset Allocation Tips In today’s complex financial markets, you have a hugearray ofinvestmentvehicles to choose from. Each investment carries risk, makingitimportanttochoosewiselyifyouare selecting just one. The good news is no rule says you must stick with only one investment type. In fact, you can manage investment riskandpotentiallyincreaseyourchancesof meeting investment goals by practicing “assetallocation.”1 Assetallocationreferstothewayyoucombine different investments in your portfolio in ordertotrytomeetaspecificobjective.For instance,ifyourgoalistopursuegrowth(and youarewillingtotakeonmarketrisktodoso), youmaydecidetoplace20%ofyourassetsin bondsand80%instocks.2 Theassetclassesyouchoose,andhowyou weight your investment in each, depend on your time frame and how that matches the risksandrewardsofeachassetclass. Stocks, Bonds and Cash Equivalents Stocks--Wellknownforfluctuatingfrequently in value, stocks carry a high level of marketrisk(theriskthataninvestment’svaluewill decreaseafterpurchase)overtheshortterm. Keepinmind,however,thatstockshistorically have earned higher returns than other asset classes,althoughpastperformanceisnopredictoroffutureresults.Importantly,stocksalso haveabettertrackrecordofoutpacinginflation--risingprices--thananyotherassetclass, andthereforecarryverylowinflationrisk. Bonds--In general, these securities have lesspronouncedshort-termpricefluctuations thanstocks,andthereforeofferlowermarket risk. On the other hand, their overall inflation risktendstobehigherthanthatofstocks,as their long-term return potential is also lower. Bond returns may also be influenced by movementsinshort-terminterestrates.When interestratesrise,bondpricesarelikelytofall. Cash equivalents--Theseassetsaredefined as being short-term, low-risk, low-return and highly liquid. Cash equivalents include U.S. government Treasury bills, bank savings accounts and bank certificates of deposit, or CDs.3 Diversification: A Companion Strategy Before exploring just how you can put an assetallocationstrategytoworktohelpmeet yourinvestmentgoals,youshouldfirstunderstandhowdiversification--theprocessofhelpingreduceriskbyinvestinginseveraldifferent types of individual funds or securities--works handinhandwithassetallocation. Whenyoudiversifyyourinvestmentsamong morethanonesecurity,youhelpreducewhat isknownas“single-securityrisk,”ortheriskthat yourinvestmentwillfluctuatewidelyinvalue with theprice ofoneholding. Diversifying increasesthechancethat,whenthereturnof 4 oneinvestmentisfalling,thereturnofanother may be rising (though there are no guarantees3).Neitherassetallocationnordiversificationguaranteesagainstinvestmentloss. Asset Allocation: A Matter of Age and Objective Although the ideal asset allocation varies from person to person, standard investment wisdom states that the younger the investor, the more heavily a portfolio can be weightedtowardstocks.Asinvestorsage,theymay needtograduallyshifttoamoreconservative assetallocation. Stocks2 Bonds2 Cashequivalents Risk Level AggressiveModerateLow 80% 70%50% 15% 20% 40% 45% 10% 10% Allocations are presented only as examples and are not intended as investment advice. Please consult a financial advisor if you have any questions about how these examples apply to your situation. A Simple Process, With Dramatic Potential Once you have a carefully crafted asset allocation, maintain it. Review it at least annually,makingadjustmentsasyourgoalsand othercircumstanceswarrant.Andrebalance the investment mix if the performance of one asset class throws it off kilter. Regardless of the asset allocation strategy you choose andinvestmentsyouselect,keepinmindthat a well-crafted plan of action can help you weather all sorts of changing market conditions over the long term as you aim to meet yourinvestmentgoal(s). 1Asset allocation does not assure a profit or protect against a loss. 2Investing in stocks involves risks, including loss of principal. Bonds are subject to market and interest rate risk if sold prior to maturity. Bond values will decline as interest rates rise and are subject to availability and change in price. 3There is no guarantee that a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns or outperform a non-diversified portfolio. 4U.S. Treasury securities (“Treasuries”) are issued by the federal governmentandareconsideredtobeamongthesafestinvestmentsyoucan make, because all Treasury securities are backed by the “full faith and credit” of the U.S. government. Certificates of deposit are FDIC insured and offer a fixed rate of return if held to maturity. Scott McClatchey provides investment and retirement planning services to SIU Credit Union members through a partnership with Alliance Investment Planning Group. A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM, Scott keeps regular officehoursfrom9:00to1:00onTuesdaysatthe Carbondale East branch and is also available byappointment.Call618-549-8632tosetupan appointmentwithScott. BRANCHIONS LOCAT Mailing Address P.O.Box2888 Carbondale,IL62902 Carbondale 1217WestMainStreet Lobby Hours Mon-Thurs 9:00am-5:00pm Friday 9:00am-6:00pm Drive Up Hours Mon-Thurs 7:30am-5:00pm Friday 7:30am-6:00pm Saturday 8:00am-1:00pm 395N.GiantCityRoad Lobby Hours Mon-Thurs 9:00am-5:00pm Friday 9:00am-6:00pm Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm Drive Up Hours Mon-Thurs 7:30am-5:00pm Friday 7:30am-6:00pm Saturday 8:00am-1:00pm Energy 300S.Pershing Lobby Hours Mon-Fri Drive Up Hours Mon-Thurs Friday Marion 2809OuterDrive Lobby Hours Mon-Thurs Friday Saturday Drive Up Hours Mon-Thurs Friday Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm 8:00am-5:00pm 8:00am-6:00pm 9:00am-5:00pm 9:00am-6:00pm 9:00am-1:00pm 7:30am-5:00pm 7:30am-6:00pm 8:00am-1:00pm Metropolis 704East5thStreet,Suite1 Lobby Hours Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm Drive Up Hours Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm NEW LOCATION! Harrisburg 777FordStreet Lobby Hours Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm Phone Numbers Local TollFree Q-Phone 618-457-3595 800-449-7301 800-455-0169 Federally insured by NCUA
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