Finding Historic Treasures at Istrouma


Finding Historic Treasures at Istrouma
Baton Rouge’s
Community Newspaper
History at
High School
Before It’s
Too Late
Page 10-11
July 2016 • Vol. 25, No. 7 • 16 Pages • Circulation 14,000 • 30,000 online • • 225-261-5055
Street Justice
Plot to Kill Police Officers Foiled
Thousands Take to
Streets to Demand
Arrest of BR Police
Woody Jenkins
FACEOFF— There was tension when police appeared at protests, but
in the rest of the community there was a new spirit of kindness.
Life in Mid-City: No Signs
Of ‘Divided’ Baton Rouge
BATON ROUGE — As demonstrations began last week
to protest the shooting of Alton Sterling by Baton Rouge
police officers, the national
media was portraying Baton
Rouge as a “divided city.”
However, in the inner city of
Baton Rouge near the scene
of the shooting, life went
on as normal, and citizens
reported that racial tension
was minimal or nonexistent.
Facebook was filled with
comments recounting acts of
kindness betwen the races.
BATON ROUGE — A 37-yearold Baton Rouge man, Alton Sterling, was shot to
death early on the morning
of Tuesday, July 5, by Baton Rouge police officers
responding to a “man with a
gun” call from 911 on North
Foster Drive at Fairfields.
Two videos of the shooting surfaced online almost
immediately. They raised
doubts about whether the
police officers were justified
in the shooting. Defenders
of the police say other video
exists that will exonerate
the officers.
The case drew public attention almost immediately,
and protests began at Triple
S convenience store where
the shooting occurred. Demonstrations began in major
cities across the nation.
At the request of Gov.
Edwards, the U.S. Department of Justice took over
the investigation. DA Hillar Moore recused himself,
leaving the state Attorney
General in charge of prosecuting any state charges.
Protests have been largely
peaceful. On Monday, a plot
was uncovered to kill local
police, but it was foiled.
CHRISTIAN INFLUENCE — Churches played an important role in
reminding protesters to maintain a loving spirit as they protested.
Investigation in Hands of
FBI, Obama Justice Dept.
BATON ROUGE — Protesters
have called for the immediate dismissal of the two Baton Rouge police officers
involved in the shooting and
their immediate arrest on
murder or other appropriate
However, immediately after the shooting, Gov. John
Bel Edwards, Mayor-President Kip Holden, Police
Chief Carl Dabadie, and DA
Hillar Moore all agreed to
have the U.S. Department
of Justice conduct the investigation of the case. As
a result, local and state officials in Louisiana have no
authority over the case until the feds complete their
investigation, which could
take a month or more.
In addition, Louisiana
Municipal Police Civil Service rules forbid the dismissal of police officers until an investigation has been
As a result, calls to have
the officers fired and arrested should be directed at the
Obama Justice Department,
rather than state or local officials, since the investigation is in their hands at this
stage of the process and local officials are powerless.
Finding Historic Treasures at Istrouma
RON ARMONEY (left), Istrouma Class of 1965, examines a photo of Istrouma’s first graduating class in 1923. That photo and many other photos, scrapbooks, trophies, and other mementoes
have been rescued from the campus of Istrouma High School by the Istrouma Advisory Committee. At right, Ray and JoAnn Spiller with the 1962 State Championship football.
2 CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016
& South Baton Rouge Journal Vol. 25 • No. 7
910 North Foster Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
The Leader Vol. 19 • No. 7 • CCN No. 390
Post Office Box 1
Greenwell Springs, LA 70739
Phone (225) 261-5055 • Entire contents © 2016
Email stories and photos to
Published on the first Thursday of each month (except January and July,
when it is the second Thursday) by Community Press, LLC
The Leader was founded April 30, 1998, and the Central City News was founded April 21,
2005. They merged May 4, 2006. The South Baton Rouge Journal began publication in 1989.
It went on hiatus in 2008 during its 20th year of publication. The Journal resumed publication
as the Capital City News on Aug. 16, 2012, with Vol. 21, No. 1.
Editor & Publisher
Business Manager
Account Executive
Woody Jenkins
Jolice Provost
Kim Powers
Member, Louisiana Press Association, National Newspaper Association, Chamber of
Commerce of East Baton Rouge, and National Federation of Independent Business
Deadline for news and advertising: 5 p.m. Friday before publication
$18 a year by subscription in advance • $25 a year outside East Baton Rouge
DAYTON GUERCIO — 2016 Brian Wiese Most Outstanding Player Award Winner
and 1st Team All District Outfielder Central High School senior Dayton Guercio signed
as a pitcher with the BRCC Bears. Shown are BRCC coaches Roy Corcoran and LJ
Dupuy; Dayton Guercio, and Central High coaches Mike Forbes and Brandon Efferson.
