September/October - Southern Eventing and Dressage Association
September/October - Southern Eventing and Dressage Association
a bi-monthly publication for seda members s september / october 2009 t in this issue columns SEDA Juniors Stellar in State 4-H what’s up? – 2 barn dirt – 4 newsworthy – 16 t your horse’s health – 21 T events t calendar, (insert) here seems to be no limit to the talent competed in Hunter Under Saddle, Hunt Seat exhibited by the Junior riders in SEDA. Equitation, English Showmanship, Halter On the heels of our very successful Juniors membership class, Western Horsemanship and Trail class. Only Show in June, several of our young riders In addition to their saddle skills, these girls schooling standings – 9 went on to compete in District and State 4-H are just plain smart! They also participated in board meeting minutes – 13 competitions. the District Premier Exhibitor contest where member report – 6 t By Paula Gregory, Jr/YR Chair The 4-H District show was held at the end they took a written exam, skills test, and an of June in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. SEDA junior interview. Alex won Premier Exhibitor at new members– 18 participants included Alex Varisco, Jordan District (which is open to younger participants event/volunteer forms – 22 French and Michalea Corb. Based on their than at state – at the state level you have to be classifieds – 23 performances in the District show, Alex and 14 and over). Bridles and Britches sponsored contacts – 24 Michaela qualified to continue on to the 4-H prizes for the District Premier Exhibitor contest. State Horse Show. Alex competed in Hunter The State 4-H Show was held in West t t results Under Saddle, Hunt Seat Equitation, English Monroe, Louisiana in July. Once again, SEDA hunter’s bluff – 11 Showmanship and Halter class. Michaela continued on page 12 t volunteer hours – 14 advertisers recognized standings – 15 eventing standings – 17 membership form, (insert) usdf convention – 4 t busch sport horses – 7 congratulations – 12 ree photographics – 16 facility/trainer directory – 27 At the District 4-H Show, front row left to right: Michaela Corb, Jordan French, Alex Varisco. Back row left to right: Elizabeth Cummins and LSU Ag agent, Bobby King. so u t h e r n e v e n t i ng & d r e s sag e a s s o c i at i o n s s e p t e m b e r / o c t o b e r 2 0 0 9 What’s Up? september / october 2009 Off Course is published bi-monthly by SEDA, a non-profit, educational organization, and provided as a service to its members. News items, show results, calendar of events, interviews, reviews, photos, articles on all aspects of Dressage, Eventing, and member activities are incorporated. T Nicole Landreneau designer / editor Judi Dauterive and Ky Mortensen contributing editors Terri Chabaud advertising manager Margaret Rice and Barbara Merritt mail mavens N Off Course encourages member submissions but reserves the right to edit, reject, or use materials as and when deemed appropriate. If your item is time sensitive, you may wish to consider placing an advertisement. Off Course P.O. Box 266 Destrehan, LA 70047 Please obtain permission to reprint any part of Off Course. A Fair Summer By Nicole Landreneau, Off Course editor llamas, emus, handcrafts, baked goods and more for judging. One night is the Governor’s I think I’m getting old. Well, one look in the Auction where some of these kids auction off mirror tells me that every morning, but their prize steer/goat/pig/etc. for scholarship aside from that, this has seemed a really long money for college. One really gets a sense of summer. When I was a kid, the heat never the time and energy these kids commit to used to bother me that much – granted, I all of these endeavors. It’s really touching, grew up in Wisconsin, where the 90+ degree and also encouraging given the headlines in weather lasted roughly two weeks or less. This mainstream media, to see that our country summer, it’s been a struggle to force myself to really does have a future with ambitious and go outside and riding has been a real chore. It’s talented kids like these. a good thing Shalom has been ‘semi-retired’ One of the highlights for me is seeing the this year as he doesn’t deal with the heat well, horses (go figure). The first week of the Fair either. So, it is with much relief that I find is the Clydesdale Nationals, so breeders from myself looking ahead to some cooler days. all over the US and Canada are there with I did get a short respite from the heat as my their horses, competing in halter, riding and husband and I made our annual pilgrimage driving classes. The second week of the Fair, to the Wisconsin State Fair in early August. the Belgians and Percherons come, showing They haven’t had much of a summer there, off similar talents. The Fair culminates with so it was a rare treat for us to go outside and the horse pull – it’s one of my favorite things not be instantly wet. The Fair is a huge event, to watch. You really get to experience history covering something like two square miles, and horsepower up close, and the love the always a good time, and reminds me of many drivers have for their teams is amazing. of the reasons we are involved with animals Aside from the fond memories and good things to eat that you only get once a year, I and closely linked to the land. think I really enjoy seeing the exhibits. I will share of odd things to eat – this year, chocolate always have a soft spot for the endeavors of covered bacon (on a stick!) was all the rage. It the 4-H kids, and all of their work makes me Off Course is printed on recycled paper. wasn’t half bad, either! proud to be a former 4-Her. After indulging in the mandatory cream With that said, congrats to all of you SEDA puff (it’s the size of your face, and hand made of 4-H members who competed this year. Keep the freshest stuff the Dairy State has to offer), up the good work, and keep making us proud! we meander through the barns. Kids from 4-H | sheep, pigs, goats, rabbits, chickens, ducks, Like any fair, this one has more than its O 2 clubs from all over the state bring their cows, southern eventing & dressage association s Happy reading and happy riding! s September / october 2009 are Big and Bright s r a t S e h T e H a e r t h t o f n i T e p xas e e D 2009 Adequan®/ United States Dressage Federation National Convention & Symposium Featuring Jan Brink December 2-6 Austin, Texas Courtesy of Mary Cornelius 859-971-2277 for information Not to be Missed Dressage Education Sessions: USDF National Symposium with Jan Brink Finding Emotional Balance with Jane Savoie Balanced rider-Balanced Horse with Hilary Clayton Fabulous Freestyle; Hot Tips from Top Sources with Terry Ciotti gallo southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 | 3 Barn Dirt By Judi Dauterive So, when your Republican dollars tax finally her honest. I’m quite sure we’ll be getting had nineteen entries split into two age regular updates, not all of them printable. groups. Mollie was exceedingly impressed However, our soldiers couldn’t be in better by the standards displayed and, if I’m hands – we’re proud of you Lori for serving not much mistaken, several members of your country. Elizabeth Cummins’ Highlands 4-H After the devastating loss of his beloved Lester, David Leake has Club came away with the top ribbons. Congratulations girls. to happened upon a new mount. At 17.1hh, Jamie Phelps took her two HilCat you in the form Ernie (Weltwynd) is only marginally sub- Farm babies by Willemoes, Solvang of a government elephant. He’s a big boned, substantial, and Los Angeles, to a local open show in sponsored eight eight year old Hanoverian with fancy Ruston, LA. Showing them both in hand, month sojourn to moves and a sweet nature. Of course, what they towered over their competition in the southern Germany, what do you do with he thinks of south Louisiana remains to halter classes. She had to produce their your three polo ponies, a 15 month old be seen when he’s been used to Florida’s papers because management didn’t believe Danish Warmblood who enjoys hurdling cooling ocean breezes and dozens of they were one and two years old. Both were the paddock fence, a cranky nineteen year European working students doing his perfect gentlemen and came away with the old Thoroughbred with bad teeth, two bidding 24/7. He has yet to experience Mastiffs and a neurosurgery practice? a molecule of dust settling on his glossy Lori Summers is about to find out. A flanks. Oh, how the other half lives… come back Lieutenant Commander in the Naval I’m beginning to think Gerlinde Reserves, Lori has been called up for Beckers has some moves that the rest of a stint piecing our boys back together. us are clearly in the dark about. The girl has She promises she’ll be thinking about got SKILLS I tell you! As if the sixteen gallon all of us as she drives around Germany ShopVac and the pick of the litter miniature in her used stick-shift Beemer from the Dachshund weren’t proof enough, for her Landstuhl Lemon Lot on her weekend birthday surprise in July, husband Mark wine tastings. She has also pledged to take presented her with Bienvenu ZSH (Sir The Beckers’ welcome their new Bienvenu. a dressage lesson now and then to keep Sinclair X Eleanora) bred by our own blue and red ribbons. Solvang was Reserve Terri Chabaud of Zydeco Farm. Bien is Grand Champion Junior Halter Gelding. a three year old Dutch Warmblood who is Jamie can’t wait to get them under saddle. just a cutie patootie. Of course, being the Joanie Cooper trekked to Tulsa to modest sort, Gerlinde downplayed the enter the dressage classes at the World quality of her feminine wiles and claimed Pinto Show (accompanied by Jamie that since she’d got her USDF Gold and Mollie Phelps). Joanie and AF medal, Mark might be worried that she’d Johnnyonthespot were in the top ten take up bird watching, leaving him with in all three classes and top five in two of both daughters riding and ALL the barn them. Sounds to me like a good trip was chores. This way he keeps her in the mix had by all. by starting all over again. He still deserves Christy Sanantonio neglected to Husband of the Year … “Oh Darling, you report that earlier this year she earned had me at ShopVac!” the scores necessary for her USDF Bronze Once again, Mollie Phelps was the dressage judge for the 4-H State Show Only Lori Summers would attempt polo on the back of cranky old Moe - in PINK CROCS! 