2014-2 TRC Newsletter - the Oregon Dressage Society
2014-2 TRC Newsletter - the Oregon Dressage Society
February 2014 Twin Rivers Chapter of the Oregon Dressage Society Collective Remarks A Message from the President What's new in Pre-Purchase Exams, and Lameness. The Ride A Test with video and audio recording to review and repeat your ride captured the greatest activity interest. We’ll try to organize this event along with the other activities of interest; a Schooling Ride Weekend – test of your own choice, and a Schooling Show. TRC BOARD President Audrey Staton 541-683-373 astaton01@earthlink.net Vice-President Tami Davis 541-968-4660 takodavis@q.com Secretary Robin Chinburg 541-520-6557 beanybug@gmail.com Treasurer Kate Dean (541) 912-6152 kate@bennettdean.com Newsletter Sally Temple 541-935-7567 sjt89not@epud.net & Carolyn Wesolek The ODS Retreat was a great inspiration. You’ll find a brief summary of the highlights in this newsletter. Also, the new Dressage Test Booklets will be arriving in your mailbox soon and there are changes you’ll want to review. Additionally, for those of you who compete, there are some USDF rule changes. So check out the ODS website where Corrine has a synopsis of new rule changes. Your Twin Rivers board has been busy too. The surveys told us you prefer Monday and Wednesday evenings or Sunday afternoons. Several of you noted that weekday evenings won’t work for you and we hear you. Members also indicated an interest in programs on Mud Management, Nutrition, In response to the survey, we’ve put together the following program schedule for the first half of the year; Monday February 17 – Katja F. Duesterdieck-Zellmer, Dr.med.vet., MS, PhD, Diplomate ACVS. Dr. Zellmer teaches at OSU and not only is a board certified surgeon, she is also an expert on equine lameness. Her research has been focused on arthritis, cartilage, and equine exercise physiology. I’m sure she has a lot to share with us. March is devoted to the Tack Sale (Sunday March 16) Monday, April 21 Melissa Fery from OSU Extension on Mud Management Wednesday, May 21 Natalie Shaw, PhD on Equine Nutrition And don’t forget our League Show - MidSummer Night’s Dream League Show July 12, 13 Stay tuned for news of activities to add to your calendars. We’d love to have your help planning the Ride A Test and Schooling Show. Give us a call if you have some suggestions or can help with these events! PAGE 2 COLLECTIVE REMARKS Mid-Summer Night’s Dream Dressage Shows Our summer shows at Diane & Jim Hallstrom’s facility are scheduled for July 12 and 13. Please mark it on your calendar as we need many people to help make these shows successful. The Pony Club will again help us with the shows and the tack sale. Many thanks to all of them for assisting us! Steve Rother Clinic Diane Hallstrom is hosting a Steve Rother clinic at her farm (McKenzie View Acres) March 29-31, 2014. Steve Rother is a horse trainer from Washington. The clinic will include ground work in the mornings followed with riding in the afternoons. Steve takes time to work directly with each rider/horse combination during the course of the clinic. This individual attention is directed at solving specific problems that the rider/horse combo is experiencing. Also, the lessons learned through ground work in the mornings is applied in the saddle in the afternoons. All types of riders are encouraged to come to the clinic. Horses are all types: western, English, dressage, trail etc. because good basics and problems between the rider and the horse are common over the range of riding disciplines. Steve's clinics are a lot of fun. They are an opportunity to work out problems between you and your horse, and a chance to get your horse tuned up for spring/summer riding. To learn more about Steve Rother, his clinic schedule and costs, go to his website at: www.horseteacher.com Call Chris at 541-510-9535 or Diane at 541-337-3617 for more information and to reserve a stall. Auditors are encouraged. There is a fee for auditing. Deposits for riding in the clinic can be made online at Steve's website or by calling Chris or Diane. Limited space is available so be sure to get your deposit in early. Annual Tack Sale, March 16th 10 am –5 pm Tack is beginning to pour in to be entered into our computer system. If you have any tack to sell, please let Carol or Sally know ASAP so that we can complete our job in a timely fashion. No tack will be accepted after March 9th. Set up day is March 15th in the late afternoon. Tables, saddle racks, and clothes racks are much appreciated and necessary. Please label these with your name. Remember, if you help with the set up, you may purchase tack on Saturday before the sale. Please have your checkbook or cash with you in case you find that special bargain. If you are available to volunteer on Sunday, please let Carol or Sally know so that we can schedule a time for you to help. The Tack Sale is our one fund raising event along with the shows. Hope to see you all there. PAGE 3 NEWSLETTER TITLE 14th Annual Tack Sale brought to you by Twin Rivers Chapter of the Oregon Dressage Society and Jumps and Jodhpurs Chapter of United States Pony Club Sunday, March 16th, 2014 10:00-5:00 Eskay Equestrians, Inc. 86034 Playway Road Eugene, OR 97402 Have some tack to sell? Please call: Sally (541)935.7567 or sjt89not@epud.net Carol (541)915.1310 or clays4@hughes.net Please leave a message, we’ll return your calls with necessary tack sale info. We’d like to have as many items as possible to sell, so check those tackrooms, barns, and garages for tack and clothing you no longer use. Someone out there in the Equine World may need what you do not! Tack accepted though March 9th. Consignment fees: 20% on items under $500. 