The Week Baton Rouge Became a Community
People Recalled
The Things Their
Mama Told Them
Woody Jenkins
Growing up and living as I have
my entire life in the inner city of
Baton Rouge, I remember a time
when Baton Rouge was a real community, not just a random collection of people seemingly without
much in common. It was a place
where neighbors knew one another
and were involved in each other’s
My parents never locked our
doors when we were away, because
our neighbors might need to get
in to borrow something! Parents
were involved in the neighborhood
schools, and store owners knew the
names of their customers. Kids
rode the bus downtown by themselves, and any grown up on the
street would take charge of a child
who was unruly or disrespectful.
But things changed. With crosstown busing and the breakdown of
neighborhood schools, the school
was no longer the center of life in
the neighborhood. People didn’t
really know one another anymore.
Crime rose, and people became
more cautious and distrustful of
one another.
For the past generation, life in the
Mid-City area of Baton Rouge has
been pleasant. The area is racially
diverse, and there have been few
real problems between the races.
Yet, there has been little warmth.
A state of apathy set in. It hasn’t
been a hostile environment but just
cool. No one talks a lot. When you
are out and about, if you see friends
and acquaintances, you chat them
up. But with strangers, no. Just
“Hello” or “May I help you?” or
“Thank you.” Not much else.
Nothing that says, “I care!”
It was as if people didn’t really
see you, especially if you were of a
different race!
But that all changed — rather
dramatically — last week! Today,
Ronald Reagan
Newsmaker Luncheon
the inner city of Baton Rouge has a
remarkably different tone about it.
Once the shooting of Alton Sterling
occurred and the protests began,
something snapped!
Out in the public, everywhere
you go, people are now genuinely
friendly, especially people of other
races! They say hello. They ask
if you are okay. They open doors.
They shake hands. They smile!
And they express genuine concern
for one another. People are hugging strangers and praying for one
Likewise, policemen who are
supposedly so hated are being
thanked and hugged and prayed
over by strangers of another race.
It’s as though everything our
mamas taught us and everything
we learned in Sunday School suddenly kicked in!
“Love your neighbor as yourself!”
“Don’t judge people by their appearance!”
“Be good to other people. It will
all come back to you!”
There is no question that the in-
Chamber of Commerce
of East Baton Rouge
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fluence of our churches in Baton
Rouge is great, but their influence
has been great within their own
congregations. But now it’s as
though all they’ve worked for all
these years is spilling over into the
community in a very big way.
Suddenly, the people of Baton
Rouge are aware of one another.
We’re looking at each other and
seeing a real person — not an object but a person with feelings. And
we are saying to each other in subtle ways “I’m glad you are here and
glad we are in this together!”
I believe 50 years from now,
people in Baton Rouge will still be
talking about these days.
They will remember the time
when Baton Rouge could have
exploded but didn’t because there
were too many good people here to
allow that to happen.
Most of all, I think they will remember this as the time when Baton Rouge became more than just
a random collection of people but
a real community where people really care about one another and our
future together.
3907 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016 3
Death of Alton Sterling on North Foster Dr.
Leads to Protests Against Police, Demands
Protest rallies featured prayer.
Mourners signed this table
A protest rally at Triple S market at the corner of North Foster and Fairfields. The rallies were filled with prayer and singing.
Protests have been racially diverse and not limited to one race.
Sign waving at police cars
WAFB cameraman James DeGraaw
Photos by Kim Powers
Capital City News
Protesting at Triple S market
Metro Council member C. Denise Marcelle advocated peaceful protest.
Young people had fun expressing views.
4 CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016
Protest Leaders Meet with GOP Leaders
Republican Party
Opens Dialogue
With BR Leaders
Of Local Protests
BATON ROUGE — Rep. Ted James
and businessman Cleve Dunn,
Jr. addressed the Ronald Reagan
Newsmaker Luncheon Tuesday on
behalf of black leaders who want
to keep protests in Baton Rouge
peaceful and constructive.
Dunn said, “We’ve seen others
tear down their communities, and
we want to make sure that doesn’t
happen here. We’ve been on the
ground from day one. We go to the
scene of the biggest confrontations
and try to make sure things don’t
get out of hand.”
Dunn said his group has sent
a clear message to out-of-state
groups who want to come to Louisiana. “We’ve set the tone, and we
tell them you are welcome but you
need to adopt the peaceful philosophy that we have embraced. A lot
of the media are looking for a train
wreck, and we want to avoid that.”