4 | held in West Monroe. This year, they southern eventing & dressage association s Medal. Well done Christy. Onward and upward! Earlier in the summer, 2 Dutch september / october 2009 Ranch imported Seth Boschmann from Holland to do a clinic. He is the coach of the Dutch Young Riders team and rides under the hallowed auspices of no less than Anky Von Grunvsen. Being a mean, cruel and uncaring parent, I had enrolled Cameron in sailing camp for a change of pace, so she missed riding the Friday of the clinic on Beanie, my half Clydesdale. Sophia Wijnbergen-Lusthuis rode The Beanster in Cameron’s place. She was trotting around when Seth’s phone rang. Jamie Phelps with Los Angeles and Solvang finished impressively at the open show in Ruston. He excused himself saying he had to take sitting. How cool is that? She could have Of course, all bets are off if Joe Elliott it – it was Anky. I told him to tell her to stop reached out and wrapped her arms around from Def Leppard gets that close. That’ll begging, Beanie wasn’t for sale. Naturally Chris Martin’s knees if she was that sort be a story for the next issue. I’ll be at the she was crushed, but I’m sure she’ll get of fan. Of course Allison is a calm, dignified concert, too – strictly as an observer. ROW over it. She seems resilient. concert goer who shows her appreciation 8, BABY!!!!!! Whoo-hoo. Rock on! Allison Barca decided at the last by applauding politely and tapping her feet My brother and his family recently minute to go to the Coldplay concert at the gently to the beat, so there were no worries returned from yurting in Mongolia. A New Orleans Arena. She was bemoaning about having to pry Chris Martin out of yurt is a kind of tent, also known as a the fact that her seats were awful. Serious her clam-like embrace while security and ger. There’s nothing like galloping in nosebleed section at the back of the arena Mrs. Martin (Gwyneth Paltrow to you) the footsteps of Genghis Khan to stir the – ugh! Halfway through the set, security beat her back with baseball bats and mace. senses. Unfortunately, that’s not all that cleared a path and the band pitched camp She couldn’t get a decent grip anyway, he was stirring. His whack-a-doodle horse for an acoustic set right where she was was too sweaty. NOT THAT SHE TRIED! ran half way to China, rendering him somewhat saddle sore and, by the time he’d drank ten days worth of fermented mare’s milk and eaten curdled yak milk dried to a solid block (still with hair and who knows what else in it), he found his tum-tum wasn’t quite up to par (but he didn’t want to be impolite by refusing the proffered goodies.) I’m not quite sure what the Mongolian equivalent of Montezuma’s Revenge is, but I’ve christened it “The Wrath of Khan”. A rigorous gastric go round leading to severe dehydration ensured he was placed on an IV drip immediately upon his return home to Seoul. So remember, whether you go yurting or ger-ing, you will be yakking, so be prepared. Send me the dirt s Joanie Cooper and AF Johnnyonthespot finished in the top five at the World Pinto Show. southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 | 5 member report Auto Be A Storm: Auto Stop Cribbing By Chrissy West C ribbing or crib biting (UK & Ireland) is Auto Be A Storm was born on a nasty, rainy him reach around, grab his shoe, arch his a compulsive behavior or “stable vice” night – June 11, 2001 – and the minute he neck and suck in air. I was amazed that my seen in some horses. It involves the horse hit the ground, he was a terror that stole colt had just cribbed on his own shoe. grabbing a solid object, such as the stall my heart! Sadly, he started his addiction at door or fence rail, with his incisors, arching the early age of six months. Six years later, I moved Storm to Covington. I hoped that maybe if he could his neck, pulling against the object, and It began with the metal stall door. go out on pasture all day with other horses sucking in air. Cribbing is thought to cause I found it odd that he chose metal over that he wouldn’t want to crib as much. the release of endorphins in the horse’s wood. Thinking back, I should have known That, too, was wishful thinking. brain, causing a sensation of pleasure. that this was going to be bad. We broke After we moved, I began working A related habit, wood-chewing, does not down two paddocks to make one large Storm about six days a week for about involve sucking in air; the horse simply one, hoping that with a ton of hay and an hour each time. The barn owner and I gnaws on wood rails or boards as if they some toys, we could curb this addiction. started to notice that he couldn’t keep any were food. My definition is that cribbing is That was wishful thinking; he just cribbed weight on. He ate and cribbed and showed the most annoying habit in the world! on the wood. little interest in hay because all he wanted When I go to buy a horse I usually The “Miracle Collar” was put on him to do was crib between each bite. After don’t go for the stall weaver, pacer, pawer, and it seemed to work for a while, but true some time, I was able to count about nine kicker, biter, teeth scraper...or the cribber. to Storm’s personality, he found a way or ten ribs showing on his side. Storm’s Unfortunately, the colt that we bred at my to use different muscles to crib with. The health became my main concern. old barn decided that, at six months of age, collar rubbed him so bad that getting a With several failed attempts behind he was going to pick up the vice of cribbing. bridle on became a battle. I tried muzzles, me, my last hope was to try cribbing only to watch him put his nose on the surgery. I spoke to the LSU large animal ground and grasp the bars of the muzzle hospital, which has performed over 100 and crib. such surgeries with a success rate of 92%. The day after: incision and drain in Storm’s neck following cribbing surgery at LSU. 6 | I painted his stall with Vaseline and After careful research I decided to give it cayenne pepper, Vaseline and crab boil, a shot. On April 21, 2009 at 10 AM they straight crab boil, Absorbine liniment, made a vertical incision down his neck and bitter spray, and any cribbing liquid I could cut some of the muscle and nerve endings. find. Storm’s stall smelled like a seafood Dr. Burba, LSU large animal surgeon said, boil. Nothing made a difference, he just ate “Our transection is more forward, under it all off. The only thing I didn’t try was a the jaws, right at the hyoid apparatus, shock collar; I couldn’t really bring myself rather than over the throat area. We take to spend 24/7 by his side shocking him out a 34-centimeter section that includes every time he cribbed. I have witnessed all three pairs of muscles and transect him crib on nylon, PVC pipe, wood, metal, the motor nerve (spinal accessory nerve) rubber, feed buckets, the muzzle, lead on each side of the neck. The incision is ropes, anything within reach. When Storm made between the jaws and goes one- was younger, I would lie in his stall and third of the way down the neck. We use sleep with him. One morning I watched continued on page 8 southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 W OULD YOU LIKE A QUALITY , WELL BRED , WELL BEHAVED , AFFORDABLE , WARMBLOOD FOAL ? B USCH S PORTHORSES LLC. T RAINING , T EACHING AND B REEDING FOR DRESSAGE For more information on our Foal Program visit: southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 | 7 Crib-biting in US Horses Cribbing ... continued from page 6 that he could reform muscles and go back to cribbing. Fortunately, when Storm knows he can’t crib, he doesn’t really bother trying. I could Horses may be genetically predisposed to become crib-biters according to recent research in the United States. tell he wanted to crib, but the hay looked more The postal survey of horse owners was conducted by Dr. Julia Albright and colleagues at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. and I watched him for hours every day the They sent short postcard surveys to 2000 subscribers of four horse magazines. From 401 replies they had information on over 3500 horses. This was followed up with a second more