Half-halt - Southeast Virginia Dressage Association
Half-halt - Southeast Virginia Dressage Association
H a l f - h a lt The Newsletter of the Southeast Virginia Dressage Association SVDA Member Spotlight OCTOBER 2008 Volume 23, Issue VV 2008 Board of Directors ◊ President The SVDA sanctioned show at Elfenridge @ Bridlewood Estates was a great day, beautiful weather, good rides, fun all around. Janice Mumford 757.986.3037 Liljesco@aol.com ◊ Vice President Robyn Nunnally Emma Burdett riding Chippy Zip –Pictured Right and Below (owned by Bekah Williams) took the High Score Award for the show with a 76% at Intro B. 757.986.4498 Robynnunnally@aol.com ◊ Secretary Amanda St. John 804.363.3624 Jessica Littlefield riding Sir Hamilton took the Reserve High Score Award with a 70.8% for her musical freestyle. franklysupreme@gmail.com ◊ Treasurer Rebecca Kelly 757.426.2174 The Dressage Seat Equitation Walk/Trot class was a fun way to introduce several young riders and young horses to the dressage show ring. rebeccakelly@cox.net ◊ Schooling Shows Dawn Sherrill 757.482.4138 dawns@standardcal.com ◊ Scholarships Sandy Johnson 757.582.2989 Pemcorgiluv@aol.com ◊ Newsletter Wendy L. Murray 757.328.3700 vablonde25@aol.com ◊ Membership Danielle Rowland 757.255.0524 iam3264@aol.com ◊ Ways and Means Tristin Hardy 757.615.4975 Tristin@elfenridge.com ◊ Awards Carol Gonyo 757.436.2374 tullagonyo@cox.net ◊ Clinics and Programs Kathy Rowse 757.255.0524 krowse@verizon.net ◊ SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION IS A GROUP MEMBER OF THE UNITED STATES DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ About Half‐Halt SVDA Member Show Scores Half‐Halt is published monthly by the SVDA and provided as a service to its members. News items, show results, calendar of events, photos, classifieds and services directory are incorporated into the newsletter. DEADLINE FOR NEWSLETTER IS THE 25th OF EACH MONTH Wendy L. Murray Newsletter Editor/Webmaster vablonde25@aol.com SVDA encourages its members to submit articles, member updates, information and pictures for publication, however, SVDA reserves the right to edit, reject or use materials as and when deemed appropriate. VADA Fredricksburg 9/13 Debbie Basta, Groms' Galena Second Level Test 3 vablonde25@aol.com SVDA 67.44% Second Place Husband Award Kathy Rowse & Basie 4th LL Musical Freestyle 68.33 1st High score Musical Freestyle VADA Charlottesville 9/14 Kathy Rowse & Basie Awarded to: 4th LL 1 67.9% 1st MIKE ROWSE SVDA Championship Schooling Show Requirements ‐ November 9, 2008 SVDA Members: Submit your Show Scores for publication in Half-Halt by emailing Wendy at Most battered TEST MINIMUM SCORE INTRO 2 62% TRAINING 3 60% FIRST 3 60% SECOND 3 60% THIRD level and above – can qualify with the minimum score at 59% To participate in Championship Classes: The horse/rider combination must meet the following qualifications: 1. Must be a SVDA member at the time the qualifying score is earned 2. Must obtain one qualifying score, which can be earned at a SVDA schooling show or a SVDA sanctioned show. Other dressage schooling shows will not count. 3. Scores may be earned from December 1, 2007 – October schooling show 2008. 4. Riders who have qualified for the championship show will have priority in filling available slots at the show Visit us online: www.gosvda.org 5. Scores can not be earned at a licensed shows – this championship is for schooling shows ONLY NOTE: If a horse/rider pair has qualified at more than one level, they may only ride in one Championship class, which will be the highest level at which you qualified. 