Rep. Ted James (D-Baton Rouge)
said he grew up on North Foster
Drive, and the events were very
personal to him. “When I saw the
video here and then what happened
in Minnesota and Dallas, I was
sickened. Each one of these events
was significant, and none should diminish the others.”
James said his group has been
Cleve Dunn (left) and Rep. Ted James are part of a core of Baton Rouge leaders working to keep protests peaceful.
on the front lines often standing
between the police and protesters.
“When we have seen bad behavior from protesters, we have intervened. We have a command center
and have stayed on top of things.
We have told outsiders that if they
don’t have something positive to
contribute, then don’t come.”
“The protests are not an indictment of our entire police force. We
know that most are good officers,
and we work closely with Chief
Dabadie, the Sheriff’s office, and
the State Police.”
James and Dunn brought a number of other leaders with them, who
also participated in the discussion.
The leaders were invited to the
Reagan luncheon, which is the
monthly meeting of Republican
leaders in the parish, by East Baton
Rouge Republican chairman Woody
Jenkins, who said it is very important to keep lines of communication
open. Jenkins has been attending
many of the rallies and protests in
order to speak with the people and
listen to their concerns.
Jenkins said, “At the end of the
day, we will all still be living in this
community, and we need to come
together as much as possible.”
A large number of Republican
leaders participated in the meeting, including Republican mayoral
candidates John Delgado, Smokie
Bourgeois, and Bodi White; Metro Councilman Buddy Amoroso;
school board members Connie Bernard and Barbara Frieberg; representatives of Sen. Vitter’s and Congressman Garrett Graves’ offices;
Ryan Lambert, national deputy field
director for Donald Trump; leaders
of the Tea Party, and many other
groups. All major media outlets
were represented.
Dunn, James, and Jenkins agreed
the meeting was productive and said
they want to continue the dialogue.
Republican candidates for Mayor-President (left to right) John Delgado, Bodi White, and Smokie Bourgeois asked questions of protest leaders.
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Mayor Jr. Shelton
CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016 5
to Discuss Keeping Baton Rouge Peaceful
At left, Cary Koch and Todd Gaudin. In center, Reps. Edmond Jordan and Ted Long, Judge Tarvald Smith and Cleve Dunn.. At right, youth pastor Michael Mitchell.
Barbara Frieberg, Russell Kelly, Liz and Herb Sumrall, Rep. Ted James, GOP chairman Woody Jenkins, Cleve Dunn, Connie Bernard, Judge Tarvald Smith, and Rep. Edmond Jordan
Mark Ballard of the Advocate, Cleve Dunn, Kim Powers, Rep. Edmond Jordan, Woody Jenkins, Russell Kelly, Bodi White, and youth pastor Michael Mitchell
Ronald Reagan Luncheon • July 12, 2016
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6 CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016
Istrouma Advisory Committee Helping Re-Open School
Saving Istrouma History from Destruction
Istrouma High’s empty hallways
Lamonte Green and Dr. Jackie Mims look at old yearbook.
Tamara Cyprian, James Smith, and Dr. Mims with blueprints
Removing old textbooks
Wayne Messina finds his photo when coaching at IHS
Brookstown Middle Magnet principal James Smith with yearbook
Istrouma Beta Club scrapbook
Anissia Green, Tarlette Thomas-Robinson, Wayne Messina, La- Debbie Roberts, Wayne Messina, Tamara Cyprian with scrapbooks
mond Green, Tamara Cyprian, Debbie Roberts, and James Smith
BATON ROUGE — Istrouma High
School, which closed two years
ago, is about to undergo a $22 million renovation program, in order to
prepare it re-open in August 2017
on the 100th anniversary of the famous North Baton Rouge school.
Supt. Warren Drake appointed the
Istrouma Advisory Committee to
assist him with the transition. Two
weeks ago, the committee had the
opportunity to spend four hours
going through storage areas of the
school to locate things that need to
be preserved before construction
begins on the new facility. Committee chairman Dr. Jackie Mims
Istrouma Beta Club scrapbook
appointed Woody Jenkins to collect
the photos, scrapbooks, and other
mementos. Jenkins is cleaning
them and making an inventory, so
that they can eventually be placed
in the new Alumni Center, which
will be next to the school library.
Last week, Jenkins did a three-hour
living history interview with Dr.
Clyde Lindsey, 92, on the materials.
Dr. Lindsey is former assistant principal at Istrouma.
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CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016 7
In Times of Trouble, Love Wins Out!