detailed survey, which looked at factors such as breed, amount of contact with other horses, and the owners’ opinions on the cause of the behavior. Overall, 4.5% of the horses demonstrated crib-biting behaviour. Throughbreds were more than twice as likely than any other breed to crib-bite. They were five times more likely to be crib biters than were Arabians and three times more likely than Quarter Horses. What did the owners think caused the horses to adopt this behavior? The majority (54.5%) believed that environmental factors were mostly to blame. A combination of environmental and genetic factors, were blamed by 40.9%, while 3.4% attributed the behaviour primarily to genetic factors. Almost half (49%) believed horses copied abnormal behaviors. However, only one percent of horses in the survey started cribbing after a cribber was introduced to the farm. tempting. A week after surgery, Storm came home first month he was back. I watched him eat, get turned out and play with his buddies ... and only caught him putting his teeth on wood, never cribbing. He was finally eating all of his grain and all of his hay and begging for more. Healing of the incision three months after surgery. Success! He has discovered that he can just rest a laser to transect muscles and nerves, which in front of the fan and take a long afternoon reduces bleeding.” He told me that mentally nap or graze in the pasture instead of cribbing Storm would still want to crib, but physically he his life away! I am very pleased with the results and Storm wouldn’t be able to. At 7:00 PM I got the call that Storm was seems like he’s finding his happy place in life, in recovery. With the exception of one minor which has now turned into eventing. We are complication, he was just fine. Days went by, and working on the “no worries” attitude together. the incision was draining the way the doctors Like I said before, this procedure was a last expected. After a few days they were able to take resort. I would only recommend it if cribbing the drain out and Storm got to come home. Of were turning into a health concern. I thank LSU course, as with any surgery, there is a chance it for the wonderful job they did and for taking won’t be successful. It was possible, since they such good care of my boy. Hope to all see you took out so much muscle, that collection might soon in the show ring in the fall! s be hard for him and there was also a chance The researchers point out that the difference between breeds could not be attributed purely to environmental factors. They suggest that further research could try to identify specific genes responsible for crib-biting as well as looking into the management and social factors that are involved. For more details see: Crib-biting in US horses: Breed predispositions and owner perceptions of aetiology. JD Albright, HO Mohammed, CR Heleski, CL Wickens, KA Houpt. Equine Vet J (2009) 41, 455 - 458. Auto Be A Storm today: putting on weight and enjoying life without cribbing! 8 | southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 Schooling Dressage Standings As of August 10, 2009 TESTS/ JUDGES SCORE 2/1 71.400% Cameron Dauterive Balmoral 5/3 69.500% X FIRST LEVEL - JR/YR Caitlin Jordan G Force 4/2 66.750% X Kalie Beckers Alexis Laguna Zutch’s Sailor Man 4/2 64.650% Emma Beckers Mystic Stardust 4/2 61.250% X Logan Barowka Angel 1/1 61.000% X Stevie Lynn Roth Vinnie 2/1 57.250% X Megan Cato Dixie 2/1 55.500% X Lauren Willie Aladdin 2/1 50.250% X Mollie Huertin Erysti 2/1 49.750% X RIDER HORSE VOL. HRS. INTRO LEVEL - JR/YR Jamie Phelps High Anticipation HORSE TESTS/ JUDGES SCORE VOL. HRS. Kalie Beckers Traveler 1/1 72.400% X Alexis Laguna Buttercream 1/1 58.800% 1/1 69.300% X 2/1 67.734% X Alex Varisco Traveler Red Hot Investment Chad 1/1 62.660% X Marina Tenhoff Istanbul 4/2 62.334% X Cameron Dauterive GF Windchime 10/6 60.242% X Cameron Dauterive Private Joke 3/2 58.667% X Kalie Beckers prix caprilli INTRO LEVEL - JR/YR Megan Cato Dixie 1/1 62.500% X Stevie Lynn Roth Vinnie 1/1 62.500% X INTRO LEVEL - AA Laura Hughes Becauz I Can 4/2 70.750% Margaret Rice Lord Loxley 4/2 69.000% X Teri O'Neal AF Highly Regarded 4/2 65.000% X Morgan Harrell Cohiba 2/1 61.000% Corinne Titus Marquee 2/1 60.500% X INTRO LEVEL - O Elizabeth Cummins Vinnie RIDER 2/1 70.500% X TRAINING LEVEL - JR/YR FIRST LEVEL - AA Louise White Cold Snap 6/3 63.977% Pauline Appleby Without a Trace 2/1 59.945% X Nancy Burba Rowan 1/1 65.333% X Ashley Murray Desert Scarlet 2/1 62.000% Nancy Burba Windjammer 2/2 56.500% X Allison Barca Risqué 4/2 65.069% X Louise White Cayenne 6/3 64.117% Sally Richards Rocky Raccoon 1/1 62.432% X Laura Freeman Laoma 4/2 62.001% X Anne Hornbeak Hello Dolly 4/2 69.328% X Anne Hornbeak Dannah 2/1 65.785% X Laoma + Volunteer Hours Chair: second LEVEL - AA second LEVEL - O Black Tie Affair 2/1 68.800% X Kalie Beckers Marguerite Matherne Alex Varisco Traveler 1/1 68.000% X Able 2/1 68.000% X Laura Freeman 1/1 66.667% X Appy Go Lucky 2/1 67.663% X Christy Sanantonio Grenadier 2/1 63.628% X Alex Varisco Chad 2/1 67.200% X Allison Barca Risqué 1/1 65.385% X Grace Bellone Lien 4/2 66.964% X intermediare - AA Leah Bear Jets Image 2/1 62.297% X Allison Barca Roux 2/2 66.710% X Rachel Dell Raindance Oliver Twist 1/1 60.851% X Dancon 1/1 61.052% X Julie Stagg Nosey Parker 2/1 68.500% third LEVEL - AA 2/1 61.816% X grand prix - AA Cameron Dauterive Istanbul 1/1 61.785% X Gerlinde Beckers Cameron Dauterive Balmoral 6/5 61.405% X prix st georges - AA Alexis Laguna Zutch’s Sailor Man 2/2 61.305% Bonnie Ferrell Jamie Phelps Temperance 3/2 60.000% usea novice - AA 6/4 70.379% Rebecca Doleac Butter Cream 2/1 65.092% X 3/2 68.214% Rebecca Doleac Bella Octavia 3/2 64.210% X Rebecca Doleac Becauz I Can AF Johnnyonthespot Bella Octavia 2/1 67.400% X Janel Martin Montreal 1/1 64.347% X 4/2 61.750% 1/1 64.737% 2/1 66.619% Laura Hughes Joanie Cooper Watson Copeland Duruflé 2/1 62.600% Allison Caponetto Chocolate Puddin’ 2/1 61.800% X TRAINING LEVEL - O Sophia Wijnbergen Sparky 2/1 70.400% X Anne Hornbeak Pacifica 2/1 68.600% X Nancy Burba Rowan 1/1 67.200% X Anne Hornbeak Naeci 5/3 65.600% X Mollie Phelps Gangster 4/2 57.913% Nancy Burba Windjammer 1/1 53.600% prix caprilli TRAINING LEVEL - JR/YR X Dressage Award Chair: Vickie Schiefelbein 11504 Old Fort Bayou Road Vancleave, MS 39565 (228) 806-5917 FIRST LEVEL - O Claire Draper TRAINING LEVEL - AA + SEDA Schooling usea beginner novice - JR/YR Alexis Laguna Butter Cream Janel Martin P.O. Box 250 Folsom, LA 70437 How do members participate in the SEDA Awards Program? B Make copies of the front of your dressage test results making sure score, date, and judge’s name are legible. C Mail copies to Vickie no later than 14 days after the last day of the weekend on which the show in question was held. Include a valid e-mail address. D Check your standings and volunteer hours on the web site and with each issue. Report any discrepancies to the appropriate chair. usea beginner novice - AA Rebecca Doleac Bella Octavia USEA TRAINING LEVEL - AA Craig Peterson The Countryman X “Love is... paying a $500 vet bill for a horse worth $50” southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 | 9 Juniors in 4-H ... continued from page 1 In Sympathy SEDA extends its condolences to David Leake on the loss of Lastat (“Lester”). Got News? Send it in! Get your name (or photo) in print! Send your submissions to the editor at offcoursenews and Michalea qualified at state, Alex with sponsored the trophy for the Dressage Class. dressage and Michaela in trail. Once you Alex won the 13 and under Dressage Class qualify, you can participate in any event at the (training level) and Michaela placed 3rd in the Regional Horse Show. Regionals bring 4-H 14 and over Dressage Class (training level). participants from thirteen southern states, so The following are the placings at the State it’s a big deal. The classes are “all ages” so a ten competition: Alex placed first in dressage (13 year old may compete against a eighteen year & under) and first in public speaking; she also old. This is truly the best of the best! placed third in the Quiz Bowl competition, We are so proud that Louisiana had four which is a team event (with Abigail Foster, Alex young riders participating in Training Level and Noah Roheim). Michaela placed third in dressage (44 in the class) and all four of our dressage (14 & over), fourth in showmanship, riders placed in the top 10! Congratulations to: second in Trail Class and fourth with her Olivia Wilcox – Benton, LA 3rd (67.5%) Individual Demo. Ariel Pauly – Lake Charles, LA 4th (66.5%) It was so nice to see the dressage classes Alex Varisco – Covington, LA 5th (66.1%) divided into age levels to make it a bit more Michaela Corb – Folsom, LA 9th (64.0%) fair for the riders. The number of participants I am so proud of our young people!! has increased every year, and we hope the Additionally, Michaela placed ninth in fancy trophy sponsored by SEDA has inspired showmanship, and hunt seat equitation. Both some of this. It really is important for SEDA girls participated in hunter under saddle, to continue to support this class because it showmanship, hunt seat equitation and over encourages young people to investigate and fences classes. The hunter under saddle class become active dressage riders. had 101 participants, the equitation class had The Highlands 4-H group have become quite the dressage ambassadors – they make 102 participants and showmanship had 59 competitors. Way to go Michaela! it a point to tell other kids in 4-H how dressage Please join me in congratulating the has improved their riding skills and made youth who represented our sport at the 4-H them solid overall participants! competitions, and continue to encourage The 4-H Southern Regional Horse Show others to get involved. s was held in Little Rock, Arkansas. Both Alex Next Deadline for Off Course is October 10 Winners at State 4-H, Alex Varisco and Michaela Corb with Lacey Urick. 