2 | SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ OCTOBER 2008 IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN! 2008 Event Calendar OCTOBER IT’S TIME TO SUBMIT NOMINATIONS FOR 3‐4 Jim Koford Clinic @ Silverleaf Farm. Kathy Rowse: THE SHEL GAFFORD AWARD krowse@verizon.net Each year VADA honors one of its members with the Shel Gafford Award for 12 SVDA Schooling Show Excellence in Sportsmanship. This Award is voted on by the VADA membership @Wellington Farm. based on nominations submitted by VADA members. The purpose of the Award is to www.gosvda.org recognize those of our members who, like Shel, personify the characteristics of good sportsmanship, and to encourage all our members to aspire to the principles of good 17 Patti Pierucci Clinic @ Silverleaf sportsmanship that were so much a part of Shel’s personality. We lost Shel 13 years ago, but hopefully through this Award, his influence will live on. Please take a few Farm,krowse@verizon.net minutes to nominate someone that you feel upholds the spirit of this award. Nomina tions should be 200 words long and should be submitted by October 15, 2008. De18‐19 SVDA Clinic w/Pati Pierucci. tails are available on page 28 of the 2008 VADA “Purple Book”. For anyone who cringes at the thought of a written essay, 200 words go by really quickly. Most people Kathy Rowse: write two to three times that and then have to edit it down. The slate of nominations krowse@verizon.net NOVEMBER will appear in all the VADA Chapter November Newsletters, and each chapter will tally its members’ votes by December 15, 2008. So please take a few minutes and nominate any VADA member you feel is deserving of this Award. This is definitely a case where it’s an honor just to be nominated. 1‐2 Jim Koford Clinic @ Silverleaf Farm. Kathy Rowse: krowse@verizon.net 8‐9 Patti Pierucci Clinic @ Silverleaf Farm. Kathy Rowse: krowse@verizon.net 9 SVDA Championship Show www.gosvda.org 22‐23 Sue Remondini Clinic @ Bellweather Farm. Debbie Basta: dh.basta.llc@wildblue.net Submit written nominations to: E-mail (preferred): Snail Mail: Lwest101@aol.com Louise West 29400 Secretariat Rd. Ruther Glen, VA 22546-4128 PRECISION FIT SADDLERY …superior fit for superior performance… Carol Cocke Professional Saddlefitter Virginia Beach. Virginia DECEMBER 9 13‐14 16‐17 (757) 721-6560 SVDA YEAR END AWARDS DEADLINE!!!! Jim Koford Clinic @ Silverleaf Farm. Kathy Rowse: krowse@verizon.net Patti Pierucci Clinic @ Silverleaf Farm. Kathy Rowse: krowse@verizon.net 3 | SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ OCTOBER 2008 Barn Calls Demo Saddles Custom Saddles Flair™Air Saddles SVDA PROPOSED BI‐LAW REVISION SVDA MEMBERS PLEASE READ AND MAIL THIS FORM WITH YOUR VOTE TO: JANICE MUMFORD SVDA PRESIDENT 3833 MANNING ROAD SUFFOLK, VA 23437 Article 2 Section 2 to read as follows: The Board of Directors shall consist of seven (7) officers, (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and 3 VADA Representatives who may also serve as committee chairmen) and eight (8) directors who shall be elected as hereinafter provided in Article 4, Section 2. The immediate past president shall be a member of the Board ex officio without a vote. Article 4 Section 8 to read as follows: The three (3) representatives to VADA will attend VADA Board meetings, voicing the opinions of this chapter. In addition, they may have collateral duties on the board. Article 10 Section 3 to read as follows: To be eligible for an office in VADA/SVDA, the nominee must be a senior member in good standing and must agree to serve in the office. The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one candidate for President, VicePresident, Secretary, Treasurer and eight (8) directors. VADA representatives may assume collateral duties on the board SVDA MAIL BALLOT Member Name: ______________________________________________________________ E‐Mail Address: _______________________________________________________________ Check One: ___ I agree to the proposed Bi‐Law Revisions documented above ___ I disagree with the proposed Bi‐Law Revisions Documented above Member Signature: ________________________________________________________ DEADLINE: DECEMBER 1, 2008 SVDA at Princess Anne Farm Results Judge: Janice Mumford (L) September 14, 2008 Intro A First Level Test 2 Nikki Jordan Once in a Blue Moon 62.00 1 Barbara McArthur Gunther Gwri 64.72 1 Julie Shilling King’s Ransom 52.50 2 Michelle O’Conner DaVinci 61.39 2 Melissa Chamberlain Quiet Riot 61.11 3 Intro B Nikki Jordan Once in a Blue Moon 64.50 1 Madisyn DeCant Bitten’s Pride 62.50 2 First Level Test 3 Sarah Rich Benlea Sea Prince 62.00 3 Marilyn Leonard Femesole 66.857 1 Julie Shilling King’s