Kim Powers
Account Executive
The eyes of the world have been
on Baton Rouge for the past week.
We have been on television, in the
newspaper, and all over the Internet. The media have wrongly presented our city as a violent, hostile
place. If you have family from
outside Baton Rouge, you’ve probably gotten concerned calls asking
“Are you OK?”
Of course, your answer has been,
“Yes, everything is fine here!”
We are fine! In fact, we are better than we were!
Krispy Kreme celebrated their
79th birthday Wednesday and they
had a great special at the Krispy
Kreme store on Plank Road. Buy
one dozen and get the second for
99 cents! The line was long, and I
was in it!
A lady walked up to the counter
and asked, “What’s the special?”
We chatted a bit, and she noticed
the “Press” credentials around my
neck. She asked if we could chat
for a minute. Then she said, “Can I
pray with you?”
So right there, in the middle of
Krispy Kreme, we prayed!
We both cried as she told her
story. Her name is Kasey Jackson.
Her mother died when she was in
the 11th grade, but she had really
been raising herself since elementary school.
She knew what it was like to be
poor and wanted to do better than
that! She loved school and worked
hard. She attended Istrouma High
School and worked so hard that she
versity and in fact became the first
person in her family to go to college.
She kept working hard and
earned her degree and then
launched her career in education.
In a few weeks, she will be an
assistant principal at Crestworth
Elementary School in North Baton
Kasey has a four-year-old son.
Thinking about him brought more
tears to her eyes and mine.
“He asks questions, and I just
don’t know...” She shakes her
“It doesn’t matter how many
books I read to him, if all people
can see is the color of his skin! I
want people to see him as the person he is — as the young man he
Kasey Jackson, assistant principal at
will become!”
Crestworth Elementary, and Kim Powers I agree. We are all just people,
of Capital City News/Central City News
and we should be judged by the
was the valedictorian of her gradu- content of our character, not the
ating class in 2003.
color of our skin.
Kasey attended Southern Uni- This week in Baton Rouge, we
have learned something else — we
can be better people!
Over the past week, I have seen
kinder people. I have seen friendlier smiles. I have seen people of
other races reaching out to me.
Yes, I have also seen great sadness and sometimes anger. But
here in Baton Rouge we are working through it all together.
We have leaders here who are
working hard, leaders who are
dedicated to making our community a good place for everybody.
We have people like Kasey
Jackson, praying for people like
me, doing her best to be a great
mom, and teaching and loving our
children in the very school system
that she is a product of.
We do not need outsiders to
come here to “help” us figure out
how to respond to adversity. We
will be fine, because we love each
other, and we love our town.
We are indeed blessed to call
Baton Rouge home!
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What’s Happening
Central’s Birthday Bash
CHS Football Stadium
July 16 • 6 p.m.
Bring your blankets and lawn chairs
to enjoy fireworks, children’s activities
and music by The Molly Ringwalds
and Kenny Fife and the Bac Trac Band.
More information at
School Supply Drive for CCSS
Dollar General Greenwell Springs Rd
July 16 • 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Needy of Greater Baton Rouge will
be hosting a school supply drive for the
Central Community School System. The
organization will be matching all donations collected on Saturday. A fire truck
will be on hand in the parking lot from
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Course on the Constitution
Greenwell Springs Baptist Church
July 24 • 5 p.m.
Greenwell Springs Baptist Church
Culture Impact Team invites you to learn
the original intent of our founding documents in an informative course on the
meaning and purpose of the Constitution. Time: Sunday, July 24th at 5:00
p.m.. Location: Greenwell Springs
Baptist Church choir room.
Vacation Bible School
Comite Baptist Church
July 30-Aug 2 • 5:30 to 8:15 p.m.
Kick-Off Day is Saturday, July 30
from 4 to 8:30 p.m. The church will
bring a fun packed VBS “Back to School
Bible Blast” with an Inflatable City and
their very own Bible Town, also a light
show, worship rally and dinner theater.
Friday Night Worship
Foster Road Baptist Church
August 5, 12, 19 and 26
6 p.m. Meal • 7 p.m. Worship
For the month of August Foster Road
Baptist, 11333 Foster Rd, will be having
a fellowship meal and a worship service
on Friday nights. Each week features
someone new. August 5 - Bro. Marvin
Parks, In His Hands Baptist Church,
Baton Rouge. August 12 - Bro. Leigh
Rogers, Downtown Baptist Church,
Prairieville, August 19 - Bro. Thomas
Fletcher, Faith Baptist Church, Baker
and on August 26 - Bro. Rusty Reed,
Friendship Baptist Church, Baker.