10 | southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 Hunter’s Bluff Results RIDER HORSE SCORE first level test 1 RIDER HORSE SCORE training level test 4 (a) Julie Smart Rubin 66.667% Laura Hughes Becuz I Can 69.400% Ashley Murray Desert Scarlet 62.337% Julie Smart Rubin 67.600% Cameron Dauterive Gf Windchime 60.667% Anne Hornbeak Naeci 65.600% Rebecca Doleac Bella Octavia 65.600% Marguerite Matherne Able 66.400% Grace Bellone Lien 66.400% Watson Copeland Durufle 62.400% third level test 2 Allison Barca Risque 65.385% training level test 4 (b) second level test 1 Anne Hornbeak Hello Dolly 70.000% first level test 2 Cameron Dauterive Gf Windchime 64.166% Anne Adrian Teche 61.600% Ashley Murray Desert Scarlet 61.666% Lizzie Kenelly Cayenne 57.200% Julie Smart Rubin 75.652% training level test 1 second level test 2 Anne Hornbeak Hello Dolly 68.108% Kari Gudeman Crimson Tide 67.391% Marguerite Matherne Able 69.600% Alexis Laguna Zutch’s Sailor Man 62.125% Watson Copeland Durufle 62.800% training level test 2 Anne Adrian Teche 57.200% Kari Gudeman Crimson Tide 68.928% Lizzie Kenelly Cayenne 56.000% Grace Bellone Lien 67.142% training level test 3 (a) introductory level test a training level test 3 (b) Laura Hughes Becuz I Can 72.800% Elizabeth Cummins Vinnie 65.500% Rebecca Doleac Bella Octavia 69.200% Morgan Harrell Cohiba 62.500% Anne Hornbeak Naeci 65.200% Anna Roth Crimson Tide 57.500% Daniella Schmidt Lien 64.400% Alexis Laguna Zutch’s Sailor Man 55.500% Roux 69.736% Elizabeth Cummins Vinnie 75.500% Alexis Laguna Zutch’s Sailor Man 61.500% Morgan Harrell Cohiba 59.500% Anna Roth Crimson Tide 55.500% introductory level test b intermediare 1 Allison Barca first level test 4 Lauren Drummond Genius George 64.737% Genius George 64.186% second level test 3 Lauren Drummond Hot Weather Rules for Riding While the weather might be starting to cool off, we are still likely to experience a few scorching days. With increased temperatures and humidity comes an increased risk of stressing our equine pals. It’s sometimes difficult to decide if we should brave the heat and head out, or opt to relax in the shade. Here are some pointers to help determine if you should head out. To determine a heat index total for equines, use the following directions: Temperature (ºF) + relative humidity (%) – wind speed. For example: Temperature (ºF) = 79 Relative Humidity (%) = 58 Wind Speed (MPH) = 4.6 Total = 132.4 If the total number is less than 130: All go—horses can function to cool themselves assuming adequate hydration. If the total number is 130 – 179: Use caution—a horse’s cooling mechanisms can only partially function as intended. Some cooling management procedures will need to be performed. If the total number is 180 or above: Stop—a horse’s cooling systems cannot and will not function adequately. All cooling procedures will need to be utilized. Zydeco Farm proudly congratulates Gerlinde Beckers on her purchase of the 3-year-old Dutch Warmblood Gelding Bienvenu ZSH by Sir Sinclair southern eventing & dressage association s In short, if the temperature is 90 degrees or above and the humidity is at 90% or above, it’s probably best not to ride. If you must ride, try to time your activities to early or late in the day when temperatures are not at their peak. Make sure adequate cooling and hydration are available for both you and the horse. Check with your veterinarian for additional recommendations about dealing with the heat in your area. september / october 2009 | 11 Congratulations Elizabeth Cummins! Congratulations to our wonderful trainer for winning the Jumping Into June jumpers classic. From your students and friends at Highlands Riding Center 12 | southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 s e da b o a r d m e e t i n g Board Meeting Minutes August 3, 2009 • Mandeville, LA Board Members Present: David Banister, Elaine Harmon, Janel Martin, Nicole Landreneau, Leslie Morris, Paula Gregory that there are articles pending for the Off Course to highlight the accomplishments of both our Pony Club and 4-H members. SEDA is pleased Guest: Laura Freeman to announce that it will once again sponsor the The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM Dressage Award at the State 4-H competition. by the Vice President, David Banister. The minutes from the previous meeting Dressage Committee Report: Leslie reported that the September and December Loma Fowler clinic dates will need to be changed. The new were approved. Treasurer’s Report: Janel presented the dates will be posted as soon as they are available. Balance Sheet and reported that SEDA is fiscally Le Bon Temps: Laura proposed the following sound. The Treasurer’s report was approved as changes in the LBT fee schedule: Introductory presented. Level $25.00, Training-Fourth Levels $35.00, Membership: No report FEI and Freestyle $40.00. Stabling $75.00, Eventing: No report $40.00/night for one night. Newsletter/Web site Report: Nicole reported Elaine moved to accept the proposed that the current issue of the Off Course has been changes to the LBT fee schedule. David seconded sent out and the deadline for the September/ the motion. The Board voted and the motion October issue is August 10th. carried. Nicole presented information on a service called Google Docs which is a free online service Laura reported that the prize list for Le Bon Temps would go out the following day. that can be made available to SEDA Board Laura also reported that all is going well members and Chairs to store documents (i.e. with LBT planning. Ribbons have been received, volunteer hours, show standings, etc) in one awards have been ordered, and Leslie has been place. in touch with the judges. Laura, Leslie, and David moved that SEDA should utilize Google Docs to store pertinent information Paula seconded the motion. The Board voted and the motion carried. Nicole also reported that she had been contacted by Region 9 to see if there was interest Janel are organizing all of the details. Laura stated that she does need someone to act as Volunteer Coordinator and someone to handle concessions. David will work on finding a Volunteer Coordinator and Janel will investigate finding someone to do concessions. among the SEDA membership in attending the Next meeting date: TBA 2010 summer meeting and possibly hosting a The meeting was adjourned by the Vice social one night if it was held in the New Orleans area. The Board felt there would be interest in President at 8:30 pm. Respectfully submitted by Elaine Harmon. s attending the meeting. Horse Laughs Words of ‘Wisdom’ from Non-Horse People from Gina Keesling at My car/boat/motorcycle just sits in the garage until I need it. You have a Quarter Horse? Where’s the rest of him? Did you step in something? Your boots stink. Should you still be riding at your age? When can we come to ride? You have to buy hay? Can’t they just eat grass? What, I shouldn’t wear flip-flops out to your barn? Do you have any clothes besides jeans & horse T-shirts? Why do you take lessons? I thought you knew how to ride. The baby horse is so cute - (when referring to an aged PONY) You should show that horse who’s boss, then he’ll do what you want! My teen is so lazy. I’ll send him/ her to your place-maybe you can get him/her to work! How many more times are you going to let that horse throw you off before you give it up? Do horses really have a personality? Eew! Horse poop. How do you walk around here? Jr/YR Report: Paula reported that the Juniors’ Schooling Dressage show was well attended and made some profit for SEDA. Paula also reported southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 | 13 Volunteer Hours As of August 10, 2009 + SEDA Recognized Dressage Award Chair: Sally Richards 75171 Old Military Rd. Covington, LA 70435 (985) 809-7391 + Volunteer Hours Chair: Janel Martin P.O. Box 250 Folsom, LA 70437 How do members participate in the SEDA Awards Program? B Make copies of the front of your recognized dressage test results making sure score, date, and judge’s name are legible. C Mail copies to Sally no later than 14 days after the last day of the weekend on which the show in question was held. Include a valid e-mail address. D Check your standings and volunteer hours on the web site and with each issue. Report any discrepancies to the appropriate chair. NAME Pauline Appleby David Banister Allison Barca Logan Barowka Leah Bear Emma Beckers Gerlinde Beckers Kalie Beckers Mark Beckers Grace Bellone Nancy Burba Allison Caponetto Kristie Cato Megan Cato Terri Chabaud Victoria Chabaud Camille Coleman Betty Conerly Michaela Corb Maria Cowan