COLLECTED NOTES - Cayuga Dressage and Combined Training
C OLLECTED N OTES J ANUARY 2014 F ROM THE P RESIDENT ’ S D ESK I can’t remember the last time it was this cold and snowy this early in the season – as I write this, it is technically still Autumn! As we struggle with frozen pipes and hoses, stiff reins and cold fingers, we can warm ourselves by thinking that after winter comes….spring! So hopefully we can use this time to reflect on our past achievements, and set goals for the future. If you can’t ride, this is a great time to read all those articles and books that have been accumulating, or watch many of the excellent videos that are available online. USDF has an excellent online resource called e-trak If you haven’t looked at it already, you should – it is one of the many perks that your membership with Cayuga Dressage gives you. Gale Wolfe represented us at the USDF Convention held in Lexington, KY in early December. Many thanks to Gale for an excellent report. The full 13-page report was forwarded to all members via e-mail. If you do not use e-mail, and would like a printed copy, please contact me directly. Congratulations to our three longtime members who received medals at the Convention: Kathi Chipman and Pam Schneider earned their Bronze, and Gale earned her Silver. Additionally, Kathi Chipman earned the Master’s Challenge Award for First and Third Levels. Other local riders were also awarded Bronze medals, including Ann Fowler and Christina Tretter-Herriger. Congratulations to all! Continued on page 2 C OMING CDCT E VENTS ! N EXT M EETING P LANNING MEETING J ANUARY 4, 2014 10 A.M. AT C AROL M ORRIS’ S HOUSE 2449 G EE H ILL R D. D RYDEN , NY. I T WILL BE A DISH TO PASS BRUNCH Happy Holidays! Membership Renewals CDCT, Inc. now offers 3-year membership options! Form is included in this newsletter C OLLECTED N OTES P AGE 2 Continued from page 1 Our planning meeting is scheduled for January 4, and all CDCT members in good standing are welcome to attend. If you haven’t yet renewed for 2014, please fill out the application form and send it, along with your check, to our Membership Secretary, Kate Ward. At the January meeting we will get updates about 2014 shows, and discuss plans for a Musical Freestyle Clinic in March. We are also considering a clinic on Biomechanics for some time in 2014, as well as shorter programs on a quarterly basis. The meeting will begin with a dish-to-pass brunch at 10:00 at my home in Dryden (well, actually Virgil, but who ever heard of that place?). Address is 2449 Gee Hill Rd, Dryden. RSVP by Jan. 2, and please let me know what you plan to bring. If you cannot attend, but have ideas for 2014, please send them to me via e-mail no later than January 2 so I can get them on the agenda. Keep warm, and Happy Holidays, Carol Agenda for January Planning Meeting January 4, 10 am, brunch, dish-to-pass at my home, 2449 Gee Hill Road, Dryden. Please carpool if possible, as there isn't that much parking, especially if we have a lot of snow. RSVP by email or phone: 607-753-7256 by Jan. 2, please let me know what you plan to bring. June Dressage Shows: Update - Donna Judges? TD? Advertising plan/strategy Other publicity? Press releases, etc. Casual show: Date? Venue? Judge? - Dinah Freestyle camp/clinic: Dinah Date? Venue? Biomechanics: Christina DiGiusto Awards Committee: Need to re-think how Volunteer Awards are handled By-Laws update: Term limits for Officers and Board members USDF Convention 2014 in Boston: how involved do we want to be? Other activities for 2014: Additional camp or clinic in late summer or Fall? Dave Thind? Tack swap/sale? Silent auction? Hope to see you! Carol AGE 3 P AGE C OLLECTED N OTES Classified Ads For Sale: Brand new Black Leather Dressage Treeless Saddle. Unknown manufacturer, made in India.Very light weight saddle. 