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8 CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016
Births • Engagements • Weddings • Deaths
Anniversaries • Reunions
The City News is published on the 1st Thursday of each month. The newspaper
will consider Milestones, which have not been previously published elsewhere, if
submitted by the Friday before publication. Please send story and photo to Photos should contain at least 300 dpi.
Dupuy, Canella to Wed August 26
At St. Alphonsus Catholic Church
Matthew Cannella and Ashton Dupuy
CENTRAL - Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey
Dupuy of Greenwell Springs announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daugh-
ter, Ashton Marie, to Matthew
Canella III, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Nat M. Canella, Jr. Matthew and
Ashton will be married on August
NEW ORLEANS - Anna Michelle
Johnson and Brandon Michael
Bauerle of Shreveport, Louisiana
were united in marriage on Saturday, May 14, 2016 at five o’clock
in the evening at the Terrell House
in New Orleans. The ceremony was
officiated by the Honorable Dennis
Waldron. Following the ceremony,
a reception was held at the Terrell
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Edward Johnson of
Shreveport. She is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Wayne Johnson of Shreveport,
and Mr. Winfred Paul Jackson of
Shreveport and the late Frances
Swank Jackson of McKinney, TX.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Bauerle of Baton
Rouge. He is the grandson of Mrs.
Bonnie Soulier and the late Mr.
Earl Soulier and the late Mr. and
Mrs. Augustus Bauerle of Baton
The sister of the bride, Lindsay
Nations, of Shreveport, served as
matron of honor, and Rachel Misita as bridesmaid.
Ryan Dowling of Shreveport
served as best man, and Gary Bernard, also of Shreveport served as
Anna is a graduate of Baylor
University and the Occupational
Therapy program at Louisiana
State University Health Sciences
Center in Shreveport. Anna works
as an occupational therapist at
Willis Knighton South in the outpatient pediatric department. Brandon is a graduate of Louisiana
State University and is a fourth
year medical student at Louisiana
State University Health Sciences
26, 2016 at St. Alphonsus Catholic
Church in Greenwell Springs. Father Mike Moroney will officiate.
Ashton is the granddaughter of
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cazes, Jr., Mrs.
Mary Dupuy, and the late Mr. Richard Dupuy and Mr. Gerald Borne.
Ashton is a 2008 graduate of Central Private School and a 2014
graduate of Our Lady of the Lake
College School of Nursing where
she received a Bachelor of Science
in nursing. She is employed at Our
Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center.
Matthew is the grandson of Mrs.
Mary Rivers and the late Mr. Bruce
H. Rivers, Sr., Mrs. Lena Canella
and the late Mr. Nat M. Canella,
Sr. Matthew is a 2008 graduate
of Redemptorist High School and
a 2013 graduate of Southeastern
Louisiana University where he
earned a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology.
He is employed as a Quality Inspector with Trade Construction
Company. The couple will reside
in the City of Central.
Elizabeth Dauer and Derek Blough
Blough, Dauer
To Wed Aug. 12
In Baton Rouge
CENTRAL - Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Dauer of Harahan are pleased to
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Elizabeth Grace Dauer
to Derek Michael Blough, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blough of
Greenwell Springs.
The bride-elect is the grand
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Guy M. Dauer of New Orleans, the
late Mr. Robert P. Middendorf of
River Ridge, and Mrs. Robert P.
Middendorf of River Ridge. She is
a graduate of St. Mary’s Dominican High School in New Orleans,
and Our Lady of the Lake College
in Baton Rouge with a Bachelor of
Science in Biology.
The bridegroom is the grandson
of the late Mr. and Mrs Albert Roy
Blough of Central, and Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin J. Glotz, Jr. of Baton
Rouge. He is a graduate of Central
High School and Louisiana State
University with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
He is a Junior Mechanical Engineer with ILD Power in Baton
The couple will marry on FriBrandon and Anna Bauerle
day, August 12, 2016 at Christ the
Center in Shreveport.
Following their honeymoon to King Catholic Church in Baton
St. Lucia, the couple will reside in Rouge. The couple plans to reside
in Baton Rouge.
Brandon Bauerle and Anna Johnson Wed May 14
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CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016 9
Wolff, Scallan Wed May 13
At St. Joseph’s Cathedral
BATON ROUGE - Mr. and Mrs. Patrick “Mike” Scallan are pleased
to announce the marriage of their
daughter, Kirsten Elizabeth Scallan to Richard William Wolff. He
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John
P. Wolff, III. The Nuptial Mass
was held at St. Joseph Cathedral
on May 13, 2016 at 7 p.m. The
celebrant of the mass was Father
Frank Uter.