10% on items $500 or more PAGE 4 NEWSLETTER TITLE ODS Society Board & Leadership Retreat Weekend Tami Davis and Audrey Staton attended the ODS annual retreat held at Silver Falls the first weekend of February. Many exciting things will be happening in our dressage community this year and we’ll review them briefly here. Tami and Audrey are happy to provide more details if you’re interested. Also, greater detail can be found in the minutes from the Board Meeting which are posted on the ODS website. The big news is that there are some significant changes for the Fall Festival. Janet Foy and Debbie McDonald will be teaching at the symposium. Demo riders will be nominated by each ODS committee involved with education. Better still, ODS volunteers will be entered in a drawing for a free ride with these clinicians (!) Each four volunteer hours earns a lottery ticket. So volunteer with ODS this year because you might win a ride! You can sign up for volunteer opportunities on the ODS website. Just scroll down the left menu bar to find “Volunteer”. There has been lots of discussion about League Championships. The annual League Championship show was cancelled this year for lack of volunteers and concerns about the venue. This year, ODS League High Point Awards will take the place of the League Championship show. Each rider can submit 4 of their best League Show scores for consideration. This change enables more of our ODS members to compete – especially those ODS riders who would have to travel great distances from the Seattle area, Eastern and Southern OR in order to compete at League Championships. And yes, riders in League shows with scores over 60 will still receive their brass plates from ODS. There has also been confusion about the brass plates earned by ODS members that ride in recognized shows and earn scores over 60%. Because USEF has ruled that we cannot charge riders the $1 fee per ride at recognized shows, we essentially have no funding to cover costs for the brass plates. Based on the results of a membership survey about the plates, the board decided to provide an opt-in for members that want the brass plates for rides at recognized shows. There was discussion around Western Dressage and the rules that should be used at our dressage shows. Because there are differences between the Western Dressage and North American Western Dressage Association rules each show must communicate which set of rules they will follow. Did you know that if you do not renew your ODS membership by Oct 31 your membership will expire before the Fall Festival? Be- cause ODS members receive a 25% discount on the Fall Festival be sure to renew in time to receive the discount! ODS has decided there will be no extension of the membership renewal deadlines in 2014. This is because delays increase clerical work exponentially and because delayed membership renewals create secondary issues with USDF deadlines. The Adult Education committee is planning a new curriculum for ODS members. Stay tuned because it should be announced in the next month. This year there will be greater Youth outreach. Region 6 is keen to enlist all junior riders (it is free) so that they can contact them about the development program. There will soon be additional pages on the ODS website regarding the youth program. Some exciting news for Twin Rivers – The Connie J Keith Adult Camp Grant was approved for our chapter. More on that soon. The dressage test booklets, Dressage Trainer lists, and the membership directory should be out soon. Be aware there were rule changes this year. Corrine has a synopsis of rule changes on the ODS website. 4-H Update Hello, My name is Maddie Morrow, and I am an eighth grader with the Perfect Partners 4-H club. We are happy to have a new member in our club, Clarissa. We recently went to the Benton County Fairgrounds and participated in a 4-H dressage clinic with Barb Ayers. Four of our members rode, and one went to watch. We learned a lot from Barb to help us at fair. Last spring and over the summer, Christina Spencer gave us jumping lessons. She is coming to our 4-H meeting in March to give us another lesson. We have really learned a lot from her. We have two members in our club who will be going to the 4-H Spring Horse Classic event in Redmond, at the end of April. They will compete in hippology (general horse knowledge), judging (conformation and performance classes), and horse bowl (a team questionanswer contest). We have several community service projects planned for this winter and spring, including visiting some elder care home residents and working to help clean up the Noti cemetery. We are also looking forward to helping with the TRC tack sale. We have three or four members who are planning to go to the youth dressage camp at Devonwood this summer. Our 4 -H club recently spent the weekend in Florence, and had a great time; the weather was perfect. Happy Trails, Perfect Partners VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 