Ransom 56.00 4 Edith Nault Prince 64.857 2 Joanne McClellan Danceur 61.428 3 Prince 64.473 1 Laura Lisa Croxton Bingo Helen 60.789 1 Susan Erb Lance 60.526 2 Gaby Martin Rebel Yell 55.263 3 Laura Lisa Croxton Bingo Helen 61.081 1 Gaby Martin Rebel Yell 58.918 2 Training Level Test 1 Madisyn DeCant Bitten’s Pride 56.087 1 First Level Test 4 Edith Nault Training Level Test 2 Helen Carr Imp 62.86 1 Allison Taylor Ambeholden 59.29 2 Victoria Reed Freedom of Expression 58.214 3 Second Level Test Training Level Test 3 Tristan Hardy Zefirelli Interago 66.00 1 Kenzie Endreson Clearly Confident 64.00 2 Amiee Batten Annie 60.40 3 Rhonda Bowen SHF Southern Klas 54.8 4 Training Level Test 4 Claudia Griffiths Ideal’s Diamond 68.00 1 Helen Carr Imp 65.20 2 Tristan Hardy Zefirelli Interago 64.00 3 Kenzie Endreson Clearly Confident 62.80 4 Allison Taylor Ambeholden 59.60 5 Amiee Batten Annie 59.20 6 Rhonda Bowen SHF Southern Klas 51.6 Marilyn Leonard Femesole 70.00 1 Claudia Griffiths Ideal’s Diamond 69.00 2 Barbara McArthur Gunther Gwri 64.00 3 Michelle O’Conner DaVinci 61.00 4 Melissa Chamberlain Quiet Riot 58.67 5 Second Level Test SVDA Championship Schooling Show NOVEMBER 9, 2008 Entry Secretary: Sandy Johnson First Level Test 1 3617 Old Mill Road Chesapeake, VA 23323 ENTRIES CLOSE OCTOBER 27, 2008 SVDA Member Article Transition from Training level to First Level + Young Horse = Frustration by Sarah Miller If you have never trained a young horse, never started one under saddle, never been the first person on his back then you do not know the real joy of working with a horse. When you see the young horse has gotten what you’ve been trying to teach him its amazing. I have trained a number of young horses; it seems I just can’t get away from the young one. Even now I find myself thinking “Maybe I’ll get that youngster I saw at so and so’s farm, or on line.” Then reality sets in and I remember, “Stupid, you’re working with a young horse now that is trying your ever fiber.” It’s not that Duncan is a bad horse or not trainable, it’s that he is just four years old. It’s hard enough to take a horse, any horse, from Training Level to First Level, there is the fact that you have to teach the horse that not only does he have to walk, trot, and canter in a balance frame and maintain the rhythm; but now he has to lengthen these gates and then compress them back to a working gate. That he has to respond to leg pressure that is contrary to a horse’s survival instinct and move away from it. But do all this and still maintain the bridge over his back, the rhythm of the gate and be flexed at the pole. Now, throw in the young horse, the teeth coming in, the unbalance gates because his rump is over his withers, his neck is never the same from one day to the next. And now you see that it is no wonder most riders will buy older horses. Most of you out there know Duncan a.k.a. The Highlander, he’s been doing training level most of the year. We started working on First Level sometime ago with the plan of showing First Level at the end of the year. Not Going To Happen. When I purchased Duncan I told the breeder I was down sizing, my other horse being 18.2. I wanted something a little smaller, well Duncan will be smaller. He is just shy of 18 hands now. His withers have not been over his rump since Christmas. He has been steadily growing all year. He couldn’t find his hind end with a road map right now. His neck can’t seem to decide if it’s going to be short and tick or long and willowy. All six of the teeth a four year old get have come in, all at the same time and very slowly. You have to feel sorry for the horse. And yet you still have to work him. You have to help him find his way though this, help him find his balance and not get frustrated. Not get angry because the horse won’t go to the bit, because his teeth hurt, or he thinks they hurt. Not get upset because he won’t come round, or because he ignores your half-halt and then transitions on the other side of the 20 meter circle, ten strides from where you asked for it. You have to set the horse up to succeed, you have to find something you know he is good at and