The bride is the granddaughter of Mrs. Lillian “TeTa” O’Neil
and the late Mr. Louis O’Neil of
Plaquemine and Mrs. Elizabeth
Scallan and the late Mr. Edward
Scallan, Jr. of Denham Springs.
The groom is the grandson of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wood of
Franklinton, Mr. and Mrs. James
R. “Buddy” Wood of Franklinton,
Mrs. Nancy H. Suarez and the late
Mr. Doyle J. Suarez, Jr. of Baton
Rouge, and Mrs. Mary Ann Wolff
and the late Mr. John P. Wolff, Jr.
of Houston.
The bride was attended by her
maid of honor, Lauren Russell.
Bridesmaids were Ashleigh Briody, Laura Castrinos, Capri Pizani, Kathryn Speranza and Diana
Wolff. Flower girls were Riley
Carter and Autumn Sandifer.
The groom was attended by his
Central Chaos Named
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Richard and Kirsten Wolff
best man, John Powers Wolff, IV.
Groomsmen were Brandon Bernhard, Jonathan Laumann, Jesse
Romero, Jared Scallan and John
Shackelford. Ushers were Luke
DiPalma and Patrick Guelfo.
Reception followed at the Old
Governor’s Mansion. The couple
honeymooned in Jamaica and has
made their home in Baton Rouge.
Bulldogs Win 2nd Place
In 8U Mother’s Day Classic
CENTRAL CHAOS 9U TEAM won First Place this spring in the Central Area
Youth League. 1st row: Zachary Kennedy, Aiden Jeansonne, Jonathan Wilkins.
2nd row: Matthew Strain, Grayden Harris, Blake McCurdy, Andrew Richard, Grant
Austin, Ethan Hebert, Hinesley Bryant, Owen Watts, and Coaches Jason Wilkins,
Jerry Watts, and Mike Jeansonne.
Eric Frank Photography
Eric Frank is the new official photographer for CHS.
Make an appointment now for senior portraits.
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CENTRAL BULLDOGS — The Central Bulldogs won 2nd Place in the 8 and under
Mother’s Day Classic USSSA Tournament. Shown are (left to right) 1st row: Zory Williams, John Ganske, Blaysen Stokan, Jacob LeBlanc, Cole Guidroz. 2nd row: Kyle Veal,
Alex Giles, Garrett Rabalais, Ethan Johnson, Brady Smith. 3rd row: Coach Rich Ganske,
Coach Joey Giles, Coach Collin Smith. Not shown: Coach Nick Guidroz
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13111 Hooper Rd. Central, LA 70818
10 CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016
More Than 800 Grads of NBR Schools
Memorabilia recovered from Istrouma High on display at NBR Reunion
Jay Watson, Istrouma Class of 1956, and friends
Bobby Funderburk, Denny Davis, and Allie McClure
North Baton Rouge
George Haynes, Darlene Blue Haynes, and Don Scharwath
Carolyn Ellender and Bruce and Sharyn Sides
Lulu Langlois and Beverly Turner
Gary Pennington, Peggy Nettles Binning, and Billy Traylor
Istrouma • Redemptorist • Glen Oaks
Baker • Zachary • Central
Photos by Woody Jenkins
Tuesday Nights
Tapas & Live Music
5 - 8 p.m.
Thru Aug. 2
13438 Magnolia Square Circle
Central, LA 70818
Always Held
6 p.m. Thursday
After July 4
CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016 11
Attend Annual Reunion at Sheraton
Linda Cobb Toler, Wayne Cambre, and Rodney Hargroder
Bill Ensminger, Lulu Langlois, and Kenny Almond
Raymond Jenson, Anissia Green, Tarlette Thomas-Robinson
Bobby and Barbara Funderburk
Denny Davis
Linda Cobb Toler, Tim Toler, and Glenda Foster
Beverly Turner, Jerry Iverson, and Win Turner
Don Lively, Judy Langlois, and Don Hutchinson
Rita Williams, Jerrine McCarthy Rowell
Chip Efferson and Darrell Walton
12 CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016
Candidates Turned Out for Annual
Sen. Bodi White, candidate for Mayor-President
Col. Rob Maness, candidate for U. S. Senate
PSC member Foster Campbell, candidate for Senate
Col. Rob Maness greeted the crowd
Supporters of Sen. Bodi White
Rep. Paula Davis
Independent candidate for Mayor Darryl Gissel
Sal Christina, candidate for Metro Council
Sharon Weston Broome, candidate for Mayor
JULY 16 at 6 p.m.