PAGE 5 ODS Membership Value What do you get out of your ODS/USDF membership? I suspect you’ve been a part of this conversation before. Here’s one way to think about ODS/USDF; Envision Dressage without USDF/ODS – there would be no repository of information, no rules, no organization devoted to the preservation of dressage, no education for judges, trainers, or members, no insurance to cover activities, and no resources. Ouch! Your ODS membership provides great value – some of which you may not be aware of. For example, your ODS membership automatically makes you a USDF general member. Your USDF GMO membership includes the USDF magazine and the many resources found on the USDF website; scores, educational tools, educational events – such as the L Program and Adult Clinics - grant money, discounts with USDF partners, on USDF educational events, and USDF gear, and finally, eligibility to compete for rider awards and end of year awards. ODS itself offers discounts with partners (Dressage Training Online and Dressage Clinic.com are two examples), for events, and also on gear. You also have access to a remarkable video library (its free!) Additionally, you receive the test booklet, Membership Directory, Omnibus, and Flying Changes. With your membership you may join your local chapter –Twin Rivers, for example – and also become eligible for ODS annual awards. The ODS League Show series is a great opportunity to compete at a much more low key – and less expensive – event. Additionally, all League Show The 2014 fee to attend the camp is $325; this price includes four days of riding, food, four days and three nights of stabling. These fees cover the cost of But where does your membership money go? Below is a depiction of how your membership dollars are spent. What is left for ODS doesn’t actually keep the lights on. The many events held throughout the year are critical to keeping the bills paid. Check out the ODS website. Better still, check out the calendar of events – http:// www.oregondressage.com/ showsandclinics.html You won’t be disappointed! If you haven’t yet renewed, it is not too late to get your Flying Changes started up again. If you wait until the end of the month though, you may not get the new test booklets. USDF Region 6 Overnight Dressage Camp Now in its fifth year, the 2014 USDF Region 6 Youth Dressage Overnight Camp hosted by the Oregon Dressage Society and held at DevonWood Equestrian Centre promises to be a wonderful educational experience. This program is dedicated to youth, regardless of membership or experience. Camp opens to the first 60 registered youth ages 8 - 21; after the first 60, we will create a wait-list. If more instructors are confirmed, we will call each person the wait-list until the camp is full. ODS membership is encouraged, however it is not required. riders that score over 60% receive brass plates with their engraved names and scores. ODS works hard to provide educational opportunities, clinics, and a full calendar of competition as well. hiring a licensed EMT to handle First Aid and other necessary expenditures to ensure that the camp is a safe and comfortable environment for all those in attendance! $25 of each registration fee will be dedicated to the Region 6 NAJRYC fund. Please see our website ( www.dressagecamp.com ) for full details on how to register, donate or volunteer, and find additional information about the schedule, safety protocols and to see some photos from previous years camps. For more information, contact the Oregon Dressage Society Office at (503) 681-2337. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 PAGE 6 Thank you to Laura and Bill Clendenen... for hosting our New Years Party. A great time was had by all. If you missed the party, you missed a friendly gathering, fabulous food, and special awards given by Audrey and TRC to some deserving people. This was a wonderful event to start out the new year. TRC can help you with $financial$ assistance to go to clinics... TRC reimburses auditors $25.00 for attending a clinic. Please take advantage of this and use this donation. We allocate $250.00 per year for clinic auditors and would appreciate your sharing any information you gained from attending. Contact a board member for more information. SAVE THE DATE—AA Dressage Camp TRC will once again host a dressage camp. This August 14th—17th we will have a 4 day dressage camp for 12 lucky adult amateur ODS members at Marcy Chapman’s beautiful Sporthorse Farm in Creswell. Instructors will be Kathy Casey and Debbie Spence. We have received 1 grant and are working on the application process for a second grant. Camp will once again open to TRC members before the rest of ODS and scholarships will be available for TRC members who volunteer at the League Show in July. Mark your calendars! WE NEED YOU………………. Please feel free to write article(s) for our newsletter. You may email Sally sjt89not@epud.net with anything you'd like to include in the newsletter. She is attempting to have a newsletter sent out by the 10th of every month.
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2014-1 TRC Newsletter - the Oregon Dressage Society
We’d like to have as many items as possible to sell, so check those tackrooms, barns, and garages for tack and clothing you no longer use. Someone out there in the Equine World may need what you do...