after you’ve worked though all the other frustrating things that have gone so horrorable bad get him to do that one thing that he is incredible at. For Duncan, when he is good he gets to canter, but we end our work outs with leg yield. The horse can’t find his balance right now if you lead him to it, but he can do a leg yield that any judge would give him an 8 on. Go figure. So, the next time you get frustrated with your horse for not getting the correct lead in the simple change across the center line, or for missing the transition at “A”, or just plain has a bad day, just remember all horses have days where they are just plan ‘young horses’. D DR RE ES S SS A AG GE E Offering Dressage Training, Instruction, Sales & Clinics “Specializing in Training and Clinics for Adult Amateurs & Young Riders” “All Levels of Horses and Riders Welcome!” Dressage Accomplishments: Susan & Picasso 2008 ● Dressage Trainer & Instructor for over 25+ years ● USDF Bronze, Silver, & Gold Medalist ● FEI Competitor - Grand Prix – Competing thru 2008 ● USET Ranked Top 50 GP Rider/Horse 2000 Olympic Year ● Many National & Regional Accomplishments – See Website thru GP with multiple horses ● Customized & Tailored Training based on Clients Level Focused on their goals and ability- All Levels ● Currently training all levels of Students ● Experience with many Breeds at all Levels of Training ● Trained horses thru Grand Prix – Will travel to your Barn ● Imported Horses For Sale – Consignment Horses ● Evaluate and Consulting in Finding Dressage Horses ● Offering Clinics & Judging Schooling Shows ● On going Training with Top Trainers: M. Poulin, S. Dueck ● Worked with Top Florida Trainers for the Past 20 Years Susan Remondini, Trainer FEI Competitor thru Grand Prix USDF Bronze, Silver & Gold Medalist Training out of Bridlewood Farm, Chesapeake, VA Office: #(561) 901-5800 E-mail: sremondini@bellsouth.net Website: www.qecdressage.com “Dedicated to helping each horse and rider develop to reach their personal goals. My training philosophy is based on the love and respect for the horse and my passion for the sport of Dressage. I teach that correct basics with effective methods of riding will lead to better communication (the aids) and with this understanding the development of harmony and balance between you and your horse begins.” Currently Accepting New Clients. Join me in our Oversized Indoor Arena for the Winter Season!!! SVDA VOLUNTEER Hours SVDA VOLUNTEERS Date: October 5 Location: Bridlewood Estates, Suffolk, VA Entry Secretary (1): Wendy Murray 124 Rockland Terrace, Suffolk, VA 23434 Show Secretary A.M. (1): Wendy Murray Show Secretary P.M. (1): Becky Kelly Ring Transportation to (1): n/a Ring Set up: (4) n/a Lunches & snacks (1): Scribe A.M. (1): Kya Endreson Scribe P.M. (1): Denise Allen Ring Steward A.M. (1): Rita Edmondson Ring Steward P.M. (1): Rita Edmondson Runner A.M. (1): Louise Murray Runner P. M. (1): Debbie Basta Ring Take Down (4): n/a Ring Transportation from (1): n/a SVDA Representative – Tristin Hardy am/Becky Kelly pm Date: November 9 Location: Marturia Farm Entry Secretary (1): Sandy Johnson 3617 Old Mill Road Chesapeake, VA 23323 pemcorgiluv@aol.com 757‐582‐2939 Show Secretary A.M. (1): Show Secretary P.M. (1): Ring Set up: (4) Lunches & snacks (1): Alexis Albright Jayme Albright Debbie Basta Tina Bodnar Emma Burdette Pam Burdette Melissa Chamberlain Robin Criswell Lisa Croxton Sharon Decant Lisa Dickman Reeta Edmondson Ginger Endresson Kenzie Endresson Kya Endresson Susan Erb Femme Sole Susan Forrester Carol Gonyo Veronica Gregory Claudia Griffiths Tristin Hardy Valerie Harrell Jennifer Hippensteel Sandy Johnson Stacy Johnson Nikki Jordan Rebecca Kelly Denise Kutta Marylyn Leonard Laura Liskey Ariana Mahek Barbara McArthur Joan McClellan Joanne McClellan Sarah Miller Kris Montgomery Janice Mumford Wendy Murray Carly Nunn Robyn Nunnally Michelle O'Connor Kelly Piland 6 6 4 4 10 4 1 10 5 10 4 4 8 8 15 7 2 4 33 8 36 38 12 16 24 7 8 16 9 14 4 14 8 4 16 32 4 43 20 8 43 2 4 Susan Redmondini Anita Rees Beth Rippel Diane Rombs Danielle Rowland Kathy Rowse Dawn Sherrill Julie Shilling Carol Smith Ryan