Central High School
Football Stadium
Bring Your Blankets and Lawn Chairs!
Kenny Fife &
The Bac Trac Band
The City of Central Thanks Birthday Bash Gold Sponsors: BREC and Eagle 98.1
Silver Sponsors: IBTS, Trade Construction, Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P.
Bronze Sponsors: RV Cams, Whitney Bank, Jeff & Kandi Burnett
Additional Sponsors: David’s Express, Louisiana Vegetation Management, Oak Point and Studio Vogue
Event Partners/Vendors: Southern Pride BBQ, Coca Cola, Raising Canes, Dawn’s Sweet Tooth,
Another Piece of Cake, Kona Ice, and Sno Mobile
Jeff and Kandi Burnett
CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016 13
4th of July Parade at Kenilworth
Candidates for Mayor-President Darryl Gissel (independent), Sen. Bodi White (Republican), and Sharon Broome (Democrat)
Kenilworth Independence Day Parade sponsored by Kenilworth Civic Association • Photos by Woody Jenkins
East Baton Rouge
Republican Headquarters
711 Jefferson Highway
Open 3-5 p.m. Weekdays
$6 for first 10 words. $10 for 11 to 20
words, $15 for 21 to 30 words. $20 for 31
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paid in advance. To pay by credit card, go
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hand deliver check and ad copy to City
News, 910 N. Foster, Baton Rouge 70806
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14 CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016
Louisiana’s Best Community Newspaper
BATON ROUGE — The staff of
Community Press, LLC, publishers of the Capital City News and
Central City News, was honored
at the 136th Annual Convention of
the Louisiana Press Association in
Lake Charles Saturday, June 18.
The newspapers received some
of journalism’s top awards at the
state level. Most important was
First Place in the General Excellence Award. Accepting the honors
were editor Woody Jenkins, business manager Jolice Provost, and
account executive Kim Powers.
The newspapers won the following awards:
• General Excellence, 1st Place,
Capital City News
• Best Front Page, 1st Place,
Capital City News
• Best Feature Story, 2nd Place,
Woody Jenkins, Central City News
• Best Breaking News Story,
1st Place, Woody Jenkins, Central
City News
SWEPT JOURNALISM AWARDS — Jolice Provost, Woody Jenkins, and Kim Powers
• Best Regular Column, 3rd • Best Lifestyle Coverage, 1st
Place, Woody Jenkins, Central Place, Capital City News
• Best News Coverage, 2nd
City News
Place, Capital City News
• Best Investigative Reporting
(Gibbs Adams Award), 1st Place,
Our Caring Staff is Here for You!
Woody Jenkins, Capital City News
• Most Effective Use of Graphic
Design (Gary Hebert Award), 1st
Place, Woody Jenkins, Capital
City News
• Best News Photo, 2nd Place,
Ron Moore, Capital City News,
and 3rd Place, Jolice Provost, Central City News
• Best Photo Package, 2nd and
3rd Places, Woody Jenkins and JoSeale Funeral Home
lice Provost, Capital City News
9995 Hooper Road, Central, 225-236-0800
• Best Special Section, 1st Place, • 225-686-7221
Central City News
At DEMCO we believe that
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kEEping CurrEnt:
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you warm or cool.
Istrouma Class of 1956 will have
its 60th Reunion at Drusilla’s on
October 29th (LSU Open date).
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* DEMCO-ology 101 *
saving energy =
• Community Service, 1st Place,
Capital City News
• Editorial Sweepstakes (Best
Overall Performance), Capital City
• Staff General Color Ad, 1st
Place, Woody Jenkins, Central
City News
• Best Ad Campaign, 2nd Place,
Candi Lee and Jolice Provost,
Capital City News
• Multiple Advertiser Page, 1st
Place, Candi Lee and Woody Jenkins, Central City News
• Best Service Ad, Non-Retail,
1st Place, Woody Jenkins, 2nd
Place, Jolice Provost, Central City
• Best Retailer Ad, 2nd Place,
Jolice Provost, Central City News
• Best Special Section (Advertising), 1st Place, Central City
• Best Feature Writing, 1st
Place, Kim Powers, Central City
• Individual Color Photo, 1st
Place, Kim Powers, Central City
• Best Website, 1st Place, Central City News
• Best Multimedia News Package, 1st Place, Woody Jenkins,
Central City News
Guns & Gunsmithing
For Home and Personal Protection
Mark Your Calendar
September 2-4
Louisiana Second Amendment Weekend
Authorized Repair Service Center for
Browning, Winchester, Remington,
Including Marlin, H&R, and Bersa
Guns • Ammo • Knives • Hunting • Shooting Supplies
10044 Hooper Road •
CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016 15
Doug Welborn Takes Oath for Clerk of Court
Welborn with Carol and Bodi White
Doug Welborn, Debbie Killingsworth
Time to Register
For Fall Opening
Of School Year
CENTRAL— Central Community
School System announces centralized registration for the upcoming
2016-2017 school year. Registration started June 6 at the Central
Community School System Office
located at 10510 Joor Road, Suite
300, Baton Rouge 70818. You can register your child Monday and Wednesday 8 to 11 a.m.,
however you must be signed in by
10:45 a.m. Additional days for registration are on Tuesday and Thursday 1 to 4 p.m., must be signed in
by 3:15. Please visit the school
system’s webpage at for registration information including documentation
required and registration forms.