Elizabeth Cummins Cameron Dauterive Judi Dauterive Rachel Dell Rebecca Doleac Claire Draper Deborah Epperson Jessica Fenner Rachel Fenner Bonnie Ferrell Abigail Foster Laura Freeman Jordan French Elisabeth Friedel Kristine Fricke Betsy Gosling # OF HOURS 7 4* 4 ** ** 12.5** 6.5 14.5** 6.5 4** 4 4 8 ** * ** ** 9.5 2 * * 11** 5* ** 8 4** 5 ** ** 4 ** 4* 4** 4 ** 4 NAME Paula Gregory Carmen Hall Elaine Harmon Claudia Hemb Eva Hemb Izzy Hemb Amelia Hoffield Scott Hoffield Barbara Hoopes Anne Hornbeak Rebecca Hron Mollie Huertin Caitlin Jordan Lynda Katz Lizzie Kenelly Susanne Knudsen Stacy Koch Rene Kurzius Nicole Landreneau Kim MacGregor Alison Maestri Christian Maloney Janel Martin Marguerite Matherne Ann Mayer Elaine Mendel-John Leslie Morris Corinne Morrison Teri O’Neal Dylan Pellegrin Nancy Penney Greta Peterson Natalie Pethke Carol Petranek Brooke Quast Lynn Quast # OF HOURS 4* 19.25 2* ** ** ** 4 4 8 4 5 ** ** 7 4** 4 4 4 3* 10.5 2 ** * ** 6 3.5 2* 4 4 ** 22 19 ** 4 2** * NAME # OF HOURS Christy Rawls 8 Rebecca Rhode ** Margaret Rice * Sally Richards * Kendell Richter ** Jacob Roberts 24** Stevie Lynn Roth 8 Katherine Salinas ** Lacey Salinas 2 Christy Sanantonio 4 Victoria Schiefelbein * Daniela Schmidt 4 Mary Schrantz 4 Sydney Schultz ** Cammie Serafin ** Alice Shepard ** Cathy Shepard 4 Margaret Shepard ** Laura Steffee 2 Francie Stirling 4 Svenya Stoyanoff ** Lori Summers 4 Robyn Taliaferro 3.5 Marina Tenhoff 4 Corinne Titus 13 Alex Varisco 8** Kelley Varisco 8* Chrissy West 4 Sophia Wijnbergen-Lusthuis 4 Lauren Willie ** Karen Wolfsheimer 6 Amelia Zepernick ** Mattie Zepernick ** Daphne Zimmer ** All SEDA members over the age of 18 are required to complete 4 volunteer hours, or submit a $25 fee, to be eligible for year-end awards. See 2009 Awards Program rules for complete details. *SEDA board members and/or chairpersons are not required to complete additional volunteer hours to be eligible for year-end awards. **Riders under the age of 18 are highly encouraged, but not required, to complete volunteer hours. Reading is fundamental. Emma Beckers reads to Battle. 14 | southern eventing & dressage association s Alex Varisco and Michaela Corb with their 4-H ribbons. september / october 2009 Recognized Dressage Standings Mark Your Calendars! As of August 10, 2009 RIDER TESTS/ JUDGES HORSE SCORE VOL. HRS. training level - jr/yr Kathryn Chabaud Zydeco ZSH 4/2 66.079% TESTS/ JUDGES SCORE VOL. HRS. 4/2 63.378% X December 2-6 Genius George 2/2 66.800% David Banister Voodoo 1/1 62.791% X Nancy Burba Checkers 5/5 61.628% X Checkers 4/4 67.292% X 2009 Adequan® USDF National Convention & Symposium Checkers 2/2 65.000% X Featuring Jan Brink Dancon 2/2 59.605% X Battle 3/3 62.895% X Anne Hornbeak Battle 2/2 62.237% X David Banister Rascale 1/1 60.263% X Oliver Twist 4/4 60.213% X 2/2 66.125% X 1/1 79.100% X 1/1 84.250% X Sophia WijnbergenLusthuis Alison Caponetto Degen 8/4 60.600% X Paula Gregory Ledgewood Greystone Piper 4/2 59.822% X Travel Times third level freestyle - o Nancy Burba fourth level - o first level - jr/yr Red Hot Investment 4/4 64.992% X Elaine Harmon Lincoln 4/3 67.193% X Lauren Drummond Genius George 2/2 63.027% Sally Richards Rocky Raccoon 1/1 60.526% Lolly White Cold Snap 4/2 59.571% Elaine Harmon Lincoln 2/1 67.362% X Allison Barca Risqué 6/4 63.810% X Lolly White Cayenne 4/2 63.095% Laura Freeman Laoma 4/4 59.524% X Sally Richards Rocky Raccoon 3/3 59.189% X Kalie Beckers HORSE third level - o training level - aa Lauren Drummond RIDER first level - aa X second level - aa third level - aa Allison Barca Risqué 2/2 63.077% X Laura Freeman Laoma 2/2 61.154% X Christy Sanantonio Grenadier 2/2 60.698% X Ted White Carolina Knockout 3/2 57.674% Nancy Burba prix st georges - aa Bonnie Ferrell Hosted by Region 9 in Austin, Texas prix st georges - o Anne Hornbeak intermediare - o This one’s in our own back yard – plan on attending! grand prix - aa Gerlinde Beckers grand prix freestyle - o Anne Hornbeak Gambler dressage sport horse prospect in hand Deborah Epperson Lascaux dressage sport horse breeding stock Allison Barca Risqué Registration details available soon – it would be great if SEDA was well represented! CHAMPIONS PL AN FOR SUCCESS. DO YOU? Reaching for your goals W I T H WAC H OV I A Like winning a championship ribbon at a horse show, your success depends on a well-thought-out plan. Whether it’s early retirement, paying for a child’s education or another financial objective, call us today. We can help you reach your goals. Lauren E. Dellinger, CRPC® Financial Advisor 1250 Poydras Street, 24th Floor New Orleans, LA 70113 504-581-1404 Securities and Insurance Products: NOT INSURED BY FDIC OR ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY • MAY LOSE VALUE • NOT A DEPOSIT OF OR GUARANTEED BY A BANK OR ANY BANK AFFILIATE Wachovia Securities, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Compay. ©2009 Wachovia Securities, LLC, 0409-XXXX [74664-v1] 04/09 southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 | 15 u s df / t df / u s e a / u s e f n e w s Newsworthy and availability,” stated Linda Schultz, USDF Director of Marketing. is a social media Web site and platform dedicated to the “We are thrilled to be USDF’s social equestrian community and horse lovers media platform and partner. USDF is very across all disciplines and breeds. Awarded innovative and understands the importance the Best New Equestrian Web Site in 2008, have of reaching out to its current members is focused on providing partnered with (EL), and the broader equestrian community visitors with all the information and tools the official social networking site for USDF. in ways that leverage the rapidly growing they need to connect with each other and Through their combined efforts, USDF and popularity of social media tools. We look learn.’s proprietary EL plan to utilize each other’s resources and forward to working with USDF to bring to social media platform gives users leading expertise to provide a social networking life the excitement of the dressage world,” applications such as member and horse space for dressage fans and to increase the stated Deana Bergquist, President and Co- profiles, social Q&A, photo galleries, status public’s awareness of dressage. Founder of updates, comments, groups, and other USDF Partners with The United States Dressage Federation (USDF) announced that they “The partnership with EL is a perfect fit. will create ways of expressing their passion for horses With USDF providing access to multiple a on and connecting with others who share educational events and helping to provide which will launch the same passion. Expert content, focused quality content, and EL’s ability to host and later this year. For more information around high-definition videos, provides compile these components within their about USDF or, visit users with instruction across many popular social network, we are embarking on an their Web sites at or www. topics. Live event coverage provides site entirely new facet of dressage awareness 16 | dedicated USDF presence southern eventing & dressage association Continued on page 18 s september / october 2009 Eventing Standings As of August 10, 2009 RIDER HORSE POINTS VOL. HRS **RECOGNIZED HORSE TRIALS** Triple S Blackwood Image 14 X Cameron Dauterive GF Windchime 8 X Claudia Hemb Chocolate Eclair 7 X Eva Hemb Hanky Panky 5 X Isabella Hemb Nilla Wafer 4 X Natalie Pethke Sly 2 X Barbara Hoopes Lyrica 7 X Chrissy West Auto Be a Storm 3 X Cameron Dauterive Private Joke 15 X Jordan French Lily 13 X Megan Cato Whistlin Dixie 5 X Christian Maloney Lil' Bit O’ Color 4 X + Volunteer Hours Chair: Brooke Quast Chocolate Eclair 4 X Jordan French Rex 3 X Jen Adragna Mr Darcy 5 Janel Martin P.O. Box 250 Folsom, LA 70437 Kristie Cato Papa's Gift 4 X Katherine Salinas Onyx 14 X Sydney Schultz Top Hat 5 X Olivia Pethke Top Hat 4 X Amelia Hoffeld Dibs 3 X Emma Beckers Mystic 3 X Stevie Lynn Roth Lil' Bit O’ Color 0 X Logan Barowka Angel 0 X Elaine Mendel-John Ted White Carolina Knockout 23 Craig Peterson The Countryman 11 X Luci Winsberg Handyman 7 X Rebecca Doleac Butter Cream 19 X Rebecca Doleac Bella Octavia 18 X Jacob Roberts Ricky 20 X Daphne Zimmer Nilla Wafer 3 X beginner novice - sr beginner novice - jr **SCHOOLING COMBINED TESTS** TADPOLE - JR AMOEBA - SR AMOEBA - JR PRELIMINARY - SR Alleyoop VOL. HRS HORSE TADPOLE - SR training - SR Elizabeth Cummins POINTS RIDER 7 X training - SR Craig Peterson The Countryman 5 Emily Embree Alleyoop 7 X NOVICE - SR Allison Matherne Providence 5 Rebecca Doleac Butter Cream 4 X Rebecca Doleac Bella Octavia 3 X Janet Shea Romeo 2 Alex Varisco Appy Go Lucky 17 X Daphne Zimmer Nilla Wafer 9 X Kalie Beckers Traveler 5 X PRE-AMOEBA - SR PRE-AMOEBA - JR NOVICE - JR BEGINNER NOVICE - SR Ann Mayer Gentleman Jack 7 X Mark Beckers Traveler 5 X Rebecca Hron Warrior Fortune 3 X Maggie 9 X Alex Varisco Rex 7 X Daphne Zimmer Ava 7 X Rebecca Rhode Morning Glory 4 X BEGINNER NOVICE - JR Michaela Corb POLLYWOG - JR + SEDA Eventing Award Chair: Kelley Varisco 21112 Wilson Road Covington, LA 70435 (985) 892-1997 How do members participate in the SEDA Awards Program? B Eventing scores must be mailed to the Eventing Chair within 14 days after the last day on which the horse trial/ combined test was held. Use the form on page 22 