Spanagel Julie Spencer Koryn Staehling Donna Stenstrum Evin Stovall Bettina Strobach Amanda St. John Alexis Taves Allison Taylor Susan Watkins Yolanda Williamson Mary Winchell Abby Zezeski Jessica Zoskey Contact Robyn Nunnally 986-4498 To Volunteer Scribe A.M. (1): Scribe P.M. (1): Ring Steward A.M. (1): Please NOTE! Ring Steward P.M. (1): VADA Year End Awards Banquet Runner A.M. (1): Will Be Held February 8th, 2009 Runner P. M. (1): Ring Take Down (4): At the SVDA Representative – Doubletree Hotel in Charlottesville More details to Come! 8| SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ OCTOBER 2008 4 13 22 8 33 50 55 9 15 8 4 5 10 1 8 26 3 21 8 19 37 4 4 Chesapeake Saddlery Blanket Sale 20% Off All Styles www.chesapeakesaddleryVA.com Southeast Virginia Dressage Association Schooling Show Entry Entry Rules: Entries open one month prior to show date and close on Monday, two (2) weeks prior to the show. A late fee of $5.00 per class will apply if you enter after the closing date or if our signed entry is not received paid in full with a current Coggins test copy before the day of the show. (Late Fees: $25 per ride for SVDA Members, $30 per ride for non‐members). A current negative Coggins copy is required with each entry. USEF Rules Apply! RETURNED CHECK NOTIFICATION: The current bank rate charge will apply to a RETURNED check for ANY reason. SVDA Treasurer will contact member to arrange pay‐ ment. If payment is not made within thirty (30) days, the member will be suspended with all rights and priveleges revoked until payment is made. Suspended mem‐ bers WILL NOT receive credit for scores earned while on suspension and will NOT be eligible for year end awards. Refund Policy: Refunds will only be issued with presentation of vet certificate! ENTRY FORM (One form per horse/rider combination) Rider Name: ____________________________________ Horse Name: ________________________________________ Street Name: _________________________________ City: ___________________ State/Zip: ___________________ E‐Mail Address: _________________________________ Home Ph: ___________ Cell Phone: __________________ Show Date: _________________________________________ Location: ___________________________________________ ‐Introductory Level through FEI ‐Junior (JR) Test of Choice (Training through Second Level) ‐ Dressage Equitation ($5.00 /class) ‐ Dressage Suitability ($5.00 /class) ‐Musical Freestyle (Training‐FEI) ‐Non‐Compete Horse Fee $10.00 (with signed waiver and current Coggins) Riders must be prepared to ride in a small arena for Introductory Level through First Level Test 2. Entry Fees: $20.00 per class /SVDA Member ‐ $25.00 per class/NON‐Member Make Checks Payable to SVDA TEST LEVEL TEST NUMBER FEES Dressage Equitation ($5.00) Dressage Suitability ($5.00) Non‐Compete Horse Fee ($10.00) TOTAL: AGREEMENT AND HOLD HARMLESS.‐ The Equine Activity Liability laws of the State of Virginia, VA Code Ann. Sec 3.1‐796.130 state among its statutory provisions that , “NOTICE: Intrinsic dangers in equine activity, include (i) the propensity of equines to behave in ways that may result in injury, harm, or death to persons on or around them; (ii) the unpredictability of an equine’s reaction to such things as sounds, sudden movement, and unfamiliar objects, persons, or other animals; (iii) certain hazards such as surface and subsurface conditions; (iv) collisions with other animals or objects; and (v) the potential of a participant acting in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to the participant or others, such as failing to maintain control over the equine or not acting within the participant’s ability.” No Participant nor any participant’s parent, guardian, or representative shall have or make any claim against or recover from any equine activity sponsor, equine professional, or any other person for injury, loss, damage, or death of the participant resulting from any of the intrinsic dangers of equine activities. It is further understood that each owner, rider, spectator, and other participants assume any and all risks of loss or injury and agrees to hold harmless, regardless of negligent acts or omissions SVDA, Inc., USDF, USEF, its instructors, officers, directors, agents, show man‐ agement, show committee, and all other horse show personnel. Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Print Name: ________________________________ Date: ______________________ (A Parent MUST sign if Rider is Under 18 Years of Age) *PLEASE NOTE* NOT ALL ENTRY SECRETARIES EMAIL RIDE TIMES ‐ PLEASE CALL ENTRY SECRETARY OR CHECK SVDA WEBSITE IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED RIDE TIMES BY THE FRIDAY PRIOR TO THE SHOW CLASSIFIEDS HORSES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT TACK Last Laugh 6 year old 17.2 hand un raced bay TB gelding by Rockpoint Big, handsome guy who looks like a warm blood with his uphill build and good bone. Sound and sane. Schooling Training level with some First level. Truly a "10" mover. More information at www.RhineEquestrian.com owner is asking $10,500 to good home only! BOARDING Full Board and Pasture Board available in August at Happy Valley Farm in Suffolk, VA. Full$450 mth/Pasture $250 mth. Optional training and lessons available with certified German Instructor/BereiterFN Brigitte Peterson. reserve your spot today. Call 757.328.3700 or email vablonde25@aol.com (01/09) Wintec Pro Dressage Isabel Werth Saddle. It is Equisuede, 17" seat, regular tree, with fittings, including equisuede stirrup leathers, stirrups, two girths, and a saddle cover. ONLY $200!!! Rebekah– 757.639.3495 or rebsnake1959@yahoo.com 800+ sq. ft. detached garage apartment on horse farm in southern Suffolk. Just remodeled. Very private. Large deck with beautiful views, ceiling fans plus all appli‐ ances. Use of two bay garage for wood‐ shop or a workout room is available. Small yard available if interested in gar‐ dening. There is also a stall available ($400) if you have a horse. Water is in‐ cluded. $800.00 plus deposit (references required). Ready August 5, 2008. CALL (757) 650‐9668 Stall availability in Chesapeake (Bowers Hill area). Full care only. Please contact Sandy for more information. 757-582-2939(01/09) Trainer Directory Feed/Tack Stores Debbie Basta Robyn Nunnally Kathy Rowse Chesapeake Saddlery Dressage Dressage Dressage 2337 Mt. Pleasant Rd. 804.695.9542 757.986‐4498 757.255.0524 Chesapeake, VA Dh.basta.llc@wildblue.net Robynnunnally@aol.com krowse@verizon.net www.chesapeakesaddleryva.com www.bellwetherfarm.org www.Silverleaffarm.org Brigitte Peterson‐Bereiter FN Tristin Hardy Dressage,Eventers,Jumpers Dressage,Eventing,Horsemanship 757.934.8300 StarliteDressage@aol.com 757.615‐4975 Old Dominion Hay 21090 Roff Lane Smithfield, VA www.olddominionhayva.com Tristin@elfenridge.com www.happyvalleyequestrian.com www.elfenridge.com Sesroh Tack Shoppe Sue Remondini 1408 South Church Street Sandy Johnson Dressage Smithfield, VA 23430 Dressage 561.901.5800 www.sesrohtackshoppe.com 757.582.2939 sremondini@bellsouth.net pemcorgiluv@aol.com www.qecdressage.com Janice Mumford Danielle Rowland Dressage Dressage 757.986.3037 757.255.0524 liljesco@aol.com iam3264@aol.com 11 | SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ OCTOBER 2008 Boarding/Training Facility Elfenridge Dressage @Bridlewood Estates 2601 Nansemond Pky Suffolk 757.615.4975 Tristin@elfenridge.com www.elfenridge.com Bellwether Farm 5375 Mystical Lane, Gloucester 804.695.9542 Dh.basta.llc@wildblue.net www.bellwetherfarm.org Indian Point Farm Starlite Dressage at Happy Valley 821 Kings Fork Road 1913 Whaleyville Blvd. Suffolk, VA 23434 Suffolk, VA 23434 757.923.3276 304.445.2031 indianpointfarm@aol.com StarliteDressage@aol.com www.indianpointfarm.com www.happyvalleyequestrian.com 13 | SOUTHEAST VIRGINIA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION ◊ OCTOBER 2008 SVDA SERVICES DIRECTORY The Newsletter of the Southeast Virginia Dressage Association Wendy L. Murray 124 Rockland Terrace Suffolk, VA 23434 Tel. 757.328.3700 E-Mail: vablonde25@aol.com Web: www.gosvda.org We’re on the Web! example.microsoft.com 2008 Nominations for VADA’s Shel Tag line goes here. Gafford Award Deadline: October 15, 2008 Please E‐Mail Nomination Essay to: Lwest101@aol.com See page 3 for details….