17.5 inch seat. Never used. Bought it for my very hard to fit QH, but decided to not show her dressage. Asking $200. Contact Pam Newton text 607-7387732 or call 607-732-3944 For Sale: Classic Stubben Seigfried saddle for sale. Seat is 18", tree size 30 (medium). Made in Germany. Leather and flocking are soft and pliable. Some surface blemishes. Great for jumping, trail riding, etc. Asking $400. Local trial available. Carol, or 607-753-7256. For Sale: County Connection Dressage Saddle for sale, 17” seat, excellent condition, $2,400; Email, or call 607-292-6084. For Sale: Konig Semi-Custom Dressage Boots, German calf-leather and lining, leather sole and heel and spur rest. Stiff upper leather shaft on outside and stiffer up the back with outside Spanish-cut higher than inside for longer elegant leg appearance. Inside full-length custom zippers. Stamped numbers inside: #9679 (model), 4-1/2 European size/7-1/2 US, 48cm/1857/64" (highest outside dimension to the floor), 38cm/14-61/64" (widest calf dimension). The tape measurements I took off the boots are as follows: 19-1/2" top of highest outside topline to floor, 17-1/2" inside lower topline to floor, boot fits my naked calf size 13-1/4". My shoe size is 7-1/2 and boot easily fits with a light sock. These boots are immaculate - worn maybe 5 times for shows with no inner calf rubs, no heel rubs or scratches whatsoever. Never seen any rain. Heel is perfect and not worn down. Ankles are all broken in. Leather has been kept conditioned, stored with premium cedar boot trees and always kept inside my home in heated area. Cost of brand new Konigs is now between $800$1000.00. I am asking $700.00 which includes the cedar boot trees (new trees are $57.00 at Dover Saddlery) plus any shipping cost. Accepting cash (preferred), certified bank check or money order only. No personal checks. Call 607-274-1537 week days or 607-257-7445 weekends and evenings. AGE 4 P AGE C OLLECTED N OTES Classified Ads Dressage Instructor - Cynthia Bradley Mancini welcomes new clients in the Central NY region for riding instruction and training in classical dressage. Cindy is a USEF "r" Eventing judge and is a USDF Silver & Bronze Medalist, graduate of the USDF "L" program; she attained her USPC “A" rating, and has taught riding for nearly 20 years. She has experience with Warmbloods, Quarter Horses, TB, Draft breeds, Arabians, and ponies and is currently competing her own horse, a Canadian Warmblood named Lawrence at Prix St George. She trains regularly with Lauren Sammis International Dressage competitor and Pan American Gold and Silver medalist as well as USDF Gold, Silver & Bronze Medalist. Cindy believes that riding should be a positive, enriching experience for both horse and rider, and she works enthusiastically with novices as well as upper level dressage students. Cindy is happy to travel to students' own farms or boarding barns and can teach on a range of excellent school horses in the Ithaca area. Photo by Centerline Event at Call 607-222-8814 or email Saugerties 2013 4th Level Test 2 Fully insured & references available. Photo taken at NEDA Fall Festival 2013 Prix St George AGE 5 P AGE C OLLECTED N OTES CDCT Committees for 2014 The following members signed up for committees at the Annual Meeting. We will also be reviewing membership applications to place additional members on these committees, according to their stated preferences. Dressage: Donna Young, Chair Dinah Guarino, Anne Ward – Casual Show Andrea Chamberlain Ginny Grove Barb Knoblauch Sue Mulvey Connie O’Hearn Katherine Potter Junior/Young Rider: Education: Connie O’Hearn, Molly DeTuri, co-chairs Bethanne Beckhorn, Kathie Garnsey Cathy Zappala Business: Sponsorship: Kathy Thode, Chair Dinah Guarino Combined Training: Katherine Potter, Chair W HO TO C ONTACT FOR Katherine Potter, Chair Publicity: Sandy Su, Chair Awards: Michelle Blade, Karen Steffy, co-chairs Sue Mulvey Officers and At-Large Membership of the Board remains the same, with the addition of Andrea Chamberlain as an At-Large member. Karen Steffy remains as Webmistress, and Diane Moose remains as Newsletter Editor. M ORE I NFORMATION OFFICERS: President: Carol Morris (607) 753-7256, Vice President: Kathy Thode (315) 497-2002 Past President: Dinah Guarino (315) 497-9922, Treasurer: Ginny Grove (607)387-9253, Recording Secretary: Dinah Guarino (315) 497-9922, Chris Hand (607) 292-6084 Membership: Kate Ward (315)784-5434, MEMBERS AT LARGE: Donna Young (‘08) (604)669-4156, Sandy Su (‘09) (607) 387-6004, Susan Mulvey (‘11) (607)343-2701, Michelle Blade (‘13) (570)364-5008 Kathie Garnsey (‘13) (315) 364-8889, Andrea Chamberlin (‘14) NEWSLETTER: Diane Moose (315)729-0383, WEBMISTRESS: Karen Steffy (607)342-8144, WEB PAGE: The Dressage Foundation 2014 Application Deadlines for Grants and Scholarships Help for Dressage Instructors Continuing Education for Instructors - Individual: 2/1/2014 and 7/1/2014 Trip Harting Fund Grant: 3/25/2014 Michael Poulin Dressage Fund: 6/1/2014 Major Anders Lindgren Scholarship: 9/30/2014 USDF Region 9 Teaching Excellence Award o Nomination Period: 1/1/2014-6/1/2014 o Applications Due: 8/1/2014 Help for Dressage Judges Trip Harting Fund Grant: 3/25/2014 Michael Poulin Dressage Fund: 6/1/2014 Help for Young Riders Trip Harting Fund Grant: 3/25/2014 International Dream Program: To be determined Michael Poulin Dressage Fund: 6/1/2014 Heldenberg Training Center Fund: 7/1/2014 Help for Breeders Elysium Farm Fund for US Breeder Excellence: 5/1/2014 Help for Adult Amateurs Michael Poulin Dressage Fund: 6/1/2014 Heldenberg Training Center Fund: 7/1/2014 $1,000 Gifted Memorial Fund Scholarship: 9/15/2014 Help for High Performance Dressage Michael Poulin Dressage Fund: 6/1/2014 $25,000 Anne L. Barlow Ramsay Grant: To be determined $25,000 Carol Lavell Advanced Dressage Prize: 12/13/2014 The following applications have a due date of at least 90 days prior to the event: Violet M. Hopkins Grants for Educational Clinics/Seminars Dancing Horse Grants for Freestyle Clinics Continuing Education for Dressage Instructors GMO Grant Sally Swift Grants for Centered Riding Clinics The following applications are accepted at any time, at least 30 days prior to event/training: Renee Isler Dressage Support Fund Grants for Young Riders and Professionals C AYUGA D RESSAGE & C OMBINED T RAINING C LUB , I NC . A NNUAL M EMBERSHIP A PPLICATION PLEASE PRINT: Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Home phone (area code first): _____________________________________________________________________ Business phone (area code first): ___________________________________________________________________ Fax (area code first): ____________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________ Is there information above that you do not want published in our yearly membership list, which is distributed to members? If so, please specify: _____________________________________________________________________ Birth date: _______________________ Are you an instructor or trainer? Yes No Dues renew each Nov. 1 to ensur e you will r eceive newsletter s and be included in the Annual Member ship Roster . Membership benefits: Dues cover your USDF group membership, newsletters, and discounts at club-sponsored events, except as limited by USDF and United States Equestrian Federation (USEF). Enclosed is my payment for: Individual Membership ($35) Individual 3 - Year Membership ($100) Family Membership ($45) Family 3 - Year Membership ($125) Junior Membership ($25) Junior 3 - Year Membership ($70) Activities sponsored by CDCT include a variety of shows, mounted and unmounted clinics, films, speakers, and social events. These are produced by volunteer work from our members. Please indicate below the ways in which you could contribute to the success of YOUR club: Dressage Show: Planning, paperwork, grounds preparation, help on show day, etc. Education/Clinic Committee Awards Newsletter Other: _______________________________________________ Please make checks payable to CDCT, Inc. Please mail application and dues to: CDCT, Inc. c/o Kate Ward 4431 Rockefeller Road Auburn, NY 13021 CDCT, I NC . IS A G ROUP M EMBER ORGANIZATION OF THE USDF; THEREFORE , CDCT MEMBERS ARE AUTOMATICALLY USDF G ROUP MEMEMBERS . CDCT, Inc. c/o Diane Moose 8201 Barnes Rd Port Byron, NY 13140 CDCT, I NC . IS A NON - PROFIT ORGANIZATION PROMOTING D RESSAGE AND C OMBINED T RAINING CDCT, I NC . IS THEREFORE , CDCT A G ROUP M EMBER ORGANIZATION OF THE USDF; MEMBERS ARE AUTOMATICALLY USDF G ROUP MEMBERS . We’re on the web! http:/
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COLLECTED NOTES - Cayuga Dressage and Combined Training
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from 2014 who have not as yet renewed. Donna has sent out reminder emails to them.
Plans for 2015:
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