Ex-City Official
Issued Citation
For Incident
CENTRAL — David Barrow, Chief
Administrative Officer for former
Central Mayor Mac Watts, and two
Central women were issued citations for criminal mischief after a
surveillance tape showed the women “rolling” Central City Hall with
toilet paper. Barrow allegedly drove
the vehicle, which also appeared in
the videotape. Allison Kesner and
Alexandra Peairs along with Barrow were given misdemeanor summons. All admitted their participation. Mrs. Kesner and Mrs. Peairs
came to City Hall to apologize to
Mayor Jr. Shelton for their behavior.
The women said they were angry
that the city announced it would locate the new City Hall at the corner
of Hooper and Sullivan roads without holding a public hearing. However, in their meeting with Mayor
Shelton, he pointed out that the
public hearing was in fact held after
public notice.
Central Police Chief James Salsbury said Barrow drove the vehicle
but he said the plan was to leave a
roll of toilet paper in front of City
Hall with a note expressing their
frustration, but one of the women got
carried away and rolled City Hall.
Salsbury said instances of vandalism will not be tolerated. Last year,
someone threw a large number of
roofing tacks in the parking lot, resulting in many flat tires. Reportedly, city officials have been subjected
to other threats.
Salsbury said it is up to District
Attorney Hillar Moore to decide on
prosecution of the cases.
SWEARING IN ­Doug Welborn was joined by his family for his swearing in for another
term as Clerk of Court. Present were son-in-law Ryan Malone, daughter Erica, and their
children Gabe, Dalcie, and Juniper; and daughter Lindsey Welborn.
Clif Richardson, Carroll Campbell,
Oula Mawas, and Doug Welborn
16 CITY NEWS Thursday, July 14, 2016
Central Physical Therapy Opens New Facility
Central Physical Therapy
13111 Hooper Road
Grand Opening • Photos by Jolice Provost
After 75 Years in Central, Miss Olive Is in BR
CENTRAL — Mrs. Olive Mullins
Campbell has recently moved from
her home on Hooper Road behind
the Greenwell Springs Post Office to Williamsburg Senior Living
Community at 5445 Government
St. in Baton Rouge.
Mrs. Campbell lived in Central, or
more specifically Greenwell Springs
for 75 years, since her parents
moved from Baywood to Roundsaville Road in 1941. Her health necessitated the move but she greatly
misses living in the home that she
and her husband Cecil Campbell
built in 1949. She lived there until
moving to Williamsburg.
Mrs. Campbell is an historian who
has written extensively about the
history of Central for the Central
City News.
Her stories can be read online at
•“On Growing Up and Growing
Old in Central,” page 1, Central City
News, Sept. 6, 2007
•“Memories of Christmases Past
in Central,” page 2, Central City
News, Dec. 13, 2007
•“Happy Days at the Old Blue
House,” page 8, Central City News,
July 8, 2010
•“World War II Brought Changes
to Life at Old Blue House,” page 6,
Central City News, July 15, 2010
•“CHS Class of 1947 Celebrates
64th Reunion,” p. 11, Central City
News, April 14, 2011
Miss Olive can be reached at her
old number — 261-2972.
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CENTRAL — Central Police
Chief James Salsbury said protests in the City of Baton Rouge
have meant fewer Sheriff’s deputies available to cover the City
of Central. As a result, Central’s
16 reserve police officers have
been working 15-hour days to
serve the people of Central.
Chief Salsbury said his department had been concerned that
criminals would see Central as
unprotected. However, the hard
work of his officers has resulted
in no spike in crime here.
Salsbury said his officers have
been gratified at the outpouring
of public support they have received since the protests in Baton
Rouge began. “We are very grateful for their support,” he said.
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