to submit your scores. C Check your standings and volunteer hours on the web site and with each issue. Report any discrepancies to the appropriate chair. southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 | 17 Newsworthy ... continued from page 16 dedication to further dressage education towards visitors with the opportunity to participate in new horizons,” added Andreas Stano, Executive exciting competitions from their computers. For Director of more information about, For more information on USDF or, visit or contact Deana visit the respective web sites at or Bergquist at or (650) 619-8020. s s Equine Anatomy Course Offered Free Online New Places to Shop! Ever tell people that horses are ‘your therapy’? There’s a new line of T-shirts and other gear with just that message ... now available online! Visit www.pastureplaymates. com/Pasture_Playmates_ My_Therapy_Products.html to get yours today! Did you ever wonder if your horse is bored? Or if there are games available that you can play with your equine friend while teaching him new things? Check out this site with a range of playful teaching tools that just might inspire creativity in your nearest paddock: www. horsesjustwannahavefun. com. p Welcome New Members Morgan Harrell Baton Rouge, LA Until 2011 Signed as Newest USDF Educational Partner The Equine Anatomy Precourse Distance The United States Dressage Federation that until 2011 to anyone wishing ( has signed on as to broaden their knowledge of veterinary the newest addition to its educational partners. terminology and the musculoskeletal system of is an educational web site the horse. s (USDF) is pleased to announce offering complete unedited, “reality” training videos of international dressage trainers, riding American Horse Council Seeks to Document and lecturing on their most talented horses in Equestrian Access Issues on Public Land training as well as assisting their most dedicated The American Horse Council (AHC) has students on their horses, featuring new videos launched a new effort to collect information monthly. on access issues equestrians are experiencing “Adding to our impressive on federal lands. The centerpiece of this effort list of education partners – that includes is an online form equestrians can use to report, Dressage Today their personal experiences regarding trails and and the American Association of Equine federal lands that have been closed to them or Practitioners – helps us provide even more great other access issues. educational content to our members. Americans who use horses and pack stock is including a 30-day free trial and a 15 percent enjoy a unique experience when they ride on discount on the monthly membership itself, all trails and public lands. It is an experience that great news for USDF members.” stated Linda ties them to the “pioneer” era and provides Schultz, USDF Director of Marketing. not only a way to connect with America’s “We are very happy that DressageClinic. vast and unique natural resources but a link com has become Education Partner with with America’s history and traditions. It is an USDF. This type of cooperation opens up experience that cannot be enjoyed without a trail vast fields of educational opportunities not system, trailhead access and areas for camping. only for USDF members but for all dressage It is an experience that Americans enjoyed even riders around the world. On behalf of all the before there was a national park system and an trainers and membership of, | experience they want to continue. Unfortunately, equestrians are seeing we thank the USDF for an increasing loss of access through trail their cooperation restrictions, trail closures, and use restrictions. and applaud the USDF Riders and stock users are being excluded management their from areas that they have historically traveled and continued from page 20 kind for commitment 18 Study (EQ50) is now free online at www. southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 updat e o n fa ll / w i n t er Loma Fowler ClinicS Gracias... Possible Date Changes: Please note that the September and December Loma Fowler Clinic dates may be changing due to a scheduling conflict. Watch your email and the SEDA web site for details as they become available! p USDF Region 9 2010 Omnibus Order Form Mail out of the Omnibus will be late November. Orders received by Oct 6th will be assured mail out by the late November mailout date. First Name:______________________________________________________________ Last Name:_ _____________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________________________________________ State:______________________________ ZIP Code:___________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________________________ Email:_ _________________________________________________________________ Amount each Quantity Hardcopy Book: $15.00 X ________ = ___________ CD: $15.00 X ________ = ___________ Flash Drive: $15.00 X ________ = ___________ Thanks to everyone who submitted content for this issue! Special thanks to Gerlinde Beckers, Paula Gregory, and Kelley Varisco. Please continue to send your material in! Buy Stuff ... Earn Money for SEDA! Shop for all of your horse and stable needs at (www., and they will donate 5% of your purchase total to SEDA! Simply use the Care Code seda when you check out! What could be easier? p “Life is like a wild horse. You ride it or it rides you.” Total Amount: ___________ –anonymous Mail personal checks, cashier’s check or money order, (made out to “USDF Region 9 Omnibus”) to: Kat Kyle, 3660 El Parisio, Bandera, TX 78003 southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 | 19 Newsworthy ... continued from page 18 Monday and Wednesday. through and indeed first opened up. It is a loss of The clinics will once again be held at Betsy opportunities for riders, families, persons with Watkins’ beautiful Longwood Farm South disabilities, school groups and others. located in Ocala, Florida. More details will be In order to better combat this disturbing Important Information Are You Getting Emails from SEDA? SEDA frequently distributes via email information we feel would be beneficial to our members. While we make every effort to maintain an updated email list, many times these messages are rejected. Here are some tips if you don’t think you’re receiving these email messages: • check your junk mail • add and to your white list and/or address book • contact Nicole at offcoursenews@hotmail. com so she can make sure your correct email address is on file. announced as they become available. trend, the AHC is asking equestrians to For registration information, please contact document examples of trails or entire areas that Nancy Knight, Director of Education at 703-669- have been closed to equestrians on federal land 9997 or s (National Forest Service, National Parks Service, and Bureau of Land Management, etc). The AHC Stable Finder from Riding Resource is seeking all relevant information concerning Have you always wanted to take riding these closures, such as the reason for the loss lessons? Interested in going for a fun trail ride of access, details concerning any public process with some friends? Need to find a boarding that was involved and the history of equestrian stable with an indoor ring? On vacation and use on the closed trail or area. want to go horseback riding? No problem! No The AHC is asking all recreational riders to visit their web site and report any access issues matter where you are or what you’re looking for, Riding Resource can help you find it. they have had using the electronic form at This database contains over 12,000 stables This – everything from grand prix show stables will be a permanent feature of the site. to backyard boarding barns. Visit www. s for more information. s USEA Members Receive Discount from Bit of Britain Saddlery Kentucky Horse Council Publishes Minimum The next time you shop at John Nunn’s Bit Standards for Equine Care of Britain Saddlery web site remember to enter In an effort to provide a basic guideline your USEA member number upon checkout in for minimum horse care requirements, the order to receive 5% off your purchases. Kentucky Horse Council (KHC) recently So don’t wait, take advantage of this great developed an eight page educational guide opportunity and support the USEA and its loyal called Minimum Standards for Equine Care in partner, Bit of Britain — shop today! s Kentucky. The guide is a free resource offered for educational purposes to horse owners, potential Electronic Off Course If you’re having difficulty accessing the online newsletter, remember that the user name and password are case sensitive! Type it in exactly as you receive it. 2010 USEA Ocala Eventing Clinics Mark your calendars now for the 2010 USEA | horse interested individuals. Ocala Eventing Clinics which will run February It includes information on minimum food, 1-3, 2010. An exciting schedule is planned for drink, space, and health care requirements for all eventing enthusiasts. On Monday Lauren equines. In addition, the document encourages Hough will be covering Show Jumping and the practice of body condition scoring of horses Tuesday will feature Linda Zang’s Dressage using the Henneke Scale as a basis for the presentation. The Young Event Horse Judging development of a feeding program regiment Seminar and Competition tailored to the unique needs of each individual will horse. be Wednesday. 20 horse owners, law enforcement officials, and all conducted In on addition, Minimum Standards for Equine Care in Linda Zang will be available Kentucky is free and available online by visiting for private lessons on both s southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 y o u r h o r s e ’ s h e al t h Vaccinate Your Horses for Rabies Before Leaving for Events From American Horse Publications B efore you hit the show circuit, exposure when a horse shown at the fair Knudson says. “What’s more, if a horse be sure to do your part to keep died from a confirmed case of rabies.3 has been infected, any person that comes horses, other animals and competitors Transmitted through the saliva of in contact with that horse — whether it’s safe by including a rabies vaccination at infected animals — including common the horse owner or a person attending your pre-event health exam. Vaccinations wildlife like skunks, raccoons, foxes the event or show — could be in danger of can do more than just help horses — they and bats — rabies is 100 percent fatal for contracting the disease.” can help protect horse owners from horses and other animals, and nearly disease, too. always fatal for humans.1 Currently, there are no documented cases of horse-to-human rabies transmission,1 but the danger still exists, “Owners sometimes forget diseases “You may not even be aware that that affect their horses or cattle may animals are infected until it’s too late,” also affect anyone that has contact with Dr. Knudson says. “It can be hard to tell Dr. Knudson says horse owners their animal,” says April Knudson, DVM, if horses or cattle have been bitten by an should ask their veterinarian about a manager, Veterinary Services, Merial. infected animal as the wound may be very vaccine that is not only proven to be “In fact, cattle or horses infected with small.4 Additionally, rabies can be very effective, but also protects horses quickly some diseases, like rabies, can potentially difficult to diagnose because the disease and has a long duration of immunity. expose their human handlers, veterinary can display a wide array of clinical signs.”5 “It’s incredibly important to be sure professionals or even spectators at an Clinical signs of rabies can include horses are vaccinated against rabies,” Dr. depression, lack of coordination and Knudson adds. “Vaccinating horses for aggressive behavior,1 or more obscure rabies can help to keep everyone from event or show.”1 In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notified signs, such as lameness or more than 150,000 people who attended colic.5 “Being away from Celebration of potential rabies exposure stablemates and the noise after a case was confirmed during the and activity of horse event. Although no human cases resulted, shows or events may thousands of people were at risk.2 cause some horses to recently, the Missouri horse owner to spectator safe.” s the Tennessee Walking Horse National More Dr. Knudson adds. be nervous or upset, Department of Health and Senior making it even Services notified people that attended the difficult to recognize 2008 Missouri State Fair of possible rabies rabies,” more Dr. 1)Marteniuk J. Rabies in horses. Michigan State University, College of Veterinary Medicine. 2)Centers for Disease Control. Horse stabled at Tennessee Walking Horse 2006 National Celebration tested positive for rabies. 3)Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Horse shown at state fair tested positive for rabies. 4)Green SL. Rabies. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice 1997;13(1):1-11. 5)Weese JS. A review of equine zoonotic diseases: risks in veterinary medicine. AAEP Proceedings 2002;48:362-369. southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 | 21 seda volunteer hours form * Mail form to: Janel Martin, P.O. Box 250, Folsom, LA 70437 within 14 days after volunteering. Thank you! vo l unteer’s N ame (please print) i f di fferent f rom above, n ame o f member t o whom h o u r s a r e t o b e c r e d i t e d A ddress Cit y S tate Z i p p hone (indic ate home / o ff ice / mobi le) E- m a il e vent n ame date(s) # of h o u r s e vent man ager’s n ame sign ature dat e eventing results form form * Mail results to: Kelley Varisco, 21112 Wilson Road, Covington, LA 70435 within 14 days after the last day on which the horse trial/combined test was held. Use one form per horse/rider combination. Thank you! r i d er’s n ame (p l ease print) SEDA Award Points For the Awards Chair Placement_________Completed____________ Clean Cross Country________Total_________ o Postcard mailed o Added to YTD totals o Sent to USEA Area III or IV HOr s e ’ s s h ow n a m e A ddress C i t y S tate Z i p p hone (indic ate day or evening) E- m a il e vent n ame (indic ate ht,ct, or o ther) d ivision no. of hors e s i n d i v i s i o n dat e ( s ) p l ac e m e n t i n d i v i s i o n I am a: o Senior o Junior This Show is Recognized by: o USEA o SEDA Penalty Points: o Dressage________ o Stadium________ o Cross Country________ o Total ________ 22 e vent secretary /man ager n ame sign ature dat e e vent man ager’s n ame sign ature dat e | southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 Trainer Directory Elizabeth Cummins Hunter/Jumper • Dressage (985) 796-5011 (985) 705-2833 Anne Hornbeak Dressage (985) 796-9434 (985) 796-9693 Equine Facility Directory 2 Dutch Ranch 38214 Hwy 16 Franklinton, LA 70438 Sophia Wijnbergen 985-515-6091 985-515-6045 Anne Hornbeak Stables 15081 Highway 40 Folsom, LA 70437 Anne Hornbeak (985) 796-9434 (985) 796-9693 The Billabong 12250 Hwy 1077 Folsom, LA 70437 Sunny Francois (985) 796-1271 Equi-Best Equestrian Center 82136 Hwy 437 Covington, LA 70435 Lynn Quast (985) 893-4500 Leslie Morris Dressage • Hunter/Jumper (504) 833-7923 (504) 858-5944 Lynn Quast Dressage • Eventing (985) 893-4500 Sophia Wijnbergen Dressage • Starting young horses for all disciplines (985) 515-6091 Highlands Riding Center 83419 Highway 25 Folsom, LA 70437 Elizabeth Cummins (985) 796-5011 (985) 705-2833 Pine Alley Farm 13590 Hwy 1077 Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-9192 (504) 400-1510 Seanie Kohnke SunRay Equestrian 83350 Pierre Cemetery Rd Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 290-6821 Janel Martin Classifieds Please send your ads to: Terri Chabaud (985) 796-0018 or equine retirement Green Meadow Farm is a small, very personal facility dedicated to the comfort and well being of the older or retired horse. Contact: Elizabeth Birkinshaw. boarding available Full board available at Amen Corner Farm. Your trainer welcome to come and teach you. Limited stalls available. Call Rene for further details. (504) 669 8669. horses FOR SALE; mare and foal combination: States Premium Hanoverian Mare by Rubinstein I, with 2009 filly sired by Sure Hit (son of Sandro Hit); Beautiful, fluid movement, tremendous potential. (225) 658-2789 1997 grey Welsh gelding, jumps 2’6”. Suitable for a child, but not for a total beginner. 12.3hh; $8,000 or OBO. Call Robyn (318) 992-7479. Nice selection of horses for sale. Various ages, sizes and levels of experience. All well mannered and going under saddle. Priced based on experience and potential: 4 yrs - 13 yrs old, 15.1h-17h! Contact Joan Bergmann (985) 373-8818. For Sale: Registered Irish Draught mare. Turned 8 in April. Stands 16.2. For info or 985-789-7920. Windsong Equestrian Center 10282 River Road St. Rose, LA 70087 Ana Denman (504) 231-0638 To have your facility or services included in this directory, please see the application and additional information on the SEDA web site ( Black Albion Euro Legend Dressage saddle. Med. tree and 17.5” seat. Good condition. Asking $1100. Call (985) 246-9171 trailers 2001 Exciss 4-horse all aluminum horse/stock trailer. Oversized dressing room, extra tall TB height. $9,500. Call 985-795-0595 tack Saddle: New Stübben Roxanne. 17.5”, 29 cm tree. Used 10 times. $1000. Contact Elisha (337) 258-7040 or 16” close contact Crosby Collegiate jumping saddle, excellent condition. $300 obo. Call Chris at (251) 342-8197 or e-mail for additional information. Courbette Merkur II DLX All Purpose Close Contact English saddle. 17” seat, medium width spring tree, brown leather. Has extra long flaps so it is perfect for a taller rider. No fittings. Good condition. $300. Contact Nicole (985) 725-1137 or offcoursenews@ Kids like to play ... and sometimes they bring their friends. southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 | 23 c/o Margaret Rice 7048 Moniteau Court Baton Rouge, LA 70809 SE D A Off i c e r s board of directors President | Lynn Quast 504-905-3690 • Vice President | David Banister 985-796-3866 • Established in 1975, the Southern Eventing and Dressage Association is a non-profit, educational organization founded to foster an interest in, and a understanding of, the equestrian sports of Dressage and Eventing. The Southern Eventing & Dressage Association is governed by the United States Equestrian Federation. We are also a Region 9 Group Member Organization of the United States Dressage Federation and an Area III & V Affiliate of the United States Eventing Association. Secretary | Elaine Harmon 504-469-9652 • Treasurer | Janel Martin 985-796-8199 • Dressage CHAIR | Leslie Morris 504-833-7923 • Eventing CHAIR | Elizabeth Cummins 985-796-5011 • Membership CHAIR | Maria Cowan 504-723-3407 • publications CHAIR | Nicole Landreneau 985-725-1137 • COMMITTEES Award chair - ANNUAL | Position Open Award chair - Eventing | Kelley Varisco 985-892-1997 • Award chair - Recognized Dressage Sally Richards • 985-809-7391 • & C h a i r s award chair - Schooling Dressage Vickie Schiefelbein • 228-806-5917 fleur de leap horse trials 2009 chair | Elizabeth Cummins • 985-796-5011 Junior/young rider chair | Paula Gregory 985-778-9221 • Le bon temps 2009 chair | Janel Martin 985-796-8199 • Nominating Committee | Board Members off course Advertising | Terri Chabaud 985-796-0018 • off course calendar | Vickie Schiefelbein 228-806-5917 • off course mailing | Margaret Rice & Barbara Merritt Volunteer Hours chair | Janel Martin 985-796-8199 • Web Site chair | Nicole Landreneau 985-725-1137 • events calendar Please send calendar items to Vickie Schiefelbein or (228) 806-5917. SEDA events are in bold. Dates subject to change. 5-6 september Le Bon Temps Recognized Dressage Show Janel Martin, (985) 796-8199 Amen Corner Farm / Folsom, LA 3-4 10 FLEUR DE LEAP Combined Test and Schooling Day Elizabeth Cummins (985) 796-5011 Lagniappe Farm / Folsom, LA OFF COURSE DEADLINE 10-11Pine Top Horse Trials Georgia 10-11Middle Tennessee Pony Club Horse Trials Alamo Dressage Association Fall I & II Tennessee Bill Askins, San Antonio Rose Palace 11Cedar Wind Farm Dressage Show San Antonio, TX Sherry G. Pride, Oxford, MS 5–6Houston Dressage Society Laborious Day Show 17-18Serenity Farm Schooling Dressage Marilyn Kulifay Vicki Macgowan (985) 373-5464 or (985) 796-0317 Serenity Farm / Folsom, LA 12–13 Dallas Dressage Club Yellow Rose I & II Michelann Tachibana 24-25Holly Hill Horse Trials (318) 925-2185 Las Colinas Equestrian Center Benton, LA Irving, TX 24-25 Fort Rucker Horse Trials 13Topsider Farm Dressage I & II Alabama Ginni Cifelli, (979) 690-6788 29- GAIG/USDF Region 9 Nov. 1Championships College Station , TX Great Southwest Equine Center 17-20Anne Hornbeak Clinic Katy, TX Anne Hornbeak, (985) 796-9434 31-Chattahoochee Hills Horse Trials Nov1 Georgia Folsom, LA n o v e m b e r 18-20Poplar Place Horse Trials 1SEDA SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE (706) 582-3742 Hamilton, GA 7-8Rocking Horse Horse Trials Florida 19Paradise Farm Horse Trials South Carolina 7-8River Glen Horse Trials Tennessee 19Deadline to advertise in the Region 9 Omnibus ( 14Sporting Days Combined Test South Carolina 19-20Arkansas Dressage Show Jana Nelson, 14-15Poplar Place Horse Trials Perryville, AR (706) 582-3742 Hamilton, GA 19-20Proud Meadows Fall Sporthorse Breeding Show 14-15Mississippi-Delta Turkey Trot Jan Colley, Sandy Donovan Fort Worth, TX Hernando, MS 25-27Poplar Place Horse Trials (706) 582-3742 14-15Schooling Dressage Show Hamilton, GA Rene Kurzius or Judi Dauterive, 25-27 Loma Fowler Clinic (985) 796-3712 Leslie Morris, (504) 858-5944 Amen Corner / Folsom, LA Stirling Farm / Folsom, LA 19-22Ocala Three Day Event 26-27Dressage Schooling Show and Horse Trials Rene Kurzius or Judi Dauterive, Florida (985) 796-3712 d e c e m b e r Amen Corner / Folsom, LA 2-6 2009 Adequan®/ USDF 5-6 october National Convention & Symposium Featuring Jan Brink Renaissance Austin Hotel / Austin, Texas 1-7Schleese Saddlery Clinic Anne Hornbeak, (985) 796-9434 Anne Hornbeak Stables / Folsom, LA 3-4 Tryon Horse Trials South Carolina 4-6 Loma Fowler Clinic Leslie Morris ,(504) 858-5944 Stirling Farm / Folsom, LA 10 OFF COURSE DEADLINE 12-13Serenity Farm Schooling Dressage Vicki Macgowan (985) 373-5464 or (985) 796-0317 Serenity Farm / Folsom, LA 28Topsider Farm Dressage One Ginni Cifelli, College Station, TX 4-5 j u ly 2 0 1 0 9-11Blues City Dressage Sandy Donovan, ja n u a r y 2 0 1 0 Memphis, TN 23-24HDS Winter Shows I & II 24-25 Windy Knoll Farm Summer Marilyn Kulifay Dressage Show Fran Dearing Katy, TX Magnolia, TX f e b r u a r y 2 0 1 0 31DDC Lemonade Daze I & II 6-7Schooling Dressage Show Aug 1Michelann Tachibana, Judi Dauterive (985) 796 3712 Amen Corner Farm / Folsom, LA Athens, TX 10 OFF COURSE DEADLINE a u g u s t 2 0 1 0 Ma r c h 2 0 1 0 10 OFF COURSE DEADLINE 13-14Schooling Combined Test 28-29ADA San Antonio Fall Dressage Judi Dauterive (985) 796 3712 Show I & II Amen Corner Farm / Folsom, LA Bill Askins, 20-21ADA San Antonio Spring Dressage Boerne, TX Show I and II s e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 0 Bill Askins, Boerne, TX 4-5HDS Laborious Day Shows I & II Marilyn Kulifay 27-28Dressage Across the Lake I & II Betsy Gosling, Conroe, TX Serenity Farm / Folsom, LA 10 a p r i l 2 0 1 0 OFF COURSE DEADLINE 16 -18Texas Dressage Classic I & II Lloyd Landkamer Tyler, TX 24-25HDS Spring Classics I & II Marilyn Kulifay Katy, TX May 2 0 1 0 Le Bon Temps Recognized Dressage Show Laura Freeman (985) 796-5188 Amen Corner Farm / Folsom, LA 12Topsider Farm Dressage Two Ginni Cifelli, College Station, TX 18-19ADS Country Classic I & II Patty Hale, Perryville, AR 18-19DDC Yellow Rose I & II Michelann Tachibana Irving, TX 1-2Oklahoma Dressage Society Spring I and II Stacia Wert-Gray, Shawnee, OK 25-26 Windy Knoll Farm Fall Dressage Show Fran Dearing Magnolia, TX 1-2Memphis in Springtime I &II Sandy Donovan Tunica, MS 25- World Equestrian Games, Oct. 10 Kentucky Horse Park Lexington, KY 15-16DDC Spring Show I & II Michelann Tachibana, Irving, TX 10 o c t o b e r 2 0 1 0 OFF COURSE DEADLINE n o v e m b e r 2 0 1 0 4-7GAIG/ USDF Regional Championships / SWDC & HDS 22-23Dressage Across the Lake III & IV Dressage Show Betsy Gosling, Marilyn Kulifay Serenity Farm / Folsom, LA j u n e 2 0 1 0 Katy, TX 10 OFF COURSE DEADLINE 13-14Turkey Trot Dressage 12-13HDS Summer Shows I & II Sandy Donovan Marilyn Kulifay Clifton Farms / Hernando, MS Katy, TX d e c e m b e r 2 0 1 0 19-20Green Country Dressage Classic 10 OFF COURSE DEADLINE Anne Kuhns, Claremore, OK southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009 what comes with your seda membership? Eligibility for SEDA Awards and Year-End awards banquet S Subscription to the national award winning Off Course Ride with SEDA! Established in 1975, the Southern Eventing and Dressage Association is a nonprofit, educational organization founded to foster an interest in, and understanding of, the equestrian sports of Dressage and Eventing. SEDA is a group member organization of USDF, affiliated with USEA, and governed by the United States Equestrian Federation. Club activities include educational clinics and seminars, schooling shows, Le Bon Temps (a recognized dressage show), Fleur de Leap (an eventing show), fun paces, and an annual awards program. SEDA is one of the largest USDF affiliated clubs in Region 9 and growing. We invite you to join us in supporting, learning, and enjoying the sports of dressage and eventing in our area. newsletter and the USDF Connection magazine S Access and use of the national award winning SEDA web site S leadership Opportunities to serve on the Board of Directors, chair committees, SEDA Application/Renewal * Mail form & check (made out to SEDA) to: MARIA COWAN, 624 Edenborn Ave., Metairie, La 70001 The membership year begins December 1, 2008 and expires November 30, 2009. New members applying after October 1 will receive free membership for the balance of that year. o Senior $50 o Junior $40 o *Family $75 o New Application o Renewal Please Note: 1) To qualify for USDF Regional Championships you must be a Participating Member by joining USDF directly. 2) $17 of your SEDA membership fee goes directly to USDF for your Group Membership. *FAMILY is defined as two people at the same address. events, or shows, and voting privileges Name (please print) in all elections S Networking opportunities with area Address CityState Zip equestrians and an annual membership directory S phone (indicate home / mobile / office)E-mail List names for *Family Membership:____________________________________________________________ member Discounts on seda-sponsored clinics, seminars, fun paces, and advertising Birthdate(s) (Juniors / Young Riders) _____________________________________________________________ Interest: o Dressage o Eventing o Both Number of horses leased/owned:______________________ I am currently riding at______________level in Dressage and / or level____________________in Eventing. in the off course and on the web site I am a o Adult Amateur o Steward o Technical Delegate o Instructor (level) _____________________ o Judge (grade)__________ S Up-to-date event info S Eligibility for USDF Qualified Rider and Medals awards I am interested in volunteering! o Board o Clinics o Committees o Shows o Publications o Scribe o Steward o Media Relations o Tack Sales o Other_____________________________________________ Beginning January 2009, the SEDA Off Course newsletter will be distributed electronically. Please make sure to include a valid e-mail address above. Printed copies will only be mailed to members who request it. Indicate your preference here: o Save a tree – electronic is fine o Please mail my newsletter southern eventing & dressage association s september / october 2009
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